Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Lunch Honoring President George H.W. Bush - Washington, D.C., 13 January 1993


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Extent (Dublin Core)
12 Pages
File Name (Dublin Core)
Title (Dublin Core)
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Lunch Honoring President George H.W. Bush - Washington, D.C., 13 January 1993
Description (Dublin Core)
Draft of remarks by Senator Dole to the EEOC [Equal Employment Opportunity Commission] Lunch Honoring President Bush. He comments on Bush's leadership, his signage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Paralympian, Kevin Saunders. Includes letter to Senator Dole inviting him to the luncheon.
Date (Dublin Core)
Date Created (Dublin Core)
Congress (Dublin Core)
103rd (1993-1995)
Policy Area (Curation)
Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues
Creator (Dublin Core)
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
Record Type (Dublin Core)
speech (document)
Location representation (Dublin Core)
Rights (Dublin Core)
Language (Dublin Core)
Collection Finding Aid (Dublin Core)
Physical Location (Dublin Core)
Institution (Dublin Core)
Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
Archival Collection (Dublin Core)

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