Weekly Schedules, November, 1985


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Weekly Schedules, November, 1985
Date (Dublin Core)
November 3, 1985-November 27, 1985
Date Created (Dublin Core)
Congress (Dublin Core)
99th (1985-1987)
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Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
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schedules (time plans)
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Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
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1:40 PM EDT ARRIVE Butler Aviation and board Lear 35, Tail# JYAFE enroute Oakland Pontiac Airport, Detroit, Michigan.
NOTE: plane provided by Mr. Jack Robinson - Chairman- Perry Drugs
MANIFEST: Senator Robert Dole
Joseph D. Bailey
(sandwiches and soft drinks provided)

1:45 PM DEPART enroute Oakland Pontiac Airport
(Flight time lhour, 15 minutes)

3:00 PM ARRIVE Oakland Pontiac Airport - ADI Terminal
Met by: Jerry Rosen Liz Rosen
Transportation by: Perry Drugs Limousine

3:05 PM SENATOR DOLE DEPARTS Airport enroute Mr. Paul Borman's residence for meeting with Jewish Leaders
(Drive time: 30 minutes)

3:35 PM ARRIVE at Borman residence for meeting with Jewish Activists 313/642-1575
Met by: Paul and Liz Borman
Ed Levy

4:20 PM CONCLUDE meeting and DEPART enroute Holocaust Memorial Center
(Drive time: 25 minutes)

4:45 PM ARRIVE Holocaust Memorial Center
Met by: Rabbi Charles Rosenveig
Jack Robinson


4:46 PM BEGIN tour of Holocaust Memorial Center

5:30 PM CONCLUDE tour and proceed to limousine

5:35 PM DEPART enroute Westin Hotel
(Drive time: 30 minutes)

6:05 PM ARRIVE at Westin Hotel and proceed to Greco Room for VIP reception - Brief informal remarks

6:30 PM CONCLUDE and DEPART reception enroute Michael Angelo Room for Press Availibility
NOTE: Theater style - standing microphone
Contact: Richard Shuba

6:35 PM Begin Press Availibility

7:00 PM Conclude press availability, and proceed to Grand Ballroom for Holocaust Memorial Dinner
Attendees: 1800

7:05 PM Dinner Begins

7:40 PM Program Begins

8:05 PM SENATOR DOLE receives Righteousness Award and makes remarks

8:25 PM SENATOR DOLE concludes remarks and introduces Congressman Foley - (D) 5th district WA

8:28 PM CONGRESSMAN FOLEY makes remarks

8:40 PM CONGRESSMAN FOLEY concludes remarks

8:45 PM CONGRESSMAN FOLEY joins SENATOR DOLE and DEPARTS enroute Detroit Metropolitan Airport
(Drive time: 25 minutes)

9:15 PM ARRIVE Detroit Metropolitan Airport, Butler Aviation and board Lear 35, Tail #JYAFE

9:20 PM DEPART enroute Washington National Airport
(Flight time: 1 hour, 15 minutes)
MANIFEST: Senator Robert Dole
Congressman Foley
Joseph D. Bailey


10:35 PM ARRIVE National Airport- Butler Aviation


Note: Congressman Foley will have separate transportation





11:00 am Depart Butler Terminal - National Airport
PHONE: 202/549-8340
via SmithKline Beckman Falcon 50
Tail # N718DW
Pilot: Stuart Shadle
Copilot: John Daino
Manifest: Senator Dole
Phil Jehle, V.P., SmithKline Washington Office

11:45 am Arrive Philadelphia - Atlantic Aviation Colleen Company hangar (handwritten, in margins) 215/365-2550
Met by: Jim Wagner, Exec. Dir., Specter's Philadelphia Office
Jim Denney, Specter's Political Affairs Director

12:10 pm Arrive Bellevue Stratford - Red Room
PHONE: 215/893-7994
CONTACT: Mr. Neider
You will be introduced and make brief remarks on arrival

12:40 pm Depart Bellevue Stratford enroute airport

1:05 pm Depart Atlantic Aviation - Philadelphia Airport

1:55 pm Arrive Butler Terminal - National Airport
Wilbert will meet you

(handwritten) November 4

(handwritten) X44254
X49012- direct

United States Senate



11:15 wheels up Butler aviation 549 8340
Smithkline Beckman jet Falcon 50 N718 DW
(name handwritten) Stewart Shodle (name crossed out) Richard Hay, pilot (handwritten) copilot: John Dan Daino
Senator Dole
Phil Jehle VP Smithkline Beckman

12:00 arrive Phila Colleen Company Atlantic Aviation
picked up by Jim Wagner, executive director of Senator Specter's Phila office & (name crossed out) Gordon Woodrow (name handwritten) Jim Denney, Senator Specter's (title crossed out) administrative assistant (title handwritten) political affairs dir.

12:35 arrive Bellevue Stratford

12:00-1:30 luncheon Red Room Bellevue Stratford 215 893 7994 contact Mr Neider

1:30 depart for airport

2:00 wheels up Atlantic Aviation 215 365 2550
Senator Dole
Senator Specter
Phil Jehle

2:45 arrive Butler Aviation

From Senator Specter 11/4

City Election tomorrow -- 11/5

Ron Castille is running for District Attorney

Larry Tabas is running for City Controller

You might want to endorse Repubican ticket.

(handwritten) Betty

(handwritten, crossed out) Senator Date

SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 4 - 10, 1985


11:15 Depart Butler Aviation - National Airport

12:30-1:30 Bellevue-Stratford-Phila. FR LUNCHEON for Specter (luncheon begins at 12:00)

2:45 Arrive Butler Aviation - National Airport

3:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Danforth, Packwood et al re trade pkg. (Mary X (number crossed out) 454732) (handwritten) X46933 or 45472


8-9:00 Sheraton Carlton (handwritten) Wine Bar GODFREY SPERLING BKFST.

9:30 SR-301 RULES COMM. (public financing of Sen. gen. elections)

(following appointment crossed out, date changed handwritten) date changed betw. 10-5:00 H-128 Cap. DO Osteoporosis film for Am Dairy Assn. (5 min)


(appointment handwritten) 1:30 S-230 Mtg. on rem (illegible) approp.

(appointment handwritten) 2:00 S-230 Mtg. w/Coalition of Afghan resistance groups (Hatfield, McClure, Spector, Stevens, Mattongly * Kantin(?)

(appointment handwritten) 3-3:0 S-230 Mtg. w/ Bob Talkington, Ks

4:00 State Dept. Ben Franklin Rm. SWEARING-IN CEREMONY - Mike Sotirhos

(appointment handwritten) 4:30 H-219 Briefing by CIA on Yursheaks(?) definition(?) (Dot Reberson X 21748 Intellenge Subc.

6 & 7:00 Sheraton Grand Grand Ballroom FR RECEP. & DINNER for Don Nickles (Sen. Dole co-host)

6 & 8:00 Cap. Hill Club "CELEBRITY NIGHT" by Maryland GOP Century Club ( Sylvia Hermann)

6:30 & 7:30 Departmental Auditorium 1301 Constitution, NW RECEP & DINNER on opening of Nat'l Auditorium Rehab. Hospital (BLACK TIE) (Sen. SPEAK at 7:30 -- dinner to follow program)

Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of November 4-10, 1985 Page 2.


9:30 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (Tax Ct. noms.)

10:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/6 Mexican business & economic leaders (w/Rod & Dave)

(tent. crossed out) tent. 11:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Senators on textiles (Rod)

(time crossed out) tent. 1:30 or 2:00 (time handwritten) 2:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Heinz, Stevens, Simpson, Domenici, McClure & Quayle (handwritten, in margins) Lugar Armstrong Cochron Cheffin (illegible)

(appointment handwritten) 5:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Lugar & Metzenbaum on so. (illegible)

(appointment handwritten) 5:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Textile Senators

5:30-7:00 SD-628 RECEP. by Nat'l Gray Panthers (Judy)

6-?? SR-325 RECEP. by African Dev. Fdn. hosted by Kasten, Cochran & Lott (Al/Dave)

6:30 & 7:30 Anderson House (across from Ritz-Carlton) SEN. TRUST RECEP. & DINNER (handwritten) - 785-2040

Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of November 4-10, 1985 Page 3.


8-9:30 S-230 CAP. BKFST. - Jewish group (Bob ashet et al

(appointment illegible, erased)


(appointment handwritten) 10:00 S-230 Mtg. w/Diarmuid O'Scannlain, Oregon GOP State Chrmn

(appointment handwritten) 10:15 S-230 Mtg. w/Bob Phillips & Steve Thompson, REA re Sunflower (illegible)

12-10:15 Sheraton Grand (handwritten) Signature Room SPEAK - King Comm. Luncheon w/Trade groups (SPEAK - 12:15, but flexible

(appointment handwritten) 2:00 SD-215 Soc. Sec. Subc. chrge(?) on Soc. Sec. Trust Fund

2:00 Labor Dept. Great Hall SPEAK - Labor Dept. Veterans Day Event (handwritten) would like Sen there at 1:45 or 1:50 for photos

(appointment handwritten) 4:00 S-230 Mtg. w/Danforth et al on trade

6-8:00 Cap. Hill Club Eisenhower Lounge FR RECEP. for Jan Meyers

6-8:00 Hyatt Reg. RECEP. by Jt. Council of Flight Attendants (Steve) 765-2302

6:30-8:00 Wash. Hilton Towers/Jefferson Rm. RECEP. by Nat'l Hospice Assn. (Sheila, Marie/Judy)

6:30-8:30 Wash. Hilton RECEP. & BUFFET - 1985 Reagan-Bush Reunion

6:30-8:00 Hyatt Reg. Columbia "C" Rm. FR for Snelling (Sen. co-host)

Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of November 4-11, 1985 Page 4.


(following appointment crossed out) tent. Hilton Head, SC SPEAK - So. Carolina Chamber of Comm.

9:30-10:30 (arr. by 9:15) W. Hse-Cabinet Rm. (NW Gate) GOP LDRSHIP MTG. W/PRES. re Geneva talks (Lynn 456-7054)

(appointment handwritten) 11:15 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Mathias on mailings

(appointment handwritten) 2:15 Sen. Recording Studio Record spat for KTWU Public TV-Topeka (Brent)

(appointment handwritten) 2:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Jeb Carney


(following appointment crossed out) 9:30 New Orleans (POSSIBLE SPEECH TO NAT'L ASSN. OF REALTORS) 1,000 attendees


betw. 2-4:00 (handwritten, in margins) best time New Orleans (POSSIBLE SPEECH TO NAT'L ASSN. OF REALTORS) (number crossed out) 7-8,000 (number handwritten) 6-7,000 ATTENDEES (handwritten, in margins) will fly him (illegible) & back * will be luncheon -- but have FR may '86 event

8:00 British Embassy 3100 Mass Ave, NW BLACK TIE DINNER for Prince Charles & Princess Diana

(handwritten) Senator



(handwritten signature)


9:30 am EST Depart National Airport - Butler Aviation
PHONE: 202/549-8340
Lear 35 (U.S. Jet)
Tail # 44PT
Pilot: Kyle Kimmel
Copilot: George Hitzel

11:00 am CST Arrive Lakefront Airport - Aero Services Int'l
PHONE: 504/245-1140
Met by limo (John Blount, Al Abrahams Asst will accompany you)

11:35 am CST Arrive Elms House - St. Charles Street to stop by Brunch w/Realtors Leadership in progress since 11:00

12:20 pm CST Depart Elms House enroute Sheraton
PHONE: 504/895-5493

12:30 pm CST Arrive Poydras Room - Sheraton Hotel for DFS FR Luncheon (approx. 25)
PHONE: 504/525-2500 X 5906

1:35 pm CST Depart Sheraton enroute Convention Center

1:45 pm CST Arrive Convention Center
PHONE: 504/528-3100 ( Telecommunications Center)

2:00 pm CST National Association of Realtors program begins

2:15 pm CST SPEAK

2:45 pm CST Depart Convention Center enroute Lakefront Airport - Aero Services International

3:10 pm CST Arrive Aero Services Int'l

3:15 pm CST Wheels Up enroute Washington National

6:30 pm EST Arrive Butler Aviation - National Airport

SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 11 - 17, 1985


11:00 Arlington Cemetary Tomb of Unknown Soldier Veterans Day Ceremony

6:30-7:30 Wash. Hilton Crystal Ballrm. RECEP.. by Am. Council of Life Insurance (1,000 CEO's & Sr. officers, including Ksns.

Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of November 11-17, 1985 Page 2.


8:00 Wash. Hilton Jefferson Rm. TOM GRANT BKFST. by BMA & Bill Grant (Mike & Steve)

9:30-10:30 W. Hse (Cabinet Rm) (NW Gate) Bipartisan Ldrship Mtg. w/Pres. re Geneva (Lynn 456-7054)

9:30 SR-301 RULES COMM. (mass mailing; gov't credit cards for ofcl. travel & & new Senate telephone system)

12:00 SR-325 SPEAK - UJA group for Boschwitz (10 min) Jan X 45641

12:20 SD-138 SPEAK - constituents groups for Cong. Boehlert, Ridge. Lynn Martin & Nancy Johnson

12:30 S0297 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON

5:15 S-407 Cap. BRIEFING by Sec'y Shultz re Geneva talks (Laura 632-5291)

5:30-7:00 H-130 Cap. RECEP. by K State (Rebecca X56601)

6:30-7:30 Motion Picture Assn.-1600 Eye St, NW RECEP. for Hugh Scott (85th birthday) (stop by for quick photo, if possible -for album for his birthday gift)

6:30-8:30 Nat'l Press Bldg. Suite 425 RECEP. for Henson Moore

7:00, 7:30 & 8:45 Four Seasons Hotel CABINET WIVES DINNER FOR MARCH OF DIMES (BLAC TIE)
7:00 Program
7:30 Dinner
8:45 (approx) Sen. to present award to Dr. Salk (Judy B)


S-207 Cap.

Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of November 11-17, 1985 Page 3.


8-9:00 Cap. Hill Club FR BKFST. for Toby Roth (Sen.co-host) (Sen. stop by approx. 8:30)

(following appointment crossed out, Cancelled handwritten) Cancelled 9:30-10:30 W. HSE (NW Gate) Roosevelt Rm. BIPARTISAN SEN/HOUSE BRIEFING on Geneva (w/Pres., Shultz, McFarlane)

betw. 10- & 5:00 H-133 Cap. DO PUBLIC SVC. ANNOUNC. for Osteoporosis Assn. (5 min.)

(appointment handwritten, tent. crossed out) tent. 10:15 S-230 Cap. Brief Mtg. w/Dr. & Mrs. Michael McNalley (Judge Leo McNalley's son)

(appointment handwritten, tent. crossed out) tent. 10:20 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Bob Dee, Chrmn, Smith-Kline, Beckman & Chrmn NAM(?), Bob Ragland 637-3077

(10 crossed out, 10:40 handwritten) betw. 10 10:40 & 11:00 S-207 Cap. BRIEF MTG. w/members of Nat'l Council of Negro Women (Dorothy Height et al during 50th Anniv. Celebration (Trudi Morrison)

12:15 S-230 Cap. PHOTO/CHECK PRESEN. by Chuck Marshall AT&T (Dole Fdn.)

12:30-1:30 SDG-50 SHOWING OF MOTHER THERESA FILM (Sen. co-sponsor) Members only

(appointment handwritten) tent 2:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/GOP members of Rules Comm. re mailings

4:00 (location crossed out) SR-302 (location handwritten) S-118 Cap. MTG. hosted by Nancy Kassebaum w/Dr. Slabbert, opposition Progressive Fed. Party in So. Africa

4:30-6:30 Nat'l Credit Union Admin. RECEP. for Jepsen on his confirmation to Admin.

(appointment handwritten) 6:15 S-230 mtg. w/Sen. GOP Ldrship. Comm. Chrmn & GOP debt limit conferees(

6-8:00 9th Fl-Hart RECEP. by Nat'l Jewish Coalition

6-8:00 Madison Hotel Dolley Madison Ballrm. RECEP. to say goodbye to Amb. & Mrs. Lew, Korea

Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of November 11-17, 1985 Page 4.


8:00 S-115 Cap. BKFST. MTG. w/Danforth, Byrd, Baucus, Pryor, Evans, Rudman & Bingaman (Leslie, Pryor's ofc)

(tent crossed out) tent 10:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/John Phelan, Chrmn & CEO, N.Y. Stock Exchange (Susan 293-5740

(appointment handwritten, tent crossed out) 10:15 S-230 Mtg. w/Ben (illegible)

(appointment handwritten) 10:35 S-230 Mtg. w/former Gov. Tim Babcock Mont.

(appointment handwritten) 11:00 S-230 Mtg. w/Don Penny

(appointment handwritten) 12:30 H-204 Cap. Mtg. w/Tip O'Neill, Byrd & Jim Wright (Christine X52206)

(appointment handwritten) 12:30-1:30 Sen. Dining Rm - Cap. Stevens having lunch w/Amb. Mansfield (Sen. stop by) Kathy X41027

2:00 SD-226 INTRODUCE DEANELL TACHA at her confirmations hrgfs. (Ruth X 45708)

6-8:00 The Madison Ballroom MAJORITY '86 RECEP. & BUFFET DINNER (Sen. arr. 6:20; VP. arr. 6:30; Sen. introduces V. P. approx. 6:40)

6:30-8:00 SR-325 RECEP. for Claude Pepper by Cancer Care & Nat'l Cancer Assn. (Judy B)

6:30-8:30 Humphrey Bldg. Penthouse Cafeteria RECEP. by Am. Heart Assn. (Judy/Marie)

9:00 (location crossed out) Sen. Recording Studio (location handwritten) Rep. Conf. Studios - SH-413 LIVE SATELLITE INT. w/Helms to K.C. for Nat'l Farm Bdcstrs Fed. mtg.


before 10:00 Sen. Rec. Studio Do Satellite hook-up tape for Japan Ag-Agribusiness Trade Conf

(following appointment crossed out) 11:00 Depart National Airport - Butler Aviation

(following appointment crossed out) 12:30 Suwanee, Ga. FR LUNCHEON for Mattingly

5:00 Atlanta FR RECEP. for Mattingly

7:00 Depart Atlanta

approx. 9:00 Arrive Butler Aviation- National Airport


(pm handwritten) 8:45 pm Wash. Hilton Grand Ballroom SPEAK - Council of Jewish Federations


4-5:00 NYC CA FR

NYC SPEAK - Boys Town Jerusalem Dinner

Friday November 15, 1985
The Trip Of Senator Dole to ATLANTA, GEORGIA for Senator Mack Mattingly fundraiser


2:20 PM ARRIVE Washington National Airport, Butler Aviation and board Westwind jet, Tail # N24PA
Pilots: Bill Hutchison
John Acton
Manifest: Senator Dole
Senator Mattingly
Joseph Bailey
Paul Russo

2:25 PM WHEELS UP enroute Peachtree DeKalb Airport, Atlanta, Georgia
(Flight Time: 1 hour 30 minutes)

3:55 PM ARRIVE Altanta Peach Tree DeKalb Airport
Epps Aviation (404) 458-9851
met by: Bob Mason
transportation by: Bob Mason (Mattingly finance chairman)

4:00 PM DEPART Airport enroute Falcoln Inn, Guinette County, Suwanee, Georgia (404) 945-6751
(Drive Time: 45 minutes)

4:45 PM ARRIVE Falcoln Inn, Suwanee, Georgia, and proceed to Touchdown room for Mattingly for Senate Reception
(100 Attendees)
(mix and mingle)
(brief informal remarks)
Introduced by Sen. Mattingly

5:30 PM CONCLUDE and DEPART enroute parking lot for heliocopter
Manifest: Senator Dole
Senator Mattingly
Joseph Bailey
Bob Mason

5:34 PM WHEELS UP enroute Civic Center, Downtown Atlanta
(flight time: 14 minutes)

Friday November 15, 1985

5:48 PM ARRIVE Civic Center and proceed to ground transportation
met by: Robert Atchison
transportation by: Robert Atchison (Mattingly Administrative Assistant/ Campaign Director)

5:50 PM DEPART Civic Center enroute Commerce Club, Downtown Atlanta (404) 525-1661

5:54 PM ARRIVE Commerce Club lobby for Press Availability Accompanied by Senator Mattingly

6:00 PM Senator Dole participates in Press Availability

6:20 PM CONCLUDE Press Availability and proceed to 16th floor Dining room for reception

6:22 PM ARRIVE cocktail party/reception - joint fundraiser for Campaign America
($1,000 per person / 60 attendees)
(mix and mingle / brief informal remarks)
NOTE: Paul Russo will have GOP leaders for discussion

7:30 PM CONCLUDE and DEPART fundraiser enroute Peachtree DeKalb Airport
(Drive Time: 45 minutes)
(Flight Time: 10 minutes) - Heliocopter

8:15 PM ARRIVE Peachtree DeKalb Airport and board Westwind jet, Tail# N24PA
Manifest: Senator Dole
Senator Mattingly
Paul Russo

8:20 PM WHEELS UP enroute Washington National Airport
(Flight Time: 1 hour 30 minutes)

9:50 PM ARRIVE Washington National Airport, Butler Aviation


(handwritten) Betty

Option #1 as per David Keene's request.

The Trip of Senator Dole to NEW YORK CITY for Boys Town Jerusalem International Dinner of Tribute


2:15 PM ARRIVE Washington National Airport Main terminal

2:30 PM DEPART New York Air - Eastern Shuttle Gate #, Flight # 26, Seat # <(blank)>,
MANIFEST: Senator Dole
Dave Keene
(flight time 1 hour)

3:30 PM ARRIVE New York - LaGuardia Airport Gate #<(blank)>
Met by: Joe Bailey

3:40 PM DEPART LaGuardia Airport enroute Waldorf- Astoria Hotel, New York City
Transportation provided by: Capt. Leo V. Berger
(Drive Time: 30 minutes)

4:10 PM ARRIVE Waldorf-Astoria Hotel (212) 355-3000 and proceed to Berger Suite for $50,000 Campaign America fundraiser (10-15 Attendees)

4:15 PM ARRIVE at Campaign America fundraiser (optional brief informal remarks)

5:00 PM CONCLUDE and greet guests at Private Reception for Boystown Jerusalem
Attendees: $5000 and up donors to Boystown Jerusalem
(mix and mingle)

5:30 PM CONCLUDE reception and proceed to Barron South room for press availability

5:35 PM ARRIVE at Barron South room and participate in press availability
NOTE: Rabbi Ronald Gray will escort

5:55 PM CONCLUDE press availability and proceed to Grand ballroom for dinner

SUNDAY November 17, 1985

6:00 PM ARRIVE at Grand ballroom for Boys Town Internationa Dinner Of Tribute
(1000 Attendees)

6:05 PM Program Begin

6:10 PM National Anthems - Cantor Ozer Newman

6:10 PM Invocation - Rabbi Myren Fenster

6:12 PM Welcome - Master of Ceremonies - David Mack

6:25 PM Greetings - Milton Shapiro

6:30 PM Moshe Arens makes remarks

6:49 PM David Mack introduces Senator Dole

6:50 PM SENATOR DOLE makes remarks

7:10 PM SENATOR DOLE concludes remarks

7:15 PM Dinner is served
NOTE: Senator Dole mix and mingle at tables accompanied by Leo Berger (as per request by Dave Keene)

7:45 PM DEPART enroute NY LaGuardia Airport
(Drive time: 40 minutes)

8:25 PM ARRIVE NY LaGuardia Airport and proceed to New York Air - Gate # <(blank)>, Flight # 35, Seat # <(blank)>
MANIFEST: Senator Dole
Dave Keene
Joe Bailey

8:30 PM WHEELS UP enroute Washington National Airport

9:30 PM ARRIVE Washington National Airport


(handwritten) Betty

SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 18 - 24, 1985


8:15 Four Seasons Algonquin Rm. SPEAK - Bkfst.- YPO Real Estate Seminar

10:00 Cap. Hill Club OPENING REMARKS - CA Co-Chairmen Mtg.

(handwritten) 10:30

10:50 S-230 Cap. PHOTO w/Carol Baker Ivg. Finance staff to move to Boston

(following appointment handwritten) 10:30 S-230 Cap. -Mtg. w/Wheat Growers (John G. arr)

11:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Jimmy Dean, Ed Jaenke, Doug Symms, St. Louis & Gene Swackhammer Balto re farm credit (w/John G.)

11:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Corn Growers Bd. (John G.)

(following appointment handwritten) 12:00 S-230 Mtg. w/Jim Miller, B. Oglesby & Randy Davis

12:30 S-230 Cap. LUNCH w/Co-Chrmn. for CA

2:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Jim Marquez (Debbie 426-4702

3:00 S-230 Cap. INT. w/Al Karr, WALL STREET JOURNAL (20 min.)

7:30 & 8:30 F Street Club RECEP. & DINNER "Welcome Back to Washington" for Bill Seidman (stag) Bill Gorog hosting

Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of November 18-24, 1985 Page 2.


(time handwritten) 8:00 (time crossed out) 8:00 (time crossed out and handwritten) 7:45 Metropolitan Club 17th & H Sts, NW DFS FR BKFST - Webster & Chamberlain (handwritten) (Sen. arr. at 7:50, if possible)

(following appointment handwritten) 10:00 S-230 Conf. Rm. Hebei Province officials (China)- Al Lebu - quick hello by Sen.

(following appointment handwritten) 9:45 (time crossed out) 10:00 S-230 Presen. of award by Hemophilia Fdn. (photo)

(following appointment handwritten) 10:15 S-230 Phone int - Burns news Bw. (KFDI-Wichita) on hunger - Jenie Stemburg

11:00 S-230 Cap. PHOTO & PRESEN. of "Beef Certificates" by N. Dakota "Cowbelles" w/Andrews, (names crossed out) Byron Dorgan & O'Neill (Judy X4;7511

(following appointment handwritten) 11:30 Sen. Recording Studio Tape Dist. five.(?) award spot(?) Am. Coll & (illegible)

12:30 S-207 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON

2:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Cochran & staff (JoAnne)

(following appointment handwritten) 2:00 S-407 Cap. Arms Control Briefing (don't put on Sen. card)

3:30 (location handwritten) S-230 Conf Rm. MTG. w/Asian Am. Indian group (Marie/Marcie) photo, if possible

(following appointment handwritten and crossed out) cancelled 4:30 S-230 mtg. w/Am. Nurses Assn. (Sheila Burke) Sen. stop by

5-6:30 S-207 Cap. RECEP. for Stennis by Dole & Byrd

5:30-8:00 9th Fl-Hart RECEP/BUFFET by Assn. of Former Senate Aides (Sen. only) (John Gonella 484-6400)

6-8:00 Vista Hotel GOP SALUTE to Betty Heitman & Betty Rendel (Sen. only)

Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of November 18-24, 1985 Page 3.


9:30 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (trade policy)

(following appointment handwritten and crosed out) Cancelled 10:45 S-230 mtg. w/Mike Stern

(following appointment handwritten and crosed out) cancelled 11:00 S-230 Mtg. w/So. African Amb.

(handwritten) 11:15 S-230 Conf. Rm. Mtg. w/Kingsbury Smith, (illegible) & Walt mtg w/him at 11:00

12:30-?? S-207 Cap. LUNCHEON by Kasten & Inouye for Moshe Arens (Sen. stop by ??)

2:00 (location handwritten) SD-215 PRESS CONF.- Trade Bill (per Sheila)

(handwritten) 3:00 (no location given) Press Conf. w/Hawkins on Int'l Drug Emforce.

3:30 S-207 Cap. RULES COMM. (includes mass mailing, credit cards for ofcl. travel & new phone system for Senate)

(handwritten) 3:15 S-230 on Sen Recep. Mtg. w/John (illegible), Pete Pratt, Pres. mtn State (illegible) Growell(?) Bob Poitz, Colo & Dick Johnson, Nebr. (John G/(illegible))

6-7:30 S-230 Cap. SPEAK briefly - IC group (Sr. House AA's - Pat Roberts' request)

6 & 8:00 Sheraton Grand FR RECEP. & DINNER for Stan Parris
Ballroom West RECEP.
Center Ballrm. DINNER (Sen. a co-host)

6-8:00 1526- 18th St, NW (Nofziger's ofc) RECEP. by Nofziger & Bragg & Latin American Manufacturers' Assn. (Sen. stop by, if possible)

7:15 & Powerscourt Phoenix Park Hotel DFS FR RECEP. & DINNER (Sen. make remarks-8:00)

Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of November 18-24, 1985 Page 4.


8:00 SDG-18 BKFST. by Comm. for a Responsible Federal Budget (Karla 547-4484)

9:30 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (trade policy)

(handwritten) 9:30 Sen. Recording Tape Town(?) mtg. spots

(handwritten) 12:00 S-230 Cap. Photos w/interns (10) end of Session for them

12-2:00 S-138 Cap. LUNCHEON by Hatch w/Ribicoff & 12 leading cancer specialists re prospective pmts (Sheila Burke - Sen. stop by??) Cindy X 49845

12:45 S-207 Cap. SPEAK - Am. League of Lobbyists

(handwritten) 5:00 AR-301 Rules Comm.

6-8:00 Cap. Hill Club Eisenhower Lounge FR for Jim Broyhill (Eliz. co-host)

(handwritten, 7:40 crossed out) 7:25 SPEAK 7:40 SPEAK

(8:00 crossed out) 7 & 8:00 Hyatt Reg. (handwritten) Regency Ballroom HELMS ROAST (Sen. speak betw. 8 & 9)

(handwritten, 8:45 crossed out) 8:20 8:45 Andrews AFB - (in margins) Pres. Arrives 8:40 Meet Pres & helo back to Capitol w/him (crossed out) Assemble in Senate to go to House Chamber (in margins) (Andrew Littlefair will be there from W. Hse. Advance

9:00 House Chamber JT. SESSION - Pres. report on Geneva talks


7:15 NBC -4000 Nebr. Ave. On TODAY Show (limo pick up at 6:40)

(handwritten) 8:10 CBS - Morning News (illegible)

(handwritten) 8:30 S-407 Cap. Post Summit briefing by Shultz

(handwritten, 9:30 crossed out) 9:30 9? 9:15 SD-215 Finance (nom. of Frank Keating on Asst Sec'y Treas.)

(handwritten) 10:00 Hair cut

(handwritten) 2:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg w/Zorinsky, Helms, Melcher & Hawkins & Block

(handwritten) Saturday, Nov. 23

(handwritten) 12:30 Senate convenes - Farm Bill

(handwritten) November 21


November 21, 1985

7:55 pm Depart Hyatt Regency (or Capitol)

8:20 pm Arrive VIP room - Andrews AFB
(Andrew Littlefield, White House Advance will meet you & Speaker O'Neill and take you to ramp)

8:35 pm Arrive ramp

8:40 pm Air Force One door opens and President and Mrs. Reagan deplane
you and the Speaker will accompany the President Mrs, Reagan and Don Regan in the Marine helo
Secretary Shultz will be on another helo Arr. Capitol Plaza (East Front)

9:01 pm President & Mrs. Reagan will enter limo and be driven to Capitol
You & Speaker O'Neill will walk to the Capitol and go directly to the House Chamber --
there will be a seat reserved for you

November 25, 26, and 27, 1985

NOVEMBER 25 PLANE FOR MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26 (crossed out) LEAR 35 TAIL #44PT (handwritten, crossed out) Westwind (handwritten) O.K Lear N124PA

7:32 a.m. Depart Butler Aviation, Washington National
LEAR 35, Tail #44PT PILOT: (name crossed out) Dale Gray (name crossed out and handwritten) William Hutchinson
Butler: 703/549-8340 CO-PILOT: (name crossed out) Cliff Hamlet (name crossed out and handwritten) John Auton(?)

9:40 a.m. Arrive United Beechcraft, Wichita Mid-Continent Airport - 316/ (numbers crossed out) 942-3400 (numbers handwritten) 946-4300
Greg Schnacke will meet you (will also have a Car for staff)

9:55 a.m. Arrive Broadview Hotel - Amy will meet you at the front door and take you to the Farm Bureau Convention. Broadview Hotel: 316/262-5000

10:00 a.m. SPEAK - Kansas Farm Bureau Convention

10:45 a.m. Depart Broadview Hotel for WICHITA EAGLE/BEACON
825 E. Douglas 316/268-6000

11:00 a.m. to Noon MEET with Editorial Board - EAGLE/BEACON George Neavoll's office

12:10 p.m. Depart Eagle/Beacon for United Beechcraft

12:25 p.m. Depart United Beechcraft, Lear 35, Tail #44PT for Great Bend.

1:00 p.m. Arrive Midwest Piper, Great Bend Municipal Airport
Midwest Piper: 316/793-7471 - Lillian Papay will meet you - will have a second car for staff.

1:15 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. TOWN MEETING - Fine Arts Auditorium, Barton County Community College - 316/792-2707

3:15 p.m. Depart Great Bend for Garden City, Lear 35, Tail #44PT

3:45 p.m. Arrive Robinson Aviation, Garden City Municipal Airport
Robinson Aviation: 316/275-4221 - Sam Hands (Finney County Dole Chairman) will meet you - second car for staff. Sam Hands: 316/276-6546

4:00 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. TOWN MEETING Kenneth Henderson Junior High School, 2400 Fleming - 275-9696

Page 2
Monday, Nov. 25 cont'd.

6:00 p.m. Depart Garden City for Hutchinson, Lear 35, Tail #44PT

6:35 p.m. Arrive Wells Aircraft, Hutchinson Airport - Wanda Morrison (Reno Co. Dole Chairman) will meet you.

6:45 p.m. Arrive Holidome for dinner meeting with Harris Newspaper Editorial Board - Hawaiian Room
CONTACT: John Lee - 316/662-0466 (Paper)
Holidome - 316/669-9311

Dinner will be served promptly at 6:30 p.m. - you and staff will be served as soon as you arrive

6:45 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. DINNER and meeting with Harris Newspaper Editorial to Board

8:40 p.m. Depart Wells Aircraft for Goodland - FBO 316/663-1546

8:34 p.m. (MST) Arrive Butterfly Aviation, Goodland Municipal Airport - 913/899-7531 - Jim Kriss (Thomas Co. Dole Chairman) will meet you and drive you to Colby - 9:34 p.m. CST

10:15 p.m. Arrive Colby Ramada Inn - Staff will have you checked in - Colby Ramada Inn: 913/462-3933



7:45 a.m. Depart Colby Ramada Inn for Fireside Lounge, Colby Community College - Jim and/or Sandy Kriss will drive you - will have car for staff

9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. TOWN MEETING - Fireside Lounge, Robert Bennett Memorial Union, 1255 S. Range - 913/462-3984

10:00 a.m. Depart Butterfly Aviation, King Air, Tail #N6149
PILOT: Stan Wilson & Co-pilot

10:55 a.m. Arrive Blosser Municipal, Concordia Airport Services - 913/243-2043 - Deanna Buckland (GOP & Dole Chairman) will meet you - will have staff car.

11:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. TOWN MEETING - Moose Lodge, 113 w. 5th, 913/243-9875

1:05 p.m. Depart Concordia for Atchison, King Air, Tail #N6149

Page Three
Tuesday, Nov. 26 cont'd.

1:40 p.m. Arrive Atchison Amelia Earhart Airport, River Bend Aviation - 913/367-3168 - Rick Berger and Jr. Armstrong (Atchison County Dole co-chairmen) will both have cars at the airport to drive you and the staff.

2:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. TOWN MEETING - Atchison American Legion, 703 Commercial - 913/367-0289

4:00 p.m. Depart Atchison Airport for Kansas City Aviation Center, Johnson County Airport - 913/782-1244 or 782-0530 King Air, Tail #N6149

4:25 p.m. Arrive Kansas City Aviation Center, Johnson County Airport - Kent Crippin (Johnson Co. Dole Chairman) will meet you - will have second car for staff

4:45 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. TOWN MEETING - Shawnee Mission South High School 5800 W. 107th, 913/648-3005

Nothing scheduled for after Johnson County meeting as yet - will have cars to get you and staff to Alameda, or anywhere else you want to go.

RON - Alameda - 816/756-1500


7:30 a.m. Depart Alameda for Allied Health Center, Kansas City Kansas Community College - Steve Young (Wyandotte Co. GOP Chairman) will drive you - additional car for staff.

8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. TOWN MEETING - Room 174, Allied Health Center, Kansas City, Kansas Community College, 7250 State 913/334-1100

9:50 a.m. Depart Executive Beech, Kansas City Municipal Airport 816/842-8484 - Lear 35, Tail #44PT

10:20 a.m. Arrive Emporia Municipal Airport, Greg Ek (Lyon Co. Dole Chairman) will meet you - will have second car for staff. Airport: 316/342-3598

10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. TOWN MEETING - Emporia American Legion, 310 W. 12th 316/342-8361

NOON Depart Emporia Airport for Independence, Lear 35, Tail #44PT

12:25 p.m. Arrive Independence Airport, Jim Brown will meet you - will have second car for staff - 316/331-9855

Page Four
Wednesday, Nov. 27 cont'd.

TOWN MEETING - Memorial Hall - 316/331-2960

12;30 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. Steve Aikin will have an 8th grade class from Thayer at the hall - will present you with a T-shirt

2:05 p.m. Depart Independence Airport for Pittsburg, Lear 35, Tail #44PT

(rest of appointments crossed out)

(handwritten) cancelled

2:25 p.m. Arrive Pittsburg Municipal Airport - 316/231-5760 Steve Bitner (Crawford Co. Dole Chairman) will meet you - will have additional car for staff

2:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. TOWN MEETING, Memorial Hall Auditorium, 503 N. Pine - 316/231-7827

4:30 p.m. Depart Pittsburg Municipal Airport, Lear 34, Tail #44PT

7:39 p.m. Arrive Butler Aviation, Washington National Airport, 703/549-8340

Position: 1305 (5 views)