Weekly Schedules, May, 1985


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Weekly Schedules, May, 1985
Date (Dublin Core)
April 28, 1985-May 24, 1985
Date Created (Dublin Core)
Congress (Dublin Core)
99th (1985-1987)
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Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
Record Type (Dublin Core)
schedules (time plans)
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Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
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2:15 Depart Watergate South
Joe Albritton's drive, "Fitz" Fitzgerald will pick you up at W.G. South (silver-grey Mercedes - D. C. tags; Car phone: 288-5613)

2:30 Depart Butler Aviation - National airport
PH: 202/549-8340
Hawker 700 aircraft
Tail # N700AC
Pilot: Jim Rollo
Copilot: Bill Biersmith
Manifest: Senator Dole
Hedrick Smith, N. Y. TIMES
Scott Richardson

5:00 pm Arrive West Palm Beach Airpot - Butler Aviation
PH: 305/683-5522
Joe Albritton will meet you at airport

5:30 pm Arrive Boca Raton Hotel
PH: 305/395-3000
Will have room for you to freshen up

6:00 pm Arrive Camino Hall, Boca Raton Hotel - for Opening Session of Reserve City Bankers meeting

6:30 pm SPEAK - Reserve City Bankers

7:00 pm Speech ends - stop by reception briefly

7:15 pm Depart Boca Raton Hotel enroute airport

7:45 pm Depart Butler Aviation - West Palm Beach

10:00 pm Arrive National Airport - Butler Aviation
"Fitz" Fitzgerald will meet you and drive you home

10:15 pm Arrive Watergate South

SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29 - May 5, 1985


11:00 SH-141 John P. Mtg. w/Wichita Chamber group

1-2 S-126 MTG. w/staff directors of Committees, (Dole, Domenici, Chafee & Stockman)

3:45 Roosevelt Rm. -W.Hse (NW Gate) SWEARING-IN Ceremony for Bill Brock as Sec'y of Labor (Carol 523-8271

5:30-7:30 S-207 Cap. RECEP. by Nickles, Boren ;& Cong. McCurdy (Sen. only)

5:30-7:30 9th Fl-Hart Bld. RECEP. by Coop. League (Mark S/John)

(time handwritten) 5&6 (time crossed out) 6 & 7 Georgetown Marbury House 3000 M St, NW KS. CHAMBER RECEP. & DINNER

8:58 CBS-TV SEN. DOLE on "An American Portrait"


9:00 345 CHOB SPEAK - League of Women Voters

10:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. on Medicaid/Medicare portion of budget

10:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. on Student Aid portion of budget

11:15 S-230 " on Rural Housing

12:00 S-230 Cap. CHAIRMEN'S MTG.

12:30 S-207 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON

2:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. on Jobs Corps - budget

tent. 3:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Max Kempelman et al (handwritten, in margins) (653-9312-Mike Durke

4:00 S-230 Cap. " - Farm Issues - budget

6-8 345 CHOB RECEP. by Independent Bankers Asssn. (John P/Mike)

6-8 Ticonderoga Rm. Hyatt Reg. RECEP. by Assoc. Builders & Contract-contractors (John P/Mike) 637-8800

(6 crossed out) 6:30-9:30 (handwritten) Sen. be there at 7:30 SR-325 RECEP. & Unveiling of Sen. Byrd portrait by Paralyzed Veterans

Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of April 29 - May 5, 1985 Page 2


8:30-9:30 SR-325 BKFST. by Girl Scouts (Marcia) 1 Ks. Girl Scout & 1 adult leader (photog. available from 7:30)

9:00 Capitol Lawn (handwritten) West Center steps "Shatter Silence" Kick-Off (5-10 min)

9:30 S-230 Cap. Postal Subsidies budget MTG

10:00 SR-328A AG COMM. (analysis of ag policy options for '85 farm bill)

11:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. on Mass transit portion of budget

11:30 S-230 MTG. - Coast Guard user fees

12:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. - SBA & HIH portion of budget

2:00 (crossed out) SD-215 (handwritten) H-208 Cap. CONF. on contemporaneous recordkeeping (Sen. conferee)

2:30-3:30 S-205 Cap. BRIEFING -MEMBERS ONLY -on Admin. Strategic Def. Initiative (by Warnke & Dr. Richard Garwin)

6:30-8:00 B-338 RHOB SIOUX CITY STEAK DINNER (Members only) X 43744


8:00 SR-485 BKFST. by Ks. Insurance Industry (50 Ksns.) Mike/John P. -Sen. stop by

9:30 2122 RHOB SPEAK - Nat'l Issue Seminar for Jim Broyhill (Susan X52576)

9:30 SR-301 RULES COMM. (budget auth.)

9:30 SR-328A NUTRITION SUBC. (Rita Haman, Ks. Dir. School Food Programs testifying)

10:30 (no location given) RULES COMM. (business mtg. -chgs. in paper allowances & mass mailings -called at Sen. Dole's req.)

10:30 SH-141 John P. mtg. w/Jim Hansen, Owens- Corning plant mgr.

tent. 11:15 S-206 Cap. MTG. on Balanced Budget Amend. (George P. working on this)

5-7:00 Hyatt Reg. RECEP. by RNC Small Business Adv. Comm. (863-8500 X 6790)

5-7:00 SD-628 RECEP. by Nat'l Assn. of Arab Americans (467-4800)

5-7:30 SD-192 RETIREMENT PARTY for Dix Boone (by invitation only)

5:30-7:30 SD-106 RECEP. for Sen. Dole by GAMA (Gen. Avia. Mfrs.)

6-8 SR-325 RECEP. by Assn. of Private Welfare Plans

Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of April 29 - May 5, 1985 Page 3


12:00 S-230 Cap. LUNCHEON MTG. w/Ldrshp, Domenici & Stockman

1:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. - Core group on budget

4:00 S-230 Cap. INTERVIEW - Jerry Schecter, KU Alumni Mag


(time handwritten) 12:45 (time crossed out) 7 & 8 J.W.Marriott (handwritten) Grand Ballroom (handwritten) SPEAK- Luncheon (Lunchen at 12:00) (crossed out) RECEP. & DINNER (typed) - Nat'l Assn. of Arab Americans



(handwritten) Kay (revised)

SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6 - 12, 1985


8:30 S-230 Cap. BKFST. w/Domenici & Stockman

9:30 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (noms.)

(following appointment crossed out) 1:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Ag group

(handwritten) 2:00 S-233 Bob Meyers

4:00 S-407 Cap. BREIFING by Kampelman on Arms Control Talks (Senators only)

4:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. on Rural Housing (Domenici, Cohen, Stockman)

5:00 S- (crossed out) 288 (handwritten) 228 Cap. REPUBLICAN CONFERENCE

5:30-7:15 SR-325 RECEP. for Small Business Persons of Year (Bruce Burdick, O.V.Pk, Ks. winner) Mike/John P)

7-8:30 5807 Hillburne Way Chevy Chase FR BUFFET DINNER for Paula Hawkins (by Ted & Mrs.Stevens)


8:00 SD-106 SPEAK briefly - D'Amato's "Local Gov't in Wash." group (Gia X48361)

8:30 ROA Bldg-5th Fl.. Cong. Hall of Honor SPEAK - Government Research Corp.

9:30 SR-301 RULES COMM. (appropriations)

10:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (US/Israel Free Trade Agreement)

10:30 R328A Agri. Comm. Nominations for Mr. Robert Thompson and Mr. Peter Myers.

12:30 S-207 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON

6-8 1100 LHOB RECEP. by Nat'l Dist. Attorney's Assn. (Gene Olander, Ks.) Mike/ John P)

7:30 & 8:15 Air & Space Museum RECEP/DINNER & Screening of "Hail Columbia" honoring Jake Gar (Sen. only) stop by, if poss.

Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 6 - 12, 1985 Page 2.


9:30 SR-301 RULES COMM. (FEC auth. bill)

11:30-12:45 Nat'l War College 40th ANNIV. of VE Day Commemoration (Sen. speaks at 12:05) Dave

(handwritten) 5-6:30 S-230 World War II Veteran Senators (Hons.(?) Dale & Band)

5-7 JW Marriott Grand Ballrm. RECEP. for Elizabeth by Nat'l GOP Legislators

6-8:00 345 CHOB RECEP. by Sperry Corp. (G.J. Budridge, Wichita) John P.


8:00 S-120 Cap. BKFST. w/newspaper reporters (Alan Emory's group)

(handwritten) 9:30 SD.215 Full Committee - Comprehensive Tax Reform (Sen. Packwood-Chair)

12-?? S-207 Cap. LUNCHEON by NBC w/reports on "Vietnam-10 Yesrs Later" (stop by

5:30-7:30 Cap.Hill Club FR RECEP. for VanderJagt (Sen. co-host)

Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 6-12, 1985 Page 3


9:30 SD-215 HEALTH SUBC. (Medicare health strategies)

10:15- Sen. steps, S-230 or SH-141 PHOTO w/33 Hays Hi students (Linda arranging)

(handwritten, 10:30 crossed out) 1:30 10:30 S.230 Meet with Bill Bhake - Nat Tax Limitation Committee - (Mark Rhode)-

11:00 SH-141 Mike P. mtg. w/Wayne Boneright, Olathe (Small Bus. winner, Ks.)

12-1:30 S-207 Cap. LUNCHEON for regional winners SBA Subcontractors of Year (Boneright) (Mike/John P)


in Kansas



1:30 Dodge City SPEAK - Dodge City Comm. Coll Commencement

(handwritten) Joyce

SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6 - 12, 1985


8:30 S-230 Cap. BKFST. w/Domenici & Stockman

9:30 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (noms.)

(following appointment crossed out) 1:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Ag group (handwritten) Cancelled

(handwritten) 2:00 (no location given) Bob Meyers

4:00 S-407 Cap. BRIEFING by Kampelman on Arms Control Talks (Senators only)

4:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. on Rural Housing (Domenici, Cohen, Stockman)


5:30-7:15 SR-325 RECEP. for Small Business Persons of Year (Bruce Burdick, O.V.Pk, Ks. winner) Mike/John P)

7-8:30 5807 Hillburne Way Chevy Chase FR BUFFET DINNER for Paula Hawkins (by Ted & Mrs. Stevens)


8:00 SD-106 SPEAK briefly - D'Amato's "Local Gov't in Wash." group (Gia X48361)

8:30 ROA Bldg-5th Fl.. Cong. Hall of Honor SPEAK - Government Research Corp.

9:30 SR-301 RULES COMM. (appropriations)

10:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (US/Israel Free Trade Agreement)

(handwritten) 11:00 S-230 Boschwitz, Domenici, Stockman & Dole

12:30 S-207 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON

6-8 1100 LHOB RECEP. by Nat'l Dist. Attorney's Assn. (Gene Olander, Ks.) Mike/ John P)

7:30 & 8:15 Air & Space Museum RECEP/DINNER & Screening of "Hail Columbia" honoring Jake Gar (Sen. only) stop by, if poss.

Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 6 - 12, 1985 Page 2.


9:30 SR-301 RULES COMM. (FEC auth. bill)

(handwritten) 9:30 sh 277 Dick Snelling - (Heinz ofc.)

11:30-12:45 Nat'l War College 40th ANNIV. of VE Day Commemoration (Sen. speaks at 12:05) Dave

5-7 JW Marriott Grand Ballrm. RECEP. for Elizabeth by Nat'l GOP Legislators

6-8:00 345 CHOB RECEP. by Sperry Corp. (G.J. Budridge, Wichita) John P.


8:00 S-120 Cap. BKFST. w/newspaper reporters (Alan Emory's group)

(handwritten) 9:30 SD-215 Full (illegible) Comp. Tax Reform Hearing

12-?? S-207 Cap. LUNCHEON by NBC w/reports on "Vietnam-10 Yesrs Later" (stop by

5:30-7:30 Cap.Hill Club FR RECEP. for VanderJagt (Sen. co-host)

Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 6-12, 1985 Page 3


9:30 SD-215 HEALTH SUBC. (Medicare health strategies)

10:15- Sen. steps, S-230 or SH-141 PHOTO w/33 Hays Hi students (Linda arranging)

11:00 SH-141 Mike P. mtg. w/Wayne Boneright, Olathe (Small Bus. winner, Ks.)

12-1:30 S-207 Cap. LUNCHEON for regional winners SBA Subcontactors of Year (Boneright) (Mike/John P)


in Kansas



1:30 Dodge City SPEAK - Dodge City Comm. Coll Commencement

Directions to 5807 Hillburne Way

Go Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to Little Falls Parkway. (Little Falls Parkway is at border of District of Columbia. It is just before a railroad overpass.) Turn right onto Little Falls Parkway.

Follow Little Falls Parkway to River Road - turn left onto River Road.

Follow River Road to Dorset, which is the first turn to the right after the first stop/go light you pass - turn right onto Dorset.

Follow Dorset to first street on right - that is Hillburne Way - 5807 Hillburne is second house on left (white brick). (You may want to park on Dorset if it looks crowded; Hillburne Way is a cul-de-sac.)

Phone number: 652-6270



7:45 am Depart Butler Terminal - National Airport
PH: 202/549-8340
Lear 35
Tail # 289MJ
Pilot: Harry Constantine
Copilot: Bill Kennedy
Manifest: Senator Dole
Linda Murphy
Hedrick Smith (possibility)

9:30 am Arrive Wichita Mid-Continent.
Ryan Aviation PH: 316/942-0140
Steve Coen will meet you and drive you to Century II

9:50 am Arrive Century II, Concert Hall PH: 316/264-9121

10:00 am SPEAK - Kansas Newman College Commencement
Commencement begins at 10:00 -- you speak approx. 10:30 am
CONTACT: Geri Thompson PH: 316/942-4291
Robert Giroux, President

11:15 am Depart Century II enroute Town East Shopping Center

(handwritten) SCKS511


SATURDAY, MAY 11 (Cont'd. )

11:40 a.m. PENNEY's Store in Town East (Stop by for presen- tation of PAC check). CONTACT: Jack Haynes
(316) 685-6261

12:00 Noon PRESS CONFERENCE - CENTER STAGE - Top level of Shopping Mall. Promote Child Safety Day which is May 18. CONTACT: Tracy Toulson or Tammi Kiriland (316) 686-3341

12:45 p.m. DEPART Town East Shopping Center for Century II

1:05 p.m. CENTURY II - Wichita River Festival - Art and Book Fair

1:35 p.m. DEPART Century II for Wichita Indian Center
(316) 262-5221

1:40 p.m. TACO TICO EXTRAVAGANZA - Wichita Indian Center
CONTACT: KEN LEHRMAN (316) 686-7456

2:10 p.m. DEPART Indian Center for Ryan Aviation

2:30 p.m. DEPART Ryan Aviation for Hays -- Lear 35
TAIL # 289MJ

3:30 p.m. ARRIVE Hays Airport (913) 625-3311 or 625-6573. Kenny will meet you and take you to the Student Union.

3:40 p.m. ARRIVE Sunset Lounge - Memorial Student Union. Reception and unveiling of Highway Sign - Fort Hays State Tigers, NAIA Basketball Champions.
CONTACT: Bob Lowen (913) 628-4480. PRESS AVAILABILITY.

4:30 p.m. DEPART Hays for Russell. Kenny will drive you.

5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. RECEPTION - Elks Club - honoring you and former Mayor, Roger Williams. CONTACT: Signe Pfannenstiel - Elks Club (913) 483-3071.

6:45 p.m. VFW CHANGE OF COMMAND DINNER (Stop by) Lynn Hall, Master of Ceremonies
CONTACT: Norman Staab

7:45 p.m. Late supper, homemade ice cream with family.



SUNDAY, May 12

a .m. With family.

11:15 a.m. DEPART (handwritten) Hays) (crossedout) Russell (typed) for Dodge City -- Lear 35
Tail #289 MJ Pilot: Harry Constantine
Co-Pilot: Bill Kennedy

11:45 a.m. ARRIVE Dodge City Airport (316) 227-3411. Bea Williams will meet you. BEA: (316) 227-3280

12:00 Noon CHAMBER OF COMMERCE LUNCHEON - Silver Spur Lodge Convention Center, (316) 227-2125

You will speak at about 1:55 p.m.
CONTACT: Gay Dahn (316) 225-1321

2:30 p.m. DEPART Dodge City - Lear 35 - Tail # 289MJ

6:30 p.m. ARRIVE Washington, D.C., Butler Aviation.

SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1985


9:30 S-235 Cap. MTG. w/Ned Regan, NY State Comptroller Rod & Rich (Sen. stop by mtg.)

11:30 SH-141 or S-320 APPT. w/Bill Klopman, Burlington Ind. & Dave Broome (Dave 223-3167)

betw. 12-1:30 9th Fl-Hart SPEAK - Former Members of Cong. (Glenn Beall 332-3532)

4:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Helms, et al re farm bill

5:30-7:00 9th Fl-Hart RECEP. by Former Members of Cong. (Senator only)

6-8:30 Rayburn Foyer SPEAK briefly, if poss. - Nat'l Issues Forum by Kettering Foundation (John Buchanan invited Sen.)


8:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Domenici & Kasten

9:30-10:30 Cabinet Rm -W. Hse (NW Gate) BIPARTISAN HOUSE/SEN. LDRSHIP MTG. (with Pres.on European trip)

10:00 SR-328A AG COMM. (mark-up)

11:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Dick Wirthlin

12:00 S-230 Cap. CHAIRMEN'S MTG.

12:30 S-207 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON

4:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Laxalt, Paul Weyrich & Pat Buchanan

6=8:00 H-227 Cap. RECEP. for Helen Dewar, winner of Everett Dirksen award (309/347-7113

6-?? 1301 LHOB RECEP. by Chic. Merc. (Sen. only)

6-8:00 Cap. Hill Club FR RECEP. for Stangeland (Sen. cohost)

6-8:00 Hyatt Reg. Columbia B Rm. RECEP. by Nat'l Cotton Council (John G/Mark)

6-8:00 JW Marriott RECEP. for Thelma Duggin (Sen. stop by)

Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 13-19, 1985 Page 2.


8:30 S-230 Cap. STAFF MTG.

10:00 SR-218A AG COMM. (farm bill mark-up)

12:00 Senate Park-adj. to Capitol (N.J.& Constitution) Nat'l Peace Officers Memorial Svc.

12-1:30 SR-385 LUNCHEON by Mid-Manhattan PAC hosted by Biden (stop by only)

1:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Edgar Bronfman (Carolyn Panser 737-5880)

3:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/John Sears

5:30-7:30 Rayburn Courtyd. RECEP. by Assoc. Milk Producers (John G/Mark)

6-8:00 308 Constitution, NE IDAHO POTATO BAKE for Cong. Larry Craig (RSVP X 56611)

6:30-?? State Dept. Annex 3005 Mass Ave, NW SEN. TRUST RECEP/BUFFET DINNER


9:15 S-230 Cap. COFFEE & DONUTS RECEP. for Bill Lucas, Mich. bl. Rep.

10:00 SR-328A AG COMM. (farm bill mark-up)

10:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (Superfund)

11:15-12 S-230 CAP. RECEP. for leaders of Pres. Dinner

12-1:30 SR-325 "LEADERSHIP LUNCHEON prior to Pres. Dinner (Dole & Michel hosts)

(1:30 handwritten) betw. 12-1:30 SD-106 SPEAK briefly, if possible- Farm & Ind. Equip. Inst. (Hesston Corp.)

2:45-3:45 Old Senate Chamber-Cap. BRIEFING on DOD legis.

4:00 S-203 Cap. MTG. w/Block, Helms, et al on agriculture

4:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ (crossed out) Larry Knisley (handwritten) (illegible), (typed) FBI ck, on Jepsen

4:30 S-230 Cap. TEA by Am. Social Health Assn. (Sen. a co-host)

betw. 5-7 SR-325 SPEAK briefly- NFRW Regents Day (Betty Rendel group)

5:30-7:30 9th Fl-Hart ANNIV. RECEP. for Head Start

6:45 JW Marriott Shevel (handwritten) B Level - Grand Ballroom - Salon 2 SPEAK - Security Properties

7:30 Wash. Conv. Ctr. PRESIDENT'S DINNER

Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 13-19, 1985 Page 3


7:30 JW Marriott Grand Ballroom FR BKFST. for Denton (Sen. co-host)

9:00 2359 RHOB SPEAK - Nat'l Assn. of Homebuilders (Nada Seide - 822-0470)

10:30 S-230 Cap. TIME MAG. PHOTO SESSION (15 min.)

(time handwritten) 9:45) (time crossed out) 11:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Jim Baker & Wallop

12&12:30 Four Seasons (handwritten) Dumbarton Rm LUNCHEON by Trent Lott for 50 business leaders from across country for New GOP Victory Fund (Vicki 683-6612) stop by?) (handwritten) Susan Walls X55772

(following appontment crossed out) 1:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Buck Chapotan, Mark McConaghy, Rod & Rich (tax ref.)

(handwritten) 1:15 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/Stockman, Domenici & Dole

(handwritten) 2:30 (location crossed out) S-230 Cap. SD 112 Press Conf. on House Budget (Dole & Domenici)

(time handwritten) 3:15 (time handwritten and crossed out) 4:00 (time crossed out) 3:00 Depart Hill enroute Andrews AFB

3:30 Depart enroute Kansas


In Kansas - separate schedule


LEADER in Capitol Canine Follies

(handwritten) Senator/Betty


May 17 & 18, 1985

Friday, May 17

3:15 p.m. Depart Capitol for Andrews AFB

3:30 p.m. Depart Andrews AFB for McConnell AFB
C-140 JetStar (Flight Time 2 hrs. 55 min.)

5:30 p.m. Arrive McConnell AFB - 316/681-5271
Steve Coen will meet you and drive you to El Dorado

6:00 p.m. Stop By - El Dorado Honor Camp CONTACT: Gary Rayl, 316/321-5100
Congressman Whittaker will be visiting the camp sometime between 5 and 5:30 p.m. This stop is optional -- depending on time and whether or not you want to do it. (10-15 minutes)

6:15 p.m. Depart Honor Camp for McDonald Stadium

6:25 p.m. State 5A and 6A Baseball Tournament - CONTACT: Tom Murray
El Dorado - McDonald Stadium, N. Griffith Street

6:40 p.m. Depart Baseball Tournament for El Dorado Country Club

6:45 p.m. Arrive El Dorado Country Club - Receiving line for you and Texaco Chairman of the Board, John McKinley
CONTACT: Paul Doucette - 316/321-2200
El Dorado Country Club - 316/321-4114

7:30 p.m. DINNER - El Dorado Country Club (approximately 70 people)

8:15 p.m. SPEECHES - Chairman McKinley - 10 Minutes Congressman
Bob Whittaker
Senator Bob Dole

9:00 PRESS AVAILABILITY - 15-20 minutes

9:30 p.m. Depart El Dorado Country Club for Wichita Hilton East
You will ride to Wichita with John McKinley

10:00 a.m. Arrive Wichita Hilton East

RON - HILTON EAST - 316/686-7131


7:45 a.m. Steve will pick you up at the Hilton and drive you to the Officers Club at McConnell

8:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. BREAKFAST - Chamber, Labor and McConnell officials Officers Club - 316/685-2288 CONTACT: Charles Belt

Sat., May 18th, cont'd.

8:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. PRESS CONFERENCE - Base Operations Building - McConnell AFB 316/681-5218
(Press must contact Public Affairs Office at the above number to be admitted to the base)

9:00 a.m. Depart McConnell for Manhattan Airport - C140 JetStar

9:30 a.m. Arrive Manhattan Airport - 913/539-7623
Immediately board helicopter UH-1N for Fort Riley

9:40 a.m. Arrive Fort Riley

10:00 a.m. Fort Riley -- Divisional/Post Review

11:00 a.m. PRESS AVAILABILITY - Directly behind reviewing stand (5-10 minutes)

11:30 a.m. Depart Fort Riley aboard helicopter for Manhattan Airport.

11:40 a.m. Depart Manhattan Airport for Johnson County Executive Airport - CESSNA CITATION - Tail #N95CC PILOT: (blank) CONTACT: Pat (Russ Meyer's Office 316/685-9111 CO-PILOT: (blank)

12:10 p.m. Arrive Johnson County Executive Airport - 913/782-1244
Gale will meet you and drive you to the Doubletree

12:30 p.m. Arrive Doubletree Hotel - Kay Meadows, State EEO Director, will meet you at the front door and take you into the luncheon. DOUBLETREE - 913/649-4500

12:40 p.m. SPEAK - 1985 National Institute for Employment Equity Conference - Monterey Room, Doubletree Hotel

1:00 p.m. Depart Doubletree for Johnson County Executive Airport

1:10 p.m. Depart Johnson County Airport for Phillip Billard

1:30 p.m. Arrive Topeka Phillip Billard - Jane will meet you and take you to the Ramada Inn

1:40 p.m. AMERICAN LEGION STATE CONVENTION - Ramada Inn Speak briefly - CONTACT: Chuck Yunker

Washburn Law School Commencement processional begins promptly at 2:30 p.m. -- you will receive your honorary Degree at about 3:15 p.m. You can either be there to be in the processional or arrive a little later. If you want to arrive later, Jane knows exactly where to take you to be robed and they will take you in a side door. The Commencement speaker is CBS correspondent Fred Graham.

Saturday, May 18th cont'd.

2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. WASHBURN LAW SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT - Allied Health Center CONTACT: Diane Milligan 913/295-6660

3:30 p.m. Depart Allied Health Center for Phillip Billard

3:45 p.m. Depart Phillip Billard for Manhattan Airport

4:15 p.m. Depart Manhattan Airport for Washington
C140 JetStar (2 hrs. 20 minutes)

7:45 p.m. Arrive Andrews AFB

SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20 - 26, 1985


8-9:00 Sheraton Carlton Chesapeake Rm. SPERLING BKFST.

9:30 SH-141 Judy B. Mtg. w/Paul Boneberg of Mobilization Against AIDS

11:15 (location crossed out) SR-385 (location handwritten) SR- 188 SPEAK - Sens. Gorton & Evans "Political Ldrship Day in Wash." (Steve Mullin X 422621)

12-1:00 Sheraton Carlton (in margins) Chesapeake Rm. Washington Reporters Luncheon

1:15 Hyatt Reg. Capitol Rm. (lobby level) SPEAK - DuPont Plant & Sales Mgrs. Seminar - luncheon at 12:00

(tent. crossed out) tent 2:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/McFarlane, Durenberger, Lugar (contra aid)

3:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Lew Euler, Pres., Nat'l Tax Limitation Comm. & Bill Shaker of Comm. (Ph. 534-2500)

3:30 (location crossed out) S-230) (location handwritten) S-126 MTG. w/commodity groups (Wash. reps.)

4:30-6:30 S-207 Cap. RECEP. by Auto Dealers Free Trade PAC

5:30-8:30 (location crossed out) SD-215 (location handwritten) 9th Fl. Hart BRIEF COMMENT -RECEP. for Don Susswein on publication of his book (Packwood to stop by about 6:00)

6-8:00 Cap. Hill Club FR Recep. for Bob Whittaker (Sen. co-host)

6-8:00 Cap. Hill Club Pvt. Dng. Rm. 1 & 2 RECEP. by US Chamber Tax Policy Ctr.

7:30 The Broker 713-8th St, SE DFS FR RECEP. & DINNER by Dairy Assn.

Senator Dole's Schedule - week of May 20-26, 1985 Page 2.


8:00 S-116 Cap. BKFST. by Domenici w/Arthur Burns

9:30-10:30 W. Hse. (NW Gate) Cabinet Rm. HOUSE/SEN. GOP LDRSHIP MTG. W/PRES. (Nicaragua & budget) Fran Frazier

9:30 SH-141 Conf. Rm. John P. mtg. w/Ks. Homebuilders AG COMM. (mark-up -S.616 farm bill)

12:30 S-207 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON

12:30 S-116 Cap. LUNCHEON by Lugar & Pell for Pres. Duarte (Sandy X47953)

2:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Pat Roberts et al (handwritten) (Gingrich, Vin Weber & Walker)

2:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Senators on MX

3:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Mark McConaghy

5:00 S-230 Cap. INTERVIEW - Adam Smith's "Moneyworld"

5:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. on Export-PIK

5:30-7:00 B-338-340 RHOB RECEP. for Packwood by Int'l Fdn. of Employee Benefits

6-8:00 SD-366 RECEP. for Packwood for Garn. by Hatch & Thiokol Company

6-8:00 345 CHOB RECEP. by Nat'l Assn. of Retail Druggists

6-8:00 Capitol Rm. Hyatt Reg. RECEP. for Paul Findley on publ. of his book "They Dare to Speak Out" (Sen. only)

7:30 & 8:00 2408 Calif. Ave , NW COCKTAILS & DINNER for Pres. Duarte by Nancy Kassebaum

Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 20-26, 1985 Page 3.


9:30 SH-141 or S-230 MTG. w/Ray Arnett, Korologos, Warren Cassidy & Wayne LaPierre re Volkmer/McClure gun bill

10:00 SR-328A AG COMM. (mark-up of farm bill)

betw. 10:30-1:00 9th Fl. - Hart BRIEF REMARKS - Nat'l Foodbank Conf.

(handwritten) 11:30 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Byrd, Nunn, Frilderdorf(?), Warner- on MX

(handwritten) 11:00 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Bud McFarlane

1:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/John Deardourff

tent. 2:00 S-230 MTG. w/Mark McConaghy, Ed Cohen, Dave Glickman, Ken Gideon -tax ref.

(crossed out) 3:00

2:00 (location handwritten) S-128 Cap. MTG. w/ag groups, Admin. & Farm State Senators (John G)

5:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Volker & bipartisan group of Senators

5:00 -?? SR-485 RECEP. by Durenberger for Phillip Longman on publ. of article

5:30-8:00 1301 LHOB (Ag Comm) RECEP. by Nat'l Dairy Promo & Res. Bd. (Ivan Strickler, Iola Chairman)

5:30-7:30 2141 RHOB RECEP. by Federal Judges Assn. (Pete V./Mike/John P) 857-0220

5:30-7:30 H-130 Cap. RECEP. by Textron Co. sr. cor. mgmt. (Liz 289-5800)

5:30-7:30 S-207 Cap. RECEP. by Leag. of Women. Voters for '85 Soviet participants in Women's Dialogue US/USSR (Sen. only)

5:30-9:00 Mall by Smithsonian Air & 6-8:00 Space Museum S.E. Hoedown by Senate Tourism Caucus

6-8:00 Cap.Hill Club FR RECEP. for Cong. Jim Saxton (Sen. a co-host)

6-8:00 SR-325 RECEP. - Centennial of Ukrainian Immigation to US (Dave/Al) 356-5040

6-8:00 The Monocle FR RECEP. for Bobbi Fiedler

7-9:00 ABC-1717 DeSales, St., NW RECEP. for Bob Clark on his retirement (Liz Lokey 887-7200)

7:00 5807 Hillburne Way Chevy Chase (Kenwood section) BUFFET DINNER by Stevens for Kampelman, Tower & Glitman (Kathie or Susie X43004)

Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 20-26, 1985 Page 4.


8:30 S-230 Cap. BKFST. w/Kansas Delegation

(following appointment crossed out) 10:00 SR-328A AG COMM. (farm bill mark-up)

(following appointment crossed out) 1:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Heinz & Tom Griscom re Sen. races

(handwritten) 2:00 S-230 Cap. mtg. - Simpson mtg. w/Sens.(?) on "Bumpers Reticent Amend."

3:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Roger Stone

4:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Roger Ailes

5:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Volcker

6-8:00 Rayburn Ctyard RECEP. by Edison Elec. Inst. (Ksns expected) Mike/John P 887-0497

(time also applies to following appointment) 6:30 & 7:15 S-126 Cap. RECEP. by Monsanto Co. (David Brown 542-8865)

(time from previous location) S-207 Cap. DINNER by Monsanto Co.


tent. 8:00 Madison Hotel (handwritten) Mt. Vernon Room BKFST. by Monsanto Bd. of Dirs. (Danforth request) Chafee & Wallop also attndg. ) Judy X41402

1:00 Oval Ofc.- W.Hse. (NW Gate) SIGNING CEREMONY for HR 1869 (Recordkeeping Bill) (Amy 456-6782)

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