Weekly Schedules, May, 1994


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Weekly Schedules, May, 1994
Date (Dublin Core)
April 30, 1984-May 31, 1984
Date Created (Dublin Core)
Congress (Dublin Core)
98th (1983-1985)
Creator (Dublin Core)
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
Record Type (Dublin Core)
schedules (time plans)
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Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
Full Text (Extract Text)
7:45 am EDT Depart Butler Aviation- National Airport PHONE: 202/549-8340
Gulf & Western Westwind Jet
Tail # 723K
Manifest: Senator Dole
Chuck Chamberlain
Burkett Van Kirk (also w/ Webster, Chamberlain & Bean)
8:20 am CDT Arrive Nashville Metopolitan Jet Center
PHONE: 615/367-3400
Depart Nashville Airport enroute Opryland Hotel
8:40 am CDT Arrive Washington Ballroom- Opryland Hotel
PHONE: 615/889-1000
8:45 am CDT SPEAK- American Apparel Manufacturing Assn./ Golden Jubilee Annual Meeting
9:25 am CDT Depart Opryland Hotel enroute to airport
9:45 am CDT Depart Nashville Metropolitan Jet Center (same aircraft as outbound trip)
12:15 pm EDT Arrive Butler Aviation- National Airport (Dean will meet you)

9:30 am SD-538 CONSTIT SUBC (Crossed out: Pornography) (Handwritten: cancelled)
12:00 pm Pittsburgh, PA S P E A K- Natl Water Alliance
2:00 SR-328A NUTRITION SUBC (food stamps)
5:30-7:30 CapHillClub F.R. reception hon. Rep. McCandless
6 & 7 pm Ramada Renaissance Hotel (Handwritten: 775-0800) 1143 N. Hampshire Ave., N.W. KS. CHAMBER Cong. Dinner/ Reception
Tues, May 1
8:00 am Shorehame (Ambassador Rm) S P E A K- Higher Ed. Assist. Federation
8:45 Vista Hotel (Ballrm "A"/East Rm) S P E A K- Independent Bankers
11:45 S-230 Cap. CHAIRMEN'S MTG
12:30 pm S-207 Cap POLICY LUNCHEON
12:15-1:15 (Crossed out: SR-325) (Handwritten: SH-708) S P E A K- United Jewish Appeal Fedn Luncheon
2:00 pm SD-226 JUD CTE (S.2423, Victims of Crime Assist. Act)
4:30 SH-141 MTG. w/ Sec'y Regan & Bruce Thompson (Rod sit in)
5:30-7:30 Folger RECEPTION by Burlington Northern (Richard Bressler)
5:30-7:00 SH-708 RECEPTION hon Sen. Inouye by Assn Schools of Public Health
6-8:00 Conv. Center RECEPTION, Am. Inst. of Aeron./ Astronautics annual mtg
6-7:30 Wash Hilton (Crossed out: Terrace) (Handwritten: Ballroom) RECEPTION for Sen. Helms (Sen/Eliz. to attend Reception only)
6-8:00 2168 RHOB RECEPTION by Independent Bankers (Mike or John P)
6-8:00 Botanic Garden RECEPTION by Natl Council Higher Ed. (Chris)

Page Two
Wed, May 2
8:00 am SR-189 S P E A K- Sen. Grassley's Sioux City group
8:00 (Handwritten: (crossed out:S-128)S-126) S-(Crossed out: 120) Cap. BREAKFAST MTG, KS Society of CPAs (Mike/ John P)
10:00 SH-141 MEETING w/ KS Bankers Asn (Incl. Andy Chandler Bernie Ruysser, John Sullivan...) (John P.)
10:00 SD-411 (Helms' ofc) MTG. w/ Stockman & Helms (re food assistance)
10:30 SR-328A AG CTE (markup on child nutrition programs)
12:30-2 pm (Crossed out: S-207) (Handwritten: S-120 Cap.) JT. LUNCHEON, Steering Cte/ Wed. Club "N.C. barbeque"
2:00 pm SD-226 (Crossed out: JUD CTE (noms)) (Handwritten: cancelled)
6:45 pm Hyatt Reg. (Lexington Rm.) S P E A K- Pollution Control Council
6-8:00 Hyatt Reg. Columbia A Room F.R. for Sen. Boschwitz
7:00 Sheraton-Wash. Virginia Suite Entertainment Festival by Pres. Comm. on Employment of Handicapped
Thurs, May 3
8-9:30 am SR-385 BREAKFAST w/ KS Ins. Industry (Mike P.)
8:30 Cap Hilton (Pres. Ballrm) S P E A K- Amer Instit of CPAs
(crossed out: 10:00) (handwritten: 9:45) SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (mark-up- noms, disability & other issues)
(Line crossed out: 10:00 SR 328A AG CTE (markup on child nutrition programs)) (Handwritten: cancelled)
10:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (bus mtg)
11:30 SR-313(Kassebaum) Citizenship Seminar w/ 35 h.s. students & 6 sponsors (Barbara B) (Senator stop by)
1:00 pm Madison Hotel (Mt. Vernon Rm.) S P E A K- Ernie Wittenberg Group
1:45 SH-141 MTG. w/ J.D. Williams & Perry Bass (father of Sid & other Bass brothers)
4:30-6:30 SD-226 FAREWELL PARTY for Burt Wides (Kennedy's staff)
5:30 2111 RHOB MTG. w/ Rostenkowski
(Line crossed out: 7:14-10:00 Constit Hal NATL DAY OF PRAYER televised celebration)

Page Three
Fri, May 4
8:00 am Nashville, TN (Washington Rm., Opryland Hotel) S P E A K- Amer. Apparel Mfrs.
11-12 pm SR-385 MEETING/w 40 Sr. Citizens (w/Sen. Kassebaum) (Chris B.)
12:45 pm L'Enfant Plaza (Main Ballroom) S P E A K- Ernst & Whinney group (Handwritten: 484-1000)
3:30 Sen. Recording Studio TAPE RADIO SPOTS
6-8 S-207 Cap. RECEP. BY COCHRAN FOR Miss. GOP Party Capital Foundation
Sat, May 5
Sun, May 6
7:15pm Mayflower (State Room) S P E A K- Natl Assn of Corp Treasures

SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF MAY 7-13, 1984 (Handwritten: illegible)
Mon, May 7
9:30 am RNC Hqts Room '84 MEETING, Exec Cte of RNC Temp. Resolutions Cte
12:30-2:00 pm CapHillClub LUNCHEON by Exec Cte, RNC Temp. Resolutions Cte
2:00 pm SD-226 JUD CTE (DOJ auth)
2:30 SD-215 INTL TRADE SUB (non-market economy imports)
5-7:00 LaCollineRest RECEPTION, hon. Faith Whittlesey
5-8:00 2168 RHOB RECEPTION, tribute to VOLUNTEER winners by Durenberger
5:30-7 SR-325 RECEPTION by Former Members Assn
5:30-7:30 Sher-Carlton Crystal Rm & Garden RECEPTION, hon. Chinese delegation by Kaye, Scholer, Fierman, Hays & Handler
5:30-7:30 SD-106 RECEPTION for Natl Photo Week, featuring photos by members of Congress
6-8:00 CapHillClub RECEPTION, hon. Cong. Whittaker (Sen. only) (Sen. a co-host)
8:00 F St. Club DINNER by Amb/ Mrs. Brock & Sen./Mrs. Danforth

Page TWO
Tues, May 8
8:15 am SD-628 BREAKFAST by KS Electric Coops (John G/ Ed/ Mark)
9:20 SH-141 MEETING, KS Electric Coops (John G/ Ed/ Mark)
(Line Handwritten: 9:30 SR-328A AG cte (staff bfg member- child nut.)
10:00 Hall, HofR SPEC JT MTG, 98th Cong, Centennial Truman
(Line crossed out: 10:30 (Handwritten:45) SD-226 JUD CTE (pdg bus) (Handwritten: cancelled))
11:45 S-230 Cap CHAIRMEN's MEETING
12:30 pm S-207 Cap POLICY LUNCHEON
betw. 1&2 SH-141 INTERVIEW- Carl Rush (for Dole Fdn. Exec. Dir.) Judy B.
2:30 (Handwritten: illegible) S-106 Cap S P E A K- Assn. of Former Members of Congress
3:00 SH-141 MEETING w/ PRC Trade Minister Chen (Barbara B)
4:00 SH-141 MEETING w/ Todd Sherlock/ members KS Realtors Assn (Sen. see briefly if possible) (John P.)
5:30-7:15 SR-325 RECEPTION by Sm. Bus. Week (Ksns) (Mike P./ John P.)
6-8:00 CapHillClub F.R. for Arlan Stangeland (stop by)
6:30- WashHiltonHotel RECEPTION by Natl Assn Realtors (Mike/ John P)
7:00 800 25th, NW Apt. 502 DINNER by Hotel/ Restaurant Employees Intl
Wed, May 9
8:30 am Madison Hotel Exec Chambers 1 & 2 S P E A K- Institutional Investor Inst.
9:15 SH-141 Conf. Rm MTG. w/ Frank Naylor & REA group, incl. Lester Murphy, DEC Ex. VP
10:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (mark-up disabillity and other issues)
10:45 SD-211 MTG. w/ Sam Cohen (on Rev. bomds) Don S. - see you briefly
(crossed out: 10:00) (Handwritten: 11:00) SD-226 JUD CTE (S.J. Res. 233, Org. Crime Comm)
1:00 SH-141 MTG. w/ NBC re conventions (handwritten:illegible)
tent. 2:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (mark-up continued)
2:00 pm SD-226 JUD CTE (noms)
(Handwritten: 3-4:30 SR(illegible) BFG's, USDA (consultation))
6:00 1301 LHOB RECEPTION, Chicago Mercantile Exchange (Sen. only)
6:30 Sulgrave Club 1801 Mass Ave, NW COCKTAIL BUFFET, Natl Rep. Sen. Cte. 2nd Trust Mtg (Stop by on way to speech)
8:00 G.W. Univ. Marvin Center, 21st & 1st Sts, NW S P E A K- AWRDS DINNER by Intl Symp. on Health Sciences

Page Three
Thurs, May 10
8:00am 4 Seasons Salon "B" S P E A K- BUSINESS WEEK
8:45 Ritz- Carlton Potomac Rm S P E A K- Wash. Seminar for Bank Execs
9:45 Sher-Wash Richmond Rm S P E A K- News Editors
10:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (bus. mtg) (Handwritten: Photo Opportunity)
10:00 SR-328A CLOSED BIEFING for AG Cte Members by Staff
12-1:30pm SR-325 LUNCHEON, by Sen. Lugar/ Guy VanderJagt
(Line handwritten: 3:15 (illegible) (illegible)
4:00 SH-141 MEETING, Chmn/ Vice Chmn, KS Arts Council (Nancy O)
5-6:30 WashHilton Caucus Rm COCKTAILS w/ Chicago hosts (Jim Mack)
5:30-7 EF-100 Cap RECEPTION by Chmn, State Arts Agencies (Nancy O)
6-7:30 SR-325 RECEPTION, hon. Sen. Long by ESOP Assn (Ksns attg)
6:30&7:30 pm Wash-Hilton SENATE/HOUSE DINNER- BLACK TIE (with/ Eliz?)
6:30-8 Sher-Carlton Chandelier Rm RECEPTION by Bill Brock w/ intl trade people
Fri, May 11
7:30-9:30 B369 RHOB BREAKFAST by Natl FFA w/ Ksns. (Mark S.)
(Handrwitten/crossed out: a.m. here Stockman)
(Handwritten: 10:30 Taping)
Dep. for KANSAS (Handwritten: nomish or p.mp)

Page Four
Sat, May 12
Sun, May 13

Mon, May 7
9:30 am RNC Hqts Room '84 MEETING, Exec Cte of RNC Temp. Resolutions Cte
12:30-2:00 pm CapHillClub LUNCHEON by Exec Cte, RNC Temp. Resolutions Cte
2:00 pm SD-226 JUD CTE (DOJ auth)
2:30 SD-215 INTL TRADE SUB (non-market economy imports)
(Handwritten: 4:30 SH-141) Philip Knight, Pres. & CEO, NIKE, Bob Woody & Jim Keene (sp?) Sen.
5-7:00 LaCollineRest RECEPTION, hon. Faith Whittlesey
5-8:00 2168 RHOB RECPTION, trubute to VOLUNTEER winners by Durenberger
5:30-7 SR-325 RECEPTION by Former Members Assn
5:30-7:30 Sher-Carlton Crystal Rm & Garden RECEPTION, hon. Chinese delegation by Kaye, Scholer, Fierman, Hays & Handler
5:30-7:30 SD-106 RECEPTION for Natl Photo Week, featuring photos by members of Congress
6-8:00 CapHillClub RECEPTION, hon. Cong. Whittaker (Sen. only) (Sen. a co-host)
8:00 F St. Club DINNER by Amb/ Mrs. Brock & Sen/ Mrs. Danforth

Page Two
Tues, May 8
8:15am SD-628 BREAKFAST by KS Electric Coops (John G/Ed/Mark)
9:30 SH-141 MEETING, KS ELECTRIC Coops (John G/Ed/Mark)
10:00 Hall, HofR SPEC JT MTG, 98th Cong, Centennial Truman
(Line Crossed out 10:30 (Handwritten:45) SD-226 JUD CTE (pdg bus) (Handwritten: cancelled))
11:45 S-230 Cap CHAIRMEN's MEETING
12:30 pm S-207 Cap POLICY LUNCHEON
Betw. 1 & 2 SH-141 INTERVIEW- Carl Rush (for Dole Fdn. Exec. Dir.) Judy B.
2:30 S-106 Cap. S P E A K- Assn. Former Members of Congress
3:00 SH-141 MEETING w/ PRC Trade Minister Chen (Barbara B)
4:00 SH-141 MEETING - Todd Sherlock/ members KS Realtors Assn (Sen. see briefly if possible) (John P)
5:30-7:15 SR-325 RECEPTION by Sm. Bus. Week (Ksns) (Mike/ John P)
6-8:00 CapHillClub F.R. for Arlen Stangeland (stop by)
6:30- WashHiltonHotel RECEPTIOn by Natl Assn Realtors (Mike/John P)
7:00 800 25th, NW Apt. 502 DINNER by Hotel/Restaurant Employees Intl
Wed, May 9
8:30am Madison Hotel Exec Chambers 1 & 2 S P E A K- Institutional Investor Isnt.
9:15 SH-141 Conf. Rm MTG. w/ Frank Naylor & REA group, incl. Lester Murphy, DEC Ex. VP
10:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (mark-up disability & other issues)
10:45 SD-211 MTG. w/ Sam Cohen (on Rev. bonds) Don S. - see you briefly
(crossed out: 10:00) (Handwritten: 11:00) SD-226 JUD. CTE (S.J. Res. 233, Org. Crime Comm)
1:00 SH-141 MTG. w/ NBC re conventions (Gordon Manning)
Tent. 2:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (mark-up continued)
2:00 pm SD-226 JUD CTE (noms)
6:00 1301 LHOB RECEPTION, CHicago Mercantile Exchange (Sen. only)
6:30 Sulgrave Club 1801 Mass, Ave, NW COCKTAIL BUFFET, Natl Rep. Sen. Cte. 2nd Trust Mtg (Stop by on way to speech)
8:00 G.W. Univ. Marvin Center, 21st & I Sts, NW S P E A K- AWARDS DINNER by Intl Symp. on Health Sciences

Page Three
Thurs, May 10
8:00 am 4 Seasons Salon "B" S P E A K- BUSINESS WEEK (Handwritten: Barbara Daly)
8:45 Ritz-Carlton Potomac Rm S P E A K- Wash. Seminar for Bank Execs
9:45 Sher-Wash Richmond Rm S P E A K- News Editors
10:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (bus. mtg) (Handwritten:- photo of Comm at 10:00)
10:00 SR-328A CLOSED BRIEFING for AG Cte Members by Staff
12-1:30 pm SR-325 LUNCHEON, by Sen. Lugar/ Guy VanderJagt
(Underlined: 4:00) SH-141 MEETING, Chmn/ Vice Chmn, KS Arts Council (Nancy O)
5-6:30 WashHilton Caucus Rm COCKTAILS w/ Chicago hosts (Jim Mack)
(Handwritten:-)5:30-7 EF-100 Cap RECEPTION by Chmn, State Arts Agencies (Nancy O)
(Handwritten:-)6-7:30 SR-325 RECEPTION, hon. Sen. Long by ESOP Assn (Ksns attg)
6:30 & 7:30 pm Wash- Hilton SENATE/ HOUSE DINNER- (Underlined: BLACK TIE) (with/ Eliz?) (Handwritten: Eliz would rather not attend)
6:30-8 Sher-Carlton Chandelier Rm RECEPTION by Bill Brock w/ intl trade people
Fri, May 11
7:30-9:30 B369 RHOB BREAKFAST by Natl FFA w/ Ksns. (Mark S)
(Crossed out: 10:00 SH-141 Mtg. w/ Chrmn. Miller, FTC) (Handwrtten: no)
Dep. for KANSAS

Page Four
Sat, May 12
Sun, May 13

(Handwritten: BETTY)
May 11th and 12th, 1984
(Handwritten: Illegible)
May 11
Plan A
11:55 a.m. Depart Washington National, TWA Flight #371 (Seat 2D)
1:27 p.m. Arrive Kansas City International
Plan B
3:00 p.m. (Crossed out) Depart Bulter Aviation- Saber Liner Jet, Ta National Airport
5:00 p.m. (Crossed out) Arrive Flower Aviation, Salina- Dean Evans will meet you and take you to the Country Club. FLower Aviation
CONTACT: Betty Garrison- 872-4484 913/825- (Crossed out)
5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Reception- Salina Country Club- 913/827-9388
Stop By St. John Military School will be having their annual fundraising event in the room next to your reception. They have a picture of you they will be auctioning and would like to have you autograph it CONTACT: Col. Keith Duckers
7:15 p.m. Depart Flower Aviation for Wichita
7:45 p.m. Arrive Ryan Aviation in Whichita- Steve Coen will meet you and take you to the Holiday Inn Plaza - Ryan Aviation 316/942-0141
8:00 p.m. SPEAK- North Central Regional Association of Assessing Officers, Holiday Inn Plaza- CONTACT: Ann Eslick, Holiday Inn 316/264-1181
RON- WICHITA ROYALE- 316/263-2101
May 12
9:00 a.m. SPEAK- Second Annual Valley Center Cross COuntry Meet for the developmentally handicapped- New Horizons of Valley Center, Kansas CONTACT: Melinda Latimore- 316/755-1288 Opening Ceremony

SATURDAY May, 12, cont'd
NOON to 1:30 p.m. (Handwritten: DFs FR) LUNCHEON- Hosted by Dick Smith- Oak room, Wichita Club Wichita Club: 316/263-5271
2:00 p.m. Taco/Tico extravaganza/ party for the River Festival Mid-America Indian Center, 650 N, Seneca CONTACT: Ken Lehrman 316/686-7456 Indian Center: 316/262-5221
4:00 p.m. Depart Wichita- Jabara Airport- King Air Turbo, Tail #193A
PILOT: Dan Lacore- 316/684-2557
CO-PILOT: Brian Judd- 316/722-1758
CONTACT: Rita 316/686-7411
4:45 p.m. Arrive Lawrence Airport- Don Fambrough will meet you and take you to the Kansas Union- Lawrence Airport: 913/842-0000
Don Fambrough1
Kansas Union: 913/864-4596
5:00 p.m. Eighth Annual Minority Graduation Banquet (in progress) Big Eight Room, Kansas Union- CONTACT: Vernell Spearman 913/864-4351
Kansas Union: 913/864-4596
5:45 p.m. Depart Lawrence Airport for Kansas City Municiple
6:15 p.m. Arrive Executive Beechcraft, Kansas City Municiple Airport, Gale and Richard Grosch will meet you and take you to the Mushlebach Hotel- EXECUTIVE BEECHCRAFT: 816/842-8484
6:35 p.m. Arrive Muhlebach- Gale will have you checked in
MUHLEBACH HOTEL: 816-471-1400
6:40 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Relax and freshen up- can take more time if you wish
7:00 p.m. Harry S. Truman Scholarship Awards Banquet- Muehlebach Gale and Richard will also attend the banquet
8:15 p.m. SPEAK- Awards Banquet CONTACT: Glen Lineberry
RON- MUEHLEBACH- 816/471-1400
May 13
7:15 a.m. Depart Muehlebach for Kansas City International- Gale and Richard will drive you.
8:06 a.m. Depart KCI for St. Louis- TWA Flight 402 (Row 2, Seat 8)
9:02 a.m. Arrive St. Louis

May 13, cont'd
9:45 a.m. Depart St. Louis- TWA Flight #342 (Sead 3D)
12:36 p.m. Arrive Washington National
** Plan B- Can leave KCI for Slaina any time Friday afternoon. King Air Turbo, Tail #193A- Pilot: Dan Lacore CO-PILOT: Brian Judd

Ray Rowhuff, Pilot of the King Aire taking you to Slaina will meet you at Gate 34B (where your TWA flight comes in) and take you to Gate 36 where the King Aire will be

Mon, May 14
8:00 am B-338/40 RHOB BREAKFAST by Natl Tooling/ Machining Assn (Mike/John) (Les/Mary Dobbins; Peter/ Rita Lindig; Richard/ Shirley Bensen; & Chas. W. Hubbard from Kansas)
10:15 Hyatt (Balt) Constellation Ballrm (2d Flr) S P E A K- Natl Council of Sav. Instit.
1:45 SH-141 MTG. w/ Armand Hammer & James Hunter, cities Service, Wash.
3:30 SH-141 MTG. w/ Arnold Mayer, Food & Comm. Workers Union & Richard Worden, United Aut, Aerospace & Ag Implement Workers of Am. & 2 other labor people (w/Doug sitting in)
4-6:00 W.H. (Roos. Rm) Enter NW Gate FAREWELL RECEP for Jim Jenkins- hosted by Ed Meese PRESIDENT w/ be there at 4:15 (Dee 456-7600)
4:30-6:30 SR-253 RECEPTION, by Auto Dealers/ Drivers Free Trade PAC
5:30-7:30 Folger F.R. RECEP, hon. Elise DuPont (Cand for Rep. from Delaware (Sen./Eliz.- co-hosts)
6-8:00 SR-325 RECEPTION by Good Housekeeping, hon women on Sen. staffs
6:30-7:30 Hyatt Reg. Ballroom RECEP/DINNER, by Am. Intl Auto Dealers Assn
7-9:00 7600 Potomac Falls Rd, McLean F.R./ RECEPTION for Sen. Armstrong (at his home) 466-3024 Felicia
8:30-10:00 OAS Bldg. RECEPTION, for Pan American Child Congress (w/Eliz)

Page Two
Tues, May 15
6:40 am NBC Studio 4001 Nebr. Ave. "TODAY SHOW" w/ Bryant Gumbel (Car at W.G. 6:30; dep 6:45; show at 7:10)
7:30 J.W. Marriott Penn. Ave. BREAKFAST by Natl Consturction Indus Council (Mike/ John P)
8:00 CapHilton Cong. Room S P E A K- Amer Soc of Assn Execs
9:00 am SH-210 S P E A K- Govt. Research Corp.
9:30 SR-328A AG CTE (REA hearing, S.1300)
10:00 SD-215 FIN CTE (Markup-dis ins review proced/ Dickman case)
11:30- H-114 Cap. Maj. Whip RECEPTION, for members of Sen. Jackson Fndn Cong. Adv. Council
12:00 pm Sen. Park adjac Cap. MEMORIAL SVC, hon. deceased Law Enforcemt Ofcrs by Grand Lodge Ladies Aux. of Frat. Order of Police/ Law Enf. Ofcrs)
12-2:00 SR-325 S P E A K Sen. Domenici's group- "The New Mex. Amigos"
12:30 pm S-207 Cap POLICY LUNCHEON
1:30 S-305 Cap. MTG. w/ Bankruptcy Coalition group (w/Doug sitting in)
4:00 SH-135 MTG. arr. by Grassley w/ Roscoe Egger on taxation of churches, ministers, etc.
6-8:00 ROA Bldg. 1 Const. Ave, NE F.R. RECEP, hon. Sen. Percy
7:00 L'Enfant Plaza (Handwritten: Ballroom) S P E A K- Amer. Insurance Assn.

Page Three
Wed, May 16
8:00 am 2105 RHOB BREAKFAST by Blue Cross/ Blue Shield (Kansas group) (Mike/ John P)
10:00 am SR-328A AG CTE (child nutrition markup)
10:40 Senate goes to House Chamber for Joint Session
11:00 House Chamber JOINT SESSION w/ Pres. of Mexico, Miguel de la Madrid
1:30-2:15 SR-325 S P E A K- Sen. Specter's group
2:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM.- Mark-up of disability ins.
(Line crossed out: 2:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (noms) (handwritten:Canceled))
4:00 Sen. Floor COLLOQUY w/ Bumpers (Sheila Burke)
6:00 & 8:00 Hyatt Reg (Recep- Ticonderoga Rm; Dinner- Columbia Rm)
7:30 (Crossed out: Metro. Club) (Handwritten: alibi club) (Handwritten: speak) DINNER by Sen. Smathers (handwrittn: alibi club)
Thurs, May 17
10:30 SD-226 JUD CTE (bus mtg)
betw. 10:45-12:00 SD-106 SPEAK few minutes off-cuff- Nat'l Assn. of Homebuilders Cap. Club
4:45 Oval Ofc- W.House(NW Gate) MTG. w/ Pres., Regan, Pierce & sr. W.H. staff on enterprise zones
4-5:30 SD-562 RECEPTION by Natl Head Injury Fndn (Sheila/ Ed M)
5-7:00 S-207 Cap RECEPTION for Sen/ House Members by Fed. Judges Assn (Pete V)
5:30-7 SH-210 RECEPTION (only) "2nd Cong. Awards", by Sm Bus Council of America (Mike/ John P)
6-8:00 Folger F.R. RECEP, hon. Sen. Andrews
6:30 & 7:30 4 Seasons (Handwritten: Ballroom) S P E A K- Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies

Page Four
Fri, May 18
10:30 am SH-141 MTG w/ Dr. Carroll Behrhorst (former Kansan) who has run Behrhorst Clinic Fndn in Guatemala for 65 years) PHOTO OPPORTUNITY (Barbara B)
12:30 pm SH-141 MTG w/ Dr. A. Aytekin Kodanaz re Turkish-Amer. relations (stop by if possible) (Barbara B)
Sat, May 19
Sun, May 20
4:00 pm Marion, KS S P E A K- Marion High Schl Graduation
(Handwritten: 6:00 Lv. KC AAL #13f F/C)
(Handwritten: 7:17 arr. ORD)
(Handwritten: RON: Park Hyatt- chic)

(Handwritten: Senator + Betty)
Sunday, May 20, 1984
May 20
11:55 a.m. Depart Washington National, TWA Flight #371
1:27 p.m. Arrive Kansas City International (Gate 34B)
1:45 p.m. Depart KCI for Herington
CESSNA TURBO 421, Tail #N818PL
PILOT: Bruce Anderson
Co-Pilot: Nelson Krueger
2:30 p.m. Arrvie Herington Airport
2:35 p.m. Depart Herington Airport- Steve Coen will drive you
3:00 p.m. Arrive Marion
3:30 p.m. Pre-greaduation begins- City Park
4:00 p.m. SPEAK- Marion High School Graduation- City Park
4:20 p.m. Depart Marion for Herington Airport
4:45 p.m. Depart Herington Airport for KCI
6:00 p.m. Depart KCI for O'Hare- American Flight #138 (Gate 11)*
7:17 p.m. Arrive O'Hare
* Gate 11 for American Flight #138 is subject to change- pilots should call ahead or check earlier in the day.
CONTACT IN MARION: John Crofoot (Wife-Marian)
124 S. Thorp

NOTE: Kirk Clinkenbeard can be reached over the weekend at CHicago home of his friend, Mark Rafferty, at 943-4736.
MONDAY- Kirk at Percy Campaign 312/621-1984
Jim Mack at: 612/869-6321
Sunday, May 20
Depart Kansas City via American #138 F/C Seat 4E Arrive Chicago O'Hare
MET BY: Chicago Board of Trade Limo
RON: Park Hyatt 312/280-2222
Monday, May 21
12:15 pm Depart Park Hyatt via Chic. Bd. limo
12:30 Arrive Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
345 E. Superior Street .. PH: 312/649-6005
MET BY: Dr. Henry Betts at main door
Will proceed to Room 1545 (Smith Room) for Luncheon with Dr. Betts and others at Rehab. Inst.
1:15 PRESS AVAILABILITY w/ Sen. Percy at Rehab. Inst.- room to be determined
CONTACT: Kathy Lydon 312/353-4952
Percy's Office
1:30 Tour of Rhabilitation Institute
2:30 Depart Rehab. Institute via Chic. Bd. limo
3:30 Arrive Chicago Board of Options Exchange
1 Financial Plaza (bheind CBOT building)
PH: 312/786-5600
MET AT ENTRANCE BY: Harry A. Brandt,
President, H.A. Brandt & Assocs., and
Edmund J. O'Connor
Partner, O'Connor Grain Co.

MONDAY, MAY 21 (continued)
Walter Auch, Chairman
Chicago Board of Options Exchange
(The Options Policy Association, a part of the CBOE- actually their floor traders)
Contact: Peter Ianello, CBOE
Pat O'Donnell
986-9344 (Home)
466-2198 (Ofc.
Bill Murphy
652-3716 (Home)
775-4717 (Ofc.)
4:25 p.m. Depart CBOE via CBOT Limo
4:30 p.m.- 6:30 p.m. Arrive Mid- Day Club
56th Floor, One First National Plaza
(Campaign America, Jack Lousma and Senators Boschwitz, Percy and Simpson)
(Boschwitz and Simpson will not attend)
6:30 p.m. Depart Mid-Day Club via CBOT Limo
7:30 p.m. Depart Chicago O'Hare via United #820 F/C Seat 4C
(Note: Kirk Clinkenbeard and Tad Davis will be on same flight.)
9:59 p.m. Arrive Washington National Airport

(Handwritten: Senator + Betty)
Sunday, May 20, 1984
May 20
11:55 a.m. Depart Washington National, TWA Flight #371
1:27 p.m. Arrive Kansas City International (Gate 34B)
1:45 p.m. Depart KCI for Herington
CESSNA TURBO 421, Tail #N818PL
PILOT: Bruce Anderson
Co-Pilot: Nelson Krueger
2:30 p.m. Arrvie Herington Airport
2:35 p.m. Depart Herington Airport- Steve Coen will drive you
3:00 p.m. Arrive Marion
3:30 p.m. Pre-greaduation begins- City Park
4:00 p.m. SPEAK- Marion High School Graduation- City Park
4:20 p.m. Depart Marion for Herington Airport
4:45 p.m. Depart Herington Airport for KCI
6:00 p.m. Depart KCI for O'Hare- American Flight #138 (Gate 11)*
7:17 p.m. Arrive O'Hare
* Gate 11 for American Flight #138 is subject to change- pilots should call ahead or check earlier in the day.
CONTACT IN MARION: John Crofoot (Wife-Marian)
124 S. Thorp

NOTE: Kirk Clinkenbeard can be reached over the weekend at CHicago home of his friend, Mark Rafferty, at 943-4736.
MONDAY- Kirk at Percy Campaign 312/621-1984
Jim Mack at: 612/869-6321
Sunday, May 20
Depart Kansas City via American #138 F/C Seat 4E Arrive Chicago O'Hare
MET BY: Chicago Board of Trade Limo
RON: Park Hyatt 312/280-2222
Monday, May 21
12:15 pm Depart Park Hyatt via Chic. Bd. limo
12:30 Arrive Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
345 E. Superior Street .. PH: 312/649-6005
MET BY: Dr. Henry Betts at main door
Will proceed to Room 1545 (Smith Room) for Luncheon with Dr. Betts and others at Rehab. Inst.
1:15 PRESS AVAILABILITY w/ Sen. Percy at Rehab. Inst.- room to be determined
CONTACT: Kathy Lydon 312/353-4952
Percy's Office
1:30 Tour of Rhabilitation Institute
2:30 Depart Rehab. Institute via Chic. Bd. limo
3:30 Arrive Chicago Board of Options Exchange
1 Financial Plaza (bheind CBOT building)
PH: 312/786-5600
MET AT ENTRANCE BY: Harry A. Brandt,
President, H.A. Brandt & Assocs., and
Edmund J. O'Connor
Partner, O'Connor Grain Co.

MONDAY, MAY 21 (continued)
Walter Auch, Chairman
Chicago Board of Options Exchange
(The Options Policy Association, a part of the CBOE- actually their floor traders)
Contact: Peter Ianello, CBOE
Pat O'Donnell
986-9344 (Home)
466-2198 (Ofc.
Bill Murphy
652-3716 (Home)
775-4717 (Ofc.)
4:25 p.m. Depart CBOE via CBOT Limo
4:30 p.m.- 6:30 p.m. Arrive Mid- Day Club
56th Floor, One First National Plaza
(Campaign America, Jack Lousma and Senators Boschwitz, Percy and Simpson)
(Boschwitz and Simpson will not attend)
6:30 p.m. Depart Mid-Day Club via CBOT Limo
7:30 p.m. Depart Chicago O'Hare via United #820 F/C Seat 4C
(Note: Kirk Clinkenbeard and Tad Davis will be on same flight.)
9:59 p.m. Arrive Washington National Airport

Mon, May 21
9:30 am SD-215 SUBCTE ON OVERSIGHT OF IRS (hearing on impact of tax system on product in sm bus & agric)
12-2:00pm H-131 LUNCHEON by KS Assn Nurse Anesthetists (Ed??) (Stop by if possible)
Chicago F.R.
Tues, May 22
(Crossed out: 7:30) (Handwritten: 7:45) am Metro. Club F.R.
9:30 SR-301 RULES CTE (computer systems for Sen. ofcs)
10:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (S.1680, Malt Bev. Interbrand Compet Act)
10:30 West Cap Steps MEMORIAL SVC for Merchant Mariners Who Gave Lives for Their Country
(Crossed out: 11:45 S-230 Cap Chaimans Meeting) (Handwritten: Cancelled)
12:30 pm S-207 Cap POLICY LUNCHEON
12:20-1:00 SD-628 S P E A K- Lunch by Natl Assn on Disab. Awards Program (intro by Sen. Schweiker) (Judy B)
betw. 2-3 SH-141 or ?? BRIEF MTG> w/ Charles Kiselyak, Ofc. of Evaluation, State (re Barbara)
3:30 S-207 Cap WORKING COFFEE, hon. Pres-elect Jose Napolen Duarte Guentes, of Republic of El Salvador (by Baker, Byrd, Percy, Pell)
6:00 Shoreham Blue Rm FILM & Presentation by Bd Dir/ Pres. Classroom (try to stop by)
6-8:00 2167 RHOB RECEPTION by Armenian-Amer Community (Barbara B)
6-8:00 Vista Intl Hotel Sherwood Rm RECEPTION hon. Cong. John McCain
6-8:00 345 CHOB RECEPTION by Natl Assn Retail Druggists (Senator only)
7:30 Sher-Carlton Crystal Rm RECEPTION hon. Faith Whittlesey (by Sen. Laxalt)

Page Two
Wed, May 23
9:30 am SD-562 CONSTIT SUBC (S.J. Res. 10, ERA)
10:30 SD-226 SEP OF POWERS SUBC (S.1405, Fed. Neutral. Act)
12-1:00 pm SD-124 S P E A K (off cuff)- LUNCHEON- Alpha Gamma Rho Wash. Alumni Assn. (retired USDA officials)
1:15 (Handwritten: 1:30) Oval Ofc.- W. House (NWGate) Mtg. w/ Pres, Regan, Pierce & Sr. W.H. staff (Handwritten: Bob Cable 457-7557)- enterprise zones
(Crossed out: 2:00) (Handwritten: 1:30)pm SD-226 JUD CTE (pdg noms)
3:00 H-204 Cap (Tip O'Neill's Ofc) Meeting of House-Sen. Ldrship with Coretta King
5-7:00 EF-100 Cap RECEPTION, hon. Peter Jackson (Sen. Jackson's son) by Sen. Stevens
6:00 SR-325 RECEPTION by Amer Jewish Press Assn (stop by if poss)
6:30 & 7:30 Madison Hotel Mt. Vernon Rm RECEP/DINNER- Amer. Council of Life Ins.
Thurs, May 24
8-9:30 am Quality Inn Cap Hill BREAKFAST by Natl Cte Arts for Handicapped (incl. the Robinson Jr. H.S. Trubadors of Wichita) (Judy B)
(Crossed out: 10:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (bus mtg)) (Handwritten: cancelled)
7:00 Wine Cellar Georgetown Club DFS Dinner- Tad Davis arranging

Page Three
Fri, May 25
10:00 SH-141 APPT. w/ Ed Brooke, Walter Bodek, Pres., Mercedes Benz-N.A. & Allen G. Freun, V.P. & Gen. Counsel, Mercedes- Benz (w/ Rich)
10:00 am SD-215 INTL TRADE SUBC (Hearing on footwear industry)
10:20 SH-141 MTG. w/ Arthur Levitt, Pres., Am. Stock Exch. & Jack Albertine (822-9300)
10:45 SH-141 PHOTO w/ Dr. John Kullberg of ASPCA (presenting Humane Award to Sen)
12:30 pm Madison Hotel LUNCHEON hon. Soviet Dep Min. For Trade, Vladimir Sushkov

Position: 1759 (4 views)