Weekly Schedules, July, 1990
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- 17 Pages
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- s-pers_015_017_all
- Title (Dublin Core)
- Weekly Schedules, July, 1990
- Date (Dublin Core)
- July 1, 1990-July 28, 1990
- Date Created (Dublin Core)
- 1990-08-01/1990-08-28
- Congress (Dublin Core)
- 101st (1989-1991)
- Creator (Dublin Core)
- Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)
- Record Type (Dublin Core)
- schedules (time plans)
- Rights (Dublin Core)
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/CNE/1.0/
- Language (Dublin Core)
- eng
- Collection Finding Aid (Dublin Core)
- https://dolearchivecollections.ku.edu/index.php?p=collections/findingaid&id=21&q=
- Physical Location (Dublin Core)
- Collection 005, Box 15, Folder 17
- Institution (Dublin Core)
- Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
- Archival Collection (Dublin Core)
- Robert J. Dole Senate Papers-Personal/Political Files, 1969-1996
- Full Text (Extract Text)
July 6, 1990
SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of July 1 - 7, 1990 Page 1
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Mike Davidson
11:30 S-230 mtg. & lunch w/Randy Russell & Bill Lesher re: Farm Bill (Dave S.)
res Farm Bill (Dave S.)
12:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Trey Taylor from Douglasville, GA (David W.)
(David W.)
Tuesday, July 3
in office - no scheduled meetings
Wednesday, July 4
Thursday, July 5
12:10 Dining Room Senator’s lunch w/Sheila, Whit, Dennis
1:00 S-230 PHOTO & brief mtg. w/Sondra Williams
1:25 S-230 PHOTO w/interns (David)
1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sen. Warner & George Shafran (re: Freddie Mac appt.) (Jo-Anne)
Friday, July 6
11:30 S-230 KS radio conference call (Clarkson)
July 13, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page l
Monday, July 9
3:00 S-230 PHOTO & mtg. w/Khajas Barsamian, Primate of the Armenian Church (Al)
3:15 S-230 PHOTO & mtg. w/Gene Rossides (Al)
3:30 S-230 mtg. & PHOTO w/representatives from the Kansas Coalition Against Regressive Taxation (KS CART) (Carolyn)
4:00 H-139 SPEAK & PHOTO - Marquette University Intern Program (Clarkson/Walt)
4:30 S-230 mtg. w/House/Senate budget negotiators
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page 2
Tuesday, July 10
8:30 Hyatt Regency Wash, Regency A Room SPEAK - Associated Builders & Contractors (Jim M./Carolyn)
10:45-12:00 2118 Rayburn budget meeting
12:45 S-211 policy luncheon
2:10-2:30 La Colline, Private Dining Room SPEAK - The Washington Campus Seminar: Food System & Federal Policymaking (Clarkson/Dave)
2:00-5:00 2118 budget meeting
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Slovenian Prime Minister & Foreign Minister (Mira)
6:30-7:15 Rotunda receive award - Capitol Hill tribute in honor of His Holiness Dimitrios, Archbishop of Constantinople & Ecumenical Patriarch (co-host w/Mitchell, Foley, Michel) followed by reception
8:30 Statuary Hall ???? BLACK TIE dinner in honor of His Holiness Dimitrios
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page 3
Wednesday, July 11
9:30 S-230 PHOTO & mtg. w/Tom Johnson (Ohio State Representative)
9:45 S-230 Campaign Finance Reform Meeting (Dennis)
12:30 SH-520 DROP BY Wed. Lunch Club hosted by Sen. D'Amato & his mother
12:30 S-230 House/Senate GOP budget negotiators mtg. (Dennis)
1:25 S-230 PHOTO w/KS FFA students (Bret)
1:30 S-230 PHOTO & mtg. w/Mr. Enayetullah Khan (Greg)
1:00-6:00 S-207 budget meeting
2:00 S-230 drop by meeting w/Sec. Yeutter & Sen. Lugar
2:00 SD-226 Judiciary Committee - introduce Judge Robert C. Bonner, to be Administrator of DEA (Whit)
3:35 West Front of the Capitol Albania/American Rally (Mira)
4:00 S-230 mtg. & PHOTO w/tobacco distributors from Kansas: William Hagman, Elizabeth Taylor, Ronda Wassenbaugh
6:00-8:00 S-120 Nat'l Assoc. of Business Political Action Committees reception (Jo-Anne)
6:15-7:00 SH-708 SPEAK - International Society of Political Psychology (Clarkson)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page 4
Thursday, July 12
9:30-10:45 S-126 DROP BY - No Greater Love breakfast in honor of the First Medal of Honor given during the Civil War being donated to Congress f/permanent display
10:15-11:15 White House Pres. debriefing on NATO & Summit (Cabinet Room) (bipartisan House/Senate Leadership)
11:30 S-230 Civil Rights Conference
11:30-1:30 SD-106 American Meat Institute annual National Hot Dog Month Luncheon
12:15 S-230 meeting w/6 Chinese Mayors lead by the Mayor of Shanghai (Al)
1:25 S-230 PHOTO w/Ken Swinke (intern w/Sen. Bentsen); Trisha Masoth from Yates Center, KS; Sean Allen, UCLA (David); & Phillip DeKemper; PHOTO w/5 Chinese per Rep. McEwen's request
1:35 S-230 PHOTO & courtesy call by Mr. Tsugi, President of Sharp Co.
3:45 S-230 GOP House/Senate budget negotiators meeting
4:45 S-230 mtg. on Civil Rights (Kennedy, Gorton, Kassebaum, Hatch, Specter, Metzenbaum, Jeffords, Danforth)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page 5
Friday, July 13
9:10 J.W. Marriott, Grand Ballroom accept Lifetime Achievement Award given by the Nat'l League of POW/MIA Families
10:00 H-236 House/Senate budget negotiators meeting
11:00 S-230 Mr. Friedrich Sogoyan (sculptor) will be in the office (Al)
11:00 S-230 Civil Rights meeting w/7 GOP Senators & Sununu
11:30 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson)
1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Lyn Nofziger
2:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Larry Washburn, Univ. of KS (Sarah); & Mark Hutchinson (Judy B.)
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/South African Minister of Justice Kobie Coetzee (Al)
July 20, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 1
Monday, July 16
10:15 S-230 PHOTO & receive American Red Cross Award on behalf of the staff f/5th largest group donating blood in the Senate blood drive
10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/43 Univ. of KS students (David)
12:00-1:30 S-120 DROP BY??? luncheon honoring Senate Republican Conference Task Force on Hispanic Affairs (Al)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Ken & Joan Miller from Ohio; and Stephanie Sauceda & her 3 daughters from Kansas City (David)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 2
Tuesday, July 17
9:45 Senate Recep. Room greet Father Tim O'Brien & 27 international journalists w/Marquette Univ. Seminar Prog. immediately following the opening prayer (Clarkson)
10:00 White House GOP House/Senate Leadership meeting regarding the balanced budget, amendment, civil rights, & parental leave
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Iraqi Ambassador Al-Mashat (Al)
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Zev Wolfson (Al)
12:20 "America" Union Station SPEAK - Rep. Tom Tauke's supporters from Iowa (NOTE: Mrs. Dole is speaking also) (Jo-Anne)
12:45 S-211 policy luncheon
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Joe Wiliams, Chairman & CEO of Warner-Lambert (Sheila)
5:30-7:30 Madison Building, LOC congressional reception hosted by the American Farm Bureau Federation & Rep. Bill Emerson
6:00-8:00 S-207 American Political Science reception honoring the 37th Class of Congressional Fellows
7:00-7:30 SH-413 LIVE TV appearance on Sen. Specter's show "Washington Hotline" (Clarkson)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 3
Wednesday, July 18
9:30 S-230 PHOTO OP & MTG. w/British Labor Party Leader Neil Kinnock (Al)
10:00 S-230 DROP BY meeting w/Gene Trumble and Whit, Carolyn, & Greg re: oil import fees
11:05-11:20 White House, Oval Office mtg. w/President Bush & Sen. Specter re: Iraq
11:20 White House mtg. w/Pres. Bush, Sen. Danforth & Sen. Jeffords re: civil rights
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Sen. Lott
12:30 S-230 PHOTO & flag presentation by Elbert Watson, The World War Times editor (Bill)
1:00 S-230 mtg. w/President of the Kasakhstan Republic of the U.S.S.R., N.A. Nazarbaev (Al)
1:30 S-230 PHOTO w/John Zwonitzer, FFA student from Horton (Bret)
2:00-3:30 White House House/Senate Leadership mtg. re: budget (Oval Office)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/2 Kansas students (David)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Hatch, Kassebaum, Jeffords, Specter, Gorton, Murkowski, Wilson re: Civil Rights
5:00-8:00 Nat'l Press Club reception to celebrate the Omaha World-Herald's 50 years in Washington, D.C. (13th Floor) (Walt)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 4
Thursday, July 19
8:30-9:00 Senatorial Committee SPEAK - Senate Presidents Council (Clarkson/Dennis)
9:30 S-230 mtg. w/Soviet Delegation lead by Mr. Veprev, Chairman of U.S.S.R. Supreme Soviet Committee on Agriculture & Food (Al)
11:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Julie Jennings from Overland Park (David)
1:00 S-230 mtg. w/Japanese Members (Al)
1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Yuetter & Darman
2:00 S-230 DROP BY - Cecilia K. Bros. meeting w/Greg and Dennis
2:00 S-207 budget meeting
3:15 Dirksen G50 SPEAK - Congressional Youth Leadership (Kathy/Clarkson)
4:30-6:30 SR-325 reception hosted by Senator & Mrs. Thurmond honoring the 1990 Strom Thurmond Seminar Participants
5:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senators Mitchell, Rudman, & Michael Davidson re: Durenberger
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 5
Friday, July 20
8:30-9:30 S-201 Health Task Force breakfast meeting (Sheila) (Sen. Chafee's Capitol Office)
9:30 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Medicare - Living Wills
10:00 SDG50 Dirksen SPEAK - Congressional Intern Program (Don Lee/David)
10:00 S-230 Domenici mtg. w/Senators re: budget
10:00 SR-332 AG COMM - hearing to investigate concentration in the meat packing industry
11:15 S-230 PHOTO w/20 Armenian orphans (Al)
11:20 S-230 brief hello w/Col. Donlon (CMH) (Bill)
11:30 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson)
12:00 S-230 brief hello w/George Yin
2:00 Mass Ave. CNN Evans & Novak Show taping (Walt)
July 27, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 1
Sunday, July 22
8:40 4001 Nebraska Avenue, NW Meet the Press live taping at 9:30 a.m. (you will be picked up at your residence at 8:40 a.m. by one of their drivers)
11:00 Westin Hotel brunch f/4 - 2401 M St, N.W.
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 2
Monday, July 23
travel to Fort Riley (separate schedule)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 3
Tuesday, July 24
8:30-10:30 White House House/Senate Leadershing mtg. re: budget (Oval Office)
10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Exec. Session - Stanford Ross & David Walker, nominees to be Social Security public trustees
11:00 S-221 mtg. w/President of Ecuador, Rodrigo Borja, and Senator Mitchell (Al)
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Foreign Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Alexander Prlje (Mira)
12:00 S-230 DROP BY - Lee Daniels, Illinois State Rep., meeting w/Carolyn
12:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Heather Bornfield (David); and w/Anne Ayers; Ron & Kathy Lindberg, & children Erica & Nels (Marcie)
12:45 S-211 policy luncheon
2:00-5:00 H-137 budget summit
2:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Taxation "Debt Limit Increase"
3:00 H-166 Dr. Narva's office
4:30 S-230 mtg. w/Mr. Harry Figgie, Chairman of Figgie International (Sheila)
4:45 S-230 DROP BY?? - Carolyn meeting with Paige Wodell, Martin Worthy, Jane Boyle, Frank McDermott
5:30-7:30 S-211 Building & Construction Trades Dept., AFL-CIO, & National Italian American Foundation reception honoring Ralph Fasanella
6:00-8:00 S-207 reception honoring Senator Burdick
7:30 AMC Movie Theater, Union Station Brief remarks prior to the screening of Chuck Norris' "Delta Force II" (co-hosting w/Senator Wilson) (movie begins at 7:45)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 4
Wednesday, July 25
9:00-10:00 White House House/Senate Leadership meeting re: budget
10:15-11:15 White House House/Senate Leadership meeting re: DOD Authorization (Cabinet Room)
11:30 House Triangle John Block Press Conference on the Farm BIll
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Judge Souter, Senators Rudman, Humphrey, Simpson, & Thurmond
12:45 Senate steps PHOTO w/350 National FFA students including 100 State Presidents (Bret)
1:00 S-230 mtg. w/Gov. of the Nat'l Bank of Romania, Mugur Isarescu; Pres. of the Romanian Bank f/Foreign Trade, Vasile Voloseniuc, & Fred Wilson
2:00 S-230 DROP BY - Whit meeting w/Roland Smith, Exec. Dir. of the Wichita Independent Business Associates
5:00-7:00 H-137 Pepsi-Cola reception to celebrate the formation of an historic minority business partnership
5:30 S-230 mtg. w/Darman, Brady, & other Republican House/Senate budget members
7:00 Holiday Inn Crown Plaza, Boardroom III, 12th & H St, NW DROP BY? Board of Directors of the American Cement Alliance Dinner (per Dick Creighton)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 5
Thursday, July 26
8:45-9:45 White House House/Senate Leadership meeting regarding budget (Oval Office)
10:00-10:15 White House Signing Ceremony f/the ADA (15 min. ceremony; South Lawn, arrive by 9:30 a.m., NW Gate)
11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Randy Brown - Iowa (Jo-Anne)
11:30 S-230 telephone meeting w/Western Fuels Assoc./Garden City (Greg)
12:15 Willard Hotel, Grant Suite, 2nd Floor SPEAK - Forum 101 Series (Capital Legislative Services)
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Prime Minister of Latvia, Ivars Godmania, and Foreign Minister, Janis Jurkans (Al)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Tu Dao & Chad Bryan from Wichita; Neil Stoliar & Julie Williamson, interns from U.S.-Baltic Foundation; & Eric Rice; Mrs. Kathy Vrbas & 2 sons from Atwood, KS: (David)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Liu Kao-Tsai (Al)
4:30-6:30 S-230 reception in honor of Dr. Narva
5:30-7:30 SD-192 DROP BY???? "No Greater Love" reception (you are an honorary co-host w/Senators Kennedy & Moynihan) honoring released hostages Frank Reed & Robert Polhill
5:00-7:00 SH-216 reception hosted by the Consortium f/Citizens w/Disabilities to celebrate the ADA (Mo W.)
9:00 S-236 Senators' AG meeting
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 6
Friday, July 27
9:00-10:00 White House House/Senate Leadership mtg. re: budget
10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Energy
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Donald B. Rice, Secretary of the Air Force (Dan)
11:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Mary Alice Dobson from Scott City (Marcie); and w/Bill Scofield, Exec. Dir. of the Kansas Chapter of the National Assoc. of Elementary School Principals (Don)
11:30 S-230 KS radio conference call (Clarkson)
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. Jim Brady, CEO of Allied Services (Mo W.)
12:15 S-230 GOP Senate/House budget meeting
2:15 S-230 mtg. w/Rep. Virginia Smith
2:30 S-230 SPEAK to Connecticut Junior Intern Program -
July 6, 1990
SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of July 1 - 7, 1990 Page 1
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Mike Davidson
11:30 S-230 mtg. & lunch w/Randy Russell & Bill Lesher re: Farm Bill (Dave S.)
res Farm Bill (Dave S.)
12:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Trey Taylor from Douglasville, GA (David W.)
(David W.)
Tuesday, July 3
in office - no scheduled meetings
Wednesday, July 4
Thursday, July 5
12:10 Dining Room Senator’s lunch w/Sheila, Whit, Dennis
1:00 S-230 PHOTO & brief mtg. w/Sondra Williams
1:25 S-230 PHOTO w/interns (David)
1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sen. Warner & George Shafran (re: Freddie Mac appt.) (Jo-Anne)
Friday, July 6
11:30 S-230 KS radio conference call (Clarkson)
July 13, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page l
Monday, July 9
3:00 S-230 PHOTO & mtg. w/Khajas Barsamian, Primate of the Armenian Church (Al)
3:15 S-230 PHOTO & mtg. w/Gene Rossides (Al)
3:30 S-230 mtg. & PHOTO w/representatives from the Kansas Coalition Against Regressive Taxation (KS CART) (Carolyn)
4:00 H-139 SPEAK & PHOTO - Marquette University Intern Program (Clarkson/Walt)
4:30 S-230 mtg. w/House/Senate budget negotiators
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page 2
Tuesday, July 10
8:30 Hyatt Regency Wash, Regency A Room SPEAK - Associated Builders & Contractors (Jim M./Carolyn)
10:45-12:00 2118 Rayburn budget meeting
12:45 S-211 policy luncheon
2:10-2:30 La Colline, Private Dining Room SPEAK - The Washington Campus Seminar: Food System & Federal Policymaking (Clarkson/Dave)
2:00-5:00 2118 budget meeting
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Slovenian Prime Minister & Foreign Minister (Mira)
6:30-7:15 Rotunda receive award - Capitol Hill tribute in honor of His Holiness Dimitrios, Archbishop of Constantinople & Ecumenical Patriarch (co-host w/Mitchell, Foley, Michel) followed by reception
8:30 Statuary Hall ???? BLACK TIE dinner in honor of His Holiness Dimitrios
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page 3
Wednesday, July 11
9:30 S-230 PHOTO & mtg. w/Tom Johnson (Ohio State Representative)
9:45 S-230 Campaign Finance Reform Meeting (Dennis)
12:30 SH-520 DROP BY Wed. Lunch Club hosted by Sen. D'Amato & his mother
12:30 S-230 House/Senate GOP budget negotiators mtg. (Dennis)
1:25 S-230 PHOTO w/KS FFA students (Bret)
1:30 S-230 PHOTO & mtg. w/Mr. Enayetullah Khan (Greg)
1:00-6:00 S-207 budget meeting
2:00 S-230 drop by meeting w/Sec. Yeutter & Sen. Lugar
2:00 SD-226 Judiciary Committee - introduce Judge Robert C. Bonner, to be Administrator of DEA (Whit)
3:35 West Front of the Capitol Albania/American Rally (Mira)
4:00 S-230 mtg. & PHOTO w/tobacco distributors from Kansas: William Hagman, Elizabeth Taylor, Ronda Wassenbaugh
6:00-8:00 S-120 Nat'l Assoc. of Business Political Action Committees reception (Jo-Anne)
6:15-7:00 SH-708 SPEAK - International Society of Political Psychology (Clarkson)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page 4
Thursday, July 12
9:30-10:45 S-126 DROP BY - No Greater Love breakfast in honor of the First Medal of Honor given during the Civil War being donated to Congress f/permanent display
10:15-11:15 White House Pres. debriefing on NATO & Summit (Cabinet Room) (bipartisan House/Senate Leadership)
11:30 S-230 Civil Rights Conference
11:30-1:30 SD-106 American Meat Institute annual National Hot Dog Month Luncheon
12:15 S-230 meeting w/6 Chinese Mayors lead by the Mayor of Shanghai (Al)
1:25 S-230 PHOTO w/Ken Swinke (intern w/Sen. Bentsen); Trisha Masoth from Yates Center, KS; Sean Allen, UCLA (David); & Phillip DeKemper; PHOTO w/5 Chinese per Rep. McEwen's request
1:35 S-230 PHOTO & courtesy call by Mr. Tsugi, President of Sharp Co.
3:45 S-230 GOP House/Senate budget negotiators meeting
4:45 S-230 mtg. on Civil Rights (Kennedy, Gorton, Kassebaum, Hatch, Specter, Metzenbaum, Jeffords, Danforth)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page 5
Friday, July 13
9:10 J.W. Marriott, Grand Ballroom accept Lifetime Achievement Award given by the Nat'l League of POW/MIA Families
10:00 H-236 House/Senate budget negotiators meeting
11:00 S-230 Mr. Friedrich Sogoyan (sculptor) will be in the office (Al)
11:00 S-230 Civil Rights meeting w/7 GOP Senators & Sununu
11:30 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson)
1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Lyn Nofziger
2:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Larry Washburn, Univ. of KS (Sarah); & Mark Hutchinson (Judy B.)
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/South African Minister of Justice Kobie Coetzee (Al)
July 20, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 1
Monday, July 16
10:15 S-230 PHOTO & receive American Red Cross Award on behalf of the staff f/5th largest group donating blood in the Senate blood drive
10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/43 Univ. of KS students (David)
12:00-1:30 S-120 DROP BY??? luncheon honoring Senate Republican Conference Task Force on Hispanic Affairs (Al)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Ken & Joan Miller from Ohio; and Stephanie Sauceda & her 3 daughters from Kansas City (David)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 2
Tuesday, July 17
9:45 Senate Recep. Room greet Father Tim O'Brien & 27 international journalists w/Marquette Univ. Seminar Prog. immediately following the opening prayer (Clarkson)
10:00 White House GOP House/Senate Leadership meeting regarding the balanced budget, amendment, civil rights, & parental leave
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Iraqi Ambassador Al-Mashat (Al)
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Zev Wolfson (Al)
12:20 "America" Union Station SPEAK - Rep. Tom Tauke's supporters from Iowa (NOTE: Mrs. Dole is speaking also) (Jo-Anne)
12:45 S-211 policy luncheon
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Joe Wiliams, Chairman & CEO of Warner-Lambert (Sheila)
5:30-7:30 Madison Building, LOC congressional reception hosted by the American Farm Bureau Federation & Rep. Bill Emerson
6:00-8:00 S-207 American Political Science reception honoring the 37th Class of Congressional Fellows
7:00-7:30 SH-413 LIVE TV appearance on Sen. Specter's show "Washington Hotline" (Clarkson)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 3
Wednesday, July 18
9:30 S-230 PHOTO OP & MTG. w/British Labor Party Leader Neil Kinnock (Al)
10:00 S-230 DROP BY meeting w/Gene Trumble and Whit, Carolyn, & Greg re: oil import fees
11:05-11:20 White House, Oval Office mtg. w/President Bush & Sen. Specter re: Iraq
11:20 White House mtg. w/Pres. Bush, Sen. Danforth & Sen. Jeffords re: civil rights
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Sen. Lott
12:30 S-230 PHOTO & flag presentation by Elbert Watson, The World War Times editor (Bill)
1:00 S-230 mtg. w/President of the Kasakhstan Republic of the U.S.S.R., N.A. Nazarbaev (Al)
1:30 S-230 PHOTO w/John Zwonitzer, FFA student from Horton (Bret)
2:00-3:30 White House House/Senate Leadership mtg. re: budget (Oval Office)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/2 Kansas students (David)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Hatch, Kassebaum, Jeffords, Specter, Gorton, Murkowski, Wilson re: Civil Rights
5:00-8:00 Nat'l Press Club reception to celebrate the Omaha World-Herald's 50 years in Washington, D.C. (13th Floor) (Walt)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 4
Thursday, July 19
8:30-9:00 Senatorial Committee SPEAK - Senate Presidents Council (Clarkson/Dennis)
9:30 S-230 mtg. w/Soviet Delegation lead by Mr. Veprev, Chairman of U.S.S.R. Supreme Soviet Committee on Agriculture & Food (Al)
11:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Julie Jennings from Overland Park (David)
1:00 S-230 mtg. w/Japanese Members (Al)
1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Yuetter & Darman
2:00 S-230 DROP BY - Cecilia K. Bros. meeting w/Greg and Dennis
2:00 S-207 budget meeting
3:15 Dirksen G50 SPEAK - Congressional Youth Leadership (Kathy/Clarkson)
4:30-6:30 SR-325 reception hosted by Senator & Mrs. Thurmond honoring the 1990 Strom Thurmond Seminar Participants
5:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senators Mitchell, Rudman, & Michael Davidson re: Durenberger
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 5
Friday, July 20
8:30-9:30 S-201 Health Task Force breakfast meeting (Sheila) (Sen. Chafee's Capitol Office)
9:30 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Medicare - Living Wills
10:00 SDG50 Dirksen SPEAK - Congressional Intern Program (Don Lee/David)
10:00 S-230 Domenici mtg. w/Senators re: budget
10:00 SR-332 AG COMM - hearing to investigate concentration in the meat packing industry
11:15 S-230 PHOTO w/20 Armenian orphans (Al)
11:20 S-230 brief hello w/Col. Donlon (CMH) (Bill)
11:30 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson)
12:00 S-230 brief hello w/George Yin
2:00 Mass Ave. CNN Evans & Novak Show taping (Walt)
July 27, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 1
Sunday, July 22
8:40 4001 Nebraska Avenue, NW Meet the Press live taping at 9:30 a.m. (you will be picked up at your residence at 8:40 a.m. by one of their drivers)
11:00 Westin Hotel brunch f/4 - 2401 M St, N.W.
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 2
Monday, July 23
travel to Fort Riley (separate schedule)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 3
Tuesday, July 24
8:30-10:30 White House House/Senate Leadershing mtg. re: budget (Oval Office)
10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Exec. Session - Stanford Ross & David Walker, nominees to be Social Security public trustees
11:00 S-221 mtg. w/President of Ecuador, Rodrigo Borja, and Senator Mitchell (Al)
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Foreign Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Alexander Prlje (Mira)
12:00 S-230 DROP BY - Lee Daniels, Illinois State Rep., meeting w/Carolyn
12:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Heather Bornfield (David); and w/Anne Ayers; Ron & Kathy Lindberg, & children Erica & Nels (Marcie)
12:45 S-211 policy luncheon
2:00-5:00 H-137 budget summit
2:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Taxation "Debt Limit Increase"
3:00 H-166 Dr. Narva's office
4:30 S-230 mtg. w/Mr. Harry Figgie, Chairman of Figgie International (Sheila)
4:45 S-230 DROP BY?? - Carolyn meeting with Paige Wodell, Martin Worthy, Jane Boyle, Frank McDermott
5:30-7:30 S-211 Building & Construction Trades Dept., AFL-CIO, & National Italian American Foundation reception honoring Ralph Fasanella
6:00-8:00 S-207 reception honoring Senator Burdick
7:30 AMC Movie Theater, Union Station Brief remarks prior to the screening of Chuck Norris' "Delta Force II" (co-hosting w/Senator Wilson) (movie begins at 7:45)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 4
Wednesday, July 25
9:00-10:00 White House House/Senate Leadership meeting re: budget
10:15-11:15 White House House/Senate Leadership meeting re: DOD Authorization (Cabinet Room)
11:30 House Triangle John Block Press Conference on the Farm BIll
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Judge Souter, Senators Rudman, Humphrey, Simpson, & Thurmond
12:45 Senate steps PHOTO w/350 National FFA students including 100 State Presidents (Bret)
1:00 S-230 mtg. w/Gov. of the Nat'l Bank of Romania, Mugur Isarescu; Pres. of the Romanian Bank f/Foreign Trade, Vasile Voloseniuc, & Fred Wilson
2:00 S-230 DROP BY - Whit meeting w/Roland Smith, Exec. Dir. of the Wichita Independent Business Associates
5:00-7:00 H-137 Pepsi-Cola reception to celebrate the formation of an historic minority business partnership
5:30 S-230 mtg. w/Darman, Brady, & other Republican House/Senate budget members
7:00 Holiday Inn Crown Plaza, Boardroom III, 12th & H St, NW DROP BY? Board of Directors of the American Cement Alliance Dinner (per Dick Creighton)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 5
Thursday, July 26
8:45-9:45 White House House/Senate Leadership meeting regarding budget (Oval Office)
10:00-10:15 White House Signing Ceremony f/the ADA (15 min. ceremony; South Lawn, arrive by 9:30 a.m., NW Gate)
11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Randy Brown - Iowa (Jo-Anne)
11:30 S-230 telephone meeting w/Western Fuels Assoc./Garden City (Greg)
12:15 Willard Hotel, Grant Suite, 2nd Floor SPEAK - Forum 101 Series (Capital Legislative Services)
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Prime Minister of Latvia, Ivars Godmania, and Foreign Minister, Janis Jurkans (Al)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Tu Dao & Chad Bryan from Wichita; Neil Stoliar & Julie Williamson, interns from U.S.-Baltic Foundation; & Eric Rice; Mrs. Kathy Vrbas & 2 sons from Atwood, KS: (David)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Liu Kao-Tsai (Al)
4:30-6:30 S-230 reception in honor of Dr. Narva
5:30-7:30 SD-192 DROP BY???? "No Greater Love" reception (you are an honorary co-host w/Senators Kennedy & Moynihan) honoring released hostages Frank Reed & Robert Polhill
5:00-7:00 SH-216 reception hosted by the Consortium f/Citizens w/Disabilities to celebrate the ADA (Mo W.)
9:00 S-236 Senators' AG meeting
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 6
Friday, July 27
9:00-10:00 White House House/Senate Leadership mtg. re: budget
10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Energy
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Donald B. Rice, Secretary of the Air Force (Dan)
11:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Mary Alice Dobson from Scott City (Marcie); and w/Bill Scofield, Exec. Dir. of the Kansas Chapter of the National Assoc. of Elementary School Principals (Don)
11:30 S-230 KS radio conference call (Clarkson)
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. Jim Brady, CEO of Allied Services (Mo W.)
12:15 S-230 GOP Senate/House budget meeting
2:15 S-230 mtg. w/Rep. Virginia Smith
2:30 S-230 SPEAK to Connecticut Junior Intern Program -
July 6, 1990
SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of July 1 - 7, 1990 Page 1
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Mike Davidson
11:30 S-230 mtg. & lunch w/Randy Russell & Bill Lesher re: Farm Bill (Dave S.)
res Farm Bill (Dave S.)
12:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Trey Taylor from Douglasville, GA (David W.)
(David W.)
Tuesday, July 3
in office - no scheduled meetings
Wednesday, July 4
Thursday, July 5
12:10 Dining Room Senator’s lunch w/Sheila, Whit, Dennis
1:00 S-230 PHOTO & brief mtg. w/Sondra Williams
1:25 S-230 PHOTO w/interns (David)
1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sen. Warner & George Shafran (re: Freddie Mac appt.) (Jo-Anne)
Friday, July 6
11:30 S-230 KS radio conference call (Clarkson)
July 13, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page l
Monday, July 9
3:00 S-230 PHOTO & mtg. w/Khajas Barsamian, Primate of the Armenian Church (Al)
3:15 S-230 PHOTO & mtg. w/Gene Rossides (Al)
3:30 S-230 mtg. & PHOTO w/representatives from the Kansas Coalition Against Regressive Taxation (KS CART) (Carolyn)
4:00 H-139 SPEAK & PHOTO - Marquette University Intern Program (Clarkson/Walt)
4:30 S-230 mtg. w/House/Senate budget negotiators
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page 2
Tuesday, July 10
8:30 Hyatt Regency Wash, Regency A Room SPEAK - Associated Builders & Contractors (Jim M./Carolyn)
10:45-12:00 2118 Rayburn budget meeting
12:45 S-211 policy luncheon
2:10-2:30 La Colline, Private Dining Room SPEAK - The Washington Campus Seminar: Food System & Federal Policymaking (Clarkson/Dave)
2:00-5:00 2118 budget meeting
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Slovenian Prime Minister & Foreign Minister (Mira)
6:30-7:15 Rotunda receive award - Capitol Hill tribute in honor of His Holiness Dimitrios, Archbishop of Constantinople & Ecumenical Patriarch (co-host w/Mitchell, Foley, Michel) followed by reception
8:30 Statuary Hall ???? BLACK TIE dinner in honor of His Holiness Dimitrios
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page 3
Wednesday, July 11
9:30 S-230 PHOTO & mtg. w/Tom Johnson (Ohio State Representative)
9:45 S-230 Campaign Finance Reform Meeting (Dennis)
12:30 SH-520 DROP BY Wed. Lunch Club hosted by Sen. D'Amato & his mother
12:30 S-230 House/Senate GOP budget negotiators mtg. (Dennis)
1:25 S-230 PHOTO w/KS FFA students (Bret)
1:30 S-230 PHOTO & mtg. w/Mr. Enayetullah Khan (Greg)
1:00-6:00 S-207 budget meeting
2:00 S-230 drop by meeting w/Sec. Yeutter & Sen. Lugar
2:00 SD-226 Judiciary Committee - introduce Judge Robert C. Bonner, to be Administrator of DEA (Whit)
3:35 West Front of the Capitol Albania/American Rally (Mira)
4:00 S-230 mtg. & PHOTO w/tobacco distributors from Kansas: William Hagman, Elizabeth Taylor, Ronda Wassenbaugh
6:00-8:00 S-120 Nat'l Assoc. of Business Political Action Committees reception (Jo-Anne)
6:15-7:00 SH-708 SPEAK - International Society of Political Psychology (Clarkson)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page 4
Thursday, July 12
9:30-10:45 S-126 DROP BY - No Greater Love breakfast in honor of the First Medal of Honor given during the Civil War being donated to Congress f/permanent display
10:15-11:15 White House Pres. debriefing on NATO & Summit (Cabinet Room) (bipartisan House/Senate Leadership)
11:30 S-230 Civil Rights Conference
11:30-1:30 SD-106 American Meat Institute annual National Hot Dog Month Luncheon
12:15 S-230 meeting w/6 Chinese Mayors lead by the Mayor of Shanghai (Al)
1:25 S-230 PHOTO w/Ken Swinke (intern w/Sen. Bentsen); Trisha Masoth from Yates Center, KS; Sean Allen, UCLA (David); & Phillip DeKemper; PHOTO w/5 Chinese per Rep. McEwen's request
1:35 S-230 PHOTO & courtesy call by Mr. Tsugi, President of Sharp Co.
3:45 S-230 GOP House/Senate budget negotiators meeting
4:45 S-230 mtg. on Civil Rights (Kennedy, Gorton, Kassebaum, Hatch, Specter, Metzenbaum, Jeffords, Danforth)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page 5
Friday, July 13
9:10 J.W. Marriott, Grand Ballroom accept Lifetime Achievement Award given by the Nat'l League of POW/MIA Families
10:00 H-236 House/Senate budget negotiators meeting
11:00 S-230 Mr. Friedrich Sogoyan (sculptor) will be in the office (Al)
11:00 S-230 Civil Rights meeting w/7 GOP Senators & Sununu
11:30 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson)
1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Lyn Nofziger
2:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Larry Washburn, Univ. of KS (Sarah); & Mark Hutchinson (Judy B.)
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/South African Minister of Justice Kobie Coetzee (Al)
July 20, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 1
Monday, July 16
10:15 S-230 PHOTO & receive American Red Cross Award on behalf of the staff f/5th largest group donating blood in the Senate blood drive
10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/43 Univ. of KS students (David)
12:00-1:30 S-120 DROP BY??? luncheon honoring Senate Republican Conference Task Force on Hispanic Affairs (Al)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Ken & Joan Miller from Ohio; and Stephanie Sauceda & her 3 daughters from Kansas City (David)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 2
Tuesday, July 17
9:45 Senate Recep. Room greet Father Tim O'Brien & 27 international journalists w/Marquette Univ. Seminar Prog. immediately following the opening prayer (Clarkson)
10:00 White House GOP House/Senate Leadership meeting regarding the balanced budget, amendment, civil rights, & parental leave
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Iraqi Ambassador Al-Mashat (Al)
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Zev Wolfson (Al)
12:20 "America" Union Station SPEAK - Rep. Tom Tauke's supporters from Iowa (NOTE: Mrs. Dole is speaking also) (Jo-Anne)
12:45 S-211 policy luncheon
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Joe Wiliams, Chairman & CEO of Warner-Lambert (Sheila)
5:30-7:30 Madison Building, LOC congressional reception hosted by the American Farm Bureau Federation & Rep. Bill Emerson
6:00-8:00 S-207 American Political Science reception honoring the 37th Class of Congressional Fellows
7:00-7:30 SH-413 LIVE TV appearance on Sen. Specter's show "Washington Hotline" (Clarkson)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 3
Wednesday, July 18
9:30 S-230 PHOTO OP & MTG. w/British Labor Party Leader Neil Kinnock (Al)
10:00 S-230 DROP BY meeting w/Gene Trumble and Whit, Carolyn, & Greg re: oil import fees
11:05-11:20 White House, Oval Office mtg. w/President Bush & Sen. Specter re: Iraq
11:20 White House mtg. w/Pres. Bush, Sen. Danforth & Sen. Jeffords re: civil rights
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Sen. Lott
12:30 S-230 PHOTO & flag presentation by Elbert Watson, The World War Times editor (Bill)
1:00 S-230 mtg. w/President of the Kasakhstan Republic of the U.S.S.R., N.A. Nazarbaev (Al)
1:30 S-230 PHOTO w/John Zwonitzer, FFA student from Horton (Bret)
2:00-3:30 White House House/Senate Leadership mtg. re: budget (Oval Office)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/2 Kansas students (David)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Hatch, Kassebaum, Jeffords, Specter, Gorton, Murkowski, Wilson re: Civil Rights
5:00-8:00 Nat'l Press Club reception to celebrate the Omaha World-Herald's 50 years in Washington, D.C. (13th Floor) (Walt)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 4
Thursday, July 19
8:30-9:00 Senatorial Committee SPEAK - Senate Presidents Council (Clarkson/Dennis)
9:30 S-230 mtg. w/Soviet Delegation lead by Mr. Veprev, Chairman of U.S.S.R. Supreme Soviet Committee on Agriculture & Food (Al)
11:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Julie Jennings from Overland Park (David)
1:00 S-230 mtg. w/Japanese Members (Al)
1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Yuetter & Darman
2:00 S-230 DROP BY - Cecilia K. Bros. meeting w/Greg and Dennis
2:00 S-207 budget meeting
3:15 Dirksen G50 SPEAK - Congressional Youth Leadership (Kathy/Clarkson)
4:30-6:30 SR-325 reception hosted by Senator & Mrs. Thurmond honoring the 1990 Strom Thurmond Seminar Participants
5:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senators Mitchell, Rudman, & Michael Davidson re: Durenberger
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 5
Friday, July 20
8:30-9:30 S-201 Health Task Force breakfast meeting (Sheila) (Sen. Chafee's Capitol Office)
9:30 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Medicare - Living Wills
10:00 SDG50 Dirksen SPEAK - Congressional Intern Program (Don Lee/David)
10:00 S-230 Domenici mtg. w/Senators re: budget
10:00 SR-332 AG COMM - hearing to investigate concentration in the meat packing industry
11:15 S-230 PHOTO w/20 Armenian orphans (Al)
11:20 S-230 brief hello w/Col. Donlon (CMH) (Bill)
11:30 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson)
12:00 S-230 brief hello w/George Yin
2:00 Mass Ave. CNN Evans & Novak Show taping (Walt)
July 27, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 1
Sunday, July 22
8:40 4001 Nebraska Avenue, NW Meet the Press live taping at 9:30 a.m. (you will be picked up at your residence at 8:40 a.m. by one of their drivers)
11:00 Westin Hotel brunch f/4 - 2401 M St, N.W.
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 2
Monday, July 23
travel to Fort Riley (separate schedule)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 3
Tuesday, July 24
8:30-10:30 White House House/Senate Leadershing mtg. re: budget (Oval Office)
10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Exec. Session - Stanford Ross & David Walker, nominees to be Social Security public trustees
11:00 S-221 mtg. w/President of Ecuador, Rodrigo Borja, and Senator Mitchell (Al)
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Foreign Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Alexander Prlje (Mira)
12:00 S-230 DROP BY - Lee Daniels, Illinois State Rep., meeting w/Carolyn
12:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Heather Bornfield (David); and w/Anne Ayers; Ron & Kathy Lindberg, & children Erica & Nels (Marcie)
12:45 S-211 policy luncheon
2:00-5:00 H-137 budget summit
2:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Taxation "Debt Limit Increase"
3:00 H-166 Dr. Narva's office
4:30 S-230 mtg. w/Mr. Harry Figgie, Chairman of Figgie International (Sheila)
4:45 S-230 DROP BY?? - Carolyn meeting with Paige Wodell, Martin Worthy, Jane Boyle, Frank McDermott
5:30-7:30 S-211 Building & Construction Trades Dept., AFL-CIO, & National Italian American Foundation reception honoring Ralph Fasanella
6:00-8:00 S-207 reception honoring Senator Burdick
7:30 AMC Movie Theater, Union Station Brief remarks prior to the screening of Chuck Norris' "Delta Force II" (co-hosting w/Senator Wilson) (movie begins at 7:45)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 4
Wednesday, July 25
9:00-10:00 White House House/Senate Leadership meeting re: budget
10:15-11:15 White House House/Senate Leadership meeting re: DOD Authorization (Cabinet Room)
11:30 House Triangle John Block Press Conference on the Farm BIll
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Judge Souter, Senators Rudman, Humphrey, Simpson, & Thurmond
12:45 Senate steps PHOTO w/350 National FFA students including 100 State Presidents (Bret)
1:00 S-230 mtg. w/Gov. of the Nat'l Bank of Romania, Mugur Isarescu; Pres. of the Romanian Bank f/Foreign Trade, Vasile Voloseniuc, & Fred Wilson
2:00 S-230 DROP BY - Whit meeting w/Roland Smith, Exec. Dir. of the Wichita Independent Business Associates
5:00-7:00 H-137 Pepsi-Cola reception to celebrate the formation of an historic minority business partnership
5:30 S-230 mtg. w/Darman, Brady, & other Republican House/Senate budget members
7:00 Holiday Inn Crown Plaza, Boardroom III, 12th & H St, NW DROP BY? Board of Directors of the American Cement Alliance Dinner (per Dick Creighton)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 5
Thursday, July 26
8:45-9:45 White House House/Senate Leadership meeting regarding budget (Oval Office)
10:00-10:15 White House Signing Ceremony f/the ADA (15 min. ceremony; South Lawn, arrive by 9:30 a.m., NW Gate)
11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Randy Brown - Iowa (Jo-Anne)
11:30 S-230 telephone meeting w/Western Fuels Assoc./Garden City (Greg)
12:15 Willard Hotel, Grant Suite, 2nd Floor SPEAK - Forum 101 Series (Capital Legislative Services)
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Prime Minister of Latvia, Ivars Godmania, and Foreign Minister, Janis Jurkans (Al)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Tu Dao & Chad Bryan from Wichita; Neil Stoliar & Julie Williamson, interns from U.S.-Baltic Foundation; & Eric Rice; Mrs. Kathy Vrbas & 2 sons from Atwood, KS: (David)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Liu Kao-Tsai (Al)
4:30-6:30 S-230 reception in honor of Dr. Narva
5:30-7:30 SD-192 DROP BY???? "No Greater Love" reception (you are an honorary co-host w/Senators Kennedy & Moynihan) honoring released hostages Frank Reed & Robert Polhill
5:00-7:00 SH-216 reception hosted by the Consortium f/Citizens w/Disabilities to celebrate the ADA (Mo W.)
9:00 S-236 Senators' AG meeting
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 6
Friday, July 27
9:00-10:00 White House House/Senate Leadership mtg. re: budget
10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Energy
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Donald B. Rice, Secretary of the Air Force (Dan)
11:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Mary Alice Dobson from Scott City (Marcie); and w/Bill Scofield, Exec. Dir. of the Kansas Chapter of the National Assoc. of Elementary School Principals (Don)
11:30 S-230 KS radio conference call (Clarkson)
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. Jim Brady, CEO of Allied Services (Mo W.)
12:15 S-230 GOP Senate/House budget meeting
2:15 S-230 mtg. w/Rep. Virginia Smith
2:30 S-230 SPEAK to Connecticut Junior Intern Program -
July 6, 1990
SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of July 1 - 7, 1990 Page 1
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Mike Davidson
11:30 S-230 mtg. & lunch w/Randy Russell & Bill Lesher re: Farm Bill (Dave S.)
res Farm Bill (Dave S.)
12:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Trey Taylor from Douglasville, GA (David W.)
(David W.)
Tuesday, July 3
in office - no scheduled meetings
Wednesday, July 4
Thursday, July 5
12:10 Dining Room Senator’s lunch w/Sheila, Whit, Dennis
1:00 S-230 PHOTO & brief mtg. w/Sondra Williams
1:25 S-230 PHOTO w/interns (David)
1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sen. Warner & George Shafran (re: Freddie Mac appt.) (Jo-Anne)
Friday, July 6
11:30 S-230 KS radio conference call (Clarkson)
July 13, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page l
Monday, July 9
3:00 S-230 PHOTO & mtg. w/Khajas Barsamian, Primate of the Armenian Church (Al)
3:15 S-230 PHOTO & mtg. w/Gene Rossides (Al)
3:30 S-230 mtg. & PHOTO w/representatives from the Kansas Coalition Against Regressive Taxation (KS CART) (Carolyn)
4:00 H-139 SPEAK & PHOTO - Marquette University Intern Program (Clarkson/Walt)
4:30 S-230 mtg. w/House/Senate budget negotiators
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page 2
Tuesday, July 10
8:30 Hyatt Regency Wash, Regency A Room SPEAK - Associated Builders & Contractors (Jim M./Carolyn)
10:45-12:00 2118 Rayburn budget meeting
12:45 S-211 policy luncheon
2:10-2:30 La Colline, Private Dining Room SPEAK - The Washington Campus Seminar: Food System & Federal Policymaking (Clarkson/Dave)
2:00-5:00 2118 budget meeting
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Slovenian Prime Minister & Foreign Minister (Mira)
6:30-7:15 Rotunda receive award - Capitol Hill tribute in honor of His Holiness Dimitrios, Archbishop of Constantinople & Ecumenical Patriarch (co-host w/Mitchell, Foley, Michel) followed by reception
8:30 Statuary Hall ???? BLACK TIE dinner in honor of His Holiness Dimitrios
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page 3
Wednesday, July 11
9:30 S-230 PHOTO & mtg. w/Tom Johnson (Ohio State Representative)
9:45 S-230 Campaign Finance Reform Meeting (Dennis)
12:30 SH-520 DROP BY Wed. Lunch Club hosted by Sen. D'Amato & his mother
12:30 S-230 House/Senate GOP budget negotiators mtg. (Dennis)
1:25 S-230 PHOTO w/KS FFA students (Bret)
1:30 S-230 PHOTO & mtg. w/Mr. Enayetullah Khan (Greg)
1:00-6:00 S-207 budget meeting
2:00 S-230 drop by meeting w/Sec. Yeutter & Sen. Lugar
2:00 SD-226 Judiciary Committee - introduce Judge Robert C. Bonner, to be Administrator of DEA (Whit)
3:35 West Front of the Capitol Albania/American Rally (Mira)
4:00 S-230 mtg. & PHOTO w/tobacco distributors from Kansas: William Hagman, Elizabeth Taylor, Ronda Wassenbaugh
6:00-8:00 S-120 Nat'l Assoc. of Business Political Action Committees reception (Jo-Anne)
6:15-7:00 SH-708 SPEAK - International Society of Political Psychology (Clarkson)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page 4
Thursday, July 12
9:30-10:45 S-126 DROP BY - No Greater Love breakfast in honor of the First Medal of Honor given during the Civil War being donated to Congress f/permanent display
10:15-11:15 White House Pres. debriefing on NATO & Summit (Cabinet Room) (bipartisan House/Senate Leadership)
11:30 S-230 Civil Rights Conference
11:30-1:30 SD-106 American Meat Institute annual National Hot Dog Month Luncheon
12:15 S-230 meeting w/6 Chinese Mayors lead by the Mayor of Shanghai (Al)
1:25 S-230 PHOTO w/Ken Swinke (intern w/Sen. Bentsen); Trisha Masoth from Yates Center, KS; Sean Allen, UCLA (David); & Phillip DeKemper; PHOTO w/5 Chinese per Rep. McEwen's request
1:35 S-230 PHOTO & courtesy call by Mr. Tsugi, President of Sharp Co.
3:45 S-230 GOP House/Senate budget negotiators meeting
4:45 S-230 mtg. on Civil Rights (Kennedy, Gorton, Kassebaum, Hatch, Specter, Metzenbaum, Jeffords, Danforth)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page 5
Friday, July 13
9:10 J.W. Marriott, Grand Ballroom accept Lifetime Achievement Award given by the Nat'l League of POW/MIA Families
10:00 H-236 House/Senate budget negotiators meeting
11:00 S-230 Mr. Friedrich Sogoyan (sculptor) will be in the office (Al)
11:00 S-230 Civil Rights meeting w/7 GOP Senators & Sununu
11:30 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson)
1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Lyn Nofziger
2:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Larry Washburn, Univ. of KS (Sarah); & Mark Hutchinson (Judy B.)
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/South African Minister of Justice Kobie Coetzee (Al)
July 20, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 1
Monday, July 16
10:15 S-230 PHOTO & receive American Red Cross Award on behalf of the staff f/5th largest group donating blood in the Senate blood drive
10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/43 Univ. of KS students (David)
12:00-1:30 S-120 DROP BY??? luncheon honoring Senate Republican Conference Task Force on Hispanic Affairs (Al)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Ken & Joan Miller from Ohio; and Stephanie Sauceda & her 3 daughters from Kansas City (David)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 2
Tuesday, July 17
9:45 Senate Recep. Room greet Father Tim O'Brien & 27 international journalists w/Marquette Univ. Seminar Prog. immediately following the opening prayer (Clarkson)
10:00 White House GOP House/Senate Leadership meeting regarding the balanced budget, amendment, civil rights, & parental leave
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Iraqi Ambassador Al-Mashat (Al)
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Zev Wolfson (Al)
12:20 "America" Union Station SPEAK - Rep. Tom Tauke's supporters from Iowa (NOTE: Mrs. Dole is speaking also) (Jo-Anne)
12:45 S-211 policy luncheon
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Joe Wiliams, Chairman & CEO of Warner-Lambert (Sheila)
5:30-7:30 Madison Building, LOC congressional reception hosted by the American Farm Bureau Federation & Rep. Bill Emerson
6:00-8:00 S-207 American Political Science reception honoring the 37th Class of Congressional Fellows
7:00-7:30 SH-413 LIVE TV appearance on Sen. Specter's show "Washington Hotline" (Clarkson)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 3
Wednesday, July 18
9:30 S-230 PHOTO OP & MTG. w/British Labor Party Leader Neil Kinnock (Al)
10:00 S-230 DROP BY meeting w/Gene Trumble and Whit, Carolyn, & Greg re: oil import fees
11:05-11:20 White House, Oval Office mtg. w/President Bush & Sen. Specter re: Iraq
11:20 White House mtg. w/Pres. Bush, Sen. Danforth & Sen. Jeffords re: civil rights
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Sen. Lott
12:30 S-230 PHOTO & flag presentation by Elbert Watson, The World War Times editor (Bill)
1:00 S-230 mtg. w/President of the Kasakhstan Republic of the U.S.S.R., N.A. Nazarbaev (Al)
1:30 S-230 PHOTO w/John Zwonitzer, FFA student from Horton (Bret)
2:00-3:30 White House House/Senate Leadership mtg. re: budget (Oval Office)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/2 Kansas students (David)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Hatch, Kassebaum, Jeffords, Specter, Gorton, Murkowski, Wilson re: Civil Rights
5:00-8:00 Nat'l Press Club reception to celebrate the Omaha World-Herald's 50 years in Washington, D.C. (13th Floor) (Walt)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 4
Thursday, July 19
8:30-9:00 Senatorial Committee SPEAK - Senate Presidents Council (Clarkson/Dennis)
9:30 S-230 mtg. w/Soviet Delegation lead by Mr. Veprev, Chairman of U.S.S.R. Supreme Soviet Committee on Agriculture & Food (Al)
11:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Julie Jennings from Overland Park (David)
1:00 S-230 mtg. w/Japanese Members (Al)
1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Yuetter & Darman
2:00 S-230 DROP BY - Cecilia K. Bros. meeting w/Greg and Dennis
2:00 S-207 budget meeting
3:15 Dirksen G50 SPEAK - Congressional Youth Leadership (Kathy/Clarkson)
4:30-6:30 SR-325 reception hosted by Senator & Mrs. Thurmond honoring the 1990 Strom Thurmond Seminar Participants
5:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senators Mitchell, Rudman, & Michael Davidson re: Durenberger
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 5
Friday, July 20
8:30-9:30 S-201 Health Task Force breakfast meeting (Sheila) (Sen. Chafee's Capitol Office)
9:30 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Medicare - Living Wills
10:00 SDG50 Dirksen SPEAK - Congressional Intern Program (Don Lee/David)
10:00 S-230 Domenici mtg. w/Senators re: budget
10:00 SR-332 AG COMM - hearing to investigate concentration in the meat packing industry
11:15 S-230 PHOTO w/20 Armenian orphans (Al)
11:20 S-230 brief hello w/Col. Donlon (CMH) (Bill)
11:30 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson)
12:00 S-230 brief hello w/George Yin
2:00 Mass Ave. CNN Evans & Novak Show taping (Walt)
July 27, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 1
Sunday, July 22
8:40 4001 Nebraska Avenue, NW Meet the Press live taping at 9:30 a.m. (you will be picked up at your residence at 8:40 a.m. by one of their drivers)
11:00 Westin Hotel brunch f/4 - 2401 M St, N.W.
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 2
Monday, July 23
travel to Fort Riley (separate schedule)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 3
Tuesday, July 24
8:30-10:30 White House House/Senate Leadershing mtg. re: budget (Oval Office)
10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Exec. Session - Stanford Ross & David Walker, nominees to be Social Security public trustees
11:00 S-221 mtg. w/President of Ecuador, Rodrigo Borja, and Senator Mitchell (Al)
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Foreign Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Alexander Prlje (Mira)
12:00 S-230 DROP BY - Lee Daniels, Illinois State Rep., meeting w/Carolyn
12:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Heather Bornfield (David); and w/Anne Ayers; Ron & Kathy Lindberg, & children Erica & Nels (Marcie)
12:45 S-211 policy luncheon
2:00-5:00 H-137 budget summit
2:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Taxation "Debt Limit Increase"
3:00 H-166 Dr. Narva's office
4:30 S-230 mtg. w/Mr. Harry Figgie, Chairman of Figgie International (Sheila)
4:45 S-230 DROP BY?? - Carolyn meeting with Paige Wodell, Martin Worthy, Jane Boyle, Frank McDermott
5:30-7:30 S-211 Building & Construction Trades Dept., AFL-CIO, & National Italian American Foundation reception honoring Ralph Fasanella
6:00-8:00 S-207 reception honoring Senator Burdick
7:30 AMC Movie Theater, Union Station Brief remarks prior to the screening of Chuck Norris' "Delta Force II" (co-hosting w/Senator Wilson) (movie begins at 7:45)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 4
Wednesday, July 25
9:00-10:00 White House House/Senate Leadership meeting re: budget
10:15-11:15 White House House/Senate Leadership meeting re: DOD Authorization (Cabinet Room)
11:30 House Triangle John Block Press Conference on the Farm BIll
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Judge Souter, Senators Rudman, Humphrey, Simpson, & Thurmond
12:45 Senate steps PHOTO w/350 National FFA students including 100 State Presidents (Bret)
1:00 S-230 mtg. w/Gov. of the Nat'l Bank of Romania, Mugur Isarescu; Pres. of the Romanian Bank f/Foreign Trade, Vasile Voloseniuc, & Fred Wilson
2:00 S-230 DROP BY - Whit meeting w/Roland Smith, Exec. Dir. of the Wichita Independent Business Associates
5:00-7:00 H-137 Pepsi-Cola reception to celebrate the formation of an historic minority business partnership
5:30 S-230 mtg. w/Darman, Brady, & other Republican House/Senate budget members
7:00 Holiday Inn Crown Plaza, Boardroom III, 12th & H St, NW DROP BY? Board of Directors of the American Cement Alliance Dinner (per Dick Creighton)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 5
Thursday, July 26
8:45-9:45 White House House/Senate Leadership meeting regarding budget (Oval Office)
10:00-10:15 White House Signing Ceremony f/the ADA (15 min. ceremony; South Lawn, arrive by 9:30 a.m., NW Gate)
11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Randy Brown - Iowa (Jo-Anne)
11:30 S-230 telephone meeting w/Western Fuels Assoc./Garden City (Greg)
12:15 Willard Hotel, Grant Suite, 2nd Floor SPEAK - Forum 101 Series (Capital Legislative Services)
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Prime Minister of Latvia, Ivars Godmania, and Foreign Minister, Janis Jurkans (Al)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Tu Dao & Chad Bryan from Wichita; Neil Stoliar & Julie Williamson, interns from U.S.-Baltic Foundation; & Eric Rice; Mrs. Kathy Vrbas & 2 sons from Atwood, KS: (David)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Liu Kao-Tsai (Al)
4:30-6:30 S-230 reception in honor of Dr. Narva
5:30-7:30 SD-192 DROP BY???? "No Greater Love" reception (you are an honorary co-host w/Senators Kennedy & Moynihan) honoring released hostages Frank Reed & Robert Polhill
5:00-7:00 SH-216 reception hosted by the Consortium f/Citizens w/Disabilities to celebrate the ADA (Mo W.)
9:00 S-236 Senators' AG meeting
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 6
Friday, July 27
9:00-10:00 White House House/Senate Leadership mtg. re: budget
10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Energy
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Donald B. Rice, Secretary of the Air Force (Dan)
11:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Mary Alice Dobson from Scott City (Marcie); and w/Bill Scofield, Exec. Dir. of the Kansas Chapter of the National Assoc. of Elementary School Principals (Don)
11:30 S-230 KS radio conference call (Clarkson)
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. Jim Brady, CEO of Allied Services (Mo W.)
12:15 S-230 GOP Senate/House budget meeting
2:15 S-230 mtg. w/Rep. Virginia Smith
2:30 S-230 SPEAK to Connecticut Junior Intern Program -
July 6, 1990
SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of July 1 - 7, 1990 Page 1
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Mike Davidson
11:30 S-230 mtg. & lunch w/Randy Russell & Bill Lesher re: Farm Bill (Dave S.)
res Farm Bill (Dave S.)
12:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Trey Taylor from Douglasville, GA (David W.)
(David W.)
Tuesday, July 3
in office - no scheduled meetings
Wednesday, July 4
Thursday, July 5
12:10 Dining Room Senator’s lunch w/Sheila, Whit, Dennis
1:00 S-230 PHOTO & brief mtg. w/Sondra Williams
1:25 S-230 PHOTO w/interns (David)
1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sen. Warner & George Shafran (re: Freddie Mac appt.) (Jo-Anne)
Friday, July 6
11:30 S-230 KS radio conference call (Clarkson)
July 13, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page l
Monday, July 9
3:00 S-230 PHOTO & mtg. w/Khajas Barsamian, Primate of the Armenian Church (Al)
3:15 S-230 PHOTO & mtg. w/Gene Rossides (Al)
3:30 S-230 mtg. & PHOTO w/representatives from the Kansas Coalition Against Regressive Taxation (KS CART) (Carolyn)
4:00 H-139 SPEAK & PHOTO - Marquette University Intern Program (Clarkson/Walt)
4:30 S-230 mtg. w/House/Senate budget negotiators
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page 2
Tuesday, July 10
8:30 Hyatt Regency Wash, Regency A Room SPEAK - Associated Builders & Contractors (Jim M./Carolyn)
10:45-12:00 2118 Rayburn budget meeting
12:45 S-211 policy luncheon
2:10-2:30 La Colline, Private Dining Room SPEAK - The Washington Campus Seminar: Food System & Federal Policymaking (Clarkson/Dave)
2:00-5:00 2118 budget meeting
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Slovenian Prime Minister & Foreign Minister (Mira)
6:30-7:15 Rotunda receive award - Capitol Hill tribute in honor of His Holiness Dimitrios, Archbishop of Constantinople & Ecumenical Patriarch (co-host w/Mitchell, Foley, Michel) followed by reception
8:30 Statuary Hall ???? BLACK TIE dinner in honor of His Holiness Dimitrios
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page 3
Wednesday, July 11
9:30 S-230 PHOTO & mtg. w/Tom Johnson (Ohio State Representative)
9:45 S-230 Campaign Finance Reform Meeting (Dennis)
12:30 SH-520 DROP BY Wed. Lunch Club hosted by Sen. D'Amato & his mother
12:30 S-230 House/Senate GOP budget negotiators mtg. (Dennis)
1:25 S-230 PHOTO w/KS FFA students (Bret)
1:30 S-230 PHOTO & mtg. w/Mr. Enayetullah Khan (Greg)
1:00-6:00 S-207 budget meeting
2:00 S-230 drop by meeting w/Sec. Yeutter & Sen. Lugar
2:00 SD-226 Judiciary Committee - introduce Judge Robert C. Bonner, to be Administrator of DEA (Whit)
3:35 West Front of the Capitol Albania/American Rally (Mira)
4:00 S-230 mtg. & PHOTO w/tobacco distributors from Kansas: William Hagman, Elizabeth Taylor, Ronda Wassenbaugh
6:00-8:00 S-120 Nat'l Assoc. of Business Political Action Committees reception (Jo-Anne)
6:15-7:00 SH-708 SPEAK - International Society of Political Psychology (Clarkson)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page 4
Thursday, July 12
9:30-10:45 S-126 DROP BY - No Greater Love breakfast in honor of the First Medal of Honor given during the Civil War being donated to Congress f/permanent display
10:15-11:15 White House Pres. debriefing on NATO & Summit (Cabinet Room) (bipartisan House/Senate Leadership)
11:30 S-230 Civil Rights Conference
11:30-1:30 SD-106 American Meat Institute annual National Hot Dog Month Luncheon
12:15 S-230 meeting w/6 Chinese Mayors lead by the Mayor of Shanghai (Al)
1:25 S-230 PHOTO w/Ken Swinke (intern w/Sen. Bentsen); Trisha Masoth from Yates Center, KS; Sean Allen, UCLA (David); & Phillip DeKemper; PHOTO w/5 Chinese per Rep. McEwen's request
1:35 S-230 PHOTO & courtesy call by Mr. Tsugi, President of Sharp Co.
3:45 S-230 GOP House/Senate budget negotiators meeting
4:45 S-230 mtg. on Civil Rights (Kennedy, Gorton, Kassebaum, Hatch, Specter, Metzenbaum, Jeffords, Danforth)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 8-14, 1990 Page 5
Friday, July 13
9:10 J.W. Marriott, Grand Ballroom accept Lifetime Achievement Award given by the Nat'l League of POW/MIA Families
10:00 H-236 House/Senate budget negotiators meeting
11:00 S-230 Mr. Friedrich Sogoyan (sculptor) will be in the office (Al)
11:00 S-230 Civil Rights meeting w/7 GOP Senators & Sununu
11:30 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson)
1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Lyn Nofziger
2:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Larry Washburn, Univ. of KS (Sarah); & Mark Hutchinson (Judy B.)
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/South African Minister of Justice Kobie Coetzee (Al)
July 20, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 1
Monday, July 16
10:15 S-230 PHOTO & receive American Red Cross Award on behalf of the staff f/5th largest group donating blood in the Senate blood drive
10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/43 Univ. of KS students (David)
12:00-1:30 S-120 DROP BY??? luncheon honoring Senate Republican Conference Task Force on Hispanic Affairs (Al)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Ken & Joan Miller from Ohio; and Stephanie Sauceda & her 3 daughters from Kansas City (David)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 2
Tuesday, July 17
9:45 Senate Recep. Room greet Father Tim O'Brien & 27 international journalists w/Marquette Univ. Seminar Prog. immediately following the opening prayer (Clarkson)
10:00 White House GOP House/Senate Leadership meeting regarding the balanced budget, amendment, civil rights, & parental leave
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Iraqi Ambassador Al-Mashat (Al)
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Zev Wolfson (Al)
12:20 "America" Union Station SPEAK - Rep. Tom Tauke's supporters from Iowa (NOTE: Mrs. Dole is speaking also) (Jo-Anne)
12:45 S-211 policy luncheon
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Joe Wiliams, Chairman & CEO of Warner-Lambert (Sheila)
5:30-7:30 Madison Building, LOC congressional reception hosted by the American Farm Bureau Federation & Rep. Bill Emerson
6:00-8:00 S-207 American Political Science reception honoring the 37th Class of Congressional Fellows
7:00-7:30 SH-413 LIVE TV appearance on Sen. Specter's show "Washington Hotline" (Clarkson)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 3
Wednesday, July 18
9:30 S-230 PHOTO OP & MTG. w/British Labor Party Leader Neil Kinnock (Al)
10:00 S-230 DROP BY meeting w/Gene Trumble and Whit, Carolyn, & Greg re: oil import fees
11:05-11:20 White House, Oval Office mtg. w/President Bush & Sen. Specter re: Iraq
11:20 White House mtg. w/Pres. Bush, Sen. Danforth & Sen. Jeffords re: civil rights
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Sen. Lott
12:30 S-230 PHOTO & flag presentation by Elbert Watson, The World War Times editor (Bill)
1:00 S-230 mtg. w/President of the Kasakhstan Republic of the U.S.S.R., N.A. Nazarbaev (Al)
1:30 S-230 PHOTO w/John Zwonitzer, FFA student from Horton (Bret)
2:00-3:30 White House House/Senate Leadership mtg. re: budget (Oval Office)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/2 Kansas students (David)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Hatch, Kassebaum, Jeffords, Specter, Gorton, Murkowski, Wilson re: Civil Rights
5:00-8:00 Nat'l Press Club reception to celebrate the Omaha World-Herald's 50 years in Washington, D.C. (13th Floor) (Walt)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 4
Thursday, July 19
8:30-9:00 Senatorial Committee SPEAK - Senate Presidents Council (Clarkson/Dennis)
9:30 S-230 mtg. w/Soviet Delegation lead by Mr. Veprev, Chairman of U.S.S.R. Supreme Soviet Committee on Agriculture & Food (Al)
11:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Julie Jennings from Overland Park (David)
1:00 S-230 mtg. w/Japanese Members (Al)
1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Yuetter & Darman
2:00 S-230 DROP BY - Cecilia K. Bros. meeting w/Greg and Dennis
2:00 S-207 budget meeting
3:15 Dirksen G50 SPEAK - Congressional Youth Leadership (Kathy/Clarkson)
4:30-6:30 SR-325 reception hosted by Senator & Mrs. Thurmond honoring the 1990 Strom Thurmond Seminar Participants
5:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senators Mitchell, Rudman, & Michael Davidson re: Durenberger
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 15-21, 1990 Page 5
Friday, July 20
8:30-9:30 S-201 Health Task Force breakfast meeting (Sheila) (Sen. Chafee's Capitol Office)
9:30 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Medicare - Living Wills
10:00 SDG50 Dirksen SPEAK - Congressional Intern Program (Don Lee/David)
10:00 S-230 Domenici mtg. w/Senators re: budget
10:00 SR-332 AG COMM - hearing to investigate concentration in the meat packing industry
11:15 S-230 PHOTO w/20 Armenian orphans (Al)
11:20 S-230 brief hello w/Col. Donlon (CMH) (Bill)
11:30 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson)
12:00 S-230 brief hello w/George Yin
2:00 Mass Ave. CNN Evans & Novak Show taping (Walt)
July 27, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 1
Sunday, July 22
8:40 4001 Nebraska Avenue, NW Meet the Press live taping at 9:30 a.m. (you will be picked up at your residence at 8:40 a.m. by one of their drivers)
11:00 Westin Hotel brunch f/4 - 2401 M St, N.W.
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 2
Monday, July 23
travel to Fort Riley (separate schedule)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 3
Tuesday, July 24
8:30-10:30 White House House/Senate Leadershing mtg. re: budget (Oval Office)
10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Exec. Session - Stanford Ross & David Walker, nominees to be Social Security public trustees
11:00 S-221 mtg. w/President of Ecuador, Rodrigo Borja, and Senator Mitchell (Al)
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Foreign Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Alexander Prlje (Mira)
12:00 S-230 DROP BY - Lee Daniels, Illinois State Rep., meeting w/Carolyn
12:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Heather Bornfield (David); and w/Anne Ayers; Ron & Kathy Lindberg, & children Erica & Nels (Marcie)
12:45 S-211 policy luncheon
2:00-5:00 H-137 budget summit
2:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Taxation "Debt Limit Increase"
3:00 H-166 Dr. Narva's office
4:30 S-230 mtg. w/Mr. Harry Figgie, Chairman of Figgie International (Sheila)
4:45 S-230 DROP BY?? - Carolyn meeting with Paige Wodell, Martin Worthy, Jane Boyle, Frank McDermott
5:30-7:30 S-211 Building & Construction Trades Dept., AFL-CIO, & National Italian American Foundation reception honoring Ralph Fasanella
6:00-8:00 S-207 reception honoring Senator Burdick
7:30 AMC Movie Theater, Union Station Brief remarks prior to the screening of Chuck Norris' "Delta Force II" (co-hosting w/Senator Wilson) (movie begins at 7:45)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 4
Wednesday, July 25
9:00-10:00 White House House/Senate Leadership meeting re: budget
10:15-11:15 White House House/Senate Leadership meeting re: DOD Authorization (Cabinet Room)
11:30 House Triangle John Block Press Conference on the Farm BIll
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Judge Souter, Senators Rudman, Humphrey, Simpson, & Thurmond
12:45 Senate steps PHOTO w/350 National FFA students including 100 State Presidents (Bret)
1:00 S-230 mtg. w/Gov. of the Nat'l Bank of Romania, Mugur Isarescu; Pres. of the Romanian Bank f/Foreign Trade, Vasile Voloseniuc, & Fred Wilson
2:00 S-230 DROP BY - Whit meeting w/Roland Smith, Exec. Dir. of the Wichita Independent Business Associates
5:00-7:00 H-137 Pepsi-Cola reception to celebrate the formation of an historic minority business partnership
5:30 S-230 mtg. w/Darman, Brady, & other Republican House/Senate budget members
7:00 Holiday Inn Crown Plaza, Boardroom III, 12th & H St, NW DROP BY? Board of Directors of the American Cement Alliance Dinner (per Dick Creighton)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 5
Thursday, July 26
8:45-9:45 White House House/Senate Leadership meeting regarding budget (Oval Office)
10:00-10:15 White House Signing Ceremony f/the ADA (15 min. ceremony; South Lawn, arrive by 9:30 a.m., NW Gate)
11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Randy Brown - Iowa (Jo-Anne)
11:30 S-230 telephone meeting w/Western Fuels Assoc./Garden City (Greg)
12:15 Willard Hotel, Grant Suite, 2nd Floor SPEAK - Forum 101 Series (Capital Legislative Services)
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Prime Minister of Latvia, Ivars Godmania, and Foreign Minister, Janis Jurkans (Al)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Tu Dao & Chad Bryan from Wichita; Neil Stoliar & Julie Williamson, interns from U.S.-Baltic Foundation; & Eric Rice; Mrs. Kathy Vrbas & 2 sons from Atwood, KS: (David)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Liu Kao-Tsai (Al)
4:30-6:30 S-230 reception in honor of Dr. Narva
5:30-7:30 SD-192 DROP BY???? "No Greater Love" reception (you are an honorary co-host w/Senators Kennedy & Moynihan) honoring released hostages Frank Reed & Robert Polhill
5:00-7:00 SH-216 reception hosted by the Consortium f/Citizens w/Disabilities to celebrate the ADA (Mo W.)
9:00 S-236 Senators' AG meeting
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 22-28, 1990 Page 6
Friday, July 27
9:00-10:00 White House House/Senate Leadership mtg. re: budget
10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Energy
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Donald B. Rice, Secretary of the Air Force (Dan)
11:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Mary Alice Dobson from Scott City (Marcie); and w/Bill Scofield, Exec. Dir. of the Kansas Chapter of the National Assoc. of Elementary School Principals (Don)
11:30 S-230 KS radio conference call (Clarkson)
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. Jim Brady, CEO of Allied Services (Mo W.)
12:15 S-230 GOP Senate/House budget meeting
2:15 S-230 mtg. w/Rep. Virginia Smith
2:30 S-230 SPEAK to Connecticut Junior Intern Program
Not viewed