Weekly Schedules, May, 1990
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- Title (Dublin Core)
- Weekly Schedules, May, 1990
- Date (Dublin Core)
- April 29, 1990-June 2, 1990
- Date Created (Dublin Core)
- 1990-04-29/1990-06-02
- Congress (Dublin Core)
- 101st (1989-1991)
- Creator (Dublin Core)
- Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)
- Record Type (Dublin Core)
- schedules (time plans)
- Rights (Dublin Core)
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/CNE/1.0/
- Language (Dublin Core)
- eng
- Collection Finding Aid (Dublin Core)
- https://dolearchivecollections.ku.edu/index.php?p=collections/findingaid&id=21&q=
- Physical Location (Dublin Core)
- Collection 005, Box 15, Folder 15
- Institution (Dublin Core)
- Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
- Archival Collection (Dublin Core)
- Robert J. Dole Senate Papers-Personal/Political Files, 1969-1996
- Full Text (Extract Text)
May 4, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990 Page 1
9:00 White House Meeting w/Pres. Bush, VP Quayle, Sununu, Darman
10:30 H-227 The Cap SPEAK to Rep. Michel's Chamber of Commerce constituents (Jim & Carolyn)
1:00 SH-143 DROP BY - mtg. with Kansas City Chamber of Commerce (Wholey)
3:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Kansas Rural Electric Coops (Greg)
3:45 S-230 PHOTO w/KS Secretary of State Bill Graves (& wife Linda) (Greg)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Exec. Director of Autism Society of America (Tom Nerney & Rosalee Leonard) (Mo)
4:00-6:00 S-120 DROP BY?? - Kansas City Chamber recp. (Wholey) (Kansans from KC Chamber: Robert A. Bibb, Pres, Bibb & Assoc; Richard Krecker, Pres. & CEO, KS BC/BS; Peter Levy, new Pres. of KC Chamber; Elaine Osborn, Charles Hucker)
4:30 S-230 mtg. w/Secretary Brady
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Jacques Cousteau & Jean-Michel Cousteau (White)
6:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senators Mitchell, Hatfield, Byrd on supplemental
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990 Page 2
10:00 White House Cabinet Room Senate/House Leadership meeting on space funding - arr. by 9:45 a.m., NW Gate
11:45 S-230 mtg. w/Andy Poipoi & Andy Anderson re: Saiki (Jo-Anne)
12:30 S-230 National Geographic will begin setting up for 3:00 photo -- setup will take 2 hrs.
12:45 S-211 Policy Luncheon
2:30 S-221 mtg. w/President of Panama Endara w/Senator Mitchell (Al)
3:00 S-230 PHOTO taken by National Geographic for We The People (Sheila & Wholey)
3:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Randy Chilton (Whitt)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Rabbi Glasner (Al)
5:00 White House mtg. w/Sununu
6:45 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Baker re: El Salvador
5:00-6:00 Crystal Gateway reception - Kansas Chamber of Commerce & Industry
6:00-9:00 Marriott dinner - Kansas Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Greg, Jim, Marcie, Sara)
6:00-8:00 Ronald Reagan Center Fundraiser f/Sen. Mitch McConnell (Jo-Anne) (co-host)
between 6:30-7:00 Willard Hotel, Main Ballroom SPEAK - National Water Alliance - receive award (Greg)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990 Page 3
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM (markup on Farm Bill) (Dave)
11:00 S-230 conference call - KS radio (Clarkson)
11:30 SD-192 SPEAK - Washington Workshop (Walt/Clarkson)
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Tom Nemet (Jo-Anne)
3:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Richard Keating and Steve Lambright per Tom Korologos
3:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Marta Russell & Alan Toy per Dave Dawkins request (Mo)
3:30 S-230 Codel to meet w/Tom Dine, Exec. Dir., AIPAC (Al)
4:55 S-230 video-tape - Senate candidates: Ben Bagert (LA) and Bill Cabaniss (Ala) (Jo-Anne)
5:00-6:00 Ronald Reagan Center "Meet & Greet" PAC recp. f/Senate candidate Ben Bagert (LA) (Jo-Anne)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990 Page 4
8:00-9:30 SH-143 DROP BY - brkf. w/Bud Cornish & Kansas Insurance Group (Greg)
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM (markup on Farm Bill) (Dave)
11:00 OHIO CLOCK PHOTO w/students from Lake Forest Country Day School of Lake Forest, IL (Dr. & Mrs. Goshgarian and daughter Rachel are w/the group) (Don Lee)
11:10 OHIO CLOCK PHOTO - Mark Shonka & Dan Kosch & wives, friends of Sen. Boschwitz (Don Lee)
11:15 S-230 mtg. w/Romanian Minister of Agriculture Victor Surdu; Mr. Marin Olteanu, Director, Int'l Coop., Ministry of Ag; Mr. Vladimir Soare, Dir. & VP, Foreign Trade Bank (Al)
11:45 S-230 mtg. w/Martin Lee, politician from Hong Kong (per Rep. Porter's request) (Al)
12:40 SD-106 FYI -- Mrs. Dole saying prayer for National Day of Prayer
1:45 S-230 interview s/Armenian TV crew (Clarkson)
2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Jim Rappaport, Senate candidate in Mass. (Jo-Anne)
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Princeton University student Matt Edelman (Jo-Anne)
2:45 S-230 mtg. w/Leo Melamed re: CFTC/SEC jurisdiction issues (Jim M.)
3:00 S-230 Children's Hospice International video-tape (Clarkson)
3:30 Ronald Reagan Center video-tape - Price-Waterhouse (Clarkson)
4:30 S-207 DROP BY?? - recp. - National Day of Prayer - Rev. Halverson
4:40 S-230 PHOTO w/Dick Mellinger - FEMA (Marcie & Jim)
4:45 S-230 mtg. w/John Marrs, Pres, Am Chamber of Commerce in Egypt & Shafik Gabr, 2 officers of Am C of C in Egypt: Ahmed Shawki & Omar Mohamme (Jim W.)
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. House
5:30 S-230 coffee for Rabbanit Rachel Sorotzkin (Whit)
6:00-8:00 Wash. Court Hotel Fundraiser for Sen. Cochran's PAC (Jo-Anne)
7:30-11:00 Sheraton Washington Hotel SPEAK - Inner Circle Dinner - Keynote Washington Address (Jo-Anne/Walt/Clarkson)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990
9:20 Wash. Hilton, Ballroom SPEAK - President's Committee Annual Conf. (Mo West)
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Wilson re: drug bill (Sheila/Whitt)
10:45 S-230 mtg. w/Al Swann from Salina (Stacy)
11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Fred Malek (Al)
11:20 S-230 PHOTO w/spring interns (Don Lee)
11:25 S-230 photo w/Brad Linnenkamp from Shawnee, Kansas, National Volunteer Award
11:30 S-211 co-host coffee meeting w/Sen. Mitchell for Lithuanian Prime Minister Kazimiera Prunskiene (Al)
1:00 Ramada Tech World South Salon, 9th & I St. SPEAK - "Perestroika Perspective: Technology Transactions with the Soviet Union" (Al)
2:00 S-230 interview w/Leslie Phillips, USA Today, re: Middle East (Walt)
2:20 S-230 interview w/Elaine Povich, Chicago Tribune re: Dole-Israel profile (Walt)
2:40 S-230 interview w/Paula Dwyer & Lee Walczak, Business Week, re: campaign fin reform & Sununu (Walt)
3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Ken Bialkin per Bob Lighthizer (Sheila/Al)
May 11, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990
Sunday, May 6
4:45 arrive Teddy Roosevelt Lecture White House by 4:45, SW Gate, West Lobby
6:15 White House budget meeting
May 7, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 1
Monday, May 7
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Ambassador Dubinin (Al)
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Lee Hollis
2:45- 345 Cannon HOB SPEAK 9th Annual "Washington Conference" (Carolyn)
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Phil Kolodziej re: aid to children & child abuse (Gary Duncan from Village, Topeka will also attend mtg.)
6:00-8:00 Cannon Caucus Room DROP BY?? recp. honoring Dr. William Stutts, Pres. of American Orthodontists (Marcie) (Dr. Robert & Wanda Morrison, Hutchinson; Dr. Thompson, Kansas City)
10:30 2175 Rayburn Capital to Capital live panel discussion w/Speaker Foley (Walt)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 2
Tuesday, May 8
10:00 White House (ar. by 9:45, NW Gate) GOP Leadership meeting re: budget & campaign finance reform
11:10 Madison Hotel SPEAK - National Organization of Investment Professionals (NOIP) (Carolyn)
12:15 Senate Recep Rm PHOTO for We The People w/Senators Mitchell, Simpson, Cranston
12:30 S-230 mtg. for Ranking Members re: budget
12:40 S-230 PHOTO w/Pat Saiki and other Senators
12:45 S-211 Policy Luncheon
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Specter
2:45 S-230 mtg. w/Polish Deputy Prime Minister & Finance Minister Leszek Balcerowicz (Al)
3:15 S-230 mtg. w/Rabbi Balkany (Al)
3:30 SD-562 SPEAK - Young Presidents Organization (Dennis)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Ed Levy, Chairman of AIPAC (Al)
4:45 S-230 PHOTO w/group of Kansas orthodontists (Marcie)
5:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Roth, Stevens, Simpson re: Hatch
6:00-7:00 B338 Rayburn DROP BY??? recp. Sioux City 36th Annual Steak dinner
6:00 1300 Longworth DROP BY??? Chicago Mercantile Exchange Reception
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 3
Wednesday, May 9
8:30-9:45 S-230 breakfast w/Carla Hills (Joyce)
10:00 White House budget consultation meeting (arrive by 9:45)
11:00-11:30 Oval Office meeting with the President, Foley, Mitchell, Michel, Nunn, Warner, Inouye, Stevens, Byrd
12:00 Dirksen Auditorium SPEAK - Maryland Federation of Republican Women (Kathy)
2:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Mindy Raduege - 1990 Goodwill Graduate of the Year (Mo)
3:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senator Mitchell and President of Bolivia, Jaime Paz Zamora (Al)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/AID Administrator Ronald Roskens (Al)
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Peter Frelinghuysen & son, Rod, who is running for Congress
5:30 S-230 mtg. w/Board of ASCAP (Jim W.)
5:30-7:00 S-207 DROP BY?? recp. honoring Members of Congress hosted by American Furniture Manufacturers Association
6:00 Army-Navy Club (location was changed) recp. honoring Mike Mansfield hosted by Council of American Ambassadors
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 4
Thursday, May 10
8:30 Senatorial Committee Pat Saiki Steering Committee meeting (Jo-Anne)
10:00 S-230 mtg. w/Iraqi Ambassador Mohamad Al-Mashat and DCM Khalid Shaweyish and Codel and Senators Shelby & Specter (Al)
10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Mrs. Frances Preston, Pres. & CEO of Broadcast Music Inc., and Mr. Jim Free, Senior VP for BMI (Jim W.)
10:35 S-230 PHOTO w/Rep. John Myers (Bill W.)
11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. Jean Mayer, Pres. of Tufts University re: hunger (Stacy)
11:15 S-230 mtg. w/Frank Shrontz, CEO of Boeing
1:35 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson)
2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Kansas State President Jon Wefald (Marcie)
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Zev Wolfson (Jon Lynn)
3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Art Fletcher (Judy B.)
3:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Gramm, Domenici, Hatfield, and Packwood re: budget
4:10 S-230 PHOTO w/KS SBA Small Bus. Award Winners (Greg)
4:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Dr. Eugene Davidson & wife, Myrna, of Russell (Marcie)
5:30-7:30 Russell Courtyard DROP BY??? recp. hosted by Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Liaison Offices
6:00 S-120 DROP BY?? recp. The National Constitution Center hosted by Senator Kassebaum
7:00 Soviet Embassy (1125 16th St., NW) Farewell reception in honor of Ambassador and Mrs. Yuri V. Dubinin
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 5
Friday, May 11
9:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Durenberger
9:55 S-230 PHOTO w/Andrew Barrett, FCC Commissioner (Marcie)
10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Social Security - hearing on SS Restoration Act
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Rudman
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Boschwitz
12:30-2:00 S-116 drop by luncheon for Alexander Dubcek, Chairman of the Federal Assembly of Czechoslovakia, hosted by Senators Pell and Helms
2:00 S-230 video f/Senator Lott
May 15, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 1
MONDAY, May 14
9:00 Senate Floor SPEAK to 1990 Congressional Senior Citizen Intern participants (Sheila)
10:30 S-230 DROP BY - Dr. Don Wilson, Pres. of Pittsburg State Univ. (Carolyn will be meeting with him)
11:00 SR-253 introduce Andrew Barrett, Commissioner, FCC, at his confirmation hearing (Jim W./Marcie)
11:15 S-230 mtg. w/Ted Arison (Jo-Anne)
11:00 S-230 Tom Korologos/Art Fletcher mtg. -- Senator to drop by
12:15 Hotel Washington SPEAK - Commodity Club (Dave)
1:10 SD-419 SPEAK - Institutional Investor Institute's Annual Washington Roundtable
3:00 S-230 Senate/House budget negotiator's meeting
3:55 S-230 PHOTO w/Topeka & Kansas City Police Officers (Greg)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Lisa Thompson, Blind Award Winner (Marcie)
6:45-7:15 Wash. Court Hotel Fundraiser for Kansas Gov. Mike Hayden (co-host w/Sen. Kassebaum & Sununu) (Exec. Foyer/Sagamore Hill) (Jo-Anne)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 2
9:00 S-126 STOP BY - co-host brkf. w/Rep. Hoyer for Soviet Delegation on Disabilities (Mo W.)
10:00 S-230 mtg w/Bulgarian Opposition Leaders (Mira)
11:00 S-230 mtg w/Mr. & Mrs. (Yona & Miriam) Baumel (Al)
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Domingo Moreira (Al)
12:00 The Mall (3rd & 4th St, SW) ???? Ninth Annual Nat'l Peace Officers Memorial Day Service in honor of law enforcement officers
12:45 S-211 Policy luncheon
2:00 White House Senate/House Ldrshp meeting re: budget (ar. by 1:45 p.m., NW Gate, Cabinet Room)
4:00 S-230 mtg. & PHOTO w/Miles Epling, Nat'l Commander of Am. Legion (Dennis)
4:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Ivan Strickler & family (Dave)
6:00-8:00 Cannon Caucus Room SPEAK briefly - recp. honoring Ivan Strickler, Chairman of the Nat'l Dairy Promotion & Research Board (Dave)
6:00 recp Hyatt Hotel reception & dinner in tribute to Sen. Mitchell (you are co-hosting with Edmund Muskie & Sen. Cranston) (Whit)
7:30 dinner
6:00 Galleria 1155 21st St, NW DROP BY?? - reception followed by dinner, Presidential Roundtable Annual Spring Policy Forum (Jo-Anne)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 3
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM - markup on farm credit (Dave)
8:30 S-230 breakfast with Colin Powell & other Senators (Dan Stanley)
10:30 S-230 Senate/House Leadership mtg.
12:00 S-230 luncheon w/Lane Kirkland, Pres. of AFL-CIO, & several Union Presidents and AFL-CIO people, Peggy Taylor, Assoc. Dir. of Legis. for AFL-CIO, and other Senators (Jim McMillan)
2:00 1100 Longworth ??? FIN COMM - child-care organizing conference
3:00 1100 Longworth ??? FIN COMM - trade organizing conference
2:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Dr. Dwight R. Platt, Chevron Conservation Award Winner (Marcie)
3:00 SD-192 SPEAK - Mass Mutual Life Ins. Co. (Sheila/Carolyn)
between 4:00-5:00 SD-562 SPEAK briefly - Triangle Chamber of Commerce representing Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, NC, per Sen. Helms request (anytime between 4-5)
4:00-6:00 S-115 ??? recp. celebrating swearing-in of Sen. Akaka
4:45 S-230 mtg. w/President of Tunisia, Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali & Senator Mitchell (Al)
between 5:30-7:00 Capitol Hill Club SPEAK - reception for PAC Steering Committee of the President's Dinner (Jo-Anne)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 4
8:30 S-230 AG mtg. w/Sec. Yeutter, Sen. Lugar, & other Senators (Dave)
9:15-9:30 Dirksen Auditorium SPEAK - Welcoming Remarks - Senate Bicentennial Commission (Walt/Clarkson)
10:00-10:15 White House Rose Garden Ceremony for Civil Rights Appointees (Judy B.)
10:30-2:30 SR-332 AG COMM - markup (Dave)
11:00 1100 Longworth FIN COMM - trade conference mtg.
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Rep. Gephardt & Rep. Michel
1:30-2:30 S-230 drop by? luncheon for Vietnam Veterans (Bill) (you are host)
2:00 H-137 budget mtg. w/Rep. Gephardt & Rep. Michel
2:30 S-230 TENTATIVE - mtg. w/Dan Daly (Jo-Anne)
4:00 S-230 Judy B. mtg. w/Gifford Foley (Sen. stop by)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Jan Garton, Chevron Conservation Award winner (Marcie)
4:05 S-230 PHOTO w/2 KS travel agents (Greg)
4:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Tom Mulhearne & family (Marcie)
4:30 S-221 mtg. w/Hungarian President Arpad Goncz and Sen. Mitchell (Al)
6:00 S-211 mtg. w/W. German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and Senator Mitchell & other Senators (Al)
(following appointment labeled "didn't go")
5:30-7:00 Sr-325 DROP BY??? Former Members of Congress 20th Annual Spring Congressional Reception
(following appointment labeled "didn't go")
5:00-7:00 S-207 reception in honor of former floor leaders (guest of honor is Mike Mansfield)
(following appointment labeled "didn't go")
6:00-8:00 Madison Library, 6th Floor DROP BY??? unveiling of portrait of Rep. Edwards hosted by Paralyzed Veterans of America & Vietnam Veterans Institute
(following appointment labeled "didn't go")
6:30-8:00 State Dept., Diplomatic Reception Rooms ??? VIP reception f/Horatio Alger Members, Awardees, & spouses
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 5
FRIDAY, May 18
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM - markup - seafood, fruits, & veg.
9:30 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc. on Medicare & long-term care - Physician services
10:25 S-230 PHOTO w/Matt Ernst, Russell, KS, Horatio Alger Award Winner (Marcie)
10:15 S-230 Whitt mtg. w/Mike Baroody (Sen. drop by)
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Jim Corman (Carolyn)
10:45 S-230 mtg. w/Mr. Karal van Wolferin (per Bob Lighthizer)
11:00 S-230 mtg. w/John Tillotson (Marcie)
11:30 S-230 KS radio conference call (Clarkson)
6:30-7:30 Sheraton Washington Hotel, Delaware Suite Horatio Alger Awardee/Member Reception
(following appointment crossed out and labeled "did not go to dinner")
7:30-10:30 Sheraton Washington Hotel, Ballroom Horatio Alger Awards Dinner (black tie)
May 25, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 1
MONDAY, May 21
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Polish Ambassador Jan Kinast (Al)
11:00 S-235 drop by - Sheila mtg. w/KS Assoc. of Nurse Anesthetists
12:00-1:00 SH-708 drop by - luncheon hosted by Sen. McConnell for members of the Republican Parties from Kentucky & South Carolina
12:15 SD-106 drop by - luncheon hosted by Sen. Roth for the Delaware Governor's Club
2:00 S-230 Senate/House GOP budget negotiators meeting
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 2
Tuesday, May 22
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM - markup - seafood (Dave)
8:30 Powers Court SPEAK - fundraising brkf. f/former Congressman Dave Emery (Sen. Dole host) (Jo-Anne)
9:15 S-230 Garland Country Day School, Denver, to tour S-230 (Marcie)
10:00 White House GOP Leadership meeting (general agenda) (ar. by 9:45, NW Gate, Cabinet Room)
12:00 Dept of Labor, Secretary's Office luncheon f/Queen Noor (Doles & Simpsons)
12:45 S-211 policy luncheon
2:00-5:00 SR-332 AG COMM - markup (Dave)
3:00-5:00 S-207 Senate/House negotiators budget meeting
3:30-5:00 S-224 bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Task meeting (Dennis)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Kansas auto dealers (Greg)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Scott Kailer, St. Thomas Aquinas School in Wichita (David)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO & MTG. w/Latvian athletes and officials (Al)
5:00 S-221 mtg. w/Sen. Mitchell & Leadership re: re-decorating of the Caucus Room
4:30-6:30 S-126 recp. - Auto Dealers & Drivers for Free Trade PAC (Tom Nemet) (Jo-Anne)
5:00-7:00 S-115 recp. for Fay Vincent, Commissioner of Baseball, hosted by Senator Danforth
6:45-7:30 S-230 Old Senate Chamber reception prior to theatrical production in the Old Senate Chamber in celebration of the 200th Anniv. of the U.S. Senate (you are host)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 3
Wednesday, May 23
8:00 S-120 ???? drop by breakfast for the Kansas Cong. Del. hosted by Chancellor Gene A. Budig
9:00 EF-100 AG COMM - Members only meeting
10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/NASA space shuttle crew (Dan)
10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Jonathan Kemper, Pres. & CEO of Commerce Bank of Kansas City, Les Boll, VP International Dept., Tom Noonan, Pres. of Commerce Bank of St. Louis (Marcie)
1:40 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Murkowski & Simpson
2:00-5:00 SR-332 AG COMM - markup (Dave)
3:00 SD-211 FIN COMM - Senate conferees on childcare
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Jim Hoge, Publisher of the New York Daily News, and Joe Califano (Jim M.)
4:30 H-236 Senate/House GOP budget summit meeting
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 4
Thursday, May 24
8:30 Senatorial Committee drop by - Dole for Senate Steering Committee (Jo-Anne)
9:00 SR-433 AG COMM - working group (Dave)
10:30 Capitol, East Front Salute to military heroes (Whitt)
1:00-3:00 S-207 Senate/House budget negotiators meeting
3:30 S-230 mtg. w/Chinese Ambassador Zhu Qizhen & Senator Simpson (Al)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/John Birkelund, Chairman of Polish Funds, and John Whitehead, Chairman of Hungarian Funds (Al)
4:25 S-230 PHOTO w/Tom Reeves, Nat'l Geographic Winner from St. Paul, KS (Marcie)
4:30 Ohio Clock PHOTO w/Highland, Kansas, Elementary School students (Don)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Sarah Berklehamer (intern)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Aldie Ensminger, Republican State Representative, Moran
5:30-7:30 Willard Hotel, Ballroom Larry Pressler fundraiser reception (Pres. Bush to attend) (Jo-Anne) (DOORS CLOSE AT 6:05 p.m. f/President's arrival)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 5
Friday, May 25
11:00 S-230 KS radio conference call (Clarkson)
11:30 S-230 Mtg. w/Bernie Ruysser, KCK Banker, and Rex Richards, KCK Chamber of Commerce (Marcie)
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Mr. and Mrs. (Robert & Mary) Musseman and son, Rovert Musseman, Jr.
1:45 hideaway Kansas TV interview on the Summit (Clarkson)
2:00 S-230 French TV interview (Clarkson)
Thursday, May 31
7:30 White House Pres. & Mrs. Bush hosting black tie dinner for President and Mrs. Gorbachev
(events earlier in the day on May 31 are on separate campaign schedule)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 27-June 2, 1990
see separate - out of town schedule
Friday, June 1
9:30 Soviet Embassy meeting with President Gorbachev & others
2:00 S-230 press conference
5:00 White House, East Gate Bush/Gorbachev signing ceremony (arrive 4:30)
7:30 Soviet Embassy dinner in honor of President & Mrs. Bush hosted by President & Mrs. Gorbachev
Saturday, June 2
11:00 SH-141 meet w/Maria Tondi & Alice Fiocchi and Mrs. Dole -
May 4, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990 Page 1
9:00 White House Meeting w/Pres. Bush, VP Quayle, Sununu, Darman
10:30 H-227 The Cap SPEAK to Rep. Michel's Chamber of Commerce constituents (Jim & Carolyn)
1:00 SH-143 DROP BY - mtg. with Kansas City Chamber of Commerce (Wholey)
3:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Kansas Rural Electric Coops (Greg)
3:45 S-230 PHOTO w/KS Secretary of State Bill Graves (& wife Linda) (Greg)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Exec. Director of Autism Society of America (Tom Nerney & Rosalee Leonard) (Mo)
4:00-6:00 S-120 DROP BY?? - Kansas City Chamber recp. (Wholey) (Kansans from KC Chamber: Robert A. Bibb, Pres, Bibb & Assoc; Richard Krecker, Pres. & CEO, KS BC/BS; Peter Levy, new Pres. of KC Chamber; Elaine Osborn, Charles Hucker)
4:30 S-230 mtg. w/Secretary Brady
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Jacques Cousteau & Jean-Michel Cousteau (White)
6:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senators Mitchell, Hatfield, Byrd on supplemental
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990 Page 2
10:00 White House Cabinet Room Senate/House Leadership meeting on space funding - arr. by 9:45 a.m., NW Gate
11:45 S-230 mtg. w/Andy Poipoi & Andy Anderson re: Saiki (Jo-Anne)
12:30 S-230 National Geographic will begin setting up for 3:00 photo -- setup will take 2 hrs.
12:45 S-211 Policy Luncheon
2:30 S-221 mtg. w/President of Panama Endara w/Senator Mitchell (Al)
3:00 S-230 PHOTO taken by National Geographic for We The People (Sheila & Wholey)
3:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Randy Chilton (Whitt)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Rabbi Glasner (Al)
5:00 White House mtg. w/Sununu
6:45 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Baker re: El Salvador
5:00-6:00 Crystal Gateway reception - Kansas Chamber of Commerce & Industry
6:00-9:00 Marriott dinner - Kansas Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Greg, Jim, Marcie, Sara)
6:00-8:00 Ronald Reagan Center Fundraiser f/Sen. Mitch McConnell (Jo-Anne) (co-host)
between 6:30-7:00 Willard Hotel, Main Ballroom SPEAK - National Water Alliance - receive award (Greg)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990 Page 3
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM (markup on Farm Bill) (Dave)
11:00 S-230 conference call - KS radio (Clarkson)
11:30 SD-192 SPEAK - Washington Workshop (Walt/Clarkson)
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Tom Nemet (Jo-Anne)
3:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Richard Keating and Steve Lambright per Tom Korologos
3:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Marta Russell & Alan Toy per Dave Dawkins request (Mo)
3:30 S-230 Codel to meet w/Tom Dine, Exec. Dir., AIPAC (Al)
4:55 S-230 video-tape - Senate candidates: Ben Bagert (LA) and Bill Cabaniss (Ala) (Jo-Anne)
5:00-6:00 Ronald Reagan Center "Meet & Greet" PAC recp. f/Senate candidate Ben Bagert (LA) (Jo-Anne)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990 Page 4
8:00-9:30 SH-143 DROP BY - brkf. w/Bud Cornish & Kansas Insurance Group (Greg)
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM (markup on Farm Bill) (Dave)
11:00 OHIO CLOCK PHOTO w/students from Lake Forest Country Day School of Lake Forest, IL (Dr. & Mrs. Goshgarian and daughter Rachel are w/the group) (Don Lee)
11:10 OHIO CLOCK PHOTO - Mark Shonka & Dan Kosch & wives, friends of Sen. Boschwitz (Don Lee)
11:15 S-230 mtg. w/Romanian Minister of Agriculture Victor Surdu; Mr. Marin Olteanu, Director, Int'l Coop., Ministry of Ag; Mr. Vladimir Soare, Dir. & VP, Foreign Trade Bank (Al)
11:45 S-230 mtg. w/Martin Lee, politician from Hong Kong (per Rep. Porter's request) (Al)
12:40 SD-106 FYI -- Mrs. Dole saying prayer for National Day of Prayer
1:45 S-230 interview s/Armenian TV crew (Clarkson)
2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Jim Rappaport, Senate candidate in Mass. (Jo-Anne)
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Princeton University student Matt Edelman (Jo-Anne)
2:45 S-230 mtg. w/Leo Melamed re: CFTC/SEC jurisdiction issues (Jim M.)
3:00 S-230 Children's Hospice International video-tape (Clarkson)
3:30 Ronald Reagan Center video-tape - Price-Waterhouse (Clarkson)
4:30 S-207 DROP BY?? - recp. - National Day of Prayer - Rev. Halverson
4:40 S-230 PHOTO w/Dick Mellinger - FEMA (Marcie & Jim)
4:45 S-230 mtg. w/John Marrs, Pres, Am Chamber of Commerce in Egypt & Shafik Gabr, 2 officers of Am C of C in Egypt: Ahmed Shawki & Omar Mohamme (Jim W.)
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. House
5:30 S-230 coffee for Rabbanit Rachel Sorotzkin (Whit)
6:00-8:00 Wash. Court Hotel Fundraiser for Sen. Cochran's PAC (Jo-Anne)
7:30-11:00 Sheraton Washington Hotel SPEAK - Inner Circle Dinner - Keynote Washington Address (Jo-Anne/Walt/Clarkson)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990
9:20 Wash. Hilton, Ballroom SPEAK - President's Committee Annual Conf. (Mo West)
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Wilson re: drug bill (Sheila/Whitt)
10:45 S-230 mtg. w/Al Swann from Salina (Stacy)
11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Fred Malek (Al)
11:20 S-230 PHOTO w/spring interns (Don Lee)
11:25 S-230 photo w/Brad Linnenkamp from Shawnee, Kansas, National Volunteer Award
11:30 S-211 co-host coffee meeting w/Sen. Mitchell for Lithuanian Prime Minister Kazimiera Prunskiene (Al)
1:00 Ramada Tech World South Salon, 9th & I St. SPEAK - "Perestroika Perspective: Technology Transactions with the Soviet Union" (Al)
2:00 S-230 interview w/Leslie Phillips, USA Today, re: Middle East (Walt)
2:20 S-230 interview w/Elaine Povich, Chicago Tribune re: Dole-Israel profile (Walt)
2:40 S-230 interview w/Paula Dwyer & Lee Walczak, Business Week, re: campaign fin reform & Sununu (Walt)
3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Ken Bialkin per Bob Lighthizer (Sheila/Al)
May 11, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990
Sunday, May 6
4:45 arrive Teddy Roosevelt Lecture White House by 4:45, SW Gate, West Lobby
6:15 White House budget meeting
May 7, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 1
Monday, May 7
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Ambassador Dubinin (Al)
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Lee Hollis
2:45- 345 Cannon HOB SPEAK 9th Annual "Washington Conference" (Carolyn)
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Phil Kolodziej re: aid to children & child abuse (Gary Duncan from Village, Topeka will also attend mtg.)
6:00-8:00 Cannon Caucus Room DROP BY?? recp. honoring Dr. William Stutts, Pres. of American Orthodontists (Marcie) (Dr. Robert & Wanda Morrison, Hutchinson; Dr. Thompson, Kansas City)
10:30 2175 Rayburn Capital to Capital live panel discussion w/Speaker Foley (Walt)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 2
Tuesday, May 8
10:00 White House (ar. by 9:45, NW Gate) GOP Leadership meeting re: budget & campaign finance reform
11:10 Madison Hotel SPEAK - National Organization of Investment Professionals (NOIP) (Carolyn)
12:15 Senate Recep Rm PHOTO for We The People w/Senators Mitchell, Simpson, Cranston
12:30 S-230 mtg. for Ranking Members re: budget
12:40 S-230 PHOTO w/Pat Saiki and other Senators
12:45 S-211 Policy Luncheon
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Specter
2:45 S-230 mtg. w/Polish Deputy Prime Minister & Finance Minister Leszek Balcerowicz (Al)
3:15 S-230 mtg. w/Rabbi Balkany (Al)
3:30 SD-562 SPEAK - Young Presidents Organization (Dennis)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Ed Levy, Chairman of AIPAC (Al)
4:45 S-230 PHOTO w/group of Kansas orthodontists (Marcie)
5:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Roth, Stevens, Simpson re: Hatch
6:00-7:00 B338 Rayburn DROP BY??? recp. Sioux City 36th Annual Steak dinner
6:00 1300 Longworth DROP BY??? Chicago Mercantile Exchange Reception
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 3
Wednesday, May 9
8:30-9:45 S-230 breakfast w/Carla Hills (Joyce)
10:00 White House budget consultation meeting (arrive by 9:45)
11:00-11:30 Oval Office meeting with the President, Foley, Mitchell, Michel, Nunn, Warner, Inouye, Stevens, Byrd
12:00 Dirksen Auditorium SPEAK - Maryland Federation of Republican Women (Kathy)
2:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Mindy Raduege - 1990 Goodwill Graduate of the Year (Mo)
3:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senator Mitchell and President of Bolivia, Jaime Paz Zamora (Al)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/AID Administrator Ronald Roskens (Al)
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Peter Frelinghuysen & son, Rod, who is running for Congress
5:30 S-230 mtg. w/Board of ASCAP (Jim W.)
5:30-7:00 S-207 DROP BY?? recp. honoring Members of Congress hosted by American Furniture Manufacturers Association
6:00 Army-Navy Club (location was changed) recp. honoring Mike Mansfield hosted by Council of American Ambassadors
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 4
Thursday, May 10
8:30 Senatorial Committee Pat Saiki Steering Committee meeting (Jo-Anne)
10:00 S-230 mtg. w/Iraqi Ambassador Mohamad Al-Mashat and DCM Khalid Shaweyish and Codel and Senators Shelby & Specter (Al)
10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Mrs. Frances Preston, Pres. & CEO of Broadcast Music Inc., and Mr. Jim Free, Senior VP for BMI (Jim W.)
10:35 S-230 PHOTO w/Rep. John Myers (Bill W.)
11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. Jean Mayer, Pres. of Tufts University re: hunger (Stacy)
11:15 S-230 mtg. w/Frank Shrontz, CEO of Boeing
1:35 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson)
2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Kansas State President Jon Wefald (Marcie)
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Zev Wolfson (Jon Lynn)
3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Art Fletcher (Judy B.)
3:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Gramm, Domenici, Hatfield, and Packwood re: budget
4:10 S-230 PHOTO w/KS SBA Small Bus. Award Winners (Greg)
4:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Dr. Eugene Davidson & wife, Myrna, of Russell (Marcie)
5:30-7:30 Russell Courtyard DROP BY??? recp. hosted by Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Liaison Offices
6:00 S-120 DROP BY?? recp. The National Constitution Center hosted by Senator Kassebaum
7:00 Soviet Embassy (1125 16th St., NW) Farewell reception in honor of Ambassador and Mrs. Yuri V. Dubinin
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 5
Friday, May 11
9:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Durenberger
9:55 S-230 PHOTO w/Andrew Barrett, FCC Commissioner (Marcie)
10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Social Security - hearing on SS Restoration Act
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Rudman
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Boschwitz
12:30-2:00 S-116 drop by luncheon for Alexander Dubcek, Chairman of the Federal Assembly of Czechoslovakia, hosted by Senators Pell and Helms
2:00 S-230 video f/Senator Lott
May 15, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 1
MONDAY, May 14
9:00 Senate Floor SPEAK to 1990 Congressional Senior Citizen Intern participants (Sheila)
10:30 S-230 DROP BY - Dr. Don Wilson, Pres. of Pittsburg State Univ. (Carolyn will be meeting with him)
11:00 SR-253 introduce Andrew Barrett, Commissioner, FCC, at his confirmation hearing (Jim W./Marcie)
11:15 S-230 mtg. w/Ted Arison (Jo-Anne)
11:00 S-230 Tom Korologos/Art Fletcher mtg. -- Senator to drop by
12:15 Hotel Washington SPEAK - Commodity Club (Dave)
1:10 SD-419 SPEAK - Institutional Investor Institute's Annual Washington Roundtable
3:00 S-230 Senate/House budget negotiator's meeting
3:55 S-230 PHOTO w/Topeka & Kansas City Police Officers (Greg)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Lisa Thompson, Blind Award Winner (Marcie)
6:45-7:15 Wash. Court Hotel Fundraiser for Kansas Gov. Mike Hayden (co-host w/Sen. Kassebaum & Sununu) (Exec. Foyer/Sagamore Hill) (Jo-Anne)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 2
9:00 S-126 STOP BY - co-host brkf. w/Rep. Hoyer for Soviet Delegation on Disabilities (Mo W.)
10:00 S-230 mtg w/Bulgarian Opposition Leaders (Mira)
11:00 S-230 mtg w/Mr. & Mrs. (Yona & Miriam) Baumel (Al)
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Domingo Moreira (Al)
12:00 The Mall (3rd & 4th St, SW) ???? Ninth Annual Nat'l Peace Officers Memorial Day Service in honor of law enforcement officers
12:45 S-211 Policy luncheon
2:00 White House Senate/House Ldrshp meeting re: budget (ar. by 1:45 p.m., NW Gate, Cabinet Room)
4:00 S-230 mtg. & PHOTO w/Miles Epling, Nat'l Commander of Am. Legion (Dennis)
4:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Ivan Strickler & family (Dave)
6:00-8:00 Cannon Caucus Room SPEAK briefly - recp. honoring Ivan Strickler, Chairman of the Nat'l Dairy Promotion & Research Board (Dave)
6:00 recp Hyatt Hotel reception & dinner in tribute to Sen. Mitchell (you are co-hosting with Edmund Muskie & Sen. Cranston) (Whit)
7:30 dinner
6:00 Galleria 1155 21st St, NW DROP BY?? - reception followed by dinner, Presidential Roundtable Annual Spring Policy Forum (Jo-Anne)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 3
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM - markup on farm credit (Dave)
8:30 S-230 breakfast with Colin Powell & other Senators (Dan Stanley)
10:30 S-230 Senate/House Leadership mtg.
12:00 S-230 luncheon w/Lane Kirkland, Pres. of AFL-CIO, & several Union Presidents and AFL-CIO people, Peggy Taylor, Assoc. Dir. of Legis. for AFL-CIO, and other Senators (Jim McMillan)
2:00 1100 Longworth ??? FIN COMM - child-care organizing conference
3:00 1100 Longworth ??? FIN COMM - trade organizing conference
2:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Dr. Dwight R. Platt, Chevron Conservation Award Winner (Marcie)
3:00 SD-192 SPEAK - Mass Mutual Life Ins. Co. (Sheila/Carolyn)
between 4:00-5:00 SD-562 SPEAK briefly - Triangle Chamber of Commerce representing Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, NC, per Sen. Helms request (anytime between 4-5)
4:00-6:00 S-115 ??? recp. celebrating swearing-in of Sen. Akaka
4:45 S-230 mtg. w/President of Tunisia, Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali & Senator Mitchell (Al)
between 5:30-7:00 Capitol Hill Club SPEAK - reception for PAC Steering Committee of the President's Dinner (Jo-Anne)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 4
8:30 S-230 AG mtg. w/Sec. Yeutter, Sen. Lugar, & other Senators (Dave)
9:15-9:30 Dirksen Auditorium SPEAK - Welcoming Remarks - Senate Bicentennial Commission (Walt/Clarkson)
10:00-10:15 White House Rose Garden Ceremony for Civil Rights Appointees (Judy B.)
10:30-2:30 SR-332 AG COMM - markup (Dave)
11:00 1100 Longworth FIN COMM - trade conference mtg.
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Rep. Gephardt & Rep. Michel
1:30-2:30 S-230 drop by? luncheon for Vietnam Veterans (Bill) (you are host)
2:00 H-137 budget mtg. w/Rep. Gephardt & Rep. Michel
2:30 S-230 TENTATIVE - mtg. w/Dan Daly (Jo-Anne)
4:00 S-230 Judy B. mtg. w/Gifford Foley (Sen. stop by)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Jan Garton, Chevron Conservation Award winner (Marcie)
4:05 S-230 PHOTO w/2 KS travel agents (Greg)
4:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Tom Mulhearne & family (Marcie)
4:30 S-221 mtg. w/Hungarian President Arpad Goncz and Sen. Mitchell (Al)
6:00 S-211 mtg. w/W. German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and Senator Mitchell & other Senators (Al)
(following appointment labeled "didn't go")
5:30-7:00 Sr-325 DROP BY??? Former Members of Congress 20th Annual Spring Congressional Reception
(following appointment labeled "didn't go")
5:00-7:00 S-207 reception in honor of former floor leaders (guest of honor is Mike Mansfield)
(following appointment labeled "didn't go")
6:00-8:00 Madison Library, 6th Floor DROP BY??? unveiling of portrait of Rep. Edwards hosted by Paralyzed Veterans of America & Vietnam Veterans Institute
(following appointment labeled "didn't go")
6:30-8:00 State Dept., Diplomatic Reception Rooms ??? VIP reception f/Horatio Alger Members, Awardees, & spouses
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 5
FRIDAY, May 18
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM - markup - seafood, fruits, & veg.
9:30 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc. on Medicare & long-term care - Physician services
10:25 S-230 PHOTO w/Matt Ernst, Russell, KS, Horatio Alger Award Winner (Marcie)
10:15 S-230 Whitt mtg. w/Mike Baroody (Sen. drop by)
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Jim Corman (Carolyn)
10:45 S-230 mtg. w/Mr. Karal van Wolferin (per Bob Lighthizer)
11:00 S-230 mtg. w/John Tillotson (Marcie)
11:30 S-230 KS radio conference call (Clarkson)
6:30-7:30 Sheraton Washington Hotel, Delaware Suite Horatio Alger Awardee/Member Reception
(following appointment crossed out and labeled "did not go to dinner")
7:30-10:30 Sheraton Washington Hotel, Ballroom Horatio Alger Awards Dinner (black tie)
May 25, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 1
MONDAY, May 21
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Polish Ambassador Jan Kinast (Al)
11:00 S-235 drop by - Sheila mtg. w/KS Assoc. of Nurse Anesthetists
12:00-1:00 SH-708 drop by - luncheon hosted by Sen. McConnell for members of the Republican Parties from Kentucky & South Carolina
12:15 SD-106 drop by - luncheon hosted by Sen. Roth for the Delaware Governor's Club
2:00 S-230 Senate/House GOP budget negotiators meeting
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 2
Tuesday, May 22
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM - markup - seafood (Dave)
8:30 Powers Court SPEAK - fundraising brkf. f/former Congressman Dave Emery (Sen. Dole host) (Jo-Anne)
9:15 S-230 Garland Country Day School, Denver, to tour S-230 (Marcie)
10:00 White House GOP Leadership meeting (general agenda) (ar. by 9:45, NW Gate, Cabinet Room)
12:00 Dept of Labor, Secretary's Office luncheon f/Queen Noor (Doles & Simpsons)
12:45 S-211 policy luncheon
2:00-5:00 SR-332 AG COMM - markup (Dave)
3:00-5:00 S-207 Senate/House negotiators budget meeting
3:30-5:00 S-224 bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Task meeting (Dennis)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Kansas auto dealers (Greg)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Scott Kailer, St. Thomas Aquinas School in Wichita (David)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO & MTG. w/Latvian athletes and officials (Al)
5:00 S-221 mtg. w/Sen. Mitchell & Leadership re: re-decorating of the Caucus Room
4:30-6:30 S-126 recp. - Auto Dealers & Drivers for Free Trade PAC (Tom Nemet) (Jo-Anne)
5:00-7:00 S-115 recp. for Fay Vincent, Commissioner of Baseball, hosted by Senator Danforth
6:45-7:30 S-230 Old Senate Chamber reception prior to theatrical production in the Old Senate Chamber in celebration of the 200th Anniv. of the U.S. Senate (you are host)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 3
Wednesday, May 23
8:00 S-120 ???? drop by breakfast for the Kansas Cong. Del. hosted by Chancellor Gene A. Budig
9:00 EF-100 AG COMM - Members only meeting
10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/NASA space shuttle crew (Dan)
10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Jonathan Kemper, Pres. & CEO of Commerce Bank of Kansas City, Les Boll, VP International Dept., Tom Noonan, Pres. of Commerce Bank of St. Louis (Marcie)
1:40 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Murkowski & Simpson
2:00-5:00 SR-332 AG COMM - markup (Dave)
3:00 SD-211 FIN COMM - Senate conferees on childcare
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Jim Hoge, Publisher of the New York Daily News, and Joe Califano (Jim M.)
4:30 H-236 Senate/House GOP budget summit meeting
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 4
Thursday, May 24
8:30 Senatorial Committee drop by - Dole for Senate Steering Committee (Jo-Anne)
9:00 SR-433 AG COMM - working group (Dave)
10:30 Capitol, East Front Salute to military heroes (Whitt)
1:00-3:00 S-207 Senate/House budget negotiators meeting
3:30 S-230 mtg. w/Chinese Ambassador Zhu Qizhen & Senator Simpson (Al)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/John Birkelund, Chairman of Polish Funds, and John Whitehead, Chairman of Hungarian Funds (Al)
4:25 S-230 PHOTO w/Tom Reeves, Nat'l Geographic Winner from St. Paul, KS (Marcie)
4:30 Ohio Clock PHOTO w/Highland, Kansas, Elementary School students (Don)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Sarah Berklehamer (intern)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Aldie Ensminger, Republican State Representative, Moran
5:30-7:30 Willard Hotel, Ballroom Larry Pressler fundraiser reception (Pres. Bush to attend) (Jo-Anne) (DOORS CLOSE AT 6:05 p.m. f/President's arrival)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 5
Friday, May 25
11:00 S-230 KS radio conference call (Clarkson)
11:30 S-230 Mtg. w/Bernie Ruysser, KCK Banker, and Rex Richards, KCK Chamber of Commerce (Marcie)
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Mr. and Mrs. (Robert & Mary) Musseman and son, Rovert Musseman, Jr.
1:45 hideaway Kansas TV interview on the Summit (Clarkson)
2:00 S-230 French TV interview (Clarkson)
Thursday, May 31
7:30 White House Pres. & Mrs. Bush hosting black tie dinner for President and Mrs. Gorbachev
(events earlier in the day on May 31 are on separate campaign schedule)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 27-June 2, 1990
see separate - out of town schedule
Friday, June 1
9:30 Soviet Embassy meeting with President Gorbachev & others
2:00 S-230 press conference
5:00 White House, East Gate Bush/Gorbachev signing ceremony (arrive 4:30)
7:30 Soviet Embassy dinner in honor of President & Mrs. Bush hosted by President & Mrs. Gorbachev
Saturday, June 2
11:00 SH-141 meet w/Maria Tondi & Alice Fiocchi and Mrs. Dole -
May 4, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990 Page 1
9:00 White House Meeting w/Pres. Bush, VP Quayle, Sununu, Darman
10:30 H-227 The Cap SPEAK to Rep. Michel's Chamber of Commerce constituents (Jim & Carolyn)
1:00 SH-143 DROP BY - mtg. with Kansas City Chamber of Commerce (Wholey)
3:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Kansas Rural Electric Coops (Greg)
3:45 S-230 PHOTO w/KS Secretary of State Bill Graves (& wife Linda) (Greg)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Exec. Director of Autism Society of America (Tom Nerney & Rosalee Leonard) (Mo)
4:00-6:00 S-120 DROP BY?? - Kansas City Chamber recp. (Wholey) (Kansans from KC Chamber: Robert A. Bibb, Pres, Bibb & Assoc; Richard Krecker, Pres. & CEO, KS BC/BS; Peter Levy, new Pres. of KC Chamber; Elaine Osborn, Charles Hucker)
4:30 S-230 mtg. w/Secretary Brady
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Jacques Cousteau & Jean-Michel Cousteau (White)
6:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senators Mitchell, Hatfield, Byrd on supplemental
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990 Page 2
10:00 White House Cabinet Room Senate/House Leadership meeting on space funding - arr. by 9:45 a.m., NW Gate
11:45 S-230 mtg. w/Andy Poipoi & Andy Anderson re: Saiki (Jo-Anne)
12:30 S-230 National Geographic will begin setting up for 3:00 photo -- setup will take 2 hrs.
12:45 S-211 Policy Luncheon
2:30 S-221 mtg. w/President of Panama Endara w/Senator Mitchell (Al)
3:00 S-230 PHOTO taken by National Geographic for We The People (Sheila & Wholey)
3:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Randy Chilton (Whitt)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Rabbi Glasner (Al)
5:00 White House mtg. w/Sununu
6:45 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Baker re: El Salvador
5:00-6:00 Crystal Gateway reception - Kansas Chamber of Commerce & Industry
6:00-9:00 Marriott dinner - Kansas Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Greg, Jim, Marcie, Sara)
6:00-8:00 Ronald Reagan Center Fundraiser f/Sen. Mitch McConnell (Jo-Anne) (co-host)
between 6:30-7:00 Willard Hotel, Main Ballroom SPEAK - National Water Alliance - receive award (Greg)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990 Page 3
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM (markup on Farm Bill) (Dave)
11:00 S-230 conference call - KS radio (Clarkson)
11:30 SD-192 SPEAK - Washington Workshop (Walt/Clarkson)
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Tom Nemet (Jo-Anne)
3:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Richard Keating and Steve Lambright per Tom Korologos
3:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Marta Russell & Alan Toy per Dave Dawkins request (Mo)
3:30 S-230 Codel to meet w/Tom Dine, Exec. Dir., AIPAC (Al)
4:55 S-230 video-tape - Senate candidates: Ben Bagert (LA) and Bill Cabaniss (Ala) (Jo-Anne)
5:00-6:00 Ronald Reagan Center "Meet & Greet" PAC recp. f/Senate candidate Ben Bagert (LA) (Jo-Anne)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990 Page 4
8:00-9:30 SH-143 DROP BY - brkf. w/Bud Cornish & Kansas Insurance Group (Greg)
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM (markup on Farm Bill) (Dave)
11:00 OHIO CLOCK PHOTO w/students from Lake Forest Country Day School of Lake Forest, IL (Dr. & Mrs. Goshgarian and daughter Rachel are w/the group) (Don Lee)
11:10 OHIO CLOCK PHOTO - Mark Shonka & Dan Kosch & wives, friends of Sen. Boschwitz (Don Lee)
11:15 S-230 mtg. w/Romanian Minister of Agriculture Victor Surdu; Mr. Marin Olteanu, Director, Int'l Coop., Ministry of Ag; Mr. Vladimir Soare, Dir. & VP, Foreign Trade Bank (Al)
11:45 S-230 mtg. w/Martin Lee, politician from Hong Kong (per Rep. Porter's request) (Al)
12:40 SD-106 FYI -- Mrs. Dole saying prayer for National Day of Prayer
1:45 S-230 interview s/Armenian TV crew (Clarkson)
2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Jim Rappaport, Senate candidate in Mass. (Jo-Anne)
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Princeton University student Matt Edelman (Jo-Anne)
2:45 S-230 mtg. w/Leo Melamed re: CFTC/SEC jurisdiction issues (Jim M.)
3:00 S-230 Children's Hospice International video-tape (Clarkson)
3:30 Ronald Reagan Center video-tape - Price-Waterhouse (Clarkson)
4:30 S-207 DROP BY?? - recp. - National Day of Prayer - Rev. Halverson
4:40 S-230 PHOTO w/Dick Mellinger - FEMA (Marcie & Jim)
4:45 S-230 mtg. w/John Marrs, Pres, Am Chamber of Commerce in Egypt & Shafik Gabr, 2 officers of Am C of C in Egypt: Ahmed Shawki & Omar Mohamme (Jim W.)
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. House
5:30 S-230 coffee for Rabbanit Rachel Sorotzkin (Whit)
6:00-8:00 Wash. Court Hotel Fundraiser for Sen. Cochran's PAC (Jo-Anne)
7:30-11:00 Sheraton Washington Hotel SPEAK - Inner Circle Dinner - Keynote Washington Address (Jo-Anne/Walt/Clarkson)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990
9:20 Wash. Hilton, Ballroom SPEAK - President's Committee Annual Conf. (Mo West)
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Wilson re: drug bill (Sheila/Whitt)
10:45 S-230 mtg. w/Al Swann from Salina (Stacy)
11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Fred Malek (Al)
11:20 S-230 PHOTO w/spring interns (Don Lee)
11:25 S-230 photo w/Brad Linnenkamp from Shawnee, Kansas, National Volunteer Award
11:30 S-211 co-host coffee meeting w/Sen. Mitchell for Lithuanian Prime Minister Kazimiera Prunskiene (Al)
1:00 Ramada Tech World South Salon, 9th & I St. SPEAK - "Perestroika Perspective: Technology Transactions with the Soviet Union" (Al)
2:00 S-230 interview w/Leslie Phillips, USA Today, re: Middle East (Walt)
2:20 S-230 interview w/Elaine Povich, Chicago Tribune re: Dole-Israel profile (Walt)
2:40 S-230 interview w/Paula Dwyer & Lee Walczak, Business Week, re: campaign fin reform & Sununu (Walt)
3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Ken Bialkin per Bob Lighthizer (Sheila/Al)
May 11, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990
Sunday, May 6
4:45 arrive Teddy Roosevelt Lecture White House by 4:45, SW Gate, West Lobby
6:15 White House budget meeting
May 7, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 1
Monday, May 7
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Ambassador Dubinin (Al)
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Lee Hollis
2:45- 345 Cannon HOB SPEAK 9th Annual "Washington Conference" (Carolyn)
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Phil Kolodziej re: aid to children & child abuse (Gary Duncan from Village, Topeka will also attend mtg.)
6:00-8:00 Cannon Caucus Room DROP BY?? recp. honoring Dr. William Stutts, Pres. of American Orthodontists (Marcie) (Dr. Robert & Wanda Morrison, Hutchinson; Dr. Thompson, Kansas City)
10:30 2175 Rayburn Capital to Capital live panel discussion w/Speaker Foley (Walt)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 2
Tuesday, May 8
10:00 White House (ar. by 9:45, NW Gate) GOP Leadership meeting re: budget & campaign finance reform
11:10 Madison Hotel SPEAK - National Organization of Investment Professionals (NOIP) (Carolyn)
12:15 Senate Recep Rm PHOTO for We The People w/Senators Mitchell, Simpson, Cranston
12:30 S-230 mtg. for Ranking Members re: budget
12:40 S-230 PHOTO w/Pat Saiki and other Senators
12:45 S-211 Policy Luncheon
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Specter
2:45 S-230 mtg. w/Polish Deputy Prime Minister & Finance Minister Leszek Balcerowicz (Al)
3:15 S-230 mtg. w/Rabbi Balkany (Al)
3:30 SD-562 SPEAK - Young Presidents Organization (Dennis)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Ed Levy, Chairman of AIPAC (Al)
4:45 S-230 PHOTO w/group of Kansas orthodontists (Marcie)
5:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Roth, Stevens, Simpson re: Hatch
6:00-7:00 B338 Rayburn DROP BY??? recp. Sioux City 36th Annual Steak dinner
6:00 1300 Longworth DROP BY??? Chicago Mercantile Exchange Reception
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 3
Wednesday, May 9
8:30-9:45 S-230 breakfast w/Carla Hills (Joyce)
10:00 White House budget consultation meeting (arrive by 9:45)
11:00-11:30 Oval Office meeting with the President, Foley, Mitchell, Michel, Nunn, Warner, Inouye, Stevens, Byrd
12:00 Dirksen Auditorium SPEAK - Maryland Federation of Republican Women (Kathy)
2:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Mindy Raduege - 1990 Goodwill Graduate of the Year (Mo)
3:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senator Mitchell and President of Bolivia, Jaime Paz Zamora (Al)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/AID Administrator Ronald Roskens (Al)
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Peter Frelinghuysen & son, Rod, who is running for Congress
5:30 S-230 mtg. w/Board of ASCAP (Jim W.)
5:30-7:00 S-207 DROP BY?? recp. honoring Members of Congress hosted by American Furniture Manufacturers Association
6:00 Army-Navy Club (location was changed) recp. honoring Mike Mansfield hosted by Council of American Ambassadors
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 4
Thursday, May 10
8:30 Senatorial Committee Pat Saiki Steering Committee meeting (Jo-Anne)
10:00 S-230 mtg. w/Iraqi Ambassador Mohamad Al-Mashat and DCM Khalid Shaweyish and Codel and Senators Shelby & Specter (Al)
10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Mrs. Frances Preston, Pres. & CEO of Broadcast Music Inc., and Mr. Jim Free, Senior VP for BMI (Jim W.)
10:35 S-230 PHOTO w/Rep. John Myers (Bill W.)
11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. Jean Mayer, Pres. of Tufts University re: hunger (Stacy)
11:15 S-230 mtg. w/Frank Shrontz, CEO of Boeing
1:35 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson)
2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Kansas State President Jon Wefald (Marcie)
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Zev Wolfson (Jon Lynn)
3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Art Fletcher (Judy B.)
3:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Gramm, Domenici, Hatfield, and Packwood re: budget
4:10 S-230 PHOTO w/KS SBA Small Bus. Award Winners (Greg)
4:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Dr. Eugene Davidson & wife, Myrna, of Russell (Marcie)
5:30-7:30 Russell Courtyard DROP BY??? recp. hosted by Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Liaison Offices
6:00 S-120 DROP BY?? recp. The National Constitution Center hosted by Senator Kassebaum
7:00 Soviet Embassy (1125 16th St., NW) Farewell reception in honor of Ambassador and Mrs. Yuri V. Dubinin
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 5
Friday, May 11
9:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Durenberger
9:55 S-230 PHOTO w/Andrew Barrett, FCC Commissioner (Marcie)
10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Social Security - hearing on SS Restoration Act
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Rudman
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Boschwitz
12:30-2:00 S-116 drop by luncheon for Alexander Dubcek, Chairman of the Federal Assembly of Czechoslovakia, hosted by Senators Pell and Helms
2:00 S-230 video f/Senator Lott
May 15, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 1
MONDAY, May 14
9:00 Senate Floor SPEAK to 1990 Congressional Senior Citizen Intern participants (Sheila)
10:30 S-230 DROP BY - Dr. Don Wilson, Pres. of Pittsburg State Univ. (Carolyn will be meeting with him)
11:00 SR-253 introduce Andrew Barrett, Commissioner, FCC, at his confirmation hearing (Jim W./Marcie)
11:15 S-230 mtg. w/Ted Arison (Jo-Anne)
11:00 S-230 Tom Korologos/Art Fletcher mtg. -- Senator to drop by
12:15 Hotel Washington SPEAK - Commodity Club (Dave)
1:10 SD-419 SPEAK - Institutional Investor Institute's Annual Washington Roundtable
3:00 S-230 Senate/House budget negotiator's meeting
3:55 S-230 PHOTO w/Topeka & Kansas City Police Officers (Greg)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Lisa Thompson, Blind Award Winner (Marcie)
6:45-7:15 Wash. Court Hotel Fundraiser for Kansas Gov. Mike Hayden (co-host w/Sen. Kassebaum & Sununu) (Exec. Foyer/Sagamore Hill) (Jo-Anne)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 2
9:00 S-126 STOP BY - co-host brkf. w/Rep. Hoyer for Soviet Delegation on Disabilities (Mo W.)
10:00 S-230 mtg w/Bulgarian Opposition Leaders (Mira)
11:00 S-230 mtg w/Mr. & Mrs. (Yona & Miriam) Baumel (Al)
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Domingo Moreira (Al)
12:00 The Mall (3rd & 4th St, SW) ???? Ninth Annual Nat'l Peace Officers Memorial Day Service in honor of law enforcement officers
12:45 S-211 Policy luncheon
2:00 White House Senate/House Ldrshp meeting re: budget (ar. by 1:45 p.m., NW Gate, Cabinet Room)
4:00 S-230 mtg. & PHOTO w/Miles Epling, Nat'l Commander of Am. Legion (Dennis)
4:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Ivan Strickler & family (Dave)
6:00-8:00 Cannon Caucus Room SPEAK briefly - recp. honoring Ivan Strickler, Chairman of the Nat'l Dairy Promotion & Research Board (Dave)
6:00 recp Hyatt Hotel reception & dinner in tribute to Sen. Mitchell (you are co-hosting with Edmund Muskie & Sen. Cranston) (Whit)
7:30 dinner
6:00 Galleria 1155 21st St, NW DROP BY?? - reception followed by dinner, Presidential Roundtable Annual Spring Policy Forum (Jo-Anne)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 3
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM - markup on farm credit (Dave)
8:30 S-230 breakfast with Colin Powell & other Senators (Dan Stanley)
10:30 S-230 Senate/House Leadership mtg.
12:00 S-230 luncheon w/Lane Kirkland, Pres. of AFL-CIO, & several Union Presidents and AFL-CIO people, Peggy Taylor, Assoc. Dir. of Legis. for AFL-CIO, and other Senators (Jim McMillan)
2:00 1100 Longworth ??? FIN COMM - child-care organizing conference
3:00 1100 Longworth ??? FIN COMM - trade organizing conference
2:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Dr. Dwight R. Platt, Chevron Conservation Award Winner (Marcie)
3:00 SD-192 SPEAK - Mass Mutual Life Ins. Co. (Sheila/Carolyn)
between 4:00-5:00 SD-562 SPEAK briefly - Triangle Chamber of Commerce representing Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, NC, per Sen. Helms request (anytime between 4-5)
4:00-6:00 S-115 ??? recp. celebrating swearing-in of Sen. Akaka
4:45 S-230 mtg. w/President of Tunisia, Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali & Senator Mitchell (Al)
between 5:30-7:00 Capitol Hill Club SPEAK - reception for PAC Steering Committee of the President's Dinner (Jo-Anne)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 4
8:30 S-230 AG mtg. w/Sec. Yeutter, Sen. Lugar, & other Senators (Dave)
9:15-9:30 Dirksen Auditorium SPEAK - Welcoming Remarks - Senate Bicentennial Commission (Walt/Clarkson)
10:00-10:15 White House Rose Garden Ceremony for Civil Rights Appointees (Judy B.)
10:30-2:30 SR-332 AG COMM - markup (Dave)
11:00 1100 Longworth FIN COMM - trade conference mtg.
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Rep. Gephardt & Rep. Michel
1:30-2:30 S-230 drop by? luncheon for Vietnam Veterans (Bill) (you are host)
2:00 H-137 budget mtg. w/Rep. Gephardt & Rep. Michel
2:30 S-230 TENTATIVE - mtg. w/Dan Daly (Jo-Anne)
4:00 S-230 Judy B. mtg. w/Gifford Foley (Sen. stop by)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Jan Garton, Chevron Conservation Award winner (Marcie)
4:05 S-230 PHOTO w/2 KS travel agents (Greg)
4:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Tom Mulhearne & family (Marcie)
4:30 S-221 mtg. w/Hungarian President Arpad Goncz and Sen. Mitchell (Al)
6:00 S-211 mtg. w/W. German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and Senator Mitchell & other Senators (Al)
(following appointment labeled "didn't go")
5:30-7:00 Sr-325 DROP BY??? Former Members of Congress 20th Annual Spring Congressional Reception
(following appointment labeled "didn't go")
5:00-7:00 S-207 reception in honor of former floor leaders (guest of honor is Mike Mansfield)
(following appointment labeled "didn't go")
6:00-8:00 Madison Library, 6th Floor DROP BY??? unveiling of portrait of Rep. Edwards hosted by Paralyzed Veterans of America & Vietnam Veterans Institute
(following appointment labeled "didn't go")
6:30-8:00 State Dept., Diplomatic Reception Rooms ??? VIP reception f/Horatio Alger Members, Awardees, & spouses
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 5
FRIDAY, May 18
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM - markup - seafood, fruits, & veg.
9:30 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc. on Medicare & long-term care - Physician services
10:25 S-230 PHOTO w/Matt Ernst, Russell, KS, Horatio Alger Award Winner (Marcie)
10:15 S-230 Whitt mtg. w/Mike Baroody (Sen. drop by)
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Jim Corman (Carolyn)
10:45 S-230 mtg. w/Mr. Karal van Wolferin (per Bob Lighthizer)
11:00 S-230 mtg. w/John Tillotson (Marcie)
11:30 S-230 KS radio conference call (Clarkson)
6:30-7:30 Sheraton Washington Hotel, Delaware Suite Horatio Alger Awardee/Member Reception
(following appointment crossed out and labeled "did not go to dinner")
7:30-10:30 Sheraton Washington Hotel, Ballroom Horatio Alger Awards Dinner (black tie)
May 25, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 1
MONDAY, May 21
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Polish Ambassador Jan Kinast (Al)
11:00 S-235 drop by - Sheila mtg. w/KS Assoc. of Nurse Anesthetists
12:00-1:00 SH-708 drop by - luncheon hosted by Sen. McConnell for members of the Republican Parties from Kentucky & South Carolina
12:15 SD-106 drop by - luncheon hosted by Sen. Roth for the Delaware Governor's Club
2:00 S-230 Senate/House GOP budget negotiators meeting
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 2
Tuesday, May 22
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM - markup - seafood (Dave)
8:30 Powers Court SPEAK - fundraising brkf. f/former Congressman Dave Emery (Sen. Dole host) (Jo-Anne)
9:15 S-230 Garland Country Day School, Denver, to tour S-230 (Marcie)
10:00 White House GOP Leadership meeting (general agenda) (ar. by 9:45, NW Gate, Cabinet Room)
12:00 Dept of Labor, Secretary's Office luncheon f/Queen Noor (Doles & Simpsons)
12:45 S-211 policy luncheon
2:00-5:00 SR-332 AG COMM - markup (Dave)
3:00-5:00 S-207 Senate/House negotiators budget meeting
3:30-5:00 S-224 bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Task meeting (Dennis)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Kansas auto dealers (Greg)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Scott Kailer, St. Thomas Aquinas School in Wichita (David)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO & MTG. w/Latvian athletes and officials (Al)
5:00 S-221 mtg. w/Sen. Mitchell & Leadership re: re-decorating of the Caucus Room
4:30-6:30 S-126 recp. - Auto Dealers & Drivers for Free Trade PAC (Tom Nemet) (Jo-Anne)
5:00-7:00 S-115 recp. for Fay Vincent, Commissioner of Baseball, hosted by Senator Danforth
6:45-7:30 S-230 Old Senate Chamber reception prior to theatrical production in the Old Senate Chamber in celebration of the 200th Anniv. of the U.S. Senate (you are host)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 3
Wednesday, May 23
8:00 S-120 ???? drop by breakfast for the Kansas Cong. Del. hosted by Chancellor Gene A. Budig
9:00 EF-100 AG COMM - Members only meeting
10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/NASA space shuttle crew (Dan)
10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Jonathan Kemper, Pres. & CEO of Commerce Bank of Kansas City, Les Boll, VP International Dept., Tom Noonan, Pres. of Commerce Bank of St. Louis (Marcie)
1:40 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Murkowski & Simpson
2:00-5:00 SR-332 AG COMM - markup (Dave)
3:00 SD-211 FIN COMM - Senate conferees on childcare
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Jim Hoge, Publisher of the New York Daily News, and Joe Califano (Jim M.)
4:30 H-236 Senate/House GOP budget summit meeting
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 4
Thursday, May 24
8:30 Senatorial Committee drop by - Dole for Senate Steering Committee (Jo-Anne)
9:00 SR-433 AG COMM - working group (Dave)
10:30 Capitol, East Front Salute to military heroes (Whitt)
1:00-3:00 S-207 Senate/House budget negotiators meeting
3:30 S-230 mtg. w/Chinese Ambassador Zhu Qizhen & Senator Simpson (Al)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/John Birkelund, Chairman of Polish Funds, and John Whitehead, Chairman of Hungarian Funds (Al)
4:25 S-230 PHOTO w/Tom Reeves, Nat'l Geographic Winner from St. Paul, KS (Marcie)
4:30 Ohio Clock PHOTO w/Highland, Kansas, Elementary School students (Don)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Sarah Berklehamer (intern)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Aldie Ensminger, Republican State Representative, Moran
5:30-7:30 Willard Hotel, Ballroom Larry Pressler fundraiser reception (Pres. Bush to attend) (Jo-Anne) (DOORS CLOSE AT 6:05 p.m. f/President's arrival)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 5
Friday, May 25
11:00 S-230 KS radio conference call (Clarkson)
11:30 S-230 Mtg. w/Bernie Ruysser, KCK Banker, and Rex Richards, KCK Chamber of Commerce (Marcie)
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Mr. and Mrs. (Robert & Mary) Musseman and son, Rovert Musseman, Jr.
1:45 hideaway Kansas TV interview on the Summit (Clarkson)
2:00 S-230 French TV interview (Clarkson)
Thursday, May 31
7:30 White House Pres. & Mrs. Bush hosting black tie dinner for President and Mrs. Gorbachev
(events earlier in the day on May 31 are on separate campaign schedule)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 27-June 2, 1990
see separate - out of town schedule
Friday, June 1
9:30 Soviet Embassy meeting with President Gorbachev & others
2:00 S-230 press conference
5:00 White House, East Gate Bush/Gorbachev signing ceremony (arrive 4:30)
7:30 Soviet Embassy dinner in honor of President & Mrs. Bush hosted by President & Mrs. Gorbachev
Saturday, June 2
11:00 SH-141 meet w/Maria Tondi & Alice Fiocchi and Mrs. Dole -
May 4, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990 Page 1
9:00 White House Meeting w/Pres. Bush, VP Quayle, Sununu, Darman
10:30 H-227 The Cap SPEAK to Rep. Michel's Chamber of Commerce constituents (Jim & Carolyn)
1:00 SH-143 DROP BY - mtg. with Kansas City Chamber of Commerce (Wholey)
3:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Kansas Rural Electric Coops (Greg)
3:45 S-230 PHOTO w/KS Secretary of State Bill Graves (& wife Linda) (Greg)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Exec. Director of Autism Society of America (Tom Nerney & Rosalee Leonard) (Mo)
4:00-6:00 S-120 DROP BY?? - Kansas City Chamber recp. (Wholey) (Kansans from KC Chamber: Robert A. Bibb, Pres, Bibb & Assoc; Richard Krecker, Pres. & CEO, KS BC/BS; Peter Levy, new Pres. of KC Chamber; Elaine Osborn, Charles Hucker)
4:30 S-230 mtg. w/Secretary Brady
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Jacques Cousteau & Jean-Michel Cousteau (White)
6:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senators Mitchell, Hatfield, Byrd on supplemental
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990 Page 2
10:00 White House Cabinet Room Senate/House Leadership meeting on space funding - arr. by 9:45 a.m., NW Gate
11:45 S-230 mtg. w/Andy Poipoi & Andy Anderson re: Saiki (Jo-Anne)
12:30 S-230 National Geographic will begin setting up for 3:00 photo -- setup will take 2 hrs.
12:45 S-211 Policy Luncheon
2:30 S-221 mtg. w/President of Panama Endara w/Senator Mitchell (Al)
3:00 S-230 PHOTO taken by National Geographic for We The People (Sheila & Wholey)
3:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Randy Chilton (Whitt)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Rabbi Glasner (Al)
5:00 White House mtg. w/Sununu
6:45 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Baker re: El Salvador
5:00-6:00 Crystal Gateway reception - Kansas Chamber of Commerce & Industry
6:00-9:00 Marriott dinner - Kansas Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Greg, Jim, Marcie, Sara)
6:00-8:00 Ronald Reagan Center Fundraiser f/Sen. Mitch McConnell (Jo-Anne) (co-host)
between 6:30-7:00 Willard Hotel, Main Ballroom SPEAK - National Water Alliance - receive award (Greg)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990 Page 3
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM (markup on Farm Bill) (Dave)
11:00 S-230 conference call - KS radio (Clarkson)
11:30 SD-192 SPEAK - Washington Workshop (Walt/Clarkson)
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Tom Nemet (Jo-Anne)
3:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Richard Keating and Steve Lambright per Tom Korologos
3:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Marta Russell & Alan Toy per Dave Dawkins request (Mo)
3:30 S-230 Codel to meet w/Tom Dine, Exec. Dir., AIPAC (Al)
4:55 S-230 video-tape - Senate candidates: Ben Bagert (LA) and Bill Cabaniss (Ala) (Jo-Anne)
5:00-6:00 Ronald Reagan Center "Meet & Greet" PAC recp. f/Senate candidate Ben Bagert (LA) (Jo-Anne)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990 Page 4
8:00-9:30 SH-143 DROP BY - brkf. w/Bud Cornish & Kansas Insurance Group (Greg)
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM (markup on Farm Bill) (Dave)
11:00 OHIO CLOCK PHOTO w/students from Lake Forest Country Day School of Lake Forest, IL (Dr. & Mrs. Goshgarian and daughter Rachel are w/the group) (Don Lee)
11:10 OHIO CLOCK PHOTO - Mark Shonka & Dan Kosch & wives, friends of Sen. Boschwitz (Don Lee)
11:15 S-230 mtg. w/Romanian Minister of Agriculture Victor Surdu; Mr. Marin Olteanu, Director, Int'l Coop., Ministry of Ag; Mr. Vladimir Soare, Dir. & VP, Foreign Trade Bank (Al)
11:45 S-230 mtg. w/Martin Lee, politician from Hong Kong (per Rep. Porter's request) (Al)
12:40 SD-106 FYI -- Mrs. Dole saying prayer for National Day of Prayer
1:45 S-230 interview s/Armenian TV crew (Clarkson)
2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Jim Rappaport, Senate candidate in Mass. (Jo-Anne)
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Princeton University student Matt Edelman (Jo-Anne)
2:45 S-230 mtg. w/Leo Melamed re: CFTC/SEC jurisdiction issues (Jim M.)
3:00 S-230 Children's Hospice International video-tape (Clarkson)
3:30 Ronald Reagan Center video-tape - Price-Waterhouse (Clarkson)
4:30 S-207 DROP BY?? - recp. - National Day of Prayer - Rev. Halverson
4:40 S-230 PHOTO w/Dick Mellinger - FEMA (Marcie & Jim)
4:45 S-230 mtg. w/John Marrs, Pres, Am Chamber of Commerce in Egypt & Shafik Gabr, 2 officers of Am C of C in Egypt: Ahmed Shawki & Omar Mohamme (Jim W.)
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. House
5:30 S-230 coffee for Rabbanit Rachel Sorotzkin (Whit)
6:00-8:00 Wash. Court Hotel Fundraiser for Sen. Cochran's PAC (Jo-Anne)
7:30-11:00 Sheraton Washington Hotel SPEAK - Inner Circle Dinner - Keynote Washington Address (Jo-Anne/Walt/Clarkson)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990
9:20 Wash. Hilton, Ballroom SPEAK - President's Committee Annual Conf. (Mo West)
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Wilson re: drug bill (Sheila/Whitt)
10:45 S-230 mtg. w/Al Swann from Salina (Stacy)
11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Fred Malek (Al)
11:20 S-230 PHOTO w/spring interns (Don Lee)
11:25 S-230 photo w/Brad Linnenkamp from Shawnee, Kansas, National Volunteer Award
11:30 S-211 co-host coffee meeting w/Sen. Mitchell for Lithuanian Prime Minister Kazimiera Prunskiene (Al)
1:00 Ramada Tech World South Salon, 9th & I St. SPEAK - "Perestroika Perspective: Technology Transactions with the Soviet Union" (Al)
2:00 S-230 interview w/Leslie Phillips, USA Today, re: Middle East (Walt)
2:20 S-230 interview w/Elaine Povich, Chicago Tribune re: Dole-Israel profile (Walt)
2:40 S-230 interview w/Paula Dwyer & Lee Walczak, Business Week, re: campaign fin reform & Sununu (Walt)
3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Ken Bialkin per Bob Lighthizer (Sheila/Al)
May 11, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990
Sunday, May 6
4:45 arrive Teddy Roosevelt Lecture White House by 4:45, SW Gate, West Lobby
6:15 White House budget meeting
May 7, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 1
Monday, May 7
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Ambassador Dubinin (Al)
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Lee Hollis
2:45- 345 Cannon HOB SPEAK 9th Annual "Washington Conference" (Carolyn)
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Phil Kolodziej re: aid to children & child abuse (Gary Duncan from Village, Topeka will also attend mtg.)
6:00-8:00 Cannon Caucus Room DROP BY?? recp. honoring Dr. William Stutts, Pres. of American Orthodontists (Marcie) (Dr. Robert & Wanda Morrison, Hutchinson; Dr. Thompson, Kansas City)
10:30 2175 Rayburn Capital to Capital live panel discussion w/Speaker Foley (Walt)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 2
Tuesday, May 8
10:00 White House (ar. by 9:45, NW Gate) GOP Leadership meeting re: budget & campaign finance reform
11:10 Madison Hotel SPEAK - National Organization of Investment Professionals (NOIP) (Carolyn)
12:15 Senate Recep Rm PHOTO for We The People w/Senators Mitchell, Simpson, Cranston
12:30 S-230 mtg. for Ranking Members re: budget
12:40 S-230 PHOTO w/Pat Saiki and other Senators
12:45 S-211 Policy Luncheon
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Specter
2:45 S-230 mtg. w/Polish Deputy Prime Minister & Finance Minister Leszek Balcerowicz (Al)
3:15 S-230 mtg. w/Rabbi Balkany (Al)
3:30 SD-562 SPEAK - Young Presidents Organization (Dennis)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Ed Levy, Chairman of AIPAC (Al)
4:45 S-230 PHOTO w/group of Kansas orthodontists (Marcie)
5:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Roth, Stevens, Simpson re: Hatch
6:00-7:00 B338 Rayburn DROP BY??? recp. Sioux City 36th Annual Steak dinner
6:00 1300 Longworth DROP BY??? Chicago Mercantile Exchange Reception
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 3
Wednesday, May 9
8:30-9:45 S-230 breakfast w/Carla Hills (Joyce)
10:00 White House budget consultation meeting (arrive by 9:45)
11:00-11:30 Oval Office meeting with the President, Foley, Mitchell, Michel, Nunn, Warner, Inouye, Stevens, Byrd
12:00 Dirksen Auditorium SPEAK - Maryland Federation of Republican Women (Kathy)
2:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Mindy Raduege - 1990 Goodwill Graduate of the Year (Mo)
3:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senator Mitchell and President of Bolivia, Jaime Paz Zamora (Al)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/AID Administrator Ronald Roskens (Al)
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Peter Frelinghuysen & son, Rod, who is running for Congress
5:30 S-230 mtg. w/Board of ASCAP (Jim W.)
5:30-7:00 S-207 DROP BY?? recp. honoring Members of Congress hosted by American Furniture Manufacturers Association
6:00 Army-Navy Club (location was changed) recp. honoring Mike Mansfield hosted by Council of American Ambassadors
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 4
Thursday, May 10
8:30 Senatorial Committee Pat Saiki Steering Committee meeting (Jo-Anne)
10:00 S-230 mtg. w/Iraqi Ambassador Mohamad Al-Mashat and DCM Khalid Shaweyish and Codel and Senators Shelby & Specter (Al)
10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Mrs. Frances Preston, Pres. & CEO of Broadcast Music Inc., and Mr. Jim Free, Senior VP for BMI (Jim W.)
10:35 S-230 PHOTO w/Rep. John Myers (Bill W.)
11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. Jean Mayer, Pres. of Tufts University re: hunger (Stacy)
11:15 S-230 mtg. w/Frank Shrontz, CEO of Boeing
1:35 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson)
2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Kansas State President Jon Wefald (Marcie)
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Zev Wolfson (Jon Lynn)
3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Art Fletcher (Judy B.)
3:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Gramm, Domenici, Hatfield, and Packwood re: budget
4:10 S-230 PHOTO w/KS SBA Small Bus. Award Winners (Greg)
4:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Dr. Eugene Davidson & wife, Myrna, of Russell (Marcie)
5:30-7:30 Russell Courtyard DROP BY??? recp. hosted by Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Liaison Offices
6:00 S-120 DROP BY?? recp. The National Constitution Center hosted by Senator Kassebaum
7:00 Soviet Embassy (1125 16th St., NW) Farewell reception in honor of Ambassador and Mrs. Yuri V. Dubinin
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 5
Friday, May 11
9:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Durenberger
9:55 S-230 PHOTO w/Andrew Barrett, FCC Commissioner (Marcie)
10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Social Security - hearing on SS Restoration Act
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Rudman
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Boschwitz
12:30-2:00 S-116 drop by luncheon for Alexander Dubcek, Chairman of the Federal Assembly of Czechoslovakia, hosted by Senators Pell and Helms
2:00 S-230 video f/Senator Lott
May 15, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 1
MONDAY, May 14
9:00 Senate Floor SPEAK to 1990 Congressional Senior Citizen Intern participants (Sheila)
10:30 S-230 DROP BY - Dr. Don Wilson, Pres. of Pittsburg State Univ. (Carolyn will be meeting with him)
11:00 SR-253 introduce Andrew Barrett, Commissioner, FCC, at his confirmation hearing (Jim W./Marcie)
11:15 S-230 mtg. w/Ted Arison (Jo-Anne)
11:00 S-230 Tom Korologos/Art Fletcher mtg. -- Senator to drop by
12:15 Hotel Washington SPEAK - Commodity Club (Dave)
1:10 SD-419 SPEAK - Institutional Investor Institute's Annual Washington Roundtable
3:00 S-230 Senate/House budget negotiator's meeting
3:55 S-230 PHOTO w/Topeka & Kansas City Police Officers (Greg)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Lisa Thompson, Blind Award Winner (Marcie)
6:45-7:15 Wash. Court Hotel Fundraiser for Kansas Gov. Mike Hayden (co-host w/Sen. Kassebaum & Sununu) (Exec. Foyer/Sagamore Hill) (Jo-Anne)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 2
9:00 S-126 STOP BY - co-host brkf. w/Rep. Hoyer for Soviet Delegation on Disabilities (Mo W.)
10:00 S-230 mtg w/Bulgarian Opposition Leaders (Mira)
11:00 S-230 mtg w/Mr. & Mrs. (Yona & Miriam) Baumel (Al)
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Domingo Moreira (Al)
12:00 The Mall (3rd & 4th St, SW) ???? Ninth Annual Nat'l Peace Officers Memorial Day Service in honor of law enforcement officers
12:45 S-211 Policy luncheon
2:00 White House Senate/House Ldrshp meeting re: budget (ar. by 1:45 p.m., NW Gate, Cabinet Room)
4:00 S-230 mtg. & PHOTO w/Miles Epling, Nat'l Commander of Am. Legion (Dennis)
4:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Ivan Strickler & family (Dave)
6:00-8:00 Cannon Caucus Room SPEAK briefly - recp. honoring Ivan Strickler, Chairman of the Nat'l Dairy Promotion & Research Board (Dave)
6:00 recp Hyatt Hotel reception & dinner in tribute to Sen. Mitchell (you are co-hosting with Edmund Muskie & Sen. Cranston) (Whit)
7:30 dinner
6:00 Galleria 1155 21st St, NW DROP BY?? - reception followed by dinner, Presidential Roundtable Annual Spring Policy Forum (Jo-Anne)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 3
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM - markup on farm credit (Dave)
8:30 S-230 breakfast with Colin Powell & other Senators (Dan Stanley)
10:30 S-230 Senate/House Leadership mtg.
12:00 S-230 luncheon w/Lane Kirkland, Pres. of AFL-CIO, & several Union Presidents and AFL-CIO people, Peggy Taylor, Assoc. Dir. of Legis. for AFL-CIO, and other Senators (Jim McMillan)
2:00 1100 Longworth ??? FIN COMM - child-care organizing conference
3:00 1100 Longworth ??? FIN COMM - trade organizing conference
2:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Dr. Dwight R. Platt, Chevron Conservation Award Winner (Marcie)
3:00 SD-192 SPEAK - Mass Mutual Life Ins. Co. (Sheila/Carolyn)
between 4:00-5:00 SD-562 SPEAK briefly - Triangle Chamber of Commerce representing Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, NC, per Sen. Helms request (anytime between 4-5)
4:00-6:00 S-115 ??? recp. celebrating swearing-in of Sen. Akaka
4:45 S-230 mtg. w/President of Tunisia, Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali & Senator Mitchell (Al)
between 5:30-7:00 Capitol Hill Club SPEAK - reception for PAC Steering Committee of the President's Dinner (Jo-Anne)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 4
8:30 S-230 AG mtg. w/Sec. Yeutter, Sen. Lugar, & other Senators (Dave)
9:15-9:30 Dirksen Auditorium SPEAK - Welcoming Remarks - Senate Bicentennial Commission (Walt/Clarkson)
10:00-10:15 White House Rose Garden Ceremony for Civil Rights Appointees (Judy B.)
10:30-2:30 SR-332 AG COMM - markup (Dave)
11:00 1100 Longworth FIN COMM - trade conference mtg.
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Rep. Gephardt & Rep. Michel
1:30-2:30 S-230 drop by? luncheon for Vietnam Veterans (Bill) (you are host)
2:00 H-137 budget mtg. w/Rep. Gephardt & Rep. Michel
2:30 S-230 TENTATIVE - mtg. w/Dan Daly (Jo-Anne)
4:00 S-230 Judy B. mtg. w/Gifford Foley (Sen. stop by)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Jan Garton, Chevron Conservation Award winner (Marcie)
4:05 S-230 PHOTO w/2 KS travel agents (Greg)
4:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Tom Mulhearne & family (Marcie)
4:30 S-221 mtg. w/Hungarian President Arpad Goncz and Sen. Mitchell (Al)
6:00 S-211 mtg. w/W. German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and Senator Mitchell & other Senators (Al)
(following appointment labeled "didn't go")
5:30-7:00 Sr-325 DROP BY??? Former Members of Congress 20th Annual Spring Congressional Reception
(following appointment labeled "didn't go")
5:00-7:00 S-207 reception in honor of former floor leaders (guest of honor is Mike Mansfield)
(following appointment labeled "didn't go")
6:00-8:00 Madison Library, 6th Floor DROP BY??? unveiling of portrait of Rep. Edwards hosted by Paralyzed Veterans of America & Vietnam Veterans Institute
(following appointment labeled "didn't go")
6:30-8:00 State Dept., Diplomatic Reception Rooms ??? VIP reception f/Horatio Alger Members, Awardees, & spouses
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 5
FRIDAY, May 18
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM - markup - seafood, fruits, & veg.
9:30 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc. on Medicare & long-term care - Physician services
10:25 S-230 PHOTO w/Matt Ernst, Russell, KS, Horatio Alger Award Winner (Marcie)
10:15 S-230 Whitt mtg. w/Mike Baroody (Sen. drop by)
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Jim Corman (Carolyn)
10:45 S-230 mtg. w/Mr. Karal van Wolferin (per Bob Lighthizer)
11:00 S-230 mtg. w/John Tillotson (Marcie)
11:30 S-230 KS radio conference call (Clarkson)
6:30-7:30 Sheraton Washington Hotel, Delaware Suite Horatio Alger Awardee/Member Reception
(following appointment crossed out and labeled "did not go to dinner")
7:30-10:30 Sheraton Washington Hotel, Ballroom Horatio Alger Awards Dinner (black tie)
May 25, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 1
MONDAY, May 21
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Polish Ambassador Jan Kinast (Al)
11:00 S-235 drop by - Sheila mtg. w/KS Assoc. of Nurse Anesthetists
12:00-1:00 SH-708 drop by - luncheon hosted by Sen. McConnell for members of the Republican Parties from Kentucky & South Carolina
12:15 SD-106 drop by - luncheon hosted by Sen. Roth for the Delaware Governor's Club
2:00 S-230 Senate/House GOP budget negotiators meeting
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 2
Tuesday, May 22
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM - markup - seafood (Dave)
8:30 Powers Court SPEAK - fundraising brkf. f/former Congressman Dave Emery (Sen. Dole host) (Jo-Anne)
9:15 S-230 Garland Country Day School, Denver, to tour S-230 (Marcie)
10:00 White House GOP Leadership meeting (general agenda) (ar. by 9:45, NW Gate, Cabinet Room)
12:00 Dept of Labor, Secretary's Office luncheon f/Queen Noor (Doles & Simpsons)
12:45 S-211 policy luncheon
2:00-5:00 SR-332 AG COMM - markup (Dave)
3:00-5:00 S-207 Senate/House negotiators budget meeting
3:30-5:00 S-224 bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Task meeting (Dennis)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Kansas auto dealers (Greg)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Scott Kailer, St. Thomas Aquinas School in Wichita (David)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO & MTG. w/Latvian athletes and officials (Al)
5:00 S-221 mtg. w/Sen. Mitchell & Leadership re: re-decorating of the Caucus Room
4:30-6:30 S-126 recp. - Auto Dealers & Drivers for Free Trade PAC (Tom Nemet) (Jo-Anne)
5:00-7:00 S-115 recp. for Fay Vincent, Commissioner of Baseball, hosted by Senator Danforth
6:45-7:30 S-230 Old Senate Chamber reception prior to theatrical production in the Old Senate Chamber in celebration of the 200th Anniv. of the U.S. Senate (you are host)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 3
Wednesday, May 23
8:00 S-120 ???? drop by breakfast for the Kansas Cong. Del. hosted by Chancellor Gene A. Budig
9:00 EF-100 AG COMM - Members only meeting
10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/NASA space shuttle crew (Dan)
10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Jonathan Kemper, Pres. & CEO of Commerce Bank of Kansas City, Les Boll, VP International Dept., Tom Noonan, Pres. of Commerce Bank of St. Louis (Marcie)
1:40 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Murkowski & Simpson
2:00-5:00 SR-332 AG COMM - markup (Dave)
3:00 SD-211 FIN COMM - Senate conferees on childcare
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Jim Hoge, Publisher of the New York Daily News, and Joe Califano (Jim M.)
4:30 H-236 Senate/House GOP budget summit meeting
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 4
Thursday, May 24
8:30 Senatorial Committee drop by - Dole for Senate Steering Committee (Jo-Anne)
9:00 SR-433 AG COMM - working group (Dave)
10:30 Capitol, East Front Salute to military heroes (Whitt)
1:00-3:00 S-207 Senate/House budget negotiators meeting
3:30 S-230 mtg. w/Chinese Ambassador Zhu Qizhen & Senator Simpson (Al)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/John Birkelund, Chairman of Polish Funds, and John Whitehead, Chairman of Hungarian Funds (Al)
4:25 S-230 PHOTO w/Tom Reeves, Nat'l Geographic Winner from St. Paul, KS (Marcie)
4:30 Ohio Clock PHOTO w/Highland, Kansas, Elementary School students (Don)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Sarah Berklehamer (intern)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Aldie Ensminger, Republican State Representative, Moran
5:30-7:30 Willard Hotel, Ballroom Larry Pressler fundraiser reception (Pres. Bush to attend) (Jo-Anne) (DOORS CLOSE AT 6:05 p.m. f/President's arrival)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 5
Friday, May 25
11:00 S-230 KS radio conference call (Clarkson)
11:30 S-230 Mtg. w/Bernie Ruysser, KCK Banker, and Rex Richards, KCK Chamber of Commerce (Marcie)
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Mr. and Mrs. (Robert & Mary) Musseman and son, Rovert Musseman, Jr.
1:45 hideaway Kansas TV interview on the Summit (Clarkson)
2:00 S-230 French TV interview (Clarkson)
Thursday, May 31
7:30 White House Pres. & Mrs. Bush hosting black tie dinner for President and Mrs. Gorbachev
(events earlier in the day on May 31 are on separate campaign schedule)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 27-June 2, 1990
see separate - out of town schedule
Friday, June 1
9:30 Soviet Embassy meeting with President Gorbachev & others
2:00 S-230 press conference
5:00 White House, East Gate Bush/Gorbachev signing ceremony (arrive 4:30)
7:30 Soviet Embassy dinner in honor of President & Mrs. Bush hosted by President & Mrs. Gorbachev
Saturday, June 2
11:00 SH-141 meet w/Maria Tondi & Alice Fiocchi and Mrs. Dole -
May 4, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990 Page 1
9:00 White House Meeting w/Pres. Bush, VP Quayle, Sununu, Darman
10:30 H-227 The Cap SPEAK to Rep. Michel's Chamber of Commerce constituents (Jim & Carolyn)
1:00 SH-143 DROP BY - mtg. with Kansas City Chamber of Commerce (Wholey)
3:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Kansas Rural Electric Coops (Greg)
3:45 S-230 PHOTO w/KS Secretary of State Bill Graves (& wife Linda) (Greg)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Exec. Director of Autism Society of America (Tom Nerney & Rosalee Leonard) (Mo)
4:00-6:00 S-120 DROP BY?? - Kansas City Chamber recp. (Wholey) (Kansans from KC Chamber: Robert A. Bibb, Pres, Bibb & Assoc; Richard Krecker, Pres. & CEO, KS BC/BS; Peter Levy, new Pres. of KC Chamber; Elaine Osborn, Charles Hucker)
4:30 S-230 mtg. w/Secretary Brady
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Jacques Cousteau & Jean-Michel Cousteau (White)
6:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senators Mitchell, Hatfield, Byrd on supplemental
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990 Page 2
10:00 White House Cabinet Room Senate/House Leadership meeting on space funding - arr. by 9:45 a.m., NW Gate
11:45 S-230 mtg. w/Andy Poipoi & Andy Anderson re: Saiki (Jo-Anne)
12:30 S-230 National Geographic will begin setting up for 3:00 photo -- setup will take 2 hrs.
12:45 S-211 Policy Luncheon
2:30 S-221 mtg. w/President of Panama Endara w/Senator Mitchell (Al)
3:00 S-230 PHOTO taken by National Geographic for We The People (Sheila & Wholey)
3:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Randy Chilton (Whitt)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Rabbi Glasner (Al)
5:00 White House mtg. w/Sununu
6:45 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Baker re: El Salvador
5:00-6:00 Crystal Gateway reception - Kansas Chamber of Commerce & Industry
6:00-9:00 Marriott dinner - Kansas Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Greg, Jim, Marcie, Sara)
6:00-8:00 Ronald Reagan Center Fundraiser f/Sen. Mitch McConnell (Jo-Anne) (co-host)
between 6:30-7:00 Willard Hotel, Main Ballroom SPEAK - National Water Alliance - receive award (Greg)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990 Page 3
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM (markup on Farm Bill) (Dave)
11:00 S-230 conference call - KS radio (Clarkson)
11:30 SD-192 SPEAK - Washington Workshop (Walt/Clarkson)
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Tom Nemet (Jo-Anne)
3:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Richard Keating and Steve Lambright per Tom Korologos
3:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Marta Russell & Alan Toy per Dave Dawkins request (Mo)
3:30 S-230 Codel to meet w/Tom Dine, Exec. Dir., AIPAC (Al)
4:55 S-230 video-tape - Senate candidates: Ben Bagert (LA) and Bill Cabaniss (Ala) (Jo-Anne)
5:00-6:00 Ronald Reagan Center "Meet & Greet" PAC recp. f/Senate candidate Ben Bagert (LA) (Jo-Anne)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990 Page 4
8:00-9:30 SH-143 DROP BY - brkf. w/Bud Cornish & Kansas Insurance Group (Greg)
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM (markup on Farm Bill) (Dave)
11:00 OHIO CLOCK PHOTO w/students from Lake Forest Country Day School of Lake Forest, IL (Dr. & Mrs. Goshgarian and daughter Rachel are w/the group) (Don Lee)
11:10 OHIO CLOCK PHOTO - Mark Shonka & Dan Kosch & wives, friends of Sen. Boschwitz (Don Lee)
11:15 S-230 mtg. w/Romanian Minister of Agriculture Victor Surdu; Mr. Marin Olteanu, Director, Int'l Coop., Ministry of Ag; Mr. Vladimir Soare, Dir. & VP, Foreign Trade Bank (Al)
11:45 S-230 mtg. w/Martin Lee, politician from Hong Kong (per Rep. Porter's request) (Al)
12:40 SD-106 FYI -- Mrs. Dole saying prayer for National Day of Prayer
1:45 S-230 interview s/Armenian TV crew (Clarkson)
2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Jim Rappaport, Senate candidate in Mass. (Jo-Anne)
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Princeton University student Matt Edelman (Jo-Anne)
2:45 S-230 mtg. w/Leo Melamed re: CFTC/SEC jurisdiction issues (Jim M.)
3:00 S-230 Children's Hospice International video-tape (Clarkson)
3:30 Ronald Reagan Center video-tape - Price-Waterhouse (Clarkson)
4:30 S-207 DROP BY?? - recp. - National Day of Prayer - Rev. Halverson
4:40 S-230 PHOTO w/Dick Mellinger - FEMA (Marcie & Jim)
4:45 S-230 mtg. w/John Marrs, Pres, Am Chamber of Commerce in Egypt & Shafik Gabr, 2 officers of Am C of C in Egypt: Ahmed Shawki & Omar Mohamme (Jim W.)
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. House
5:30 S-230 coffee for Rabbanit Rachel Sorotzkin (Whit)
6:00-8:00 Wash. Court Hotel Fundraiser for Sen. Cochran's PAC (Jo-Anne)
7:30-11:00 Sheraton Washington Hotel SPEAK - Inner Circle Dinner - Keynote Washington Address (Jo-Anne/Walt/Clarkson)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 29-May 5, 1990
9:20 Wash. Hilton, Ballroom SPEAK - President's Committee Annual Conf. (Mo West)
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Wilson re: drug bill (Sheila/Whitt)
10:45 S-230 mtg. w/Al Swann from Salina (Stacy)
11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Fred Malek (Al)
11:20 S-230 PHOTO w/spring interns (Don Lee)
11:25 S-230 photo w/Brad Linnenkamp from Shawnee, Kansas, National Volunteer Award
11:30 S-211 co-host coffee meeting w/Sen. Mitchell for Lithuanian Prime Minister Kazimiera Prunskiene (Al)
1:00 Ramada Tech World South Salon, 9th & I St. SPEAK - "Perestroika Perspective: Technology Transactions with the Soviet Union" (Al)
2:00 S-230 interview w/Leslie Phillips, USA Today, re: Middle East (Walt)
2:20 S-230 interview w/Elaine Povich, Chicago Tribune re: Dole-Israel profile (Walt)
2:40 S-230 interview w/Paula Dwyer & Lee Walczak, Business Week, re: campaign fin reform & Sununu (Walt)
3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Ken Bialkin per Bob Lighthizer (Sheila/Al)
May 11, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990
Sunday, May 6
4:45 arrive Teddy Roosevelt Lecture White House by 4:45, SW Gate, West Lobby
6:15 White House budget meeting
May 7, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 1
Monday, May 7
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Ambassador Dubinin (Al)
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Lee Hollis
2:45- 345 Cannon HOB SPEAK 9th Annual "Washington Conference" (Carolyn)
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Phil Kolodziej re: aid to children & child abuse (Gary Duncan from Village, Topeka will also attend mtg.)
6:00-8:00 Cannon Caucus Room DROP BY?? recp. honoring Dr. William Stutts, Pres. of American Orthodontists (Marcie) (Dr. Robert & Wanda Morrison, Hutchinson; Dr. Thompson, Kansas City)
10:30 2175 Rayburn Capital to Capital live panel discussion w/Speaker Foley (Walt)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 2
Tuesday, May 8
10:00 White House (ar. by 9:45, NW Gate) GOP Leadership meeting re: budget & campaign finance reform
11:10 Madison Hotel SPEAK - National Organization of Investment Professionals (NOIP) (Carolyn)
12:15 Senate Recep Rm PHOTO for We The People w/Senators Mitchell, Simpson, Cranston
12:30 S-230 mtg. for Ranking Members re: budget
12:40 S-230 PHOTO w/Pat Saiki and other Senators
12:45 S-211 Policy Luncheon
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Specter
2:45 S-230 mtg. w/Polish Deputy Prime Minister & Finance Minister Leszek Balcerowicz (Al)
3:15 S-230 mtg. w/Rabbi Balkany (Al)
3:30 SD-562 SPEAK - Young Presidents Organization (Dennis)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Ed Levy, Chairman of AIPAC (Al)
4:45 S-230 PHOTO w/group of Kansas orthodontists (Marcie)
5:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Roth, Stevens, Simpson re: Hatch
6:00-7:00 B338 Rayburn DROP BY??? recp. Sioux City 36th Annual Steak dinner
6:00 1300 Longworth DROP BY??? Chicago Mercantile Exchange Reception
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 3
Wednesday, May 9
8:30-9:45 S-230 breakfast w/Carla Hills (Joyce)
10:00 White House budget consultation meeting (arrive by 9:45)
11:00-11:30 Oval Office meeting with the President, Foley, Mitchell, Michel, Nunn, Warner, Inouye, Stevens, Byrd
12:00 Dirksen Auditorium SPEAK - Maryland Federation of Republican Women (Kathy)
2:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Mindy Raduege - 1990 Goodwill Graduate of the Year (Mo)
3:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senator Mitchell and President of Bolivia, Jaime Paz Zamora (Al)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/AID Administrator Ronald Roskens (Al)
5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Peter Frelinghuysen & son, Rod, who is running for Congress
5:30 S-230 mtg. w/Board of ASCAP (Jim W.)
5:30-7:00 S-207 DROP BY?? recp. honoring Members of Congress hosted by American Furniture Manufacturers Association
6:00 Army-Navy Club (location was changed) recp. honoring Mike Mansfield hosted by Council of American Ambassadors
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 4
Thursday, May 10
8:30 Senatorial Committee Pat Saiki Steering Committee meeting (Jo-Anne)
10:00 S-230 mtg. w/Iraqi Ambassador Mohamad Al-Mashat and DCM Khalid Shaweyish and Codel and Senators Shelby & Specter (Al)
10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Mrs. Frances Preston, Pres. & CEO of Broadcast Music Inc., and Mr. Jim Free, Senior VP for BMI (Jim W.)
10:35 S-230 PHOTO w/Rep. John Myers (Bill W.)
11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. Jean Mayer, Pres. of Tufts University re: hunger (Stacy)
11:15 S-230 mtg. w/Frank Shrontz, CEO of Boeing
1:35 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson)
2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Kansas State President Jon Wefald (Marcie)
2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Zev Wolfson (Jon Lynn)
3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Art Fletcher (Judy B.)
3:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Gramm, Domenici, Hatfield, and Packwood re: budget
4:10 S-230 PHOTO w/KS SBA Small Bus. Award Winners (Greg)
4:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Dr. Eugene Davidson & wife, Myrna, of Russell (Marcie)
5:30-7:30 Russell Courtyard DROP BY??? recp. hosted by Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Liaison Offices
6:00 S-120 DROP BY?? recp. The National Constitution Center hosted by Senator Kassebaum
7:00 Soviet Embassy (1125 16th St., NW) Farewell reception in honor of Ambassador and Mrs. Yuri V. Dubinin
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 6-12, 1990 Page 5
Friday, May 11
9:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Durenberger
9:55 S-230 PHOTO w/Andrew Barrett, FCC Commissioner (Marcie)
10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Social Security - hearing on SS Restoration Act
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Rudman
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Boschwitz
12:30-2:00 S-116 drop by luncheon for Alexander Dubcek, Chairman of the Federal Assembly of Czechoslovakia, hosted by Senators Pell and Helms
2:00 S-230 video f/Senator Lott
May 15, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 1
MONDAY, May 14
9:00 Senate Floor SPEAK to 1990 Congressional Senior Citizen Intern participants (Sheila)
10:30 S-230 DROP BY - Dr. Don Wilson, Pres. of Pittsburg State Univ. (Carolyn will be meeting with him)
11:00 SR-253 introduce Andrew Barrett, Commissioner, FCC, at his confirmation hearing (Jim W./Marcie)
11:15 S-230 mtg. w/Ted Arison (Jo-Anne)
11:00 S-230 Tom Korologos/Art Fletcher mtg. -- Senator to drop by
12:15 Hotel Washington SPEAK - Commodity Club (Dave)
1:10 SD-419 SPEAK - Institutional Investor Institute's Annual Washington Roundtable
3:00 S-230 Senate/House budget negotiator's meeting
3:55 S-230 PHOTO w/Topeka & Kansas City Police Officers (Greg)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Lisa Thompson, Blind Award Winner (Marcie)
6:45-7:15 Wash. Court Hotel Fundraiser for Kansas Gov. Mike Hayden (co-host w/Sen. Kassebaum & Sununu) (Exec. Foyer/Sagamore Hill) (Jo-Anne)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 2
9:00 S-126 STOP BY - co-host brkf. w/Rep. Hoyer for Soviet Delegation on Disabilities (Mo W.)
10:00 S-230 mtg w/Bulgarian Opposition Leaders (Mira)
11:00 S-230 mtg w/Mr. & Mrs. (Yona & Miriam) Baumel (Al)
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Domingo Moreira (Al)
12:00 The Mall (3rd & 4th St, SW) ???? Ninth Annual Nat'l Peace Officers Memorial Day Service in honor of law enforcement officers
12:45 S-211 Policy luncheon
2:00 White House Senate/House Ldrshp meeting re: budget (ar. by 1:45 p.m., NW Gate, Cabinet Room)
4:00 S-230 mtg. & PHOTO w/Miles Epling, Nat'l Commander of Am. Legion (Dennis)
4:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Ivan Strickler & family (Dave)
6:00-8:00 Cannon Caucus Room SPEAK briefly - recp. honoring Ivan Strickler, Chairman of the Nat'l Dairy Promotion & Research Board (Dave)
6:00 recp Hyatt Hotel reception & dinner in tribute to Sen. Mitchell (you are co-hosting with Edmund Muskie & Sen. Cranston) (Whit)
7:30 dinner
6:00 Galleria 1155 21st St, NW DROP BY?? - reception followed by dinner, Presidential Roundtable Annual Spring Policy Forum (Jo-Anne)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 3
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM - markup on farm credit (Dave)
8:30 S-230 breakfast with Colin Powell & other Senators (Dan Stanley)
10:30 S-230 Senate/House Leadership mtg.
12:00 S-230 luncheon w/Lane Kirkland, Pres. of AFL-CIO, & several Union Presidents and AFL-CIO people, Peggy Taylor, Assoc. Dir. of Legis. for AFL-CIO, and other Senators (Jim McMillan)
2:00 1100 Longworth ??? FIN COMM - child-care organizing conference
3:00 1100 Longworth ??? FIN COMM - trade organizing conference
2:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Dr. Dwight R. Platt, Chevron Conservation Award Winner (Marcie)
3:00 SD-192 SPEAK - Mass Mutual Life Ins. Co. (Sheila/Carolyn)
between 4:00-5:00 SD-562 SPEAK briefly - Triangle Chamber of Commerce representing Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, NC, per Sen. Helms request (anytime between 4-5)
4:00-6:00 S-115 ??? recp. celebrating swearing-in of Sen. Akaka
4:45 S-230 mtg. w/President of Tunisia, Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali & Senator Mitchell (Al)
between 5:30-7:00 Capitol Hill Club SPEAK - reception for PAC Steering Committee of the President's Dinner (Jo-Anne)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 4
8:30 S-230 AG mtg. w/Sec. Yeutter, Sen. Lugar, & other Senators (Dave)
9:15-9:30 Dirksen Auditorium SPEAK - Welcoming Remarks - Senate Bicentennial Commission (Walt/Clarkson)
10:00-10:15 White House Rose Garden Ceremony for Civil Rights Appointees (Judy B.)
10:30-2:30 SR-332 AG COMM - markup (Dave)
11:00 1100 Longworth FIN COMM - trade conference mtg.
11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Rep. Gephardt & Rep. Michel
1:30-2:30 S-230 drop by? luncheon for Vietnam Veterans (Bill) (you are host)
2:00 H-137 budget mtg. w/Rep. Gephardt & Rep. Michel
2:30 S-230 TENTATIVE - mtg. w/Dan Daly (Jo-Anne)
4:00 S-230 Judy B. mtg. w/Gifford Foley (Sen. stop by)
4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Jan Garton, Chevron Conservation Award winner (Marcie)
4:05 S-230 PHOTO w/2 KS travel agents (Greg)
4:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Tom Mulhearne & family (Marcie)
4:30 S-221 mtg. w/Hungarian President Arpad Goncz and Sen. Mitchell (Al)
6:00 S-211 mtg. w/W. German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and Senator Mitchell & other Senators (Al)
(following appointment labeled "didn't go")
5:30-7:00 Sr-325 DROP BY??? Former Members of Congress 20th Annual Spring Congressional Reception
(following appointment labeled "didn't go")
5:00-7:00 S-207 reception in honor of former floor leaders (guest of honor is Mike Mansfield)
(following appointment labeled "didn't go")
6:00-8:00 Madison Library, 6th Floor DROP BY??? unveiling of portrait of Rep. Edwards hosted by Paralyzed Veterans of America & Vietnam Veterans Institute
(following appointment labeled "didn't go")
6:30-8:00 State Dept., Diplomatic Reception Rooms ??? VIP reception f/Horatio Alger Members, Awardees, & spouses
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 13-19, 1990 Page 5
FRIDAY, May 18
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM - markup - seafood, fruits, & veg.
9:30 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc. on Medicare & long-term care - Physician services
10:25 S-230 PHOTO w/Matt Ernst, Russell, KS, Horatio Alger Award Winner (Marcie)
10:15 S-230 Whitt mtg. w/Mike Baroody (Sen. drop by)
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Jim Corman (Carolyn)
10:45 S-230 mtg. w/Mr. Karal van Wolferin (per Bob Lighthizer)
11:00 S-230 mtg. w/John Tillotson (Marcie)
11:30 S-230 KS radio conference call (Clarkson)
6:30-7:30 Sheraton Washington Hotel, Delaware Suite Horatio Alger Awardee/Member Reception
(following appointment crossed out and labeled "did not go to dinner")
7:30-10:30 Sheraton Washington Hotel, Ballroom Horatio Alger Awards Dinner (black tie)
May 25, 1990
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 1
MONDAY, May 21
10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Polish Ambassador Jan Kinast (Al)
11:00 S-235 drop by - Sheila mtg. w/KS Assoc. of Nurse Anesthetists
12:00-1:00 SH-708 drop by - luncheon hosted by Sen. McConnell for members of the Republican Parties from Kentucky & South Carolina
12:15 SD-106 drop by - luncheon hosted by Sen. Roth for the Delaware Governor's Club
2:00 S-230 Senate/House GOP budget negotiators meeting
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 2
Tuesday, May 22
8:30 SR-332 AG COMM - markup - seafood (Dave)
8:30 Powers Court SPEAK - fundraising brkf. f/former Congressman Dave Emery (Sen. Dole host) (Jo-Anne)
9:15 S-230 Garland Country Day School, Denver, to tour S-230 (Marcie)
10:00 White House GOP Leadership meeting (general agenda) (ar. by 9:45, NW Gate, Cabinet Room)
12:00 Dept of Labor, Secretary's Office luncheon f/Queen Noor (Doles & Simpsons)
12:45 S-211 policy luncheon
2:00-5:00 SR-332 AG COMM - markup (Dave)
3:00-5:00 S-207 Senate/House negotiators budget meeting
3:30-5:00 S-224 bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Task meeting (Dennis)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Kansas auto dealers (Greg)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Scott Kailer, St. Thomas Aquinas School in Wichita (David)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO & MTG. w/Latvian athletes and officials (Al)
5:00 S-221 mtg. w/Sen. Mitchell & Leadership re: re-decorating of the Caucus Room
4:30-6:30 S-126 recp. - Auto Dealers & Drivers for Free Trade PAC (Tom Nemet) (Jo-Anne)
5:00-7:00 S-115 recp. for Fay Vincent, Commissioner of Baseball, hosted by Senator Danforth
6:45-7:30 S-230 Old Senate Chamber reception prior to theatrical production in the Old Senate Chamber in celebration of the 200th Anniv. of the U.S. Senate (you are host)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 3
Wednesday, May 23
8:00 S-120 ???? drop by breakfast for the Kansas Cong. Del. hosted by Chancellor Gene A. Budig
9:00 EF-100 AG COMM - Members only meeting
10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/NASA space shuttle crew (Dan)
10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Jonathan Kemper, Pres. & CEO of Commerce Bank of Kansas City, Les Boll, VP International Dept., Tom Noonan, Pres. of Commerce Bank of St. Louis (Marcie)
1:40 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Murkowski & Simpson
2:00-5:00 SR-332 AG COMM - markup (Dave)
3:00 SD-211 FIN COMM - Senate conferees on childcare
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Jim Hoge, Publisher of the New York Daily News, and Joe Califano (Jim M.)
4:30 H-236 Senate/House GOP budget summit meeting
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 4
Thursday, May 24
8:30 Senatorial Committee drop by - Dole for Senate Steering Committee (Jo-Anne)
9:00 SR-433 AG COMM - working group (Dave)
10:30 Capitol, East Front Salute to military heroes (Whitt)
1:00-3:00 S-207 Senate/House budget negotiators meeting
3:30 S-230 mtg. w/Chinese Ambassador Zhu Qizhen & Senator Simpson (Al)
4:00 S-230 mtg. w/John Birkelund, Chairman of Polish Funds, and John Whitehead, Chairman of Hungarian Funds (Al)
4:25 S-230 PHOTO w/Tom Reeves, Nat'l Geographic Winner from St. Paul, KS (Marcie)
4:30 Ohio Clock PHOTO w/Highland, Kansas, Elementary School students (Don)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Sarah Berklehamer (intern)
4:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Aldie Ensminger, Republican State Representative, Moran
5:30-7:30 Willard Hotel, Ballroom Larry Pressler fundraiser reception (Pres. Bush to attend) (Jo-Anne) (DOORS CLOSE AT 6:05 p.m. f/President's arrival)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 20-26, 1990 Page 5
Friday, May 25
11:00 S-230 KS radio conference call (Clarkson)
11:30 S-230 Mtg. w/Bernie Ruysser, KCK Banker, and Rex Richards, KCK Chamber of Commerce (Marcie)
12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Mr. and Mrs. (Robert & Mary) Musseman and son, Rovert Musseman, Jr.
1:45 hideaway Kansas TV interview on the Summit (Clarkson)
2:00 S-230 French TV interview (Clarkson)
Thursday, May 31
7:30 White House Pres. & Mrs. Bush hosting black tie dinner for President and Mrs. Gorbachev
(events earlier in the day on May 31 are on separate campaign schedule)
SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 27-June 2, 1990
see separate - out of town schedule
Friday, June 1
9:30 Soviet Embassy meeting with President Gorbachev & others
2:00 S-230 press conference
5:00 White House, East Gate Bush/Gorbachev signing ceremony (arrive 4:30)
7:30 Soviet Embassy dinner in honor of President & Mrs. Bush hosted by President & Mrs. Gorbachev
Saturday, June 2
11:00 SH-141 meet w/Maria Tondi & Alice Fiocchi and Mrs. Dole
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