Memo: Recommendation for John Kemp as Member of The National Council on Disability
of 1
- Other Media
- Transcription (Scripto)
- Extent (Dublin Core)
- 2 pages
- File Name (Dublin Core)
- c021_001_002_011
- Title (Dublin Core)
- Memo: Recommendation for John Kemp as Member of The National Council on Disability
- Description (Dublin Core)
- Bob Dole endorses John Kemp's nomination on the National Council on Disability. He mentions Kemp's prior experience and working with disability.
- Date (Dublin Core)
- 1994-09-26
- Date Created (Dublin Core)
- 1994-09-26
- Congress (Dublin Core)
- 103rd (1993-1995)
- Topics (Dublin Core)
- See all items with this valueNominations for office--United States
- Policy Area (Curation)
- Congress
- Creator (Dublin Core)
- Vachon, Alexander
- Record Type (Dublin Core)
- memorandum
- Names (Dublin Core)
- See all items with this valueDole, Robert J., 1923-2021
- See all items with this valueKemp, John D.
- See all items with this valueNational Council on Disability (U.S.)
- Location representation (Dublin Core)
- Topeka (inhabited place)
- District of Columbia (national district)
- Rights (Dublin Core)
- Language (Dublin Core)
- eng
- Collection Finding Aid (Dublin Core)
- Physical Location (Dublin Core)
- Collection 021, Box 1, Folder 2
- Institution (Dublin Core)
- Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
- Archival Collection (Dublin Core)
- Alec Vachon Papers, 1969-2006
- Full Text (Extract Text)
Date: September 23, 1994
To: Senator Dole
From: Alec Vachon
Re: Recommendation for John Kemp as Member of The National Council on Disability
John Kemp is under consideration for nomination by the President as a member of the National Council of Disability, and has asked you for a letter endorsing his appointment.
A letter to the President for your signature is attached. Jon Lynn has reviewed this letter.
John Kemp
Jon Lynn
United States Senate
WASHINGTON. DC 20510-1601
September 23, 1994
The President William Jefferson Clinton
The White House
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear Mr. President:
I understand that Mr. John D. Kemp is under consideration for nomination as a member of the National Council on Disability. As I have known John for over 20 years and regard him with the greatest respect, it is both a pleasure and an honor for me to endorse his appointment to the National Council.
No doubt about it, John would bring strong personal and professional credentials to this position. As you may know, John was born with severe disabilities, which he overcame through hard work and character. He is a graduate of Washburn University Law School in Topeka, Kansas, my alma mater. He is currently Executive Director of the United Cerebral Palsy Associations, Inc., one of the nation's leading voluntary organizations serving people with disabilities. Before joining UCPA, he had an impressive record of accomplishment with the National Easter Seal Society.
John is a well known and respected authority on issues concerning people with disabilities. He has provided important and useful testimony and advice to numerous Congressional committees and Federal agencies. Given the National Council's statutory role to advise the Congress and the President on disability policy, I believe such experience and expertise is a valuable credential for a National Council member.
If I can provide any further information, please let me know.
With best regards,
Bob Dole
United States Senate
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