VIP Letters, 1960-2008 Box 1: A-B
Box 2: George H.W. Bush
Box 3: C
Box 4: Bill Clinton
Box 5: D-E
Box 6: F-K
Box 7: Gerald Ford
Box 8: L
Box 9: M-Q
Box 10: Richard Nixon
Box 11: R
Box 12: Ronald Reagan
Box 13: S-Z
Alec Vachon Papers, 1969-2006 The majority of the collection consists of office correspondence and memoranda from Vachon updating Senator Dole on current trends and issues experienced within the disabled community. Topics are varied and include activism by disabilities rights groups, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) news and anniversaries, the 1996 Atlanta Paralympic Games, and International Disability Rights among others. Prominent organizations mentioned in the papers include, but are not limited to, the National Organization on Disability (NOD), the National Council on Disability, the Dole Foundation and Very Special Arts. In addition to office paperwork, the collection includes several speech drafts and keynote addresses for various disabilities conferences, working groups, fundraisers, and associations that Senator Dole attended during the early ‘90s. Lastly, the collection contains photocopied articles and newspaper clippings pertaining to disability rights legislation, advocacy, and disability research. Major topics addressed include education and employment opportunities for disabled citizens, legislation for people with severe mental illnesses, incidents of discrimination against disabled individuals and availability of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for disabled children and adults.
A small portion of the collection contains materials on “Roosevelt History Month” and the FDR Memorial. Included in the collection are planning and development materials for the Memorial, correspondence regarding controversial imagery of President Roosevelt, press releases and educational materials, speech drafts, and copies of magazine and newspaper articles.
Robert J. Dole Senate Papers-Personal/Political Files, 1969-1996 Series 1: Appointment Log, 1968-1995
Series 2: Campaign Files, 1964-1996
Series 3: Caucus/Political Party Records, 1971-1985
Series 4: Guest Books, 1970-1995
Series 5: Invitations, 1966-1996
Series 6: Job Recommendations/Patronage, 1965-1984
Series 7: Memos, Telephone Conversations, E-mails, 1976-1995
Series 8: Personal Finances, 1966-1996
Series 9: Save Files, 1966-1988
Series 10: Senator's Correspondence, 1968-1995
Series 11: Subject Files, 1969-1996
Series 12: Trip Files, 1969-1994
Dole Audio Cassette Collection, 1966-1997 Series 1: Dole Senate Tapes
Series 2: Ford/Dole 1976 Campaign
Series 3: Dole Campaign Media
Dole Foundation for Employment of Persons with Disabilities, 1983-1998 This collection reflects the daily operations of the Dole Foundation implementing its mission of awarding grants designed to enable people with disabilities to participate in the workforce.
Robert J. Dole Republican Leadership Collection, 1985-1996 This collection comprises the legislative and political activities of the Office of the Senate Republican Leader during Senator Dole's time in that position, 1985-1996. These files were maintained by several administrative and legislative staffers, notably Senator Dole's Chief-of-Staff Sheila Burke. The collection documents the Republican Leader's involvement in legislation pending in the Senate, political efforts on behalf of Republican candidates, and the internal workings of the office, including its relationship with the Senator's office in the Hart Building. The collection contains three series: Legislative Relations, Personal/Political Files, and Press Related Materials.
Robert J. Dole Speeches Collection, 1958-1996 The majority of the collection relates to Senator Dole’s many speaking engagements over the course of his career and reveals his desire to engage with all Americans. Senator Dole’s emergence as a national political figure is documented through his speeches as a U.S. Congressman at local Kansas high school commencements to appearances on Meet the Press as a respected Senator and presidential-hopeful. This collection includes materials from speaking at conventions for national organizations and many local Republican meetings, which exemplify Senator Dole’s drive to increase awareness of the Republican platform and raise support for fellow Republicans. As a leader of the Republican Party and prominent U.S. Senator, Bob Dole often traveled the country; the collection proves he visited every state in the union and spoke in most of them.