True Americanism Speech by Congressman Dole presented to the "Disabled American Veterans" at the Kansas State Convention titled "True Americanism." The speech is about patriotism among wounded veterans, and dedicating and sacrificing one's life and body for their country.
Remarks of Congressman Bob Dole at the 35th Annual State Convention for "Disabled American Veterans" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 26 June 1965 Dole discusses Vietnam sit-ins, healthcare challenges for veterans with disabilities, and other veteran affairs.
Remarks of Congressman Bob Dole "Disabled American Veterans" - Coffeyville, Kansas, 15 June 1968 Remarks of Congressman Dole on American veterans with disabilities. Discusses changing global and American politics and the fight against communism. He also discusses instability within the United States.
Remarks of Senator Bob Dole at the Annual Meeting of the "President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped" - Washington, D.C., 1 May 1969 Remarks of Senator Bob Dole titled "Handicapped Americans" to the "President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped" annual meeting. Discusses the various types of disabilities, the barriers faced by Americans with disabilities, and the lack of assistive resources.
Remarks of the Hon. Bob Dole to the "Mayor's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped" - Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 28 November 1969 Bob Dole discusses the potential and capabilities of Americans with disabilities, their employment, and the barriers they face.
Remarks of Senator Bob Dole Before the Senate Regarding Disability - United States Senate - Washington, D.C., 14 April 1970 Remarks of Senator Dole before the United States Senate regarding disability. He advocates for the creation for a general committee or taskforce for disabilities and a national information and resource center, barriers faced by Americans with disabilities and the need to remove such barriers.
Remarks of the Honorable Bob Dole to the "Kansas Association for Retarded Children" - Kansas City, Kansas, 24 April 1970 Remarks of Senator Dole before the "Kansas Association for Retarded Children's" annual convention. He discusses programs and legislation to aid those with mental disabilities, a congressional taskforce on disability, and the need for additional support and resources for disabled Americans.
Remarks of the Honorable Bob Dole to the "National Association for Retarded Children" - Denver, Colorado, 13 October 1971 Remarks of Senator Dole before the "National Association for Retarded Children." He discusses barriers those with mental disabilities fact as well as their potential and capabilities. He also discusses programs and efforts by the government to aid those with disabilities.
Sunflower Federation of the Blind, 6 November 1971 Remarks of Senator Dole to the Sunflower Federation of the Blind's annual state convention. He discusses government efforts on disability, disability services in Kansas, and state and federal rehabilitation efforts.
Remarks of Senator Bob Dole at the "Outstanding Handicapped Federal Employees of 1973 Awards" - Washington, D.C., 4 April 1974 Remarks of Senator Dole to the "Outstanding Handicapped Federal Employees of the 1973 Awards Depart." Dole celebrates federal employees and veterans with disabilities.
Remarks of Senator Bob Dole to the Department Convention of the Kansas "Disabled American Veterans" - Junction City, Kansas, June 2,1974 Dole discusses congressional efforts to aid veterans with disabilities.
Disabled American Veterans - Kansas City, Kansas, 5 May 1979 Remarks of Senator Dole on disabled American veterans. He discusses the state of global and domestic politics, the Vietnam War, and national security.
National Federation of the Blind - Washington, D.C., 10 July 1981 Memorandum containing talking points for Senator Dole to the National Federation of the Blind. He discusses congressional efforts to aid blind Americans and the capabilities and potential blind Americans have.
Talking Points On "National Employment of the Handicapped Week" - Washington, D.C., 4 October 1983 Talking points of Senator Dole on "National Employment of the Handicapped Week" to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. He discusses barriers to employment faced by Americans with disabilities and congressional efforts to remove architectural, social, and transportation barriers.
Talking Points of Senator Bob Dole to the "National Association on Disability" National Association Awards Luncheon - Washington, D.C., 22 May 1984 Dole discusses efforts to support the employment of Americans with disabilities and Social Security. Also contains information on a bill to support people with disabilities.
Press Conference on Disability Agreement - Washington, D.C., 18 September 1984 Opening statement by Senator Dole to the Press Conference on disability agreement. He discusses a bill reforming Social Security for disabled Americans.
President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities - Washington, D.C., 26 September 1988 Talking points by Senator Dole to the President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities. He discusses the importance of disabled Americans in the workforce and the proposed Americans with Disabilities Act.
Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities Briefing - Washington, D.C., 13 March 1989 Speech by Senator Dole to the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities Briefing. He discusses congressional efforts to aid disabled Americans and panelists who are disability advocates.
Testimony on Americans with Disabilities Act before Labor and Human Resources Committee, 10 May 1989 Statement of Senator Bob Dole on the Americans with Disabilities Act to the Labor and Human Resources Committee. Dole emphasizes the focus on employment makes sense, and his hope that members of both parties can agree on details to pass this bipartisan legislation.
"President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities" Annual Conference - Washington, D.C., 4 May 1990 Speech by Senator Dole. He discusses the importance of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the impact it would have.
National Football League Benefit Dinner - Education for the Disabled - School for Contemporary Education - Pension Building, 18 September 1990 Memorandum containing speech by Senator Dole titled "Senator Bob Dole Honored by NFL [National Football League] for Dedication to Education for the Disabled." Dole comments on the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the federal budget.
National Organization on Disability Luncheon - Washington, D.C., 25 June 1992 Talking points by Senator Dole to the N.O.D [National Organization on Disability] Luncheon. Dole discusses the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the impact it would have on education, transportation, communication, health care, tax, and employment.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Lunch Honoring President George H.W. Bush - Washington, D.C., 13 January 1993 Draft of remarks by Senator Dole to the EEOC [Equal Employment Opportunity Commission] Lunch Honoring President Bush. He comments on Bush's leadership, his signage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Paralympian, Kevin Saunders. Includes letter to Senator Dole inviting him to the luncheon.
Conference on U.S. Role in International Issues of Disability - Washington, D.C., 16 November 1993 Remarks of Senator Dole to the Conference on US Role in International Issues of Disability. He discusses the need for greater disability awareness in foreign policy.
St. Joseph Hospital Family Practice - Wichita, Kansas, December 19-20, 1993 Speech by Senator Dole to the St. Joseph Family Practice. He discusses the health care reform debate and its correlation with the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act).
KETCH Press Conference - Wichita, Kansas, December 19-20, 1993 Remarks of Senator Dole to KETCH (Kansas Elks Training Center for the Handicapped) soon to be named the Robert J. Dole Committee on Employment of Kansans with Disabilities. He discussed the partnership between business and the disability community.
Robert J. Dole Committee on Employment of Kansas with Disabilities - Wichita, Kansas, December 19-20, 1993 Remarks of Senator Dole to the Robert J. Dole Committee on Employment of Kansans with Disabilities. He discussed the partnership between business and the disability community.
J.C. Penney/National Organization on Disability - National Partners Awards - Washington, D.C., 26 May 1994 Remarks of Senator Dole to the J.C. Penney/NOD (National Organization on Disability) National Partners Awards Luncheon. He discussed the history of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and the attitudinal barriers affecting disability rights.
Fifth Anniversary of Americans with Disabilities Act - Inauguration of the American Association of People with Disabilities - Washington, D.C., 25 July 1995 Remarks of Senator Dole to the American Association of People with Disabilities. He discusses the anniversary of the signing of the ADA and the organization's potential.