Women's Equal Opportunity Act of 1991 ("Glass Ceiling Bill") and associated legislative materials Articles, including one written by Senator Dole titled "America can't ignore the needs of working women;" statements by Dole regarding the Women's Equal Opportunity Act; and a draft of the act with a section-by-section analysis.
ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) for Women in Sports Senator Bob Dole speaking in favor of the Equal Rights Amendment for Women in Sports.
Correspondence: Support for the passage of H.J. Res. 264 without Amendment (ERA). Letters to Senator Dole from various individuals and organizations expressing both support and opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment.
Correspondence: Support/dissent letters over H.J. Res. 264 (ERA). Correspondence between Senator Dole and constituents regarding their views on the Equal Rights Amendment.
Correspondence: Letter in opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment from a wife and mother Letter to Senator Dole from Olathe resident, Linda Rickman, expressing her opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment. She also expresses her dislike of women's liberation and abortion.
Correspondence: KU Commission on the Status of Women Correspondence between Senator Dole and Nell Bly, President of the KU Commission on the Status of Women. Attached is a statement by the Commission on the Equal Rights Amendment. Also includes another letter regarding the ERA.
Correspondence: Opposition, concerns, and requests for information regarding the Equal Rights Amendment Correspondence between Senator Dole and Kansans who oppose the Equal Rights Amendment. Includes a New York Times article and copies of the Phyllis Schlafly Report.
Correspondence: Opposition letters and petitions to rescind the Equal Right Amendment Letters to Senator Dole from Kansans who oppose the Equal Rights Amendment.
A Statistical Portrait of Women in the United States: 1978 Current population report titled "A Statistical Portrait of Women in the United States: 1978" issued 1980 by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Census Bureau. Includes cover, table of contents, introduction, and highlights.
Statement on the Equal Rights Amendment (pamphlet) by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Statement on the Equal Rights Amendment by the United States Commission on Civil Rights.
ERA Boycott Campaign: Put your money where your rights are... Leaflet by the National Organization for Women titled "ERA Boycott Campaign." The boycott campaign targets states where the Equal Rights Amendment was not ratified.
The Equal Rights Amendment: It's Our Future. Leaflet by the National Organization for Women titled "The Equal Rights Amendment: It's Our Future." The leaflet is in support of the Equal Rights Amendment and targets college students.
The need for the Equal Rights Amendment. Fact sheet titled "The need for the Equal Rights Amendment" and "Students and the ERA." The fact sheet argues in support of the Equal Rights Amendment.
No Retreat From Equality. Leaflet by the National Organization for Women titled "No Retreat from Equality." The leaflet argues in favor of women's equality and the continued need for it.
Minority Women and the Equal Rights Amendment Leaflet by the National Organization for Women's Minority Women's Committee titled "Minority Women and the Equal Rights Amendment." The leaflet argues the importance of the Equal Rights Amendment would have on women of color.
Poverty: A Women's Issue. Leaflet by the National Organization for Women titled "Poverty: A Women's Issue." The leaflet describes systematic economic and financial struggles women face.
NOW Origins: A summary description of how 28 women changed the world by reviving a revolution everyone thought was dead. Leaflet by the National Organization for Women titled "NOW Origins." Describes the origins and founding of the National Organization for Women.
ERA Yes. Leaflet by the National Organization for Women titled "ERA YES." The leaflet argues the benefits and importance of the Equal Rights Amendment.
Legislative Notice re: S. 563 (NSF and Women in Science) from the U.S. (United States) Senate Republican Policy Committee Legislative Notice, No. 96, June 23, 1980 regarding the National Science Foundation and Women in Science Authorizations. Also includes a statement by Senator Dole and a memorandum to Senator Dole.
The 1980 Virginia Slims American Women's Opinion Poll Polls on women and their opinions in the 1980s paid for by Virginia Slims and carried out by the Roper Organization, Inc.
Durenberger-Packwood Hatfield Economic Equity Act of 1981 (Women's Equality Act of 1981) Copy of the Durenberger-Packwood-Hatfield Economic Equity Act of 1981.
Concerned Women for America Correspondence and Questionnaire Anti- ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) form letter from Beverly LaHaye, Founder of Concerned Women for America directed towards politicians, along with a questionnaire to collect stances on issues such as education, abortion, women's rights, and sexual orientation.
Women's Needs Agenda for the 97th Congress, a Legislative Summary Outline style agenda detailing actions the Women's Equity Action League would like to see done in Congress. Items included are anti-abortion, pro-family planning, pro-Medicare expansion, pro-substance abuse assistance, anti-affirmative action and among other things, call for non-enforcement of Title IX.
Women's Rights Lobby Day Form Letter to Members of the 97th Congress Letter to members of the 97th Congress from pro-ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) groups including the National Organization for Women, League of Women Voters of the United States, American Association of University Women, National Education Association, Women's Equity Action League, ERAmerica, and the National Women's Political Caucus.
Women's Issues, Legislation to be Introduced in 97th Congress Summary of legislation relating to women's rights that will be introduced to the 97th Congress based on legislation introduced in the 96th Congress
Title IX: The Half Full, Half Empty Glass Report on Title IX and its effect on women's education programs in America nine years after its implementation.
Letter to Member of Congress Reviewing Ten Years of Title IX Letter to members of Congress from the National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education. Includes an informative summary on the work done by the coalition as well as a list of member organizations and a press release by the United States Department of Education.
Senator Dole's position on the Equal Rights Amendment in a speech draft Statement by Senator Dole titled "Dole's Position on ERA." Explains Senator Dole's position on extending the deadline for states to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment.
Equal Rights Amendment (Proposed), Issue Brief Number IB74122 Report by the Library of Congress's Congressional Research Service. It describes the controversy surrounding the Equal Rights Amendment and extending its ratification deadline.
Memo prepared by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) concerning ERA and proposed extension of ratification Letter to a member of Congress from the Library of Congress's Congressional Research Service regarding the Equal Rights Amendment and the proposed extension of the ERA ratification deadline.
The Proposed Equal Rights Amendment Congressional Research Service report on the proposed Equal Rights Amendment.
Correspondence from Reagan to Dole on retirement income for women Letter to Dole from Ronald Reagan expressing appreciation for legislation he introduced to provide greater equity for the provision of retirement income for women
Dole Reintroduces Anti-Sex Bias Bill, Wins Endorsement of Major Women's Groups Press release detailing Bob Dole's reintroduction of the Sex Discrimination in the U.S. Code Reform Act
Women's Issues "a monthly information and learning resource on various issues for Republican Senate candidates in 1984." Packet includes statistics and articles from publications including Christian Science Monitor, New York Times, National Review, Washington Post. The packet is geared toward supporting Reagan's re-election, as polls at the time indicated women made up the majority of the population but did not tend to favor Reagan.
Advertisement for the Campaign Fund for Republican Women Informational page on the Campaign Fund for Republican Women, a PAC (political action committee) focused on funding Republican women running for office
Women's Issues: Dealing with the Gender Gap Agenda Agenda from meeting attended by Nancy Bocskor
Women's Seminar: Dealing with the Gender Gap Nancy Bocskor, Deputy Director of Communications for the National Republican Senatorial Committee sent a memo out to Senate Republican press secretaries about a seminar she attended on women as a target demographic for Republican votes.