Memo: Press Clips on Disability Includes newspaper clippings regarding disability, including impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act on health care, a mother's experience with services under Title XIX under the Social Security Act, self-defense classes for the disabled, and changes in Sign Language to remove derogatory signs.
Memo: Photo/Brief Meeting with Susan Parker Vachon asks if Dole would like to schedule a meeting with Susan Parker, who is soon to take over as Executive Director of Rehabilitation International. Dole declined.
Memo: Yesterday's Hearing on Unfunded Mandates (S. 1) Summary of the discussion from a joint Budget/ Government Affairs hearing on S. 1. where the Americans with Disabilities Act was referred to as an 'unfunded mandate.' Also discussed funding for educating disabled children, the testimony of Justin Dart, and general lack of understanding on the benefits of ADA to state and local communities.
Memo: Co-Sponsor National Parent Network Reception Some information on the National Parent Network on Disabilities and Families Together, Inc., with the request for Dole to co-sponsor the annual meeting reception with Senator Harkin.
Memo: USIA Amendment/Foreign Relations Authorization (S. 1281) Notice of change of plans regarding Dole's amendment to Foreign Relations Committee, due to changes in the way the committee accepts technical amendments.
Memo: Dole GOALS 2000 Amendment: Require Study of School Reform and Students with Disabilities A memo with supporting documentation and a note that the GOALS 2000 Amendment was accepted, which funded a study to gauge how well the GOALS 2000 initiative was serving disabled students.
Memo: Sponsor Betts Award Reception Request for Bob Dole to sponsor the 1994 Betts Award, which honors a living individual who has made significant contributions to improving the quality of life for people with physical disabilities.
Memo: C-Span Viewer Casework A woman with epilepsy lost her job, filed an EEOC (U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) complaint, was turned down for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and was worried about losing health insurance. Vachon has offered her help.
Memo: Social Security Independent Agency Bill: Deny DI and SSI Benefits to Drug Addicts and Alcoholics Supporting Their Habits Through Criminal Activity Summary of an amendment proposed by Senator Cohen and co-sponsored by Bob Dole, to prevent substance abusers who engage in criminal activities from receiving Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income. The Amendment did not pass.
Memo: Congratulations Note to Tony Coelho Tony Coelho's appointment as Chairman of the President's Committee on the Employment of People with Disabilities and how he should focus on giving credible advice instead of engaging in advocacy. Coelho may reach out to Dole.
Memo: Photo Op with March of Dimes National Ambassadors Medical background of premature twins facing respiratory distress syndrome who were named March of Dimes's ambassadors. Dole is asked if he wants to have a photoshoot with the twins.
Memo: Update on Disability Rights in American Foreign Policy Memorandum regarding country reports about the treatment of disabled peoples in 190 countries
Memo: International Very Special Arts Festival Invitation Invite to Bob Dole to attend International Very Special Arts Festival in Brussels to support disabled individuals in the arts
Memo: Information about Clinton Meeting with Disability Groups on Health Care Reform Clinton gives speech in support of disabled American's right to work as it would lessen the burden the American economy and that they should have a right to health insurance.
Memo: Various Notes for Signature Various letters of thanks and congratulations sent to Dole from Vachon to sign before sending. Some of which are to congratulate new roles regarding a committee or council on disability rights advocation.
Memo: Clinton Violated Spirit of ADA in Rejecting Judge Richard Arnold as his Supreme Court Nominee Newspaper articles and editorials about Clinton's decision not to appoint Richard Arnold to the Supreme Court due to his lymphoma. The memo says that this is against the spirit of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and may violate a different legislation.
Memo: Floor Statement Regarding Clinton's Rejection of Judge Arnold as a Supreme Court Nominee Floor statement by Dole and articles and editorials criticizing Clinton's decision not to appoint Richard Arnold into the Supreme Court due to his lymphoma. Dole is advised not to further aggregate disability rights advocates to not become a target.
Memo: FYI Regarding DREDF Gala Honorary Committee Sign-On Dole is asked to reconsider turning down an invitation to the Disability Right and Education Defense Fund's gala.
Memo: Gold Seal Request from Betty Meyer Dole writes congratulations letter to a man with disabilities for winning an award from his local Lions Club
Memo: Note to Robert Lessin, Recently Disabled Vice Chairman of Smith Barney Alec Vachon writes to Senator Dole about 39-year-old Vice Chairman of Smith Barney, who suffered a stroke and is dealing with the psychological and physical repercussions resulting from it
Memo: Meeting Request with British MPs regarding Disability Rights Bill Alec Vachon writes to Senator Dole about British MPs (members of parliament) meeting with Dole to discuss disability rights in Britain and a bill that could pass in Parliament
Memo: Request for a Drop By at the Congressional Briefing on New NOD/Harris Survey of Disabled Americans Alec Vachon writes to Senator Dole about Alan Reich and the National Organization on Disability asking Dole to co-sponsor a Congressional briefing on the result of a new survey of people with disabilities
Memo: FYI/Possible Health Care Protests/Sit Ins by Disability Activists Next Week Memorandum regarding the possibility of disability activists staging a protest/ sit-in over health care reform
Memo: Tim Steininger Photo Op Correspondence about a photo op between Senator Robert J. Dole and Tim Steininger
Info Packet: Justice Department Commemoration of 4th Anniversary of ADA This packet includes various documents relating to this event including Attorney General Janet Reno's invitation, a Justice Department Press Release, Senator Dole's Remarks, a copy of Dole's ADA Technical Assistance Amendment, and background information.
Memo: Honorary Committee Invitations This memorandum includes some correspondence and background information on the Paralympic Games.
Memo: Invitation to Testify at Helsinki Commission Hearing on International Disability Rights This memorandum includes correspondence between Alec Vachon and Senator Dole about an invitation to testify at the Helsinki Commission Hearing on International Disability Rights
Memo: Note to Mo West A brief memorandum between Senator Dole and Alec Vachon about the attached note from the Senator wishing condolences to Mo West after her mother passed from cancer
Memo: Forward for BY TRUST BETRAYED This memorandum includes correspondence between Alec Vachon and Senator Dole about the Senator writing a foreword for a book about disability issues during World War II
Memo: Notes to DeConcini & Hoyer, Helsinki Commission Memorandum/letters about the Helsinki Commission's hearing on international disability rights
Memo: Recommendation for John Kemp as Member of The National Council on Disability Bob Dole endorses John Kemp's nomination on the National Council on Disability. He mentions Kemp's prior experience and working with disability.
Memo: Hutchinson News Editorial Summary of news in Hutchinson, KS about the potential demolition of its Convention Hall. The building is too expensive to maintain, and the renovations cost to become ADA compliant is too much to justify keeping it.
Memo: Various Matters Dole is asked to be a part of the Honorary Committee of a fundraising auction for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Entrepreneurs Council.
Memo: Notes for Signature Congratulations letters from Dole. The letter commends people for their nomination to the National Council on Disability and the other for the recipient of the Henry B. Bett Award
Memo: Follow up/Letters from Bill Nichols America's Disability Channel had put Dole's name on a list of references to be used by potential investors. Dole's staff found it inappropriate since it was done without permission.
Memo: Invitation to Contribute Article to Iowa Law Review Dole was invited to write an introduction for an article by a law professor at the University of Iowa. The article is about increased wages and job opportunity for disabled people because of the ADA and job training services
Memo: Gore Slur on People w/Down's Syndrome During Slam on North Al Gore received criticism for derogatory remarks against those with Down's Syndrome when discussing a Senate candidate. An article compared Gore to James Watt, who received criticism for saying disabled slurs.
Dole Letter to Miss America 1995 Heather Whitestone Letter from Dole congratulating Miss America, Heather Whitestone, for her victory. She's been hard of hearing since a young age.
Memo: Attached Letter from Dan Taylor Dan Taylor inquires about subsidies and surplus equipment for the Center Industries Corporation and Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation of Kansas.
Senator Dole's Letter to Senator Tom Harkin A letter to Tom Harkin from Bob Dole as a congratulations for receiving the Bush Medal for Empowerment of People with Disabilities
Memo: Follow Up: Letter from Dan Taylor Letter and memorandum between Bob Dole and Alec Vachon, and then Bob Dole and Dan Taylor about federal funding for the Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation
Memo: Lott Speaks about ADA Memorandum and letter between Bob Dole and Alec Vachon about Trent Lott and his opinions on the ADA
Memo: "Welfare Reform"/Contract with America: What Do They Mean for Adults and Children with Disabilities? Memorandum between Alec Vachon and Bob Dole about welfare reform
Memo: OMB Response to Your Letter to the President Requesting a Moratorium on New Federal Regulations is a Cheap Ploy Using ADA and Disabled Memorandum and letter between Bob Dole and Alec Vachon about a letter to the President requesting a moratorium on new federal regulations- which he believed to be a cheap ploy utilizing the ADA and disabled people
Memo: Conversation with Tony Coelho Memorandum between Alec Vachon and Bob Dole about a rumor that Tony Coelho had spoken with Newt Gingrich about the state of the ADA
Memo: Why ADA and 504 Might Be Called: "The State & Local Government Disability Relief and Flexibility Act" Some believe the ADA is "unfunded" and will cause undue burdens to states and municipalities. The ADA and Section 506 of the 1976 Rehabilitation Act have financial protection for state and municipalities and there's potential to earmark federal funds to subsidize their renovations to become ADA compliant.
Memo: Talking Points for "Face the Nation" on ADA Dole's responses to ADA critics saying that the ADA is an undue financial burden. Dole note that the disabled are also taxpayers and there are federal funds to help states and municipalities' infrastructure become ADA compliant
Memo: Four Gold Seals Dole's responses to disability-related constituent letters. Included advice letters to disabled individuals and thank you notes.
Memo: Update on Bill Dole Personal updates on Bill Dole, Bob Dole's nephew, including where he's staying and his education.
Memo: Big ADA Milestone Coming Up -- January 26, 1995 Memorandum and articles from Alec Vachon about the public state of the ADA, alongside the transitionary phases of ADA enactment
Memo: Disability Advocates' Views on Motor Voter Bill Advocate's view on the Motor Voter Bill that would require state agencies that serve disabled individuals with voter registration services as there is need for voter registration outreach to disabled populations.
Memo: Disability Rights and Country Reports on Human Rights Practices Request to include disability rights on the next State Department's annual country reports on human rights practices and the response to that stating that it may not be feasible.
Memo: Request to Cosponsor a Concurrent Resolution on Equitable Mental Health Benefits Memorandum between Alec Vachon and Senator Dole about the Senator possibly signing as a co-sponsor on Equitable Mental Health Care Benefits
Memo: Possible Interview with Lorraine McNally Memorandum about a possible interview between Lorraine McNally with the Children's Hospital in Boston and Senator Dole about the limitations and goals of the ADA
Memo: Edison Project and Students with Disabilities Memorandum about the Edison Project and Students with Disabilities
Memo: Congratulatory Note to Judy Heumann The memorandum includes a photocopy of a newspaper article and Senator Dole's congratulatory note to Judy Heumann for her appointment as Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services in the Department of Education.
Memo: IRS Form 990 Memorandum about IRS Form 990, "Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax"
Memo: Rainbows United, Inc. The memorandum includes background information on Rainbows United, Inc. and a video script.
Memo: Draft Script for Rainbows United Video A memorandum and draft script for Rainbows United Video
Memo: Rainbows United, Inc. Memorandum about an invitation for Senator Dole to speak in a video for Rainbows United, Inc.
Memo: Beamgard Learning Center in Atwood, KS Memorandum about Beamgard Learning Center in Atwood, Kansas
Memo: Outside Commitments The memorandum is a list of events relating to health and disability for Alec Vachon to attend.
Memo: Follow-up to Kansas Visit - Rainbows United/ Aid Association for Lutherans Feedback to Dole from Vachon about events that he attended in Kansas
Memo: The National Organization on Disability Annual Luncheon The National Organization on Disability asks Dole to sponsor its annual J.C. Penney/NOD luncheon
Memo: Statement on Use of Supplemental Appropriations by States and Local Communities for ADA Requirements Dole's statement in the Congressional Record advocating for the Community Development Block Grant to be used to make communities ADA compliant.
Memo: Bill Co-Sponsorship, Appearance at Press Conference Bill introduced by Domenici regarding a national policy that health insurance shall cover treatment of those with severe mental illnesses. Dole is asked to co-sponsor the bill.
Memo: Letter from the American Association for the Advancement of Science Requests that Dole co-sponsor the premier of video about students with disabilities in engineering. Includes brief article from ASEE Prism and related pamphlets
Memo: Working with Senator Mitchell's Office Re Senate Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Vachon is asked if he would work on Senate compliance with the ADA. He is asking Dole if he ought to.
Memo: Newsclips/Title I (Employment) of ADA Includes newsclips related to the ADA and employment from New York Times, Wall Street Journal
Memo: Newsclip/Saline County CDBG Grant Application Includes news clipping regarding Saline County seeking grant to fund renovations buildings to comply with the ADA.
Memo: Co-sponsorship of Resolution Designating "National Rehabilitation Week" Dole is asked by Arlen Specter to cosponsor a joint resolution to create a "National Rehabilitation Week."
Telecopier Transmittal from Vachon to Mike Burns Fax which Vachon passed along containing Office of Information newsletter announcing Joyce Miller as the Executive Director of Glass Ceiling Commission.
Telecopier Transmittal: CRS Report for Congress Requirements and regulations regarding curb ramp installations for state and local governments become ADA compliant.
Memo: Drop by UCP Annual Hill Breakfast Memorandum from Alec Vachon about a UCP (United Cerebral Palsy) Annual Hill Breakfast and a photo opportunity with a Goodwill Industries Graduate of the Year
Memo: Congratulatory Note to Marcus J. Fuhrer, Ph.D. Memorandum and note from Alec Vachon about Marcus J. Fuhrer's appointment as the first Director of the NCMRR (National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research) at the NIH (National Institutes on Health)
Memo: Hearne Request to Inscribe Book to Bette Perot Memorandum about Paul Hearne's request to inscribe book to Bette Perot
Memo: Greetings/Short Remarks to UCP Annual Conference Drop By Memorandum about greetings and short remarks made by Senator Dole to the UCP (United Cerebral Palsy) Annual Conference in 1993
Memo: Two Invitations Dole is requested to serve as Honorary Chair at the Spina Bifida Roast and to attend America's Disability Channel's Television Award Show.
President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities Advance Program Advance Program for the 46th Annual National Conference for the President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities
Memo: Reception for Disability History Book Vachon warning Dole about the shortcomings of Joe Shapiro's book about the ADA. Dole is scheduled to attend his book reception.
Memo: Funding for Assistive Technology Center at NRH Memorandum discussing funding for an assistive technology center at the National Rehabilitation Hospital in D.C.
Memo: Photo Op with Goodwill Industries Graduate of the Year The memorandum includes correspondence, a daybook, photograph approvals, and background information.
Correspondence: Letters to Colleagues regarding the establishment of an assistive technology and research center at the National Rehabilitation Hospital This packet of correspondence includes several copies of the same letter sent to various defense politicians including the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Defense Appropriations.
Memo: Sign Ons - Letter to Secretary Shalala Re Workshop on Autism and Joint Resolution Re "National Down Syndrome Awareness Month" Memorandum about signing a letter to HHS (Department of Health and Human Services) Secretary Shalala asking her to direct the Surgeon General to convene a workshop on autism, as well as asking if Senator Dole would be willing to co-sponsor a resolution designating October 1993 and 1994 as "National Down Syndrome Awareness Month"
Memo: Invitation from ADAPT Invitation from ADAPT to Senator Bob Dole to attend the group's disability rights activist co-founder Reverend Wade Blank's memorial service. Dole was unable to attend, but sent a note of condolence to Blank's wife.
Memo: Sign Ons - Letter to Secretary Shalala Re Workshop on Autism, Joint Resolution Re "National Down Syndrome Awareness Month" Dole is asked to sign a letter asking for the Surgeon General to convene a workshop on autism and to co-sponsor a resolution to designate October 1993 and 1994 as ceremonial "National Down Syndrome Awareness Month."
Transmittal: Copy of the Senate Resolution to designate October 1993 and October 1994 as "National Down Syndrome Awareness Month" Fax cover sheet includes a message with the subject, 'commemorative support letter' asking if Senator Dole would like to co-sponsor (4.4451). The joint resolution is regarding designating October 1993 and 1994 as "Down Syndrome Awareness Month."
Memo: ADAPT Targeting Dole Offices for Demonstration Today Dole and other party leaders are asked to meet with members of ADAPT, a disability rights advocacy group. Background information about the group and the letter from the ADAPT organizer are provided.
Memo: ADAPT Demonstration Update on the ADAPT demonstration outside the Capitol. Capitol Police became involved.
Memo: Washington Times Op-Ed on ADA Includes op-ed criticizing the ADA and the National Council on Disability and a response letter from the National Council on Disability to the editor.
Memo: ADAPT Demonstration Update This memorandum includes a copy of a Washington Post article regarding the demonstration by ADAPT in the Capitol. There is also updates on ADAPT's future plans
Memo: Eder Letter and Follow Up Letter sending regards Cynthia Eder regarding a previous discussion on the "Dole Foundation" and some information on Eder's need for support based on her disability.
Memo: Financial Support for Polish Disabled Sailing Team This memorandum includes background information on the World Disabled Sailing Championships and a letter from the Polish Ambassador to President of the American Committee for Aid to Poland.
Transmittal: Information regarding Madeleine Will Fax to Emily Rothrock/Nutter & Harris from Alec Vachon giving a phone number for Madeleine Will, head of a group called Childlink, International
Foreword: Design for Dignity: Studies in Accessibility Foreword for William L. Lebovich's book 'Design for Dignity' by Senator Robert Dole discussing the importance of accessibility and accommodations for not only people with disabilities, but non-disabled people as well.
Memo: Speak/National Retail Federation Dinner This memorandum includes talking points and remarks prepared for Senator Dole to give at the National Retail Federation Annual Washington Leadership Conference Dinner.
Memo: Meeting Request/Am. Speech-Language-Hearnig Association Memorandum about the ASLH (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association) requesting a meeting with Senator Dole regarding the "Coverage of Services of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists" in the Budget Reconciliation Act
Memo: Betts Award Jury Dole is asked to be on the 1993 jury of the Henry B. Betts Award. Includes background information on Hugh G. Gallagher, a candidate nominated by the Dole Foundation.
Memo: Telecommunications for the Deaf, Inc. Dole is asked to lend his name to the Celebration Committee for the Telecommunications for the Deaf, Inc.'s gala celebration. Background information is given about the group. Senator McCain is a supporter of this group.
Memo: News Clip/Carol Rasco Newspaper profile on Carol Rasco about her work as Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy while raising a son with cerebral palsy. Includes a note from Dole expressing regard for Rasco's work for disability advocacy.