The letters are arranged alphabetically by the sender's last name. Multiple letters from the same sender are arranged chronologically.
Description (Dublin Core)
Box 1: A-B
Box 2: George H.W. Bush
Box 3: C
Box 4: Bill Clinton
Box 5: D-E
Box 6: F-K
Box 7: Gerald Ford
Box 8: L
Box 9: M-Q
Box 10: Richard Nixon
Box 11: R
Box 12: Ronald Reagan
Box 13: S-Z
Abstract (Dublin Core)
The VIP Letters collection consists of letters that were removed from the Dole papers. With few exceptions, the letters were written to Senator Dole from notable public figures, including U.S. Presidents (about 66% of the letters), Congress people, foreign officials, and other distinguished persons. The contents of the letters covers a wide range of topics, including current events, personal notes, responses to letters from Dole, and more.
The letters are arranged alphabetically by the sender's last name. Multiple letters from the same sender are arranged chronologically.
Letter from President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for working to change Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act, on behalf of the people of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Letterhead is written in Azerbaijani, while the letter is written in Tatar. An unofficial translation in English is included.