B-19 [Stamp] Senator Bob Dole Received Feb 24, 1975 Washington D.C. 20510 February 18, 1975 Dear Senator Dole, Please do what you can to oppose ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) and see that it does not become a law. This is a very serious matter. Please do not let this happen. People do not realize what could happen. Do you want homosexuals to be able to marry and even adopt children? Do government men and women to share the same public restroom? West Point would become illegal because it is a single sexed school. Please oppose ERA before it becomes the 27th Amendment to the U.A. Constitution. I would appreciate your remarks on this matter. What can be done to stop this? Sincerely: Mrs. Stacy E. Bell 6400 W. Ocieo Wichita, Kansas 64205 B-19 February 13, 1975 Morganville, Ks. Senator Robert Dole 2325 Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 We, the women of the Priscilla Club of Morganville, Ks., KFWC,GFWC, having voted upon Resolution #2, do hearby petition you to repeal House Concurrent Resolution 1155, and to withdraw Kansas ratification of the 27th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Mrs. Clarenc Uban, Chairman Citizenship, Legislation and Status of Women Priscilla, Club Morganville, Ks. 67468 [Signatures of Club women with address] Mrs. Stanley Haneon, R7D. #1, Clay Center, Kansas Mrs. Ronald Dullet Box 78 Morganville Kansas – 67468 Mrs. Fred Griffiths, Jr., Route 1, Morganville, Kans. – 67468 Mrs. M. G. Caufield Morganville, KS Mrs. Blaine Fisher RR3 Clifton, KS Mrs. Paul Parrish Morganville, KS Mrs. Robert H- (illegible) R, Clay Center, KS Mrs. William Reed, Morganville, Kans. Mrs. Lloyd Carson, Clifton, Ks Mrs. P. B. Young Morganville Ks Mrs. Stanley Carlson, “ “ Mrs. Clarence Urban, Morganville Ks. [Stamp] Senator Bob Dole Received Feb 24, 1975 Washington D.C. 20510 RESOLUTION NO. 2 EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT WEEREAS, the 92nd Congress of the United States of America: (1972) at its second session, in both Houses by a Constitutional majority of two-thirds thereof, adopted the following joint resolution as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission by the Congress: ARTICLE “Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. “Sec. 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. "Sec. 3. This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of ratification, and WHEREAS, The Equal Rights Amendment does not guarantee equal pay for equal work, and [illegible] WHEREAS, The Equal Rights Amendment does not guarantee that you will not be drafted into the armed forces, and WHEREAS, The Equal Rights Amendment does not guarantee that all protective laws for Women will not be invalidated, and WNEREAS, The Equal Rights Amendment does not guarantee that it will not abolish "seduction laws, statutory rape laws", laws prohibiting obscene language in the presence of women, prostitution and all laws against forcing women into prostitution. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the individual members of the Kansas Federation of Women's Clubs be encouraged to correspond with the Legislator from their respective districts expressing their personal views either approving, House Concurrent Resolution 1155 or petitioning the Legislature to repeal House Concurrent Resolution 1155 and to withdraw Kansas' ratification of the 27th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Resolution Committee Mrs. Gerald Buschow, Chairman Mrs. Everly Harsh member Mrs. J. Floyd Jenkins, member B-19 [Stamp] Senator Bob Dole Received Feb 25, 1975 Washington D.C. 20510 Argonia Kansas February 19, 1975 Senator Bob Dole Rep from Kansas. Washington D.C. 20510 Dear Mr. Dole, I am a housewife from Kansas with a wonderful husband, 5 children, and hope to have grandchildren. I am very concerned about Kansas passing the E.R.A. Amendment. I am very much against it. I think our country was doing all right as it was without making such laws. Why do we women who do not feel equal to men be asked to live like such women who think they are equal to men. Anyone knows there are things women can’t do that men do. I fear for the way our country is going. What kind of a future will this make for our children and grandchildren. Makes one wonder who they are voting for. Its too bad we must live the way others wants us to live instead the way we want to live. After voting for you we do hope you will take action and be against the Equal Rights Amendment. Sincerely, Mrs. Arthur Drouhard R.R.2 Argonia, Kansas 67004 Rose Hill, Ka. Feb 17, 1975 United State Legislator Dear Sen. Robert Dole, This is to let out know I oppose the Equal Rights Amendment. Yours truly, Mary M. Smith Rose Hill, Kansas 67133 [Stamp] Senator Bob Dole Received Feb 25, 1975 Washington D.C. 20510 B-19 B-19 Feb. 18. 1975 Concerning The Equal Rights Amendment (Era) Dear Mr. Dole I Oppose The E.R.A. Because No 1. Under ERA Separate School Restrooms, Showers, Dormitories And Military Housing Would Be Eliminated No 2. Women Will Lose Their Preferential Social Security Benefits. Please Count All States Which Rescind As Being Against Era And Not As The 2/3 Needed For Ratification. Thank You, Chauncey White (Mrs. Olin White) Feb. 17. 1975 B-19 Dear Senator Dole: I am writing in regard to the Equal Rights Amendment and the States which have voted to rescind. As all the true facts are finally being brought to the alteration & the women and we fully realize the impact of ERA, I believe the majority of women do not want E.R.A. It is my understanding you are elected to represent the people and when a state rescinds it indicate the people of that state express their desire as a vote against ERA. As a woman, a wife, and a mother I sincerely urge you to consider a state who has rescinded as a vote against ERA. Sincerely. Mrs. Drew Hopkins 500 Church Circle Olathe, Kansas 66061 B-19 February 14, 1975 Dear Senator Dole, I am writing in regard to the Equal Rights Amendment. When this proposed amendment reaches the Congress, I ask that you consider states which have rescinded their initial approval of the E.R.A. as “no” votes. We simply cannot allow this E.R.A to become part of our federal constitution! For it to be ratified by the federal government, it should be a measure approved by the U.S. Citizens as a whole. But in almost all cases, this amendment was approved by the respective state legislatures before the citizenry understood the impact of the E.R.A. For example, in Kansas the E.R.A passed both Houses in about 3 hours with little debate, in 1972. But I, like most people I have talked with, did not know how broad a scope the E.R.A encompassed until just recently. We all thought this was mainly for equal employment & credit rights but now find out this is only the tip of the iceberg. The E.R.A backers are trying to make us a “unisex” society and that is the unfortunate truth! Let’s not permit this absurd unisex philosophy to permeate our constitution and the lives of all our citizens. Sincerely, Mrs. Carol Cox (age 24) 9320 W. 99th Terrace Overland Park, Kansas 66212 B-19 February 27, 1975 Sen. Robert Dole 2327 New Senate O.B. Washington, D.C. 20510 Re: Equal Rights Amendment Dear Sen. Dole: I oppose the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) because: 1. Women will be equally subject to draft and combat duty. 2. Homosexuals will be able to marry, adopt children and teach in public schools. 3. Women will lose their preferential Social Security benefits. 4. It will finalize abortion on demand. 5. If a wife fails to provide half the living, her husband could use it as grounds for divorce. 6. It will do away with segregated living quarters in the military service, college campuses and prisons. It will eventually do away with separate restrooms in public places. 7. Religious groups can lose tax exempt status if they fail to hire women preachers, no matter what their religious beliefs on this may be. The majority of both men and women do not want this law passed. If they do, it is because they don't know what it really involves. We do not want communism to take over our country without firing a shot. Yours truly, [Signature] Mrs. David M. Carney 1124 West Harry Wichita, Kansas 67213 [Stamp] Senator Bob Dole Received Mar 3, 1975 Washington D.C. 20510 B-19 March 3, 1975 Dear Sir, I’m sure this letter won’t do any good and won’t even be read. It just makes me sick to read and hear about the Equal Rights Act. I’m a Christian mother who has tried to raise her daughters with morals and standards, but what happens when she has to start sharing the bathrooms with the men, or when she has to go to the army? What is going to happen to all the values? Will abortion take care of that? God help us. What’s going to happen to the poor children whose mother has to go to the army or whose father doesn’t have to support? Will there be enough garbage in the garbage cans to feed the children? What about US? It’s bad enough now. If God had meant for us to be of one sex, that’s the way he would have made us. I pray to God that he’ll see fit most to let us Christians see such a horrible thing happen. It’s a shame that men as so smart that they can send a man to the moon and so dumb as to let this happen. I’m not a educated person, but I’m smart enough to know that this is wrong. It’s about time men quit trying to play God and start praying to God for some guidance. A Christian Mother Mrs. Gary Sevier(?) Rt. 2 Argonia, KS 62004 February 28, 1975 [Stamp] Senator Bob Dole Received Mar 3, 1975 Washington D.C. 20510 The Honorable Robert J. Dole New Senate Office Bldg. Room 23827 Washington D. C. 20510 RE: Equal Rights Amendment Dear Sir: I have just read an article in regards to the above stated amendment. If this amendment goes into effect, the women won't have any rights. I don't want this amendment to be ratified. I want to remain different, special. I don't want to become like a man in the eyes of the government. The minority of the women have spoken long enough. Now it is the majority's turn to speak. I know very few women who want to have this amendment ratified. I beg of you, please don't vote to have this amendment ratified. Very truly yours [Signature] Rosemary N. Schnabel RNS:rs B-19 [Stamp] Senator Bob Dole Received Mar 3, 1975 Washington D.C. 20510 February 26, 1975 Dear Senator Dole, My family & I are against ERA. I realize due to a minority amount of Reprobate characters, why should we subject our daughters, etc., to rape and other things! It seems they are asking for family breaks. Please consider this as a No request. Thank you, Mrs. Bruce Mitchell B-19 [Stamp] Senator Bob Dole Received Mar 3, 1975 Washington D.C. 20510 I oppose the E.R.A. because: 1. Women will be equally subject to draft and combat duty. 2. Homosexuals will be able to marry; adopt children and teach in the school systems; I am proud to be a woman and use my husband’s name. Mrs. Arthur Watkins Rt#2 Overbrook, Kansas 66524 B-19 Larned, Kansas February 25, 1975 Honorable Senator Bob Dole, Dear Mr. Dole This is an urgent appeal to you from myself and family to do all within your power to stop the E.R.A bill (Womens Equal Rights) from being passed. We believe, assuredly as I also know, this is the feelings of many others that may not write to you- that this would be very disastrous, should it be passed. Thank you very much Mrs. Charles D. Stark B-19 [Stamp] Senator Bob Dole Received Mar 3, 1975 Washington D.C. 20510 Wichita, Kansas Feb. 26 1975 Dear Senator Bob Dole, I am writing in reference to a bill that is called NOW. I am strictly against such a bill. I want my rights but just as a house wife. Or a person that can be a woman only, it seems to me that bill would take all my rights away from me. Thank you, Yours for freedom, Mrs. Luella Kendrick & Herbert Kendrick 2435 N. Waco Wichita, Kansas 67204 B-19 [Stamp] Senator Bob Dole Received Mar 3, 1975 Washington D.C. 20510 Lawrence, Kansas February 26, 1975 Sen. Robert Dole Dear Sir I oppose the E.R.A. because: 1. Women will be equally subject to draft and combat duty. 2. Homosexuals will be able to marry: adopt children and teach in the school systems. 3. Women will lose their preferential social security benefits, 4. It will finalize abortion on demand. 5. If a wife fails to provide half the living: her husband could use it as grounds for divorce. 6. Religious groups will be required to hire women as preachers. I am a Christian mother, a former 4-14 member, I mother of former 4-14 members who I taught “to make the “Best Better.” I just can not see that the E.R.A. can ever begin to make our best, “Our Nation Better.” Please consider these thoughts in my behalf and all other women who just love being mothers, women and respected wives. Thank you, Sincerely Mrs. Ernestine Walker Susan [Stamp] Senator Bob Dole Received Mar 3, 1975 Washington D.C. 20510 2803 Broadway Great Bend, Kansas February 27, 1975 Honorable Bob Dole United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Dole, Being unaware of the ERA, until recently, even though it was ratified by the Kansas State Legislature, I am even more appalled at the correspondence received from state legislators by persons seeking to have this ratification rescinded. Text of letters received: Thank you for your letter asking me to vote to rescind the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment which passed this legislature in 1972. The attorney general has ruled that it would be illegal for the legislature to rescind its vote of ratification, and therefore, the House Committee on Federal & State Affairs has killed the resolution. There can be no further action taken on this matter by this legislature, but I do appreciate having your views on the proposed legislation. As you know the ERA is very controversial and we can hear every kind of story on both sides of the issue. However, the Kansas Legislature has acted on the matter and has adopted the Equal Rights Amendment for Women. Therefore, it is my opinion that no change will be made in this legislative session. The following information was made available to me by: Glenda Schinnerer, Route 2, Scott City, Kansas--67871. CAN A STATE REVOKE ITS RATIFICATION OF ERA? Absolutely! When 38 states ratify the ERA, it will become the 27th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. At one time, 33 had ratified. Nebraska and Tennessee have rescinded their ratification. "Clearly a state can change its mind either way before the amendment is officially declared to be ratified" (Prof. Charles L. Black, Jr., of Yale University Law School, Congressional Record, May 8, 1973, p. s8522). We, the people of Kansas, have been denied the same rights and privileges that the people of Nebraska and Tennessee have been allowed to exercise. Cana state attorney general's opinion or ruling, legally, supersede and override the Congressional Record? It is imperative that we receive federal assistance regarding this situation as soon as possible. Thank you for your time and effort. Sincerely, [Signature] Mrs. Orville Warner (Thelma) B-19 [Stamp] Senator Bob Dole Received Mar 3, 1975 Washington D.C. 20510 Dear Sen. Bob Dole, I am writing in regard to the Equal Rights Amendment. There is already a low dealing with race, creed, or sex and I feel ERA will only deprive me of my rights. I am a mother of three children and am perfectly happy fulfilling the role of a housemaker. I don’t want to serve in the Armed Forces as men do. I don’t want my protection from rate and education to be taken away. If I should return to work, I don’t want to be exploited by male employees. I feel that is this law is passed homosexuals will surely be allowed to marry which I feel is scripturally and morally wrong. The laws protecting women from these things will surely be done away with if ERA is passed. Please, for my sake & many women who are as happy as I just doing what God meant for women to do, read ERA thoroughly and vote against it. This is an unnecessary law and deprivation of my rights. Sincerely, Mrs. Nelson Dickinson B-19 415 N. Norton Norton, KS 67654 [Stamp] Senator Bob Dole Received Mar 3, 1975 Washington D.C. 20510 Dear Sir, We don’t want any of this E.R.A. We want this world as we have known it. Wives to be wives- our children run streets & Babysitters care to much as it is. We need the center of family life and that is “love” as Jesus thought it not as these Hippies express. These laws on [PP. 944-945 in law Journals- Guess this explains what I don’t want any part of. I want my granddaughter to be able to develop her talent and social work for community instead of Labor and more of these rackets. Women need protection. We hope your there to see to this for us as women of home & community. Mrs. Gareld Sheley An Open Letter to the First Lady of the U.S. From a Concerned Wife, Mother, Citizen, & Christian February 26, 1975 Dear Mrs. Ford: I find your campaign work for the ERA very degrading, not only as a Lady but as THE FIRST LADY. Any woman knows that Gods’ plan was for the woman to be in subjection to her husband and the man to rule his household. The BIBLE is very clear on this. How anyone can deny it is beyond me---as the First Lady you should be of reasonable intelligence and thus realize that the BIBLE was the law before the constitution was enacted. Thus, I urge you to get a BIBLE and read 1 Tim. 2: 11-15: Proverbs 14:1; Genesis 3:16; and Eph. 5:22 & 33. There are many more scriptures on the subject of the relationship of man and woman but I’m sure you can find a concordance and refer to these yourself. As a wife and mother I urge you to reconsider your stand on the ERA. We cannot be the cause of the downfall of our nation--where oh where will the foundation of the home come from if we, as women, try and usurp authority over man, we cannot and must not provoke the wrath of GOD. I am a 28 year old farm wife, we farm 1600 acres of irrigated cropland, and we have 2 fine healthy boys-ages 2 and 4 years. I consider myself an active wife and mother. I have worked outside the home during our marriage (sometimes driving ever 60 miles a day). I am a Sunday School teacher, A Finney County, Kansas Farm Bureau Queen, Co-chairman of the Finney County Young Farmers and Ranchers, and am in the process of getting my private pilots licence. I am by no means a sit at home housewife--BUT, I am in subjection to my husband. I love him and do not want his authority---I DO want his love and respect. As a matter of fact I want the brotherly love and respect from every man I meet (not admiration nor lust-but respect), not equal treatment -- NEVER! Please do not convince our Congressmen (Federal or State) thru the influence of your position that we as women want equality -- because we do not. If you are not convinced contact those who pushed for the ERA in the State of Maryland. Find out the reaction to the chain of laws being enacted for their benefit (?). I urge you to consider it from our view point NOT from the view point of a few women hungry for authority and recognition in a mans' world. This past summer we actively campaigned and contributed financially to the Republican Party including Senator Bob Doles' bid for re-election, thus we are not inactive citizens griping- we are working for what we believe and working hard. We urge you to study and reconsider the ERA from a “I WANT TO BE A WOMAN NOT A MS" point of view and reconsider the ERA before it's too late, Sincerely, [Signature] Verna D. Koehn Sublette, Kansas 67877 Senator Dole- Any comment you can give to our KS Legislature on rescinding Ks. that in ERA is deeply needed- it is not, yet, to late we need your help. The ERA takes away more freedom than it gives & we do not want it. -[signature] Verna Koehn