6/24 Jun 12 '92 13:18 WORLD INSTITUTE ON DISABILITY P.1/4 WORLD INSTITUTE ON DISABILITY 510 Sixteenth Street, Suite 100 • Oakland , CA 94612-1502 USA. • (510) 763-4100, voice or TDD • (510) 763-4109, FAX (end of letterhead) RESEARCH AND TRAINING CENTER ON PUBLIC POLICY IN INDEPENDENT LIVING June 10, 1992 Post it brand fax transmittal memo 7671 # of pages 4 To Jeanne Argoff From Steven Brown Co. Dole Fdn. Co. Dept. Phone# (510)763-4100 Fax# (202)457-0473 Fax# (510)763-4100 Jeanne Argoff, Ph.D. Dole Foundation for Employment of People with Disabilities 1819 H St., NW Washington, D.C. 20006-3503 523-6351 Dear Jeanne, It was great to see you in Washington at the meeting fo the President's Committee. I have become more and more impressed with the work and the support of the Dole Foundation and look forward to a collaboration between our organizations in regarding to collecting ADA materials. I had a chance to ask a couple of people at Regional Business Centers about their collection and dissemination efforts and I believe you were correct in assessing that the kind of work we are outlining is not happening. With that in mind, WID has attached a description and budget for the project that we would like to see occur. I look forward to talking and discussing this project with you more in the future. Sincerely, (signature) Steven E. Brown Training Director cc: Joan Leon Susan Brown Encl. (hand written note) Verify availability of $ before signing contract $10k & $10k (footer letterhead) a public policy center dedicated to the elimination of handicappism through the promotion of independence, equity of opportunity and full participation of people with disabilities Jun 12 '92 13:18 WORLD INSTITUTE ON DISABILITY P. 2/4 WORLD INSTITUTE ON DISABILITY 510 Sixteenth Street, Suite 100 • Oakland , CA 94612-1502 USA. • (510) 763-4100, voice or TDD • (510) 763-4109, FAX (end of letterhead) WID/Dole Foundation Collaboration Project on Collection of ADA Materials The World Institute on Disability (WID) proposes to do the following: 1. Collect 75-200 information pieces about ADA targeted to or from a consumer perspective (weed through) - evaluate more 2. Respond to 25-150 inquiries regarding WID's knowledge about ADA materials. 3. Compile a file from 10-50 of the best examples we can find that have been published pertaining to consumer involvement in the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 4. Collect and share responses from in-service trainings about ADA and trainings of consumers are available. 5. Collect 25-75 written materials and computer disks pertaining to consumer responses/evaluations of ADA trainings. 6. Collect 25-75 information pieces about major consumer complaints and/or claims using ADA. Our feeling is that the above items will be concentrated in an initial project year. We will collect materials with the intent of evaluating resources and selecting the best examples of each category to share and disseminate with others. One approach in collecting this material will be to establish networks with organizations and agencies providing ADA training, such as DREDF, the Department of Justice and the regional RDBACS. In the interests of providing information on computer networks such as WIDNET and providing materials in accessible media we will collect materials on computer disk whenever possible. Extensive evaluation and dissemination of these materials would be more appropriately tabled for a second contract. WID requests a one-year $25,000 contract. We would use approximately $20,000 to hire staff to fulfill the labor obligations of the contract. The remainder of the contract would be used to purchase ADA materials and disseminate information. A copy of the budget proposal is enclosed. (footer letterhead) a public policy center dedicated to the elimination of handicappism through the promotion of independence, equity of opportunity and full participation of people with disabilities WORLD INSTITUTE ON DISABILITY DOLE FOUNDATION ADA MATERIALS CONTRACT ONE YEAR BUDGET PROPOSAL Expenses: Salaries: Name: Project Manager: Steve Brown, Ph.D. Base: