WORLD INSTITUTE ON DISABILITY 510 SIXTEENTH ST SUITE 100 OAKLAND CA 94612-1502 USA VOICE OR TDD 510 763 4100 FAX 510 763 4109 June 8, 1993 Mr. Paul Hearne Dole Foundation 1819 H St., N.W. Washington, DC 20006-3603 Dear Paul, We are delighted to let you know that A World of Creativity, WID's tenth year anniversary celebration, was a success in every way! We will exceed our original goal by $15,000 We've gotten wonderful feedback - everyone had a great time. Enclosed is a program and article about the event for your information. Your support of the event helped make it a success and we thank you. World Savings generously donated video services for A World of Creativity and the video will be ready by the end of June. If you would like to order an event video, please call Lisa Hoffman, at 510-763-4100. Thanks again! Sincerely, Edward V. Roberts President Joan Leon Executive Vice President P.S. We hope you will be able to join us next time. On April 22, 1994 we will honor Dr. Philip R. Lee, Assistant Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, on his 70th birthday, at the St. Francis Hotel. Dr. Lee was WID's founding chairman. We hope to confirm Donna Shalala, Secretary of Health and Human Services, as the keynote speaker. Lisa will field questions about this event as well. MOVING TOWARD EQUALITY