THE DOLE FOUNDATION 3/11/93 Grant # CON-9203 Fulfillment of Second Phase of Contract $10,000.00 Check Date 3/11/93 Control Number 4971 Totals $10,000.00 THE DOLE FOUNDATION 1819 H St., NW. Washington, DC 20006 SIGNET BANK N.A. WASHINGTON, DC 15-80/540 3811 Ten Thousand and 00/100 Dollars PAY TO THE ORDER OF World Institute on Disability 510 16th Street, Suite 100 Oakland, CA 94612-1502 Check Request Form Amount Requested: $10,000 Make Check Payable to: World Institute on Disability 510 16th St., Suite 100 Oakland, CA 94612-1502 Telephone Number: (502) 763-4100 Payment for: Fulfillment of second phase of contract #9203 Justification: Disbursement Instructions: Mail check to recipient. Department to be Charged: Grants Prog. Requestor: Date: 3-1-93 Approved: Date: 3-16-93 For Accounting Use Only World Institute on Disability 510 Sixteenth St Suite 100 Oakland CA 94612-1502 USA VOICE or TDD 510 763 4100 FAX 510 763 4109 January 28, 1993 Jeanne Argoff, Ph.D. Dole Foundation for Employment of People with Disabilities 1819 H St., NW Washington, DC 20006-3603 Dear Jeanne, It has been great working with you and Ann on this project. As we discussed earlier, WID is now billing Dole $10,000 for this part of our contract, as specified in Dole Contract #9203. Thanks for you confidence and cooperation. Sincerely, Steven E. Brown Training Director cc: Marian Conning Joan Leon Encl. RESEARCH & TRAINING CENTER ON PUBLIC POLICY IN INDEPENDENT LIVING MOVING TOWARD EQUALITY