Handwritten on page: Revision SCHEDULE FOR Thurs., December 7, 1995 10:00 H-230 Pre Budget Meeting 11:00-11:30 Senate Recording Studio Taping for WMUR Re: Budget Fireside Chat w/Cong. Zeliff and Gingrich 11:45-12:30 S-230 Interview w/Dale Russakoff of The Washington Post (Nelson) 1:00 S-230 Mtg. w/President Rugova of Kosova Re: current situation (Mira) 1:30 S-230 Photos w/misc. groups 2:00 S-230 Mtg. and Photo w/Colonel Bill Reese, Ft. Riley Garrison Commander (J. McGinn) 3:00 S-230 Mtg. w/Gov. Whitman (Reed) 4:00 S-230 Mtg. w/John Sununu (Reed) 4:45 S-230 Taping for Cong. Lazio's fundraiser video greeting (Joyce) 5:00 S-230 Mtg. w/Marlene Elwell (Jill) Thurs., Dec. 7 10:00 am BALANCED BUDGET NEGOTIATIONS REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL PARTICIPANTS Member Staff House: Kasich Rick May Art Sauer Armey Kerry Knott David Hobbs DeLay Ralph Hellman (alternate: Steve Robinson) Walker Chris Wydler (alternate: Dierdre Stach) Gingrich (ex-officio) Dan Meyer Arne Christenson Senate: Domenici Bill Hoagland +1 Senate Budget Committee Staff Lott Dave Hoppe (alternate: Susan Connell) Nickles Hazen Marshall Grassley Dean Zerbe Dole (ex-officio) Sheila Burke John Schall Thurs., Dec. 7 11:00 am DEC 07 '95 10:55AM P.1 December 7, 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR SENATOR DOLE FROM: NELSON WARFIELD SUBJECT: WMUR "Fireside Chat" with Jack Heath Heath today may well ask a number of "warm and fuzzy" questions during your interview. These may include questions about your interests and personal time activities. Here are a few questions, with possible responses: Most recent book: David Herbert Donald's new biography of Abraham Lincoln; "The Death of Common Sense" by Philip Howard about the horrors of over-regulation in government today. Handwritten in margins: Governor Hugh Gregg's (illegible) on birthplace of Republican Party. Most recent movie: parts of, all I could stand of "Natural Born Killers" and "True Romance"; "Lost Horizon" not too long ago on one of those classic movies cable TV stations TV: "Murder, She Wrote", re-runs of classic films, handwritten in margins: college basketball Hobbies: Working out on the Treadmill, reading, maybe even travel -- I've traveled over 80,000 miles so far this year on the campaign trail Sports: Jayhawk basketball, they just missed facing Arkansas in the NCAA play-offs last season -- hopefully 1996 will see a Kansas-Arkansas showdown; NASCAR racing, visited the New Hampshire NASCAR raceway this year, congratulations to Jeff Gordon for winning the Winston Cup Christmas plans: Church; spend some time with Elizabeth, rare treat these days while she is busy on the campaign trail DEC 07 '95 10:55AM P.2 HEATH/2 of 2 Christmas gifts: Sneaked away from campaigning in Philadelphia the other day to do a little shopping; Elizabeth is in New Hampshire so much, she'll find out what I got for her if I tell WMUR Hope for the New Year: That our troops in Bosnia stay safe and come home as quickly as possible Thurs., Dec. 7 11:45 am DEC 07 '95 12:10PM P.2 December 7, 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR SENATOR DOLE FROM: NELSON WARFIELD SUBJECT: Dale Russakoff/Post Profile Interview Russakoff is doing the Post's personal profile on you -- another of the life story sort of pieces we saw around the announcement tour. She is particularly interested in her idea that your recovery after the War instilled in you a spirit of resilience that lasts through today. She has explored this idea with many of those she has interviewed about you and reports that Bob Ellsworth was particularly supportive of that view. Russakoff is assigned as the New York bureau reporter for the Post, an assignment that is viewed as a significant job by the paper. She lives in New Jersey, but she has extensive Hill experience. During "fly-on-the-wall" coverage of the Speaker, she caught and reported his anti-Clinton "McGovernick" comment, In August, she did a major story on Sen, Bill Bradley. Recently, she was fair with her "Money Train" story. This should be more of a "who you are" than a "where you stand" story. She says the Post has an army of reporters to detail your issue positions, but her job is to write about "Bob Dole the person." So there is some danger of a Ruth Shalit-style pop- psychology story. To avoid that, you should simply not indulge that sort of questioning and always remember her willingness to grab a comment like the Speaker's. As you know, some writers have used the story of your war wound as an explanation for the alleged bitterness and resentment some critics accuse you of possessing. Russakoff has shown no interest in pursuing this ridiculous idea, but you should be prepared. Maybe the best way to respond to this is the same way you discuss adversity in several speeches: Just as it has been with this nation, it is impossible to emerge from all the tests you have faced without becoming a profound optimist. "I've seen our country overcome too much adversity not to believe deeply in our potential," is how your speech explains it. Perhaps the same is true of you. In addition, she may deal with several of topics we talked about earlier this year: VISION I think I can provide the leadership America needs going into the next century. I think I have the experience, the integrity and I've been tested, tested in many ways. I have a vision for America -- reining in the federal government, reconnecting DEC 07 '95 12:11PM P.3 government with American values, and reasserting our appropriate place in the world, I still believe in the greatness of America, and I think the best years are still ahead. Look at the 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights. That's vision in just 28 words -- smaller government and more freedom. On the anniversary of D-Day, while people were rightly focused on the beaches of France, I was walking the ground in Italy where I was wounded 50 years ago. It reminded me of the heroism and sacrifices I witnessed there -- the quiet valor that literally saved my life. Standing there, I thought about how my generation answered the call to duty years ago. How can I do any less today? I thought my generation might have something the country needs right now in a President: someone who knows what made America great in the first place, someone who knows what has been sacrificed to keep us free, someone who is willing to lead and who knows the way. MEANNESS That's kind of like the old trick question: When did you stop beating your wife? I do get that question and I imagine I've been a little too tart sometimes. I came by it honestly. Years ago when I was working in the drug store in Russell, we traded barbs in a good natured way -- maybe I became too good at it. If I've changed at all over the years, I'd say the edge is off a little. I think I'm a lot more comfortable now with what I'm doing and where I want to lead this country. I'm not saying it's a kinder-gentler Bob Dole, but I think people are able to see me more the way Elizabeth and people who really know me do. AGE I've said before: If you wonder whether I'm up to the job, just follow me around for a day. A TV crew tried it once. I don't know how it turned out for them, but I know two of my aides who are half my age stayed with them all day and ended up exhausted. It was just a regular day at the office for me. We all know people who are old at 50 and young at 80. I exercise, watch my diet -- but my secret is I love what I'm doing. It keeps me young. Thurs., Dec. 7 1:00pm December 6, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: Mira Baratta/Ron Marks SUBJECT: Meeting with President Rugova of Kosova You will be meeting with President Ibrihim Rugova of Kosova on Thursday, December 7th at 1 p.m. Also present at the meeting will be Democratic League of Kosova Foreign Affairs Secretary Edita Tahari, an interpreter, and the President's bodyguard. CURRENT VISIT: President Rugova is in Washington at the invitation of the White House to discuss the outcome of the Dayton Peace Accords and the future of Kosova. As you know, Kosova was never given a seat at the negotiating table in Dayton. The Albanians were effectively cut completely out of the settlement process; UN sanctions against Serbia were suspended (de facto lifted) . So-called "outer wall" sanctions (i.e. prohibition on World Bank funds) remain in place. Since your amendment that linked the situation in Kosova to the U.S. assistance to Serbia was dropped in CJS conference, we lost potential leverage on this issue. At our insistence, Rugova will be meeting with SecState Christopher on Thursday afternoon. He is also scheduled to meet with Asst. SecState Holbrooke and with Rep. David Bonior. Thurs., Dec. 7 1:30 pm December 6, 1995 TO: SENATOR ROBERT DOLE FROM: MARQUIA PARKER SUBJECT: PHOTOS FOR THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1995 AT 1:30 PM 1. 9 STAFF MEMBERS WITH SENATOR JOHN ASHCROFT (R-MO). 2. 4 INTERNS WITH SENATOR ROBERT DOLE. 3. 6 REPUBLICAN STATE LEGISLATORS FROM KANSAS (MARCIE). 4. 6 REPUBLICAN SENATE PAGES. 5. 5 STAFF MEMBERS WITH CONGRESSMAN JAMES HANSEN (R-UT). 6. 3 STUDENTS WITH THE CONGRESSIONAL YOUTH LEADERSHIP FROM KS. 7. 2 STAFFERS WITH THE SENATE ENERGY COMMITTEE. 8. NATHAN TAIT FRIEND OF KIM MCCREERY. 9. AMY COX, DAWN DECHAND & MAGGIE THOMPSON FROM TOPEKA, KS. Thurs., Dec. 7 2:00 pm DAY BOOK DECEMBER 7, 1995 TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: DARREN DICK SUBJECT: COURTESY CALL WITH COLONEL BILL REESE, GARRISON COMMANDER, FORT RILEY At 2:00, Thursday, December 7, in S-230, you are scheduled for a very brief courtesy call with Colonel Reese, the Garrison Commander of Fort Riley. Col. Reese is not going to raise any major issues. He is going to take this opportunity to introduce himself to you and to thank you for your support for Fort Riley. However, should they come up, the major issues facing the post right now are: o Reductions at the Hospital. As a result of a decreasing budget and the reduction in numbers at the post, the Army Medical Command is reducing the budget and number of personnel assigned to the Post hospital. I have been working with Army to ensure that no RIF will take place -- that the smaller number will be achieved through early retirements, etc. However, this will require some assistance in managing this drawdown from the folks at the Fort. I have met with Army officials and they are working with us. Reese and I speak about this on an almost weekly basis. We will continue to work it. o MP Battalion. Recently the Army informed Fort Riley that it has decided to move an MP Battalion Headquarters out of Fort Riley and replace it with an MP Company from Fort Leonard Wood (none of this action would occur until later next year). Riley would lose a Lt. Col. billet and the Hqs staff (around 35 people) , however they would gain a full company of Military Policeman. Officials at Army tell me this will result in an increase in the number of soldiers assigned to the Post. I told Army they would need to brief your office before the MP HQ was moved -- that any move would require your sign-off. Army will brief me the week of Dec 11. o Bosnia Deployment. The 55th Engineer Company (Medium Girder Bridge) , Fort Riley, Kansas was alerted on Monday, Dec. 4, for possible deployment to Bosnia. There are only 3 of these bridge companies in the Army (1 in Europe, 1 in Korea, and the 1 at Riley) . REESE BIO Col. William Reese was commissioned in the Regular Army from Virginia Tech in 1972. During the Gulf War, Reese served as commander of the 1st Squadron, 1st Cavalry of the 1st Armored Division. Just prior to coming to Fort Riley in 1994, Reese served with the 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, CO. Col. Reese's awards and decorations include the Bronze Star for Valor, the Bronze Star, Air Medal, and Meritorious Service Medal with Oak Leaf Clusters. SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7020 ; 12- 6-95 ; 5:23PM ; --> 92244638 ; #1 Thurs., Dec. 7 2:30 pm BOB DOLE FOR PRESIDENT FACSIMILE COVER SHEET DATE: DEC. 6 TIME: TO: SENATOR DOLE C/O KATHLEEN FAX #: FROM: JO-ANNE COE, FINANCE DIRECTOR PHONE: (202) 414-6439, FAX: (202) 408-9466 Comments: FYI - BACKGROUND ON DAROL RODROCK, POTENTIAL CANDIDATE FOR SENATE FROM KANSAS -- WITH WHOM YOU ARE TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED TO MEET TOMORROW. DO YOU STILL WANT TO MEET WITH HIM? NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET: 4 The Information contained in this facsimile message is privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the Intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copy of this fax Is strictly prohibited. If you have received this fax In error, please immediately notify us by telephone and return the original message to us at the address below via the United States Postal Service. Authorized and paid for by Dole for President, Inc., Robert Lighthizer, Treasurer 810 First Street, Northeast · Suite 300 . Washington, D.C. 20002 · (202) 414-6400 SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7020 ; 12-6-95 ; 5:24PM ; --> 92244639 ; #2 12/06/95 12:50 SENATOR BOB DOLE, KANSAS CITY 002 8TH STORY of Level 1 printed in FULL format. The Associated Press The materials in the AP file were compiled by The Associated Press. These materials may not be republished without the express written consent of The Associated Press. January 10, 1988, Sunday, AM cycle LENGTH: 893 words HEADLINE: Transaction By Elizabeth Dole's Blind Trust DATELINE: HUTCHINSON, Kan. BODY: A former aide to Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole helped buy an office building from Elizabeth Dole's blind trust 10 months after his company was awarded a no-bid federal contract, according to a published report. The report by the Harris News Service on Friday did not say there was anything improper about the transactions, and Dole spokesmen said neither the senator nor Mrs. Dole had any role in them. The presidential campaign of Vice President George Bush sent reporters copie of the article, which appeared Friday in The Hutchinson Daily News, The New Yor Times reported Sunday. The article said Mrs. Dole's blind trust sold an office building in Overland Park, Kan., to EDP Enterprises and College Park Two Building Partnership in December 1986. Meanwhile, former Kansas Lt. Gov. Dave Owen, national finance chairman of Dole's campaign, called the senator's office last year to intercede for a business associate who was trying to retain more than $1.4 million worth of military contracts, according to a copyright story Sunday in The Kansas City Star. Owen said he is a $7,000-a-month consultant for Darol Rodrock, who provides the Army housing for more than 260 officers at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas Rodrock was one of four Leavenworth property owners providing the off-base housing, according to the Star. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers terminated leases with the other three last March and extended a lease with Rodrock and his wife The Star said that during discussions of the lease extension in early 1987, Federal Election Commission records show Rodrock made a $5,000 contribution to Campaign America, the Dole political action committee that preceded the creation of a Dole presidential organization. Rodrock also denied that any political influence was used in getting the Army housing business, the newspaper said. Both Rodrock and Owen insisted their consulting arrangement is based on Owen's business expertise and not his political tier. SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7020 ; 12-6-95 ; 5:24PM ; --> 92244639 ; #3 12/06/95 12:51 SENATOR BOB DOLE, KANSAS CITY 003 PAGE The Associated Press, January 10, 1988 The Star said no evidence indicates that Dole's office did anything to aid Rodrock in getting the contract. "I'm sure Bob Dole doesn't know anything abor it, " Owen said in an interview Friday with the Star. Walt Riker, a spokesman for Dole, said Saturday that the senator's office : "reviewing the details" of Owen's contacts regarding the Army housing and woul not comment until the review is completed. In the transactions involving Mrs. Dole's blind trust, EDP had received a three-year, $30 million federal minority business contract in February 1986 tc supply food services to Army mess halls at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., Harris Newa Service said. EDP is owned by John Palmer, a field representative in Dole's Kansas City office in the early 19808. The news service did not say that there was anything illegal in the transactions or that the Doles had any connection with the transactions or wit granting the food services contract. Nor did the report say Mrs. Dole made any profit on the building. The news service quoted James Deibel, the contractor who sold the building MrB. Dole's trust, as saying it cost more than $1 million, and said it had obtained other information from public records. "Bob and Elizabeth Dole obviously had no personal knowledge of this, " Riker told The Associated Press. "The system worked as it is supposed to work." Dale Tate, a spokeswoman for Dole's presidential campaign, said neither the senator nor Mrs. Dole, who served as Secretary of Transportation in President Reagan's cabinet until last year, knew of the transactions. Tate emphasized that the purpose of Mrs. Dole's blind trust was to remove h from direct management of her financial assets. The news service said the transactions involved Palmer and Owen, who was investment adviser for the trust. Contacted Friday by the AP, Owen said he was bound by rules of confidentiality not to discuss Mrs. Dole's blind trust, "My reaction is that the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary are jue around the corner, and the Harris newspapers are holding up their long-standing tradition of causing Bob Dole problems," Owen sald. "I don't want to be evasive, but I just can't discuss the trust. I really just can't comment on their story," he said. The Harris news service is a wire service run by Harris Enterprises to serve its eight newspapers in Kansas, one in Iowa and one in California. The report of Mrs. Dole's blind trust appeared in several of those newspapers. Owan said he served for a time as an investment adviser to the Elizabeth Dole trust, but is no longer associated with it. Palmar told the news service he is a participant in the Small Business Administration's minority set-amide program, but refused to comment further. 2 SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7020 ; 12-6-95 ; 5:25PM ; --> 92244639 ; #4 12/06/95 12:51 SENATOR BOB DOLE, KANSAS CITY 004 PAGE The Associated Press, January 10, 1988 Mrs. Dole's trust bought the building on Jan. 20, 1986, the news service said. On Dec. 30, 1986, the trust sold a half-interest in the property to EDP. Palmer's company assumed half a mortgage and gave the trust a promissory note for $279,000, then conveyed ownership to College Park Two, which assumed all payments, the news service said, citing warranty deeds. The other half of the building was bought directly by College Park Two, whose address is at Owen's office, according to tax records, the news service said. The news service said it could not find out who College Park Two's partners are. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH 3 FILE No. 759 12/06 '95 18:20 ID:RLO-S235 44639 PAGE 2 SCHEDULE FOR Thurs., December 7, 1995 10:00 S-230 Pre Budget Meeting 11:00-11:30 Senate Recording Studio Taping for WMUR Re: Budget Fireside Chat w/Cong. Zeliff and Gingrich 11:45-12:30 S-230 Interview w/Dale Russakoff of The Washington Post (Nelson) 1:30 S-230 Photos w/misc. groups 2:00 S-230 Mtg. w/Colonel Bill Reese, Ft. Riley Garrison Commander (J. McGinn) handwritten in: 2:30 pm Rodrock 3:00 S-230 Mtg. w/Gov. Whitman (Reed) 4:00 S-230 Mtg. w/John Sununu (Reed) 4:45 S-230 Taping for Cong. Lazio's fundraiser video greeting (Joyce) 5:00 S-230 Mtg. w/Marlene Elwell (Jill) Thurs., Dec. 7 4:45 pm 12/6/95 TO: SENATOR DOLE FR: JOYCE RE: CON. LAZIO VIDEO You have agreed to tape a brief video greeting for Congressman Lazio on Thursday at 4:45 p.m. in the office. His fundraiser will be held on December 11 at John Anthony's restaurant in Babylon. Unfortunately, a teleprompter will not be available since the NRCC crew will be taping your message. Suggested remarks are attached. CON. LAZIO EVENT IT'S A PLEASURE TO BE WITH YOU AGAIN AT JOHN ANTHONY'S. BEST WISHES TO SUFFOLK COUNTY REPUBLICAN CHAIRMAN JOHN POWELL AND TO ALL OF THE TOWN CHAIRMEN GATHERED HERE TODAY. OVER THE PAST FEW YEARS, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE ASKED FOR CHANGE AT THE BALLOT BOX. THEY HAVE ASKED FOR A BALANCED BUDGET AND TAX RELIEF FOR THEIR FAMILIES. AND THAT IS WHY LONG ISLANDERS SENT RICK LAZIO TO CONGRESS IN 1992. RICK HAS WORKED TO DELIVER THAT CHANGE AND I AM PROUD TO SERVE WITH HIM. AS A MEMBER OF THE BUDGET COMMITTEE, RICK HELPED TO SHAPE THE FIRST BALANCED BUDGET IN A GENERATION. TOGETHER WE ARE ASKING PRESIDENT CLINTON TO HONOR THAT COMMITMENT FOR THE SAKE OF OUR CHILDREN AND OUR GRANDCHILDREN. AS SENATE MAJORITY LEADER, I WILL CONTINUE TO NEED RICK BY MY SIDE WORKING FOR CHANGE AND FOR A BETTER AMERICA. ### Dec 8 S-230 10:00 MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: MO DATE: DECEMBER 4, 1995 Dr. Jerry Falwell has requested a meeting with you on either Wednesday, December 6 or Friday morning, December 8 to discuss "items of mutual interest". Would you like to meet with him? YES (checked) Not at this time Written on post it note on page: No Backup Memo necessary 12/04/95 14:44 NO.209 P01 Office of the Chaneller Jerry Falwell Chancellor Liberty University (804) 582-2962 Duke Westover Assistant to the Chancellor (804) 582-2971 Liberty University Box 10307 Lynchburg, VA 24506-8001 December 4, 1995 Dan Stanley Office of The Senate Majority Leader Robert Dole via FAX #202-228-1245 Dear Dan, Just this short epistle to follow-up on the request for a meeting with Dr. Jerry Falwell and the Senator. It will be a brief and private meeting (no press coverage or announcements) that will cover items of mutual interest. We will travel to Washington or any other place convenient to the Senator's traveling schedule. Dr. Falwell is traveling to South America next Monday, 11 · December for one week. If we could meet before that trip, it would be helpful. Please consider Wednesday, 6 December or Friday, 8 December. Let me know as soon as possible. My phone numbers are 804-582-2971 (office), 804-384-7100 (home), and 804-841-8886 (portable). I am looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks, (signature) Duke Westover 12/08/95 FRI 08:57 FAX --> MO 001 Handwritten on page: Dec 8 11:40 S-230 (mira) MEMORANDUM DECEMBER 7, 1995 TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: MIRA BARATTA SUBJECT: PHONE CALL WITH LADY THATCHER As I mentioned to you, Lady Thatcher would like to arrange a brief phone call with you some time tomorrow. I mentioned that you were going out of town, but I was not sure when. If you do want to speak with her, I would FAX her office with a proposed window of time that would be convenient for you. Do you want to arrange a phone call with Lady Thatcher? Yes (checked) No Written on sticky note on page: Daybook Revision SCHEDULE FOR Mon., December 11, 1995 12:40 Ar. Capitol 1:30-2:30 S-230 Mtg. w/Jack Hilton (Reed & Lacy) 3:00 S-230 Mtg. w/Keith Herd (Kerry) 3:30 S-230 Mtg. w/Lois Cassano, makeup consultant (Joyce) 4:15 S-230 Dr. Bill Bright, Campus Crusade for Christ (Judy Haynes) 5:30-6:30 Grand Hyatt NJ Ave, Suite 1089 PENDING APPROVAL - DROP BY DFP Major Donor Reception (Joanne) 7:00-9:00 Watergate South Lobby DROP BY Watergate 1995 Winter Party DFP P3 TEL:2024146355 Dec 11'95 12:41 No.003 P.02 Mon., Dec. 11 4:15 pm To: Senator Dole From: Cindi Williams RE: Meeting with Dr. Bill Bright Date: December 11, 1995 Dr. Bill Bright is the Founder and President of Campus Crusade for Christ International -- one of the largest Christian ministries in the country. He and his wife, Vonette, are friends of Mrs. Dole's and have been very supportive of her over the years. On Friday, Bill called Mrs. Dole to see if she would assist in setting up a meeting with you. He is in town for Dr. Halverson's memorial service. He had originally wanted to bring two Christian leaders with him, Larry Louis (head of Southern Baptist Mission Board) and Dr. Don Argue (President of the National Association of Evangelicals), but they were not able to attend on short notice. He would like to discuss the involvement of the Christian community in your campaign efforts. Background on Campus Crusade: * Jodie Hanford currently works for Bill Bright in Orlando on the Co-Mission Project. The Project focuses on training public school teachers overseas in Christian ethics. As you may know, Jodie traveled 30 hours past Moscow on a train to personally share this teaching tool with teachers in the former Soviet Union. * Mrs. Dole last saw the Bright's at the National Prayer Breakfast. She was the keynote speaker at their Easter Service in Orlando last year and has been featured on Vonette's daily radio talk show, "Women Today." * Campus Crusade was founded by the Bright's in 1951. Although originally founded as a campus-based ministry, it has been expanded into adult ministries throughout the world. They have a local ministry in D. C. called the "Christian Embassy" where Mrs. Dole has attended bible studies in the past. Campus Crusade is located in 160 countries and on every major campus in the U.S. They have 14,000 paid staff and over 100,000 trained volunteers, His overall mission is to share the gospel throughout the world; however, his most recent focus has been on prayer for our country. (He just finished a 40 day fast.) He recently conducted a meeting in Los Angeles where 3600 people came together to pray for the well being of our nation. I am sure he will want to discuss this meeting with you. Mon, Dec. 11 7-9 pm Dessert and Coffee Monday, December 11, 1995 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Watergate South Lobby RSVP: By November 24 at the Front Desk Residents: No Charge, Guests: $25 I/We will attend the 1995 Winter Party on Monday, December 11. Name(s): Apt.: I/We will be bringing [blank] guest(s); $[blank] enclosed. MON, DEC. 11: Watergate South 1995 Winter Party from 7:00 - 9:00 pm in the Watergate South Lobby. DROP BY (checked) DECLINE DEC 11 '95 05:21PM BOB DOLE FOR PRESIDENT. Mon., Dec. 11 5:30-6:30 pm DROP BY Attendees: 1. Jim Courter - New Jersey -- Former US Congressman (R-NJ) -- Base-closing Commission 2. Joe Sanzari - New Jersey -- Real Estate Developer - brought in by Courter 3. George Gilmore - New Jersey -- Ocean County Attorney and GOP fund-raiser. -- Big Whitman Supporter 4. John Price - Utah -- Chairman and CEO, J.P. Realty -- Dole for President, National Finance Committee, Vice-Chair -- Brought on by John Moran 5. Sergio Pino - Florida -- Contractor, Century Plumbing, Inc. -- Dade County Cuban-American Chairman -- Raised $250,000 for Dole for President 6. Ted Kratovil - Connecticut -- Senior Vice-President for US Tobacco 7. Tom Bremer - Connecticut -- Vice President US Surgical 8. Bob Dotchin - Washington, DC -- Representative for US Tobacco and US Surgical 9. Rick Graber - Wisconsin -- Milwaukee Attorney -- Dole for President, Wisconsin Finance Chairman 10. John Moran -- Chairman, National Finance Committee Staff: Mark Miller, Laura Van Hove, Kelly Guesnier Authorized and paid for by Dole for President, Inc., Robert Lighthizer, Treasurer 810 First Street, Northeast . Suite 300 . Washington, DC 20002 . (202) 414-6400 ID: RLO-S235 44639 (illegible handwriting on page) SCHEDULE FOR Tues., December 12, 1995 10:15-10:45 H-210 (Ceremonial Speaker's Office) Private Mtg. w/P.M. of Israel, Gingrich, Armey, Gephardt, and Daschle 11:00-12:15 House Floor Joint House/Senate Mtg. in honor of P.M. of Israel 12:20 S-230 Leadership Mtg. 12:45 S-207 Policy Luncheon 2:00-3:00 S-230 Mtg. w/Gingrich, Kasich, and Domenici re: Budget (Sheila/John) 3:15 Russell Caucus Brief remarks at AIPAC (Randy) 4:00-4:30 S-230 Wrap-up Mtg. w/Fall interns (Eric) 4:30 S-230 Mtg. w/Cong. David Dreier (Jill) Tues., Dec. 12 10:15 am December 11, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: Randy Scheunemann Ron Marks SUBJECT: Meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres You will be meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres at 10:15 a.m. on Tuesday, December 12th in H-210. Also present at the meeting will be: House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Senator Tom Daschle, and Representative Dick Gephardt. Your private meeting with Prime Minister Peres will last until shortly before 11:00 a.m. (See attached for further information.) At a few minutes before 11, the Official Escort Committee -- of which you will a participant -- will leave H-210 and escort Prime Minister Peres to the floor of the House for his appearance for the Joint Session. As per custom, you will be seated at a designated seat in the front row on the House floor. The speech is scheduled to last 45 minutes. At approximately 11:45, Prime Minister Peres will then depart the floor under House leadership escort to the Rayburn Building to meet with the House International Relations Committee. After this meeting, Prime Minister will then travel to Russell Senate Caucus Room to speak to the AIPAC conference which you are scheduled to address at 3:15 p.m. December 11, 1995 TO: Senator Dole FROM: Randy Scheunemann SUBJECT: Possible Issues for Meeting with Prime Minister Shimon Peres FOREIGN OPS CONFERENCE: Because of the continued impasse over Foreign Ops, Israel has not received its usual up front disbursement of economic assistance. If there is no change by December 31 (the end of the Israeli fiscal year), Israel will see an overnight increase of $1 billion in its current account deficit -- 20%. The only two options are to allow full disbursement in the next CR, or to resolve Foreign Ops. The latest is an effort by the House to send over a new bill which is the text of the Conference Report with Brown compromise language which just might get 50 Senate votes. SYRIA: Peres and Clinton spoke extensively about Syria in today's press conference. Peres reportedly believes peace with Syria is more important than winning an election -- although some observers think Peres could get both: call elections now, win a mandate, and then negotiate peace with Syria. The issue of U.S. participation in any Golan peacekeeping force should be raised with Peres if you have any concerns -- least to recognize it would be a tough sell in the U.S. Secretary Christopher will be traveling to Syria next week, to restart the process. STRATEGIC COOPERATION: Peres is reported to be very interested in the idea you raised in the National Jewish Coalition speech of greater strategic cooperation, and a new relationship between the U.S. and Israel. RABIN ASSASSINATION: Three individuals have been indicted in the Rabin assassination, and that appears to be as far as the conspiracy goes. There has been an as yet uncorroborated report that a Shin Bet (Israeli FBI) informer was part of a "dirty tricks" campaign on behalf of the Rabin government to embarrass Likud by paintinG them as extremists. If true, this would be devastating for Labor. POLLARD CASE: Convicted spy Jonathan Pollard has been granted Israeli citizenship, and Peres is reported to support clemency. Clinton said today he would consider any formal clemency petition. Recall that it was Casper Weinberger's deposition on the damage caused by Pollard which led to his life sentence -- and that at the time Pollard was considered an embarrassment for all but the most extreme fringe elements of the Jewish community. JERUSALEM: On December 4 in the U.N. General Assembly, the U.S. abstained from voting on a resolution which passed 133 to 1 (Israel), which condemned Israeli administration of Jerusalem. Some would argue that acceptance into law of the Embassy legislation -- and its change on U.S. policy about the capital of Israel -- should have led to a different position. POSSIBLE QUESTIONS * WHAT IS THE STATUS OF RELATIONS WITH THE PLO, ON CHANGES IN THE PLO COVENANT AND ON ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THE PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY? * WHAT IS THE STATUS OF YOUR VIEWS ON THE POTENTIAL ROLE OF AMERICAN PEACEKEEPERS OR OBSERVERS ON THE GOLAN HEIGHTS AS PART OF ANY AGREEMENT WITH SYRIA? * WHAT KINDS OF INCREASED STRATEGIC COOPERATION BETWEEN THE U.S. AND ISRAEL DO YOU ENVISION -- DEFENSE PLANNING, TECHNOLOGY EXPORTS, ETC .? * WHAT IS YOUR VIEW OF THE THREAT POSED BY IRAN, AND WHAT CAN BEST BE DONE TO ISOLATE THE REGIME? * WHAT IS YOUR VIEW ON THE RECENT U.N. GENERAL ASSEMBLY VOTE ON JERUSALEM WHERE ISRAEL STOOD ALONE, AND THE U.S. ABSTAINED? LEADERSHIP MEETING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1995 12:20 P.M. -- S-230 ATTENDEES: Cochran, D'Amato, Dole, Lott, Mack, Nickles, Thurmond NOV 30 '95 07:38PM P.1/1 Dec 12 2:00 S-230 MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: JILL HANSON DATE: NOVEMBER 30, 1995 SUBJ: CONGRESSMAN DAVID DREIER (CA) Kerry Tymchuk visited with Cong. Dreier and says that he will come on board our campaign if he has a meeting with you. He also would like to talk about a couple of trade issues. Would you like to meet with Cong. David Dreier if you have the chance? YES (checked) NO Thank you. cc: Scott Reed Handwritten on sticky note: No backup memo necessary 12/08/95 FRI 12:35 FAX --> MO 001 Dec 12 3:15 Russell Caucus (Remarks) December 7, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: Randy Scheunemann/Ron Marks SUBJECT: Remarks Before AIPAC Meeting on Tuesday, December 12th Dec 12 3:15 Russell Caucus (Remarks) You have been invited by AIPAC to make brief remarks (approximately 10 minutes) on Tuesday afternoon, December 12th at 2:15 p.m. in the Caucus Room of Russell Building. The audience, several hundred Jewish leaders from around the country, will be participating in a day-long conference entitled "National Peace Process Advocacy Day." Also sponsoring the event are the National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Group (NJCRAC) and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. While this is not an essential speech, it would be a good one to do with a strongly supportive audience and it is an opportunity to show your continued interest in the Middle East peace process. Yes, I would like to make (checked) (rest of sentence illegible) No, I would not care to make (rest of sentence illegible) Written on sticky note on page: Remarks forthcoming 12/08/95 FRI 12:35 FAX --> MO 002 DEC-07-1995 17:55 202 638 4697 P.02/02 AIPAC BOARD OF DIRECTORS: illegible list December 6, 1995 The Honorable Robert Dole United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Dole: We are pleased to invite you to address a gathering of several hundred leaders of the American Jewish community who will be in Washington on Tuesday, December 12, 1995 for a national peace process advocacy day. The gathering is sponsored by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), and the National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council (NJCRAC), with the participation of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. The purpose of this event is to demonstrate our community's support for Israel's determination to pursue person with its neighbors and to reaffirm the close relationship between the United States and Israel in the post-Rabin era. The participants are also eager to express appreciation for the continuing support the United States has given Israel as she takes risks for peace. We would be honored if you could join us and give brief remarks between 2:15 pm and 3:30 pm that afternoon. We will be assembled in the Caucus Room of the Russell Senate Office Building. We hope that your schedule will permit your accepting this invitation. Please call Meredith Smith at 639 5286 should you have any questions. We look forward to your Favorable reply. Sincerely, Neal M. Sher AIPAC Executive Director Lawrence Rubin NJCRAC Executive Vice Chairman Lynn Lyss NJCRAC Chair America's Pre-Israel Lobby The American Israel Public Affairs Committee 440 First (illegible), NW - Suite 600 - Washington, D.C. 20001 - (202) 639-5200 TOTAL P.02 December 12, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: Randy Scheunemann/Ron Marks SUBJECT: Remarks to National Jewish leaders You are scheduled to make 10 minutes of remarks to a conference of national Jewish leaders at 3:15 p.m. on Tuesday, December 12th. Sponsoring the session -- entitled the National Peace Process Advocacy Day -- in the Russell Senate Caucus Room are: America Israel Public Affairs Committee, the National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Group, and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. There will be 250 plus people in the room, most of whom will be seated -- there will be standing room in the back and on the sides of the room. You will speak in front of the room at a podium. The President of AIPAC, Steve Grossman, will greet you at the door, escort you to the podium, and introduce you to the conference. According to the AIPAC event schedule, you will be following Rep. Lee Hamilton who will be speaking at 3 p.m. and preceding Rep. Richard Gephardt and Senator Mitch Mcconnell. NB: Israeli Prime Minister Peres is scheduled to speak to this group around 1 p.m. Brief draft remarks are attached I WANT TO WELCOME ALL OF YOU TO THE UNITED STATES SENATE TODAY. THERE HAS BEEN MUCH WRITTEN ABOUT DIVISIONS OVER THE PEACE PROCESS -- IN ISRAEL, IN THE UNITED STATES AND AMONG AMERICAN JEWS. BUT TODAY IS A DAY TO TALK ABOUT UNITY -- UNITY IN SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL, UNITY IN SUPPORT OF THE PEACE PROCESS, AND UNITY IN WISHING THE NEW GOVERNMENT OF PRIME MINISTER PERES WELL. I MET WITH PRIME MINISTER PERES THIS MORNING BEFORE HE ADDRESSED A JOINT MEETING OF CONGRESS. I KNOW HE IS COMMITTED TO PURSUING THE PEACE PROCESS. HE HAS SET HIS SIGHTS ON THE TOUGHEST TASK OF ALL NEGOTIATING PEACE WITH SYRIA. THE JOB IS HARD, BUT THE REWARDS WOULD BE GREAT. IT IS TOO SOON TO TELL WHETHER THIS LATEST EFFORT WILL BEAR FRUIT. IT IS TOO SOON TO TELL WHETHER THE NATIONAL TRAGEDY OF YITZHAK RABIN'S ASSASSINATION WILL LEAD TO A WIDER AND MORE DURABLE PEACE PROCESS. BUT IT IS NOT TOO SOON TO SAY THE UNITED STANDS WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF SHIMON PERES AS ISRAEL CONTINUES TO TAKE RISKS FOR PEACE. THE US-ISRAEL RELATIONSHIP FACES NEW CHALLENGES AT THIS TIME. I HAVE SUGGESTED IT IS TIME TO OPEN A BILATERAL DIALOGUE ON A NEW STRATEGIC RELATIONSHIP. THE TIME WHEN GREATER US-ISRAEL COOPERATION WOULD ALIENATE THE ARAB WORLD IS PAST. TODAY, THE U.S., ISRAEL AND STATES LIKE SAUDI ARABIA, EGYPT AND JORDAN ALL FACE THE SAME CHALLENGES: RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM AND SUBVERSION, AND PROLIFERATION OF WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. ROGUE STATES LIKE LIBYA, IRAN AND IRAQ THREATEN ALL OF THEIR NEIGHBORS AND THE ENTIRE REGION. THE UNITED STATES AND ISRAEL SHOULD BEGIN IMMEDIATELY TO EXAMINE WAYS GREATER AND MORE FORMAL STRATEGIC COOPERATION BETWEEN OUR TWO COUNTRIES CAN FURTHER OUR INTERESTS. AS PRIME MINISTER PERES SAID EARLIER TODAY, "THE DANGERS OF OUR DAYS ARE NOT CONFINED TO BORDERS; THEY ARE COMMON TO US ALL -- MUSLIMS, CHRISTIANS, AND JEWS ALIKE." AS WE LOOK BACK AT THE LAST FOUR DECADES, ONE OVERRIDING FACT SHOULD BE CLEAR: IN WAR AND IN PEACE, THE UNITED STATES STANDS WITH ISRAEL. IN 1967 AND AGAIN IN 1973, THE UNITED STATES STOOD WITH ISRAEL AS ITS NATIONAL SURVIVAL WAS AT STAKE. DURING OPERATION DESERT STORM, UNDER IRAQI MISSILE ATTACK, ISRAEL DEFERRED TO THE U.S. AND WITHHELD RETALIATING FOR THE VICIOUS ATTACK IN ITS CIVILIAN POPULATION. IN PEACEMAKING WITH THE DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES AND WITH THE KINGDOM OF JORDAN, THE UNITED STATES STOOD WITH ISRAEL. IN 1995 AND BEYOND, THE UNITED STATES WILL ALSO STAND WITH ISRAEL. WE HOPE THE PEACE PROCESS WILL SUCCEED, THAT A REAL PEACE WITH SECURITY FOR ISRAEL AND ALL OF ITS NEIGHBORS WILL BE ACHIEVED. IF IT IS, WE WILL STAND WITH ISRAEL. HOWEVER, IF THE PEACE PROCESS DOES NOT MOVE FORWARD, IF THERE ARE SETBACKS AND DISAPPOINTMENTS, WE WILL ALSO STAND WITH ISRAEL. THAT IS MY COMMITMENT, AND IT IS ONE I KNOW YOU SHARE. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. SCHEDULE FOR WED, DECEMBER 13, 1995 10:00-12:00 HC-7 DROP BY Nat'l Assoc. for the Self-Employed coffee reception and pick up Legislative Visionary Award 11:00 S-230 Photos w/misc groups 11:30 SR-320 SPEAK - Memorial Service for Chaplain Halverson 1:00 S-230 Photo w/Cong. Zion & petitions against inheritance tax 2:30 S-230 Press Conf. re: task force on Nat'l Drug Policy (Dennis) 3:00 S-230 CALL IN to N.D. Grain Growers, MN Assoc. of Wheat Growers & MN Barley Growers Assoc. (Torrey/Knight) 5:00-7:00 EF-100 DROP BY Reception honoring Dr. Robert Schuller (co-host w/Sen. Simon) Wed, Dec. 13 10-12:00 NOON DROP BY & PICK UP AWARD December 12, 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR: SENATOR DOLE FROM: ANNETTE GUARISCO SUBJECT: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SELF-EMPLOYED The association cares about the following tax issues: 1. Clarify the deduction rules for home office expenses (dropped from House bill in conference -- it cost $1.2 billion) 2. Increase deduction for self-employed health insurance (increased from 30% to 50% in conference) 3. Increase small business expensing (increased from $17,000 to $25,000) 4. Provide estate tax relief for family businesses ($1 million exemption and 50% exclusion for next $1.5 million) 5. SIMPLE pension plan with simplified reporting and no nondiscrimination rules The group seems to be very fearful of the Internal Revenue Service. 12/11/95 MON 13:32 FAX --> MO 002 Dec 13 HC-7 10:00-12:00 DROP BY MEMO To: Senator Dole From: Lisa Re: requests Date: December 11, 1995 * National Association for the Self-Employed is hosting a coffee reception on Wednesday, December 13, 10:00-12:00 in HC-7 of the Capitol. You have been chosen as a winner of the Legislative Visionary Award as a thank you for the work you have done for small business. They would like for you to drop by if possible to pick up your award. drop by (checked) decline send staff to accept award written on sticky note on page: Daybook Wed, Dec. 13 11:00 am Photos December 12, 1995 TO: SENATOR ROBERT DOLE FROM: MARQUIA PARKER SUBJECT: PHOTOS FOR WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1995 AT 11:00 A.M. 1. 20 STUDENTS FROM HAVERFORD COLLEGE IN PENNSYLVANIA. 2. 11 REPUBLICAN HOUSE PAGES. 3. 4 INTERNS WITH SENATOR ROBERT BENNETT (R-UT). 4. 3 INTERNS WITH SENATOR JOHN WARNER (R-VA). 5. DAVE PATEL STAFF WITH SENATOR ORRIN HATCH (R-UT). 6. SHAWNA NABOR INTERN WITH SENATOR JON KYL (R-AZ). 7. JASON MOSHIER STAFF WITH CONGRESSMAN TODD TIAHRT (R-KS). 8. PHAEDON SINIS INTERN WITH SENATE JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE. 9. BEN SPOTTS INTERN WITH FAMILY RESEARCH COUNCIL. James L. Martin, Chairman 60 Plus Association (703) 807-2070 Wed, Dec. 13 1:00pm Tax Fairness for Seniors * Repeal Unfair Inheritance Taxes! * Guardian of Seniors' Rights Award 60 Plus Association News Release 1616 N. Fort Myer Drive * Suite 1010 * Arlington. VA 22209 * Tel. (703) 807-2070 * Fax (703) 807-2073 Roger Zion (R-IN, 1967-1975) Honorary Chairman James L. Martin Chairman Contact: Kevin Bishop December 12, 1995 !!! Media Advisory !!! Abolish Confiscatory Inheritance Taxes Now! Washington, DC -- The 60 Plus Association will deliver to Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole (R-KS) signed petitions from more than 60,000+ citizen-lobbyists of the organization calling for total repeal of the federal inheritance tax. The event will occur on Wednesday, December 13, 1995, at 1:00 PM on the East steps of the Capitol (Senate side). In addition to Sen. Dole, expected to attend are the chief sponsors of legislation to abolish the estate tax, Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) and Rep. Chris Cox (R-CA); House Ways and Means Chairman Bill Archer (R-TX), and House Appropriations Committee Chairman Bob Livingston (R-LA) , long time advocates of repealing confiscatory estate taxes. The Majority Leader's own proposal to provide estate tax relief to farmers and small business owners has gained swift backing in Congress and is endorsed by the 60 Plus Association as long overdue. But Sen. Dole has himself called total elimination, the Kyl-Cox approach, "the ultimate solution" in a letter to the 60 Plus Association. 30 60 Plus is a nonpartisan seniors advocacy group with a free enterprise, less government, less taxes approach to seniors' issues. 60 Plus is one of the fastest growing groups in the country with over 400,000 citizen-lobbyists, adding more than 250 daily, seven days a week. 60 Plus publishes a monthly newsletter, Senior Voice, and a Congressional Ratings System, bestowing a GUARDIAN OF SENIORS' RIGHTS AWARD on Members of Congress in both political parties who vote "pro-senior" on major issues. DEC 12 '95 14:27 FR NARC CONTROL CAUCUS 202 228 1900 TO 44639 P.03/12 Wed. Dec. 13 2:30pm PRESS CONF NATIONAL DRUG POLICY TASK FORCE: STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Issue: Every survey of teenage drug use in the past two years indicates not only increasing use of dangerous drugs among teens, but a disturbing change in perceptions about the dangers of drug use. The High School survey, DAWN, PRIDE, and other opinion research indicate major increases in teen drug use and emergency room admissions. In part, this reflects the fact that the drug issue has fallen off the national agenda. The country lacks a serious national strategy on the drug problem. There has also been a vacuum of leadership. Major poll data show that the American public is keenly concerned about the drug problem and wants to see more done, particularly in the areas of law enforcement, interdiction, and prevention. It is time to heed this call. It is time to act now in order to keep future generations free from the harm that drugs do to individuals, families, and public life. Purpose: To establish a congressionally directed effort to develop the principles for a coherent, national counter-drug policy and appropriate supporting strategy as the basis for future action. Congress has been the leader in pressing this issue in the past, and given disturbing changes in teenage use and a lack of serious focus from the Administration it is time to renew the attention on the drug issue. Method: A congressional task force will convene to consider the principles upon which a sound policy and strategy should be based. It will hold a number of public meetings, call on expert opinion, and develop a statement of principles to guide future considerations. A final report will outline the major elements of a realistic domestic and international policy, highlight the key elements of a strategy to support the policy, and would provide a guide to the resources needed to support a realistic effort. Structure: The Majority Leader and the Speaker of the House (rest of paragraph covered by sticky note) Co-Chairs: Senator Charles Grassley, Senator Orrin Hatch, Congressman Henry Hyde (rest of list covered by sticky note) Task Force Members: Senate: Senator Alfonse D'Amato, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Senator Spence Abraham, Senator Mike DeWine, Senator Paul Coverdell, Senator John Ashcroft, Senator Olympia Snowe (invited) House: list covered by sticky note (illegible) Written on sticky note on page: Talking points forthcoming per Dennis Wed., Dec. 13 3:00 pm CALL-IN TO: SENATOR DOLE DT: DEC. 12, 1995 FM: BRUCE KNIGHT/MIKE TORREY RE: PHONE CALL, ND GRAIN GROWERS, MN ASSN OF WHEAT GROWERS AND MN BARLEY GROWERS. The above groups are holding a joint convention and 275-300 farmers will be in attendance. Dina (Deena) Butcher is your contact person. You will receive details of the call under separate cover. Brad Fey, President of North Dakota Grain Growers, will be moderating. While all of these producers are grain producers, many will also raise sugar beets, potatoes or oilseeds. The farmers in attendance are mostly younger. Therefore, long-term farm policy, tax reform and family issues like the child tax credit will strike a strong chord. The group would like to get the latest from you regarding the budget talks and what that means for their pocketbook. CBO CHANGES TO AG SPENDING: * The $12.3 billion in ag savings within reconciliation has been re-scored -- the proposal would now save $4.6 billion. These changes are mostly due to more positive grain and fiber prices. * The Administration's proposal is currently being scored by CBO. The CBO is expected to have that completed later this week. OMB scored the Administration's ag savings at $5 billion. CBO's scoring will likely cut those savings in one-half. * Anticipated stronger commodity prices have decreased the potential ag baseline. However, under current law, stronger prices result in increases in loan rates. This means the Republican capped loan rate in the reconciliation bill will now save even more money. (Note: marketing loans are very popular with Minnesota farm groups. ) * The new budget scores do not reduce the viability of the freedom to farm or contract payment proposal. * Freedom to Farm (Market Transition Payments) give farmers: - Simplicity - Elimination of Set-asides - Planting flexibility - Certainty of payment * Reconciliation tax changes give farmers: - Capital gains relief - Estate tax relief - Deductibility of health insurance premiums FILE No. 845 12/13 '95 15:28 ID:RLO-S235 44639 PAGE 1 Wed., Dec. 13 3:00 pm TO: Senator Dole DT: December 13, 1995 FM: Bruce Knight/Mike Torrey Re: Resource Enhancement Act of 1995 -- S.1373 The background in your previous memo remains accurate. As you will recall, the farm bill is on a two-track process. The major farm program measures (commodity titles) are contained within the reconciliation bill. The remaining titles (conservation, trade, research, credit, rural development, and misc. titles) will be moving on a second track (nicknamed Farm Bill Lite) . A Senate ag committee markup for Farm Bill lite was planned for early December. Markup has been delayed due to the partisan acrimony over the budget. Once the budget negotiations are completed, the Ag Committee may be able to return to work on farm bill lite (including the conservation title) . Assuming a Reconciliation bill is signed by the president, there will still need to be prompt action on a farm bill lite next year. NOTE -- The question is when will Reconciliation be done. I understand we will have final numbers soon and will work out the details of how to implement those programs in January. Wed, Dec. 13 3:00 pm NORTH DAKOTA GRAIN GROWERS, MINNESOTA WHEAT AND BARLEY GROWERS ANNUAL MTG. Wednesday, December 13, 1995 3:05pm Eastern The number to call is: 701-282-2700 x7337 Dina Butcher will answer the phone. Dina is the past Executive Director for the North Dakota Grain Growers, advisor to Governor Schafer on Ag issues, and the Dole Campaign Coordinator for North Dakota. Dina will then give Brad Fay, the President of the NDGGA the signal to introduce the Senator. Brad is the recent winner of the Outstanding Young Farmer award in ND and farms in Williston, ND where the Senator has a cousin in the Drug Store Business. Brad will give brief remarks and ask the Senator to give them an update on what is happening with the budget discussions as they may effect the farmers and agribusiness people in the room. They are also very interested in the most likely Farm Bill and when they can start planning for the next season. Also, they are interested in the conservation title that the Senator, Senator Grassley, and Senator Craig have advanced. After Senator Dole gives his remarks, Brad Fay will thank him and give closing remarks. Handwritten on bottom of page: Both dates passed resolutions asking Senate to passed Conference Report w/Freedom to Farm in it DEC 13 '95 09:17 AM P.2/2 FILE No. 841 12/13 '95 12:03 ID:RLO-S235 44639 PAGE 1 Wed., Dec. 13 3:00 pm TO: Senator Dole DT: November 21, 1995 FM: Bruce Knight/Mike Torrey Re: Resource Enhancement Act of 1995 -- S. 1373 Overview: Your bill was introduced on Wednesday, November 1. S.1372 -- the Resource Enhancement Act will be the template for the conservation title of the 1995 farm bill. The bill is a balanced approach to addressing environmental concerns while deregulating agriculture. Your package will become the conservation title of the farm bill. The Senate Ag Committee intends on marking-up this title early in December. Attached is a two-page summary of the bill. Wetlands: The most important provisions in your package to Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota are wetlands relief. The most significant provision is the exemption for wetlands farmed "six- out-of-ten" years. In addition, you exempt from regulation wetlands of one acre or less. This exemption will draw much attention and should be considered negotiable. USDA is estimating that 6 million acres will fall under these exemptions. However, that number is inflated since all exempted wetlands will not be drained. Conservation Reserve Program: The CRP provisions are vital for keeping the CRP in Kansas. Your bill has already succeeded in moving Lugar away from his bill to decimate the CRP. Potential wetland losses will be offset by allowing 1.5 million acres of wetlands into the CRP. Talking Points: * S. 1373 achieves balanced reform by building upon the basic intent of the original legislation. Swampbuster and Conservation Compliance are maintained, while instances of overregulation are reduced. * This bill has the support of the general farm organizations (Farm Bureau) and commodity groups and some wildlife groups. * As farm programs become less generous, conservation compliance and wetlands regulation must be modified to continue to work as voluntary efforts. Strict, command and control approaches to regulation will simply drive farmers out of the program. * Reform of swampbuster will be offset by enrolling 1.5 million acres of wetlands in the CRP. To put that in perspective, there are only 5 million acres of wetlands in the entire National Wildlife Refuge System outside of Alaska. Wed., Dec. 13 5-7 pm TO: Senator Dole FR: Kerry RE: In case you are asked to speak, below are a few "one-liners" for Schuller reception. *For those who have not bought Christmas gifts yet, I just want to suggest that Dr. Schuller's book might make a nice present -- especially for the six Senators who previously supported a Balanced Budget Amendment, but who opposed it earlier this year. *There's also someone down at the White House who could use this book for a Christmas present ... or an early going away present. *Let me also thank my colleague Paul Simon, for his leadership on behalf of a balanced budget. Senator Simon will retire at the end of next year, and I know that one thing he wants to accomplish before he retires is to pass the Balanced Budget Amendment. Dec 13 EF-100 5-7 DROP BY MEMO To: Senator Dole From: Lisa thru Mo Date: December 5, 1996 Dec 13 EF- 100 5 - 7 Drop By -- The reception honoring Dr. Robert Schuller that Kelly Johnston asked you to co-host with Paul Simon will be on Wednesday, December 13th, from 5:00-7:00 pm in EF-100, the Capitol. drop by (checked) decline written on sticky note on page: Talking points & backup forthcoming via Kelly J. & Kerry