Fri. Sept. 8 11:00 am Handwritten on page: take along September 7, 1995 TO: Senator Dole FROM: Mike Torrey\Bruce Knight SUBJECT: Pat Roberts meeting Roberts will want to discuss his Freedom to Farm (FtF) proposal. It was evident during Dave Spears' meeting with all of the Kansas ag groups that they support FtF. However, you will recall the South is strongly opposed. The South is concerned that FtF is welfare. In other words, farmers receive a payment regardless of what they plant. HOW FREEDOM TO FARM WORKS. . . Payments would be fixed over the next seven years based upon historical plantings and payments. A producer would have full planting flexibility and no set-asides. We are still waiting on net income numbers under the FtF proposal. However, I understand that those numbers will show net farm income for the South goes up under this plan. SENATE OPTIONS ... As a way to appeal to Southern concerns, staff developed a two track process which merges the current program with Freedom to Farm. In other words, farmers would have a choice between the two plans. There is some criticism that the Senate lacks leadership by not taking one plan or the other. However, staff are assuming a 10 vote strategy to get a bill out of committee. There are 5 Southern Republicans which makes it difficult to pass a straight FtF proposal. Senator, discussions between staff have broken down. I raised concern that all commodities are not coming to the table with cuts. i.e. sugar, peanuts, cotton and even tobacco. It may be time for a member meeting but I expect you would want Lugar to make such a request. I have mentioned this possibility to Lugar's staff. Currently, Lugar intends to markup the farm bill on Tuesday, September 19. CONSERVATION ... Grassley, Craig and your staff have been working on a conservation title. The proposal is at legislative counsel being drafted. The proposal protects the Conservation Reserve Program in Kansas by limiting the decline in rental rates. The proposal will contrast sharply with Lugar's package that arbitrarily eliminates Kansas acreage with selective criteria i.e. the Erodibility Index. In addition to the CRP changes, the Dole, Grassley, Craig package will provide reasonable reforms of the swampbuster and conservation compliance programs that have most frustrated farmers. NOTE: ROBERTS HAS PUBLICLY SPOKE OF NOT ACTING AN CRP IN HOPES OF INCREASING THE BASELINE NEXT YEAR. LUGAR WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS STRATEGY IN THE SENATE. Sept. 8 11:00 am MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: MO DATE: Sept. 6, 1995 Congressman Pat Roberts has requested a meeting with you to discuss the Freedom to Farm Act. He would like to meet on Thursday if that is convenient with you. YES (checked, illegible handwriting on page) NO Sept. 11 5:30 09/06/95 WED 10:12 FAX --> MO 001 TO: SENATOR DOLE SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT REQUEST DATE: September 5, 1995 STAFF REQUESTING: Randy Scheunemann/Ron Marks PROPOSED DATE: September 11-12, 1995 INDIVIDUAL/GROUP: U.S. Ambassador to Russia Thomas Pickering REASON: Pickering will be in town on Monday and Tuesday of next week and would like to have an opportunity to visit with you. He wants to discuss the status of Nunn-Lugar funding and the current state of our relationship with Moscow including Bosnia and Chechnya. Worth scheduling a 15 minute meeting with him. Yes (checked) No (handwritten on page) Rick Mills 647-8722 Drop By Staff Meeting DAYBOOK Sept. 11 3. National Restaurant Association. [September 11th, 3:15 p.m. @ Capitol Hilton Hotel (16th & K), 11th annual Public Affairs Conference] * 700 restaurant owners representing foodservice all over the country. * Small business group, should be friendly Recommendation: In town? Speech 973 5373 GOVT AFFAIRS P.2/2 002 Leading the Foodservice/Hospitality Industry Please fax to Mo Taggart - She's programme in the (illegible) 1200 SEVENTEENTH STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON, DC 20036-3097 202/331-5900 FAX: 202/331-2429 NATIONAL RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION SPEAK Sept. 11 3:15 pm June 16, 1995 The Honorable Robert Dole Majority Leader U.S. Senate Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator Dole: On behalf of the National Restaurant Association, I would like to invite you to deliver the opening address at our association's eleventh annual Washington Public Affairs Conference. We would be honored if you could join us on Monday, September 11. 1995, at 3:15 p.m. at the Capitol Hilton Hotel at 16th & K Streets, NW, in Washington, DC. Should that time be inconvenient, however, we would be happy to work with you to find a more acceptable time. Our conference runs from Monday afternoon through the morning of Wednesday, September 13. As you know, the National Restaurant Association is the leading trade group for the foodservice industry, an industry that employs over eight million workers and accounts for 5% of the U.S. GDP. Our Public Affairs Conference is the industry's forum for educating restaurateurs about the workings of the U.S. government-and encouraging them to get involved. We expect an audience of about 700 restaurant owners, coming from all parts of the U.S. and representing restaurants ranging from fine dining to "fast food" to institutional foodservice. Most will be small businesspeople who own single-unit operations. Conference-goers include the National Restaurant Association's Board of Directors and the leaders of the 50 state restaurant associations. If you have any questions, please have your staff contact Denise Roach at the National Restaurant Association at 331-5909. Thank you for your consideration, Senator. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, (Signature) Ralph Brennan Chairman of the Board and President handwritten: int. sent 8/14 SCHEDULE FOR TUES, SEPT. 12, 1995 8:30 S-230 FYI - Senate Steering Comm breakfast (crossed out) 9:15 S 230 Robb Riley (Jill) (crossed out) 10:00 S-230 Mtg. w/Gary Bauer & Dr. Dobson (Kyle) (crossed out) 10:30 S-230 Mtg. w/Bill Esrey, CEO Sprint (David) (crossed out) 11:15 S-230 Mtg. w/Palestine Nat'l Council Chm, Al-Zanoun & Khalil Jahshan, interpreter (Randy) (crossed out) 11:45 S-230 Mtg. w/Donald DiFrancesco, Pres. N.J. Senate & Chm. Nat'l Conference of State Legislatures, & Jeff Michaels (John S.) 12:00 S-230 Leadership Meeting 12:15 S-230 Chairman's Meeting 12:45 S-207 Policy Luncheon 2:15 S-230 Brief mg. w/Rick Green, CEO Utilicorps & Mimi Dawson, lobbyist (David) 2:30 S-230 Photos w/misc. groups 3:00 S-230 Mtg. w/Croatian Foreign Minister Mate Granic (Mira) 4:00 S-230 Mtg. w/Pres. of Albania Sali Berisha (Mira) 5:00 S-230 Mtg. w/Gil Gallegos, Pres. Fraternal Order of Police, Jim Passkey & Bernie Teodorski, Nat'l VP Fraternal Order of Police (Dennis) 5:30-7:00 Gold Rm Rayburn Bldg ??DROP BY Congressional Recep. hosted by Amer. Assoc. of Nurseryman 6:00-8:00 Longworth Cafeteria DROP BY Annual Chef d'Oeuvre Recep. 7:15-7:30 Russell Caucus Rm DROP BY Recep to celebrate PBS documentary "Inside the Repub. Revolution" 6:30-9:00 Nat'l Museum of Women in the Arts DROP BY Newspaper Assoc. of Amer. Recep. (6:30) & Dinner (7:30) Tues., Sept. 12 2:15 pm DAYBOOK September 12, 1995 TO: Senator Dole FROM: David Wilson SUBJECT: Meeting with CEOs of UtiliCorp and Novell Rick Green, Chairman and President of UtiliCorp, and Robert J. Frankenberg, Chairman and CEO of Novell computer company, will brief you on their partnership that they will announce on Wednesday, September 13th. They will be accompanied by Mimi Dawson. BACKGROUND UtiliCorp is a global utility based out of Kansas City, while Novell is the nation's 2nd largest computer software company and is based out of Provo, Utah (Our office uses Novell software known as WordPerfect ). With this partnership, they intend to couple Utilicorp's access to homes and offices with Novell's software to provide what is known as "off-site management." What this means is that you could be able to turn on our microwave or VCR at home while you are in the office. Eventually, they intend to develop their systems into competitors to the local phone and cable companies. USE OF TECHNOLOGY Utilities originally got into "off-site" management as a way to conserve energy and cut costs. The reason was that they had to operate their generators at near maximum capacity 24 hours a day because they could not accurately predict customer use. To be more efficient, some utilities began building fiber optic monitoring systems so they always knew how much electricity was being used and adjust their output accordingly. Because they built these systems with high capacity fiber optic cable, they use less than 10% of the cable's capacity to monitor and manage energy use. As a result, it only makes sense that they look for other services that can be provided over this network. It was also for this reason, that we free up utilities to compete in telecommunications under the telecom bill. Tues., Sept. 12 11:45 am September 11, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO SENATOR DOLE FROM: JOHN SCHALL SUBJECT: NCSL Meeting Tuesday morning at 11:45, two officers of the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) are coming in to meet with you. New York State Senator Jim Lack is the new President of NCSL and has endorsed you for President. He will be accompanied by Donald T. DiFrancesco, the President of the New Jersey State Senate. DiFrancesco was appointed by Jim Lack to be Chairman of the NCSL Assembly on Federal Issues. They both became new officers of NCSL on August 1. They mostly view this meeting as a courtesy call, but will probably also bring up federal issues that are important to the States, such as the budget, welfare reform, and Medicaid. Tues., Sept. 12 11:15 a.m. September 11, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: Randy Scheunemann/Ron Marks SUBJECT: Meeting with Chairman of Palestine National Council Tues, Sept. 12 11:15 a.m. You are scheduled to meet with Salim Al-Zanoun (za-NOON), chairman of the Palestine National Council (PNC) on Tuesday, September 12th at 11:15 a.m. Al-Zanoun is in Washington to meet with Congressional leaders (and for unspecified medical treatment). Al-Zanoun will be accompanied by Khalil Jahshan, Executive Director of the National Association of Arab Americans (NAAA), and Hassan Rahman, Director of Palestine Affairs Center and de-facto "ambassador" to the U.S. PERSONAL BACKGROUND: Al-Zanoun was born in Gaza, Palestine in 1933. He served as Deputy Public Prosecutor in Gaza, and in Kuwait as senior public prosecutor. Al- Zanoun is a founding member of Yassir Arafat's Al-Fatah organization, and was the Fatah representative to the Persian Gulf States until 1991. Al-Zanoun served as Deputy Chairman of the PNC (1991-1993), and was elected Chairman in 1993. His brother, Riyal, is Minister of Heath in the Palestine National Authority. BACKGROUND OF THE PNC: The PNC is the democratically elected legislative body of the PLO with 400 members. Al-Zanoun effectively holds of the power of Speaker of the Parliament and is known as a moderate. It is the PNC which will need to change the charter of the PLO to eliminate references to the destruction of Israel. CURRENT NEGOTIATION STATUS: The September 1993 the Declaration of Principles (Oslo Accord) was followed with the May 4, 1994, the Phase I agreement (Cairo Accord) with a timetable, ultimately not kept, for Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and the Jericho. On August 13, 1995, Israel and the Palestine National Authority (which governs Gaza and Jericho under Arafat) agreed on an outline for a "Phase II" agreement -- withdrawal of Israel from six cities on the West Bank. Signing was originally hoped for on September 18, but now has been delayed. ISSUES OF CONCERN: Al-Zanoun will likely talk with you about the current status of talks with the Israelis over Phase II of the West Bank turnover and about future Palestinian plans for governance (he wants to dispel concerns about self-governance, aid graft, etc.). He may also ask you about your proposal to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem (PNC opposes). and about why the Middle East Peace Facilitation Act (MEPFA) was extended for only a short period of time (a permanent extension was delayed because of differences over the State authorization bill). POSSIBLE ISSUES TO RAISE - What is the status of efforts to prevent Gaza and Jericho from being used as bases by terrorists? - What are the prospects for signing a Phase II agreement on further Israeli withdrawal in the near future? - What is your assessment of the prospects for an Israeli-Syrian peace agreement? - Has international assistance been delivered as promised? What steps have been taken to address concerns about accountability in the Palestinian Authority? Tues., Sept 12 2:30 pm September 11, 1995 TO: SENATOR ROBERT DOLE FROM: MARQUIA PARKER SUBJECT: PHOTOS FOR TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1995 AT 2:30 PM 1. CARL & BARBARA MEYER FROM ST. GEORGE, KS. 2. CHARLES HARVEY FORMER RNC STAFFER. 3. JAMIE PERICOLA, STAFFER WITH SENATOR BOB GRAMM. 4. DAVID BROOME & KATHY FINE, STAFFERS WITH SENATOR BILL FRIST. 5. ROY PHILLIPS, STAFF ON SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE. 6. JOHN LUNDY, STAFF WITH SENATOR TRENT LOTT. 09/05/95 TUE 18:10 FAX --> MO 001 Sept 12 5:00 pm TO: SENATOR DOLE SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT REQUEST DATE: September 1, 1995 STAFF REQUESTING: Dennis Shea PROPOSED DATE: September 12 or September 13 INDIVIDUAL/GROUP: Gil Gallegos, new President of the Fraternal Order of Police REASON: Wants to meet you. Gallego, who was formerly Deputy Sheriff of Albuquerque, was just elected to succeed Dewey Stokes. A brief meeting is probably worth your time. Yes (checked) No Drop by Staff Meeting (checked) (written on sticky note on page: memo forth - coming first thing in a.m. Dennis not in this office today. FILE No. 796 09/11 '95 20:22 ID:RLO-S235 44639 PAGE 1 Tues Sept 12 10:30 am DAYBOOK September 12, 1995 TO: Senator Dole FROM: David Wilson SUBJECT: Meeting with Bill Esrey from Sprint MAIN MESSAGE Perhaps the most constructive message you could send Sprint is "Time has run out. Long-distance must offer realistic solutions if it is to have a voice in conference." Some areas are out of bounds. For instance, as far as the House is concerned, AT&T and MCI's heavy-handed actions on the House-side killed hope for a DOJ role or so-called "competitiveness tests." (Sprint supports both issues) Sprint is trying to be more realistic, but isn't quite there. Its 2nd tier issues look the most promising and Sprint will likely win a number of them. It may have trouble on the foreign ownership provisions, however. Even so, I believe Sprint is in the right, as it is being a free trader, not a protectionist. From a business point of view, this provision is of vital importance to Sprint's $4.2 billion foreign deal with the French and German phone companies. The FCC is still looking at it, and it is opposed by AT&T and MCI. You wrote a support letter already and you gave it to Esrey last time he was in. DON HALL Don Hall is a board member of Sprint and was asked/volunteered to contact you about the bill. For your information only, however, he will not call you directly. Instead, he had Rae Evans call me. I don't think he wanted to get in the middle of this one. If you want to give Mr. Hall some cover, you may want to mention that "He contacted the office." AT&T HAS DFP's LONG DISTANCE CONTRACT You should also be aware that AT&T has the long-distance contract for your campaign. The campaign put this contract out for bid and AT&T was quite aggressive and underbid all other competitors by twenty percent. It is my understanding that the contract is for $120,000 and is for one-year. I raise this issue because it is a sore spot for Esrey. Apparently, he has taken quite ribbing from AT&T about it. I did contact the campaign about it and they did follow-up with Sprint's Washington office about why AT&T got the contract. Even so, Esrey would have outbid anyone to avoid the embarrassment. handwritten on page: anything we can do 09/11/95 MON 18:37 FAX --> MO 003 PAGE 2 Sept 12 9:15 MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: MO DATE: SEPTEMBER 11, 1995 -- Congressman Scarborough has asked if you have a moment tomorrow morning around 9:00 am to meet briefly with Robb Riley, congressional candidate for the 3rd district of Alabama. Would you like to meet briefly with him at 9:00 am? handwritten on page: 9:15 YES (checked) Not at this time FILE No. 796 09/11 '95 20:22 ID: RLO-S235 44639 PAGE 1 Tues Sept 12 10:30 am DAYBOOK September 12, 1995 TO: Senator Dole FROM: David Wilson SUBJECT: Meeting with Bill Esrey from Sprint MAIN MESSAGE Perhaps the most constructive message you could send Sprint is "Time has run out. Long-distance must offer realistic solutions if it is to have a voice in conference." Some areas are out of bounds. For instance, as far as the House is concerned, AT&T and MCI's heavy-handed actions on the House-side killed hope for a DOJ role or so-called "competitiveness tests." (Sprint supports both issues) Sprint is trying to be more realistic, but isn't quite there. Its 2nd tier issues look the most promising and Sprint will likely win a number of them. It may have trouble on the foreign ownership provisions, however. Even so, I believe Sprint is in the right, as it is being a free trader, not a protectionist. From a business point of view, this provision is of vital importance to Sprint's $4.2 billion foreign deal with the French and German phone companies. The FCC is still looking at it, and it is opposed by AT&T and MCI. You wrote a support letter already and you gave it to Esrey last time he was in. DON HALL Don Hall is a board member of Sprint and was asked/volunteered to contact you about the bill. For your information only, however, he will not call you directly. Instead, he had Rae Evans call me. I don't think he wanted to get in the middle of this one. If you want to give Mr. Hall some cover, you may want to mention that "He contacted the office." AT&T HAS DFP's LONG DISTANCE CONTRACT You should also be aware that AT&T has the long-distance contract for your campaign. The campaign put this contract out for bid and AT&T was quite aggressive and underbid all other competitors by twenty percent. It is my understanding that the contract is for $120,000 and is for one-year. I raise this issue because it is a sore spot for Esrey. Apparently, he has taken quite ribbing from AT&T about it. I did contact the campaign about it and they did follow-up with Sprint's Washington office about why AT&T got the contract. Even so, Esrey would have outbid anyone to avoid the embarrassment. GUESTS OF THE REPUBLICAN LEADER'S OFFICE TUESDAY 12 SEPTEMBER 1995 10:00 Gary Bauer & Dr. Dobson 10:30 Bill Esrey 11:15 Al-Zanoun & Khalil Jahshan 11:45 Donald DiFrancesco & Jeff Michaels 2:15 Rick Green & Mimi Dawson 2:30 PHOTOS (See attached) 3:00 Mate Granic 4:00 Sali Berisha 5:00 Gil Gallegos, Jim Passkey & Bernie Teodorski 09/06/95 WED 10:12 FAX --> Mo 001 Sept 12 11:15 am TO: SENATOR DOLE SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT REQUEST DATE: September 5, 1995 STAFF REQUESTING: Randy Scheunemann/Ron Marks PROPOSED DATE: September 11-12, 1995 INDIVIDUAL/GROUP: Palestine National Council Chairman Al-Zanoun Khalil Jahshan 842-1840 REASON: Al-Zanoun, who is being hosted by the National Association of Arab Americans, wants to meet with you to discuss the Middle East peace process, the issue of Jerusalem, and U.S.- Palestinian relations in general. This may be worth a short meeting. Yes (checked) No Drop By Staff Meeting handwritten on page: Khalil Jahshan 842-1840 DAYBOOK 09/05/95 TUE 12:18 FAX --> Mo 001 Sept. 12 3:00 pm MEMORANDUM AUGUST 23, 1995 TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: MIRA BARATTA (MB) SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT REQUEST The Croatian Foreign Minister, Mate Granic (with whom you met in Split last year) will be here on September 12-13 and has requested a meeting with you. In light of events, a 10 minute or so meeting with him would probably be worthwhile -- in particular to urge continued cooperation with Bosnia. Schedule brief meeting (checked) Regret DAYBOOK FILE No. 767 09/08 '95 15:15 ID:RLO-S235 44639 PAGE 2 Sept. 12 2:15 TO: SENATOR DOLE SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT REQUEST DATE: September 8, 1995 STAFF REQUESTING: Janet Sena PROPOSED DATE: September 12, 1995 INDIVIDUAL/GROUP: Rick Green, CEO, Utilicorps REASON: Mr. Green wants to brief you concerning a major announcement about a Utilicorps merger. Jo Anne recommends highly. Yes (checked) No Drop By Staff Meeting DAYBOOK Tues. Sept. 12 5:30-7 pm Drop by The American Association of Nurserymen cordially invites you to attend a reception honoring Members of the 104th Congress Tuesday, September 12, 1995 5:30-7:00 pm Gold Room 2168 Rayburn House Office Building The reception is an opportunity to meet your constituents and friends from the nursery and landscape industry, enjoy great food and a dixieland band. R.S.V.P. by September 6, 1995 (202) 789-2900 This non-transferable invitation entitles you to a nursery plant to brighten your home or office. TUES, SEPT 12: Congressional Reception hosted by the American Assoc. Of Nurserymen from 5:30 - 7:00 pm in the Rayburn Bldg. Gold Room. DROP BY (handwritten: maybe) DECLINE (checked) Sept. 12 Tues, Sept 12 6:00-8:00 pm Drop-by Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar August 23, 1995 The Honorable Robert Dole United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator Dole: The National Restaurant Association sent to you last week an invitation to the 13th Annual Chef d'oeuvre Reception on September 12, 1995 to be held at the Longworth House Office Building cafeteria from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. As you know, this is one of the most outstanding receptions that is held for members of Congress and which is catered by some of the leading Washington, DC restaurants. I realize that you have a very busy schedule but I hope that you will be able to attend this event and I look forward to meeting you there myself. Sincerely, (signature) Kenneth D. Hill Consultant, Government Affairs/Industry Relations Member of the Board of Directors TUES, SEPT 12: Annual Chef d'oeuvre reception hosted by the National Restaurant Assoc. From 6:00-8:00 pm in the Longworth Cafeteria. DROP BY (checked) DECLINE 09/11/95 MON 17:34 FAX --> Mo 002 Tues, Sept 12 7:15 Drop-by * PBS "100 DAYS" DOCUMENTARY RECEPTION - YOU AND SPEAKER GINGRICH ARE CO-HOSTS AT TOMORROW NIGHT'S PRE-VIEW SCREENING RECEPTION FOR "INSIDE THE REPUBLICAN REVOLUTION: THE FIRST 100 DAYS," THE DOCUMENTARY HOSTED BY DON LAMBRO. THE EVENT RUNS 7-9 IN THE RUSSELL CAUCUS ROOM. THE SCREENING WILL BE FROM 7:30 TO 8:30, SO THEY'RE HOPING YOU CAN DROP BY A SAY A FEW WORDS AROUND 7:15. THEY EXPECT GINGRICH TO DO THE SAME. (I'VE SEEN THE SHOW - IT'S BASICALLY A LOVE LETTER TO THE HOUSE REPUBLICANS. IT FOCUSES ON JUST A FEW ISSUES, AND IS VERY LIGHT ON SENATE ACTIVITY, THOUGH THEY DO A NICE JOB EXPOSING THE HYPOCRISY OF THE 6 DEMOCRATS WHO CHANGED VOTES ON THE BALANCED BUDGET AMENDMENT.) DO YOU WANT TO DROP BY THE RECEPTION & MAKE VERY BRIEF REMARKS? YES (checked) NO Tues, Sept 12 Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the House of Representatives and Bob Dole Majority Leader, United States Senate request the pleasure of your company to celebrate the preview of the PBS documentary Inside the Republican Revolution: The First Hundred Days. Produced by Michael Pack Hosted by Donald Lambro on Tuesday, September 12, 1995 Seven to nine o'clock p.m. in the Caucus Room Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC R.s.v.p. Mrs. Ivy Angel 202/737-2742 TUES, SEPT 12: Reception to celebrate the preview of the PBS documentary "Inside the Republican Revolution: The First Hundred Days from 7:00 - 9:00 pm in the Russell Caucus Room. You and Speaker Gingrich are listed on the invitation as hosts. DROP BY DECLINE Tues, Sept 12 6:30-9:00 Drop-by Newspaper Association of America* Uzal H. Martz, Jr. President - Publisher Pottsville (Pa.) Republican and Chairman Newspaper Association of America and Cathleen Black President & CEO Newspaper Association of America cordially invite you to join our Board of Directors for a Reception at 6:30 p.m. Third Floor Gallery and dinner at 7:30 p.m. Martin Marietta Hall Tuesday, September 12, 1995 The National Museum of Women in the Arts 13th Street Entrance 1250 New York Avenue, NW (13th and New York) Washington, D.C. Business Attire nontransferable Reply card enclosed or call 202-638-4788 (see reverse side) TUES, SEPT. 12: Reception and dinner hosted by the Newspaper Association of America. The reception begins at 6:30 pm followed by dinner at 7:30 pm at the National Museum of Women in the Arts. DROP BY (checked) DECLINE SEP 12 '95 04:33PM P.2/2 ST. JOHNS COUNTY CAUCUS FACT SHEET (Call-in at 7:00pm on September 12, 1995) Phone number: 904-824-2821 Ext. 7707 (must say: the terrace room) Location: Ponce DeLeon Resort, St. Augustine Dole caucus whip: Chris Steele Caucus begins: 7:00pm Congresswoman Fowler will not be attending the St. Johns County Caucus. TOTAL DELEGATES TO PRESIDENCY III: 29 26 "Bonus Delegates" 21 Will be chosen by lot at the county caucus on Saturday 4 Will be chosen by the County Chairman, State Committeeman, State Committeewoman 3=Automatic Delegates Automatic Delegates from St. Johns County Chair Gen. Larry D. Wright Gramm State Committeeman VACANT State Committeewoman Tibbie Gibson Dole State Senator Jim Horne Uncommitted Logistics of the call Senator Dole will call into the St. Johns County Presidency III Caucus 30 minutes prior to the start of the caucus. At this time all St. Johns County Dole supporters will be gathered in a room adjacent to the caucus floor. Caucus whip, and DFP Field Rep., Chris Steele will have assembled the group and will be briefing all caucus attendees on the caucus procedure and wishing them luck in being chosen as an official delegate. State Committeewoman Tibbie Gibson (Dole) will answer the phone and place the call on speaker. After this Senator Dole will be free to address the group. FILE No. 787 09/11 '95 16:26 ID:RLO-S235 44639 PAGE 2 Tues, Sept 12 9:15 am MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: MO DATE: SEPTEMBER 11, 1995 -- Congressman Scarborough has asked if you have a moment tomorrow morning around 9:00 am to meet briefly with Robb Riley, congressional candidate for the 3rd district of Alabama. Would you like to meet briefly with him at 9:00 am? YES (checked, 9:15 handwritten) Not at this time -- Senator Kohl has requested a 5 minute meeting with you late tomorrow afternoon to discuss campaign finance reform. Would you like for me to set up a brief meeting? YES (checked, on floor handwritten) Not at this time (handwritten on page) Kathleen let me see student STEERING COMMITTEE BREAKFAST 8:30 a.m. -- Tuesday, September 12, 1995 - S-230 INVITED YES NO Brown X Bennett X Cohen X D'Amato X Domenici X Grassley X Gregg X Nickles X Stevens X Grams x Cochran x 08/07/95 THU 13:27 FAX --> Mo 001 Sept 12 10:00 am COURTESY September 7, 1994 TO: Senator Dole FROM: Kyle McSlarrow Gary Bauer called and requested that you meet with Dr. Dobson next Tuesday. Dr. Dobson is making a courtesy call and will be meeting with Speaker Gingrich that day. Mo tells me that you have time available at 10:00 AM. Would you like me to schedule a meeting for that time? handwritten on page: Betty- 393-2100 Yes (checked) No SCHEDULE FOR WED, SEPT 13, 1995 handwritten: 9:30 - Budget Reconciliation 10:30 S-230 Mtg. w/Senator Gordon Smith (Kerry) 11:15 S-230 Brief mtg. w/Al Ortiz, CBS Wash. Bureau Chief, & Bob Schieffer (Clarkson) 11:45 HC-8 SPEAK - Louisiana businessmen and leaders 12:00 S-230 Mtg. w/Jorge Mas Canosa, Domingo Moreira, Pres. of the Cuban Amer. Found., & Ignacia Sanchez, Board Member of CANF (Randy) 1:00- 2:00 SR-2261 Republican Governor's working lunch 2:30 S-230 Mtg. w/Governor Tom Ridge (Jill) 3:30 S-230 Mtg. w/Lee Daniels (Jill) 4:00 S-230 Mtg. w/CEO homecare companies, David Savitsky, Staff Builder, Frank Liguori, Olsten Kimberly Quality, & Allen Sorenson, Interim Healthcare (Vicki) 4:30 S-230 Mtg. w/Senator Hatfield & subcommittee chairmen 5:00- 7:00 Mansfield Rm DROP BY reception honoring Erik Weihemayer 5:30- 8:30 HC-5 DROP BY Repub. Nat'l Hispanic Assembly Recept. 6:00- 8:00 Longworth Cafeteria ??DROP BY National Pork Producers Recept. 6:30 S-230 Mtg. w/Bill Brock, David Smith, VP of Sinclair Broadcast Group & Dennis Whitfield, Managing Dir. Brock Group (David) SCHEDULE FOR WED, SEPT 13, 1995 10:30 S-230 Mtg. w/Senator Gordon Smith (Kerry) 11:15 S-230 Brief mtg. w/Al Ortiz, CBS Wash. Bureau Chief, & Bob Schieffer (Clarkson) 11:45 HC-8 SPEAK - Louisiana businessmen and leaders 12:00 S-230 Mtg. w/Jorge Mas Canosa, Domingo Moreira, Pres. of the Cuban Amer. Found., & Ignacia Sanchez, Board Member of CANF (Randy) 1:00-2:00 SR-2261 Republican Governor's working lunch 2:30 S-230 Mtg. w/Governor Tom Ridge (Jill) 3:30 S-230 Mtg. w/Lee Daniels (Jill) 4:00 S-230 Mtg. w/CEO homecare companies, David Savitsky, Staff Builder, Frank Liguori, Olsten Kimberly Quality, & Allen Sorenson, Interim Healthcare (Vicki) 4:30 S-230 Mtg. w/Senator Hatfield & subcommittee chairmen 5:00-7:00 Mansfield Rm DROP BY reception honoring Erik Weihemayer 5:30-8:30 HC-5 DROP BY Repub. Nat'l Hispanic Assembly Recept. 6:00-8:00 Longworth Cafeteria ??DROP BY National Pork Producers Recept. 6:30 S-230 Mtg. w/Bill Brock, David Smith, VP of Sinclair Broadcast Group & Dennis Whifield, Managing Dir. Brock Group (David) --> Mo 001 Sept. 13 12:00 Noon TO: SENATOR DOLE SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT REQUEST DATE: September 7, 1995 STAFF REQUESTING: Randy Scheunemann/Ron Marks PROPOSED DATE: September 12-14, 1995 INDIVIDUAL/GROUP: Jorge Mas Canosa REASON: Mas Canosa will be leading a delegation of Cuban American National Foundation leaders to Washington. Sergio Pino and Jeb Bush will be with Jorge. I recommend a short meeting with Mas Canosa since you were unable to see him on his last two visits. Yes (checked) No Drop By Staff Meeting handwritten on page: Domingo Moreira- Pres Cuba Amer foundation, Jose - 265-2822, Ignacio Sanchez - Board member of CANF DAYBOOK SEP 07 '95 02:13PM P.1/1 MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: JILL HANSON DATE: SEPT. 6, 1995 SUBJ: MEETING REQUESTS IL HOUSE SPEAKER LEE DANIELS handwritten on page: Sept. 13 3:30 pm Jill working IL House Speaker Lee Daniels will be in Washington this Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 12 and 13. He has requested a short meeting with you, I recommend you meet with Speaker Daniels if your schedule permits. Would you like to meet with Speaker Daniels? YES (checked) NO Thank you. cc: Scott Reed DAYBOOK SEP 06 '95 03:15PM P.2 handwritten on page: Sept 13, 5:30-8:30 MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR DOLE From: Kim Thru: Mo Date: September 6, 1995 Subject: Invitations You have been invited to a Congressional reception to kick off National Heritage Month by the Republican National Hispanic Assembly on Wednesday, September 13th. The event will take place in Room HC-f in the Capitol from 5:30 to 8:30 pm. You are welcome to say a few words at the event if you are interested. Would you like to drop by? ACCEPT (checked) DECLINE DAYBOOK SEP 06 '95 03:15PM P.2 handwritten on page: Sept 13, 1-2 pm MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR DOLE From: Kim Thru: Mo Date: September 6, 1995 Subject: Invitations You have been invited to participate in a working luncheon with Republican Governors during the RGA quarterly meeting on Wednesday, September 13th. The luncheon will take place in Room 2261 Raybum from 1:00 - 2:00 pm and would include Haley Barbour, RGA Chairman Governor Mike Leavitt, Speaker Gingrich, as well as other Republican Governors and Member of the House and Senate. You are invited to stay for a press conference following the luncheon from 2:00 - 2:30 pm. Would you like to attend the working luncheon and/or press conference? Luncheon: ACCEPT (checked) DECLINE Press Conference: ACCEPT DECLINE DAYBOOK Sept 13 REMAINING SEPTEMBER SPEECH REQUESTS Last Update: 9/2 Last Review: 8/16 28. Meeting with Louisanna bussinesspeople and leaders. [Wednesday, September 13th between 10:30 - 5:30 p.m., HC-8 Capitol] * Speak for 10-15 minutes on your perspective on the exciting changes taking place in D.C. * Requested by Congressmen Baker, McCrery, and Livingston Recommendation: Drop by Speech ROBERT L. LIVINGSTON 1ST DISTRICT, LOUISIANA CHAIRMAN, APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE Congress of the United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515-1801 July 11, 1995 handwritten on page: Speak Sept 13 HC-8 Please respond to: Washington Office: Room 2406 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 225-3015 FAX: (202) 225-0739 DISTRICT OFFICES: METAIRIE OFFICE 111 Veterans Boulevard Suite 700 Metairie, LA 70005 (504) 589-2607 HAMMOND OFFICE 300 East Thomas Street Hammond, LA 70401 (504) 542-9616 FAX: (504) 542-9577 NORTHSHORE ONLY (800) 851-3973 Honorable Robert Dole United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Dole: We would like to extend an invitation to you to address a group of our special constituents who will be in Washington on Wednesday, September 13, 1995. I hope you can stop by for about 15 minutes to share your perspective on the exciting changes taking place in Washington. We will be meeting between 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. in room HC-8 in the Capitol. We would be honored if you could make arrangements to meet with this group of 50 businesspeople and leaders from across Louisiana. One of our staff will be contacting your office in the near future to arrange a convenient time if you are available. Please contact Allen Martin at 225-3015 if you have any questions. Sincerely, (signature) ROBERT L. LIVINGSTON Member of Congress (signature) RICHARD H. BAKER Member of Congress (signature) JIM MCCRERY Member of Congress 9/5 accepted to Allen Martin REMAINING SEPTEMBER SPEECH REQUESTS Last Update: 9/2 Last Review: 8/16 28. Meeting with Louisanna bussinesspeople and leaders. [Wednesday, September 13th between 10:30 - 5:30 p.m., HC-8 Capitol] * Speak for 10-15 minutes on your perspective on the exciting changes taking place in D.C. * Requested by Congressmen Baker, McCrery, and Livingston Recommendation: Drop by ROBERT L. LIVINGSTON 1ST DISTRICT, LOUISIANA CHAIRMAN, APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE Congress of the United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515-1801 July 11, 1995 handwritten on page: Speak Sept 13 HC-8 Please respond to: Washington Office: Room 2406 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 225-3015 FAX: (202) 225-0739 DISTRICT OFFICES: METAIRIE OFFICE 111 Veterans Boulevard Suite 700 Metairie, LA 70005 (504) 589-2607 HAMMOND OFFICE 300 East Thomas Street Hammond, LA 70401 (504) 542-9616 FAX: (504) 542-9577 NORTHSHORE ONLY (800) 851-3973 Honorable Robert Dole United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Dole: We would like to extend an invitation to you to address a group of our special constituents who will be in Washington on Wednesday, September 13, 1995. I hope you can stop by for about 15 minutes to share your perspective on the exciting changes taking place in Washington. We will be meeting between 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. in room HC-8 in the Capitol. We would be honored if you could make arrangements to meet with this group of 50 businesspeople and leaders from across Louisiana. One of our staff will be contacting your office in the near future to arrange a convenient time if you are available. Please contact Allen Martin at 225-3015 if you have any questions. Sincerely, (signature) ROBERT L. LIVINGSTON Member of Congress (signature) RICHARD H. BAKER Member of Congress (signature) JIM MCCRERY Member of Congress 9/5 accepted to Allen Martin MEMORANDUM Sept. 13 2:00 pm TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: MO Bill Brock has requested to meet with you to thank you for your position on the telecommunications bill. He would also like to bring Duncan Smith, Vice President of Sinclair Broadcast Group. Would you like to meet with them? YES (checked) Not at this time DAYBOOK Wed., Sept. 13, 4:30 pm APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1995, 4:30 - 5:30 P.M., ROOM S-230 Subject -- Conferences in the Appropriations Committee Hatfield -- yes Cochran -- yes Gramm -- yes Stevens -- yes Jeffords -- yes Domenici -- yes McConnell -- no, chairing markup Gorton -- yes Specter -- late Mack -- yes Burns -- will try Shelby -- yes Bond -- may be late, chairing markup at 3:00 Gregg -- yes Bennett -- yes Wed, Sept. 13 4:30 September 11, 1995 TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: SHEILA BURKE SUBJECT: APPROPRIATIONS BILLS You will recall that Senator Hatfield is anxious to have you put some pressure on his Subcommittee Chairmen to complete their bills, and go to Conference. I had suggested in an earlier memo that you "deputize" Senator Cochran to help shepherd the bills. May we schedule a meeting with you, the Subcommittee Chairmen, Senator Hatfield and Senator Cochran in the next day or so? Schedule? Yes (checked) No Finally, Senator Hatfield is asking if we can indicate that you are willing to work Saturday of this week and next week in the hopes of making progress on the Appropriations bills. Given the Committees schedule, the next bill available to us will be the Commerce/State/Justice bill (Gramm) and it will qualify Friday morning. Hatfield would like to plan to spend both Friday and Saturday on the bill. copy ( to ms) Tues Sept 12 6:30-9:00 pm drop-by September 12, 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR: SENATOR DOLE FROM: ANNETTE GUARISCO SUBJECT: NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA RECEPTION The Newspaper Association of America is supportive of the efforts of newspaper carriers to clarify that carriers are independent contractors and not employees. The IRS has been unsuccessful in treating carriers as independent contractors when they have audited newspaper companies, and is now going after the carriers individually. A case involving the Kansas City Star has been particularly controversial in this area. Rod DeArment is representing a group attempting to clarify the issue for the carriers. Wed Sept. 13 11:45 am TO: Senator Dole FR: Kerry RE: Meeting with Louisiana Businessmen Wednesday, September 13 11:45 A.M. HC-8 *Brief informal remarks and Q&A with delegation of 50-60 Louisiana businessmen. *Event is sponsored by Congressmen Livingston, Baker, and McCrery, and speakers throughout the day include Gingrich, Lott, and Gramm. *The big political news in Louisiana is the Governor's race. The primary is October 21, with all candidates on the same ballot, and the top two, regardless of party, advancing to the general. *Current political wisdom is that former Republican Governor Buddy Roemer will make the run-off, and will be joined either by Democrat Lt. Governor Melinda Schwegman or Democrat State Treasurer Mary Landrieau. *Other big news is Congressman Tauzin's switch to the GOP and possible candidacy for the Johnston seat. handwritten on page: till 12:10, B-369 Rayburn, 12:10 - 1:15 Sept 13 11:15 *CBS NEWS/COURTESY CALL -- AL ORTIZ, FORMERLY CBS' LONDON BUREAU CHIEF, HAS BEEN NAMED BARBARA COCHRAN'S REPLACEMENT AS WASHINGTON BUREAU CHIEF. BOB SCHIEFFER WOULD LIKE TO BRING ORTIZ BY FOR A BRIEF HELLO SOMETIME THIS WEEK. YES (checked) NO handwritten on sticky note: Clarkson says no back-up necessary - courtesy call. FILE No. 815 09/13 '95 09:17 ID:RLO-S235 44639 PAGE 2 09. 12. 95 03:43PM *CONG BOB LIVINGSTON Handwritten: Wed, Sept 13 11:45 am Congressman Robert Livingston Group + - 1. Danilo Sabrio Sgl Tuesday 2 nts $145.00 0676013 + - 2. Russell Hoadley Sgl " " " 0676014 + 3. Jack Levine Sgl " " " 0676022 + - 4. Ralph Fontcuberta Dbl " 5 nts " 0676037 + 5. Dr. Wm. Lacorte Dbl " 2 nts " 0676015 + - 6. Art Blanchat Dbl " 4 nts " 0676039 + 7. Jimmy Ledoux Sgl " 2 nts " 0676031 + - 8. Conchita Sulli Dbl " " " 0676018 + - 9. Ronald Evans " " " 0676029 + 10. Leonard Gurvich Sgl " " " 0676023 + 11. Rodger Phelps Sgl " " " 0676024 - 12. Ralph Junius Dbl " " " 0676017 (Above room was prev. reserved for Wm. Penn) + - 13. Kel Villarubbia Sgl " " " 0676019 (Above room was prev. reserved for Ed. Esposito) + - 14. Robert Evans Dbl " " $197 AAU5082008 + 15. Chubby Meyers Dbl " " $145 0676025 FILE No. 815 09/13 '95 09:18 ID:RLO-S235 44639 PAGE 3 13. Alison Vick SGL Tuesday 2 nts 145.00 0676026 (Note; reservation prev made in name of Dr. Juan Blondin) 14. Barbara Railsback DBI Tuesday 2 nts 197.00 AAU5082004 15. Jack Files DBL Monday 3 nts 214.00 AAU5082027 16. Congressman Jim McCrery DBL Tuesday 2 nts 197.00 AAU5083008 17. Mike Neal SGL Tuesday 2 nts 197.00 AAU5082010 18. Guy Barr SGL Monday 2 nts 214.00 AAU5082982 19. Bill Morrow SGL Monday 2 nts 214.00 AAU5082979 20. Harvey Hales SGL Monday 2 nts 214.00 AAU5082980 21. Robert Mills SGL Tuesday 2 nts 214.00 AAU5082030 (Previously booked under name of James Stewart) FILE No. 815 09/13 '95 09:18 ID:RLO-S235 44639 PAGE 4 08. 12. 95 03: 43PM * CONG BOB LIVINGSTON PO4 DEVINEY'S ASSOCIATED TRAVEL GROUP LTD. September 8, 1995 Ms. Lisa Warner Hotel Washington Pennsylvania Avenue at 15th St. Washington, D. C. Dear Lisa, I am writing to give you a recap of the guests who will be arriving in Washington this coming week. I believe that we have pretty much finalized matters. Congressman Jim McCrery Group 1. Dr. Joan Blondin DBL Sunday 4 nts $214.00 AAU5082987 2. J.D. Youngblood Sgl Tuesday 2 nts 145.00 0676027 3. Mike McCarthy DBL Tuesday 2 nts 145.00 0676028 4. Jerry Smith Sgl Tuesday 2 nts 145.00 0676029 5. Norman Kinsey Dbl Tuesday 2 nts 145.00 0676031 6. Maury Hicks DBL Tuesday 2 nts 145.00 0676032 7. Frank Stinson Dbl Tuesday 2 nts 145.00 0676033 8. Jim Lipe Dbl Tuesday 2 nts 145.00 0676034 9. Travis Miller Sgl Tuesday 2 nts 145.00 0676035 10. Knox Ridley Sgl Tuesday 2 nts 145.00 0676036 11. Rick Legendre Sgl Tuesday 2 nts 197.00 AAU5082001 (Note... reservation prev. made in name of Howell Miller) 12. Thad Ryan DBL Monday 3 nts 214.00 AAU5082026 2305 VETERANS HIGHWAY. SUITE C · METAIRIE, LOUISIANA 70002 - (504) 837-9907 FILE No. 815 09/13 '95 09:18 ID:RLO-S235 44639 PAGE 5 Baker's List Mayor Tom McHugh - Baton Rouge Jim Brewer - Mayor's staff Jeff David - Denham Springs News Elton Pody - Central Louisanna Chamber of Commerce Joe Cironi - Southwest Chamber of Commerce Charles Landry - Baton Rouge Chamber of Commerce Anthony Marino - Greater Baton Rouge Airport Authority Jimmy Liles - Baton Rouge Chamber of Commerce Chuck Dabadie - Baton Rouge Chamber of Commerce Don Powers - Baton Rouge Chamber of Commerce Yong Kim - ? Wed Sept 13 12:00 pm September 12, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO: Senator Dole FROM: Randy Scheunemann SUBJECT: Meeting with Cuban American National Foundation You are meeting with a delegation from the Cuban American National Foundation (CANF) at 12:00 in S-230. The delegation includes: Jorge Mas Canosa (Chairman, CANF), Domingo Moriera (President, CANF), Armando Bucello (DFP, Dade County), Ignacio Sanchez (Board Member, CANF), Jeb Bush (Chairman, IRI Transition Committee), Sergio Pino (DFP Florida Cuban-American Chair), Fernando Rojas (Executive VP, CANF), Jose Cardenas (Washington Director, CANF) LIBERTAD LEGISLATION: The major purpose of the CANF delegation's visit to Washington is to line up support for S.381, the Cuban Liberty and Solidarity Act (LIBERTAD). A decision must be made between doing the bill free-standing (possibly through Rule 14, and risking a filibuster) or amending Foreign Operations. While free standing would present Clinton with a clean bill to maximize pressure to sign, it would also allow him to take more credit. House legislation has been reported out of Committee and floor action is expected within 4 weeks. Helms has made significant changes in the legislation to meet various concerns, including: - Modifying the sugar import provision (now acceptable to Finance) - Modifying Russian aid restriction - Modifying confiscated property provisions (now Cuba specific, and personal houses exempted from claims) BROADCASTING BOARD OF GOVERNORS: As you may recall, there was a small incident over the BBG confirmation immediately before the August recess. CANF was under the misimpression that nothing would move from the Foreign Relations Committee; when the BBG nominees moved (including your nomination of Cuban-American Alberto Mora), CANF tried to get holds placed -- to lean on USIA head Joe Duffy who has been pressuring Jorge Mas on Cuban broadcasting issues (Jorge has been on the Advisory Board for Cuban Broadcasting since 1985 when Radio Marti began). CANF was unsuccessful is slowing the nominations, although they apparently approached Gramm; I believe they now realize having Mora and others in place is their best protection. IRI TRANSITION COMMITTEE: The International Republican Institute has formed a Cuba Transition Committee, chaired by Jeb Bush to look at post-Castro issues. This is a good, forward looking initiative which has already developed a resource guide and is working on a draft study to apply lessons of other communist transitions to Cuba. You should compliment Jeb Bush for his work on this (Jeanne Kirkpatrick and Otto Reich are both involved as well). Wed Sept 13 4:00 pm MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: MO DATE: SEPT. 8, 1995 -- Three CEOs of Homecare companies will be in town on Sept 11-13 and they would like to meet with you to discuss medicare. The three are: David Savitsky, Staff Builders, Frank Liguori, Olsten Kimberly Quality and Allen Sorensen, Interim Healthcare. Would you like to meet with them? YES (checked, illegible writing next to it) Not at this time handwritten: no back up required per Vicki Wed Sept 13 4:30 pm TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: SHEILA BURKE SUBJECT: APPROPRIATIONS BILLS You will recall that Senator Hatfield is anxious to have you put some pressure on his Subcommittee Chairmen to complete their bills, and go to Conference. I had suggested in an earlier memo that you "deputize" Senator Cochran to help shepherd the bills. May we schedule a meeting with you, the Subcommittee Chairmen, Senator Hatfield and Senator Cochran in the next day or so? Schedule? Yes No Thurs Sept 14 8:00-8:45 am MEMORANDUM FOR: SENATOR DOLE FROM: ANNETTE GUARISCO SUBJECT: PHARMACEUTICAL CEO MEETING Thurs. Sept 14 September 13, 1995 8:00 - 8:45 am Just as a reminder, the pharmaceutical CEOs will be very concerned about losing the section 936 tax credit. There is also in-fighting among beneficiaries of the credit -- those who are more labor-intensive (typically not the drug companies) and those more labor-intensive (such as General Electric, Baxter and Allergan). The labor-intensive companies are advocating modifying the credit so that it no longer applies to non-labor-intensive companies. 8322819 ODELL ROPER 02 Coalition for Our Children's Future Honorary Co-Chairmen Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole House Speaker Newt Gingrich Post Office Box 6833 Falls Church, VA 22040-6833 Tel: 703-448-8801 Fax: 703-003-8860 September 13, 1995 Memorandum for Jo-Anne Coe From: Sarah Fehrer Re: PhRMA Board Meeting Update I have attached a final attendee list and proposed agenda for the PhRMA Board meeting breakfast tomorrow morning which the Majority Leader will be attending. The room in which we will hold the meeting has been changed from the 75 Club Room to the Bolton Room due to the final size of the group. If you have any questions, please call. Thank you. CC: Mo Taggart handwritten on page: No talking points necessary per Kerry 8322819 ODELL ROPER 03 Sept. 14 8:00-8:45 am Coalition for Our Children's Future Honorary Co-Chairmen Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole House Speaker Newt Gingrich Post Office Box 6833 Falls Church, VA 22040-8833 Tel: 703-448-8801 Fax: 703-903-8850 PhRMA BOARD MEETING AGENDA September 14, 1995 . Guests arrive and are seated for the meeting . Welcome and Thank You - Mr. Heimbold . Introduction of Chairman Haley Barbour - Mr. Steere . Legislative/Background on Coalition - Chairman Barbour . ("Priscilla" Ad is played for guests and Medicare script read) . Introduction of House Speaker Newt Gingrich - Chairman Barbour . Remarks by the Speaker . Introduction of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole - Chairman Barbour . Remarks by the Majority Leader . Pitch for the Coalition for Our Children's Future - Chairman Barbour . Question and Answer Session - Open . Final comments to guests - Mr. Heimbold/Mr. Steere . Meeting Concludes Note: Agenda is dependent on the arrival time of the Majority Leader. 8322819 ODELL ROPER 04 Coalition for Our Children's Future Honorary Co-Chairmen Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole House Speaker Newt Gingrich Post Office Box 6833 Falls Church, VA 22040-6833 Tel: 703-448-8801 Fax: 703-003-8850 PhRMA Executive Committee Breakfast The Bolton Room Capitol Hill Club September 14, 1995 7:45 - 8:45 a.m. PhRMA Executive Committee Members (12) Gordon M. Binder Amgen, Inc. Lodewijk de Vink Warner-Lambert Company Raymond V. Gilmartin Merck & Co., Inc. Co-Host Charles A. Heimbold, Jr. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Robert A. Ingram Glaxo-Wellcome, Inc. Albert G. Nickel Lions Lavey Nickel Swift John R. Stafford American Home Products Corporation Co-Host William C. Steere Pfizer Inc. Horst K.D. Wallrabe Bayer Douglas G. Watson CIBA-GEIGY Corporation Patrick J. Zenner Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc. DC Representatives (8) Pete Teeley Amgen, Inc. Richard L. Thompson Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Leo C. Jardot American Home Products Corporation M. Kenneth Bowler Pfizer Inc. Ronald Stowe Eli Lilly and Company Rita Norton Hoffman-La Roche, Inc. Gerry Mossinghoff PhRMA, President Steve Conafay PhRMA, E.V.P., Strategic/Leg. Affairs Vincent LoVoi Warner-Lambert Company Special Guests (3) Robert Dole Senate Majority Leader Newt Gingrich House Speaker Haley Barbour RNC Chairman Coalition for Our Children's Future Representatives (3) Barry Bennett Coalition Executive Director Bob Odell Odell, Roper & Simms, Inc. Sarah Fehrer Odell, Roper & Simms, Inc. (following page crossed out) SEPTEMBER 13, 1995 TO: SENATOR DOLE FR: CLARKSON RE: JOINT HOUSE-SENATE REPUBLICAN CONFERENCE YOU AND SPEAKER GINGRICH ARE SCHEDULED TO LEAD OFF THE EVENT WITH REMARKS OF 5-10 MINUTES. THIS PORTION WILL BE OPEN TO THE MEDIA, AND CNN HAS INDICATED THAT IT MAY CARRY THE REMARKS LIVE. THE FOCUS OF THE EVENT HAS BROADENED BEYOND MEDICARE. BASED ON DISCUSSIONS WITH THE HOUSE LEADERSHIP, THE MESSAGE IS THAT REPUBLICANS ARE UNITED IN OUR COMMITMENT TO GOALS FOR THE FALL -- BALANCED BUDGET, SAVING MEDICARE (MEDICARE PRESERVATION ACT) , REFORMING WELFARE, AND PROVIDING TAX RELIEF. KERRY HAS DRAFTED REMARKS ALONG THE LINES OF YOUR JOINT OP-ED WITH GINGRICH. Thurs, Sept 14 9 am September 11, 1995 TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: Kathleen CC: Sheila/Mo SUBJECT: Joint Meeting of House/Senate Republicans - Thursday, September 14 This will confirm a conversation between you and Speaker Gingrich on Friday, September 8, at the House Conference where you spoke regarding a possible meeting of House/Senate Republicans on Thursday from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. Subject is Medicare/Medicaid (budget). The joint meeting would start off the House Republicans "mini-conference" 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the House Ways and Means Committee. Your schedule is open from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. CAN WE CONFIRM A JOINT MEETING ON THURSDAY? YES (checked) NO Wil Feltus x42759 written on page: Kerry preparing Statement. Thurs, Sept 14 11:00 am CONFIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM SEPTEMBER 13, 1995 TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: JOANNE THRU: MO TAGGART SUBJ: SCHEDULING REQUEST Russ Meyer will be in town tomorrow on his way to Europe, and is seeking a very brief (8-10 minutes) meeting with you anytime after 9:30 a.m. at your convenience. Needs to meet absolutely privately with you, with no staff members present. He played golf last weekend with Tom Ridge, knows you're meeting with Ridge today, but wants to share with you some matters the two of them discussed. The second item he needs to discuss with you is a very confidential one, which neither he nor I am comfortable putting in writing - but he feels very strongly about the need to discuss it with you. I can fill you in by phone if you wish. PLEASE ADVISE: OK TO SCHEDULE (checked) NOT AT THIS TIME FILE No. 843 09/14 '95 17:00 ID:RLO-S235 44639 PAGE 2 SEP 15 '95 04:10AM P.3/3 ALACHUA COUNTY CAUCUS (PRONOUNCED A-LAT-CHEW-A) FACT SHEET (Call-in at 7:00 p.m. on September 14, 1995) Phone number: 904-373-4475 Location: Girls Club, Gainesville Dole caucus whip: Robb Feliciano Caucus begins: 7:30 p.m. TOTAL DELEGATES TO PRESIDENCY III: 31 27 = "Bonus Delegates" 23 Will be chosen by lot at the county caucus on Thursday. 4 Will be chosen by the County Chairman, State Committeeman, State Committeewoman. 4="Automatic Delegates" Automatic Delegates from Alachua County Chairman Sissy Long Dole (NOT PUBLIC) State Committeeman Bob Roundtree Dole State Committeewoman Ginny Dinkins Dole State Representative Bob Casey Uncommitted Logistics of the call Senator Dole will call into the Alachua County Presidency III Caucus 30 minutes prior to the start of the caucus. At this time all Alachua County Dole supporters will be gathered in a room adjacent to the caucus floor. Caucus whip, and DFP Field Rep., Rob Feliciano will have assembled the group and will be briefing all caucus attendees on the caucus procedure and wishing them luck in being chosen as an official delegate. Alachua County Chairman Sissy Long (leaning Dole) will answer the phone and place the call on speaker. After this Senator Dole will be free to address the group. P.2/2 Sept. 14 MEMORANDUM AUGUST 30, 1995 TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: JO-ANNE THRU: MIKE GLASSNER COPY TO: MO TAGGART SUBJ: SCHEDULING ITEMS (Mo advises there are currently no scheduling conflicts for either item discussed herein). 1. The Executive Committee of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association will be in town for PhRMA's annual meeting on Thursday, September 14. At that time, Haley Barbour would like to schedule a breakfast for you, Newt and himself with this group of 16 CEO's of the pharmaceutical industry (e.g., Charlie Heimbold of Bristol-Myers, Raymond Gilmartin of Merck, Bob Ingram of Glaxo, Dick Kogan of Schering-Plough, Jack Stafford of American Home Products, and Bill Steere of Pfizer). The purpose of the breakfast would be to raise substantial corporate money from the industry to help pay for the medicare TV spots being run by their new foundation "Coalition for Our Children's Future". You would be asked only to stop by for brief remarks to the group, Newt would do the same, and Haley would make the pitch for the money. The time and location are yours to choose. Please advise if you are wish to accommodate Haley's request: ACCEPT X DECLINE 09/12/95 TUE 16:31 FAX --> Mo 003 P.3/6 Sept 14 8:00-8:45 am Coalition for Our Children's Future Honorary Co-Chairmen Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole House Speaker Newt Gingrich Post Office Box 6833 Falls Church, VA 22040-6833 Tol: 703-448-8801 Fax: 703-903-8850 September 12, 1995 Memorandum for Jo-Anne Coe From: Sarah Fehrer Re: PhRMA Board Meeting on 9/14 I have attached for the Majority Leader the invitation and proposed agenda for Thursday's event as well as the current list of attendees. If you need anything else in your preparation for this event, please give me a call. Thanks for all of your assistance with this. 09/12/95 TUE 16:31 FAX --> Mo 004 P.4/6 Coalition for Our Children's Future Honorary Co-Chairmen Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole House Speaker Newt Gingrich Post Office Box 6833 Falls Church, VA 22040-6833 Tat: 703-440-8801 Fax: 703-803-8850 PhRMA BOARD MEETING AGENDA September 14, 1995 * Guests arrive and are seated for the meeting * Welcome and Thank You - Mr. Heimbold * Introduction of Chairman Haley Barbour - Mr. Steere * Legislative/Background on Coalition -- Chairman Barbour * ("Priscilla" Ad is played for guests) * Introduction of House Speaker Newt Gingrich - Mr. Steere * Remarks by the Speaker * Introduction of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole - Mr. Heimbold * Remarks by the Majority Leader * Pitch for the Coalition for Our Children's Future - Chairman Barbour * Question and Answer Session - Open * Final comments to guests -. Mr. Heimbold/Mr. Steere * Meeting Concludes Note: Agenda is dependent on the arrival time of the Majority Leader. 09/12/95 TUE 16:31 FAX --> Mo 005 P.5/6 SEP 07 '95 12:02 PM B-MS WASHINGTON DC. GOVT AFFAIRS P.2/2 September 1, 1995 Deer PhRMA Board Member: House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Senate Majority Lesder Bob Dole have asked us to invite a small group of pharmaceutical industry executives to join them for a private meeting on the morning of September 14 to coincide with the next Board meeting. The breakfast will ba at 7:45 a.m. in the 75 Club Room at the Capitol Hill Club. Senator Dole and the Speaker would like to personally bring us up-to-date on efforts to pass the balanced budget legislation and the positive impact this legislation will have on the future of Medicare. They are also seeking support for the Coalition for Our Children's Future. The Coalition is raising funds to purchase the advertisements necessary to educate the American people on the value and importance of passing the balanced budget legislation that will ensure a secure Medicare program. Corporations are being asked to contribute as outlined in the attached materials. We have already committed our corporations to contribute. We hope you will consider doing so. We hope that you will be able to artand this important meeting with the Majority Leader and the Speaker on September 14 and that your company will financially support the Coalition's efforts. Please respond to Dick Thompson in Washington at 202-783-0900. Sincerely, (signature) Charles Charles A. Heimbold, Jr. Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (signature) William C. Steere, Jr. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Pfizer Inc. 09/12/95 TUE 16:32 FAX --> Mo 006 P.6/6 SEP. 11 '98 03:19PM B-MS WASHINGTON DC GOVT AFFAIRS P.2/2 PhRMA (As of 9/7 @ 4:15 pm) MEETING ATTENDANCE: BOARD OF DIRECTORS LOCATION: PhRMA BOARD ROOM DATE: Thursday, September 14, 1995 @ 9:00 a.m. 017 Gordon M. Binder AMGEN NO X YES G/D Bkfst 019 Robert C. Black ZERECA NO X NO 044 G. Gilbert Cloyd P & G NO X YES G/D Bkfst 031 Richard U. De Schetter Searle YES G/D Bkfst 080 L de Vink W-L NO X YES G/D Bkfst 087 George M. Doherty SANOFI-W CALLY NO (illegible line) 018 David F. Hale (illegible) NO 012 Alexandro (illegible) ZANDOZ NO 023 Richard J. Kogan E-F CALL 014 Jan Leichly SKB NO 026 Fred W. (illegible) HMR CALL 043 Ernest Marts, Ph.D. ALZA NO X YES NO 032 W. George Meredith 3M NO NO 023 Albert G. Nickel (illegible) YES G/D Bkfst 027 Daniel L. Peters NYCOMED NO 042 TBD GEMENTECH 011 Lex S. Smith UPJOHN NO 045 John R. Stafford AHPC YES G/D Bkfst 024 William C. (illegible) Pfizer YES G/D Bkfst 035 Sidney A. Tamrel LILLY YES G/D Bkfst 029 Horst K.D. Wallace BAYER NO X YES G/D Bkfst 029 Douglas G. (illegible) CIBA YES G/D Bkfst 039 Robert M. Wilson J&J NO 025 Patrick J. Zengar ROCHE NO X YES G/D Bkfst 007 David Oliver (Int'l Section Chairman) WYETH-AYERST 081 Vincent Lo Vel (Chairman's staff) W-L NO YES NO 059 Richard L. Thompson (Chm-Elect Staff) HM-5 YES G/D Bkfst (illegible) Anne Nobles (Treasurer's Staff) LILLY YES YES Brian Ager (EFFIA Director General) EFFIA SEP 06 '95 03:15PM P.2 Sept 14 7:35 pm MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR DOLE From: Kim Thru: Mo Date: September 6, 1995 Subject: Invitations SEP 06 '95 03:15PM P.3 SPEECH Sept. 14 Senator Al D'Amato has invited you to be the keynote speaker at the NRSC's Republican Inner Circle dinner on Thursday, September 14th from 7:30 to 10:00 pm at the Grand Hyatt Hotel. You could speak at the very beginning of the dinner. Senator D'Amato would introduce you at 7:35 pm and you could leave by 8:00 pm. They currently expect about 500 members attending the meeting and dinner. (The Inner Circle members contribute $1,000 annually.) Would you like to give the keynote address? ACCEPT (checked) DECLINE SEP 06 '95 03:15PM P.2 Sept 14 7:35pm MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR DOLE From: Kim Thru: Mo Date: September 6, 1995 Subject: Invitations SEP 06 '95 03:15PM P.3 Sept. 14 Senator Al D'Amato has invited you to be the keynote speaker at the NRSC's Republican Inner Circle dinner on Thursday, September 14th from 7:30 to 10:00 pm at the Grand Hyatt Hotel. You could speak at the very beginning of the dinner. Senator D'Amato would introduce you at 7:35 pm and you could leave by 8:00 pm. They currently expect about 500 members attending the meeting and dinner. (The Inner Circle members contribute $1,000 annually.) Would you like to give the keynote address? ACCEPT (checked) DECLINE Fri., Sept. 15 11:45 am September 14, 1995 TO: Senator Dole FROM: Marcie Adler RE: Photo Session Friday, September 15 Sir Geoffrey Pattie is Joint Chairman of GEC-Marconi, which owns the GEC Precision Plant in Wellington, Kansas. He is a Conservative Party Member of Parliament and held appointments relating to industry and defense procurement under Margaret Thatcher. GEC Precision makes defense and aerospace electronics. plant, with 280 employees, is located on the north edge of Wellington. John Stewart recently retired as chairman. Dean Horton currently serves as President. Fri., Sept. 15 12:00 NOON September 14, 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR: SENATOR DOLE FROM: ANNETTE GUARISCO SUBJECT: BACKGROUND ON KLECKNER MEETING (9/15) The American Farm Bureau and state farm bureaus across the country are battling with the IRS on the taxation of dues they received from associate members. In the past you signed a letter to Treasury urging clarification of the issue, but the IRS guidance was not helpful and did not stop the audits. In fact, the IRS recently started a new audit of the Tennessee Farm Bureau. Mr. Kleckner would like your help in securing legislative relief in reconciliation -- the revenue cost of the relief was scored as negligible. There is some confusion regarding Senator Packwood's position on including this issue in reconciliation. According to his staff, the Senator agreed to look at the issue for inclusion in a bill that adds miscellaneous items. Adding the provision to the budget reconciliation bill was not specifically addressed, according to staff. Senator Shelby's staff and the American Farm Bureau staff understand that Senator Packwood agreed that the provision would be included in reconciliation, and that is why Senator Shelby dropped his plans for an appropriations bill rider preventing the IRS from enforcing its position. There is bipartisan support on the Finance and Ways and Means Committees to address the issue. I recommend that you offer support for addressing the issue legislatively and state that it is too soon to tell whether the budget reconciliation legislation will be the vehicle for addressing it. 09/11/95 MON 19:46 FAX --> MO 002 Sept. 15 3:30 pm September 11, 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR: SENATOR DOLE FROM: ANNETTE GUARISCO SUBJECT: FARM BUREAU MEETING REQUEST ON UBIT ISSUE (following paragraph crossed out) Dean Kleckner wants to meet with you on Thursday or Friday this week to secure your commitment that a farm bureau unrelated business income tax issue will be included in the budget reconciliation bill. Senator Packwood had previously committed to Senator Shelby that he would include in his Finance Committee mark a limited exclusion from income for dues received by a farm bureau from associate members. The IRS has been aggressively auditing farm bureaus across the country and taxing them on their associate member dues. DO YOU WANT ME TO: SCHEDULE A MEETING WITH YOU AND MR. KLECKNER? YES (checked) NO SCHEDULE A DROP BY MEETING? YES NO TELL HIM ORALLY OF YOUR INTEREST IN HELPING? YES NO DAYBOOK handwritten on page: SPEAK, Sun. Sept. 17, Wash. Court Hotel American Optometric Association 1505 Prince Street · Alexandria, VA 22314 · (703) 739-9200 FAX: (703) 739-9497 September 6, 1995 handwritten on page: decline - out of town The Honorable Robert Dole Office of the Republican Leader S-230, U.S. Capitol Washington, D.C. 20002 Dear Senator Dole; On behalf of the American Optometric Association I would like to invite you to address AOA's upcoming annual Congressional Conference. The Conference is scheduled for September 16-19. 1995 at the Washington Court Hotel on Capitol Hill. Middle 3 paragraphs illegible due to sticky note that reads: "daybook" Thanks you for your consideration. I hope to hear from you soon. If you have any questions or require additional information please feel free to contact me at 703-739-9200. Sincerely, (signature) Noel Brazil American Optometric Association 3. American Optometric Association. [Sunday, September 17 or Monday, September 18th, Washington Court Hotel, time flexible] * annual Congressional Conference * 200 doctors Recommendation: No Sept. 18 3:00 pm MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: MO DATE: SEPT. 14, 1995 Jack Dreyfus, CEO of the Dreyfus Foundation, has written requesting a meeting with you to discuss his company's drug dilantin. Jack Kemp suggested that he meet with you. Would you like to meet with him? YES (checked) Not at this time handwritten on page: before 12:30 or at 1:45 FILE No. 751 09/07 '95 18:16 ID:RLO-S235 44639 PAGE 2 07/20/95 THU 17:24 FAX --> Mo 001 16:39 8:54 P.02/02 Sept. 18 Dickson Auditorium 12:30 pm Rest of header cut off by sticky note that reads: Final speech forthcoming Kerry/Mira PATRICK BUTLER Vice President illegible phone number July 17, 1995 The Honorable Robert Dole Majority Leader United States Senate S-230, The Capitol Washington, D. C. 20510 Dear Senator, It was good seeing you today, and I'm grateful for your interest in the Newsweek National Security Forum, presented by Raytheon Company, Which will be held on Monday, September 18. The theme of the Forum is "Are We Ready For The New World Order?" Through your good offices, we have reserved the United States Senate Auditorium (Room 50 of the Dirksen Building) for the Forum. It would be our great honor to have you speak at the luncheon concluding the Forum. The luncheon would also be held in the Senate Auditorium, beginning at 12:30 p.m. Richard Smith, editor- in-chief and president of Newsweek, would introduce you and moderate a brief question-and-answer period after your speech. The Forum is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. with an address by Secretary of Defense William Perty. At 10 a.m., a panel discussion on the nature of new threats to America's security would feature White House national security adviser Anthony Lake, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General John Shalikashvili, former Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney, and formar White House national security adviser Brant Scowcraft. At 11 a.m., a panel discussion of defense budgets, force structures, readiness and related issues will feature members of the Senate Armed Services and House National Security Committees. The audience will include members of the defense and foreign policy communities and the news media. Your speech would be offered for broadcast on C-SPAN. We hope very much you will be able to join us for this Forum. Sincerely, (illegible signature) FILE No. 878 09/18 '95 10:14 ID:RLO-S235 44639 PAGE 3 --> MO 002 Sept 18 12:00 NOON September 15, 1995 To: Senator Dole From: Marcie Adler Re: Meeting with Kansas Optometrists Monday or Tuesday, September 18-19 Attending: Mark Glenn, Russell Mike Hatton, Hays Don Railsback, Neodesha Gary Robbins, Exec. Dir., Topeka Issues: Medicare A new concept for managed care Yes No Drop by meeting with Vicki (checked) handwritten on top of page: Mo TO: Senator Dole FR: Kerry RE: Newsweek Forum on National Security September 18 12:30 *Randy and Mira believe that the Newsweek Forum is a good event. Their concern is that you are tentatively scheduled to deliver a speech at National Defense University at the end of the month, and wonder about the necessity of giving two speeches on a similar topic. *Bob Ellsworth reports that the Newsweek event is "far more prestigious and more important" than National Defense University, and recommends that you accept. He believes that if you do both events you can give essentially the same speech. handwritten on page: 1:00, SD-50 Accept Newsweek event (checked) Decline Newsweek event FROM: 1995.09-08 09:00 #465 P.01/02 THE WASHINGTON POST COMPANY 1150 15TH STREET, N. W. . WASHINGTON, D.C. 20071 September 8, 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR KERRY TYMCHUK FROM: PATRICK BUTLER SUBJECT: SENATOR DOLE AND THE NEWSWEEK FORUM With further reference to our discussion last night, I thought it would be useful to give you a more detailed status report on the Newsweek National Security Forum on September 18. John White, Deputy Secretary of Defense and author of Directions for Defense, will be the keynote speaker at 9 a.m. Secretary White will give an overview of the Pentagon's planning for new roles and missions of US armed forces. At 9:30, we will have a panel discussion on the new nature of threats to America's security in the post-Cold War world. This panel will feature General Brent Scowcroft (national security advisor to Presidents Ford and Bush), Sandy Berger (deputy national security advisor to President Clinton), Senator Bob Kerrey (vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence), and Howard Baker (former Senate Majority Leader and White House chief of staff). At 10:45, there will be a panel discussion on defense spending, force structure, military quality of life, and related readiness issues. This panel will feature Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison and Joseph Lieberman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Representative John Spratt of South Carolina (a former Defense Department official, budget expert, and ranking member of the House National Security subcommittee on military research and development) , General Larry Welch (former Air Force Chief of Staff, chairman of the Institute for Defense Analysis and a member of the Readiness Task Force of the Secretary of Defense), and John O. Marsh, chairman of the Secretary's Task Force on Quality of Life (and the longest-serving Secretary of the Army). We will have a half-hour break following the second panel to prepare for the luncheon in the same room. Luncheon will begin at 12:15, and Senator Dole's speech would begin at 1 p.m. He is scheduled to be introduced by Art Wegner, chairman of Beech Aircraft Corporation (a Raytheon subsidiary) in Wichita. FROM: 1995.09-08 09:00 #465 P.02/02 -2- In addition to C-SPAN, CNN and other national and international news media, the Forum will be covered by all the major military and veterans journals. The audience will feature some of the most eminent members of the American national security committee, including the Undersecretary of the Navy, Paul Nitze, Helmust Sonnenfeldt and senior officials of the American Legion, AMVETS, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Atlantic Council, World Affairs Council, Center for Strategic and International Studies, AEI, Brookings, Henry Stimson Center, Aspen Institute Progress and Freedom Foundation, Progressive Policy Institute, Business Executives for National Security, US-Russia Business Forum and others. In addition to the attention the event itself has generated, we plan an extensive post-event distribution of highlights of the Forum to veterans groups and other interested constituencies. I've tried very hard to organize a prestigious, high-profile forum in which Senator Dole could share his views of both foreign and defense policy. We're ready to go. Please advise. September 11, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO: Senator Dole FROM: Randy Scheunemann SUBJECT: Defense Speech After several fitful starts in June and July, it is time to reconsider a major defense policy speech later this month or early October. Scott Reed and I have discussed the speech and agree that this is a good idea at the right time. The speech ("Defending America in the 21st Century") would look ahead on issues from force structure and budget to technology and missile defense. This opportunity could be your major defense policy statement. Dave Smith is already working with a core group on a draft. The National Defense University Foundation could host a luncheon speech at a major downtown hotel (possibly September 27). Do you want to proceed with a defense speech along these lines? YES NO Handwritten at top of page: Mo TO: Senator Dole FR: Kerry RE: Newsweek Forum on National Security September 18 12:30 *Randy and Mira believe that the Newsweek Forum is a good event. Their concern is that you are tentatively scheduled to deliver a speech at National Defense University at the end of the month, and wonder about the necessity of giving two speeches on a similar topic. *Bob Ellsworth reports that the Newsweek event is "far more prestigious and more important" than National Defense University, and recommends that you accept. He believes that if you do both events you can give essentially the same speech. Handwritten on page: 1:00, SD-50 Accept Newsweek event (checked) Decline Newsweek event FROM: 1995.09-08 09:00 #465 P.01/02 THE WASHINGTON POST COMPANY 1150 15TH STREET, N. W. . WASHINGTON, D.C. 20071 September 8, 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR KERRY TYMCHUK FROM: PATRICK BUTLER SUBJECT: SENATOR DOLE AND THE NEWSWEEK FORUM With further reference to our discussion last night, I thought it would be useful to give you a more detailed status report on the Newsweek National Security Forum on September 18. John White, Deputy Secretary of Defense and author of Directions for Defense, will be the keynote speaker at 9 a.m. Secretary White will give an overview of the Pentagon's planning for new roles and missions of US armed forces. At 9:30, we will have a panel discussion on the new nature of threats to America's security in the post-Cold War world. This panel will feature General Brent Scowcroft (national security advisor to Presidents Ford and Bush), Sandy Berger (deputy national security advisor to President Clinton), Senator Bob Kerrey (vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence), and Howard Baker (former Senate Majority Leader and White House chief of staff). At 10:45, there will be a panel discussion on defense spending, force structure, military quality of life, and related readiness issues. This panel will feature Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison and Joseph Lieberman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Representative John Spratt of South Carolina (a former Defense Department official, budget expert, and ranking member of the House National Security subcommittee on military research and development) , General Larry Welch (former Air Force Chief of Staff, chairman of the Institute for Defense Analysis and a member of the Readiness Task Force of the Secretary of Defense), and John O. Marsh, chairman of the Secretary's Task Force on Quality of Life (and the longest-serving Secretary of the Army). We will have a half-hour break following the second panel to prepare for the luncheon in the same room. Luncheon will begin at 12:15, and Senator Dole's speech would begin at 1 p.m. He is scheduled to be introduced by Art Wegner, chairman of Beech Aircraft Corporation (a Raytheon subsidiary) in Wichita. FROM: 1995.09-08 09:00 #465 P.02/02 -2- In addition to C-SPAN, CNN and other national and international news media, the Forum will be covered by all the major military and veterans journals. The audience will feature some of the most eminent members of the American national security committee, including the Undersecretary of the Navy, Paul Nitze, Helmust Sonnenfeldt and senior officials of the American Legion, AMVETS, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Atlantic Council, World Affairs Council, Center for Strategic and International Studies, AEI, Brookings, Henry Stimson Center, Aspen Institute Progress and Freedom Foundation, Progressive Policy Institute, Business Executives for National Security, US-Russia Business Forum and others. In addition to the attention the event itself has generated, we plan an extensive post-event distribution of highlights of the Forum to veterans groups and other interested constituencies. I've tried very hard to organize a prestigious, high-profile forum in which Senator Dole could share his views of both foreign and defense policy. We're ready to go. Please advise. September 11, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO: Senator Dole FROM: Randy Scheunemann SUBJECT: Defense Speech After several fitful starts in June and July, it is time to reconsider a major defense policy speech later this month or early October. Scott Reed and I have discussed the speech and agree that this is a good idea at the right time. The speech ("Defending America in the 21st Century") would look ahead on issues from force structure and budget to technology and missile defense. This opportunity could be your major defense policy statement. Dave Smith is already working with a core group on a draft. The National Defense University Foundation could host a luncheon speech at a major downtown hotel (possibly September 27). Do you want to proceed with a defense speech along these lines? YES NO Sept 18 10:00 am MON-WED, SEPT 18-20: Bill Witt, Oregon Senate candidate, will be in town and would like to meet with you to discuss his campaign. Would you like to meet with him? YES (checked) Not at this time DAYBOOK Mon., Sept 18 12:30 pm TO: Senator Dole FR: Kerry RE: Newsweek Forum on National Security September 18 12:30 *Randy and Mira believe that the Newsweek Forum is a good event. Their concern is that you are tentatively scheduled to deliver a speech at National Defense University at the end of the month, and wonder about the necessity of giving two speeches on a similar topic. *Bob Ellsworth reports that the Newsweek event is "far more prestigious and more important" than National Defense University, and recommends that you accept. He believes that if you do both events you can give essentially the same speech. Handwritten on page: 1:00, SD-50 Accept Newsweek event (checked) Decline Newsweek event FROM: 1995.09-08 09:00 #465 P.01/02 THE WASHINGTON POST COMPANY 1150 15TH STREET, N. W. . WASHINGTON, D.C. 20071 September 8, 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR KERRY TYMCHUK FROM: PATRICK BUTLER SUBJECT: SENATOR DOLE AND THE NEWSWEEK FORUM With further reference to our discussion last night, I thought it would be useful to give you a more detailed status report on the Newsweek National Security Forum on September 18. John White, Deputy Secretary of Defense and author of Directions for Defense, will be the keynote speaker at 9 a.m. Secretary White will give an overview of the Pentagon's planning for new roles and missions of US armed forces. At 9:30, we will have a panel discussion on the new nature of threats to America's security in the post-Cold War world. This panel will feature General Brent Scowcroft (national security advisor to Presidents Ford and Bush), Sandy Berger (deputy national security advisor to President Clinton), Senator Bob Kerrey (vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence), and Howard Baker (former Senate Majority Leader and White House chief of staff). At 10:45, there will be a panel discussion on defense spending, force structure, military quality of life, and related readiness issues. This panel will feature Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison and Joseph Lieberman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Representative John Spratt of South Carolina (a former Defense Department official, budget expert, and ranking member of the House National Security subcommittee on military research and development) , General Larry Welch (former Air Force Chief of Staff, chairman of the Institute for Defense Analysis and a member of the Readiness Task Force of the Secretary of Defense), and John O. Marsh, chairman of the Secretary's Task Force on Quality of Life (and the longest-serving Secretary of the Army). We will have a half-hour break following the second panel to prepare for the luncheon in the same room. Luncheon will begin at 12:15, and Senator Dole's speech would begin at 1 p.m. He is scheduled to be introduced by Art Wegner, chairman of Beech Aircraft Corporation (a Raytheon subsidiary) in Wichita. FROM: 1995.09-08 09:00 #465 P.02/02 -2- In addition to C-SPAN, CNN and other national and international news media, the Forum will be covered by all the major military and veterans journals. The audience will feature some of the most eminent members of the American national security committee, including the Undersecretary of the Navy, Paul Nitze, Helmust Sonnenfeldt and senior officials of the American Legion, AMVETS, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Atlantic Council, World Affairs Council, Center for Strategic and International Studies, AEI, Brookings, Henry Stimson Center, Aspen Institute Progress and Freedom Foundation, Progressive Policy Institute, Business Executives for National Security, US-Russia Business Forum and others. In addition to the attention the event itself has generated, we plan an extensive post-event distribution of highlights of the Forum to veterans groups and other interested constituencies. I've tried very hard to organize a prestigious, high-profile forum in which Senator Dole could share his views of both foreign and defense policy. We're ready to go. Please advise. September 11, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO: Senator Dole FROM: Randy Scheunemann SUBJECT: Defense Speech After several fitful starts in June and July, it is time to reconsider a major defense policy speech later this month or early October. Scott Reed and I have discussed the speech and agree that this is a good idea at the right time. The speech ("Defending America in the 21st Century") would look ahead on issues from force structure and budget to technology and missile defense. This opportunity could be your major defense policy statement. Dave Smith is already working with a core group on a draft. The National Defense University Foundation could host a luncheon speech at a major downtown hotel (possibly September 27). Do you want to proceed with a defense speech along these lines? YES NO -S235 44639 SCHEDULE FOR TUES, SEPT. 19, 1995 8:30 S-230 FYI - Senate Steering Comm. Breakfast 8:50 Presidential Ballroom Capitol Hilton SPEAK - Nal'l Automobile Ballroom Dealers Wash. Conference Capitol Hilton 12:00 S-120 ?? DROP BY -- KS Automobile Dealers Wash. Conference 12:00 S-230 Leadership Meeting 12:15 S-230 Chairmen's Meeting 12:45 S-207 Policy Luncheon 4:00 SR-428A TESTIFY - Small Business Comm. Hearing re: tax issues 5:30 S-230 Mtg. w/Jim Higgins, Dean Witter, John Steffens, Merrill Lynch, AB Krongard, Alex Brown and Mark Lackritz, Pres. Securities Industry Assn. (J. Schall) 5:30-7:00 Madison House 201 C St. DROP BY Cong. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Recept. 6:00 Rayburn 2110 Mtg. w/Cong. Hyde (Jill) 6:30-8:30 SD-226 DROP BY Hispanic CEO Roundtable Tues., Sept. 19 8:30 am STEERING COMMITTEE BREAKFAST 8:30 a.m. -- Tuesday, September 19, 1995 -- S-230 INVITED YES NO Brown X Cochran X Bennett X Cohen X D'Amato X (late) Domenici X Grassley X Gregg X Nickles X Stevens X Grams X Tues, Sept. 19 9:50 am SPEECH 5. National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) Washington Conference. [September 19, Capitol Hilton, 9:50 a.m.] * Ray Sheppard requested * 400 participants, "our guys", friendly crowd. * Small business -- very friendly crowd Recommendation: Yes (checked) Handwritten on page: SPEAK, Sept 19-20, Capitol Hilton, 9:50 am, Mo NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ASSOCIATION 8400 Westpark Drive . McLean, Virginia · 22102 703-821-7000 June 6, 1995 The Honorable Robert Dole United States Senate 141 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Dole: On behalf of the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA), it is my pleasure to invite you to be a speaker at our NADA Washington Conference. The conference will be held on September 19-20, 1995, at the Capitol Hilton, Washington, D.C. The conference brings together the leaders of the retail automotive industry to be briefed on important legislative, political and business issues. The 400 conference participants include dealer presidents and vice presidents of state and metro dealer associations, chief executives of these associations, members of our political action committee, and the NADA Board of Directors. NADA represents 19,000 new car and truck dealers who employ more than 907,400 American workers. Total dealership annual payroll in 1993 was $25.7 billion, and represented 11.9 percent of the nation's retail trade payroll. Your continued support of small business concerns is recognized by our members. On previous occasions when you have addressed this conference your remarks have been applauded and shared with dealers across America. As you are aware, interest rates and taxes are of critical importance to our members. Escalating interest rates and unwieldy taxes threaten the viability of our business and the overall American economy. Our conference participants would be interested in any insight you can share relative to these issues and the steps we as American businessmen and women can take to prevent placing additional burdens on the consumers. I personally would be honored to have you on the program during our morning general session on Tuesday, September 19, at 9:50 a.m. and hope that you will be able to join us. Please contact me if you have questions about NADA or this speaking engagement. Sincerely, Ray Shepherd, NADA Director Ray Shepherd Motors, Inc. 9/5 - accepted! SUBJECT: Leadership and Chairmen's Meeting DATE: Tues Sept 19 TIME: 12:00 & 12:15 pm LOCATION: S-230 REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP Senator Position Invited Yes No Cochran Conference check check D'Amato Senatorial Committee check check Dole Republican Leader check check Lott Asst. Republican Leader check check Mack Conference Secretary check check Nickles Policy Chairman check check Thurmond President Pro Tempore check check REPUBLICANS Abraham Frist Kyl Ashcroft Gorton Santorum Bennett Gramm Shelby Brown Grams Smith Burns Grassley Snowe Coats Gregg Thomas Coverdell Hutchison Thompson Craig Inhofe Warner DeWine Jeffords Faircloth Kempthorne COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Senator Committee Invited Yes No Bond Small Business check check Chafee Environment check check Cohen Special - Aging check check D'Amato Banking check check Domenici Budget check check Hatch Judiciary check check Hatfield Appropriations check check Helms Foreign Relations check check Kassebaum Labor check check Lugar Agriculture check check McCain Select - Indian Affairs check check McConnell Ethics check check Murkowski Energy check check Pressler Commerce check check Roth Gov't Affairs & Jt. Econ. Cmte check check Simpson Veterans check check Specter Intelligence check check Stevens Rules & Administration check check Thurmond Armed Services check check Warner check check DEMOCRATS Akaka Baucus Biden Bingaman Boxer Bradley Breaux Bryan Bumpers Byrd Campbell Conrad Daschle Dodd Dorgan Exon Feingold Feinstein Ford Glenn Graham Harkin Heflin Hollings Inouye Johnston Kennedy Kerrey Kerry Kohl Lautenberg Leahy Levin Lieberman Mikulski Moseley-Braun Moynihan Murray Nunn Pell Pryor Reid Robb Rockefeller Sarbanes Simon Wellstone OTHERS *Senator *Lugar will be late - Ag. Committee mark-up. Sept. 19 12:00 NOON ?DROP BY? KANSAS AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ASSOCIATION September 7, 1995 The Honorable Robert Dole Senate Majority Leader SH 141 Washington DC 20510 Dear Senator Dole: It's that time of year again, and members of the Kansas Automobile Dealers Association (KADA) will be in Washington to attend the National Automobile Dealers Association - Washington Conference. The Conference will be held September 18-20, 1995. Once again we will be hosting a luncheon for the Kansas Delegation in the U.S. Capitol while we are in Washington. The Kansas Automobile Dealers Association cordially invites you to join us for lunch on Tuesday, September 19, 1995 at 12:00 noon in the Hugh Scott Room (Room S-120) in the U.S. Capitol. Your hosts will be: Mr. Lorne Schlatter (Independence), KADA President-Elect Mr. Ray Shepherd (Ft. Scott), Kansas Director to NADA Mr. Dale Willey (Lawrence), Dealers Election Action Committee Chairman Mr. Don McNeely (Topeka) KADA Executive Vice President Ms. Pam Somerville (Topeka) KADA Governmental Affairs Director Along with yourself, we are extending an invitation to each member of the Kansas Congressional Delegation, their Administrative Assistants and Legislative Directors. We believe this will give everyone an opportunity to visit about issues facing the franchised new car dealers. Issues of particular importance include Salvage Title Branding, Corporate Average Fuel Economy, Tort Reform, and Superfund Reform Legislation. Please confirm your attendance with the enclosed reply card at your earliest convenience. Cordially, (signature) Don McNeely Executive Vice President (signature) Pam Somerville Government Affairs Director Enclosure TUES, SEPT 19: The Kansas Automobile Dealers Assocn. invite you to a luncheon honoring the Kansas Delegation at noon in S-120. DROP BY ? DECLINE FILE No. 217 09/19 '95 10:21 ID:OFFICE OF REPUB LEADER 202 228 1265 PAGE 2 Sept. 19 5:15 pm 9/18/95 Handwritten on page: 5:15P TUES * OLLIE NORTH RADIO SHOW - 10-15 MIN. LIVE TOMORROW ANYTIME BETWEEN 3-6 PM ON WELFARE, MEDICARE - WITH OPTION TO TAKE CALL-INS. SHOW IS NOW BROADCAST ON 140 STATIONS NATIONWIDE. CONTACT: JACK ROBERTS 301-585-1821 YES (checked) NO Sept 19 5:30 pm TO: SENATOR DOLE SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT REQUEST DATE: September 15, 1995 STAFF REQUESTING: John Schall PROPOSED DATE: Tuesday, September 19 INDIVIDUAL/GROUP: Securities CEOs REASON: The Securities Industry Association is meeting in Washington on Tuesday, September 19. CEOs of three leading brokerage firms have requested a meeting with you to discuss the securities industry. They are: Jim Higgins of Dean Witter; John Steffens of Merrill Lynch; and A.B. "Buzzie" Krongard of Alex Brown. They would be accompanied by Mark Lackritz, President of the Association. As you know, the Senate has already passed securities litigation legislation. They may bring up tax and other measures related to the securities industry. Yes No Drop By Staff Meeting Handwritten on page: Busy in mark-up, would have to do in evening Sept. 19 5:30-7:30 pm DROP BY Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Member of Congress Florida P.O. Box 52-2784 Miami, FL 33152-2784 (305) 460-3245 August 23, 1995 To: Robert From: Ileana Re: Media Noche Fundraiser Come join me and our friends at a "Media Noche" fundraiser which I will be hosting on Tuesday, September 19, 1995 from 5:30 until 7:00 p.m. at the Madison House at 201 C Street, SE. Media Noche is a typical Cuban sandwich which will make your mouth water and your tummy yearning for more. September will bring with it the end of summer and the beginning of very hectic and arduous schedules for all of us. So I hope that even if you can only spare a couple of minutes, you will "drop by," and join our friends and myself at this festive event. To R.S.V.P., please call Rachel at Morgan & Associates at (703) 802-3218. Handwritten on page: Cariños! TUES, SEPT 19: Congressman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen invites you to a fundraiser from 5:30-7:00 pm at the Madison House, 201 C Street, SE. DROP BY (checked) DECLINE FILE No. 858 09/15 20 13:55 ID: illegible Sept. 19 6:00 pm MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: JILL HANSON DATE: SEPT. 14, 1995 SUBJ: CONG. HENRY HYDE Per Lee Daniels request, I recommend you meet with Cong. Henry Hyde when your schedule permits. If you approve the meeting, would you like Cong. Hyde to come to your office or would you like to go to Cong. Hyde's office for your meeting? S-230 Cong. Hyde's Office (checked) Decline Thank you. cc: Scott Reed handwritten on page: 5.4501 Tues., Sept. 19 6:30-8:30 pm DROP BY September 19, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: NINA OVIEDO RE: SENATOR NICKLES AND HISPANIC DESIGNER'S GALA Senator Nickles has been invited to the Hispanic Designer's Gala -- as a model. Congressmen Pastor and Torres will represent the House and participate as models. [Mrs. Dole is Co-Chair of this event and will be attending.] I think it would be wonderful for the Senate and particularly for Senator Nickles to participate. It would offer the Republicans and the Republican Leadership exposure that it traditionally does not get -- as you know, we're not view as a "fun crowd." It would also give Senator Nickles exposure that might help him as a potential, future Majority Leader. The Designers also invited Senator Hatch to participate as a model but I understand that he has declined after much thought. Maybe they could both accept and we'd really have a winner. If you're so inclined a good word from you to Senator Nickles might help make it happen. Kelly is going to work on it too. Lindsay Hooper is making arrangements to have Senator Nickles sit at his table if he should accept. SEP-19-'95 TUE 10:35 ID:H D I WASH DC TEL NO:202-452-0086 #488 P02 HISPANIC DESIGNERS, INC. 1000 16th Street, N.W. Suite 603 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 453-0092 (303) 453-0086 - FAX September 15, 1995 Senator Dan Nickles SH-133 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510-3602 Dear Senator Nickles: On behalf of Hispanic Designers, Inc., I would like to invite you to attend the eleventh annual Hispanic Dasigners Cala Fashion Show & Benefit in a special capacity. It will be held on Tuesday, Septembar 26, 1995 at the JW Marriott. We would very much like to invite you to participate in a spacial segment as a model in our men's section of the fashion show in one of the Wilke-Rodriguez designs the night of this fund raising event. This year's Honorary Co-Chairs are Elizabeth H. Dole and Oscar de la Renta. At the black tie gala, we feature major designers such Oscar de la Renta, Carolina Herrera, Paloma Picasso, Fernando Sanchez to nama a few. This year we will also feature Wilke-Rodriguez. Mr. Rodriguez is originally from Cuba. Our purpose, for the event, is to raise funds for educational programs for Hispanic youth. HDI has granted more than 300 scholarships to Hispanic students throughout the country. In addition, HDI works with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on targeting massagas to young Hispanics on AIDS and other diseases. Hispanic Designers, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) education organization founded in 1985. HDI's mission to provide a national focus on the positive contributions Hispanics are making in the U.S. I hope that you will join us as a model in this prestigious event. I will ocntact your office next week to see if your schedule will allow you to participate. Sincerely, (signature) Penny Harrison President Encls.: 1995 Gala Invitation Honorary Board: Adolfo, Oscar do la Renta, Carolina Herrera, Paloma Picasso, Manolo Blahnik, Manual Cuevas, Luis (illegible), (illegible) Rehanna, Fernando Sanchez Honorary Advisory Board: (illegible), Carlota Alfero, Victor Alfero, Jose & Marla (illegible), Debra-Moiset, Henry Duane, Arnaldo (illegible), Jimmy & Susan Gamba, Manolo, Carlos Marquez, John (illegible) Martinez, Inna Medina, Yoly Munez, Norma Kameli, Harold & Shelley (illegible), Candy Proma Price, (illegible), Cella Tejads, Isabel & Ruban Toledo Past Honorary Members: Angel Estrada, Antonio Lopez, Remando (illegible), Travilla Board of Directors: Ana Maria Fernando-Haar, Filliano Martinez, Juan B. Reillos, Kenneth P. Yates, Penny Harrison - President, Irna C. Maldonado - Executive Vice President R = 94% H D I WASH DC 09-19-95 09:25 AM P002 #47 Tues., Sept. 19 6:30-8:30 pm September 18, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: NINA OVIEDO COPY TO: DENNIS SHEA, MO TAGGERT RE: HISPANIC RECEPTION (REQUEST BY SENATOR HATCH) I understand that Senator Hatch is writing you to ask whether your schedule is open to an informal reception Tuesday evening. CAPITAL HILL RECEPTION FOR THE HISPANIC CEO ROUNDTABLE The Republican Task Force on Hispanic Affairs is honoring the Hispanic CEO Roundtable at a reception Tuesday evening 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in SD-226. They expect 100 to 150 CEOs to attend. Also scheduled to attend are Senators Hatch, Dominici, and Bingaman and Representatives Meyers, Bonilla and Pastor. You would be introduced and asked to make a few remarks. COMMENTS -- ENGLISH FIRST "Affirmative action" hasn't caused near the upheaval that "english first" has provoked in the Hispanic Community. It might be a good opportunity to clarify your position on this issue and ask the CEO's help in getting the right message out. I recently attended a Hispanic Designers meeting where I was asked whether I thought Mrs. Dole would be interested in participating in a Spanish TV interview. Immediately following the question came the comment "of course now that Senator Dole has his english only initiative she may not be interested." I immediately set the record straight -- to which everyone responded that the press was not presenting a true picture of your initiative. I explained the issue as follows: that you are "not saying not bilingual; that in fact, a couple of years back you were brushing up on spanish lessons and once even corrected [me]. In today's global economy you need to be bilingual, trilingual and much more. [Senator Dole] is not saying don't speak other languages or don't learn other cultures. He's saying that children in this country, to succeed, must read, write and speak english. Whether it's a Greek, Asian, German, Irish or Hispanic child -- to succeed in this country, that child must know the english language. And, we want our children to succeed." I believe that if we can get the right message (with a slightly softer tone) to these CEOs, they could do a lot to help spread the word. Are you interested in attending the reception? Yes, please follow up with Mo. (checked) No, schedule does not permit. Tues., Sept. 19 6-8 pm DROP BY TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: MO DATE: SEPT. 18, 1995 TUES, SEPT 19: The National Grain Car Council has invited you to a reception from 6:00 - 8:00 pm in the Mansfield Room. DROP BY (checked) DECLINE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY DICK DAVIDSON, CHAIRMAN AND EXECUTIVE OFFICER 1416 DODGE STREET OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68179 September 13, 1995 The Honorable Bob Dole Majority Leader S-230 Capitol Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Dole: We'd like to invite you to a reception from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 19 in Room S207, the Mansfield Room, U.S. Capitol Building, sponsored by the National Grain Car Council. The Grain Car Council has been chartered by the Interstate Commerce Commission to provide recommendations and advice on the rail transportation of grain. The Council is comprised of 31 members who represent large and small railroads, elevators, private car owners, and agricultural groups. The Council will have a working session in Washington on September 20th to look at ways of improving the movement of grain over the nation's rail system - - an issue which is particularly important given the current surge in demand for rail transportation. I hope you will be able to attend and visit with the 31 agribusiness leaders who will be coming to Washington next week, the ICC Commissioners and with Members and staff interested in agricultural issues. If you can join us, please contact Ronda Quinn in Union Pacific's Washington office at (202) 662-0190. Sincerely, (signature) Dick Davidson Interim Chairman National Grain Car Council (signature) Ian Muir Bunge Corporation Interim Vice Chairman National Grain Car Council Tues., Sept. 19 6:30-8:30 pm Talking points attached September 19, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: NINA OVIEDO RE: HISPANIC CEO RECEPTION Tues Sept. 19 6:30- 8:30pm Talking Points Attached You are scheduled to attend the Capital Hill Reception for the Hispanic CEO Roundtable, tonight, Tuesday, September 19 at 6:30 p.m. According to Anna Cabral, Staff Director for the Republican Task Force, there will be approximately 100 CEOs. Senators Hatch, Domenici, Bingaman and Representatives Meyers, Bonilla and Pastor are also expected. Anna, who is also Deputy Staff Director, Judiciary, will introduce you and ask for a few informal remarks. (I understand Senator Hatch plans to address tax reform in his remarks.) The press has been invited to the reception. COMMENTS -- ENGLISH FIRST You might want to start your remarks on the great steps the Senate took on reforming the welfare system. They would like to hear your views and insights as to the Conference process on the welfare bill. Also, your "English First" initiative is being misconstrued in many Hispanic communities. It would be important to clarify your views. Attached are a few talking points. HISPANIC CEO ROUNDTABLE RECEPTION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1995 WELFARE YOU ARE IN WASHINGTON DURING SOME VERY EXCITING TIMES. TODAY, THE SENATE OVERWHELMINGLY PASSED A WELFARE REFORM BILL THAT WILL FOREVER CHANGE THE WAY WE VIEW THE CURRENT SYSTEM. I HAVE NO DOUBT THAT MANY OF YOU, HERE IN THIS ROOM, HAVE OFTEN WORKED TWO, MAYBE THREE JOBS TO MAKE ENDS MEET. YOU ARE A PROVEN SUCCESS AND WE MUST TRANSFER YOUR DETERMINATION, YOUR PERSEVERANCE AND YOUR WORK ETHIC TO THOSE WHO HAVE USED THE WELFARE SYSTEM AS A WAY OF LIFE. WE WILL HAVE A SUCCESSFUL CONFERENCE WITH THE HOUSE AND SEND A BILL TO THE PRESIDENT -- A BILL HE WILL SIGN -- BEFORE WE GO OUT OF SESSION THIS FALL. ENGLISH FIRST I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO CLARIFY AN ISSUE THAT HAS BEEN MISCONSTRUED BY MANY. I SUPPORT ENGLISH FIRST -- THAT DOES NOT MEAN NOT BILINGUAL, THAT DOES NOT MEAN ENGLISH ONLY. I KNOW THAT YOU, AS MEMBERS OF THE HISPANIC COMMUNITY, AND THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY, HAVE SUCCEEDED FOR MANY REASONS -- BUT ONE IS BECAUSE YOU CAN READ, WRITE AND SPEAK ENGLISH. AND FOR MANY OF YOU, YOUR LANGUAGE SKILLS GIVE YOU A GREAT ADVANTAGE. IN TODAY'S GLOBAL ECONOMY YOU NEED TO BE BILINGUAL, TRILINGUAL AND MUCH MORE. THE VAST MAJORITY OF AMERICANS BELIEVE THAT TO COMMUNICATE AND SUCCEED IN THIS COUNTRY, CHILDREN MUST READ, WRITE AND SPEAK ENGLISH. I AM NOT SAYING DON'T SPEAK OTHER LANGUAGES OR DON'T LEARN OTHER CULTURES. WHETHER IT IS A GREEK CHILD, AN ASIAN CHILD, GERMAN, IRISH OR HISPANIC CHILD -- TO SUCCEED IN SCHOOL AND WORK, THAT CHILD MUST KNOW THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. WE WANT OUR CHILDREN TO SUCCEED. September 19, 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR: SENATOR DOLE FROM: ANNETTE GUARISCO SUBJECT: SECURITIES INDUSTRY ASSN. MEETING I understand that you are meeting today with executives from the securities industry. In addition to supporting your efforts to balance the federal budget, they will likely express their support for expanded IRAs and capital gains relief. Merrill Lynch, in particular, is behind back-ended IRAs (no deduction up front) that are in the Roth bill. You are a cosponsor of Senator Roth's IRA bill. Tues., Sept. 19 5:30 pm September 19, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO SENATOR DOLE FROM: JOHN SCHALL SUBJECT: Meeting with Securities CEO's This afternoon at 5:30, three CEO's of securities firms will be coming in to meet with you: Jim Higgins of Dean Witter; John Steffens of Merrill Lynch; and A.B. "Buzzie" Krongard of Alex Brown. They will be accompanied by Mark Lackritz, President of the Securities Industry Association. They will discuss securities litigation legislation and tax matters relevant to the industry. I'll ask Annette to sit in on the meeting, too. They'll be seeing Sen. D'Amato at 3:30. The Senate has already passed the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (S.240) by a vote of 70-29 on June 28. Support was bipartisan. You voted yes. The bill limits shareholder lawsuits against corporations. It focuses not on legitimate cases (corporate managers misleading or defrauding investors), but rather on those lawsuits filed when stock value goes down for reasons beyond the control of corporate managers. The lawsuits filed immediately after a drop in share price have been referred to as "strike suits." There are approximately 90 lawyers nationally who are guilty of filing frivolous securities litigation suits. They advertise nationwide for clients and keep an average 86 cents on the dollar for themselves and their investors. This small number of lawyers file class action suits alleging hundreds of millions of dollars of fraud against any company with money ("deep pockets") -- no matter how peripherally related to the suit. Companies often settle for a few million dollar payment to avoid legals costs. S.240 includes several measures to make sure that suits are not frivolous. It will be illegal for brokers to provide lists of investors to lawyers. Every class action suit will be advertised so that class members will have a chance to join. A rebuttable presumption will exist that the plaintiff with the greatest financial interest should be the lead plaintiff. It codifies a Supreme Court ruling to ensure that only those who are guilty of fraud are pursued in securities cases, and a safe harbor will be created for forward-looking statements. Finally, any judgment will be fairly distributed on a basis of "proportionate liability." Tax measures before the Finance Committee in which they are most interested include the capital gains tax and expanded IRAs. Merrill Lynch in particular has a strong interest in back- loaded IRAs. FILE No. 893 09/19 '95 09:43 ID:RLO-S235 44639 PAGE 1 Sept 19 5:30 pm TO: SENATOR DOLE SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT REQUEST DATE: September 15, 1995 STAFF REQUESTING: John Schall PROPOSED DATE: Tuesday, September 19 INDIVIDUAL/GROUP: Securities CEOs REASON: The Securities Industry Association is meeting in Washington on Tuesday, September 19. CEOs of three leading brokerage firms have requested a meeting with you to discuss the securities industry. They are: Jim Higgins of Dean Witter; John Steffens of Merrill Lynch; and A.B. "Buzzie" Krongard of Alex Brown. They would be accompanied by Mark Lackritz, President of the Association. As you know, the Senate has already passed securities litigation legislation. They may bring up tax and other measures related to the securities industry. Yes No Drop By Staff Meeting Handwritten on page: busy in mark-up, would have to do in evening. FILE No. 893 09/19 '95 09:43 ID:RLO-S235 44639 PAGE 2 09/18/95 TUE 08:05 FAX --> MO 005 PAGE 2 TO: SENATOR DOLE SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT REQUEST DATE: September 18, 1995 STAFF REQUESTING: John Schall PROPOSED DATE: Tuesday, September 19 INDIVIDUAL/GROUP: Securities CEOs REASON: The Securities Industry Association is meeting in Washington on Tuesday, September 19. CEOs of three leading brokerage firms have requested a meeting with you to discuss the securities industry. They are: Jim Higgins of Dean Witter; John Steffens of Merrill Lynch: and A.B. "Buzzle" Krongard of Alex Brown. They would be accompanied by Mark Lackritz, President of the Association. As you know, the Senate has already passed securities litigation legislation. They may bring up tax and other mencures related to the securities industry. Yes No (checked) Drop By Staff Meeting Handwritten on page: will be in (illegible) & ag markup TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: DARREN DICK SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT REQUEST DATE: September 18, 1995 The crew of the Enola Gay, BG Paul Tibbets, his Bombardier, Radio Operator and Navigator, will be in DC to attend WWII ceremonies at the National Press Club. They would like to stop by for a courtesy call on the afternoon of Friday, September 22. Yes (checked) No Drop By Staff Meeting Sept. 19 2:30 September 12, 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR: SENATOR DOLE FROM: ANNETTE GUARISCO SUBJECT: SMALL BUSINESS COMMITTEE HEARING The Small Business Committee is holding hearings on September 19 and 20 on tax issues relating to small business. The Committee would like you to be its lead witness on September 19 at 2:00, but would be happy if you could appear at any time. Senators Hatch and Nickles may appear before the Committee. It would be a good forum to discuss your estate tax bill and unveil the details of your pension plan proposal for small business. On the pension plan issue, I will have the details finalized by tomorrow, but the NFIB, the U.S. Chamber and the Investment Company Institute are all very supportive of it. DO YOU WANT ME TO SCHEDULE TIME FOR YOU TO APPEAR? YES (checked) NO