11/01/93 09:56 WICHITA --> SENATOR DOLE SH -- No.258 P02 562M3.263 FINAL 10/29/93 CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe 202/408-5105 (O) 202/408-5117 (FAX) 703/845-1714 (H) SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE -- MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1993 1:05 PM Lv. Capitol 1:25 PM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/419/8440 1:30 PM Lv. Washington AIRCRAFT: NTC Falcon 10 TAIL NO.: N 101 TF SEATS: 6 PILOT: Dwain Gadway CO-PILOT: (TBD) MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner, Royal Roth, Ron Kaufman (now with Allied Signal 662-2657) CONTACT: Dwain or Jan 914/462-6206 914/462-6704 (FAX) FLIGHT TIME: 1 hour 30 mins 3:00 PM Ar. Boston, Mass. Logan Airport Signature Flight Support 617/567-8010 MET BY: Herb Collins and Boston Coach car CONTACT: Boston Coach 617/387-7676 800/672-7676 3:05 PM Lv. Signature Flight Support DRIVE TIME: 5 minutes 11/01/93 09:56 WICHITA --> SENATOR DOLE SH -- No.258 P01 313162648446 562M3.263 7038451714 P.03 PAGE TWO Monday, November 1 3:10 PM Ar. Water Shuttle Taxi 3:15 PM Lv. Water Shuttle Landing 3:25 PM Ar. Shuttle Landing in Boston (at Boston Harbor Hotel) MET BY: Boston Coach DRIVE TIME: 10 minutes NOTE: Royal Roth will proceed immediately to Boston Harbor Hotel to advance the Campaign America event. 3:35 PM Ar. Harvard Club One Federal Street 617/542-2070 3:40 PM-5:00 PM ATTEND FUNDRAISING RECEPTION FOR CONGRESSMAN PETER TORKILDSEN (In progress from 3:30) CROWD SIZE: 35 @ $1,000 per person FORMAT: Informal mix and mingle PRESS: CLOSED PROGRAM: Brief remarks and introduction of Senator Dole - Congressman Torkildsen REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE CONTACT: Steve Sutton, Chief of Staff 225-8020 Ken Lage, Torkildsen campaign 508/977-9600 5:00 PM Lv. Harvard Club DRIVE TIME: 5 minutes 11/01/93 09:57 WICHITA --> SENATOR DOLE SH -- No. 258 P03 562M3.263 7038451714 P.04 PAGE THREE Monday, November 1 5:05 PM Ar. Boston Harbor Hotel 70 Rowes Whart 617/439-7000 or 800/752-7077 FAX: 617/330-9450 (Business Center) PROCEED TO HOLDING ROOM - PRESIDENTIAL PARLOR SUITE - FLOOR 16, ROOM 1608 (Same location as event -- event is in parlor portion of the suite; holding room in the bedroom portion.) 5:30 PM-7:15 PM ATTEND CAMPAIGN AMERICA FUNDRAISING RECEPTION CONTACTS: Herb Collins 617/439-0072 (O) 617/330-9065 (FAX) Christopher Casey (Event Contact) 617/439-7000 617/439-7000, X7206 (Security) Steve Meyers 617/962-7729 (Portable phone) 5:30 PM-6:00 PM ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION (List of attendees attached) (Governor Weld will attend roundtable only, cannot stay for general reception) CROWD SIZE: 13 @ $5,000 per person FORMAT: Mix and Mingle Photo op 6:00 PM PROCEED TO JOHN FOSTER ROOM (Ext. 7340) 6:05 PM-7:10 PM GENERAL RECEPTION CROWD SIZE: 80 @ $1,000 per person (list of attendees attached) FORMAT: Candid photos Mix and Mingle Remarks - Senator Dole VIP'S invited: Treasurer Joe Malone, Minority Leader Peter Forman 11/01/93 09:57 WICHITA --> SENATOR DOLE SH -- NO.258 P04 562M3.263 7038451714 P.05 PAGE FOUR Monday, November 1, 1993 PROGRAM: 6:30 - Welcome and Introduction of Senator Dole - Herb Collins 6:40-7:00 - REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 7:10 PM Lv. Boston Harbor Hotel VEHICLE: Boston Coach (Reserved for 7:00 PM, Guaranteed Wait) DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 7:25 PM Ar. Logan Airport Signature Flight Support 617/567-8010 7:30 PM Lv. Boston FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 20 mins 8:50 PM Ar. Washington National Signature Flight Support 703/419-8440 MET BY: Colin PROCEED TO PRIVATE November 5, 1993 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of Oct. 31-Nov. 6, 1993 Pg.1 Sunday, October 31 in New Jersey -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 6:40 p.m. lv. Newark 8:30 p.m. ar. Washington National Airport, Signature Support Flight SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of Oct. 31-Nov. 6, 1993 Pg. 2 Monday, November 1 11:50 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Stevens (Sheila) 2:00 S-230 Senator Packwood used S-230 to meet w/various Senators SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of Oct. 31-Nov. 6, 1993 Pg. 3 Tuesday, November 2 9:30 S-230 Senator Packwood used S-230 to meet w/various Senators 9:00 S-301 Economic Policy Task Force mtg. (Jude Wanniski will be the guest.) 12:15 S-230 mtg. w/GOP Ranking Members & Leadership 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Ann Novick w/50th Anniversary of World War II Committee (Darren) 4:00 S-230 DROP BY - Whit, Dennis, & Jon Lynn mtg. w/Eric Schmertz SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of Oct. 31-Nov. 6, 1993 Pg. 4 Wednesday, November 3 8:20 S-230 "Imus in the Morning" (Clarkson) 8:30 S-230 breakfast w/VP Quayle and other Senators 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - open session - Sec'y Bentsen 10:15-10:45 White House, Oval Office presentation of NAFTA legislation by President Clinton 12:00 Capitol Hill Club, Room 3 & 4, 3rd Floor luncheon mtg. w/National Issues Group 1:00 S-230 mtg. w/Republican Senators re: crime bill 2:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senator Mitchell & Speaker of the Swedish Parliament, Mrs. Troedsson (Mira) 3:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Myron & Suzy Goldstein from Leawood (Marcie) 3:15 S-230 mtg. w/Rand Araskog, Chairman of ITT (Sheila) 5:20 S-230 interview f/Bob Grant Show in NY (Clarkson) anytime between 6:00-7:30 Park Hyatt, Ballroom SPEAK - Roundtable Policy Committee SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of Oct. 31-Nov. 6, 1993 Pg. 5 Thursday, November 4 NOTE: Dave Topliker w/Lawrence Journal World will be following you throughout the day. 8:30 S-230 NAFTA breakfast meeting 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - open session - Leon Panetta 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Alan Gerry, Chairman and CEO of Cablevision Industries (CVI) (David W.) 11:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Cong. Ramstad's staff; w/Brent Cornelius, intern w/Cong. Kyl; & w/Angie Oaks f/Chapel Hill, NC (Ron); & w/Wes & D.J. Lindholm from Wichita (Marcie); & w/Hal Furman, GOP Senate Candidate in Nevada (Kerry) 1:00 S-230 mtg. w/Jack Stein (Randy) 2:00 Capital Hilton, Federal Room SPEAK - National Soft Drink Association 3:30 S-230 interview on health care w/Katherine Pegram w/WIBW-TV (Clarkson) 3:35 S-230 brief hello w/Kurt Anderson, new Kansas AP Reporter (Clarkson) 4:30 S-230 mtg. w/Steve Zirnkilton, Senate candidate from Maine & Joe Fogg (Jo-Anne) 5:30 S-230 mtg. w/Jack Ransom (Jo-Anne) 6:00-9:00 Cafe Berlin, 322 Mass. Ave, NE fundraiser for Steve Gunderson SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of Oct. 31-Nov. 6, 1993 Pg. 6 Friday, November 5 10:30 a.m. lv. The Capitol 10:50 a.m. ar. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight Support 10:55 a.m. lv. Washington, D.C. 12:13 a.m. ar. Cincinnati, Ohio, met by Senator Stanley J. Aronoff, President, Ohio Senate; Jack Schiff, Cincinnati Honorary Chairman; Mr. West Shell, Event Co-Chairman; & Mr. Bill Keating, event Co-Chairman SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 2:25 p.m. lv. Cincinnati 3:20 p.m. ar. Battle Creek, Michigan, met by Cong. Nick Smith SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 6:45 p.m. lv. Battle Creek 8:15 p.m. ar. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight Support, met by Colin 8:30 p.m. ar. S-207 The Capitol 8:30-9:00 attend coffee/dessert portion of CaP CURE dinner (event runs from 7:00-9:00 p.m.) 9:00 p.m. lv. Capitol 9:20 p.m. ar. residence SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of Oct. 31-Nov. 6, 1993 Pg. 7 Saturday, November 6 10:35 a.m. lv. residence via Colin 10:55 a.m. ar. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight Support 11:00 a.m. lv. Washington D.C. 11:30 a.m. ar. Richmond, Virginia, met by senior executive of Time Warner and Representative from FORTUNE SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 2:00 p.m. lv. Richmond 3:00 p.m. ar. Peoria, Illinois, met by Tom Dean, Caterpillar Co. SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 4:15 p.m. lv. Peoria 6:15 p.m. ar. Lexington, Kentucky, met by Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gable (Kentucky GOP Chairman) SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 8:50 p.m. lv. Lexington 10:00 p.m. ar. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight Support, met by Colin BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 04'93 15:49 No.009 P.02 Fri, Nov 5 FINAL 11/4/93 SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE -- FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1993 10:30 AM Lv. Capitol 10:50 AM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/419-8440 10:55 AM Lv. Washington AIRCRAFT: Citation II TAIL NO.: N 511 WS CO-OWNER: H.C. "Buck" Niehoff 513/621-3394 SEATS: 8 PILOT: Scott Durkee CO-PILOT: Gary Hebbard 513/321-7142 MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Buck Niehoff FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 18 mins CONTACT: Helene Apkee Cin-Air, Inc. 513/721-2745 12:13 PM Ar. Cincinnati, Ohio Lunken Field Cin-Air 513/321-7142 NOTE: Mike Glassner will meet you in Cincinnati (Lvs. KCI at 7:05 AM on DL 712, Ar. Cincinnati 9:32 AM) MET BY: Senator Stanley J. Aronoff, President, Ohio Senate Senator Richard H. Finan, President pro Tem, Ohio Senate Jack Schiff, Cincinnati Honorary Chairman Mr. West Shell, Event Co-Chairman Mr. Bill Keating, Event Co-Chairman 12:15 PM Lv. Lunken Field DRIVE TIME: 20 minutes BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 04'93 15:49 No.009 P.03 PAGE TWO Friday, November 5 12:35 PM Ar. Albert Sabin Convention Center 525 Elm Street (Manager: John L. Vetter) 513/352-3750 12:35 PM-2:00 PM ATTEND/SPEAK - FUNDRAISING LUNCHEON FOR OHIO REPUBLICAN SENATE CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE (Doors open at 11:30 AM) CONTACT: Mary Williams 614/466-7926 614/644-5208 (FAX) CROWD SIZE: 750 PRESS: OPEN FORMAT: 75 ROUNDS OF 10 @ $2500 per table PODIUM & MIKE AT HEAD TABLE RISERS FOR PRESS STEERING COMMITTEE: Jack Schiff, Honorary Chairman Senator Stan Aronoff, Senate President Senator Richard Finan, Pres. Pro Tem West Shell, Event Co-Chair Bill Keating, event Co-Chair Buck Niehoff, Event Co-Chair HEAD TABLE: Senator Dole Congressman Rob Portman (TENTATIVE -- may have votes in D.C.) Lt. Governor Mike DeWine Secretary of State Bob Taft Mr. Jack Schiff Mr. Bill Keating Mr. Buck Niehoff Mr. West Shell Senator Barry Levey Senator Karen Gillmor (Paul's wife) Senator Gnee Watts, Asst. Pres pro Tem Senator Betty Montgomery Senator Roy Ray, Majority Whip Senator Dick Shafrath Bob Bennett, GOP Chairman Eugene Ruehlman, Hamilton Co. GOP Chair Ambassador Ken Blackwell BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 04'93 15:50 No.009 P.04 PAGE THREE Friday, November 5 PROGRAM: 12:35 Senator Dole arrives and Head Table is seated 12:40 Bill Keating takes mic and introduces Senator Finan 12:47 Intro Senator Ray -- Bill Keating 12:50 Pledge - Senator Ray 12:52 Intro Senator Watts - Bill Keating 12:55 Intro Senator Aronoff - Sen. Watts 12:57 Intro Head Table - Senator Aronoff 1:00 Intro Senator Dole - Bill Keating 1:03-1:20 REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 1:20-1:30 Q & A (Time permitting) 1:30 PROCEED TO ROOM 301 behind head table 1:30-1:45 PRESS AVAILABILITY 2:00 PM Lv. Sabin Convention Center 2:20 PM Ar. Lunken Field Cin-Air 513/321-7142 2:25 PM Lv. Cincinnati FLIGHT TIME: 55 minutes MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner 3:20 PM Ar. Battle Creek, Michigan Kal-AERO (New FBO on South side of field) 616/969-8431 or 800/525-2376 MET BY: Congressman Nick Smith and driver DRIVE TIME: 10 minutes BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 04'93 15:50 No.009 P.05 PAGE FOUR Friday, November 5 3:30 PM Ar. Federal Center (Former Percy Jones Hospital) (Now a National Historic Site) MET BY: State Senator Joe Schwarz Kellogg Foundation President Russ Mawby Phil Stewart, Public Affairs Ofcr., Federal Center (tour guide) PROCEED TO BLUE ROOM 3:32 PM PHOTO with commanding officers of Federal Center (Colonel Harris, USAF; Col. Simpson, USMC; Capt. Hempson, USN and GSA Chief) 3:35 PM-3:55 PM TOUR FEDERAL CENTER (Tour to include visit to Building I, 10th Floor, Room 5, Officers' Orthopaedic Ward, where it is believed Senator Dole was hospitalized) CONTACT: Phil Stewart Public Affairs Officer 616/961-7019/7017 TOUR GROUP: Senator Dole, Congressman Smith, Phil Stewart, Public Affairs Officer 4:00 PM PHOTO OP: George Deerwester (Senator Dole was his Platoon Leader) Jack Curtis (was a patient at Percy Jones at same time as Senator - 616/965-5349) 4:02 PM Lv. Federal Center DRIVE TIME: 5-10 minutes 4:10 PM Ar. Battle Creek Stouffer Hotel Jackson Street Entrance 616/963-7050 PROCEED TO MILLER ROOM BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 04'93 15:50 No.009 P.06 PAGE FIVE Friday, November 5 4:15 PM-6:30 PM ATTEND/SPEAK - 59TH BIRTHDAY PARTY FUNDRAISER FOR CONGRESSMAN NICK SMITH CONTACT: Bethany Urbaniak 517/764-7121 517/764-4807 (FAX) Mary Douglass 616/456-9022, 517/783-3012 or 517/543-0055 517/543-7116 (FAX) 4:15 PM-5:05 PM SPONSORS RECEPTION CROWD SIZE: 50 @ $500 per couple PROGRAM: 4:20 Brief Remarks - Nick Smith 4:25 REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 4:30 PM PROCEED TO LIBRARY, OFF OF MAIN LOBBY 4:30 PM-4:35 PM LIVE INTERVIEW "NEWSWEEK ON AIR" RADIO SHOW Co-hosts: Louise Schiavone (AP) and Howard Fineman CLARKSON TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS 4:35 Return to Reception (Miller Room) 4:35 Photo session with sponsors 5:05 Congressman Smith proceeds to Ballroom to welcome guests; Senator Dole remains to conclude photo session - and press conference will follow in the same room. Meanwhile, dinner service begins in Ballroom. 5:15 Congressman Smith re-joins Senator Dole in Miller Room 5:15 PM PROCEED TO LIBRARY OFF MAIN LOBBY 5:15 PM-5:30 PM PRESS CONFERENCE BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 04'93 15:51 No.009 P.07 PAGE SIX Friday, November 5 5:35 PM PROCEED TO BALLROOM FOR DINNER CROWD SIZE: 300 @ $500 per person for sponsors $50 per person for others FORMAT: FULL PODIUM WITH MIKE PRESS: OPEN (For Senator's remarks only) PROGRAM: 5:35-5:45 Guests continue meal service 5:45 Ballroom is opened for dessert-only guests (100 @ $15/person) 5:50 Elizabeth Smith (Nick's daughter) leads group in singing "Happy Birthday," birthday cakes are cut 5:55 Intro Senator Dole - Congressman Smith 6:00-6:20 KEYNOTE ADDRESS - SENATOR DOLE 6:20 Q & A 6:30 Senator Dole departs Stouffer Hotel 6:30 PM Lv. Stouffer Hotel DRIVE TIME: 10 minutes 6:40 PM Ar. Kal-AERO 616/969-8431 6:45 PM Lv. Battle Creek FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 30 mins MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 04'93 15:51 No.009 P.08 PAGE SEVEN Friday, November 5 8:15 PM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/419-8440 MET BY: Colin 8:30 PM Ar. S-207 The Capitol 8:30 PM-9:00 PM ATTEND COFFEE/DESSERT PORTION OF CaP CURE DINNER (Prostate Cancer Group) (Event runs 7:00-9:00 PM) 9:00 PM Lv. Capitol 9:20 PM Ar. residence BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 04'93 15:52 No.009 P.09 Nov 6, 1993 FINAL 11/4/93 NOTE: SOMETIME OVER THE WEEKEND, CONGRESSMAN DICK ZIMMER WOULD LIKE YOU TO CALL HIM TO DISCUSS NEW JERSEY SENATE RACE. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED MEMO. Congressman Zimmer: 908/782-0354 SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE -- SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6 10:35 AM Lv. residence 10:55 AM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/419-8440 11:00 AM Lv. Washington AIRCRAFT: Coastal Corp. Sabreliner TAIL NO.: N 921 CC PILOT: Mark Tron CO-PILOT: (TBD) MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner CONTACT: Lucy Harris 713/877-6760 800/788-2500 713/877-7260 (FAX) FLIGHT TIME: 30 minutes 11:30 AM Ar. Richmond, Virginia Dominion Aviation Service 804/271-7793 MET BY: Senior executive of Time Warner and Representative from FORTUNE 11:35 AM Lv. Richmond Airport DRIVE TIME: 20 minutes 11:55 AM Ar. Jefferson Hotel 804/788-8000 PROCEED TO BALLROOM BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 04'93 15:52 No.009 P.10 PAGE TWO Saturday, November 6 12:00 PM-1:30 PM ATTEND FORTUNE 500 FORUM CONTACTS: Lisa Colgate 212/522-5462 John Needham, Event Director 212/522-3730 Ted Lowen, Program Director 212/522-1195 212/522-1383 (FAX) 804/788-8000, Ext. 7706 (From Nov. 2) CROWD SIZE: 350-400, including 150 Chairmen, Presidents, and CEO's of Fortune 500 companies HEAD TABLE: Senator Dole, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald K. Brack - Chairman & Ceo - Time Inc., Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carpenter - Chmn & CEO - Kidder Peabody, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Loeb - Managing Editor - FORTUNE PROGRAM: 12:00 PM-12:15 PM PRESS AVAILABILITY 12:15 PM Lunch is served 12:55 PM Intro Senator Dole - Reginald K. "Reg" Brack, Chairman & CEO, Time Inc. 1:00 PM-1:20 PM REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 1:20 PM-1:30 PM Q & A 1:30 PM Lv. Jefferson Hotel 1:50 PM Ar. Richmond Airport Dominion Aviation Service 804/271-7793 BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 04'93 15:52 No.009 P.11 PAGE THREE Saturday, November 6 2:00 PM Lv. Richmond AIRCRAFT: Coastal Sabreliner FLIGHT TIME: 2 hours TIME CHANGE: -1 hour 3:00 PM Ar. Peoria, Illinois Greater Peoria Regional Airport Byerly Aviation 309/697-6300 MET BY: Rita Castle, Caterpillar Co. (Michel volunteer) DRIVE TIME: 10-15 mins 3:15 PM Ar. Holiday Inn City Centre 309/674-2500 PROCEED TO SALON C, LOWER LEVEL 3:20 PM-3:55 PM ATTEND/SPEAK - "EXPO5" REPUBLICAN CONFERENCE (GENERAL SESSION) (Congressman Bob Michel annual event) CROWD SIZE: 400-500 CONTACT: Steve Brubaker or Mary Alice Erickson 309/676-0018 309/676-8002 (FAX) PRESS: OPEN FORMAT: HEAD TABLE WITH PODIUM & MIKE HEAD TABLE: Senator Dole, Congressman Michel PROGRAM: 3:15 PM Intro Senator Dole - Bob Michel 3:20 PM-3:40 PM REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 3:45 PM-4:00 PM PRESS AVAILABILITY BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 04'93 15:53 No.009 P.12 PAGE FOUR Saturday, November 6 4:00 PM Lv. Holiday Inn 4:10 PM Ar. Byerly Aviation 309/697-6300 4:15 PM Lv. Peoria AIRCRAFT: Coastal Sabreliner FLIGHT TIME: 1 hour TIME CHANGE: +1 hour 6:15 PM Ar. Lexington, Kentucky Signature Flight Support (Formerly Southern Jet Management) 606/255-7724 MET BY: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gable (Kentucky GOP Chairman) DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 6:30 PM Ar. Marriott Griffin Gate Hotel 606/231-5100 PROCEED TO LANE'S INN ROOM MET BY: Senator Mitch McConnell, Congressman Hal Rogers (CD 5), Congressman Jim Bunning (CD 4) 6:30 PM-6:45 PM PRESS CONFERENCE Participants: Senator Dole (brief statement, followed by Q&A), Senator McConnell, Congressman Rogers, Congressman Bunning, Chairman Bob Gable, State Senator John Rogers (DFP '88 Chairman) 6:50 PM PROCEED TO SALON E/G 6:50 PM-8:30 PM ATTEND/SPEAK - FUNDRAISING EVENT FOR REPUBLICAN PARTY OF KENTUCKY CONTACT: Terry Carmack 502/875-5130 502/223-5625 (FAX) BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 04'93 15:53 No.009 P.13 PAGE FIVE Saturday, November 6 6:50 PM Ar. Salon E/G and ATTEND GOP AUTUMN AUCTION (Event in progress from 5:00 PM--5:00-6:00 Silent Auction, 6:00-7:30 Live Auction) CROWD SIZE: 200 @ $20 per person (Including all County Chairs and Co-Chairs, and Republican Womens' Club Presidents) PRESS: OPEN FORMAT: PODIUM AND MIC EVENT CHAIRMAN: Dr. Frank Allara PROGRAM: 6:55 PM Unlimited Partners will be auctioned off. (Highest bidder invited to platform for Senator Dole to autograph) Auctioneer: State Rep. Danny Ford 7:00 PM Intro Senator McConnell - Bob Gable 7:01 PM Intro Senator Dole - Sen. McConnell 7:04 PM-7:20 PM REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 7:20 PM PROCEED TO LANE'S INN ROOM 7:20 PM-7:35 PM INTERVIEW WITH SUE WYLIE Producer/Host of "Your Government" WLEX-TV CONTACT: Sue Wylie 606/255-4404 7:35 PM PROCEED TO SALON D FOR GOLD CLUB DINNER MET BY: Nelda Barton-Collings, Nat'l Committeewoman Mike Duncan, National Committeeman EVENT CHAIRS: Nelda Barton-Collings, Mike Duncan CROWD SIZE: 100 @ $500 per person BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 04'93 15:53 No.009 P.14 PAGE SIX Saturday, November 6 PRESS: CLOSED FORMAT: FULL PODIUM & MIC PROGRAM: 7:36 PM-7:46 PM PHOTO OPPORTUNITY (60 clicks) 7:46 PM Sen. McConnell escorts Senator Dole to Platform and introduces him 7:50 PM-8:10 PM REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 8:10 PM-8:25 PM Q&A 8:30 PM Lv. Marriott Accompanied by: Neldon Barton-Collings, Mike Duncan 8:45 PM Ar. Signature Flight Support 606/255-7724 8:50 PM Lv. Lexington AIRCRAFT: Coastal Sabreliner FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 10 mins 10:00 PM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/419-8440 MET BY: Colin BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 04'93 15:54 No.009 P.15 MEMORANDUM NOVEMBER 4, 1993 TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: JO-ANNE SUBJ: NEW JERSEY SENATE -- DICK ZIMMER PHONE-CALL REQUEST Congressman Zimmer is, of course, aware of your long-standing relationship with Chuck Haytaian and Marge Roukema. His purpose in wanting to talk to you could be as simple as having you affirm you will remain neutral in the Primary. As you of course know, Christine Whitman's victory Tuesday night sheds a new bright light on this race. Lautenberg is extremely vulnerable (see attached), and the race remains a huge priority for the Senatorial Committee. Potential candidates: Dick Zimmer, Chuck Haytaian, Marge Roukema and State Senator Bill Gormley (ran for Governor in 1989). Haytaian is on the verge of announcing his candidacy, with the formation of an exploratory committee next week. Some feel that conservative pro-life Haytaian could win the Primary, but not a General election in this liberal, ultimate suburban state. Roukema is sending a representative to the Federal Issues Seminar the NRSC is hosting next week for candidates, but has not tipped her hand on whether or not she'll run. (My personal guess is that she will -- she is very anxious for you to do a fundraiser for her before the end of this year, as it's easier to raise money now for a re-election campaign than later for a Senate Primary.) Gormley is taking a very serious look at the race, particularly now that Whitman has won. There are unconfirmed rumors that Gormley participated in Florio's strategy meetings. He is from Atlantic County, Florio's neighboring county, and although the Atlantic County GOP endorsed Whitman, they sat on their hands and did nothing to help her -- because they basically are Florio supporters. Zimmer is viewed privately by the NRSC as the best candidate. However, his decision will all come down to money. Zimmer has considered two scenarios under which he feels he could win: (1) If Whitman won, perhaps he'd need "only" $5 million, in which case he would announce -- but he is fearful that $5 mil may not be enough to finance the race; or (2) He'd run if he thought he could raise the $7-$8 million he believes it will take to finance the campaign -- but he doesn't see yet how he reaches that lofty goal. BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 04'93 15:54 No.009 P.16 10/13/93 Revised; 03:58 PM NEW JERSEY Lautenberg RECRUITMENT STATUS: Probable: Congressman Dick Zimmer Possible: Chuck Haytaian, Speaker of the House; Congresswoman Marge Roukema Mentioned: Bill Gormley, State Senator; Cary Edwards, former Attorney General UPDATE: Frank Lautenberg is perennially weak politically, though perhaps never as weak as he is now. He has been successful because of his personal money, his strong campaigns (which included Clinton strategist James Carville as campaign manager in 1988) and missteps by both his '82 and '88 GOP opponents. The political situation in New Jersey is relatively good for the GOP, with recent anti-Democrat sentiments having led to a veto-proof GOP legislature. With the announcement by former governor Tom Kean that he will not run, Congressman Dick Zimmer is our most likely candidate. State Assembly Speaker Chuck Haytaian has also indicated his interest in a campaign and there will probably be others "testing the waters" since Kean has removed himself from consideration, including Congresswoman Marge Roukema. LATEST POLLING INFORMATION: Public Media Research: 10/93 Name ID: Lautenberg: Aware - 92%, Favorable - 34%, Unfavorable: 17% Zimmer: Aware - 45%, Favorable - 16%, Unfavorable - 4% Roukema: Aware - 47%, Favorable - 18%, Unfavorable - 3% Gormley: Aware - 38%, Favorable - 12%, Unfavorable - 5% Haytaian: Aware: 40%, Favorable - 16%, Unfavorable - 6% Re-elect Job Performance Ballot Re-elect 25% Ex/Good 43% Lautenberg: 39% Lautenberg: 37% Con. Another 49% Fair/Poor 52% Zimmer: 23% Roukema: 21% Replace 18% Lautenberg: 40% Lautenberg: 41% Haytaian: 20% Gormley: 19% ELECTION INFORMATION: Candidate Raised 6/93 Spent 6/93 PAC $ COH 6/93 Debt Lautenberg $1,368,055 $241,890 $365,445 $2,061,322 3,489,712 Roukema $66,280 $76,268 $45,500 $15,603 18,332 Zimmer $181,732 $97,075 $41,050 $79,702 43,844 File Date Primary Date Coord. Limit April 14 June 7 $718,670 *note: Debt is from 1982 race 11/10/93 17:26 WICHITA --> SENATOR DOLE SH -- NO.360 P01 313162648446 Nov 11-12 FINAL 11/10/93 SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE -- NOVEMBER 11-12, 1993 Thursday, November 11 2:50 PM Lv. office or residence 3:10 PM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/419-8440 3:15 PM Lv. Washington AIRCRAFT: Challenger OWNER: EDS TAIL NO.: N 417 CL SEATS: 10 PILOT: Scott Miller CO-PILOT: Kay Andrews FLIGHT TIME: 3 hrs TIME CHANGE: -1 hour MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Senator Kassebaum, John Lacopo - EDS Govt. Affairs, Sandy Cook - EDS Govt. Affairs, Bill Sweeney - EDS Govt. Affairs CONTACT: Scott Miller EDS Aviation Dept. 214/392-8000 5:15 PM Ar. Dallas, Texas Love Field EDS Hangar D 214/392-8000 MET BY: Sano Blocker EDS Govt. Affairs (Lincoln Town Car) Mike Glassner will meet you in Dallas (Lvs. K.C. 1:34 on AA 1715, Ar. DFW 3:11 DRIVE TIME: 20-25 minutes 11/10/93 17:26 WICHITA --> SENATOR DOLE SH -- NO.360 P02 PAGE TWO Thursday, November 11 5:40 PM Ar. Loews Anatole Hotel 214/748-1200 (SUITE HAS BEEN RESERVED FOR FRESHENING-UP) 5:45 PM PROCEED TO PEACOCK TERRACE 5:45 PM-8:00 PM ATTEND/SPEAK - FUNDRAISER FOR KAY BAILEY HUTCHISON CONTACT: Amy Springer 214/526-2600 214/526-3421 (FAX) 5:45 PM-6:15 PM ATTEND PRIVATE RECEPTION FOR CO-CHAIRMEN CROWD SIZE: 45 Co-Chairs and spouses (Each raised $20,000 - List attached) FORMAT: Mix and Mingle Candid photos only No remarks 6:15 PM PROCEED TO CHANTILLY BALLROOM (Senators Gramm and Coverdell arrive at this time) 6:15 PM-6:45 PM ATTEND GENERAL RECEPTION CROWD SIZE: 500 FORMAT: Mix and Mingle Candid photos only No remarks 6:45 PM PROCEED TO BALLROOM ATTEND DINNER - CROWD SIZE 600-800 7:00 PM HEAD TABLE IS INTRODUCED: 11/10/93 17:27 WICHITA --> SENATOR DOLE SH-- NO.360 P03 PAGE THREE Thursday, November 11 HEAD TABLE: Senator Dole, Senator Kassebaum, Senator Gramm, Senator Coverdell, Senator Hutchison, Ray and Nancy Ann Hunt (Dinner chairs), Roger Staubach (Emcee), Pat and Katie Oxford - Hutchison Campaign, Bob and Beth Holland - Hutchison Campaign, Fred and Barbara Meyer - Texas GOP Chairman, Dan and Gail Cook - Hutchison Finance Chair (Dallas), Yolanda and J. Guadalupe Garcia - Anthem singer, ??? - Individual offering Invocation 7:05 PM Welcoming Remarks - Roger Staubach 7:10 PM Invocation - ??? 7:15 PM National Anthem - Yolanda Garcia 7:20 PM Roger Staubach introduces Ray Hunt, Dinner Chairman 7:22 PM Remarks - Ray Hunt 7:27 PM INTRO SENATOR DOLE - RAY HUNT 7:30 PM-7:50 PM REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 7:50 PM Dinner is served (Senator Dole leaves; Rest of program continues after meal service at 8:40, concluding at 9:35) 8:00 PM Lv. Loews Anatole DRIVE TIME: 20-25 mins 8:25 PM Ar. Love Field City Jet 800/248-4538 214/956-1000 11/10/93 17:27 WICHITA --> SENATOR DOLE SH-- NO.360 P04 PAGE FOUR Thursday, November 11 8:30 PM Lv. Dallas AIRCRAFT: Coastal Sabreliner TAIL NO.: N 750 CC MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner FLIGHT TIME: 45 minutes MEAL SERVICE: Sandwich tray 9:15 PM Ar. Houston Hobby Airport Coastal Aviation Department 8421 Nelms Road 713/877-6760 MET BY: Mark Skinner 713/681-6121 (Ofc.) 713/681-3667 (FAX) 713/862-4436 (Home) 9:20 PM Lv. Hobby Airport DRIVE TIME: 30 mins 9:50 PM Ar. Lancaster Hotel 701 Texas Avenue 713/228-9500 713/223-4528 (FAX) RON: Lancaster Hotel (Mark Skinner will pre-register you and will give you room keys on arrival at airport) 11/10/93 17:27 WICHITA --> SENATOR DOLE SH-- NO.360 P05 PAGE FIVE Friday, November 12 8:00 AM-9:15 AM CAMPAIGN AMERICA FUNDRAISING BREAKFAST Lancaster Hotel - Berkshire Room HOSTS: Brown and Root CROWD SIZE: 12 @ $5,000 per person CONTACT: Linda Koenig 713/676-5149 713/676-8695 (FAX) 9:15 AM Lv. Lancaster Hotel 9:45 AM Ar. Houston - Hobby Airport Coastal Aviation Department 8421 Nelms Road 713/877-6760 9:50 PM Lv. Houston AIRCRAFT: Coastal Corp. Sabreliner TAIL NO.: N 750 CC FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs 45 mins TIME CHANGE: +1 hour MANIFEST: Senator Dole 1:35 PM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Aviation 703/419-8440 MET BY: Colin 2:00 PM Ar. Capitol 11/10/93 17:28 WICHITA --> SENATOR DOLE SH-- NO.360 P06 CAMPAIGN AMERICA HOUSTON, TEXAS NOVEMBER, 12 1993 NAME COMPANY AMOUNT Joe B. Allen Vinson & Elkins $5,000 SENATOR DOLE USS Mike Glassner Campaign America Staff George Gleason Haliburton Co. 5,000 Joe Hillings Enron Corp. 5,000 Forrest Hoglund Enron Corp. 5,000 Charles Hurwitz MAXXAM, Inc. 5,000 Tommy Knight (HOST) Brown & Root 5,000 Linda Koenig Brown & Root Staff Bob Mosbacher, Sr. Mosbacher Energy Company 5,000 in '94 Bill Phelps American General Insurance 5,000 Frank Powell Coastal Corp. 5,000 Ray Snokhous Houstion Industries 5,000 Ed Walker Offshore Pipeline, Inc. 5,000 Oscar Wyatt Coastal Corp. 5,000 TOTAL $60,000 November 12, 1993 FINAL YC SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 7-13, 1993 Pg. 1 Sunday, November 7 8:45 a.m. CBS car will pick you up at Watergate 10:30 a.m. CBS Studio, LIVE -- Face the Nation 2020 M St, NW ??? p.m. Watergate -- interview w/People Magazine (Clarkson) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 7-13, 1993 Pg. 2 Monday, November 8 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Kerry Patrick from Leawood, KS (Jo-Anne) 12:30 Madison Bldg, Montpelier Room SPEAK - James Madison Council (luncheon from 12:00 NOON - 2:00 p.m.) 1:30 SD-215 FIN COMM - open session - U.S.-Japan trade negotiations 2:00 Rayburn B310 videotape w/Cong. Barbara Vucanovich for breast & prostate cancer public education fair (Clarkson) 2:45 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Danforth & Bob Kerrey re: entitlement reform & tax policy 5:00 SH-109 bipartisan mtg. w/Finance Committee Members re: health care (Sheila) 5:45 S-221 mtg. w/Senator Mitchell 7:00 U.S. Navy Memorial Center RECEIVE AWARD from Association for Service Disabled Veterans (ASDV) (Darren) 701 PA Ave. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 7-13, 1993 Pg.3 Tuesday, November 3 11:15 S-230 PHOTO w/8 Kansas "Close Up" students (Ron); & w/Christie Allen, NCAA woman of the year finalist & family (Marcie) 11:30 S-224 mtg. w/Boutros Boutros-Ghali, UN Secretary-General, Senator Mitchell, & other Senators (Mira) 12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Packwood 12:15 S-230 mtg. w/GOP Ranking Members & Leadership 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Bob O'Dell (Jo-Anne) 9:00 S-230 mtg. w/gun group - Tom K., Jim Baker from NRA, & others & Senates Stevens, Craig, Hatch, & Smith (Whit) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 7-13, 1993 Pg. 4 Wednesday, November 10 8:00-10:00 S-207 ??? DROP BY - Kansas State Univeristy breakfast (David W.) 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - open session - Uruguay Round 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. Joel McKena, President of Bethany College (David W.) 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Douglas Coe (Whit) 12:00 Statuary Hall luncheon to commemorate the Dedication of the Vietnam Women's Memorial (Darren) between 12:00-1:00 Phoenix Park Hotel, Powerscourt Restaurant DROP BY - Electronic Industries Association luncheon re: NAFTA 1:45-2:00 Senate Radio/TV Gallery LIVE - interview w/KMOX, St. Louis (Kristin) 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. Bill Frist, Tennessee Senate Candidate (Jo-Anne) 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Chuck Haytaian (Jo-Anne) 3:00 S-230 DROP BY - Dennis mtg. w/Syrel Foote w/Project Freedom 3:15 S-230 mtg. w/Jan Stoney (Jo-Anne) 3:30 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Dr. Dennis O'Leary, Pres. of Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations & Marty Gold 3:45 S-230 mtg. w/Commerce nominee Jeffrey Garten (Rolf) 4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Kate Zeuske (Jo-Anne) 4:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Stan Anderson and son, Bryan from Colorado (Ron) 4:45 S-230 video f/Senator Burns & Montana Telecommunications Advisory Council dinner (David W.) between 5:00-7:00 The Heritage Foundation, Lehrman Auditorium DROP BY - LIVE - radio broadcast appearance - "The Right Side" with Armstrong Williams (Kristin) 214 Mass. Ave, NE SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 7-13, 1993 Pg. 5 Thursday, November 11 RECESS -- Veterans Day 12:00 NOON lunch w/former Sec'y. Brady 2:50 p.m. lv. office or residence 3:10 p.m. ar. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight Support 3:15 p.m. lv. Washington 5:15 p.m. ar. Dallas, Texas, met by Sano Blocker, EDS Gov't Affairs SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 8:30 p.m. lv. Dallas 9:15 p.m. ar. Houston RON: Lancaster Hotel SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 7-13, 1993 Pg. 6 Friday, November 12 RECESS 9:50 a.m. lv. Houston 1:35 p.m. ar. Washington National Airport, Signature Aviation met by Colin 2:00 p.m. ar. The Capitol 2:30 S-230 phonecall from Colby, Kansas -- inauguration of cellular service (request of Rep. Jim Morrison) (David W.) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 7-13, 1993 Pg. 7 Saturday, November 13 10:00 a.m. Congressional Funeral Home -- funeral for Ernie Petnaurd, former headwaiter at House Restaurant November 12, 1993 FINAL yc SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 14-20, 1993 Pg. 1 Sunday, November 14 6:00-6:15 Washington D.C. Renaissance Hotel, 999 9th St., N.W., Renaissance East Salon SPEAK - Turnaround Management Association 6:30-7:30 Four Seasons Dunbarton Rm. reception w/CEOs of every Portland Cement manuf. in North America (Mark) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 14-20, 1993 Pg. 2 Monday, November 15 RECESS 10:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Packwood 10:15 a.m. lv. Capitol via Colin 10:25 a.m. ar. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight Support 10:30 a.m. lv. Washington 11:20 a.m. ar. Teterboro, New Jersey 11:25 a.m. lv. Teterboro 12:10 a.m. ar. 21 Club met by Mark Miller SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 2:35 p.m. lv. Teterboro 3:25 p.m. ar. Boston, Mass., met by Herb Collins SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 7:30 p.m. lv. Boston 9:05 p.m. ar. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight Support, met by Colin SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 14-20, 1993 Pg. 3 Tuesday, November 16 SENATE RECONVENES 8:30 S-230 Hispanic breakfast (Nina) 9:45 SD-628 BRIEF REMARKS - Conference on Int'l Issues of Disability (Alec) 10:00 S-230 coffee f/Kansas Bar Association (Marcie) 11:00 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Bill Grant of Seafield Capitol (KC, KS) & Bert Hood, Chairman & CEO of Home Office Reference Laboratory (Lenexa) 11:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Gene Bracewell, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Shriners Hospital (Marcie) 11:45 S-230 mtg. w/Cong. Bill Paxon & Renee Davidson, candidate from New York 12:15 S-230 mtg. w/GOP Ranking Members & Leadership 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 2:30 SC-6 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Executive Committee of National Governors' Association 3:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senator Mitchell & Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin (Randy) 3:15-4:00 S-224 Leadership coffee for PM Rabin hosted by you & Senator Mitchell (Randy) 4:00 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Nat'l Association of Life Underwriters for Kansas 5:15 S-221 mtg. w/Senator Mitchell re: scheduling 7:00 Columbus Club, Union Station SPEAK - Sine Die Dinner (Jo-Anne) (You speak at 8:00) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 14-20, 1993 Pg. 4 Wednesday, November 17 11:30 SD-215 FIN COMM - markup - health & welfare provisions 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Former Senator Bill Brock 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/GOP Leadership 11:00 S-230 accept Americanism Award for Air Force Sergeants Association (Darren) 11:30 S-230 PHOTO & brief "news conference" w/9 students f/Shawnee Mission North High School (Clarkson) 12:30 S-120 Steering Committee luncheon 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Tim Moyer, candidate from Washington State (Jo-Anne) 2:30 S-230 DROP BY - Darren mtg. w/Gen. Clausen of Clausen Power Blade f/McPherson 3:00 S-230 brief mtg. w/Lewis Meltzer & Jorge Camil of Mexico (Rolf) 3:05 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Simpson, Packwood, & McConnell 6:00-8:00 Blair House reception to celebrate Secretary & Mrs. Bentsen's 50th wedding anniversary hosted by President and Mrs. Clinton (Mrs. Dole will attend.) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 14-20, 1993 Pg. 5 Thursday, November 18 10:00 S-230 DROP BY - Jon Lynn & Whit mtg. w/Hope Greene from Vermont (FCC Candidate) 10:30 Radio/TV Gallery Senator Nickles' press conference on health care 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/all GOP Senators re: NRSC (Jo-Anne) 11:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - NAFTA markup (Rolf) 12:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senator Mitchell, Elizabeth Greene, & Whit 12:30 Capitol Steps (TENTATIVE) PHOTO w/Senator Helms and other Senators re: Panthers Team 2:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Int'l Trade - witnesses on U.S. shipbuilding industry 2:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Ed "Frank" Carafa, w/10th Mtn. Division & Mary Jane McNair (Darren); & w/10 students & chaperons from Washburn Rural High School in Topeka (Ron) 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Woody Overton, new KC GSA Administrator & Bond Faulwell, top GSA career official (Marcie) 2:45 S-230 mtg. w/Admin. Atwood, Tom Dine, Rabbi Balkeny & Senator D'Amato (Randy) 3:00 S-230 brief mtg. w/Edward Janiszewski, Nat'l Legislative Director for the Military Order of the Purple Heart (Darren) 4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Deborah DeMoss (Randy); & w/12 students & chaperons from Hays, KS (Ron); & w/Gennady Vassiliev & Chris Bolton (Randy) 5:00 SH-109 Finance Committee members mtg Re: Health Care (members only) 7:00 S-207 DROP BY - SPEAK & RECEIVE AWARD - Nat'l Confederation of American Ethnic Groups, Inc. ??? S-230 mtg. w/Senator Craig re: guns ??? S-230 mtg. w/Senators Packwood, Gorton, Simpson SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 14-20, 1993 Pg. 6 Friday, November 19 8:10 Watergate or S-230 LIVE - "Imus in the Morning" (Clarkson) 9:35-9:45 S-230 phone interview w/local Atlanta talk show "The Sean Hannity Show" (Clarkson) 9:50 S-230 mtg. w/Republican Leadership 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - markup 10:00 S-230 DROP BY - Whit & Jon Lynn mtg. w/Joan Smith from Oregon, FCC Candidate 10:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Dr. Jackie Liebergott, President of Emerson College in Massachusetts, Dr. Greg Payne, Marilyn Zacharis, Peter Meade, & Dr. Ratzan (Kerry) 1:30 S-321 SURPRISE party & presentation ceremony for Officer Leon Munroe's retirement 5:00 S-230 mtg. w/GOP Leadership, Lee Rawls, Dieferdorfer 6:30 S-230 mtg. w/GOP Senators re: legislation prior to adjournment 6:30-10:00 116 Club, 234 3rd St, NE celebration w/Senator & Mrs. Stevens SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 14-20, 1993 Pg. 7 Saturday, November 20 SENATE IN SESSION 11:30 Senate TV/Radio Gallery DROP BY - Senator Brown's welfare reform press conference (Kristin) BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 12'93 11:38 No.005 P.03 PAGE TWO Monday, November 15 12:10 PM-1:40 PM ATTEND CAMPAIGN AMERICA FUNDRAISING LUNCHEON CROWD SIZE: 13 @ $5,000 per person ATTENDEES: Lewis M. Eisenberg, Co-Chairman, Granite Capital Stephen Boswell, Chairman, Boswell Engineering J. Tomilson Hill, McAndrews & Forbes Jeffrey Silverman, Pres. & CEO, Ply Gem Industries Dusty Rhodes, President, The National Review Simon Levin, Sr. Partner, Sills Cummis & Co. Larry Kudlow, Bear Stearns John Whitman (Christine Whitman's husband) Cliff Sobel, CEO, Bon-Art International Paul Profetta, Paul V. Profetta Assocs. Thomas E. Tuft, Partner, Goldman Sachs Michael Tarnapole, Sr. Managing Dir., Bear Stearns Norman Eig, Partner, Lazard Freres CONTACT: Lew Eisenberg (Secretary: Marie) 212/541-4060 1:45 PM Lv. Club 21 2:30 PM Ar. Teterboro Atlantic Aviation 210/288-1740 2:35 PM Lv. Teterboro MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Paul Redifer FLIGHT TIME: 50 minutes 3:25 PM Ar. Boston, Mass. Logan Airport Signature Flight Support 617/567-8010 MET BY: Herb Collins and 2 Boston Coach cars CONTACT: Boston Coach 617/387-7676 800/672-7676 BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 PAGE THREE Monday, November 1 3:30 PM Lv. Signature Flight Support DRIVE TIME: 30 minutes 4:00 PM Ar. Harvard Club One Federal Street 617/542-2070 4:00 PM-5:15 PM ATTEND FUNDRAISING RECEPTION FOR CONGRESSMAN PETER TORKILDSEN CROWD SIZE: 35 @ $1,000 per person FORMAT: Informal mix and mingle PRESS: CLOSED PROGRAM: Brief remarks and introduction of Senator Dole - Congressman Torkildsen REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE CONTACT: Steve Sutton, Chief of Staff 225-8020 Ken Lage, Torkildsen campaign 508/977-9600 5:15 PM Lv. Harvard Club DRIVE TIME: 5 minutes 5:20 PM Ar. Boston Harbor Hotel 70 Rowes Wharf 617/439-7000 or 800/752-7077 FAX: 617/330-9450 (Business Center) MET BY: ROYAL ROTH PROCEED TO HOLDING ROOM -- PRESIDENTIAL PARLOR SUITE -- FLOOR 16, ROOM 1608 (Same location as event -- event is in parlor portion of the suite; holding room in the bedroom portion.) BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 12'93 11:39 No.005 P.05 PAGE FOUR Monday, November 1, 1993 5:30 PM-7:15 PM ATTEND CAMPAIGN AMERICA FUNDRAISING RECEPTION CONTACTS: Herb Collins 617/439-0072 (O) 617/330-9065 (FAX) Christopher Casey (Event Contact) 617/439-7000 617/439-7000, X7206 (Security) Steve Meyers 617/962-7729 (Portable phone) 5:30 PM-6:00 PM ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION (Governor Bill Weld and State Treasurer Joe Malone will attend roundtable only, cannot stay for general reception) CROWD SIZE: 13 @ $5,000 per person (List will be furnished) FORMAT: Mix and Mingle Photo op PROGRAM: 6:30 Welcome and Introduction of Senator Dole - Herb Collins 6:40-7:00 REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 12'93 11:39 No.005 P.06 PAGE FIVE Monday, November 15 7:10 PM Lv. Boston Harbor Hotel VEHICLE: Boston Coach (Reserved for 7:00 PM, Guaranteed wait) DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 7:25 PM Ar. Logan Airport Signature Flight Support 617/567-8010 7:30 PM Lv. Boston FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 35 mins MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Royal Roth, Paul Redifer 9:05 PM Ar. Washington National Signature Flight Support 703/419-8440 MET BY: Colin November 29, 1993 FINAL yc SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 21-27, 1993 Pg. 1 Sunday, November 21 8:15 a.m. NBC car will pick you up at Watergate 9:00 a.m. LIVE - MEET THE PRESS (NBC Studio, 4001 Nebraska Avenue) 3:00-5:00 Sarah's Circle 2551 17th St, NW BRIEF REMARKS - high tea in honor of those who have supported Sarah's Circle (program from 3:20-4:05 p.m. -- you & Mrs. Dole to speak from 3:55-4:00 p.m.) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 21-27, 1993 Pg. 2 Monday, November 22 10:45 S-230 mtg. w/Rod Grams from Minnesota (Jo-Anne) 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Bob Bennie (Jo-Anne) 11:30 S-230 DROP BY - Jon Lynn mtg. w/Judge Mark L. Wolf 11:45 S-230 mtg. w/Judy Biviano 12:30 S-230 lunch w/Senator Rudman 2:30 S-230 receive "Friend of the Family Award" from the Christian Coalition, Marshall Whitman (Kerry) 3:00 S-224 coffee for Philippine President Fidel V. Ramos hosted by you & Senator Mitchell (Randy) 4:00 S-230 pre-recorded video f/Huck Boyd Institute (Greg) 5:30-7:30 S-207 reception congratulating Ed Mihalski, Republican Chief of Staff, Committee on Finance, on being named Director of Federal Affairs for Eli Lily & Co. (you are cohosting w/Senator Packwood) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 21-27, 1993 Pg. 3 Tuesday, November 23 9:15-10:15 White House, Cabinet Room bi-partisan House & Senate Leadership mtg. w/Pres. Clinton to discuss agenda for next session 11:00 S-230 CNN interview w/Judy Woodruff (Kristin) 11:10 S-230 CNN Inside Politics pre-tape interview (Kristin) 2:45 S-207 end of the session news conference (Clarkson) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 21-27, 1993 Pg. 4 Wednesday, November 24 Senate in session RON: D.C. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 21-27, 1993 Pg. 5 Thursday, November 25 9:00 a.m. wheels up from Washington National Airport, American Airline Terminal, via AA #233 11:59 a.m. ar. Miami -- taxi to The Seaview THANKSGIVING DAY -- in Florida SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 21-27, 1993 Pg. 6 Friday, November 26 in Florida SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 21-27, 1993 Pg. 7 Saturday, November 27 in Florida 7:00 p.m. dinner at Mark's Place (Jo-Anne has made reservations for seven.) BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 23'93 17:46 No.012 P.02 (whole page crossed out) Nov 25-29 SEMI-FINAL 11/23/03 SENATOR AND MRS. DOLE SCHEDULE -- NOVEMBER 25-29, 1993 Wednesday, November 24 9:45 AM Lv. Watergate residence 10:05 AM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/419-8440 10:10 AM Lv. Washington AIRCRAFT: ADM Falcon 50 TAIL NO.: N 244 AD FLIGHT TIME: 50 mins MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole, Roy Classen CONTACT: Claudia Madding 217/424-5515 (O) 217/428-1559 (H) Linda (Aviation Dept.) 217/424-5521 11:00 AM Ar. Raleigh-Durham airport Aero Services 919/840-2200 MET BY: Jim Johnston, Executive Director Triangle Chapter, American Red Cross DRIVE TIME: 30 minutes 11:30 AM Ar. Capital City Club 411 Fayetteville Street 919/832-5526 919/829-1721 (FAX) MET BY: Senator Lauch Faircloth Jonathan Hill, Faircloth staff SENATOR DOLE PROCEED TO GOVERNOR'S ROOM MRS. DOLE PROCEED TO (ROOM TO BE DETERMINED) 11:30 AM-11:50 AM MRS. DOLE PRESS AVAIL Handwritten note on page: Sen Dole did not leave until Thurs, Nov 25, commercially to Miami BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 23'93 17:47 No.012 P.03 PAGE TWO Wednesday, November 24 (continued): 11:50 AM MRS. DOLE PROCEEDS TO EAST WING FOR CHAPTER LUNCHEON 11:50 AM SENATOR DOLE REMAINS IN GOVERNOR'S ROOM FOR: 12:00 PM-1:30 PM PRIVATE LUNCHEON WITH 10-12 SUPPORTERS OF SENATOR LAUCH FAIRCLOTH (List to be provided) CONTACT: Celeste Cooke 202/224-3154 1:55 PM Lv. Capital City Club DRIVE TIME: 30 minutes 2:25 PM Ar. Raleigh-Durham Airport Aero Services 919/840-2200 2:30 PM Lv. Raleigh-Durham FLIGHT TIME: 35 mins MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole 3:05 PM Ar. Salisbury, North Carolina Rowan County Airport Hess Aviation 704/636-6649 PICK UP MRS. HANFORD 3:20 PM Lv. Salisbury FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 40 mins MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole, Mrs. Hanford 5:00 PM Ar. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida International Airport Ft. Lauderdale Jet Center 305/359-3200 MET BY: John and Bunny Hanford BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 23'93 17:47 No.012 P.04 PAGE THREE Wednesday, November 24 (continued): PROCEED TO FAMILY DINNER AT LOCAL RESTAURANT RON: The Seaview 305/866-4441 FAX: 305/866-1898 Thursday, November 25-Friday, November 15 PRIVATE Saturday, November 27 7:00 PM Dinner reservations for 7 made at Mark's for: Senator and Mrs. Dole, John and Bunny Hanford, Mrs. Hanford, Dwayne and Inez Andreas CONTACT: 305/893-6888 Sunday, November 28 PRIVATE Monday, November 29 2:55 PM Ar. Ft. Lauderdale International Airport Ft. Lauderdale Jet Center 305/359-3200 3:00 PM Lv. Ft. Lauderdale AIRCRAFT: Sabreliner 65 OWNER: Charter TAIL NO.: N 701 FW SEATS: 7 FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs 10 mins MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole, Mrs. Hanford CONTACT: Craig Ward AMR Combs 1-800-232-JETS Handwritten note on page: Dallas, TX #; 2:45 at airport to Savannah, Salis drop Winston; airport closest to Bal Harbor; not 30 min; lv Winston no later BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 23'93 17:47 No.012 P.05 PAGE FOUR Monday, November 29 (continued): 5:05 PM Ar. Winston-Salem, North Carolina Smith Reynolds Airport Piedmont Aviation 919/767-5562 MET BY: Former Governor Jim Martin Don Angell Team 100/Event organizer 919/712-0444 (O) 919/998-8166 (H) 5:15 PM Lv. Smith Reynolds Airport DRIVE TIME: 30 minutes NOTE: Don Angell has arranged for car and driver to take Mrs. Hanford and Mrs. Dole to Salisbury and return Mrs. Dole to the airport. 5:45 PM Ar. Bermuda Village Advance, North Carolina 919/998-6112 919/940-2140 (FAX) 6:00 PM-7:30 PM ATTEND RNC EVENT CROWD SIZE: 55 @ $5,000 per couple (Individuals from across the country who are affiliated with the American Health Care Association) HOSTS: Don Angell and Don Bedell VIP's in attendance: Former Governor Jim Martin, RNC Chairman Haley Barbour CONTACT: Henry Barbour 202/863-8720 703/241-5820 (Home - from Saturday) Haley Barbour 601/746-1969 (MS home, til Mon AM) BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 23'93 17:48 No.012 P.06 PAGE FIVE Monday, November 29 (continued): PROGRAM: 6:00 PM Reception 6:30 PM Roundtable Discussion 7:30 PM Dinner is served - Senator Dole departs NOTE: Haley Barbour will remain through dinner and return to Washington on later plane chartered by RNC. 7:30 PM Lv. Bermuda Village DRIVE TIME: 30 minutes 8:00 PM Ar. Smith Reynolds Airport Piedmont Aviation 919/767-5562 8:50 PM Lv. Winston Salem MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole FLIGHT TIME: 50 mins 9:35 PM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/419-8440 BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 29'93 11:56 No.001 P.02 Mon, Nov 29 REVISED FINAL SENATOR AND MRS. DOLE SCHEDULE -- MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29 2:55 PM Ar. Ft. Lauderdale International Airport AMR Combs 4050 SW 11th Terrace 305/359-0000 3:00 PM Lv. Ft. Lauderdale AIRCRAFT: Sabreliner 65 OWNER: Charter TAIL NO.: N 701 FW SEATS: 7 FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 40 mins MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole, Mrs. Hanford CONTACT: Craig Ward AMR Combs 1-800-232-5387 (Dallas Corp. Hqtrs.) 4:40 PM Ar. Salisbury, North Carolina Hess Aviation 704/636-6649 DROP OFF MRS. DOLE AND MRS. HANFORD (Met by Johnny Suter) (Don Angell will have someone pick up Mrs. Dole at 7:45 at the Hanford residence - 712 South Fulton St. - 704/633-9003 -- and take her to Winston Salem Airport) 4:45 PM Lv. Salisbury FLIGHT TIME: 20 mins MANIFEST: Senator Dole 5:05 PM Ar. Winston-Salem, North Carolina Smith Reynolds Airport Piedmont Aviation 919/767-5562 MET BY: Former Governor Jim Martin and Don Angell Team 100/Event organizer 919/712-0444 (O) 919/998-8166 (H) BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 29'93 11:57 No.001 P.03 PAGE TWO Monday, November 29 (continued): 5:10 PM Lv. Smith Reynolds Airport DRIVE TIME: 30 minutes 5:40 PM Ar. Bermuda Village Advance, North Carolina 919/998-6112 919/940-2140 (FAX) 5:30 PM-8:10 PM ATTEND RNC EVENT CROWD SIZE: 55 @ $5,000 per couple (Individuals from across the country who are affiliated with the American Health Care Association) HOSTS: Don Angell and Don Bedell VIP's in attendance: Former Governor Jim Martin, RNC Chairman Haley Barbour CONTACT: Henry Barbour 202/863-8720 703/241-5820 (Home - from Saturday) Haley Barbour 601/746-1969 (MS home, til Mon AM) PROGRAM: 6:00 PM Reception 6:30 PM Roundtable Discussion 7:15 PM Dinner is served 8:15 PM Lv. Bermuda Village DRIVE TIME: 30 minutes 8:45 PM Ar. Smith Reynolds Airport Piedmont Aviation 919/767-5562 BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 NOV 29'93 11:57 No.001 P.04 PAGE THREE Monday, November 29 (continued): 8:50 PM Lv. Winston Salem MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole, Haley Barbour, Henry Barbour FLIGHT TIME: 45 mins 9:35 PM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/419-8440 MET BY: Wilbert PROCEED TO PRIVATE