BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 APR 29'93 15:54 No. 010 P.11 (Handwritten: May 2-4) (Circled: FINAL 4/29/93) CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe 202/408-5105 (O) 202/408-5117 (FAX) 703/845-1714 (H) Mike Glassner Sky Page: 1-800-946-4646 PIN 109-5918 SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE- SUNDAY, MAY 2- TUESDAY, MAY 4 Sunday, May 2 2:10PM Lv. Residence 2:25PM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/549-8340 2:30PM Lv. Washington AIRCRAFT: US Tobacco Challenger TAIL NO.: N 23 SB MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mike Glassner Cris Swonger, UST PILOT: TBD CO-PILOT: TBD FLIGHT TIME: 1hr 15mins CONTACT: Ted Kratovil 203/622-3667 Elaine Ward 203/622-3349 203/863-7211 (FAX) 3:45PM Ar. Nashua, New Hampshire GFW Aero Services 603/883-6372 MET BY: Jesse DeVitte (Lead Advance) 603/428-3199 (O) 603/428-7901 (FAX) 603/ 428-3954 (H) Handwritten: 4-30 1st + last pgs to wilbert) BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 APR29'93 15:54 No.010 P.12 PAGE TWO Sunday, May 2 (continued): LOCATION ADVANCE: Phil Sheldon 603/428-3199 (O) 603/428-7901 (FAX) 603/225-8192 (H) DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes CAR 1: Driver Jesse DeVitte, Lead Advance Chris Swonger, UST CAR 2: Driver: Mark Vattes Senator Dole John Milne, Boston Globe Mike Glassner 3:45PM-4:00PM IN-CAR INTERVIEW WITH JOHN MILNE BOSTON GLOBE 4:00PM Ar. Clarion Somerset Hotel 2 Somerset Parkway 603/886-1200 603/595-4199 (FAX) MET BY: Senator Bob Smith Jim Courtovich Proceed to Amherst Room MET BY: Judy Jenkins, Reception Chair 603/889-3897 (H) Steve Bracey, Advance 603/428-3199 (O) 603/428-7789 (H) 4:05PM-4:50PM ATTEND/ SPEAK- BOB SMITH EVENTS CONTACT: Jim Courtovich 603/228-0453 (O) 603/228-3165 (FAX) 603/226-3987 (H) 4:05PM-4:15PM PHOTO OP with Reception Committee (30 clicks) Judy Jenkins will lead Senators Dole and Smith to the backdrop and direct the photo op BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 APR 29'93 15:54 No.010 P.13 PAGE THREE Sunday, May 2 (continued): 4:15PM Congressman Bill Zeliff and Massachusetts Treasurer Joe Malone join party 4:15PM Proceed to Ballroom 4:15PM-4:50PM ATTEND/ SPEAK- BOB SMITH GRASS ROOTS SUPPORTERS RECEPTION (In progress from 3:30) CROWD SIZE: 475 PRESS: OPEN EMCEE: Jane Lane 603/357-0070 PROGRAM: 4:15PM-4:25PM Mix and Mingle 4:30PM Pledge of Allegiance, Open Program, and Intro of Joe Malone- Jane Lane 4:35PM- Remarks & Intro of Bill Zeliff- Joe Malone 4:40PM- Remarks and Intro of Sen. Smith- Bill Zeliff 4:45PM- Remarks and Intro of Sen. Dole- Sen. Smith 4:50PM REMARKS- SENATOR DOLE (10 minutes) 5:00PM Senator Dole concludes remarks, and Jane Lane closes program 5:05PM Lv. Clarion Somerset Hotel CAR 1: Driver Jesse DeVitte Mike Glassner Chris Swonger, UST Jim Courtovich CAR 2: Senator Dole Senator Smith Treasurer Malone DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 APR 29'93 15:54 No.010 P.14 PAGE FOUR Sunday, May 2 (continued): 5:20PM Ar. Sheraton Tara Hotel Tara Boulevard Nashua 603/886-9970 603/888-4112 (FAX) CONTACT: Jill Jurk MET BY: Karl Norwood, Dinner Chairman Phil Sheldon, Advance 5:25PM Proceed to Ballroom 5:25PM-5:55PM ATTEND RECEPTION FOR DINNER ATTENDEES CROWD SIZE: 350 FORMAT: Mix and Mingle 5:55PM-7:30PM ATTEND/SPEAK- SMITH FOR SENATE DINNER PROGRAM: Emcee: Hon. Donna Sytek 603/893-8889 (H) 5:55PM- Pledge, Open Program and Intro of Treasurer Joe Malone- Hon. Donna Sytek 6:00PM- Remarks and Intro Bill Zeliff- Joe Malone 6:03PM- Remarks and Intro Sen. Smith- Bill Zeliff 6:06PM- Remarks and Intro Sen. Dole- Sen. Smith 6:11PM- REMARKS- SENATOR DOLE (20 mins) 6:26PM- Jane Lane concludes program *** Dinner is served*** Senator Dole departs Senator Smith, Congressman Zeliff and Treasurer Malone remain for the dinnner BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 APR 29'93 15:54 No.010 P.15 PAGE FIVE Sunday, May 2 (continued): 6:30PM Lv. Sheraton Tara Hotel DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes CAR 1: Driver Chris Swonger, UST CAR 2: DRIVER- Mark Vattes Senator Dole Mike Glassner Jesse DeVitte 6:45PM Ar. Nashua Airport GFW/Aero Services 603/883-6372 6:50PM Lv. Nashua AIRCRAFT: US Tobacco Challenger TAIL NO.: N 23 SB MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mike Glassner Chris Swonger, UST FLIGHT TIME: 15 mins 7:05PM Ar. Worchester, Mass. Dynair Fueling 508/755-5870 MET BY: Norm Peters and Bill Short 7:10PM Lv. Dynair Fueling 7:20PM Ar. Clarion Suites Hotel 508/755-5870 8:00PM Lv. Clarion Suites HOtel 8:15PM Ar. Sole Proprietor Restaurant 508/798-3474 8:15PM-9:30PM PRIVATE DINNER BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 APR 29'93 15:54 No.010 P.16 PAGE SIX Sunday, May 2 (continued): Tentative list of dinner attendees: Senator Dole Norm Peters, Atty, Real Est. Developer, Mass. Bush/ Quayle Chair, GOP Fundraiser Loretta Peters Bill Short, Chamber President Janet Short Alex Drapos, Chamber Chairman Georgia McCrae, guest of Alex Drapos John Nelson, Pres., Wyman Gordon Corp. Linda Nelson Paul Kervich, Kervich Enterprises, DFP '88 Dorthy Kervich Mike Glassner 9:30PM Lv. Sole Proprietor Restaurant 9:45PM Ar. Clarion Suites Hotel RON: Clarion Suites Hotel 508/753-3512 Manager: Lee Fagerquist Owner: Norm Peters Rooms pre-paid on Campaign Amer. AmEx card Monday, May 3 8:00AM Reception with potential major donors Chamber offices 33 Waldo Street 508/753-2924 508/754-8560 (FAX) CROWD SIZE: 30 FORMAT: Informal mix and mingle PRESS: Closed CONTACT: Norm Peters 508/755-4300 (O) 508/754-9541 (FAX) 508/771-9683 (Cape Cod, Fri & Sat) 508/335-0808 (Car) 508/755-5644 (H-Paxton) BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 APR 29'93 15:54 No.010 P.17 PAGE SEVEN Monday, May 3 (continued): 8:30AM PROCEED BY FOOT MECHANICS HALL 321 Main Street 508/752-5608 CONTACT: Norma Sandison, Exec Dir. Dorothy Palmgren 8:30AM-9:30AM ATTEND/ SPEAK Greater Worchester Chamber of Commerce Breakfast (Buffet breakfast- in progress from 7:45 AM) CROWD SIZE: 550 (sold out, standing room only) PRESS: OPEN HEAD TABLE: Senator Dole Lt. Gov. Paul Calluchi Congressman Peter Blute Worcester Mayor Jordan Levy City Manager William Mulford Alex Drapos, Chamber Chairman Bill Short, Chamber President Mark Love, Chamber Public Affairs Cmte. Chair Norm Peters Herb Collins PROGRAM: 7:45 Registration/ Coffee 8:00 Breakfast and Entertainment 8:30 Welcome/ Intro Mark Love- Alex Drapos (Chamber Chairman and Emcee) 8:32 Review Public Affairs Agenda- Mark Love 8:37 Intro Guests/ Cong. Blute- Alex Drapos 8:40 Remarks- Congressman Peter Blute 8:42 Intro Lt. Gov Paul Callucci- ALex Drapos 8:43 Remarks- Lt. Gov. Cellucci 8:45 Intro Senator Dole- Alex Drapos 8:47 REMARKS- SENATOR DOLE (20 minutes) 9:07 Senator Dole Concludes Remarks 9:07 Q&A 9:13 Presentation to Sen. Dole- Alex Drapos 9:15AM Program Concludes CONTACT: Bill Short, Chamber President or Tom Morrissette 508/753-2924 508/754-8560 (FAX) BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 APR 29'93 15:54 No.010 P.18 PAGE EIGHT Monday, May 3 (continued): 9:30AM Lv. Mechanics Hall 9:30AM-10:30AM PENDING- PRESS INTERVIEWS KRISTEN developing 10:30AM Lv. Worchester AIRCRAFT: US Tobacco Challenger TAIL NO.: N 23 SB MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mike Glassner Chris Swonger FLIGHT TIME: 1 hour 11:30AM Ar. White Plains, New York UST Hangar 914/997-0941 or 0914 MET BY: AIG Helicopter (black and green) Tail No.: 2 SC CONTACT: Ned Cloonan 212/770-6614 Maureen McArthur 212/770-7887 FAX: 212/770-6786 11:35AM Lv. White Plains AIRCRAFT: AIG Helicopter MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mike Glassner FLIGHT TIME: 15 minutes 11:50AM Ar. Downtown Heliport Pier 6 East River Between South and Wall Streets 212/248-7240 MET BY: Mike Miller and Fortune Limousine Serivice sedan CONTACT: Lenny 212/838-2622 718/278-3590 (FAX) BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 APR 29'93 15:57 No.010 P.19 PAGE NINE Monday, May 3 (Continued) DRIVE TIME: 5 minutes 11:55AM Ar. Offices of American International Group, Inc. 70 Pine Street 212/770-6114 MET IN LOBBY BY: Ed Lee, AIG Proceed to 36th Floor 12:00PM-12:15PM PRIVATE MEETING WITH HANK GREENBERG 12:15Pm-1:30PM WORKING LUNCHEON/MEETING- AIG PUBLIC AFFAIRS FORUM Senoir Management of AIG (List of attendees to be provided) (Mr. Greenberg will not attend- has speaking engagement elsewhere) CONTACT: Ned Cloonan 212/770-6114 212/770-6786 (FAX) Maureen McArthur 212/770-7887 1:40PM Lv. AIG Offices 1:55PM Ar. Offices of DH Blair investment bankers 44 Wall Street- 2nd Floor 212/495-4500 2:00PM-2:30PM MEETING WITH J. MORTON (MORTIE) DAVIS (May also include Elliott Vernon) CONTACT: Alison 1-800-677-4400, Ext. 4500 2:35PM Lv. Wall Street 3:05PM Ar. Chemical Bank 270 Park Avenue- 8th Floor 212/270-1380 BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 APR 29'93 15:57 No.010 P.20 PAGE TEN Monday, May 3 (continued): 3:15PM-4:15PM MEETING WITH WALT SHIPLEY, JOHN MCGILLICUDDY AND OTHER SENIOR MANAGEMENT OF CHEMICAL BANK CONTACT: John Price 212/270-7112 Elaine Collins 212/270-1380 4:20PM Lv. Chemical Bank 4:25PM Ar. Offices of Lipper and Company 101 Park Avenue- 6th Floor 212/883-6333 212/883-8703 (FAX) 4:30PM-5:00PM MEETING WITH KENNETH LIPPER 5:00PM PROCEED TO 4th FLOOR Tiger Management 5:05PM-5:35PM MEETING WITH JULIAN ROBERTSON AND TED FORSTMANN CONTACT: Julian Robertson 212/984-2515 Secretary: Tina 212/984-2539 5:40PM Lv. 101 Park Avenue 5:55PM Ar. St. Regis Hotel Fifth Avenue at 55th Street 212/753-4500 6:40PM Lv. St. Regis Hotel DRIVE TIME: 5 minutes 6:45PM Ar. Metropolitan Club 1 East 60th Street 212/838-7400 6:45PM-9:00PM ATTEND/SPEAK-NEW YORK BOND CLUB DINNER (In progress from 6:15) CONTACT: Joe DiMartino Chairman of the Board The Dreyfus Corp. 212/922-6161 BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 APR 29'93 15:57 No.010 P.21 PAGE ELEVEN Monday, May 3 (continued): PRESS: CLOSED CROWD SIZE: 250 (Bond Club Members only) ATTIRE: Business Suit FORMAT: INFORMAL DINNER, OPEN SEATING RESERVED FRONT TABLE: Senator Dole Joe DiMartino Bob Shapiro, former President, Bond Club, Formerly CEO Wortheim Ralph DeNunzio, Former chairman, Kidder Peabody Former President, Bond Club Bill Salomon, Former Chairman, Salomon Bros. Ken Langone, Invemed Assocs. Wick Simmons, CEO Prudential Securities Dale Horowitz, Partner, Salomon Bros. Former Congressman Jim Jones, Amer. Stock Exch. PROGRAM: 6:15PM Reception 7:15PM Dinner 8:15PM Joe DiMartino- Brief Remarks and Intro of Senator Dole 8:25PM SENATOR DOLE REMARKS 8:40PM Q&A 8:55PM Closing Remarks- Joe DiMartino 9:00PM Program concludes 9:15PM Lv. Metropolitan Club DRIVE TIME: 5 minutes RON: St. Regis Hotel 212/753-4500 BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 APR 29'93 15:58 No.010 P.22 PAGE TWELVE Tuesday, May 4 8:30AM-9:45AM CAMPAIGN AMERICA FUNDRAISING BREAKFAST St. Regis Hotel- 2nd Floor Fifth Avenue at 55th Street 212/753-4500 CROWD SIZE: 30-35 @ $5,000 per person FORMAT: Informal business-like discussion of current issues (e.g., economy) CONTACT: Mark Miller Royal Roth 10:00AM Lv. St. Regis Hotel DRIVE TIME: 30-45 mins 10:45AM Ar. New York LaGuardia Airport 11:00AM Lv. New York LaGuardia AIRCRAFT: US AIR SHUTTLE 12:00PM Ar. Washington National Airport MET BY: WILBERT PROCEED TO OFFICE May 12, 1993 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 2-8,1993 Pg. 1 Sunday, May 2 9:45 ABC car will pick you up at Watergate 10:30 ABC Studio, 1717 De Sales Street LIVE- Brinkley Show (airs at 11:30 a.m. in DC) 2:10 lv. residence via Wilbert 2:25 ar. Washington National Airport 2:30 lv. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight Support 3:45 ar. Nashua, NH SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 6:50 lv. Nashua 7:05 ar. Worcester, Massachusetts RON: WORCHESTER, Massachusetts SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 2-8, 1993 Pg.2 Monday, May 3 breakfast in Worchester 10:30 lv. Worchester via private aircraft 11:30 ar. White Plains, NY SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE Bond Club Dinner in New York RON: New York SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 2-8, 1993 Pg. 3 Tuesday, May 4 8:30-9:45 St. Regis Campaign America fundraiser breakfast Hotel, NY 11:00 lv. New York LaGuardia via shuttle 12:00 ar. Washington National Airport met by Wilbert 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Dave Keene 3:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Chicago Mayor Richard Daley & Cong. Henry Hyde (Whit) 4:00 S-230 DROP BY- Sheila mtg. w/ Richard Krecker, Pres of KS City Blue Cross/ Blue Shield & Jeanne Brocato 4:15 S-230 DROP By- Greg mtg. w/ KS Electric Coop's Representatives 4:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Republican Mayors (Whit) 5:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Ambassador John Loeb 5:00-6:30 H-137 DROP BY- Congressional Human Rights Caucus reception honoring Mrs. Dole, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Rosalynn Carter, & Tipper Gore 6:00-8:00 2400 N St, NW, 8th Floor DROP BY?? reception f/ publication of US News Associate Editor, Joseph Shapiro's book, No Pity: People w/ Disabilities Forging a New Civil Rights Movement, hosted by editors of US News & World report & Random House 8:40 CNN Studio Arrive CNN Studio 820 First St, NE 9:00 CNN Studio Larry King Live SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 2-8, 1993 Pg.4 Wednesday, May 5 10:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Cong. Roberts & Daniel Swillinger (Whit) 11:00 White House, Cabinet Room House/ Senate bipartisan Leadership meeting w/ President Clinton 1:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Howard Paster (Sheila) 2:15 S-230 DROP BY & PHOTO- Kerry mtg. w/ Tom Dailey, Kansas City, KS, Chief of Police 2:30 S-230 PHOTO w/ Shannon Hilbert (Wichita) 1993 Graduate of the Year (Alec) and LT. Col. Steve Simpson, f/ Army Leg Affairs (Dan) 3:15 SC-10 DROP BY- Education Team Mtg. (Nelson) 4:00 S-230 DROP BY- Greg mtg. w/ KS Rural Water Assoc. 4:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Dr. Bernadine Healy & Senator Specter (Jo-Anne) 5:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Forigen Minister of Bosnia- Hercegovina, Dr. Haris Silajdzic (Mira) 5:30 S-230 mtg. w/ 7 GOP Senators Re: Campaign Finance Reform (Senators McConnell, Durenberger, Cohen, McCain, Jeffords, Chafee) 5:30-7:30 SD-562 DROP BY- reception honoring Jewish Members of Congress & staff hosted by Sen. Moynihan & Cong. Cardin, & district of Columbia Jewish Community Center, Jewish Community Council of Greater Washington, & Untied Jewish Appeal Federation of Washington 6:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Senator Roth & Senator Lott (Nina) 7:00 Willard SPEAK- American Watch Association SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 2-8, 1993 Pg.5 Thursday, May 6 8:45 Washington Hilton, Main Ballroom KEYNOTE- National Public Radio 10:15 S-230 mtg. w/ Bob King, Monroe County New York Executive (per Jerry DiMarco's request) 10:30 S-230 BRIEF HELLO w/ Bud Cornish & 24 Kansas Insurance Group (Greg) 11:00 SH-413 LIVE-SPEAK via satellite feed-Mid-America Assoc. for Computer Education (David W.) 12:00 White House Old Family Dining Rm working luncheon on health care w/ President Clinton & House/ Senate Republican Members (Tom Brokaw w/ Pres. all day- will drop by luncheon at some point) 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Vin Weber 2:15 SD-215 FIN COMM- Subc on Health f/ Families & Uninsured - S. 733 4:05 S-230 mtg. w/ Charles Koch 4:15 S-230 mtg. w/ Republican Senators on Rules Committee 5:00 S-230 RECIEVE AWARD & PHOTO f/ John Lopez, Pres. of Assoc. f/ Service Disabled Veterans & 28 California veterans (Darren) 7:00(recep) 7:30 (dinner) SR-325 Ladies of Senate Dinner hosted by you and Senator Mitchell SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 2-8, 1993 Pg.6 Friday, May 7 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM-Subc on Medicare & Long-Term Care-antitrust issues related to Health Care Reform Btw. 10:30-2:00 Lafayette Park Albanian rally in support of the Albanians in Kosova & against Serbian repression (Mira) 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Sen. Packwood & Sen. Stevens 10:30 S-230 DROP BY- Kathy mtg, w/ Robert DeForrest of Afro-American Institute 10:45 S-230 PHOTO w/ your interns (Darren) 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call 11:45 S-230 big radio 12:00 S-120 DROP BY- Washburn Alumni Association luncheon 2:45 lv. The Capitol 3:05 ar. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight Support 3:10 lv. Washington 5:10 ar. Dallas, Texas, met by Kay Bailey Hutchison SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 9:00 lv. Dallas 9:48 ar. Houston RON: Houston SENATOR DOLE'S SCHDEULE- Week of May 2-8, 1993 Pg. 7 Saturday, May 8 9:50 lv. Houston 12:50 ar. Columbia, SC 1:30 SPEAK- State Party Convention lv. Columbia ar. Washington, D.C. BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 May06'93 15:45 No.11 P.02 (Handwritten: May 7-8, 1993) (Circled: FINAL 5/6/93) CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe 202/408-5105 (O) 202/408-5117 (FAX) 703/845-1714 (H) SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE- May 7-8, 1993 Friday, May 7 2:45PM Lv. Capitol 3:05PM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/549-8340 3:10PM Lv. Washington AIRCRAFT: Textron Challenger Tail No.: N 420 TX SEATS: 10 MANIFEST: Senator Dole Senator Nickles (90% sure) Mike Glassner FLIGHT TIME: 3 hours TIME CHANGE: -1 hour CONTACT: Mary Howell 637-3802 Assistant: Susan Starr (637-3800) 5:10PM Ar. Dallas, Texas Love Field Citijet 214/956-1000 or 800/248-4538 MET BY: Kevin Brannon 214/369-9555(O) 214/324-5546 (H) PROCEED TO LONGHORN ROOM MET BYY: Kay and Ray Hutchison Ray Sullivan, Hutchison Press Secretary LindseyHowe, Hutchison Travelling Aide 5:15PM-5:45PM AIRPORT PRESS AVAILABILITY (Senators Dole & Nickles & Kay Hutchison) BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 May06'93 15:45 No.11 P.03 PAGE TWO Friday, May 7 (continued): 5:45PM Lv. Love Field DRIVE TIME: 15 mins 6:00PM Ar. residence of Kay and Ray Hutchison 4646 Shadywood 214/353-9211 6:00PM-6:30PM CONFERENCE CALL: Senator Dole, Kay Hutchison, Senator Paul Coverdell re Freedom of Choice Act 6:30PM Lv. Hutchison residence DRIVE TIME: 15 mins 6:45PM Ar. residence of Bud and Jane Smith (conservative, oilman) 10140 Gaywood Road 214/692-8181 6:45PM-7:15PM ATTEND GOPAC FUNDRAISING RECEPTION Event runs 6:00-8:00PM (Newt Gingrich will attend) 7:15PM Lv. Smith residence DRIVE TIME: 20 mins 7:30PM Ar. residence of Charles and Dee Wyly 5906 Deloache Avenue 214/361-5403 7:30PM-8:30PM ATTEND FUNDRAISER FOR KAY BAILEY HUTCHISON CONTACT: Emily Reynolds 512/499-8555(O) 512/328-1160 (H) Amy Springer 214/526-2600 (O) 214/351-1843 (H) 8:30PM Lv. Wiley residence DRIVE TIME: 10 minutes 8:50PM Ar. Love Field Citijet 214/956-1000 or 800/248-4538 BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 May06'93 15:46 No.11 P.04 PAGE THREE Friday, May 7 (continued): 9:00PM Lv. Dallas MANIFEST: Senator Dole Senator Nickles Kay Bailey Hutchison Ray Hutchison Mike Glassner Lindsey Howe, Hutchison traveling aide Ray Sullivan, Press Secretary FLIGHT TIME: 48 minutes 9:48PM Ar. Houston Hobby Airport Atlantic Aviation 713/644-6431 MET BY: Dale Laine (Gramm staff) 713/229-2770(O) 713/939-9841 (H) 9:50PM Lv. Hobby Airport DRIVE TIME: 30 minutes 10:20PM Ar. Omni-Houston Hotel Reservation Numbers R2691384- Kay and Ray Hutchison R2691401- Mike "Glassner" R2691398- Senator Dole (in Glasner's name) R2691407- Senator Nickles (in "Don Nickles" name) R2691411- Lindsey Howe R2691419- Ray Sullivan BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 MAY06'93 15:46 No. 011 P.05 PAGE FOUR Saturday, May 8 7:30AM MET IN LOBBY BY DALE LAINE 7:30AM Lv. Omni Houston Hotel DRIVE TIME: 15 mins 7:45AM Ar. residence of Jeff and Kathy Love 3744 Inwood 214/629-5440 7:45AM-8:30AM ATTEND FUNDRAISING BREAKFAST FOR KAY HUTCHISON (Event runs 7:45-9:00 AM) CONTACT: Emily Reynolds 512/499-8555 (O) 512/328-1160 (H) Sue Walton 713/968-6560 (O) 713/270-1633 (H) 8:30AM Lv. Love residence DRIVE TIME: 10 mins 8:40AM Ar. "Pig Stand #7" 2412 Washington 713/864-4041 9:45AM-9:15AM PRESS CONFERENCE (re: "pork") 9:15AM Lv. Pig Stand DRIVE TIME: 30 mins 9:45AM Ar. Hobby Airport Atlantic Aviation 713/644-6431 9:50AM Lv. Houston FLIGHT TIME: 2 hours TIME CHANGE: +1 hour MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mike Glassner NOTE: Senator Nickles will fly commercially back to Washington BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 MAY06'93 15:46 No. 011 P.06 PAGE FIVE Saturday, May 8 (continued) : 12:50PM Ar. Columbia, South Carolina Downtown Airport (Owens Field) Midlands Aviation 803/771-7915 NOTE: IN THE EVENT OF BAD WEATHER OR FOG, WILL HAVE TO LAND AT METROPOLITAN AIRPORT: Eagle Aviation 12:55PM Lv. Owens Field DRIVE TIME: 15 mins 1:10PM Ar. Carolina Coliseum 701 Assembly Street Enter through service entrance on Park Street Greeters meet Senator Dole and accompany to offstage holding room ATTEND/ SPEAK- SOUTH CAROLINA REPUBLICAN CONVENTION CROWD SIZE: 1600-1800 CONTACT: Mary Pat Baldauf 803/798-8999 803/741-9338 (FAX) 1:15PM Enter holding room- refreshments and restroom available 1:20PM Remarks and Introduction Senator Dole- Senator Thurmond 1:30PM REMARKS- SENATOR DOLE Other VIPs attending: Governor Carroll Campbell Lt. Gov. Tommy Hartnett Congressman Arthur Ravenel 1:50PM Presentation of gift to Senator Dole 1:55PM Lv. Coliseum BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 MAY06'93 15:47 No. 011 P.07 PAGE SIX Saturday, May 8 (continued): 2:10PM Ar. Owens Field Midlands Aviation 803/771-7915 2:15PM Lv. Columbia FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 10 mins 3:25Pm Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert PROCEED TO PRIVATE 05/14/93 09/19 TOPEKA 913 295 2748 002 (Handwritten: May 15-16, 1993) 1 (Circled: FINAL)- corrected CONTACT: Judy Brown 913/836-2319 (h) 913/295-2745 (w) Cathie Yager 316/681-3804 (h) 316/263-4956 (w) Dave Spears Mobile # 316/772-7066 WEATHER: Thunderstorms are predicted for Friday afternoon and evening, but no precipitation is expected Saturday or Sunday. Skies will be clear to partly cloudy with temperatures in the mid 70's during the day, and low 50's at night. KANSAS SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR DOLE, SAT., MAY 15, SUN, MAY 16 SATURDAY, MAY 15 11:45a.m. Lv. Washington National for Wichita FBO: Signature Flight Support 703/549-8340 AIRCRAFT: Torchmark Hawker 800 TAIL NO.: N 6 TM FLIGHT TIME: 2hrs. 45 mins. PILOT: Chick Preston CO-PILOT: Kitty Dietzel CONTACT: Barbara Nabors 205/870-0325 (h) 205/325-4205 (w) HANGER NUMBER 205/325-2643 SKY PAGER 1-800/759-7243 PIN #54016 05/14/93 09/19 TOPEKA 913 295 2748 003 2 1:30p.m. Arrive El Dorado Airport FBO: 316/321-1327 MET BY: Dave Spears and Cathie Yager 1:45p.m. Ar. El Dorado Community College 2:00p.m. to 3:00p.m. EL DORADO- SPEAK- Butler County Community College Commencement (Have advised Rodney Cox you need to leave following your speech. CONTACT: Janice Jack 316/322-3190 Rodney Cox, President 316/322-3100 3:15p.m. Lv. El Dorado for Russell AIRCRAFT: Torchmark Hawker 800 TAIL NO.: N 6 TM PILOT: Chick Preston CO-PILOT: Kitty Dietzel FLIGHT TIME: 20 minutes 3:35p.m. Ar. Russell Airport FBO: Super Aviation 913/483-6173 CITY VAN WILL BE AT THE AIRPORT RON- Russell DAVE SPEARS- WINCHESTER INN- 913/483-6660 05/14/93 09/19 TOPEKA 913 295 2748 004 3 SUNDAY, MAY 16 9:00a.m. Lv. Russell Airport for Salina AIRCRAFT: Torchmark Hawker 800 TAIL NO.: N 6 TM PILOT: Chick Preston CO-PILOT: Kitty Dietzel FLIGHT TIME: 20 mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Dave Spears 9:20a.m. Ar. Salina Airport FBO: Flower Aviation 913/825-6739 MET BY: Darrell Wilson Saline County Sheriff DRIVE TIME: 15-20 mins. ** Sheriff Wilson will take you directly to Perkins Field on the campus 9:40a.m. Ar. Perkins Field- Greeted by Colnel Keith Duckers 10:00a.m. to 11:00a.m. SALINA- SPEAK- St. John's Military School Commencement. ** They have rearranged their program so that you can speak and be ready to leave by 11:00a.m. CONTACT: Joel Looney, LTC Vice President 913/823-7231 11:00a.m. Lv. St. Johns for Airport FBO: Flower Aviation 913/825-6739 DRIVE TIME: 15-20 mins. 11:20a.m. Wheels up for Wichita 05/14/93 09:20 TOPEKA 913 295 2748 005 4 AIRCRAFT: Torchmark Hawker 800 TAIL NO.: N 6 TM PILOT: Chick Preston CO-PILOT: Kitty Dietzel FLIGHT TIMe: 20 minutes MANIFEST: Senator Dole Bill Graves Dave Spears 11:40a.m. Ar. Wichita Mid-Continent FBO: Ryan Aviation MET BY: Cathie Yager DRIVE TIME TO BOATHOUSE: 20 minutes NOON to 12:50p.m. Ar. Wichita Boathouse- KFDI Brunch in progress *There is no phone in the Boathouse DAVE'S MOBILE PHONE: 316/772-7066 CONTACT: Dan Clothier 316/262-8722 Richard Schodorf 316/383-7281 (w) 316/722-2714 (h) 12:50p.m. Lv. Boathouse for airport DRIVER: Cathie Yager DRIVE TIME: 20 mins. 1:15p.m. Wheels up for Washington AIRCRAFT: Torchmark plane FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs. 30 mins. MANIFEST: Senator DOle Bill Graves 4:45p.m. Ar. Washington National FBO: Signature Flight Support 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert May 14, 1993 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 9-15, 1993 Pg. 1 Sunday, May 9 9:45 CNN car will pick you up at Watergate 10:30 CNN Studio 820 First St, NE LIVE- Newsmaker Sunday SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 16-22, 1993 Pg.2 MONDAY, May 17 11:30 1915 K St, NW Suite 507 appt. w/ Dr. Barsky 2:00 S-230 PHOTO w/ 30 honor students from Oklahoma State University (Darren) 2:15 S-230 mtg. w/ Pat Robertson (Kerry) 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Jerry Milbank (Paul Hearne) 3:15 S-230 PHOTO & mtg. w/ delegation from Kazakhstan (Mira) 3:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Al Lehn 6:00-6:45 Crystal City Marriott, 1 floor up from Lobby, immediately to the right of the elevators BRIEF REMARKS- Kansas Chamber of Commerce and Industry SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 9-15, 1993 Pg. 3 Tuesday, May 11 9:00 S-301 Economic Policy Task Force Mtg. w/ Republican Senators 9:30 Lowes L'Enfant Plaza, Ballroom A & B SPEAK- National Marine Manufacturers 12:00 S-138 DROP BY- Univ of Kansas luncheon 12:15 S-230 mtg. w/ GOP Ranking Members & Leadership 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 2:00 S-230 PHOTO w/ Danny & Darlene Biggs f/ Great Bend, & w/ Pat & Jean Biggs f/ San Clemente, CA (Marcie) 2:15 S-230 DROP BY- Bret mtg. w/ Myron Schmidt (Newton) & Dennis Fuller (Wisconsin), Assoc. Milk Producers 4:00 SD-211 FIN COMM- private mtg. w/ Mickey Kantor 4:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Gov. John Ashcroft 5:00 S-230 mtg. w/ John Moran (Mark Miller) 5:30 B338-340 Rayburn DROP BY- Sioux City Washington Conference & Steak Dinner sponsored by Sioux City Chamber of Commerce, Ray Cole, & Rep. Grandy 7:00 Capitol Hill Club Second Floor SPEAK- Ripon Society Annual Dinner (Jo-Anne) 7:30 Kennedy Center, AFI Theater BRIEF REMARKS- preview of film "On the Bridge" (Vicki) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 9-15, 1993 Pg. 4 Wednesday, May 12 8:00-9:00 Hyatt Regency, Capitol View Club fundraiser for Campaign America hosted by Jeff Bergner & David Bockorny (Jo-Anne) 9:45 S-230 DROP BY- Nina mtg. w/ Brian Barents (Learjet), Russ Meyer (Cessna), & Jack Braley (Beech) 10:00-10:15 Senate Radio/ TV Gallery Press Conference on Republican Jobs Bill w/ Senator Roth & other Senators (Clarkson) 10:15 S-230 mtg. w/ Leo Melamed (Dennis) 10:30 S-230 PHOTO OP w/ House & Senate Leadership For President's Dinner 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Cong. Amo Houghton 11:00-12:00 S-230 reception for President's Dinner 1:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Mickey McGuire & Ward White (David W.) 2:00 S-230 DROP BY- Sheila mtg. w/ Dr. Sheldon Gilgore, Chairman of Board & CEO of Searle, & Tom Korologos 2:15 S-230 DROP BY- Bret mtg. w/ Otis Molz, Deerfield, Chairman of the Board of Cobank, Nat'l Bank ofor Cooperatives 4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/ KS SBA Award winners )Greg) 4:30 S-230 DROP BY- Kathy mtg. w/ Arnold Rosenberg 4:45 S-230 mtg. w/ John Harbert (Whit) 6:00 (recp) 7:30 (dinner) Washington Convention Center 1993 Presidents Dinner (You are scheduled to speak at 8:58 pm) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 9-15, 1993 Pg. 5 Thursday, May 13 8:30 S-230 breakfast w/4 Wall Street Journalists & Senate Republican Leadership (Walt) 9:30-10:15 S-211 coffee mtg. f/ Mary Robinson, President of Ireland (you are cohosting with Senator Mitchell) 10:15 S-230 telephone/talk show interview w/ Mary Beal (Clarkson) 10:30 S-230 brief hello w/ Jack Sandner (Jo-Anne) 10:45 S-230 mtg. w/ Amb. Montano of Mexico (John z.) 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Bill Ferguson, CEO & Chairman of NYNEX, Tom Tauke, VP, NYNEX Gov't Affairs (David W.) btw. 12:00-2:00 S-207 DROP BY-Kansas Independent Oil & Gas Association (KIOGA) luncheon 1:00-1:20 Senate Recording Studio video taping for SE Kansas "Learning to Lead" project (Kristin) 2:15 S-230 mtg. w/ Amb. David Lambert (John z.) 2:30 S-230 DROP BY- Sheila mtg. w/ Dr. Lucas of St. Francis Hospital, Wichita 3:30 S-230 DROP BY- Sheila mtg. w/ Bill Steere, Chairman & CEO of Pfizer Co., & Ken Bowler 3:45 S-230 DROP BY- Greg mtg. w/ Kansas Homebuilders 4:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Ceroilfoods delegation from China (John Z.) 4:15 S-230 PHOTO w/ State Senator Sherman Jones & Mr. and Mrs. Philip Balano; & w/ Mickey DeHook, Hesston Police Chief (Greg); & w/ William Greenville & Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge (Darren); w/ 60 7th graders from Greenwich, CT (Mark Miller) 4:30 S-207 mtg. w/ Ranking Republican Members of Foreign Relations, Armed Services, Appropriations, & Joint Leadership 5:30-7:30 507 2nd St, NE DROP BY- fundraiser f/ Oregon Cong. Bob Smith SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 9-15, 1993 Pg. 6 Friday, May 14 9:00 S-230 coffee w/ Gordon Wu from Hong Kong & Senator D'Amato & other Senators (John z.) 9:45 S-230 mtg. w/ David Rockefeller, Jr., John Avery, Chairman of the "America Society" & Ludlow "Kim" Flower, Director, DC Council of the Americas (John z.) 10:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Haley Barbour 11:00 S-230 PHOTO w/ Bob & Sheryl Pepas & daughter Shelly Rice, of St. Francis, KS (Royal) 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call 11:45 S-230 big radio 12:00 2168 Rayburn attend re-enactment of Rep. Portman's swearing-in ceremony 1:30 Senate Radio/TV Gallery CNN-LIVE-response to President Clinton's press conference 2:00 S-230 PHOTO w/ Susan Pelters, Dr. McLeod's group from Walter Reed, & w/ Mark Miller's relatives SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 9-15, 1993 Pg.7 Saturday, May 15 11:45 lv. Washington National, Signature Flight Support 1:30 ar. El Dorado met by Dave Spears SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 3:15 lv. El Dorado 3:35 ar. Russell RON: Russell May 21, 1993 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 16-22, 1993 Pg.1 Sunday, May 16 9:00 lv. Russell 9:20 ar. Salina 10:00 Commencement speaker f/ St. John's Military School in Salina & the retirement of Col. Keith Duckers 11:20 lv. Salina 11:40 ar. Wichita 1:15 lv. Wichita 4:45 AR. Washington, D.C. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 16-22, 1993 Pg. 2 Monday, May 17 11:30 1915 K St, NW Suite 507 appt. w/ Dr. Barsky 12:30 Senator's Dining Room lunch w/ former Sec. Nick Brady 2:00 S-230 PHOTO w/ 30 honor students from Oklahoma State University 2:00 S-230 PHOTO & mtg. w/ delegation from Kazakhstan (Darren) 2:15 S-230 mtg. w/Pat Robertson (Kerry) 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Jerry Milbank (Paul Hearne) 2:45 S-230 Wall Street Journal interview (Walt) 4:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Al Lehn 6:00-6:45 Crystal City Marriott, 1 floor up from Lobby, immediately to the right of the elevators BRIEF REMARKS- Kansas Chamber of Commerce and Industry SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 16-22, 1993 Pg. 3 Tuesday, May 18 8:30 S-230 breakfast w/ Christian & Pro-Family Organizations (Kerry) 9:00 S-301 Republican Policy Committee- Economic Policy Task Force meeting 9:15 S-230 DROP BY???- Nina mtg. w/ Kansas CPAs 11:00 S-230 DROP BY- Vicki mtg. w/ 3 nurse anesthetists from Kansas 12:15 S-230 mtg. w/ GOP Leadership (Senators Lott & Nickles only) 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 2:00-5:00 S-201 FYI: Health Care Task Force Mtg. for Republican Members Only 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Cong. Chirstopher Cox f/ Newport Beach, Calif. (Jo-Anne) 3:30 S-230 DROP BY- Greg mtg. w/ Tom McMillen and Nick Eveland, Mayor of Wilmington, Ohio 3:45 S-230 DROP BY- Bret mtg. w/ American Meat Institute 4:00 S-230 DROP BY- Darren mtg. w/ Ken Rangoon & other members of the Old Trooper Regiment of Junction City 4:15 SH-413 interviews w/ 3 Los Angeles television stations 4:30 S-230 PHOTO- David & LuAnne Wetmore and their daughter, Kristin, f/ Dodge City (Marcie); & w/4 Republican Conference interns (Darren); & w/9 of Senator Helms' interns (Darren); & w/Dr. James Xauche, Garden City pediatrician, & family (Marcie) 5:00 S-230 mtg. w/12 Kansas auto dealers (Greg & Darren) 5:00 S-230 DROP BY- Sheila mtg. w/ Marile Rhude, member of Health Professionals Advisory Committee to the Clinton Health Care Task Force 6:00 Press Gallery LIVE interview w/ CNBC-Business Insiders SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE-Week of May 16-22, 1993 Pg.4 Wednesday, May 19 8:30-9:30 American Medical Association Office, 1101 Vermont Ave, NW, Suite 1200 DROP BY- fundraising breakfast for Senator Faircloth 9:30 SD-215 FIN COMM-open session-testimony f/ nominees 10:00 S-230 mtg. w/George Klein & 6 others w/ National Republican Jewish Coalition 11:15 1808 Conn. Ave, NW, Bldg. 03 appt. w/ Dr. Zaiderman 1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Tom Berry, head of South Western Bell's Washington Office & Mike Pettit (David W.) 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/ President of Kyrgyzstan & group from Univ. of Kansas Medical School (John Z.) 2:30 S-230 taped interview for NBC Today Show- Dole Profile- with Mrs. Dole 3:15-4:15 SR-259 mtg. w/ Republican Members of Finance Committee re: Budget Reconciliation 3:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Gloria Larsen from Massachusetts (Jo-Anne) 4:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Jude Wanniski (Walt) 4:30 S-230 DROP BY- Vicki mtg. w/ Roger Omholt, drug wholesaler from Shawnee Mission 4:45 S-230 mtg. w/ Bill Lesher & Randy Russell (Bret) 5:45 S-230 mtg. w/ Senator Mack 6:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Senator Danforth 7:00 S-230 telephone interview w/ Armstrong Williams (Clarkson) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 16-22, 1993 Pg. 5 Thursday, May 20 6:45 Senate Radio/TV Gallery Pre-taped interview for "TODAY" Show Radio/TV Gallery (Shown at 7:09) 7:10 Senate Radio/TV Gallery LIVE- "CBS This Morning" 7:20 Senate Radio/TV Gallery LIVE- "FOX Morning News" 7:30 S-230 telephone interview s/ Don Imus with WFAN-New York- "Imus in the Morning" 8:15 S-230 Eagles/Team 100 breakfast (Jo-Anne) 9:30 SR-325 SPEAK- 1993 World Economic Forum 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM- open session to hear Amb. Kantor 11:00 S-230 DROP BY- Vicki mtg. w/ Eileen Benton & 4 others from Hospice of Wichita 11:15 S-230 mtg. w/ Judy Biviano 11:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Cong. Rick Santorum (Jo-Anne) 1:00 S-230 interview w/ TIME Magazine (Walt) 2:00 S-230 interview w/ CNN (Clarkson) 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Senator D'Amato & New York State Republican Party Chairman 3:45 S-230 mtg. w/ Rich Bond & George Wachtell, Director of Gov't Relations from LAT; & w/ & w/ Gerald Schoenfeld, Pres. of Schubert Theaters (Nina) 4:00 S-230 DROP BY- Dan mtg. w/ Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce 4:30-5:30 S-230 farewell reception for Alan Porter SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 16-22, 1993 Pg. 6 Friday, May 21 8:45 University Club, 1135 16th St, NW SPEAK- Republican National Lawyers Association 10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/ Kent & Lori Thomas (Wichita), Vera Cregan (Chapman), & Cele Cregan (Darren); & w/ Susan Ellinger w/ Senator Coverdell's Office 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Bob van Vooren (Jo-Anne) 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call 11:45 S-230 big radio 4:15 Republican Conference Press Conf. (Handwritten: Room) press conference SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 16-22, 1993 Pg. 7 Saturday, May 22 FYI: Mrs. Hanford's birthday BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 MAY 21'93 14:13 No.007 P.02 (HANDWRITTEN: May 23, 1993) (Circled: FINAL: 5/21/93) SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE- SUNDAY, MAY 23, 1993 8:15AM Lv. Washington National Airport AIRCRAFT: Sabreliner 60 TAIL NO.: N 68 TA MANIFEST: Senator Dole Paul Redifer Kerry Tymchuk SEATS: 8 PILOT: Nelson Massey CO-PILOT: Ralph Braddick FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 20 mins CONTACT: Wendy Telford Aviation, Inc. 207/872-5555 (24 hrs/day) (Being paid for by Colby College & GOP) NOTE: Sen. Cohen can be reached at his parents- 207/942-2163, or through staffer Jan Andersen- 207/337-8110 9:35AM Ar. Waterville, Maine FBO: Telford Aviation, Inc. 207/872-5555 MET BY: Professor G. Calvin Mackenzie Distinguished Presidential Professor of American Goernment, and Chair of Government Department DRIVE TIME: 5 mins 9:40AM Ar. Colby College (Enter through rear door of Miller Library) (Fitted for gown only) (Group photo) BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 MAY 21'93 14:13 No.007 P.03 PAGE TWO 10:00-12:00PM ATTEND COLBY COLLEGE COMMENEMENT (we need to try to get out by 11:30) In event of rain, robing and Commencement will take place in the Fieldhouse Order of Program: Processional Invocation Remarks- Senior Class speaker (10 mins) Award of Condon Medal (to member of Sr. Class) Intro of Sen. Dole- Colby College President William R. Cotter REMARKS- Senator Dole Conferring of 400 Degrees (Honorary Degree to Senator) Singing of Alma Mater Benediction Recessional NOTE: Sen. Cohen will be seated in President's quest seating and not on dias CONTACT: Dean Earl Smith (or Carol Welch) 207/872-3193 NOTE: "Rumors" that Act-Up may demonstrate 11:30AM Lv. Colby College NOTE: Sen. Cohen to accompany Sen. Dole for remainder of trip. 11:40AM Ar. Waterville Airport MANIFEST: Senator Dole Senator Cohen Paul Redifer Kerry Tymchuk 11:45 Lv. Waterville FLIGHT TIME: 15 minutes 12:00 Ar. Portland, Maine FBO: Northeast Air 207/774-6318 MET BY: Jan Staples DRIVE TIME: 10 minutes BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 MAY 21'93 14:13 No.007 P.04 PAGE THREE 12:10PM Ar. Portland Regency Hotel NOTE: Holding room is available for Sen. Dole 12:15PM-1:30PM ATTEND FUNDRAISING BUFFET BRUNCH FOR MAINE GOP CROWD SIZE: 50 @ $250 PRESS: Closed FORMAT: Intro of Senator Dole- Sen. Cohen REMARKS- SENATOR DOLE Q&A to follow Possible Photo-op TOPIC: "INSIDER WASHINGTON BRIEFING" CONTACT: Jan Staples Senator Cohen's office Ben Coes Executive Director, Maine GOP 207/622-6247 Bob Tyre Cohen AA 224-9239 1:35PM Lv. event site Portland Regency Hotel 1:45PM Ar. Portland Airport 1:45PM-2:05PM AIRPORT PRESS AVAILABILITY 2:10PM Lv. Portland MANIFEST: Senator Dole Senator Cohen Paul Redifer Kerry Tymchuk FLIGHT TIME: 1hr 30mins 3:40PM Ar. Washington National Airport NOTE: Sen. Cohen will need a ride to Hart Bldg. BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 MAY 21'93 15:04 No.012 P.03 (Handwritten: May 24, 1993) FINAL 5/21/93 SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE- MONDAY, MAY 24, 1993 5:15PM Lv. Washington National Airport AIRCRAFT: Cessna Citation II TAIL NO.: N10JK MANIFEST: Senator Dole Paul Redifer SEATS: 7 PILOT: Cooper Towers CO-PILOT: Ken Wachs FLIGHT TIME: 45 minutes 6:00PM Ar. Mercer County Airport FBO: Ronson Aviation 609/771-9500 Contact: Peter Hines, General Manager MET BY: Garabed "Chuck" Haytaian, Assembly Speaker David Wald, Reporter, Newark Star Ledger (NOTE: Chuck Haytaian would like to spend 5" with you in plane in priave prior to interview with reporter- Chuck will be acting Governor for the day and thus will also have a police escort) DRIVE TIME: 20 minutes (NOTE: Reporter Ron Marsico to interview you in car) 6:20PM Ar. Princeton Marriott (Private courtesy suite available upon arrival) 6:28PM-6:33PM LIVE with NJ Network (Handwritten: Tentative) 6:35PM-7:10PM ATTEND/SPEAK Speaker's Spring Fling Briefing CROWD SIZE: 50 @ $5,000 per person PRESS: Closed FORMAT: 6:30PM Introduction of Sen. Dole- Speaker Haytian BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 MAY 21'93 15:04 No.012 P.04 PAGE TWO 6:35PM-6:45PM REMARKS- SENATOR DOLE 6:50PM-7:00PM Photo-Op CONTACT: Joyce Sico or Bill Ulrey 609/396-5955 609/396-5281 (FAX) Ron Gravino 908/753-1212 (days) 908/574-1622 7:15PM-7:55PM ATTEND/SPEAK Speaker's Spring Fling Reception CROWD SIZE: 400 @ $500 per person PRESS: Open FORMAT: 7:25PM Introduction of Sen. Dole- Speaker Haytaian 7:30PM-7:40PM REMARKS- SENATOR DOLE 7:40PM-7:55PM Mingle 8:00PM Lv. Princeton Marriott ESCORT: Dick Kamin, Assemblyman DRIVE TIME: 20 minutes 8:20PM Ar. Ronson Aviation 609/771-9500 8:25PM Lv. New Jersey AIRCRAFT: Cessna Citation II TAIL NO.: N10JK MANIFEST: Senator Dole Paul Redifer SEATS: 7 PILOT: Cooper Towers CO-PILOT: Ken Wachs BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 MAY 21'93 15:05 No.012 P.05 PAGE THREE FLIGHT TIME: 45 minutes (Box meal provided by Princeton Marriott and NJ GOP) 9:10PM Ar. Washington National Airport May 28, 1993 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 23-29,1993 Pg. 1 Sunday, May 23 8:15 lv. Washington National, Signature Flight Support 9:35 ar. Waterville, Maine, met by Professor G. Calvin Mackenzie, Distinguished Presedential Professor of American Government, and Chair of Government Department 9:40 ar. Colby College 10:00-11:30 SPEAK-Colby College Commencement 11:30 lv. Colby College 11:40 ar. Waterville Airport 11:45 lv. Waterville 12:00 ar. Portland, Maine, met by Jan Staples 12:10 ar. Portland Regency Hotel 12:15-1:30 attend fundraising buffet brunch for Maine GOP 1:35 lv. Portland Regency Hotel 1:45 ar. Portland Airport 1:45-2:05 airport press availability 2:10 lv. Portland 3:40 ar. Washington National, Signature Flight Support, met by Wilbert 4:00 NBC Studio, NBC interview for NBC Nightly News 4001 Nebraska Ave, NW SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 23-29,1993 Pg.2 Monday, May 24 12:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Mike Hayden 12:45 Arlington National Cemetery, Section 2, Administrative Building Processional to graveside 1:00-1:45 memorial service for Senator Smith's mother, Mrs. Margaret Smith (wife of Lt. Commander Donale E. Smith) 2:15 S-230 mtg. w/ American Jewish Congress (John z.) 5:00 lv. The Capitol 5:15 lv. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight Support 6:00 ar. Princeton, New Jersey -fundraising reception & dinner for Chuck Haytaian's Republican Assembly Majority (Jo-Anne) 8:25 lv. Princeton 9:10 ar. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight Support SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE-Week of May 23-29, 1993 Pg.3 Tuesday, May 25 8:45 SD-G50 SPEAK-Senator Dodd's Washington Seminar 10:00 S-230 PHOTO w/ Dr. & Mrs. Rick Thacker, Russell dentist (Marcie) 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/ interns (Darren) 12:00 SR-385 SPEAK- Cong. Dan Miller's Congressional Classroom 12:15 S-230 mtg. w/ GOP Ranking Members & Leadership 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 3:00 S-230 DROP BY-Vicki mtg. w/ Carolyn Bloom & Ken Davis of Kansas w/ American Physical Therapy Association 4:30 S-407 CIA Briefing w/ Senator Mitchell (John z.) 6:30 Willard, Grant Room SPEAK- Textron Board of Director's Dinner SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 23-29, 1993 Pg. 4 Wednesday, May 26 8:30 S-230 breakfast w/ Dan Rather (Walt) 9:00 S-301 Republican Policy Committee- Economic Task Force Mtg. w/ Republican Senators 9:45 S-230 mtg. w/ Sadko Ogata, U.N. High Commissioner for Refugee (Mira) 10:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Jim Miller (Jo-Anne) 10:30 S-230 DROP BY- John z. mtg. w/ Carl Lindner, Chairman of the Board of Chiquita, & Patrick Nielsen, Pres. of Dole Food, & David Murdoch 10:45 S-207 SPEAK- Martinsburg, WV, Berkeley Chamber of Commerce 11:00 S-230 PHOTO w/ Hutchinson educators (David) 12:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Senator Packwood 12:00 S-230 lunch w/ Sec. Brady & Bob Teeter 1:30 S-230 taped interview w/ Channel 1 (Clarkson) 3:30 S-230 DROP BY- Nina mtg. w/ Bob Juliano & Steve Koplan, w/ Bayh, Connaughton, Fensterheim, & Malone 4:00 S-230 mtg. / Pat Hucker & Dr. Zachariah (Mark Miller) 5:30 Senate Radio/TV Gallery SPEAK via satellite-American Psychiatric Association 7:00 Mr. K's 2121 K St. NW dinner w/ Amb. & Mrs. Bob Strauss, Senator Baker, Cissy Baker, Senator & Mrs. Stevens, & Mrs. Dole SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 23-29, 1993 Pg. 5 Thursday, May 27 8:30 Monocle steering committee breakfast for Senator Durenberger's upcoming fundraising event 10:15 S-230 mtg. w/ Tom Donovan, Chicago Board of Trade, & Bill Brodsky w/ Chicago Mercantile & Tad Davis (Mark & Bret) 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/ crime team & Cong. Michel (Nelson) 11:30 S-230 mg w/ Bill & Sue Keck & Pat Templeton 11:30 S-230 DROP BY- Whit & David mtg. w/ John Hoffman, Sprint Executive VP 12:00 Senators Dining Room lunch w/ Mrs. Dole & Rev. Wogaman 3:30 S-230 DROP BY-Nina mtg. w/ Lou Rudin & son Bill, w/ Rudin Mgmt. for New York City, & John Somers, Senior Vice President f/ Teachers Insurance Annuity Assoc, & Steve Wechsler, & Jeff DeBoer 3:45 Senate Press Gallery press conference w/ Cong. Hyde re: final draft of bill to terminate arms embargo 4:00 S-230 NBC interview on Hillary Clinton 4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/ Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Wiedeman from Hutchinson (Marcie) 4:15 S-230 mtg. w/ Sam Brownback (Bret) 4:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Mickey Rodin, BagCraft Corp. (Greg) 4:30 S-230mtg. w/ Rodney Slater, Federal Highway Administration designee (Greg) 5:00-6:00 Senate Radio/ TV Gallery LIVE-Larry King Radio call-in Show (Clarkson) 6:15 Senate Gallery CNN interview SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 23-29, 1993 Pg. 6 Friday, May 28 10:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Dimitri Ryurikov & Dimitri Simes & Bob Ellsworth (John z. ) 10:20 S-230 big radio 11:10 lv. The Capitol 11:30 lv. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight Support 1:15 ar. Wichita Falls, Texas 3:45 lv. Wichita Falls 4:15 ar. Abilene, Texas 5:25 lv. Abilene 5:50 ar. San Angelo, Texas 7:00 lv. San Angelo 7:30 ar. Waco 8:25 lv. Waco 8:55 ar. San Antonio RON: San Antonio SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of May 23-29, 1993 Pg.7 Saturday, May 29 9:50 lv. San Antonio 10:20 ar. Austin 11:30 lv. Ausitn 3:15 ar. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight Support, met by Wilbert 03/28/93 09:57 WICHITA SENATOR DOLE SH 313162648446 NO.277 q01 BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 MAY 27'93 16:53 No.022 P.01 (Circeled: FINAL (REVISED) 5/27/93) CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe 202/408-5105 (O) 202/408-5117 (FAX) 703/845-1714 (H) (Line crossed out: (Illegible)) (Line crossed out: (Illegible)) Alan Hill or Craig Goldman 512/499-8555 512/499-0322 (FAX) Mike Glassner Sky Page: 1-800-946-4646 PIN 109-5918 SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE- MAY 28-29, 1993 Friday, May 28 11:10AM Lv. Capitol 11:25AM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/549-8340 11:30AM Lv. Washington AIRCRAFT: Falcon 50 (AFLAC) TAIL NO.: N 500 AF SEATS: 9 + jump seat Manifest: Senator Dole Senator Gramm Jim Whittinghill Nina Oviedo Kristen Hyde Alan Hill (NRSC) David Pringle (AFLAC) FLIGHT TIME: 2 hr 45 mins TIME CHANGE: -1 hr MEAL SERVICE: Lunch 05/28/93 09:57 WICHITA SENATOR DOLE SH 313162648446 NO.277 q02 BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 MAY 27'93 16:53 No.022 P.02 PAGE TWO Friday, May 28 (continued): PILOT: John Kelleher CO-PILOT: Ed Garvin 706/324-0586 706/327-1516 (FAX) CONTACT: David Pringle 202/628-6074 202/628-6076 (FAX) 1:15PM Ar. Wichita Falls, Texas Sheppard Municipal Airport Southern Aviation 817/855-5460 MET BY: Mike Glassner Arrives 11:49, American #3703 Kevin Brannon (Gramm advance) 214/265-7384 (O) 214/324-5546 (H) Sky Page: 1-800-sky-page, PIN 10150 1:15PM Lv. Sheppard Municipal Airport DRIVE TIME: 15 mins VAN 1: Driver: Warren Ayers Senator Dole Jim Whittinghill Mike Glassner VAN 2: Driver: Lanum Lyne Senator Gramm Alan Hill Kevin Brannon VAN 3: Driver: Richard Sink Nina Oviedo Kristin Hyde David Pringle 1:30 Ar. The Wichita Club City Bank Building 8th and Lamar 817/723-2748 PROCEED TO 5th FLOOR- THE DUTCHESS ROOM 05/28/93 09:57 WICHITA SENATOR DOLE SH 313162648446 NO.277 q03 BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 MAY 27'93 16:53 No.022 P.03 PAGE THREE Friday, May 28 (continued): 1:30PM-2:30PM ATTEND FUNDRAISER FOR KAY BAILEY HUTCHISON CONTACT: Jacque Allen (County Chair, Hutchison for Senate) 817/767-1533 (O) 817/767-9401 (H) 2:30PM Lv. The Wichita Club DRIVE TIME: 15 mins MOTORCADE: Same as arrival 2:45PM Ar. Texas Recreation Corporation 908 North Beverly 817/322-4463 PROCEED TO PLANT FLOOR 2:45PM-3:25PM SMALL BUSINESS/JOBS PRESS CONFERENCE CONTACT: Bob Scheurer President, Texas Recreation Corp. 3:25PM Lv. Texas Recreation Corporation DRIVE TIME: 15 mins MOTORCADE: Same as arrival 3:45PM Ar. Southern Aviation 817/855-5460 3:45Pm Lv. Wichita Falls FLIGHT TIME: 30 minutes MANIFEST: Senator Dole Senator Gramm Jim Whittinghill Nina Oviedo Mike Glassner Kristin Hyde Alan Hill (NRSC) Kevin Brannon (Gramm Advance) David Pringle (AFLAC) 05/28/93 09:57 WICHITA SENATOR DOLE SH 313162648446 NO.277 q04 BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 MAY 27'93 16:53 No.022 P.04 PAGE FOUR Friday, May 28 (continued): 4:15PM Ar. Abilene, Texas Abilene Regional Airport Abilene Aero 915/677-2601 MET BY: Tucker Bridwell (Jordan Haines' son-in-law and Hutchison Co-Chair) 915/677-5275 (O) 915/692-5559 (H) Jennifer Crabtree (Gramm advance) 806/743-7534 (O) 806/795-7225 (H) DRIVE TIME: 15 mins MOTORCADE: SUBURBAN #1: Driver: Tucker Bridwell Senator Dole Jim Whittinghill Mike Glassner Nina Oviedo Kristin Hyde SUBURBAN #2: Driver: Dian Owen Senator Gramm Alan Hill Kevin Brannon Jennifer Crabtree David Pringle 4:30PM Ar. Abilene Ag Service and Supply 1301 South Treadway 915/677-4371 4:30PM-5:00PM BTU TAX PRESS CONFERENCE (Event runs 4:30-5:10) CONTACT: Debbie Bell 915/676-5533 (O) 915/676-1434 (H) 5:00PM LIVE SHOT WITH KRBC-TV (NBC Affiliate) 3-minute top-of-newshour Correspondent: Karen Wilkersen 915/692-4242 05/28/93 09:57 WICHITA SENATOR DOLE SH 313162648446 NO.277 q05 BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 MAY 27'93 16:54 No.022 P.05 PAGE FIVE Friday, May 28 (continued): 5:10PM Lv. Abilene Ag Service and Supply MOTORCADE: Same as on arrival DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 5:25PM Lv. Abilene MANIFEST: Senator Dole Senator Gramm Jim Whittinghill Nina Oviedo Mike Glassner Kristin Hyde Alan Hill (NRSC) David Pringle (AFLAC) Jennifer Crabtree (Gramm advance) Kevin Brannon (Gramm advance) (jump seat) FLIGHT TIME: 25 mins 5:50PM Ar. San Angelo Mathis Field Ranger Aviation 915/949-3773 MET BY: Steve Stephens 915/655-0676 (O) 915/949-7827 (H) DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes MOTORCADE: To be determined 6:05PM Ar. Tucker Drilling Company 4500 San Antonio Highway 915/653-5626 6:05PM-6:45PM BTU TAX PRESS CONFERENCE CONTACT: Steve Stephens 6:45Pm Lv. Tucker Drilling Co. DRIVE TIME: 15 mins 05/28/93 09:57 WICHITA SENATOR DOLE SH 313162648446 NO.277 q06 BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 MAY 27'93 16:55 No.022 P.06 PAGE SIX Friday, May 28 (continued): 7:00PM Ar. Ranger Aviation 915/949-3773 7:00PM Lv. San Angelo FLIGHT TIME: 35 mins MANIFEST: Senator Dole Senator Gramm Jim Whittinghill Nina Oviedo Mike Glassner Kristin Hyde Alan Hill (NRSC) David Pringle (AFLAC) Jennifer Crabtree (Gramm Advance) Kevin Brannon (Gramm Advance) (jump seat) MEAL SERVICE: Light dinner 7:35PM Ar. Waco Waco Regional Airport Texas Aero 817/752-9731 MET BY: Walt Fair and volunteer caravan 817/751-9220 (O) 817/776-4413 (H) 817/744-1750 (Mobile) DRIVE TIME: 15 mins MOTORCADE: VAN #1: Driver: Walt Fair Senator Dole Jim Whittinghill Mike Glassner VAN #2: Sriver: Terry Stevens Senator Gramm Alan Hill Kevin Brannon Jennifer Crabtree VAN #3: Driver: M.A. Taylor Nina Oviedo Kristin Hyde David Pringle 05/28/93 09:57 WICHITA SENATOR DOLE SH 313162648446 NO.277 q07 BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 MAY 27'93 16:55 No.022 P.07 PAGE SEVEN Friday, May 28 (continued): 7:50PM Ar. Frank Weaver Pontiac 1101 North Valley Mills Drive 817/772-6330 PROCEED TO SHOW ROOM 7:50PM-8:15PM SMALL BUSINESS/ JOBS PRESS CONFERENCE CONTACT: Frank Weaver 817/772-6330 (O) 817/772-8762 (H) 8:15PM Lv. Weaver Pontiac DRIVE TIME: 15 mins MOTORCADE: Same as on arrival 8:30PM Ar. Texas Aero 617/752-9731 8:30PM Lv. Waco FLIGHT TIME: 30 mins MANIFEST: Senator Dole Senator Gramm Jim Whittinghill Nina Oviedo Mike Glassner Kristin Hyde Alan Hill (NRSC) David Pringle (AFLAC) 9:00PM Ar. San Antonio San Antonio International Airport Million Air/ Nayak 210/824-7511 MET BY: Ed Hodges 210/366-2025 (O) 210/561-0526 (H) 1-800/SKY-PAGE, PIN 10252 (Pager) Phil Ricks 210/697-9055 (O) 210/496-7622 (H) 05/28/93 09:57 WICHITA SENATOR DOLE SH 313162648446 NO.277 q08 BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 MAY 27'93 16:55 No.022 P.08 PAGE EIGHT Friday, May 28 (continued): 9:00PM Lv. Million Air/Nayak DRIVE TIME: 20 mins MOTORCADE: SUBURBAN #1: Driver: Pulse Martinez Senator Dole Jim Whittinghill Mike Glassner Nina Oviedo Kristin Hyde CAR #2: Driver: Phil Ricks Senator Gramm Alan Hill Ed Hodges David Pringle DRIVER: Phil Ricks, Ed Hodges and Pulse Martinez 9:20PM Ar. Mengor Hotel 204 Alamo Plaza 210/223-4361 RON: Menagor Hotel (Senator Dole's room in Mike Glassner's name, Senator Gramm's room in Alan Hill's name) Confirmation Numbers: 2 Glassner rooms: #85052 Whit: #85053 Kristin: #85054 Nina: #85055 David Pringle: #85137 05/28/93 09:57 WICHITA SENATOR DOLE SH 313162648446 NO.277 q09 BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 MAY 27'93 16:56 No.022 P.09 PAGE NINE Saturday, May 29 8:30AM Met in hotel lobby by Pulse Martinez 210/742-3367 (O & H) and Ed Hodges 8:30AM Lv. Mengor Hotel MOTORCADE: Same as on arrival DRIVE TIME: 30 mins 9:00AM Ar. San Antonio Terminal Facility Diamond Shamrock 2815 Roosevelt 210/641-8840 9:00AM-9:30AM BTU TAX PRESS CONFERENCE CONTACT: Kathy Hughs 210/641-8846 (O) 210/641-8840 (O) 210/496-4956 (H) 9:30AM Lv. San Antonio Terminal Facility DRIVE TIME: 20 mins MOTORCADE: Same as on arrival 9:50AM Ar. San Antonio International Airport Million Air/Nayak 210/824-7511 9:50AM Lv. San Antonio MANIFEST: Senator Dole Senator Gramm Jim Whittinghill Nina Oviedo Mike Glassner Kristin Hyde Alan Hill (NRSC) Ed Hodges (Gramm advance) David Pringle (AFLAC) FLIGHT TIME: 30 mins 10:20AM Ar. Austin- Mueller Municipal Airport Signature Aviation 512/476-5451 05/28/93 09:57 WICHITA SENATOR DOLE SH 313162648446 NO.277 q10 BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 MAY 27'93 16:56 No.022 P.10 PAGE TEN Saturday, May 29 (continued): MET BY: Duke Bodish 512/499-8555 (O) 512/266-2350 (H) 512/266-9853 (FAX) 10:20AM Lv. Signature Aviation DRIVE TIME: 20 mins MOTORCADE: To be determined 10:40AM Ar. Farmer's Market 6701 Burnet Road (4 blocks north of 2222) 512/454-1002 NOTE: MEDIA HAS BEEN ADVISED EVENT BEGINS AT 10:30 MET BY: Jennifer Crabtree 10:40AM-11:10AM BBTU TAX PRESS CONFERENCE NOTE: AS AN EXCEPTION TO OTHER PRESS CONFERENCES ON THIS TOUR, THERE WILL BE NO Q&A TO FOLLOW! (Per request of Kay Hutchison) 11:10AM Lv. Farmer's Market DRIVE TIME: 20 mins 11:30AM Ar. Signature Aviation 11:30AM Lv. Austin MANIFEAST: Senator Dole Jim Wittinghill Nina Oviedo Kristin Hyde David Pringle (AFLAC) (Senator Gramm continues on tour of Texas) (Mike Glassner leaves at 12:42 on American 1196, Arrives KCI 4:00 PM) FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs 45 mins (est.) TIME CHANGE: +1 hour MEAL SERVICE: Lunch 3:15PM Ar. Washington National Signature Flight Support 703/549-8340