April 5, 1993 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of March 28-April 3, 1993 Pg. 1 Sunday, March 28 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of March 28-April 3, 1993 Pg. 2 Monday, March 29 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Tom DeLoach (John) 12:00 SR-325 SPEAK - Society of American Florists 1:00 S-230 mtg. w/Republican Conference re: supplemental appropriations bill 1:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Kenny Kellstadt, Anderson County High School (Darren) & "MISC GROUPS" 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Kansas Farm Bureau (Bret) 2:30 S-230 DROP BY - Bret mtg. w/Art Armbrust, President of American Seed Trade Association, from Healy, KS 4:00 S-230 DROP BY - Bret mtg. w/Kansas Association Conservation Districts 5:00-6:30 H-130 recp f/City of Marshalltown & Marshall County, Iowa, hosted by Cong. Jim Lightfoot, Senators Grassley & Harkin 6:00-8:00 SD-G50 DROP BY - The Arc & Woolworth Corp. reception & preview of their documentary film "Employ Ability" (you & Sen. Harkin are Honorary Co-Chairmen) 7:00 La Brasserie, private room, 239 Mass Ave, NE dinner w/Joe Fogg & Rep. Newt Gingrich SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of March 28-April 3, 1993 Pg. 3 Tuesday, March 30 NOTE: Two Harvard students will be observing you throughout the day. Harvetta Nero f/Wichita & Curran Campbell f/Georgia (Clarkson) 8:15 Hyatt Regency, Ballroom SPEAK - Nat'l Beer Wholesalers 8:50 S-120 BRIEF REMARKS - Farm Credit Bank Breakfast (you are cohosting w/Sen Kassebaum) 10:30 S-230 DROP BY - Nina mtg. w/Bill Caton, President, Kansas Development Finance Authority 11:00 S-230 DROP BY - Bret mtg. w/Dean Lorenz, KSU College of Veterinary Medicine 11:30 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Randall O'Donnell, Pres. & CEO, Don Chisholm, Pres. of Board, & 3 others w/Children's Mercy Hospital 12:15 S-230 mtg. w/GOP Ranking Members & Leadership 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Michael Perry, Chairman, & Ned Bandler, VP f/Corporate Development, Unilever 3:30 S-230 mtg. w/16 senior managers of pension funds & Jack Albertine (Dennis) 4:30 S-230 mtg. w/Rand Araskog 5:00 S-230 DROP BY - Greg mtg. w/Mike Niedenthal, Mid-America Manufacturing & Technology Center, Lawrence 5:30-7:00 Washington Court Hotel, Upstairs Ballroom DROP BY - fundraiser f/Sen. Mack 6:00-8:00 Ronald Reagan Center fundraiser birthday party for Senator Pressler (Jo-Anne) 6:30 Washington Court Hotel, Monticello Rm. dinner w/Joe Fogg & others (Jo-Anne) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of March 28-April 3, 1993 Pg. 4 Wednesday, March 31 8:30 S-230 breakfast w/network correspondents 10:00 Hyatt Regency, Columbia A & B SPEAK - American Chiropractic Association 11:00 S-230 PHOTO w/3 teachers f/Haskell Indian Junior College (David) 2:00 H-236 mtg. w/Cong. Michel, House & Senate Ranking Members on Budget, Finance, & Ways & Means Committees re: debt limit (David T.) 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Hays Economic Development officials (Marcie) 3:30 S-230 mtg. w/Ralph Reed, Exec. Dir. of the Christian Coalition, Marshall Wittmann, Dir of Legis. Affairs, & Heidi Scanlon, Dir. of Gov't Affairs (Kerry) 3:30 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Dr. Gerald Kerby, American College of Physician, & Dr. Donald Hatton from Lawrence 3:45 S-230 PHOTO w/4 Kansas 4-H students (Bret) 4:30 S-230 mtg. w/Republican Conference SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of March 28-April 3, 1993 Pg. 5 Thursday, April 1 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Sec'y Shalala on budget cuts 10:15 White House, Oval Office mtg. w/Sen. Mitchell, Cong. Michel, Speaker Foley, & Cong. gephardt re: Vancouver trip 11:30 L'Enfant Plaza, Grand Ballroom SPEAK - Edison Electric Institute 11:30 (recp) La Colline Restaurant fundraiser f/Pete Wilson (Jo-Anne) 12:00 (luncheon) 1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Pete Teeley 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Paul Womack (Kerry) 2:30 S-230 DROP BY - mtg. w/Armenian Parliamentary delegation 3:15 Ohio Clock PHOTO w/Rich Carlucci from Massachusetts 3:30 lv. for Walter Reed - appt. w/Dr. McLeod 6:30 Union Station Presidential Roundtable reception 8:00 S-230 mtg. w/Republican Conference SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of March 28-April 3, 1993 Pg. 6 Friday, April 2 8:30-11:30 S-120 reception hosted by Childhelp USA (Marcie) (letter of invitation from you) 11:00 S-230 PHOTO w/12 students from the Univ. of North Carolina Chapter of Students f/America (Darren); & Marjorie Schowalter from Newton, KS (Marcie) 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call 11:45 S-230 big radio 12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Ed Madigan (Whit) 1:15 Radio/TV Gallery press conference w/other Senators 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sen. Kassebaum, Cong. Myers, & Cong. Roberts 3:30 S-230 CNN interview 3:45 S-230 mtg. w/CIA Director Woolsey (John Z.) 6:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - mark-up to increase the statutory limit on the public debt SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of March 28-April 3, 1993 Pg. 7 Saturday, April 3 Senate in Session 12:00 S-230 Republican Conference 1:00 S-221 PHOTO w/Sen. Mitchell & Sec'y Panetta 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sen. Domenici & Sec'y Panetta re: supplemental April 12, 1993 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 4-10, 1993 Pg. 1 Sunday, April 4 1:00 Blair House mtg. w/President Mubarak & Sen. Simpson 2:00 NBC Studio, 4001 Nebraska Ave, NW interview w/NBC Monday, April 5 10:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Hatfield 11:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Belleville High School Band (Darren) 1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Republican Conference re: supplemental 4:30 Radio/TV Press Gallery Inside Politics 6:00 Radio/TV Press Gallery CNBC interview -- Business Insiders SUNDOWN: Passover SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 4-10, 1993 Pg. 2 Tuesday, April 6 9:00 a.m. lv. residence 9:15 a.m. ar. National Airport, Signature Flight Support 9:20 a.m. lv. Washington via private aircraft 10:30 a.m. ar. Cincinnati, Ohio, met by Mike Glassner and others SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE RON: Kansas SUNDOWN: Passover ends Wednesday, April 7 in Kansas 8:00 p.m. lv. Kansas City via private aircraft 10:50 p.m. ar. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight Support, met by Wilbert RON: D.C. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 4-10, 1993 Pg. 3 Thursday, April 8 11:10 a.m. lv. Washington National, Signature Flight Support 12:30 a.m. ar. Greenville, Mississippi SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 2:30 p.m. lv. Greenville 5:20 p.m. ar. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida - met by Sea View driver RON: Sea View Friday, April 9 in Florida RON: Sea View SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 4-10, 1993 Pg. 4 Saturday, April 10 in Florida RON: Sea View BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 05'93 17:14 No. 011 P.03 April 6-7 FINAL 4/5/93 CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe 202/408-5105 (O) 202/408-5117 (FAX) 703/845-1714 (H) Mike Glassner Westin Hotel: 513/621-7700 (Arr. Mon., 8:04 PM, Delta 1024) SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE - TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1993 9:00 AM Lv. residence 9:15 AM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/549-8340 9:20 AM Lv. Washington AIRCRAFT: ADM Falcon 10 TAIL NO.: N 244 AD SEATS: 4 PILOT: To be determined CO-PILOT: To be determined MANIFEST: Senator Dole FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 10 minutes CONTACT: Claudia Madding 217/424-5515 (O) 217/428-1559 (H) 217/424-5582 (FAX) 217/424-5521 (Linda, Aviation Dept.) Lisa Royal 217/424-5957 10:30 AM Ar. Cincinnati, Ohio Lunken Field Stevens Aviation 513/871-8600 PHOTOGRAPHER WILL BE PRESENT FOR ARRIVAL PHOTOS BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 05'93 17:15 No. 011 P. 04 PAGE TWO Tuesday, April 6 (continued): MET BY: Mike Glassner Rob and Jane Portman Curt Steiner, Campaign Manager & DFP '88 Joe Hagin, Vice Pres., Chiquita Brands Intl. Cheryl Messer, Volunteer Coordinator Jane Bittner, Portman volunteer David Sacks, Portman volunteer Rita Fisher, County Coordinator Rev. Charles Winburn, African-American Nationalities Coord. Ann Niklas, Portman volunteer 10:40 AM Lv. Lunken Field CAR 1 (Oldsmobile 88): Allen Freeman, Driver Senator Dole Rob Portman Mike Glassner CAR 2 (1992 Dodge Caravan): Creighton Wright, Driver Jane Portman Curt Steiner Joe Hagin DRIVE TIME: 20-30 minutes (highway construction en route) 11:10 AM Ar. CINCINNATI ENQUIRER 312 Elm Street 513/721-2700 MET BY: Barry Bennett, Portman Press Secretary PROCEED TO 20TH FLOOR - PUBLISHER'S BOARD ROOM 11:15 AM-11:45 AM EDITORIAL BOARD - Cincinnati Enquirer Participants: Harry Whipple, Publisher George Blake, Editor, V.P. Peter Bronson, Associate Editor Mary McDonald Robert Clerc Robert Webb Allen Howard Linda Cagnetti BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 05'93 17:15 No. 011 P. 05 PAGE THREE Tuesday, April 6 (continued): CONTACT: Martie Flanigan Exec. Asst. to Mr. Whipple 513/721-2700 11:45 AM Lv. Cincinnati Enquirer 11:55 AM Ar. Westin Hotel 513/621-7700 PROCEED TO FOUNTAIN ROOM (Top of escalator to the right) 12:00 PM-1:00 PM ATTEND FUNDRAISING RECEPTION/LUNCHEON FOR ROB PORTMAN, Congressional candidate CROWD SIZE: 30 @ $1,000 each FORMAT: No head table (Rounds of 10) Round #1: Senator Dole, Rob and Jane Portman PROGRAM: Photo-op: 8 minutes Mix-n-Mingle: 10 minutes Welcome Remarks and Intro of Senator Dole: Rob Portman (5 minutes) REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE (15 minutes) CONTACT: Betsy Kelsey 513/561-9993 (Portman Hqtrs.) 513/561-2566 (FAX) 419/874-2302 (H) 419/874-0108 (Mary Sabin's Toledo Ofc.) Joe Hagin 513/784-8866 1:00 PM Lv. Westin Hotel DRIVE TIME: 20 minutes BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 05'93 17:16 No. 011 P. 07 PAGE FIVE Tuesday, April 6 (continued) 2:00 PM SENATOR DOLE CONCLUDES, EXITS PLATFORM Accompanied by Rob and Jane Portman 2:00 PM-2:20 PM BRIEF ONE-ON-ONE PRESS AVAIL WITH LOCAL MEDIA 2:25 PM Lv. East Gate Holiday Inn DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes DRIVER: Creighton Wright MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner, Sharon Maloney, Cincinnati Post Political Writer -- interview in car 2:40 PM Ar. Lunken Field Stevens Aviation 513/871-8600 2:45 PM Lv. Cincinnati AIRCRAFT: ADM Falcon 10 TAIL NO.: N 244 AD FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 55 mins TIME CHANGE: -1 hour MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner 3:50 PM Ar. Salina, Kansas Flower Aviation 913/825-6739 TAXI TO KSU SALINA AERONAUTICAL CENTER 913/826-2679 MET BY: Dean Jack Henry, College of Technology Dr. Charles Reagan, Exec. Asst. to Jon Wefald, KSU President Dave Spears 4:10 PM-4:30 PM BRIEFING - KSU - SALINA AERONAUTICAL CENTER Dr. Charles Reagan, Exec. Asst. to Jon Wefald, KSU President Dave Spears 4:30 PM-4:50 PM TOUR AERONAUTICAL CENTER (Briefing Party) BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 05'93 17:16 No. 011 P. 08 PAGE SIX Tuesday, April 6 (continued): 4:50 PM PRESS AVAILABILITY 5:00 PM-5:40 PM RECEPTION - Aeuronautical Center Cafeteria KSU - Salina faculty, staff and students; Salina Chamber Representatives, Salina Airport Authority Members Director, Beech Aircraft representatives CONTACT: Sue Peterson, 913/532-6221 5:40 PM Lv. Salina AIRCRAFT: ADM Falcon 10 TAIL NO.: N 244 AD MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner, Dave Spears FLIGHT TIME: 30 minutes 6:10 PM Ar. Hays, Kansas Rich's Air Service 913/625-6618 MET BY: Dr. Thomas McDonald and Chris Schukman 6:30 PM-6:50 PM SPEAK - CENTRAL KANSAS MEDICAL SOCIETY Monthly Meeting Smokey Hills Country Club - Grill Room 913/625-7377 6:50 PM-7:00 PM Mix and Mingle CONTACT: Linda Boone Dr. Thomas McDonald 913/628-8218 CROWD SIZE: 80 7:05 PM Lv. Smokey Hills Country Club DRIVER: Chris Schukman and/or Dr. Thomas McDonald BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 05'93 17:17 No. 011 P. 09 PAGE SEVEN Tuesday, April 6 (continued): 7:15 PM Lv. Hays AIRCRAFT: ADM Falcon 10 TAIL NO.: N 244 AD MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs 30 mins TIME CHANGE: +1 hr 10:45 PM Ar. Washington, D.C. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert PROCEED TO PRIVATE (handwritten on page) OR PICK UP KS SCHED. AND ON TO NEXT 2 PGS??? BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 05'93 17:17 No. 011 P. 10 PAGE FIVE Wednesday, April 7 A.M. SEE KANSAS SCHEDULE 6:00 PM Ar. Allis Plaza Hotel 816/421-6800 NOTE: Arrangements have been made for Gale Grosch to park vehicle in front circle at hotel. PROCEED TO YARDBIRD B ROOM, 2ND FLOOR 6:00 PM-7:30 PM ATTEND/SPEAK - FUNDRAISING RECEPTION/DINNER MISSOURI REPUBLICAN PARTY CROWD SIZE: 150-200 PROGRAM: 6:00 PM-6:30 PM Business Roundtable discussion with major corporate donors 6:30 PM Proceed to Count Basie Ballroom B 6:30 PM-6:40 PM Reception for major individual donors (quick mix and mingle) 6:40 PM-6:55 PM Photo op (30 clicks) (@ $500 each) 6:55 PM Proceed to Count Basie Ballroom C Proceed to Head Table Head table: Senator Dole, Senator Danforth, Senator Kassebaum, Senator Bond, Bucky Bush - Missouri GOP Finance Chairman 7:00 PM Attend Kit Bond Birthday Party 7:05 PM INTRO OF SENATOR DOLE - BUCKY BUSH 7:10 PM REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE CONTACT: Annie Presley 816/753-0070 816/561-2943 (FAX) BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 05'93 17:17 No. 011 P. 11 PAGE SIX Wednesday, April 7 (continued): 7:30 PM Lv. Allis Plaza Hotel DRIVER: Gale Grosch Gale: 913/371-6108 (O) 913/768-1414 (H) PASSENGERS: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner, Sandy Sloan - UtiliCorp 7:45 PM Ar. Kansas City Downtown Airport Trans UCU Hangar 500 N. Richards Road (North of Terminal) 816/472-5554 7:50 PM Lv. Kansas City AIRCRAFT: Utilicorp Hawker TAIL NO.: N 589 UC SEATS: 8 PILOT: To be determined CO-PILOT: To be determined MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Sandy Sloan, Utilicorp FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 50 mins TIME CHANGE: +1 hour MEAL SERVICE: Sandwiches and fruit CONTACT: Sandy Sloan 816/691-3531 (Apr 1 only) 202/429-7000 (other dates) OR: Barbara Burchette Wiley, Rein & Fielding 202/429-7000 10:40 PM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert PROCEED TO PRIVATE 04/06/93 10:16 TOPEKA 913 295 2748 002 April 6-7 KS FINAL CONTACT: Judy Brown 913/836-2319 (h) 913/295-2745 (w) Gale Grosch 913/768-1414 (h) 913/371-6108 (o) Jo-Anne Coe 703/845-1714 (h) 202/408-5086 (w) YINGLING AVIATION 316/943-3246 WEATHER: TUESDAY, APRIL 6 - Cloudy, chance of rain 30% during the day, increasing to 70% tonight. Highs in the 50's, lows in the 40's, southeast wind 10-20 mph. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7 - Showers and thunderstorms likely, highs in the 50's, southerly winds, 10-20 mph. KANSAS SCHEDULE - SENATOR DOLE, TUES., APR. 6, WED, APR. 7 TUESDAY, APRIL 6 3:00 p.m. Lv. Cincinnati 4:00 p.m. Ar. Salina Airport Taxi to KSU-Salina Aeronautical Center 913/826-2679 MET BY: Dean Jack Henry, College of Technology, and Dr. Charles Reagan, Executive Assistant to the KSU President, Jon Wefald. *Dave Spears will meet you in Salina and travel with you Wednesday. 4:10 p.m.-4:30 p.m. KSU-SALINA AERONAUTICAL CENTER - Briefing - Dr. Charles Reagan, Principal Investigator; Mr. Ken Bernard, Department Head, Aeronautics. 913/826-2679 04/06/93 10:16 TOPEKA 913 295 2748 003 4:30 p.m.-4:50 p.m. Tour of Aeronautical Center - Briefing Party PRESS AVAILABILITY - IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING TOUR 5:00 p.m. RECEPTION - Aeronautical Center Cafeteria, KSU-Salina faculty, staff and students, Salina Chamber Representatives, Salina Airport Authority members and Director, Beech Aircraft representatives. CONTACT: Sue Peterson 913/532-6221 5:40 p.m. Lv. Salina for Hays AIRCRAFT: ADM Falcon 10 TAIL NO.: N 344 AD SEATS: 4 PILOT: CO-PILOT: FLIGHT TIME: 30 mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner, Dave Spears 6:10 p.m. Ar. Hays Airport FBO: Rich's Air Service 913/625-6618 MET BY: Dr. Thomas McDonald and Chris Schukman 6:30 p.m.-6:50 p.m. HAYS - SPEAK - Central Kansas Medical Society Monthly Meeting - Smokey Hills Country Club - Grill Room 913/625-7377 04/06/93 10:38 TOPEKA 913 295 2748 002 CONTACT: Linda Boone Dr. Thomas McDonald 913/628-8218 Attendance: 80 7:05 p.m. Lv. event for Russell DRIVER: Chris Schukman DRIVE TIME: 30 mins. (*Chris is an active Republican - met Senator Dole about 25 years ago at a Republican function in Hays - her mother was the chief cook for the event, and Chris was about 8 years old. She is very excited to meet him again, and thrilled to death that she gets to drive him to Russell.) 7:35 p.m. Ar. Russell (Gloria's home) 913/483-6043 City van will be at Gloria's RON - RUSSELL MIKE AND DAVE WILL BE AT THE WINCHESTER INN 913-483-6660 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7 9:00 a.m. Lv. Russell for Elkhart AIRCRAFT: CESSNA 414 CHANCELLOR TAIL NO.: 12436 SEATS: 5 PILOT: Mitchell Mosiman CO-PILOT: Dennis Richmeier FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr. 10 mins. FBO: Super Aviation 913/483-6173 04/06/93 10:17 TOPEKA 913 295 2748 005 MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner, Dave Spears 10:15 a.m. Ar. Elkhart - Morton County Airport D & N Aircraft - 316/697-4608 Airport manager - 316/697-2402 MET BY: Joe Hartman DRIVE TIME: 5-10 mins. 10:30 a.m.-11:15 a.m. ELHART - MORTON COUNTY GRAZING ASSOCIATION - SPEAK - Reception Morton County Historical Museum 316/697-2833 Reception open to the public and the press. Attendance: 100+ CONTACT: Joe Hartman 316/697-4621 11:15 a.m. Lv. Museum for airport DRIVER: Joe Hartman DRIVE TIME: 5-10 mins 11:30 a.m. Lv. Elkhart for El Dorado FOOD SERVICE: Lunch AIRCRAFT: Cessna 414 Chancellor TAIL NO.: 12436 SEATS: 5 PILOT: Mitchell Mosiman CO-PILOT: Dennis Richmeier FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 20 mins 04/06/93 10:17 TOPEKA 913 295 2748 006 MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner, Dave Spears 12:50 p.m. Ar. El Dorado FBO: Odle Aviation 316/321-4870 MET BY: Steve Funk President, Walnut Valley Bank 316/321-1250 DRIVE TIME: 15 mins. 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. EL DORADO - Meet with energy leaders Auditorium, Walnut Valley Bank Main & Central, 316/321-1250 CONTACT: Steve Funk 316/321-1250 Don Schnacke 913/232-7772 2:00 p.m. Lv. Walnut Valley Bank for Airport DRIVER: Steve Funk DRIVE TIME: 15 mins. 2:15 p.m. Lv. El Dorado for Kansas City Downtown Municipal AIRCRAFT: CESSNA 414 CHANCELLOR TAIL NO.: 12436 SEATS: 5 PILOT: Mitchell Mosiman CO-PILOT: Dennis Richmeier FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr. 04/06/93 10:17 TOPEKA 913 295 2748 007 3:15 p.m. Ar. Kansas City Downtown Municipal FBO: Executive Beechcraft 816/842-8484 MET BY: Gale DRIVE TIME: 5-10 minutes 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. KANSAS CITY, KS - Salvation Army - quick tour and photo op with Joseph "Clyde" LaFollette 500 North 7th Street, 913/321-6958 CONTACT: Larry Maxwell 913/321-6958 4:30 p.m. Lv. Salvation Army for Utilicorp DRIVER: Gale DRIVE TIME: 25 mins. 5:00 p.m.-5:45 p.m. UTILICORP - Meet with public service managers from Kansas, Missouri employees, and upper management 911 Main, Suite 3000 816/421-6600 *Sandy Sloan will meet you at the door of the building and escort you to the Board Room. CONTACT: Sandy Sloan 816/691-3531 5:45 p.m. Lv. Utilicorp for Allis Plaza DRIVER: Gale DRIVE TIME: 5-10 mins. 6:00 p.m. Allis Plaza - Missouri GOP Fundraiser Pick up Jo-Anne's schedule BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 APR 06'93 13:51 No. 010 P. 02 April 7-13 REVISED SCHEDULE Wednesday, April 7 A.M. SEE KANSAS SCHEDULE 6:00 PM Ar. Allis Plaza Hotel 816/421-6800 NOTE: Arrangements have been made for Gale Grosch to park vehicle in front circle at hotel. PROCEED TO YARDBIRD B ROOM, 2ND FLOOR 6:00 PM-7:30 PM ATTEND/SPEAK - FUNDRAISING RECEPTION/DINNER MISSOURI REPUBLICAN PARTY CROWD SIZE: 150-200 PROGRAM: 6:00 PM-6:30 PM Business Roundtable discussion with major corporate donors 6:30 PM Proceed to Count Basie Ballroom B 6:30 PM-6:40 PM Reception for major individual donors (Quick mix and mingle) 6:40 PM-6:55 PM Photo op (30 clicks) (@ $500 each) 6:55 PM Proceed to Count Basie Ballroom C Proceed to Head Table Head table: Senator Dole, Senator Danforth, Senator Kassebaum, Senator Bond, Bucky Bush - Missouri GOP Finance Chairman 7:00 PM Attend Kit Bond Birthday Party 7:05 PM INTRO OF SENATOR DOLE - BUCKY BUSH 7:10 PM REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 7:30 PM REMARKS - SENATOR DANFORTH CONTACT: Annie Presley 816/753-0070 816/561-2943 (FAX) BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 06'93 13:52 No. 010 P. 03 PAGE TWO Wednesday, April 7 (continued): 7:45 PM Lv. Allis Plaza Hotel DRIVER: Gale Grosch Gale: 913/371-6108 (O) 913/768-1414 (H) PASSENGERS: Senator Dole, Senator Danforth, Mike Glassner, Sandy Sloan - Utilicorp 7:55 PM Ar. Kansas City Downtown Airport Trans UCU Hangar 500 N. Richards Road (North of Terminal) 816/472-5554 8:00 PM Lv. Kansas City AIRCRAFT: Utilicorp Challenger TAIL NO.: N 585 UC SEATS: 8 PILOT: Tim Walter CO-PILOT: Gary Bryant MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Senator Danforth, Utilicorp employees: Sandy Sloan, Director, Govt. Affairs, Jeanne Oakes, Mgr., Budget/Admin, Mike McTavish, Dir., Financial Planning and Analysis FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 50 mins TIME CHANGE: +1 hour MEAL SERVICE: Sandwiches and fruit CONTACT: Sandy Sloan 816/691-3531 OR: Barbara Burchette Wiley, Rein & Fielding 202/429-7000 BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 06'93 13:52 No. 010 P.04 PAGE THREE Wednesday, April 7 (continued): 10:50 PM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert NOTE: WILBERT IS TO DROP SENATOR DANFORTH OFF AT HIS CAR AT THE CONGRESSIONAL PARKING LOT AT MAIN TERMINAL TO NATIONAL AIRPORT. PROCEED TO PRIVATE BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 06'93 13:52 No. 010 P.05 UCU EMPLOYEES AND STATES OF RESIDENCE Kansas Alden-White, Charlotte Brown, Ernestine Bruhn, Mike Bullock, Jayne Colosimo, Joe Decker, Todd Evanson, Doug Fortune, Melanie Fox, James Fragale, Mike Green, Robert Hatfield, Jim Hermanson, Phil Hicks, Tab Hirsh, Ethan Howell, Bob Maggiorotto, Wendy McTavish, Mike Miller, Randy Muncaster, Ed Oakes, Jeanne Putman, Amy Reed, Mark Samayos, Judy Schulte, Nancy Thomason, Shirley Turner, Jennifer (out of town) Winn, Harry Wolf, Dale Missouri Auer, Joyce Baker, Jack Blanton, Pat Christy, Cheryl Dammeyer, Daran Dick, Roger Fairchild, Ellen Franke, Brian Green, Rick Hans, George Hoenshell, Denise Manion, Nancy Matney, Susan Miller, Judy Myers, Jerry Pelaez, Nico Roady, Patty Schmidtlein, Rhonda Shrout, Clint Sisel, Dave Sloan, Sandy Trumble, Hillary Vargo, Diana Wegener, Todd Widhalm, Ethel Williams, Dennis BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 06'93 13:53 No. 010 P. 06 KANSAS PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYERS Lawrence, Kansas [All residents of the State of Kansas] Agut, Beverlee Burger, Dean Hanna, Steve Hertling, Mike Johns, Larissa Morris, Ron Parish, Bob Salome, Bill MISSOURI PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYEES Kansas City, Missouri [All residents of the State of Kansas] Cummings, Nancy Itteilag, Richard McKinney, John Stamm, Keith Wheatley, John PEOPLES NATURAL GAS Based in Omaha, Nebraska [Serves gas in Western Kansas] Jimerson, Marc Jurek, Steve Quick, Jerry Tyrdik, Penny Warnock, Dan UTILCO Based in Overland Park, Kansas [Involved in independent power production] Costanza, Frank Reed, Bruce Wertz, Tom SERVICE TODAY Based in Lenexa, Kansas [Appliance Sales and Servicing] Anderson, Steve Balax, Elie f:/users/guest4/dolenma.doc BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 06'93 13:53 No. 010 P. 07 DRAFT #1 4/6/93 CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe 202/408-5105 (O) 202/408-5117 (FAX) 703/845-1714 (H) SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE -- APRIL 8-13, 1993 Thursday, April 8 9:40 AM Lv. Residence 9:55 AM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/549-8340 10:00 AM Lv. Washington AIRCRAFT: ADM Falcon TAIL NO.: To be determined SEATS: 4 PILOT: To be determined CO-PILOT: To be determined MANIFEST: Senator Dole FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs 20 mins TIME CHANGE: -1 hour CONTACT: Claudia Madding 217/424-5515 (O) 217/428-1559 (H) 217/424-5581 (FAX) 217/424-5521 (Linda, Aviation Dept.) 217/424-2494 (Aviation FAX) Lisa Royal 217/424-5957 (H) 11:20 AM Ar. Greenville, Mississippi Municipal Airport General Aviation Service 601/335-0757 EVENTS FOR CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE HAYES DENT (Details to be provided) BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 06'93 13:53 No. 010 P. 08 PAGE TWO Thursday, April 8 (continued) PRESS CONFERENCE/RALLY MEETING WITH FARMERS HIGH-DOLLAR FUNDRAISER (Small group) NOTE: SENATOR DOLE TO PRESENT ENVELOPE TO THE CANDIDATE CONTAINING COPY OF CAMPAIGN AMERICA CONTRIBUTION -- WE WILL HAVE ALREADY FED EX'D OUR CHECK TO THEM. CONTACT: Trudy Nichol Campaign Manager 601/746-1993 John Lundy AA to Trent Lott 202/224-6253 1:30 PM Lv. Greenville AIRCRAFT: ADM Falcon FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 50 mins TIME CHANGE: +1 hour 4:20 PM Ar. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida International Airport AMR Combs 305/359-0000 MET BY: Sea View car RON: Sea View Friday, April 9, and Saturday, April 10 PRIVATE -- Sea View Sunday, April 11 CLARKSON WORKING ON PRESS OPTIONS (David Brinkley and Face the Nation) BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 06'93 13:54 No. 010 P. 09 PAGE THREE Monday, April 12 6:00 PM-8:00 PM CAMPAIGN AMERICA FUNDRAISING RECEPTION Music Room, the Seaview 9909 Colliins Avenue 305/866-4441 CROWD SIZE: 50+/- @ $1,000 per person CONTACT: Royal Roth Campaign America staff 202/408-5105 (thru Friday) Sat. & Sun.: Fontainebleu Hotel 305/538-2000 Monday: Sea View Larry Smitley Restaurant Manager 305/866-4441 Tuesday, April 13 7:30 AM Lv. Seaview DRIVER: Maurice Hernandez Ileana Ros-Lehtinen staff (will be driving black Cadillac, Ileana's father's car) PASSENGERS: Senator Dole, Royal Roth 8:00 AM Ar. Rusty Pelican Restaurant 3201 Rickenbacker Causeway Key Biscayne 305/361-3818 8:00 AM-9:00 AM FUNDRAISING BREAKFAST - Ileana Ros-Lehtinen CROWD SIZE: 100 @ $200/person PROGRAM: 8:00 AM - Photo op 8:15 AM - Guests seated, breakfast served 8:30 AM - REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE (10 minutes) 8:40 AM - Q & A (20 minutes) 9:00 AM - Breakfast concludes BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 06'93 13:54 No. 010 P.10 PAGE FOUR Tuesday, April 13 (continued): CONTACTS FOR ROS-LEHTINEN BREAKFAST: Mauricio Tamargo 202/225-3931 (O) 703/978-1179 (H) Debbie Musgrove District Representative 305/325-1301 (H) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen 305/669-1774 (H) 305/226-4992 (Parents' home) 9:00 AM Lv. Rusty Pelican DRIVER: Ros-Lehtinen staff 9:30 AM Ar. Seaview PROCEED TO PRIVATE ??? (Time to be determined) Lv. Ft. Lauderdale AIRCRAFT: ADM Falcon TAIL NO.: To be determined MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Royal Roth ??? Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert PROCEED TO PRIVATE OR OFFICE BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 07'93 15:51 No. 016 P. 02 April 8-13 FINAL - REVISED 4/7/93 CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe 202/408-5105 (O) 202/408-5117 (FAX) 703/845-1714 (H) SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE -- APRIL 8-13, 1993 Thursday, April 8 10:50 AM Lv. Capitol CAR PASSENGERS: Senator Dole, Senator Cochran 11:05 AM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/549-8340 11:10 AM Lv. Washington AIRCRAFT: ADM Falcon 50 TAIL NO.: N 144 AD SEATS: 6 PILOT: To be determined CO-PILOT: To be determined MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Senator Cochran, Mike Glassner FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs 20 mins TIME CHANGE: -1 hour CONTACT: Claudia Madding 217/424-5515 (O) 217/428-1559 (H) 217/424-5581 (FAX) 217/424-5521 (Linda, Aviation Dept.) 217/424-2494 (Aviation FAX) 12:30 PM Ar. Greenville, Mississippi Municipal Airport General Aviation Service 601/335-0757 MET BY: Hayes Dent, Congressional candidate Tentative: Clarke Reed, former State Chair & Committeeman BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 07'93 15:51 No. 016 P.03 PAGE TWO Thursday, April 8 (continued): ATTEND/SPEAK -- HAYES DENT FOR CONGRESS EVENTS CONTACTS: Trudy Nichol Campaign Manager Christine Collins, scheduler 601/746-1993 (Cap. Hqtrs.) 601/746-3601 (FAX) John Lundy AA to Trent Lott 202/224-6253 12:30 PM PHOTO OP/HAND-SHAKES ON ARRIVAL 12:35 PM PROCEED TO CONFERENCE ROOM, MAIN TERMINAL 601/334-4123 12:45 PM-1:15 PM AIRPORT RALLY Main Terminal Conference Room CROWD SIZE: 150-200 PROGRAM: Welcoming Remarks - Senator Cochran Intro. of Hayes Dent - Senator Cochran Remarks - Hayes Dent Intro of Senator Dole - Hayes Dent REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 1:15 PM Lv. Greenville Airport DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 1:30 PM Ar. Stoneville Agricultural Experiment Station Proceed to Auditorium 601/686-2311 1:30 PM-2:00 PM SPEAK/MEET WITH FARMERS AND AGRICULTURE RESEARCHERS CROWD SIZE: 150 PRESS: OPEN PROGRAM: Welcoming Remarks - Senator Cochran Intro. of Hayes Dent - Senator Cochran Remarks - Hayes Dent Intro of Senator Dole - Hayes Dent REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE (15 mins.) Q&A BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 07'93 15:51 No. 016 P.04 PAGE THREE 2:00 PM-2:15 PM PRESS AVAILABILITY (Same location) 2:15 PM Lv. Stoneville 2:30 PM Ar. Greenville Municipal Airport General Aviation Service 601/335-0757 2:30 PM Lv. Greenville AIRCRAFT: ADM Falcon 50 TAIL NO.: N 144 AD MANIFEST: Senator Dole FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 50 mins TIME CHANGE: +1 hour 5:20 PM Ar. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida International Airport AMR Combs 305/359-0000 MET BY: SeaView car RON: SeaView 305/866-4441 Friday, April 9, and Saturday, April 10 PRIVATE -- Sea View Sunday, April 11 CLARKSON WORKING ON PRESS OPTIONS (David Brinkley and Face the Nation) BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 07'93 15:52 No. 016 P.05 PAGE FOUR Monday, April 12 6:00 PM-8:00 PM CAMPAIGN AMERICA FUNDRAISING RECEPTION Music Room, the SeaView 9909 Collins Avenue 305/866-4441 CROWD SIZE: 50+/- @ $1,000 per person CONTACT: Royal Roth Campaign America Staff 202/408-5105 (thru Friday) Sat. & Sun: Fontainebleu Hotel 305/538-2000 Monday: SeaView Larry Smitley Restaurant Manager 305/866-4441 Tuesday, April 13 7:30 AM Lv. Seaview DRIVER: Maurice Hernandez Ileana Ros-Lehtinen staff (Will be driving black Cadillac, Ileana's father's car) PASSENGERS: Senator Dole, Royal Roth 8:00 AM Ar. Rusty Pelican Restaurant 3201 Rickenbacker Causeway Key Biscayne 305/361-3818 8:00 AM-9:00 AM FUNDRAISING BREAKFAST - Ileana Ros-Lehtinen CROWD SIZE: 100 @ $200/person PROGRAM: 8:00 AM - Photo op 8:15 AM - Guests seated, breakfast served 8:30 AM - REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE (10 minutes) 8:40 AM - Q&A (20 minutes) 9:00 AM - Breakfast concludes BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 07'93 15:52 No. 016 P.06 PAGE FIVE Tuesday, April 13 (continued) CONTACTS FOR ROS-LEHTINEN BREAKFAST: Mauricio Tamargo 202/225-3931 (O) 703/978-1179 (H) Debbie Musgrove District Representative 305/325-1301 (H) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen 305/669-1774 (H) 305/226-4992 (Parents' home) 9:00 AM Lv. Rusty Pelican DRIVER: Ros-Lehtinen staff 9:30 AM Ar. Seaview PROCEED TO PRIVATE ??? (Time to be determined) Lv. Ft. Lauderdale AIRCRAFT: ADM Falcon TAIL NO.: To be determined MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Royal Roth ??? Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert PROCEED TO PRIVATE OR OFFICE BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 08'93 16:35 No. 009 P.02 Tues, April 13 FINAL CONTACT Jo-Anne Coe 202/408-5105 (O) 202/408-5117 (FAX) 703/845-1714 (H) SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE - TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1993 7:30 AM Lv. Seaview GROUND TRANSPORTATION: Dwayne Andreas limo PASSENGERS: Senator Dole, Mrs. Inez Andreas, Royal Roth 8:00 AM Ar. Rusty Pelican Restaurant 3201 Rickenbacker Causeway Key Biscayne 305/361-3818 8:00 AM-9:00 AM FUNDRAISING BREAKFAST - Ileana Ros-Lehtinen CROWD SIZE: 100 @ $200/person PROGRAM: 8:00 AM - Photo op 8:15 AM - Guests seated, breakfast served 8:30 AM - REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE (10 minutes) 8:40 AM - Q & A (20 minutes) 9:00 AM - Breakfast concludes CONTACTS FOR ROS-LEHTINEN BREAKFAST: Debbie Musgrove District Representative 305/262-1800 (O) 305/325-1301 (H) Mauricio Tamargo 202/225-3931 (O) 703/978-1179 (H) Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen 305/669-1774 (H) 305/226-4992 (Parents' home) 9:15 AM Lv. Rusty Pelican BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 08'93 16:35 No. 009 P.03 PAGE TWO Tuesday, April 13 (continued): STOP BY SEA VIEW TO PICK UP BAGS AND DROP OFF MRS. ANDREAS 10:00 AM Lv. Seaview 10:30 AM Ar. Ft. Lauderdale International Airport AMR Combs 305/359-0000 10:35 AM Lv. Ft. Lauderdale AIRCRAFT: ADM Falcon TAIL NO.: To be determined PILOT: To be determined CO-PILOT: To be determined MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Dwayne Andreas, Royal Roth FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs 30 mins 1:05 PM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert PROCEED TO CAPITOL OFFICE BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 13'93 14:43 No. 006 P.02 April 14-17 SEMI-FINAL 4/13/93 SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE -- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14 - SATURDAY, APRIL 17 Wednesday, April 14 11:00 AM Lv. Washington AIRCRAFT: NTC Falcon 10 TAIL NO.: N 101 TF SEATS: 6 PILOT: Dwain Gadway CO-PILOT: Frank Leskauskas MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Suzanne Niemela, Kristin Hyde, Mike Glassner, Gene Randall - CNN, CNN Cameraman (Kip Grossneck?) FLIGHT TIME: 1 hour CONTACT: Dwain Gadway or Frank Leskauskas 914/462-6206 (O) 914/462-6704 (FAX) 914/463-2672 (Hangar) 913/226-8830 (Dwain - Home) 914/298-1367 (Frank - Home) Dwain Pager: 1-800-946-4646 (PIN # 1094690) 12:00 PM Ar. White Plains, NY Aero Services 914/428-3730 MET BY: Limo-service sedan provided by NTC 12:02 PM Lv. White Plains NOTE: SENATOR DOLE AND MIKE GLASSNER ONLY. CNN AND DOLE STAFF WILL WAIT AT HANGAR. DRIVE TIME: 20-30 minutes 12:30 PM Ar. Greenwich, Connecticut Office of Charles Glazer & Company 1 East Putnam Avenue - 3rd Floor 203/629-4333 BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 13'93 14:44 No. 006 P.03 PAGE TWO Wednesday, April 14 (continued): 12:30 PM-1:30 PM WORKING LUNCHEON/MEETING WITH CHARLIE GLAZER AND TOM FOLEY - Discussion of where the Party needs to head in order to prevail in 1994, 1996, and beyond. ATTENDEES: Charlie Glazer, Tom Foley, Wayne Calloway - Chairman, Pepsico, Steve Denning - Pres., Gen'l Atlantic Capital, Scott Frantz - Pres., The Haebler Co., Karen Gregory - Housewife/GOP Fundraiser, Bob Lowe - Private Investor, Jim Massey - Exec. V.P., Salomon Bros., Charlie Moore - Pres., Trainor, Wortham & Co., Walter Noel - Pres., Walter Noel & Assocs., Jack Poulson - Sr. Partner, Greenwich Capital Corp., Steve Simmons - Pres., Simmons Communications CONTACT: Charlie Glazer 203/629-4333 or 629-4315 Tom Foley 203/862-2850 1:30 PM Lv. Glazer Company DRIVER: Limo-service sedan provided by NTC 2:00 PM Ar. White Plains Aero Services 914/428-3730 2:05 PM Lv. White Plains AIRCRAFT: NTC Falcon 10 TAIL NO.: N 101 TF SEATS: 6 PILOT: Dwain Gadway CO-PILOT: Frank Leskauskas MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Suzanne Niemela, Kristin Hyde, Mike Glassner, Gene Randall - CNN, CNN Cameraman (Kip Grossneck?) FLIGHT TIME: 1 hour BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 13'93 14:44 No. 006 P.04 PAGE THREE Wednesday, April 14 (continued): 3:05 PM Ar. Burlington, Vermont Burlington, International Airport Innotech 802/658-2200 MET BY: Senator Jim Jeffords, Former Senator Bob Stafford, Lt. Gov. Barbara Snelling, Howard Stark (DFP'88) 3:10 PM-3:30 PM AIRPORT PRESS CONFERENCE with Senator Jeffords 3:30 PM Lv. Burlington International Airport DRIVE TIME: 8 minutes CAR 1: Senator Dole, Senator Jeffords, Mike Glassner STAFF VAN: Suzanne Niemela, Kristin Hyde, CNN, Jeffords staff 3:40 PM Ar. Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center 802/865-6600 802/865-6670 (FAX) PROCEED TO (Room to be Determined) 3:45 PM-4:05 PM MEET WITH MAJOR DONORS TO SENATOR JEFFORDS (5-6 individuals, all DFP '88) 4:10 PM-5:30 PM FUNDRAISING RECEPTION FOR JIM JEFFORDS (Event runs to 4:00-6:00 PM) CROWD SIZE: xxx @ $50 per person (1,200 invitations mailed) HOST COMMITTEE: Lt. Gov. Barbara Snelling, Atty. Gen. Jeffrey Amestoy, State Senate Pres. pro Tem John Bloomer, State Senate Maj. Ldr. John Carroll, Gen'l. Assembly Minority Leader Richard Westman BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 13'93 14:45 No. 006 P.05 PAGE FOUR Wednesday, April 14 (continued): CONTACT: Susan Russ, Jeffords AA 224-5141 224-7473 (private line) 802/223-3411 - State GOP Hqtrs. 802/224-5273 - Jeffords Montpelier Ofc. 5:35 PM Lv. Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center DRIVE TIME: 8 minutes 5:43 PM Ar. Burlington International Airport Innotech 802/658-2200 5:45 PM Lv. Burlington AIRCRAFT: NTC Falcon 10 TAIL NO.: N 101 TF SEATS: 6 PILOT: Dwain Gadway CO-PILOT: Frank Leskauskas MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Suzanne Niemela, Kristin Hyde, Mike Glassner, Gene Randall - CNN, CNN Cameraman (Kip Grossneck?) FLIGHT TIME: 30 minutes 6:15 PM Ar. Manchester, New Hampshire Precision Valley Aviation 603/668-0317 MET BY: Toni Pappas and Bruce Berke 6:30 PM Ar. Center of New Hampshire Holiday Inn 603/625-1000 6:30 PM-7:00 PM PRIVATE TIME 7:00 PM-8:25 PM ATTEND RECEPTION FOR "OLD FRIENDS AND NEW FRIENDS" (DFP '88, 10th Mt. Div., GOP Leadership, etc.) Currier's Restaurant, Center of N.H. Holiday Inn 603/625-1000 BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 13'93 14:45 No.006 P.06 PAGE FIVE Wednesday, April 14 (continued): CONTACT: Suzanne Niemela 202/408-5105 Wed. PM: 603/625-1000 Tom Rath 603/226-2600 (O) 603/226-2700 (FAX) 603/225-6145 (H) Jerry Nash 603/882-2702 Marc Chretien 603/622-4440 603/648-2627 (H) 603/622-4477 (FAX) 8:25 PM-8:30 PM Lv. Currier's Restaurant Ar. 2nd Floor Board Room INFORMAL PRIVATE DINNER (Menu will be pre-ordered) Center of New Hampshire - 2nd Floor Board Room Attendees: Senator Dole, Senator Judd Gregg, Senator Bob Smith, Bernie Imes - Owner - WMUR (flying in from Mississippi), Jack Heath - News Director - WMUR, Larry Gilpin - General Manager - WMUR, Charles Hammond - VP & Chief Fin'l Ofcr. - WMUR, Joel Maiola - Gregg staff, Bob Stevenson - Senate Budget Cmte. (DFP'88) RON: Holiday Inn, Manchester 603/625-1000 Thursday, April 15 7:45 AM-8:15 AM COFFEE/MEETING/PHOTO OP WITH MAJOR DONORS TO NEW HAMPSHIRE REPUBLICAN PARTY Center of New Hampshire - Currier's Restaurant CROWD SIZE: 15 CONTACT: Ms. Lee Steiner 603/225-9341 BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 13'93 14:45 No. 006 P.07 PAGE SIX Thursday, April 15 (continued): 8:20 AM Lv. Center of New Hampshire DRIVE TIME: 10 minutes 8:30 AM Ar. Manchester Union Leader 603/668-4321 8:30 AM-9:00 AM INTERVIEW WITH MANCHESTER UNION LEADER John DiStaso, Political Editor 9:00 AM-9:15 AM MEETING WITH CHARLES PERKINS, Managing Editor, Union Leader 9:15 AM-9:30 AM PRIVATE MEETING WITH NACKEY LOEB CONTACT: Marc Chretien 603/622-4440 (O) 603/648-2627 (H) 603/622-4477 (FAX) 9:30 AM-9:50 AM Lv. Manchester 9:50 AM Ar. Concord Kimball Jenkins House 603/225-3932 10:00 AM-11:00 AM NEW HAMPSHIRE EDITORIAL WRITERS' ROUNDTABLE Kimball Jenkins House 603/225-3932 TENTATIVE LIST OF PARTICIPANTS: Mike Pride - Concord Monitor, Claudette Durocher - Nashua Telegraph, Guy MacMillin - Keene Sentinel, Todd Driscoll - Claremont Eagle Times, Robert Foster - Foster's Daily Democrat, Jim Fox - Upper Valley News, John Howe - Laconia Evening Citizen, Ed Achorn - Lawrence E-T, Robert Wallack - The Derry News CONTACT: Joel Miaola (Senator Gregg's ofc.) 603/225-7115 603/224-0198 (FAX) BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 13'93 14:46 No. 006 P.08 PAGE SEVEN Thursday, April 15 (continued): 11:15 AM-11:40 AM PRESS CONFERENCE State House 603/271-1110 CONTACT: Joel Miaola 603/225-7115 (O) 603/224-0198 (FAX) 11:45 AM-12:00 NOON COURTESY CALL ON GOVERNOR MERRILL State House - Governor's Office 603/271-2017 Invitees: State Legislature, GOP County and Local Office-Holders CONTACT: Joel Miaola 603/225-7115 (O) 603/224-0198 (FAX) 1:00 PM Lv. Concord 1:20 PM Ar. Manchester Center of New Hampshire Holiday Inn 603/625-1000 1:20 PM SPEAK - MANCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE LUNCHEON Center of New Hampshire Holiday Inn Armory Room Event runs 1:00 PM-2:15 PM FORMAT: Podium and Mike - Senator's Remarks Lapel Mike - Q&A portion PROGRAM: 1:00 PM - Guests arrive and are seated Lunch is served 1:05 PM - Welcoming Remarks and Chamber Announcements - Tom Schwieger, Chamber President BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 13'93 14:46 No.006 P.09 PAGE EIGHT Thursday, April 15 (continued): 1:25 PM - PROGRAM BEGINS: Intro of Kevin Fitzgerald: Tom Schwieger 1:27 PM - INTRO OF SENATOR DOLE: Kevin Fitzgerald, Partner, Peabody & Brown Law Firm (sponsors of the lunch) 1:35 PM - REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE (20 minutes) Senator Dole takes seat on stage, lapel microphone is attached, written questions will be handed to Kevin Fitzgerald 1:55 PM - Q&A - 10-15 minutes (Moderator: Kevin Fitzgerald) CONTACT: Chris Heyssel 603/666-6600 603/626-0910 (FAX) 2:10 PM Lv. Center of New Hampshire Holiday Inn NOTE: TRY TO LEAVE 15 MINUTES EARLIER, IF POSSIBLE (PRESS CONFERENCE AWAITING ON ARRIVAL IN COLUMBUS, OHIO) DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 2:25 PM Ar. Manchester Airport Precision Valley Aviation 603/668-0317 2:30 PM Lv. Manchester AIRCRAFT: NTC Falcon 10 TAIL NO.: N 101 TF SEATS: 6 PILOT: Dwain Gadway CO-PILOT: Frank Leskauskas MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 45 mins BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 13'93 14:47 No.006 P.10 PAGE NINE Thursday, April 15 (continued): 4:15 PM Ar. Columbus, Ohio Port Columbus International Airport Lane Aviation 614/237-7290 MET BY: Jo Ann Davidson, Bill Batchelder, Randy Gardner, Tom Johnson DRIVE TIME: 20 minutes 4:35 PM Ar. Hyatt on Capitol Square 75 East State Street 614/228-1234 Proceed to 2nd Floor - Governor's C, D & E 4:30 PM-4:50 PM PRESS CONFERENCE (YOU MAY BE A LITTLE LATE FOR THIS, BUT NO PROBLEM) CONTACT: Chip McConville Media Director, Republican Caucus 614/466-9032 4:50 PM Proceed to Governor's Suite - 21st Floor 5:00 PM-6:30 PM ATTEND FUNDRAISING RECEPTION - OHIO STATE HOUSE REPUBLICAN INCUMBENTS/CANDIDATES Hyatt on Capitol Square PROGRAM: 5:00 PM-5:45 PM Major Donor reception (Event runs 4:45-5:45) ($2,000 per person) Photo op Hotel contact: Terri Lyster 614/228-1234 5:45 PM Proceed to 1st Floor - Legislative A & B 5:45 PM-6:30 PM General Reception (Event runs 5:00-7:00) ($500 per person) 6:30 PM Proceed to 1st Floor - Senate A & B BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 13'93 14:47 No.006 P.11 PAGE TEN Thursday, April 15 (continued): 6:30 PM-7:45 PM ATTEND PRIVATE DINNER - Dole for President Reunion & GOP Leadership CROWD SIZE: 20-25 CONTACTS: State Rep. Tom Johnson 614/644-8278 State Rep. Mrs. JoAnn Davidson 614/466-4847 7:45 PM Lv. Hyatt on Capitol Square 8:15 PM Ar. Port Columbus International Airport Lane Aviation 614/237-7290 8:20 PM Lv. Columbus AIRCRAFT: NTC Falcon 10 TAIL NO.: N 101 TF SEATS: 6 PILOT: Dwain Gadway CO-PILOT: Frank Leskauskas MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 27 mins TIME CHANGE: -1 hour 8:47 PM Ar. Minneapolis, Minnesota Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport Signature Flight Support 612/726-5700 MET BY: Durenberger staff car and driver RON: Radison Plaza Hotel 35 South 7th Street (Plaza Club Level -- secure floor) 612/339-4900 612/337-9766 (FAX) Confirmation numbers: Senator: 391-751 Mike: 391-752 BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 14'47 No.006 P.12 PAGE ELEVEN Friday, April 16 8:00 AM-8:30 AM PRIVATE MEETING WITH DFP '88 LEADERSHIP Minneapolis Athletic Club 615 - 2nd Avenue South Nicollet Suite - 17th Floor 612/339-3655 ATTENDEES: Cal Ludeman, Lois Mack, Bruce Willis, Connie Levi (tentative), Kris Sanda, Mark and Shirley Pieppho, Dan Rice, Wendell Brown (tentative), "Pastor Ed" 8:30 AM PROCEED TO 13TH FLOOR 8:30 AM-9:30 AM BREAKFAST - Dole for President Reunion (To include GOP leadership, et al) Minneapolis Athletic Club CROWD SIZE: 100-150 FORMAT: Mix and Mingle Continental Style Breakfast CONTACT FOR BOTH DOLE EVENTS: Lois Mack 507/267-4549 (H) 612/296-8900 (Ofc - Tues. & Fri.) Cal Ludeman 507/629-3631 (H) 9:30 AM-11:00 AM ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION WITH HEALTH CARE COMMUNITY (FUNDRAISER FOR DAVE DURENBERGER) (15-20 @ $1,000 each) Minneapolis Athletic Club 11:15 AM-12:30 PM FUNDRAISING RECEPTION/PHOTO OP (FUNDRAISER FOR DAVE DURENBERGER) Minneapolis Athletic Club ($250 PER PERSON) BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 15'93 18:18 No.009 P.02 SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE -- APRIL 16, 1993 11:45 AM Ar. St. Paul Downtown Airport (Holman Field) Regent Aviation 612/229-4900 11:50 AM Lv. Minneapolis/St. Paul AIRCRAFT: ConAgra Lear 35 TAIL NO.: N 825 CA PILOT: Jim CO-PILOT: ? MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs 30 mins TIME CHANGE: +1 hour MEAL SERVICE: Sandwiches and fruit 3:20 PM Ar. Columbia, South Carolina Metropolitan Airport Eagle Aviation 803/822-5555 MET BY: Ned Johnson (TENTATIVE) 803/799-9800 (O) 803/254-3216 (H) CONTACT: Lynn Boyleston Secretary to Hootie Johnson 803/929-5402 (O) 803/791-4641 (H) Hootie Home: 803/788-2785 4:00 PM-5:00 PM ATTEND NANCY MOORE THURMOND FUNERAL SERVICE 1st Baptist Church 1306 Hampton Street Columbia 5:30 PM Lv. Columbia FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs 15 mins TIME CHANGE: -1 hr 6:45 PM Ar. Kansas City, Missouri Downtown Airport Executive Beechcraft 816/842-8484 MET BY: Gale Grosch BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 13'93 14:48 No.006 P.13 PAGE TWELVE Friday, April 16 (continued): 12:30 PM-1:30 PM TENTATIVE -- LUNCH WITH 5 INDIVIDUALS SEEKING TO RAISE FUNDS FOR DURENBERGER LEGAL DEFENSE FUND CONTACT FOR DURENBERGER EVENTS: Nancy Longley 612/339-5577 612/224-3962 (FAX) Durenberger Senate Staff: Bill Fritts 612/370-3387 (O) 612/370-3395 (FAX) 612/647-6585 (H) 1-800-759-7243, PIN 801-5234 (Sky Pager) Jensine Frost 612/370-3393 1:30 PM Lv. Minneapolis Athletic Club 2:00 PM Ar. Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport Signature Flight Support 612/726-5700 2:05 PM Lv. Minneapolis AIRCRAFT: ConAgra Lear 35 TAIL NO.: N 825 CA SEATS: PILOT: CO-PILOT: MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr CONTACT: Paul Korody or Terri Marshall 202/223-5115 202/223-5118 (FAX) BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 13'93 14:48 No.006 P.14 PAGE THIRTEEN (entire page crossed out) Friday, April 16 (continued): 3:05 PM Ar. Omaha, Nebraska Eppley Field ConAgra Hangar 402/595-4550 MET BY: Mutual of Omaha fleet sadan and driver DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 3:20 PM Arrive Mutual of Omaha Corporate Headquarters 402/978-2563 (No. for messages, duration of visit to Mutual of Omaha) Proceed to Dome area 3:30 PM SPEAK - MUTUAL OF OMAHA EMPLOYEES Mutual of Omaha Plaza (400 employees) 20 minutes' remarks on Health Care Reform and Clinton economic package 20 minutes' Q&A 4:05 PM Escorted from Dome area and proceed to 12th Floor Conference Room 4:15 PM MEET WITH SENIOR MANAGEMENT, MUTUAL OF OMAHA Thomas J. Skutt, Chairman & CEO John W. Weekly, President & Ch. Operating Ofcr. (Other executives' names to be provided) CONTACT: Rusty Ring 202/393-6205 4:50 PM Lv. Mutual of Omaha corporate headquarters 5:00 PM Ar. Omaha Club 2002 Douglas Street Omaha 68102 402/348-1272 Proceed to Ballroom BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 13'93 14:48 No.006 P.15 PAGE FOURTEEN (entire page crossed out) Friday, April 16 (continued): 5:00 PM-6:30 PM Attend CAMPAIGN AMERICA FUNDRAISING RECEPTION Event runs: 5:00-7:00 PM Crowd size: 60 people @ $500 each (+ $5,000 Mutual of Omaha PAC) Co-Hosts, Campaign America Fundraiser: Duane W. Acklie, Anne Batchelder, Robert D. Bates, George J. Behringer, Kermit Brashear, Ronald D. Burgess, Tom Creigh, Richard K. Davidson, Charles W. Durham, Marshall E. Faith, Richard Gibson, Charles T. Hagel, Charles "Mike" Harper, Former Senator Roman Hruska, William M. Kizer, Sr., Bruce R. Lauritzen, Jim W. Lindsay, John P. Nelson, Joseph L. Pfeister, "Tony" Raimondo, Robert A. Reed, Dr. Jerry R. Schenken, Walter Scott, Jr., A.J. Scribante, Charles V. Sederstrom, Thomas J. Skutt, Roy A. Smith, David B. Solberg, Gene P. Spence, James Stuart, Jr., Hon. Charles Thone, John W. Weekly, Bee Whitmore CONTACT: Vicky Rauch 402/978-2036 402/978-5944 (FAX) 6:30 PM Lv. Omaha Club DRIVE TIME: 10 minutes BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 13'93 14:49 No.006 P.16 PAGE FIFTEEN (entire page crossed out) Friday, April 16 (continued): 6:40 PM Ar. Eppley Field ConAgra Hangar 402/595-4550 6:45 PM Lv. Omaha AIRCRAFT: ConAgra Lear 35 TAIL NO.: N 825 CA PILOT: CO-PILOT: MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner FLIGHT TIME: 45 mins 7:30 PM Ar. Kansas City Downtown Airport Executive Beechcraft 816/842-8484 MET BY: Gale Grosch 913/371-6108 (O) 913/768-1414 (H) DRIVE TIME: 10-15 mins 7:45 PM Ar. Polsinelli, White, Vardeman & Shalton law firm 700 West 47th Street The Plaza 816/753-1000 Proceed to 11th Floor Board Room: Ext. 146 8:00 PM CAMPAIGN AMERICA FUNDRAISER Board Room CROWD SIZE: 50 @ $1,000 each CONTACT: John Peterson 913/451-8788 (O) 913/345-9310 (H) 913/451-6205 (FAX) Kathy Peterson 913/267-4356 (H) 913/267-0426 (FAX) 913/235-2324 (O) Annie Presley 816/753-0070 816/561-2943 (FAX) BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 13'93 14:49 No.006 P.17 PAGE SIXTEEN Friday, April 16 (continued): RON: Hyatt Regency Crown Center 816/421-1234 Saturday, April 17 JUDY BROWN HAS SENT OPTIONS FOR KANSAS ??? Ar. Wichita, Kansas 1:00 PM-2:00 PM ATTEND/RECEIVE AWARD - National Guard Association of Kansas 39th Annual Conference Airport Hilton 2:10 PM Ar. Wichita MidContinent Airport United Beechcraft North 316/946-3400 2:15 PM Lv. Wichita AIRCRAFT: Ruan Learjet USA TAIL NO.: N 109 JR PILOT: Gary Berding CO-PILOT: Gordon Kruse 515/223-1249 MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner FLIGHT TIME: 1 hour CONTACT: Jan Gillum 515/245-2561 (O) 515/245-2611 (FAX) 515/288-7762 (H) 3:15 PM Ar. Des Moines, Iowa Signature Flight Support Page Avjet 515/285-4221 MET BY: Kayne Robinson 515/243-1776 (O) 515/240-3463 (Mobile Phone) DRIVE TIME: 20-30 mins BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 13'93 14:50 No.006 P.18 PAGE SEVENTEEN Saturday, April 17 (continued): 3:45 PM Ar. Iowa Public Television Studio 6450 Corporate Drive Johnston, Iowa 50131 515/242-3100 4:00 PM-4:30 PM Interview with "IOWA PRESS" - Iowa Public TV CONTACT: Mike Newell, Producer 515/242-4153 (Public TV, Phone Mail) 515/242-3568 (WHO Radio News) 515/277-7492 (Ofc. at home) 515/242-3161 (IPTV Studio Control) 515/242-4131 (Reporters' Conference Rm.) Host: Dean Borg Panel: David Yepsen, Des Moines Register Mike Glover, Associated Press (Other reporters may be present to take notes and/or audiotape the program.) 4:30 PM Lv. Iowa Public TV Studio DRIVE TIME: 15-25 mins 4:55 PM Ar. Altoona, Iowa Adventureland Park Adventure Inn 515/265-7321 5:00 PM-7:30 PM ATTEND/SPEAK - FUNDRAISER FOR IOWA REPUBLICAN PARTY Adventureland Park - Altoona, Iowa CONTACT: Terri Hasselman or Heidi Morgan 515/282-8105 515/282-9019 (FAX) PROGRAM: 5:10 PM-5:45 PM Attend Major Donor Reception Adventureland Inn (Event runs 5:00-6:00 PM) Crowd size: 300 Press: closed Format: Mix and Mingle, Photo op (No receiving line) (Part of package plan for $300+ donors to Iowa GOP) BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 13'93 14:50 No. 006 P.19 PAGE EIGHTEEN Saturday, April 17 (continued): PROGRAM (CONTINUED): 5:45 PM Lv. Adventureland Inn via vehicle 5:50 PM Ar. Palace Theater Adventureland Park 515/266-2121 5:50 PM-6:20 PM Attend General Reception (Event runs 5:30-6:30 PM) Crowd size: 500 @ $50 each Format: Mix and Mingle only Press: OPEN 6:20 PM Lv. for holding area 6:22 PM Ar. Holding Room 6:30 PM Abe Lincoln Dinner - Ballroom, Palace Theater (1,000 @ $50 each) PRESS: OPEN C-SPAN & CNN ARE COVERING 6:30 PM Hal Manders introduces Head Table: (in order of introduction) Hal Manders - Dinner Chairman Dean Mitchell - Dinner Co-Chair Virginia Ruark - IA Fedn of GOP Women Jack Rife - Senate GOP Leader Brent Siegrist - House Maj. Ldr. Harold Van Maanen - Speaker of House Dick Johnson - State Auditor Phyllis Kelly - State GOP Chairman Rich Schwarm - State GOP Chairman Joy Corning - Lt. Governor Chris Branstad - First Lady of Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley SENATOR REPUBLICAN LEADER BOB DOLE 6:35 PM Pledge of Allegiance - Virginia Ruark 6:36 PM Invocation - Phyllis Kelly 6:38 PM Intro of Sen. Grassley - Hal Manders 6:40 PM INTRO OF SEN. DOLE - CHUCK GRASSLEY 6:42 PM-7:07 PM REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 7:10 PM Lv. Adventureland Park BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 13'93 14:50 No.006 P.20 PAGE NINETEEN Saturday, April 17 (continued): 7:40 PM Ar. Signature Flight Support 515/285-4221 7:45 PM Lv. Des Moines AIRCRAFT: Ruan Learjet 35A TAIL NO.: N 109 JR PILOT: Gary Berding CO-PILOT: Gordon Kruse 515/223-1249 MANIFEST: Senator Dole FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 50 mins MEAL SERVICE: Sandwich tray and softdrinks CONTACT: Jan Gillum 515/245-2561 (O) 515/245-2611 (FAX) 515/288-7762 (H) 10:35 PM Ar. Washington, D.C. MET BY: Wilbert PROCEED TO PRIVATE 04/15/93 09:28 TOPEKA 913 295 2748 002 April 16-17 DRAFT #4 (FINAL) CONTACT: Judy Brown 913/295-2745 (o) 913/836-2319 (h) Jo-Anne Coe 202/408-5086 (o) 703/845-1714 (h) WEATHER: Currently predicting the rain will have moved out of the state and temperatures will be warming into the 60's. KANSAS SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR DOLE -- FRIDAY, APRIL 16, AND SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1993 FRIDAY, APRIL 16 7:30 p.m. Ar. Kansas City Downtown Airport Executive Beechcraft 816/842-8484 MET BY: Gale Grosch DRIVE TIME: 10-15 mins. 7:45 p.m. AR. Polsinelli, White, Vardeman & Shalton law firm. 700 West 47th Street 816/753-1000 Proceed to 11th Floor Board Room: Ext. 146 8:00 p.m. KANSAS CITY - Campaign America Fundraiser RON - KANSAS CITY - Hyatt Regency 816/421-1234 SATURDAY, APRIL 17 8:30 a.m.-8:45 a.m. Meet briefly with Cheryl Brown Henderson (Hyatt Coffee shop?) for up-date on Monroe School 04/15/93 09:29 TOPEKA 913 295 2748 003 CONTACT: Cheryl Brown Henderson 913/296-2078 9:00 a.m. Lv. Hyatt for Executive Beechcraft DRIVER: Gale DRIVE TIME: 10 mins. 9:15 a.m. Leave Kansas City - Downtown Municipal FBO: Executive Beechcraft 816/842-8484 AIRCRAFT: Cessna 414 Chancellor TAIL NO.: 12436 SEATS: 5 PILOT: Mitchell Mosiman CO-PILOT: Dennis Richmeier FLIGHT TIME: 55 mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner 10:15 a.m. Ar. Wichita Mid Continent Airport FBO: Yingling 316/943-3246 MET BY: Dave Spears and Cathie Yager DRIVE TIME TO ZOO: 15 mins. 10:30 a.m. ST. FRANCIS MILE AND CHILDRENS HEALTH FAIR - WICHITA ZOO - Mix and mingle Running events for children between 8 and 10 a.m. - Awards immediately following. 04/15/93 09:29 TOPEKA 913 295 2748 004 Doors open to the Health Fair from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. - Health safety and fitness activities - education things for children - last year had 18,000 people throughout the day. Biggest crowd between 10 and noon. CONTACT: Kelly - St. Francis 316/268-6096 11:30 a.m. Lv. Zoo for Century II DRIVER: Cathie Yager DRIVE TIME: 15 mins. 11:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m. WICHITA - CENTURY II - "Made in Kansas: Trade Show - Sponsored by Kansas Dept. of Commerce and Ks. Dept. of Agriculture Century II: 316/264-9121 Larry Childs, Kansas Department of Commerce, will meet you at Century II. List of exhibitors and various activities are in your briefing book. CONTACT: Larry Childs 913/296-4027 12:45 p.m. Lv. Century II for Airport Hilton DRIVER: Cathie Yager DRIVE TIME: 15 mins. 1:00 p.m.-1:45 p.m. SPEAK - National Guard Association of Kansas - 39th Annual Conference. Airport Hilton - 316/945-5272 CONTACT: Lt. Col. Malen Dowse 913/266-1001 1:45 p.m. Lv. Airport Hilton for Mid-Continent DRIVER: Cathie Yager DRIVE TIME: 20 mins. April 20, 1993 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 11-17, 1993 Pg. 1 Sunday, April 11 in Florida 10:30 a.m. LIVE - FACE THE NATION RON: Sea View SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 11-17, 1993 Pg. 2 Monday, April 12 fundraising breakfast for Senator Mack 3:30 p.m. ABC-TV interview 6:00 p.m. Campaign America fundraising reception RON: Sea View SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 11-17, 1993 Pg. 3 Tuesday, April 13 8:00 a.m. fundraising breakfast for Ileana Rose-Lehtinen at the Rusty Pelican Restaurant 9:15 a.m. lv. Rusty Pelican Restaurant 10:00 a.m. lv. Sea View 10:30 a.m. lv. Ft. Lauderdale Int'l Airport 1:05 p.m. ar. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight Support, met by Wilbert 3:30 S-230 interviews w/CNN & CBS SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 11-17, 1993 Pg. 4 Wednesday, April 14 9:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sheldon Dagurt & Allen Snook & Jo-Anne 10:00 S-230 interview w/NBC 10:45 a.m. lv. The Capitol 11:00 a.m. lv. Washington National, Signature Flight Support 12:00 Noon ar. White Plains, NY 12:02 p.m. lv. White Plains 12:32 p.m. ar. Greenwich, CT 1:30 p.m. lv. Glazer Company 2:00 p.m. ar. White Plains 2:05 p.m. lv. White Plains 3:05 p.m. ar. Burlington, Vermont 5:45 p.m. lv. Burlington 6:15 p.m. ar. Manchester, New Hampshire 7:00 p.m. DFP 10th Mtn. Division Reunion Dinner RON: Manchester, NH SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 11-17, 1993 Pg. 5 Thursday, April 15 9:30 a.m. lv. Manchester 9:50 a.m. ar. Concord 1:00 p.m. lv. Concord 1:20 p.m. ar. Manchester 2:30 p.m. lv. Manchester 4:15 p.m. ar. Columbus, Ohio 5:00 p.m. fundraising reception - State House GOP 8:20 p.m. lv. Columbus 8:47 p.m. ar. Minneapolis, MN RON: Minneapolis SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 11-17, 1993 Pg. 6 Friday, April 16 Minneapolis & Nebraska 11:50 a.m. lv. Minneapolis 3:20 p.m. ar. Columbia, South Carolina 5:30 p.m. lv. Columbia 6:45 p.m. ar. Kansas City RON: Kansas City SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 11-17, 1993 Pg. 7 Saturday, April 17 7:45 a.m. lv. Kansas City 8:45 a.m. ar. Wichita 10:30 a.m. lv. Wichita 11:40 a.m. ar. Delavan, Wisconsin 2:15 p.m. lv. Delavan 3:15 p.m. ar. Des Moines, Iowa 4:30 p.m. lv. Iowa Public TV Studio 4:55 p.m. ar. Altoona, Iowa 7:45 p.m. lv. Des Moines 10:35 p.m. ar. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight Support, met by Wilbert BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 21'93 14:52 No. 011 P.02 Thurs, April 22 FINAL SCHEDULE SENATORS DOLE, PRESSLER AND DASCHLE THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1993 CONTACTS: DOLE: Jo-Anne Coe 202/408-5105 (O) 202/408-5117 (FAX) 703/845-1714 (H) PRESSLER: Ramona Lessen 202/224-5842 202/224-1630 (FAX) DASCHLE: Nancy Erickson 202/224-0693 202/224-2047 (FAX) 11:05 AM Senators Pressler and Daschle meet in S-230, Republican Leader's Office 11:10 AM Lv. Capitol DRIVER: Wilbert Jones PASSENGERS: Senator Dole, Senator Pressler, Senator Daschle, Jim "Whit" Whittinghill 11:25 AM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/549-8340 11:30 AM Lv. Washington AIRCRAFT: ADM Falcon 50 TAIL NO.: N 144 AD SEATS: 8 PILOT: Dan Cooley CO-PILOT: Ted Getsinger MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Senator Pressler, Senator Daschle, Whit Whittinghill BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 21'93 14:53 No.011 P.03 APRIL 22, 1993 PAGE TWO FLIGHT TIME: 3 hrs 15 mins TIME CHANGE: -1 hr MEAL SERVICE: Lunch CONTACT: Claudia Madding 217/424-5515 (O) 217/424-5581 (FAX) 217/428-1559 (H) 217/424-5521 (Linda, Aviation Dept.) 1:45 PM Ar. Pierre, South Dakota Municipal Airport Capital City Air 605/224-9000 MET BY: Highway Patrol Vehicles CONTACT: Greg Dean or Lt. Jeff Talbot 605/773-3661 or 605/773-3105 After hrs: 773-3536 605/773-4711 (FAX) MAY ALSO BE MEETING THE AIRCRAFT: Dwight Adams 605/692-4665 (H) King's Inn, Pierre 605/224-5951 c/o Governor's Office 605/773-5701 1:50 PM Lv. Municipal Airport 2:00 PM Ar. Governor's Mansion 605/224-8055 or 773-5710 Pay respects to Mrs. George (Linda) Mickelson 2:30 PM Lv. Governor's Mansion GROUND TRANSPORTATION: Highway Patrol 2:45 PM Ar. State Capitol Proceed to Rotunda 3:00 PM Attend Memorial Services for Governor George Mickelson BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 21'93 14:53 No.011 P.04 PAGE THREE APRIL 22 4:00 PM Lv. State Capitol GROUND TRANSPORTATION: Highway Patrol 4:15 PM Ar. Capital City Air 605/224-9000 4:20 PM Lv. Pierre AIRCRAFT: ADM Falcon 50 TAIL NO.: N 144 AD SEATS: 8 PILOT: Dan Cooley CO-PILOT: Ted Getsinger MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Jim Whittinghill 8:00 PM Ar. Washington National Airport 703/549-8340 April 23, 1993 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 18-24, 1993 Pg. 1 Sunday, April 18 8:15 a.m. NBC car will pick you up at Watergate 9:00 a.m. LIVE - Meet the Press 1:30 p.m. Park Hyatt, Tivoli Room 1201 4th St, 789-1234 SPEAK - informal meeting w/the Executive Committee of the American Association of Universities SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 18-24, 1993 Pg. 2 Monday, April 19 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Int'l Trade - Special 301 11:00 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Linda Jewett (Lawrence) & Sterling Bates (Wichita) 11:00 Grand Hyatt Constitution Ball Rm SPEAK - Associated Specialty Contractors, Inc. 11:30 Grand Hyatt DROP BY - National Republican Senatorial Committee Inner Circle Meeting 12:30 S-221 mtg. w/Senator Mitchell 1:15 Senators Dining Room DROP BY - Mrs. Dole & Mari Maseng Wills having lunch 1:45 S-230 mtg. w/Los Angeles World Affairs Council delegation (John Z.) 2:00 Senate reconvenes 3:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Emporia State University Theater Group & Senator Kassebaum & Cong. Roberts (Marcie) & Paul Epp & father (Darren); & w/13 high school students from Red Lion Christian School in PA (Darren); & w/Air Force Academy Cadet Curtis Velasquez from Abilene (Marcie) 3:45 S-230 mtg. w/Sec'y Bentsen 4:30 S-230 mtg. w/Max Fisher (Jo-Anne) 6:00 Senate Press Gallery McNeil Lehrer interview 7:00 Hay-Adams Dinner w/Bob Strauss & Ted Forstmann SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 18-24, 1993 Pg. 3 Tuesday, April 20 10:00 S-230 Republican Conference mtg. 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - energy tax - Sec'y Bentsen 10:00 S-230 DROP BY - Nina mtg. w/Mark Decker, President, David Brandon, Legal Counsel, Nat'l Assoc. of Real Estate Investment Trusts 10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/45 students & 5 adults w/Smith Center in Phillipsburg; & David & Inez Urie from Salina (Marcie) 11:00 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila, Dennis, & Nina mtg. w/Karen & Calvin Blaich, contractors f/Overland Park; Richard Liddeke, contractor f/Shawnee Mission; & D.L. Smith from Topeka 12:00 Rotunda Days of Remembrance Ceremony 1:00 S-211 policy luncheon 2:00 S-230 Presentation Ceremony for the 7th Legislative Studies Institute graduating class (12 students) and PHOTO (Bob Dove) 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Oscar Wyatt & John White (Whit & Jo-Anne) 4:15 S-230 mtg. w/Governor Deukmejian & wife and Greg Kahwajian (Jo-Anne) 5:00-6:30 HC-6 The Capitol DROP BY - Embassy of Republic of Croatia reception for president, Dr. Franjo Tudjman SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 18-24, 1993 Pg. 4 Wednesday, April 21 NOTE: Structural Preservation Systems (SPS) will begin work on the patios on your floor today through April 28 8:15 Vista Hotel, 1400 M St, NW, Belle Air Room, Upper Mezzaine mtg. w/Paul Korody, Mr. Fletcher, & several others w/ConAgra (Jo-Anne) 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Alfred Taubman 12:30 Arlington National Cemetery dedication of Living Timberwolf Memorial 2:30 SR-428A SPEAK - National Federation of Independent Business, Council of 100 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Betty Bowers, VP for Fluor, & Bob Thompson (Dennis) 3:30 Senate Press Gallery interview w/CNBC 3:45 Senate Press Gallery interview w/press 4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Rick Sharp, Pres & CEO of Circuit City, & Steve Cannon (Mark Miller) 4:30 S-230 mtg. w/9 GOP Senators re: stimulus package Cochran, Jeffords, Cohen, Specter, Gorton, Simpson and Danforth 5:30-7:30 S-120 DROP BY - Catholic Health Association's 14th Annual Washington reception 6:00 Senate Press Gallery interview w/McNeil-Lehrer 6:00-8:00 Senatorial Committee DROP BY - debt retirement fundraiser for Paul Coverdell (Jo-Anne) 8:00 Park Hyatt, Tivoli Foyer SPEAK - Nat'l Realty Committee - Chairman's Roundtable 8:30 WETA Studio, Arlington 703/998-2600 Charlie Rose Show - taped SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 18-24, 1993 Pg. 5 Thursday, April 22 11:05 Senators Pressler & Daschle meet in S-230 11:10 lv. The Capitol 11:25 ar. Washington Nat'l Airport, Signature Flight Support 11:30 lv. Washington via ADM Falcon 50 1:45 ar. Pierre, South Dakota met by Dwight Adams & Highway Patrol Vehicles 1:50 lv. Municipal Airport 2:00 ar. Governor's Mansion -- pay respects to Mrs. George (Linda) Mickelson 2:30 lv. Governor's Mansion 2:45 ar. State Capitol -- proceed to Rotunda 3:00 attend Memorial Services for Gov. George Mickelson 4:00 lv. State Capitol 4:15 ar. Capital City Air 4:20 lv. Pierre via ADM Falcon 50 8:00 ar. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight Support, met by Wilbert SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 18-24, 1993 Pg. 6 Friday, April 23 10:00 S-230 conference call w/Cong. Michel & Howard Baker to President Bush 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call 11:45 S-230 big radio 12:30 S-230 luncheon for Hart staff & RLO staff hosted by Senator Dole approx. 1:30 Radio/TV Gallery LIVE interview immediately following Pres. Clinton's news conference which begins at 1:00 p.m. 2:10 S-230 PHOTO w/Jason Miles 2:15 Radio/TV Gallery LIVE interview w/C-SPAN 2:15 S-230 DROP BY - Dan mtg. w/General Hartzog, Commanding General at Fort Riley 3:30 lv. Washington 5:30 ar. Wilmington, Delaware Senate Republican Conference Hotel du Pont 11th & Market Streets Wilmington, Delaware 19801 telephone: 302/594-3100 1-800-245-1832 Saturday, April 24 Republican Conference April 30, 1993 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 25-May 1, 1993 Pg. 1 Sunday, April 25 11:00 a.m. lv. Republican Conference for Washington via Wilbert 2:15 p.m. J.W. Marriott Salon III & IV SPEAK - American Society of Anesthesiologists SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 25-May 1, 1993 Pg. 2 Monday, April 26 9:45 RNC, 310 1st St, SE meet Haley Brabour, Cong. Michel, Sen. Gramm, & Rep. Paxon in Barbour's Office on the 4th Floor (Walt) 10:00 RNC press conference 11:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - conference hearing w/Richard Rominger, USDA Deputy Sec'y nominee 11:45 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Kansas optometrists 1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Dick Herman (Whit) 2:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Kyle Hulet & his mother, Virginia (Alec), & w/Eileen Meyers of Emporia (Marcie) 2:15 S-230 DROP BY - Dennis mtg. w/Community Bankers of Kansas 3:00 S-230 interview w/David Shribman, Boston Globe (Walt) 3:30-4:15 Capitol Hill Club, Eisenhower Lounge SPEAK - "Washington Conference" hosted by Senator Lott & Rep. Oxley 5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Jo-Anne 5:30 S-230 mtg. w/Whit, Sheila, & Nina SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 25-May 1, 1993 Pg. 3 Tuesday, April 27 8:30 lv. residence w/Mrs. Dole 8:50 ar. Washington National Airport 9:00 lv. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight Support 10:00 ar. Oneida, Tennessee 10:10 lv. airport via vans 10:40 ar. 1st Presbyterian Church in Huntsville met by Senator Baker 11:00-12:00 funeral service for Joy Baker 12:10 lv. 1st Presbyterian Church 12:15 ar. Howard Baker's residence 12:15-1:00 pay respects to Senator Baker and family 1:00 lv. Baker residence 1:30 ar. Scott County Airport 1:40 lv. Oneida via private aircraft 2:25 ar. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight Support, met by Wilbert 4:15-6:45 White House, State Dining Room House/Senate bipartisan mtg. re: Bosnia 7:00 S-230 interview w/production co. (NHK-TV) (Walt) 6:30 (recp) Le Mistral fundraiser for Senator Wallop (Jo-Anne) 7:00 (dinner) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 25-May 1, 1993 Pg. 4 Wednesday, April 28 8:30 S-230 breakfast w/health care groups 10:00 S-230 brief mtg. w/Cyprus delegation (John Z) 10:30 S-230 DROP BY & BRIEF HELLO ONLY - Nina mtg. w/David Quinn, Chairman of Texas Trust, & others 10:30 H-232 mtg. w/Gov. Campbell, Gov. Thompson, Cong. Michel, & Sen. Gramm re: health care (Whit) 11:00 S-230 DROP BY - Greg mtg. w/Linda Arey Skladany & group of CEO's 11:15 S-230 mtg. w/Senator McConnell & Jo-Anne 12:00 S-211 mtg. w/Dalai Lama & Sen. Mitchell (John Z.) 1:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Jason Berry (Olathe) & John Joseph (FL) veteran of 10th Mtg. Division (Darren); w/Vincent R. Collura, new Nat'l Pres of Elks (David W.); & w/Pamela Smith of Clay Center, KS (John E.) 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Cong. Michel, Sen. Packwood, & Rep. Archer (David T.) 2:45 S-230 interview w/Karen Tumulty w/LA Times (Walt) 3:30 S-207 DROP BY - Sen. Gregg's reception for 100 of his New Hampshire constituents 3:45 S-230 DROP BY - Nina mtg. w/Harry Clingeman, Pres, Illinois State Restaurant Assoc, & other restaurant owners & Jackie Strange 4:00 S-230 DROP BY - Greg mtg. w/2 Total Petroleum Executives from Denver, & Daniel Valot, President & CEO 4:15 S-230 DROP BY - Kerry mtg. w/Tom Donahue, President of Nike 4:30 S-230 mtg. w/Dick Fox (Nina) 8:10-8:30 Nat'l Guard Memorial, 1 Mass. Ave, NW SPEAK - Clinton's 1st 100 days - NRSC PAC Supporters Dinner (Jo-Anne) 6:00 recp in Medal of Honor Gallery 7:00 dinner in Hall of States SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 25-May 1, 1993 Pg. 5 Thursday, April 29 8:30 Capitol Hill Club SPEAK - Headliner Breakfast Group 9:30 Madison Hotel, Executive Chambers SPEAK - Evans-Novak Political Forum 9:30 SD-215 FIN COMM - Clinton's tax proposals 10:15 SH-902 SPEAK - United Cerebral Palsy Assoc.'s "Breakfast on the Hill" 11:00 Senate Press Gallery press conference w/other Senators on Pres. Clinton's 100 days (Walt) 11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Al DeCrane, Chairman of the Board for Texaco (Whit & Nina) 12:00-1:00 210 Cannon DROP BY - Duke Cancer Center luncheon w/Dr. Robert Bast, Jr., Director, & Nancy Emerson hosted by Cong. Howard Coble 2:30 S-230 DROP BY - Greg mtg. w/Glen Bowman, Pres, Celltron from Galena 4:00 H-236 House/Senate Leadership & selected ranking members re: reconciliation (David T.) 4:30 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Don Paxson, Colleen Van Nostran, Trustee Hospital Representatives 5:00 Senate interview on Mutual Radio 6:00-8:00 SD-G50 "Us Too" meeting (Vicki) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 25-May 1, 1993 Pg. 6 Friday, April 30 6:55 2020 M St LIVE at 7:09 a.m. - CBS "This Morning" 7:30 1600 Constitution Ave, on Mall LIVE at 7:35 a.m. - NBC "Today Show" 8:10 Senate Press Gallery LIVE at 8:10 a.m. - FOX Morning News 9:00-11:00 S-207 briefing by Hillary Clinton, Ira Magaziner, & Judith Feder on health care f/all Senators 10:30 SD-215 FIN COMM - Clinton Tax Proposals 10:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Mr. & Mrs. Fred Schoeppel from Wichita (Marcie); & w/interns; & w/22 5th graders f/Barstow Elementary School in Kansas City (Darren); & w/Todd & Angie Fox (Bret) 11:30 Capitol press conference w/Sen. Mitchell & Hillary Clinton 11:45 S-230 brief hello w/Arne Hem, from Oak Haven Washington 12:00 National Press Building SPEAK - National Press Club 12:00 - reception in your honor 12:30 - luncheon 1:00 - Senator Dole Speak 2:30 lv. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight 4:00 ar. Omaha, Nebraska SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 7:45 lv. Omaha 8:25 ar. Topeka RON: Topeka SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 25-May 1, 1993 Pg. 7 Saturday, May 1 in Kansas & Iowa -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 10:00 lv. Topeka 10:25 ar. Kansas City 2:20 lv. Kansas City 3:30 ar. Janesville, Wisconsin 5:30 lv. Janesville 6:10 ar. Cedar Rapids SPEAK - Hoover Presidential Library Association Dinner 8:50 lv. Cedar Rapids 11:45 ar. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight Support, met by Wilbert BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 29'93 15:50 No. 010 P.02 April 30-May 1 FINAL 4/29/93 CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe 202/408-5105 (O) 202/408-5117 (FAX) 703/845-1714 (H) Mike Glassner Sky Page: 1-800-946-4646 PIN 109-5918 Judy Brown 913-295-2745 (O) 913/836-2319 (H) SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE -- FRIDAY, APRIL 30-SATURDAY, MAY 1 Friday, April 30 2:30 PM Lv. Washington National AIRCRAFT: Coastal Sabreliner 40 TAIL NO.: N 408 CC PILOT: Ken Calhoun CO-PILOT: Mark Assid FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs 30 mins TIME CHANGE: -1 hour CONTACT: Lucy Harris 713/877-6760 (O) 713/877-1400 (Coastal operator) 713/877-7260 (FAX) 713/280-8489 (H) 4:00 PM Ar. Omaha, Nebraska Eppley Field Sky Harbor 402/422-6633 MET BY: Mike Glassner (Leaves K.C. 11:40 AM, US Air 774; Arrives Omaha 12:25 PM) Bill Mattox and Rusty Ring, Mutual of Omaha fleet sedan and driver DRIVE TIME: 15 mins (handwritten note on bottom of page) 4-30 last pg to Wilbert BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 29'93 15:51 No.010 P.03 PAGE TWO Friday, April 30 (continued): 4:15 PM Ar. Mutual of Omaha Corporate Headquarters 402/978-2563 (No. for messages, duration of visit to Mutual of Omaha) NOTE: ON ARRIVAL AT CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: 5-minute interview with Dave Kotok of Omaha World Herald Proceed to Dome area 4:20 PM SPEAK - MUTUAL OF OMAHA EMPLOYERS Mutual of Omaha Plaza CROWD SIZE: 400 20 minutes' remarks on Health Care Reform and Clinton economic package 20 minutes' Q & A 5:00 PM Escorted from Dome area and proceed to 12th Floor Conference Room 5:10 PM MEET WITH SENIOR MANAGEMENT, MUTUAL OF OMAHA Thomas J. Skutt, Chairman & CEO John W. (Jack) Weekly, President & Chief Operating Ofcr. Bill Mattox, Government Relations Rusty Ring, Washington Office CONTACT: Rusty Ring 202/393-6205 or 402/978-2563 5:50 PM Lv. Mutual of Omaha corporate headquarters DRIVE TIME: 10 minutes 6:00 PM Ar. Omaha Club 2002 Douglas Street Omaha 68102 402/348-1272 Proceed to Ballroom BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 29'93 15:51 No.010 P.04 PAGE THREE Friday, April 30 (continued): 6:00 PM-7:30 PM Attend CAMPAIGN AMERICA FUNDRAISING RECEPTION Event runs: 6:00-8:00 CROWD SIZE: 75 people @ $500 each (+$5,000 Mutual of Omaha PAC) Co-Hosts: Duane W. Acklie, Anne Batchelder, Robert D. Bates, George J. Behringer, Kermit Brashear, Ronald D. Burgess, Tom Creigh, Richard K. Davidson, Charles W. Durham, Marshall E. Faith, Richard Gibson, Charles T. Hagel, Charles "Mike" Harper, Former Senator Roman Hruska, William M. Kizer, Sr., Bruce R. Lauritzen, Jim W. Lindsay, John P. Nelson, Joseph L. Pfeister, "Tony" Raimondo, Robert A. Reed, Dr. Jerry R. Schenken, Walter Scott, Jr., A.J. Scribante, Charles V. Sederstrom, Thomas J. Skutt, Roy A. Smith, David B. Solberg, Gene P. Spence, James Stuart, Jr., Hon. Charles Thone, John W. Weekly, Bee Whitmore CONTACT: Vicky Rauch 402/978-2036 402/978-5944 (FAX) BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 29'93 15:52 No.010 P.05 PAGE FOUR Friday, April 30 (continued): 7:30 PM Lv. Omaha Club DRIVE TIME: 10 minutes 7:40 PM Ar. Eppley Field Sky Harbor 402/422-6633 7:45 PM Lv. Omaha AIRCRAFT: Coastal Sabreliner 40 TAIL NO.: N 408 CC MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner FLIGHT TIME: 40 mins 8:25 PM Ar. Topeka, Kansas Philip Billard Airport TJ Terminals 913/234-2602 MET BY: Susie Hoffmann 913/273-8450 RON: Downtown Ramada Inn 913/234-5400 or 233-8981 Saturday, May 1 8:05 AM Lv. Ramada Inn Downtown DRIVER: Susie Hoffman DRIVE TIME: 10 minutes 8:15 AM Ar. Expo Center 913/235-5240 8:15 AM WELCOME DELEGATION - Kansas/Russian Festival Expo Center CONTACT: Tish Rogers 913/234-0378 8:40 AM Lv. Expo Center DRIVE TIME: 5 minutes BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 29'93 15:52 No.010 P.06 PAGE FIVE Saturday, May 1 (continued): 8:45 AM Ar. Washburn University Memorial Union 8:45 AM-10:00 AM ATTEND ANNUAL STRAWBERRY BREAKFAST (Event runs 8:00 to 10:00 AM) CROWD SIZE: 800-1000 Host: Hugh and Pat Thompson CONTACT: Janet Martinek President's Office Washburn University 913/231-1010 10:00 AM Lv. Washburn University Memorial Union DRIVE TIME: 10 minutes 10:10 AM Ar. Philip Billard Airport TJ Terminals 913/234-2602 10:15 AM Lv. Topeka AIRCRAFT: Coastal Sabreliner 40 TAIL NO.: N 408 CC MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner FLIGHT TIME: 25 mins 10:35 AM Ar. Kansas City Downtown Municipal Airport Executive Beechcraft 816/842-8484 MET BY: Gale Grosch 913/371-6108 (O) 913/768-1414 (H) DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 10:50 AM Ar. Allis Plaza Hotel 816/421-6800 MET IN LOBBY BY: Valerie Snitz, Miss Overland Park Teen USA 1993 11:00 AM PHOTO OP WITH VALERIE SNITZ BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 29'93 15:52 No.010 P.07 PAGE SIX Saturday, May 1 (continued): 11:15 AM Meet Phil Pistilli at the Allis Plaza 11:30 AM Ar. Bartle Hall 11:30 AM-12:00 PM SPEAK - AMERICAN HOTEL AND MOTEL ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONVENTION CROWD SIZE: 1500 CONTACT: Phil Pistilli 816/421-6100 12:15 PM-2:00 PM PRIVATE TIME 2:15 PM Ar. Executive Beechcraft Downtown Airport 816/842-8484 2:20 PM Lv. Kansas City AIRCRAFT: Coastal Sabreliner 40 TAIL NO.: N 408 CC MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 10 mins 3:30 PM Ar. Janesville, Wisconsin Rock County Airport Blackhawk Airways 608/756-1000 MET BY: Governor Tommy Thompson, Mark Neumann - Congressional candidate DRIVER: Dick McNell 3:30 PM-3:45 PM AIRPORT PRESS CONFERENCE 1 Print, 2 Television 3:45 PM Lv. Janesville Airport 3:55 PM Ar. The Parker Mansion 1000 East Milwaukee Street Janesville 608/752-0295 BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 29'93 15:53 No.010 P.08 PAGE SEVEN Saturday, May 1 (continued): Proceed to The Library 4:00 PM-4:15 PM ATTEND MAJOR DONOR FUNDRAISER FOR MARK NEUMANN 30 @ $500 per person FORMAT: Mix and Mingle Candid Photo Op CONTACT: Mary Crutchfield 414/637-6770 or 637-7880 414/632-2257 (FAX) 4:15 PM Proceed to Living Room 4:15 PM-5:15 PM ATTEND/SPEAK - GENERAL RECEPTION 100 @ $250 per person PROGRAM: 4:15 PM-4:30 PM - Mix and Mingle 4:30 PM - Welcome & Intro of Gov. Thompson - Mark Neumann 4:40 PM - Remarks and Intro of Sen. Dole - Governor Thompson 4:50 PM - REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 5:15 PM Lv. Parker House 5:25 PM Ar. Rock County Airport Blackhawk Airways 608/756-1000 5:30 PM Lv. Janesville AIRCRAFT: Coastal Sabreliner 40 TAIL NO.: N 408 CC MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner FLIGHT TIME: 40 mins 6:10 PM Ar. Cedar Rapids, Iowa Municipal Airport Signature Flight Support 319/366-1925 MET BY: Rick Smith DRIVE TIME: 15 mins BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 29'93 15:53 No.010 P.09 PAGE EIGHT Saturday, May 1 (continued): 6:25 PM Ar. Five Seasons Hotel 350 First Avenue, NE 319/363-8161 319/363-3804 (FAX) PROCEED TO THE AMANA ROOM 6:30 PM-6:45 PM ATTEND RECEPTION HONORING SENATOR DOLE AND TRUSTEES OF THE HOOVER LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, AND VIP HOOVER CABINET DONORS (Event runs 6:00-6:45) CROWD SIZE: 50-60 CONTACT: Rick Smith 319/643-5301 (O) 319/643-5825 (FAX) 319/643-5756 (H) 6:45 PM ATTEND/SPEAK -- HERBERT HOOVER PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER CROWD SIZE: 300-400 PROGRAM: 6:45 PM - Guests are seated 6:45 PM - WELCOMING REMARKS - F. Forbes "Ozzie" Olberg, Chairman and President Dinner is served 7:45 PM - PRESENTATIONS by Ozzie Olberg - Hoover Book Award to Melvin Leffler, Chairman, Corcoran Dept. of History, Univ. of Virginia, and Hoover Humanitarian Award to William Quarton 8:00 PM - INTRO OF SEN. DOLE - RICHARD NORTON SMITH 8:05 PM - REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 8:30 PM Lv. Five Seasons Hotel BOB DOLE ID: 202-408-5117 APR 29'93 15:53 No.010 P.10 PAGE NINE Saturday, May 1 (continued): 8:45 PM Ar. Cedar Rapids Airport Municipal Airport Signature Flight Support 319/366-1925 8:50 PM Lv. Cedar Rapids AIRCRAFT: Coastal Sabreliner 40 TAIL NO.: N 408 CC MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 55 mins TIME CHANGE: +1 hour 11:45 AM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/549-8340 RON: Washington