March 2, 1993 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of February 21 - 27, 1993 Pg. 1 Sunday, February 21 9:45 ABC car will pick you up at your residence 10:30 ABC Studio, LIVE - Brinkley Show 1717 DeSales Street SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of February 21 - 27, 1993 Pg. 2 Monday, February 22 10:30 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Republican Women 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Don Devine & Demar Dahl (Jo-Anne) 11:00 S-230 DROP BY - Darren mtg. w/Russ Spalding, disabled WWI veteran f/Britton, Michigan 12:30 Senators Dining Room lunch w/Walt, Sheila, Whit 1:00 S-230 PHOTO w/10 students f/Maple Hill Grade School, Maple Hill, KS, & Larry Longhofer, Principal (Darren) 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Jeannette & Chic Slepian, Oregonians for a Fair Hearing, & w/Janet Whitfield, & Bob Beal (Pres Oregon Iron Works) (Walt & Clarkson) 2:45-3:15 Willard, Main Ballroom SPEAK - 1993 Public Affairs Assembly 4:30 S-230 courtesy call w/Dino Dinovitz, KMBC, Kansas City, KS (Walt) 6:30 La Brasserie (upstairs) SPEAK - Alumni of the Senate Component of the White House Legislative Affairs Office (Powell Moore group) (6:30 recp/ 7:00-8:30 dinner) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of February 21 - 27, 1993 Pg. 3 Tuesday, February 23 9:30 S-230 mtg. w/Haley Barbour 10:00 S-230 coffee & doughnuts w/William Safire & Senator Domenici (Walt) 10:30 S-230 brief hello w/Belton K. Johnson (B.K. Johnson Interests) from San Antonio (Whit) 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Alfred Lerner, Chairman of the Board of MBNA Corp, & Jim Smith (Jim McMillan & David Taylor) 11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Eric Hotung (John Z.) 12:00 S-230 DROP BY - Stacy mtg. w/KS School Food Service Members 12:30 SD-106 BRIEF REMARKS - Atlanta Jewish Federation Trades & Professions Divison 1:00 S-230 press conference w/Senators Domenici & Packwood 1:45 S-230 mtg. w/Len Dawson (Vicki) 2:00 H-208 organizational mtg. on the Joint Committee on Taxation 2:00 S-230 GOP Ranking Members mtg. 2:15 S-230 DROP BY - Nina mtg. w/Tom Donovan, Pres. of Chicago Board of Trade 2:30 S-230 Republican Conference 2:30 S-230 DROP BY - Bret mtg. w/Kansas "CARET" delegation 3:00 S-230 DROP BY - Kathy mtg. w/Tim Wittsman, Pres, Wichita Chamber of Commerce 3:15 S-230 mtg. w/4-6 top leaders of Zionist Organization of America (John Z) 3:30 S-230 mtg. w/Harold Poling, CEO of Ford Motor Co. (John & Nina) 4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Chuck Yunker. KS member of American Legion, & Mr. Heiman (Darren) 4:30 S-230 DROP BY - Whit & Nina mtg. w/Rick Green, Pres. & CEO of Utilicorp United 5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Herb Schmerz & Tom Korologos 5:30 S-116 DROP BY??? Javits Senate Fellows Award 6:00-7:00 S-116 DROP BY - Panhandle Eastern Corporation's Board of Directors reception SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of February 21 - 27, 1993 Pg. 4 Wednesday, February 24 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - full comm hearing - President's Economic Proposal - Sec'y Bentsen - followed by markup on S. 382, Emergency Unemployment Compensation 10:30 S-224 mtg. w/British Prime Minister John Majr & Senator Mitchell & Senators Byrd, Pell, Helms, Nunn, Thurmond, DeConcini, Warner, Biden, & Lugar (John Z.) 12:00-1:30 Carlton Hotel, Crystal Room, 923 16th & K Streets, NW SPEAK - first Senatorial Trust Meeting of 1993 (you are scheduled to speak at 12:50-1:20 p.m.) 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Bob Beren, CEO of Beren Oil (greg) 3:00 S-230 DROP BY - HELLO - Bret mtg. w/Don Tannahill, Tridon Lawn Services, Olathe 3:30 S-230 DROP BY - Greg mtg. w/Kansas bankers 4:00 S-230 PHOTO & courtesy call w/Thom Thompson, Plant Mgr, Ford Parts Distribution Center, Lenexa 4:30 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Alvin Penner, Exec VP f/Hutchinson Hospital & others 5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Joe Fogg 6:30-7:30 Corcoran Gallery of Art Senatorial Trust Recepction (Jo-Anne) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of February 21 - 27, 1993 Pg. 4 Thursday, February 25 8:35 Park Hyatt, Ballroom, 24th & M Streets SPEAK - The Business Council 9:30 Wash. Hilton, Main Entrance, Expo Hall SPEAK - "Career & the Disabled" ribbon-cutting ceremony 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call 11:45 S-230 big radio network Interview 11:45 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Richard Krecker, Pres of Blue Cross of Kansas City, & Jenny Brocato, VP 12:30 S-230 Newsweek Photo (Walt) 1:00 S-230 interview w/Eleanor Clift (Walt) 1:30 DROP BY - Darren mtg. w/William Lawson, Pres, Mid-America Chapter of Paralyzed Veterans of America 1:45 S-230 PHOTO w/Bill Lebovich (Lisa) 5:30 S-230 mtg. w/Ron Pearlman (Revlon & Coleman Co.'s) (Jo-Anne) 6:00 SR-236 SUPRISE birthday party f/Senator Wallop 6:00-8:00 Senatorial Committee Victory Celebration f/Sen. D'Amato (Jo-Anne) 9:31 Sheraton Washington introduce & present David Broder with journalism award (Walt) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of February 21 - 27, 1993 Pg. 5 Friday, February 26 8:00-8:45 a.m. Stan Jones: Gaming teh System 8:45-9:30 a.m. Jack Meyer: Expanding Access -- Individual and Employer Responsibilities 9:30-10:15 a.m. Steve Rosenberg & Sara Rosenbaum: Delivery Issues - a. Rural; b. Public Health Programs & Urban Areas 10:15-10:30 a.m. break 10:30-11:45 a.m. Alain Enthoven, Don Moran, Hank Gutman, and Robert Reischauer: Cost Containment Issues 11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Discussion on proposed options - Moderator: Stan Jones 2:00 p.m. depart 3:00 p.m. ar. The Capitol SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of February 21 - 27, 1993 Pg. 6 Saturday, February 27 10:10 lv. Hart office via Kristen Hyde driving 10:30 CNN Studio 820 First St, NE tape Evans & Novak Show 7:00/recp 7:30/dinner Anderson House, 2118 Mass Ave, NW Red Cross Board of Governors Dinner March 5, 1993 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of Feb. 28 - March 6, 1993 Pg. 1 Sunday, February 28 10:45 Wilbert will pick you up Depart Watergate for Washington Hilton 11:00 Washington Hilton, Int'l Ballroom Center, Florida Avenue Entrance SPEAK - Nat’l Assoc. of Counties 3:55 lv. residence 4:10 ar. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight Support 4:20 lv. Washington National via private aircraft 5:40 ar. Des Moines, Iowa -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of Feb. 28 - March 6, 1993 Pg. 2 Monday, March 1 in Des Moines -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 11:00 a.m. lv. Des Moines 2:15 p.m. ar. Washington National, Signature Aviation, met by Wilbert 3:15 S-230 PHOTO w/4 federal employees w/IRS from KS City, Missouri (Vicki & Kathy) 3:30 S-230 mtg. w/Mark Heitz, Roy Woodall, Rich Belas (Nina) 4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Congressman Michel re: budget 4:30 S-230 DROP BY - Marcie mtg. w/Laura Nicholl, former Kansas Sec’y of Commerce 5:00 S-230 DROP BY - Greg mtq. w/Johnson County officials 5:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Nickles re: policy luncheon for Tuesday SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of Feb. 28 - March 6, 1993 pg. 3 Tuesday, March 2 7:15 Senate Gallery Gallery INTERVIEW -LIVE ABC GOOD MORNING AMERICA (Walt) 7:35 Senate INTERVIEW-LIVE NBC TODAY SHOW (Walt) 7:45 Capitol Holiday Inn, Lewis and Clark Room, 550 C Street SPEAK - Kansas Farm Bureau & Indiana Farm Bureau 8:30 S-230 breakfast with the Class of 1994 10:15 S-230 DROP BY - Geg mtg. w/Kansas members on Kansas Employee Issues 10:30 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Beth Eagleton w/Wesley Medical Center in Wichita 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Russian grain credit delegation & other Senators (Bret) 11:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Matt Werner, intern w/Rep. Hefley, & Rory Bailey & Damien Magnuson from Lawrence (Darren) & PHOTO w/Tom Jerome, Bill Scofield & Bill Sowers, all Kansans (David) & Emily Seaton & 6 classmates, Manhattan, KS (Darren) 11:30 SH-141 luncheon f/Kansans attending VFW Conference 12:15 S-230 Senate GOP Leadership 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon w/President Clinton & Vice President Gore 2:00 S-230 DROP BY - Greg mtg. w/Patrick Tolle, Pres. of NACM & others 2:15 S-407 SENATORS ONLY Briefing - Bosnia w/Sec. Aspin & Gen. Powell 2:30 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Bruce Kouba, Rev. Fred Krammer, & Lisa Carr, Catholic Charities USA 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Betty Ford (Sheila) 3:00 S-230 DROP BY - Greg mtg. w/Tom & Marilyn Dobski from Lawerence, & Fred D'Albani from Salina, owners of 12 McDonald's franchises 5:30-7:30 Ronald Reagan Center fundraiser for Senator Specter (Jo-Anne) 6:00-8:00 SR-236 SUPRISE birthday party for Senator Wallop SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of Feb. 28 - March 6, 1993 Pg.4 Wednesday, March 3 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Tony O’Reilly, CEO & Chairman of Heinz Co. (Greg) 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Ed Russ, Jr., State Farm Insurance Co. President, & Secretary Madigan (Whit) 1:15-1:45 SD-G50 SPEAK - UJA-Federation 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/NATO Secretary~General Manfred Woerner (John) 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Rep. Bill Thomas (Calif) 3:15 S-230 mtg. w/Jo-Anne 4:00 S-230 Mtg. w/John Hall, President of Ashland Oil (Greg) 4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Simpson 5:30 S-407 ?? briefing for all Senators by Secretary Christopher on his Middle East trip 6:00-7:30 Senatorial Committee fundraiser for Senator Gorton (Jo-Anne) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of Feb. 28 - March 6, 1993 Pg. 5 Thursday, March 4 8:30 S-201 health care task force meeting 9:30 S-230 GOP Leadership & GOP Budget Committee Members (Senators Gramm, Lott, Nickles, Simpson, Domenici, Bond, Brown, Gorton, Grassley, & Gregg) 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/10 British farmers & Barb Oplinger of Jewell, KS (John & Bret) 11:15 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Gramm, Lott, McCain, McConnell, Packwood, Burns, Coats, Craig, & Gregg re: line item veto 12:30 J.W. Marriott, Ballroom SPEAK - Washington Non-Profit Legal & Tax Conference 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/6 leaders of the Supreme Soviet of Kazakhstan (John) 2:30 S-230 conference call per Mike Glassner -- details to follow 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Rich Kogan, CEO of Schering-Plough (Vicki) 3:30 S-230 mtg. w/Bill Harris, Executive Director, NRSC (Jo-Anne) 4:00 S-230 telephone interview w/Eric Lax for article on Prostate Cancer f/Family Circle (Walt) 5:00-6:00 S-230 wedding reception f/Sen. & Mrs. McConnell (you are cohosting w/Senators Stevens, Sarbanes, & Bryan) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of Feb. 28 - March 6, 1993 Pg. 6 Friday, March 5 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Faith Whittlesley (Jon Lynn) 1:50 S-230 PHOTO w/Anne & Craig Simon, Wichita (Marcie) 2:00 mtg. w/Landon Parvin (Walt & Kerry) Saturday, March 6 1:40 lv. residence 1:55 ar. Washington Nat’l, Signature Flight Support 2:00 1v.Washington 4:20 ar. Hays, Kansas 313162648446 03/05/09 18:13 WICHITA SENATOR DOLE SH- NO. 140 01 ID:202-408-5117 MAR 05'93 16:58 No.005 P.02 March 6-8 (illegibal hand writing) CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe 703/845-1714 (H) SENATOR AND MRS. DOLE SCHEDULE -- MARCH 6-8, 1993 Saturday, March 6 1:40 PM Lv. Residence 1:55 PM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 803/549-830 2:00 PM Lv. Washington Aircraft: ADM Falcon 50 Tail NO.: 114 AD Manifest: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole, Robin Dole PILOT: To be determined CO-PILOT: To be determined FLIGHT TIME: 3 hrs 20 mins TIME CHANGE: -1hour CONTACT: Caudia Madding 217/424-5515 (O) 217/428-1559 (H) Lisa: 217/422-2723 (H) 4:20 PM Ar. Hays, Kansas Rich's Air Service 913/625-6618 MET BY: Mike Glassner RON: Russell 913/483-4274 Mike Glassner (will arrive at noon) Winchester Inn 913/483-6660 Anita Dole's numbers: 913/483-3231 or 483-3369 03/05/93 18:13 WICHITA SENATOR DOLE SH- NO.140 02 BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 MAR 05'93 16:43 NO.003 P.03 Monday, March 2 10:30 AM SERVICES FOR KENNY 2:00 PM Lv. Hays (PLEASE ADVISE IF YOU WISH TO LEAVE ANY EARLIER. NOT A PROBLEM IF IT'S LATER -- THEY WILL WAIT -- BUT I'LL NEED TO NOTIFY THEM IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE TO LEAVE EARLIER. ) 6:00 Ar. Washington National AIRCRAFT: ADM Faicon 50 TAIL NO.: WN 144 AD MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole, Robin Dole PILOT: To be determined CO-PLLOT: To be determined FLIGHT TIME: 3 hrs TIME CHANGE: +1 hour MET BY: Wilbert Jones PROCEED TO PRIVATE March 12, 1993 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of March 7 - 13, 1993 Pg. 1 Sunday, March 7 in Russell SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of March 7 - 13, 1993 Pg. 2 Monday, March 8 10:30 a.m. services for Kenny 3:00 p.m. lv. Hays 7:00 p.m. ar. Washington National, Signature, met by Wilbert SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of March 7 - 13, 1993 Pg. 3 Tuesday, March 9 8:00 Hyatt Regency, Capital View Club breakfast w/Kansas League of Cities' (Greg & Marcie) 9:00 Willard Ballroom, Lower Level SPEAK - American Advertising Federation 9:00 SD-211 FIN COMM - private mtg. - Mickey Kantor - general trade issues 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - open session - Mickey Kantor 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Haime Serra Puche, Mexico Sec'y of Commerce & Chief Negotiator f/NAFTA (John Z) 11:00 S-230 DROP BY - Bret mtg. w/Kansas Soybean Assoc. 11:45 S-230 mtg. w/Benno Schmidt. President, Edison Project, & Checker Finn & Dominique Browning, Founding Partners (Sheila, Whit, David) 12:00 S-230 mtg. w/GOP Ranking Members & Leadership & President Nixon 12:30 S-211 policy luncheon w/President Nixon 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Air Force Sergeants (Dan) 2:30 S-230 DROP BY - Dan mtg. w/Kansas Public Transit Assoc. & KC Transit 3:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Tony Kinnaman, Overland Park, & Patricia Cress (Bret); & w/8 Kansas students w/Close-up & w/3 KS Students w/Presidential Classroom (Darren) 3:15 S-230 DROP BY - Bret mtg. w/National Pest Control Assoc. group 3:45 S-230 DROP BY - Vicki mtg. w/Bert Steeves, Pres. & CEO of Hunter Health Clinic of Wichita (w/his wife & son) 4:00 S-230 DRPO BY - Sheila mtg. w/Dr. Richard Hellman w/Diabetes Association 5:00 S-230 DROP BY - Greg mtg. w/Scott Culbertson, Pres & CEO of Chance Industries, Wichita 5:00-7:00 NGAUS Memorial Bldg, l Mass Avenue DROP BY??? Adjutant General & Nat'l Guard Association of Kansas reception 6:30 (recp) 7:30 (dinner) J.W. Marriott, Grand Ballroom birthday party f/Senator Thurmond (you are the MC) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of March 7 - 13, 1993 Pg. 4 Wednesday, March 10 8:15 SD-628 SPEAK - Illinois Agricultural Leadership 8:30 S-230 breakfast w/The Capitol Forum 10:00 S-230 mtg. w/former Cong. Tom Loeffler (Whit) 10:30 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Dr. Jane Orient, Director of Assoc. of American Physicians & Surgeons, Dr. Holly Kirby, & Dr. Dexter Blone 11:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Sen. Symms & Al Lehn 11:30 S-230 mtg. w.GOP Senators McCnnell, Stevens, Simpson, Jeffords, Hatfield, Durenberger, Packwood, & Specter re: motor voter 2:00 Captol Hill Club, Private Diing Room I, 3rd Floor mtg. w/Nat'l Jewish Coalition Leadership (Jo-Anne) 2:45 S-230 DROP BY - NIna mtg. w/Tom Schwartz & Tim Schwartz w/Famous Brands in Topeka, Jim Dorsey, Pres, Famous Brands; & w/Fred Meitser, Pres & CEO of Distilled Spirits Council of the US; & w/Harry Wiles, VP of Fed Gov't Rel f/Nat'l Wine & Spirits Wholesalers 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Ed Rollins (Jo-Anne) 4:00 S-230 mtg. w/David Vanderscoff (ND candidate) (Jo-Anne) 4:30-5:30 S-230 mtg. w/Mrs. Clinton & all Republican Senators re: health care 6:00-8:00 Hyatt Regency, Regency Ballroom funraiser for Senator Hatch followed by dinner at 8:00 p.m. (Jo-Anne) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of March 7 - 13, 1993 Pg. 5 Thursday, March 11 8:30 S-230 brkf w/Conservative Columnists/Reporters 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - full hearing - Soc Sec hearing 10:00 S-230 DROP BY - Nina mtg. w/Eric Nelson, VP f/Financial Operations; Eugene Wells, VP f£/Taxes; Marvin Womack, VP-Nat’1l Gov't Relations, & Charlie Leppert w/Procter & Gamble 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Rita Hauser & Bob Ellsworth (Jo-Anne) 11:15 S-230 DROP BY - Dennis mtg. w/Kansas Members of the Board of Directors of the Federal Home Bank of Topeka 1:00 SD-106 SPEAK - Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia 1:30 Capital Hilton, Presidential Ballroom SPEAK - Nat’l Newspaper Association 3:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Florence Griffith-Joyner (aka Flo-Jo) 1988 Olympian Sprinter & her husband, Al, Olympian high-jumper -- Florence will present you w/results of "America’s Health Habit" Survey 3:30 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila & Vicki mtg. w/Dr. Ragley, President of Kansas Podiatry Association 4:00 S-230 Presidents’ Dinner Reception (Jo-Anne) 5:00 S-230 mtg. w/General Tony McPeak, Air Force Chief of Staff, & Senator Kassebaum (Dan) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of March 7 - 13, 1993 Pg. 6 Friday, March 12 10:00 S-230 mtg. w/Republican Senators on Foreign Relations Committee (John) 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Coverdell 10:45 S-230 mtg. w/Vivian Sadowski w/Abilene paper & other Kansas newSpaper reps (Walt) 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call 11:45 S-230 big radio 12:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Martha Tietze, math teacher from Shawnee Mission NW High School (David) 1:00 Hyatt Regency, Ticonderoga Room SPEAK - National Conference of State Legislatures 2:40 lv. The Capitol 2:55 ar. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight 3:00 wheels up for Florida 5:30 ar. West Palm Beach, Florida, met by Ray Durden RON: The Breakers SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of March 7 - 13, 1993 Pg. 7 Saturday, March 13 in Florida -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE RON: Sea View BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 Mar 12'93 10:04 No.001 P.02 March 12-14 FINAL 3/12/93 CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe 202/408-5105 (O) 703/845-1714 (H) FRIDAY MARCH 12, 1993 2:40 PM Leave Capitol 2:55 PM Ar. National Airport FBO: Signature Flight Support 703/549-8340 3:00 PM DEPART for FLORIDA Aircraft: Hawker 700 Owner: AETNA Rail No: N151AE PILOT: Glenn Beckwith Co-pilot: Eugene Brown Seats: 6 MANIFEST: SEN. DOLE, Ron E. Compton, CEO AETNA, Kathleen Harrington, AETNA, Robin Dole, Mark Miller, Susan Sherwood Contacts: Kathleen Harrington 202/223-2821 Flight time: 2 hours 30 minutes 5:30 PM ARRIVE West Palm Beach, Florida Signature Aviation 407/683-4121 Met by: Ray Durdn, (Driver for Team 100 member, Jerry Ansel) (Two Town Cars will be at airport) RON: The Breakers 407/655-611 Contacts: Alison Daly and Margarate Alexander 202/863-8720 BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 MAR 12'93 10:05 No.001 P.03 PAGE TWO SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1993 8:25 AM DEPART the breakers Hotel (RNC/Team 100 driver - Ray Durden) 8:55 AM ARRIVE Ritz Carlton Hotel Manalapan, Florida 407/533-6000 9:00 AM-9:45 AM SPEAK at the All-American Wildcatters Annual Convention Contact: Chesley Pruet 501/863-7196 Attendendance: 100 Format: 30" Remarks by SEN. DOLE 15-20" Q & A Intro by: Bob Mosbacher Topic: Economic Package, especially as it relates to oil industry 9:50 AM DEPART Ritz Carlton Hotel for the Breakers 10:20 AM ARRIVE The Breakers Met by: Alison Daly, RNC 10:25 AM-12:00 PM ATTEND/ADDRESS Team 100 Meeting The Breakers Palm Beach, Florida 407/655-6611 Location: Starlight A Attendance: 50-60 (includes wives) Program: 10:00 AM Haley Barbour 10:30 AM Max Fisher to Intro SEN. DOLE 10:35 AM-10:50 AM- SEN. DOLE REMARKS 10:50 AM-11:05 AM- SEN. DOLE Q & A 11:05 AM- Max Fisher to intro Mosbacher 11:05 AM- Mosbacher Remarks 11:15 AM BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 MAR 12'93 10:05 No.001 P.04 PAGE THREE Program (Continued): 11:15 AM- PANEL DISCUSSION (Fisher to begin) 12:00 PM SEN. DOLE Chairman Haley Barbour 12:00 PM Max Fisher Remarks 12:30 PM Meeting concludes 12:35 PM- Private Time 3:45 PM The Breakers 3:50 PM DEPART the Breakers Drive time: 1 Hour 45 minutes Driver: RNC/Team 100 providing NOTE: 5:00 PM - Mark Miller departs West Palm US AIR flight #968 Arrives Washington National 7:20 PM 5:35 PM ARRIVE Seaview and procead to private 7:00 PM-9:00 PM ATTEND private dinner Mark's Place 305/893-6888 Reservations for 7: Senator Dole, Dwayne and Inez Andreas, Gerry and Christine DiMarco, Robin Dole, Susan Sherwood RON: Seaview 305/866-4441 BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 MAR 12'93 10:05 No.001 P.O5 PAGE FOUR SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 1993 AM - Private time 5:00 PM-6:00 PM ATTEND Sen. Mack Fundraier (Event runs 5:00-6:30) Seaview 9909 Collins Avenue Bal Harbour, Florida 305/866-4441 Location: The Crystal Roon Attendance: 60 Cost: $500 per person Format: Brief Remarks, mix & mingle Contact: Jeff Walter 202/224-5274 Jamia Wilson, Campaign offica 813/878~0355 813/875-7620 FAX Jorge Arizurieta Miami Office 305/530-7100 305/822-5593 (H) 305/439-3122 (Car phone) 6:10 PM DEPART for airport 6:55 PM ARRIVE Ft. Lauderdale Executive Airport ATC Jet Center 305/772-1364 7:00 PM DEPART from Ft. Lauderdale Executive airport en route to D.C. FBO: ATC Jet Center 305/772-1364 Flight time: 24 minutes Aircraft: Citation 7 Owner: Textron Tail No.: N93TX Pilot: (TBD) Co-Pilot: (TBD) Seata: 8 Manifest: SEN, DOLE 7:24 PM ARRIVE West Palm Beach International Airport Bizjet 407/421-2338 BOB DOLE ID:202-408-5117 MAR 12'93 10:06 No.001 P.06 PAGE FIVE 7:30 PM DEPART West Palm MANIFEST: Senator Dole Karen Quinn-Quintin, Textron Pater Quintin Charlie Chapin, Textron Kay Chapin Caroline Hanely, Textron Lauren Peters, Textron FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs 5 mins Contact: Melissa, Textron 202/637-3802 Mary Howell, VP, Textron 202/637-3802 Carolyn Hanley Textron Mgmt Meeting = The Breakers 407/659-8498 FAX: 407/659-8457 Sita Valentine, Aircraft Dept. 401/421-2338 9:35 PM ARRIVE Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/549-8340 Met by: Wilbert 3/20 - 3/22 FINAL 3/19/93 CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe 202/408-5105 (0) 202/408-5117 (FAX) 703/845-1714 (H) SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE -- MARCH 20-21, 1993 Saturday, March 20 (Pick up from Kansas schedule) 4:20 PM Ar. Johnson County Executive Airport Olathe, Kansas Kansas City Aviation 913/782-0530 4:30 PM Lv. Olathe AIRCRAFT: Scott Aviation Charter Citation TAIL NO: 106 WV PILOT: Eric Karolec CO-PIIOT: Wayne Sherman MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mike Glassner FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 15 mins CONTACT: Scott Aviation 708/466-4884 NOTE: Illinois GOP still looking for a corporate plane; you will be notified if there is a change in aircraft and Tail No. 5:45 PM Ar. Chicago, Illinois O'Hare Airport 312/686-7000 MET BY: Jennifer Smith Patricia J. Hurley & Assocs., Inc. 312/553-2000 312/553-2007 (FAX) Aries Charter (Town Car) - Driver, Ralph 312/666-4462 PAGE TWO Saturday, March 20 (continued): 6:00 PM Ar. O'Hare Marriott 8535 West Higgins Chicago 312/693-4444 312/714-4296 (FAX) 6:15 PM Proceed to Grand Ballroom, Salon 4 6:15 PM- Attend "IT'S A REPUBLICAN PARTY!" 7:00 PM Reception/Rally - Proceeds to Cook County GOP CROWD SIZE: 300 @ $100 per person EVENT RUNS: 5:30-7:30 PM Master of Ceremonies: Manny Hoffman, Chairman Cook County GOP Central Cnte. 7:00 PM Proceed to Washington Room PHOTO OP ON ARRIVAL 7:00 PM- Attend/Speak - ILLINOIS REPUBLICAN STATE COMMITTEE 9:00 PM SPECIAL DINNER CROWD SIZE: 80 @ $1,500 per couple (Tentative guest list attached) CONTACT: Pat Hurley 312/553-2000 (0) 312/553-2007 (FAX) 312/975-0262 (H) Dinner Chairman: William Smithburg, Chairman, Quaker Oats Corp. VIP's in attendance: House GOP Leader Bob Michel Rep. J. Dennis Hastert (CD 14) Rep. Thomas W. Ewing (CD 15) State Senate President James "Pate" Philip House Minority Leader Lee Daniels State GOP Chairman Al Jourdan GOP Nat'l Committeeman Harold Smith PROGRAM : 7:30 - Dinner is served 8:30 - Bill Smithburg introduces Bob Michel 8:35 - Remarks and Intro. Sen. Dole - Bob Michel 8:40 - REMARKS ~- SENATOR DOLE Q&A to follow 9:00 - Program concludes PAGE THREE Saturday, March 20 (continued) : 9:00 PM Depart Marriott O'Hare Ground Transportation: Bill Smithburg 9:45 PM Ar. The Four Seasons Hotel 120 East Delaware Chicago 312/280-8800 312/280-9184 (FAX) Senator Dole and Mike Glassner will be pre-checked in, keys will be given to Mike at Dinner Dole Confirmation No. (Junior Suite): #CFS501277 Glassner Conf. No.: #CFS501276 RON: Four Seasons Sunday, March 21 9:00 AM Lv. Four Seasons CNN/Lee Daniels will provide transportation 9:30 AM- CNN NEWSMAKER SUNDAY -- LIVE 10:00 AM CNN Bureau Tribune Tower - 435 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 715 312/645-8555 10:05 AM Chicagoland Cable TV News 435 N. Michigan Avenue - 4th Floor Studio (Between Tribune's City Desk and Editor's Desk) 312/222-5013 Pager: 708/281-0932 10:20 AM WGN-AM & TV (Orien Samuelson) WGN-AM Radio Station 435 N. Michigan Avenue - 1st Floor 312/222-4700 PAGE FOUR Sunday, March 21 (continued) : 11:00 AM-11:30 AM PRESS CONFERENCE with State Rep. Lee Daniels Four Seasons Hotel - La Salle Room 312/280-8800 CONTACT: Dan Long Deputy Chief of Staff to Lee Daniels 217/782-4014 Mike Trestano Chief of Staff 312/814-2053 11:45 AM-12:00 PM PHOTO OP WITH GOP STATE LEGISLATORS Four Seasons Hotel - La Salle Room CONTACT: Representative Lee Daniels 217/782-4014 12:00 PM Proceed to Delaware Room 12:00 PM-1:00 PM Attend BRUNCH with Major Political and Corporate Representatives from Chicago Area Four Seasons Hotel - Delaware Room 312/280-8800 CROWD SIZE: 20-25 CONTACT: Representative Lee Daniels 217/782-4014 Julie Countryman, Lee Daniels' Ofc. 708/941-1992 708/941-3092 (FAX) 708/530-1418 (H) 1:15 PM Lv. Four Seasons Hotel Ground transportation: Lee Daniels 1:45 PM Ar. Midway Airport Million Air FBO 312/284-2867 PAGE FIVE Sunday, March 21 (continued): 2:00 PM Lv. Chicago AIRCRAFT: MBNA Westwind I TAIL NO.: N 317 M PILOT: Billy Dennis 1-800-SKY-PAGE PIN # 513-6724 CO-PILOT: Ed Moston PIN # 262-5166 MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs 30 mins CONTACT: Jim Smith Walker/Free Associates, Inc. 202/393~4760 202/393-5728/0272 (FAX) Don Haskell Government Affairs Liaison, MBNA 302/456-8359 202/336-1234 (Pager) 410/382-0248 (Car/Message Service) Dave Schuster Director of Maintenance 1-800-SKY-PAGE PIN # 521~5458 4:30 PM Ar. Houston, Texas Hobby Airport Million Air 713/644-3357 MET BY: Mr. Dale Laine 713/229~2770 (0) 713/939-9841 (H) CONTACT FOR ALL TEXAS FIRST EVENTS: Alan Hill, NRSC 202/675-6088 1-800~SKY~PAGE PIN # 805-6162 4:45 PM Ar. Atlantic Aviation 713/644-6431 PAGE SIX Sunday, March 21 (continued): 4:45 PM-5:15 PM Attend TEXAS FIRST PRESS AVAILABILITY Conference Room, Atlantic Aviation CONTACT: Alan Hill, NRSC 800/SKY~PAGE - PIN # 805-6162 Theme: “Elect a Republican to U.S. Senate" PROGRAM : 4:45 - Sen. Gramm opening statement Intro. Sen. Coverdell 4:49 - Sen. Coverdell remarks 4:52 - Sen. Gramm intro. Sen. Cochran 4:53 - Sen. Cochran remarks 4:56 - Sen. Gramm intro. SENATOR DOLE 4:57 - REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE (5 minutes) 5:02 - Q&A (10 mins.) 5:15 - Depart 5:20 PM Lv. Hobby Airport/Atlantic Aviation DRIVE TIME: 15 mins. DRIVERS : Matt Welch, Dale Laine 5:35 PM Ar. Ritz Carlton Hotel 1919 Briar Oaks Lane 713/840-7600 6:00 PM Proceed to Ambassador Room 6:00 PM-6:55 PM Attend TEXAS FIRST RECEPTION CROWD SIZE: 30 Vice Chairmen (gave or raised $5,000-$10,000 to Texas First, or gave/raised $25,000 to Texas GOP "Patriots") PROGRAM: 6:00 - Mix and Mingle 6:15 - Photo-op with Vice Chairmen Key Attendees: Fred Meyer, Chairman, Texas GOP Senate candidates: Kay Bailey Hutchison, Rep. Joe Barton, Rep. Jack Fields, Stephen Hopkins, Clymer Wright PAGE SEVEN Sunday, March 21 (continued): 6:55 PM Proceed to Ritz-Carlton Ballroom 7:00 PM-8:30 PM Attend TEXAS FIRST DINNER CROWD SIZE: 100 @ $1,000 per person PROGRAM: 7:00 - Senators directed to separate tables 7:15 - Dinner is served (Senators rotate tables after main course) 7:44 - Fred Meyer remarks and intro of Sen. Gramm 7:48 - Sen. Gramm, M.C., remarks and intro of Sen. Coverdell 7:54 - Sen. Coverdell remarks 7:59 - Sen. Gramm intro. Sen. Cochran 8:01 - Sen. Cochran remarks 8:06 - Sen. Gramm intro SENATOR DOLE 8:08 - REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE (8 mins.) 8:16 - Sen. Gramm closes 8:25 - Depart dinner 8:35 PM Lv. Ritz Carlton DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes DRIVERS: Matt Welch, Dale Laine 8:50 PM Ar. Houston Hobby Airport Atlantic Aviation 713/644-6431 9:00 PM Lv. Houston AIRCRAFT: ICI Falcon TAIL NO.: WN 300 A SEATS : 9 PILOT: TBD CO-PILOT: TBD CONTACT: Dolores May 302/328-1334 MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Senator Gramm, Senator Cochran, Senator Coverdell, Bill Harris, Mike Glassner, Alan Hill FLIGHT TIME: 52 minutes PAGE EIGHT Sunday, March 21 (continued) : 9:52 PM Ar. San Antonio, Texas Million Air/Nayak 210/824-7511 MET BY: Pulse Martinez 210/742-3367 (0) 10:00 PM Lv. Million Air/Nayak DRIVER: Pulse Martinez DRIVE TIME: 20 minutes 10:20 PM Ar. Wyndham Hotel 9821 Colonnade Blvd. 512/691-8888 RON: Wyndham Hotel PAGE NINE Monday, March 22 8:00 AM Lv. Suite and proceed to Meeting Room A (second floor) 8:00 AM-8:30 AM Attend TEXAS FIRST RECEPTION CROWD SIZE: 10 Vice Chairmen PROGRAM: 8:00 - Mix/Mingle 8:10 - Photo op with Vice Chairman 8:20 - Mix/Mingle 8:30 AM Proceed to Ballroom F 8:30 AM-9:25 AM Attend TEXAS FIRST BREAKFAST CROWD SIZE: 100 @ $500 and $1,000 each PROGRAM: 8:35 - Breakfast 8:55 - Fred Meyer welcome and intro Sen. Gramm 8:58 - Sen. Gramm remarks and intro Sen. Coverdell 9:03 - Sen. Coverdell remarks 9:08 - Sen. Gramm intro Sen. Cochran 9:10 - Sen. Cochran remarks 9:15 - Sen. Gramm intro SENATOR DOLE 9:17 - REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE (8 minutes) (Topic: "The effects President Clinton's policies are having on America without a GOP majority in Senate") 9:25 - Sen. Gramm closes 9:30 AM Lv. Wyndham Hotel DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes DRIVER; Pulse Martinez 9:45 AM Ar. Republican Party of Bexar County Headquarters Petroleum Center 900 Northeast Loop 410 512/824-9445 9:45 AM Proceed to Room D-105 9:45 AM-10:15 AM Attend TEXAS FIRST PRESS AVAILABILITY PAGE TEN Monday, March 22 (continued): PROGRAM: 9:45 - Sen. Gramm opens and Intro Sen. Coverdell 9:49 Sen. Coverdell remarks 9:52 Sen. Gramm intro Sen. Cochran 9:53 Sen. Cochran remarks 9:56 Sen. Gramm intro SENATOR DOLE 9:57 REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE (5 mins) 10:02 Q&A 10:12 Close and depart 10:15 AM Lv. GOP Headquarters DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes DRIVER: Pulse Martinez 10:30 AM Ar. San Antonio Airport Million Air/Nayak 210/824-7511 10:30 AM Lv. San Antonio AIRCRAFT: ICI Falcon TAIL NO.: N 300 A SEATS: 9 PILOT: TBD CO-PILOT: TBD CONTACT: Dolores May 302/328-1334 MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Senator Gramm, Senator Cochran, Senator Coverdell, Fred Meyer, Bill Harris, Carla Eudy, Mike Glassner, Alan Hill FLIGHT TIME: 1 HR 11:30 AM Ar. Dallas, Texas - Love Field Citijet 800/248-4538 MET BY: Kevin Brannon 214/767-8755 (0) 214/324-5546 (H) 214/534-2932 (Cellular) PAGE ELEVEN Monday, March 22 (continued): 11:30 AM Lv. Love Field DRIVE TIME: 30 mins DRIVER: Kevin Brannon 12:00 PM Ar. The Adolphus Hotel 1321 Commerce Street 214/742-8200 12:00 PM Proceed to French Room Foyer 12:00 PM-2:00 PM Attend TEXAS FIRST RECEPTION/LUNCHEON (Event in progress from 11:30) Reception: French Room Foyer Crowd Size: 30 Vice Chairmen Luncheon: Century Room B Crowd Size: 100 @ $1,000 per person PROGRAM: 2:00 PM Lv. Adolphus Hotel DRIVE TIME: 15 2:15 AM Ar. Dallas Love Field citijet 800/248-4538 Proceed to Longhorn Room (2nd Floor) 2:20 PM-2:50 PM Attend TEXAS FIRST PRESS AVAILABILITY 3:00 PM Lv. Dallas AIRCRAFT: ICI Falcon TAIL NO.: N 300 A SEATS: 9 PILOT: TBD CO-PILOT: TBD CONTACT: Dolores May 302/328-1334 FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs 40 nins TIME CHANGE: +1 hour PAGE TWELVE Monday, March 22 (continued): MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Senator Gramm, Senator Cochran, Senator Coverdell, Bill Harris,Carla Eudy, Mike Glassner, Alan Hill 6:40 PM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert Jones PROCEED TO PRIVATE 03/19/93 11:46 TOPEKA 913 295 2748 3/19 - 3/20 002 FINAL CONTACT: JUDY BROWN 913/295-2745 (O) 913/836-2319 (H) JO-ANNE COE 202-408-5086 (O) 703-845-1714 (H) CATHIE YAGER 316/263-4956 (O) 316/681-3804 (H) DAVE SPEARS 316/263-4956 (O) 316/755-3010 (H) GALE GROSCH 913/371-6108 (O) 913/768-1414 (H) DIANA DOOMS 316/263-4956 (O) 316/683-8724 (H) WEATHER: FRIDAY MARCH 19 - MOSTLY CLOUDY AND WARMER, HIGH 45-50, WITH 40% CHANCE OF RAIN, LIGHT SOUTH WINDS, SATURDAY, MARCH 20 - PARTLY CLOUDY, DRY CONDITIONS WITH HIGHS NEAR 50. KANSAS SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR DOLE, FRIDAY, MARCH 19- SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1993 FRIDAY, MARCH 19 2:25 P.M. LEAVE CAPITOL FOR WASHINGTON NATIONAL DRIVER: WILBERT 2:45 P.M. LEAVE WASHINGTON FOR WICHITA SIGNATURE AVIATION AIRCRAFT: CESSNA CITATION 6 TAIL NO.: 222 CD SEATS: 7 PILOT: WILL DIRKS CO-PILOT: JIM LAPINE FLIGHT TIME: 3 HRS. CONTACT: LYNETTE CARMELLI 316/941-6256 (o) 316/943-2901 (h) 03/19/93 11:47 TOPEKA 913 295 2748 003 2 MANIFEST: SENATOR DOLE, DAN STANLEY 4:45 P.M. ARRIVE WICHITA - JABARA AIRPORT MIDWEST CORPORATE AVIATION 316/682-5551 MET BY: DAVE SPEARS, DIANA DOOMS AND MIKE GLASSNER 4:45 P.M. TO 5:05 P.M. INTERVIEW WITH RAINBOW UNITED, INC., TO BE USED IN A VIDEO AT A NUMBER OF EVENTS THIS SPRING. CONFERENCE ROOM - MIDWEST CORPORATE AVIATION CONTACT: DIANE ISEMAN 316/683-7061 5:05 P.M. LV. JABARA AIRPORT FOR GALLOWAY HOME - GOP FUNDRAISER. DRIVER: DIANA DOOMS DRIVE TIME: 10 MINS. 5:15 P.M. TO 6:30 P.M. WICHITA - FUNDRAISING RECEPTION FOR THE KANSAS REPUBLICAN PARTY - HOME OF JAY AND HELEN GALLOWAY, 8000 KILLARNEY, 316/634-2651 (H) 316/685-3241 (0) 6:30 P.M. LV. GALLOWAY HOME FOR ST. FRANCIS MEDICAL CENTER DRIVER: DIANA DOOMS DRIVE TIME: 15 MINS. 7:00 P.M. TO 8:00 P.M. WICHITA - ST. FRANCIS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER, 929 N. ST. FRANCIS - DEDICATION OF NEW DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES BLDG, 316/268-6020 03/19/93 11:47 TOPEKA 913 295 2748 004 CONTACT: LARRY BAKER 316/268-8591 PROGRAM AS FOLLOWS: 7:00 P.M. - ARRIVE MEDICAL CENTER LOBBY, MIX AND MINGLE WITH 800-1000 ATTENDING THE EVENINGS ACTIVITIES. 7:30 P.M. - WELCOME - FRANK SHAW, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD - ST. FRANCIS MEDICAL CENTER 7:33 P.M. - BRIEF REMARKS/ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS SISTER SYLVIA EGAN 7:38 P.M. - BRIEF REMARKS/ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS DR. GIROUX 7:42 P.M. - INTRODUCTION OF SENATOR DOLE FRANK SHAW, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD 7:45 P.M. - SPEAK - SENATOR DOLE 8:20 P.M. LV. ST. FRANCIS FOR WICHITA CLUB DRIVER: DIANA DOOMS DRIVE TIME: 10 MINS. 8:30 P.M. TO 9:30 P.M. WICHITA CLUB — DINNER WITH 10 TO CONTRIBUTORS - BEING ARRANGED BY KIM WELLS - DETAILS TO FOLLOW 316/263-5271 OPTION - DIANA CAN EITHER STAY FOR DINNER, OR SHE CAN TAKE YOUR LUGGAGE ON TO THE HOTEL AND BE THROUGH FOR THE EVENING. 9:30 P.M. LV. WICHITA CLUB FOR AIRPORT HILTON 03/19/93 11:47 TOPEKA 913 295 2748 005 4 DRIVER: DIANA DOOMS OR KIM WELLS DRIVE TIME: 10 MINS. 9:45 P.M. AR. AIRPORT HILTON RON - AIRPORT HILTON 316/945-5272 YOUR ROOM WILL BE PAID FOR BY ST. FRANCIS MEDICAL CENTER - MIKE GLASSNER WILL ALSO BE AT THE HILTON. SATURDAY, MAR 20 8:25 A.M. LV. AIRPORT HILTON FOR ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH DRIVER: CATHIE YAGER DRIVE TIME: 10 MINS. 8:35 A.M. TO 9:30 P.M. WICHITA - ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH, 842 N. TYLER - AID ASSOCIATION FOR LUTHERANS CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST INFORMATION AND TALKING POINTS IN BRIEFING BOOK ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH 316/722-4694 ANTICIPATED ATTENDANCE: 100-150 8:40 A.M. TO 9:00 A.M. - AAL VOLUNTEER PRESENTERS 9:00 A.M - SENATOR'S REMARKS (10 MINS.) FOLLOWED BY Q & A CONTACT: MIKE TONN, LEGICATOR PRESIDENT, AAL BRANCH, HAVEN, KS. 316/665-3382 9:30 A.M. LV. ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH FOR CESSNA 03/19/93 11:47 TOPEKA 913 295 2748 007 5 DRIVER: CATHIE YAGER DRIVE TIME: 15 MINS. 9:45 A.M. LV. WICHITA FOR KANSAS City AIRCRAFT: CESSNA CITATION 6 TAIL NO.: 222 CD SEATS: 7 PILOT: Will Dirks CO-PILOT: Jim Lapine FLIGHT TIME: 45 MINS. CONTACT: LYNETTE CARMELLI 316/941-6256 (0) 316/943-2901 (h) MANIFEST: SENATOR DOLE, MIKE GLASSNER 10:30 A.M. AR. KANSAS CITY -— DOWNTOWN MUNICIPAL EXECUTIVE BEECHCRAFT! 815/842-8484 MET BY: GALE GROSCH DRIVE TIME: 30 MINS. 11:00 A.M. TO 12:15 P..M. KANSAS CITY, KS. - PROVIDENCE-ST. TO MARGARET HEALTH CENTER = 8929 PARALLEL PARKWAY, K.C., KS. - SPECIAL PROGRAM TO ANNOUNCE A "YEAR OF HEALTH" AND THE UNVEILING OF A NEW NAME AND LOGO - AND TO ANNOUNCE FREE PROSTATE SCREENING. PROVIDENCE-ST. MARGARET 913/596-4000 CONTACT: THERESE HORVAT: 913/596-4852 03/19/93 11:48 TOPEKA 913 295 2748 007 6 PROGRAM AS FOLLOWS: 11:00 A.M. - PROGRAM BEGINS WELCOME - SISTER ANN MARITA INTRODUCTION OF SENATOR BOARD CHAIRMAN DONALD BIGGS/SISTER ANN MARITA 11:05 A.M. - HEALTH CARE REFORM, PREVENTATIVE HEALTH CARE - SENATOR DOLE REMARKS - VICKI HART 11:20 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. - ANNOUNCEMENT OF NEW NAME, LOGO, YEAR OF HEALTH SISTER ANN MARITA/MR. BIGGS 11:30 A.M. RECEPTION 11:50 A.M. LIVE INTERVIEW (VIA TELEPHONE) WITH LORRELL LABOUBE, GREATER KANSAS CITY MEDICAL SOCIETY - KMBZ RADIO STATUS OF HEALTH CARE REFORM STUDIO NUMBER - 913/236-8295 CALLER SHOULD INDICATE SENATOR DOLE IS CALLING FOR LIVE INTERVIEW WITH LORRELE LABOUBE CONTACT: LORRELL LABOUBE 816/531-8432 NOON COMMUNITY FORUM ON PROSTATE CANCER SENATOR DOLE TESTIMONIAL 12:15 P.M. LV. PROVIDENCE ST. MARGARET FOR DEER CREEK GOLF CLUB DRIVER: GALE DRIVE TIME: 35 MINS. 03/19/93 11:48 TOPEKA 913 295 2748 008 7 12:50 P.M. 1992 CANCER GOLF CLASSIC BENEFIT LUNCHEON - DEER CREEK GOLF CLUB, 133RD AND METCALF, OVERLAND PARK FORMAL ANNOUNCEMENT OF SENATOR DOLE AS CANCER PATIENT OF THE YEAR. DEER CREEK GOLF CLUB, 133 & METCALF 913/681-3199 PROGRAM AS FOLLOWS: 12:30 P.M. - 1:30 P.M. - LUNCH 1:30 P.M. - WELCOME - LARRY MOORE, KMBC TV - 1992 CANCER PATIENT OF THE YEAR. 1:35-1:40 P.M. - BOB JOHANNES 1:40 P.M. - INTRODUCTION OF SENATOR BY LARRY MOORE 1:45 P.M. - SPEAK - SENATOR DOLE PRESS CONFERENCE IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING SENATOR'S REMARKS CONTACT: BOB JOHANNES 816/943-1436 3:15 P.M. TO 4:15 P.M. OPEN 4:30 P.M. LV. JOHNSON COUNTY EXECUTIVE AIRPORT FOR CHICAGO - KANSAS CITY AVIATION CENTER - 913/782-0530 JO-ANNE’S SCHEDULE PICKS UP FROM HERE. March 22, 1993 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of March 14 - 20, 1993 Pg. 1 Sunday, March 14 in Florida 5:00-6:30 fundraiser for Senator Mack 6:10 lv. f/airport 6:55 ar. Ft. Lauderdale 7:00 lv. Ft. Lauderdale via private aircraft 7:24 ar. West Palm Beach 7:30 lv. West Palm Beach 9:35 ar. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight Support met by Wilbert SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of March 14 - 20, 1993 Pg. 2 Monday, March 15 11:00 S-230 DROP BY - Nina & Kerry mtg. w/Rick Berman w/Berman & Co. 12:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Thurmond 1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Fred Barnes, journalist 2:00 S-230 DROP BY - Darren mtg. w/Mayor Withrow of Alameda, CA, & Admiral (Ret) Peck 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sen. Domenici re: budget 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Landon Parvin (Kerry & Walt) 4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Hayes Dent - candidate f/Mississippi (Jo-Anne) 4:30 S-211 mtg. w/Valery Zorkin, head of the Russian Constitutional Court, & Sen. Mitchell (John Z.) 6:00-7:30 Jefferson Hotel, Lobby fundraiser for Senator Chafee (you are a cohost) 7:00 Willard, Crystal Room SPEAK - Securities Industry Assoc. 8:30 CNN Studio, 820 First St, NE ar. CNN Studio 9:00 CNN Studio LIVE - Larry King Show SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of March 14 - 20, 1993 Pg. 3 Tuesday, March 16 9:30-10:15 White House, Roosevelt Room Senate & House bipartisan Leadership meeting re: economic package 11:00 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila & Bret mtg. w/independent insurance agents from Kansas 11:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Rob Nofsinger, Overland Park (Clarkson) 11:30 S-230 DROP BY - Dennis mtg. w/International Fire Fighters f/Wichita & KS State Council of Fire Fighters f/Coffeeville 12:15 S-230 mtg. w/GOP Ranking Members & Leadership 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 2:15 S-230 DROP BY - Whit mtg. w/Jim Paul, Pres of Coastal Corp, & Bob Moss 2:30 S-230 DROP BY - John Z. mtg. w/Jeff Bergner & Van Boyette re: NAFTA 3:00 H-227 mtg. w/Senate & House GOP Ranking Members re: budget (David T.) 4:15 S-230 DROP BY - Bret mtg. w/Kansas Livestock Assoc. 4:30-5:00 S-211 Senate Leadership mtg. w/Prime Minister Rabin of Israel (John) (Republican Senators: Dole, Simpson, Lott, Cochran, & Gramm) 5:15 S-230 mtg. w/Senators McConnell, Durenberger, & Simpson 6:00-8:00 Senatorial Committee fundraiser for Senator Roth SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of March 14 - 20, 1993 Pg. 4 Wednesday, March 17 8:30 S-230 breakfast w/energy group 10:30 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Dr. Donald Brada, St. Francis Regional Medical Center, & Dr. Ronald Martin, Univ. of Kansas School of Medicine 10:45 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila/Vicki mtg. w/Jack Stafford, CEO & Chairman of the Board, American Home Products 11:00 S-230 DROP BY - Bret mtg. w/KS Corn Growers Assoc. 11:30 S-230 DROP BY - Whit mtg. w/Kelly Kephart, President, Independent Lubricant 12:00 Capitol Hill Club, Private Dining Room #2 BRIEF REMARKS - Presidents’ Dinner "Strategy Session" 1:15 S-230 mtg. w/Sen. Durenberger 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/John Ruan & Senator Grassley (Bret) 3:00 S-230 DROP BY - Dan mtg. w/Arthur Alvis, Jr., Pres of Commtech, Inc. 3:30 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila/Vicki mtg. w/5 Presidents -- Aetna, CIGNA, Met Life, Prudential, & Travelers 3:45 S-230 DROP BY - Bret mtg. w/Board Members & staff of Kansas Wheat Commission SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of March 14 - 20, 1993 Pg. 5 Thursday, March i8 8:30 S-230 breakfast w/Citizens Against Regressive Tax 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Lawrence Summers confirmation hearing 9:45 1025 Conn. Ave, NW Suite 507 SPEAK - Ashland Oil, Inc. Board of Directors Meeting 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/GOP Conference re: budget resolution 11:30 S-230 DROP BY - David mtg. w/Nat’l Burglary & Fire Alarm Association 11:45 S-230 PHOTO w/3 Kansas students w/Kansas State School for the Deaf (Darren) 12:15 Ritz-Carlton, Ballroom, Mass Ave SPEAK - Center for Urologic Research & Educ (CURE) 1:00 US Chamber of Commerce Building, 1615 H Street, 3M & RJR Nabisco Rooms SPEAK - CEO’s of chain restaurants (Berman & Co.) 1:30 Willard, Grant Suite SPEAK - Congressional Roundtable 2:30 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/John Grace, Pres & CEO of KS Assoc of Homes f/Aging & others 2:45 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Funeral Directors & Embalmers Association 3:00 S-230 DROP BY - Dan mtg. w/Joe Dick, Secretary of Kansas Department of Human Resources 6:30 (recp) 7:30 (dinner) Hyatt Regency, (reception in Regency Foyer; dinner in Regency Ballroom, Lower Level) SPEAK & RECEIVE AWARD - Young Republican Leadership Conference SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of March 14 - 20, 1993 Pg. 6 Friday, March 19 8:30 S-230 breakfast w/network anchors (Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, & Bernard Shaw) & Republican Leadership 9:45 S-211 mtg. w/Sen. Mitchell & George Barbour & former President of Lebanon, Amin Gemayel (Darren) 10:00 S-230 PHOTO w/55 Kansas high school students (Marcie); & w/Liz Zirger, Chairman of the KS Federation of Young Republicans, & John Hochscheid, & Irv Bisnov f/Texas (Jon Lynn) 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Marc Chretien (Jo-Anne) 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call 11:45 S-230 big radio 12:00-12:10 S-230 taped interview w/CBN News (Christian Broadcasting Network) (Walt) 2:25 lv. The Capitol 2:45 lv. Washington National, Signature Flight Support 4:45 ar. Wichita met by Dave Spears & Cathie Yager to Kansas -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE RON: Wichita SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of March 14 - 20, 1993 Pg. 7 Saturday, March 20 in Kansas and Chicago, Illinois -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 4:30 lv. Olathe, KS 5:45 ar. Chicago RON: Chicago March 29, 1993 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE ~- Week of March 21 - 27, 1993 Pg. 1 Sunday, March 21 in Chicago 9:30 a.m. (Chicago time) LIVE - CNN NEWSMAKER SUNDAY (airs 10:30 a.m. in DC) 2:00 lv. Chicago 4:30 ar. Houston SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 9:00 lv. Houston 9:52 ar. San Antonio RON: San Antonio SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of March 21 - 27, 1993 Pg. 2 Monday, March 22 in TEXAS -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 10:30 lv. San Antonio 11:30 ar. Dallas, Texas 3:00 lv. Dallas 6:40 ar. Washington National Airport, Signature Flight Support, met by Wilbert SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of March 21 - 27, 1993 Pg. 3 Tuesday, March 23 9:00 J.W. Marriott, Salon 4 SPEAK -—- National Grain & Feed Assoc. 9:00 S-301 Republican Policy Committee Economic Policy Task Force mtg. 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/7 Kansas members of AIPAC (John) 10:45 S-230 mtg. w/Nick Brady 11:45 S-230 PHOTO - 2 KS State Board of Education Members, Wanda Morrison (Hutchison) & Connie Hubbell (Topeka) & w/40 KS members of the Nat’l Telephone Cooperative Assoc (David) 12:15 S-230 mtg. w/GOP Ranking Members & Leadership 12:45 S-230 policy luncheon 2:00 S-230 two-minute video taping - Tribute to Haley Barbour (Walt) 3:00 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Dr. Jordan Davis, Dr. Jeffrey Ferryhough, & Glenn Feign 3:15 S-230 PHOTO w/20 students & teachers f/DeSoto School in Lenexa (Darren) 3:30 S-230 mtg. w/Bill Morgan, Senior VP f/Ohio Bankers Assoc, & others (Dennis) 4:00 S-230 DROP BY - Dan mtg. w/Oil, Chemical & Atomic Workers Union 4:15 S-230 Presentation of Texas Poll w/ Sen. Gramn, Sen. McCain, Bill Harris, Exec. Director of NRSC, Dave Carney, Deputy Director, Neil Newhouse, Pollster (Jo-Anne) 5:45 S-230 mtg. w/Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Kojyrev (John) 6:30-7:00 S-207 SPEAK & introduce the presentation of the 1993 Gold Congressional Award Ceremony SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of March 21 - 27, 1993 Pg. 4 Wednesday, March 24 8:30 S-230 breakfast w/GOP Freshmen Senators 9:30 SD-215 FIN COMM - Executive Session - nomination of Lawrence H. Summers, Under Secretary of Treasury for International Affairs 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - hearing w/Alan Greenspan 11:30 Willard, Ballroom SPEAK - Family Research Council 12:15 Mayflower, Grand Ballroom SPEAK - American Medical Association 12:30 S-230 mtg. w/Gordon Black & Sen. Domenici 1:00 Capitol Steps PHOTO & PRESENT PLAQUE to Concordia High School Band (Darren) 1:10 S-230 mtg. w/Gov. Mickelson & Gov. Campbell, & Cong. Michel, & Senators Chafee, Packwood & Durenberger (Sheila) 2:15 Ohio Clock PHOTO w/40 students f/Topeka & Senator Kassebaum (Darren); & w/Denning family & friends f/manhattan (Marcie); & w/3 Students from Univ. of TN (Ado) 3:30 S-230 mtg. w/"Food Lion" group f/North Carolina & Sen. Faircloth (Marcie) 4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senators on Foreign Relations Committee (John) 5:00 S-221 Ethics Reform mtg. w/Sen. Mitchell & other Senators 5:30-7:15 Senatorial Committee fundraiser for Senator Burns 10:30 CBS Bureau, 2020 M St, NW OR S-230 LIVE interview w/Dan Rather (watch Pres. Clinton interview at 10:00 p.m.) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of March 21 - 27, 1993 Pg. 5 Thursday, March 25 8:30-10:30 S-201 health care task force mtg. 9:00 S-230 breakfast w/Business Roundtable 10:15 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. Yank Coble, constituent of Rep. Tillie Fowler (Kerry) 10:30 S-230 DROP BY - Nina mtg. w/ Mr. Kay Whitmore, CEO of Eastman Kodak 10:45 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Dr. George Randalll, Dr. Joseph Meek, Jr., & Dr. Kermit Wedell from Kansas 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senate GOP Appropriations Committee Members 12:00 SR-325 DROP BY — Ark Catfish Fry luncheon hosted by Senators Bumpers & Pryor 12:30 SD-215 FIN COMM - general economists discussing Clinton Plan 1:00 S-230 mtg. w/former Cong. Tommy Hartnett (Jo-Anne) 1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Gene Moos, Under Sec’ y-Designate f/Int’l Affairs & Commodity Programs at USDA (Bret) 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Landon Parvin (Kerry & Walt) 3:00 Ohio Clock PHOTO w/16 students f/Santa Fe Trails Jr. High School (Olathe), & w/students f/Brown City HS, Michigan (Darren) 3:30 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. Jerry Schenken, Nat’l Committeeman f/Nebraska (Jo-Anne) 5:00-8:00 Reserve Officers Bldg, 1 Constitution Avenue DROP BY - Sen & Mrs. Simpson hosting reception to meet artist, T. Allen Lawson, & view his exhibition SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of March 21 - 27, 1993 Pg. 6 Friday, March 26 9:00 Brooks Brothers, 1840 L St, NW meet Bill Johnson at front door 10:00 Wash. Hilton, International Ballroom, Terrace Level, T St Entrance 10:45 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Marty Gibson, CEO & Chairman of Metpath, & David Bockorny 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call 11:45 S-230 big radio 12:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Don & Penne Fuertges, & Andreas & Donna Maheras, all from Hays, KS; & w/Elder family f/Newton (Marice) 12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Paul Hosefras, New York Times Photographer, & his photo class (Walt) 12:30 Senate Recording Studio one-minute video taping f/Kansas Sports Hall of Fame (PSA); & video taping f/Compeer (Walt) 1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Ed Midigan (Whit) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of March 21 - 27, 1993 Pg. 7 Saturday, March 27 SPEAK - Gridiron Dinner at the Capital Hilton (They would like for you to be there at 6:30 p.m. in the Continental Room.) 5:30 p.m. general reception in the foyer of the hotel 6:30 p.m. Platform Party for VIPs in the Continental Room (also the holding room for speakers) 7:00 p.m. program/dinner in the Presidential Ballroom