(handwritten) Mon, Feb 1, 1993 REVISED FINAL 1/29/93 CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe 202/408-5105 (O) 202/408-5117 (FAX) 703/845-1714 (H) SENATOR DOLE SCHEUDLE -- MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1993 10:00 AM Lv. office (or residence) 10:15 AM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/549-8340 10:20 AM Lv. Washington AIRCRAFT: US Tobacco Challenger TAIL NO.: N 25 SB SEATS: 14 PILOT: To be determined CO-PILOT: To be determined MANIFEST: Senator Dole Senator Bob Bennett Senator Paul Coverdell Senator Lauch Faircloth Senator Dirk Kempthorne Tom Korologos Jack Seher, UST FLIGHT TIME: 45 minutes CONTACT: Ted Kratovil or Elaine Ward 203/622-3667 or 622-3349 Blanche Durney - Aviation Dept. 203/622-3345 914/997-2145 (FAX) 11:05 AM Ar. Teterboro, New Jersey Atlantic Aviation 201/288-1740 MET BY: 2 sedans provided by Fortune Limousine Service 212/838-2622 ("Lenny") 718/278-3590 (FAX) PAGE TWO 11:10 AM Lv. Atlantic Aviation DRIVE TIME: 20 minutes 11:30 AM Ar. residence of President Nixon 23 Sherwood Downs Bear's Nest Park Ridge, New Jersey NOTE: Senator Gregg will meet the Senate party at Nixon residence (driving down from New Hampshire). 11:30 AM-12:10 PM MEET WITH PRESIDENT NIXON CONTACT: Kathy O'Connor 201/391-4404 201/391-3725 (FAX) 12:15 PM-1:50 PM LUNCH WITH PRESIDENT NIXON 2:00 PM Lv. Nixon residence DRIVERS: Fortune Limousine SErvice 2:20 PM Ar. Atlantic Aviation 202/288-1740 2:30 PM Lv. Teterboro AIRCRAFT: US Tobacco Gulfstream 4 TAIL NO.: N 54 SB FLIGHT TIME: 45 minutes MANIFEST: Senator Dole Senator Bob Bennett Senator Paul Coverdell Senator Lauch Faircloth Benator Judd Gregg Senator Dirk Kempthorne Tom Xorologos Jake Seher, UST CONTACT: Tad Kratovil or Elaine Ward 203/622-3667 or 622-3349 Blanche Durney - Aviation Dept. 203/622-3348 914/997-2145 (FAX) PAGE THREE 3:15 PM Ar. Washington, D.C. Signature Flight support 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert Jones and Paul Redifer 3:40 PM Ar. J. W. Marriott Hotel 14th and Pennsylvania Avenue 202/393-2000 (Use 14th Street Entrance) MET BY: Patricia (Patty) Sullivan, NGA staff who will eacsort to: 3:45 PM Ar. Grand Ballroom - Salons 2, 3 & 4 (Ballroom Level) Message Center: 628-6870 3:45 PM SPEAK - PLENARY SESSION NATIONAL GOVERNORS ASSOCIATION CONTACT: Jim Martin 202/624-8315 Sugan Ade 202/624-5317 202/628-6878 (Sat. & Sun.) 4:25 PM Lv. J. W. Marriott 4:30 PM Ar. Willard Inter-continental Hotel Hughes and Holmes Room 202/628-9011 4:30 PM-6:00 PM MEET WITH REPUBLICAN GOVERNORS ASSOCIATION CONTACT: Chris Henick 202/863-8587 6:00 PM Lv. Willard Inter-Continental Hotel 6:15 PM Ar. residence February 5, 1993 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of Jan. 31 - Feb. 6, 1993 Pg. 1 Sunday, January 31 8:15 a.m. NBC car will pick you up at your residence 9:00 a.m. LIVE - Meet the Press - 4001 Nebraska Avenue, NW, NBC Studio SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of Jan. 31 - Feb. 6, 1993 Pg. 2 Monday, February 1 10:00 a.m. lv. The Capitol or residence 10:15 a.m. ar. National Airport, Signature Flight Support 10:20 a.m. lv. National Airport via private aircraft SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 3:15 p.m. ar. National Airport 3:40 p.m. ar. J.W. Marriott, Grand Ballroom 3:45 p.m. SPEAK - National Governors’ Association 4:25 p.m. lv. J.W. Marriott 4:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Willard Hotel, Hughes & Holmes Room mtg. w/Republican Governors Association 6:00-7:30 Four Seasons Hotel, Garden Terrace DROP BY - book signing party for Senator Cohen’s & Thomas Allen’s new book, Murder in Senate, hosted by Chuck Conconi, Editor At Large, the Washingtonian Magazine SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of Jan. 31 - Feb. 6, 1993 Pg. 3 Tuesday, February 2 7:00 Senate TV/Radio Press Gallery LIVE - Today Show 7:30 Senate Press Gallery interview w/Fox Morning News 8:15-9:00 S-230 breakfast w/Luis R. Quinonez & 5 others w/ Hispanic Conservative Breakfast Club & w/ Senators Domenici & McCain, & Rep. Bonilla 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Gov. John Connelly (Whit) 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Andy Anderson, President, US Operations f/Searle’s US Marketing & Sales Operations & Tom Korologos (Sheila) 11:30 S-230 mtg. w/GOP Senate Armed Services Committee Members & GOP Senate Leadership re: status of gays in military 12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senate GOP Ranking Members & Leadership 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Kay Bailey Hutchinson (Jo-Anne) 2:30 S-230 DROP BY - Kathy & David mtg. w/Dr. Roger Parrott, Pres. of Sterling College 2:45 S-230 PHOTO w/Melissa Barnes from Leawood, KS, w/Presidential Classroom (Darren) 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Gov. Joan Finney (Whit & Dan) 3:-- S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Dr. Richard Meidinger, Pres of KS Medical Society, & Jerry Slaughter, Exec. Dir. 4:00 S-230 mtg. w/GOP Leadership & Senators Gorton, McCain, & Coats re: gays in military 8:00-8:30 Capital Hilton, Presidential Ballroom RECEIVE Nathan Davis Award for 1992 from the American Medical Association SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of Jan. 31 - Feb. 6, 1993 Pg. 4 Wednesday, February 3 9:15-11:00 Senatorial Committee mtg. w/Senators Gramm, Mack, Coats, McCain, Bond, Gorton, & Charlie Black, Rich Bond, & Ron Kaufman 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Gov. John Engler (Jo-Anne) 11:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senators Mitchell, Bumpers & Pryor (Jim M.) 11:20 S-230 DROP BY - David W. mtg. w/Jerry Holley, Gen. Mgr. of WIBW (Topeka) & Howard Kennedy & Larry Busse (TV channel managers f/Nebraska) 12:15 Ohio Clock PHOTO w/27 8th graders from Green Farms, CT (Darren); w/4 Republican pages; w/Mark Galyardt & Bill Baker (Marcie); & w/Craig McFarlane (Mo W.) 12:45 1925 F St. Club, Dining Room, First Floor SPEAK - Fay Improvement Co. 4:00 S-230 reception f/newly-elected GOP House Members & Leadership hosted by you SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of Jan. 31 - Feb. 6, 1993 Pg.5 Thursday, February 4 10:00 H-227 mtg. w/House & Senate Ranking Members 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Frank Schrontz w/Boeing & Senator Kassebaum (Dan) 11:15 S-230 DROP BY - Greg mtg. w/5 Kansas representatives of KS Recreation & Park Association 11:30-12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Republican Advisory Group 12:30 S-221 mtg. w/Senator Mitchell 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Ernest Gallo (Nina) 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/1ll GOP Senators re: gays in military 3:30 S-230 DROP BY - Nina mtg. w/Ian Martin, Chief Operating Officer of Grand Metropolitan, Inc., & Sen. Baker 4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Hillary Clinton & Senator Chafee 4:40 S-230 mtg. w/KDOT Mike Johnston & Deb Miller (Greg) 4:40 S-230 PHOTO & PHONES w/22 students from Atchison, KS, & w/Sen. Kassebaum 5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Gorton, Lott & several others re: gays in military 5:00-7:00 S-120 DROP BY - Dole Foundation farewell party f/Mo West 6:30 (recp) 7:30 (dinner) Thomas Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, Great Hall reception & dinner for new Members of the Senate (you are co-hosting w/Senator Mitchell & James Billington) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of Jan. 31 - Feb. 6, 1993 Pg. 6 Friday, February 5 8:15 Watergate Hotel, Riverview Room breakfast w/Nick Brady 10:10 S-207 BRIEF REMARKS - Farewell Assembly for Fall 1992 Senate Pages 10:30 S-230 DROP BY - David W. mtg. w/Tom Gamble, President of Dodge City Community College 10:45 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. Jerry Schenken (Mark Miller) 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson) 11:45 S-230 big radio network interview 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Tony Fabrizio 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Chinese Ambassador Zhu 3:30 S-230 interview w/ABC - Urkel Show 4:00 S-230 interview f/TODAY Show w/Jamie Gangel Saturday, February 6 11:00 1808 Conn. Ave, NY appt. w/Dr. Zaiderman (handwritten) Feb 10-11 FINAL 2/10/93 CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe or Suzanne Niemela 202/408-5105 (O) 202/408-5117 (FAX) SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE -- FEBRUARY 10-11, 1993 Wednesday, February 10 4:00 PM Lv. Washington National via shuttle USAIR # 6500 5:00 PM Ar. New York LaGuardia Airport MET BY: USA Limo 718/871-5600 or 800/872-5460 FAX 718/438-2930 Contact: Bill Fraioli Driver: Mark Danilovich Sign: "Campaign America" (Being arranged by Bill Powers) 5:30 PM Ar. Sheraton Hotel 811 7th Avenue 212/581-1000 6:40 PM Ar. Waldorf Astoria Hotel, Park Avenue Entrance 212/355-3000 FAX: 212/758-9209 (note function room on FAX) MET BY: State Senator Roy Goodman 6:45 PM Ar. West Foyer - 3rd Floor -- Waldorf GUEST OF HONOR HALL 6:45 PM-7:20 PM ATTEND RECEPTION FOR MAJOR DONORS New York Republican County Committee CROWD: 100-150 CONTACT: Senator Roy M. Goodman, Pres. & Chairman Gertrude Parker, Exec. Secretary 212/599-1200 RECEIVING LINE: Senator Dole Senator D'Amato Governor Weld John Whitehead, Former Deputy of State State Senator and Mrs. Roy Goodman, President and Chairman, NY Republican County Committee Irene Halligan, Vice Chairman Rudolph Giuliani, Mayoral candidate 7:25 PM Proceed to Grand Ballroom 7:30 PM ATTEND/SPEAK -- LINCOLN DAY DINNER New York Republican County Committee CROWD SIZE: 1,500 PRESS: OPEN FORMAT: Head Table with Podium ATTIRE: Black Tie (They have been advised you will not be in black tie) HEAD TABLE: 50-60 (see list in briefing materials) Sen. Goodman Sen. D'Amato Gov. Weld John Whitehead Officers of County Committee District office Holders PROGRAM: 7:30 PM -- Pledge of Allegiance Star Spangled Banner Invocation 7:35 PM -- Intro of Senator D'Amato - Sen. Goodman 7:40 PM -- Intro of Sen. Dole - Senator D'Amato 7:45 PM -- REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 8:00 PM -- Senator Dole departs for hotel suite 8:30 PM -- Lincoln Day Dinner is served Gov. Weld speaks after dinner 8:05 PM-9:00 PM WATCH President Clinton "Town Meeting" (Walt Riker to provide details) Waldorf Astoria Hotel Private Suite 212/355-3000 FAX 212/758-9209 (note room # on FAX) 9:00 PM-9:30 PM LARRY KING LIVE (Walt Riker to provide details) Reaction to President Clinton's Town Meeting Location: Waldorf Astoria Hotel (private suite) 212/355-3000 FAX 212/758-9209 (note room # on FAX) 9:35 PM DEPART Waldorf Astoria Hotel for Sheraton Hotel RON: Sheraton Hotel 811 Seventh Avenue 212/581-1000 (Bill Powers arranging one-room suite for Senator, and additional room for Dole staffer) Thursday, February 11 8:00 AM-9:00 AM Breakfast with Team New York ($25,000 donor group) Location: The University Club One West 54th Street 212/247-2100 Crowd seize: 8-10 (see list in briefing materials) Host: John Whitehead Other details: Sit down meal Photo-op CONTACT: Bill Powers, NY Gop Chairman 518/462-2601 (O) (Asst: Mary) 518/732-2996 (H) Lizabeth Lefferts, Victory New York 212/750-1286 (O) 9:00 AM-10:00 AM MEETING with Richard Fisher Fisher Brothers Office 299 Park Avenue, 42nd Floor (49th and Park Avenue, next to Waldorf Astoria) CONTACT: Richard Fisher 212/752-5000 Crowd: 10-15 (see list in briefing) 10:30 AM-11:30 AM MEETING with Walt Shipley, CEO Chemical Bank 270 Park Avenue, 8th Floor (between east 47th and 48th) CONTACT: Elaine Collins 212/270-1380 (following appointment is handwritten) 11:30 - see attached 12:30 PM-1:30 PM Lunch with Empire Club Members (see list in priefing) ($1,000 donors to State Party). Location: Symphony Cafe 950 Eighth Avenue 212/397-9595 Crowd 6ize: 80 (see list in briefing materials) CONTACT: Bill Powers Lizabeth Lefferts PROGRAM: 12:55 PM -- Intro of Sen. D'Amato - Bill Powars 1:00 PM -- Intro of Senator Dole - Sen. D'Amato 1:10 PM -- REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE, followed by Q&A 1:30 PM -- DEPART for airport Other details: Buffet luncheon Photo-op 2:30 PM Lv. New York LaGuardia via shuttle DELTA MARINE TERMINAL 3:30 PM Ar. Washington National (following page is handwritten) TO SHERATON HOTEL, N.Y. - FROM OFC. OF SENATOR BOB DOLE PLEASE DELIVER TO PAUL REDIFER, WITH SENATOR DOLE'S PARTY. TO: PAUL REDIFER FROM: JO-ANNE COE FEB. 10, 1993 PLEASE ADD TO TOMORROW'S SCHEDULE: 11:30 4TH FLOOR 111 EAST 58TH ST. (212/318-6111) CONFERENCE OF PRESIDENTS OF MAJOR JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS MEETING WITH JACK STEIN AND JEWISH LEADERS. STEIN WILL MEET YOU AT ENTRANCE TO BUILDING, WITH A LIST OF ATTENDEES. (FROM YOUR PREVIOUS MTG. AT CHEM BANK, UP PARK AVE. TO 58TH, RIGHT ON 58TH, ABOUT 1/2 BLOCK) STEIN: 516/487-3158 OR 516/938-6012 CALL ME TONIGHT IF ANY QUESTIONS: 703/845-1714 (handwritten) Feb 12-15 FINAL 2/11/93 CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe 202/408-5105 (O) 202/408-5117 (FAX) 703/845-1714 (H) WEATHER: Nice weekend expected; Sunny, 75-80 SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEUDLE -- FEBRUARY 12-15, 1993 Friday, February 12 2:10 PM Lv. The Capitol 2:25 PM Ar. Signature Flight Support Washington National Airport 703/549-8340 2:30 PM Lv. Washington National AIRCRAFT: Philip Morris Hawker TAIL NO.: N 60 PM SEATS: 8 MANIFEST: Senator Dole Kathleen "Buffy" Linehan - V.P., Philip Morris Companies, Inc. Sandy McMurtrie Maria McMurtrie PILOT: Ken Blanchard CO-PILOT: Sam Lathan FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs 25 mins 4:46 PM Mrs. Dole arrives Ft. Lauderdale Int'l Airport Continental Flight No. 273 MET BY: Seaview Car and Driver 4:55 PM Ar. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida - Executive Airport ATC Jet Center 305/772-1364 MET BY: Seaview car and driver NOTE: SEAVIEW CAR AND DRIVER WILL PICK YOU UP FIRST AT EXECUTIVE AIRPORT (WHILE MRS. DOLE IS GETTING HER BAGS FROM CHECKED LUGGAGE), THEN YOU'LL PROCEED TO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT FOR MRS. DOLE'S ARRIVAL. RON: Seaview 305/86-4441 PAGE TWO Saturday, February 13 PRIVATE TIME Sunday, February 14 - HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY 10:30 AM FACE THE NATION Details to be provided by Walt Riker 5:30 PM Senator. and Mrs. Dole leave Seaview with Seaview car and driver DRIVE TIME: 10 minutes 5:40 PM Ar. 15 Indian Creek (Dwayne Andreas residence -- currently occupied by Raymond Floyd) 5:40 PM Lv. Indian Creek AIRCRAFT: Helicopter TAIL NO: 250 BC SEATS: 4 (including 2 pilots) PILOT: Jerry Pagano CO-PILOT: Danny Crowa FLIGHT TIME: 30 minutes CONTACT: Jerry Pagano Helicopters at Boca 407/394-9596 (O) 407/498-4255 (H) 407/241-9609 (FAX) 407/243-5444 (Pager) 407/233-0330 (Trauma-hawk) 6:10 PM Ar. Boca Aviation 407/368-1110 MET BY: Andy Barowsky, Chairman, IBA, & Pres., F.R. Lepage Baking Co., Auburn, ME Dr, William Hoover, President, American Institute of Baking, Manhattan, KS Bill McCurry, VP Sales & Marketing, Manildra Milling Co., Shawnee Mission, KS Bob Pyle, President, Indep. Bakers Assn. ESCORT: Boca Raton Police (no lights, no siren) PAGE THREE Sunday, February 14 (continued): MOTORCADE: Car 1 - Bota Raton Police Bob Pyle Car 2 - Bill McCurry William Hoover Car 3 - Dark Blue Lincoln Town Car: Senator Dole Mrs. Dole Andy Barowsky DRIVE TIME: 10 minutes 6:20 PM Ar. Boca Raton Hotel and Club 407/395-3000 Proceed to Galleon West Room Main Hotel building - first floor 6:20 PM-6:40 PM MIX AND MINGLE 6:40 PM-7:00 PM ATTEND/SPEAK - Winter Meeting, Board of Directors Independent Bakers Association CROWD SIZE: 100 (owners & CEO's of independent, wholesale bakeries) ATTIRE: Sports jacket and tie PROGRAM: 6:40 PM - Welcome: Andrew Barowsky, IBA Chairman (F.R. Lepage Bakers, Auburn, Maine) Intro of Mrs. Dole - Robin Alton, Chairman, Young President's Council (NO REMARKS REQUIRED) Intro of Senator Dole - Dr. William Hoover, President, American Inetitute of Baking, Manhattan, Kansas 6:45 PM - REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 7:00 PM - 10 mins. Q&A CONTACT: Bob Pyle 202/333-8190 202/337-3809 (FAX) 7:15 PM Lv. Boca Raton Hotel 7:25 PM Ar. Boca Aviation 407/368-1110 PAGE FOUR Sunday, February 14 (continued): 7:30 PM Lv. Boca Raton AIRCRAFT: Helicopter TAIL NO.: 250 BC FLIGHT TIME: 25 minutes 7(illegible) Ar. Helipad, PGA National Resort Palm Beach Gardens MET BY: Car and driver and "Buffy" Linehan DRIVE TIME: 2 minutes (100 yards) CONTACT FOR CHOPPER ARRANGEMENTS: Security office 407/625-8400 8:00 PM Ar. PGA National Resort 407/627-2000 Proceed to Grand Ballroon 8:05 PM ATTEND/SPEAK - DINNER MEETING Philip Morris Invitational Golf & Tennis Tournament ATTIRE: Sports jacket and tie CROWD SIZE: 200 senior execs from Philip Morris and their customer companies NO HEAD TABLE - "CHAIRMAN'S TABLE": Mr. and Mrs. Michael (Mike & Pam) Miles, Chairman of the Board, Philip Morris Companies, Inc. Senator and Mrs. Dole Ms. Chris Evert Mr. Andy Mill (Ms. Evert’s husband) Mr. John Schwegmann, Chairman & CEO, Schwegmann Giant Supermarkets Mr. Mike Wright, Chairman & CEO, Supervalue (wholesaler) Mr. Frank Colaccino, President & CEO, Dairymart Convenience Stores Ms. Maria Agnello (guest of Mr. Colaccino) PAGE FIVE Sunday, February 14 (continued): PROGRAM: Welcome and Brief Remarks: Bill Campbell, Chairman, Philip Morris USA Introduction of Mrs. Dole (NO REMARKS REQUIRED) Intro of Senator Dole: Bill Campbell REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE Congressional Members who may be in attendance: Senator Malcolm Wallop Senator Fritz Hollings Senator Kent Conrad Congressman Dan Schaefer (R-Colorado) Congressman Jim Chapman (D-Texas) Congressman Pat Williams (D-Montana) Congressman Bill Brewster (D-Oklahoma) (Professionals attending the dinner may include: Chris Evert, Billie Jean King, Tracy Austin, Virginia Wade, Wendy Turnbull, Arnold Palner, Gary Player and Chi Chi Rodriquez) CONTACT: Buffy Linehan or Kector Irastorza 202/637-1500 202/637-1506 (FAX - Buffy) 202/393-4439 (FAX - Hector) Susan: 637-1591 9:00 PM Lv. PGA Grand Ballroom 9:10 PM Lv. Palm Beach Gardens FLIGHT TIME: 50 minutes 10:00 PM Ar. Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport Cav-Alir 305/491-4456 MET BY: Seaview car and drivar RON: Seaview PAGE SIX Monday, February 15 2:15 PM Lv. Seaview Seaview Car and driver 2:50 PM Ar. Fort Lauderdale, Executive Airport ATC Jet Center 305/772-1364 3:00 PM Lv. Fort Lauderdale AIRCRAFT: Philip Morris Hawker TAIL NO.: N 60 PM SEATS: 8&8 FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs 10 mins MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mrs. Dole Buffy Linehan Sandy McMurtrie Maria McMurtrie 5:10 PM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert Jones February 12, 1993 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE Week of February 7 - 13, 1993 Pg. 1 Sunday, February 7 9:45 CNN Studio 820 First St, NE CNN car will pick you up at your residence 10:30-11:00 LIVE - Newsmaker Sunday SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of February 7 - 13, 1993 Pg. 2 Monday, February 8 11:45 S-230 mtg. w/John Ruan (Greg) 12:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Dr. Michael Dikeman, Professor of Animal Science at K-State & President of the Federation of American Societies of Food Animal Science (Bret) 2:30-3:30 Drop by Campaign America Office SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of February 7 - 13, 1993 Pg. 3 Tuesday, February 9 10:00 S-230 DROP BY - Greg mtg. w/16 MARC officials from Kansas SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of February 7 - 13, 1993 Pg. 4 Wednesday, February 10 8:30 S-230 breakfast w/12 Eagles or Team 100 (Jo-Anne) 12:00 S-230 barbecue luncheon w/staff 1:00 Ohio CLOCK PHOTO & VIDEO w/16 Kansas students w/Nat’l Youth Leadership Forum on Nat’l Youth Leadership Forum on Nat’l Security & Defense & w/56 Kansas students participating in Close-Up Program (Darren) 3:15 S-230 brief interview w/radio networks (Walt) 3:30 lv. The Capitol via Wilbert 3:45 ar. National Airport 4:00 lv. Washington National via shuttle US Air #6490 4:59 ar. New York LaGuardia Airport met by USA Limo SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE RON: New York - Sheraton Hotel SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of February 7 - 13, 1993 Thursday, February 11 in New York -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 2:30 p.m. lv. New York LaGuardia via Delta shuttle 3:30 p.m. ar. Washington National met by Wilbert SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of February 7 - 13, 1993 Pg. 6 Friday, February 12 11:00 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila & Vicki mtg. w/Dr. Ben Abraham re: aids 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call 11:45 S-230 big radio network interview 1:00 S-230 interview w/Washington Post reporter (Kevin Merida) 2:30 lv. Washington ar. Florida in Florida -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE Saturday, February 13 in Florida -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE February 19, 1993 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of February 14 - 20, 1993 Pg. 1 Sunday, February 14 in Florida -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE Monday, February 15 in Florida -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 2:15 lv. the Seaview 2:50 ar. Ft. Lauderdale Airport 3:00 lv. Ft. Lauderdale via private aircraft 5:10 ar. Washington National, Signature Support Flight, met by Wilbert 6:35 Senate Gallery Live interview w/NBC 9:15 S-230 LIVE response to Pres. Clinton’s statement SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of February 14 - 20, 1993 Pg. 2 Tuesday, February 16 10:15 S-230 mtg. w/Senate & House GOP Leaders (David T.) 11:45 Senate Floor press interview - dugout 12:45 SD-G50 SPEAK - National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 2:00 S-230 DROP BY - Greg mtg. w/KS Postmasters 2:15 S-230 PHOTO & hello w/Warren Motts, Director of Motts Military Museum in Ohio (Darren); & w/J.J. Wawrzasek, Pres. Classroom student from Wichita (Darren) 3:00 S-230 courtesy call w/William Perry, Deputy Defense Secretary designate (Dan) 4:30 S-230 mtg. w/Cong. Amo Houghton 5:30-7:00 EF-100 DROP BY - recp. f/Dr. Rugova (you are cohosting w/Reps. Molinary & Engel) (Mira) 6:00-8:00 L’Enfant Plaza Hotel, Quorum Room DROP BY - EMAA/AMMA Executive Committee reception (per Richard Berkley) 6:00-7:30 Senatorial Committee DROP BY - fundraiser f/Jack Fields, Texas Senate Candidate (Jo-Anne) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of February 14 - 20, 1993 Pg.3 Wednesday, February 17 8:20-8:45 Wash. Court Hotel, Grand Ballroom SPEAK - Transportation Development Industry 9:00 Hyatt Regency, Ballroom SPEAK - Nat’l Assoc. of Postmasters 9:45 L’Enfant Plaza Hotel, Renoir Room SPEAK — Nat’l Association of Casualty & Surety Agents (NACSA) 11:00 S-221 mtg. w/Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and Sen. Mitchell (John Z.) 12:00 SD-G18-19 SPEAK - Association of Former Senate Aides 2:00-3:00 White House, Roosevelt Room mtg. w/Senate & House bipartisan Leadership re: economic package 4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. Hanan Ashrawi (John Z.) 6:00 (recp) 7:00 (dinner) Ritz-Carlton, Pentagon City Campaign America Event 8:30 Senators assembly in Senate Chamber 8:40 Senators proceed to the House Chamber 9:00 House Chamber State of the Union Address 10 min. after Cong. Michel's response location to be determined CNN LIVE w/Bernard Shaw LIVE interview w/NBC Tom Brokaw in The Capitol SENATOR DOLE’‘S SCHEDULE - Week of February 14 - 20, 1993 Pg.4 Thursday, February 18 7:15 Senate TV/Radio Gallery LIVE interview w/CBS Harry Smith, FOX Network, & NBC 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Jerry Jasinowski, Pres, Nat’l Assoc. of Manuf., & Mike Baroody, Senior VP (Nina) 11:30 S-230 mtg. w/George Edwards, CEO, KC Southern Railroad (Greg) 2:00 SD-G50 FIN COMM - full comm - unemployment benefits hearing - Robert Reich 2:00 S-230 DROP BY - Greg mtg. w/Bob Totton, Exec. Dir, Kansas Contractors & others 2:30-2:40 S-230 mtg. w/Jim McMillan 2:40 S-230 mtg. w/Department of Justice (Jim M.) 3:20 S-230 radio interview w/NPR 4:00-5:00 S-230 farewell party for Jim McMillan, Bill Wisecarver, & Heidi Hixson 5:00 S-230 American Diabetes Assoc. TV interview for Sen. Chafee Tribute (Clarkson) 5:15 S-230 mtg. w/Tom Synhorst 6:00-7:30 Senatorial Committee DROP BY - debt-retirement fundraiser f/Lauch Faircloth (Jo-Anne) 6:00-8:00 Washington Court Hotel, East Ballroom reception in your honor hosted by Paul Weyrich/Coalitions for America 7:50 Shoreham Hotel taped interview f/G. Gordon Liddy Show 8:00 Shoreham Hotel CPAC dinner for Casper Weinberger & others (Senator Dole to speak at 9:00 p.m.) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of February 14 - 20, 1993 Pg.5 Friday, February 19 10:45 S-230 interview w/WJHH Radio - Steve Kass for Senator Chafee 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Dick Darman, Senators Domenici, Gramm, & Nickles 12:00 S-230 Kansas radio conference call 12:30 S-230 big radio network interview 12:40 S-230 mtg. w/Ohio State Representative Tom Johnson, & Ohio State Representative Joanne Davidson 2:00 S-230 interview w/CNN 3:20 S-230 ABC interview 3:30 lv. The Capitol 3:45 lv. Washington National, Signature Flight Support 4:45 ar. Providence, RI, met by Mike Ryan, Sen. Chafee staffer 5:15-6:00 fundraiser £/Sen. Chafee at Omni Biltmore 6:00-6:45 reception f/Sen. Chafee at Omni Biltmore - mingle 6:15 Mike Ryan to introduce Sen. Chafee 6:20 Sen. Chafee remarks & introduction of Sen. Dole 6:25-6:35 Senator Dole SPEAKs 6:45 lv. reception 7:15 lv. Green Airport 8:15 ar. Washington National, Signature Flight, met by Alvin SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE ~ Week of February 14 - 20, 1993 Pg. 6 Saturday, February 20 (handwritten) Fri, Feb 19 FINAL 2/19/93 CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe or Suzanne Niemela 202/408-5105 (o) 202/408-5117 FAX SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE -- FEBRUARY 19, 1993 Friday, February 19, 1993 3:45 PM DEPART for Rhode Island FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 Aircraft: Cessna (Textron plane) Tail No: N92TX Seats: 8 Pilot: Capt. Michael Chagnon Co-Pilot: Charles Cole Daniel Donahue (stand-by) Manifest: Sen. Dole Ed Rahal CONTACT: Mike Ryan 401/528-5294 (Chafee's office) 401/732-6363 (H) 4:45 PM ARRIVE Rhode Island Green Airport FBO: Textron Hanger CONTACT: Elda Gingras 401/457-2338 Met by: Mike Ryan, Sen. Chafee staff (will pick Sen. up on tarmack) 5:15 PM-6:00 PM ATTEND Fundraiser for Sen. Chafee Omni Biltmore Kennedy Plaza Providence, Rhode Island 401/421-0700 CONTACT: Mike Ryan 401/528-5294 (Chafee's office) 401/732-6363 (h) Event runs: 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Location: Presidential Suite Attendance: 30-50 ($750/person, $1000/couple) Program: Mingle/informal photos Press: Closed (Note: a suite has been reserved for the Senator to use while at hotel) 6:00 PM-6:10 PM PRESS AVAILABILITY with Sen. Chafee Omni Biltmore Hotel Kennedy Plaza Providence, Rhode Island 401/421-0700 Location: TBD 6:15 PM-6:45 PM ATTEND Reception for Sen. Chafee Omni Biltmore Kennedy Plaza 401/421-0700 CONTACT: Mike Ryan 401/528-5294 (Chafee's office) 401/943-5400 (o) 401/732-6363 (h) Event Runs: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Location: Ballroom Attendance: 400-450 Press: OPEN PROGRAM: 6:00 PM Mingle 6:15 PM Mike Ryan to intro Sen. Chafee 6:20 PM Sen. Chafee remarks and intro of Sen. Dole 6:25 PM-6:35 PM REMARKS -- Sen. Dole 6:45 PM DEPART Reception 7:15 PM ARRIVE Green Airport and proceed to plane FBO: Textron Hanger CONTACT: Elda Gingras 401/457-2338 Aircraft: Cessna Tail No: N92TX Seats: 8 Pilot: Capt. Jeffrey Hopkins Co-Pilot: Stephen Hodge Manifest: SEN. DOLE 8:15 PM ARRIVE Washington, D.C. Met by: Alvin 202/635-9126 (handwritten) Feb 28-March 1 FINAL 2/26/93 CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe 202/408-8105 (O) 202/408-5117 (FAX) 703/845-1714 (H) SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE -- FEBRUARY 28-MARCH 1, 1993 Sunday, February 28 3:55 PM Lv. Residence 4:10 PM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/849-8340 NOTE: John Ruan's plane will arrive at 4:00 from Florida, and refuel before departing. 4:20 PM Lv. Washington AIRCRAFT: Ruan Corp. Lear 35A TAIL NO.: WN 109 JR SEATS: 7 MANIFEST: Senator Dole Senator Grassley John Ruan Mr. and Mrs. Larry Miller Rex Miller Herman Kilpper PILOT: Jerry Ware 515/255-5096 CO-PILOT: Gordon Kruse 515/223-1249 FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs 20 mins TIME CHANGE: -1 hour CONTACT: Jan Gillam 515/245-2561 (O) 515/245-2611 (FAX) 515/288-7762 (H) Ruan Aviation: 515/265~5222 Page Avjet: 515/285-4221 Ed Redfern 703/759-9388 (handwritten) 2-26-93 (illegible) to Morrell Taggart PAGE TWO 5:40 PM Ar. Des Moines, Iowa Page Avjet 515/285-4221 Ruan Aviation - Page Avjet 515/285-5222 MET BY: Bob and Kim Haus 515/277-9317 (Kim was 1986 DFP Iowa Staff; Bob ran Sen. Grassley's '92 Senate race) NOTE: Mike Glassner will be arriving in Des Moines via van accompanied by John Bush, Kim Wells, and Kathy Peterson. 6:00 PM Ar. Des Moines Marriott 518/245-5500 MET BY: Mike Glassner Proceed to Midwest Resources suite (Formerly Gary Kirke's suite) 6:30 PM Proceed to Salon B & C 6:30 PM COCKTAILS 7:00 PM DINNER with Iowa DFP Supporters Program: 7:00 PM - Guests are seated for dinner 7:10 PM - Intro of Senator Dole - Stave Robarts 7:10 PM - REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 7:30 PM - Dinner is served (Option: Senator Dole goes from table-to-table, and dinner is served in his suite following the event. Mike Glassner and Tom Synhorst will "play by ear".) ATTENDANCE LIST ATTACHED: Included are Dole Iowa Leadership, Iowa GOP Leadership, Regional Dole Field Coordinators, Metropolitan Dole County Leadership, Dole Finance Leadership, Dole Iowa Staff CONTACT: Tom Synhorst 1-800-766-2034 913/649-3469 (FAX) Hotel: Jay Semeraud 515/245-5500 PAGE THREE 9:00 PM Dinner concludes Proceed to Midwest Resources suite RON: Des Moines Marriott 515/245-5500 Monday, March 1 8:30 AM MIKE GLASSNER TO MEET DAVID YEPSEN IN LOBBY OF HOTEL 8:30 AM-9:00 AM INTERVIEW WITH DAVID YEPSEN Des Moines Register 9:00 AM NOT LATER THAN 9:05 AM, MIKE GLASSNER IS TO ESTABLISH PHONE LINE WITH WHO-RADIO STUDIO 515/283-1429 9:07 AM-9:30 AM LIVE INTERVIEW/CALL-IN RADIO PROGRAM WHO-RADIO HOST: Mr. Jan Mikelson General Telephone No.: 515/242-3500 Proceed to Salons A, B, C, D & E 9:30 AM-10:30 AM ATTEND/SPEAK 1993 NATIONAL FORUM FOR AGRICULTURE CROWD SIZE: 300-350 FORMAT: Classroom style TABLE ON RISER: Senator Dole Senator Grassley Governor Branstad (arrives at 9:40) Chuck Johnson Tom Urban Stan Johnson FRONT ROW TABLE: Kaj Mortensen Dean Kleckner MICROPHONES WILL BE IN PLACE IN THE AUDIENCE General Theme: The Challenge of Industrialdization PAGE FOUR CONTACTS: Nancy Risbeck, Pioneer Hi-Bred 515/245-3623 Susan Sanders 515/225-3138 PROGRAM: Moderator: Stan Johnson, Director, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development 9:00 AM - Opening comments and introductions: Chuck Johnson, Chairman of Exec. Council, President, Pioneer Hi-Bred Internat'l Inc, 9:05 AM - REMARKS - Tom Urban, President & Chairman of the Board, Pioneer Hi-Bred Internat'l "Industrialization: A move to truly consumer-driven agriculture" 9:35 AM - BRIEF COMMENTS - Stan Johnson and INTRODUCTION OF SENATOR GRASSLEY 9:40 AM - REMARKS AND INTRODUCTION OF SENATOR DOLE - SENATOR GRASSLEY 9:45 AM - REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE “Progress in Technology and the Development of an Internationally Competitive Agriculture" Q&A to Follow 10:30 AM Lv. Marriott Hotel DRIVER: Hal Manders 10:55 AM Ar. Elliott Flying Service 515/285-6551 11:00 AM Lv. Des Moines AIRCRAFT: John Deere Co. Citation 3 TAIL NO.: WN 900 JD MANIFEST: Senator Dole Senator Grassley SEATS : 7 PILOT: Pat Versluis CO-PILOT: Jay Sears PAGE FIVE FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs 15 mins TIME CHANGE: +1 hour MEAL SERVICE: Box lunch CONTACT: Jerry Parkin (Deere) 515/244-9377 Dean Dort 202/223-4817 Bob Pim - AgForum 515/225-9344 515/240-8021 (Car Phone 2:15 PM Ar. Washington National Airport Signature Flight Support 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert Jones Ar. RLO, US Capitol Yes Sen. Charles Grassley Gov. Terry Branstad Howard Clendennon (2) West Des Moines/Polk Leo Waggoner Urbandale/Polk Pat & Earl Lynch Boone/Boone Merlin & Shirley Plagge West Des Moines/Polk Dorothy & Gordon Smith, Mark Anderson Council Bluffs/Pottawatomie Todd Kruse Fort Dodge/Webster LaVern Laneman Audubon/Audubon Audrey & Charles Hosford Cedar Rapids/Linn Nancylee Siebenmann, John Siebenmann, Jr. Cedar Rapids/Linn Rox Brandstatter Cedar Rapids/Linn Bonnie Lillis Marion/Linn Lynne & Keith Langholz Creston/Union Roger Pease Cedar Falls/Black Hawk Kayne & Donna Robinson Des Moines/Polk Cal & Mary Hultman, Jason Bridie Des Moines/Polk Steve & Kelli Grubbs Davenport/Scott Bob Pim West Des Moines/Polk Hal & Marabel Manders Dallas Center/Dallas Jackie Lewis Des Moines/Polk Tracy Lewis & Rick Gubbels Des Moines/Polk Bob & Kim Haus Des Moines/Polk Don & Evelyn Demastus Reading Des Moines/Polk John Burnquist Des Moines/Polk Victoria Ray Urbandale/Polk Alice & Jim Van Lew Windsor Heights/Polk Jan & Kurt Johnson Urbandal/Polk Judy & Paul Bissinger Clive/Polk Donna Cheeves West Des Moines/Polk Larry & Jean Miller Des Moines/Polk Steve Churchill Johnston/Polk Martha Crist Des Moines/Polk Steve Roberts Des Moines/Polk John & Mary Pat Crowley Des Moines/Polk Ann & Bill Tank Des Moines/Polk Donna & Vehe Aprahamian Des Moines/Polk Peter Bissinger & Chris Knuth Clive/Polk Bob Brenton Des Moines/Polk Dean Kleckner Des Moines/Polk Bob & Jane Downer Iowa City/Johnson Dick Owen (2) Audubon/Audubon Flora & Frank Haker Vinton/Benton Bud Hockenberg Des Moines/Polk Teresa & Merle Garman Ames/Story Dick & Jean Klingaman Waterloo/Black Hawk Mildred Pedersen Waterloo/Black Hawk John Ruan Des Moines/Polk John Ruan III Des Moines/Polk Bill Van Orsdel Des Moines/Polk Gary Kirke Des Moines/Polk Herman Kilpper Des Moines/Polk Rich & Charisse Schwarm Lake Mills/Winnebago Clark & Phyllis Kelly Charles City/Floyd Katie & Luke Roth Des Moines/Polk Jan Swanson Cedar Rapids/Linn Ray & Sharon Dearen Ames/Story Kim Wells Kansas Mike Glassner Kansas Kathy Peterson Kansas Steve Brown Kansas John Bush Kansas Tom Synhorst Ed Redfern Steve Gibbs Chris Holt