January 15, 1993 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 3 - 9, 1993 Pg. 1 Sunday, January 3 3:00 p.m. lv. Ft. Lauderdale via ADM plane (Tail #N944 AD) 5:15 p.m. ar. Washington National, Signature Support Flight, met by Wilbert Monday, January 4 2:00 S-230 courtesy call w/Cong. Les Aspin 3:30 S-230 mtg. w/5 GOP freshmen senators 6:00-9:00 Hyatt, Columbia A & B Ballroom reception f/Senator-elect Duncan Faircloth 7:00-9:00 Union Station, Greenbriar car reception/buffet dinner in honor of Tillie Fowler hosted by CSX Railroad SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 3 - 9, 1993 Pg. 2 Tuesday, January 5 CONGRESS RECONVENES 10:00 S-230 mtg. w/Republican Senators on Joint Committee on Congressional Reform (Bob Dove) 10:00-11:30 SR-418 Pre-Swearing-In Brunch hosted by Senator & Mrs. Murkowski 12:00 Senate Chamber Senators’ Swearing-In 1:30-1:45 S-230 interview w/Lisa Meyers, NBC (Clarkson) 1:30-4:00 SR-385 reception f/Senator Judd Gregg 1:45-2:15 S-230 GOP Leadership meeting 2:00-4:00 SH-135 reception f/Senator Chuck Grassley 2:30 Grand Hyatt, Constitution Ballroom participate in a re-enactment of Senator D’‘Amato’s swearing-in 3:30-4:15 S-230 Ranking GOP Members meeting 5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Durenberger 5:00-6:00 The White House, Indian Treaty Room introduce Senator Paul Coverdell at reception in his honor 5:00-7:00 B-339B Rayburn ??? reception honoring Hispanic Members of Congress hosted by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 3 - 9, 1993 Pg. 3 Wednesday, January 6 9:30 S-230 Committee on Committees meeting 10:00 S-230 mtg. w/Dick Carlson, President of Corp. f/Public Broadcasting, Sheila Tate, & Jerry Hogan (Walt) 10:45 White House, Oval Office Senate/House Leadership mtg. w/Pres. Bush 11:30 White House, West Wing, First Floor mtg. w/Gen. Brent Scowcroft 12:00 S-211 policy luncheon 12:40 Senate Chamber Senators assemble & proceed to House Chamber 1:00 House Chamber Joint Session of Congress (SENATOR DOLE DID NOT ATTEND JOINT SESSION) 3:00 S-230 interview w/Johnny Apple with The New York Times (Walt) 4:30 S-230 courtesy call w/Senator Bentsen SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of January 3 - 9, 1993 Pg. 4 Thursday, January 7 10:30 S-230 House/Senate GOP Leadership meeting 11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. Loubisa Rakic, Minister without Portfolio in the Panic Government (John Z.) 12:00 Mayflower, Ballroom SPEAK - Republican Eagles & Presidential Trustees 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Secretary Alexander 3:30 S-230 interview w/BBC (Walt) 3:50 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Wyche Fowler 4:00 S-211 coffee f/Bosnia President Izetbegovic (you are cohosting w/Sen. Mitchell) (John Z.) 4:45 S-230 interview w/Jack Smith, ABC (Walt) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 3 - 9, 1993 Pg. 5 Friday, January 8 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson) 12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. Rugova (Mira) 1:00 S-230 interview w/National Public Radio (Clarkson) 1:45 S-230 courtesy call w/Ron Brown SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 3 - 9, 1993 Pg. 6 Saturday, January 9 January 15, 1993 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of January 10 - 16, 1993 Pg. 1 Sunday, January 10 9:45 CBS car will pick you up at the Watergate 10:30 CBS Studio LIVE - Face the Nation 2020 M Street, NW SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of January 10 - 16, 1993 Pg. 2 Monday, January 11 6:45 Hyatt Regency, Ballroom Level, Columbia Room A, 400 New Jersey Avenue SPEAK - Bob Jones Retirement Party (reception from 6:00-8:00 p.m.) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 10 - 16, 1993 Pg. 3 Tuesday, January 12 10:30 SD-106 FIN COMM - Hearing & Executive Session (Sen. Bentsen to be Sec. of Treasury) (will probably vote at conclusion) 1:35 Capital Hilton, Congress Room (MAYBE???) SPEAK - luncheon honoring President Bush hosted by EEOC 4:00 Willard Hotel, Ballroom SPEAK - Team 100 Members 5:30 S-230 phone interview w/WRC Radio re: Walsh (Walt) 7:00 Senate TV/Radio Gallery LIVE - CNN Moneyline (Walt) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 10 - 16, 1993 Pg. 4 Wednesday, January 13 8:00 Watergate Hotel, Riverview Room breakfast w/Bob Strauss & Mickey Kantor, USTR designate 9:00 S-207 DROP BY - Steering Committee breakfast for Senator Thurmond’s 90th Birthday Gala (brkf from 8:30-9:30) 9:45 lv. The Capitol -- pick up Mrs. Dole at Red Cross enroute to The White House 10:00 White House, East Room, enter at Visitors Entrance on East Executive Avenue Presentation of the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Ronald Reagan (Mrs. Dole is going.) 10:30 SD-562 FIN COMM - Hearing - Roger Altman to be Deputy Treasury Secretary 11:15 S-230 mtg. w/Steve Friedman, new Chairman of Goldman, Sachs & Co., & Judd Sommer, VP, Gov't Relations f/Goldman (Jim) 2:00 S-230 farewell visit w/Israeli Ambassador Zalman Shoval (John Z.) 2:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Rich Golb, Senator Seymour’s Agriculture Aide (Bret); & w/Jim Dyer, Linda Tarplin, & Brian Waidman - White House staff; & w/H.H. John A. Bunce from Oregon (Kerry) 2:30-2:45 Hideaway interview w/Jeff Caman w/American Transportation TV re: prostate cancer (Walt) 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Jim Jameson, Assist. Sec'y for Trade Development & Chris Bolton (Jo-Anne) 3:30 S-230 telephone interview w/WABC - Bob Grant Show 4:30 Senate Press Gallery Press Conference re: Iraq (Walt) 6:00-6:10 Senate Press Gallery interview w/Neil Cavuto w/CNBC - Business Insiders SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 10 - 16, 1993 Pg. 5 Thursday, January 14 9:00 S-207 Memorial Service for John Diamantakiou 10:00 SD-106 FIN COMM - Hearing & Executive Session (Donna Shalala to be Sec. of HHS) 10:00 SD-G50 AG COMM - confirmation hearing for Secretary-designate Espy 12:00 White House, Oval Office lunch w/President Bush 1:15 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Thurmond 1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sen. Kassebaum 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Secretary Brady 2:30 S-230 interview w/CBS for CBS Sunday Morning (Walt) 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Nelson Rockefeller 3:30 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson) 3:45 S-230 DROP BY - Whit mtg. w/Debbie Dunmire & Marcie 4:25 S-230 interview w/ABC (Walt) 5:00 Senate Radio/TV Press Gallery taping for Nightline (Walt) 5:45 lv. The Capitol 6:05 lv. Washington National via private aircraft 8:35 ar. Ft. Lauderdale met by Seaview driver RON: Seaview SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 10 - 16, 1993 Pg. 6 Friday, January 15 in Florida RON: Seaview SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 10 - 16, 1993 Pg. 7 Saturday, January 16 in Florida RON: Seaview (handwritten) Jan 14-18, 1993 (handwritten) Florida FINAL 1/14/93 SENATOR DOLE SCHEUDLE -- JANUARY 14-18, 1993 Thursday, January 14 5:30 PM Lv. Washington National AIRCRAFT: ADM Falcon TAIL NO.: N 944 AD MEAL SERVICE: Sandwiches 8:00 PM Ar. Ft. Lauderdale, FL Jet Center 305/359-3200 MET BY: Seaview driver RON: Seaview 305/866-4441 Friday, January 15, and Saturday, January 16 PRIVATE Sunday, January 17 8:05 AM or 8:35 AM (TENTATIVE) LIVE - SUNDAY TODAY SHOW Press office still working on this -- will probably be at the Seaview 10:30 AM LIVE - CNN NEWSMAKER SUNDAY At either CNN Bureau or the Seaview. If not the Seaview, CNN will send a car 7:00 PM COCKTAILS - Dwayne Andreas suite 8:00 PM SPEAK - DINNER - ADM BOARD OF DIRECTORS Main Dining Room - Seaview AT EVENING DINNER PAGE TWO Monday, January 18 1:15 PM (Approximate) departure from Seaview 2:00 PM Ar. Ft. Lauderdale Jet Center 2:15 PM Lv. Ft. Lauderdale MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mrs. Dole Ambassador Strauss (others -- plane is full) 4:45 PM Ar. Washington National MEMORANDUM TO: Jo-Anne FROM: Yvonne DATE: January 14, 1993 SUNDAY, JANUARY 17 (TENTATIVE) 8:05 or 8:35 a.m. LIVE - Sunday Today Show -- will probably be at the Seaview -- Press still working on this one. 10:30 a.m. LIVE - Newsmaker Sunday at either CNN Bureau or the Seaview (if not at the Seaview, CNN will send a car to pick the Senator up) January 22, 1993 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 17 - 23, 1993 Pg. 1 Sunday, January 17 in Florida 10:30 a.m. CNN Bureau or Seaview LIVE - Newsmaker Sunday (if not at Seaview, CNN will send car) 7:00 p.m. Dwayne Andreas' suite cocktails 8:00 p.m. Seaview, Main Dining Room SPEAK - dinner - ADM Board of Directors RON: Seaview SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 17 ~- 23, 1993 Pg. 2 Monday, January 18 1:15 p.m. (APPROXIMATE) lv. Seaview 2:00 p.m. ar. Ft. Lauderdale Jet Center 2:15 p.m. lv. Ft. Lauderdale via private aircraft 4:45 p.m. ar. Washington National, Signature Aviation, met by Wilbert SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 17 - 23, 1993 Tuesday, January 19 10:00 SD-608 FIN COMM - Hearing & Executive Session for USTR-designate Mickey Kantor 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Vince Gierer, Pres. & Chief Operating Officer f/US Tobacco, Bob Barrett, Exec. VP, & Ted Kratovil (Whit) 1:00 S-230 interview f/CBS This Morning w/Paula Zahn 1:30 SR-332 AG COMM - business mtg. - report out Espy’s nomination (5 min.) 2:30 S-230 interview w/Christian Malar w/French TV (Walt) 2:45 Ohio Clock PHOTO w/4 Kansans w/Presidential Classroom (Darren); & w/Ft. Scott Community College Band & Sen. Kassebaum (Marcie); & w/Mandy Binney, Marlin Coffmann, & 9 Ulysses High School students (Ado) 3:30 Sheraton Carlton, Potomac Room, 16th St. SPEAK - Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 17 - 23, 1993 Pg. 4 Wednesday, January 20 9:30-10:30 S-230 coffee w/Kansas delegation & Gov. Finney, etc. 10:20 Senators assembly in Senate Chamber for procession to the Platform 11:30 West Front of The Capitol Inauguration Ceremony 12:00 President & Vice President take their oaths followed by LUNCH in STATUARY HALL in honor of President & Mrs. Clinton & Vice President & Mrs. Gore hosted by The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies (Mrs. Dole will attend) after luncheon in the Rotunda interview w/NBC (Walt) 3:00 Senate convenes SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 17 - 23, 1993 Pg. 5 Thursday, January 21 9:15 S-230 mtg. w/Republican Members of Judiciary Committee & Republican Leadership re: Zoe Baird 10:30 S-230 DROP BY - Vicki mtg. w/Barry Gottehrer, Jim Miller, Exec. VP f/Group Life & Health, & w/Steve Bosworth, 2nd VP & Assoc. General Counsel f/Mass Mutual 11:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Harvard "Krokodiloes" (Marcie) 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Mark McConaghy & Yvonne 2:15 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Gramm 2:45 S-230 Leo Melamed presents Senator Dole w/his new book, & Chip Segger 3:00 S-201 Health Care Task Force meeting 3:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sen. McConnell & Jo-Anne SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 17 - 23, 1993 Pg. 6 Friday, January 22 10:00-11:00 C-Span Studio, 400 N. Capitol St, btw. D & E, Suite 155(arrival by 9:45 a.m.) LIVE - C-Span interview w/Brian Lamb 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson) 12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Gloria O’Dell (Marcie) 12:15 Senator’s Dining Room lunch w/Kay Luther & Mo West & Dan Stanley 3:00-4:30 S-207 DROP BY??? Kansans for Life meeting (Marcie) 4:00 S-230 farewell party f/Kay Luther & Mo West Saturday, January 23 January 29, 1993 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 24 - 30, 1993 Pg. 1 Sunday, January 24 SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 24 - 30, 1993 Pg. 2 Monday, January 25 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Judy Biviano 11:30 S-230 courtesy call w/Jim Woolsey, CIA Director-Designate 1:45 S-230 DROP BY - Darren mtg. w/Dr. Stan Grant, Director of Kansas State University’s Hazardous Substance Research Center 2:30 S-230 DROP BY - Jim McMillan meeting with Financial Institutions Advisory Group 3:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senator Mitchell re: proposed rule changes & testimony on Tues. 4:00-5:00 H-236 mtg. w/leaders of selected think tanks (you are cohosting w/Cong. Michel) (David Taylor) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 24 - 30, 1993 Pg. 3 Tuesday, January 26 8:30-9:15 1875 I St, NW, Suite 800 SPEAK - Tobacco Institute btw. 8:30-9:45 S-230 DROP BY - Economic Policy Task Force Meeting (David Taylor) 9:30 White House, Cabinet Room or Oval Office Senate/House bipartisan Leadership meeting 11:00 S-230 Republican Members of the Armed Services Committee & Republican Leadership meeting 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 2:00 S-230 DROP BY - Bret mtg. w/Doyle Rahjes & Paul Fleener 3:00 2172 Rayburn Building testimony before the Joint Committee on Congressional Reform (Sen. Byrd at 1:00; Sen. Mitchell at 2:00) (Bob) 5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Durenberger (Sheila) 5:00-6:30 CATO Institute, 224 2nd St, SE DROP BY??? CATO Institute Reception 7:00-9:00 Madison Hotel, The Board Room dinner w/CEO’s of 7 major soft drink companies & Will Ball SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 24 - 30, 1993 Pg. 4 Wednesday, January 27 8:00-9:00 House Members' Dining Room DROP BY??? Kansas ROA/Congressional Delegation breakfast (Darren) 10:00 SR-328A OFFICIAL PHOTO w/Ag Committee Members 10:30-10:50 Senate Radio/TV Press Gallery LIVE interview w/700 Club & w/Pat Roberts (Walt) 11:30 S-211 mtg. w/GOP Armed Service Comm. Members & GOP Leadership, & Vet organizations 1:00 S-207 SPEAK - AA’s Luncheon 2:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Jenny Neilson, Blue Valley High School, Randolph, KS (Darren) 5:00-7:00 EF-100 DROP BY - Republican Women of Capitol Hill reception 6:00 Great Hall, Supreme Court pay respects to former Supreme Court Associate Justice Thurgood Marshall lie in state 6:00-9:00 SR-325 DROP BY - Kansas State Society Reception 7:30 Kennedy Center, Opera House The Pearl Fishers Opera w/Mrs. Dole SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 24 - 30, 1993 Pg. 5 Thursday, January 28 8:30 S-201 Health Care Task Force Meeting 11:15 S-230 telephone interview w/CQ 11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Russell George 12:00 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson 12:30 S-230 interview w/National Radio 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/David Breuger, President of the Association f/Public Television Stations (Mo) 3:20 S-230 mtg. w/President of Turkey, Turgut Ozal & Sen. Mitchell 3:45 S-230 mtg. w/Republican Members of the Armed Services Committee 4:00 S-230 mtg. w/women military group 5:00 Senate TV/Radio Press Gallery LIVE - press conference on CNN w/Senators Thurmond & Coats SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 24 - 30, 1993 Pg. 6 Friday, January 29 10:10 a.m. lv. The Capitol 10:30 a.m. lv. Washington via private aircraft 11:30 a.m. ar. St. Louis, Missouri SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE lunchtime St. Louis -- Republican National Committee Winter Meeting (Jo-Anne) 2:15 lv. St. Louis, Missouri 3:30 ar. Wichita 4:00 Wichita SPEAK - J.R. Berg Distinguished Petroleum Lecture at Fourth Financial Center (Judy Brown) 5:45 lv. Wichita 6:35 ar. Topeka RON: Topeka Ramada Inn Downtown SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 24 - 30, 1993 Pg. 7 Saturday, January 30 in Kansas -- KANSAS DAY -- see separate schedule 9:00 p.m. lv. Topeka via private aircraft 12:00 Midnight ar. Washington National, met by Wilbert (handwritten) Jan 29-30, 1993 KANSAS DAY SCHEDULE - DRAFT #5 (1-26-'93) FRIDAY, JANUARY 29 10:10 A.M. LV. CAPITOL FOR WASHINGTON NATIONAL DRIVER: WILBERT 10:30 A.M. WHEELS UP FOR ST. LOUIS AIRCRAFT: TORCHMARK HAWKER TAIL NO.: N6TM SEATS: 6 PILOT: CO-PILOT: FLIGHT TIME: 2 HRS MANIFEST: SENATOR DOLE STAFF (???) 11:30 A.M. AR. ST. LOUIS, LAMBERT FIELD FBO: MET BY: JUDY BIVIANO 11:50 A.M. AR. HYATT REGENCY UNION STATION NOON ST. LOUIS - SPEAK - LUNCH - REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE MEETING 1:30 P.M. RNC MEETING - ELECTION OF NEW CHAIRMAN 2:15 P.M. LV. HYATT REGENCY FOR LAMBERT FIELD DRIVER: JUDY BIVIANO 2:30 P.M. WHEELS UP FOR WICHITA AIRCRAFT: TORCHMARK HAWKER TAIL NO.: N6TM SEATS: 6 PILOT: CO-PILOT: FLIGHT TIME: 1 HR. 3:30 P.M. ARRIVE WICHITA MID-CONTINENT YINGLING AIRCRAFT - 316/943-3246 MET BY: DAVE SPEARS AND DIANA DOOMS 4:00 P.M. WICHITA-FOURTH FINANCIAL CENTER AUDITORIUM - DISTINGUISHED BERG LECTURE. 4:00-4:30 P.M. - SPEAK 4:30-5:00 P.M. - Q & A 53:00 P.M. - 5:30 P.M. - RECEPTION CONTACT: DAN MERRIAM 913/864-3965 (LAWRENCE #) 316/689-3140 (WICHITA #) 5:30 P.M. LV. FOURTH FINANCIAL CENTER FOR RYAN AVIATION DRIVER: DIANA DOOMS 5:45 P.M. LV. WICHITA FOR TOPERA AIRCRAFT: BEECH BARON TAIL NO. 4203A SEATS: 4 PILOT: MITCHELL MOSIMAN CO-PILOT: DENNIS RICHMEIER FLIGHT TIME: 50 MIN. MANIFEST: SENATOR DOLE DAVE SPEARS (handwritten) Jan 29-30, 1993 CONTACTS: Judy Brown 913/836-2319 (h) 913/295-2745 (o) Jo-Anne Coe 703/845-1714 (h) 202/408-5086 (o) Diana Dooms (h) 316/683-8724 (h) 316/263-4956 (o) Cathie Yager 316/681-3804 (h) 316/263-4956 (o) YINGLING AIRCRAFT 316/943-3246 WEATHER: FRIDAY, JANUARY 29 - Skies will be mostly sunny, but the high will be around 30 degrees with Northeast winds, 5-15 mph. Low Friday night should be in the teens. SATURDAY - Gradual warming on Saturday, with a high around 40, mostly sunny skies. KANSAS DAY SCHEDULE - SENATOR DOLE - FINAL FRIDAY, JANUARY 29 3:30 P.M. ARRIVE WICHITA MID-CONTINENT YINGLING AIRCRAFT - 316/943-3246 MET BY: DAVE SPEARS AND DIANA DOOMS 4:00 P.M. WICHITA - FOURTH FINANCIAL CENTER AUDITORIUM - DISTINGUISHED BERG LECTURE. 4:00-4:30 P.M. - SPEAK 4:30-5:00 P.M. - Q & A 5:00 P.M. - 5:30 P.M. - RECEPTION CONTACT: DAN MERRIAM 913/864-3965 (LAWRENCE #) 316/689-3140 (WICHITA #) 5:30 P.M. LV. FOURTH FINANCIAL CENTER FOR RYAN AVIATION DRIVER: DIANA DOOMS 2:45 P.M. LV. WICHITA FOR TOPEKA AIRCRAFT: BEECH BARON TATL NO. 4203A SEATS: 4 PILOT: MITCHELL MOSIMAN CO-PILOT: BRAD SAUNDERS FLIGHT TIME: 50 MIN. MANIFEST: SENATOR DOLE DAVE SPEARS 6:35 P.M. ARRIVE PHILIP BILLARD AIRPORT T.J. TERMINAL - 913/234-2602 MET BY: LANCE LATHAM 6:50 P.M. ARRIVE RAMADA INN OPTIONAL - STOP BY NATIVE SONS AND DAUGHTERS BANQUET PRESIDENT, NATIVE DAUGHTERS - BETTY DICUS KANSAN OF THE YEAR STEVEN HAWLEY, ASTRONAUT DISTINGUISHED KANSAN OF THE YEAR PATTY CAREY, FOUNDER OF KANSAS COSMOSPHERE 8:00 P.M. TO 9:30 P.M. RECEPTION FOR REPUBLICAN LEGISLATORS HOSTED BY SENATOR BOB DOLE, THE KANSAS REPUBLICAN PARTY AND THE KANSAS DAY CLUB. EXHIBIT ARENA - RAMADA INN LOWER LEVEL 10:00 P.M. RAMADA - LIVE INTERVIEW - KSNT TV 10 P.M. NEWS - CONTACT: RICK BLOOM 913/582-4000 RON - TOPEKA RAMADA INN DOWNTOWN - 913/234-5400 SATURDAY, JANUARY 30 8:00 A.M. TO 9:30 A.M. BREAKFAST - REPUBLICAN CHAIRMEN AND VICE CHAIRMEN SENATOR STOP BY AT 8:15 OR 8:30 P.M. 9:30 A.M. TO 9:45 A.M. MEET BRIEFLY WITH REPUBLICAN STATE SENATORS (THEY WOULD LIKE TO MEET WITH YOU BRIEFLY IN YOUR SUITE TO PERSONALLY CONVEY THEIR APPRECIATION FOR ALL YOUR HELP IN THE ELECTION). 9:45 A.M. TO 10:00 A.M. PER YOUR NOTES - MEET BRIEFLY WITH SENATOR BOB VANCRUM, R-OVERLAND PARK, TO DISCUSS CONCERNS FOR THE FUTURE OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IN KANSAS. 10:00 A.M. OPTIONAL - STOP BY DISTRICT MEETINGS 10:45 A.M. LEAVE RAMADA INN FOR AIRPORT DRIVER: LANCE LATHAM 11:00 A.M. LV. PHILIP BILLARD FOR RUSSELL AIRCRAFT: BEECH BARON TAIL NO.: 4203A SEATS: 4 PILOT: MITCHELL MOSIMAN CO-PILOT: BRAD SAUNDERS FLIGHT TIME: 1 HR. MANIFEST: SENATOR DOLE DAVE SPEARS MIKE GLASSNER NOON AR. RUSSELL AIRPORT AIRPORT MANAGER - 913/483-6311 CITY VAN WILL BE AT THE Airport NOON TO 4:15 P.M. LUNCH-PRIVATE TIME WITH FAMILY 4:25 P.M. LV. RUSSELL FOR WICHITA JABARA AIRPORT - MIDWEST CORPORATE AVIATION AIRCRAFT: BEECH BARON TAIL NO.: 4203A SEATS: 4 PILOT: MITCHELL MOSIMAN CO-PILOT: BRAD SAUNDERS FLIGHT TIME: 44 MINS. MANIFEST: SENATOR DOLE DAVE SPEARS MIKE GLASSNER 5:00 P.M. AR. JABARA AIRPORT MIDWEST CORPORATE AVIATION 316/636-9700 MET BY: CATHIE YAGER 5:15 P.M. AR. BEECH ACTIVITY CENTER RECEPTION - QUIVERA COUNCIL OF BOY SCOUTS - 75TH ANNIVERSARY 5:45 P.M. PROGRAM BEGINS - SENATOR WILL SPEAK AND PRESENT DISTINGUISHED EAGLE SCOUT AWARD TO ROBERT GATES ATTENDANCE: 400-500 6:15 P.M. LV. BEECH ACTIVITY CENTER FOR MIDWEST CORPORATE AVIATION DRIVER: CATHIE YAGER 6:30 P.M. LV. WICHITA FOR TOPEKA AIRCRAFT: BEECH BARON TAIL NO.: 4203A SEATS: 4 PILOT: MITCHELL MOSIMAN CO-PILOT: BRAD SAUNDERS FLIGHT TIME: 50 MINS. MANIFEST: SENATOR DOLE MIKE GLASSNER 7:20 P.M. AR. T.J. TERMINAL, TOPEKA MET BY: LANCE LATHAM 7:35 P.M. AR. RAMADA INN BANQUET WILL BEGIN (GRAND MARCH SHOULD BE OVER) - SENATOR WILL BE SEATED AT THE HEAD TABLE. SENATOR SCHEDULE FOR BRIEF REMARKS KEYNOTE: NEW NATIONAL GOP CHAIRMAN OR REP. BOB MILLER, SPEAKER KANSAS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SEN. BUD BURKE, PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE 8:45 P.M. LV. RAMADA INN FOR AIRPORT DRIVER: LANCE LATHAM 9:00 P.M. WHEELS UP FOR WASHINGTON AIRCRAFT: TORCHMARK HAWKER TAIL NO.: N6TM SEATS: 6 PILOT: TODD DREW CO-PILOT: KITTY DIETZEL FLIGHT TIME: 2 HRS. MANIFEST: SENATOR DOLE SENATOR KASSEBAUM 12:00 A.M. AR. WASHINGTON NATIONAL MET BY: WILBERT