(Handwritten: Sept. 2-3,1992) (Circled: FINAL 9/1/92) SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE- SEPTEMBER 2-3, 1992 CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe 202/408-5105 (O) 202/408-5117 (FAX) 703/845-1714 (H) Wednesday, September 2 6:00PM Lv. Washington National Airport AIRCRAFT: Torchmark Falcon 10 TAIL NO.: N 15 TM FLIGHT TIME: 1 hour SEATS: 4 comfortably (No toilet on board) PILOT: Chic Preston CO-PILOT: Kitty Dietzel MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Don Devine, Clarkson Hine CONTACT: Barbara Nabors 205/325-4205 205/325-4198/4231 (FAX) 7:00PM Ar. Greenville, South Carolina Downtown Airport Cornerstone Aviation 803/232-7100 MET BY: Marty Richards 803/282-0031 (O) 803/582-5249 (H) 7:05PM Lv. Greenville Air Center DRIVE TIME: 20 minutes 7:25PM Ar. Greenville Hyatt Regency 220 N. Main Street Crepe Myrtle Room 803/235-1234 NOTE: Clemson Uviversity reunion being held in same hotel PAGE TWO Wednesday, September 2 (continued): 7:30PM ATTEND FUNDRAISING RECEPTION AND DINNER FOR TOMMY HARTNETT 100 @ $100 per person FORMAT: Mix and Mingle Reception No Receiving Line PRESS: CLOSED PODIUM AND MIKE HEAD TABLE: Senator Dole, Tommy Hartnett, Bonnie Hartnett PROGRAM: State Chairman Barry Wynn intorduces Tommy Hartnett Tommy Hartnett introduces Senator Dole REMARKS- Senator Dole (10 minutes) CONTACT: Joe Davis Curt Anderson 803/720-8860/ 8943 803/720-8861 (FAX) 803/722-1646 (Davis- Home) RON: Greenville Hyatt Regency 803/235-1234 THURSDAY, September 3 9:00AM Lv. Greenville Hyatt Regency DRIVER: Joe Davis DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 9:15AM Ar. Hartnett Headquarters 880 S. Pleasantburg Drive- Suite 1-C Greenville 29607 803/282-0031 803/282-0680 (FAX- noncommitted line) 9:15AM-9:35AM PRESS AVAILABILITY PAGE THREE Thursday, September 3 (continued): 9:40AM Lv. Hartnett Headquarters DRIVE TIME: 20 minutes 10:00AM Ar. Cornerstone Aviation 803/232-7100 10:00AM Lv. Greenville FLIGHT TIME: 20 minutes MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Tommy Hartnett, Don Devine, Clarkson Hine 10:20AM Ar. Columbia, South Carolina Metropolitan Airport Eagle Aviation 803/822-5555 10:30AM-11:00AM PRESS AVAILABILITY Metropolitan Airport- Eagle Aviation Hartnett for Senate Columbia Office: 803/799-3666 803/799-6677 (FAX) 11:05AM Lv. Columbia MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Tommy Hartnett, Don Devine, Clarkson Hine FLIGHT TIME: 25 minutes 11:30AM Ar. Hilton Head Island Hilton Head Air Service 803/681-6386 11:30AM-12:00PM PRESS AVAILABILITY- Airport 12:00PM Lv. Hilton Head Airport DRIVER: Jay Sam Daniels 803/681-6386 DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes PAGE FOUR Thursday, September 3 (continued) 12:15PM Ar. Shipyard Marriott Pompano Restaurant 803/842-2400 12:00PM VIP Reception and Photo Op 20 @ $150 per person FORMAT: No receiving line NOTE: This event may be combined with the luncheon if they have too small a crowd 1:00PM-1:35PM Luncheon 100 @ $100 per person PRESS: CLOSED HEAD TABLE: Senator Dole, Tommy Hartnett, Bill Roe host/ Fundraiser PROGRAM: Intro of Tommy Hartnett- Bill Roe Intro of Senator Dole- Tommy Hartnett REMARKS- Senator Dole 1:35PM Lv. Shipyard Marriott 1:50PM Ar. Hilton Head Airport Hilton Head Air Service 803/681-6386 1:55PM Lv. Hilton Head FLIGHT TIME: 35 minutes MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Don Devine, Clarkson Hine 2:30PM Ar. Wilmington, N.C. New Hanover County Airport Air Wilmington 919/763-0146 MET BY: Lauch Faircloth and 30 supporters PAGE FIVE Thursday, September 3 (continued): 2:35PM-2:50PM PRESS CONFERENCE- Wilmington Airport Senator Dole and Lauch Faircloth 2:50PM Lv. Airport DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes DRIVER: John Preyer, Campaign Manager 3:05PM Ar. residence of Adair Graham 404 W. Renovah Circle Wilmington 28403 919/762-6852 3:05PM-4:00PM Meet with Faircloth Founders Trust Members (Apporximately 30 maxed-out donors to Faircloth) (Campaign is attempting to encourage spouses to max-out as well.) Intro of Lauch Faircloth-Adair Graham Intro of Senator Dole- Lauch Faircloth BRIEF REMARKS- SENATOR DOLE Q+A PRESS: CLOSED 4:00PM Lv. Graham residence 4:15PM Ar. Air Wilmington 4:15PM Lv. Wilmington FLIGHT TIME: 15 minutes MANIFEST: Senator Dole Lauch Faircloth Don Devine Clarkson Hine 4:30OM Ar. Fayetteville, NC Grannis Field Fayetteville Air Service 919/484-2175 Airport Manager: Tom Ray 919/483-4468 MET BY: Curt Soule PAGE SIX Thursday, Spetember 3 (continued): 4:35PM Lv. Grannis Field 4:50PM Ar. Radisson Prince Charles Hotel Camellia Room 919/433-4444 5:00PM Private meeting with Faircloth Founders Trust (approximately 25 maxed-out donors to Faircloth) FORMAT: Briefing style PRESS: CLOSED Intro of Senator Dole- Lauch Faircloth BRIEF REMARKS- SENATOR DOLE Q&A 5:45PM Lv. Founders Trust meeting for general reception Location: Azalea Room 5:45PM-6:30PM Attend general reception fundraiser for Faircloth (Event runs 7:00) 75-100 @ $100 Intro of Senator Dole- Lauch Faircloth REMARKS- SENATOR DOLE (10-15 minutes) PRESS: CLOSED NOTE: Kenny Bob and Debbie Steele have been invited as guests, but Debbie indicates Ken is not physically up to this. 6:30PM-6:45PM PRESS AVAILABILITY (Outside Azalea Room, on departure from reception) CONTACT: Jonathan Hill or Michelle Rose 919/790-1111 919/850-0046(FAX) Carter Wrenn (Paula Kay) 919/850-0567 919/847-4122 (H) 919/850-0046 (FAX) PAGE SEVEN Thursday, September 3 (continued): 6:45PM Lv. Prince Charles Hotel DRIVER: Curt Soule 7:00PM Ar. residence of Ken and Debbie Steele 6324 Stony Point Loop 919/423-0041 (PRIVATE VISIT) 7:30PM Lv. Ken and Debbie's home 7:45PM Ar. Fayetteville Air Service Grannis Field 919/484-2175 7:50PM Lv. Fayetteville FLIGHT TIME: 45 minutes MANIFEST: Senator Dole Don Devine Clarkson Hine 8:35PM Arrive Washington National Airport MET BY: Wilbert Jones PROCEED TO PRIVATE September 4, 1992 FINAL ylh Sunday, August 30 in Kansas 3:45 p.m. lv. Olathe, Kansas 4:35 p.m. ar. Cedar Rapids, Iowa RON: Iowa Monday, August 31 in Iowa 10:05 a.m. lv. Des Moines 1:05 p.m. ar. Washington, D.C., Butler Aviation, met by Wilbert SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of Aug. 30-Sept. 5, 1992 Pg. 2 Tuesday, September 1 7:45 Hay- Adams Hotel, Rm. 606 breakfast w/ Dwayne Andreas, Leonide Chesshinsky, Russian Grain Minister, & Sec. Madigan 10:15 1925 K St, NW Suite 507 appt. w/ Dr. Barsky Wednesday, September 2 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Ann Veneman, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture (Bret & Kathy) 11:30 S-230 DROP BY- Bret & Al mtg. w/ 4 Russain grain people re: credit situation 12:00 S-230 PHOTO w/ Bill & Meredith Cella of Placentia, California (Marcie) 2:00 S-230 taping f/ National Prostate Cancer Awareness Week w/ Rob Lively, Schering-Plough Corp. (Vicki) 6:00 lv. Washington National National Airport, Butler Aviation 7:00 ar. Greenville, South Carolina, met by Marty Richards SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of Aug. 30- Sept. 5, 1992 Pg.3 Thursday, September 3 in South Carolina & North Carolina 8:35 p.m. ar. Washington National Airport, Butler Aviation, met by Wilbert Friday, September 4 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call 1:00 S-230 PHOTO w/ Lynn Gasparro's parents, Elmer & Alma Renk f/ Pittsburgh, PA & Lynn's husband, Daniel's parents, Michael & Nancy Gasparro, also f/ Pittsburgh (John D.); & w/ Bill Ashton (2nd Floor Capitol policeman- his last day) SENATOR DOLE'S CHEDULE- Week of Aug. 30- Sept. 5, 1992 Pg. 4 Saturday, September 5 September 11, 1992 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of September 6-12, 1992 Pg.1 Sunday, September 6 Monday, September 7 LABOR DAY SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of September 6-12, 1992 Pg. 2 Tuesday, September 8 9:00 Senate reconvenes 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 2:15 SD-215 FIN COMM-full comm-hearing on NAFTA w/ Carla Hills 2:50 S-230 mtg. w/ John Melcher & Philippine flour mill group (Bret) 4:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Ivan Plyushch, Chairman of Ukraine's Rada (Parliament), & 9 members of Parliament; & w/ Gwen Tadie, USIA Cong. Liason; & w/ Gregory Winn, Senior Advisor of the Office of Citizen Exchanges (Al) afternoon: met w/ Senator Melcher afternoon: met w/ Senator Boschwitz 5:45 White House, Residence, Noth Portico, NW Gate reception hosted by President Bush for Senate & House Whips & Leaders SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of September 6-12, 1992 Pg. 3 Wednesday, September 9 8:30-9:30 White House, Cabinet Room Senate/ House GOP Leadership meeting with President Bush re: general agenda 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM- full comm- health care/ state waivers 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Ron Richey, Keith Tucker, Frank Toohey, & Duffy Wall (Jo-Anne & Nina) 11:00 S-230 brief mtg. w/ Bob Eaton & Bob Perkins 11:30 S-230 DROP BY- Whit & David mtg. w/ Kansas cable operators 1:00 CNN Studio 820 First St, NE Sonya Live- CNN (Walt) 2:15 S-230 mtg. w/ Gov. George Mickelson (Sheila) 2:30 S-230 DROP BY- Kerry mtg. w/ T.J. Hardwicke f/ Industrial Airport, KS, & w/ Robert Jenkins f/ Lenexa 3:00-5:30 S-211 DROP BY- Senator Symms & Frank Powers & others re: product liability reform 3:45 S-230 PHOTO w/ Marko Radielovic 9Mira's brother) 4:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Fritz Edmunds (John) 7:30 Ana Westin Hotel, Roosevelt Room, Lower Level, 2401 M St, NW SPEAK- Y Group SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of September 6-12, 1992 Pg.4 Thursday, September 10 9:30 S-230 PHOTO w/ Wichita State University delegation (Marcie) 9:30 SD-215 FIN COMM- full comm- NAFTA 9:45 S-230 Senate GOP Leadership mtg. re: '92 elections (Jo-Anne) 11:30 H-116 appt. w/ Dr. Krasner & specialist 11:45 12:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Demar Dahl, Nevada Senate candidate (Jo-Anne) 1:00 Mayflower Hotel, Colonial Room SPEAK- Chemical Manufacturers Association's (CMA) Chemical Forum 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Sec. Cheney & 4 Republican Senators & Republican Senators w/ Armed Services Comm. re: defense bill (Sheila & Dan) 2:30 S-230 PHOTO w/ Kansans w/ Kansas Alliance for the Mentally Ill (Mo); & w/ Mark Holter & Greg Piponious (David's friends) 2:45 S-230 video f/ Pan American Highway Association's annual mtg. in Concordia, KS, to be held on September 16 (Clarkson) 2:45 S-325 press conference w/ Senators Domenici, Nickles, Cochran, & Simpson re: President's Economic Plan 3:00 S-230 DROP BY- Bret mtg. w/ Oilseed Industry leaders 3:30-3:50 SR-325 SPEAK- Senator Pressler's Washington Seminar 4:15 S-230 mtg. w/ Minister Ding & Larry Wong (Al) 4:45 S-230 mtg. w/ Alfredo Cesar, head of Nicaraguan Parliament & other Senators (Al) 5:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Yo Bestgen, Exec. Dir. of Kansas Assoc. of Rehabilitation Facilities (Mo) btw. 8:15-8:30 J.W. Marriott SPEAK- "Tribute to Jake" 6:00 reception 7:00 dinner 8:00 program SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of September 6-12, 1992 Pg. 5 Friday, September 11 11:00 lv. The Capitol w/ other Senators via bus 11:30 lv. Andrews AFB 1:20 ar. Fargo Airport, North Dakota 1:30 motorcade departs airport by bus to Holiday Inn Hotel 2:00 funeral service in Holiday Inn Hotel- reception to follow- location unknown 4:00 bus depart reception site to Fargo Airport 4:30 lv. Fargo 4:53 ar. Johnson County Industrial Airport met by Mike Glassner & Gale Grosch SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of September 6-12, 1992 Pg. 6 Saturday, September 12 in Kansas- Kansas State Fair- September 12-20 RON: Russell SENT BY: CAMPAIGN AMERICA: 9-11-92: 4:13PM: 7034610292 2022248952: #2/13 (Handwritten: Sept. 11-14 FINAL) (Crosses out: DRAFT #3 9/11/92) CONTACTS: Jo-Anne Coe 202/408-5105 (O) 202/408-5117 (FAX) 703/845-1714 (H) Judy Kay Brown 913/295-2745 (O) 316/669-0434 (PSA Booth) 316/669-9311 (Holidome) Mike Glassner- mobile 913/256-5149 Dave Spears- mobile 316/772-7066 SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE- SEPTEMBER 11-14, 1992 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 11:00AM Lv. Capitol DRIVER: Wilbert OPTION: Join colleagues on bus which departs Senate steps at 11:00 (Senator Mitchell goes to Andrews by bus) 11:25AM Ar. Andrews AFB DV Lounge 301/981-2100 11:30AM Lv. Andrews AFB AIRCRAFT: US Army C-20 (G-3 equivalent) TAIL NO.: 205 MANIFEST: Senator Mitchell Senator Dole Senator & Mrs. Kent Conrad Bob Bean, Deputy Sgt. at Arms FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs 50 minutes TIME CHANGE: -1 hour CONTACT: Colnel Frank Norton 202/224-2687 SENT BY: CAMPAIGN AMERICA : 9-11-92: 4:13PM : 7034610292 2022248952: # 3/13 PAGE TWO FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 (CONTINUED): 1:20PM Ar. Fargo, North Dakota Hector International Airport FBO: Uncertain--possibly National Guard hangar or Civilian terminal 1:30PM Motorcade departs airport DRIVE TIME: 10-15 minutes (4 miles, 4 traffic lights) NOTE: Schering-Plough aircraft leaves Washington at 1:30 en route FARGO, with Vicki Stack on board. 1:45PM Ar. Holiday Inn 701/282-2700 2:00PM ATTEND FUNERAL SERVICES FOR SENATOR BURDICK SENATOR DOLE- 3-4 MINUTES' REMARKS (Reception to Follow- also at Holiday Inn) 3:15PM Lv. Holiday Inn DRIVER: Steve Sydness staffer STEVE SYDNESS WILL ATTEND BURDICK SERVICES. WILL LOOK FOR YOU THERE, AND WILL ACCOMPANY YOU TO THE AIRPORT DRIVE TIME: 10-15 minutes (4 miles) 3:30PM Ar. Hector International Airport Valley Aviation 701/237-6882 3:40PM Lv. Fargo AIRCRAFT: Schering-Plough Challenger 601 TAIL NO.: N 34 CD PILOT: John Stock CO-PILOT: Larry Webster SEATS: 6 MANIFEST: Senator Dole Vicki Stack Rob Lively, Schering-Plough Richard Kinney, Schering- Plough SENT BY CAMPAIGN AMERICA: 9-11-92: 4:14PM: 7034610292 2022248952:# 4/13 PAGE THREE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 (CONTINUED): FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 13 minutes TIME CHANGE: 0 CONTACT: Rob Lively 202/463-7372 202/463-8809 (FAX) 4:53PM Ar. Johnson County Industrial Airport Olathe, Kansas Executive Beechcraft 913/782-9003 NOTE: May change to Kansas City Downtown Airport (Executive Beechcraft- 816/842-8484) If successful in scheduling press interviews MET BY: Mike Glassner and Gale Grosch RON: Overland Park Marriott 913/451-8000 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 9:15AM-10:00AM Attend DOLE FOR SENATE REGIONAL MEETING Overland Park Marriott SPEAK AND PHOTO OP 10:00AM Lv. Overland Park Marriott DRIVER: Gale Grosch DRIVE TIME: 15-20 minutes 10:20AM Ar. Olathe Parade Route 10:30AM-11:30AM PARADE- JOHNSON COUNTY OLD SETTLER'S PARADE CROWD SIZE: 15,000 CONTACT: Betty Hoagland 913/782-0613 11:30AM Lv. Parade Route 11:45AM Ar. Johnson County Industrial Airport Executive Beechcraft 913/782-9003 SENT BY: CAMPAIGN AMERICA : 9-11-92: 4:14PM: 7034610292 2022248952: #5/13 PAGE FOUR SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 (CONTINUED): 11:45AM Lv. Johnson County Industrial Airport AIRCRAFT: Schering- Plough Challenger 601 TAIL NO.: N 34 CD PILOT: John Stock CO-PILOT: Larry Webster FLIGHT TIME: 30 minutes MANIFEST: Senator Dole Vicki Stack Rod Lively Richard Kinney NOTE: Mike Glassner will have driven ahead from Overland Park 12:15PM Ar. Topeka, Kansas Philip Billard Municipal Airport T.J. Terminals 913/234-2602 MET BY: Susie Hoffman 12:30PM Ar. Ramada Inn 12:30PM Meet Ralph Williams (Just say "Hello") 12:40PM-1:40PM DOLE FOR SENATE REGIONAL MEETING Ramada Inn Downtown 913/234-5400 REMARKS AND PHOTO OP 1:45PM Lv. Ramada Inn 1:55PM Ar. Philip Billard Airport T.J. Terminals 913/234-2602 2:00PM Lv. Topeka AIRCRAFT: Schering-Plough Challenger FLIGHT TIME: 26 minutes SENT BY: CAMPAIGN AMERICA : 9-11-92: 4:14PM: 7034610292 2022248952: #6/13 PAGE FIVE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 (CONTINUED): MANIFEST: Senator Dole Vicki Stack Rob Lively Richard Kinney 2:26PM Ar. Hutchinson, Kansas Wells Aircraft 316/663-1546 MET BY: Dave Spears 3:00PM Ar. Kansas State Fair Grounds 3:00PM-3:15PM PRESS ANNOUNCEMENT: WHEAT GLUTEN 3:15PM ATTEND KANSAS STATE FAIR The Cancer Screening Booth will be operating all day Saturday and Sunday, and from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM on weekdays Dole for Senate materials will be in the Republican booth NOTE: Kansas Cellular has a booth in the Industrial Arts Building (same location as the PSA Booth). They would like to do a photo of the Senator either Saturday or Sunday for use in their magazine. Connie Keating is the contact (316/669-7819); she will be there from noon to 9:00 PM daily. 2:00-5:00 PM: KLA and the Grain and Feed Dealers will be hosting a legislative reception at the KWCH TV building, 1800 Plum Street NOTE: Schering-Plough aircraft must depart Hutchinson for Washington, D.C., no later than 5:30 Pm with Vicki Stack and Schering-Plough execuives. ??? Lv. Hutchinson AIRCRAFT: Cessna Chancellor 414 TAIL NO.: N 12436 SEATS: 7 SENT BY: CAMPAIGN AMERICA : 9-11-92: 4:14PM: 7034610292 2022248952: #7/13 PAGE SIX SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 (CONTINUED): PILOT: Mitchell Mosiman CO-PILOT: Sandra Alexander or Randy Awker FLIGHT TIME: 32 minutes MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Dave Spears CONTACT: Yingling Aircraft (Peggy) 316/943-3246 ??? Ar. Russell, Kansas Super Aviation 913/483-4274 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 7:30AM ??- Lv. residence 7:40AM Ar. Elks Lodge 913/483-3071 Doors open at 7:00AM for coffee and rolls Doors close at 8:10AM. CONTACT: Russ Townsley 913/483-4114 James Malone 913/483-2735 8:30AM-9:00AM Taping of MEET THE PRESS 9:10AM Lv. Elks Lodge 9:25AM Ar. Russell Airport Super Aviation 913/483-2735 9:30Am Lv. Russell AIRCRAFT: Cessna 414 Chancellor TAIL NO.: N 12436 SENT BY: CAMPAIGN AMERICA : 9-11-92: 4:14PM: 7034610292 2022248952: #8/13 PAGE SEVEN SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 (CONTINUED): SEATS: 7 PILOT: Mitchell Mosiman CO-PILOT: Dennis Richmeier FLIGHT TIME: 17 minutes MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Dave Spears 9:47AM Ar. Hays Airport Rich's Air Service 913/625-6618 Airport Manager: 913/625-6619 MET BY: Jerry Moran 913/625-8136 (H) 913/628-8226 (O) 10:00AM-11:00AM ATTEND FORT HAYS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY PIONEER DAY-CAVALRY DEMONSTRATION 11:00AM Lv. Pioneer Days for airport DRIVER: Jerry Moran 11:10Am Lv. Hays en route Russell AIRCRAFT: Cessna 414 Chancellor TAIL NO.: N 12436 SEATS: 7 MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Dave Spears PILOT: Mitchell Mosiman CO-PILOT: Dennis Richmeier FLIGHT TIME: 17 minutes 11:27AM Ar. Russell Airport Super Aviation 913/483-6173 LUNCH SENT BY: CAMPAIGN AMERICA : 9-11-92: 4:14PM: 7034610292 2022248952: #9/13 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 (CONTINUED): 1:30PM Lv. Russell for Hutchinson AIRCRAFT: Cessna 414 Chancellor TAIL NO.: N 12436 MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Save Spears PILOT: Mitchell Mosiman CO-PILOT: Dennis Richmeier FLIGHT TIME: 32 minutes 2:02PM Ar. Hutchinson Airport Wells Aircraft 316/663-1546 Airport Manager: 316/665-2610 MET BY: Judy Kay Brown 2:30PM-4:30PM?? ATTEND KANSAS STATE FAIR 4:50PM Ar. Wells Aircraft 316/663-1546 5:00PM Lv. Hutchinson AIRCRAFT: ITT Gulfstream-4 TAIL NO.: N 153 RA PILOT: Capt. Joseph Lepera CO-PILOT: Wally Oetjen CONTACT: Joe Santangelo 212/258-1042 HANGAR: 215/264-7766 FAX: 215/264-1274 (David George) FLIGHT TIME: 40 minutes 5:40PM Ar. Kansas CIty International Airport Executive Beechcraft 816/243-6440 PICK UP MIKE GLASSNER SENT BY: CAMPAIGN AMERICA : 9-11-92: 4:14PM: 7034610292 2022248952: #10/13 PAGE NINE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 (CONTINUED): 6:00PM Lv. Kansas City FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 15 minutes TIME CHANGE: +1 hour 8:15PM Ar. Cincinnati, Ohio Lunken Field Stevens Aviation 513/871-8600 MET BY: Mike DeWine staff driver and car RON: Queen City Club 513/621-2708 513/621-0802 (FAX) MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 8:00AM-9:00AM Attend MIKE DE WINE FOR SENATE FUNDRAISING BREAKFAST (In progress from 7:45) Queen City Club- Ballroom 331 East 4th Street HOST: Bob Morgan, Chairman Cincinnati Financial (insurance co.) CROWD SIZE: 40-60 @ $1,000 per person PRESS: Closed CONTACT: Mary Sabin 419/874-0108 419/874-3368 (FAX) 614/469-1992 (Columbus) ??? TENTATIVE- PRIVATE MEETING with Carl Lindner to encourage him to join the DeWine team PRIVATE MEETING with Ed Artz, Chairman of Proctor-Gamble 11:00AM Lv. Cincinnati AIRCRAFT: ITT Gulfstream-4 TAIL NO.: N 153 RA PILOT: Capt. Joseph Lepera CO-PILOT: Wally Oetjen CONTACT: Joe Santangelo 212/258-1042 (O) 212/489-5098 (FAX) 203/258-1048 (H) HANGER: 215/264-7766 (David George) 215/264-1274 (FAX) FLIGHT TIME: 30 minutes (???) 11:30AM Ar. Columbus, Ohio Port Columbus Int'l Aprt Lane Aviation 614/237-7290 SENT BY: BOB DOLE : 9-14-92: 9:29AM: BOB DOLE 2022248952: #2/6 SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE- MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 8:00AM-9:00AM Attend MIKE DE WINE FOR SENATE FUNDRAISING BREAKFAST (In progress from 7:45) Queen City Club- Ballroom 331 East 4th Street Host: Bob Morgan, Chairman Cincinnati Financial (insurence co.) CROWD SIZE: 40-60 @ $1,000 per person PRESS: Closed CONTACT: Mary Sabin 419/874-0108 419/874-3368 (FAX) 614/469-1992 (Columbus) ??? TENTATIVE- PRIVATE MEETING with Carl Lindner to encourage him to join the DeWine team PRIVATE MEETING with Ed Artz, Chairman of Proctor-Gamble 11:00AM Lv. Cincinnati AIRCRAFT: ITT Gulfstream-4 TAIL NO.: N 153 RA PILOT: Capt. Joseph Lepera CO-PILOT: Wally Oetjen CONTACT: Joe Santangelo 212/258-1042 (O) 212/489-5098 (FAX) 203/258-1048 (H) HANGAR: 215/ 264-7766 (David George) 215/264-1274 (H) MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mike Glassner Curt Steiner, DeWine campaign mgr. John Berry, Dayton- DeWine finance cmte. FLIGHT TIME: 30 minutes 11:30AM Ar. Columbus, Ohio Port Columbus Int'l Aprt Lane Aviation 614/237-7290 SENT BY: BOB DOLE : 9-14-92: 9:29AM: BOB DOLE 2022248952: #3/6 PAGE TWO 12:00PM ATTEND MIKE DEWINE FUNDRAISING LUNCHEON 1 Nationwide Plaza Columbus 43215 614/249-5400 614/249-3147 (FAX) Hosts: Nationwide Insurance NOTE: Mike DeWine will be in Chicago ??? TENTATIVE- PRIVATE MEETING with Les Wexner Doug Price, Bush-Quayle Director for Ohio, will meet at fundraiser and escort to: 1:30PM-2:00PM PRESS CONFERENCE (For Bush-Quayle re Clinton/draft-dodging) State Capitol Building- Rotunda CONTACT: Katherine Murray 202/336-7289 (O) 301/220-6293 (BEEPER) 703/931-4968 (H) 2:00PM Lv. State Capitol 2:30PM Ar. Port Columbus International Airport Lane Aviation 614/237-7290 2:30PM Lv. Columbus MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner FLIGHT TIME: 1hr 5 minutes 3:35PM Ar. New York La Guardia Airport Page Avjet 718/476-5200 MET BY: Mark Miller 212/453-4849 (Car phone) DRIVE TIME: 45 minutes SENT BY: BOB DOLE : 9-14-92: 9:29AM: BOB DOLE 2022248952: #4/6 PAGE THREE 4:20PM Ar. St. Regis Hotel 55th Street at Fifth Avenue 212/753-4500 Proceed to Suite 607 4:30PM-4:45PM INTERVIEW in suite- Illyria (Harry Bajraktari's Albanian newspaper) CONTACT/INTERVIEWER: Charles Caruso 212/220-2000 4:45PM-5:15PM PRIVATE TIME 5:15PM Proceed to Fontaine Bleu Room- 2nd floor 5:20PM-6:15PM ATTEND DOLE FOR SENATE FUNDRAISER (Event runs 5:00-6:30PM) CROWD SIZE: 30 ANTICIPATED PROCEEDS $40,000 (As of 7:00PM Thursday) PRESS: CLOSED FORMAT: Podium and Mike Mix and Mingle reception HOSTS: Bill Carey, Chairman, W.P. Carey & Co. Jim Connean, Chairman, A.T. Hudson & Co. Richard L. Fisher, Partner, Fisher Bros. Joe Fogg, Advisory Dir., Morgan Stanley Tom Foley, President, NTC Group Eli S. Jacobs, President, E.S. Jacobs & Co. David Koch, Exec. V.P., Koch Industries Don Marron, Chairman, Paine Webber John Moran, Chairman, Dyson-Kissner-Moran Elliott Vernon, Pres., Health Care Imaging Svcs. Jim Xhema, President, Xhema Remodeling 6:15PM Rand Araskog meets Senator in Fontaine Bleu Room for escort to Versailles Room SENT BY: BOB DOLE : 9-14-92: 9:30AM: BOB DOLE 2022248952: #5/6 PAGE FOUR 6:15PM Ar. Versailles Room Met by: Juan Capello, Sr. V.P., Govt Affairs, ITT ATTEND/KEYNOTE SOCIETY OF MEMORIAL SLOAN-KETTERING CANCER CENTER ANNUAL APPEAL Event runs: 6:00-7:00PM FORMAT: Theater style Podium and Mike CROWD SIZE: 81 confirmed (maybe 100) SEATING: First row reserved for: Rand Araskog Senator Dole Dr. William R. Fair (Cheif, Urology Service) Melinda Blinken, Sloan-Kettering Hospital PROGRAM: 2-3 minute intro of Sen. Dole- Rand Araskog REMARKS- SENATOR DOLE- 5 minutes Q&A-SENATOR DOLE- 5 minutes Remarks- Dr. William Fair- 5 minutes Following program, break for cocktail reception in same room CONTACT: Sally Phipps 212/258-1251 7:00PM Lv. St. Regis Hotel 7:10PM Ar. Bruno's Restaurant 240 East 58th Street 212/688-4190 Proceed to Second Floor 7:10PM-8:00PM Attend NATIONAL ALBANIAN- AMERICAN PAC RECEPTION CONTACT: Jim Xhema 203/531-6070 CROWD SIZE: 100 @ $250 PER PERSON FORMAT: Podium and Mike SENT BY: BOB DOLE : 9-14-92: 9:31AM: BOB DOLE 2022248952: #6/6 PAGE FIVE PROGRAM: Intro of Sen. Dole- Prof. Sami Ripishti REMARKS- SENATOR DOLE 8:00PM Lv. Bruno's Restaurant DRIVE TIME: 45 minutes 8:45PM Ar. La Guardia Airport Page Avjet 718/476-5200 8:50PM Lv. New York AIRCRAFT: ITT Gulfstream-4 TAIL NO: N 153 RA FLIGHT TIME: 45 minutes MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mark Miller, Mike Glassner 9:35PM Ar. Washington National Airport Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert Jones PROCEED TO PRIVATE September 21, 1992 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of September 13-19, 1992 Pg.1 Sunday, September 13 in Ohio Monday, September 14 in New York 8:50 p.m. lv. New York 9:35 p.m. ar. Washington National, Butler Aviation, met by Wilbert SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of September 13-19, 1992 Pg. 2 Tuesday, September 15 10:00 S-230 PHOTO w/ Dean Gilstrap (Arkansas City HS) & Norman Conrad (Uniontown HS), Principal & Teacher of the Year from KS (David) 11:00 S-230 DROP BY- David mtg. w/ Bill Shaver, Art & Dee Winters, & Dan Locke 11:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Chinese Amb. Zhu Qizhen (Al) between 11:30- 12:30 SH-216 DROP BY- mtg. f/70 members of the Western Power Producers (Greg) 12:00 S-230 PHOTO w/ Paul & Lee Bosworth f/ Olathe (Marcie) 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 2:00 S-230 DROP BY- Jim & Nina mtg. w/ Ann Wood & Joseph Keefhaver (Overland Park)- members of the Nat'l Assoc. of Auctioneers 2:15 S-230 make telephone call to Spence Abraham at NRCC w/ Eric Yost 2:30 S-230 DROP BY & PHOTO w/ Kansas Motor Car Dealers (Greg) 3:00 S-230 DROP BY- Al mtg. w/ Bob Asher 3:15 S-230 DROP BY- Sheila mtg. w/ Richard Krecker, Pres. & CEO of Blue Cross/ Blue Shield of Kansas City 3:30 S-230 brief hello w/ Marvin Schwann & John Bode (Stacy) 4:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Kansans w/ Kansas Restaurant Association (Greg & Nina) 4:30 S-230 DROP BY- Jim & Bret mtg. w/ Wichita District Farm Credit Council & Wendell Jeffreys 5:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Jack Braly w/ Beech (Dan) 5:30-7:00 Campaign America Hdqtrs. reception for Eric Yost (you are the host) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of September 13-19, 1992 Pg.3 Wednesday, September 16 8:15-8:45 White House, Cabinet Room Senate/ House GOP Leadership & Senator Hatfield mtg. w/ Pres. Bush re: family leave & appropriations 9:15 SD-106 SPEAK- United Methodist Men- World Peace & World Order Conference 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM- Subc on Trade- "NAFTA Env. Issues" 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Richard Rovsek (Walt) 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Chairman of Czechoslovak Parliament Michal Kovac (Al) 11:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Russell Redenbaugh & Sen. Garn (Kerry) 2:00 S-201 health strategy meeting w/ Republican Senators 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Rep. Dean Gallo )NJ) (Personal re: prostate cancer) 2:15 S-230 mtg. w/ Sec. Brady 2:30 S-230 DROP BY- Sheila/ Vicki mtg. w/ Richard Krecker, Pres. & CEO of Blue Cross/ Blue Shield of Kansas City 3:00 S-230 PHOTO w/ American GI Forum Group & Mario Diaz, Nat'l Commander 3:00 S-230 PHOTO w/ 47 North East Kansans & Senator Kassebaum (Marcie) 4:00 S-230 DROP BY- Bret mtg. w/ Kansas Pork Producers Council 6:00 S-230 health care mtg. w/ Republican Senators 7:10 Hyatt Regency, Colombia A & B SPEAK- National Pork Producers Council 8:00 Organization of States Bldg. SPEAK- Tribute to Senator Symms (6:30-7:30 reception 7:30 dinner/buffet 8:00 program begins while guests are eating SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of September 13-19, 1992 Pg.4 Thursday, September 17 8:30 Madison Hotel, Dolley Madison Room SPEAK- National Grain Trade Council Meeting 9:35 S-301 mtg. w/ Finance Committee Members (Sheila) 10:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Bob Moore, Bill Lacy, & Jo-Anne 11:00 S-230 mtg. & PHOTO w/ Barnett Banks of Florida group (Mark Miller) 11:30 S-230 mtg. w/ U.S. Amb. designee to Armenia, Harry Gilmore (Al) 1:00 Capitol Hill Club, 3rd Floor SPEAK- Republican Associated for Mutual Support (RAMS) 2:00 SD-215 FIN COMM- Subc on Soc Sec- "Suter Case" 2:45 S-230 DROP BY- Nina mtg. w/ 8 leaders of nat'l realty groups 2:50 S-221 mtg. w/ Senator Mitchell 3:15 S-230 mtg. w/ David Williams- Senate Candidate f/ KY 3:45 S-230 brief mtg. w/ Todd Suutherland & Daryl Walters f/ Kansas City (Greg) 5:30-6:30 S-230 mtg./reception w/ Margaret Thatcher & members of the Chairman's Foundation (Jo-Anne) 6:30 SR-325 BRIEF REMARKS & presentation to Senator McCain- 1992 recipient of NCOA "L Mendel Rivers Award f/ Legislative Action" (You are a cohost-presentation at 6:30 p.m.) (reception from 5:30-7:30 p.m.) 6:00-7:30 Senatorial Committee DROP BY- fundraiser for Tommy Hartnett (Jo-Anne) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of September 13-19, 1992 Pg. 5 Friday, September 18 9:45 S-230 Republican Conference on '92 Elections 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson) 12:30 S-230 PHOTO w/ Tom Watson & daughter, Meg, from Johnson County (Marcie); & w/ Brenda & David Maxey from Hutchinson (Mo); & w/ Mitch Garrett, Epilepsy Chapter of Alabama (Mo) 2:00 S-230 New Hampshire Public TV- documentary on Senator Rudman (Walt) 2:30 S-230 video f/ Int'l Consumer Assoc. (Walt) 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Attorney General Barr & Nick Calio re: crime September 25, 1992 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE-Week of September 20-26, 1992 Pg. 1 Monday, September 21 11:30 S-230 PHOTO w/ Dottie Dumler, Russell & John Baker, Great Bend (Marcie) 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Senator McConnell 3:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Senator Gramm 5:00-6:30 S-120 DROP BY- Dubuque Area Economic Development Corp. reception SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of September 20-26, 1992 Pg. 2 Tuesday, September 22 9:00 SD-215 FIN COMM- full comm- "NAFTA" 11:00 S-230 DROP BY- Vicki mtg. w/ Bob McCandless & David Keene 11:45 S-230 mtg. w/ Manfred Lehmann (Vicki) 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 2:00 S-230 PHOTO w/ Connie Hadley (KCK) & her son, Robert Hadley (Dallas) (Stacy) 2:15 S-230 mtg. w/ Dick Thissen & Jerry Cassidy (Dan) 2:30 S-230 DROP BY- Greg mtg. w/ Michael Martin, Pres. of Kansas Letter Carriers Assoc., & Ron Fox 2:45 S-230 DROP BY- Bret mtg. w/ National Grain Sorghum Producers- Jeff Kasten, Jack Eberspacher, & Dr. Leroy Brooks 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Jim Dyer 4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/ U.D. Grant & several American Legion legislative group (Bill) 4:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Senator Andrews 4:45 S-230 brief hello w/ Rick Grinnan, Chairman- San Antonio Chapter of Aerican Red Cross, & 4 others f/ San Antonio 6:30 S-221 mtg. w/ Senator Mitchell, Howard Greene, & Sheila Burke 5:30-7:30 Rayburn Foyer DROP BY- reception to honor the U.S. Congress in celebration of the Quincentennial of the Voyage of Columbus hosted by Speaker Foley, Sen. Mitchell, Rep. Thomas M. Foglietta & Rep. Frank J. Guarini 7:00 Nat'l Service & Legislative Hdqtrs., 807 Maine Ave, SW (7th & Maine) (Recp. from 5:30-9:00 pm) BRIEF REMARKS- Disabled American Veterans reception honoring Senator Cranston SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of September 20-26, 1992 Pg. 3 Wednesday, Spetember 23 10:30 S-230 DROP BY- David mtg. w/ Kansas Telecommunications Association 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Japanese Finance Minister Akihiko Hata (Al) 11:30 S-230 mtg. w/ 7 Belarussian Parliamentary Leaders (Margot) 12:00 monocle (upstairs) lunch f/ Dirk Kempthorne w/ Ag Industry Reps (Jo-Anne) 12:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Minister of Economy & Finance of Peru, Dr. Carlos Bolona & Pat O'Donnell (Al) 1:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Jim Conneen & Ian Taylor, British Member of Parliament (Jo-Anne) 1:45 S-230 mtg. w/ Dr. Hammond, President, Fort Hays State (David & Kathy) 2:00 S-230 DROP BY- Sheila mtg. w/ Patrick Rooney, Pres. of Golden Rule Ins. Co. (IN) & Bob Thompson (Per Sen. Lugar's request) 2:30 S-230 DROP BY- Nina mtg. w/ Betty Fletcher from Wichita, Century 21/ Jim Fletcher Realty, Inc.; & w/ Steve Atchison Regional Director of Century 21 of Kansas & Missouri 5:00 Hyatt Regency, Ticonderoga Room SPEAK-"Citizens for Arlen Specter Day" 6:00-7:30 Ronald Reagan Center (smaller room) reception for Paul Coverdell (Jo-Anne) 6:00-7:30 Ronald Regan Center (larger room) reception for Dirk Kempthorne (Jo-Anne) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of September 20-26, 1992 Pg. 4 Thursday, Spetember 24 8:30 Willard Hotel, Crystal Room, Main Level SPEAK- Women's Leadership Network 9:30 SD-226 intorduce Kathyrn Vratil- confirmation hearing 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/ President of the Austrian Senate, Herbert Schambeck (Mira) 11:00 S-230 DROP BY- Sheila mtg. w/ Dr. Marvin Dunn from Mission Hills, KS 11:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Dale Hilpert (Al) 12:00-1:30 S-120 DROP BY- luncheon f/ Israeli Finance Minister Shohat (you are co-hosting) (Al) 1:15 340 Cannon HOB SPEAK- Rep. Harris Fawell's "Fly-In" f/13th District of Illinois 2:00 S-230 DROP BY- Mira mtg. w/ Finance Minister of Bosina-Hercegovinia, Dr. Zarko Primorac 3:00 SH-216 testify at the POW/MIA Hearing 4:30 S-230 DROP BY- Sheila mtg. w/ Dr. Ben McCallister 4:45 S-230 mtg. w/ Milan Panic, Prime Minister of Yugoslavia (Mira) 5:30-7:00 Ronald Reagan Center fundraiser for Bruce Herschensohn (Jo-Anne) 6:30-8:30 Meridian Int'l Center ???? DROP BY- reception on the occasion of the First Anniv. of the Independence of the Republic of Armenia hosted by Alexander Arzoumanin, Charge d'Affaires of Armenia SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of September 20-26, 1992 Pg. 5 Friday, September 25 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM- Subc on Oversight- "PBGC" 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Taiwan Amb. Ding, Senator Specter, & Herb Barness, Republican Committeeman from Pennsylvania 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Rep. Fred Upton & Rep. Carl Pursell from Michigan 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson) 12:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Chinese Ambassador Qizhen Zhu (Al) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of September 20-26, 1992 Pg. 6 Saturday, September 26 8:30 Senate in session