August 10, 1992 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of August 2-8, 1992 Pg. 1 Sunday, August 2 Monday, August 3 10:15-12:30 1925 K St. NW, Suite 507 appt. w/Dr. Barsky 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sen. McConnell (Jo-Anne) 3:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Jim Skidmore (Wichita) & 15-20 attending 1st Marine Brigade reunion (Jill); & w/Todd Fertig (former intern) & his parents, Jane & Raymond, & brother Christopher, f/Ellinwood (Sarah Brown) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of August 2-8, 1992 Pg. 2 Tuesday, August 4 9:50 S-212 mtg. w/President Bush & Senator Boren 10:00 S-230 mtg. w/President Bush & the Republican Conference 11:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - full comm - markup "China-MFN" & Chiechi & Laro nominations 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 3:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Soc Sec - hearing on Administration's Welfare Reform Plan 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Hal Hansen, Chairman of Futures Industry Assoc., & John Damgard (Jim M.) 7:15-8:15 S-207 reception for Shannon Miller, US Gymnastics Olympian from Edmond, OK, hosted by Senators Nickles and Boren KANSAS PRIMARY - for results contact State Headquarters 913/234-3416 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of August 2-8, 1992 Pg. 3 12:00-1:30 S-211 DROP BY - The Mathews Foundation for Prostate Cancer Research reception f/sponsors, steering committee, & out-of-town Board of Directors 12:30 SH-133 Wednesday Group Lunch hosted by Sen. Pressler 2:00 S-230 interview w/Ken Collier, KU Political Science Professor (Walt) 3:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Teresa Erb f/Bazine (Marcie), Kevin McAdams f/Nussle, Iowa; & w/Culley Carson, intern w/Senator Helms (Bob W.); & w/Melanie Ramey, Miss Teen Kansas, & her mother, Pat Ramey f/Neodesha (Bob W.) 4:00 SH-141 farewell party f/Jill 6:00-8:00 National Guard Bldg, Hall of States Room, 1 Massachusetts Ave, NW DROP BY - Mathews Fdn. Reception (you are Co-Chairman w/Sen. Dodd) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of August 2-8, 1992 Pg. 4 Thursday, August 6 8:30 La Colline fundraising breakfast for Senator Murkowski (Mark Miller) 8:30 S-201 Health Care Task Force breakfast 9:30 S-221 mtg. w/Senator Mitchell 11:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Jim Nichols, Director of the Americans w/Disabilities Channel; & w/Bobbi Pottridge, Karen McMains, & Terry Zack f/Wichita (Mo); & w/Louie & Roxie Armstrong f/Ft. Scott (Jill) 11:15 Capitol Steps PHOTO session f/the cover of the Jop Corps Center Publication (Clarkson) 12:00-12:30 S-207 Press Conference (Sheila) 1:00 H-166 appt. w/specialist in Dr. Krasner's Office 2:00 SD-366 Subc on Public Lands Hearing - introduce Cheryl Brown Henderson (Kathy) 2:45 S-230 PHOTO w/Paul Hearn's mother, Patricia Hearn (Mo); & w/Donna Mathena & Betty DeBacker from Topeka, & Margaret Huffman f/Marysville (Greg) 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Armenian Vice President/Prime Minister Haroutunian & First Secretary Garnik Nanagoulian (Al) 4:00 SD-215 video f/Senator Murkowski (Clarkson) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of August 2-8, 1992 Pg. 5 Friday, August 7 10:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Heflin & Sheila 10:30 Senatorial Committee SPEAK - Indian American Issues Conference (Jo-Anne) 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson) 12:00 S-230 present Wilbert w/his 12-year pin 12:00-1:15 Senators Dining Room DROP BY - luncheon w/Mr. Pierre Consiguy, French Minister of the Mint, hosted by Senator Cohen Saturday, August 8 August 14, 1992 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of August 9-15, 1992 Pg. 1 Sunday, August 9 Monday, August 10 11:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senator Mitchell 11:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Julius & Gretchen Scheck (Great Bend) & w/Kemper & Renalda Watkins & 2 children, Tyler & Ian (Marcie) 12:30 S-221 mtg. w/Senator Mitchell, Bentsen, & Packwood 4:00 S-230 taping f/Prostate Public Service Announcement (Clarkson) 5:00-7:00 S-207 reception to honor the New Mexico gold medalists & athletes who competed in the 25th Summer Olympiad hosted by Senators Domenici & Binaman SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of August 9-15, 1992 Pg. 2 Tuesday, August 11 11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Ed Artzt, CEO of Proctor & Gamble, & Charles Leppert (Jim) 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 3:00 S-230 PHOTO w/B.G. "Skip" Larson, Dodge City Attorney, & his wife, Jeanette (Marcie); & w/9 Republican Pages SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of August 9-15, 1992 Pg. 3 Wednesday, August 12 9:15 H-324 Congressional Leadership breakfast f/Israeli Prime Minister Rabin (Al) 11:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Judge Gilbert (John D.); & w/Beau Davis from Enterprise, KS (David); & w/Lynn Morrison & Richard Fuller w/American Federation for Clinical Research (Mo) 3:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Tom & Melissa Nordhus, f/Tecumseh, Kansas (Marcie) 4:30 S-230 mtg. w/Paul Weyrich (Al) (written on page) Senate Recesses SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of August 9-15, 1992 Pg. 4 Thursday, August 13 3:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Chris Jones (RLO intern) & 2 Republican Pages; Joe & Paula Flannery f/Lawrence; Mary Ann Hand f/Paxico; & Deborah Langworthy & Marilyn Young f/Paxico; w/Troy Unruh f/Ozawkie; & w/Chuck & Erolene Reed f/Stanley; & w/Dave & Robin Yencsik f/PA; & w/Karen & Ron Yencsik f/MD; w/Tanya Slidus & their 2 children f/Hesston; & w/Amy Van Winkle f/Godfrey, Illinois SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of August 9-15, 1992 Pg. 5 Friday, August 14 10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Chuck & Doris Hanna f/Emporia, & son, Jim; & w/KS Cong. Jim & Virginia Lowther f/Emporia (Marcie) 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson) Saturday, August 15 5:40 p.m. lv. residence via Wilbert 5:55 p.m. ar. Washington National, Butler Aviation 6:00 p.m. lv. Washington 7:50 p.m. ar. Houston SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 10:58 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #2 (handwritten on page) Aug 15-21 FINAL 8-21-92 PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE -- NATIONAL CONVENTION (HOUSTON) SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1992 6:00 PM DEPART Washington/National for Houston/Hobby Aircraft: Sabreliner (COASTAL) Tail number: N965CC Pilots: Maynard Rupp Tony Sereno Flight time: 2 hrs. 15 minutes Meal: Dinner Manifest: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole, Sheila Burk, Vicki Stack, Paul Redifer Contact: Lucy Harris 713/877-6760 7:50 PM ARRIVE Houston/Hobby FBO: Coastal 713/877-6760 Location: 8421 Nelms Rd. Met by: Fred Corle Mike Glassner 8:00 PM DEPART airport for Omni Houston Hotel Drive time: 45 minutes Location: 4 Riverway Motorcade: Lead Car: Fred Corle, Mike Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole Car #2: Sheila Burk, Vicki Stack, Paul Redifer 8:45 PM ARRIVE Omni Houston and proceed to PRIVATE ROOMS: 521 & 523 Dole office 713/871-8181, 713/737-8004 ROM --- OMNI HOUSTON HOTEL SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 10:58 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952; #3 8/15/92 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 1992 7:30 AM DEPART Omni Houston Hotel for Houston Astrodome Drive time: 30 minutes Location: North Stadium Drive Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, Mike Glassner Car #2: Senator Dole, Walt Riker 8:00 AM ARRIVE Astrodome and proceed to NBC anchor booth Advance: Brad Gary/Clarkson Hine Contact: Tony Gannon 713/737-7591 8:30 AM MEET THE PRESS 9:15 AM DEPART astrodome for Omni Houston Hotel Drive time: 30 minutes Location: 4 Riverway Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, Mike Glassner, Brad Gary Car #2: Senator Dole, Walt Riker, Clarkson Hine 9:35 AM ARRIVE Omni Hotel and proceed to PRIVATE 713/871-8181 11:30 AM DEPART Omni for Four Seasons Hotel Drive time: 30 minutes Location: 1300 Lamar Street Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle Car #1: Senator Dole, Sheila Burke, M. Glassner SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 10:58 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #4 12:00 N ARRIVE Four Seasons and proceed to Brunch in honor of Senator Dole hosted by RJR 713/650-1300 Advance: Brad Gary Met by: Lou Gerstner, CEO RJR, & wife Robin, M.B. Oglesby Location: 3rd Floor Ballroom and Foyer Event runs: 11:30 am - 2:00 pm Attendance: 300 Press: Closed Attire: Business Format: Mix and Mingle No remarks (They would like Senator Dole to meet and greet guests at door with Lou Gerstner, CEO RJR) Facility: No podium or mike Buffet lunch with scattered tables & chairs Contact: M.B. Oglesby: 202/626-7200 4 Seasons - Arrives Thursday 713/650-1300 Lisa Lindwall: 202/626-7215 713/650-1300 1:00 PM DEPART Four Seasons for Omni Houston Drive time: 30 minutes Location: 1300 Lamar Street Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole, Sheila Burke 1:30 PM ARRIVE Omni Hotel and proceed to PRIVATE 713/871-8181 2:50 PM DEPART Hotel for Westin Galleria Hotel Drive time: 10 minutes Location: 5060 W. Alabama Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Walt Riker SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 10:59 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #5 3:00 PM ARRIVE Westin Galleria and proceed to National Republican Asian Assembly Convention Gala 713/960-8100 NOTE: APPROACH HOTEL VIA WEST ALABAMA. Immediately before hotel there is a parking ramp, enter the parking ramp. Go to the top and turn right -- immediately turn right again -- drive to the back wall and Mark will meet you there. Drivers must stay with the cars. Advance: Mark Miller Met by: Helen Chang, Asst. to Mayor Distinguished Speakers (MEET HER at Registration Desk, 4th Floor outside of Woodway Exhibit Hall) Location: Woodway Exhibit Hall Event runs: 2:00-5:00 pm Attendance: 1500 Press: Open Attire: Business Format: Dr. Esther Yao introduces Senator Dole UPON HIS ARRIVAL (1 minute) Senator Dole gives remarks (5-10 minutes) Facility: Podium with mike on riser Contact: Alfred Liu 202/822-8322 Charlie Fitness Club 7 Hotel Arrives Friday 713/530-0000 James or Helen Chang 713/676-4643 (W) 713/247-3595 (W) 713/771-8648 (H) 713/971-6327 (P) 3:30 PM DEPART Westin Galleria for Hyatt Regency Drive time: 30 minutes Location: 1200 Louisiana Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Walt Riker SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 10:59 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #6 4:00 PM ARRIVE Hyatt Regency and proceed to New York Caucus 713/654-1234 Advance: Dan Jarman Met by: Sheila Burke for briefing on caucus Location: Emperial East Room - level above lobby Event runs: 4:00 - 4:45 pm Attendance: 400 Press: Open Attire: Business Format: Sheila will brief the Senator upon his arrival Contact: Jennifer Weber 713/659-2222 713/737-8915 NOTE: Other Speakers are Secretary Sullivan, George Bush, Jr., Senator McConnell, Governor Ashcraft. 4:45 PM DEPART Hyatt Regency for The Brownstone Restaurant Drive time: 15 minutes Location: 2736 Virginia Avenue Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner, Sheila Burke Car #1: Senator Dole, Walt Riker 5:00 PM ARRIVE Brownstone Restaurant and proceed to reception honoring Senator Dole Hosted by Chicago Mercantile Exchange 713/520-5666 Advance: Brad Gary Arrive at door right of main gate Met by: Jack Sandner, Chairman Leo Melamed Location: Entire restaurant Event runs: 5:00-7:00 pm Attendance: 300+ Press: Open Attire: Business Format: Upon the Senators arrival there will be a photo with Leo Melamed & Jack Sandner & 9 Bd. Members Mix and Mingle Facility: None Contact: Lita Schilling 202/223-6965 Wyndam Warwick -- arrives Thurs. 713/526-1991 Betty Meyer 703/534-9660 (O) 703/534-8640 (H) Patrician -- arrives Fri. 713/523-1114 6:00 PM DEPART Brownstone for Peterkin Home for Reception honoring Evans & Novak and the Capital Gang Drive time: 20 minutes Location: 5787 Indian Circle Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner, Sheila Burke Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole, Walt Riker SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:00 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #8 6:20 PM ARRIVE Peterkin's Home for Reception honoring Evans & Novak and the Capital Gang Advance: NONE Met by: George and Nancy Peterkin at front door Location: Entire home Event runs: 6:00-8:00 pm Hosts: Nancy and George Peterkin, Clark and Judy Reed Attendance: 80-100 Press: Invited with guests (most attendees are with the media) Attire: Business Format: Mix and Mingle Facility: none Contact: George Peterkin 713/785-5545 6:50 PM DEPART Peterkin's Home for the Museum of Fine Art Drive time: 25 minutes Location: 1001 Bissonnet Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner, Sheila Burke Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole, Walt Riker 7:15 PM ARRIVE Museum of Fine Art and proceed to Cocktail Supper Buffet honoring GOP Members of Congress Advance: Brad Gary/Mark Miller Met by: Larry Bathgate, N.J. Repub. Location: 2nd Floor, center gallery Event runs: 7:00-10:00 Attendance: 400 Republican Eagles and Presidential Trustees Press: Closed Attire: Business Format: Mix and mingle Facility: None Contact: Scott DeVinney 202/863-8720 Allen Park Inn 713/521-9321 Beeper 713/616-1351 SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:01 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #9 7:45 PM DEPART Museum for ASTRODOME Drive time: 15 minutes Location: N. Stadium Drive Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner, Sheila Burke Car #1: Senator Dole, Walt Riker NOTE: Car #2 takes Mrs. Dole back to the Omni 8:00 PM ARRIVE Astrodome and proceed to CNN Booth for Larry King Show Advance: John Bush, Clarkson Hine NOTE: Possibility of taping a morning show. ?? PM DEPART Astrodome for Omni Houston Hotel Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Walt Riker Drive time: 25 minutes Location: 1300 Lamar Street ???? PM ARRIVE Omni Hotel and proceed to PRIVATE 713/871-8181 RON -- OMNI HOUSTON HOTEL 8/15/92 SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:01 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #10 8/14/92 Monday, August 17 SENATOR DOLE: 8:00 AM DEPART Omni Houston for Harvey Suites Drive time: 20 minutes Location: 6800 S. Main Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, CLARKSON HINE 8:30 AM ARRIVE Harvey Suites and proceed to Iowa Caucus Advance: Dan Jarman/Sheila Burke Location: Azealea Room - Lobby level 9:00 AM DEPART Harvey Suites for La Columbe D'Or Drive time: 10 minutes Location: 3410 Montrose Blvd. Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Sheila Burke NOTE: Walt will meet the Senator at La Columbe D'Or SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:01 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #11 9:10 AM ARRIVE La Columbe D'Or and proceed to US News Roundtable Discussion Breakfast 713/524-7999 Advance: Brad Gary Met by: Mel Elfin, Editor Spec. Projects Location: Degas Suite - 2nd Floor Event runs: 9:00-10:00 am Attendance: 9 Press: Open Attire: Business Format: Mel Elfin will introduce Senator Dole to roundtable attendees Buffet breakfast will be served All will be seated around 1 table with 2 tape recorders in the center. Questions will be asked by attendees and his answers are taped. Tape can be turned off at request. Facility: Table with 2 tape recorders Contact: Mary Jean Hopkins 202/955-2608 Pat Lute 202/955-2608 Residence Inn - arrive 8/10 713/660-7993 Office - 713/737-5561 NOTE: SEE ATTACHED LIST OF EDITORS & WRITERS ATTENDING. NOTE: 5 MINUTE INTERVIEW WITH ITVN BRITISH TV AT LA COLUMBE D'OR 10:05 AM DEPART La Columbe D'Or for Omni Houston Hotel Drive time: 20 minutes Location: 4 Riverway Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner, Clarkson Hine Car #1: Senator Dole, Walt Riker, Sheila Burke 10:20 AM ARRIVE Omni Houston Hotel to PRIVATE SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:02 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #12 12:00 PM DEPART Omni Hotel for Southern Pacific Railroad Cars (The Kansas, California and Utah) Drive time: 30 minutes Location: Holly Hall Drive & Ardmore St. Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole Car #2: Sheila Burke, Walt Riker, Clarkson Hine Van: Jo Anne Coe, Mark Miller 12:35 PM ARRIVE Southern Pacific Lunch honoring Senator Dole Advance: James Chung Met by: Location: Southern Pacific Depot (1.1 miles east of Dome) Event runs: 12:30 - 2:00 pm Attendance: 150 Press: Attire: Format: Facility: Contact: Wiley Jones 202/393-0100 Doubletree 713/961-9300 John Eck 1:35 PM DEPART Southern Pacific Lunch for Houstonian Hotel Drive time: 25 minutes Location: 111 N. Post Oak Lane 680-2626 Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle Car #1: Senator Dole, M. Glassner, Sheila Burke Car #2 departs for Omni Hotel - Mrs. Dole, Walt Riker, Clarkson Hine SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:02 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #13 2:00 PM ARRIVE Houstonian and proceed to meeting regarding Ethanol Advance: No Advance needed Location: Teak Room, 1st Floor NOTE: After entering the Houstonian, turn right and go to the 2nd door on the right. Attendees: Secretary Madigan, Bill Reilly (Energy), Sam Skinner, Bob Grady (OMB), Boyden Gray, Clayton Yeutter 3:00 PM DEPART Houstonian for Omni Houston Hotel Location: 4 Riverway Drive time: 5 minutes Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle Car #1: Senator Dole, M. Glassner, Sheila Burke 3:05 PM ARRIVE Omni Houston and proceed to PRIVATE 3:40 PM DEPART Omni Hotel for Post Oak Grill Drive time: 5 minutes Location: 1415 South Post Oak Lane Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, Mike Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole Van: Sheila Burke, Jo-Anne Coe, Joyce McLuney, Mo Taggart, Pam Rucker SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:02 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #14 3:45 PM ARRIVE Post Oak Grill and proceed to Reception honoring Elizabeth Dole hosted by Oceanspray 713/993-9966 Advance: Dan Jarman Met by: Jim Fabiani, Pres. of Cassidy Ray and Jean Habelman, Board of Oceanspray & Paul and Elaine Morse, Board of Oceanspray Location: Entire restaurant Event runs: 3:30-5:00 pm Attendance: 150 Press: Closed Attire: Business attire Format: Mix and mingle, informal reception Buffet, some seating Facility: None Contact: Mary Sheilds 202/347-0773 Hyatt Regency - arrives 8/14 713/654-1234 4:45 PM DEPART Post Oak Grill for Corbin Robertson Residence Drive time: 15 minutes Location: 2585 Iverness (see directions attached) Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole NOTE: CAR #2 RETURNS TO OMNI Van: Sheila Burke, Jo-Anne Coe, Joyce McLuney, Mo Taggart, Pam Rucker 5:00 PM ARRIVE Corbin Robertson Residence for Reception for Team 100 Advance: Mark Miller Met by: Alison Daly Location: Entire House Event runs: 4:00-6:30 pm Attendance: 200 Press: Closed Attire: Business Format: Mix and mingle Facility: None NOTE: Reps. Newt Gingrich and Jerry Lewis has been invited SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:03 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #15 5:30 PM DEPART Reception for Omni Houston Hotel Drive time: 10 minutes Location: 4 Riverway Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole 5:40 PM ARRIVE Omni Houston Hotel for PRIVATE ?? DEPART Omni Hotel for Astrodome Drive time: 35 minutes Location: N. Stadium Drive entrance Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole ?? ARRIVE Astrodome and proceed to ????????????? Advance: John Bush/James Chung Location: Session runs: 7:00-10:00 pm SKY SUITE OPEN DURING ALL EVENING SESSIONS: #568 & 569 7:30 PM Table for 6-8 reserved at Tony's 1801 Post Oak Blvd. 713/622-6778 ?? DEPART ?????????? for Reception for Senator Dole and Kansas Delegation Drive time: ???? minutes Location: Texas Commerce Bank Tower ?? Milan Street Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:03 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #16 ?? ARRIVE Texas Commerce Bank Tower and proceed to Reception honoring Senator Dole and Kansas Delegation Advance: Brad Gary Met by: Location: Sky Lobby Host: Coastal Corporation Event runs: 10:00- Attendance: Press: Attire: Format: Facility: Contact: Andi Behlen 713/622-1650 (O) 713/622-0519 (Direct line) 713/622-9415 (FAX) ?? DEPART Texas Commerce Bank Tower for Omni Houston Hotel Drive time: 25 minutes Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole ?? ARRIVE Omni Hotel and proceed to PRIVATE 713/871-8181 RON ---- OMNI HOUSTON HOTEL SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:04 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #17 ATTENDEES -- US NEWS BREAKFAST Mort Zuckerman, Chairman & Editor in Chief Michael Ruby - Co-Editor David Gergen - Editor at Large Mel Elfin - Editor, Special Projects Gloria Borger - Asst. Managing Editor Don Baer - Asst. Managing Editor Steve Roberts - Senior Writer Ken Walsh - Senior Writer Barbara Burgower - Houston stringer Kathy Bushkin - Dir. of Editorial Administration Pat Lute - Convention Coordinator SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:04 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #18 Tuesday, August 18 8/13/92 8:30 AM DEPART room for Kansas Delegation Breakfast Location: Palm Court - Lobby Level 8:30 AM ARRIVE Palm Court for Kansas Delegation Breakfast Advance: Jo-Anne Coe Met by: Jo-Anne Location: Palm Cout - Lobby Level, Omni Hotel Event runs: 8:30-9:30 Host: Senator Dole Attendance: 150 Kansas Delegates, Alternates and guests Press: OPEN - Kansas only Attire: Business Format: Mix and mingle NO REMARKS Facility: None Contact: Jo-Anne Coe 713/737-8004 9:30 AM DEPART Breakfast for Heritage Club Drive time: 30 minutes Location: 3 Allen Center Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole, Jo-Anne Coe SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:04 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #19 10:00 AM ARRIVE TENTATIVE Heritage Club for Brunch honoring Phil Gramm and Republican Senate Advance: Brad Gary Met by: Ed Rahal Location: 50th Floor, main dining room Event runs: 10:00-11:30 10:00 - Reception 10:30 - Guests seated for brunch Host: Chemical Bank/TX Commerce Bank Attendance: 230 PAC representatives Senate candidates in attendance: Dirk Kempthorne, Mike DeWine, Terry Considine, Charlene Haar, David Williams, Tommy Hartnett, Richard Sellers, Alan Keyes Press: CLOSED Attire: Business Format: Sen. Gramm intro of Sen. Dole (Brief remarks by Sen. Dole, only if he wishes) Facility: Contact: Ed Rahal 713/759-0202 10:45 AM DEPART Heritage Club for Brunch honoring Thad Cochran and Mississippi Delegation Drive time: 15 minutes Location: Brennan's Restaurant 3300 Smith Street Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole JO-ANNE will be picked up and brought back to the Omni Hotel SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:05 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #20 11:00 AM ARRIVE Brennan's and proceed to Brunch honoring Thad Cochran and Mississippi Delegation Advance: John Bush Met by: Location: Event runs: 10:30- Host: Attendance: Press: Attire: Business Format: Facility: Contact: Martha Tomlinson 601/364-7007 11:30 AM DEPART Brennan's for Dole for Senate Fundraiser Drive time: 20 minutes Location: Home of Oscar Wyatt 1620 River Oaks Blvd. Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:05 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #21 11:50 AM ARRIVE Dole for Senate Fundraiser Advance: Mark Miller Met by: Oscar & Lynn Wyatt (maybe other hosts) Location: Entire home Event runs: 11:30 Cocktails 12:00-1:30 Lunch Host: Lynn and Oscar Wyatt, Chm Coastal Joseph E. Antonini, Chm K-MART & Pres. Nat'l Retail Fed. Nellie & Gov. John Connally Barbara & Charles Hurwitz, Chm MAXXAM (buying Continental Airlines) Judy and James R. Paul, Pres. Coastal Joan & Mike Walsh, Chm. Tenneco Attendance: 150 ($1,000/ea) Press: Closed Attire: Business Format: Mix and mingle Remarks Facility: Podium and Mike Contact: Steve Pfister or Dale Tate 202/783-7971 Kyle Simpson (Coastal) 713/877-7500 Andi Behlen 713/622-1650 713/622-0519 fax 713/622-9415 NOTE: Bob Lighthizer will be attending 1:15 PM DEPART Oscar Wyatt's for Houston Club Drive time: 20 minutes Location: Main and Rusk Streets Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole, Jo-Anne Coe SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:06 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #22 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1992 8/13/92 7:50 AM DEPART Omni Houston Hotel for Wyndham Warwick Hotel Drive time: 20 minutes Location: 5701 Main Street Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, David Spears Van: Walt Riker, Clarkson Hine 8:10 AM ARRIVE Wyndham Warwick Hotel and proceed to The Great American Breakfast 713/526-1991 Advance: Brad Gary Location: La Fontaine Ballroom - ? Floor Event runs: 7:45-9:15 am Host: Senator Thad Cochran - (sponsored by Agricultural Groups) Attendance: Press: OPEN - National plus press from home states of speakers Attire: Business Format: SPEAK Facility: Contact: Mark Keenum 202/224-6409 Wyndham - arrives Sat. nite) 713/526-1991 Doris Wagley 202/224-6417 Wyndham - arrives Sat. nite) 713/526-1991 Diane Bateman 202/675-8250 Susan Neely 202/862-5464 (Doing press for Bush/Quayle for this event.) HEAD TABLE: President Bush, Vice President Quayle, Senator Dole, Senator Cochran, Secty of Agriculture Madigan, Clayton Yeutter, TX Ag. Commnr. Rick Perry SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:06 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #23 PROGRAM: Emcee and opening remarks - Sen. Thad Cochran Invocation - TX Ag. Commnr. Rick Perry Remarks: Secty of Agric. Ed Madigan SENATOR DOLE Clayton Yeutter Keynote: President Bush "Special Guest" - V.P. Dan Quayle 9:30 AM DEPART Wyndham for Four Seasons Hotel Drive time: 15 minutes Location: 1300 Lamar Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Dave Spears Van: Walt Riker, Clarkson Hine 9:45 AM ARRIVE Four Seasons Hotel and proceed to Breakfast for Senate Finance Committee Members Advance: James Chung Met by: Location: Salon A Event Runs: 8:30-10:00 am Host: Sam Chilicote and Tobacco Institute Attendance: Press: Attire: Business Format: Facility: Contact: Kathy Bell 10:15 AM DEPART Four Seasons Hotel for Omni Houston Hotel Drive time: 30 minutes Location: 4 Riverway Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, Mike Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, David Spears 10:45 AM ARRIVE Omni Houston Hotel and proceed to PRIVATE SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:06 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #24 3:30 PM DEPART Omni Hotel the Heritage Club Drive time: 30 minutes Location: 333 Clay Street - Allen Center Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole Car #2: Walt Riker, Clarkson Hine, Paul Redifer 4:00 PM ARRIVE Heritage Club and proceed to Reception honoring Press Corps 713/658-8008 Advance: Brad Gary Met by: Location: 50th Floor Event runs: 3:30-5:30 pm Host: Senator Dole and PMA Attendance: Press: Attire: Business Format: Facility: Contact: Mark Hamilton 713/658-8008 Cassandra Rivers (Heritage Club) Lynda Nersesian 202/835-3486 5:00 PM DEPART the Heritage Club for Omni Houston Hotel Drive time: 30 minutes Location: 4 Riverway Streets Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner, Clarkson Hine Car #1: Senator Dole, Walt Riker 5:30 PM ARRIVE Omni Houston Hotel and proceed to PRIVATE SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:07 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #25 Host: Union Pacific Attendance: Press: Attire: Format: Facility: Contact: ?? DEPART Railway Cars for Astrodome Drive time: 10 minutes Location: Holly Hall Drive Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole ?? ARRIVE Astrodome and proceed to ????????? ASTRODOME Advance: James Chung Session runs: 7:00-10:00 pm ??? PM DEPART Astrodome for Omni Houston Hotel Drive time: Location: 4 Riverway Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole ??? PM ARRIVE Omni Hotel and proceed to PRIVATE 713/871-8181 RON -- OMNI HOUSTON HOTEL SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:07 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #26 THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1992 SENATOR DOLE 7:50 AM DEPART Omni Houston Hotel for Houston Club Drive time: 25 minutes Location: Main and Rusks Streets Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Walt Riker 8:15 AM ARRIVE Houston Club and proceed to Breakfast Meeting of Downtown Rotary Club 713/225-1661 Advance: John Bush Met by: Charles W. Brown Location: 10th Floor Event runs: 8:00-9:15 am Host: Attendance: 200 Press: Attire: Business Format: 8:00 head table seated 8:30 Head table introduced Charles Brown introduces Senator Dole Senator Dole gives remarks 30-40 minutes + Q & A Facility: Seated breakfast Riser? Podium? Contact: Charles W. Brown 713/871-0660 713/523-6864 Pamela Gomez 713/225-1661 Bernard van Mourik 713/225-1661 Gen'l Mgr, Houston Club 9:15 AM DEPART Houston Club and George R. Brown Convention Center Drive time: 5 minutes Location: Convention Center Blvd Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Walt Riker SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:08 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #27 9:20 AM ARRIVE George R. Brown Convention Center and proceed to Briefings for Senatorial Committee '92 Elections Advance: Brad Gary Met by: Location: Event runs: 9:30-10:00 am Attendance: Press: Attire: Business Format: Senator Dole speaks 9:30-10:00 am Facility: Contact: Kathy Bell 202/675-6000 J.W. Marriott - arrives 8/12 713/961-1500 Mary Heitman 202/675-6000 Sofitel - arrives 8/12 713/445-9000 713/931-7894 10:00 AM DEPART Convention Center for Wyndham Warwick Hotel Drive time: 15 minutes Location: 5701 Main Street 10:15 AM ARRIVE Wyndham Warwick Hotel and proceed to Breakfast honoring President Gerald R. Ford Advance: Mark Miller Met by: Location: Versailles Room Event runs: 9:00-11:00 AM Host: US Tobacco Louis F. Bantle Attendance: Press: Attire: Business Format: Facility: Contact: Bob Barrett or Tracy Krauser 203/622-3664 NOTE: Mrs. Dole will may join the Senator at this event! SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:08 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #28 11:00 AM DEPART Wyndham Warwick Hotel for Omni Houston Hotel Drive time: 25 minutes Location: 4 Riverway Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole* Car #2: Paul Redifer, Walt Riker 11:25 AM ARRIVE Omni Houston Hotel and proceed to PRIVATE 1:15 PM DEPART Omni Hotel for Astrodome Drive time: 30 minutes Location: N. Stadium Drive Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner, Clarkson Hine Car #1: Senator Dole, Tom Korologos, Walt Riker 1:45 PM ARRIVE Astrodome and proceed to Rehearsal Trailer for Speech Rehearsal Advance: John Bush/James Chung 3:00 PM DEPART Astrodome for Omni Houston Hotel Drive time: 30 minutes Location: 4 Riverway Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner, Clarkson Hine Car #1: Senator Dole, Tom Korologos, Walt Riker SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:08 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #29 7:10 PM DEPART Omni Houston Hotel for Astrodome Drive time: 30 minutes Location: N. Stadium Drive Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole*, Robin Dole* Car #2: Walt Riker 7:40 PM ARRIVE Astrodome and proceed to Holding Room/Make-Up Room Advance: John Bush/James Chung Location: Behind Podium Format: 8:49 PM Colorado Atty Gen Gale Norton introduces Senator Dole 8:52 PM Applause 8:54 PM Senator Dole gives remarks 9:09 PM Remarks conclude NOTE: Mrs. Dole and Robin are escorted to Sky Suite by ???? ?? DEPART Astrodome for Omni Houston Hotel Drive time: 30 minutes Location: 4 Riverway Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole, Robin Dole Car #2: Walt Riker ?? ARRIVE Omni Houston Hotel and proceed to PRIVATE 713/871-8181 RON -- OMNI HOUSTON HOTEL SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:09 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #30 FRIDAY, AUGUST 21 8:00 AM BAGGAGE CALL Staff: Charlie, John D., Pete 8:45 AM DEPART Omni Houston Hotel for Hobby Airport Drive time: 40 minutes Location: Lead car: Fred Corle Car #1 - FBO Coastal Corporation Manifest: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner Staff: (Don driver), Dave Spears, Clarkson Hine, James Chung Car #2 - FBO Hedrick Beechcraft Manifest: Mrs. Dole, Robin, Paul Redifer, Kerry Tymchuk 9:25 AM ARRIVE Hobby Airport and respective FBOs 9:30 AM DEPART Houston, TX for Wichita, KS SENATOR DOLE'S PLANE Aircraft: Sabreline (Coastal) Tail number: N408CC Pilots: Mark Assaid, Dan Derose Flight time: 1 hr 45 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Dave Spears, Mike Glassner, Clarkson Hine, James Chung 11:15 AM ARRIVE Wichita, KS SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:09 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #31 9:30 AM DEPART Houston, TX for Washington/National Butler Aviation MRS. DOLE'S PLANE Aircraft: Falcon 10 (ADM) Tail number: N244AD Flight time: 2 hrs 45 minutes Manifest: Mrs. Dole, Robin Dole, Kerry Tymchuk, Paul Redifer 1:15 PM ARRIVE Washington/National Butler Aviation Driver: Lou Raymond SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:09 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #32 MRS. DOLE'S SCHEDULE SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 1992 10:25 AM DEPART Omni Houston Hotel for First United Methodist Church Drive time: 25 minutes Location: 1320 Main Street Motorcade: Mrs. Dole will be driven by Mark Skinner (Dan will meet Mrs. Dole at her room and escort her to car) 10:50 AM ARRIVE First Methodist Church 11:05 AM DEPART church for Four Seasons Hotel Drive time: 10 minutes Location: 1300 Lamar Street Motorcade: Mark Skinner will drive Mrs. Dole to the Four Seasons 12:15 N ARRIVE Four Seasons and proceed to Brunch in honor of Senator Dole hosted by RJR 713/650-1300 Advance: Brad Gary Met by: Lou Gerstner, CEO RJR, & wife Robin, M.B. Oglesby Location: 3rd Floor Ballroom and Foyer Event runs: 11:30 am-2:00 pm Attendance: 300 Press: Closed Attire: Business Format: Mix and mingle No remarks (They would like Senator Dole to meet and greet guests at door with Lou Gerstner, CEO RJR) Facility: No podium or mike Buffet lunch with scattered tables & chairs Contact: M.B. Oglesby: 202/626-7200 4 Seasons - Arrives Thursday SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:10 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #33 1:00 PM DEPART Four Seasons for Omni Houston Drive time: 30 minutes Location: 1300 Lamar Street Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole, Sheila Burke 1:30 PM ARRIVE Omni Hotel and proceed to PRIVATE 713/871-8181 4:45 PM DEPART Omni Houston Hotel for The Brownstone Restaurant Drive time: 15 minutes Location: 2736 Virginia Avenue Motorcade: Car #2: Mrs. Dole, Jo-Anne Coe, Mark Miller 5:00 PM ARRIVE Brownstone Restaurant and proceed to Reception honoring Senator Dole Hosted by Chicago Mercantile Exchange 713/520-5666 Advance: Brad Gary Arrive at door right of main gate Met by: Jack Sandner, Chairman Leo Melamed Location: Entire restaurant Event runs: 5:00-7:00 pm Attendance: 300+ Press: Open Attire: Business Format: Upon the Senators arrival there will be a photo with Leo Melamed & Jack Sandner & 9 Bd. Members Mix and mingle Facility: None Contact: Lita Schilling 202/223-6965 Wyndam Warwick - arrives Thurs. 713/526-1991 Betty Meyer 703/534-9660 (O) 703/534-8640 (H) Patrician - arrives Fri. SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:10 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #34 6:20 PM DEPART Brownstone for Peterkin Home for Reception honoring Evans & Novak and the Capital Gang or the Museum of Fine Art for Buffet honoring GOP Members of Congress Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner, Sheila Burke Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole, Walt Riker PETERKIN'S HOME Drive time: 15 minutes Location: 5787 Indian Circle ?? ARRIVE Peterkin's Home for Reception honoring Evans & Novak and the Capital Gang Advance: NONE Met by: Location: Entire home Event runs: 6:00-8:00 pm Hosts: Nancy and George Peterkin, Clark and Judy Reed Attendance: Press: Attire: Format: Facility: Contact: OR MUSEUM OF FINE ART Drive time: 15 minutes Location: 1001 Bissonnet SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:11 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #35 ???? ARRIVE Museum of Fine Art and proceed to Cocktail Supper Buffet honoring GOP Members of Congress Advance: Brad Gary Met by: Location: Event runs: 7:00-10:00 Attendance: 400 Republican Eagles and Presidential Trustees Press: Attire: Format: Facility: Contact: Scott DeVinney 202/863-8720 Allen Park Inn 713/521-9321 Beeper 713/616-1351 SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:11 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #36 7:45 PM DEPART Museum for Omni Houston Hotel Drive time: 20 minutes Location: 4 Riverway Motorcade: Car #2: Mrs. Dole 8:05 PM ARRIVE Omni Hotel and proceed to PRIVATE 713/871-8181 RON -- OMNI HOUSTON HOTEL SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:11 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #37 MRS. DOLE'S SCHEDULE 8/14/92 Monday, August 17 12:00 AM DEPART Omni Houston for Southern Pacific Railway cars Drive time: 30 minutes Location: Holly Hall Drive & Ardmore Streets Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole Car #2: Sheila Burke, Walt Riker, Clarkson Hine Car #3: Jo-Anne Coe, Mark Miller 12:35 PM ARRIVE Southern Pacific Lunch honoring Senator Dole Advance: James Chung Met by: Location: Southern Pacific Depot (1.1 miles east of Dome) Event runs: 12:30-2:00 pm Attendance: 150 Press: Attire: Format: Facility: Contact: Wiley Jones 202/393-0100 Doubletree 713/961-9300 John Eck 1:45 PM DEPART Southern Pacific Lunch for Omni Hotel Drive time: 30 minutes Location: 4 Riverway Motorcade: Car #2: Mrs. Dole, Walt Riker Van: Jo-Anne Coe, Mark Miller, Clarkson Hine 2:15 PM ARRIVE Omni Hotel and proceed to PRIVATE SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:12 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #38 3:40 PM DEPART Omni Hotel for Post Oak Grill Drive time: 5 minutes Location: 1415 South Post Oak Lane Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, Mike Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole Car #2: Sheila Burke, Jo-Anne Coe, Joyce McLuney, Mo Taggart, Pam Rucker 3:45 PM ARRIVE Post Oak Grill and proceed to Reception honoring Elizabeth Dole hosted by Oceanspray 713/993-9966 Advance: Dan Jarman Met by: Jim Fabiani, Pres. of Cassidy Ray and Jean Habelman, Board of Oceanspray & Paul and Elaine Morse, Board of Oceanspray Location: Entire restaurant Event runs: 3:30-5:00 pm Attendance: 150 Press: Closed Attire: Business attire Format: Mix and mingle, informal reception Buffet, some seating Facility: Contact: Mary Sheilds 202/347-0773 Hyatt Regency - arrives 8/14 713/654-1234 4:45 PM DEPART Post Oak Grill for Corbin Robertson Residence Drive time: 15 minutes Location: 2585 Inverness Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:12 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #39 NOTE: Car #2 RETURNS TO OMNI Car #2: Sheila Burke, Jo-Anne Coe, Joyce McLuney, Mo Taggart, Pam Rucker 5:00 PM ARRIVE Corbin Robertson Residence for Reception for Team 100 Advance: Mark Miller Met by: Alison Daly (Team 100 staff) Location: Entire main level of house Event runs: 4:00-6:30 pm Attendance: 200 Press: Closed Attire: Business Format: Mix and mingle Facility: None 5:30 pm DEPART Reception for Omni Houston Hotel Drive time: 10 minutes Location: 4 Riverway Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole 5:40 pm ARRIVE Omni Houston Hotel for PRIVATE ? DEPART Omni Hotel for Astrodome Drive time: 35 minutes Location: N. Stadium Drive entrance Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:12 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #40 ?? ARRIVE Astrodome and proceed to ???????????? Advance: John Bush/James Chung Location: Session runs: 7:00-10:00 pm MRS. DOLE WILL BE ESCORTED TO SKY BOX SKY SUITE OPEN DURING ALL EVENING SESSIONS: #568 & 569 OR 7:30 PM Table for 6-8 reserved at Tony's 1801 Post Oak Blvd. 713/622-6778 ?? DEPART ????????? for Reception for Senator Dole and Kansas Delegation Drive time: ???? minutes Location: Texas Commerce Bank Tower ?? Milan Street Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole ?? ARRIVE Texas Commerce Bank Tower and proceed to Reception honoring Senator Dole and Kansas Delegation Advance: Brad Gary Met by: Location: Sky Lobby Host: Coastal Corporation Event runs: 10:00- Attendance: Press: Attire: Format: Facility: Contact: Andi Behlen 713/622-1650 (O) 713/622-0519 (Direct Line) 713/622-9415 (FAX) SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:13 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #41 ?? DEPART Texas Commerce Bank Tower for Omni Houston Hotel Drive time: 25 minutes Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole ?? ARRIVE Omni Hotel and proceed to PRIVATE 713/871-8181 Met by: RON -- OMNI HOUSTON HOTEL SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:13 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #42 MRS. DOLE'S SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1992 8/18/92 10:00 AM DEPART Omni Houston Hotel for Westin Galleria Drive time: 10 minutes Location: 5060 West Alabama Motorcade: Car #2: Mrs. Dole, Paul Redifer 10:10 AM ARRIVE Westin Galleria and proceed to Laurence A. isch's CBS Brunch Advance: Mark Miller Location: Galleria Ballroom Event runs: 9:00 am-11:30 am Host: Laurence Tisch Attendance: 500 invited Press: In attendance, no coverage Attire: Business Format: No remarks or program, only mix and mingle Facility: n/a Contact: Phil Caplan 713/737-2700 Jill Dandrea 713/725-0235 ???? DEPART Westin Galleria for Omni Houston Hotel Drive time: 10 minutes Location: 4 Riverway Motorcade: Car #2: Mrs. Dole, Paul Redifer, Mark Miller 11:30 AM ARRIVE Omni Houston and proceed to PRIVATE SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:13 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #43 3:30 PM DEPART Omni Houston Hotel for Heritage Club Location: 333 Clay Street Drive time: 30 minutes Motorcade: Lead car: Fred Corle, M. Glassner Car #1: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole Car #2: Walt Riker, Clarkson Hine, Paul Redifer 4:00 PM ARRIVE Heritage Club and proceed to Reception honoring Press Corps 713/658-8008 Advance: Brad Gary Met by: Location: 50th Floor Event runs: 3:30-5:30 pm Host: Senator Dole and PMA Attendance: Press: Attire: Business Format: Facility: Contact: Mark Hamilton 713/658-8008 Cassandra Rivers (Heritage Club) Lynda Nersesian 202/835-3486 5:00 PM DEPART the Heritage Club for Union Pacific Railway Cars Drive time: 20 minutes Location: Holly Hall & Almeda Streets Motorcade: Car #2: Mrs. Dole, Paul Rediferner SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:14 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #44 5:20 PM ARRIVE Railway Cars and proceed to Union Pacific Cocktails & Dinner Advance: John Bush Met by: Location: Event runs: 5:00 pm Cocktails 5:45 Dinner Host: Union Pacific Attendance Press: Attire: Format: Facility: Contact: 6:15 PM DEPART Railway Cars for Omni Houston Hotel Drive time: 30 minutes Location: 4 Riverway Motorcade: Car #2: Mrs. Dole, Paul Redifer, John Bush 6:45 PM ARRIVE Omni Hotel and proceed to PRIVATE 713/871-8181 RON -- OMNI HOUSTON HOTEL SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-21-92 ; 11:14 AM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #45 8/13/92 THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1992 MRS. DOLE 7:15 AM DEPART Omni Houston Hotel for University of Houston Campus Drive time: 25 minutes Location: Hofheinz Pavilion Motorcade: Car #2: Mrs. Dole, Paul Redifer 7:40 AM ARRIVE Hofheinz Pavilion and proceed to Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast with President and Mrs. Bush Advance: Dan Jarman Met by: Dan (at the corner of Holman and Briar) Location: Hofheinz Pavilion Event runs: 7:30 Continental Buffet Breakfast begins 8:00 Breakfast and program *Doors will be closed at 8:25 for security NOTE: 7:40 arrival is so that you have time to go through the buffet line and take your seat Host: RNC Attendance: 10,000 expected Press: OPEN Attire: Business Format: President Bush, Vice President Quayle and many others will speak Facility: Mrs. Dole and Dan have reserved seat (Dan has tickets) Contact: Lynn Tiras 713/965-0566 10:15 AM DEPART Prayer Breakfast for Wyndham Warwick or Omni Houston Hotel Motorcade: Car #2: Mrs. Dole, Paul Redifer NOTE: Mrs. Dole can either meet the Senator for Breakfast honoring President Ford at the Wyndham or return to Omni for PRIVATE SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-20-92 ; 12:05 PM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #2 Aug 21-22 (handwritten on page) FINAL CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe 713/737-8004 713/737-8009 (FAX) SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE - AUGUST 21-22, 1992 Friday, August 21 8:45 AM Lv. Omni Houston Hotel DRIVE TIME: 40 minutes 9:25 AM Ar. Hobby Airport Coastal Aviation Department 8421 Nelms Road 713/877-6760 9:30 AM Lv. Houston AIRCRAFT: Coastal Corp. Sabreliner TAIL NO.: N 408 CC SEATS: 6 comfortably PILOT: Mark Assaid CO-PILOT: Dan Derose FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 45 minutes MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner, David Spears, Clarkson Hine, James Chung CONTACT: Lucy Harris 713/877-6760 (O) 713/280-8489 (H) 713/877-7260 (FAX) 11:15 AM Ar. Wichita, Kansas Midcontinent Airport United Beechcraft South 316/946-4350 MET BY: Cathy Yager DRIVE TIME: 20-30 minutes SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-20-92 ; 12:06 PM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #3 PAGE TWO Friday, August 21 (continued): NOTE: Aircraft will reposition to Jabara Airport, Midwest Corporate Aviation 316/636-9700 11:40 AM Ar. Wichita Club Kansas State Bank Building 316/263-5271 11:40 AM Proceed to West Room 11:40 AM-12:50 PM ATTEND FUNDRAISING LUNCHEON FOR ARLEN SPECTER (Event runs 11:30-1:00) HOST: Bob Gelman Kansas Truck Equipment CROWD SIZE: 40 TICKET PRICE: Mixed (Some at $1,000; some at $125) ANTICIPATED PROCEEDS: $12-$15,000 PROGRAM: SENATOR DOLE REMARKS and Introduce Senator Specter Senator Specter - Remarks CONTACT: Carey Lackman 215/574-1992 Houston: 713/443-2310, Rm. 1023 Wichita (Thursday evening): 316/522-1800 (Comfort Inn) 12:50 PM Lv. Wichita Club DRIVE TIME: 20 minutes 1:10 PM Ar. Airport Hilton - Ampitheater 1:15 PM-1:45 PM SPEAK - Community Bankers Assoc. 14th Annual Convention Airport Hilton - Ampitheater 316/945-5272 MET BY: Dean Fowler, CBA President, and Chairman of the Board, Bank of Burlingame FORMAT: Podium with mike SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-20-92 ; 12:06 PM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #4 PAGE THREE Friday, August 21 (Continued): SEATING: Theater style ATTENDANCE: 350 INTRODUCED BY: Dean Fowler, CBA President CONTACT: Sue Anderson 913/271-1404 1:45 PM Lv. Airport Hilton en route The Coleman Company - Northeast Facility 2111 East 37th St. North 316/261-3485 DRIVE TIME: 20 minutes 2:05 PM-3:15 PM Presentation of President's "E-Star Award" The Coleman Company CONTACT: Charles McIlwaine 316/261-3485 PROGRAM: 2:00 PM - Welcome and Introduction of Distinguished Guests BOB RING - Pres. & Ch. Oper. Ofcr. 2:03 PM - Remarks - Betsy Gwin, Chariman, Sedgwick Co. Commission 2:08 PM - Remarks - John Kupfer, Director, K.C. District Office US Foreign Commercial Services, US Dept. of Commerce 2:13 PM - PRESENATION AND REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE Following remarks by Senator Dole, approximately 5 minute acceptance by LARRY JONES, Chairman and CEO, The Coleman Company Balance of time: VIP tour of manufacturing facility and refreshments 3:15 PM Lv. Coleman Company DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-20-92 ; 12:07 PM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #5 PAGE FOUR Friday, August 21 (continued): 3:30 PM Ar. Jabara Airport Midwest Corporate Aviation 316/636-9700 3:35 PM Lv. Wichita FLIGHT TIME: 25 minutes 4:00 PM-4:15 PM Ar. Ponca City, Oklahoma Greenwood Hangar 405/762-2580 NOTE: Senator Nickles may or may not join in the press conference. 4:15 PM Lv. Ponca City Airport 4:30 PM Ar. Residence of Larry and Virginia Stephenson 1505 Autumn (Mr. Stephenson is prominent local banker) 405/762-7114 4:30 PM-5:30 PM ATTEND FUNDRAISING EVENT FOR DON NICKLES (Event runs to 6:00 PM) Casual Attire Indoor-Outdoor Event CROWD SIZE: 150 TICKET PRICE: $250 for hosts (30) $100/couple general admission FORMAT: Standing mike in backyard PRESS: CLOSED SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-20-92 ; 12:07 PM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #6 PAGE FIVE Friday, August 21 (continued): PROGRAM: 5:15 PM - Sen. Nickles introduces Sen. Dole 5:20 PM - REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 5:45 PM Lv. Stephenson residence 6:00 PM Ar. Ponca City Airport Greenwood Hangar 405/767-0429 6:05 PM Lv. Ponca City MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Senator Nickles, Linda Nickles, Mike Glassner, Clarkson Hine FLIGHT TIME: 30 minutes 6:30 PM Ar. Oklahoma City Will Rogers Airport AAR Oklahoma 405/681-3000 MET BY: Mike Osborn Law student/former Nickles intern DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 6:50 PM Ar. Cowboy Hall of Fame 405/478-2250 6:50 PM-8:00 PM ATTEND FUNDRAISER FOR SENATOR NICKLES (EVENT RUNS 6:30-8:00) DRESS: Western Casual CROWD SIZE: 250 TICKET PRICE: $250 for hosts (50-60) $100/couple for others PROGRAM: 6:30 PM Photo op/reception - hosts only 7:00 PM Barbecue lines form 7:30 PM Sen. Nickles introduces Sen. Dole 7:35 PM REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-20-92 ; 12:07 PM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #7 PAGE SIX Friday, August 21 (continued): CONTACT: Cheryl Fletcher 405/767-1270 405/765-3157 (FAX) 8:00 PM Lv. Cowboy Hall of Fame 8:25 PM Ar. AAR Oklahoma 405/681-3000 8:30 PM Lv. Oklahoma City FLIGHT TIME: 45 minutes MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Senator Nickles, Mike Glassner, Clarkson Hine TENT: Clifford Krauss NY Times 9:15 PM Ar. Rogers, Arkansas Beaver Lake Aviation 501/636-9400 MET BY: Curtis Coleman, Campaign Manager, Mike Huckabee for Senate DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 9:30 PM Ar. Bentonville, Arkansas RON: Ramada Inn 1209 N. Walton Blvd. Bentonville 501/273-2451 Saturday, August 22 8:30 AM Lv. Ramada Inn, Bentonville DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 8:45 AM Ar. Bella Vista Country Club 501/855-8110 SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-20-92 ; 12:08 PM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #8 PAGE SEVEN Saturday, August 22 (continued): 8:45 AM-9:30 AM ATTEND FUNDRAISING BREAKFAST FOR MIKE HUCKABEE, US SENATE CANDIDATE (Event runs 8:30-9:30) CROWD SIZE: 200 @ $100 per person CONTACT: Curtis Coleman, Campaign Mgr. 501/663-0200 501/772-6755 (Little Rock) 9:30 AM Lv. Bella Vista Country Club DRIVE TIME: 22 minutes 9:52 AM Ar. Rogers, Arkansas Rogers Aviation Center 501/631-1626 10:00 AM-10:15 AM PRESS CONFERENCE Rogers Aviation Center 10:15 AM Lv. Rogers Aviation Center 10:16 AM Ar. Beaver Lake Aviation 501/636-9400 10:17 AM Lv. Rogers, Arkansas FLIGHT TIME: 45 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Senator Nickles, Mike Huckabee, Mrs. Huckabee, Mike Glassner, Clarkson Hine 11:02 AM Ar. Little Rock, Arkansas Adams Field Midcoast-Little Rock 501/374-5722 DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 11:15 AM Ar. Arkansas Excelsior Hotel Three Statehouse Plaza 501/375-5000 FAX: 375-7320 Proceed to Grand Ballroom Salon C SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-20-92 ; 12:08 PM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #9 PAGE EIGHT Saturday, August 22 (continued): 11:15 AM-12:00 PM ATTEND FUNDRAISING RECEPTION FOR MIKE HUCKABEE (Event runs 11:00-12:00) CROWD SIZE: 100 @ $250 each PROGRAM: 11:00 Private Reception - Salon C 12:00 Luncheon - Salons A and B 11:55 AM Lv. Grand Ballroom en route Arkansas Tennis Hall of Fame Room 12:00 PM-12:15 PM PRESS CONFERENCE Excelsior Hotel Arkansas Tennis Hall of Fame Room 12:15 PM-1:00 PM ATTEND/SPEAK - HUCKABEE FUNDRAISING LUNCHEON 1:00 PM Lv. Excelsior Hotel 1:15 PM Ar. Adams Field Midcoast Aviation 501/372-5722 1:20 PM Lv. Little Rock MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Senator Nickles, Mike Glassner, Clarkson Hine TIME CHANGE: +1 hour FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 50 minutes 4:10 PM Ar. Columbus, Ohio Lane Aviation 614/237-7290 MET BY: Lt. Gov. Mike DeWine Curt Steiner, Campaign Manager (1988 Dole for President) 4:12 PM Lv. Lane Aviation DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 4:32 PM Ar. Ohio State Fair grounds SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 7021 ; 8-20-92 ; 12:09 PM ; 7378009 --> 2022248952 ; #10 PAGE NINE Saturday, August 22 (continued): MET BY: Fred Dailey Ohio Agriculture Director TOUR STATE FAIR GROUNDS AND PRESS AVAILABILITY 5:15 PM-5:30 PM Lv. State Fair grounds Private FUNDRAISING RECEPTION FOR MIKE DEWINE Residence of Mayor and Mrs. Greg Lashutka (Mrs. Lashutka: Catherine Adams) 729 Mohawk Street Columbus 43206 614/443-2270 6:00 PM Cocktails 7:00 PM Dinner FUNDRAISING RECEPTION/DINNER FOR MIKE DEWINE Hyatt Regency 350 N. High CO-HOSTS: Governor George V. Voinovich Mayor Greg Lashutka HEAD TABLE: (List available August 19) PRESS: CLOSED FORMAT: Table-top podium CONTACT: Mary Sabin 419/874-0108 419/874-3368 (FAX) 614/469-1992 (Columbus Ofc.) 7:30 PM Lv. Columbus FLIGHT TIME: 1 hour MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Senator Nickles, Mike Glassner, Clarkson Hine 8:30 PM Ar. Washington National Airport Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert Jones PROCEED TO PRIVATE AUGUST 26-31 (handwritten on page) FINAL 8/26/92 CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe 202/408-5105 (O) 202/408-5117 (FAX) 703/845-1714 (H) SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE - AUGUST 26-31, 1992 Wednesday, August 26 7:30 PM Lv. Washington for Indianapolis, Indiana AIRCRAFT: US Tobacco Gulfstream 4 TAIL NO.: N 54 SB SEATS: 14 PILOT: Jack Fleckenstein, Chief Pilot CO-PILOT: Dan Decker FLT. ATTENDANT: Sandra Gamardella MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Senator Cochran, Mike Glassner, Walt Riker, Don Devine, US Tobacco Staff FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 30 minutes TIME CHANGE: -1 hour CONTACT: Ted Kratovil/Elaine Ward 203/622-3667 203/661-1129 (FAX) Blanche Durney, Aviation Dept. 203/622-3345 FAX: 914/997-2145 PAGE TWO Wednesday, August 26 (continued): 8:00 PM Ar. Indianapolis, Indiana International Airport AMR Combs 317/248-4900 MET BY: Brent Bolick, Coats campaign (2 cars) 317/636-1992 (O) 317/578-4980 DRIVE TIME: 15-20 minutes RON: Indianapolis, Indiana Columbia Club 317/635-1361 Thursday, August 27 8:00 AM-9:00 AM Breakfast fundraiser for Dan Coats Columbia Club - 10th Floor Terrace 121 Monument Circle Indianapolis 317/635-1361 CROWD SIZE: 55 @ $300 each PRESS: CLOSED HEAD TABLE: NO (Hollow square or rounds of 8) CO-HOSTS: Gabe Aquirre - President, SaniServ Emery Conyers - Dir. of Govt. Relations, DowElanco Jim Crawford - Atty, Barnes & Thornburg Kathryn Densborn - Lobbyist, Indiana Library & Library Trustee Assoc. Roger Grass - CEO, Reliable Drugs Jim Kittle - President, Kittle Home Furnishings Leah Mannweiler - Atty - Krieg, DeVault, Alexander & Capehart Mickey Maurer - Of Counsel - Maurer, Rifkin and Hill Bruce Melchert - V.P., Govt. Affairs, Methodist Hospital Charlie Pechette - President, Mark III Development Corp. PAGE THREE Thursday, August 27 (continued): PROGRAM: 8:00 Guests arrive 8:05 Senators Dole, Cochran & Coats arrive 8:15 Seated for breakfast 8:30 Intro of Senator Cochran and Senator Dole - Sen. Coats 8:35 REMARKS - Senators Cochran and SENATOR DOLE 8:45 Q & A 9:00 Wrap-Up and Depart 9:00 AM-9:30 AM PRESS AVAILABILITY (Senator Coats will have to depart at 9:15) CONTACT: Gale Lowry or Brent Bolick 317/636-1992 317/421-7021 (Car) 317/635-2684 (FAX) 317/578-4980 (Brent - home) 9:30 AM lv. Columbia Club DRIVE TIME: 20 minutes 9:50 AM Ar. Indianapolis Airport AMR Combs 317/248-4900 9:55 AM Lv. Indianapolis MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Senator Cochran, Mike Glassner, Walt Riker, Don Devine, US Tobacco employee staff FLIGHT TIME: 40 minutes 10:35 AM Ar. Chicago, Illinois Midway Airport Aero Services 312/582-5720 MET BY: Terry and Bob Durkin (2 cars) PAGE FOUR Thursday, August 27 (continued) 10:40 AM Lv. Midway Airport DRIVE TIME: 25 minutes 11:05 AM Ar. Palmer House Private Dining Room 8 - 3rd Floor 17 E. Monroe Street Chicago 312/726-7500 11:05 AM-12:00 PM ATTEND FUNDRAISING RECEPTION FOR Ron Blackstone, US House candidate NOTE: Present check for $2,000 from Campaign America CROWD SIZE: 10-12 @ $1,000 per person CONTACT: Ron Blackstone 312/733-0334 or 708/206-0735 12:00 PM Proceed to Empire Room 12:00 PM-1:00 PM ATTEND FUNDRAISING LUNCHEON FOR RICH WILLIAMSON CROWD SIZE: 75-100 @ $500 per person PRESS: OPEN FORMAT: PODIUM AND MIKE HEAD TABLE: Rich and Jane Williamson, Senator Dole, Senator Cochran, Jack Sandner - Chicago Merc., Paul Beitler - Williamson Finance Cmte., Bob Helman - Co-Chair, Finance Cmte., Secretary of State George Ryan PAGE FIVE Thursday, August 27 (continued): PROGRAM: 12:00 PM-12:10 PM Mix and mingle with guests 12:10 PM Finance Director Dana Grigoroff 12:10 PM-12:30 PM Lunch is served 12:30 PM Finance Co-Chair J. Paul Beitler introduced Rich Williamson 12:33 PM Rich Williamson remarks and introduction of Senator Cochran 12:40 PM Senator Cochran remarks and introduction of Senator Dole 12:45 PM-12:57 PM REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 1:00 PM-1:15 PM PRESS AVAILABILITY (same room) CONTACT: Tim Meyer, Campaign Mgr. Dana Grigoroff, Finance Dir. Cheryl Sutter, Scheduler 312/641-1992 312/641-2551 (FAX) 1:20 PM Lv. Palmer House DRIVE TIME: 35 minutes 1:55 PM Ar. Midway Airport Aero Services 312/582-5720 2:00 PM Lv. Chicago FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 10 mins MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Senator Cochran, Mike Glassner, Walt Riker, Don Devine, US Tobacco employee staff 3:10 PM Ar. Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport Page Avjet 612/726-5700 PAGE SIX Thursday, August 27 (continued): MET BY: Cal Ludeman and Midge Dean (IR's) (2 cars will be available) 3:15 PM Lv. Page Avjet DRIVE TIME: 10 minutes 3:25 PM Ar. Decathlon Club 1700 E. 79th Street Bloomington 55425 612/854-7777 Proceed to Tabone Room 3:25 PM-4:30 PM Attend round-table discussion/fundraiser for Cal Ludeman NOTE: DO NOT PRESENT CAMPAIGN AMERICA CHECK TO CAL LUDEMAN -- HE DOES NOT ACCEPT PAC MONEY. (WE HAVE PAID FOR OUR TRANSPORTATION OUT OF DOLE FOR SENATE FUNDS, AS AN IN-KIND CONTRIBUTION TO HIS CAMPAIGN). CROWD SIZE: 15-20 @ $500 and $1000 each NO HEAD TABLE NO PODIUM OR MIKE 4:30 PM Lv. Decathlon Club DRIVE TIME: 10 minutes NOTE: Senator Cochran drops off schedule at this time, and takes a 5:00 PM Northwest Flight to Mississippi. (Car and driver are available for this purpose.) 4:40 PM Ar. Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport Page Avjet 612/726-5700 4:45 PM Lv. Minneapolis/St. Paul FLIGHT TIME: 35 minutes MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Cal Ludeman, Don Devine, Walt Riker, Mike Glassner PAGE SEVEN Thursday, August 27 (continued): 5:20 PM Ar. Marshall, Minnesota Ryan Field Midwest Aviation 507/532-3164 5:20 PM Lv. Midwest Aviation DRIVE TIME: 10 minutes 5:30 PM Ar. Marshall Inn - Best Western 507/532-3221 5:30 PM Proceed to Shetek Room Photo Opportunity CROWD SIZE: 27 @ $250 6:10 PM Proceed to Pool area for Inner Circle Reception CROWD SIZE: 50 @ $100 FORMAT: Meet and greet PROGRAM: 6:15 PM Brief remarks - Cal Ludeman 6:20 PM REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 6:25 PM Q&A 6:30 PM Proceed to Shetek Room 6:45 PM PRESS AVAILABILITY 7:10 PM Proceed to Banquet Hall 7:10 PM-8:00 PM ATTEND FUNDRAISING DINNER FOR CAL LUDEMAN CROWD SIZE: 300 @ $35 PAGE EIGHT Thursday, August 27 (continued): PROGRAM: 7:03 PM Pledge - Marti Seiffert 7:05 PM Invocation - Gloria Hamilton 7:10 PM Dinner is served Senator Dole and Cal Ludeman sign pictures from photo opportunity 7:30 PM Introduction of Senator Dole - Ray Welker, volunteer campaign chairman 7:35 PM REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 7:55 PM Lv. Marshall Inn en route airport DRIVE TIME TO AIRPORT: 15 minutes NOTE: Program continues to 8:40 PM: 8:00 PM Intro of Dave Jennings, Event Chairman 8:05 PM Campaign Update - Ray Welker 8:15 PM Intro of Cal Ludeman and remarks by Cal Ludeman 8:30 PM Ludeman concludes remarks 8:40 PM Event concludes CONTACT: Dwight Tostenson, Mgr. 507/354-1994 507/340-1024 (Portable phone) 507/359-7676 (FAX) 8:10 PM Ar. Ryan Field - Midwest Aviation 507/532-3164 8:15 PM Lv. Marshall FLIGHT TIME: 25 minutes MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Don Devine, Walt Riker, Mike Glassner, US Tobacco staff PAGE NINE Thursday, August 27 (continued): 8:40 PM Ar. Sioux Falls, South Dakota Joe Foss Field Business Aviation 605/336-7791 MET BY: Mark A. Peterson 605/334-6533 RON: Sioux Falls Holiday Inn City Centre 605/339-2000 Friday, August 28 7:45 AM Lv. Holiday Inn City Centre DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 8:00 AM Ar. Brenners Home Style Buffet 605/336-1900 8:00 AM-8:30 AM ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION with agri-business leaders (Includes photo opportunity) FORMAT: Informal Coffee and juice will be served Photo-op Co-hosts: Joel Rosenthal - Central Plains Tractor Parts, Ronald Lockwood - Veterinarian, Jim Flatten - Farmer, Dr. Allen Unruh - Chiropractor 8:30 AM Proceed to adjoining room Brenners Home Style Buffet 8:30 AM-9:30 AM ATTEND FUNDRAISING EVENT FOR CHARLENE HAAR (Event runs 8:00-9:30) CROWD SIZE: 50 @ $50 FORMAT: Breakfast buffet HEAD TABLE with PODIUM AND MIKE PAGE TEN Friday, August 28 (continued): HEAD TABLE: Senator Dole, Dorcas Ode, Charlene Haar, Ron Lockwood NOTE: Governor Mickelson may attend PROGRAM: Intro of Charlene Haar - Ron Lockwood, Intro of Senator Dole - Charlene Haar, REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE CONTACT: Elizabeth Haar, scheduler Lon Anderson, Camp. Mgr. 605/256-2868 605/256-2845 (FAX) 9:45 AM Lv. Brenners Home Style Buffet DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 10:00 AM Ar. Burton Ode Farm 605/582-3503 NOTE: Senator Dole spoke at this farm as a candidate for Vice President in 1976. We believe he was a member of Farmers and Ranchers for Dole for President, but have been unable to confirm. 10:00 AM-10:40 AM MEET AND GREET WITH FARMERS & CHARLENE HAAR Farm of Burton Ode CROWD SIZE: 200 10:40 AM-11:00 AM PRESS CONFERENCE - Burton Ode Farm 11:00 AM Lv. Burton Ode Farm DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 11:15 AM Ar. Sioux Falls Airport Business Aviation 605/336-7791 PAGE ELEVEN Friday, August 28 (continued): 11:15 AM Lv. Sioux Falls MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Charlene Haar, Don Devine, Mike Glassner, Walt Riker, US Tobacco staff FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 5 minutes TIME CHANGE: -1 hour 11:20 AM Ar. Rapid City Regional Airport Westjet Air Center 605/393-2500 MET BY: Michelle Powers, West River Coordinator, Haar campaign DRIVER: Jimmy LaSalvia, President, College Republicans Black Hills State University DRIVE TIME: 10 minutes 11:30 AM Ar. Holiday Inn Rushmore Plaza 605/348-4000 Proceed to Boardroom 11:30 AM-12:00 PM ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION - HAAR FOR SENATE Holiday Inn Rushmore Plaza - Boardroom (7 co-hosts: $100 ea. + commit to sell 10 tickets) Photo op to follow 12:00 PM Proceed to Ballroom 12:00 PM-1:00 PM ATTEND LUNCHEON FUNDRAISER FOR CHARLENE HAAR Holiday Inn Rushmore Plaza - Ballroom 150 @ $50 each FORMAT: Head Table Podium and Mike PRESS: CLOSED PAGE TWELVE Friday, August 28 (continued): HEAD TABLE: Senator Dole, Charlene Haar, Mayor Ed McLaughlin, Hon. James Abdnor, Penn. County GOP Chair Fred Whiting NOTE: Fred Whiting is President, Western Hills Home Healthcare, Chairman of the Pennington County Republican Party, and candidate for State Representative in District 33 in Rapid City. PROGRAM: Jim Abdnor introduces Charlene Haar Charlene Haar introduces Senator Dole REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE Q & A CONTACT: Michelle Powers 605/342-0605 605/341-3765 (FAX) 1:00 PM-1:15 PM PRESS CONFERENCE - Small Business focus Holiday Inn - Board Room 1:15 PM Lv. Holiday Inn DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 1:30 PM Ar. Rapid City Regional Airport Westjet Air Center 605/393-2500 1:30 PM Lv. Rapid City FLIGHT TIME: 1 hour 5 minutes TIME CHANGE: +1 hour MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Don Devine, Walt Riker, Mike Glassner, US Tobacco staff PAGE THIRTEEN Friday, August 28 (continued): 3:35 PM Arrive Fargo, North Dakota Hector International Airport Valley Aviation 701/237-6882 MET BY: Steve Sydness Betty Jo Stafford (Senator's Aunt) 4:00 PM-4:25 PM PRESS AVAILABILITY - Steve Sydness Airport 4:20 PM Proceed to Main Terminal 2nd Floor Boardroom 701/241-1501 4:30 PM-5:25 PM Roundtable Discussion with North Dakota Agriculture Leadership 5:30 PM Lv. Hector International Airport DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 5:45 PM Ar. residence of John and Elizabeth Lyngstad 2825 Lilac Lane 701/235-2585 MET BY: John and Elizabeth Lyngstad, Lisa Sydness 6:00 PM-6:50 PM ATTEND Fundraising Reception - Steve Sydness for Senate ($250 per person) FORMAT: Mix and Mingle Photographer will be present PROGRAM: 6:35 PM Steve Sydness intro Senator Dole 6:40 PM-6:45 PM REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 6:50 PM Lv. Lyngstad residence DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 7:05 PM Ar. Holiday Inn Great Hall I-29 and 13th Street South 701/282-2700 PAGE FOURTEEN Friday, August 28 (continued): 7:05 PM-8:08 PM ATTEND Steve Sydness fundraising dinner CROWD SIZE: 300 CONTACT: Mark Maddox 701/234-0205 TICKET PRICE: $20 PROGRAM: 7:15 PM Buffet line begins and Dinner guests are seated 7:40 PM Introductions by Emcee: Kevin Cramer, State GOP Chairman 7:46 PM Kevin Cramer introduces Steve Sydness 7:48 PM Steve Sydness introduces Senator Dole 7:53 PM-8:08 PM REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 8:08 PM Conclude remarks and depart Holiday Inn DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 8:23 PM Ar. Valley Aviation 701/237-6882 8:30 PM Lv. Fargo FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 25 minutes MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Walt Riker, Mike Glassner, Don Devine, US Tobacco employee 9:55 PM Ar. Topeka, Kansas Philip Billard Airport T.J. Terminal 913/234-2602 MET BY: Amber Clark 913/271-9292 (O) 913/266-7643 (H) RON: Ramada Inn Topeka, Kansas 913/234-5400 PAGE FIFTEEN Saturday, August 29 8:30 AM-9:30 AM BREAKFAST - Sam Crow and other Law School Classmates (Class Reunion) Ramada Inn Downtown 913/234-5400 CONTACT: The Honorable Sam Crow 913/295-2626 OPTIONAL: 9:30 AM Lv. Ramada Inn for Law School DRIVER: Amber Clark DRIVE TIME: 6 minutes 9:40 AM-10:00 AM WASHBURN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL Mix and Mingle Coffee served in Student Lounge 913/231-1060 CONTACT: Sandy Zagar 913/231-1184 10:00 AM Lv. Washburn for Airport DRIVER: Amber Clark DRIVE TIME: 10 minutes 10:10 AM Ar. Philip Billard Airport T.J. Terminal 913/234-2602 10:20 AM Lv. Topeka FLIGHT TIME: 45 minutes AIRCRAFT: US Tobacco Gulfstream 4 TAIL NO.: N 54 SB MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Walt Riker NOTE: Mike Glassner will have driven to Great Bend earlier in the morning; Don Devine drops off trip at this time and flies to Denver to assess Senate race. PAGE SIXTEEN Saturday, August 29 (continued): 11:05 AM Ar. Great Bend Midwest Piper Sales 316/793-7471 MET BY: Lillian Papay 316/793-3836 DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 11:20 AM Ar. Barton County Community College 316/792-2701 11:30 AM-11:45 AM SPEAK - DOLE FOR SENATE LEADERSHIP MEETING Barton County Community College (Event runs 8:00 AM-12:00 Noon) 11:45 AM-12:15 PM Photo opportunity CONTACT: Mike Glassner 913/271-9292 12:15 PM Lv. Barton County Community College DRIVER: Lillian Papay 12:30 PM Ar. Midwest Piper 316/793-7471 12:35 PM Lv. Great Bend FLIGHT TIME: 30 minutes MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Walt Riker, Mike Glassner, US Tobacco employee 1:05 PM Ar. Wichita Mid-Continent Airport Ryan Aviation 316/942-0141 MET BY: Cathy Yager 1:10 PM-1:30 PM SPEAK - DOLE FOR SENATE LEADERSHIP MEETING Airport Hilton 316/945-5272 1:30 PM-2:00 PM Photo Op PAGE SEVENTEEN Saturday, August 29 (continued): 2:05 PM Lv. Airport Hilton 2:10 PM Ar. Ryan Aviation 316/942-0141 2:15 PM Lv. Wichita AIRCRAFT: US Tobacco G-4 FLIGHT TIME: 30 minutes MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Walt Riker, US Tobacco employee 2:45 PM Ar. Parsons, Kansas Parsons Aviation 316/336-3440 MET BY: Jill Maycumber 2:50 PM Lv. Parsons Aviation DRIVE TIME: 30-40 minutes 3:20 PM Ar. St. Paul 3:30 PM-4:30 PM GROUNDBREAKING - PRAIRIE MISSION RETIREMENT VILLAGE CONTACT: Larry Smith 316/449-2280 4:30 PM Lv. St. Paul 5:00 PM Ar. Parsons Aviation 316/336-3440 5:10 PM Lv. Parsons FLIGHT TIME: 35 minutes AIRCRAFT: US Tobacco G-4 MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Walt Riker, US Tobacco employee PAGE EIGHTEEN Saturday, August 29 (continued): 5:45 PM Ar. Olathe, Kansas Johnson County Industrial Airport Executive Beechcraft 913/782-9003 MET BY: Gale Grosch DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 6:00 PM Ar. Doubletree Hotel Overland Park 913/451-6100 6:05 PM TENTATIVE - PRESS CONFERENCE Doubletree Hotel Overland Park 913/451-6100 6:30 PM MEET WITH SENATORS BUD BURKE AND DICK BOND RE SENATE RACES 7:00 PM OVERLAND PARK CANCER GALA DINNER 7:15 PM SPEAK CONTACT: Bea Haley 913/432-3277 RON: Doubletree Overland Park 913/451-6100 PAGE NINETEEN - AMENDED Sunday, August 30 (handwritten on page) 10:00 mtg. w/Farmland Industries (Dave Spears) 10:00 AM Meet in Lobby of the Hotel and proceed to Coffee shop for meeting with Harry Cleburg, CEO of Farmland Industries and (tentative) Steve Dees, Farmland's Attorney. CONTACT: Vicky Tischer, Secretary 816/459-6997 Harry Cleburg 816/746-5273 (Home) 10:45 AM Lv. Hotel for airport 11:00 AM Ar. Johnson County Executive Airport Kansas City Aviation Center 913/782-0530 11:00 AM Lv. Johnson County Executive Airport en route Washington, Kansas NOTE CHANGE IN AIRCRAFT AIRCRAFT: KingAire 90 TAIL NO.: 7228 Y SEATS: 10 FLIGHT TIME: 40 minutes PILOT: Vern Gerber CO-PILOT: Tim House MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Walt Riker, Mike Glassner CONTACT: Robin 816/842-8484 11:40 AM Ar. Washington County Airport 913/348-5863 MET BY: Janice Hardenburger DRIVE TIME TO EVENT: 20-25 minutes PAGE TWENTY - AMENDED Sunday, August 30 (continued): 12:05 PM Ar. Pony Express Station Buffalo feed starts at noon 12:15 PM ADDRESS THE CROWD Mix and Mingle CONTACT: Shirley Schrader-Miller 913/325-2424 1:45 PM Lv. Pony Express Station DRIVER: Janice Hardenburger 2:05 PM Ar. Washington County Airport 2:10 PM Lv. Washington AIRCRAFT: KingAire FLIGHT TIME: 45 minutes MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Walt Riker, Mike Glassner 2:55 PM Ar. Olathe, Kansas Johnson County Industrial Airport Executive Beechcraft 913/782-9003 (handwritten on page) 2:55 mtg. w/Lawrence group re: highway funding 3:45 PM Lv. Olathe, Kansas NOTE CHANGE IN AIRCRAFT AIRCRAFT: US Tobacco Gulfstream 4 TAIL NO.: N 54 SB FLIGHT TIME: 50 minutes MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Walt Riker, US Tobacco employee NOTE: Mike Glassner stays in Kansas PAGE TWENTY-ONE - AMENDED Sunday, August 30 (continued): 4:35 PM Ar. Cedar Rapids, Iowa Municipal Airport Page Avjet 319/366-1925 MET BY: Young Republican "greeting committee" and Grassley staff 4:40 PM Lv. Cedar Rapids Airport DRIVE TIME: 20 minutes 5:00 PM Ar. Five Seasons Hotel 350 First Avenue Cedars Room 1 and 2 16th Floor 316/363-8161 5:00 PM-6:15 PM ATTEND SENATE COUNCIL DINNER/BRIEFING WITH SENATOR GRASSLEY NOTE: PRESENT CHECKS FROM CAMPAIGN AMERICA TO SENATOR GRASSLEY AND CONGRESSMAN NUSSLE (Congressman Jim Nussle will also attend) CROWD SIZE: 30-40 @ $1,000 per person FORMAT: Head Table, Podium with Mike PRESS: CLOSED 6:15 PM Lv. Five Seasons Hotel DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 6:30 PM Ar. Residence of Vinnie and Donna Noce 4500 Hickory Wind Lane, Marion, Iowa 319/377-4224 6:30 PM-8:00 PM ATTEND RECEPTION FUNDRAISER FOR SENATOR GRASSLEY (Congressman Nussle will also be in attendance) (Event runs 6:30-8:30) CROWD SIZE: 150-200 TICKET PRICE: $50 per person; $100 per couple $250 for photo op PAGE TWENTY-TWO - AMENDED Sunday, August 30 (continued): FORMAT: Mix and Mingle No receiving line Photo op CONTACT: Kim Haus 515/282-1992 (Ofc.) 515/282-3441 (FAX) 515/277-9317 (Home) 8:00 PM Senators Dole and Grassley LEAVE Noce Residence 8:15 PM Ar. Page Avjet 319/366-1925 8:20 PM Lv. Cedar Rapids FLIGHT TIME: 30 minutes MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Senator Grassley, Walt Riker, US Tobacco employee 8:50 PM Ar. Des Moines International Airport Page Avjet 515/285-4221 MET BY: John Swanson RON: Marriott Hotel Presidential Suite Des Moines, Iowa 515/245-5500 Monday, August 31 8:00 AM Fundraising breakfast - Dole for Senate Marriott Hotel - Ballroom 515/245-5500 CROWD SIZE: 75-100 TICKET PRICE: Some @ $1,000 per person Others @ $50-$250-$500 ESTIMATED PROCEEDS: $50,000 Host: John Ruan PAGE TWENTY-THREE - AMENDED Monday, August 31 (continued): HEAD TABLE: Senator Dole, Senator Grassley, Governor Terry Branstad, John Ruan CONTACT: Jan Gillum 515/245-2561 9:15 AM-9:30 AM PRIVATE MEETING IN SENATOR DOLE'S SUITE WITH JOHN RUAN 9:30 AM Lv. Marriott Hotel DRIVER: John Ruan 10:00 AM Ar. Page Avjet 515/285-4221 10:05 AM Lv. Des Moines en route Washington FLIGHT TIME: 2 hours TIME CHANGE: +1 hour MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Walt Riker, US Tobacco employee 1:05 PM Ar. Washington, D.C. Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert Jones PROCEED TO PRIVATE August 26, 1992 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of August 23-29, 1992 Pg. 1 Sunday, August 23 Monday, August 24 1:30 S-230 PHOTO w/interns (David) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of August 23-29, 1992 Pg. 2 Tuesday, August 25 Wednesday, August 26 12:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Michele Howard from St. Mary, Maryland, & w/Christine Hoehl of Silver Spring (Mo) 7:30 p.m. lv. Washington National, Butler Aviation 8:00 p.m. ar. Indianapolis, IN SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of August 23-29, 1992 Pg. 3 Thursday, August 27 in Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, & South Dakota RON: South Dakota Friday, August 28 in South Dakota, North Dakota & Kansas RON: Kansas SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of August 23-29, 1992 Pg. 4 Saturday, August 29 in Kansas RON: Kansas