January 24, 1992 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 19 - 25, 1992 Pg. 1 Monday, January 20 3:45 SH-141 mtg. w/Senator Mitchell SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of January 19-25, 1992 Pg. 2 Tuesday, January 21 12:15 S-230 Leadership meeting w/Senators Nickles, Simpson, Thurmond, Cochran & Fred McClure, & Sam Skinner 12:30 S-211 policy luncheon 2:15 Senate Chamber cloture vote followed by swearing-in of Sen. Wofford Wednesday, January 22 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Kassebaum 4:00- 5:30 SR-146 ??? farewell reception for Richard & Marlene Stone hosted by Sen. & Mrs. Metzenbaum 5:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senators Mitchell, Rudman, Sanford, and Special Counsel Peter Fleming re: access to Ethics Committee material (Whit) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE ~- Week of January 19 - 25, 1992 Pg. 3 Thursday, January 23 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - full comm - res Japan trade 2:00 S-230 DROP BY - Marcie meeting w/Marianna Beach 4:30 S-230 DROP BY & PHOTO - David W. mtg. with Kansas reps to the White House Conference on Indian Education 5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Secretary Brady 5:00 SR-385 DROP BY??? reception welcoming the new Ambassador from Mongolia, Luvsandorjiin Dawagiv (Al) Friday, January 24 9:15 lv. residence 9:25 ar. Butler Aviation 9:30 lv. Washington 11:00 ar. Kansas City, Missouri, met by Gale Grosch SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 7:00 lv. Ramada Inn 7:15 lv. Topeka 10:45 ar. Washington National, Butler Aviation, met by Wilbert JANUARY 24, 1992 Final 1/23/92 CONTACT Jo-Anna Coe 202/408-5105 (O) 703/845-1714 (H) WEATHER FORECAST: Partly cloudy skies; highs 45-50. southwest winds 10-20 mph, following overnight low of 20. No precipitation expected for next five days. For aircraft: VFR conditions - visual approaches at all airports. High ceilings. SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE -- JANUARY 24, 1992 9:15 AM LV. Residence 9:25 AM Ar. Butler Aviation Washington National Airport 703/549-8340 9:30 AM LV. Washington Aircraft: Hawker sidley (Torchmark) TAIL NO: N 6 TM SEATS: 6 (comfortaby) PILOT: Todd Draw ( 205/325-2643) CO-PILOT: Kitty Shivers MANIFEST: Senator Dole Jo-Anne Coe Walt Riker Jim Wholey Marcie Adler Clarkson Hine Sara Belden NOTE:Ron and Florence Ritchie will fly in Falcon directly trom Birmingham to Topeka will see you there Flight TIME: 2 hrs 30 mins MEAL SERVIVE: Juice, Coffee and Cereal CONTACT: Barbara nabors 205/325-4205 205/325-4198 (FAX) January 24, 1992 PAGE TWO 11:00 AM Ar. Kansas City, Missouri Downtown Airport Executive Beechcraft 816/842-8484 MET BY: Gale Grosch913/371-6108 NOTE: Jim Wholey, Jo-Anne Coe and Marcie Adler and one of the press staff will drop off at this point and proceed to Topeka by rental car 11:30 AM Arrive EPA - Brotherhood Building MET AT DOOR BY: Morris Kay, EPA Regional Director 11:30 AM to 11:55 AM Attend EPA Ribbon-cutting ceremony Brotherhood Building - 2nd Floor Kansas City, Kansas CONTACT: Tom Overby Executive Director, Avenue Area inc. 913/371-0065 Mark Hague, Facilitias Director 913/551-7043 CROWD SIZE: 75 PRESS: OPEN FORMAT: Podium and Mike REMARKS - Mayor Joe Steineger INTRODUCTION OF SENATOR DOLE - Mayor Steineger BRIEF REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE RIBBON CUTTING - SENATOR DOLE 11:55 AM LV. Brotherhood Building 12:00 PM Ar. Reardon Civic Center - Lower Level 913/371-1610 JANUARY 24, 1992 PAGE THREE 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Attend Annual Luncheon Meeting Kansas City, Kansas, Chamber of Commerce CONTACT: Bill Ray, Chamber President 913/371-3070 PRESS: OPEN FORMAT: Stand-up Podium & Mike HEAD TABLE: Rev. Dr. Merrilyn Slack - will give Invocation Elmer Jackson - Attorney - KCK Chamber Board Member David Lusk - Superintendent of Schools, USD 500, KCK Hal Kalousek - President, Halco (heavy machinery) Mayor Don Harbour - Edwardsville Frank Lipovitz - Chairman, WY Co. Commissioners Mayor Joe Steineger - Kansas City, Kansas John Jurcyk, Jr. - Chamber Immediate Past President Mike Shannon - KNHN 1340 AM- Emcee State Senator Dick Bond - introduces Senator Senator Dole Jack Letts - Chairman, Chamber (Fairbanks-Morse) Congresswoman Jan Meyers Cindy Brock - American Fabricators (metal parts) Mayor Ted Stolfus - Bonner Springs Pat Crilly - Commercial Claims (collection agency) Gary Grable - President, Home State Bank Bill Porter - George F. Porter Mortuary 12:40PM INTRODUCTION OF SENATOR DOLE - SENATOR DICK BOND 12:45PM REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 1:30PM Lv. Reardon Center 1:40PM Ar. Executive Beechcraft Kansas City, Missouri, Downtown Airport 816/842-8484 1:45PM Lv. Kansas city MANIFEST: Senator Dele Walt Riker Sara Belden or Clarkson Hine JANUARY 24, 1992 PAGE FOUR 2:00 PM Ar. Topeka Philip Billard Airport T.J. Terminal 913/234-2602 MET BY: Kent Pekarek, US Marshal (2 Cars) 913/295-2775 (O) 913/267-4668 (H) Richard Schroeder, Deputy US Marshal 2:15 PM Ar. Ramada Inn Downtown 913/234-5400 2:15 PM - 3:55PM PRIVATE TIME 4:00 PM PRESS CONFERENCE Ramada Inn 3rd Floor - Parler D CONTACT: Walt Riker 5:00 PM ??? PRIVATE TIME OPTIONS : 3:00 PM - 4:00 Kansas GOP Executive Cnte. Mtg. 4:00 PM- 6:00 PM 50th Anniv. Calebration - Julius & Millie Johns 4:30 PM- 6:30 Secty of State Bill Graves' Reception (Atrium) 6:00 PM Drop by Senate PAC fundraiser 6:30 PM - 7:00 DROP BY NATIVE SONS AND DAUGHTERS BANQUET (Event runs to 9:00 PM) Shake-hands/congratulate Kansans of the Year: Ewing Kaufmann and Marynell Reese 7:00 PM Lv. Ramada Inn 7:10 PM Ar. Philip Billard Airport JANUARY 24, 1992 PAGE FIVE 7:15 PM LV. Topeka MANIFES: Senator Dole Jo - Ann - Coe Walt Riker Clarkson Hine Sara Belden Meal Service: Chicken Roabst Beaf sandwiches Juice, coffee, softdrinks 10:45 PM Ar. Washington National Airport Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert Jones PROCEED TO PRIVATE January 31, 1992 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of Jan. 26 - Feb. 1, 1992 Pg. 1 Sunday, January 26 9:30 CBS car will pick you up at your residence 10:30 Face the Nation - live Monday, January 27 10:30 S-230 meeting & PHOTO w/interns (David W.) 11:45 S-230 cake/Senator’s announcement party 2:30- 3:30 White House, Roosevelt Room health care mtg. w/Skinner, Darrnan, Sec. Sullivan, Kevin Moley (HHS), & selected Members of Congress (Senators attending are: Simpson, Chafee, Durenberger, Packwood, Hatch) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of Jan. 26 - Feb. 1, 1992 Pg. 2 Tuesday, January 28 11:00 Ohio Clock PHOTO w/Kansas Hospital Group (Whit) 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 3:30 S-230 PHOTO & DROP BY - Bret mtg. w/Dr. Michael Dikeman, Prof, Animal Science, KSU 6:30 - 8:30 S-211 ??? Joe Stewart’s Secretary’s supper 7:00 ??? (TENTATIVE) briefing w/Joint Leadership on State of the Union 9:00 House Chamber State of the Union SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of Jan. 26 - Feb. 1, 1992 Pg. 3 Wednesday, January 29 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - full comm hearing - legislation to further extend unemployment compensation benefits 10:15 S-230 Republican Leadership mtg. 10:30 S-207 Senate Republican Caucus mtg. w/Pres. Bush 11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Taiwanese delegation (Al) 12:00 S-230 mtg. (5 min.) w/Tom Synhorst & Keith Schraad (Judy B.) 12:30 Ohio Clock PHOTO w/Olathe North High School Choir (Christy); & w/15 McPherson College students (David W.) 1:00 S-230 mtg. w/Rep. Joe Kolter (PA) 2:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Amy Schultz (Neodesha), 1992 National President of FHA (Bret); & w/Hachik Garabedian (Dennis Shea) 2:15 S-230 DROP BY - Vicki mtg. John Kiefhaber, Exec. VP, & Dee Klausman, Pres-elect f/'92, KS Health Care Association 5:55 - 6:10 Kansas TV interviews (Clarkson) 6:10 Recording Studio 6:00 - 8:00 SR-325 ??? Kansas Society of Washington, D.C., hosts a Kansas Day reception SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of Jan. 26 - Feb. 1, 1992 Pg. 4 Thursday, January 30 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - markup - "unemployment comp.extension" 11:45 S-230 mtg. w/7 mid-level Russian parliamentarians (Al) 1:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Craig Voigts & father (Judy B.); & w/3 KS Cong. Youth Leadership students (David W.) 2:00-3:00 S-207 DROP BY - recp. f/State Legislators attending Nat'l Prayer Brkf. - per Sen. Stevens request 2:20 1531 Longworth 2 drop by Cong. Shays’ office f/brief mtg. (Walt) 2:30 211 Cannon brief appearance at press conference for Cong. Shays (Walt) 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Wallop, Murkowski, & Stevens (Kathy) 3:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Kansas Parks & Natural Resources Assn. Group (Greg) 3:30 S-230 DROP BY & PHOTO —- Jim M. & Vicki mtg. w/4 Exec. Officers of BPW Kansas 5:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Mitchell re: scheduling 6:15 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Danforth & Coats 7:00 Wlter Reed Medical Center 2H26, 2nd floor Us Too Prostate Cancer Survivor Support Group mtg. & Dr. Judd Moul - w/Sen. Stevens SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of Jan. 26 - Feb. 1, 1992 Pg. 5 Friday, January 31 10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Dale Corley (Bank IV Garden City) and his daughter, Carol (Greg); & w/Roland D. Funk & his wife, Vernetta, from Newton (Greg) 10:45 S-230 mtg. w/Bob Ellsworth & Dr. Peter Ackerman 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Kasten 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson) Saturday, February i 2:20 3:20 Russian Embassy 1125 - 16th St, NW leadership mtg. w/Russian President Boris Yeltsin -- attending: Sen. Mitchell, Speaker Foley, Rep. Gephardt, & Amb. Strauss Russians attending: First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation, Gennady Burbulis Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs & External Economic Ties of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation Vladimir Lukin Russian Charge d’Affairs in Washington Andrei Kolosovsky (Al) 7:00 Jockey Club,Ritz-Carlton Hotel, 2100 Mass, Ave, NW dinner w/Dwayne Andreas & Bob Strauss