November 1, 1991 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of Oct. 27-Nov. 2, 1991 Pg. 1 Sunday, October 27 5:30-7:00 Ramada Renaissance Hotel, Renaissance Ballroom Inner Circle Fall briefing Kick-off reception (Sen. Gramm making remarks at approx. 6:45 p.m.) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of Oct. 27-Nov. 2, 1991 Pg. 2 Monday, October 28 11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Lindsey Walters, CEO of Flexel (Nina) 1:00 White House, Oval Office lunch w/President Bush, Sen. Simpson, Cong. Michel & Cong. Gingrich 2:15 S-230 mtg. w/John Macomber, Chairman, Export-Import Bank, & Frederick Ruth, VP, Cong. Office (Al & Whit) 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Danforth & Hatch 3:30-4:00 Grand Hyatt, Constitution Ballroom C, D, E SPEAK - Inner Circle Fall Briefing (Jo-Anne) 4:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Grassley 4:40 S-221 mtg. w/Senator Mitchell, Sheila Burke, & Elizabeth Green re: floor schedule 6:30 (recp) Watergate, Chesapeake Room Host dinner for Inner Circle members 7:30 (dinner) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of Oct. 27-Nov. 2, 1991 Pg. 3 Tuesday, October 29 8:05 Capitol Hill Club, Governor's Room SPEAK - fundraiser for Tom Davis, Fairfax County Supervisor Candidate (Jo-Anne) 10:00 S-230 DROP BY - Dave Spears mtg. w/Cary Humphries, President of Cargill North America 10:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Ralph Leggs & wife, & w/Clifford Cross & wife (Kim) from Fort Riley, KS, Commissary (Dan) 10:30 SD-215 FIN COMM - hearing & markup - 2 nominations: Michael Moskow to be Deputy U.S. Trade Representative & David Nummy to be Assistant Secretary for Treasury 11:30 National Press Club, Main Lounge, 13th Floor SPEAK - Virginia Tech Washington Forum 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Gen. of the League of the Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies (Al) 2:45 S-230 mtg. w/Darman 5:30-7:00 S-211 DROP BY - recp. f/Harold "Red" Poling, Chairman of Ford Motor Co., hosted by Senators Nickles & Riegle 6:15 Dirksen Auditorium BRIEF REMARKS - reception & premier screening of Eisenhower Documentary (Elli) 7:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senators Packwood & Bentsen re: unemployment SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of Oct. 27-Nov. 2, 1991 Pg. 4 Wednesday, October 30 9:30 SD-211 FIN COMM - private mtg. w/Carla Hills 10:30 EF-100 ??? coffee recp. f/ten disabled Israeli war veterans hosted by Rep. Tom Lantos & Ambassador & Mrs. Shoval 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Rep. Rostenkowski 12:30 S-207 BRIEF REMARKS - National Association of WIC Directors Executive Committee 2:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Galen Reser, DOT Assistant Secretary f/Cong. Affairs (Greg); & w/John Ball, Exec. Director of Nat'l Captioning Institute; & w/Dr. Jane Bernley, Childhelp, to present you with their Leadership Award (Mo); & w/Andrew Woods, Topeka (Bob W.); & w/5 pages 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Sen. Boschwitz & friends from Minnesota (Nina) 6:00-7:30 Reagan Center DROP BY - B'day celebration for Senator Mack SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of Oct. 27-Nov. 2, 1991 Pg. 5 Thursday, October 31 9:30 SD-215 FIN COMM - Carla Hills will address full Senate on status of Uruguay Rounds 10:00-11:00 White House, Cabinet Room Senate/House GOP Ldrshp. mtg. re: general agenda & Mid-East peace talks 11:00 S-230 DROP BY - Nina mtg. w/7 Kansans attending Society f/Human Resource Mgmt. Annual Leadership Conference 12:30-2:00 EF-100 DROP BY - Congressional Roundtable on U.S. - Soviet Relations luncheon featuring Dwayne Andreas 1:00 Hyatt Regency, Ticonderoga/Yorktown Ballrooms SPEAK - National Soft Drink Association 2:30 S-230 PHOTO w/12 Emerson college students (John D.) 3:00 S-230 MTG. w/Ambassador Murata, Japan & Counselor Nichida (Al) 3:45 S-230 MTG. w/Dick Darman & Congressman Bob Michel SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of Oct. 27-Nov. 2, 1991 Pg. 6 Friday, November 1 10:00 Supreme Court, Courtroom Justice Thomas' investiture (seated by 9:45 a.m.) 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson) 12:00 S-230 Kansas GOP delegation lunch Saturday, November 2 travel to Iowa -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE FINAL 11/1/91 CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe 202/543-5016 (O) 202/543-4104 FAX 703/845-1714 (H) SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE - MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1991 7:55 AM Ar. Butler Aviation, Washington National 703/549-8340 8:00 AM Lv. Washington AIRCRAFT: Beechjet* TAIL NO.: N 7050 V SEATS: 6 MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Greg Schnacke PILOT: Pete Granger CO-PILOT: Henry Kliner D.C. Hotel Sunday: MEAL SERVICE: Coffee and sweetrolls FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs 15-30 minutes CONTACT: Frank Marvin Marvin Windows, Inc. Box 100 Warroad, MN 56763 1-800-544-2744 (O) 218/386-1396 (H) *This is formerly the Mitsubishi MU-300 Diamond 1A. Schedule permitting, Senator Dole will be in Wichita in December for rolling-out of the new military version of this aircraft (TIA Jayhawk). NOTE: Senator Specter will be arriving in Atlanta; Senators Durenberger and Boschwitz will be there already. 9:30 Ar. Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport Page Avjet 612/726-5214/5700 PAGE TWO MET BY: Jack Farrell, Chairman of Durenberger for Senate Finance Cmte. Ward Brehm, Chairman of Durenberger Business Advisory Group 10:05 AM Arrive Minneapolis Athletic Club 612/339-3655 NOTE: Because of Senator Specter's role in the Clarence Thomas hearings, press reports that there will be a small number of women demonstrating outside of the Athletic Club in the morning. 10:00 AM-11:00 AM Meeting with Senator Dave Durenberger and supporters Athletic Club - 13th Floor PROGRAM (Informal): 10:10-10:15 Sen. Durenberger escorts Sen. Dole around room & introduces to crowd 10:15-10:20 INTRO OF SEN. DOLE - SEN. DURENBERGER 10:20-10:30 REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE (Update on What's New in Washington) 10:30-10:45 Q & A 10:45-11:00 Photo Ops PRESS: CLOSED CONTACT: Rick Evans, AA 202/224-9470 Alice Negratti, State Director 612/370-3387 (O) 612/370-3395 (FAX) 612/925-7811 (H) 11:00 AM-11:30 AM Meeting with Rudy Boschwitz and supporters Athletic Club (20-24 apartment building owners) CONTACT: Senator Boschwitz 612/475-2473 (H - MN) 202/543-7669 (H - D.C.) Marsha Ivey (Boschwitz aide) Plywood Minnesota 612/571-2636 612/571-3411 (FAX) PAGE THREE 11:30 AM-12:30 PM Fundraising luncheon for Senator Arlen Specter Athletic Club - The Lounge CROWD SIZE: 40 FORMAT: Informal luncheon Mix 'n Mingle Informal REMARKS - SEN. DOLE 12:30 PM Lv. Athletic Club DRIVER provided by Univ. of Minnesota -- Probably Ed Schuh, Dean of Humphrey Institute, and Lee Munnich, Senior Fellow (Senator Boschwitz will stay behind with Senator Specter) 12:45 PM Ar. Humphrey Institute - University of Minnesota Proceed to Auditorium PHONE CONTACT: Dean's Office 612/625-0669 12:45 PM Agriculture Commissioner Elton Redalen welcomes conference attendees on behalf of the Governor, who is out of town 12:47 PM INTRODUCTION OF SENATOR DOLE -- Senator Durenberger 12:50 PM-1:30 PM SPEECH - Hubert Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs ("Ethanol and Public Policy") FORMAT: Free-standing Podium and Mike CROWD SIZE: 175 PRESS: OPEN CONTACT: Lee Munnich Senior Fellow & Director, State and Local Policy Program 612/625-7357 Nancy Spear 612/625-3375 (O) 612/625-6351 (FAX) 612/433-2027 (H) PAGE FOUR 1:30 PM Lv. University of Minnesota (Agriculture Commissioner Redalen will accompany) 2:00 PM Ar. Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport Page Avjet 612/727-5700 2:05 PM Lv. Minneapolis AIRCRAFT: Cessna Citation II (Menard, Inc.) TAIL NO.: N 1283 M SEATS: 10 MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Senator Specter (TENT), Greg Schnacke CHIEF PILOT: Gary McConnell Secretary: Brenda Normand 715/876-2208 (Ofc.) 715/835-3181 (Gibson Aviation) 715/839-1024 (Home) CONTACT: John Menard Menard, Inc. 4777 Menard Drive Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54703 715/876-2230 or 874-5911 FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs 30 minutes MEAL SERVICE: Sandwiches and soft drinks 5:35 PM Ar. Washington National Airport Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert Jones Proceed to Private 11/01/91 17:29 WICHITA -> SENATOR DOLE SH- 313162648446 NO.191 001 FINAL 11/1/91 SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE - SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1991 2:55 PM Lv. Residence 3:10 PM Ar. Butler Aviation - Washington National 703/549-8340 (1-800-626-5503) 3:15 PM Lv. Washington AIRCRAFT: Lear 35 A (John Ruan) TAIL NO.: N 109 JR MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Tom Synhorst, Mark Miller, Paul Redifer FLIGHT TIME: 2 hours 20 mins MEAL SERVICE: Coffee and chips/nuts PILOT: Gerald (Jerry) Ware 515/255-5096 (H) CO-PILOT: Gordon Kruse 515/223-1249 (H) Ruan Aviation: 515/285-5222 Page Avjet: 515/285-4221 CONTACT: Jan Gillam 515/245-2561 (O) 515/245-2611 (FAX) 515/288-7762 (H) 4:35 PM Ar. Des Moines, Iowa Page Avjet 515/285-4221 Ruan Aviation - Page Avjet 515/285-5222 MET BY: John Ruan, State Chair Rich Schwarm and maybe Mary Louise Smith (Mrs. Smith recently underwent surgery for throat cancer; can't attend event, but wants to greet Senator Dole) 11/01/91 17:33 WICHITA -> SENATOR DOLE SH- 313162648446 NO. 192 001 PAGE TWO 4:35 PM-5:00 PM Private meeting with John Ruan Page Avjet Terminal 5:00 PM Lv. Page Avjet Terminal DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 5:15 PM Ar. Des Moines Convention Center 501 Grand Avenue 515/242-2531 5:15 PM-5:30 PM PRESS AVAILABILITY Board Room - 1st Floor 5:30 PM-7:30 PM ATTEND REPUBLICAN PARTY OF IOWA "CELEBRATION OF LEADERSHIP" CONTACT: Randy Enwright Exec. Dir., Republican Party of Iowa 515/282-8105 515/282-9019 (FAX) 5:30 PM Arrive Major Donor/Package Plan Reception 2nd Floor - Rooms A and B (Reception for contributors of $300 or more, who join the party under a package plan that provides them with both party membership and tickets to this evening's event.) FORMAT: Mix and Mingle Photographer will be present CROWD SIZE: 100-150 PRESS: CLOSED OTHER VIP'S IN ATTENDANCE: Governor Terry Branstad and wife Chris Senator Chuck Grassley Congressman Jim Lightfoot Lt. Gov. Joy Corning State Chair Richard Schwarm and wife Charise State Co-Chair David Oman and wife Jennifer State Finance Chair Bill Vernon and wife Marilyn Nat'l Committeeman Steve Roberts and wife Dawn Nat'l Committeewoman Gwen Boeke State Auditor Dick Johnson and wife Marge Dinner Chairman Bob Burnett and wife Gloria Dinner Co-Chair State Senator Mary Kramer Executive Director Randy Enwright 11/01/91 17:30 WICHITA -> SENATOR DOLE SH- PAGE THREE 6:30 PM Lv. Reception for holding room 6:45 PM Doors Open for Dinner - 1st Floor 6:30 PM-7:00 PM OPTION: Attend GENERAL RECEPTION First Floor (200 guests who paid $100 to attend) OPEN TO THE PRESS EVENT RUNS 6:00-7:00 PM NOTE: Schedule indicates Senator Dole NOT to attend General Reception, but they've programmed 30 minutes in the holding room, and left open the option for you to attend a portion of the General Reception. 7:00 PM Arrive First Floor for Dinner PRESS: OPEN 7:00 PM Introduction of Head Table - Dinner Chair Bob Burnett HEAD TABLE: (In order of Introduction) Dinner chair Bob Burnett John Ruan Finance Chair Bill Vernon Dinner Co-Chair Senator Mary Kramer Governor's wife Chris Branstad State Auditor Dick Johnson National Committeeman Steve Roberts National Committeewoman Gwen Boeke State Co-Chair David Oman State Chair Richard Schwarm Lt. Governor Joy Corning Congressman Jim Lightfoot Senator Chuck Grassley Governor Terry E. Branstad SENATOR BOB DOLE 7:05 PM Pledge of Allegiance 7:06 PM Invocation 7:07 PM Program Begins: Welcome by State Fin. Chair Bill Vernon 11/01/91 17:30 WICHITA -> SENATOR DOLE SH- NO.191 003 PAGE FOUR 7:08 PM Bill Vernon introduces John Ruan 7:10 PM Introduction of SENATOR DOLE - John Ruan 7:11 PM REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 7:30 PM Senator Dole concludes remarks and departs event 7:32 PM Dinner is served 9:00 PM EVENT CONCLUDES 7:50 PM Ar. Page Avjet - Ruan Aviation 515/285-5222 8:00 PM Lv. Des Moines MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mark Miller, Paul Redifer FLIGHT TIME: 2 hours MEAL SERVICE: Sandwiches and Fruit 11:00 PM Ar. Washington National Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert Proceed to Private November 8, 1991 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 3-9, 1991 Pg. 1 Sunday, November 3 Monday, November 4 7:15 a.m. lv. residence - driven by Wilbert 8:00 a.m. lv. Washington National Butler Aviation 9:30 a.m. ar. Minneapolis-St. Paul SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 2:05 p.m. lv. Minneapolis-St. Paul 5:35 p.m. ar. Washington National Butler Aviation met by Wilbert SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 3-9, 1991 Pg. 2 Tuesday, November 5 11:00 S-230 Domenici mtg. on Task Force on Real Estate & 7 Senators 11:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Bob Lowman, K-State faculty (Marcie) 12:30-1:00 Senate Dining Rm. DROP BY - say hello to Carolyn Fayka 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Sen. Bentsen 4:30 S-230 DROP BY - Nina mtg. w/Herb Collins SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 3-9, 1991 Pg. 3 Wednesday, November 6 10:00 SD-106 SPEAK - Congressional Intern Program 12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Cong. Michel/Darman re: unemployment 1:45 S-230 PHOTO w/Tom & Marlene Tymchuk (Kerry's parents) 2:15 S-230 mtg. w/Forrest Hoglund, Chairman & CEO of Enron (Whit & Nina) 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Prince Bandar 2:45 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Brady, Darmna, Ginrich, & Archer re: unemployment 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/GOP members of Finance Committee re: unemployment (Senators Dole, Packwood, Roth, Danforth, Chafee, Durenberger, Symms, Grassley, & Sec. Brady, Gideon, Graetz f/Treasury) 4:15 S-230 mtg. w/GOP House & Senate Finance Committee & Ways & Means Members re: unemployment SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 3-9, 1991 Pg. 4 Thursday, November 7 9:30 S-230 mtg. w/Secretary Cheney, Republican Members of Armed Services Committee, & White House NSC staff (Dan) 10:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senator Mitchell & Sen. Bentsen re: unemployment 10:30 S-230 coffee w/Judy Hope 10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Curtis Hinderliter, Linda Meyer, & Brian Hochstetler 11:00-12:30 S-207 DROP BY - Coffee given by Senator Mack for Martin Lee, leader of pro-democracy coalition in Hong Kong & member of Hong Kong's Legislative Council 11:30 S-230 DROP BY - Nina & Jim W. mtg. w/Irv Hockaday, CEO of Hallmark, & Jim Hoak, President of Crown Media 11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Brady & Darman 2:00 S-230 PHOTO w/David Wildstein & 13 Key Club High School students from NJ (John D.); & w/Rex Carney (David) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 3-9, 1991 Pg. 5 Friday, November 8 10:30 S-230 DROP BY - Whit, Nina, & Dan mtg. w/Alain Gomez, CEO of the Thompson Group 10:45 S-230 mtg. w/Martin Lee, Hong Kong political leader (Al) 11:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Doug Neufeld (Inman), Rich Ferris (Edson), & Lauren Bulzer (Buhler) (Greg) 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson) Saturday, November 9 (handwritten note on page) Mon, Nov 11 DRAFT #1 11/8/91 SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE -- MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1991 10:40 AM Ar. Butler Aviation Washington National Airport 703/549-8340 10:45 AM Lv. Washington AIRCRAFT: Hawker Siddley (Torchmark) TAIL NO.: N 6 TM SEATS: 8 PILOT: Todd Drew 205/681-1039 (H) CO-PILOT: Kitty Dietzel 205/879-9920 (H) HANGAR: 205/325-2643 MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Norma Jean Steele (TENT.), Tom Steele (TENT.), Mike Steele (TENT.), Joe Steele (TENT.) FLIGHT TIME: 3 hours (conservative estimate with winds) MEAL SERVICE: Lunch (sandwiches) CONTACT: Barbara Nabors 205/325-4205 (O) 205/870-0325 (H) 12:45 PM Ar. Wichita, Kansas Mid-Continent Airport Ryan Aviation 316/942-0141 Drop off Norma Jean and her sons 1:00 PM Lv. Wichita FLIGHT TIME: 20 minutes 1:20 PM Ar. Salina, Kansas Flower Aviation 913/825-6739 MET BY: Randy Duncan 913/825-8859 DRIVE TIME: 20 minutes 1:40 PM Ar. First Presbyterian Church NOTE: NEED TO ARRIVE 15 MINUTES BEFORE SERVICES BEGIN MET BY: Representatives from Ryan Funeral Home SENATOR DOLE is one of 14 honorary pallbearers; Funeral Home representatives will assist in lining up the pallbearers before the service begins Ryan Funeral Home: 913/825-4242 2:00 PM Memorial service for Dean Evans (Private graveside services will have been held for family only earlier in the morning) 3:00 PM Services conclude Lv. First Presbyterian Church 3:20 PM Ar. Flower Aviation 913/825-6739 3:30 PM Lv. Salina FLIGHT TIME: 3 hours 7:30 PM Ar. Washington National Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert Jones November 15, 1991 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 10-16, 1991 Pg. 1 Sunday, November 10 6:00-7:00 Capital Hilton, Congressional Rm. reception - ??? SPEAK - 2nd Annual Veterans Day Eve Banquet/reception (they suggest you drop by between 6:30-7:00 p.m. to give everyone time to arrive) -- followed by dinner from 7:15-8:30 p.m. in the Presidential Ballroom SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 10-16, 1991 Pg. 2 Monday, November 11 10:40 ar. Washington National, Butler Aviation 10:45 lv. Washington 12:45 ar. Wichita, Kansas 1:00 lv. Wichita 1:20 ar. Salina 1:40 ar. First Presbyterian Church 2:00 Memorial Service for Dean Evans 3:00 services conclude 3:20 ar. Flower Aviation 3:30 lv. Salina 7:30 ar. Washington National, Butler Aviation, met by Wilbert SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 10-16, 1991 Pg. 3 Tuesday, November 12 9:00 CIA Hdqtrs. Auditorium Swearing-in ceremony f/Gates followed by coffee in Exec. Dining Room (arrival by 8:30 a.m. because of Pres. Bush's arrival -- use Rt. 123 entrance, any lane) 10:30 S-230 PHOTO & mtg. w/NTT Chairman Haruo Yamaguchi, & Pres. Masashi Kojima (Nina) 11:30 S-230 PHOTO & brief meeting w/group of Kansas Vietnam Veterans (Bill) 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Archbishop of Zagreb, Cardinal Franjo Kuharic (Mira) 4:30 S-230 DROP BY - Whit & Greg mtg. w/Sec. Skinner & Galen Reser, Assist. Sec. f/Gov't Affairs 6:30 Mayflower, Senate Rm. Anschutz reception 7:00 Mayflower, Grand Ballroom MC for the 4th Annual Marian Anschutz Dinner SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 10-16, 1991 Pg. 4 Wednesday, November 13 9:00 Mayflower, Maryland Rm, 2nd Floor SPEAK - Motorola Employees Good Government Committee 10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/10 Close-Up students from Kansas (David) 10:45 S-230 PHOTO w/Albert Lollar from Topeka (Nina) 11:30 H-232 mtg. w/Cong. Michel 1:15 S-230 mtg. w/Emperor Amha Selasie, Prince Emerus Selasie, Empress Selasie (wife of Amha) (Al) 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Gov. Sununu & Clayton Yeutter 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Bob Lighthizer & Rod DeArment 3:00 S-230 PHOTO & courtesy call w/Gavin S. Herbert, Chairman of the Board, Allergan, Inc., & Brad Gary, VP, Gov't Relations 6:30-8:30 Union Station East Hall reception honoring David Brinkley & the 10th anniv. of "This Week w/David Brinkley" hosted by Roone Arledge SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 10-16, 1991 Pg. 5 Thursday, November 14 8:30 S-230 off the record breakfast w/Bob Novak & GOP Senate Leadership 10:00 S-230 mtg. w/Armenian President Levon Ter-Petrosian (Al) 10:15 escort Pres. Ter-Petrosian to S-221 for mtg. w/Sen. Mitchell 10:30 S-211 coffee mtg. for Pres. Ter-Petrosian & other Senators 11:30-12:00 House Chamber Joint Meeting of Congress - His Excellency Carlos Saul Menem, President of The Republic of Argentina 1:30 S-230 PHOTO w/4 Kansas Congressional Youth Leadership students (David) 1:30 S-301 Senate Finance Committee Meeting RE: Unemployment 1:45 SD-562 BRIEF REMARKS -- Rep. Weldon's Congressional Health Care Issue Forum 2:00 SD-226 Introduce Monti Belot at confirmation hearing 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Phil Gramm & Senatorial Committee & GOP Ldrshp. (Jo-Anne) 4:00-5:00 S-211 coffee f/Archbishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, Aleksy II (cohost w/Sen. Mitchell) (Al) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 10-16, 1991 Pg. 6 Friday, November 15 10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/30-40 "Dennis Shea youth workers" (Dennis); & w/Connie Hadley from Wyandotte County (Judy B.) 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson) 1:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Judy Squire (Kerry) 1:30-2:45 S-230 Republican Task Force Meeting RE: Real Estate (Nina) November 25, 1991 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 17-23, 1991 Pg. 1 Sunday, November 17 Monday, November 18 10:00 S-230 telephone hookup w/SBA Conference, 12th Annual Legislative Conference in Kansas City 1:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senator Mitchell re: leaks 3:00-4:00 S-211 reception to inaugurate broadcasting of closed captions of Senate proceedings hosted by Joe Stewart 3:45 S-230 interview w/Adam Clymer w/The New York Times (Clarkson) 4:30 S-230 PHOTO & interview w/Stars & Stripes Magazine (Clarkson) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 17-23, 1991 Pg. 2 Tuesday, November 19 10:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Bernard W. Hoss (& wife) from Rose Hill, KS, recipient of a 1991 State Victory Award; and w/Ray Conley from New Hampshire, also a 1991 Victory Award Recipient (Mo) 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - full committee - "Medicaid Provider Taxes" 12:00 S-230 brief hello w/Gerry DiMarco (Judy B.) 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 2:00 S-230 telephone hookup w/American Bankers Association annual Agricultural Bankers Conference 2:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Ted Hess, Wheeling, WV, National President of Elks, & w/Homer Huhn, Latrobe, PA, former Pres. of Elks (David W.) 3:10 S-230 PHOTO w/Robert W. McGregor, Chairman, Pro International Business Consultants (former President, Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce) 6:00 S-230 DROP BY - mtg. w/Farmers Home Reps. & Dave Spears, Bret, & Kathy SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 17-23, 1991 Pg. 3 Wednesday, November 20 9:00 S-230 BRIEF REMARKS - 10 Canadian Senators (Al) 9:30 SD-215 FIN COMM - full committee - "Uruguay Round Oversight" 10:30 SD-211 mtg. w/Finance Committee Members re: unemployment & the trade amendments added by the House 10:45 SD-215 FIN COMM - Committee markup - "Baltic MFN/Dunn-Watson-Moley nominations" 11:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Shannon Polly, Topeka West Junior (Marcie); & w/Judge & Mrs. James (Christine) E. Rogan from California (Judy B.) 12:15 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Brady, Senators Gramm, Garn, Bond, & Domenici 1:30 S-230 PHOTO w/7 or 8 special education teachers (Mo W.) 4:30 S-230 interview w/BBC - Anne Sloman (Clarkson) 6:00 Senatorial Committee (TENTATIVE) fundraiser for Rod Chandler (30 Pac Reps.) (Jo-Anne) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 17-23, 1991 Pg. 4 Thursday, November 21 8:45 SD-562 SPEAK to the Washington Center interns (approx. 90 students) 12:00 Senators Dining Room lunch w/Mrs. Dole & Marian & Andy Andersen 1:15-1:30 White House, Rose Garden Civil Rights Signing Ceremony *** Ag Committee will meet after the first vote in the afternoon in the President's Room to report out S.757, Mickey Leland Childhood Hunger Relief Act, & H.R. 3029, Food, Ag, Conservation, & Trade Act Amendments of 1991 5:45 Washington Court Hotel, Atrium Ballroom BRIEF REMARKS - reception for the release of Don Devine's book "Reagan's Terrible Swift Sword" (reception from 5:30-7:30 p.m.) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of November 17-23, 1991 Pg. 5 Friday, November 22 9:30 SD-211 FIN COMM members & approp. staff mtg. RE: Medicaid & Unemployment 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - markup - "medicaid moratorium" 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call 12:30 Foley's Office luncheon f/House & Senate Leadership re: schedule 2:00 S-230 Republican Real Estate Task Force Group 3:40 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Brady, House & Senate Banking Members re: banking bill Saturday, November 22 SENATE IN SESSION 12:30 S-221 luncheon in Senator Mitchell's Office w/the Big 5 4:00 S-230 Republican Real Estate Task Force mtg.