08/29/91 23:34 002 (handwritten) Sept. 1-4, 1991 (circled) FINAL CONTACTS: Judy Kay 913/295-2745 (o) 913/836-2319 Rita Riley 316/232-2030 (o) 316/231-2463 (h) Jo-Anne Coe (Tues. & Wed.) 202-543-5016 (o) 703-845-1714 (h) WEATHER: SUNDAY THROUGH TUESDAY - Mostly sunny and warm. Temperatures in the low 90's during the day, dropping to the 60's at night. Front will be moving through late Tuesday or early Wednesday. WEDNESDAY - Cooler temperatures, low to mid 80's. Possible scattered showers during early morning hours. KANSAS SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR DOLE - SEPT. 1, 2, 3 AND 4, 1991 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 1:05 p.m. Lv. Washington National, U.S. Air Flight #1795 2:43 p.m. Ar. Kansas City International Mike has arranged to have you taken directly from the airplane to KCI, Executive Beechcraft - 816/243-6440. 3:00 p.m. Lv. KCI AIRCRAFT: Cessna 414 Chancellor TAIL NO.: 12436 SEATS: 5 PILOT: Jerry Eichelberger CO-PILOT: Dennis Richmeier FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr. 08/29/91 23:34 003 2 MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mrs. Dole Marcie Adler Mike Glassner 4:14 p.m. Ar. Russell Airport - Rich's Air Service 913/483-3178 Runway: 4400 ' RON - Russell *Mike Glassner will be at the Winchester Inn 913/483-6660 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 9:45 a.m. Lv. Russell via P.O.V. fer Hoisington 38 miles 10:15 a.m. Ar. Hoisington 10:30 a.m. HOLSINGTON LABOR DAY PARADE (Parade last approx. 1 hr.) CONTACT: Stacey, Hoisington Chamber 316/653-4311 You will be in Car No. 6 and Elizabeth will be No. 6a. Your driver will be Becky Schroeder, (Lillian’s granddaughter, who interned in the Wichita office this summer) Danny Biggs will drive Mrs. Dole. Paxade route begins at the High School, north end of Main. 10:45 a.m. Lv. Hoisington for Great Bend via P.O.V. 11 miles 11:00 a.m. Lv. Great Bend Airport, Midwest Piper Sales 316/793-7471 Runway: 7999' AIRCRAFT: Cessna 414 Chancellor TAIL NO: 12436 SEATS: 5 PILOT: Jerry Eichelberger CO-PILOT: Dennis Richmeier 08:29:91 23:35 004 3 FLIGHT TIME: 25 mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mrs. Dole (?) Mike Glassner 11:25 p.m. Ar. Anthony Municipal Airport - 316/842-5690 Runway: 3600’ MET BY: Edna Tucker, GOP Vice Chairman 316/825-4783 11:30 p.m. Lv. Anthony for Kiowa via P.O.V. 29 miles NOON p.m. to 1:15 p.m. Ar. Kiowa - South Barber High School Kiowa Labor Day Celebration Free Ham and Bean dinner - starts at noon. 12:30 p.m. Girl Scouts Ice Cream Social 1:00 p.m. Horseshoe Tourney FORMAT: Mix and Mingle 1:25 p.m. Lv. Kiowa for Anthony. via P.O.V. 29 miles DRIVER: Edna Tucker 2:00 p.m. Lv. Anthony for Russell AIRCRAFT: Cessna 414 Chancellor TAIL NO: 12436 SEATS: 5 PILOT: Jerry Eichelberger CO-PILOT: Dennis Richmeier FLIGHT TIME: 34 Mins. MANTFEST: Senator Dole Mrs. Dole (?) Mike Glassner 08/29/91 23:35 005 4 2:30 p.m. Ar. Russell - Rich's Air Service 913/483-6711 Runway: 4400' RON - Russell TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 11:00 a.m. Lv. Russell for Wilson - 40 Miles 11:45 P.M. to 1:00 p.m. Wilson Lake Meeting Corps of Engineers Project Office FORMAT: Informal Sandwich luncheon with Corps of Engineers staff and Community Representatives (Approx. 35) 1:05 p.m. Lv. Wilson for Russell via P.O.V. 40 miles 2:00 p.m. Ar. Russell Airport - Lv. Russell for Topeka AIRCRAFT: CESSNA 414 CHANCELLOR TAIL NO: 12436 SEATS: 5 PILOT: Mitchell Mosiman CO-PILOT: Jerry Eichelberger FLIGHT TIME - 45 Mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mrs. Dole Mike Glassner 2:45 p.m. Ar. Philip Billard Airport - T. J. Terminal 913-233-0881 RUNWAY: 5099' *Teri Buek, Executive Director of the Kansas Capital Area Chapter, American Red Cross, & Ingo Angermeier, a Board Member, will be at the airport to meet Mrs. Dole and drive har to the Red Cross Office. **You will be met by Steve Graham, Kansas Wheat Commission, and Dave Spears, who will take you into the ferminal to meet very 08/29/91 23:35 006 briefly with the Taiwan Buying Mission delegation. CONTACT: Steve Graham 913/539-0355 Someone from the Weather Service will he waiting for you at the main entrance to the terminal to drive you to the National Weather Service office (one quarter mile). Judy will advance and will also have a car there. 3:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. TOPEKA - PHILIP BILLARD AIRPORT — National Weather Service - Media evant to mark acceptance ot a new network of Automated Surface Weather Observing Systems at Philip Billard. There will be a 30'x30' Canopy at the Southeast corner of the building where the ceremony will be. FORMAT: 3:00 p.m. sto 3:10 p.m. - Opening Remarks and Introductions by Dr. Joe Friday, National Weather Service Director INTRODUCTION OF SENATOR DOLE: Dr. Joe Friday 3:15 p.m. - REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE Following Senator’s remarks, the simulation of the Automated Surface Observing System Begins -- remarks by John Feldt, Local Meteorologist in Charge. Entire ceremony will take just a little over an hour - followed by a reception. CONTACT: Pat Slattery, National Weather Service 816/426-3239 MRS. DOLE’S DEPARTURE SCHEDULE 4:40 p.m. Lv. Philip Billard for KCI 08/29/91 23:35 007 6 AIRCRAFT: CESSNA 414 CHANCELLOR TAIL NO: 12436 SEATS: 5 PILOT: Mitchell Mosiman CO-PILOT: Jerry Eichelberger FLIGHT TIME: 14 Mins. MANIFEST: Mrs. Dole Dr. Joe Friday, Dir., Nat'l. Weather Service Mr. Kemmer, Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce State Senator Andrey Langworthy 5:00 p.m. Ar. KCI - Arrangements have been made to have Mrs. Dole and the others taken to the terminal to meet their flight. 5:45 p.m. Lv. KCI - U.S. Air Flight 34 9:00 p.m. Ar. Washington National MET BY: Wilbert SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE 4:30 p.m. Lv. Topeka for Osage City - 40 miles DRIVER: Rita Riley Mike Glassnexr and Dave Spears will travel with you the rest of Tuesday, and all day Wednesday. 5:30 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. OSAGE CITY - Reception - Public meeting Senator Dole - Community Building, Fairgrounds. SENATOR INTRODUCED BY: Marion Burns, GOP V.C. CONTACT: Roger Gustafson 913/528-4992 08/29/91 23:36 008 7 6:50 Lv. Osage City for Burlington - 7:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. BURLINGTON - Reception - Public meeting with Senator Dole «= Courthouse Basement Meeting Room - County Clerk - Vernon Birk (R) FAX 316/364-8643 316/364-2191 INTRODUCED BY: Jerome Vajnar CONTACT: Jerome Vajner, GOP Chr. 316/836-2000 8:50 p.m. Lv. Burlington for Iola - 38 miles 9:30 p.m. Ar. Iola RON - Iola - Best Western Motel 316/365-5161 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 8:00 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. IOLA - Breakfast/Public meeting with Senatox Dole - The Greenery Restaurant 316/365-7743 INTRODUCED BY: Kent Lawrence CONTACT: Kent Lawrence, GOP Chr. 316/365-7977 (h) 316/365-3153 (o) FAX 316/365-6206 CONTACT: Jean Barber, County Clerk (R) 316/365-7491 9:20 a.m. Lv. Iola for Garnett - 28 miles 9:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. GARNETT - Coffee/Public meeting with Senator Dole - Sherwood Inn 913/448-6816 INTRODUCED BY: June Cooper CONTACT: June Cooper, GOP Chr. 913/448-5519 08/29/91 23:36 009 11:05 a.m. Lv. Garnett for LaCygne - approx. 38 miles via county road 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. LaCYGNE - Lunch/public meeting with Senator Dole - Community Bldg. - 204 Commercial - Contact Marsha Baker, City Hall - 913/757-2144 INTRODUCED BY: Nathan Harris, GOP Chr. CONTACT: Nathan Harris 913/757-2449 (h) 913/757-4404 (o) 1:05 p.m. Lv. LaCygne for Osawatomie - 24 miles 1:30 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. OSAWATOMIE - Reception/publio meeting Senator Dole - Memorial Hall, John Brown Park, 11th & Main - 913/755-8460 INTRODUCED BY: Web Hawkins CONTACT: Harold Sevy, GOP Chr. 913/294-4105 (h) 913/294-3281 (o) 2:50 p.m. Lv. Osawatomie for Paola - 6 miles 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. PAOLA - Stop by - Main Street CONTACT: Harold Savy, GOP Chr. 913/294-4105 (h) 913/294-3281 (o) 4:05 p.m. Lv. Paola for Kansas City International 5:15 p.m. Ar. KCI 5:45 p.m. Lv. KCI - U.S. Air Flight 34 9:00 p.m. Ar. Washington National - Met by Wilbert September 6, 1991 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of Sept. 1 - 7, 1991 Pg. 1 Sunday, September 1 12:30 lv. residence 1:05 lv. Washington National via US Air #1795 2:43 ar. Kansas City International in Kansas --- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE Monday, September 2 in Kansas -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of Sept. 1 - 7, 1991 Pg. 2 Tuesday, September 3 in Kansas -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE Wednesday, September 4 in Kansas -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 5:45 lv. Kansas City International via US Air #34 9:00 ar. Washington National SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of Sept. 1 - 7, 1991 Pg. 4 Thursday, September 5 10:00 S-230 PHOTO w/ Greg Walden, Republican Leader of the Oregon House of Representatives (Kerry) 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/SKW Chemicals Representatives (Dan) 12:30 S-230 lunch w/Jordan Haines 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Jim Xhema & Michael DeGenero, Chairman of Customer Promotions, Inc. (Al) 5:45 Hay-Adams mtg. w/Dwayne Andreas Friday, September 6 7:30 lv. residence 8:00 ar. Walter Reed 10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Russell area group (23) (Marcie), & w/Michael Forbes, Assist. Admin., Cong. Affairs, SBA (Clarkson) 11:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Laurie McConaghy 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson) September 13, 1991 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of September 8 - 14, 1991 Pg. 1 Sunday, September 8 (blank) Monday, September 9 12:00 S-230 staff luncheon 6:30 Hyatt Regency DROP BY - SPEAK BRIEFLY - Coalition for Restoration of the Black Family & Society reception 8:00 Ritz-Carlton, Pentagon City, Grand Ballroom, 2nd Floor SPEAK to the Hope to Heal Celebrity Benefit SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of September 8 - 14, 1991 Pg. 2 Tuesday, September 10 9:30 Senate reconvenes 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Ernest Robles, Executive Director, National Hispanic Scholarship Fund (Nina) 11:15 S-221 mtg. w/Sen. Mitchell re: Senate schedule 12:15 S-230 GOP Leadership meeting 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 5:30-6:30 S-207 reception honoring Senator & Mrs. Pryor & to celebrate Sen. Pryor's return to the Senate hosted by Senators Mitchell & Bumpers SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of September 8 - 14, 1991 Pg. 3 Wednesday, September 11 8:10 Grand Hyatt, Independence Ballroom, Lower Level 5 SPEAK to the 1991 Washington Conference of the National Automobile Dealers Association 10:00-11:00 White House, Cabinet Room House/Senate Republican Leadership meeting re: General Agenda 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - "US-Soviet Trade Agreement" 11:00-11:30 White House, Oval Office ??? GOP Intelligence Committee mtg. re: Gates 11:30 S-230 mtg. w/former Pres. of Lebanon Gemal (Al) 12:00 S-230 mtg. w/Alexandru Mosanu, head of the Moldavan Parliament, & Iurie Rosca, head of largest pro-democracy political organization (Al) 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Alvin Penner w/Hutchinson Hospital (Sheila) 2:25 S-230 PHOTO w/Marilyn Anderson (Wichita) and her daughter, Lynn Patton (Marcie) 2:30 S-230 DROP BY & PHOTO - Dave & Bret mtg. with the Board of Directors for North American Export Grain Association 3:00 S-230 DROP BY & PHOTO - Dave & Bret mtg. w/Mike Jensen & others w/Kansas Pork Producers Council 3:30 S-230 PHOTO & host presentation to Little League from Orthotic Assoc. (Marcie) 4:00 S-230 mtg. w/10 Kansas bankers (Jim M.) 5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senators McCain & Smith SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of September 8 - 14, 1991 Pg. 4 Thursday, September 12 8:30 White House mtg. w/President Bush re: Israel 9:00 SR-332 AG COMM - GSE mark-up 10:30 S-230 Presentation & PHOTO - Purple Heart Medal (Bill W.) 11:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - "US-Soviet Trade Agreement" 11:00 S-230 PHOTO w/newly elected officers of US Wheat Associates (Dave) 12:00 EF-100 lunch f/Israeli Budget Director, David Brodet (you are a cohost w/Rep. Michel & Senators Inouye & Kasten) 2:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Taxation - "Tax Simplification" 2:45 White House, Oval Office Photo ceremony w/4 Veterans of the Spanish- American War 3:00 S-230 DROP BY - Al mtg. w/Overland Park Jewish Community Relations Bureau/Am. Jewish Community 3:30 S-230 mtg. w/Israeli Budget Director, David Brodet (Al) 4:30 S-230 mtg. w/Bob Asher, AIPAC (AL) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of September 8 - 14, 1991 Pg. 5 Friday, September 13 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Mrs. Gordana Turich, member of the Croatian Parliament (Sabor) (Mira) 10:45 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Jeffords re: dairy (Dave) 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson) 12:00 Hideaway interview f/ABC - Re-Discover America (Clarkson) 6:00-8:00 2170 Rayburn ??? Drop by - SURPRISE 65th Birthday Party for Secretary Derwinksi SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of September 8 - 14, 1991 Pg. 6 Saturday, September 14 8:05 lv. residence 8:20 ar. Butler Aviation 8:25 lv. Washington 10:25 ar. Hutchinson, KS SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 6:00 lv. Wichita 9:30 ar. Butler Aviation September 20, 1991 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of September 15 - 21, 1991 Pg. 1 Monday, September 16 7:45 White House, Governor's Office mtg. w/Gov. Sununu & Rep. Michel 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Social Security "Child Support Enforcement" 11:30 SH-216 Gates hearing - Sen. Dole to introduce Gates at approx. 11:30 a.m. 12:15 S-230 mtg. w/Jo-Anne & Paul Hearn 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Japanese Minister of International Trade & Industry, Mr. Nakao (Nina) 2:00 SD-211 FIN COMM - private mtg. w/Carla Hills 3:00 S-230 DROP BY - Jim M. mtg. w/Public Service Research Council & David Denholm, Pres. 3:30 S-230 mtg. w/Connie Horner (Sheila & Judy B.) 4:20 S-230 DROP BY -Sheila mtg. w/Avon Williams 4:30-6:30 SD-562 reception recognizing the Hispanic Achievement thru Partnerships hosted by Senators Hatch, Simon, & Rep. Ortiz SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of September 15 - 21, 1991 Pg. 3 Wednesday, September 18 9:00 S-207 OPENING REMARKS - breakfast meeting with the advisory committee members to the Senate Republican Conference Task Force on Hispanic Affairs 10:30 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Juan Gallardo, Chairman of the Board of the Mexican Business Coordinating Council f/the Free- Trade Agreement 10:45 S-230 mtg. w/Steve Koplan 11:00 S-230 Senate GOP Leadership mtg. 11:00 S-230 DROP BY - Jim W. mtg. w/Jon Robinson (Beloit), Vocational Industrial Clubs of America (VICA) 11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Don Rice (Dan) 12:45 S-230 mtg. w/Amb. Zimmermann & Republian Senators (Mira) 2:00 S-230 DROP BY - Jim M., Whit, & Vicky mtg. w/Hesston Workers Corp. SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of September 15 - 21, 1991 Thursday, September 19 8:30 S-230 brkf. w/Tony Brown & GOP Senators 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/Steve Koplan (Al) 11:30 Hyatt Regency, Yorktowne Room SPEAK- Nat’l Assoc. of Manuf. Calif. Day 1:30 S-230 Republican Conference re: employment 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. Walter Grimes (Stillwell), Mobay Ag Chemicals Division (Dave) 3:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Earl & Willabean Coffman & their daughter, Yvonne, from Wichita (Marcie); & w/4 K-State students (David) 4:45 S-230 mtg. w/Sen. Eaglebureger (Al) 5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Sen. Mitchell & Sheila re: scheduling 6:00-8:00 Ronald Reagan Center fundraiser for Sen. Trent Lott (Jo-Anne) 6:00-8:00 Russell Rotunda "Land of the Midnight Sun“ exhibit/reception hosted by Senators Stevens, Murkowski, Rep. Don Young, & Gov. Walter J. Hickel SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of September 15 - 21, 1991 Pg. 5 Frida September 20 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference cali (Clarkson) 1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Cheney & GOP Senators re: defense appropriations (handwritten) Sept 14, 1991 (handwritten) Yvonne (circled) FINAL 9/12/91 CONTACTS: Jo-Anne Coe 202/543-5016 (O) 202/543-4104 FAX 804/428-8234 (H) Dave Spears 202/224-6521 (O) 316/663-1367 (In-Laws) SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE - SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1991 9:05 AM Lv. Residence 8:20 AM Ar. Butler Aviation Washington National Airport 703/549-8340 8:25 AM Lv. Washington MANIFEST: Senator Dole Secretary of Agriculture Madigan Congressman Pat Roberts Roger Runningen, USDA Press Secretary and Director of Public Affairs Dave Spears, Dole staff Sandy Dickey & husband Tiff Bingham, Federal Express Sara Belden, Dole staff Janeal Cabbage, Dole staff FLIGHT TIME: 3 hours AIRCRAFT: Federal Express Challenger TAIL NO.: N 3 FE SEATS: 17 PILOT: Bill Walsh CO-PILOT: Buddy Sandiford NOTE: Will have a relief crew take the flight back from Wichita MEAL SERVICE: Coffee and Sweetrolls CONTACT: Doug Buttrey 901/395-3841 (O) 901/346-1013 (FAX) 901/685-6994 (H) Sherry Campbell (Flight Dept.) 901/369-3304 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1991 PAGE TWO SECRETARY MADIGAN CONTACT: Betty Stern 202/447-3631 202/447-2166 (FAX) PAT ROBERTS CONTACT: Merry Tobin 202/225-2715 202/225-5375 (FAX) 10:25 AM Ar. Hutchinson, Kansas Wells Aircraft 316/663-1546 MET BY: Mike Glassner and Kansas Highway Patrol DRIVE TO State Fair Grounds DRIVE TIME: (Need to allow 20 minutes due to Fair traffic) 10:45 AM Ar. State Fair Grounds PROCEED TO FARM BUREAU ARENA CONTACT: Bob Gottschalk, State Fair Board 316/662-6611 OTHER PHONE NUMBERS: DOLE BOOTH: 316/665-1194 FAX: (Hutchinson Holidome) 316/669-9830 DOLE STAFF (Holidome) : 316/669-9311 Judy Kay: Room 157 MIKE GLASSNER MOBILE PHONE: 316/655-0662 11:00 AM Arrive Stage of Farm Bureau Arena 316/669-3855 11:07 AM-12:15 PM JOINT PRESENTATIONS: USDA SECRETARY ED MADIGAN, SENATOR DOLE, CONGRESSMAN PAT ROBERTS, AND CONGRESSMAN DAN GLICKMAN (WIBW's Actual Air Time is 11:05 to 11:57) PROGRAM - EMCEE: Kelly Lenz, WIBW REMARKS: CONGRESSMEN GLICKMAN - 2 1/2 minutes (illegible, faded) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1991 PAGE THREE INTRO OF SECRETARY MADIGAN - SENATOR DOLE REMARKS - SECRETARY MADIGAN - 15 minutes Q&A (Kelly Lenz will read prepared written questions which will have been been submitted to WIBW in advance; then possibly take few questions from the floor) SPONSOR: WIBW CROWD SIZE: 3,000 (Live Feed to 36 Kansas radio stations) FORMAT: Stage with podium & mike Roving reporter with mike for Q&A CONTACT: Kelly Lenz, WIBW Farm Director 913/272-3456 12:00 PM-12:15 PM TENTATIVE PRESS AVAILABILITY WITH AGRICULTURE PRESS AND SECRETARY MADIGAN 12:30 PM-1:30 PM LUNCH SPONSORED BY STATE FAIR BOARD State Fair Board (State Agriculture Board) Members Pride of Kansas Building 316/669-3861 CONTACT: Bob Gottschalk 316/662-6611 CROWD SIZE: 20+ (Limited due to size of room) FORMAT: Informal cafeteria/buffet style (illegible, faded) Mix and Mingle HEAD TABLE: NO PRESS: CLOSED NO REMARKS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1991 PAGE FOUR 1:30 PM-1:55 PM MEETING WITH 10-12 DAIRY FARMERS Pride of Kansas Building 316/669-3861 CONTACT: Ivan Strickler 316/365-5039 (Home) 316/365-2009 (Barn) Myron Schmidt 316/283-3793 1:55 PM-2:20 PM MEETING WITH 6 LIVESTOCK PRODUCERS Bob Gottschalk's Office, State Fair Administration Building 316/662-6611 CONTACT: Mike Beam 913/273-5115 2:20 PM-3:40 PM TOUR OF FAIRGROUNDS AND PHOTO OPS - SECRETARY MADIGAN, SENATOR DOLE, CONGRESSMAN ROBERTS, CONGRESSMAN GLICKMAN (WORK THE DOLE BOOTH, TIME PERMITTING) 3:40 PM Lv. Fairgrounds 4:00 PM Ar. Wells Aircraft 316/663-1546 4:05 PM Lv. Hutchinson MANIFEST: Senator Dole Secretary Madigan Congressman Pat Roberts Roger Runningen Dave Spears Mike Glassner Sandy Dickey & Tiff Bingham, FedEx Sara Belden FLIGHT TIME: 25 minutes 4:30 PM Ar. Wichita Midcontinent Airport Ryan Aviation 316/942-0141 MET BY: U.S. Marshals DRIVE TO BANK TV, PETROLEUM CLUB SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1991 PAGE FIVE 5:00 PM-5:30 PM ATTEND GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY PARTY FOR CARL AND DIXIE SEBITS Petroleum Club of Wichita 316/262-6471 FORMAT: Buffet (Event runs from 5:00 to 8:00 PM) CONTACT: David and Dixie Sebits and children RR 1, Box 113 Cheney, Kansas 67025 316/262-8427 or 542-3984 Ruth (or Carl Sebits') Secretary: 316/262-8427 5:30 PM Lv. Petroleum Club (Ryan Aviation MidContinent and 942-0141 crossed out, Jabara, Midwest Aviation and 363-9700 handwritten) 5:30 PM Ar. Ryan Aviation Midcontinent Midwest Aviation Airport Jabara 316/942-0141 636-9700 6:00 PM Lv. Wichita MANIFEST: Senator Dole Secretary Madigan Congressman Pat Roberts Roger Runningen Dave Spears Sandy Dickey & Tiff Bingam, FedEx Sara Belden FLIGHT TIME: 2 hours 30 minutes MEAL SERVICE: Dinner 9:30 PM Ar. Washington, D.C. National Airport Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert Jones PROCEED TO PRIVATE 09/20/91 15:06 SENATOR BOB DOLE, TOPEKA 002 (handwritten) Sept 22-23 CONTACT: Judy Kay 913/836-2319 (h) 913/295-2745 (o) Jo-Anne Coe 703-845-1714 (h) 202-543-5016 (o) WEATHER SUNDAY - High 80 degrees in afternoon hours, overnight lows in the 50's. Winds from the South at 5-15 miles per hour. A front will move across the state in the late evening hours with a chance of widely scattered thunderstorms late Sunday evening and all day Monday. MONDAY - Chance of precipitation statewide with high temperatures in the 70's and lows in the 50's. (circled) FINAL KANSAS SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR DOLE, SEPT. 22 AND 23, 1991 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 12:15 p.m. Depart Butler Aviation *Jo-Anne feels you could leave as late as 12:30 p.m. AIRCRAFT: Falcon 10 TAIL NO: 244AD SEATS: 4 PILOT: Roger Koster CO-PILOT: John Carner FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs. 40-45 mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mike Glassner Dave Spears 2:15 p.m. Ar. Independence Municipal Airport, 316/331-9855 Runway: 5500' MET BY: Rita Riley 09/20/91 15:06 SENATOR BOB DOLE, TOPEKA 003 2 2:30 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. INDEPENDENCE - Reception - Public meeting with Senator Dole - Appletree Inn, 8th & Laurel -316/331-5500 CONTACT: Hazel Allison, GOP Chrm. 316/331-6282 INTRODUCED BY: Hazel Allison 3:50 p.m. Lv. Independence for Sedan via Mobile Office - 46 miles DRIVER: Rita Riley 4:30 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. SEDAN - Reception - Public Meeting with Senator Dole - First National Bank Meeting Room - 316/7252-5211 CONTACT: Nancy Floyd, GOP Ch.rm. 316/725-3417 (h) 316/725-3734 (o) *Nancy Floyd will be out of town and will be unable to attend the meeting. However, she was very helpful in arranging it. INTRODUCED BY: Paul Simpson 5:50 p.m. Lv. Sedan for Howard via Mobile office - DRIVER: Rita Riley 28 miles 6:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. HOWARD - Reception - Public meeting with Senator Dole - Weat Elk High School Cafeteria - 316/374-2147 CONTACT: Lynn Perkins, GOP Chrm. 316/374-2090 (h) 316/374-2142 (o) INTRODUCED BY: Lynn Perkins 7:15 p.m. Lv. Howard for Eureka via Mobile Office DRIVER: Rita Riley 31 miles 7:45 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. EUREKA - Reception - Public meeting with Senator Dole - Eureka/Greenwood County Community Bldg., 120 N. Adams (Fairgrounds) 09/20/91 15:06 SENATOR BOB DOLE, TOPEKA 004 3 CONTACT: S.T. "Ted" Freeman, GOP V. Chrm. 316/583-5692 *Lucy Griffitts, the GOP Chrm., is very ill and is not expected to live. INTRODUCED BY: S.T. "Ted" Freeman 9:00 p.m. Lv. Eureka for Cottonwood Falls - 64 miles 10:10 p.m. Ar. Cottonwood Falls RON - Cottonwood Falls, Flinthills Motel, 316/273-6355 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 8:00 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. COTTONWOOD FALLS - COFFEE/DONUTS - Public Meeting with Senator Dole - Masonic Hall CONTACT: Charlie Rayl, GOP Chrm. 316/273-8630 (h) 316/273-6333 (o) INTRODUCED BY: Charlie Rayl 9:20 a.m. Lv. Cottonwood Falls for Marion via Mobile office - Driver: Rita Riley 28 miles 9:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. MARION - Coffee - Public meeting with Senator Dole - Eastmoor Methodist Church, 105 Eastmoor Drive, 316/382-3121 Minister: Reverend Charles Harris CONTACT: Carol Wiebe 316/947-5734 (h) 316/947-3458 (o) David Crofoot 316/382-3602 (h) 316/382-3742 (0) INTRODUCED BY: David Crofoot 11:05 a.m. Lv. Marion for Council Grove via Mobile office - Drivers Rita Riley 49 miles 09/20/91 15:07 SENATOR BOB DOLE, TOPEKA 005 4 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. COUNCIL GROVE - Lunch - Public Meeting with Senator Dole - Hays House Restaurant CONTACT: Vern Good, GOP Chrm. 913/497-2934 INTRODUCED BY: Vern Good 1:05 p.m. Lv. Council Grove for Eskridge via Mobile office - Driver: Rita Riley 37 miles 1:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ESKRIDGE,- Reception - Public Meeting with Senator Dole - Turnbull Bldg. CONTACT: Dean Dunn, GOP Chrm. 913/449-2262 (h) 913/449-2361 (0) INTRODUCED BY: Dean Dunn 3:00 p.m. Lv. Eskridge for Auburn via mobile office Driver: Rita Riley 15 miles 3:20 p.m. to 3:40 p.m. Ar. Auburn - Stop by 3:45 p.m. Lv. Auburn for Forbes Field *May want to make unscheduled stops on the way to the airport. 4:15 Ar. Forbes Field - Mid-American Aviation 913/862-2790 4:30 p.m. Lv. Forbes Field for K.C.I. AIRCRAFT: CESSNA 414, CHANCELLOR TAIL NO. 12436 SEATS: 6 PILOT: Jerry Eichelberger CO-PILOT: Jack Feiden FLIGHT TIME: 20 mins. 09/20/91 15:07 SENATOR BOB DOLE, TOPEKA 006 5 MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mike Glassner Dave Spears CONTACT: Susie Isham Yingling Charter Service 316/943-3246 4:50 p.m. Ar. K.C.I. Executive Beech Van will meet you and take you to your gate. 5:25 p.m. Lv. KCI for Washington National U.S. Air Flight #34 8:35 p.m. Ar. Washington National MET BY: Wilbert September 30, 1991 #FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of September 22 - 28, 1991 Pg. 1 Sunday, September 22 9:45 Car will pick you up at Watergate 10:30 Face the Nation 12:15 p.m. Depart Butler Aviation *Jo Anne feels you could leave as late as 12:30 p.m. 2:15 p.m. Arrive Independence Municipal Airport SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE Monday, September 23 in KANSAS 5:25 p.m. lv. Kansas City International via US Air #34 8:35 p.m. ar. National Airport met by Wilbert SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of September 22 - 28, 1991 Pg. 2 Tuesday, September 24 8:30-9:30 S-230 briefing by Sandia National Laboratories w/Lynn Cheney & David Kearns, Deputy Sec. f/Education (cohost w/Senator Domenici) 10:00 S-230 DROP BY - Jim W. mtg. w/John Montgomery, Pres. & Publisher, Montgomery Publications, Inc. 10:00 S-230 mtg. w/3 Philippine Senators (Al) 11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Mike DeWine, Lt. Gov., Ohio (Jo-Anne) 12:00 Hyatt Regency, Capitol Room SPEAK - Nat’l Customs Brokers & Forwarders Assoc. of America 12:30 S-230 mtg. w/Sen. Hatch re: family leave 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Robert Bennett, Senate candidate in Utah 2:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Dr. & Mrs. Earl (Kathy) Merkel from Russell (Marcie); & w/Jim Talley & Amy from Merriam, KS; & w/Rudy Poppenfus & wife, Jane Saks (David W.); & w/Rudy Poppenfus & wife, Patt, & Jane Saks from Blue Valley 2:30 S-235 mtg. w/San Francisco Chamber of Commerce 3:00 S-230 DROP BY - Dave mtg. w/Wichita Farm Credit Council 3:30 S-230 DROP BY - Jim M. & Whit mtg. w/Carl & Barbara Meyer 4:00 S-230 mtg. w/Carol Boatwright (Bill) 4:30 S-230 DROP BY - Whit mtg. w/George Nelson, from Oregon 4:50 S-230 PHOTO w/Dr. B. L. Shultz & wife, Larri, & daughter, Diane, from Russell (Marcie); & w/10 Fordham Univ. Young Republicans (David) 5:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Dr. Eugene Davidson (Russell), Joe Furjamic (Topeka), Steve Dickson (Topeka) (Marcie); & w/David Hartford (Jim W.); & w/Lee Stolfus, Emporia (Bill W.) 5:00-8:00 S-207 retirement reception for Roy L. McGhee, Superintendent of Senate Periodical Press Gallery 6:00-8:00 Republican Senatorial Committee Senator Dole fundraiser SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of September 22 - 28, 1991 Pg.3 Wednesday, September 25 10:00-11:00 White House, Cabinet Room, NW Gate House/Republican GOP Leadership mtg. re: general agenda 11:00 S-230 DROP BY - Nina mtg. w/Charlie Bancroft, Pres., CICCA, and several chief executive officers from CICCA 11:15 SD-211 FIN COMM - private mtg. to review Treasury Document on Honda audit 11:30 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila/Vicky mtg. w/Dr. Ben McCallister 11:45 Hyatt Regency, Hall of Battles SPEAK - Century 21 Group 12:30-2:00 S-230 luncheon w/Ron Kaufman, Sen. Gramm, & Republican Leadership (Judy B.) 2:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Medicare - coal miner health 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Jalal Talabani, Co-Chairman of the Iraqi Kurdistan Front (Al) 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Ken Brody w/Goldman Sachs 3:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Don Person f/Olathe (Greg); & w/Muriel Saunders (Mo W.); & w/Dr. Robert Morris, orthodontist f/Hutchinson (Vicky) 3:15 S-230 mtg. w/KS Telecommunications Assoc. (Jim W.) 3:00-5:00 SD-106 reception to commemorate the 10th anniv. of Honorable Sandra Day O’Connor’s confirmation as an Assoc. Justice to US Supreme Court hosted by Senator & Mrs. DeConcini 3:45 S-221 mtg. w/Sen. Mitchell & Chairman of the Parliament of Ukraine, Leonid Kravchuk (Al) 4:00-5:00 S-211 coffee mtg. f/Leonid Kravchuk (cohost w/Senator Mitchell) 6:00-7:30 S-138 reception in honor of the Valley Group of Riverside County, Calif, hosted by Rep. McCandless 6:30 recep. 7:00 dinner Phoenix Park Hotel, Powerscourt Restaurant DROP BY - fundraiser for Senator Bond SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of September 22 - 28, 1991 Pg. 4 Thursday, September 26 9:15 Sunflower, State Room KEYNOTE - Financial Executives Institute’s Committee on Investment of Employee Benefits Assets (CIEBA) 5th Annual mtg. 10:15 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Madigan & Sen. Lugar (Al & Dave) 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/Vladmir Lukin, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Supreme Soviet of Russia (Al) 11:00 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila & Vicky mtg. w/Joyce General, Carol Bower, Jane Henry, & Sara White - Kansas pharmacists 11:15 S-230 DROP BY - Greg mtg. w/Joe Warner, City Commissioner from Salina 11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Paul Coverdell (Georgia) (Jo-Anne) 12:00 S-230 brief hello w/10 Federal Regional Directors of HHS (Vicky) 1:30 S-230 mtg. w/Presidential Candidate of Ecuador, Abdala Bucaram (Al) 2:00 H-227 Senate/House Republican Leadership mtg. 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Dean Edward L. Meyen, School of Education, Univ. of KS 3:30 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila & Vicky mtg. w/KS Family Academy of Physicians delegation (15-20) 4:00 S-301 FIN COMM - Senate conferees mtg. on unemployment compensation bill 4:30 S-230 mtg. w/Jim Ryan (Illinois) (Jo-Anne) 5:00 S-230 mtg. w/GSA Administrator Richard Austin & Sen. D'Amato (Jim W.) 4:00-6:00 Ronald Reagan Center "Meet & Greet" f/Dirk Kempthorne hosted by Jim McClure, Larry Craig, & Steve Symms(Jo-Anne) 6:00 S-221 mtg. w/Senator Mitchell, Sheila Burke, & Elizabeth Greene re: scheduling SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of September 22 - 28, 1991 Pg. 6 Friday, September 27 10:00 S-230 mtg. w/President Mesic, Pres. of Yugoslavia, & other Senators (Mira) 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Oversight - "Pension Simplification" 11:00 S-230 DROP BY - Vicky mtg. w/Peggy Elliott from Johnson County 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson) 12:00 S-230 PHOTO w/King County Republican Club (12-15) (Judy B.) 12:00 S-116 DROP BY??? working luncheon for His Majesty King Hassan II of the Kingdom of Morocco hosted by the Foreign Relations Committee SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of September 22 - 28, 1991 Pg. 6 Saturday, September 28 7:30 a.m. lv. residence 8:00 a.m. lv. Washington National, Butler Aviation 9:30 a.m. ar. Colonel James Jabara Airport SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE (handwritten) Sept 28-29, 1991 (circled) FINAL CONTACTS: Judy Kay 913/295-2745 (o) 913/836-2319 (h) Jo-Anne Coe 202/543-5016 703/845-1714 Weather: Conditions over the weekend will be dry and fair over the entire state. Following overnight lows in the 40's and 50's, Saturday will be warm and clear with highs in the 80's. Winds from the South-Southeast at 15-25 mph may result in a bumpy ride on the helicopter. Saturday's overnight lows in the 40'8 will turn to another warm and dry day on Sunday, with highs again reaching 80 degrees. NO WARNINGS OF ANY TYPE ARE EXPECTED FOR GENERAL AVIATION. KANSAS SCHEDULE FOR SEPTEMBER 28TH & 29TH, 1991 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 7:30 a.m. Lv. Washington National, Butler Aviation for Wichita AIRCRAFT: ConAgra Lear 35 TAIL NO.: N 823 CA SEATS: (blank) PILOT: Kirk Fischter CO-PILOT: Don Osborn FLIGHT TIME: 3 hrs. MEAL SERVICE: Coffee & Sweetrolls MANIFEST: Senator Dole Dave Spears CONTACT: Paul Korody or Terry Marshall 202/223-5115 202/223-5118 (FAX) 301/530-8474 (Home) 2 9:30 a.m. Ar. Colonel James Jabara Airport - Midwest Corporate Aviation: 316/636-9700 MET BY: Mike Glassner & Dave Shupe Drive time to Andover - 20 mins. 10:00 a.m. to 10:25 a.m. ANDOVER - 24th Annual Andover Days Parade (You will be in front of parade) DRIVER: Bill Spillman (Antique convertible) CONTACT: Shad Rockstad 316/733-0648 316/733-2091 Fax 10:30 a.m. Lv. Andover for Medicine Lodge via helicopter AIRCRAET: Bell Jet Ranger TAIL NO.: 88TC SEATS: 3 PILOT: Curt Bergemann FLIGHT TIME: 40 mins. CONTACT: Triangle Copter Curt Bergemann 316/942-1239 (w) 316/794-8936 (h) 316/943-3772 FAX 11:10 a.m. Ar. Medicine Lodge - Helicopter landing pad - NE side of town, behind the Hospital. MET BY: Helen Abt & Debbie Boyce - They will be driving you in the parade and will just meet you at the landing pad and get you into the parade. 11:05 a.m. to MEDICINE LODGE - Parade and celebration to re-enact the signing of the 1867 Peace (appointment finished on next page) (appointment continued from previous page) 12:30 p.m. Treaty DRIVER: Helen Abt and Debbie Boyce 1962 Lincoln Convertible CONTACT: Richard Raleigh 316/886-5646 12:40 p.m. Lv. Medicine Lodge for Kingman via helicopter AIRCRAFT: Bell Jet Ranger TAIL NO.: 88TC SEATS: 3 PILOT: Curt Bergemann FLIGHT TIME: 20 Mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mike Glassner Dave Spears 1:00 p.m. Ar. Kingman Airport - Lindt Flying Service 316/532-3864 MET BY: Jeanne Geist CONTACT: Jeanne Geist 316/532-2804 316/532-3169 1:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. KINGMAN - Reception - public meeting with Senator Dole. Annual Art Fair will be going on in Kingman all day. Public meeting will be in front of the First National Bank of Kingman. CONTACT: Jeanne Geist, GOP Chrm. 316/532-2804 (h) 316/532-3169 (w) INTRODUCED BY: Jeanne Geist 4 2:35 p.m. Lv. Kingman for Pratt via helicopter AIRCRAFT: Bell Jet Ranger TAIL NO.: 88TC SEATS: 3 PILOT: Curt Bergemann PLIGHT TIME: 20 Mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mike Glassner David Spears 2:55 p.m. Ar. Pratt Community College MET BY: Gary Schmidt, GOP Chrm. Bill Wojciechowski, Pres. of Pratt Junior College Sheriff Raymond McGuire 3:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. PRATT - Reception - public meeting with Senator Dole - Commissioners Room, City Building. CONTACT: Gary Schmidt, GOP Chrm. 316/672-2190 (h) Wanda Kanold, V. Chrm. 316/672-2747 INTRODUCED BY: Gary Schmidt, GOP Chrm. 4:30 p.m. Lv. Pratt for Russell via helicopter AIRCRAFT: Bell Jet Ranger TAIL NO.: 88TC SEATS: 3 PILOT: Curt Bergemann FLIGHT TIME: 40 Mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mike Glassner 5 5:10 p.m. Ar. Russell City van will be at the airport for your use in Russell. Mike will leave it at the Winchester Inn on Sunday morning. RON - RUSSELL - 913-483-4274 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 10:25 a.m. Lv. Russell for Brookville via car 60 miles DRIVER: Kent Pekarek U.S. Marshal 913/295-2775 11:30 a.m. Ar. Brookville for lunch 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. BROOKVILLE - Lunch (Reservations for 30) 1:15 p.m. Lv. Brookville for Salina via car 25 miles DRIVER: Kent Pekarek U.S. Marshal 913/295-2775 1:45 p.m. Ar. Asbury Hospital - Take brief tour CONTACT: Clay Kdmands, President 913-827-4411 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. SALINA - Asbury Regional Hospital and to Medical Center - Dedication of new $19 million dollar addition. *Entire Ceremony is expected to last no longer than 20-25 minutes. They have allowed 5 minutes for your remarks -- everyone else is limited to 1-2 minutes, The program is as follows: 2:00 p.m, National Anthem Presentation of Colors St. John’s Military School Introduction: of Board of Trustees Bob Ott, Chairman of Board Invocation: Harry Tysen, Chaplain Remarks: Bismarck D'Souza, Medical Staff Pres. John Mize. V. Chrm. of the Board Senator Bob Dole - Introduced by John Mize, V. Chrm. of the Board Ribbon Cutting - Senator will participate Closing Remarks - Clay Edmands President Benediction: Harry Tysen 2:25 p.m. Ceremony Concludes. 2:30 p.m. Lv. Asbury Hospital for Airport Flower Aviation 913/825-6739 DRIVER: Kent Pekarek U.S. Marshal 913/295-2775 2:45 p.m. Wheels up for Washington AIRCRAFT: ConAgra Lear 35 TAIL NO.: N 823 CA SEATS: (blank) PILOT: Kirk Fischter CO-PILOT: Don Osborn FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs. 45 mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole 6:30 p.m. Ar. Washington National MET BY: Wilbert