(Handwritten: Yvonne/ Sun, June 2) FINAL May 31, 1991 WEATHER FORECAST: Thunderstorms throughout entire state, Saturday through Monday (Mostly in afternoon) SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE- SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 1991 8:10AM Lv. Washington National America West # 89- seat 15C (Mike Glassner: Seat 13A) NOTE: America West is attempting to change your seats so that you will be seated together, and preferably in the front row where there is more leg-room. Will not know if this is do-able until you check in Sunday morning. (Same applies on the Senator's return flight) 10:11AM Ar. Wichita, Kansas Mid Continent Airport MET BY: Yingling Aircraft van Transfer to Yingling Aircraft FBO 10:35AM Ar. Yingling Cessna FBO 316/943-3246 10:40AM Lv. Wichita AIRCRAFT: Yingling Cessna TAIL NO.: 30 AW SEATS: 4 MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner PILOT: Jerry Eichelberger CO-PILOT: Mitchell Mosiman CONTACT: Susie or Jerry 316/943-3246 11:40AM Ar. Ulysses, Kansas Runway: 5731 x 50 ft. Moyer Aviation 316/356-3554 Mike Moyer Home Phone: 316/356-1507 NOTE: Airport will close on Monday for major renovations, but will remain open Sunday. PAGE TWO MET BY: Sam Foore 316/356-4142(O) 316/356-3328(H) 12:00PM-1:00PM Attend LUNCH with local citizenry Bounte West Restaurant Manager: Ken Wilkey 316/353-1309 CROWD SIZE: 70 FORMAT: "Dutch Treat" in private room Informal REMARKS + Q&A PRESS: Local Newspaper and Radio MIKE: None CONTACT: Sam Foore Dole Chairman (Grant County State Bank) 316/356-4142 (O) 316/ 356-3328 (H) Floyd Pinnick 316/356-4142 (O) 316/356-1441 (H) Other GOP Contacts: Steve or Peggy Alford Grant County GOP Chair and Vice-Chair 316/356-1361 NOTE: Time permitting, you may wish to stop in main part of restaurant to visit with regular patrons 1:20PM Lv. Ulysses 1:40PM Ar. Liberal, Kansas Runway: 7101 x 150 ft. FBO: Aero Center 316/624-1647 MET BY: Mike Dreiling (Dole Chairman) 316/624-5024 (H) 316/624-3548 (O) DRIVE TIME: 5 minutes PAGE THREE 2:00PM-3:00PM DEDICATION- SOUTHWEST MEDICAL CENTER 316/624-1651 ATTENDANCE: 300-400 PRESS: OPEN CONTACT: Ruth Eskew 316/624-1651, Ext. 416 316/626-7122 or 316/626-8517 PROGRAM: National Anthem (Trumpet Solo) Mr. Jim LIttle, Liberal High School Instrumental Instructor Color Guard: National Guard Welcome & Introductions: Cleo Johnson, CEO, Southwest Medical Center Invocation: Otto Mehl, Former Seward County Commissioner Dedication Remarks: Byron Byrd, Chrm., Board of Trustees Dennis Knudsen, M.D., Chief of Staff Paul Dougherty, Former CEO of SWMC DEDICATION ADDRESS: SENATOR DOLE Ribbon Cutting Participants: Cleo Johnson Byron Byrd, Open House Grand Marshal James Keating, Vice-Grand Marshal Jim Madden, Pres., SWMC Foundation Marvin Self, Chief Operating Ofcr., SWMC Paul Dougherty Senator Dole CLOSING REMARKS Benediction: Rev. Paul Long Liberal Ministerial Alliance 3:00PM-3:30PM TOUR NEW MEDICAL FACILITY 316/624-1651 3:30PM Lv. Medical Center en route Air Museum DRIVER: Mike Dreiling PAGE FOUR 3:45PM Ar. Liberal Air Museum 316/624-5263 3:45PM-4:15PM TOUR LIBERAL AIR MUSEUM and Meet new Executive Director, Steve Brown NOTE: Steve Brown is a native of Hutchinson, and came to Liberal from Virginia Museum of Fine Arts CONTACT: John Smith 316/624-1834 Ronda Maxwell 316/624-5263 4:15PM Lv. Air Museum en route Airport 4:25PM Ar. Aero Center, Liberal Airport 316/624-1647 4:30PM Lv. Liberal AIRCRAFT: Yingling Cessna 5:30PM Ar. Wichita Transfer to Mid Continent Commercial Terminal and "drop-off" Mike Glassner 6:10PM Lv. Wichita America West #268- Seat 22D NOTE: America West trying to re-locate your seating assignment to front row NOTE: Dave Spears will probably be on the same flight 9:44PM Ar. Washington National MET BY: Wilbert Jones PROCEED TO PRIVATE June 7, 1991 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of June 2-8, 1991 Pg. 1 SUNDAY, JUNE 2 8:10 lv. Washington Nat'l Airport via America West #89 10:11 ar. Wichita SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 6:10 lv. Wichita via America West #268 9:44 ar. Washington National met by Wilbert SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of June 2-8, 1991 Pg. 2 Monday, June 3 11:00 Nat'l Archives, Penn Ave entrance SPEAK-Nat'l Archives commemoration of the 50th anniversary participation in WWII (ar. 10:45) 1:30 S-230 PHOTO w/ Roger & Karen Miller, daughters, Erin & Laura, from Overland Park (David) and Eileen Dennehy (Judy B.) 2:00 Senate reconvenes 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Senator Danforth 6:00 Capitol Hill Club, Eisenhower Lounge DROP BY????- Gerald R. Ford Foundation annual mtg./ dinner (recp:6:00; dinner: 7:00) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of June 2-8, 1991 Pg. 3 Tuesday, June 4 10:00-11:00 White House, Cabinet Room, ar. NW Gate mtg. w/ President Bush and other Senators re: China MFN 12:15 S-230 PHOTO w/ Kansas Presidential Classroom students (6) (David) 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 2:30 S-230 DROP BY- Al mtg. w/ John Chan, Hong Kong Sec'y f/ Trade & Industry 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Sen. Pete Williams (NJ) & friend 3:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Vernon Behrhorst & Mary Ann Krum (Walt) 4:00 S-230 DROP BY- Greg & Jim M. mtg. w/ 3 KS NFIB members 4:30 S-230 PHOTO w/ Bob Green, Ottawa attorney, & Ron & Cindy Altman & children (Hays), & LaVern & Joan Brockway (Salina); Molly Haberer & Sherry Hutchcraft (Paradise) (Marcie) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of June 2-8, 1991 Pg. 4 Wednesday, June 5 9:00 S-230 staff breakfast 12:00 SR-235 "I Remember Hubert" Birthday luncheon/celebration (co-chairman w/ Sen. Mitchell) 1:30 S-230 PHOTO w/ Douglas County 4-H students (8) (Bret), and w/8 graders from Linwood (12) (David); & Anne Barkis, House Page from Lewisburg, KS 1:35 S-230 mtg. w/ Ben Barnes (Whit or Greg) 2:00-2:30 White House, Cabinet Room, NW Gate meeting w/ President Bush and other Senators re:SDI SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEUDLE- Week of June 2-8,1991 Pg. 5 Thursday, June 6 8:30 S-201 Republican Task Force f/ Health Care breakfast 9:30 SD-366 introduce Mike Hayden & John Schrote (Acting Assist. Sec., Policy, Mgmt., & Budget) at Energy Committee confirmation hearings (Greg) 9:30 SD-215 FIN COMM-full comm- Health Care Cost/ Access 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Van Krikorian, Armenian Assembly Director 10:45 S-230 mtg. w/ Senators Lott & Murkowski regarding Committee on Committees 11:00-12:00 S-207 BRIEF REMARKS- Women in Military Service for American Memorial Foundation reception 11:15 S-230 PHOTO w/ David DePue, Executive Director of Kansas Council on Cocational Education, and 2 others 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Cong. Michel 2:30 S-230 PHOTO w/ Gavin Lee Williams, Graduate of the Year by Goodwill Industries of America, Inc. (Wichita) (Andy) 4:00 S-230 mtg. w/ General Rhame, Commanding General of the 1st Infantry Division (Bill) 5:30 S-221 mtg. w/ Senators Mitchell, Thurmond, & Biden regarding crime bill (Kerry) 7:30 Hay-Adams, Adam Room SPEAK to Board of Trustees of the American Graduate School of Int'l Mgmt. -Thunderbird SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of June 2- 8, 1991 Pg.6 Friday, June 7 10:00 SD-G50 SPEAK-Congressional Intern Program 11:00 S-230 PHOTO w/ Big Red One & Kansas Army Reserve Soldiers (Bill) 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson) 12:00 White lunch w/ President Bush & Senator Phil Gramm 1:30 S-230 PHOTO w/ Kansas troops (Bill) 3:30 lv. the Capitol 4:00 lv. Washington National, Butler Aviation 5:30 ar. Jacksonville, Florida, International Airport SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 9:05 lv. Jacksonville 10:40 ar. Hays, Kansas SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of June 2-8, 1991 Pg. 7 Saturday, June 8 in Kansas- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 2:25 lv. Hays, KS 5:50 ar. Washington, National, Butler Aviation- met by Wilbert (Handwritten: June 7-8) FINAL 6/7/91 SENATOR AND MRS. DOLE SCHEDULE: Friday- Saturday, JUNE 7-8, 1991 CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe 202/543-5016 (O) 703/845-1714 (H) Marcie Adler 913/483-5115 (H) 913/483-6960 (RS Chamber) 913/483-6811 913/483-6641 (S&S FAX) FRIDAY,JUNE 7 3:30PM Lv. Capitol 3:50PM Ar. Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 4:00PM Lv. Washington, D.C. AIRCRAFT: Winn-Dixie Sabreliner TAIL NO: N80R SEATS: 6 comfortably (7 maximum) PILOT: Bill Piper CO-PILOT: Allen Harris MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mrs. DOle, Dave Spears, Anita Krug (intern), Angela Stinchcomb (intern), Justin Friesen (intern) FLIGHT TIME: 1 hour 30 minutes CONTACT: Doris Player Secretary to Mr. A. Dano Davis, Chairman of the Board 904/783-5000 904/783-5194 (FAX) Charles Winge Senior Vice President, Winn- Dixie Stores 904/695-7801 904/695-5194 (FAX) Virginia Bushman 904/695-7803 PAGE TWO 5:30PM Ar. Jacksonville, Florida International Airport Airkaman 904/741-2201 MET BY: Winn Dixie staff with limo Back-up car for staff provided by Boy Scouts POLICE ESCORT DRIVE TIME: 30 minutes 6:00PM Arrive Prime Osborne Center 904/798-3000 ATTEND TRIBUTE TO MR. A. DANO DAVIS, Chairman, Winn-Dixie Stores (NOTE: He goes by "Dan") Man of the Year for Civic and Charitable Events for the City of Jacksonville (Fundraiser for Boy Scouts of America- North Florida Council) BLACK TIE OPTIONAL (Head Table will be in Black Tie) 6:00PM-7:00PM Private VIP Reception- 75 people Board Room B NOTE: JODY HANFORD WILL BE ATTENDING THE RECEPTION ONLY FORMAT Mix and Mingle, PHOTO Ops (No Receiving Line, No Remarks) 7:00PM Dinner begins Convention Hall Adjacent to Board Room B FORMAT: HEAD TABLE W/ PODIUM & MIKE PRESS: OPEN HEAD TABLE: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winge, EMCEE and Sr. V.P., Winn-Dixie Stores, Buck and Tillie Fowler PAGE THREE HEAD TABLE (CONTINUED): Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dimitri- President, Boy Scout Council of N. Fla. Rev. and Mrs. Kaleel Ellison- Invocation, Director of City Rescue Mission Mr. and Mrs. Jim Terry, Director, Boy Scouts of N. Fla. 7:45PM Program Begins: EMCEE: Charles Winge Invocation: Reverend Kaleel Ellison 7:45 2-3 minute speech- Jack Dimitri President, Boy Scout Council of North Florida Area 7:48 5-min. slide presentation on Mr. Davis 7:53 3-min. slide presentation on Mr. Davis 7:56 5-min. acceptance/thank-you speech by Mr. Davis 8:01 2 min. intro. of Senator Dole by Mrs. Tillie Fowler 8:03-8:23 15-20 min. REMARKS BY SENATOR DOLE CROWD SIDE: 1500-1700 CONTACT: Charles Winge (above) or Tillie Fowler, Jacksonville City Councilwoman 904/384-3085 (H) 904/630-1390 (O) 904/388-7342 (Direct line) 8:30PM Lv. Convention Center POLICE ESCORT 9:00PM Ar. Jacksonville International Airport Airkaman 904/741-2201 PAGE FOUR 9:05PM Lv. Jacksonville AIRCRAFT: Winn-Dixie Sabreliner TAIL NO.: N 80 R MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole, Dave Spears, Anita Krug (intern), Angela Stinchcomb (intern), Justin Friesen (intern) FLIGHT TIME: 2 hours 35 minutes 10:40PM Ar. Hays, Kansas Rich's Air Service 913/625-6618 MET BY: Marcie Adler 913/483-5115 NOTE: Staff is "on their own" for ground transportation Overnight in Russell: 913/483-4274 SATURDAY, JUNE 8 9:55AM Addemble for Parade 11th and Main 10:00AM-11:45AM PRAIRIESTA DAYS PARADE SENATOR DOLE and Senator Specter will ried in the Doran Dole Fire Truck (Stand on 8' protected crosswalk behind cab) DRIVER: Eng Daron Woelk (Jewler's son) CONTACT: Chief Eral Hemphill 913-483-6311 (O) 913/483-5772 (H) MRS. DOLE will ride in convertible with two Grey Ladies: Mrs. Dave (Neva) Goodyear (Dave and Neva 50th Anniversary on Sunday- she dropped all plans to be with Mrs. Dole) Lorraine ("Betts") Mills (Husband John, retired banker) PAGE FIVE MC Wayne Grabbe at corner of Banker's, 8th & Main No Reviewing Stand Ends at 2nd and Main CO-CHAIRMEN: Everett Hixson, Russell State Bank 913/483-6800/483-6008, CLaire Fisher, City Appraiser 913/483-6311/483-5837 PARADE ORDER: Color Guard Army Nat'l Guard Band from Topeka/Olathe Prairiesta General Chairman Norma Jean Cook DORAN DOLE FIRE TRUCK- SENATORS DOLE & SPECTER MRS. DOLE & GREY LADIES MRS. SPECTER Kansas Attorney General Bob Stephan Carol Dawson & other State elected officials Mayor Neal Farmer 11:30AM-12:30PM SENATOR DOLE HOSTS WELCOME LUNCH for "Dollar General" Officials Masonic Hall Corner of 6th and Main (Enter from 6th Street) (directly above location of new store) 913/483-2261 CROWD SIZE: 50-60 ATTENDEES: Larry Wilcher, "Dollar General" General Counsel, Scottsville, KY, City Council & Officials, Economic Development Committee, Chamber Officers, Masonic Leaders FORMAT: Sandwiches & Soft Drinks (Served by Eastern Star) PRESS: OPEN CONTACT: Brad Seibel, Econ Devel. Chair 913/483-5334/6632 12:00PM OPTIONAL EVENTS ONGOING Sweet Adelines Concert at 8th and Main Midway Opens at 8th and Main 1:00PM OPTIONAL EVENTS ONGOING Denies Cultural Center- Russell Artists Exhibits German Folk Dancers at 8th and Main PAGE SIX 1:50PM Lv. Russell DRIVER: Marcie Adler or Anita Dole (Marcie & Anita will work this out after you arrive) 2:20PM Ar. Hays AIRCRAFT: Winn-Dixie Sabreliner TAIL NO.: N 80 R MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole, Anita Krug (intern), Angela Stinchcomb (intern), Justin Friesen (intern) TENT: Senator Specter, Mrs. Specter FLIGHT TIME: 2 hours 25 minutes 5:50PM Ar. Washington National Butler Aviaition 703/549-8340 SENATOR DOLE PROCEEDS TO PRIVATE SEE NEXT PAGE FOR MRS. DOLE'S SCHEDULE MRS. DOLE'S SCHEDULE 6:00PM Lv. Washington National AIRCRAFT: Learjet 25 TAIL NO.: N 105 GA SEATS: 5 PILOT: Paul Puryear CO-PILOT: C.T. Lewis OWNER: Gibson Aviation (Charter) CONTACT: Robin 1-800-344-2055 or 301/831-4600 7:00PM Ar. Lebanon, New Hampshire Ladco Aviation 603/298-8728 (SEPARATE SCHEDULE PROVIDED BY RED CROSS) PILOTS WILL BE STAYING AT: Shaker Inn (near Lebanon Airport) 603/632-7800 SUNDAY, JUNE 9 11:00AM Pilots will be on stand-by at Lebanon Airport Ladco Aviation 603/298-8728 12:30PM Lv. Lebanon, New Hampshire AIRCRAFT: Learjet 25 TAIL NO.: N 105 GA SEATS: 5 PILOT: Paul Puryear CO-PILOT: C.T. Lewis MANIFEST: Mrs. Dole, Dan Jarman 1:30PM Ar. Washington National Butler Aviation June 14, 1991 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of June 9-15, 1991 Pg.1 Sunday, June 9 in Washington 9:45 CBS car willpick you up at your residence (CBS Studio-2020 M Street) 10:30 Live- "Face the Nation" Monday, June 10 10:15 S-230 courtesy call w/ Kharis Suhud, Speaker of Indonesia Parliament (Al) 11:00 Hideaway videos f/ Kansas troops & Specter Tribute (Clarkson) 12:00 Mayflower, East Room SPEAK to North American Die Casting Association 1:00 Hyatt, Ticonderoga Rm. SPEAK/ Guest of Honor at Annual Phil Gramm Founding Board meeting (Jo-Anne) 2:25 S-230 PHOTO w/ Joe Swallwell, 1st VP of Learning Disabilities Assoc., & Ela Shacklett, KS State Pres. (Andy) 2:20 S-230 PHOTO w/ Joel Groninga & his father, Steven, and his grandfather, Bud, from Abilene (Bob) 2:30 Ohio Clock PHOTO w/ 1991 Kansas ASCS Award Winners w/ Senator Kassebaum (Greg) 3:45 S-230 mtg. w/ Sec. Brady, Bob Glauber, & Mary Sophos re: banking reform (Dennis) 4:15 S-230 mtg. w/ Dale Hilpert, Chairman of Payless Shoes (Al) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of June 9-15, 1991 Pg.2 Tuesday, June 11 9:00-9:30 SD-G50 SPEAK to Presidential Classroom 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Bill Rusnack, Pres, ARCO Transportation, & Cong. Nickles (Greg) 12:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Tom Nemet (Jo-Anne) 12:10 S-230 PHOTO w/ 5 Kansas Presidential Classroom students (David), & w/ Senate Pages, & Rick Nelson (Judy B.) 12:15 S-230 Republican Leadership meeting 12:45 S-230 policy luncheon 2:30 SD-215 FIN COMM- priavte mtg. w/ Carla Hills re: US-Mexico Trade Negotiations 1:30 lv. The Capitol via Wilbert 2:00 ar. Andrews AFB tour of displays of the B-2, F-22, F-117, 2 new stealth cruise missles, with President Bush, Don Rice, Dick Cheney, Warner, Nunn, Inouye 3:00 lv. Andrews AFB 3:30 ar. The Capitol 4:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Larry Tisch, CEO of CBS (Whit) 5:00 S-230 courtesy call w/ Ann Veneman (Bret) 6:30-8:30 Susan Conway Carroll Gallery, 1214 30th St, NW birthday party for Bob Ellsworth 6:30-8:30 3059 Q. St. NW recp. f/ Sen. Cohen celebrating the publication of his new book "One Eyed Kings" SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of June 9-15, 1991 Pg. 3 Wednesday, June 12 9:00-9:45 White House, Cabinet Room mtg. w/ Pres. BUsh & GOP Senators re: China MFN 10:00 S-230 PHOTO & DROP BY- Greg mtg. w/ KS Turnpike Authority officials 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM- Subc on Taxation "Misc. Tax Bill" 10:20 S-230 PHOTO w/ Shepard Buchanan & daughter, Melissa (Bucky Buchanan's son) (Judy B.); & w/2 students, their paerents, & their teacher from Hutchinson (David) 10:30 S-221 mtg. w/ Senator Mitchell re:payraise 11:00-11:15 S-230 mtg. w/ David Murdoch & Cliff Massa, attorney w/ Patton, Boggs, & Blow (Nina) 12:30 Senate steps PHOTO w/ 250 FFA students (Bret will take the 25 Kansas FFA students to RLO afterwards.) 1:45 S-230 PHOTO w/ Norman Doehring & his wife Leorna, & Marjorie Vinkenberg from Salina (Dave) 2:00 S-230 DROP BY- Sheila mtg. w/ John Kiefhaver, Exec. VP f/ Kansas Health Care & Administrators 2:15 S-221 mtg. w/ Senator Mitchell & Donaldo Colosio, Mexican Senator (Al) 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Dick Rosenbaum (Dennis & Judy B.) 3:30 S-221 mtg. w/ Senator Mitchell & Donaldo Colosio, Mexican Senator (Al) 4:15 S-230 cookies w/ 100 Jr. High School students & parents from Kansas in Washington for National History Day (Don) 5:00-6:00 SR-325 DROP BY??? recp. in honor of Senators Mitchell & Cochran hosted by Independent Bakers Association 6:00-8:00 Nat'l Press Club kick-off mtg. f/ Senator McCain's Arizona Founding Board (Jo-Anne) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of June 9-15, 1991 Pg.4 Thursday, June 13 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM- hearing & markup- nominations f/ Mary Sohos for Treasury, & 10:10 S-230 PHOTO & courtesy call w/ General Sullivan (Bill) 10:30 SR-222 introduce General Sullivan at his confirmation hearing (Bill) 10:45 S-230 DROP BY- Sheila mtg. w/ Dr. Irene Bettinger from Kansas 11:00-12:00 S-230 Senate Republican Leader's Reception (Jo-Anne) 12:10 S-207 SPEAK- Farewell & Awards Reception for Pages, Spring Class of 1991 12:40 S-230 mtg. w/ Senators Simpson, Lott, Stevens re: payraise 1:30 S-230 PHOTO w/ Ken & Sheila Frahm (She is a Kansas State Senator); & w/ Mimi Jones, intern w/ Cong. Roberts, & her parents, Paul & Judy Jones from Lyons, KS; (Bret); & Paul Duke & family members 2:15 S-230 DROP BY- Sheila mtg. w/ KS members of the the Partenrship on Health Care & Employment 2:30 S-230 DROP BY Kathy mtg. w/ Jim Atwood, VP of Emerging Technologies f/ Farmland, & Jerry Waters 3:00 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson) 3:45 S-230 PHOTO w/ Steve Mangan from Tribune, KS (Dave) & John Petrie from Mission Hills, KS (Elli) 4:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Peter Levi, Pres. of Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce (Greg) 4:15 S-221 mtg. w/ Sen Mitchell re: highway bill (CONT.) THURSDAY, JUNE 13- CONTINUED 7:10 Convention Center President's Dinner (arrive no later than 7:10 pm at "special guest" entrance prior to "lockdown" =) 7:45 headtable setting 9:00-9:02 Cong. Michel speaks & introduces Senator Dole 9:02-9:04 Senator Dole speaks 9:50-9:52 President & Mrs. Bush depart dinner SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of June 9-15, 1991 Pg.5 Friday, June 14 8:45 lv. residence f/ airport via Wilbert 9:00 lv. Washington National, Butler Aviation 10:45 ar. Kansas City Int'l Airport- met by Kent Piekarek, U.S. Marshal SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE Saturday, June 15 1:05 lv. Kansas Int'l via US Air #1108 (first class/ Seat 1C) 4:15 ar. Washington National - Met by Wilbert (Handwritten: June 14-15, 1991) REVISED CONTACTS: Judy Kay 913/295-2745 (O), 913/273-1870 (H) Jo-Anne Coe 202/543-5016 (O), 703/845-1714 (H) Gale Grosch 913/371-6108 (O), 816/373-8468 (H) Kent Pekarek 913/295-2775 (O), 913/267-4668 (H) WEATHER: FRIDAY- Partly Sunny, 30% chance of widely scattered thunderstorms in the late afternoon and evening. Southerly winds, 10-20 mph.. Highs in the low 90's, lows in the high 70's. SATURDAY- As of now, forcast is the same for Saturday, with the chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon and evening and highs around 90, and southerly winds 10-20 mph... KANSAS SCHEDULE FOR JUNE 14-15, 1991 (Handwritten: Revised) FINAL FRIDAY, JUNE 14 8:45a.m. Lv. Residence for airport DRVIER: Wilbert 9:00a.m. Ar. Washington National Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 AIRCRAFT: Sabreliner TAIL NO: N 12659 SEATS: 8 PILOT IN COMMAND: James Edwards CO-PILOT: Samuel Markovich MANIFEST: Seantor Dole Congresswoman Jan Meyers 2 Mike Moore, Dir., U.S. Marshals Service Charles Curren, General Counsul U.S. Marshals Service Claudia Peacock, Special Asst. to the Director, Marshals Service (TENTATIVE ONLY) Mike Glassner MEAL SERVICE: Sweetrolls and Coffee CONTACT: Steve Boyle Office of Public Affairs 202/307-9065 Available 24 hrs.- Comm. Centr 202/307-9000 FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs. 30 mins. 9:15p.m. Lv. Washington for Kansas City 10:45a.m. Ar. Kansas City, Missouri, Downtown Airport, Executive Beechcraft- 816/842-8484 MET BY: Kent Pekarek, U.S. Marshal 11:00a.m. Ar. Kansas City Senate Office 11:25a.m. Lv. Kansas CIty Office for Riverboat DRIVE TIME: 5 mins. DRIVER: Kent Pekarek, U.S. Marshal 11:30a.m. to 12:45 KANSAS CITY, KANSAS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT LUNCH- Riverboat ATTENDANCE: 200 FORMAT: 11:35a.m. - Every one seated, lunch will 3 FORMAT 11:35a.m. - Every one steated, lunch will begin being served Opening remarks and introduction of guests- LaVert A. Murray, Dir. of Economic Development 11:45a.m Recognition of Recipients of Awards of Appreciation 11:55a.m. KCK Area Chamber greetings Bill Ray, President of Chamber Noon to 12:15p.m. Break in program to finish lunch 12:15p.m. to 12:45p.m. Presentation of Awards by Mayor Steinger with Senator Dole and Congresswoamn Meyers- Mayor will announce winners and present a brief history of the business. Senator Dole and Congresswoman Meyers will assist in handing award to recipients and will be asked to give brief remarks to conclude the event 12:45p.m. Conclusion and "Thabk-you's" LaVert A. Murray CONTACT: Tom Lally, K.C., Ks. Economic Development- 913/573-5730 12:47p.m. Lv. Riverboat for Kansas City Groundbreaking Ceremony. 4 DRIVE TIME: 5 mins. DRIVER: Kant Pekarek, U.S. Marshal 12:55p.m. Ar. Groundbreaking site, 5th and State 1:00p.m. to 2:30p.m. KANSAS CITY KANSAS COURTHOUSE GROUNDBREAKING CONTACT: Del Stromer 816/926-7201 ATTENDANCE: 400 Platform Guests: Del Stromer, GSA Regional Administrator Rev. Dr, E.A. Freeman, 1st Baptist Church Peter Adams, Assistant to Mayor Mayor Joe Steinger Chief Judge Earl E. O'Connor Congresswoman Jan Meyers Mike Harper, A.A. to Senator Kassebaum Senator Bob Dole Ralph DeLoach, Clerk of Fed. Dist. Court Tom Gossen, Goseen- Livingston Associates- Professional Architects Delmar Janovec, Pres. Tomahawk Construction Company Bill Ray, President, KCK Chamber of Commerce 9 Federal Judges Mike Moore, Director, U.S. Marshals Service FORMAT: EMCEE: Del Stromer National Anthem: Peter Adams Invocation: Rev. Dr. Edward Freeman Welcom: Mayor Steineger Platform Introduction of Federal Judges: Chief Judge Earl O'Connor Introduction of other platform guests: Del Stromer Remarks: Congresswoman Jan Meyers Letter from Senator Kassebaum: Mike Harper Remarks: Senator Bob Dole 5 OPEN TO MEDIA 2:00p.m. RECEPTION ACROSS THE STREET AT THE REARDON CENTER IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE CEREMONY. HOST: KCK Chamber of Commerce punch & cookies, mix and mingle CONTACT: Bill Ray, KCK Chamber 913/371-3070 2:30p.m. Lv. Reardon Center for Leavenworth via car. DRIVER: Kent Pekarek, U.S. Marshal DRIVE TIME: 30 mins. 3:15pm to 5:00pm LEAVENWORTH- Groundbreaking for CCA Leavenworth Detention Center FORMAT: Tent with platform. Podium & Mike EMCEE: Tom Beasley, Chrm. of Corrections Corporation of America PROGRAM: Welcome: Tom Beasley Remarks: Joel Grodberg, Mayor Remarks: Harley Russell, Leavenworth Area Development (Sr. V.P. of Leavenworth National Bank Remarks: Ed Reilly, State Senator Remarks: Senator Dole Remarks: Mike Moore, Director, U.S. Marshals Service PHOTOS WITH OFFICIALS AND BULLDOZER 4:15p.m. REFRESHMENTS- Mix and Mingle ATTENDANCE: 200 OPEN TO MEDIA 5:00p.m. Lv. Leavenworth for Kansas City DRIVER: Kent Pekarek, U.S. Marshal DRIVE TIME: 35 mins. 6:00p.m. Republican Women's Club of Lenexa- Ice Cream Social and Auction- Lenexa Senior Citizen's Center ATTENDANCE: 75-100 FORMAT: 6-7p.m. - Ice Cream Social 7:00p.m.- Auction CONTACT: Roberta Bridges 913/888-1708 CLUB OFFICERS: Roberta Bridges, Pres. Velma Bogina, V. Pres. Ernestine Johnson, Secretary Joan Schaefer, Treasurer 7 6:45p.m. Lv. Lenexa Senior Citizens Center for Peppercorn Duck DRIVER: Gale Grosch DRIVE TIME: 15 mins. 7:15p.m. to 9:15p.m. PEPPERCORN DUCK- DINNER WITH REGIONAL ADMINISTRATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES AND THEIR SPOUSES ** Dinner is in a room down the hall from the Peppercorn Duck Club. LIST OF THOSE ATTENDING Del Stromer, Regional Adm., GSA Wife- Harriet Bill Brown, Regional Adm., HUD Gary Nodler, Regional Adm., SBA Wife- Joncee Moriss Kay, Regional Adm., EPA Cindy Hariss- Hillman, Secretary's Rep., DOE Husband- Todd Dana Patrowsky, Regional Dir., HHS Eliehue Burnson, Secretary's Rep., DOL Wife- Nancy Dick Mellinger, Regional Dir., FEMA Wife- Jeannette (goes by Jeannie) Lahoma Yates, Exec. Dir., Federal Exec. Board STAFF: Marcie Adler Mike Glassner Gale Grosch-Husband-Richard 8 RON HYATT REGENCY-816/421-1234 SATURDAY, JUNE 15 *8:15a.m. Depart Hyatt Regency for Marriott DRIVER: Denise Peknik, U.S. Marshals Ser. * Departure time optional- your driver will arrive at the hotel at 7:45a.m. The continental breakfast is from 8-9:15a.m. so you can arrive any time. However, (Underlined:you need to be at the marriott by 9:15a.m., as that is when dignataries will get in their cars and leave for the parade) PHOTO OP- OVERLAND PARK MARRIOTT Denise Blatchford, Miss Kansas Teen USA, will be in the parade and will have her picture taken with you right before the parade lineup. Grace Shibley, (9 yrs. old), who just won Little Miss Kansas, and her mother, Jenny Shibley, won Mrs. Elegant Kansas, will also be there for a picture 8:30a.m. to 9:15a.m. OVERLAND PARK MARRIOTT- Continental Breakfast for VIP's prior to the Johnson County Welcom Home Parade 9:15a.m. VIP's WILL BE ESCORTED TO THEIR CONVERTIBLES, WHICH WILL BE AT THE MARRIOTT-WILL GO FROM THE MARRIOTT TO THE BEGINNING OF THE PARADE ROUTE 9 General Motors is providing cars. DRIVER: Joe Hurd, former Police Chief for the City of Mission 10:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. JOHNSON COUNTY WELCOME HOME PARADE AND CELEBRATION ATTENDANCE: 50,000 expected CONTACT: Nick Jordan, Convention & Tourist Bureau 913/491-0123 Sean Riley, City of O.P. 913/381-5252 Chris Bott, City of O.P. 913/381-5252, Ext. 158 PARADE LINE-UP: 312th Army Band Army Platoon Army Color Guard Marine Plattoon Marine Color Guard Grand Marshal- Brig. Gen. James Brabham (Was in Persian Gulf) 15 cars- returning veterans SENATOR DOLE ** You will go the entire parade route and then return to the Reviewing Stand at College and Antioch- You will have time to review the parade for 30 mins. before you have to leave for the airport. 10 NOON Lv. Johnson County for K.C.I. DRIVER: Denise Peknik, U.S. Marshals Service DRIVE TIME: 30 mins. 1:05p.m. Lv. Kansas City International for WASHINGTON US AIR FLIGHT NO. 4:17p.m. Ar. Washington National MET BY WILBERT June 21, 1991 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of June 16-22, 1991 Pg. 1 Monday, June 17 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Bruce Herschensohn, Senate candidate in California, & his campaign manager, Ken Khachigian (Jo-Anne) 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Soviet Trade Delegation & Senator Grassley (Dave) 3:00 S-230 DROP BY- Sheila mtg. w/ Norman Kahn, Jr. From Kansas City 3:15 S-230 mtg. w/ Jo-Anne Coe 4:00 S-230 PHOTO w/ Marie Bledsoe & 4 other hunger activists from Kansas City (Stacy); & Ned & Dorothy Lowry from Liberal and their grandson, NIck Field, from Dodge City (Marcie) 4:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Secretary Cheney & Republican Senators re: defense (Mira & Dan) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of June 16-22, 1991 Pg.2 Tuesday, June 18 8:00-9:00 S-120 DROP BY??? breakfast w/ KS Electric Cooperative's Youth "Gov't in Action" group (Greg) 10:00 S-230 PHOTO w/ William Ledesma, Wellington, KS, (Marcie); & w/ Isabell & Harold Gutentag (Judy B.); & 20 Rura Electric Youths (Greg); 3 Republican Conference interns (Clarkson); Erin Russell (Judy B)& Jim & Greta Paschall of Denver & their daughter, Heidi (Marcie) 11:30 EF-100 PHOTO & present the Jefferson Award to Dr. William Crouch from Topeka, KS; & to Tom Culala from Olathe 12:15 S-230 mtg. w/ Dale Sandstrom, Commissioner & Senate Candiate f/ N. Dakota, & Senator Gramm (Jo-Anne) 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 2:15 lv. the capitol 2:55 ar. Andrews AFB- greet President-elect Boris Yeltsin 4:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Nicaraguan Leader Antonio Lacayo, & Senators McCain, Mack, & Kasten (Al) 7:15 Willard Hotel, Pierce Room SPEAK to Arthur Anderson Tax Directors Group (Recep: 6:30; Dinner: 7:15) Off the Senate Floor mtg. w/ Senator Murkowski SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of June 16-22, 1991 Pg. 4 Thursday, June 20 8:30 S-201 Republican Task Force f/ Health Care breakfast 10:00 Capitol Hill Club Ohio Republican Party's "Washington D.C. Day" 10:00 SD-215 China MFN status 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Yuri Chumakov & Fedor Senko & Senators Cochran, Grassley, & Lugar (Dave) 12:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Senator Rockafeller (Sheila) 12:30 Columbus Club, Union Station SPEAK- American Trucking Associations Exec. Committee's semi-annual meeting 2:00 SD-211 ??? FIN COMM- private meeting 2:00-3:00 S-230 Int'l Ice Cream Assoc. Party (PHOTO w/ 11 Kansas Congrssional Youth Leadership Council students) (David); & Jo-Anne Hurst, KS Secretary of Aging (Mo) 4:00 Harriman Studio, 430 South Capitol, SE interview w/ Disney Channel Special on WWII (Clarkson) 4:45 S-230 DROP-BY Nina mtg. w/ Korea Forigen Trade Association Group (Line Crossed out)6:00-9:00 Cannon Caucus Rm. DROP BY- recp. celebrating "The Golden State" hoted by Gov. Pete Wilson 6:30(recp.)7:30(dinner) Four Seasons Hotel, Corcoran Ballroom RECEIVE 1991 Congressional Scholarship Award SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of June 16-22, 1991 Pg.5 Friday, June 21 9:30 S-230 DROP BY- Vicky mtg. w/ Jill Hummels & Dr. Dan Waxman, Topeka Blood Bank 9:45 S-230 PHOTO w/ Lee Reeve f/ Garden City; & Mabel Henricks & her family from KS (Bret) 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call 12:15 S-230 lunch w/ interns 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Jo-Anne & Paul Hearn SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of June 16-22, 1991 Pg. 6 Saturday, June 22 7:40 lv. Watergate 8:00 lv. Washington National via America West #89, Seat 2A 10:30 ar. Wichita- met by Mike Glassner SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 06/21/91 03:45 002 (Handwritten: June 22-23) CONTACTS: Judy Kay 913/295-2745(o) 913/273-1870(h) Jo-Anne Coe 202/543-5016(o) 703/845-1714(h) Gale Grosch 913/371-6108(o) 816/373-8468(h) Diana Dooms 316/263-4956(o) 316/683-0789(h) Mike Glassner 316/263-4956(o) 316/264-7219(h) WEATHER: SATURDAY- Partly Cloudy with 30% chance of afternoon thunderstorms. Temperatures will be in the lower 90's, dropping to high 60's or low 70's at night. Winds will be from the SE at 10-20 mph. SUNDAY- Conditions much the same as Saturday, with chance of thurnderstorms in the afternoon and a high in the 90's. KANSAS SCHEDULE, JUNE 22 and 23, 1991 (Circled by hand: FINAL) SATURDAY, JUNE 22 7:30a.m. Lv. Residence for Airport DRIVER: Wilbert 8:10a.m. Lv. Washington National America West Flight 89 Seat 2A Meal Service: Snack 06/21/91 03:45 003 10:15a.m. Ar. Wichita Mid-Cintinent Airport MET BY: Mike Glassner, Diana Dooms 10:30a.m. Ar. Century II- Proceed to Hold Room 206 11:30a.m. Gary Sherrer will come to Room 206 and take you backstage in the Convention Hall. 11:45a.m. TELEPHONE CALL FROM PRESIDENT WILL BE BETWEEN 11:45A.M. AND 12:45P.M. 11:47a.m. REMARKS: Senator Dole for Jordan Haines Retirement and welcoming new Chairman of the Fourth Financial Corporation, Darrell Knudson CONTACT: Gary Sherrer 316/261-4065 11:55a.m. to 12:55p.m. Luncheon- Buffet Lines begin ATTENDANCE:1200 (visit with employees as they go through buffet lines) 12:55p.m. Leave Century II Convention Hall for Room 206, Expo Hall (in Century II) 06/21/91 03:46 004 1:00p.m. to 2:00p.m. Meet with City and County Officials to discuss tornado updates LIST OF ATTENDEES: Bill Buchanan, Manager, Sedgwick County John Coslett, Sedg. Co. Disaster Mgt. Jack Finlason, Mayor City of Andover Co. Tex Hawkins, McConnell AFB Michael Hill, Sheriff, Sedg. Co. Col. John Mangels, McConnell AFB Lea McCloud, American Red Cross Phil Nelson, Manager, City of Derby Gary Nichols, Sedg. Co. Fire Chief Carol Nugent, Asst. to Mayor of Haysville Bob Odell, Sheriff, Cowley County Mike Sells, Kansas Adjutant General's office Mike Wemmer, American Red Cross Dave Williams, Sheriff, Butler County Dick Mellinger, FEMA Century II Contact, Jim Hesse 316/264-9121 2:00p.m. Lv. Century II for Mid-Continent, Yingling Aircraft Corp. 316/943-3246 Susie Isham 06/21/91 03:46 005 4 2:15p.m. lv. Wichita for Johnson County AIRCRAFT: Cessna Chancellor TAIL NO.: 30 AW SEATS: 5 PILOT: Mitch Mosiman CO-PILOT: Greg McCurley FLIGHT TIME: 55 mins MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mike Glassner Dick Mellinger, FEMA 3:10p.m. Ar. Johnson County Executive Airport Kansas City Aviation 913/782-0530 MET BY: Gale Grosch 3:25p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Ar. LENEXA BARBECUE- Sar-Ko-Par Park 87th Parkway and Lackman Road. CONTACT: Rich Becker, Mayor of Lenexa 913/932-4133(o) 913/268-9511(h) Spend a little time at the Republican booth and then work the crowd. 06/21/91 03:46 006 5 5:00p.m. Lv. Sar-Ko-Par Park for Hyatt Regency RON- HYATT REGENCY 816/421-1234 SUNDAY, JUNE 23 8:45a.m. Lv. Hyatt Regency for Allis Plaza DRIVER: Gale Grosch 9:00a.m. 1991 Resna Conference ALLIS PLAZA HOTEL: 816/421-6800 COUNT BASIE BALLROOM, 2ND FLOOR ATTENDANCE: 1000 * Pat Terick, Research Utilization Specilist with the Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation, will meet you at the door to the Aliis Plaza and take you to the Grand Ballroom FORMAT: SEATING: Theatre Style PODIUM WITH MIKE PROGRAM: 9:00a.m.- WELCOMING REMARKS Doug Hobson, President of RESNA John Leslie, Jr., Executive V.P. Cerebral Palsy Research Found. Dr. Mohammad Medhat 9:10a.m. INTRODUCTION OF SENATOR DOLE: Doug Hobson 9:12a.m. REMARKS: Senator Bob Dole Immeadiately following Senator's remarks: PRESENTATION OF FELLOWSHIP AWARD TO SENATOR DOLE: Doug Hobson John Leslie, Jr. CONTACT: PAT TERICK 316/688-1888 10:00a.m. Lv. Allis Plaza for Basehor DRIVER: Gale Grosch DRIVE TIME: 45 minutes 10:45a.m. Ar. Basehor, Kelly's Restaurant 913/724-1126 11:00a.m. BASEHOR MEETING REGARDING CARLA LANCASTER KELLY'S RESTAURANT: 913/724-1126 CONTACT: MARGARET MOSES 913/724-1050 *Margaret is inviting the whole town of Basehor. Also present will be: TED STOLFUS, MAYOR OF BONNER SPRINGS JOSEPH ODEL, MAYOR OF BASEHOR OPEN TO MEDIA 06/21/91 03:46 008 7 NOON Lv. Basehor for Kansas City International DRIVER: Gale Grosch DRIVE TIME: 45 minutes 12:45p.m. Ar. K.C.I. 1:05p.m. Lv. K.C.I. for Washington U.S. Air Flight #1105 Seat 1D Meal Service: Lunch (Mike Glassner will be on same flight) 4:17p.m. Ar. Washington National MET BY: Paul 06/21/91 03:47 009 RESNA OPENING CEREMONY Sunday, June 23, 1991 Allis Plaza Hotel, Count Basie Ballroom, 2nd Floor HEAD TABLE: Douglas A. Hobson, PhD, RESNA President M.A. Medhat, M.D., Conference Co-Chair Senator Bob Dole, Fellowhip Recipient John D. Kemp, Keynote Speaker Patrick Terick, Conference Publicity Chair Gregg Vanderheiden, PhD, RESNA President- Elect Carol H. Gwin, OTR, RESNA Secretary Clifford E. Brubaker, PhD, RESNA Treasurer July 1, 1991 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of June 23-29, 1991 Pg. 1 Sunday, June 23 SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 1:05p.m. lv. Kansas City International via US Air Flight #1108 4:17p.m. ar. Washington National met by Wilbert SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of June 23-29, 1991 Pg.2 Monday, June 24 9:15 Hyatt Regency, Regency A Room, 400 NJ Avenue SPEAK-National Grocers Association's Washington Conference 11:00 S-230 video f/ United Way's Congressional Aide Program (Mo) 11:45 S-230 mtg. w/ Senator Danforth (Dennis) 1:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Rep. Hyde & Rep. Goodling (Dennis) 1:30 S-230 notarize letter w/ notary public (Marcie) 1:30 S-230 PHOTO w/ H.D. "Joe" Hale, CEO, ADM Milling Co., Bob Jones, Marketing Dir, John Junior Armstrong, Cahirman of the Board, KS Wheat Commission, & David Frey, Assist. Admin. (Bret); & Kurt & Pamela Young & Children, Micah & Andrea, from Topeka (Marcie) 2:00 S-230 interview w/ Andrea Mitchell (Walt) 3:15 J.W. Marriott VIP Holding Room- photo op with American Diabetes Association executives- followed by SPEECH to the American Diabetes Assoc. 3:30 Grand Ballroom, Salons 2-4 4:15 S-230 interview w/ ABC (Walt) 4:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Kansas Bankers Association (Dennis, Jim W., Marcie) 5:00 S-230 meet new interns 5:00 S-230 birthday party for Wilbert SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of June 23-29, 1991 Pg.3 Tuesday, June 25 12:30 S-230 MTG. W/ Sec. Baker & Janet Mullins 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 2:00 S-230 PHOTO w/ Senator Murkowski 3:45 Interior Swearing-in ceremony for Mike Hayden Dept, Sec'y Lujan's Office, Room 6151, 1849 H St, NW 6:30 Madison Hotel, Dolly Madison Ballroom Kansas Bankers Association dinner (6:30 recp; 7:15 dinner) 7:00 Pisces Club, 3040 M St, NW DROP BY- farewell recp/ dinner on honor of Kalo A. Hineman hosted by the Board of Directors of the Futures Industry Assoc. (7:00 recp; 8:00 dinner) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of June 23-29, 1991 Pg. 4 Wednesday, June 26 10:15-11:15 White House, Cabinet Room mtg. w/ President Bush and GOP Senators re:MFN 11:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Mike Hayden (Kathy) 11:30 S-230 PHOTO w/ Jon-Lynn's sister & family (per Joyce) 12:30-1:15 S-207 DROP By- National Leadership Coalition f/ Health Care Reform luncheon (Sheila) 4:00 S-221 mtg. w/ Sen. Mitchell 4:00 S-230 mtg. w/ NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue & Marty Gold, Frank Donatelli-Nat'l. Baskeball Assoc. & Gil Stein-Nat'l. Hockey League (Dennis) 4:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Jack Sandner, President of the Chicago Mercantile, & Sen Melcher (Jim M.) 6:45 Library of Cong. Southwest Gallery, Jefferson Building SPEAK at the reception honoring the publication of Vol. II of Sen. Byrd's History of the Senate (enter Jefferson Bldg. by 1st St, SE, ground floor) (recp from 6:00-8:00-program begins at 6:45) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of June 23-29, 1991 Pg. 5 Thursday, June 27 8:30 S-201 Republican Task Force f/ Health Care brkf. 10:00 SD-215 Finance Committee-China MFN Mark-up after nominations hearings (Nina & Al) 11:00 S-230 PHOTO w/ Paul Kinder, From Atchison; Stephen Patton from Wichita; & Dave & Lois Mugler from Topeka (intern John's parents); & Jim & Sandy Price & children from Wichita (Paul); & Janet Horton, Senate Ag Comm Staff/ Minority (Dave), & last-day pages 1:30 S-230 coffee f/ Ernie Petinaud (Marcie) 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/ President Bush & Republican Leadership 2:30 Rotunda Unveiling of bust of President Bush for the VP Collection 3:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Donna M. Drejza (Dennis) 4:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Charles Jones, Int'l pres. of Int'l Assoc. of Boilermakers, KCK (Greg) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of June 23-29, 1991 Pg. 6 Friday, June 28 10:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Mike Haskin, Mayor Pro-Tem Olathe (Greg) 10:45 S-230 PHOTO w/ Kansas group of Health Occupations students of America (Mo); & w/ Keith Krehbiel, & his wife, Amy, and daughters, Sara & Emily 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson) 6:00 lv. The Capitol 6:15 lv. National Airport, Butler Aviation 7:45 ar. Hutchinson- met by Clara Belden SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of June 23-29, 1991 Pg. 7 Saturday, June 29 SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE- in Kansas 8:15 lv. Independence 11:45 ar. Washington National, Butler Aviation- met by Wilbert 06/28/91 03:52 009 (Handwritten: June 28-29) CONTACTS: Judy Kay 913/295-2745(o) 913/273-1870(h) JoAnne Coe 202/543-5016(o) 703/845-1714 WEATHER: FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, mostly sunny and hot. Highs 90-95, lows in the 70's. Winds will be gusty from the south at 20-25 mph. Scattered cumulus clouds during the day at 4000 to 6000', clearing out at night KANSAS SCHEDULE- JUNE 28 AND 29 (Circled: Plan B) FRIDAY JUNE 28 (Crossed out: 4:30p.m.) (Handwritten:6:00) Lv. office for Washington National DRIVER: Wilbert (crossed out: 5:00p.m.) (Handwritten: 6:15) Lv. Washington for Hutchinson AIRCRAFT: Citation II (Chambers Development Corporation) TAIL NO.: 400 DT PILOT: Raymond Gordon CO-PILOT: Frank Schuster FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs. 30 mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner, Greg Schnacke, Cliff Shannon (Former A.A. to Senator Heinz. Now with Howrey and Simons, Champ Mitchell's firm, which represents Chambers Develop. Corp.) CONTACT: Jamie McGovern 412/244-6124 06/28/91 03:52 010 (Crossed out: 6:30P.M.) (Handwritten: 7:45) Arrive Hutchinson- Wells Aircraft 316/663-1546 Runway: 7001 MET BY: Clara Belden 316/278-3500 DRIVE TIME TO HOTEL: 5 mins. Ar. Holidome- 316/669-9311 Confirmation #'s for Senator and Mike Glassner- #6236 & #7153 OPTION FRIDAY EVENING 7:30p.m. HUTHINSON- KU-K-STATE ALUMNI BASKETBALL GAME, BETWEEN 3RD & 4TH STREETS- THIS EVENT KICKS OFF HUTCH FEST '91. LARGE CROWD MEDIA PRESENT ** KU HAS LOST THE PAST THREE YEARS SO THEY ARE PLANNING TO SNEAK IN A FEW STRINGERS. RON- HOLIDOME-316/669-9311 SATURDAY, JUNE 29 * Leave luggage at the front dest when you leave the hotel and Jim Gilmore will pick it up on his way downtown to meet you. 7:45a.m. Lv. Holidome for Breakfast and Sidewalk sale DRIVER: Bob Fee, 316/663-6451 DRIVE TIME: 15 mins. 06/28/91 03:53 011 8:00a.m. to 8:55a.m. Ar. Breakfast and Sidewalk Sale Breakfast sponsored by the Civitan Club FORMAT: Tables and Chairs set up in the street Food Vendors serving breakfast P.A. System available OPEN TO MEDIA ATTENDANCE: 500 9:00a.m. Lv. Hutchinson for Newton via car 35 miles DRIVE TIME: 40 mins DRIVER: Jim Gilmore 316/283-9603 (h) 316/283-1550 (o) 9:40a.m. Ar. Newton- Parade lineup North Dillon's Parking Lot 12th & Main 10:00A.M. to 11:00a.m. NEWTON- Parade honoring Desert Storm and all other veterans. Governor Finney will be there. PARADE- 1 1/2 Hours ATTENDANCE: 3000 CAR: 1991 Capri Convertible DRIVER: Brad Jantz (Jim Gilmor's partner & also a Commissioner) PARADE LINE UP Color Guard- Fort Riley Veterans (WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm) There will be a float for each war which the Veterans will be on. Grand Marshal- Clair Conner Governor Finney Senator Dole Mayor City Commissioners Floats CONATCT: Bobbie Seger, 316/283-3716 ** Bobbie Seger is the Treasurer for the State Democrat Party, and is Harvey County Demo. Chairman. 11:30P.M. WHEELS UP for McPherson * Jet- 20 min. flight AIRCRAFT: Citation II TAIL NO.: 400 DT SEATS: 8 PILOT: Raymond Gordon CO-PILOT: Frank Schuster FLUGHT TIME: 20 mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner, Greg Schnacke 11:55a.m. Ar. McPherson, MAC Air Corp. 316/241-0684 Runway: 4200' MET BY: DRIVE TIME: 5 mins. (2 miles) NOON to 12:45p.m. McPherson Landfill 1:00p.m. WHEELS UP for Coffeyville 1:45p.m. Ar. Coffeyville Aircraft Inc. 316/251-4310 Runway length: 5873' 06/28/91 03/53 013 5 MET BY: Pat Marso, President of Condon National Bank- also responsible for P.R. for Operation Prarie Storm. Monte Belot, Montgomery Co. Vice Chrm., and a judgeship candidate, will also be at the airport with Pat Marso. DRIVE by several of the Operation Prarie Storm projects on way to 2:00 to 3:00 Ar. Coffeyville Community College Student Union- Oak Room ATTENDANCE: 40-50 volunteers and community leaders- Reception and briefing on the project MEDIA WILL BE PRESENT CONTACT: Pat Marso 316/251-5500 3:00p.m. Lv. for airport 3:15p.m. Lv. Coffeyville for Chanute AIRCRAFT: Citation II TAIL NO: 400 DT42 AG SEATS: 8 PILOT: Raymond Gordon CO-PILOT: Frank Schuster Tom Buchner FLIGHT TIME: 25 mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Mike Glassner, Greg Schnacke 3:40p.m. Ar. Chanute Airport- Clausen Air Service 316/431-1600 Runway: 4238' MET BY: Kent Pringle, Attorney (Dole intern several years ago) DRIVE TIME TO EVENT: 10 mins. * WOULD NOT ARRIVE IN TIME FOR RECEPTION BUT COULD DO THE WHOLE PARADE 3:30p.m. CHANUTE- Arrive Tioga Hotel- RECEPTION prior to Parade ATTENDANCE: 150+ IN ATTENDANCE: Adj. Gen. James Rueger Major James Day U.S. Army Assc. Reps. Chamber of Commerce Reps. Local Dignitaries Public Invited OPEN TO MEDIA FORMAL PROGRAM FOLLOWS THE PARADE AT 5 P.M. SINCE YOU WILL NEED TO LEAVE, YOU WILL MAKE YOUR REMARKS AT THE RECEPTION 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. CHANUTE- CELEBRATION PATRIOTISM PARADE- ATTENDANCE: 2500-3000 CAR: Convertible DRIVER: Dick Kelly, (Ford Dealer) PARADE LINE-UP VFW Color Guard Senator Bob Dole National Guard Color Guard Gen. Rueger U.S. Army Assc. 3 WWI Vets Mayor Bill Morlan 20 Desert Storm Veterans *Parade will start promptly at 4:00 p.m. You will be second in the line-up and may be able to go most of the parade route. However, your driver will pull out of the parade at 4:15 p.m. and get you to the airport DRIVE TIME TO AIRPORT: 10 mins. 06/28/91 03:54 015 7 5:15 p.m. Lv. downtown Chanute for airport Drive time: 10 mins. 5:30p.m. WHEELS UP for Independence *jet-20 mins. 6:00p.m. Ar. Independence airport, 316/331-2168 Runway- 5500' MET BY: DRIVE TIME: 15 mins. 6:15p.m. to 6:45p.m. Ar. Civic Center- Dinner for Troops and Families in progress. Dinner begins at 5:30 p.m. and a program follows at 7:30 p.m. Would have 30 minutes to make remarks and mix and mingle briefly 6:45p.m. Lv. Civic Center for airport (Crossed out: 7:00p.m.) (Handwritten: 8:15) WHEELS UP for Washington FLIGHT TIME: 2 HRS. 30 MINS. AIRCRAFT: Citation II TAIL NO.: 400 DT SEATS: 8 PILOT: Terry Landon CO-PILOT: Tom Buchner FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr. 5 mins. (10 min. cushion) MANIFEST: Senator Dole, Greg Schnacke (Crossed out: 10:30p.m.) (Handwritten: 11:45) Ar. Washington, MET BY: Wilbert