May 3, 1991 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of April 28 - May 4, 1991 Pg. 1 Sunday, April 28 9:45 car will pick you up at your residence 10:30 This Week With David Brinkley 12:30 brunch at the Colonade Room, Ana/Westin Hotel 2:15 S-230 mtg. w/Wallace Stickeny, Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (F.E.M.A.), Grant Peterson, Associate F.E.M.A. Director for State & Local Programs and Support, and Steve Gaddy, Deputy Associate F.E.M.A. Director, along with Cong. Dan Glickman SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of April 28 - May 4, 1991 Pg. 2 Monday, April 29 9:15 lv. Butler ar. McConnell AFB, Kansas 7:30 ar. Andrews AFB SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of April 28 - May 4, 1991 Pg. 3 Tuesday, April 30 10:00 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Stan Stirling, Administrator, Galichia Medical Group in Wichita 2:00 2318 Rayburn SPEAK to the Illinois Republican Committeewoman’s Roundtable (Rep. Harris W. Fawell) 3:30 Rm. 3E718, Office of the Sec'y of the Army, Mall Entrance, The Pentagon Fred C. Bramlage is awarded the Decoration For Distinguished Civilian Service from Sec’y Stone (you will be met at the Mall by Lt. Col. Bill Atwood) 6:00-6:45 Crystal City Marriott, Salons D, E, F, 2nd level Kansas Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KCCI) reception (dinner at 6:45 p.m.) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of April 28 - May 4, 1991 Pg. 4 Wednesday, May 1 11:30 S-230 PHOTO w/interns: Damian Jones, Elizabeth Tolzman, Ron Seeber, Jordan Whyte, Tom Runyan, Stacey Spevak, & Rachel Exelbert (Elli) 7:00 Tiberio Restaurant, 1915 K St, NW dinner w/Jordan Haines & Nestor Weigand & Mrs. Dole SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of April 28 - May 4, 1991 Pg. 5 Thursday, May 2 11:30 Senate Recording Studio T.V. Recordings (Clarkson) 1:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Les Kuhns, State Director/KS National Education, & Chuck Tilman, Pres., KNEA, Mary Anne Trickle (Andy) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of April 28 - May 4, 1991 Pg. 6 Friday, May 3 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson) 2:30 S-230 PHOTO w/4 Kansas students in Washington participating in the Mathcounts competition (Bob); & w/David & Rae Smith & their 3 children from Hays (Marcie) Saturday, May 4 9:00 a.m. lv. Washington via private plane 10:45 a.m. ar. Wichita in Kansas -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of April 28 - May 4, 1991 Pg. 7 Saturday, May 4 to Kansas - SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE (handwritten) Sat, May 4-Mon, May 6 Judy Kay 913/295-2745 (O) 913/273-1870 (H) Jo-Anne Coe 202-543-5016 (O) 703/845-1714 (H) Gale Grosch 913/371-6108 (O) 816/373-8468 (H) Mike Glassner 316/263-4956 (O) 316/264-7219 (H) Diana Dooms 316/263-4956 (O) 316/683-0789 (H) Rita Riley 316/232-2030 (O) 316/231-2463 (H) Weather: FINAL SATURDAY, MAY 4 - Eastern Ks. can expect chance of showers and thunderstorms throughout the day. Front moving across Central Kansas on Friday, may stall over: Eastern Kansas on Saturday. Highs from 55-60 de grees in the northwest part of the state to 80 degrees in the east, with lows ranging from 40‘s in west to mid=-60’s in the east. Winds from N-NW 10-20 mph. Low clouds and fog in early morning. - 1000-3000 ft. ceilings: - 3-4 mile visability. Will lift in afternoon hours. SUNDAY, MAY 5 - Chance for rain will remain in eastern Ks. as front moves east. Highs 50’s in the west to 60’s in the east. S-SW dinds will be 10-20 mph with gusts to 25 mph. Visability will contine to improve and ceilings will remain good for flying conditions. MONDAY, MAY 6 - Early moring rain expected on Monday, turning dry and warmer with highs in the 60’s and 70’s in Eastern Kansas. N-NW winds at 10-20 mph will shift to E-NE in afternoon hours. Normal flying conditions. KANSAS SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR DOLE, MAY 4,5,6, 1991 SATURDAY, MAY 4 SATURDAY, MAY 4 9:00 a.m. Lv. Washington for Wichita AIRCRAFT: Lear Jet 35A TAIL NO.: N 823 CA SEATS: PILOT: Steve Walling (age 41) 402-496-3889 CO-PILOT: Bruce Clark (age 32) FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs. 45 mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole Sara Belden 10:45 a.m. Ar. Wichita Mid-Continent, Yingling Cessna 316/943-3246 Mike Glassner will meet you and fly w/you in Charter to Chanute. DRIVER: Mike Aylward Neosho County GOP Chair 316/431-1400 (O) 316/431-1217 (H) 11:00 a.m. Lv. Wichita for Iola AIRCRAFT: Cessna Chancellor 414A TAIL NO.: 30 AW SEATS: 5 PILOT: Mitchell Mosiman CO-PILOT: Jerry Eichelberger FLIGHT TIME: 40 mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole Sara Belden Mike Glassner 11:40 a.m. Ar. Iola Airport, National Aircraft, Inc. 316/365-5891 Runway: 3050 ft. x 50 ft. Rita Riley will join you in Iola and travel with you throughout the day. DRIVER: Mike Aylward, Neosho Co. GOP Chr. 316/431-1400 (O) 316/431-1217 (H) DRIVE TIME: Iola to Yates Center, 25 mins. NOON 5th DISTRICT REPUBLICAN WOMEN - LUNCHEON LOCATION: Yates Center 4-H/Community Building, 713 S. Fry ATTENDANCE: 100 (final count on April 30) WELCOME: Virginia Kersten, 5th District Dir. INTRODUCTION OF SENATOR: Mary Alice Lair Republican National Committeewoman CONTACT: Mary Compton, President Ks. Federation of Republican Women 316/378-4128 (O) 316/633-5364 (H) 12:10 SENATOR DOLE’S REMARKS 12:30 p.m. Lv. Yates Center for Iola Drive times 25 mins. DRIVER: Mike Aylward (Senator, Mike, Rita) Sara 1:10 p.m. Lv. Iola Airport, National Aircraft Inc. 316/365-5891, for Pittsburg. Runway: 4238 ft. x 75 ft. AIRCRAFT: Cessna Chancellor 414A TAIL NO.: 30 AW SEATS: 5 PILOT: Mithell Mosiman CO-PILOT: Jerry Eichelberger FLIGHT TIME: 25 mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole Rita Riley Mike Glassner Sara Belden 1:40 p.m. Ar. Pittsburg Air Service, Inc. 316/231-9052 RUNWAY: 4900 ft. x 100 ft. MET BY: Jack Payne, Crawford Co. V.C, 316/638-4428 (H) 316/638-4347 (O) Drive to Girard - 15 miles DRIVE TIME: 20 mts. 2:00 p.m. Ar. Girard - DEDICATION CEREMONY - AREA'S LARGEST FLAG AND WAR MEMORIAL American Legion Post #26 CONTACT: Robert Hill or Don Gillard 316/724-9285 ATTENDANCE: 400-500 FORMAT: Fly over -McConnell Air Guard Color Guard Invocation: Mtsgr. Lampe Welcome: Randy Geier, Chairman of Flag Committee Introductions: John Spurling Historian SPEAK: Senator Dole BRIEF REMARKS: Congressman Dick Nichols GIRARD BAND FLAG RAISING BENEDICTION SENATOR INTRODUCED BY: John Spurling OPEN TO MEDIA Ceremony will last 45 mins. to an hour. Will work Senator Dole into the program wherever he wishes to be. 3:00 p.m. Lv. Girard for Pittsburg DRIVE TIME: 20 mins. DRIVER: Jack Payne 316/638-4428 (H) 316/638-4347 (O) 3:30 p.m. Lv. Pittsburg Air Service, Inc. 316/231-9052, for Strother Field AIRCRAFT: Cessna Chancellor 414A TAIL NO.: 30 AW PILOT: Mithell Mosiman CO-PILOT: Jerry Eichelberger FLIGHT TIME: 40 mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole Rite Riley Mike Glassner Sara Belden 4:10 p.m. Ar. Strother Field - Current Aircraft 316/221-4107 RUNWAY: 5510 ft. x 150 ft. MET BY: Ken Lewis, President KSQ, Inc. 316/221-9464 4:30 p.m. TOUR KSQ, inc. Manufacturer of molded plastic products. Plant runs three shifts 24 hours a day. Started the business two years ago with an SBA 504 loan. EMPLOYEES PER SHIFT: 20 TOUR WILL TAKE 10-15 MINUTES FOLLOWING TOUR, SPEAK TO 30-40 EMPLOYEES - SOME FROM PREVIOUS SHIFT WILL STAY. 5:00 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. MEET WITH COWLEY COUNTY OFFICIALS COMMISSIONERS: Dick Bonfy (R) Ross Sherwood (D) Robert Ireton (R ASST. TO THE DIRECTOR OF CIVIL DEFENSE Charles Tanner **Do not have complete list yet - will update CONTACT: Charles Tanner, 316/442-3700 MEETING PLACE: Strother Field, Meeting room in Terminal 5:45 p.m. Lv. Strother Field for Arkansas City DRIVERs Charles Tanner Drive Time: 10 mins. 5:55 p.m. Arrive Arkansas City, Cowley County Community College, 125 S. 2nd MET BY: Don Hickman and Terry Morrow 6:00 p.m. COWLEY COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE COMMENCEMENT PROCESSIONAL BEGINS (promptly at 6 p.m.) INVOCATION: INTRODUCTION OF SENATOR: Dr. Patrick McAtee SENATOR'S REMARKS CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREE: Dr. McAtee CONTACT: Terry Morrow 316/442-0430 7:00 p.m. TOUR TORNADO DAMAGED AREAS IN COWLEY COUNTY. (Approximatey 40 minutes) DRIVER: Charles Tanner 8:00 p.m. Lv. Strother Field for Jabara Airport Current Aircrafts 316/221-4107 AIRCRAFT: Cessna Chancellor 414A TAIL NO.: 30 AW SEATS: 5 PILOT: Mitchell Mosiman CO-PILOT: Jerry Bichelberger FLIGHT TIME: 21 mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mike Glassner Sara Belden 8:30 p.m. Ar. Jabara, Midwest Coxporate Aviation 316/682-5551 Runway: 5000 ft. x 100 ft. MET BY: Diana Dooms DRIVE TIME TO MARRIOTT - 5 mts. RON - WICHITA MARRIOTT - 316/651-0333 SUNDAY, MAY 5 8:45 a.m. Lv. Marriott for Andover DRIVER: Mike Glassner Drive time: 15 mins. 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. ANDOVER - Andover Disaster Center Jack Findlason, Mayor Dick Mellinger, FEMA Director, Region VII STAFF: SARA BELDEN AND MIKE GLASSNER DRIVER: MIKE GLASSNER 10:45 a.m. Ar. Jabara Airport 11:00 a.m. Lv. Jabara, Midwest Corporate Aviation for Topeka 316/682-5551 Runway: 5000 ft. x 100 ft. AIRCRAFT: Ceasna Challenger 414A TAIL NO.: 30 AW SEATS: 5 PILOT: Mitchell Mosiman CO-PILOT: Jerry Eichelberger FLIGHT TIME: 50 mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mike Glassner Sara Belden 11:45 a.m. Ar. Topeka Philip Billard, T.J. Termial Runway: 5099 ft. x 150 ft. MET BY: Susie Hoffmann North from 10th and Kansas Avenue to 9th & Kansas - Park behind main stage. NOON a.m. Ar. Downtown Topeka - Kaleidofest MET BY: Emery & Dorothy Fager Emery if Grand Maestro of Kaleidofest INTRODUTION (SENATOR): Lynn Higbee, KTPK Radio *Lynn will introduce on Mainstage and you will have an opportunity for brief remarks. WIBW Radio Interview KSNT TV (Ken Houston) will be there OPEN TO PRESS 12:45 p.m. Lv. Kaleidofest ~ LUNCH 1:30 p.m. Lv. Topeka for Nortonville (38 miles) DRIVER: SUSIE HOFFMANN Drive time: 1 hr. 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. NORTONVILLE - Nortonville Fire Station Jefferson/Atchison County officials. CONTACT: Mayor David Schneider Nortonville 913/886-2060 Danny Barnett 913/833-4025 TOUR Nortonville 3:30 p.m. Lv. Nortonville for Overland Park Marrlott DRIVER: Susie Hoffmann Drive time: 1 hr. 15 mins. 5:00 p.m. Ar. Overland Park Marriott RON: Overland Park Marriiott - 913-451-8000 MONDAY, MAY 6 8:00 a.m. GREATER KANSAS CITY AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BREAKFAST OVERLAND PARK MARRIOTT ROOM: ATTENDANCE: 300 HEAD TABLE: Senator Dole Bert Bates, Chrm. Greater K.C. Chamber & Managing Partner, Lathrop, Northquist and Miller Barry Seward, Chr. Federal Affairs Comm. Dick Krecker, Pres/CEO BC/BS of K.C. Jonathan Kemper, Pres. Commerce Bank Cal Roberts, Pres. Jones & Co. Jim Miksch, United Telecommunications Bruce Patty, Patty, Berkebile, Nelson Immenschuh Architects, Inc. Cheryl Jernigan, Pres. K.C. Area Hospital Assoc. Chris Beal, Vice Pres. Governmental Affairs - Greater K.S. CoC SENATOR INTRODUCED BY: Bert Bates, Chr. SENATOR'S REMARKS OPEN TO MEDIA 9:15 a.m. Lv. Overland Park Marriott for Hyatt Regency Crown Center DRIVER: Gale Grosch Drive time: 25 mins. 9:45 a.m. Ar. Hyatt Regency Crown Center 816/421-1234 MET BY: Ramona Corbin 10:00 a.m. SPEAK - SOCIETY OF AMERICAN VALUE ENGINEERS ANNUAL CONFERENCE OPENING GENERAL SESSION ATTENDANCE: 300-350 HEAD TABLE: Hal Tufty, President (SAVE) Merle Braden, Conference Chr. Emanual Cleaver, K.C. Mayor Ginger Williams, National Director of Conference Senator Dole - Keynote speaker Glen Woodward, V.P. International Larry Winn, Jr., Recipient of Certificate of Appreciation FORMAT: 10:00 a.m. - President Tufty reads citation for Larry Winn and presents Certificate. 10:05 a.m. - Senator INTRODUCED BY LARRY WINN 10:10 a.m. KEYNOTE - SENATOR DOLE 10:30 a.m. Brief thank you remarks Merle Braden, Conf. Chr. 10:30 a.m. Lv. Hyatt Regency for Johnson County Executive Airport DRIVER: GALE Drive time: 10 mins. 11:10 a.m. Lv. Executive Beechcraft - Downtown Municipal - 816/842-8484 Fort Scott - Kansas City Aviation 913/782-0530 AIRCRAFT: British Aerospace 800 (Hawker) TAIL NO.: N 6 TM SEATS: 6 PILOT: Bruce Garrett CO-PILOT: Charles Preston FLIGHT TIME: 25 mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mike Glassner Sara Belden Ron Ritchey 11:30 a.m. Ar. Fort Scott Aircraft, Inc. 316/223-5390 4500’ Runway MET BY: Rita Riley DRIVE TIME: 20 mts. NOON YOU WILL BE MET BY: Steve Miller, Superintendent of the Fort Arnold Scofield, Historian for the Fort PETE JACKSON, MEMBER OF 85TH MOUNTAIN DIV. **Steve and Arnold will be in period dress. LUNCH - Old Fort ATTENDANCE: 100+ CONTACT: Mary Lynn Cartwright Director, Fort Scott Chamber 316/223-3566 (work) 316/223-1743 (home) HEAD TABLE: Nancy Maze, Mayor Anne Emerson, CoC Pres. Steve Miller, Supt. of Fort Senator Dole Ray Shepherd Danny Ellis Wayne Stringer, Rep. Co. Chr. Judge Harry Fisher (maybe) 12:30 p.m. SENATOR INTRODUCED BYs Ray Shepherd SENATOR’S REMARKS OPEN TO MEDIA 1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. TOUR OLD FORT SCOTT CONTACT: Steve Miller, Superintendent 316/223-0310 (O) 316/223-2741 (H) 316/223-0188 FAX 2:00 p.m. Lv. Fort Scott Aricraft Inc., for Chanute 316/223-5390 AIRCRAFT: Cessna Chancellor 414A TAIL NO.: 30 AW SEATS: 5 PILOT: Greg McCurley CO-PILOT: Jerry Eichelberger FLIGHT TIME: 25 mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mike Glassner Sara Belden Rita Riley 2:25 p..m. Arrive Chanute Airport, Alert Aviation Runways 4238 ft. x 75 ft. 316/431-1600 MET BY: Mayor Bill Moreland Drive time to Old hotel - 8 mins. 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. CHANUTE - Old Tioga Hotel - Coffee/meet and Greet - CONTACT: Ed Cox, Exec. Dir. Chanute Chamber - 316/431-3350 3:45 p.m. Lv. Chanute airport for Ottawa Runway: 4238 ft. x 75 ft. AIRCRAFT: Cessna Chancellor 414A TAIL NO.: 30 AW SEATS: 5 PILOT: Greg McCurley CO-PILOT: Jerry Eichelberger FLIGHT TIME: 27 mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mike Glassner Sara Belden Rita Riley 4:15 p.m. Ar. Ottawa Airport, Martin Aeromotive Runway: 3400 ft. x 50 ft. 913/242-5310 DRIVER: Vern Chesbro (will have two cars) Drive time: 10 mins. 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. OTTAWA - COFFEE/MEET AND GREET - Ottawa Middle School, 500 S. Main, 913/242-3237 Multi-puxpose Room CONTACT: Lou Athexton, Exec. Dir., Chamber 913/242-1000 5:30 p.m. Lv. Middle School for airport DRIVER: Verne Chesbro 5:35 p.m. Lv. Ottawa Airport for Lawrence Runway: 3400 ft. x 50 ft. AIRCRAFT: Cessna Chancellor 414A TAIL NO.: 30 AW SEATS: 5 PILOT: Greg McCurley CO-PILOT: Jerry Eichelbarger FLIGHT TIME: 19 mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mike Glassner Rita Riley Sara Belden Ron Ritchey 5:50 p.m. Ar. Lawrence Airport, Air Services Runway: 5000 ft. x 1000 ft. 913/842-0000 MET BY: John Mugler Student Body Pres. - Washburn Drive time: 10 mins. 6:00 p.m. Ar. Holidome - meet with Chamber (10 mins.) Gary Tobin, Executive Director Lawrence Chamber LOCATION: Lawrence Holidome 6:15 p.m. 10th Annual Kansas Insurance Education Foundation: Program: 5:30 p.m. - Reception 6:30 p.m. 63:30 p.m. - Program 7:15 p.m. 7:30 p.m. - Dinner PROGRAM ELEMENTS: EMCEE: Mark Heitz, Chaixman of the Kansas Insurance Education Foundation Board of Trustees. Welcome by Insurance Commissioner Ron Todd Jim Ketcherside (Farmers’ Alliance McPherson) inducts Ham Abrams (Security Benefit) as new member of Hall of Fame. Betty Goss, Frank Sullivan’s daugher, presents scholarship. Remarks by Flethcer Bell, tonight’s honoree REMARKS: SENATOR DOLE CONTACTS: Mark Heitz 800/255-2405 Fletcher Bell 913/843-1842 (O) 913/843-4219 (H) LEAVE HOLIDOME IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING SPEECH DRIVER: will furnish name Drive time: 10 mins. 7:30 p.m. Leave Lawrence Municipal Airport Air Services - 913/842-0000 Runway: 5000 ft. FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs. 15 mts. AIRCRAFT: British Aerospace 800 (Hawker) TAIL NO.: N 6 TM SEATS: 6 PILOT: Bruce Garrett CO-PILOT: Charles Preston FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs. 30 mins. MANIFEST: Senatox Dole Sara Belden Rita Riley Ron Ritchey 10:45 p.m. Ar. Washington - Wilbert will meet you (handwritten) Wed, May 8 GRIMM FUNERAL ITINERARY MANIFEST SENATOR DOLE SENATOR KASSEBAUM CONGRESSMAN SLATTERY (INVITED - NOT CONFIRMED) DAN STANLEY LTC BOB DEMERS TIME EVENT 7:30 AM DEPART ANDREW AFB VIA C-20 9:25 AM ARRIVE MANHATTAN AIRPORT 9:30 AM DEPART MANHATTAN AIRPORT VIA GROUND TRANSPORTATION 9:50 AM ARRIVE FORT RILEY NATIONAL CEMETERY, GRAVE SIDE SERVICE 10:00 AM MILITARY HONORS & FLY OVER 10:30 AM DEPART FORT RILEY NATIONAL CEMETERY FOR MANHATTAN AIRPORT 11:00 AM DEPART MANHATTAN AIRPORT VIA C-20 2:20 PM ARRIVE ANDREWS AFB (GROUND TRANSPORTATION WAITING) . 3:00 PM RETURN TO CAPITOL May 10, 1991 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of May 5 - 11, 1991 Pg. 1 Sunday, May 5 in Kansas -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of May 5 - 11, 1991 Pg. 2 Monday, May 6 in Kansas -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 7:30 p.m. lv. Lawrence Municipal Airport 11:00 p.m. ar. National Airport - met by Wilbert SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of May 5 - 11, 1991 Pg. 3 Tuesday, May 7 8:45 Willard Hotel, Franklin Pierce Room SPEAK to the American Health Care Association 9:30 J.W. Marriott, Ballroom Level, Salons D & E SPEAK to the Petroleum Marketers Association of America’s Annual Legislative Conference 10:20-10:40 White House, Cabinet Room Fast Track mtg. w/Pres. Bush & other Senators 11:00 S-230 DROP BY?? Vicky mtg. w/Mr. Kolodziej, United Methodist Youthville (Newton) 11:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Jill Maycumber (intern) & her mother, Joyce Maycumber (Ft. Scott); KS Rural Water Association group, & KS Rural Letter Carriers group; (Greg); & w/Vi Hall & her son, Mike Hall, from S. Carolina (Dave) 12:00 S-221 mtg. w/Eduard A. Shevardnadze and Senator Mitchell (Al) 12:00 S-230 DROP BY - Greg, Dennis, Nina mtg. w/Kansas Certified Public Accountants (12) 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Madigan 2:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - full comm - "Fast Track Letter" 3:15-3:30 S-221 mtg. w/Vytautas Landsbergis, Chairman of the Supreme Council of Lithuania, & Sen. Mitchell (Al) 3:30-4:30 S-207 coffee for Vytautas Landsbergis, Edgar Savisaar, Prime Minister of Estonia, and Ivars Godmanis, Prime Minister of Latvia, with other Senators (co-host w/Sen. Mitchell) 5:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Alice Haig & her husband (Judy B.) 5:30-7:30 Statuary Hall DROP BY??? reception honoring Vytautas Landsbergis, Edgar Savisaar, and Ivars Godmanis, hosted by bipartisan Leadership of the House & Senate 6:00-9:00 Wash. Court Hotel Dole for Senate Fundraiser (Jo-Anne) (recp. 6:00 p.m. in the Ballroom; dinner at 7:30 p.m. in Montelier Room) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of May 5 - 11, 1991 Pg. 4 Wednesday, May 8 7:00 lv. residence via Wilbert 7:30 lv. Andrews AFB via C-20 9:25 ar. Manhattan Airport 9:30 lv. Manhattan Airport via ground transportation 9:50 ar. Fort Riley National Cemetery, grave side service 10:00 Military Honors & Fly Over 10:30 lv. Fort Riley National Cemetery for Manhattan Airport 11:00 lv. Manhattan Airport via C-20 2:30 ar. Andrews met by Wilbert 3:00 ar. The Capitol 3:00-4:00 S-407 Sec. Baker briefing f/all 100 Senators (Al) 4:00-6:00 SR-325 DROP BY - retirement party for Chef Jimmy Lee (38 years) 5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Bob Allen, Chairman of AT & T, & Gray Bryant (Dennis & Jim W.) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of May 5 - 11, 1991 Pg. 5 Thursday, May 9 8:00-9:00 State Dept., Secretary’s Private Dining Room, 8th Floor breakfast w/Secretary Baker & Cong. Bob Michel (Al) 9:15 Madison Hotel, Mt. Vernon A Room SPEAK Vern Clark & Associates 9:45 S-230 DROP BY - Al & Nina mtg. w/delegation of businessmen interested in trade w/Vietnam 10:00 S-230 mtg. w/former Gov. Robert Ray (Sheila) 10:30 Senate Floor Swearing-in f/Harris Wofford 10:30 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Ralph Reed 11:00 S-230 PHOTO w/Holmes International School (30 Students) (Andy), & w/Darrell Dugan of Burnham Product in Wichita (Dan) 12:00 S-230 lunch w/the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Dave) 2:30 S-230 PHOTO w/2 Kansas SBA Award Winners (Greg); & Jordan’s (intern) mother, Ola Whyte (Kansas City, KS) 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/His Beatitude John Peter XVIII Kasparian Catholicos Patriarch and Amb. Joseph Ghougassian (Al) 3:40 White House, Roosevelt Room reception (5 min.) for the K-State Debate Team (arrival at 3:30 p.m.) 4:15 S-230 reception for the K-State Debate Team 6:00 S-230 mtg. w/bipartisan group of Senators regarding Ag credits (Senators Nunn, Boren, Exon, Harkin, Levin, Kassebaum, Pressler, Cochran, Grassley) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of May 5 - 11, 1991 Pg. 6 Friday, May 10 9:30 S-230 mtg. w/Attorney General Thornburgh 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - Subc on Deficits - "Debt Conversion" 10:30 Willard, Ballroom SPEAK - National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts, Inc. 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson) 1:00 S-230 mtg. w/Mike Pettit 1:30 S-230 PHOTO f/Almanac of American Politics (Clarkson) (handwritten) Mon, May 13 (crossed out) DRAFT #5 (handwritten) FINAL 5/13/91 SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE -- NEW YORK -- MONDAY, MAY 13 CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe 202/543-4176 (O) 703/845-1714 (H) 2:35 PM Lv. Capitol 2:55 PM Ar. Butler Aviation Washington National Airport 703/549-8340 3:00 PM Lv. Washington National AIRCRAFT: American Home Products Gulfstream 4 TAIL NO.: N 685 TA SEATS: 190 MANIFEST: Senator Dole Al Lehn J.D. Williams Leo Jardot, Amar. Home Products PILOT: CO-PILOT: DETAILED AIRCRAFT/PILOT INFORMATION ATTACHED CONTACT: Leo Jardot 202/659-8320 659-2158 (FAX) NOTE 1: ROBERT GLAUBER, Under Secretary of Treasury for Domestic Finance, will arrive New York on the 4:30 Pan Am Shuttle. Bermuda Limo Co. driver will meet at baggage claim area holding sign with Mr. Glauber's name. He will then drive him to 7 World Trade Center for 8:30 arrival at the Dole for Senate event. NOTE 2: Jo-Anne Coe, Mark Miller and Ed Rahal will arrive New York on the 2:30 Pan Am Shuttle. Bermuda Limo Co. will meet at baggage claim area with sign bearing Coe's name, and drive to 7 World Trade Center. MAY 13 PAGE TWO 4:00 PM Arrive Teterboro, New Jersey Runway: 7000' FBO: Jet Aviation 201/641-1770 MET BY: Salomon Brothers Sedan Car will drive onto tarmac and meet the Dole party plane-side. Car will have sign with Al Lehn's name on it. CONTACT: Barmuda Limo Co. 1-800-223-1383 212/249-8400 Or Contact: Sue Yurko (or Paula) 202/879-4100 NOTE: WILL RETAIN SALOMON BROS. CAR AND DRIVER FOR DURATION OF STAY IN NEW YORK 5:00 PM Ar. Salomon Brothers Corporate Headquarters 7 World Trade Center MET BY: Jo-Anne Coe Proceed to Office of Chairman, John Gutfreund (43rd Floor) 5:15 PM-5:30 PM Mr. Gutfreund will escort you to 45th Floor for Brief Meeting with Steering Committee Members (individuals who raised $5-10,000) Jim Boland - Philip Morris Donald Oresman, Attorney for Marty Davis, Paramount Communications Gerry di Marco Richard Fisher Gregory Gavin Tom Gosnell John Gutfreund Eli Jacobs Jack Stafford - American Home Products J.D. Williams 5:30 PM Proceed to General Reception (same floor) 5:30 PM Undersecretary Glauber arrives 7 World Trade Center MET BY: Jo-Anne Coe and escorted to 45th Floor MAY 13 PAGE THREE 5:30 PM-6:30 PM DOLE FOR SENATE '92 FUNDRAISING RECEPTION GUEST OF HONOR: BOB GLAUBER, Under Secretary of Treasury for Domestic Finance Contact: Mary Conner 202/566-8164 FAX: 202/786-8447 TELEPHONE CONTACT AT SITE: Dave Ambinder, Vice President, Salomon Bros. 212/783-5727 212/783-4012 (FAX) EVENT CONTACT: Steve Bell/Sue Yurko 202/879-4100 202/879-4134/35 (FAX) CROWD SIZE: 125 estimated TICKET PRICE: $1,000 per person FORMAT: Mix and Mingle - REMARKS PODIUM AND MIKE PRESS: CLOSED REMARKS - Mr. Gutfreund INTRODUCTION OF DR. GLAUBER - Mr. Gutfraund REMARKS - Under Secretary Glauber INTRODUCTION OF SENATOR DOLE - Mr. Gutfreund REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 6:30 PM Mr. R. T. Curran ("T.C."), President, Foreign Folicy Assn. will meet you at Salomon Brothers and ride with you to: 7:00 PM Arrive Rear Entrance, New York Hilton Hotel 212/586-7000 MET BY: Photographer and Escort Officer ATTEND ANNUAL FOREIGN POLICY ASSOCIATION RECEPTION/DINNER AS OUTLINED BELOW MAY 13 PAGE FOUR CONTACT: R. T. Curran ("T.C.") or Marie Oginski 212/764-4051/52 212/302-6123 (FAX) 212/245-5341 (Home - T.C.) 7:05 PM Arrive Grand Ballroom, New York Hilten Hotel ATTEND GENERAL RECEPTION (In progress from 6:30) SENATOR DOLE AND MICHAEL H. COLES (Chairman of Association's Board of Governors) greet dinner guests as they proceed to their pre-agssigned seats 7:30 PM Proceed to Head Table ATTEND FOREIGN POLICY ASSOCIATION DINNER FORMAT: BLACK TIE (They know you will be in business suit) CROWD SIZE: 450 PODIUM AND MIKE AT HEAD TABLE PRESS: OPEN SPECIAL GUEST: Her Excellency Violeta Barrios de Chamorro President, Republic of Nicaragua HEAD TABLE (No. 29): (Listed Clock-wise) Senator Dole Mrs. Sonia Crus de Baltodano, Consul General of Nicaragua in NY & Interpreter President Chamorro Hon. Cyrus Vance, Simpson Thacher & Bartlett, Honorary Director, FPA Nicaraguan Ambassador Ernesto Palazio Maurice Sonnenberg, Co-Chair, Dinner Committee, Governor, FPA Dr. Timothy S. Healy, President & CEO, NY lic Library; Governor, FPA Mrs. Cyrus Vance, Governor, FPA Mr. Michael H. Coles, Ltd, Partner, Goldman Sachs, Chairman, FPA Mrs. W. Tapley Bennett, Jr. Arthur Ross, Vice Chair, Central Nat'l-Gottesman, Governor, FPA Mrs. Anastassios Fondaras, Co-Char, Dinner Cmte, Governor, FPA (relative of Lowell Weicker) MAY 13 PAGE FIVE HEAD TABLE (CONTINUED): Anbassador W. Tapley Bennett, Jr. Governor, FPA Mrs. Arthur Ross Dave H. Williams, Chairman, Alliance Capital Mgmt, Governor, FPA 7:45 PM PROGRAM BEGINS: WELCOMING REMARKS - Michael H. Coles PRESENTATION OF SPECIAL, RECOGNITION AWARD TO SENATOR DOLE BY: Dave H. Williams, Corporate Dinner Chairman, and Chairman, Alliance Capital Management 8:00 PM- 8:15 PM REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE (U.S.-Soviet Relations) 8:15 PM-8:30 PM Q&A - Moderated by T.C. Curran 8:30 PM Program Concludes and Dinner is sérved 8:45 PM Lv. Hilton Hotel 9:15 PM Ar. Jet Aviation, Teterboro, N.J. 201/641-1770 9:30 PM Lv. Teterboro AIRCRAFT: American Home Products G-4 TAIL NO.: N 685 TA MANIFEST: Senator Dole Senator D'Amate Al Lehn J.D. Williams Leo Jardot, Amer. Home Products Jo-Anne Coe Mark Miller Ed Rahal 10:30 PM Ar. Washington National Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert Jones PROCEED TO PRIVATE May 17, 1991 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of May 12 - 18, 1991 Pg. 1 Sunday, May 12 8:45 lv. residence - NBC car will pick you up 9:30 live - "Meet the Press" SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of May 12 - 18, 1991 Pg. 2 Monday, May 13 9:00 Senate Floor SPEAK to the participants of the 1991 Congressional Senior Citizen Intern Program (Senators Cochran & Pryor) 10:00 S-230 mtg. w/State Rep. Jack Rentschler (S. Dakota) 12:45 Ana-Westin, Ballroom, 2401 M St, NW SPEAK to the International Institute of Synthetic Rubber Producers 2:35 lv. The Capitol 2:55 ar. Butler Aviation 3:00 lv. Washington National/Butler Aviation 4:00 ar. Teterboro, NJ - met by Salomon Brothers sedan (SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE) 9:30 lv. Teterboro, NJ 10:30 ar. Washington National SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of May 12 - 18, 1991 Pg. 3 Tuesday, May 14 9:00 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/4 doctors from KU Medical Center, KS Society of Anesthesiology 9:15 SD-215 FIN COMM - markup Fast Track Resolution 10:15 J.W. Marriott, Capitol Ballroom SPEAK 14th Annual American International Automotive Congress 11:00 S-230 Republican Conference mtg. 12:00 Grand Hyatt, Farragut Square/Lafayette Park Room SPEAK to the Computer & Business Equipment Manuf. Association’s Board of Directors 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Gramm & State Senator Terry Considine (Jo-Anne) 3:00 S-230 DROP BY - Sheila mtg. w/Carolyn Bloom (Eudora, KS), KS American Physical Therapist Association 3:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Wichita & Topeka police officers (Greg); & w/Glen Yancey, Acting Commissioner, KS Dept. of Social & Rehabilitation Services, (Andy) 4:00 SH-703 mtg. w/Whip Group re: Fast Track 4:30 S-230 DROP BY - Nina mtg. w/KS AIADA members 5:30 S-230 mtg. w/Cong. Emerson (Whit & Al) 4:30-6:30 S-115 Tom Nemit reception (auto dealers) (Jo-Anne) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of May 12 - 18, 1991 Pg. 4 Wednesday, May 15 9:00 S-230 coffee & doughnuts w/Sheila, Whit, Al, and Dennis 10:00 SR-332 AG COMM - hearing - implementation of the Trade Title of the 1990 Farm Bill 10:30 S-230 DROP BY - Whit & Nina mtg. w/former Cong. Bob Krueger 11:15 S-230 mtg. w/Joe Dial 12:00 President Bush arrives The Capitol 12:00 S-230 mtg. with the Republican Leadership 12:00 SR-146 DROP BY?? - luncheon for Robert Rauschenberg (artist) hosted by Senator Metzenbaum 2:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Martha Lewis (Marcie) 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/Howard Stark (Judy B.) 3:30 S-230 DROP BY?? - Jim M. & Vicky mtg. w/Jim Cantrell, Pres, GEHA 4:30 Hideaway video f/Senator D’Amato 5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Russ Meyer 6:00-7:30 Ronald brief remarks - Senatorial Trust Members 8:00 Corcoran Art Gallery KEYNOTE 10th Anniversary of Louis A. Bantle Institute SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of May 12 -18, 1991 Pg. 5 Thursday, May 16 8:30 S-230 breakfast w/Attorney General Dick Thornburgh 10:00 SD-215 FIN COMM - full comm - "IRAs, savings" 10:00 L’Enfant Plaza, Quorum Room, 480 L’Enfant Plaza East, SW SPEAK to the General Aviation Manuf. Assoc. 11:00 foot of Capitol Rotunda steps meet the Queen & the Duke along with Foley, Mitchell, Byrd, Michel, & Gephardt 11:20 escort the Queen and the Duke to the House Chamber 11:30 House Chamber Joint Session of Congress f/Queen Elizabeth II & Prince Philip 12:30-1:50 Statuary Hall lunch f/Queen Elizabeth II & Prince Philip (you are a cohost w/Sen. Mitchell, Speaker Foley, & Cong. Michel) 2:15 Hotel Washington, Washington Room, 15th & PA Ave, NW SPEAK to the Int’l Electronics Manufacturers & Consumers of America 3:30 S-230 video f/Sen. Thurmond (Clarkson) 4:00 S-407 mtg. w/Mr. Bartholomew, Under Secretary of State, & Senator Mitchell 4:15 S-230 mtg. w/Dragoljub Micunovic, head of Serbian Democratic Party (Mira) 6:00 Rayburn B338-340 DROP BY?? - reception prior to Sons of Italy dinner to honor US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of May 12 - 18, 1991 Pg. 3 Friday, May 17 8:50 Capital Hilton, Ballroom SPEAK to National Association of Manufacturers Issue Briefing breakfast 10:00 SR-332 AG COMM - introduce Sheila Bair at her nomination hearing 10:45 S-230 mtg. w/Frank Shrontz, Chairman of Boeing, and Nick Steele, Manager of Congressional Affairs (Dan) 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson) 2:15 S-230 PHOTO w/Alma Shepherd 2:40 lv. The Capitol 3:00 lv. Washington National/Butler Aviation 5:00 ar. Wichita, KS SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of May 12 - 18, 1991 Pg. 7 Saturday, May 18 in Kansas -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE (handwritten) May 17-20, 1991 CONTACTS : Judy Kay 913/295-2745 (o) 913/273-1870 (h) Jo-Anne Coe 202-543-5016 (o) 703-845-1714 (h) ‘Gale Grosch 913/371-6108 (o) 816/373-8468 (h) Mike Glassner 316/263-4956 (0) 316/264-7219 (h) Draft 6 Weather: FRIDAY, MAY 17 - Precipitation expected to move out of state by Friday afternoon. High temperatures in the 80's, to 60's overnight. Dry conditions Friday evening, partly cloudy, winds from S-SE at 10-20 mph. Flying conditions good. SATURDAY. MAX 18 - Clear to partly cloudy skies all day. Highs in 80’s, to lows in 60’s. Light winds from the S-SE, no precipitation. SUNDAY, MAY 19 - Continuation of Saturday’s conditions. Highs in the 80’s, lows in 60’s. Light winds, 8-SE. MONDAY, MAY 20 - Weekend conditions of warm temperatures, light winds, clear skies, and no precipitation should prevail. KANSAS SCHEDULE, May 17, 18, 19. and 20 FRIDAY, MAY 17 2:40 p.m. Lv. Capitol for Washington National 3:00 p.m. Lv. Washington for Wichita AIRCRAFT: Hawker 800 (US Tobacco) TAIL NO.: N24SB SEATS: 8-9 PILOT: Chris J. Cain CO-PILOT: Frank B. Desetto FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs. 50 mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole John McKinney. U.S. Tobacco Bill Wisecarver Janeal Cabbage (?) CONTACTS: Diane Knickerson 203/622-3667 Blanche Durney 203/622-3345 FAX (Hanger) 914/997-2145 5:00 p.m. Ar. Wichita, Mid-Continent, Yingling Cessna - 316/943-3246 (handwritten) FAX 316/943-2484 MET BY: Mike Glassner MIKE WILL TAKE YOU TO THE COURT HOUSE EMERGENCY CENTER FOR AN UPDATE ON THE TORNADO DAMAGE. 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. REPUBLICAN PARTY FUNDRAISER - Have reserved Wichita Club - Reception hosted by George Parsons and Nestor Weigand. ATTENDANCE: 20-25 Potential Grand Club Members. $ AMOUNT: $20,000-$25,000 Reception - mix and mingle INTRODUCTION OF SENATOR: Kim Wells, St. Chrm. SENATOR’S REMARKS Following your remarks, Kim will make his sales pitch. CONTACT: Steve Brown, Executive Director Ks. Republican Party 913-234-3416 6:15 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. CENTURY II - Ice Cream Social in conjunction with the Wichita River Festival - North end of Century II. ATTENDANCE: Thousands FORMAT: Mix and mingle & eat ice cream 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. TOUR TONADO DAMAGED AREAS RON - Residents Inn - 316/263-1061 or Airport Hilton 316/945-5272 SATURDAY, MAY 18 8:45 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. OPENING SESSION - SBA CONFERENCE FORMAT: 8:45 am WELCOME, GARY NODLER, REG. DIR. INTRODUCTION OF SENATOR DOLE REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE INTRODUCTION OF AMBASSADOR AL-SABAH BY SENATOR DOLE REMARKS - AMBASSADOR AL-SABAH 9:15 a.m. BREAK 9:20 a.m. Lv. Airport Hilton for Yingling Cessna 316/943-3246 DRIVER: Mike Glassnser 9:40 a.m. Wheels up for Johnson County Industrial Airport AIRCRAFT: Hawker 800 (U.S. Tabacco) TAIL NO.: N24SB SEATS: 8-9 PILOT: Chris J. Cain CO-PILOT: Frank B. Desetto FLIGHT TIME: 35 mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mike Glassner 10:15 a.m. Ar. Johnson County Industrial Airport Executive Beechcraft - 913/782-9003 Runway: 7339 ft. x 190 ft. MET BY: Gale Grosch DRIVE TIME-JOHNSON CO. COMMUNITY COLLEGE: 15 MINS. 10:30 a.m. Ar. Republican Leadership Seminar General Education Building College Blvd. & Quivera CONTACT: Bill Dean, Legislative Consultant 913/648-3205 (o) 913/451-1338 FAX 816/225-1578 MOBILE John Palmer 1-800-927-2730 ATTENDANCE: 150-200 INTRODUCED BY: Britt Nichols, Johnson Co. Chrm. SENATORS REMARKS 11:00 a.m. Lv. Johnson County Community College for Executive Beechcraft. DRIVER: Gale Grosch DRIVE TIME: 15 mins. 11:15 a.m. WHEELS UP FOR TOPEKA, PHILIP BILLARD AIRCRAFT: Hawker 800 (U.S. Tabacco) TAIL NO.: N24SB SEATS: 8-9 PILOT: Chris J. Cain CO-PILOT: Frank B. Desetto FLIGHT TIME: 25 mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mike Glassner 11:45 a.m. Ar. Topeka Philip Billard, T.J. Terminal 913/234-2602 Runway: 5099 ft. x 150 ft. MET BY: U.S. Marshals Kent Pakarek Pete Nagurny Richard Heffron *His Excellency Shaika Saud Nasir Al-Sabah and his party will arrive 5-10 mins. ahead of you. I have made arrangements for a holding room at the airport and will be there to see that everything goes smoothly. NOON to 1:30 p.m. Ar. American Legion/Topeka Armed Forces Day Homecoming Parade. **Parade bagins at the corner of 10th and Jackson at Noon. Will have someone waiting who will show you directly to your car. Tom Kennedy, General Parade Chairman As of 5/8/91 have 193 entries that represent 1500 participants. CONTACT: Tom Kennedy - 913/232-9315 Participants: dignitaries bands military vehicles American Legion members 75+ Vietnam Veterans Vietnam Medal of Honor Recipients: Lt. Col. Don Ballard North K.C., Mo. Col. Roger Donlon, Leavenworth Lt. Col. Charles Hagemeister Leavenworth Fly-Overs-KC-135 Refueling tankers from 190th F-16 fighter jets from McConnell AFB Helicopters from 108th Aviation Unit - KANG PARADE LINE-UP: CAR NO. 1 Governor Joan Finney, Parade Marshall CAR NO. 2 His Excellency Shaikh Saud Nasir Al-Sabah, Honorary Parade Marshall, Senator Dole and Senator Kassebaum CAR NO. 3 Congressman Jim Slattery CAR NO. 4 Mayor "Butch" Felker - Parade Chairman CAR NO. 5 Bill Angell, Amerian Legion State Commander TOTAL OF 23 CARS WITH DIGNITARIES 2:00 p.m. TOPEKA RAMADA INN DOWNTOWN - AMERICAN LEGION STATE CONVENTION BEGINS. ATTENDANCE: 600-700 PROGRAM: INTRODUCTION OF SENATOR: Bill Angell REMARKS: SENATOR DOLE SENATOR INTRODUCES AMBASSADOR AL-SABAH REMARKS: AMBASSADOR Al-SABAH SPEAK: Paul Kennedy, Topeka VA Director YOUTH CHAMPIONS: AMERICANISM AWARDS: Charlie Matson, a sixth grade student from Pleasant Hill, will receive an an award for his poster in support of Desert Storm - Martin Outdoor Advertising made his poster into a billboard. The whole sixth grade class from Pleasant Hill school will be present. STATE COMMANDER: Bill Angell CONTACT: Chuck Yunker 913/232-9315 Convention adjourns at 4 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Ramada Inn - Ambassador departs for Philip Billard - Senator Dole meets for 10-15 minutes with City Councilman Jim Kelley, and Mayor Butch Felker regarding Curtis Mansion. 3:20 p.m. Lv. Ramada Inn for Curtis Mansin DRIVER: U.S. Marshal Pete Nagurny DRIVE TIME: 10 mine. 3:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Visit Monroe School - National Park Service Study site as a National Historic Landmark. (Brown vs. Board of Education) - Kathy Ormiston has details. CONTACT: Cheryl Brown-Henderson 4:15 p.m. Lv. Curtis Mansion for DRIVE TIME: 30 mins. DRIVER: U.S. Marshal Pete Nagurny 4:45 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. LAWRENCE - Fifteenth Annual Minority Graduation Banquet to recognize the efforts of minority students. KU - Big Eight room - Student Union MET BY: ATTENDANCE: 150-200 FORMAT: Banquet begins at 4:00 4:45 p.m.: Program begins You could be introduced at this point and make remarks - then they would go on with their program of introductions, award presentations and their guest speaker. 4:50 p.m. - REMARKS BY SENATOR DOLE CONTACT: Laura Denneler 913/864-4351 5:30 p.m. Lv. Student Union for Overland Park - Yellow Freight. DRIVE TIME: 45 mine. DRIVER: U.S. Marshal Pete Nagurny 6:15 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Ar. Yellow Freight, Executive Offices 10990 Roe, Overland Park 913/383-3000 KANSAS HOUSE PAC RECEPTON Reception: FORMAT: Mix and mingle 6:30 p.m. INTRODUCTION INTRODUCED BY: 6:35 p.m.: SENATOR SPEAKS 7:00 p.m.: Reception ends MET BY: Gale Grosch Gale will drive you from this point. CONTACT: Gary Haulmark 913/296-2302 NOTE: SENATOR DOLE TO PRESENT CHECK FROM CAMPAIGN AMERICA. 7:00 p.m. Lv. Yellow Freight for Crown Center DRIVE TIME: 20 mins. DRIVER: Gale Grosch 7:20 p.m. Ar. Hyatt Regency RON - KANSAS CITY - HYATT REGENCY 816/421-1234 SUNDAY, MAY 19 9:30 a.m. Lv. Hyatt Regency for Executive Beechcraft 816/842-8484 DRIVER: Gale Grosch DRIVE TIMEs 10 mins. 9:45 a.m. Lv. Executive Beechcraft for Lawrence AIRCRAFT: SEECH BARON TAIL NO.: N62913 SEATS: PILOT: CO-PILOT: CONTACT: ROBYN 816/842-8484 FLIGHT TIME: 10:10 a.m. ARRIVE LAWRENCE AIRPORT - AIR SERVICES 913/842-00200 Runway: 5000 ft. x 1000 ft. MET BY: Jon Josserand DRIVE TIME: 15 mins. 10:25 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. OLIVER HALL (corner of 19th & Naismith) KU LAW SCHOOL BRUNCH ATTENDANCE: 400-500 - (170 graduates & their families) FORMAT: 9:00-10:30 A.M. - Brunch - mix & mingle 10:30 a.m. - Formal ceremony begins SENATOR INTRODUCED BY: Bob Jerry, Dean of Law School SENATOR'S REMARKS: CONTACTS: Bob Jerry, Dean of Law School or Al Johnson, Associate Dean 913/864-4550 11:10 a.m. to 11:40 a.m. LEARNED HALL = PATIO AREA SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING RECEPTION - Students & parents. FORMAT: Informal Reception - mix & mingle NO. OF GRADUATES: 65 (195 undergraduates & 17 who will be recognized but will graduate in August) ATTENDANCE: 300 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. KANSAS UNION - BALLROOM - School of Medicine Luncheon. Lunch actually starts at Noon, but graduates and their families will be moving into the Ballroom. FORMAT: Informal Luncheon - mix and mingle NO. OF GRADUATES: 192 graduates ATTENDANCE: 600 Could stay and have lunch if you want. 12:30 p.m. Lv. Campus for Airport DRIVER: Jon Josserand 913/864-3131 DRIVE TIME: 15 mins. 12:45 p.m. Lv. Lawrence airport for Bxecutive Beechcraft Johnson County Industrial Airport AIRCRAFT: Beech Baron TAIL NO.: N62913 SEATS: PILOT: CO-PILOT: FLIGHT TIME: 25 Mins. 1:10 p.m. Ar. Exeutive Beechcraft, Johnson County Industrial Airport - 913/782-9003 Runway: 7339 ft. x 190 ft. MET BY: Gale Grosch who will drive you to Olathe South High School. DRIVE TIME: Ar. Olathe South High School for Olathe South and Olathe North Baccalaureate. 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. OLATHE - Joint Baccalaureate - Olathe South and Olathe North High Schools - 600 students ATTENDANCE: 2000 PROCESSIONAL BEGINS PROMPTLY AT 2:00 INVOCATION: SENATOR INTRODUCED BY: REMARKS: SENATOR DOLE LOCATION: OLATHE SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL (immediately following the presentation and remarks you may leave) 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. KANSAS CITY, KANSAS - PARADE TO WELCOME TROOPS. ATTENDANCE: Thousands PARADE LINE-UP: Motorcycle Unit Color Guard General Halley Band Senator Dole CONTACT: Robert Ross, 913/573-5544 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. KANSAS CITY, KANSAS - MEMORIAL HALL - Formal Ceremony for troops. ATTENDANCE: FORMAT : 1. Military Troops Assemble 2. Posting of Colors - Joint Color Guard 3. National Anthem - Army Band 4. Invocation 5. Welcoming remarks by Mayor 6. Remarks: SENATOR DOLE & CONGRESSWOMAN MEYERS 7. KEYNOTE: Brigadier General Fred N. Halley 8. Introduce Senior Service Reps (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Aix Force, Coast Guard) 9. Special tribute to War Veterans 10. 21-Gun Salute 11. Armed Forces Medley by Army Band CONTACT: Robert Ross, 913/573-5544 7:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. LEE GREENWOOD CONCERT - Memorial Hall **OPTION** RON - HYATT REGENCY 816/421-1234 MONDAY, MAY 20 8:45 a.m. Lv. Hyatt Regency for Westin Crown Center DRIVER: Gale Grosch 9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. WESTIN CROWN CENTER - SECOND NATIONAL WATERSHED CONFERENCE. ATTENDANCE: 400 SENATOR INTRODUCED BY: Richard Jones, Executive Director, Ks. Assoc. of Conservation Districts. 9:15 a.m.: SENATOR SPEAKS 9:45 a.m. Lv. Westin Crown Center for DRIVER: Gale Grosch 10:00 a.m. KANSAS CITY, KS., Mayor’s Conference Room, Kansas City, Kansas Courthouse Meet with Business Leaders, Mayors, etc. GALE IS ARRANGING - WILL HAVE DETAILS TO UPDATE YOU TOMORROW. 11:00 a.m Lv. for Farmland Industries 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 Ar. Farmland Industires Headquarters Bldg. - Brief Tour LUNCH - Executives and Management group Private Dining Room ATTENDANCE: 60 CONTACT: Steve Dees, VP of Administrative and Legal Affairs, or Gina Bowman 816/459-6345 12:30 p.m. Lv. Parmland for KCI DRIVER: Gale Grosch DRIVE TIME: 10 mins. 1:05 p.m. Lv. Kansas City International for Washington US AIR FLIGHT #1108 4:17 p.m. Ar. Washington National MET BY WILBERT May 29, 1991 FINAL yih SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of May 19 - 25, 1991 Pg. 1 Sunday, May 19 in Kansas -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of May 19 - 25, 1991 Pg. 2 Monday, May 20 in Kansas -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 1:05 p.m. lv. Kansas International via US Air #1108 4:17 p.m. ar. Washington National - met by Wilbert 5:30-7:30 Capitol Hill Club, Eisenhower Lounge DROP BY fundraiser for Pat Roberts (you are a cohost w/Sec. Madigan) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of May 19 - 25, 1991 Pg. 3 Tuesday, May 21 8:30 Hyatt Regency, Regency A Ballroom SPEAK to the Independent Bankers Assoc. of America 9:55 S-230 PHOTO w/Anna & her father, Robert Osborne, from Colorado Springs, & Ivan Botic from Kansas City (Mira), & Kyle Dell, Rep. Policy Comm. intern (David) 10:00 S-230 PHOTO & DROP BY - Dennis, Nina, Don mtg. w/Home Builders Assoc. of Kansas 10:15 S-221 private mtg. w/Chancellor Kohl & Sen. Mitchell (Al) 10:30 S-207 coffee f/Chancellor Kohl (you are a cohost w/Senator Mitchell) 11:30 Willard Ballroom, 1401 PA Ave, NW SPEAK - Nat’l Federation of Republican Women 12:00 H-137 DROP BY - lunch w/60 Croatian Americans hosted by Rep. Joe Kolter (D-PA) (Mira) 12:45 S-211 policy luncheon 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Gramm & Brook Johnson (Jo-Anne) 2:30 SD-406 introduce Mike Hayden at his confirmation hearing 3:30 SD-G50 SPEAK to Sen. Dodd’s constituents 4:00 OHIO CLOCK PHOTO w/60 students f/New Holland, PA (David) 4:00-5:00 S-230 Ldrshp & Labor Committee Republicans mtg. re: Education bill w/Secretary Alexander 5:00 S-230 DROP BY - Nina mtg. w/Patricia Cole, Assoc. Gen. Counsel to Sun Micro Systems SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of May 19 - 25, 1991 Pg.4 Wednesday, May 22 NOTE: MRS. HANFORD’S BIRTHDAY 10:15 S-230 mtg. w/Dr. Virgilio Godoy, Vice President of Nicaragua (Al) 11:00 S-230 coffee & cookies w/10 KS bankers (Dennis) 11:30 S-230 mtg. w/Executive Committee of the National Grain Trade Council (Bret) 12:00 S-230 Harut Sassounian, United Armenian Fund, to present two checks for tornado relief (Walt) 12:15 S-230 mtg. w/Dave Smith 12:30 S-230 mtg. w/new interns (David) 1:30 S-221 mtg. w/Foreign Minister Kozyren & Senator Mitchell (Al) 2:20 S-230 PHOTO w/Mrs. Joan Heuter (originally f/Mission Hills, KS) & Jess & Bobbie Childers (f/Mission Hills) 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/Cong. Swett & his constituent 4:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Harriet Cloud (Stacy) 5:00 S-230 mtg. w/Sen. Warner & Senate Reps. on SDI (Mira) 6:00-8:00 Ronald Reagan Center Fundraiser f/Senator D’Amato (you are a cohost w/rest of GOP Leadership) After 1st vote: AG COMM - mtg. in President’s Room - report out Dial & Bair f/CFTC Commissioners SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of May 19 - 25, 1991 Pg. 5 Thursday, May 23 8:30 S-201 Republican Task Force f/Health Care brkf. 10:00 S-230 mtg. w/Larry Hudson (Jim W.) 11:00 S-230 mtg. w/John Ruan 11:45 S-230 mtg. w/Amb. Michael Sotirhos (Al) 12:45 S-230 mtg. w/Sec. Mosbacher (Nina) 1:00 S-230 punch & cookies f/Sheila Bair 1:30 S-230 mtg. w/President of Cyprus, George Vassiliou (Al) 2:15 S-230 mtg. w/Pres. of Greek Parliament, Athanasios Tsaldaris, 2 Members of Greek Parliament, & the Greek Ambassador (Al) 3:00 S-230 Republican Conference mtg. re: CAFE standards 4:00 S-230 courtesy call w/Bob Gates 4:30 S-230 mtg. w/Senator Durenberger (Sheila) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of May 19 - 25, 1991 Pg. 6 Friday, May 24 8:30 INGAA Boardroom Columbia Square, Suite 300 West 555 13th St, NW breakfast w/Rich Belas & natural gas group (Mark Miller)(20 confirmed guests) 10:00 Hideaway videos for Shawnee Mission School District & little League Challenger Division (Clarkson) 10:30 S-230 PHOTO w/Lt. Col. Robert Ridgeway (Bill) 11:15 S-230 Kansas radio conference call (Clarkson) 12:30-1:30 S-207 10th Mtn. Division luncheon (Bill) 2:00 S-230 mtg. w/Champ Mitchell & John Rangos, Chairman & CEO of Chambers Development Co. (Jo-Anne) 2:30 lv. The Capitol for residence 4:30 lv. residence for airport 4:50 lv. Washington National, Butler Aviation 6:15 ar. Charlotte, NC RON: North Carolina SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of May 19 - 25, 1991 Pg. 7 Saturday, May 25 in NORTH CAROLINA -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE RON: North Carolina (handwritten) Fri, May 24-Sun, May 26 FINAL May 24, 1991 SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE - MAY 24-26,1991 CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe 202/843-5016 (O) 703/845-1714 (H) 804/428-8134 (Sat thru Mon) FRIDAY, MAY 24 4:50 PM Lv. Washington National Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 AIRCRAFT: US Jet Charter Citation I TAIL NO.: N 97 SK SEATS: 7 PILOT: Dave Hutchinson CO-PILOT: Bernie Morrell MANIFEST: Senator Dole Robin Dole FLIGHT TIME: 12 hr 10 mins FOOD SERVICE: Cheese & Fruit Tray CONTACT: Bill McKenna 703/769-4309/4310 703/892-6200 FAX: 703/821-6012 6:15 PM Ar. Charlotte, North Carolina Douglas International Airport Butler Aviation 704/389-8415 MET BY: John Hanford 704/372-5246 NOTE: Citation will wait for Robin and fly her back to Washington. Her schedule: 10:30 PM Lv. Charlotte AIRCRAFT: US Jet Charter TAIL NO.: N 97 SK 11:52 PM Ar. Washington National PAGE TWO 6:35 PM Arrive John & Bunny Hanford's residence 704/372-5246 ATTEND BIRTHDAY FESTIVITIES FOR MRS. HANFORD: 6:00 PM-7:15 PM Cocktails, John & Bunny Hanford's 1 minute drive to: 7:30 PM-9:00 PM Dinner, Country Club 9:00 PM-10:00 PM Birthday Cake & Opening of Presents John & Bunny Hanford's 10:15 PM Lv. Charlotte ?? Ar. Salisbury RON: Mrs. Hanford's residence 704/633-9003 SATURDAY, MAY 25 In Salisbury (Birthday Festivities for Mrs, Hanford) SUNDAY, MAY 26 Transportation provided by Burlington Industries, as follows: AIRCRAFT: Citation SII TATU NO.: N 550 TB PILOT: Deron Hawks 919/431-6840 (H) CO-PILOT: Mike Dayberry 919/996-3367 (H) 919/720-7719 (Car) CONTACT: Sharon Fields 919/379-2982 Sky Page: 1-800-759-7243 Enter 75562 as PIN No. Enter # symbol Enter phone no. & # PAGE THREE DC CONTACT: Donna Lee McGee 202/223-3167 FAX: 202/785-2790 9:15 AM Lv. Greensboro, North Carolina 9:44 PM Arrive Fayetteville, N.C. RUNWAY: 7204 x 150 ft. Grannis Field, Fayetteville Air Service 919/484-2175 10:00 AM Pick up Ken Steele and depart Fayetteville 10:31 AM Arrive Salisbury, N.C. RUNWAY: 4200 x 100 ft Rowan County Airport, Hess Aviation 704/633-5021 10:40 PM Pick up Senator Dole and depart Salisbury MEAL SERVICE: Sandwiches 12:20 PM Arrive Wichita, Kansas Midcontinent Airport RUNWAY: 10,300 x 150 ft. Ryan Aviation 316/942-0141 REFUEL Drop-off Ken Steele; Pick-up Mike Glassner 1:32 PM Lv. Wichita (WILL PROBABLY HAVE EARLIER WHEELS-UP) 2:00 PM Ar. Emporia, Kansas RUNWAY: 4948 x 100 ft. Municipal Airport City of Emporia FBO 316/342-3598 MET BY: Rita Riley DRIVE TIME: 10 minutes 2:30 PM-3:30 PM ATTEND ALL VETERANS MEMORIAL DEDICATION Emporia - South Park PAGE FOUR ATTENDANCE: 1000, Including the 129th army Reserve Transporation Company (175) who just returned from Desert Storm CONTACT: Lee Stolfus 316/342-2431 FORMAT: Color Guard PRESS: OPEN INTRODUCTION OF SENATOR: Ken Bradstreet, Chairman, All Veterans Memorial cmte. REMARKS: SENATOR DOLE INTRODUCTION OF CONGRESSMAN DICK NICHOLS: Ken Bradstreet REMARKS: Congressman Nichols MEDAL OF HONOR SOCIETY CEREMONY - Special Memorial to Medal of Honor recipient, Sgt. Grant Timmerman of Emporia, who was killed in 1944 -- 5 members of his unit will be in attendance REPRESENTATIVES OF THE MEDAL OF HONOR SOCIETY: Charles Hagenneister Donald Ballard Roger Donlon NOTE: Judy Kay and Rita Riley looking for other activities in the Emporia area 3:30 PM Lv. South Park for Emporia Municipal Airport DRIVER: Rita Riley 3:45 PM Lv. Emporia, Kansas MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mike Glassner 7:20 PM Ar. Washington National Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert Jones PROCEED TO PRIVATE (handwritten) Tues, May 28 FINAL May 23, 1991 SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE: MAY 28, 1991 CONTACT: Jo-Anne Coe 202/543-5016 (O) 703/848-1714 (H) Lisa Tashjian Plarce scheduler 413/872-1990 413/868-9759 (FAX) 11:10 AM Depart Washington National Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 AIRCRAFT: Falcon 10 (NTC) TAIL NO.: 101 TF MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mike Glassner PILOT: Dwain Gadway CO-PILOT: Frank Leskauskas CONTACT: Dwain or Frank 914/462-6206 (O) 914/462-6704 (FAX) 914/226-8830 (Home - Dwain) 914/298-1367 (Home - Frank) 12:30 PM Ar. Pittsfield, Massachusetts Municipal Airport Lyon Aviation 413/443-6700 MET BY: Steve Pierce DRIVER: Mike Hoyle 12:35 PM Lv. Municipal Airport en route Lenox (Senator Dole will travel with Steve Pierce) 12:45 PM Ar. Lenox House, Lenox MET BY: Jordan St. John, Pierce Press Secretary PAGE TWO 12:45 PM-1:15 PM PRESS CONFERENCE Conference Room - Lenox House 339 Pittsfield Road, Lenox 413/637-1341 1:15 PM-1:50 PM STEVE PIERCE FUNDRAISING LUNCHEON Lenox House BRIEF REMARKS - Steve Pierce & SENATOR DOLE 1:55 PM Lv. Lenox en route Lee 2:10 PM Ar. Lee Manor Soldier's Home East Street, Lee 413/243-1312 MET BY: Samantha Page, Director 2:10 PM-2:40 PM TOUR LEE MANOR SOLDIER'S HOME 2:40 PM Lv. Lee en route Pittsfield 3:00 PM Ar. Veterans Outreach Canter (Serving Berkshire County) 525 East Street, Pittsfield 413/499-0256 MET BY: Dan Denault, Director 3:00 PM-3:25 PM TOUR VETERANS OUTREACH CENTER 3:25 PM Lv. Veterans Outreach Center for Downtown Pittafield 3:35 PM Arrive Downtown Pittsfield 3:35 PM-3:45 PM DROP-IN/MEET & GREET DOWNTOWN PITTSFIELD: (Both merchants are Pierce supporters) Highland Restaurant 100 Fenn Street 413/442-2457 (Politicians' "hang-out", across the street from Town Hall) Pittsfield Sporting Goods Co. 70 North Street 413/443-6078 PAGE THREE 3:45 PM Lv. Downtown Pittsfield en route Municipal Airport Steve Pierce will accompany to Airport DRIVER: Mike Hoyle 4:00 PM Ar. Pittsfield Municipal Airport Lyon Aviation 413/443-6700 4:05 PM Lv. Pittsfield AIRCRAFT: NTC Falcon 10 5:20 PM Ar. Washington National Airport Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert Jones PROCEED TO PRIVATE June 3, 1991 FINAL ylh SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of May 26 - June 1, 1991 Pg. 1 Sunday, May 26 10:40 lv. North Carolina 12:20 ar. Kansas SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 3:45 lv. Emporia Municipal Airport 7:20 ar. Washington National, Butler Aviation, met by Wilbert SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of May 26 - June 1, 1991 Pg. 2 Monday, May 27 MEMORIAL DAY Tuesday, May 28 11:10 lv. Washington National, Butler Aviation 12:30 ar. Pittsfield, Massachusetts Municipal Airport SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 3:45 lv. Downtown Pittsfield for Pittsfield Municipal Airport 4:55 wheels up for Washington 6:15 ar. Washington National, Butler Aviation - met by Wilbert SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of May 26 - June 1, 1991 Pg. 3 Wednesday, May 29 9:00 Madison Hotel, 15th & M mtg. w/Yevgeni Primakov (Mr. Markasov, Counselor, Soviet Embassy, will meet you at the front entrance) (Mira & Bob W.) 12:40 S-230 PHOTO w/Cliff & Kris Dungey & their 2 children, Angie & Amber, (Wichita) (Dan) 12:45 lv. The Capitol 2:00 lv. Dulles via United Airlines #191 4:12 ar. Los Angeles SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE Thursday, May 30 in California - SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - Week of May 26 - June 1, 1991 Pg. 4 Friday, May 31 in California -- SEE SEPARATE SCHEDULE 2:00 lv. Los Angeles (via private aircraft) 9:20 ar. Washington National, Butler Aviation, met by Wilbert Saturday, June 1 in Washington (handwritten) May 29-31 FINAL 5/28/91 LEAD ADVANCE: Bill Mancini 213/443-4175 (O) 213/575-9805/9815 (H) 818/509-0731 (O) 818/980-4282 (FAX) SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE: May 29-31, 1991 CONTACT:Jo-Anne Coe 202/543-5016 (O) 703/845-1714 (H) DRIVER: L.A. area only Patti Mancini 714/536-2867 (H) SITE ADVANCE: Z. Greg Kahwajian 213/473-6508 (O) 213/444-9771 (FAX) 818/981-1048 (O) ASST ADVANCE: Walter H. Williams (J.D.'s son) 213/289-1185 (H) 213/551-6332 (O) Ext. 6391 WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 1:00 PM Lv. Capitol 1:35 PM Ar. Dulles Airport 2:00 PM Lv. Dulles Airport United Airlines - # 191 First Class: Senator Dole - Seat 2C Mike Glassner - Seat 2D NOTE: Pat Templeton will be on same flight. 4:12 PM Arrive Los Angeles, California MET BY: Dignitary Police and Bill Keck Patti Mancini (Bill's Mother), will also be there to assist with arrival. PAGE TWO 5:15 PM Ar. Bill Keck's Condo (Coalinga Corp.) 10120 Empyrean Way (Le Parc, Bldg. 13, Unit 103) Los Angeles (Century City) 90067 213/203-9209/9210 (Freshen up) (Bill Keck will wait outside for you) CONTACT: Greta LaFleur 213/578-5900 5:45 PM Lv. Coalinga Condo DRIVER: Bill Keck and Patti Mancini 6:00 PM Ar. Regency Club 10900 Wilthire Boulevard (Top of David Murdock's office building) 213/208-1443 6:00 PM-7:00 PM Attend DOLE FOR SENATE FUNDRAISING RECEPTION (15-20 individuals e $1,000-$2,000 each) CONTACT: Lee Stutzenberger The Dolphin Group 213/208-6777 Stu Spencer Hecht & Spencer 714/660-0220 RON: Bill Keck (Coalinga Corp.) Condo 213/203-9209/9210 CONTACT: Greta LaFleur 213/578-5900 THURSDAY, MAY 30 Morning and Early Afternoon Free 2:30 PM Meet briefly with four of Bill Keck's executives - at Coalinga Condo 3:00 PM Lv. Coalinga Condo DRIVER: Bill Keck limo PAGE THREE 3:30 PM Ar. Los Angeles International Airport Garrett General Aviation 213/568-3900 3:35 PM Lv. Los Angeles via private aircraft being arranged by Congressman Lowery's staff AIRCRAFT: Cessna Citation III TAIL NO.: N 88 JJ SEATS: 8 PILOT: Bob Woods CO-PILOT: John McDaniel CONTACT: Wayne or Larry Minor (Secretary: Sandy) Agri-Empire 714/654-7311 Bill Franke Martin Aviation 714/852-8300 Pager: 714/262-4010 (Enter No. + #) 4:00 PM Ar. Carlsbad, California McClellan-Palomar Airport Runway: 4700 x 150 ft. FBO: Cinema Aviation 619/438-0877 MET BY: Congressman Bill Lowery, Kim Fletcher (Retired President of Home Federal S&L), OR Karl Higgins, Lowery's Chief of Staff (20-30 minute drive to event) 4:30 PM-6:30 PM FUNDRAISER FOR CONGRESSMAN BILL LOWERY Residence of Warner and Debra Lusardi 15626 Via de la Valle Rancho Santa Fe, California 619/756-5619 NOTE: Mr. Lusardi is self-made millionaire several times over; chairman & CEO of large construction and development company in San Diego. Staunch Republican CROWD SIZE: 100 (Many will be DFP supporters) PAGE FOUR CONTACT: Karl Higgins Chief of Staff, Cong. Lowery 619/231-0957 (O) 619/540-7153 (Car) 619/595-0069 (FAX) Karolyn Dorsee, Finance Director 619/457-7918 619/457-1367 (FAX) SCHEDULE: 4:30 Arrive Lusardi home - Met by Bill and Katie Lowery, Warner & Debra Lusardi 4:30-4:45 Photo session 4:45-5:30 Mix and mingle 5:30 Brief Remarks & Intro of Senator - Lowery 5:35 REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 5:45 Q&A 6:00 PM Senator Dole departs event 6:00 PM Lv. Rancho Santa Fe DRIVER: Lowery staff 6:20 PM Ar. Carlsbad McClellan-Palomar Airport Cinema Aviation 619/438-0877 6:25 PM Lv. Carlsbad 6:50 PM Ar. Santa Ana, California John Wayne Airport (Orange County Airport) Martin Aviation 714/852-8300 MET BY: Patti Mancini 6:47 PM Lv. Santa Ana DRIVE TIME: 15-20 minutes PAGE FIVE 7:07 PM Ar. Anaheim, California Anaheim Hilton and Towers MET BY: Seymour Staffer Depending on exact time of arrival, Seymour staff will escort the Dole party to the appropriate reception event 7:10 PM ATTEND FUNDRAISER FOR SENATOR JOHN SEYMOUR Anaheim Hilton and Towers 777 Convention Way 714/750-4321 ADVANCE: Greg Kahwajian 213/473-6508 7:10 PM-7:30 PM RECEPTION - Pacific A Room (In progress from 6:30) PROGRAM: 6:00 PM Reception for Co-Chairmen Green Room 6:30 PM General Reception 6:30 PM-7:00 PM Reception for Table Sponsors (100 couples) PHOTO OP 7:00 PM Senator Seymour arrives General Reception - Ballroom Foyer 7:15 PM Lights Blink; Doors to Dinner Open 7:30 PM Dinner Begins - Pacific Cc & D 7345 PM Program Begins CROWD SIZE: 750-1000 TICKETS: $250 per person HEADTABLE - PODIUM & MIKE HEADTABLE: Senator Dole Senator John Seymour Judy Seymour Marion Bergeson Gaddi Vasquez Becky Morgan PAGE SIX HEADTABLE (CONTINUED): Kathryn Thompson Gus Owen Nick & Julie Lee Henry Segerstrom Mike & Lorraine Lewis George & Judie Argyros Bob Fluor Bob Haskell PROGRAM: Welcome - Gaddi Vasquez Color Guard Prayer - Kathryn Thompson Salute: Dismiss Color Guard Invite to Dine: Gaddi Vasquez 8:00 PM - Dinner Gaddi Vasquez Intro Marion Bergeson Marion Bergeson Intro John Seymour 8:45 PM - Senator Seymour Intro Senator Dole 9:00 PM - REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE Conclusion - Gaddi Vasquez CONTACT: Jean Flournoy 714/434-1992 714/434-2701 (FAX) 9:30 PM Depart Anaheim DRIVER: Patti Mancini DRIVE TIME: 30 minutes 10:00 PM Ar. Long Beach, California RON: Hyatt Regency Hotel - Royal Suite 200 S. Pine Avenue Long Beach, California 213/491-1234 FRIDAY, MAY 31 7:45 AM Arrive FUNDRAISING BREAKFAST - CONGRESSMAN DANA ROHRABACHER (In progress since 7:30) Chairman: Yong C. Kim Hyatt Regency Hotel - Regency Ballroom ADVANCE: Greg Kahwajian 213/473-6508 PAGE SEVEN CROWD SIZE: 200-250 TICKETS: $250 per person FORMAT: Buffet PODIUM & MIKE (near the head table) PRESS: OPEN HEAD TABLE: Senator Dole Congressman Rohrabacher Paula Dobriansky, Director of Programs for USIA (Dana's girlfriend) Yong C. Kim, Event Chairman Dr. Jim Roche, Corporate Vice President, Northrop Shawn and Michelle Steel - L.A. Attorney and Rohrabacher Finance Chairman. Michelle is Korean-American Gunther and Maria Bauer - Will introduce Senator Dole. Gunther is Long Beach gynecologist. Half Lutheran/Half Jewish from Hungary. As a teenager when Nazis began rounding up Hungarians of Jewish blood in 1944, Gunther and friend hid out for months in a Budapest cemetery. Lived in Hungary under both Nazis and Communists. Ron Cedillos - M/C. owns Cedillos Testing, a Long Beach firm that tests airplane parts. A major fundraiser for GOP candidates (raised over $1 million for Pete Wilson). CONTACT: Gene Ferguson 213/424-7229 213/424-7855 (FAX) 8:15 AM PROGRAM Begins: WELCOME - Ron Cedillos PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION - Rev. Donald Shoemaker, Grace Community Church in Seal Beach INTRODUCTION OF V.I.P. TABLE: Senator Ed Royce Senator John & Susan Lewis Assemblyman Tom Mays Ted Gunderson Assemblyman Jerry Felando Reverend Donald and Mary Shoemaker PAGE EIGHT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS INTRODUCTION OF HEAD TABLE INTRODUCTION OF CONG. ROHRABACHER = Ron Cedillos REMARKS - CONGRESSMAN ROHRABACHER (5 minutes) INTRODUCTION OF GUNTHER BAUER - Cong. Rohrabacher INTRODUCTION OF SENATOR DOLE - Gunther Bauer REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE (5-10 mins) CONCLUSION - Ron Cedillos 8:45 AM Program concludes and Lv. Hyatt Regency DRIVER: Northrop Aviation ESCORT: Doug Todd, Legislative Affairs Northrop D.C. Office 9:00 AM Ar. Daugherty Field, Long Beach Atlantic Aviation 213/426-5500 (Ask for Northrop) 9:05 AM Lv. Long Beach AIRCRAFT: Northrop KingAire TAIL NO.: 14 NA SEATS: 10 MANIFEST: Senator Dole Doug Todd (Northrop) FLIGHT TIME: 30 minutes 9:30 AM Ar. Palmdale, California Northrop Aviation private field 805/272-7329 9:30 AM-10:30 AM Tour Northrop B-2 Plant 3,000 employees - 2 shifts Observe assembly of six B-2 Stealth Bombers in progress on Assembly Floor (FOR SECURITY REASONS, STAFF MAY NOT ACCOMPANY) PAGE NINE CONTACT: Bob Helm or Doug Todd 703/525-6767 703/276-0711 (FAX) Doug Todd's Parents (Long Beach): 213/597-5977 10:30 AM Lv. Palmdale AIRCRAFT: Northrop KingAire 11:00 AM Ar. Hawthorne Municipal Airport Northrop Flight Dispatch Office 213/332-5241 MET BY: Patti Mancini and Greg Kahwajian (MUST USE GATE 10) 11:30 AM ATTEND/ADDRESS Luncheon Meeting of Town Hall of California Sheraton Grand Hotel 333 South Figueroa Los Angeles 213/617-1133 CONTACT: Andrea Jarrell, Vice President 213/628-8141 213/489-3327 (FAX) NOTE: PAM RUCKER FROM R.L.O. WILL JOIN UP AT THIS TIME. ALSO, CHRISTY VAN ROOY FROM HART OFFICE WILL BE ATTENDING WITH HER FATHER. PRESS: OPEN PROGRAM: 11:30 AM VIP Reception - Concourse I (50 individuals) Format: Mix and Mingle 12:00 PM-12:35 PM Lunch - Grand 1-4 FORMAT: Podium with Mike CROWD SIZE: 300 PAGE TEN HEAD TABLE: (Partial Listing) Senator Dole Governor George Deukmejian William Cc. Rusnack, Chairman of the Day, and President, ARCO Transportation Kenneth R. Dickerson, Sr. V.P., Govt. Affairs, Arco Makoto Ejima, Sr. V.P. & Gen. Mgr., Pacific Southwest Hqtrs, Mitsui Bernard E. LeSage, Partner, Buchalter, Nemer, Fields & Younger Adrienne Medawar, President, Town Hall Lynn Spector, V.P., Scudder Funds John Vaughn, Chairman Emeritus, Crocker Nat'l Bank 12:40 PM Welcome - Adrienne Medawar, President, Town Hall Intro of Senator Dole: William Rusnack, President, ARCO Transportation 12:45 PM-1:10 PM REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE NOTE: TAPED FOR DELAYED BROADCAST ON “TOWN HALL ON THE AIR" RADIO PROGRAM. THEY THEREFORE REQUEST YOUR PREPARED REMARKS BE 20-25 MINUTES IN LENGTH. 1:10 PM-1:30 PM Q&A 1:30 PM Meeting Adjourns, and Senator Dole Departs Town Hall Luncheon OPTION: PLEASE ADVISE: Town Hall will arrange for Press Conference following Senator Dole's speech, if he wishes. DRIVER: Patti Mancini Directions: South on 405 (San Diego Freeway). Turn off to Imperial Highway just past the airport. West on Imperial Highway to Pershing. Turn right. Proceed on Pershing to World Way West and turn right. Pass American Airlines superbay on the right. Locked gate with guard will be at Kaiser Aviation on the right. PAGE ELEVEN 2:10 PM Ar. Los Angeles International Airport Kaiser Aviation (hangar leased by Coalinga) 7000 World Way West 213/568-0547 (Cliff Syphen) CONTACT: Hqtrs for Kaiser Brenda Clark 415/562-2112, Ext. 232 2:15 PM Lv. Los Angeles AIRCRAFT: Gulfstream IV OWNER: Coalinga Corp. (Bill Keck) TAIL NO.: N 404 cc SEATS:15 SLEEPS: 1 (couch in forward cabin) PILOT: Don Kobel CO-PILOT: Ford Frazier FLT ATTEND: Diana Tweddale FLIGHT TIME: 4 hours 20 mins MEAL SERVICE: Dinner (Fried Chicken) MANIFEST: Senator Dole Mike Glassner Pat Templeton Pam Rucker CONTACT: Pat Templeton 703/525-3888 703/522-4660 (FAX) 301/229-9128 (H) 213/578-5900 (Keck's Office) 213/207-0464 (Keck's residence) 9:35 PM Ar. Washington National Airport Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert Jones PROCEED TO PRIVATE