TRAVEL SCHEDULE CALIFORNIA WEATHER: Rain, Low 50's, Hi 60's MO'S #: 703/684-7848 FINAL FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1990 12:45pm DEPART Capitol Hill for Dulles Airport/ United Airlines Drive time: 40 minutes 1:25pm ARRIVE Dulles Airport/ United Airlines and proceed to departing aircraft United Flight #191 Seat 1D- Senator Dole Seat 16H- Al Lehn 1:45pm (EDT) DEPART Washington, DC for Los Angeles/ Los Angeles International Airport Flight time: 5 hours 23 minutes 4:08pm (PST) ARRIVE Los Angeles/ Los Angeles International Airport Met by: Bill Mancini 714/969-2647 714/721-8944 PAGE 2 TRAVEL SCHEDULE CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1990 4:20pm DEPART airport for Le Parc Location: 10120 Empyrean Way Building 13- Unit 103, Century City, CA Drive time: 45 minutes NOTE: Al will be taken to his hotel, Century Park Hotel 2025 Avenue of Stars Century City, CA 5:05pm ARRIVE Le Parc for PRIVATE NOTE: Bill Keck will greet Senator Dole upon his arrival RON (Blank) Le Parc 213/203-9209 213/203-9210 Fax: 2/3/551-3355 NOTE: Al will be at the Century Park hotel NOTE: Robin will be staying at the Checkers Hotel 213/624-0000 Page 3 TRAVEL SCHEDULE CALIFORNIA SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1990 PRIVATE 10:00am DEPART Le Parc for Eagles Breakfast Location: California Club 538 S. Flower Street Los Angeles,CA Drive time: 15 minutes 10:15am ARRIVE California Club and proceed to Eagles Breakfast Location: Fireside Room 10:20am EAGLES BREAKFAST 312/622-1391 Location: Fireside Room Attendance: 30 (Eagles and prospective Eagles) Event runs: 10:00am-12:00pm Press: Closed Format: Mix and Mingle Photo-op Breakfast served 11:00am Introduction of Senator Dole by Sr. Joseph Jacobs, Chairman & CEO of Jacobs Engineeriing Remarks by Senator Dole Q & A Facility: No head table, round tables of 8 Contact: Ann Herberger 202/863-8720 NOTE: Mr. Yong C. Kim will be attending the breakfast and will intorduce you to 3 or 4 prospective Eagles that he invited NOTE: SEE ATTACHED LIST OF ATTENDEES Republican Eagle Regional Breakfast Senator Robert Dole Los Angeles, California Saturday, February 3, 1990 RSVP LIST As of 1-31-90 1. Mr. Yong C.Kim President YYk Enterprises Oakland, CA Active 2. Kevin Elliott YYK Enterprises Oakland, CA Guest of Mr. Kim 3. Ronald Florance President Palos Verdes Investment Corporation Rolling Hills, CA Active 4. Elaine Florance Spouse Rolling Hills, CA Active 5. Bob Van Dine Vice Chairman of the Board St. Ives Laboratories Rolling Hills, CA Active 6. Marybeth Van Dine Spouse Rolling Hills, CA Active 7. Thomas Cahsman Author Fullerton, CA Active DOLE RSVP LIST As of 1-31-90 Page two 8. Merilyn Cashman Spouse Fullerton, CA Active 9.Claude Brinegar Unocal Corporation Los Angeles, CA Active 10. Bert Boeckmann Galpin Motors Sepulveda, CA Active (Team 100) 11. Jane Boeckmann Spouse Sepulveda, CA Active 12. Michael Huffington Santa Barbara, CA Active (Team 100) 13. Hal Barstow President Gail Barstow and Company Anaheim, CA Active 14. Cheri Barstow Spouse Anaheim, CA Active 15. Donald Gloistein Prospect Anaheim, CA Guest of Hal Barstow 16. Dorene Whitney Consultant Ocean Ridge, CA Active DOLE RSVP LIST As of 1-31-90 Page three 17. Del Dunmire Grandview, MO Active 18. Mae Moussa Washington, D.C. Active 19. Harry Zachem President Ashland Oil Company Ashland, KY Active 20. Dr. Donald Vinson President LSI, Incorporated Rolling Hills, CA Active 21. Virginia Vinson Spouse Rolling Hills, CA Active 22. Mrs. Margaret Martin Brock Los Angeles, CA Active 23. Julian Virtue President Virtue Enterprises Rolling Hills, CA Active 24. Elvira Virtue Spouse Rolling Hills, CA Active 25. Jim Soloman Guest of Margaret Brock Los Angeles, CA Prospect 26. Woody Woodrow Prospect Detroit, MI Guest of Dr. Jacobs 27. Robert Scoffa Prospect Guest of Dr. Jacobs 28. Berge Setrakian Attorney Prospect New York, NY Guest of Dr. Jacobs 29. George Ablah Developer Prospect Wichita, KS Guest of Dr. Jacobs and personal friend of Senator Dole 30. Ambassador Phillip Habib Retired Former Under Secretary of State Guest of Dr. Jacobs 31. Governor Victor Atiyeh Retired Former Governor of Oregon Prospect Guest of Dr. Jacobs 32. Peter Tanous Executive Vice President Bank Audi USA Prospect New York, NY 33. John Price President and CEO The Price Companies Salt Lake City, UT Active 24. William Reagan (Bill) Regan National Advertising Salt Lake City, UT Active Page 4 Travel Schedule California Saturday, February 3, 1990 11:30am DEPART Eagle Breakfast for Lunch with Carl Samuelian and Ray Kahwajain Location: Room adjacent to Fireside Room 11:35am ARRIVE Lunch with Carl Samuelian and Ray Kahwajian Format: 12:00-12:15pm Phone hook-up with Governor Deukmejian 12:35 DEPART California Club for Le Parc Location: 10120 Empyrean Way Building 13- Unit 103 Century City, CA Drive time: 15 minutes 12:50pm ARRIVE Le Parc for PRIVATE PRIVATE NOTE: Robin will move to Le Parc after her meeting at 1:00pm 6:20pm DEPART Le Parc for American Task Force for Lebanon Reception and Dinner Location: Anaheim Marriott 700 W. Convention Way Anaheim, CA Drive time: 55 minutes Page 5 TRAVEL SCHEDULE CALIFORNIA SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1990 7:15pm ARRIVE Anaheim Marriott and proceed to VIP Reception Location: Los Angeles/ Lajolla Room Lower Level Met by: Peter Tanous, American Task Force for Lebanon Chairman and Exec. VP Bank Audi in New York City Mounzer Chaarani- Chairman of Dinner 7:20pm ARRIVE VIP Reception 714/750-8000 Location: Los Angeles/ Lajolla Room Attendance: 50 Event runs: 6:30-7:50pm Ticket: $3,000/table Press: Closed Format: Mix and mingle Facility: None Contact: Tanya Rahall 714/634-9520 Page 6 TRAVEL SCHEDULE CALIFORNIA SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1990 ATTENDEES Mae Moussa and France Hanas- Republican Eagles from Wash., D.C. Harry "Mac" and Molly Zachem- Ashland Oil, Senior VP External Affairs Joseph and Vi Jacobs- President and CEO of Jacobs Engineering William and Barbara Hana- Bank Audi of California Dr. Ray Irani- Occidental Petroleum, President and COO Vousef Ghafari and brother, Dr. George Ghafari of Detroit, MI Bashir and Nancy Kouchacji- Owner of Marrakesh Restaurant of Washington, DC Khodr and Intisan Saab- Owner of Beverly Hills Hotel and Developer Norman Tanber- Arab-American Republican Committee of Orange County Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fauntes- Chairman of Orange County Repub. Party Joe Audi- Bank Audi Peter and Ann Tanous- American Task Force for Lebanon Chairman and Exec. VP of Bank Audi in New York Mounzer Chaarani- Chairman of Dinner and Chaarani Associates, and Orange County Dole for President Tanya Rahall- Executive Director of American Task Force for Lebanon Mr. and Mrs. Peter Buff- Mayor of Costa Mesa Charlie Chidiac- Palce Development, Hawaii Abdel Hafiz and Layla Ajam- Santa Ana Businessman Khalil Khabiz- Call America(Phone Sales) Orange County Jamal and Rania Daniel- BUsinessman, Houston, TX Governor Victor Atiyeh Casey Kasem Ambassador Habib Joe Abdo- owner of ACL Technologies PAGE 7 TRAVEL SCHEDULE CALIFORNIA SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1990 7:50pm DEPART VIP Reception for American Task Force for Lebanon Dinner Location: Marriott Hall N.E.- Lower Level 7:55pm ARRIVE Dinner Location: Marriott Hall N.E.- Lower Level Attendance: 600 Event runs: 8:00-9:45pm Ticket: $125/person, $65/student, $3,000/table Press: Open Format: SEE NEXT PAGE Facility: Head table, riser, podium and mike Contact: Tanya Rahall 714/634-9520 SEATED AT HEAD TABLE Philip C. Habib Dr. Joe Jacobs Mae Moussa Gov. Vic Atiyeh Casey Kasem Michlene Abu Samra (Counsel General of Lebanon) Mahmoud Ammar (member of Lebanese Parliament) Katchik Babikian (member of Lebanese Parliament) Tom Fauntes and Wife (Chairman Orange County Republican Party) Peter Buffa and his wife (Mayor of Costa Mesa) Rev. Darrell Meyers Archbishop Vatche Hovespian Vi Jacobs Joe Jacobs Ambassador Habib Maureen Chaarani Mrs. Ammar Zaid Al-Kasif NOTE: Senator Dole will be seated between Governor Vic Atiyeh and Ambassador Phil Habib. Page 8 TRAVEL SCHEDULE CALIFORNIA SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1990 FORMAT FOR DINNER 8:00pm Mounzer Chaarani intorduces Casey Kasem, MC for evening 8:02pm Welcome from Casey Kasem 8:04pm National Anthem 8:08pm Remarks by Kasem 8:10pm DINNER SERVED 8:55pm Kasem intorduces Peter Tanous, Chairman of the American Task Force for Lebanon 9:00pm Remarks by Tanous 9:03pm Kasem introduces Co-chairmen 9:05pm Kasem introduces Head table 9:08pm Kasem introduces Ambassador Habib 9:10pm Remarks by Ambassador Habib 9:16pm Dr. Ray Irani presents "Man of the Year" Award to Dr. Joseph Jacobs 9:18pm Governor Vic Atiyeh of Oregon presents film 9:30pm Governor Atiyeh presents the Habib Award for Distinguished Public Service to Senator Dole 9:32pm Remarks by Senator Dole 9:42pm Kasem makes closing remarks 9:44pm Mounzer makes closing remarks 9:45pm Conclusion ATFL HEAD TABLE ANAHEIM MARIOTT Feb. 3, 1990 8:00pm Mariott Hall-North (Diagram of Head table seating: rectangle) Names: Top: No Seating Right:(Descending) BUFFA, PETER (Mayor- Costa Mesa), AL-KASIF, ZAID(IMAH), AMMAR, MRS., CHAARANI, MAUREEN, FAUNTES, TOM, Abi Samra, MICHELINE, CHAARANI, MOUNZER, ?? JEAN KASEM Bottom: (Left to Right) JOE JACOBS PHD, GOV. VIC ATIYEH, SEN DOLE, AMB. PHIL HABIB, CASEY KASEM Left: (Descending) MRS. BUFFA, REV. DARRELL MEYERS, ARCHBISHOP VATCHE HOVESPIAN, MRS. FAUNTES, MAHMOUD, AMMAK, VI JACOBS, KATCHIK, BABIKIAN, MAY MOUSSA NOTE: THERE MAY BE MODIFICATIONS, BUT NOT AT HEAD OF TABLE Page 9 TRAVEL SCHEDULE CALIFORNIA SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1990 10:00pm DEPART Anaheim Marriott for Le Parc Location: 10120 Empyrean Way Building 13- Unit 103 Century City, CA Drive time: 55 minutes 10:55pm ARRIVE Le Parc for PRIVATE Ron (Blank) Le Parc 213/203-9209, 213/203-9210 NOTE: Al will be at Century Park Hotel 213/277-2000 Page 10 TRAVEL SCHEDULE CALIFORNIA SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1990 7:30am DEPART Le Parc for Los Angeles International Airport/ Garrett Aviation Drive time: 25 minutes 7:55am ARRIVE Los Angeles International Airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Garrett Aviation 213/568-3700 8:00am (PST) DEPART Los Angeles, CA for Washington, DC/ National Airport FBO: Butler Aviation Aircraft: G4 (Occidental Petroleum) Tail number: N20XY Flight time: 4 hours 30 minutes Pilots: Jerry Sears, Bruce Dalton, Terry Fetzer 213/640-3600 Seats: 10 Manifest: Senator Dole, Dr. Ray Irani, Robin Dole, A. Lehn, C. Scranton 3:30pm (EDT) ARRIVE Washington, DC/ National Airport FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 3:35pm DEPART airport for Residence 3:50pm ARRIVE Residence for PRIVATE TO: Al FROM: MO RE: HOTEL ACCOMODATIONS You will be staying at the Century Park Hotel. The address is: 2025 Avenue of the Stars and is very close to to where the Senator will be staying. Your conformation numbers are as follows: Al- RUTLHD The telephone number is 213/277-2000. All transportation will be taken care of to all the events and to the airport. The Senator will be staying at Bill Keck's home and the telephone number there is 213/203-9209 or 213/203-9210 (Handwritten: Betty) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of February 5-11, 1990 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5 11:30 S-230 CAP. MTG. w/ Uzi Baram, Israeli Labor Party & Avnor Tavori, US rep. for Party (Al sit in) 12:30 Mayflower Hotel Ballroom SPEAK- American Mining Congress (luncheon at 12:00 2:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (Social Security) (Line Handwritten)2:00 S-221 Cap. Mtg w/ Mitchell re clean air (3:30 crossed out) (Handwritten: 3:45) S-230 Cap. MTG & Photo w/ President Jordi Pujol, Catalonia, Spain, Amb. Santa Maria & Gabriel Guerra, TKC Int'l (Keith Co) (Al sit in) 3:45 S-230 Cap. PHOTO w/ Richard Edlund, Ks. Fed. of the Blind (Kathleen arr) (Line crossed out) (Handwritten: Cancelled)4:30 S-230 CAP. MTG. w/ Sec'y Yeutter & Senators re 1990 farm bill (Dave S. arr) (Handwritten: Dole, Cochran + Lugar) Senator Dole's Schedule- Week of February 5-11, 1990 Page 2 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6 8:30 S-230 Cap. BKFST. MTG. w/ Alan Greenspan (Joyce arr) (Line handwritten) Illegible 11:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Jim Kinnear, Chrmn, Texaco & Jim Pruitt, Wash. ofc. (whit sit in) 12:45 S-211 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON 2:00 S-230 Cap. Photo w/ 22 George Wash. Univ. Kappa Sigs (Don arr) 6-7:30 S-120 Cap. RECEp. by Don Hubbard announcing 1990 Soviet Premiere of Hubbard Art Award (Stop by) 6-8:00 (Presentation at 7:00) Hyatt Reg. RECEP. by Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, PVA & Spinal Cord Res. Fedn. (V.P., Nick Buoniconti & Jack Powell co-hosts) stop by?? Senator Dole's Schedule- Week of February 5-11, 1990 Page 3 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7 8-9:30 S-120 CAP. BKFST. by KIOGA (Greg/Whit) Stop by? (Line handwritten)9:30 SR-332 Gg Comm (Yeutter) (Line handwritten)9:30 S-230 mtg w/ Robert Ratlof vp academic affairs, Pittsburg state approp. project. (Line handwritten)10:30 SD-215 Finance(Mark-up illegible) (Line crossed out) (Handwritten: cancelled)10:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM.-Social Security 12-2:00 345 CHOB MEMBERS ONLY LUNCHEON by Women in Government Relations (Line handwritten)2:00 S-207 Cap. Briefing by former Pres. Carter on situation in Nicaragua 5-7:00 S-120 Cap. RECEP. by Am. Council of Life Insurance & Health Insurance Assn. of Am. in establ. of Low & Moderate Income Housing Finance Task Force( Marcie) 6-7:15 SH-216 RECEP. by Miramax on Hill premire of "My Left Foot" (Sen. a co-sponsor) 7:30-9:30 Screening of movie (following recep.) Senator Dole's Schedule- Week of February 5-11, 1990 Page 4 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8 (Line handwritten)10:00 S-211 CAP. PRESS CONF.- details to follow- A Suprise- per Judy Bivians (Line handwritten)tent. 10:30 SD-215 Finance comm. (Soc. Sec. (Illegible) testifying) (Line handwritten)12:00 SH-143 SPEAK- Edward D. Jones Brokerage Co. 2:20 S-230 CAP. PHOTO w/3 Ks. Youth Ldrship Council members (Don arr) 2:30 by Ohio clock PHOTO w/ Bill Shapiro & Washington Univ., St. Louis, women's basketball team (Kathleen arr) (Line handwritten)3:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg+photo w/ Karmella Raiz (illegible) (Line handwritten)4:00 S-230 Cap. Photo w/ Warren Kessler, Ferrellsaw (Greg arr) 8:00 2500 Foxhall Rd. BUFFET/RECEP. by Amb. Juergen & Mrs. Ruhfus, Germany, for Senate Study Group on Germany (stop by??) (Line handwritten)9:00-10:00 CNN-m mase ave nw. on Larry King Show w/sen+ Eliz FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9 (Crossed out: 8:15) (Handwritten: 9:00) Westin Hotel (Handwritten: Ballroom "2" destination) SPEAK- Nat'l Conf. of State Legislatures (Line handwritten)1:30 S-230 Cap. mtg w/ Ks Spkr Jim Braden (Line handwritten)2:30 S-230 mtg w/ Ben Bagart. La- senate candidate (Jo anne) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11 (Handwritten: Betty) MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12 10:30-11:30 Wash. VA Hospital Visit/ Tour hospital w/Sec'y and Mrs. Derwinski (Bonnie) (Bill W. arr) 1:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Sophie Vavolitis 2:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Am. Amb. to Lebanon McCarthy (Al sit in) Doug Silliman 647-1030 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13 10:00 SD-430 Metzenbaum hrg. on pension reversion (Coleman Co.) WEDNSEDAY, FEBRUARY 14 9:00 1925 K St., NW Appt.- Dr. Barsky (teeth cleaning) 10:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/So. African Amb., Piet Koornhof (Al sit in) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15 10:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Father Andrei Calciu, former Romanian political prisoner & Nick Lungociu (Al sit in) 11:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Beverly Chapman, Tampa (Nat'l Disabled Am. of the Year Award winner (Elizabeth will attend) Maureen arr) Friday, FEBRUARY 16 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18 TRAVEL SCHEDULE FLORIDA WEATHER FRI.- Sunny, 70's SAT.-Rain, 80's SUN.- Partly Cloudy 60's FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1990 8:10am DEPART Residence for National Airport/Butler Aviation 8:25am ARRIVE National Airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 8:30am DEPART Washington, DC for Ft. Lauderdale International FBO: Ft. Lauderdale Jet Center Aircraft: Falcon 900 (ANDREAS) Tail number: 944AD Flight time: 2 hours 30 minutes Pilots: Seats: 14 Meal: Breakfast Manifest: Senator Dole, M/M Andreas, M/M Strauss 11:00am ARRIVE Ft. Lauderdale, FL/ Ft. Lauderdale International FBO: Ft. Lauderdale Jet Center 305/359-3200 11:05am DEPART airport for Seaview Hotel Location: 9909 Collins Avenue Bal Harbor, FL Drive Time: 30 minutes PAGE 2 TRAVEL SCHEDULE FLORIDA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1990 11:35am ARRIVE Seaview for PRIVATE 305/866-4441 PRIVATE 7:05pm DEPART Seaview Hotel for Campaign America Fundraiser Location: Mark's Place 2286 N.E. 123rd St. No. Miami, FL Drive time: 10 minutes 7:15pm ARRIVE Mark's Place and proceed to Campaign America Funfraiser 305/893-6888 Location: Attendance: 10 Event runs: 7:00-8:30pm Ticket: $5,000/person Format: Informal Met by: Gary Dimarco, Mark Militello NOTE: See attached list of attendees CAMPAIGN AMERICA DINNER 7:00OM, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16 MARK'S PLACE 2286 NORTHEAST 123RD STREET NORTH MIAMI, FLORIDA 33181 305/893-6888 SENATOR DOLE ROBIN DOLE PAT HUCKER GERRY DIMARCO DR. ZACHARIA ZACHARIA ALEC COURTELIS RON ASSAF- President, CEO and Chairman of Board, Sensormatic Electronics Corporation (manufacturers of the devices that are placed on clothing in retail stores to prevent shoplifiting) LAWRENCE GONZALES, Secretary of Dept. of Professional Regulations for the State of Florida (Guest of Dr. Zacharia) SANDRA DUVALL- Possibility only. (Executive of Federal Express Broward County) JOHN DIMARCO- Gerry's brother. Real estate developer and co-owner of Mark's Place FEDELE (DALE) SCUTTI- Real estate developer, formerly in the automobile business, has developments in New York, California and Florida. (May bring companion Kimberly) FRANK DIMINO- businessman from Rochester, New York. Part-time resident of Boca Raton GEORGE BARBAR- Possibility only. PAGE 3 TRAVEL SCHEDULE FLORIDA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1990 8:30pm* DEPART Mark';s Place for Seaview Hotel Location: 9909 Collins Avenue Bal Harbor, FL Drive time: 10 minutes 8:40pm* ARRIVE Seaview Hotel for PRIVATE Ron (Blank) SEAVIEW HOTEL 305/866-4441, FAX 305/866-1898 PAGE 4 TRAVEL SCHEDULE FLORIDA SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1990 PRIVATE NOTE: Mrs. Dole arrives on Eastern Flight #193 at 1:35pm at Ft. Lauderdale Airport. I have arranged for a car from the Seaview to pick her up 7:25pm DEPART Seaview for Tiberio's Restaurant Location: 9700 Collins Avenue Bal Harbor, FL Drive time: 5 minutes 7:30pm ARRIVE Tiberio's and proceed to dinner with Lane and Erin Kirkland 305/861-6161 ?? DEPART Tiberio's for Seaview Hotel Location: 9909 Collins Avenue Bal Harbor, FL Drive time: 5 minutes ?? ARRIVE Seaview Hotel for PRIVATE RON (Blank) Seaview Hotel 305/866-4441, FAX 305/866-1989 PAGE 5 TRAVEL SCHEDULE FLORIDA SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1990 PRIVATE 2:25pm DEPART Seaview Hotel for Ft. Lauderdale Internationalairport/ Ft. Lauderdale Jet Center Drive time: 30 minutes 2:55pm ARRIVE Ft. Lauderdale International and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Ft. Lauderdale Jet Center 305/359-3200 3:00pm DEPART Ft. Lauderdale, FL for Washington, DC/ National Airport FBO: Butler Aviation Aircraft: Falcon 900 (ANDREAS) Tail number: 944AD Flight time: 2 hours 30 minutes Pilots: Seats: 14 Meal: Snack Manifest: Senator Dole, Robin Dole 5:30pm ARRIVE Washington, DC/ National Airport FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 5:35pm DEPART airport for Residence 5:50pm ARRIVE Residence for PRIVATE (Handwritten: Betty) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of February 19-25, 1990 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19 (Line crossed out) tent. 2:30 S-230 Cap. MTG w/ Jan Baran (Sheila arr) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20 (line handwritten) 11:00 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Sandy Kemper (Greg arr) 11:15 S-230 CAP. MTG. w/ Ed Beauvais, Chrmn, John Gillick, Bd. of Dirs., American West & Mike Pettie 11:30 S-230 CAP. MTG w/ French Amb. Jacques Andreani (Al sit in) 12:45 S-211 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON 2:00 S-230 Camp. Photo w/ 2 Ks. (illegible) classroom (illegible) Senator Dole's Schedule- Week of February 19-25, 1990 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 8:00 Willard Hotel Douglas Rm. SPEAK- The Rice Miller's Fdn. (this is a small roundtable format- very brief comments & then discussion) 8:35 Wash. Court Hotel Montellivo Rm. SPEAK- SAFE 628-2100 9:30 W.Hse- Cabinet Rm. (NW Gate) BIPARTISAN HSE/SEN. LDRSHIP MTG. w/ Pres. re forigen policy 10:00 SD-226 JUDICIARY COMM. (introduce Jerry Rosen) Dennis arr (Line handwritten)11:00 House Chamber Jt session w/ vaclav Havel 12-2:00 S-207 Cap. JT. LDRSHIP LUNCHEON for Vaclav Havel (Interparliamentary arr) 2:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Jim Robinson re Eisenhower comm. (Line handwritten) 4:00 S-230 Cap. mtg w/nat'l ldrship of MADD ((Illegible) arr) \ 5:30-6:30 1324 LHOB WEDDING RECEP. for Con. Denny & Deanna Smith (no gifst) 6-8:00 Longworth Cafeteria MISSISSIPPI GUMBO FESTIVAL hosted by Miss Delegation (Senator only) Senator Dole's Schedule- Week of February 19-25, 1990 Page 3. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22- Washington's Birthday 8:00 J.W. Marriott Salon "A" Grand Ballroom DOLE FDN. EXEC. COMM. MTG. 11:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Norwegian P.M. Syse (Al sit in) 6-8:00 Regan Ctr. FR RECEP. for Sen. Domenici (Sen. Dole only sponsor) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23 10:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. & PHOTO w/ Jan Baran, Herb Alexander & Larry Sabat, Campaign Finance panel (Sheila & Dennis sit in) 10:45 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Croatians (Mira arr) 11:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Russell Long & Fred Graefe, consultant (re medicare) Sheila sit in) 11:30 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Andy Manatos 11:50 S-230 Cap. PHOTO w/ Mike Moriarity & 11 So. Cal. high school students (Don arr) 12:00 Senators Dng. Rm. Capitol HUCK BOYD RURAL DEV. CTR. LUNCHEON (Stop by??) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of February 26-March 4, 1990 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26 (Line crossed out)9:30 S-338 Cap. (Roth's ofc) COFFEE for West Berlin Mayor, Walter Momper by US Study Group on Germany (Line handwritten)(line crossed out) 10:00 S-215 Soc. Sec. (Illegible) 1:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Governors Stephens, Montana, & Thompson, Wisc. 1:30 S-230 NTG, w./ Richard Austin, nom. for GSA Admin. & Michel DeLoose, Assoc. Admin. for Cong. Affairs (Judy B.) 2:00 S-230 Cap. MTG w./ Dave Smith 2:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Ken Duberstein & Tim Boggs, V.P., Gov't Rel., (Crossed out: Monsanto) (Handwritten: Time Warner) 2:45 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ George White (Dan sit in) 6-6:15 S-115 Cap. RECEP. for West Berlin Mayor, Walter Momper by US Study Group on Germany 6-7:30 LaColline FR RECEP. for Gov. Hayden (stop by) Senator Dole's Schedule- Week of Feb. 26- Mar. 4, 1990 Page 2 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 8:30 S-230 Cap. BKFST. MTG. w/ Sec'y Skinner 9:30 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (Soc. Sec. hrgs) 10:00 W.Hse- Cabinet Rm. (NW Gate) HSE/ SEN. n(Crossed out: GOP) (Handwritten: Bipartisan) LDRSHIP MTG. w/ Pres. (Line handwritten)11:30 S-230 Photo w/ Heinz, Sylvester, and Holocaust Survivors (Line handwritten)12:00 S-230 Cap. mtg w/ Sununu + porter + other GOP senators clean air 12:15 2168 RHOB SPEAK- Nat'l Assn. of Arab Americans 12:45 S-211 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON 2:00 SD-226 JUDICIARY COMM.- introduce Doug Comer at conf. hrg. (Line handwritten)3:00 S-230 Cap. Photo w/ Ks. (illegible) classroom student (Don arr) (Line handwritten)3:30 S-230 Photo + brief mtg w/ 5 or 6 Ks Am. Legion members (Bill arr.) 5:00-?? S-116 Cap. WORKKING TEA w/ P.M. of Republic of Ireland, Charles Haughey 5-6:30 S-120 Cap. RECEP. by Farmland Ind. (Stop by??) 5:30-7:30 B-223 LHOB (Cafeteria) RECEP. by Am. Legion 6:00-?? Soviet Embassy RECEP. by am. Dubinin for Americans who assisted in Armenian earthquake Senator Dole's Schedule- Feb. 26- Mar. 4, 1990 Page 3 8:30 S-230 Cap. BKFST. MTG. w/ Sec'y Yeutter 10:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (1991 budget spending) betw. 10:45+ 4:30 SH-143 RECEIVE Watchdog of Treasury Award (stop by) 11:30 S-230 Cap. PUPPY PRESS CONFERENCE 12:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Michael Eisner et al, Disney Studios re anti-trust suit- Disney vs. Fox Bdcstg. (Dennis sit in) 12:30-?? S-338 Cap. Roth's ofc LUNCHEON by Cong. Study Group on Germany for count Otto Lambsdorf, Chrmn., Free Democratic Party 1:30 H-208 Cap. JT. COMM. on Taxation-orgn. mtg. 2:00 S-230 Cap. PHOTO w/ Jim Melikian (popcorn man) 3:00 S-230 Cap. Carolyn mtg. w/ Dick Sagerburg, Employ's Reinsurance , Ks.) (stop by??) (Line handwritten: 3:30) S-230 Cap. Sheila + Greg mtg w/ Lee Daniels re Medicaid Expansion (Illegible) trust funds (stop by) (Line handwritten 4:00) S-230 Cap. Dave mtg w/ farmland group (will stop by for breif (illegible)) 6:15-6:40 345 CHOB RECEp. & AWARDS by U. of So. Calif. (Bill Keck) Paul Hearne an honoree (Sen. to make brief comments) Senator Dole's Schedule- Week of Feb. 26-Mar. 4, 1990 Page 4 THURSDAY, MARCH 1 8:30 Am. Trucking Assn. 430-1st st., SE SPEAK (CART) Coalition Against Regressive Taxation (Line handwritten)10:30 S-230 Cap. GOP caucus on clean air (members only) 10:30 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (mark-up-tariffs) 12 & 12:30 SH-216 RECEP. & LUNCHEON-75th Anniv. of Naval Reserve (Bill W.) stop by?? (Line handwritten) 12:10 S-207 Cap. press conf. (on clean air) 12:30 S-230 Cap. GOP Senators mtg. w/ camp Finance people (Dennis arr) 1:00 S-230 Cap. PHOTO w/ Kas. Cong. Yourh Ldrship Council members (Don arr) (Line handwritten)5:15 Reagan Ctr. Stop by PAC recep. 6:00-7:30 S-207 Cap. Retire. Party 7:45 F Street Club Dinner by Sen. Mansfield (Sen. & Eliz.) informal FRIDAY, MARCH 2 10:15 S-230 mtg w/ Phillipine (illegible) 10:45 S-230 Photo w/ (Illegible) (Dole supporter) Don arr 12:00 S-230 Camp: Finance Group working lunch SATURDAY, MARCH 3 6:30 Grand Hotel Rich Belas' wedding (Line crossed out) 7:30 Promenade (1st fl) WEDDING RECEP. & DINNER (Sen. & ELiz) SUNDAY, MARCH 4