SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of July 31 - August 6, 1989 MONDAY, JULY 31 11:00 Sen. steps- Cap. PHOTO w/120 Wichita area Boy Scouts (Don arr) 3:00 S-335 Cap. MTG. w/Bentsen, Mitchell & Packwood re catastrophic 4:15 S-230 Cap. Sheila Mtg. w/Carl Newman, Ks. re Health care in Ks. (stop by??) 6:30 W.Hse-Cabinet Rm. (NW Gate) BIPARTISAN LDRSHIP MTG. w/PRES. re Higgins TUESDAY, AUGUST 1 NOTE: Alta Jewell, Basil's wife, giving opening prayer in Senate 8:30 S-230 Cap. BKFST. MTG. w/Charles Walker & GOP Senators 12:30 S-211 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON 4:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Maj.Rovin Higgins & atty. Greg Craig (Al sit in) 5-6:00 S-230 Cap. RECEP. for Chic Hecht for all Sens. 6-8:00 S-207 CAP. SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY for D'Amato 6:30-?? W.Hse-So.Lawn (NW Gate) CONG. BARBEQUE by Pres. & Mrs. Bush Sen. to be at President's only) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2 11:15 S-221 Cap MTG. w/Mitchell, Speaker Bernard Westherill, Brit. House of Commons & Mr. Kittott 2:00 SD-419 Mike Sotirhos conf.hrgs. ( Greece) 5-6:00 EF-100 Cap. MTG. w/ACORNS (House group) Whit arr. 6-8:00 345 CHOB RECEP. for new Baseball Commissioner, Bart Giametti (Members only) Senator Dole’'s Schedule - Week of July 3l-Aug. 6, 1989 Page 2. THURSDAY, AUGUST 3 9:00 S-230 Cap. Carolyn mtg. w/Dwayne Dyer, Wesley Fdn.,Wichita (stop by??) 10:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (private mtg. w/Carla Hills) 12:00 SR-332 AG COMM. (Members only mtg. re disaster assistance) 2:00 SD-215 FINANCE — ENERGY & AG TAX SUBC. 3:00 S-207 Cap. Co-host Mtg. w/Mitchell w/Chinese student delegation FRIDAY, AUGUST 4 (illegible, crossed out) (10:00 crossed out) (handwritten) 10:30 S-221 Cap. MTG. w/Mitchell re poss.trip to Soviet Union after adjournment (crossed out, handwritten) 11:30 Sr-322 Briefing (illegible) (handwritten) 1:30 (illegible) (handwritten) 2:30 S-407 Cap. Mtg. Intelligence briefing (Members only) (illegible) Mitchell, Warner, Cohen none SATURDAY, AUGUST 5 (blank) SUNDAY, AUGUST 6 7:00 Hyatt Crystal Cty. Ballroom (lower level) SPEAK - Pi Kappi Phi Fraternity Tom Carter will meet Sen. at main entrance to Hyatt SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of August 28 - Sept. 3, 1989 MONDAY, AUGUST 28 10:50 pm Arr Andrews AFB (pick-up by Wilbert) TUESDAY, AUGUST 29 (blank) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30 (handwritten) 11:30 S-230 VA (illegible) Service (handwritten) 12:00 S-230 Phone Calls-Detroit News+(illegible) (handwritten, crossed out) (handwritten) 2:00 S-230 (illegible) KNBC-K.C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 31 (handwritten, illegible) 10:00 S-207 Cap. PRESS CONF. w/Am. Legion re Flag Amend. (Dennis/Jake arr) (handwritten) 9:45 S-230 Mtg. (illegible) H F (illegible) FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 2:00 (handwritten) S-211 CAP. MTG. w/Prime Minister Kaifu, Japan Amb. Matsunaga & Sen. Mitchell (handwritten) Photo opp at start of meeting per Jake 7:30 (crossed out) Ambassador's residence (crossed out) DINNER by Amb. Matsunaga for P.M. Kaifu (business attire) (Sen. & Eliz. invited) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 (blank) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 (handwritten) 9:45 ABC limo pick up at W.G. So. (illegible) This week w/ Brinkley Show appearance DELEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE August 17, 1989 #14 jp CODEL DOLE August 18 - 28, 1989 Flying Time Time Change Friday, August 18 8:30 Press conference at Andrews AFB, Maryland 9:00 a.m. Ly. Andrews AFB, Maryland 7 br. 25 min. +4 hr. 8:25 p.m. Ar. Marrakech, Morocco Ambassador: Michael Ussery Control Officer: Carl Hoffman Hotel: La Mamounia Phone: 011-212-4-489-81 Per diem: $94 + $50 = $144 Double: $111 Single: $96 Reservations made for dinner at a Moroccan restaurant (optional) Saturday, August 19 in Marrakech Sunday, August 20 Lv. Marrakech 45 min. 0 Ar. Rabat Ambassador: Michael Ussery Control Officer: Carl Hoffman Phone: 011-212-7-622-65 Hotel: Hyatt Regency Phone: 011-212-7-72242 Per diem: $109 + $50 = $159 Single: $123 (Senator and Secretary Dole are guests at Ambassador's Residence) Monday, August 21 Audience with King Hassan and other official meetings Tuesday, August 22 8:30 a.m. Lv. Rabat 4 hr. 45 min. +3 hr. 4:15 p.m. Ar. Ankara, Turkey Briefing by U.S. Embassy officials (Pick up Soviet Navigator) 5:45 p.m. Lv. Ankara 1 hr. 30 min. +1 hr. 8:15 p.m. Ar. Yerevan, Armenia Control Officer: Ross Wilson, Political Section, U.S. Embassy Work Phone: 011-7-252-2451, X265 Home Phone: 011-7-276-1139 Control Officer: Matthew Der Manuelian, Armenian Assembly Hotel: Armenia Phone: ? Per diem: $95 + $50 = $145 Double: Single: 9:30 p.m. Informal briefing dinner (Senator and Secretary Dole are guests in a government guest house) Wednesday, August 23 9:00 a.m. Lv. for Martyr's Monument 9:15 a.m. Wreath laying at Martyr's Monument 10:00 a.m. Meeting with First Secretary of Communist Party of Armenia, Prime Minister, and President of the Supreme Soviet Wednesday, August 23 11:00 a.m. Meeting with representatives of American Relief Organizations (American Red Cross, Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Project Hope) 12:00-1:30 p.m. Lunch hosted by Armenian Government officials 1:30 p.m. Lv. for Leninakan and possibly Spitak Hospital visit to meet recovering earthquake survivors including survivors who were treated in the U.S. Meeting with elementary age students at tent school area if school is in session Possible travel to Spitak or small village Briefing by local officials and meeting with local citizens Return to Yerevan Thursday, August 24 9:00 a.m. Lv. Yerevan 9:30 a.m. Ar. Echmiadzin and meet with the head of the Armenian Church, The Catholicos 10:45 a.m. Lv. Yerevan 3 hr. 40 min. -2 hr. 12:25 p.m. Ar. Warsaw, Poland Ambassador: John R. Davis, Jr. Control Officer: Terry R. Snell, Acting Deputy Chief of Mission Work Phone: 011-48-22-28-30-41 Home Phone: 011-48-22-44-71-84 Hotel: Phone: Per diem: $75 + $50 = $125 Double: Single: Briefing requested upon arrival 4:00 p.m. Meeting with President Wojciech Jaruzeski Friday, August 25 10:00 a.m. Meeting with Minister of Labor 12:45 p.m. Senator and Secretary appear on Good Morning America (1:07-1:17 p.m.) ? Meeting with Cardinal Glemp ? Meeting with Prime Minister ? Courtesy call on Speaker of Parliament Mikolaj Kozakiewicz and Marshall of the Senate Andrzej Stelmachowski 3:00 p.m. Visit to a factory accompanied by Minister of Labor 8:00 p.m. Dinner hosted by Ambassador. Guests to include Ministry of Labor officials and Opposition Sejm Deputies and Senators. Saturday, August 26 7:45 am. Lv. Warsaw 45 min. 0 8:30 a.m. Ar. Gdansk 9:00 am. Attend Mass with Lech Walesa at St. Brygida's Church (Mass celebrated by Solidarity Priest Father Jankowski) 11:00 a.m. Meeting with Lech Walesa 12:00 Noon City tour 1:00 p.m. Private lunch in Gdansk 3:00 p.m. Lv. Gdansk 1 hr. 45 min. 0 4:45p.m. Ar. Amsterdam, The Netherlands Ar. The Hague Ambassador: C. Howard Wilkins, Jr. Control Officer: David Rehfuss, Acting Deputy Chief of Mission Work Phone: 011-31-70-624911, X213 Home Phone: 011-31-1781-79968 Hotel: Kurhaus Phone: 011-31-70-820052 Per diem: $114 + $50 = $164 Single: $85 (Senator and Secretary Dole are guests at Ambassador's Residence) Sunday, August 27 in The Hague Monday, August 28 Meetings with government officials 5:00 p.m. Meeting with Her Majesty Queen Beatrix (This will be earlier if possible — departure from Netherlands immediately afterwards) 6:30 p.m. Lv. Amsterdam 5 hr. 45 min. -4 hr. 30 min. 7:45 p.m. Ar. Gander, Newfoundland REFUEL 9:15 p.m. Lv. Gander 3 hr. 5 min. -1 hr. 30 min. 10:50 p.m. Ar. Andrews AFB, Maryland (handwritten) Betty SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of August 14 - 20, 1989 MONDAY, AUGUST 14 11:30 W.HSE (NW Gate) Roosevelt Rm. SIGNING CEREMONY —- Disaster Assistance bill TUESDAY, AUGUST 15 12:30 S-230 Lunch w/interns 2:30 SH-141 TAPING - Victory Awards spot (Jake & Maureen arr) 3:00 S-230 Cap. BRIEFING by Dep.Asst. Sec'ty, European Bu., State - re Armenia, Poland and Netherlands (Al arr) 4:00 S-230 Cap. BRIEFING by John Kelly, Ass't Sec. for Middle East (Al arr) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16 (handwritten) 11:00 S-230 (illegible) Armenian Assembly 6-8:00 University Club 1135 -16th St., NW 85th BIRTHDAY PARTY for Sen. Hruska (stop by??) THURSDAY, AUGUST 17 (blank) FRIDAY, AUGUST 18 (blank) (handwritten) August 12-18, 1990 CONTACT : Jo-Anne Coe 202/543-5016 (0) 703/845-1714 (H) SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE -- AUGUST RECESS Sunday, August 12 10:40 AM Ar. Washington National Airport Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 10:45 AM Lv. Washington National MANIFEST: Senator Dole Walt Riker Mike Glassner Doug Buttrey, Federal Express AIRCRAFT: Federal Express Challenger TAIL NO.: N3FE PILOTS: Bill Walsh Ron Phillips FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs 10 minutes TIME CHANGE: -1 hour MEAL SERVICE: Coffee and Danish CONTACT: Bill Walsh 901/398-1889 (0) 901/398-2376 (FAX) 901/755-8076 (H) Doug Buttrey (Vicky Morris, Secty.) 901/395-3841 (0) 901/395-3456 (FAX) 901/755-2791 (H) George Tagg or Sandy Dickey 202/546-1631 11:55 AM Ar. Regional Airport, Dubuque, Iowa Crescent Aviation 319/582-1293 MET BY: Congressman Tom Tauke Del and Sharon Winner (Sharon is Tauke Finance Chair) 12:00 NOON Depart Crescent Aviation DRIVE TIME: 10 minutes 12:10 PM Arrive Loras College Collan College Center 319/588-7100 12:15 PM-12:45 PM Tom "Tauke Executive Council" Coffee Mississippi Room 319/588-7100 FORMAT: Mix and Mingle ATTENDEES: 30 - $1,000+ donors to Tauke campaign (List provided on arrival) PODIUM and MIKE PRESS: CLOSED PROGRAM: Arnie Honkamp introduces Congressman Tauke Congressman Tauke introduces Senator Dole BRIEF REMARKS-Senator Dole Q&A Contact: Clay Tenquist 515/282-1990 12:45 PM Depart Mississippi Room to adjacent building (Cafeteria) 12:45 PM-1:45 PM Tom Tauke FR Brunch Dubuque Inn (in progress since 12:30) 150 at $20 per person FORMAT: Head Table Senator Dole Senator Grassley (TENT) Congressman Tauke Beverly Tauke (TENT) Father James Barta, College President Sister Bernadine, Loras College Arnie Honkamp Rom Fuerste Craig Takes PODIUM and MIKE PRESS: CLOSED PROGRAM (after meal service): Rom Fuerste introduces Congressman Tauke Congressman Tauke introduces Sen. Dole SENATOR DOLE - REMARKS Contact: Clay Tenquist or Chip Gately 515/282-1990 1:45 PM Depart Cafeteria for adjoining building (Gallery Room) 1:50 PM - 2:05 PM PRESS AVAILABILITY Contacts: Joe Bormann Iowans for Tauke 800/373-1990 2:05 PM Depart Loras College 2:15 PM Arrive Crescent Aviation and Depart Dubuque FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 3 min TIME CHANGE: 0 MEAL SERVICE: Snack 3:18 PM Ar. Municipal Airport, Lincoln, Nebraska Duncan Aviation 402/475-2611 MET BY: Terry Evans and Al Meyer Proceed by car to Main Terminal 2nd Floor, Banquet Area (Airport Authority Meeting Room) 3:30 PM - 3: 50 PM PRESS CONFERENCE Banquet Area, Main Terminal 402/474-2770 3:55 PM Depart airport en route Playmore Ballroom 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM ATTEND Czech Polka Festival Days with Hal Daub Playmore Ballroom 6600 0 Street 402/475-4030 Ballroom Manager: Gene Benes 4:55 PM SENATOR DOLE to Present Trophy to winner of accordian-playing contest Contact: Allen Meyer/Terry Evans 402/573-8900 5:00 PM Lv. Playmore Ballroom 5:10 PM Ar. Duncan Aviation 402/475-2611 5:15 PM Lv. Lincoln NOTE: PLEASE ADHERE TO DEPARTURE TIME; OTHERWISE, WE ENCOUNTER PROBLEMS AT NEXT STOP. FLIGHT TIME: 48 minutes TIME CHANGE: 0 MEAL SERVICE: None 6:03 PM Ar. Municipal Airport, Brookings, South Dakota Miller Aviation 605/692-9005 MET BY: Dwight Adams Chairman, S.D. Republican Party 6:30 PM-7:30 PM Governor George Mickelson FR Barbecue Brookings Country Club ($150/couple - 100 attendees) (In progress since 5:30) 605/693-4315 PROGRAM: Dwight Adams introduces Senator Dole Senator Dole Remarks Governor Mickelson Remarks (SENATOR DOLE TO PRESENT CAMPAIGN AMERICA AMERICA CHECK TO GOVERNOR MICKELSON) NOTE: IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING DINNER, SENATOR DOLE TO BE INTERVIEWED BRIEFLY BY TWO REPORTERS: John Louck, S.D. Univ. "Collegian" Cindy Price, KBRK (Brookings radio station) Contact: Dwight Adams 605/224-1990 (0) 605/692-4665 (H) 8:00 PM Lv. Brookings FLIGHT TIME: 25 Minutes TIME CHANGE: 0 MEAL SERVICE: Snack MANIFEST: Senator Dole Senator Pressler Walt Riker Mike Glassner Doyce Boesch Doug Buttrey 8:25 PM Ar. Joe Foss Field, Sioux Falls, South Dakota Business Aviation 605/336-7791 MET BY: Evans Nord Retired VP of KELO-TV 605/332-3393 NOTE: Mr. Nord will be driver for Senator Dole and party for duration of their stay RON: Best Western Ramkota Inn Sioux Falls (Reservation Confirmation No. 74304) 605/336-0650 Monday, August 13 8:00 AM- 9:00 AM Joint FR Breakfast - Larry Pressler and House candidate Don Frankenfeld 30 at $100/person Ramkota Inn - Jefferson Room Highway 38 E and I-29 605/336-0650 FORMAT: Head Table: Senator Dole Senator Pressler Don Frankenfeld PODIUM AND MIKE at TABLE PRESS: OPEN PROGRAM: Senator Pressler introduces Frankenfeld Don Frankenfeld - Brief Remarks Senator Pressler introduces Sen. Dole SENATOR DOLE - REMARKS Senator Pressler - Conclusion PHOTO OPPORTUNITY SENATOR DOLE TO PRESENT CHECK FROM CAMPAIGN AMERICA TO DON FRANKENFELD 9:00 AM-9:15 AM Q&A Contact: Karen Dvorak 605/335-1990 Eleanor Rhodes 224-5842 (0) 379-2064 (H) 9:15 AM Depart Ramkota Inn en route Community Disability Services 3600 S. Duluth Avenue 605/334-4220 9:30 AM-9:50 AM Tour Community Disability Services (Observe clients packing Austad golf balls) Contact: Harvey DeJaeger 605/334-4220 NOTE: Jeff Pressler, Senator Pressler's disabled nephew, participates in this program. 10:00 AM PRESS CONFERENCE (Official Senate business re disabled) Community Disability Services 10:15 AM Depart Community Disability Services en route Business Aviation Joe Foss Field 10:30 AM Depart Sioux Falls FLIGHT TIME: 2 hours 1 min TIME CHANGE: -1 hour MEAL SERVICE: Lunch 11:31 AM Ar. International Airport, Great Falls, Montana Holman Aviation406/453-7613 MET BY: Lt. Governor Kolstad State Senator Gene Thayer Great Falls Mayor Arty Aiken ADVANCE: Lance Clark 406/761-5764 FAX: 771-0838 11:40 AM Depart Holman Aviation DRIVE TIME: 10 minutes 11:50 AM Arrive Sheraton Hotel 406/727-7200 12:00 PM-12:15 PM Allen Kolstad Fundraising Reception Private Reception and Photograph Opportunity The Boardroom 12:15 PM-1:15 PM Attend Kolstad Fundraising Luncheon Convention Center Room 300 at $100/person FORMAT: PODIUM and MIKE PRESS: Print Media only HEAD TABLE: Senator Dole Lt. Gov. Allen Kolstad Mrs. Allen (Iva) Kolstad State Senator Gene Thayer (Event Chair) State Senator Darryl Meyer Pat Goodover - lst Vice Chair, MT GOP Bill Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Joe Briggs - Cascade County GOP Chairman State Auditor Andrea Bennett (DFP State Chair.) PROGRAM: Emcee: Andrea Bennett Invocation - Iva Kolstad Pledge - Darryl Meyer or Pat Goodover Introduction of Senator Dole - Allen Kolstad REMARKS - Senator Dole Event Chairman: State Senator Eugene Thayer Contact: Jean Casey 406/442-5890 406/443-1323 (FAX) 1:15 PM-1:30 PM PRESS CONFERENCE Hotel Lobby (Radio, TV and Print Media) 1:40 PM Depart Sheraton Hotel 1:55 PM Arrive Holman Aviation 406/453-7613 2:00 PM Lv. Great Falls FLIGHT TIME: 1 hour 6 minutes TIME CHANGE: 0 MEAL SERVICE: Beverages, Light Snack 3:06 PM Ar. Boise, Idaho Air Terminal Western Aircraft 208/386-6565 MET BY: (To be Determined) 4:00 PM-4:20 PM JOIN Congressman Craig and other candidates in door-to-door canvassing in nearby neighborhood Canvas will culminate in Craig supporter's front yard where PRESS will be awaiting your arrival (Details to be provided by c.o.b. Friday) 4:20 PM-4:40 PM PRESS CONFERENCE with Larry Craig NOTE: SENATOR DOLE AND CONGRESSMAN CRAIG AT THIS POINT INVITE LYDIA JUSTICE EDWARDS (CANDIDATE FOR STATE TREASURER) TO JOIN IN THE PRESS CONFERENCE. AT THIS TIME, SENATOR DOLE WILL PRESENT HER WITH A CHECK FROM CAMPAIGN AMERICA, AS WELL AS PRESENTING LARRY CRAIG WITH A CHECK. NOTE: FOLLOWING PRESS CONFERENCE, LARRY CRAIG DEPARTS FOR EASTERN IDAHO FOR FUNDRAISER. 4:45 PM Depart canvassing site en route Holiday Inn 5:00 PM Ar. Holiday Inn 208/344-8365 5:00 PM-5:20 PM Private Round-table Discussion 15-20 major donors to State GOP & Craig Brundage Room 5:20 PM-6:00 PM Attend Idaho GOP State Party Fundraising Reception 50-75 at $250/person PHOTO OP WITH ALL GUESTS SENATOR DOLE TO PRESENT STATE PARTY WITH A CHECK FROM CAMPAIGN AMERICA. Contact: John Haney, Executive Director, State GOP 208/343-6405 Al Henderson (Craig Campaign Coordinator) Alan Peterson (Scheduler) David Fish (Press Secretary) 208/336-0559 or 344-4495 (FAX: 336-2154) 6:00 PM Depart Holiday Inn 6:10 PM Arrive Western Aircraft 208/386-6565 PLEASE ADHERE TO DEPARTURE TIME; OTHERWISE, ENCOUNTER PROBLEMS AT NEXT STOP. 6:15 PM Lv. Boise, Idaho FLIGHT TIME: 1 hour 4 mins TIME CHANGE: -1 hour MEAL SERVICE: Snack 6:19 PM Ar. International Airport, Portland, Oregon Flightcraft 503/281-3300 MET BY: (To be determined) 7:00 PM Mark Hatfield FR Reception Portland Hilton Hotel, Pavillion Room 503/226-1611 (In progress since 6:00 PM) FORMAT: Mix and Minyle PROGRAM: Senator Hatfield Remarks and Introduce Senator Dole SENATOR DOLE REMARKS Contacts: Jim Hemphill 224-3753 Jerry Frank 503/585-8411 or 202/224-8308 RON: Portland Portland Hilton Hotel (Delores Delano, Executive Offices) 503/226-1611 Tuesday, August 14 8:00 AM-8:30 AM Coffee and Sweetrolls with 10-12 "Team Oregon" Members, hosted by Craig Berkman, Chairman of Oregon GOP, and "Team 100" Member (In progress since 7:30) Hilton Hotel - Forum Suite (3rd Floor) CONGRESSMAN DENNY SMITH WILL ATTEND FORMAT: Informal Continental Breakfast REMARKS: 5-10 minutes, plus Q&A Contact: Dick Noonan, Exec. Dir., State Party or Jackie Davis 503/620-4330 8:30 AM Lv. Hilton Hotel 9:00 AM Lv. Portland FLIGHT TIME: 5 hours 53 mins TIME CHANGE: -3 hours MEAL SERVICE: Lunch 11:53 AM Ar. International Airport, Honolulu, Hawaii Hemmeter Aviation 808/834-7666 MET BY: Lloyd Nakamura (Teacher, Volunteer for Saiki) 808/734-1397 NOTE: Lloyd will be available to Dole party for duration of their stay in Hawaii RON: Honolulu - Kahala Hilton 808/734-2211 Wednesday, August 15 8:00 AM Depart Kahala Hilton Hotel (Pat Saiki will pick up Senator Dole; Lloyd Nakamura will pick up Dole aides) 8:30 AM- Pat Saiki FR Breakfast 10:00 AM Pacific Club 1451 Queen Emma 808/536-0836 FORMAT: Informal "give and take" discussion ATTENDEES: 30 at $300/person PRESS: CLOSED Buffet service No reserved seating Head Table: (Rectangular) Sen. Dole and Pat Saiki on short ends Gov. Quinn and Sen. Fong at same table PODIUM and MIKE available if needed EVENT CO-CHAIRS: Former Governor Bill Quinn Former Senator Hiram Fong 10:00 AM Depart Pacific Club 10:20 AM Arrive State Capital House Republican Caucus Room 415 South Beretania Street 10:30 AM Meeting with GOP State Legislators GOP Caucus Room, State Capitol Hosted by Minority Leader Mike Liu (Candidate for Saiki's House seat) OTHER ATTENDEES: Rep. Fred Hemmings *Rep. Barbara Marumoto *Rep. Mike O'Kieffe *Rep. Whitney Anderson Rep. Cam Cavasso *Sen. Mary George Sen. Stan Koki Sen. Rick Reed Honolulu Councilman David Kahanu *Honolulu Councilman John Henry Felix *Dole for President supporters FORMAT: Senator Dole will provide "briefing" (SENATOR DOLE TO PRESENT CHECK FROM CAMPAIGN AMERICA TO MIKE LIU) 11:00 AM Meeting opens to the PRESS Contact: Mike Liu or Susan Orlando 808/735-3833 FAX: 734-0254 11:15 AM Depart State Capitol en route Kahala Hilton (Late morning and Early afternoon free) 4:30 PM Depart Kahala Hilton en route 5:00 PM-7:00 PM Pat Saiki FR reception Pacific Club (200 at $200/person) FORMAT: Stand-up reception Mix and Mingle PODIUM and MIKE Emcees: Gov. Quinn and Sen. Fong REMARKS: Pat Saiki Senator Dole PRESS: OPEN Contact: Aileen Kishaba (Finance Director) Anne Stanley (Scheduler) 808/951-6200 808/941-7034 (Kishaba residence) OPTION: PRIVATE CHINESE DINNER??? Hosted by Thelma Zen (Marjorie Tom's sister) 808/949-6219 RON: Honolulu Kahala Hilton 808/734-2211 Thursday, August 16 7:00 AM Lv. Kahala Hilton Hotel with Pat Saiki DRIVER: Cindy Comer, Saiki campaign 808/743-1685 Lloyd Nakamura will drive staff 7:25 AM Ar. Hemmeter Aviation 808/834-7666 7:30 AM Lv. Honolulu FLIGHT. TIME: 38 minutes 8:08 AM Ar. Kailua-Kona Keahole Airport ("Big Island” Hawaii) Hemmeter Aviation 808/329-8707 MET BY: Bill Moss 808/329-4035 8:30 AM-9:30 AM Attend Kona League (GOP Women) FR Breakfast Kona Hilton Hotel Alii Room 808/329-3111 CONTACT: Linda Rattray Kona League 808/329-5122 10:00 AM Lv. Kona FLIGHT TIME: 39 minutes 10:39 AM Ar. Honolulu Hemmeter Aviation 808/834-7666 Afternoon and Evening Private time NOTE: INDIVIDUALS SENATOR MAY WISH TO CONTACT WHILE IN HONOLULU: Bill Keck 4393 Royal Place (near Kahala Hilton) 808/732-4393 Mrs. C.C. (Patricia) McCampbell (Wichitan) 808/874-8481 RON: Honolulu Kahala Hilton 808/734-2211 Friday, August 17 9:00 AM Lv. Honolulu FLIGHT, TIME: 5 hours 6 mins TIME CHANGE: +3 hours MEAL SERVICE: Lunch 5:06 PM Ar. International Airport, Los Angeles, California Garrett Aviation 213/568-3900 ADVANCE: Bill Mancini 714/721-8944 (0) 714/841-0068 (FAX) 714/969-2647 (H) MET BY: Bill Mancini 6:00 PM Reception with Armenian-Americans in preparation for Sept. 11 Bush fundraiser for Pete Wilson Four Seasons Hotel 300 S. Doheny Drive Los Angeles 90048 213/273-2222 213/859-3874 (FAX) Contact: Karl Samuelian 213/683-6554 (Secty: 683-6552) 213/683-6547 (FAX) 8:00 PM Campaign America FR dinner (Hosted by Karl Samuelian) Chasen's Restaurant 9039 Beverly Blvd. (at Doheny) Los Angeles 90048 213/271-2168 213/271-9583 (FAX) (25-40 individuals at $1,000 each --all Armenian-Americans ) RON: Los Angeles J.W. Marriott, Century City 2151 Avenue of the Stars Los Angeles 90067 213/277-2777 213/785-9240 (FAX) Room assignments: 1208 - Senator 1207 - Mike Glassner 1211 - Walt Riker Saturday, August 18 8:00 AM Lv. Los Angeles FLIGHT TIME: 2 hours 52 mins TIME CHANGE: +2 hours MEAL SERVICE: Lunch 12:52 PM Ar. Downtown Airport, Kansas City, Missouri Executive Beechcraft 816/842-8484 MET BY: Gale Grosch 1:30 PM-2:30 PM Attend/Address Kansas GOP State Committee Mtg. Riverview Inn Kansas City, Kansas 913/342-6919 ATTENDEES: 200 State Committee Members PROGRAM: Approval of minutes Treasurer's Report Contact: Kathy Whittaker 913/234-3416 1:45 PM REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 2:45 PM Lv. Kansas City FLIGHT TIME: 2 hours 6 mins TIME CHANGE: +1 hour MEAL SERVICE: Snack 5:51 PM Ar. Washington National Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 MET BY: Wilbert Jones Proceed to Private TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS Mo’s number: 703/684-7848 MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1989 4:20pm DEPART Capitol Hill for National Airport/Braniff 4:35pm ARRIVE National Airport Braniff Airlines and proceed to departing aircraft 4:55pm DEPART Washington,DC for Kansas City,MO BRANIFF #507 Seats: Senator Dole #1C M. Glassner #1A 6:30pm ARRIVE Kansas City,MO NOTE: Hertz Rental Car is waiting - confirmantion #71568913888. Mary Shrock will pick up the car. Met by: Gale Grosch 6:45pm DEPART airport for Bristol Bar and Grill Location: 4740 Jefferson Street Kansas City,MO Drive time: 45 minutes PAGE 2 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1989 7:30pm ARRIVE Bristol Bar and Grill for Dinner with John Petersen, Kim Wells, Fred Logan, and Landon Rowland, CEO, Kansas City Southern Industries, and Clark Redick, Exec. VP Utilicorp United, President, Greater Kansas City Chamber and *Kent Crippin, Johnson County Commissioner. 816/756-0606 DEPART Bristol Bar and Grill Restaurant for Alameda Plaza Locations: 401 Ward Parkway Kansas City,MO Drive time: 2 minutes or walk ARRIVE Alameda Plaza for PRIVATE 816/756-1500 FAX :816/756-1500 Ext:114 RON------------ Kansas City,MO PAGE 3 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1989 8:30am DEPART Hotel for Coffee with 20 Good Men Project Location: 20 Good Men Project Headquarters 2928 N. Bethany Kansas City,KS Drive time: 25 minutes NOTE: Gale will drive you to 20 Good Men Headquarters. 8:55am ARRIVE 20 Good Men Project headquarters for Coffee with 20 Good Men Format: Mix and mingle Proceed across the street to tour renovated homes. Press: Open Contact: Norm Hodges 913/281-1542 9:30am DEPART Coffee for Dole Office Location: 636 Minnesota Ave Kansas City,KS Drive time: 10 minutes 9:40am ARRIVE Dole Office 913/371-6108 NOTE: Mary Shrock will meet you at the office and will drive the rest of the day.. 10:20am DEPART Kansas City for Atchison via car Drive time: 1 hour 10 minutes 11:30am ARRIVE Atchison and proceed to Lunch with Kiwanis, Rotary, Republican Leaders and Press. 913/367-0289 Location: American Legion 705 Commercial St. Atchison, KS PAGE 4 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1989 11:30pm-1:00pm LUNCH with Kiwanis, Rotary, Republican Leaders and Press. This will also be open to the public. 913/367-0289 Format: Mix and mingle 11:30am Buffet lunch 12:15pm Senator Dole introduced by Mayor Dave Dennis Remarks by Senator Dole 15 minutes Q&A Mix and mingle Press: Open Facility: Podium and mike no head table Contact: Pat Knoch 913/367-2427 913/367-6380 Met by: Frank Carpinelli - GOP County Chm., former city commissioner, Benedictine professor. 1:00pm DEPART Lunch for Tour of Saunders Manufacturing Location: 1101 Main Street Atchison,KS Drive time: 5 minutes NOTE: Senator Dole will ride in a van with Pat Knoch, Exec. Dir. of Economic Development Council, Mack Manning, City Manager, and Rick Berger and Frank Carpinelli. Mary will drive the rental car and follow the van. 1:05pm ARRIVE Saunders Manufacturing for Tour Met by: Press: Open PAGE 5 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1989(cont'd) 1:25pm DEPART Saunders for Toto Care Inc., Mushroom Growing Farm Location: US 73 Atchison,KS Drive time: 10 minutes 1:35pm ARRIVE Mushroom Growing Farm for Tour Met by: Owners: Joe Toto, Manager Jerry Toto, President Mrs. Toto Press: Open 2:05pm DEPART for Troy via car for DROP-IN COFFEE Drive time: 30 minutes NOTE: These towns are across from St. Joe, MO. It is easy to return to Kansas City via Interstate 29. 2:35pm ARRIVE TROY and proceed to DROP-IN COFFEE Location: County Courthouse Contact: Senator Don Sallee 913/985-3501 3:10pm DEPART Troy for Wathena Drive time: 15 minutes 3:25pm ARRIVE Wathena for DROP-IN COFFEE Location: Hardy's Restaurant Contact: Joyce Rush GOP County Co-Chm 913/988-4493 4:00pm DEPART Wathena for Kansas City,KS Drive time: 1 hour 10 minutes PAGE 6 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1989(cont’'d) 5:10pm ARRIVE Kansas City,KS and proceed to gathering with Johnson County Republicans Location: Bob and Shirley Lytle’s 6316 Granada Prairie Village,KS (Intersection of Roe and 63rd Streets) Attendance: 50 Format : Informal Mix and Mingle Q&A Press: Closed Greeted by: Lyle Pishney, GOP County Chairman Lytle and Pishney are law partners. 6:15pm DEPART Gathering for KU Medical Center to visit your sister, Gloria Location: Rainbow Blvd & 39th Sts. Kansas City,KS Drive time: 15 minutes 6:30pm ARRIVE KU Medical Center for visit with Gloria NOTE: Gloria is on Oncology Floor. pm DEPART for Alameda Plaza for PRIVATE 816/756-1500 FAX 816/756-1500 ext:114 RON----------- Kansas City,MO PAGE 7 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1989 8:15am DEPART Hotel for Kansas City Downtown Airport/Executive Beechcraft Drive time: 30 minutes NOTE: Gale will drive you to the airport. 8:45am ARRIVE Kansas City Downtown Airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Executive Beechcraft 816/842-8484 8:50am DEPART Kansas City,MO for Manhattan,KS/Manhattan Municipal FBO: Kansas Air Aircraft: King Air(Evans) Tail number: N228RA Flight time: 35 minutes Pilots: Duane Gulker Bill Underwood 913/827-4484 913/825-4216 Seats:6 Meal:Breakfast Manifest: Senator Dole M. Glassner 9:25am ARRIVE Manhattan, KS/Manhattan Municipal FBO: Kansas Air 913/776-1991 Met by: Mark Hatesohn - Vice GOP Chm. 913/537-8305 913/537-7003 9:30am DEPART airport for coffee with Local Republicans. This is open to the public. Location: University Inn 17 and Anderson Manhattan,KS NOTE : USE East entrance Drive times: 15 minutes PAGE 8 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1989(cont’d) 9:45am ARRIVE University Inn for Coffee 913/539-7531 Location: Crystal Ballrooms A&C Format: Mix and Mingle Press: Open Met by: Dixie Roberts - GOP Chm. NOTE: The catering director of the University Inn, Jonathan Brimmer, would like a brief photo-op. 10:25am DEPART Coffee for K-State Locations: Anderson Hall Drive time: 5 minutes 10:30am-10:50am MEETING with President Wefald at K-State Location: Wefald’s office in Anderson Hall 10:50am DEPART K-State for KS Regents Educational Communications for Official Opening of the new "Production Truck" Location: Truck Pad Rear Umberger Hall Drive time: 5 minutes 10:55am-11:25am Attend "Production Truck" opening Format: Press event Brief comments by Senator Dole Brief comments by Pres. Wefald Tour truck Press: Open NOTE: Rain location 125 Umberger. PAGE 9 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1989(cont’d) 11:25am DEPART for Manhattam Municipal Airport/Kansas Air Drive time: 15 minutes 11:40am ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Kansas Air 913/776-1991 11:45am DEPART Manhattan for Salina/Salina Municipal FBO: Moore’s Midway Aviation Aircraft: King Air(Evans) Tail number: N228RA Flight time: 35 minutes Pilots: Duane Gulker Bill Underwood Seats: 6 Meal: None Manifest: Senator Dole M. Glassner 12:20pm ARRIVE Salina/Salina Municipal Airport FBO: Moore’s Midway Aviation 913/825-6261 Met by: Randy Duncan - GOP Chairman 913/825-8859 PAGE 10 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1989(cont’d) 12:25pm DEPART airport for Republican Lunch Location: Holiday Inn - Holidome 1616 W. Crawford Salina,KS Drive time: 10 minutes 12:35pm-1:35pm REPUBLICAN LUNCH 913/823-1739 Attendance: 50 Press: Open 1:35pm DEPART for Salina Municipal Airport/Moore’s Midway Aviation Drive time: 10 minutes 1:45pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Moore’s Midway Aviation 913/825-6261 1:50pm DEPART Salina for Concordia/Blosser Municipal FBO: Bill’s Flight Service Aircraft: King Air(Evans) Tail number: N228RA Flight time: 25 minutes Pilots: Duane Gulker Bill Underwood Seats: 6 Meal: None Manifest: Senator Dole M. Glassner PAGE 11 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1989(cont’d) 2:15pm ARRIVE Concordia/Blosser Municipal FBO: Bill’s Flight Service 913/243-2043 Met by: Kirk Lowell - County Chm. 913/243-2424 Larry Blochlinger - Chamber Chm. 913/243-4290 2:20pm DEPART airport for Informal Public Reception Location: Bobby and Dot’s Restaurant 101 W 6th St. Concordia,KS Drive time: 10 minutes 2:30pm-3:30pm Informal Public Reception 913/243-3040 Press: Open 3:30pm DEPART Reception for DROP-BY St. Joseph Hospital Locations: 100 Highalnd Drive Concordia, KS Drive time: 5 minutes 3:35pm DROP-BY St. Joseph Hospital 913/243-1234 Met by: Dr. Chuck Wohl - Administrator Press:Open 3:55pm DEPART Hospital for Blosser Municipal Airport/Bill’s Flight Service Drive time: 10 minutes PAGE 12 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1989(cont’d) 4:05pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Bill’s Flight Service 913/243-2043 4:10pm DEPART Concordia for Mankato/Mankato Airport FBO: Malcom's Flying Service Aircraft: King Air(Evans) Tail number: N228RA Flight time: 25 minutes Pilots: Duane Gulker Bill Underwood Seats: 6 Meal: None Manifest: Senator Dole M. Glassner 4:35pm ARRIVE Mankato/Mankato Airport FBO: Malcom Flying Service 913/378-3942 Met by: George Jenson - GOP County Chairman 913/378-3111 PAGE 13 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1989(cont’d) 4:40pm DEPART airport for Informal Public Reception Location: Farmway Credit Meeting Room Drive time: 5 minutes 4:45pm-5:45pm INFORMAL PUBLIC RECEPTION Met by: Pat Ellis and Marlys Jenson, Jewel County Press: Open 5:45pm DEPART Reception for Mankato Airport/Malcom’s Flying Service Drive time: 5 minutes 5:50pm DEPART Mankato for Russell/Russell Municipal FBO: Rich’s Air Service Aircraft: King Air(Evans) Tail number: N228RA Flight time: 25 minutes Pilots: Duane Gulker Bill Underwood Seats: 6 Meal: Snack Manifest: Senator Dole M. Glassner 6:15pm ARRIVE Russell/Rich’s Air Service FBO: Rich's Air Service 913/483-6173 Met by: Kenny Dole 6:20pm DEPART airport for STOP-BY Synhorst & Schraad Telemarketing for "Welcome to Russell" Locations: 621 Main Street Drive time: 10 minutes PAGE 14 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1989(cont’d) 6:30pm ARRIVE Synhorst Office for "Welcome to Russell" Reception 913/483-6811 Press: Open Contact: Glenda Fink - Exec. Director of Chamber 913/483-6960 913/483-2862(H) 7:10pm DEPART Synhorst office for Residence NOTE: A snack is being prepared for you by Aunt Gladys. 7:15pm ARRIVE Residence for PRIVATE NOTE: Kenny and Anita’s 15th Wedding Anniversary RON--------- Russell Page 15 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1989 9:15am DEPART Residence for Russell Airport Drive time: 10 minutes 9:25am ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft | FBO: Rich’s Air Service 913/483-6173 9:30am DEPART Russell for Pratt/Pratt Municipal FBO: Pratt Air Aircraft: King Air(Evans) Tail number: N228RA Flight time: 30 minutes Pilots: Duane Gulker Bill Underwood Seats: 6 Meal: Breakfast Manifest: Senator Dole M. Glassner 10:00am ARRIVE Pratt/Pratt Municipal FBO: Pratt Air 316/672-3601 Met by: Mayor Rodney Lesh Lynn Simpson - Chamber of Commerce 316/672-5501 Gary Schmidt - GOP Co-Chairman 316/672-2190 10:05am DEPART airport for Informal Public Reception Location: Municipal Building 619 No. Main Pratt,KS Drive time: 5 minutes 10:10am-11:10am Informal Public Reception 316/672-6446 Facility: Podium/Mike Press: Open Page 16 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1989 11:10am Depart Reception for Life Care Center Location: 1221 Larimer Pratt,KS Drive time: 10 minutes 11:20am STOP-BY Life Care Center Press: Open 11:40am Depart Life Care Center for Pratt Airport Drive time: 10 minutes 11:50am ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Pratt Air 316/672-3601 11:55 pm DEPART Pratt for Hutchinson/Hutchinson Municipal FBO: Wells Aircraft Aircraft: King Air(Evans) Tail number: N228RA Flight time: 25 minutes Pilots: Duane Gulker Bill Underwood Seats: 6 Meal: Snack Manifest: Senator Dole M. Glassner 12:20pm ARRIVE Hutchinson/Hutchinson Municipal FBO: Wells Aircraft 316/663-1546 Met by: Bob Fee** Page 17 TRAVE1 SCHEDULE KANSAS THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1989 12:25pm DEPART airport for Informal Public Lunch Location: Reno County Historical Museum A & Walnut Sts Hutchinson, KS (1 block East of Main) Drive time: 20 minutes 12:45pm ARRIVE INFORMAL PUBLIC LUNCH 316/662-1184 Greeted by: Bill Mitchell - Former Dole for Senate ’86 Finance Chm. Attendance: City Employees Republicans Businessmen Hispanic G.I. Forum Format: Informal buffet 1:00pm Remarks by Senator Dole Informal Q&A Press: Open Page 18 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1989 1:45pm DEPART Lunch for Collins Industries Location: 415 W. 6th South Hutchinson Drive time: 10 minutes 1:55pm TOUR Collins Industries 316/663-5551 Press: Open 2:15pm DEPART Collins Industries for Dillon Distribution Center Location: 2700 E. 4th Street Hutchinson, KS Drive time: 20 minutes 2:35pm ARRIVE Dillon Distribution Center for Tour 316/663-6801 Press: Open 2:55pm DEPART Dillon for Hutchinson Municipal Airport Drive time: 5 minutes 3:00pm ARRIVE Hutchinson Municipal and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Wells Aircraft 316/663-1546 3:05pm DEPART Hutchinson for Wichita/Mid Continent FBO: Ryan Aviation Aircraft: King Air (Evans) Tail number: N228RA Flight time: 25 minutes Pilots: Duane Gulker Bill Underwood Seats: 6 Meal: None Manifest: Senator Dole M. Glassner Page 19 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1989 3:30pm ARRIVE Wichita/Mid Continent FBO: Ryan Aviation 316/942-0141 Met by: Ron Wineinger 316/263-4956 3:35pm DEPART airport for Ramada Hotel at Broadview Place Location: 400 W. Douglas Wichita,KS Drive time: 15 minutes 3:50pm ARRIVE Ramada Hotel] and proceed to PRESS CONFERENCE Location: Plaza Room 3:50pm-4:10pm PRESS CONFERENCE 316/262-5000 Location: Plaza Room 4:10pm DEPART Press Conference for "Freedom to Fly" video filming Location: 4:15pm-4:30pm "Freedom to Fly" video Contact: Candice Rothrock 214/618-0882 214/618-0568 4:30pm DEPART filming for PRIVATE 4:30pm PRIVATE Page 20 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1989 5:35pm DEPART PRIVATE for Republican Reception Location: Drive time: 5:45pm-6:30pm Republican Reception Contact: George Parsons 316/636-1219 316/262-3731 6:30pm Depart Reception for Dinner with Reid Ashe and Don Sbarra and Bob Weary, cable operator. Location: Wichita Club 125 No. Market Street Wichita,KS Drive time: 5 minutes 6:35pm Dinner with Reid Ashe and Don Sbarra and Bob Weary. 316/263-5271 8:30pm Depart dinner for Ramada Hotel Location: 400 W. Douglas Wichita,KS Drive time: 5 minutes 8:35pm ARRIVE Ramada Hotel for PRIVATE 316/262-5000 FAX: 316/262-5000 Ext: 3278 RON----------- Wichita Page 21 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS FRIDAY,AUGUST 11, 1989 8:00am DEPART hotel for Breakfast with Wichita Chamber Board of Directors and Governmental Affairs Committee Locations: 350 W. Douglas Wichita,KS Drive time: 5 minutes 8:05am Breakfast with Wichita Chamber Board of Directors and Governmental Affairs Committee 316/265-7771 Locations: Attendence: 65 Format : Informal breakfast Mix and Mingle Remarks by Senator Dole Q&A Press: Open Contact: Bermie Koch 316/265-7771 9:00am DEPART Breakfast for Mid Continent Airport Drive time: 15 minutes 9:15am ARRIVE aiport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Ryan Aviation 316/942-0141 9:20am DEPART Wichita for Chanute/Martin Johnson FBO: A/Lert Aviation Aircraft: King Air(Evans) Tail number: N228RA Flight time: 35 minutes Pilots: Duane Gulker Bill Underwood Seats: 6 Meal: None Manifest: Senator Dole M. Glassner Page 21 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS FRIDAY,AUGUST 11, 1989 8:00am DEPART hotel for Breakfast with Wichita Chamber Board of Directors and Governmental Affairs Committee Location: 350 W. Douglas Wichita,KS Drive time: 5 minutes 8:05am Breakfast with Wichita Chamber Board of Directors and Governmental Affairs Committee 316/265-7771 Location: Attendence: 65 Format: Informal breakfast Mix and Mingle Remarks by Senator Dole Q&A Press: Open Contact Bermie Koch 316/265-7771 9:00am DEPART Breakfast for Mid Continent Airport Drive time: 15 minutes 9:15am ARRIVE aiport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Ryan Aviation 316/942-0141 9:20am DEPART Wichita for Chanute/Martin Johnson FBO: A/ Lert Aviation Aircraft: King Air(Evans) Tail number: N228RA Flight time: 35 minutes Pilots: Duane Gulker Bill Underwood Seats: 6 Meal : None Manifest: Senator Dole M. Glassner Page 22 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1989 9:55am ARRIVE Chanute/Martin Johnson FBO: A/ Lert Aviation 316/431-1600 10:00am DEPART aixrport for Informal Public Reception Location: Drive times: 10:00am-11:00am INFORMAL PUBLIC RECEPTION Contact: Ed Cox - ED of Chamber 316/431-3350 Mike Aylwood - County chairman 316/431-1400 11:00am DEPART Informal Public Reception for Tour of Industrial Park Location: Drive time: 15 minutes 11:15amARRIVE Industrial Park for Tour Met by: 11:45am DEPART Park for Martin Johnson Airport/A/ Lert Aviation Drive time: 12:00pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: A/ Lert Aviation 316/431-1600 Page 24 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1989 2:45pm DEPART Superior Industries for Balkans Winery Location: Drive time: 3:00pm ARRIVE Balkans Winery for Tour Met by: 3:45pm DEPART Winery for Atkinson Municipal Drive time: 15 minutes 4:00pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Atkinson Municipal 316/231-5760 4:05pm DEPART Pittsburg,KS for Washington,DC/National airport FBO: Butler Aviation Aircraft: Falcon 50(Andreas) Tail number: 144AD Flight time: 2 hours 30 minutes Pilots: Seats: Meal: Dinner Manifest: Senator Dole M. Glassner 7:35pm ARRIVE Washington,DC/National Airport FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 Page 25 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1989 7:40pm DEPART airport for Residence 7:55pm ARRIVE Residence for PRIVATE