SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 29 - June 4, 1989 MONDAY, MAY 29 Memorial Day TUESDAY, MAY 30 9:00 1925 K ST, NW Dental Appt. -— Dr. Barsky 2:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Sen. Mitchell 4:05 Wheels Up enroute NYC 5:30-7:00 NYC FR Recep. for Ted Stevens 8:40 Arr. National (Wilbert will meet) WEDNESDAY, MAY 31 9:00 Grand Ballroom L'Enfant Plaza Hotel BRIEF REMARKS - Meals on Wheels America Program 10:00 SH-141 MTG. w/Jackie Strange 10:30 SH-141 MTG. w/Am. w/Disabilities Act Group (Maureen arr) 2:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/John Price, FmHA State Dir. candidate (Marcie arr) 6-7:30 Cap. Hill Club Pvt. Dining Rm. 3 FINAL RECEP. for Pres. Dinner Program (stop by??) (Sen. asked to make brief remarks, if he can stop by) 6-8:00 Cap. Hill Club Eisenhower Lounge FR RECEP. for Cong. Bill Thomas (JoAnne) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 29-June 4, 1989 Page 2. THURSDAY, JUNE 1 (following appointment crossed out) (handwritten note: cancelled by [illegible]) 10:30 S-230 Cap. COURTESY CALL by Joe Williams, Warner Lambert (Katie 862-3840) (following appointment crossed out, then ok'ed) 3:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Yeutter, Lugar, Kassebaum, Boren & Leahy re drought (Mark arr) 4:10 (handwritten replacement for 5:00 in following appointment) 5:00 Depart National for Kellogg event in Battle Creek, Mich FRIDAY, JUNE 2 (crossed out) 10:00-11:00 S-211 CAP. COFFEE w/Richard von Weizsacker, Pres., Fed. Republic of West Germany (Sen. & Mitchell co-hosts) 12:45 Sheraton Carlton (handwritten: Chandelier Rm.) SPEAK - Art Laffer Washington Seminar SATURDAY, JUNE 3 SUNDAY, JUNE 3 FINAL TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK WEATHER - Partly Cloudy 75-80 degrees TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1989 3:45pm DEPART Capitol Hill for National Airport/Butler Aviation 4:00pm ARRIVE National Airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler Avaition 703/549-8340 4:05pm DEPART Washington, DC for New York, NY/Laguardia Airport FBO: Butler Aviation Aircraft: Falcon (Textron) Tail number: 777TX Flight time: 1 hour 15 minutes Pilots: Jeffrey Hopkins Daniel Donohue Seats: 9 Meal: Snack Manifest: Senator Dole Cathryn Stevens M. Glassner Wayne Schley - Minority Staff Director 5:20pm ARRIVE New York, NY/Laguardia Airport FBO: Butler Aviation 718/476-5200 Met by: Charlie Digliomini PAGE 2 TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1989 5:25pm DEPART airport for FR Reception for Senator Stevens Location: River Club 447 East 52nd Street New York, NY Drive time: 30 minutes 5:55pm ARRIVE River Club and proceed to FR Reception 212/751-0100 Location: Main Hall 5:55pm ATTEND FR Reception for Senator Stevens Location: Main Hall Attendance: 60 Event runs: 5:30-7:30pm Ticket: $1,000/person Press: Closed Format: 6:15pm Senator D'Amato introduced by J. Ortenzio 6:20pm Remarks by Sen. D'Amato and introduction of Senator Dole 6:25pm Remarks by Senator Dole and introduction of Senator Stevens 6:30pm Remarks by Senator Stevens 6:40 Q&A Mix and mingle Facility: Standing podium with mike Contact: Chris Cushing 548-1992 DeLynn Henry - Stevens staff 224-3004 NOTE: Senator Stevens will arrive at the Reception at 5:35pm NOTE: Host Committee and Attendees lists are attached. PAGE 3 TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1989 | Host Committee members: Martin Davis - Gulf and Western Jim Lynn — Aetna James Ortenzio - Fundraiser for D'Amato George Reycraft - Lawyer Jim Robinson - Amex Bob Tisch - Loews Rabbi Balkany Herb Collins - Boston Capital Attendees list attached. XEROX TELECOPIER 295 ; 5-29-89 6:37 PM; 703 648 1992 334 ; # 9 05/29/86 11:41 703 548 1992 C&C Consulting 09 SENATOR TED STEVENS FUNDRAISING RECEPTION May 30, 1989 New York, New York COMMITTEE AND MAJOR FUNDRAISER COMMITMENTS Rabbi Milton Balkany $10,000 Rabbi Milton Balkany $2,000 (P) PLEDGE (by 6/30) $8,000 (P) Herbert F. Collins $10,000 Herbert F. Collins $1,000 Richrad DeAgazio $1,000 Mickey Kantrow $2,000 (P) Premier (Kantrow) $2,000 (P) Michael Heman $1,000 John Moran $1,000 (P) John Sims $1,000 (P) PLEDGE (by 6/30) $1,000 (P) Martin S. Davis $10,000 Gulf + Western PAC $5,000 (P) PLEDGE (by 6/30) $5,000 (P) James T. Lynn $20,000+ Aetna PAC $5,000 (P) Equitable PAC $1,000+ (P) ITT PAC $1,000 (P) Jim Lynn $1,000 (P) Met Life PAC $2,000 (P) PepsiCo PAC $1,000 (P) Pfizer $1,000+ (P) Travelers PAC $2,000 (P) AIG $1,000+ (P) United Tech PAC $5,000 (P) CIGNA PAC $1,000 (P) CT Nat'l Bank $1,000 (P) James A. Ortenzio (D'Amato) $15,000 James A. Ortenzio $2,000 (P) Monty Hundley $1,000 Stanley Tollman $1,000 PLEDGE (by 6/30) $11,000 (P) SENATOR TED STEVENS FUNDRAISING RECEPTION May 30, 1989 New York, New York page 2 COMMITTEE AND MAJOR FUNDRAISING COMMITMENTS (continued) George D. Reycraft $7,000 Surrey Caldwell $1,000 (P) Roger Mintz $1,000 (P) George Reycraft $1,000 (P) Nancy Reycraft $1,000 (P) Thomas Russo $1,000 (P) Stanley Formon $2,000 (P) James D. Robinson III $1,000 American Express PAC $1,000 Squibb PAC $5,000 Squibb PAC $5,000 Preston Robert Tisch $3,000 Leon Hess $? (P) Revlon PAC $1,000 (P) John Rosenwald (Bear Sterns) $1,000 (P) Preston Robert Tisch $1,000 OTHER RECEIPTS AND PLEDGES $16,900 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND PLEDGES $97,900 XEROX TELECOPIER 295 ; 5-29-89; 6:38 PM; 703 548 1992 334 ; #10 05/29/86 11:42 703 548 1992 C&C Consulting 10 SENATOR TED STEVENS FUNDRAISING RECEPTION May 30, 1989 New York, New York RECEPTION DONORS ATTEND AMOUNT NOTES Aetna PAC $5,000 (P) Bill Yeats Y Warren Elliott Y Byron Elliott Y AIG $2,000 (P) Rich Merski Y AMBASE Y $1,000 American Express PAC Y $1,000 (P) Balkany, Rabbi Milton Y $10,000 (P) $2,000 at door Busch, Jeff Y paid Guest Y paid Caldwell, Surrey Y $1,000 Campaign America - $3,000 Cap Cities/ABC CIGNA PAC ? $1,000 Collins, Herb N $1,000 Cornell, Janes Y $2,000 (P) Guest Y Coumantaros, John Y $1,000 (P) CT Nat'l Bank PAC ? $1,000 (P) DeAgazio, Richard N $1,000 (P) = Pledge Request check at door XEROX TELECOPFIER 295 ; 5-29-89; 6:39 PM; 703 548 1992 334 ; #11 05/29/86 11:42 703 548 1992 C&C CONSULTING 11 SENATOR TED STEVENS FUNDRAISING RECEPTION May 30, 1989 New York, New York page 2 RECEPTION DONORS ATTEND AMOUNT NOTES Diamond, Lyn Y paid DiLuzio, Rudy Y paid Equitable PAC $1,000 Bo Strome Y Forman, Stanley Y $2,000 Guest Y Gerschel, Pat Gulf & Western PAC N $5,000 (P) $5,000 pledge Heaman, Mike N $1,000 Hess, Leon N ? Hundley, Monty Y $1,000 ITT PAC N $1,000 (P) Kantrow, Mickey Y $4,000 (P) Kissinger, Dr. Henry Y paid Security aides Kuoyeng, Dr. Hsieh N. Y $1,000 Guest Y paid Guest Y paid Landau, Dr. Ralph Y $1,000 (P) Levinson, Julius N $400 Lynn, Jim Y $1,000 Manley, Marshall Y $1,000 Met Life PAC $2,000 Vince Reusing Y Other Y Mintz, Roger Y $1,000 (P) (P) = Pledge Request check at door XEROX TELECOPIER 295 ; 5-29-89; 6:39 PM; 703 548 1992 334 ; #12 05/29/86 11:43 703 548 1992 C&C CONSULTING 12 SENATOR TED STEVENS FUNDRAISING RECEPTION May 30, 1989 New York, New York page 3 AcRUA fF eLELURPIERK 2b ,; O-2Y-BY, bO:4U CM, (O03 O4d [9c 7 @5-29786 11:43 2 783 548 1992 C & C CONSULTING SENATOR TED STEVENS FUNDRAISING RECEPTION May 30, 1989 New York, New York page 4 RECEPTION DONORS ATTEND AMOUNT NOTES Mitchell, Clifford N $500 Moran, John N $1,000 (P) Ortenzio, James Y $2,000 (P) $11,000 pledge Paine Webber Y $1,000 (P) PepsiCo PAC N $1,000 (P) Perles, Steve Y paid Pfizer ? $1,000 (P) Rafferty, Howard N $1,000 Revlon PAC ? $1,000 (P) Reycraft, George Y $1,000 (P) Reycraft, Nancy Y $1,000 (P) Rudin, Lew Y $1,000 Rosenwald, E. John Y $1,000 (P) Russo, Thomas Y $1,000 (P) Schlam, Peter Y paid Seagrams Sims, John N $1,000 Squibb PAC Y $5,000 (P) Tisch, Bob Y $1,000 (P) = Pledge Request check at door XEROX TELECOPIER 295; 5-29-89; 6:40 PM; 703 548 1992 334 ; #13 05/29/86 11:43 703 548 1992 C&C CONSULTING 13 SENATOR TED STEVENS FUNDRAISING RECEPTION May 30, 1989 New York, New York page 4 RECEPTION DONORS ATTEND AMOUNT NOTES Tollman, Stanley Y $1,000 Travelers PAC ? $2,000 United Tech. PAC ? $5,000 (P) Vavilitis, Baroness Sophie Y $1,000 Guest Y paid Yu, Kuel N $1,000 Walsh, Neil Y $1,000 (P) (P) = Pledge Request check at door OTHER Senator Stevens Mrs. Stevens Senator D'Amato Mixe Kinsella Senator Dole Mike Glassner Greg Chapados Cathy Heuer Chris Cushing Charlie Degliomini PAGE 4 TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1989 6:50pm DEPART Reception for Laguardia Airport/Butler Aviation Drive time: 30 minutes 7:20pm ARRIVE Laguardia Airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler Aviation 718/476-5200 7:25pm DEPART New York, NY for Washington, DC/National Airport FBO: Butler Aviation Aircraft: Falcon (Textron) Tail number: 777TX Flight time: 1 hour 15 minutes Pilots: Jeffrey Hopkins Daniel Donohue Seats: 9 Meal: Snack Manifest: Senator Dole Senator Stevens Cathryn Stevens M. Glassner K. Heuer (Stevens' Fundraiser) G. Chapados (Stevens' AA) C. Cushing 8:40pm ARRIVE Washington, DC/National Airport FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 8:45pm DEPART airport for Residence 9:00pm ARRIVE Residence for PRIVATE (Handwritten) Yvonne May 29-31 FINAL 5/28/90 SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE - MEMORIAL DAY RECESS MICHIGAN, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, KANSAS, NEBRASKA, IOWA TUESDAY, MAY 29 11:00 AM Lv. Washington National Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 15 min MANIFEST: Senator Dole Walt Riker Mike Glassner AIRCRAFT: RELCO (American Financial) Falcon 50 - Tail No. 5DL Seats 10 + Jump Seat PHONE: QM40500-077 PILOTS: Tom McGeehan and Mike Railton 513/579-2121 or 871-0848 MEAL SERVICE: LUNCH SERVED CONTACT: Mary Lynn Webb 513/579-2121 513/579-2580 (FAX) 12:15 PM Ar. Detroit, Michigan (City Airport) FBO: Butler Aviation 313/527-6620 MET BY: Congressman Bill Schuette 12:20 PM Proceed by auto Accompanied by: Dave Osborne, SAGINAW NEWS DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 12:35 PM Arrive Detroit Athletic Club 241 Madison 313/963-9200 FAX: None CONTACT: Emily Reynolds - Schuette Campaign 313/462-3624 (O) 313/665-6488 (H) FAX: 313/462-3654 TUESDAY, MAY 29 (CONTINUED) PAGE TWO 12:40 PM-2:00 PM ATTEND/ADDRESS FUNDRAISING LUNCHEON - BILL SCHUETTE (in progress since 12:30) HOSTED BY: Bob Stempel, President, General Motors Joe Antonini, Chairman, K-Mart Bill Kast, President, DP Corp. Svcs. FORMAT: HEAD TABLE: Senator Dole Bill Schuette Bob Stempel Joe Antonini Bill Kast NUMBER OF ATTENDEES: 100-125 TICKET PRICE: $500 PODIUM AND MIKE PRESS: CLOSED PROGRAM: 12:30-1:00 Reception 1:00 PM Lunch is served 1:35 PM Program begins: Bob Stempel introduces Bill Schuette 1:40 PM Bill Schuette introduces Senator Dole 1:45 PM SENATOR DOLE REMARKS (10-15 mins) 2:00 PM Program Concludes 2:00 PM Conclude lunch and return by auto to 2:15 PM Arrive Detroit City Airport, Butler Aviation 313/527-6620 2:15 PM-2:45 PM PRESS CONFERENCE WITH BILL SCHUETTE Butler Aviation - Detroit City Airport 313/527-6620 CONTACT: Doug McAuliffe, Schuette AA or Emily Reynolds 313/462-3624 3:00 PM Lv. Detroit FLIGHT TIME: 30 mins MEAL SERVICE: COFFEE AND SOFT-DRINKS MANIFEST: Senator Dole Congressman Schuette Walt Riker Mike Glassner Doug McAuliffe, Schuette staff Emily Reynolds, Schuette staff TUESDAY, MAY 29 (CONTINUED) PAGE THREE 3:30 PM Ar. Grand Rapids, Michigan Kent County Airport AMR Combs 616/949-5000 MET BY: Bob Schellhas Schuette Field Director Proceed by auto Accompanied by: Dave Brown, ST. JOSEPH HERALD 3:35 PM Arrive Office of Glenn Steil (pronounced "Style") Conference Room, Steil Inc. (Mfrs. of fabrics and wallcoverings for offices) 4710-44th Street, S.E. 616/940-0140 FAX: 616/940-0544 33:35 PM-4:15 PM ATTEND "MIX AND MINGLE" RECEPTION FOR BILL SCHUETTE Conference Room of Steil, Inc. ("Raincheck" for October fundraising event) FORMAT: NO MIKE INFORMAL MIX AND MINGLE ATTENDANCE: 25-30 people TICKET PRICE: $500/person PROGRAM: Bill Schuette will introduce Sen. Dole BRIEF REMARKS by Senator Dole 4:15 PM Depart Steil, Inc., en route Grand Rapids Airport 4:20 PM Lv. Grand Rapids FLIGHT TIME: 30 minutes TIME CHANGE: -1 hr MANIFEST: Senator Dole Walt Riker Mike Glassner MEAL SERVICE: SNACK 3:50 PM Ar. Baer Field, Fort Wayne, Indiana Fort Wayne Air Services 219/747-1565 MET BY: Senator Dan Coats and Curt Smith, Press Secretary Transportation by van to main airport terminal for TUESDAY, MAY 29 (CONTINUED) PAGE FOUR 4:15 PM-4:45 PM PRESS CONFERENCE WITH SENATOR DAN COATS CONTACT: Curt Smith, Press Secretary 202/224-8730 4:50 PM Depart Press Conference en route Coats Fundraiser DRIVE TIME: 20 minutes 5:10 PM Arrive Sycamore Hills Golf Club 11916 Covington Road 219/625-4324 FAX: None MET BY: Mark Hagerman, Chairman, Ft. Wayne Coats Finance Cmte. and Host of Event VERY BRIEF PHOTO OP IMMEDIATELY ON ARRIVAL 5:15 PM-6:05 PM ATTEND/ADDRESS FUNDRAISING RECEPTION FOR DAN COATS (Event runs 5:00 to 7:00) CONTACT: 317/636-1990 Mike Laudick, Campaign Mgr. Catherine Mossler, Finance Dir. 317/226-5555 Bill Dull, Scheduler Campaign FAX: 317/635-2684 HOST: Mark Hagerman FORMAT: STAND-UP RECEPTION PODIUM AND MIKE PRESS: CLOSED NO. OF ATTENDEES: 100+ TICKET PRICE: $125/person; $175/couple PROGRAM: 5:15 PM - 5:45 PM RECEIVING LINE: SENATOR DOLE SENATOR COATS MRS. COATS (MARCIA) 5:45 PM MARK HAGERMAN INTRODUCES SENATOR DOLE 5:48 PM BRIEF REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 5:53 PM SENATOR DOLE INTRODUCES SENATOR COATS 5:55 PM REMARKS - SENATOR COATS 6:00 PM "WRAP-UP" FOLLOWED BY "MEET & GREET" TUESDAY, MAY 29 (CONTINUED) PAGE FIVE 6:05 PM Depart Sycamore Hills Golf Club en route Baer Field DRIVE TIME: 20 minutes 6:25 PM Arrive Baer Field, Fort Wayne Air Services 219/747-1565 6:30 PM Lv. Fort Wayne, Indiana FLIGHT TIME: 35 minutes MEAL SERVICE: NONE 7:05 PM Ar. Chicago, Illinois Midway Airport, Butler Aviation 312/767-4400 ADVANCE: Craig Voigts (O) 815/744-1238 (H) 815/723-3684 312/315-3841 (Car) 7:10 PM Depart Midway Airport en route Lynn Martin Fundraiser DRIVE TIME: 20 minutes DRIVERS: Car 1: Charles (Bill) Voigts (Craig's father) (O) 815/744-1238 (H) 815/723-3684 Car 2: Howard Vieweg 815/741-3608 7:30 PM Arrive Residence of Ron and Christina Gidwitz 1550 North State Parkway, Chicago 312/787-1918 (Ron is President & Chairman of Helene Curtis, 43rd Ward Chairman and former Dole Delegate; Christina is part of Kemper Insurance family) 7:30 PM ATTEND/ADDRESS FUNDRAISING DINNER FOR LYNN MARTIN (Event began with 6:30 cocktails, 7:30 dinner) FORMAT: NO HEAD TABLE ROUNDS OF 8 OR 10 ESTIMATED ATTENDANCE: 40-50 (Corporate & PAC individuals) TICKET PRICE: $1,000 TUESDAY, MAY 29 (CONTINUED) PAGE SIX NO PODIUM, NO MIKE (INFORMAL "SOCIAL" FUNCTION) PRESS: CLOSED PROGRAM: Ron Gidwitz will introduce Lynn Martin Lynn Martin will introduce Senator Dole REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE (10 minutes SENATOR DOLE TO PRESENT CHECK FROM CAMPAIGN AMERICA CONTACT: Pat Hurley (FR events) 312/715-0734 FAX: 312/715-0257 Fran McNaught, Martin AA 225-5676 or 312/280-0277 Mark Schroeder, Campaign Mgr. or Leslie Jackson, Scheduler 708/518-0900 (Rosemont, Chicago suburb) FAX: 708/518-0910 RON: Chicago Hyatt Regency Hotel 151 East Wacker Drive 312/565-1234 FAX: 312/565-2966 (Suite for Senator, nearby rooms for staff) (Will be pre-registered, and direct-billed to Martin campaign) WEDNESDAY, MAY 30 7:45 AM Lynn Martin and driver will pick up Senator at Hyatt Regency and drive to: 8:00 AM Arrive Midland Hotel - Presidential Ballroom - Mezzanine Level 172 West Adams (at LaSalle) 312/332-1200 FAX: 312/332-5909 ATTEND/ADDRESS FUNDRAISING BREAKFAST FOR LYNN MARTIN CHAIRMAN/EMCEE: Tom Meagher (pronounced Mah-her) FORMAT: NO HEAD TABLE RESERVED TABLES (VIP's will be split up) ESTIMATED ATTENDANCE: 400 ATTENDEES: "Yuppie" Event -- young professionals; future partners (primarily banking community) TICKET PRICE: $50 WEDNESDAY, MAY 30 (CONTINUED) PAGE SEVEN PLATFORM AND PODIUM WITH MIKE PRESS: OPEN TABLE FOR PRINT MEDIA; TV WILL USE SHOULDER-MOUNTS; MALTBOX AVAILABLE. PROGRAM: 8:10 Breakfast served 8:30 Tom Meagher welcoming remarks and introduce Lynn Martin 8:35 Lynn Martin remarks and intro Senator Dole 8:45 REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE (10-15 minutes) Q&A - Senator Dole & Lynn Martin 9:15 AM-9:30 AM STAFF TIME (THERE WILL BE NO JOINT PRESS CONFERENCE WITH LYNN MARTIN) 9:30 AM Depart Midland Hotel en route Chicago Midway Airport 10:00 AM Arrive Midway Airport, Butler Aviation 312/767-4400 10:05 AM Lv. Chicago MANIFEST: Senator Dole Congresswoman Lynn Martin Walt Riker Mike Glassner Kathy Lydon, Martin Press Secretary Mark Schroeder, Martin Campaign Mgr. FLIGHT TIME: 45 minutes MEAL SERVICE: COFFEE AND SOFT-DRINKS 10:50 AM Ar. Peoria, Illinois FBO: Byerly Aviation 309/697-6300 ADVANCE: Craig Burkhardt 217/544-1144 (O) 217/793-0981 (H) CONTACT: Mary Alice Erickson or Donna Dee Johnson (CEI) Bob Michel's Staff/Campaign Consultant 309/676-6010 (Consultant Ofc.) 309/676-0018 (Michel Ofc.) FAX (for both): 309/676-8002 10:55 AM Depart Byerly Aviation DRIVE TIME: 20 minutes WEDNESDAY, MAY 30 (CONTINUED) PAGE EIGHT DRIVERS (2 cars): Car 1: Steve Brubaker, CEI 309/676-0018 (O) 309/673-4101 (H) Car 2: David Williams 309/676-0018 (O) 309/467-3831 (H) 11:15 AM Arrive Pere Marquette Hotel Peoria Illinois Lincoln Room 309/637-6500 FAX: 309/637-6500, Ext. 6530 11:20 AM-11:35 AM PRESS CONFERENCE WITH LYNN MARTIN CONTACT: Kathy Lydon, Campaign Press Secretary 708/518-0900 (Attendees at lyncheon will be going through buffet line so as to be seated before arrival of Senator Dole and Congresswoman Martin) 11:40 AM-12:00 PM LYNN MARTIN FINANCE COMMITTEE RECEPTION Peoria Illinois Lincoln Room (same room) FORMAT: FORMAT: MIX AND MINGLE STAND-UP RECEPTION (NO REMARKS REQUIRED) ATTENDEES: 40 - $1,000 DONORS (RAINCHECK FOR OCT. EVENT SENATOR DOLE ORIGINALLY SCHEDULED TO ATTEND) 12:05 PM Arrive Cotillion Room FUNDRAISING LUNCHEON - LYNN MARTIN HOSTS: Gary and Carlotta Bielfeldt (Pronounced Bee-el-felt) FORMAT: HEAD TABLE: Senator Dole Lynn Martin Gary Bielfeldt Carlotta Bielfeldt ATTENDEES: 200 TICKET PRICE: $100 general admission $1,000 reception PODIUM & MIKE AT HEAD TABLE PRESS: CLOSED WEDNESDAY, MAY 30 (CONTINUED) PAGE NINE PROGRAM: 12:15 Gary Bielfeldt welcoming remarks and introduces Lynn Martin 12:20 Lynn Martin introduces Senator Dole 12:25 SENATOR DOLE - REMARKS (20 MINUTES) Q&A - SENATOR DOLE & LYNN MARTIN (IF time permits) 12:50 PM Program Concludes - Senator Dole & Congresswoman PROMPTLY Martin Proceed to Pere Marquette Room 12:50 PM ATTEND/ADDRESS PEORIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ANNUAL MEETING CHAIRMAN: John Dailey, President of Community Banks ACTING PRESIDENT: Rebekah Bourland (paid staffer) John Dailey will introduce Senator Dole SENATOR DOLE - REMARKS (10 MINUTES) (AND INTRODUCTION OF LYNN MARTIN) (Note: Chamber will not allow Lynn Martin to speak without also inviting Senator Simon, but Senator Dole may speak on any topic of his choice, including the Martin campaign.) FORMAT: NO HEAD TABLE PODIUM & MIKE PRESS: OPEN 1:00 PM Depart Pere Marquette Hotel DRIVE TIME: 20 minutes 1:20 PM Arrive Byerly Aviation 309/697-6300 1:25 PM Deaprt Peoria FLIGHT TIME: 1 hr 25 min. MEAL SERVICE: LUNCH MANIFEST: Senator Dole Walt Riker Mike Glassner 2:50 PM Ar. Wichita, Kansas - Mid-Continent Airport Ryan Aviation 316/942-0141 MET BY: Dave Shupe (Kansans for Kassebaum) 316/264-4040 WEDNESDAY, MAY 30 (CONTINUED) PAGE TEN NOTE: Drop by prospective new location for Wichita Senate Office Dole Senate Office FAX: 316/264-8446 3:30 PM-4:30 PM RALLY/HEADQUARTERS OPENING - HAYDEN FOR GOVERNOR 1500 East Douglas 316/262-6565 CONTACT: George Parsons 316/262-3731 FORMAT: PRESS CONFERENCE FREE-STANDING PODIUM WITH MIKE PROGRAM: George Parsons, Hayden SG Co. Chairman will introduce Senator Dole SENATOR DOLE - BRIEF REMARKS Senator Dole introduces Governor Hayden Governor Hayden - Remarks 5:00 PM-6:00 PM KANSAS HOUSE PAC FUNDRAISER Home of Jay and Helen Galloway 800 Killarney Court 316/683-8691 Helen Ofc: 316/685-3241 NOTE: BOTH GOVERNOR HAYDEN AND NESTOR WEIGAND WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE PROGRAM: 5:00-5:30 Reception for $200 contributors (photo op or roaming photographer) No Remarks, No Receiving Line Mix and Mingle only Crowd Size: 30 5:30-6:30 Reception for $75 contributors Crowd Size: 200 Helen Galloway intro's Senator Dole SENATOR DOLE - REMARKS No Podium, No Mike (SENATOR DOLE TO PRESENT CAMPAIGN AMERTCA CHECK) 6:00 PM Depart Galloway home en route Mid-Continent Airport 6:15 PM Arrive Ryan Aviation 316/941-0141 WEDNESDAY, MAY 30 (CONTINUED) PAGE ELEVEN 6:20 PM Lv. Wichita FLIGHT TIME: 45 minutes MEAL SERVICE: SNACK 7:05 PM Ar. Grand Island, Nebraska FBO: Executive Air PHONE: 308/382-5770 MET BY: Hal Daub Milan Bish Brian Hamilton (Daub Finance Chairman and host of event) Denzil (Denny) Busick CONTACT: Al Meyer, Regional Director Daub Campaign 308/384-1217 (Ofc.) (Also for FAX) 402/756-3888 (Home) or Terry Evans, Daub Campaign Hqtrs. 402/573-8900 7:07 PM Depart Executive Air DRIVE TIME: 5 minutes 7:12 PM Arrive Residence of Brian Hamilton 2411 Lakewood Drive 308/384-8330 7:15 PM-7:45 PM ATTEND "MAJOR DONOR" RECEPTION FOR HAL DAUB (Event runs 6:00-8:00) FORMAT: "Mix and Mingle" NO REMARKS PRESS: CLOSED ATTENDANCE: 100 TICKET PRICE: $150/couple SENATOR DOLE TO PRESENT CAMPAIGN AMERICA CHECK FOR STATE PARTY. (NORM RIFFEL, STATE CHAIRMAN, OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE WILL ACCEPT ON BEHALF OF THE PARTY.) 7:50 PM Depart Hamilton Residence DRIVE TIME: 5 minutes 7:55 PM Arrive Midtown Holiday Inn 308/384-1330 FAX: 308/382-4615 (Dinner in progress on arrival) WEDNESDAY, MAY 30 (CONTINUED) PAGE TWELVE 8:00 PM ATTEND/ADDRESS HAL DAUB FUNDRAISING DINNER (Work the tables briefly on arrival) FORMAT: HEAD TABLE: Senator Dole Hal Daub Brian Hamilton Milan Bish Denny Busick ATTENDEES: 525 TICKET PRICE: $25/person PODIUM AND MIKE AT HEAD TABLE PRESS: CLOSED PROGRAM: Brian Hamilton will introduce Hal Daub Hal Daub will introduce Senator Dole SENATOR DOLE REMARKS - 15 MINUTES 9:00 PM Dinner concludes RON: Grand Island, Nebraska Midtown Holiday Inn 308/384-1330 (Will be pre-registered and direct-billed to Hal Daub campaign) NOTE: THERE WILL BE TEN FOOTBALLS IN SENATOR DOLE'S ROOM WHICH HAVE BEEN AUTOGRAPHED BY VICE PRESIDENT QUAYLE. THE DAUB CAMPAIGN WOULD LIKE SENATOR DOLE TO AUTOGRAPH THESE AS WELL, AND THEY WILL BE USED FOR AUCTION ITEMS LATER IN THE CAMPAIGN. THURSDAY, MAY 31 8:55 AM Depart Midtown Holiday Inn DRIVE TIME: 15 minutes 9:10 AM Arrive farm of Harold Stoppkotte 308/986-2661 (NOTE: Mr. Stoppkotte is Dole supporter, Daub supporter, on Board of Directors for local ASCS) 9:15 AM-9:45 AM PRESS CONFERENCE WITH HAL DAUB Stoppkotte Farm THURSDAY, MAY 31 (CONTINUED) PAGE THIRTEEN 9:50 AM Depart Stoppkotte Farm en route Executive Air DRIVE TIME: 30 minutes 10:20 AM Arrive Executive Air 308/382-5770 10:25 AM Lv. Grand Island MANIFEST: Senator Dole Hal Daub Walt Riker Mike Glassner FLIGHT TIME: 30 minutes MEAL SERVICE: COFFEE, JUICE & DANISH 10:55 AM Ar. Lincoln, Nebraska FBO: Duncan Aviation PHONE: 402/475-2611 NOTE: HAL DAUB PICKS UP HIS OWN SEPARATE SCHEDULE AT THIS POINT MET BY: Governor Kay Orr Nebraska State Patrol (no sirens/no lights) (2 vehicles) CONTACT: Kevin Stuckenholtz (Governor's Security) 402/471-3466 11:00 AM Depart Duncan Aviation DRIVE TIME: 20 minutes 11:20 AM Arrive Villager Motor Inn - Best Western 5200 "O" Street Holding Room: No. 315 402/464-9111 FAX: 402/467-0505 11:30 AM-11:50 AM PRESS CONFERENCE WITH GOVERNOR KAY ORR Piedmont Room FORMAT: Podium & Mike U.S. & Nebraska Flags as background 11:55 AM Senator Dole & Governor Orr Depart Piedmont Room THURSDAY, MAY 31 (CONTINUED) PAGE FOURTEEN 12:00 NOON Arrive Conference Center MET BY: Congressman Doug Bereuter Kermit Brashear Bee Whitmore WORK TABLES AS PROCEED TO HEAD TABLE 12:00 PM-12:55 PM ATTEND/ADDRESS FUNDRAISING LUNCHEON FOR GOVERNOR ORR (Event runs from 11:30 to 1:00) (Meal service at 11:45) HOSTS: Bee Whitmore 402/330-6710 (Ofc) 402/393-5595 (Res) Kermit Brashear 402/348-0832 (Ofc) 402/333-2299 (Res) FORMAT: HEAD TABLE: Senator Dole Governor Orr Congressman Bereuter Kermit Brashear, Dole Chair Bee Whitmore, Dole Chair Norm Riffel, GOP Chair Art Knox, Campaign Chair EMCEE: Kermit Brashear ATTENDEES: 150-200 TICKET PRICE: $100 PODIUM AT HEAD TABLE PRESS: OPEN NO PRESS RISER, MAYBE MALTBOX TV'S SHOULDER-MOUNTS PROGRAM: 12:10 PM Kermit Brashear welcomes crowd, introduces head table and introduces Governor Orr 12:20 PM-12:30 PM Governor Orr REMARKS and introduces Senator Dole 12:30 PM-12:45 PM SENATOR DOLE REMARKS (15 minutes) 12:45 PM-12:50 PM Closing Remarks - Bee Whitmore (SENATOR DOLE TO PRESENT CHECK TO KAY ORR FROM CAMPAIGN AMERICA) 12:50 PM Governor and Senator Depart Conference Center 12:55 PM Arrive Piedmont Room THURSDAY, MAY 31 (CONTINUED) PAGE FIFTEEN 1:00 PM-1:30 PM ATTEND/ADDRESS BRIEFING AND PHOTO OPPORTUNITY Governor & Senator greet arriving guests FORMAT: CONFERENCE STYLE COFFEE & DESSERT SERVED ATTENDEES: 20 TICKET PRICE: $500 PROGRAM: 1:00 PM-1:10 PM SENATOR DOLE REMARKS - 5 MINUTES 1:10 PM-1:20 PM PHOTO OPP - Governor & Senator 1:20 PM-1:30 PM Mix and Mingle CONTACT: Taunya Mallory, Scheduler Rose Armstrong, Finance Director 402/493-6477 - Omaha FAX: 402/493-0294 402/477-3456 - Lincoln FAX: 402/477-4654 1:35 PM Senator and Governor depart Piedmont Room 1:40 PM Arrive Court Yard Area, outside Convention Center. (In case of rain, just inside the doors) 1:40 PM-1:55 PM ATTEND PHOTO OPP AND "MIX AND MINGLE" Ali Milder for Congress 24 contributors to Milder for Congress CONTACT: Ali Milder or Lou Ann Linehan, Campaign Mgr. 402/397-8840 (SENATOR DOLE TO PRESENT CAMPAIGN AMERICA CHECK) 2:00 PM Governor, Senator and Staffs Depart Villager Motor Inn en route Duncan Aviation DRIVE TIME: 20 minutes 2:20 PM Arrive Duncan Aviation 402/475-2611 2:25 PM Lv. Lincoln FLIGHT TIME: 2 hrs 15 min TIME CHANGE: +1 hr MEAL SERVICE: LUNCH (FRIED CHICKEN) THURSDAY, MAY 31 (CONTINUED) PAGE SIXTEEN 5:40 PM Ar. Washington National Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 PROCEED TO PRIVATE SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 15 - 21, 1989 MONDAY, MAY 15 (in Virginia - separate schedule) 5-6:30 SD-192 RECEP. by Grassley for 50 Ottumwa, Iowa, business & labor leaders in D.C. for his Econ. Dev. Summit (stop by??) 6-8:00 SD-106 CO-HOST RECEP. by Nat'l Council on Disabilities (Maureen arr) TUESDAY, MAY 16 8:50 SD-562 SPEAK - Dodd's Conn. group 9:30 W. Hse-Cabinet Rm. BIPARTISAN HSE/SEN. BUDGET GROUP MTG. W/PRES. 12:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. on Ethics 12:30 S-211 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON 3:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Carl Bildt, Ldr., Swedish Opposition (Al arr) 3:15 S-230 Cap. PHOTO /Paul Matthews, Nat'l Pres., Am. Assn. for Respiratory Care, (teaches at KU Med Ctr) Cheryl Brown will accompany - 522-9225 3:20 S-230 Cap. PHOTO w/Eunice Diaz, Senator's appointee to AIDS Comm. (Judy Barr) 4-7:00 SD-106 "DAYS OF HEALTH SYMPOSIUM" 6-8:00 Madison Hotel Executive Chamber FR RECEP. for Ted Stevens 6:30-?? Wash. Harbor Complex 2000 K St, NW Suite 600 SEN. TRUST RECEP. & DINNER (offices of Thompson, Mann & Hutson (stop by??) 8:15 McLean Hilton Ballrooms B&C SPEAK - US/USSR Trade & Economic Comm. Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 15-21, 1989 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, MAY 17 9:45 SR-332 AG COMM. (hrgs. on trading practices in futures markets) 11:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Paul Rogers & Gov. Ray re final report by Nat'l Comm. on Health Care (Sheila sit in) 12:45 & 1:00 Rose Garden W. Hse (East Gate) SIGNING CEREMONY - Martin Luthor King Commission (Recep. 12:45; Ceremony 1:00 to 1:15) 1:00 S-207 Cap. LUNCHEON by No Greater Love for 37 men killed on USS Stark (stop by??) 2:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Lynn Martin re Ill Sen. race (JoAnne sit in) 2:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Joseph Czyrek, #2 man in Polish gov't (Al arr) 3:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Gambian Pres. Jawara (Al arr) 3:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Howard Wilkins 5-7:00 SH-216 RECEP. by Am. Jewish Committee (will give Cong. Ldrship Award to Specter & Fascell) 5-7:00 Wash. Court Hotel FR RECEP. for Cong. Bill Grant (Sen. co-host) V.P. to attend 6 & 7:30 Cap. Hill Club FR RECEP. for John Duncan (Sen. co-host) 6-8:00 Reagan GOP Hdqtrs. FR RECEP. for Sen. McClure (Sen. a co-host) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 15-21, 1989 Page 3. THURSDAY, MAY 18 8:30 L'Enfant Plaza Hotel Monet Jr. Ballrm. SPEAK - Assn. for Manufacturing Technology 2:45 S-211 Cap. SPEAK - Horatio Alger student group 6;8:00 Hay Adams Adams Rm. FR RECEP. for Warner (Sen. co-host) FRIDAY, MAY 19 12:45 SR_325 SPEAK - Am. Task Force on Lebanon SATURDAY, MAY 20 (in Georgia - separate schedule) SUNDAY, MAY 21 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 22-28, 1989 Monday, May 22 9:15 S-230 CAP. Sheila mtg. w/Ks. Assn. of Nurse Anesthetists (4) (following appointment handwritten) 10:30 hair appt. - Maurice 11:15 Senate Floor SPEAK - Senior Interns 12:00 S-230 Cap. PHOTO w/Jack Staddon, Gr. Bend - Nat'l Geography Bee Winner - & family (Walt arr) 2:50 Willard Hotel Grand Ballroom SPEAK - Nat'l Fed. of Republican Women 7 & 8:00 State Dept. Diplomatic Reception Rms. RECEP. & DINNER - Int'l Fed. of Youth Organizations (Boys Clubs, Girls Clubs) founded by Clement Stone (BLACK TIE) (Special request by Stone to stop by recep.) TUESDAY, MAY 23 9:00 Four Seasons Hotel Salon "A" SPEAK - Computer & Communications Industry Ass. (following note handwritten) (Glenn Davidson, V.P. will meet Sen at door) 10:00 1925 K St., NW Dental appt. - Dr. Barsky (following appointment handwritten) 3:30 SH-141 Photo w/Lenny & Phyllis Bell & dan? 6-8:00 Phoenix Park Hotel Powerscourt Room FR RECEP. for Claudine Schneider Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 22-28, 1989 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, MAY 24 11:00 S-324 INT. w/Jack Anderson (Walt arr) 11:30 S-230 Conf. Rm. INT. - American Health Care THURSDAY, MAY 25 9:00 1925 K St, NW Dental Appt. - Dr. Barsky 9:00 S-230 Cap. New Phones being Installed (following appointment handwritten) 1:00 S-221 Cap. Mtg. w/Sen. Mitchell (Pat Sarcone x 45556) FRIDAY, MAY 26 (following appointment handwritten) 4:00 & 4:30 Lalcon Dept. Sec 'up' Conf. Rm. Rod DeArmentio Swearing in (Nancy Roberts 523-6151) SATURDAY, MAY 27 SUNDAY, MAY 28 12:30 Four Seasons Brunch w/Tom & Joy Korologos SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 15-21, 1989 MONDAY, MAY 15 (in Virginia - separate schedule) (following appointment handwritten) 10:30 Dental Appt 5-6:30 SD-192 RECEP. by Grassley for 50 Ottumwa, Iowa, business & labor leaders in D.C. for his Econ. Dev. Summit (stop by??) 6-8:00 SD-106 CO-HOST RECEP. by Nat'l Council on Disabilities (Maureen arr) TUESDAY, MAY 16 (following appointment crossed out) 8:50 SD-562 SPEAK - Dodd's Conn. group 9:30 W. Hse - Cabinet Rm. BIPARTISAN HSE/SEN. BUDGET GROUP MTG. W/PRES. (following appointment handwritten) 11:45 SD-106 SPEAK - Dodd's Conn. group 12:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. on Ethics 12:30 S-211 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON (following appointment handwritten) 2:30 SH-141 Greg & Denice mtg w/G. Police affairs - photo at 3:20 3:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Carl Bildt, Ldr., Swedish Opposition (Al arr) (following addition handwritten) & (illegible) Hasstrom 3:15 S-230 Cap. PHOTO /Paul Matthews, Nat'l Pres., Am. Assn. for Respiratory Care, (teaches at KU Med Ctr) Cheryl Brown will accompany - 522-9225 3:20 S-230 Cap. PHOTO w/Eunice Diaz, Senator's appointee to AIDS Comm. (Judy Barr) 4-7:00 SD-106 "DAYS OF HEALTH SYMPOSIUM" 6-8:00 Madison Hotel Executive Chamber FR RECEP. for Ted Stevens 6:00-?? Wash. Harbor Complex 2000 K St, NW Suite 600 SEN. TRUST RECEP. & DINNER (offices of Thompson, Mann, & Hutson (stop by??) (following appointment time rewritten) 8:15 McLean Hilton Ballrooms B&C SPEAK - US/USSR Trade & Economic Comm. Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 15-21, 1989 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, MAY 17 (following appointment handwritten) 9:30 SR-301 Rules Comm. (work up of uniform poll closing (illegible), S. 136) 9:45 SR-332 AG COMM. (hrgs. on trading practices in futures markets) 11:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Paul Rogers & Gov. Ray re final report by Nat'l Comm. on Health Care (Sheila sit in) (following appointment handwritten) 11:30 S-230 Cap. Photo & mtg w/Buck Burkanon (Creely Burkanon) - Amherst, N.N. (following appointment handwritten) 12 W. Hse. Roosevelt Rm. (NW Gate) Sunny's Chief of Staff Luncheon (Susan 456-6494) (Boyd, McClurel, Carol) (following appointment handwritten) 12-2:00 SH-823 Luncheon by K.C. Chamber (Greg - Sen stop by 1:00 S-207 Cap. LUNCHEON by No Greater Love for 37 men killed on USS Stark (stop by??) (following appointment handwritten) 12:45 (illegible) 1:15-1:30 Rose Garden South Gate Signing Ceremony - Martin Luthor King Commission (illegible) 2:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Lynn Martin re Ill Sen. race (JoAnne sit in) 2:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Joseph Czyrek, #2 man in Polish gov't (Al arr) 3:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Gambian Pres. Jawara (Al & Greg arr) 3:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Howard Wilkins (following appointment handwritten) 3:45 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/John Peterson (Maurice arr) 4:30 S-230 Cap. mtg w/Family members of (illegible) of Paul Barr #103 5-7:00 SH-216 RECEP. by Am. Jewish Committee (will give Cong. Ldrship Award to Specter & Fascell) 5-7:00 Wash. Court Hotel FR RECEP. for Cong. Bill Grant (Sen. co-host) V.P. to attend 6-7:30 Cap. Hill Club FR RECEP. for John Duncan (Sen. co-host) 6-8:00 Reagan GOP Hdqtrs. FR RECEP. for Sen. McClure (Sen. a co-host) (following appointment crossed out & labeled "regretted") 6:30-7:30 W.Hse. Residence (& Appt. State) RSVP by Pres for Hse/Sen. Ldrship & Budget (illegible) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 15-21, 1989 Page 3 THURSDAY, MAY 18 8:30 L'Enfant Plaza Hotel Monet Jr. Ballrm. SPEAK - Assn. for Manufacturing Technology (following appointment handwritten) 11:30 S-230 Cap. Meeting w/Claudine Schneider (Maggie X52735) (following appointment handwritten) 11:45 Dental appt - Dr. Kauffman - 1925 K. St. (following appointment handwritten) 12:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Paul Hudson, family member of Pan Am 103 Victims (Al arr) (following appointment handwritten) 1:30 Radio-TV Gallery-Cap. Press Conference brought) (following appointment handwritten) 2:00 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/cong (illegible) 2:45 S-211 Cap. SPEAK - Horatio Alger student group (following appointment handwritten) 3:15 S-230 Mtg of Task Force on Competitive rules, (illegible) (following appointment handwritten) 4:00 S-230 Cap Mtg w/former Cong. John Erhlenbarn (re 401k pension plan), Caroline 821-5332 6-8:00 Hay Adams Adams Rm. FR RECEP. for Warner (Sen. co-host) FRIDAY, MAY 19 (following appointment handwritten) 9:00 J.W. Marriott SPEAK Am. Jewish Committee (following appointment handwritten) 10:00 SD-215 (illegible) (moral health care) (following appointment time rewritten from 12:45) 1:00 SR-325 SPEAK - Am. Task Force on Lebanon SATURDAY, MAY 20 (in Georgia - separate schedule) SUNDAY, MAY 21 TRAVEL SCHEDULE MCLEAN, VA DRAFT - 5/8/89 TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1989 7:05pm DEPART Capitol for the Twelfth Annual Directors/Members Dinner of the US/USSR Trade and Economics Council Location: McLean Hilton 7920 Jones Branch Drive McLean, VA Drive time: 35 minutes 7:40pm ARRIVE McLean Hilton and proceed to the Twelth Annual Directors/Members Dinner of the US/USSR Trade and Economics Council Location: Ballroom Met by: PAGE 2 TRAVEL SCHEDULE MCLEAN, VA TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1989 7:45pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Dinner of the US/USSR Trade and Economics Council 703/847-5000 Location: Ballroom Attendance: 500 Event runs: 7:00-9:00pm Press: Open Format: 7:00pm Dinner 8:15pm Senator Dole introduced by Dwayne Andreas Remarks by Senator Dole - 20 minutes Facility: Risers, table top podium with mike Headtable Seated dinner Contact: Bill Forester - Acting President 212/644-4550 NOTE: Headtable attendees list will follow. 9:00pm DEPART Dinner for Residence Drive time: 25 minutes 9:25pm ARRIVE Residence for PRIVATE TRAVEL SCHEDULE VIRGINIA FINAL MONDAY, MAY 15, 1989 7:10am DEPART Residence for National Airport/Butler Aviation 7:25am ARRIVE National Airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 7:30am DEPART Washington, DC for Roanoke, VA/Roanoke Regional Airport FBO: Piedmont Aviation Aircraft: Lear 35 Tail number: 24 KW Flight time: 40 minutes Pilots: Tony Salamoney Randy Fultz Seats: 6 Meal: Breakfast Manifest: Senator Dole Senator Trible Rosemary Trible M.Glassner J. Miller 8:10am ARRIVE Roanoke,VA/Roanoke Regional Airport FBO: Piedmont Aviation 703/563-4401 Met by: Steve Agee - Assembly Delegate PAGE 2 TRAVEL SCHEDULE VIRGINIA MONDAY, MAY 15, 1989 8:15am DEPART airport for Sheraton Airport Hotel Location: 2727 Ferndale Drive Roanoke, VA Drive time: 10 minutes 8:25am ARRIVE Sheraton Airport Hotel and proceed to Fundraiser Breakfast for Senator Trible 703/362-4500 Location: Ballroom D 8:30am ATTEND FR Breakfast 703/362-4500 Location: Ballroom D Attendance: 15 Event runs: 8:15-9:15am Press: Closed Format: Informal roundtable discussion Facility: Conference tables, no podium Contact: Barbara Hildenbrand - Trible staff 703/556-4424 NOTE: Attendees list is attached. PAGE 3 TRAVEL SCHEDULE VIRGINIA MONDAY, MAY 15, 1989 9:15am DEPART Breakfast for News Conference Location: Piedmont Room 9:20am-9:40am News Conference with Senator Trible Location: Piedmont Room 9:45am DEPART News Conference for Roanoke Regional Airport Drive time: 10 minutes 9:55am ARRIVE Roanoke Regional Airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Piedmont Aviation 703/563-4401 10:00am DEPART Roanoke, VA for Richmond, VA/Richmond Regional Airport FBO: Aero Services Aircraft: Lear 35 Tail number: 24KW Flight time: 35 minutes Pilots: Tony Salamoney Randy Fultz Seats: 6 Meal: Snack Manifest: Senator Dole Senator Trible M.Glassner J. Miller NOTE: Mrs. Trible will stay in Roanoke. PAGE 4 TRAVEL SCHEDULE VIRGINIA MONDAY, MAY 15, 1989 10:35am ARRIVE Richmond, VA/Richmond Regional Airport and proceed to News Conference 804/226-7200 Location: Conference Room Met by: Neville Major - Trible Advance 10:40am-11:00am News Conference with Senator Trible 804/226-7200 Location: Conference Room 11:00am DEPART Conference for departing aircraft 11:10am DEPART Richmond, VA for Norfolk, VA/Norfolk International Airport FBO: Piedmont Aviation Aircraft: Lear 35 Tail number: 24KW Flight time: 30 minutes Pilots: Tony Salamoney Randy Fultz Seats: 6 Meal: Snack Manifest: Senator Dole Senator Trible M. Glassner J. Miller PAGE 5 TRAVEL SCHEDULE VIRGINIA MONDAY, MAY 15, 1989 11:40am ARRIVE Norfolk, VA/Norfolk International Airport FBO: Piedmont Aviation Met by: Joe Canada - Former State Senator Sandy Laehowchezk - Sen. Canada's Campaign mgr. 11:45am DEPART airport for Holiday Inn Executive Center Location: 5655 Greenich Road Virginia Beach,VA Drive time: 15 minutes 12:00pm ARRIVE Holiday Inn Executive Center and proceed to News Conference Location: Boardroom — Holiday Inn 12:00pm-12:15pm News Conference with Senator Trible Location: Boardroom - Holiday Inn 12:15pm DEPART News Conference for FR Luncheon Location: Shenandoah Room PAGE 6 TRAVEL SCHEDULE VIRGINIA MONDAY, MAY 15, 1989 12:20pm ATTEND FR Luncheon for Senator Trible Location: Shenandoah Room Attendance: 28 Event runs: 12:00-1:15pm Press: Closed Format: Informal roundtable discussion Facility: Roundtables, tabletop podium. Contact: Barbara Hildenbrand - Trible staff 703/556-4424 NOTE: Attendees list is attached. 1:15pm DEPART Luncheon for Norfolk International Airport Drive time: 15 minutes 1:30pm ARRIVE Norfolk International Airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Piedmont Aviation 804/857-3463 PAGE 7 TRAVEL SCHEDULE VIRGINIA MONDAY, MAY 15, 1989 1:35pm DEPART Norfolk, VA for Washington, DC/National Airport FBO: Butler Aviation Aircraft: Lear 35 Tail number: 24KW Flight time: 45 minutes Pilots: Tony Salamoney Randy Fultz Seats: 6 Meal: Snack Manifest: Senator Dole Senator Trible M.Glassner J. Miller B. Hildenbrand 2:20pm ARRIVE Washington,DC/National Airport FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 2:25pm DEPART airport for Capitol Hill 2:40pm ARRIVE Capitol Hill SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 8-14, 1989 MONDAY, MAY 8 12-2:00 SR-385 LUNCHEON by Jewish Fed. of Scranton, Pa. Young Ldrship Training Program (stop by & make brief remarks??) 12:45 345 CHOB SPEAK - Washington Conference - Trent Lott & Mike Oxley groups (following appointment handwritten) 1:15 S-230 Cap. Photo w/Dennie Ray Heartin, Swich. - Founder - Int'll Assn. of correction officers (photo & 4:30-5:30 Tantallon Country Club RECEP. - Sam Snead Pro-Am Classic (for Dole Fdn. & other charities) TUESDAY, MAY 9 (following appointment handwritten) 112 W. G. So. Taping of Sen & (unintelligible) w/Rene Toussaint (following appointment handwritten) 8:45 Wash. Plaza Hotel - Thomas Circ - (unintelligible) 9:30 S-207 Cap. SPEAK (5-10 min) BKFST. - Chicago Merc. (BKFST. at 8:45 & spkg. time flexible). 10:30 S-230 Cap. PHOTO w/18-20 St. Thomas Aquinas Hi School students (Mo arr) (following appointment handwritten) 11:45 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/Dr. Jack Walker, KC (Greg arr) Sheila sit in - re (unintelligible) 12:00 S-230 Cap. RANKING MEMBERS MTG. 12:30 S-211 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON (following appointment handwritten) 2:30 S-230 photo w/Dennis Martin (following appointment handwritten) 3:30 S-230 Cap Mtg w/3 for (unintelligible), NYC (Karen Brown - 212/344-5210) (following appointment handwritten) 4:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg w/John Hall, Oakland Oil, (unintelligible), 223-8290 6-8:00 1300 LHOB RECEP. by Chicago Merc. (Senator) 6-8:00 Anton's 400-1st St, SE FR for Congl Ben Gilman (Sen. co-host) 6 & 7:00 B-3388-340 RHOB RECEP. & SIOUX CITY STEAK DINNER (Senator only) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDUL - Week of May 8-14, 1989 MONDAY, MAY 8 12-2:00 SR-385 LUNCHEON by Jewish Fed. of Scranton, Pa. Young Ldrship Training Program (stop by & make brief remarks??) 12:45 345 CHOB SPEAK - Washington Conference - Trent Lott & Mike Oxley groups 4:30-5:30 Tantallon Country Club RECEP. - Sam Snead Pro-Am Classic (for Dole Fdn. & other charities) TUESDAY, MAY 9 9:15 S-207 Cap. SPEAK (5-10 min) BKFST. - Chicago Merc. (BKFST. at 8:45 & spkg. time flexible) 10:30 S-230 CAP. PHOTO w/18-20 St. Thomas Aquinas Hi School students (Mo arr) 12:00 S-230 Cap. RANKING MEMBERS MTG. 12:30 S-211 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON 6-8:00 1300 LHOB RECEP. by Chicago Merc. (Senator) 6-8:00 Anton's 400 - 1st St, SE FR for Cong. Ben Gilman (Sen. co-host) 6 & 7:00 B-338-340 RHOB RECEP. & SIOUX CITY STEAK DINNER (Senator only) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 8-14, 1989 Page 2 WEDNESDAY, MAY 10 8-10:00 SH-143 BKFST. by Ks. Insurance Industry (Greg & Chris) 8:30 SH-216 SPEAK - Am. Society of Association Executives 11:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Armstrong & Humphrey (re recission) (following appointment handwritten) 12:00 SD- Testify on disability bill (following appointment handwritten) 12:45 S-230 Mtg w/Japanese (unintelligible) (following appointment handwritten) 2:30 S-230 Photo w/1st (unintelligible) Salina - Richard Barlow (following appointment handwritten) 2:45 S-230 Cap. Brief Mtg. w/Floyd Brown (Judy B. arr) 5:30-7:00 S-120 Cap. Mtg. of Carnegie Comm. on Science, Technology & Gov't 6-7:30 Grand Hyatt Burnham-Latrobe Rm. 1000 H St., N.W. RECEP. - NRSC Roundtable (following addition handwritten) ($5,000 individual donors) (want Sen. there at 6:30 - remarks at 6:45) THURSDAY, MAY 11 8-2:00 SH-708 CSIS Advisory Bd. Mtg. (stop by??) (following appointment handwritten) 10-10:45 W. Hse. Cabinet Rm (NW Gate) Bipartisan Hse/Sen mtg w/Pres (general) 12-1:00 S-211 CAP. LUNCHEON by Capitol Preservation Society 12-2:00 S-207 Cap. LUNCHEON for Regional SBA Prime Contractor Award winners (David Wills, Wichita (Greg) 12:30-2:00 SH-143 LUNCHEON by Jewish Fed. of Greater Buffalo (stop by & brief remarks) (following appointment handwritten) 2:30 S-230 Mtg. w/Tom Donovan & Cash Cahl(unintelligible), Chic. Bd. of Trade & (unintelligible) 5:30-7:30 1275 Penna. Ave N.W. OPEN HOUSE on opening of D.C. ofc by Katten, Muchin & Zavis law firm (Lee Daniel's firm) stop by?? Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 8-14, 1989 Page 3 FRIDAY, MAY 12 10:00 H-227 Cap. MTG. w/Bob Michel & Legis. Affairs reps. from each dept. (Whit arr) (following appointment handwritten) 12:30-2:00 S-207 Cap. Luncheon by former members (stop by to greet group - Karen) (following appointment handwritten) 2:05 S-230 Cap. Photo & plaque presen. by Con Heine, Cap. Historical Society (following appointment handwritten) 2:30 Wash. Court Hotel Montpelier Rm. SPEAK Am. College of Cardiology SATURDAY, MAY 13 (following appointment handwritten) 8:30 Watergate Rest Bkfst w/Martin Sorkin & John Camp SUNDAY, MAY 14 (following appointment handwritten) 11:00 Jefferson Hotel Brunch w/Eliz & Robin (following appointment handwritten) 3:00 St. Michel's Episcopal Ch. Arlington Funeral - Sergy Hofzinger SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 1-7, 1989 MONDAY, MAY 1 10:00 S-221 Cap. MTG. on M.L.K. bill w/Mitchell, Helms & Nunn (Contact: Pat Sarcone X 45556) (following appointment handwritten and crossed out) 11:15 W. Hse. Roosevelt Rm. (NW Gate) Swearing-in of Susan Engleiter, as SBA (Mary 653-6924) 3:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Mark McConaghy (Chriss 822-8570) 3:45 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Richard Burt, Amb. to Germany & START Amb. (Dave arr) (following appointment handwritten) 4:00 S-230 Photo w/Marlene Sebrolder, Jessie (unintelligible) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 1-7, 1989 Page 2 TUESDAY, MAY 2 9:30 W. Hse. - Cabinet Rm. (NW Gate) HSE/SEN LDRSHIP MTG. w/PRES. (general issues) 11:00 S-230 Cap. Sheila mtg. w/West German Pharmaceutical group (stop by) 12-12:30 Capitol Rotunda Co-Light Memorial Candle for Days of Remembrance Ceremony 12:30 S-211 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON 2:00 S-230 Cap. PHOTO w/Sandra Herre, Wisc., Senator Dole's appointee to Nat'l Women's Business Council, & Sen. Kasten (Judy B. arr) (following appointment handwritten) 2:15 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Mitch McConnell (X48298) (following appointment handwritten) 2:30-3:30 SH-141 Tom mtg w/Junction City & Manhattan Chamber group re. Ft. Riley 6-8:00 S-126 Cap. FAREWELL RECEP. by Sen. Wilson for Mark Albrecht 6 & 6:45 Crystal Gateway Marriott KANSAS CHAMBER RECEP. & DINNER 7 & 8:00 Departmental Auditorium 1301 Constitution Ave. RECEP. & DINNER "Gala Salute to Congress" by American Arts Alliance (Sen. or Eliz. stop by recep. - Christy Brown, Ky attndg. (BLACK TIE) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 1-7, 1989 Page 3 WEDNESDAY, MAY 3 7:30 ABC On GOOD MORNING AMERICA re Dole Fdn. (following additions handwritten) 1717 DeSales, (car at W.G. So. at 7:00am), senator on alone (following appointment handwritten) 9:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg. on drought (Michels, Boren, Kassebaum, Kerry) 11:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Bob Fulton, Asst Sec'y for Family Support, HHS (Joyce arr) (following additions handwritten) Sec'y & Sulligan (Humphrey, Helms, Armstrong and (unintelligible) 12-1:00 H-236 Cap. MTG. w/Amb. Dubinin & Michel 12:15-1:30 SR-485 MEMBERS ONLY LUNCHEON w/Sec'y Yeutter by Cochran, Leahy, Madigan & de la Garza (stop by??) (following appointment handwritten) 2:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Cong. Bob Schmitt (JoAnne arr) 2:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Dr. Papiasvile & Edward Gudava, (Soviet) Georgian-American group (Al arr) (following appointment handwritten, crossed out, and marked "cancelled") 3:00 S-230 Mtg w/Violetta Chanierro, editor of La Prenna (Al arr) (following appointment handwritten) 3:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg w/Nathan Sharovsky & Jack Lew (Al arr) (following appointment time replaced with 5:00) 4:30 S-230 Mtg w/Sec'y Sullivan, Boh Fulton, Ass't Sec'y for Family Support, HHS (Jorge arr), Humphrey, Helms, Armstrong, Simpson & Simms 5-7:00 S-207 Cap. RECEP. for Amb. Mike Mansfield, recipient of Henry Jackson Award for Distinguished Public Svc. 6-8:00 Women's Art Museum Martin Marietta Hall 1250 New York Ave., NW DOLE FDN. TRIBUTE (following addition handwritten: must be there at 6:30) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 1-7, 1989 Page 4 THURSDAY, MAY 4 9:30-10:30 S-211 Cap. COFFEE w/P.M. Mulroney (Mitchell co-host) (following appointment handwritten) later 10:00-10:30 SD-215 Finance Comm (testify) 11:30 Cap. Hill Club Pvt. Dining Rms. 1 & 2 SPEAK - Cong. Chris Shays (Conn) Greenewich Exchange Club 2:00 SD-215 INTRODUCE John Robson's at nom. hrg. in Finance Comm. 3:30 S-230 Cap. Brief Mtg. w/Kent Frizzell (Canterbury 393-3000 X502) 5-7:00 EF-100 Cap. RECEP. by Nat'l Assn. of Deaf honoring I. King Jordan, Gallaudet U. (Maureen arr) 6-7:00 Library of Cong. Montpelier Rm. PVA/VVI Life Service Veterans Award to Sen. Thurmond (Tom attndg) 6:30 S-230 Cap. PHOTO w/Victor McNaughton & Sabra Fitzgerald, wife - W.G. South Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 1-7, 1989 Page 5 FRIDAY, MAY 5 (following appointment handwritten) 11:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. on disability w/(illegible) (Sheila arr) 3:00 S-120 Cap. HOST RECEP. - VVI trustees (Tom arr) 4:15 S-230 Cap. PHOTO w/Leroy & Arlys Hill, Topeka (crossed out and replaced with Wichita) (winners of "Wonderful Weekend in Washington sponsored by Am. Council of the Blind) 6-8:00 S-207 Cap. RECEP. for Dr. Thomas James, new Pres. of Benedictine Coll, Atchison 6:30-?? W.G. South Event w/Elizabeth SATURDAY, MAY 6 SUNDAY, MAY 7