[handwritten (Betty)] SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE – Week of February 27, March 5, 1989 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27 [handwritten (10:45 S-221 Cap. Mtg. w/ Mitchell)] 1:00 S-230 CAP. Carolyn & Dennis mtg. w/ Mark Heitz (stop by) 2:30 Willard Hotel Ballroom SPEAK- Congress 1`01 (FMI & other food groups) 3:30 S-230 Cap. COURTESY CALL by P.M. Anthony Frank [handwritten (illegible) (General)] 4:00 S-230 Cap. David mtg. w/W.H. Dean, Pres., Fed. Home Loan Dist. Bank, Topeka (stop by) 4:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Earl Mallick & Terry Straub, USX re voluntary restraint agreements (Carolyn sit in) 5:30-7:30 Hyatt Reg. Columbia "C" Rm. FR RECEP> for Gov. Hayden [handwritten (arr. 6:15)] 5:30-7:30 477 H St., NW RECEP. on opening of Nat'l Hdqtrs. - Blinded Veterans Assn. (Maureen/Tom) [handwritten (8:00 W. Hse (Sununu's ofc. NW Gate) Mtg w/ Sununu & Tower (Will Ball & Fred Mc Clure sit in)] Senaotr Dole's Schedule - Week of Feb. 27- March 5, 1989 Page 2 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28 8:30 Wash. Hilton Int'l Ballrm. SPEAK - Nat'l Aggregate Assn. 11:00 S-230 Cap. Sheila mtg. w/Bob Gadberry & Eldon Ulmer, Am. Cancer Soc. (stop by) 12:30 S-211 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON 2:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/KIOGA group (4) - Whit & Greg sit in 2:15 Senate convenes 4-6:00 S-230 Cap. RECEP. for Rich Belas 5:30-6:30 Union Station Adirondocks Club FR for Gov. Branstad 5:30-7:30 B-357 RHOB RECEP. by Am. Legion (Tom) 6-8:00 1100 LHOB RECEP. by Paralyzed Veterans of Am. (Tom/Maureen) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of Feb. 27- March 5, 1989 Page 3 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1 8-9:30 SR-325 BKFST. by KIOGA (greg & Whit) [handwritten (10:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Bernie Geman. Chrman & CEO Speces w/ Leye, St. V.P. Chuck Kmttle, (illegible) 10:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (oversight - Traded Act of '88) 10:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Brent Scowcroft (Dave & Al sit in) 1:00 Hyatt Reg. Ticonderoga Rm. SPEAK - Am. Cast Metals Assn. [handwritten (737-1234 Walter Kiplinger Rm. 991 - on Foundry Indentiy Refis Deck)] [handwritten (1:30 S-230 mtg. w/ GOP members of armed Sucs. Comm. Rudman & Spector)] 4-6:00 SH-836 RECEP. on opening of Joint Tax Comm. new Hart office 6:15-9:00 Nat'l Portrait Gallery F St & 8th St., NW RECEP. - Opening of Exhibit on on Bicentennial of Senate (stop by) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of Feb. 27- March 5, 1989 Page 4 [handwritten (9:50)(11:30)][10:00 crossed out] House Chamber JOINT MTG. of Congress on Senate Bicentennial 1:15 Grand Hotel [ballroom crossed out] [handwritten (Mayfair Court)] (24th & M Sts. NW SPEAK - U.S./ Arab Chamber of Commerce [handwritten (Grand (Suite 610) 465-0100- Concierge)] 3:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Guatemalan Pres. Cerezo (Al ait in) [handwritten (3:15 S-230 mtg. on Central Av. policy (rest is illegible)] [handwritten (3:30 S-230 Photo w/ group of Ks. bankers (David & Cbin mtg. w/ group at 2:30)] [handwritten (4:00 S-230 Cap. Photo w/ John Scherb, atty. Jared Cameron, Pete Hannaford's ofc, well accompany 638-4600)] [handwritten (No)] 5-7:00 S-207 Cap. RECEP. by Peace Corps for new Members & Cong. Leaders for Peace [handwritten (No)] 6-8:00 Capitol Hilton Presidential Ballrm. RECEP. by Am. Bankers Assn. Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of Feb. 27- March 5, 1989 Page 5 FRIDAY, MARCH 3 [handwritten (11:30 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ WRS Jackson, Land inatitule, Salina (Mark sit in))] [handwritten (2:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Richard [illegible] (Barbara Battle of [illegible]- 338--0750)] STURDAY, MARCH 4 SUNDAY, MARCH 5 [handwritten (12:30 Westin Hotel Brunch w/ Lyn & Connie Nofgeger)] TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1989 8:15am DEPART Residence for National Airport/Butler Aviation 8:30am ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 8:35am DEPART Washington,DC for New York,NY/LaGuardia FBO: Butler Aviation Aircraft: Lear 35A(Warner Lambert) Tail number: N1526L Flight time: 1 hour Pilots: Gunther Mowag, Greg Casternakis Seats: 7 Meal: Breakfast Manifest: Senator Dole, Re. Quinn, Brad Gary 9:35am ARRIVE New York,NY/LaGuardia FBO: Butler Aviationq 718/476-5200 Met by: Mike Kaiser (DFP Advance) 212/826-9233 PAGE 2 TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1989 9:40am DEPART airport for ABC Studios Location: 47 W. 66th Street New York, New York Drive time: 30 minutes 10:10am ARRIVE ABC Studios and proceed to Brinkley Show 212/456-7777 Met by: Theresa Larson - former Senator Dole staff 11:00am* DEPART ABC Studios for Jewish Appeal Federation Building Location: 130 E. 59th Street New York,NY Drive time: 15 minutes 11:15am ARRIVE Jewish Appeal Federation Building and proceed to the Jewish Community Relations Council Congressional Breakfast Met by: Judy Krieger — Assist. Director of JCRC; Lester Pollack - President of JCRC Advance: Mike Kaiser(DFP Advance) Locations: Ballroom — 2nd Floor PAGE 3 TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1989 11:20am ATTEND/ADDRESS the Jewish Community Relations Council Congressional Breakfast 212/980-1000 Location: Ballroom -— 2nd Floor Attendance: 300 Event runs: 9:00am-12:00pm Press: Open Format: Remarks by Senator Moynihan; Senator D‘Amato and Lester Pollack introduce and present Senator Dole with the "Henry M. Jackson Senate Leadership Award" Remarks by Senator Dole Facility: Riser with podium and mike Round tables Contact: Marcie Fishman 212/983-4800 NOTE: Program is attached. FEB 22 '89 16:59 JCRC P. 2/2 JCRC ELEVENTH ANNUAL CONGRESSIONAL BREAKFAST PROGRAM OPENING REMARKS Martin Begun Chairman, JCRC Commission on Governmental Relations GREETINGS Peggy Tishman President, UJA-Federation of Jewish Philanthropies STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY CONCERNS Lester Pollack President, JCRC REMARKS Ambassador Uriel Savir Consol General of Isreal in New York CONGRESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS Hon, Eliot Engel Hon, Raymond McGrath Hon. Hamilton Fish Hon. Guy Molinari Hon. Robect Garcia Hon. Major Owens Hon. Benjamia Gilman Hon. Charles Rangel Hon. Bill Green Hon, Charies Schumer Hon. George Hochbrueckner Hon. Stephen Solarz Hon. Nita Lowey Hon. Ted Weiss Hon. Thomas Manton Senator Daniel P. Moyniban AWARD PRESENTATION CEREMONY Presentation of Henry M. Jackson Senatorial Leadership Award Senator Alfonse D’Amato Address Robert Dole, Senate Minority Leader Closing Remarks Michael S, Miller Executive Director, JCRC [logo of an apple with JCRC on it]Jewish Community Relations Council OF NFW YORK IN! PAGE 4 TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1989 11:50am DEPART Breakfast for Westbury Hotel Location: 15 E. 69th Street and Madison New york, New York Drive time: 10 minutes NOTE: Ambassador Gargano will drive you to the Westbury Hotel 12:00am ARRIVE Westbury Hotel and proceed to meeting with Ambassador Gargano Location: Gargano Suite Advance Theresa Larson 12:05am Meeting with Ambassador Gargano 212/535-2000 Location: Gargano Suite Attendees: James Ortenzio -— Head of the Metropolitan Area Meat Distributors Assoc, (Connecticut, New Jersey and New York) Format: Informal meeting NOTE: Ambassador Gargano stated there might be one other in attendance but did not give his name and was unsure that he would be able to attend. PAGE 5 TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1989 12:25pm DEPART Meeting for DROP-BY Jewish Community Relations Council Luncheon Location: Regency Hotel 540 Park Avenue at 6lst New York,NY Drive time: 10 minutes 12:35pm ARRIVE Regency Hotel and proceed to Jewish Community Relations Council Luncheon 212/759-4100 Location: Tent Room 12:40pm DROP-BY Jewish Communtiy Relations Council Luncheon Location: Tent Room Attendance: 20 Event runs: 12:30-1:30pm Format: Private luncheon Facility: None Contact: Michael Miller 201/692-0351 1:00pm DEPART Luncheon for Laguardia Airport/Butler Aviation Drive time: 30 minutes 1:30pm ARRIVE Laguardia Airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler Aviation 718/476-5200 PAGE 6 TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1989 1:35pm DEPART New York,NY for Washington,DC/National Airport FBO: Butler Aviation Aircraft: Lear 35A(Warner Lambert) Tail number: N1526L Flight time: 1 hour Pilots: Gunther Mowag; Greg Casternakis Seats: 7 Meal: Lunch Manifest: Senator Dole; R. Quinn 2:35pm ARRIVE Washington,DC/National Airport FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 2:40pm DEPART airport for Residence 2:55pm ARRIVE Residence for PRIVATE [handwritten (Betty)] SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE – Week of February 20- 26, 1989 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20 President’s Day- Holiday TUESADAY, FEBRUARY 21 8:30- 9:30 W.Hse (NW Gate) Cabinet Rm. BIPARTISEN HSE/SEN. LDSHP. MTG. w/ Pres. 10:30 S-230 Cap. Sheila mtg. w/ Ks. Psychological Assn. member (stop by) 11:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Coretta Scott King (Dennis arr) [handwritten (12:15 S-120 appt/ Pres. See up luncheon)] 2:15 Senate reconvenes (pro forma session) [handwritten (3:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg w/ Ed Phillips (stop by))] 4:30 S-221 Cap. MTG. w/ Mitchell Senator Dole’s Schedule – Week of February 20-26, 1989 Page 2. 12:00 Washington’s Farewell Address – by Warner 12-12:00 SR-188 LUNCHEON by Jewish Fed. of Central New Jersey (stop by??) 12:30 S-120 Cap. STEERING COMM> LUNCHEON [handwritten (12:30-1:30) DH-18 Luncheon- GOP Nat’l Finance Comm.)] 2:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Bart Giamatti, new Baseball Commissioner & Korologos 2:15 Senate reconvenes [handwritten (4:30 S-230 Cap. Photo w/ Gary Kasparov (Dave arr) (also photo w/ ASEAN Ambassador (Al arr))] [handwritten (OK)] 5-7:00 425-2nd St., NE OPEN HOUSE in new Senatorial Comm. Hdqtrs. [crossed out (5-8:00 Credit Int’l Bank RECEP/BUFFET on opening of bank (Koroloqos a director)] [handwritten (OK)] 6-8:00 Phoenix Park Hotel Powerscourt Rest. FR RECEP. to retire Pete Wilson’s campaign debt [handwritten (?)] 6-8:00 Hyatt Reg. [handwritten (Columbia B. Rm.)] RECEP. By Warner & Oaker in support of memorial honoring “Women in Military Service” (Sen. a co-chair) [handwritten (Warner there 6:30-7:30)] Senator Dole’s Schedule – Week of February 20-26, 1989 Page 3. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23 8:00- [handwritten (9:00)] Washington Court Hotel- [handwritten (Ballroom Ctr.)] FR BKFST. For Cochran (Sen. co-host) [handwritten (8:00-9:00 425- 2nd St. N.E. Rep Senatorial Comm Exec. Comm. Mtg.)] [handwritten (10:00) crossed out (9:30)] SR-332 SG COMM. (hrgs.- GAO rpt. On commodities future markets) [handwritten (9:10) with arrow above 10:00][10:00 crossed out] SD-211 MTG. – Members Only (+1 staff w/ clearance) w/ Carla Hills re Uruguay Round & natl trade policy (Dave) [handwritten (10:00 SD- 215 Finance Comm. (conf. hrg. & mark- up of Dr. Secllivan & adoption of ruler change))] [handwritten (3:15 S-230 Cap. Courtesy Call by Connie Newman, OPM Dis desig. Cseolyn 456-7587)] 3:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Prince Bandar & Saudi Oil Minister, Hisham Mazer (Al & White sit in) 3:45 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Sen. Long, Fred Graefe, atty w/ Long, John O’Shaughenessy and Ken Raske, Greater New York Hospital Assn. re Cap. Cost reimb. (Sheila sit in) [handwritten (4:15 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ 70 members of Nat’l of Women’s Political Caucus)] [handwritten (5-7:00 425- 2nd St, N.E. PAC RECEP. By Rep Senatorial Comm.)] 5:30-7:30 SD-106 RECEP. For Senate GOP Conf. Task Force on Hispanic Affairs 5:30-7:00 S-207 Cap. RECEP. On 60th Anniv. Of ROA (Tom) [handwritten (5:30-7:30 SR-325 Recep. By Black Revolutionary War Patriots Fdn)] 5:30-8:00 S-213 Cap. RECEP. On publications of Sen Byrd’s “The Senate 1789-1989” Senator Dole’s Schedule – Week of February 20-26, 1989 Page 4. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24 10:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Dale Sherman (video project) (Walt arr) [handwritten (10:30 S-230 Cap. Mark, Whit & Greg)] [handwritten (2:00 S-230 CapS-230 Cap. Markmtg. w/ Peter Wallison, Trese & Martin Zeplin (no thrifts) (David arr)] SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26 10:45 NYC SPEAK- Jewish Comm. Relations 11:30 NYC FR for Sen. Dole (Charlie G. arr) 13:30 NYC FR LUNCHEON for Sen. by D’amato 5-7:00 Watergate South lobby WINE & CHEESE PARTY [handwritten (Betty)] SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE – Week of February 13-19, 1989 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13 10:00 S-230 Cap. INT. w/ Jim Gannon, Detroir News 11:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Bill Lacy TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 [handwritten (8:30 1875 Eye St. NW- Suite 800 SPEAK- Tobacco Inat. Wash. Working Bkfst)] 10:30 Sheraton Charlton Chandelier Rm. SPEAK – Dow Jones Editorial Board/ Bd. Of Directors 11:00 Convention Ctr. [handwritten (Conference Rm “A” – 10th St. side)] SPEAK – Nat’l Electric Coop. Assn. 12:30 4880 MacArthur Blvd. RIBBON-CUTTING – St. John’s Child Development Center (Mitch arr.) 338-3726 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15 [handwritten (10:30 S-230 Cap. Int w/ Sharon Silverman)] 12:45 SD-366 Energy Subc. SPEAK – Nat’l Forum Foundation THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16 [handwritten (10:00 Ag Dept- Patio Clay Tom Yewtter’s Swearing-In (Barbara Nelson 447-7095)] [handwritten (gate open 9-9:30)] [handwritten (10:15 (mop hg. Avail) Independence [illegible] to be there 9:30)] [handwritten (6:00 Dep. Nat’l euraute Florida)] FRIDAY, FEBURARY 17 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19 SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE – Week of February 6-12, 1989 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6 2:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Dr. Robert Windom, Ass’t Sec, HHS (courtesy call on departure) 3:30 S-230 or SH-141 MTG. w/ Paul Hoffman, Amnesty Int’l (seeing Al & Jeff – Sen. briefly) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7 [handwritten (9:45s-230 Cap. Photo w/ Ks. School Bd. Owen (Chris arr)] 11:00 S-230 Cap. INT. w/ Tom Friedman, N.Y. TIMES Diplomatic Corres. (Al arr) 11:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. wJ.P. Kim, former Korean P.M. [handwritten (11:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg. of Armed Services Caucus] 12:00 S-211 Cap. POLICY LINCHEON 2:00 SD-138 EISENHOWER COMM. MTG. (David) 2:00 SD-224 Cap. AG. COMM. (Vote on Yeutter nom) [handwritten (3:15 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Nancy Daley & Stacy Einkln, H.A (Chris arr.) [handwritten (3:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Shirley McKay Wiseman, New Pres, Home Bulder & Bob Bamister & Kent Cotton & Marrie Semiatin Photographer 4:00 SR-259 MTG. to confirm Finance Subc. Assignments 4:30-6:30 S-211 Cap. RECEP. By Am. Insurance Assn. 6:30-?? W.Hse (East gate) RECEP. By Pres. & Mrs. Bush for freshman Sen. & House Members & spouses (Sen. & Eliz. Invited ) [handwritten (O.K w/ Eln)] Senator Dole’s Schedule – Week of February 6-12, 1989 Page 2 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8 [handwritten (8:45- 10:15 S-207 Cap. Hellenic Am Ldrship Conf. (stop by) [rest is illegible] 10:00 Interior Dept. SWEARING-IN of Manuel Luajan [handwritten (No)] [handwritten (10:30-12:45 SD-138 Hellenic Am. Ldship Conf. (stop by) [rest is illegible]] 12:00-?? [handwritten (S.207)] CAP. LUNCHEON by Mitchell for Nat’l League of Cities members from across country (stop by) Laura X45556) 12-2:00 SR-325 LUNCHEON by Atlanta Jewish Federation (stop by??) [handwritten (2:15 S-230 Cap Photo w/ David Senter, AAAM ament AAM Ldrship (Mark arr))] [handwritten (2:15 S-230 Cap. Courtesy of [illegible]] 2:30 S-230 Cap. INT. w/ Dr. Patricia Wallace, Baylor U. or her book on Margaret Chase Smooth 3-5:00 S-207 Cap. RECEP. For Sen. & Mrs. Mike Mansfield (Biden hosting) [handwritten (4:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ [illegible] 5-7:00 H-130 Cap. RECEP. By MADD (Members only) [crossed out (5:00-?? SH-303Specter’s ofc. Senate Old Testament Bible Class)] [handwritten (5:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Dewenski & Korologos [illegible]] [handwritten (7:15 Park Hyatt 2401 24th & M Ballrm Fayer SPEAK- “Thank you” Recep & Banquet by Americans – Catholics Rontiffs from Armenia & Lebanon attndg. (Sen. & Tony Coehlo each speak 5-6 min)] Senator Dole’s Schedule – Week of February 6-12, 1989 Page3. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9 7:45 Watergate Hotel [handwritten (Rm 1017)] Sen. & Eliz. On GOOD MORNING AMERICA (be there by 7:15 – per Press) [handwritten (10:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg. W/ Warner)] [handwritten (11:00 S230 Cap. Mtg. w/ West German State [illegible], Mr. Schaenble (Al arr))] [handwritten (11:30 H-148 Cap. Svellon Hz mtg. W/ Catholic of America & Lebanon w/ [illegible]] [handwritten (1:30 SR-325)] [handwritten (1:40 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Robert Paclin, Cksm, Comm on Alcoholism)] 6:00=?? Library of Cong. Great Hall RECEP. By CRS following “Bicentinnial Research Conf. 6:30-8:30 S-211 SECRETARY’S SUPPER by Joe Stewart for members & spouses preceding State of Union msg [handwritten (O.K. w/ Eli)] [handwritten (8:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. e/ Mitchell & Warner, Boyclin Gray)] 9:00 House Chamber STATE OF UNION ADDRESS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10 [handwritten (10:15 SR-349 Briefing by Darmin(?) on budget)] [handwritten (10:30 S-230 mtg w/ McGrath)] [handwritten (11:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Latin Americans (Al arr)] [handwritten (11:00 S-230 Cap. Photo w. Stephanie [illegible] (3 yrs. Old from Mass) Carol mother, Kennedy; sister & Brian Whiting, brother)] SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12