SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE- Week of May 18- 14, 1987 MONDAY, MAY 18 (separate schedule for Mississippi events) 11:00 Cleveland, Miss. SPEAK- Delta Council 4:30-6:30 S-270 Cap. RECEP. By Int’l Auto Dealers [handwritten (5:15-6:30 Watch Hilton Recep. By AIPAC)] Senator Dole’s Schedule- Week of May 18-24, 1987 Page 2. TUESDAY, MAY 19 8:15-9:30 345 CHOB BKFST. RECEP. BY AIPAC (DALE?) 9:00 Senate Floor SPEAK briefly- Cong. Senior Citizen Intern participants (approx. 200) (Cochran request) 9:30 S-230 CAP. MTG. w/ Helms, Warner, Quayle re DOD auth bill [crossed out (10:30 S-230 Cap. INT. w/ Bill Kruger, RALEIGH NEWS-OBSERVER)] 10:30 SH-141 Dale mtg. w/Ks. AIPAC group 10:30 SR-332 NUTRITION SUBC. 11:00 Sen. Floor CLOTURE VOTE 11:15 11-12:00 S-120 CAP. RECEP. By Am. Public Works Assn. on “Eisenhower-Jennings Randolph Public Works Fellowship Program” Betw. 12:15 & 2:15 Cap. Hill Club [handwritten (Pvt. Dining Rm.)] SPEAK- New Jersey GOP Group [handwritten (484-4590)] 12:30 S-211 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON [handwritten (2:15 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Mark Reid & Jim Campi (resupport for “88))] [crossed out (tent. 2:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Pres. Soares (Al arr))] 2:40 S-230 Cap. PHOTO w/ handicapped employees of New England Telephone & Hal’s Pals doll & presen. By Am. Pride, Inc. (Joe arr))] 2:45 S-230 Cap. PHOTO w/ 16 Coffeyville Jr. College students (Greg arr))] [crossed out (tent.)] 3:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Clayton Yuetter re Trade Bill (5 min) Susan Nelson 395-3204) 3:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Russ Myer (JoAnne arr) [crossed out (tent. 3:45 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Russ Meyer (JoAnne arr)] Tent. 4:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Malcolm Thomas, Huntsville, Ala. & Pres., Ala State Assn. of Elks (re black support for ’88) Clay Collins referred Approx. 5:00 Depart Butler Terminal – National enroute Miami (separate schedule for Miami events) Senator Dole’s Schedule – Week of May 18-14, 1987 Page 3. WEDNESDAY, MAY 20 (separate schedule for Miami events) [handwritten (9:45 James Vet. 11:00 ChiChi’s)] 10:00 SR-332 AG COMM. (FIFRA HRGS) 10:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (Peter McPherson nom) 12:00 Miami SPEAK- Cuban-American Day Approx. 3:30 Arr. Butler – National 5-7:00 SD-106 RECEP. By SBA (Greg) [handwritten (5:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Chuck Piggot, Pres, PACCAR (now Finance Chrm – State of Wash.)] 5:30-7:30 Madison Library Montpelier Rm. RECEP. By Holocaust Council for Pres. Soares (X 56131) 6-8:00 Cap. Hill Club FR RECEP. For Fred Grandy “Iowa Pre-Pre Caucus” theme (will take straw poll at event) [handwritten (6:45 photos)] 7:00 Sheraton Grand Ballroom SPEAK – The Heritage Foundation TUESDAY, MAY 21 [handwritten betw. 9 & 11:30 S-211 Cap. Demonstration of closed caption for hearing impaired for Sen. debate)] 10:00 SR-301 RULES COMM. (MARK-UP-SUPPL.FUNDING FOR AG COMM. & ALT. SEN. SUBWAY 10:15 S-230 CAP. COURTESY CALL- MIKE MOORE, NEW ZEALAND TRADE MIN. (DAVE 328-4846) [handwritten (10:30)] CONF. RM.-S-230 MTG. W/ TERRY GOLDEN, GSA ADMIN. RE K.C., KS. CTHOUSE (MIKE WILL MEET- SEN. STOP BY BRIEFLY) [handwritten (nowhere by 11:00 11:15-11:30 W.Hse- Rose Garden (or old EOB NW Gate) also crossed out] Singing Ceremony “Fuel Use Act” Becky 456-7054 12:00 PHOTO w/ LEADER FOR PANARAMA (MARGI) [handwritten (mtg w/ John Erthein, H.A. (JoAnee arr there Dave Keene) se Celif FR)] 12:45 J. W. MARRIOTT GRANDBALLRM. SALON ii SPEAK – NAT’L GOP WOMEN’S CONF. (KELLY 863-8545) 2:30 S-230 CAP. MTG. w/ DALE HILPERT, PRES. & CEO, OVLUME SHOE, TOPEKA (RANDY MILLER WILL ACCOMPANY) RANDY 637-6842 [handwritten (3:00 S-230 Mt w/ Bill Krueger, Raleigh News Absemer (illegible)] [handwritten (3:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Bosehwitz)] 5:30-7:30 SD-106 RECEP. FOR SENIOR CITIZEN INTERNS 5:30-7:30 GRAND HOTEL FAREWELL RECEP. FOR ISRELI AMB. ROSEANNE (SEN. A CO-HOST) 6:30 DECATUR HOUSE 748 HACKSON PL,NW DINNER BY MONSANTO BOARD OF DIRS. (STOP BY??) RECESS BEGINS CLOSE OF BUSINESS SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE – WEEK OF MAY 18-24 PAGE 5 FRIDAY, MAY 22 [handwriting (9:45 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Ron Lauder (Elizabeth Posen 333-8380; 8379009309)] [handwritten (10:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Jen Cameron (965-1065- home)] [handwritten (10:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Dan Casey, Grone City res. Am. Conservative Union (546-6555)] [handwritten (10:45 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Bill Lecher & Randy Russell (10 min) Joyce 546-6501 [handwritten (11:00 S-230 Cap. Photo & presentation of book “Pioneer Spirit” by Lyle White Wichita & wife, Barbara of M/M Dan Brenda Zalondek(?), Wichita (Tabard Inn) Phoot & Mtg. w/ interns] [handwritten (11:30 Barber Shop Hair cut- Senator)] [handwritten (12:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Robert Hefner III, Okla. (new Co-chair) & Kirk & Bob Woody)] 215 DEPART NAT’L AIRPORT – BUTLER AVIATION SAVANNAH, GA. SPEAK – GA. GOP CONVENTION 7:45PM DEPART SAVANNAH ENROUTE BUTLER – NATIONAL APPROX. 9:20 ATTIVE BUTLER - NATIONAL SATURDAY, MAY 23 [handwritten (9:30 SH-141 mtg. w/ John Hardley)] [handwritten (9:45 SH-141 “ “ Rick Smith)] SUNDAY, MAY 24 [handwritten (Joyce/ Betty/ JoAnne)] BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE ILLINOIS STAFF: Glassner CONTACT: WALSH- (202) 745-1083 Beeper: (202) 259-9413 HARRISON (202) 546-2354 Beeper: (220) 259-9412 FINAL TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1987 8:10am DEPART for Butler National Airport 8:25am ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 8:30am WHEELS-UP for Chicago, IL Aircraft: Falcon 50 Tail no.: 5DL Flight time: 1 hour 45 minutes Pilots Seats: 8 Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner 9:15am ARRIVE Chicago, Il --- Midway airport Met by: Todd Porter – Daniels’ staff/ Cook County coordinator FBO: Bitler Aviation 312/767-4400 9:20am-9:35am GREET SUPPORTERS at airport – area Republican leaders Location: holding room 9:40am- 10:10am NEWS AVAIL and LEADERSHIP ANNOUNCEMENT 10:15am WHEELS-UP for Rockford, IL Aircraft: Falcon 50 Tail number: 5DL Flight time: 30 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole Glassner, Brown, Lee Daniels, Pam Daniels, Gene Hoffman – Sr. Repub in House, Mark Shroeder – Daniel’s aide 10:45 am ARRIVE Rockford, IL Met by: Terry McLennand – Daniels’ staff FBO: Hartzog Aviation 815/987-4100 10:50am11:05am GREET SUPPORTERS at airport 11:10am- 11:40am NEWS AVAIL – LEADERSHIP ANNOUNCEMENT Page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE ILLIINOIS TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1987 11:50am WHEELS-UP for Springfield, IL Aircraft: Falcon 50 Tail number: 5DL Flight time: 1 hour Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Brown, Lee Daniels, Pan Daniels, Hoffman Schroeder 12:50 pm ARRIVE Springfield, IL – Capitol Airport Met by: Craig Burkhart FBO: Aero Services 217/544-8882 12:55pm DEPART for the Capitol – 10” drive time 1:05pm ARRIVE Capitol and proceed to RALLY Met by: Bil Atwood – Daniels’ staff 1:10pm-1:30pm GREET SUPPORTERS Location: Capitol Rotunda 1:35pm-1:50pm NEWS AVAIL – LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 1:50pm-2:15pm ATTEND lunch with Representative Daniels Location: Room 300 of Capitol 2:20pm-2:30pm ONE-ON-ONE with Secretary of State – James Edgar 2:35pm-2:45pm RENATIVE ONE-ON0-ONE 2:50pm DEPART for the Airport – 10” drive time 3:00pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Aero Services 217/544-8882 Page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE ILLINOIS TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1987 3:10pm WHEELS-UP for Peoria, IL Aircraft: Falcon 50 Tail no.: 5DL Flight time: 30 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Brown, Lee Daniels, Pan Daniels, Hoffman Schroeder 3:40pm ARRIVE Peoria, IL Met by: Kim Donahue – Daniels’s staff/ Political Director FBO: Byerly Aviation 309/697-6300 3:45pm- 4:00pm GREET SUPPORTERS Location: holding room 4:05pm-4:35pm NEW CONFERENCE – LEADERSHIP ANNOUNCEMENT 4:45pm WHEELS-UP for Galesburg, IL Aircraft: Falcon 50 Tail number: 5DL Flight time: 20 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Brown, Lee Daniels, Pam Daniels, Hoffman Schroeder 5:10pm ARRIVE Galesburg, IL and proceed to the departing car Met by: Mike Atterberry, Kevin Evans FBO: Porshe/Galesburg Inc. 309/342-3134 5:15pm DEPART for the Galesburg, IL Holiday Inn – 10” drive time Holiday Inn -Galesburg Highway 32 an Route 2 Galesburg, IL 5:25pm ARRIVE Holiday Inn and proceed to MEDIA 309/344-1111 page 4 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE ILLINOIS TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1987 5:30pm- 5:55pm NEWS AVAIL 6:00pm- 6:40pm ATTEND the Knox County FR Reception 309/344-1111 location: pool side attendance: 150-175 format: mix/mingle event runs: 6-6:45pm contact: Frank Gustine 309/343-6115 6:45pm PROCEED to the head-table line-up 6:50pm HEAD-TABLE LINE-UP 6:55pm DAIS GUESTS PROCEED to HBAD-TABLE 7:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Knox County FR Dinner 309/343-6115 Location: Ballroom attendance: 300-400 ticket: 258 Facility; Head-table of 30, raised dais, table-top podium and mike PROGRAM: 7:05pm DINNER SERVED 7:10pm WELCOME of Dinner Guests 7:15pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by 7:20pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 7:50pm CONCLUSION of remarks by Senator Dole 7:55pm DEPART for the airport - 10" drive time 8:05pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Porsche/Galeasburg Inc. 309/342-3134 THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING AT WILSON BLVD. SAFEWAY #1358 COORS REG 3.29 Y CC TRKY RST 1.99 T 1@2/ 5.00 G CHABLIS 2.50 T 1@ 2/5.00 G CHABLIS 2.50 T 1@ 2/5.00 .65LB @ 2LB/ .79 CARROTS .26 T D M HRD SALM 2.48 T GS MX ITALIAN 2.24 T K DRIED BEEF 1.39 T BE PORK RIND 1.35 T MANGOES 1.29 T BE PORK RIND 1.35 T TAX .93 BALNCE DUE 21.57 CHECK TENDER 21.57 CHANGE DUE .00 5/16/87 14:20 LANE 5 515 page 5 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE ILLINOIS TUESDAY,MAY 26, 1987 8:10pm WHEELS-UP for Washington, D.C aircraft: Falcon 50 tail number: 5D0L flight time: 1 hour 45 minutes manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner 10:55pm +lhr ARRIVE Washington, D.C. FBO: Butler Aviation Met by: Wilbert 703/549-8340 11:00pm DEPART for residence 11:15pm ARRIVE residence and proceed to private [handwritten (JoAnne/Joyce/Betty)] BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE MEMORIAL DAY RECESS STAFF: GLASSNER WALSH: 202/745-1083 Beeper: 202/259-9413 HARRISON: 202/546-2354 Beeper: 202/259-9412 FINAL: MAY 21, 1987 FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1987 1:55pm DEPART for Butler Aviation/National Airport 2:10pm ARRIVE Butler Aviation and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler 703/549-8340 2:15pm WHEELS-UP for Savannah, Georgia flight time: l hour 45 minutes aircraft: Saberliner 65 tail no.: 943cc pilots: Jim Robinson, Buddy Rogers seats: 7 manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Robin Dole 4:00pm ARRIVE Savannah, Georgia and proceed to departing car FBO: Butler Aviation 912/964-1557 met by: Frank Reno - Dole Advance 4:05pm DEPART for the Savannah Civic Center drive time 15 minutes Savannah Civic Center Corner of Montgomery and Liberty Street Savannan, Georgia 4:20pm ARRIVE che Civic Center and proceed to the raised dais 912/238-0625 page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE GEORGIA FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1987 4:30pm-5:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Georgia State Convention 912/238-0625 attendance: 1000 location: Martin Luther King Arena facility: Raised platform with free-standing podium contact: Becca King 404/870-2800 PROGRAM: 4:30pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Johnay Isakson - House Republican Leader 912/238-0625 4:35pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 912/238-0625 4:55pm CONCLUSION EPART for MEDIA 5:05pm- 5:20pm NEWS AVAIL 912/238-0625 location: 2nd Ploor of Civic Center- Freedom Shrine Room 5: 25pm DEPART for the Hyatt Regency -drive time 15 minutes Hyatt Regency 2 West Bay Street Savannah, Georgia 5:40pm ARRIVE Hyatt and proceed to ONE-ON-ONES 912/238-1234 5:45pm-5:55pm ONE-ON-ONE with Jonn Stuckey - Candidate for State Chairman 912/238-1234 location: Suite 406 6:00pm-6:10pm ONE-ON-ONE with William Sprague President of Savannah Food and Industries - 912/238-1234 locations Suite 406 6:l0pm-6:25pm ONE-ON-ONE with Steve Fehr = KC Times 912/238-1234 Location - Senator's Suite- 406 page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE GRORGIA FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1987 6:30pm-6:45pm ONE-ON-ONE with Bill Nigut WBS-TV (ABC) 912/238-1234 location: Senator's Suite 406 6:50pm- 73:20pm DROP-BY the "Georgia Salute to the Republican Leadership" 912/238-1234 attendance: 400-500 location: Grand Ballroom ticket: $50 format: mix/mingle event runs: 1 hour 45 minutes PROGRAM: 7:00pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Paul Coverdale - outgoing State Chairman and State Senate Republican Leader 7:05pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 7:20pm CONCLUSION of Remarks 7:30pm DEPART for the airport - 15° drive time 7:48pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aireraft FBO: Butler Aviation 912/964-1587 7:55pm WHEELS-UP for Washington DC flight time: 1 nour 45 minutes aircraft: Saberliner 65 tail no.: 943cC pilots: Jim Robinson, Buddy Rogers manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Robin Dole 9:55pm ARRIVE Washington D.C. FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 Met by: Wilbert page 4 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1987 9:35pm DEPART for residence 9:50pm ARRIVE Residence SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1987 FREE----- DAY----------WASHINGTON, D.C. SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1987 FREE----- DAY----------WASHINGTON, D.C. MONDAY, MAY 25, 1987 FREE----- DAY----------WASHINGTON, D.C. BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE MISSISSIPPI STAFF: GLASSNER WALSH: 202/745-1083 Beeper: 202/259-9413 HARRISON: 202/546-2354 Beeper: 202/259-9412 FINAL MONDAY, MAY 18, 1987 8:10am DEPART for Washington National 8:25am ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler 703/549-8340 8:30am WHEELS-UP for Indianola, Mississippi flight time: 2 hours 30 minutes aircraft: Citation II tail no.: 559BC pilots: David Edward. Van Phillips seats: 6 Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Macon Edwards, Don Wallace 10:00am -lhr ARRIVE Indianola airport and proceed to departing car FBO: Lewis Hangar 601/887-3211 contact: Carolyn in Mr. Lewis' office met by: John Binder - Advance Frank Mitchener - Former Pres. of Delta Council & Farmer's for Dole committee 10:05am DEPART for Delta State University in Cleveland, Mississippi - drive time 25 minutes 10:30am ARRIVE University and proceed to North side of Siller's Coliseum for holding room 10:40am-10:45am HOLDING ROOM 601/846-4005 met by: Senator Cochran 10:50am DEPART for STAGE of Auditorium for ADDRESS page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE MISSISSIPPI MONDAY, MAY 18, 1987 11:00am-11:30pm ADDRESS the Mississippi Delta Council Annual Meeting 601/846-4005 location: Walter Sillers Auditorium attendance: 2000-3000 event runs: 10-12pm PROGRAM: 11:05am INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Senator Cochran 11:10am REMARKS by Senator Dole 11:30am CONCLUSION of remarks 11:35am PROCEED to NEWS AVAIL from the east side of the Coliseum 11:40am-12:00pm NEWS AVAIL location: Second Floor of Coliseum 12:05pm DEPART for the Catfish Fry on the Delta State Campus by foot 12:15pm-1:00pm ATTEND Catfish Fry location: Field on campus - a grove across the highway attendance: 2000-3000 event runs: 12-2pm 1:05pm DEPART for the airport - drive time 25 minutes FBO: Lewis Hangar 601/887-3211 1:30pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft 1:35pm WHEELS-UP for Washington D.C. flight time: 2 hours 30 minutes aircraft: Citation II tail no.: 559BC pilots: David Edward, Van Phillips seats: 6 manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Edwards Wallace page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE MISSISSIPPI MONDAY, MAY 18, 1987 5:05pm +lhr ARRIVE Washington DC and proceed to departing car FBO: Butler 703/549-8340 met by: Wilbert 5:10pm DEPART for residence 5:25pm ARRIVE and proceed to private BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE MUNDELEIN, ILLINOIS STAFF: GLASSNER WALSH: 202/745-1083 Beeper: 202/259-9413 HARRISON: 202/546-2354 Beeper: 202/259-9412 FINAL FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1987 4:05pm DEPART for National Airport 4:25pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 4:30pm WHEELS-UP for Mundelein, Illinois flight time: 1 hour 45 minutes aircraft: Falcon 50 tail no.: 908EF pilots: Jim Rozinek, John Granskog seats: 9 manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner 5:15pm -lhr ARRIVE Mundelein, Illinois - Palwaukee Airport FBO: Hangar #9 312/459-3636 met by: Andy Stringer 5:20pm DEPART for the Mundelein Holiday Inn drive time 20 minutes Mundelein Holiday Inn Hwy. 45 & 83 Mundelein, IL 5:40pm ARRIVE Holiday Inn and proceed to NEWS AVAIL 5:45pm- 6:05pm NEWS AVAIL 312/949-5100 location: Rooms 106-108 6:10pm- 6:40pm ATTEND the VIP Reception of of the Lake County GOP 312/949-5100 event runs: 6-7pm ticket: $175 attendance: 100 location: Camelot Room contact: Margaret Metzler 312/623-0235 format: Mix/Mingle PAGE 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE MUNDELEIN, ILLINOIS FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1987 6:45pm-7:05pm DROP-BY the General Reception of the Lake County GOP 312/949-5100 location: foyer of the ballroom attendance: 600-700 format: Mix/Mingle event runs: 6-7:15pm 7:10pm- ONE-ON-ONE 312/949-5100 7:30pm NOTE: Brown coordinated 7:35pm-8:15pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Lake County GOP FR Dinner 312/949-5100 location: Ballroom attendance: 600-700 ticket: $50 facility: tables of 10, raised platform for the free-standing podium with mike PROGRAM: NOTE: We will speak and DEPART (Dinner is being delayed) 7:36pm INVOCATION by Reverend Clark Grew 7:40pm WELCOME and INTRO of Cong. Crane by Bob McCormick - Presiding Officer 7:45pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Cong 312/949-5100 7:50pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 312/949-5100 8:15pm CONCLUSION of remarks 312/949-5100 8:25pm DEPART for the Palwaukee Airport - drive time 20 minutes 8:45pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Hangar #9 312/459-3636 page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE ILLINOIS FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1987 8:50pm WHEELS-UP for WDC flight time: 1 hour 45 minutes aircraft: Falcon 50 tail no.: S08EF pilots: Jim Rozinek, John Granskog seats: 9 Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner 11:35pm ARRIVE Washington DC and proceed to departing car FBO: Butler 703/549-8340 met by: Wilbert 11:40pm DEPART for residence 11:55pm ARRIVE residence [handwritten (Betty)] SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 11 - 17, 1987 MONDAY, MAY 11 [handwritten (chg to 3:00)] [crossed out (11:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Dean Kleckner, Mary Kay Thatcher & Pau; Fleener (Mark arr))] (separate schedule for Senator's Penna. trip) 5:30-7:00 S-120 CAP. RECEP. for Young Playrights Award Recipients (Amanda Wilcox, Shawnee Mission one of two winners) (Sen. a co-host) Downingtown, Pa SPEAK ~ Chester County Annual GOP Spring Dinner Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 11-17,1987 Page 2. TUESDAY, MAY 12 8:00 Sheraton Wash. SPEAK - Nat'l Assn. of Realtors Sheraton & Wash. Ballrooms [handwritten (9:30-10:30 W. Hse Cabinet Rm Mtg. w/ Pres. Hse/ Sen GOP Ldrship (illegible) DOD auth & budget budget process)] [handwritten (10:40 DOT Auditorium 20th ann. Celebration – DOT)] [crossed out (tent. 11:30 S-230 Cap. PRESS CONF. w/ other Senators re PLO)] [handwritten (11:45 S-221 Mtg. w/ Byrd)] 12:30 S-221 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON [handwritten (2:30 S-230 Photo w/ Amanda Wilson)] [handwritten (3:00 S-230 Mtg. w/ Dean Kleckner, Mary Kay Thatcher & Paul Flecher)] [handwritten (3:45 W. Hse- Oval Ofc (N.W. Gate) Signing Ceremony “Just Say No” to Drugs (Becky 456-6493)] [handwritten (tent 4:30 S-230 mtg w/ Macon Edwards)] 5-7:00 J.W. Marriott RECEP. For Bush by GOP Heritage Council (similar to one for Sen. Dole last year) 5-7:30 S-207 Cap. RECEP. by Am. Protestant Health Assn (Sheila/Lynn) 5:30-7:30 B-338 RHOB RECEP. by Water Resources Congress 6-7:00 SR-328A RECEP. by Nat'l Milk Producers Fed. (Mark S./Ron) 6-2? [handwritten (6:00)] 1301 LHOB RECEP. by Chicago Merc. (Mark S.) 6-8:00 Willard Crystal Rm. FR RECEP. for Lugar (Sen. co-host) 6-8:00 Nat'l Press Bldg. RECEP. by SBA for Small Business Award Winners (Wm. Addis, Pres., Sunset Prods, Wichita, a winner) (Greg) 6:30 & 7:30 Hay Adams [handwritten (Federal Suite #708)] CA FR RECEP. & DINNER Senator Dole's Schedule — Week of May 11-17, 1987 Page 3. WEDNESDAY, MAY 13 8:30 Westin Hotel Ballroom II SPEAK - Am. Bakers Assn, [handwritten (10:00 Sen. Press Gallery Press Conf- re PLO)] [handwritten (11:45 S-230 Int w/ Hispanic Am. [illegible] (10-15 min) margi arr)] 11:00 S-230 Cap. photo w/ Gordon McKay, New England Life [handwritten (Harriet 328-3636) (& Jay Freeman, 10 yrs old. [illegible]] [handwritten (11:45 Hyatt-Columbia "A&B" rm. SPEAK- Arr Society of [illegible] Exes- Jim Albertmie 12:15-2:00 SD-192 LUNCHEON by Mid-Manhattan PAC (Jewish Orgn.) hosted by Leahy (stop by??) [handwritten (12:15)] 12:30 Anton's [handwritten (Truman rm)] SPEAK - Int'l U. S. Chamber group [handwritten (Bob Brown 879-3458)] 12:30 Hay Adams Lafayette Rm. LUNCHEON w/ business leaders (Sen. must arrive by 1:00) [handwritten (2:10 S-230 Cap. mtg w/ Bruse Meyer, Art Model, Dick Ferris, [illegible]] 2:30 H-204 Cap. MTG. on Capitol security (Wright, Dole, Michel,George White, Byrd) (Kathy Mitchell X58040) [handwritten (cancelled) crossed out (3:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Iacocco & Tom K.)] 5-7:00 SR-325 RECEP. by Southern Eletronics CEO's (stop by??) Greg 5-7:00 EF-100 Cap. RECEP. for Coehlo by Florists Trans-world Delivery. & Horticulture Hiring Disabled (Joe) 5-7:00 SD-106 RECEP. by Am. Electronics Assn. 5:30-6:30 DFP Hdgtrs. RECEP. following Co-Chair briefing 5:30-7:30 210 CHOB RECEP. & Showing of film by Comm. for Responsible Fed. Budget ( [handwritten (6-7:00 Sheraton Wash- Fayer Recep Dinner 20th Annual SBA)] 6-8:00 Cap. Hill Club FR RECEP. for Bob Livingston for Gov. (Sen. co-host) [handwritten (6-? Watergate Hotel- Suite 1016 Recep by Sinn of S.W. Bell)] [handwritten (7:30) [crossed out 7-9:00 Flower Mill 1015-33rd St, NW Apt. 409 DINNER w/ reports)][handwritten (cancelled)] Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 11-17, 1987 Page 4. THURSDAY, MAY 14 8:30 Grand Hotel Federation Mayfair Restaurant (lobby level) [handwritten (2350 M St. N.W)] SPEAK - Am. Retail [handwritten (9:00 SR-301 Riles Comm (Ag. Comm pupal. Funding & alt capitol [illegible])] [handwritten (9:30 SR-332 Ag Comm (mash of Ag. Trade out)] [handwritten (10:00 S-230 mtg. w/ [illegible])] 11:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Ks. Home Builders (10-12) [handwritten (12:00 mtg w/ N. Baker, Domenic Rodman, [illegible] & Packwood (rebudget))] 12-1:30 Anton’s LUNCHEON by Ks. Fdn. For Medical Care (Lynn) [handwritten (2:15 S-230 Photo w/ Mo. SBA winner (Luke arr)] [handwritten (2:30 S-230 Int. KSN- Greg Gamer (30 min) re 88- Bert arr.)] [handwritten (3:15 S- Mtg. w/ John Datt, Am. [illegible])] [handwritten (4:30 Sen. Recording Studio RNC Task Force on Rural Arr.)] 5:30-7:00 2168A & B RECEP. By Am. Group Practice Assn. (Lynn) 6-8:00 Hyatt Reg. [handwritten (Valley Forge Rm.)] RECEP. – 15th Annual Reunion of RNC staff of ’71-’72 (Sen. only) 6:30-8:00 J.W. Marriott Capitol Ballrm. RECEP. By Empl. Stock Ownership Assn [handwritten (7:30 Merrywood Mchean Alan Kay’s home 700 Chain Bretge Road Recap for Am. Career Soc beenfactor by Alan Kay)] Senator Dole’s Schedule – Week of May 11-17, 1987 Page 5 FRIDAY, MAY 15 8:30 Convention Ctr. Exposition Level Hall “C” [handwritten (9th St. Entrance Bob Baninter w/ Kent Colton will meet you)] SPEAK – Nat’l Assn. of Home Builders 9:00 SR-332 AG COMM. (hrgs. On Alt. Ag Prod. Res) 11:00 USDA Jefferson Auditorium SPEAK – USDA Anniversary 11:45 Mayflower [handwritten (Ballroom)] SPEAK – Am. Cotton Shippers 12-1:00 West Front Capitol Peace Ofcrs. Memorial Day Service (Sen. asked to make brief comments) [handwritten (1:30 S-230 Cap. Photo w/ Kings Country GO Club member- Seattle [illegible])] 9seperate schedule for weekend) Mundelein Holiday Inn SPEAK – Lake County, Ill. GOP Dinner SATURDAY, MAY 16 [handwritten (9:30 Watergate Jerr Budget w/ Ellsworth, Lacy, Keene, [llegible])] 5-7:00 Manchester, NH RECEP. w/ Sen. & Eliz. SUNDAY, MAY 17 1:00 Nashua, N.H. SPEAK – Daniel Webster College Commencement [handwritten (JoAnne/Joyce/Betty)] BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE MUNDELEIN, ILLINOIS STAFF: GLASSNER WALSH: 202/745-1083 Beeper: 202/259-9413 HARRISON: 202/546-2354 Beeper: 202/259-9412 FINAL: MAY 21, 1987 FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1987 1:55pm DEPART for Butler Aviation/National Airport 2:10pm ARRIVE Butler Aviation 4nd proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler 703/549-9340 2:15pm WHEELS-up fo; Savannah, Georgia flight time: l hour 45 minutes aircrart: Saberliner 65 tail no.: 943cc Pilots: Jim Robinson, Buddy Rogers Seats: 7 manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Robin Dole 4:00pm ARRIVE Savannah, Georgia and proceed to departing car FBO: Butler Aviation 912/964-1557 met by: Frank Reno - Dole Advance 4:05pm DEPART for the Savannah Civic Center drive time 15 Minutes Savannah Clvic Center Corner of Montgomery and Liberty Street Savannah, Georgia 4:20pm ARRIVE the Civic Center and proceed to the raised dais 912/238-0625 page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE GEORGIA FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1987 4:30pm-5:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Georgia State Convention 912/236-0625 attendance: 1060 location: Martin Luther King Arena facility: Raised platform with free-standing podium contact: Becca King 404/870-2800 PROGRAM: 4:30pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Johnny Isakson - House Republican Leader 912/238-0625 4:35pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 912/238-0625 4:55pm CONCLUSION EPART for MEDIA 5:05pm- 5:20pm NEWS AVAIL 912/238-0625 location: 2nd Ploor of Civic Center- Freedom Shrine Room 5:25pm DEPART for the Hyatt Regency - drive time 15 minutes Hyatt Regency 2 West Bay Street Savannah, Georgia 5:40pm ARRIVE Hyatt and proceed to ONE-ON-ONES 912/238-1236 5:45pm-5:55pm ONE-ON-ONE with John Stuckey - Candidate for State Chairman 912/238-1234 location: Suite 406 6:00pm-6:10pm ONE-ON-ONE with William Sprague - President of Savannah Pood and Industries 912/238-1234 location: Suite 406 6:l0pm-6:25pm ONE-ON-ONE with Steve Fehr - KC Times 912/238-1234 Location - Senator's Suite - 606 Page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE GEORGIA FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1987 6:30pm-6:45pm ONE-ON-ONE with Bill Nigut WBS&-TV (ABC) 912/238-1334 location: Senator's Suite 406 6:50pm-7:20pm DROP-BY the "Georgia Salute to the Republican Leadership" 912/236-1234 attendance: 400-500 location: Grand Ballroom ticket: 50 format: mix/mingle Event runs: 1 hour 45 minutes PROGRAM: 7:00pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Paul Coverdale - OuTgoing State Chairman and State Senate Republican Leader 7:05pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 7:20pm CONCLUSION of Remarks 7:30pm DEPART for the airport - 15" drive time 7:45pm ARRIVE airport and proceed TO departing aircraft FBO: Butler Aviation 912/964-1587 7:55pm WHEELS-UP for Washington DC flight time: 1 hour 45 minutes aircraft: Saberliner 65 tail no.: 943CC Pilots: Jim Robinson, Buddy Rogers Manifest: Senator Dole, Glasaner, Robin Dole 9:55pm ARRIVE Washington D.C. FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 Met by: Wilbert page 4 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE WDC FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1987 9:35pm DEPART for residence 9:50pm ARRIVE Residence SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1987 FREE----DAY----—--WASHINGTON, D.C. SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1987 FREE----DAY----—--WASHINGTON, D.C. MONDAY, MAY 25, 1987 FREE----DAY----—--WASHINGTON, D.C. [handwritten (JoAnne/Joyce/Betty)] BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE MEMORIAL DAY RECESS STAFF: GLASSNER WALSH: 202/745-1083 Beeper: 202/259-9413 HARRISON: 202/546-2354 Beeper: 202/259-9412 FINAL: MAY 21, 1987 FRIDAY, May 22, 1987 1:55pm DEPART for Butler Aviation/National Airport 2:10pm ARRIVE Butler Aviation and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler 703/549-8340 2:15pm WHEELS-UP for Savannah, Georgia flight time: l hour 45 minutes aircraft: Saberliner 65 tail no.: 943CC pilots: Jim Robinson, Buddy Rogers seats 7 manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Robin Dole 4:00pm ARRIVE Savannah, Georgia and proceed to departing car 4:05pm DEPART for the Savannah Civic Center drive time 15 minutes Savannah Civic Center Corner of Montgomery and Liberty Street Savannanh, Georgia 4:20pm ARRIVE the Civic Center and proceed to the raised dais 912/238-0625 page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE GEORGIA FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1987 4:30pm-5:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Georgia State Convention 912/238-0625 attendance: 1000 location: Martin Luther King Arena facility: Raised platform with free-standing podium contact: Becca King 404/870-2800 PROGRAM: 4:30pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Johnny Isakson - House Republican Leader 912/238-0625 4:35pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 912/238-0625 4:55pm CONCLUSION DEPART for MEDIA 5:05pm-5:20pm NEWS AVAIL 912/238-0625 location: 2nd floor of Civic Center - Freedom Shrine Room 5:25pm DEPART for the Hyatt Regency - drive time 15 minutes Hyatt Regency 2 West Bay Street Savannah, Georgia 5:40pm ARRIVE Hyatt and proceed to ONE-ON-ONES 912/238-1234 5:45pm-5:55pm ONE-ON-ONE with John Stuckey - Candidate for State Chairman 912/238-1234 location: Suite 406 6:00pm-6:10pm ONE-ON-ONE with William Sprague - President of Savannah Pood and Industries 912/238-1234 location: Suite 406 6:l0pm-6:25pm ONE-ON-ONE with Steve Fehr - KC Times 912/238-1234 location - Senator's Suite - 406 page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE GEORGIA FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1987 6:30pm-6:45pm ONE-ON-ONE With Bill Nigute WBS-TV (ABC) 912/238-1234 location: Senator's Suite 406 6:50pm-7:20pm DROP-BY the "Georgia Salute to the Republican Leadership" 912/238-1234 attendance: 400-500 location: Grand Ballroom ticket: $50 format: mix/mingle event runs: 1 hour 45 minutes PROGRAM: 7:00pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Paul Coverdale - outgoing State Chairman and STate Senate Republican Leader 7:05pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 7:20pm CONCLUSION of Remarks 7:30pm DEPART for the airport - 15" drive time 7:45pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler Aviation 912/964-1557 7:55pm WHEELS-UP for Washington DC . flight time: 1 hour 45 minutes aircraft: Saberliner 65 tail no.: 943CC pilots: Jim Robinson, Buddy Rogers manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Robin Dole 9:55pm ARRIVE Washington D.C. FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 Met by: Wilbert page 4 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE WDC FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1987 9:35pm DEPART for residence 9:50pm ARRIVE Residence SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1987 FREE----DAY----—--WASHINGTON, D.C. SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1987 FREE----DAY----—--WASHINGTON, D.C. MONDAY, MAY 25, 1987 FREE----DAY----—--WASHINGTON, D.C. [handwritten (Betty)] BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE PENNSYLVANIA STAFF: GLASSNER WALSH: 202/745-1083 Beeper: 202/259-9413 HARRISON: 202/546-2354 Beeper: 202/259-9412 FINAL MONDAY, MAY 11, 1987 12:40pm DEPART for Butler/National airport 12:55pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 1:00pm WHEELS-UP for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania aircraft: Lear 35 tail number: 920CC flight time: 45 minutes pilots: William Hutchinson, John Acton manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Berry 1:45pm ARRIVE AIRPORT and proceed to departing cars enroute the Franklin Plaza Hotel FBO: Atlantic Aviation 215/492-2970 1:50pm DEPART for the Franklin Plaza Hotel drive time - 20" Franklin Plaza Hotel 2 Franklin Plaza Philadelphia, PA 2:10pm ARRIVE hotel and proceed to the ballroom 215/448-2000 2:15pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Financial Analysts Federation Annual Conference 215/448-2000 Attendance: 1,000 Location: Ballroom Contact: Darwin Bayston 215/963-1590 Facility: Raised dais with table-top podium and mike Event runs: 12:15pm--2:45pm Head-table: Senator Dole and list to follow PROGRAM: page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE PHILADELPHIA, PA MONDAY, MAY 11, 1987 2:20pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by James von Germeten President of the Financial Analysts Federation 2:25pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 215/448-2000 2:45pm CONCLUSION of remarks by Senator Dole 2:55pm DEPART for the NEWS AVAIL location by foot 3:00pm-3:15pm NEWS AVAIL 215/448-2000 Location: Salon 9 3:20pm- 3:40pm BRIEF MEETING with Financial Analysts 215/448-2000 Location: Logan's Corner Attendee's: 15-20 3:45pm DEPART for the Four Seasons Hotel drive time 10 minutes Four Seasons Hotel One Logan Square Philadelphia, PA 3:55pm ARRIVE Four Seasons and proceed to event 4:00pm-5:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS Finance meeting being coordinated by Mr. Charlie Kopp location: The Jefferson Room attendance: 15-20 event runs: 4-5pm 5:10pm DEPART for the River Front Heliport 20" drive time 215/238-0580 The Fleet River Front Heliport Delaware & Poplar Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Contact: John O' Connell 5:30pm ARRIVE the heliport and proceed to the departing helicopter 215/238~0580 page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE PENNSYLVANIA MONDAY, MAY 11, 1987 5:35pm WHEELS-UP for Dowington, PA Aircraft: Bell 222 Tail number: 800CN Pilots: Bill Thayer, Flight time: 20 minutes Contact: Josie Thayer 215/282-4100 5:55pm ARRIVE the Brandywine Best Western Hotel heliport - (across from the hotel) 215/269-2000 Brandywine Best Western Hotel Route 30 - Lancaster Avenue Downington, PA 6:00pm DEPART for the hotel by foot The Brandywine Hotel - Best Western Route 30 - Lancaster Avenue Downingtown, Pennsylvania 6:05pm ARRIVE and PROCEED to PRIVATE 6:10pm—6:25pm PRIVATE 6:25pm-6:35pm ONE-ON-ONE with Bill Lamb - Chester County Chairman 6:40pm-7:00pm DROP-BY VIP reception on behalf of the Chester Co, GOP 215/269-2000 location: Chester Co. Room attendance: 50-75 ticket: $150 event runs: 6-7pm 7:05pm- ATTEND/ADDRESS the Chester Co, Annual Dinner Contact: Jack Davis Location: Ballroom Attendance: 700 event runs: 7-9pm PROGRAM: 7:10pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Bill Lamb - Chester County Chrm. 215/269-2000 page 4 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE PENNSYLVANIA MONDAY, MAY 11, 1987 7:15pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 7:35pm CONCLUSION of remarks 7:50pm DEPART for the Cheater Co, Airport drive time 15 minutes 8:05pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Chester Co. Aviation 215/384-8300 8:10pm WHEELS-UP for Washington DC flight time: 45 minutes aircraft: Lear 35 tall no.: 920CC pilots: William Hutchinson, John Acton manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Specter 8:55pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing car FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 met by: Wilbert 9:00pm DEPART for the residence 9:15pm ARRIVE residence and proceed to private BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE IOWA, KENTUCKY STAFF: GLASSNER WALSH: 202/745-1083 Beeper: 202/259-9413 HARRISON: 202/546-2354 Beeper: 202/259-9412 FINAL FRIDAY, MAY 1 3:40pm DEPART for the Butler/National 3:55pm ARRIVE Washington National and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler 703/549-8340 4:00pm WHEELS-UP for Des Moines, Iowa flight time: 2 hours 30 minutes aircraft: Falcon 10 tail no.: N900D pilots: Bill Butler, Henry Welch seats: 6 manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Grassley, Owen contact: Jane Arnold 713/641-6731 5:30pm ~lhr ARRIVE Des Moines, Iowa met by: Synhorst FBO: Des Moines Flying Service 518/288-4221 5:35pm DEPART for the Ft. Des Moines Hotel drive time 10 minutes Ft. Des Moines Hotel Walnut and 10th Street Des Moines, Iowa 5:40pm ARRIVE Hotel and proceed to private 515/243-1161 5:45pm-6:45pm ONE-ON-ONE'S 515/243-1371 TENTATIVE: DICK OLSON 7:05pm-7:40pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Iowa GOP RALLY 515/243-1161 attendance: 150-200 location: Grand Ballroom ticket: $25 event runs: 6:30-8pm page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE IOWA FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1987 7:45pm-7:55pm DROP-BY the IOWA GOP VIP FR Reception 515/243-1161 attendance: 8-10 location: Presidential suite ticket: $1,000 event runs: 7-8pn 8:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the IOWA GOP FR Dinner 515/243-1161 attendance: 150-200 location: Grand Ballroom ticket: $125 PROGRAM: 8:05pm WELCOME by Larry Pope 8:10pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Senator Grassley 518/243-1161 8:l5pm-8:35pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 8:40pm CONCLUSION of remarks by Senator Dole 8:45pm DEPART for the Des Moines Airport drive time 15 minutes 9:00pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Des Moines Flying Service 515/285-4221 9:05pm WHEELS-UP for Louisville, Kentucky flight time: 1 hour 15 minutes aircraft: Falcon 10 tail no.: N900D pilots: Bill Butler, Henry Welch manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Owen page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE KENTUCKY FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1987 11:20pm +lhr ARRIVE Louisville, Kentucky - Standiford Field FRO: Butler Aviation 502/368-2533 met by: Sara Cedarholm 11:25pm DEPART for The Seelbach Hotel - drive time 15 minutes The Seelbach Hotel 500 Fourth Avenue Louisville, Kentucky Contact: Governor's Security Steve O'Daniel No.: 502/564-8004 KY STATE POLICE 606/695-6309 DERBY COMMAND POST # Cong. Hopkins (h) 606/277~7398 B & W telecopier 502/568=7494 11:30pm ARRIVE hotel and proceed to private 502/585-3200 RON____LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1987 9:05am DEPART for Legislative Conference at the Brown & Williamson Tower drive time 10 minutes B & W Tower 4th and Liberty Louisville, Kentucky 9:15am ARRIVE Tower and proceed to the 26th Floor 9:20am-10:00am ATTEND/ADDRESS the Legislative Conference hosted by B&W - PANEL DISCUSSION 502/568-7801 location: Dining Roon attendance: 24 of B&W Executives event runs: 9-10:00am NOTE: Senators' Warner, Bond, Breaux will be speaking. page 4 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE KENTUCKY SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1987 10:10am DEPART for Farmington Mansion drive time 25 minutes due to traffic Farmington Mansion 3033 Bardstown Road Louisville, Kentucky 10:35am ARRIVE Farmington and proceed to event 10: 40am-12:15pm ATTEND Farmington Brunch - hosted by B&W 502/896-2433 attendance: 300-400 event runs: 10:30am-12:30pm 12:20pm DEPART for Churchill Downs drive time 25 minutes 12: 45pm ARRIVE track and proceed to 4th level box Contact: Tom Meeker 502/636-3541 1:00pm- 2:00pm MIX/MINGLE in Bow F261 NOTE: Senators’ Breaux, Bond and Cook, and Bill Hecht will be in the box 2:05pm PICK-UP by Cong. Hopkins and depart for Bob Gabla's box - State Chairman 2:15pm-2:30pm MEDIA OPPORTUNITY location: Box F23 and surrounding area NOTE: Hopkins office coordinating page 5 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE KENTUCKY SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1987 2:35pm-3:00pm MIX/MINGLE in Box F23 attendee's: Emily & Bob Gable Charles & Norma Adams -Attorneys Gable: (h) 502/695-1674 3:05pm-3:30pm MIX/MINGLE in the Gentry Box attendee's: 3:35pm DEPART for Paddock area 3:45pm-4:05pm MIX/MINGLE in Padock area 4:10pm-4:40pm MIX/MINGLE on level 6 (Millionaires Row) NOTE: DROP-BY the Governor's Box 4:45pm DEPART for Levels 4 & 5 4:55pm-5:20pm MIX/MINGLE on Levels 4 & 5 NOTE: The Brown's = 5th floor; Section 0 Table 7; seats 9 thru 16 5:25pm DEPART for Box F261 in order to watch the Derby 5:38pm 113th KENTUCKY DERBY OPTIONAL: 6:00pm DEPART for the Gentry Tent 6:10pm-6:30pm MIX/MINGLE in the Gentry Tent while the crowd thins out 6:35pm DEPART for the airport - Standiford Field - drive time 25 minutes page 6 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE KENTUCKY SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1987 7:00pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler Aviation 502/368-2533 7:05pm WHEELS-UP for Washingten DC flight time: 1 hour 15 minutes aircraft: FALCON 10 tail no.: N900D pilots: Bill Butler, Henry Welch manifast: Senator Dole, Secretary Dole, Glassner 8:20pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Butler 703/549-8340 met by: Wilbert 8:25pm DEPART for residence 8:40pm ARRIVE residence and proceed to private OPTONAL: 6:35pm DEPART for the Seelbach Hotel - 20" drive The Sealbach Hotel 500 4th Avenue Louisville, Kentucky 6:55pm ARRIVE hotel and procead to private 7:00pm-7:30pm PRIVATE TIME 502/585-3200 page 7 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE KENTUCKY SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1987 7:35pm DEPART for the J.B. Speed Art Museun drive time 15 minutes J.B. Speed Art Museu 2035 South Third Street Louisville, Kentucky 7:50pm-8:45pm ATTEND the Brown & Williamson cocktail buffet/reception 502/636-2893 location: 1st Floor attendance: 390-400 event runs: 7-10pm 8:50pm DEPART for the airport - drive time 20 minutes 9:10pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler Aviation 502/368-2533 9:15pm WHEELS-UP for Washington DC flight time: 1 hour 15 ninutes aircraft: FALCON 10 tail no.: NS00D pilots: Bill Butler, Henry Welch seats: 6 manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Secretary Dole 10:30pm ARRIVE Washington, D.C, FBO: Butler 703/549-8340 met by: Wilbert 10:35pm DEPART for residence 10:55pm ARRIVE and proceed to residence [handwritten (Betty)] BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE PUERTO RICO STAFF: GLASSNER WALSH: 202/745-1083 Beeper: 202/259-9413 HARRISON: 202/546-2354 Beeper: 202/259-9412 FINAL FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1987 2:10pm DEPART for Washington National 2:25pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 2:00pm WHEELS-UP for San Juan, Puerto Rico flight time: 4 hours 15 minutes aircraft: Falcon 50 tail no.: SDL pilots: Fred Hester, manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Michael Kinsella, Dave Owen 6:15pm ARRIVE Isla Verde Airport in San Juan and proceed to RALLY FBO: GATE 1-D met by: Sara Cedarholm 6:20pm-6:35pm ADDRESS Welcome Rally attendance: 100 supporters 6:40pm DEPART for the Ballori Residence in Tintillo Hills, Puerto Rico - drive time 15 minutes The Ballori Residence 524 Tintillo Road Tintillo Hills, Puerto Rico 6:55pm ARRIVE RESIDENCE and proceed to event 809/793-1177 7:00pm-8:10pm ATTEND/ADDRESS a DFP FR to be held at the Ballori Residence 809/793-1177 attendance: 40-50 ticket: $1,000/couple event runs: 6-8pm 8:15pm DEPART for Condado Beach Hotel drive time 15 minutes Condado Beach Hotel Ashford Avenue on the beach San Juan, Puerto Rico page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE PUERTO RICO FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1987 8:30pm ARRIVE Condado Beach Hotel and proceed to private 8:35pm-9:25pm PRIVATE 809/721/6090 9:30pm-9:45pm ONE-ON-ONE with Chairman Luis Ferre of the Puerto Rican Republican Party 809/721-6090 location: Senator's Suite 9:50pm-10:05pm ONE-ON-ONE with Mayor Baltasar Corrada del Rio of San Juan location: Senator's Suite 10:10pm-10:25pm ONE-ON-ONE with former Governor Romero Barcelo 809/721-6090 location: Senator's Suite 10:30pm-1:30pm ATTEND/ADDRESS FR for Mayor Cruz of Guaynabo - also Chairman of Federation of Mayors & of Mayors & Municipalities 809/721-6090 event runs: 8pm-lam attendance: 300 location: Patio del Fauno - 2nd Floor ticket: $50 PROGRAM: 10:35pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 10:50pm CONCLUSION of remarks 11:35pm PROCEED to private RON____Condado Beach Hotel page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE PUERTO RICO SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1987 NOTE: PRIVATE TIME UNTIL 11:30am ll:35am-12:25am ATTEND/ADDRESS luncheon in honor of Mayor "Junior" Cruz of Guaynabo 809/721-6090 attendance: 100 DFP supporters, Mayors, and Elected Officials location: El Gobernador Room - lst Floor facility: head-table (5) event runs: llam-12:30pm attendance: 100 12:30pm-12:50pm NEWS AVAIL 809/721-6090 location: Patio del Sol - 2nd Floor 1:00pm-3:00pm PRIVATE TIME 3:05pm DEPART for the airport - drive time 15 minutes 3:20pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: GATE 1-D 3:30pm WHEELS-UP for Washington DC flight time: 4 hours 15 minutes aircraft: Falcon 50 tail no.: 5DL pilots: Fred Hester, manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Consella Dave Owen 7:45pm ARRIVE Washington DC - National met by: Wilbert FBO: Butler 703/549-8340 7:50pm DEPART for residence 8:05pm ARRIVE residence SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of May 4 - 10, 1987 MONDAY, MAY 4 9:00 345 CHOB SPEAK - Oxley's & Lott's Wash. Conf. group 9:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Ellsworth & Rita Hauser 11:00 Depart Butler Terminal - National Airport enroute NYC (separate schedule for rest of day) RON: D.C. Senator Dole's schedule - Week of May 4 - 10, 1987 Page 2 TUESDAY, MAY 5 (Sen. in NYC in AM - separate schedule) 9:30 SR-332 AG COMM. (hrgs.-econ. problems of rural communities) 9:30 SD-215 FINANCE (trade mark-up) 10:00 Atrium-Hart Dedication of Calder sculpture 12:30 Waldorf [handwritten (NYC)] SPEAK - Am. Newspaper Publishers Assn. 2:30 SD-215 FINANCE (trade mark-up) 5-7:00 S-207 Cap. RECEP. by Inst. of CPA's 6-8:00 Cap.Hill Club FR RECEP. for Cong. Jim Kolbe 6-8:00 Am.Trucking Assn. FR RECEP. for Beau Boulter 430 - lst St, SE 3rd Floor Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 4 - 10, 1987 Page 3 WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 8:30 Sheraton Carlton SPEAK —- American Defense Institute 9:30 SR-332 AG COMM. (S.512-Ag Comp. & Trade Act) 9:30 SD-215 FINANCE (trade mark-up) [handwritten (11:15 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Ms. [illegible] CITIC (friend of Kissinger) Chris Vick 212/759-7917 Ms. Jeang 328-2554)] [handwritten (11:30-1:30 S-207 Cap. Luncheon for Daniel Boarstin (Steven's ofc. arr)] 12-2:00 SD-106 CRAWFISH LUNCHEON by Bennett Johnston & Cong. Broadhurst (MEMBERS ONLY) [handwritten (2:00 S-211 GOP Conf. (comp. reform))] [handwritten (4:00)] [2:30 crossed out] SD-215 FINANCE (trade mark up) [handwritten (3:30sd-219 Finance mtg.- Member Only- in trade bill)][arrow pointing to 2:00] 3:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Kermit Brashear (JoAnne arr) [crossed out (tent. 4:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Jim Haslem)] [handwritten 4:00 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Jim Kirk, Omaha Farm Credit [illegible] Pres Whichita Farm Credit [illegible] (Mark arr.)] [handwritten (tent 5:30 S-230 mtg w/ Sherman [illegible] Ch Judge US Dist Ct, Colo] 6-8:00 Sheraton Grand FR RECEP. for Durenberger (Sen. a co-host) 6 & 7:00 Hyatt RECEP. & DINNER by Sioux City group (Sen. only -- stop by??) 6-9:00 1819 L St, NW 7th Floor RECEP. by Reinsurance Assn. of Am. (Rich??) Senator Dole's Schedule — Week of May 4-10, 1987 Page 4 THURSDAY, MAY 7 8:00 SR-385 BKFST. by Ks. Insurance Industry ofcls. (Greg & Rich) Sen. stop by? 8:30 SD-628 SPEAK - Sioux City business leaders (bkfst. at 8:00) 9:00 SR-301 RULES COMM. (suppl funding & camp. reform) 9:30 SR-332 AG COMM. (Ag Comp. & Trade Act) [handwritten (9:00)][8:30 and 9:30 crossed out] SD-215 FINANCE (trade mark-up) [handwritten (9:30 S-230 MTG w/ Leonard Lander & J.D. Williams)] [handwritten (11:15 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ former Cong. Jim Garder (Clay arr.)] [handwritten (11:30 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Jim Haslem)] 12-2:00 SD-628 RECEP. by Assn. of Private Rension & Welfate Plans (Cecelia 737-6666) [crossed out (12:30-1:30 GOP Sen. Ldrship mtg [illegible])] [handwritten (1:45 S-230 DOD Authorization (Senators & DOD)] 2:30 SD-215 FINANCE (trade mark-up) 3:00 L'Enfant Plaza Hotel SPEAK - Nat'l Barrier Awareness Week [handwritten (3:30 SR-332 Ag Comm.- Member [illegible])] [handwritten (4:00 H-137 Cap. Ag Conf. on Disaster Bill HR. 1157 (Members only))] [handwritten (4:15 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Gen So far (Pat Schawbel 647-9598)(will be alone))] 5:30-7:30 Rayburn Foyer RECEP. for Co-hosts of 'GOOD MORNING AMERICA" (Walt/Dale/Brent??) 5:30-7:30 2168 RHOB RECEP. by Former Members of Congress (Sen. only) [handwritten (6-7. S-207 Cap. RECEP for Holly Coors by Armstrong (Michelle x45941)] 6-8:00 B-338 RHOB RECEP. by Nat'l Council on Independent Living (Joe -Sen. stop by Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of May 4 - 10, 1987 Page 5 FRIDAY, MAY 8 8:00 430 First St,SE SPEAK- American Trucking Assn. [handwritten (9:00 W. Hse.- Cabinet (N.W. Gate) mtg. w/ Pres. GOP Ldrship (trade a debt limit) Becky)] 8:45 S-230 or ? PHOTO w/33 Ks. VA members [handwritten (10:15 S-230 Phoot Opp/ Chamber of Commerce "Taxpayer Protection Campaign")] [handwritten (10:45 S-230 mtg. w/ GOP Ldrship)] [tent. crossed out]12:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ GAMA ofcls. (Mike arr.) [handwritten (12:45 W. Hse Oval Ofc. (NWGate) Signing Ceremony (HR 240 Senate Fl Trail Bill) Wendy 456-6782)] (separte schedule for weekend) Puerto Rico SATURDAY, MAY 9 Puerto Rico MTG. w/Puerto Rico statehood advocates [handwritten (Grassley doing)] [crossed out (Hampton,Ia. SPEAK = Franklin County GOP Dinner)] SUNDAY, MAY 10 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK STAFF: GLASSNER, MURPHY WALSH: (202)745-1083 Beeper: (202)259-9413 HARRISON: (202)546-2354 Beeper: (202)259-9412 FINAL- as of 2pm MONDAY, MAY 4, 1987 10:35am DEPART for Butler/National airport 10:55am ARRIVE Butler/National airport FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 11:00am WHEELS-Up for New York, New York aircraft: Gulf Stream tail number: 70P8 Pilots: Ron Pettit, Ron Biaoton seats: 1l flight time: 1 hour Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner 12:00pm ARRIVE New York, New York - LaGuardia airport FBO: Butler Aviation 718/476-5200 Met by: Charlie Dagliomini 12:05pm DEPART for Bruno's Restaurant - drive time 25" minutes Bruno's Restaurant 240 East 58th Street New York, Ny 12: 30pm-2:00pm ATTEND /ADDRESS & DFP/CA FR LUNCHEON 212/688-4190 Attendee's: 50 people 2:05pm DEPART for the Waldorg Astoria - 10" drive time Waldorf Astoria 301 Park Avenue New York, Ny 2:15pm ARRIVE the Waldorf and Proceed to the Suite - Room # 42H 212/355-3000 page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK, NY MONDAY, MAY 4, 1987 2:30pm-3:00pm ONE-ON-ONE with John Catsimatidis and Father Alex Karloutsos 212/355-3000 Location: Suite 42K 3:05pm-3:30pm ONE-ON-ON with Mortiner Prop 212/355-3006 3:35pm-4:05pm ONE-ON-ONE with to be determined 212/355-3000 4:15pm DEPART for the 60th Street Heliport = 15" drive time 4:30pm ARRIVE the Heliport and Proceed to departing helicopter 212/880-1234 4:35pm WHEELS-UP foy Long Island, NY (Oceanside, NY) aircraft: Bell 222 Twin Engine tail number: flight time: 15" Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, *Murphy 4:50pm ARRIVE Oceanside, NY on the Country Club Grounds Met by: Michael Kinsella - D'Amatos' AA 4:55pm DEPART by foot for the Ladies Grill Middle Bay Country Club 3600 Skillman Avenue Oceanside, NY 5:00pm-6:15pm ATTEND/ADDRESS & Senator D'Amato FR Golf Tournament Reception 516/766-1880 Attendance: 200 Ticket: $1,000 format: mix/mingle with brief remarks location: Ladies Grill page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK, NY MONDAY, MAY 4, 1987 6:20pm DEPART for the Helicopter by foot 6:25pm WHEELS-UP for the 60th Street heliport aircraft: Bell Twin 222 tail number: flight time: 15 minutes manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, *Murphy 6:40pm ARRIVE site and proceed to departing cars Heliport 212/880-1234 6:45pm DEPART for the Downe FR on behalf of Senator Dole drive time - 20" Ed Downe's Residence 25 Sutton Place New York, NY 7:05pm-8:45pm ATTEND/ADDRESS a DFP Reception/Dinner 212/319-0503 212/755-0223 Location: Downe residence Cocktalls: 7:00pm Dinner: 7:30pm Attendee's: List in briefing books 8:50pm DEPART for the Waldorf Agtoria 20" drive time Walderf Astoria 301 Park Avenue New York, NY 9:10pm ARRIVE Waldorf Astoria and proceed to private 212/355-3000 RON____NYC 212/355-3000 Waldorf Astoria TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1987 8:00am BREAKFAST MEETING (TENTATIVE) 9:00am NOTE: Kirk Coordinating page 4 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK, NY TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1987 9:05am-11:00am ONE-ON-ONE'S 212/355-3000 NOTE: coordinated by Kirk 11:05am-12:40pm PRIVATE TIME 12:45pm-1:10pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the 100th Anniversary Convention of the American Newspaper Publisher's Association Reception 212/355-3000 contact: Claudia James 703/648-1000 Attendance: 15-20 of the ANPA Committee Chrn, location: West foyer event runs: 12:30pm-1: 15pm 1:15pm-2:45pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the 100th Anniversary Convention of the ANPA 212/355-3000 contact: Ciaudia James 703/648=1000 Attendance: 1600 Location: Ballroom event runs: 1:15pm-2:45pm facility: table-top podium with mike PROGRAM: 2:10pm WELCOME by George Wilson 2:15pm INTRO of Senator Dole by George Wilson 2:20pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 2:28pm CONCLUSION of remarks by Senator Dole 2:29pm INTRO of Senator Dole by George Wilson 2:34pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 2:42pm CONCLUSION of REMARKS by Senator Hart 2:43pm-3:00pm Q&A page 5 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK, NY TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1987 3:05pm DEPART for the airport - LaGuardia Butler Aviation - 25" drive time 3:30pm ARRIVE LaGuardia and proceed to Butler aviation FBO: Butler Aviation 718/476-5200 3:35pm WHEELS-UP for Washington, D.C. alrcraft: Gulf Stream tail number: N70Ps flight time: 1 hour Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner 4:35pm ARRIVE Washington, D.C. Met by: Wilbert FBO: Butler Aviation 703/849-8340 4:40pm DEPART for the office 4:55pm ARRIVE the office BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE IOWA, KENTUCKY STAFF: GLASSNER CONTACT: WALSH 202/748-1083 beeper 202/259-9413 HARRISON 202/546-2354 beeper 202/259-9412 FINAL FRIDAY, MAY 1 3:40pm DEPART for the Butier/National 3:55pm ARRIVE Washington National and proceed to departing aircrart FRO: Butler 703/549-8340 4:00pm WHEELS-UP for Des Moines, Iowa flight time: 2 hours 30 minutes aircraft: Falcon 10 tail no.: W900D pilots: Bill Butler, Henry Welch seats: 6 manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Grassley, Owen contact: Jane Arnold 713/641-0781 5:30pm -1hr ARRIVE Des Moines, Iowa met by: Synhorst FBO: Des Moines Flying Service 518/288-4221 5:35pm DEPART for the Ft. Des Moines Motel drive time 10 minutes Ft. Des Moines Hotel Walnut and 10th Street Des Moines, Iowa 5:40pm ARRIVE Hotel and proceed to private 515/243-1161 5:45pm-6:45pm ONE-ON-ONE'S 315/243-1161 TENTATIVE: DICK OLSON 7:05pm-7:40pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Iowa GOP RALLY 515/243-1161 attendance: 150-200 location: Grand Ballroom ticket: $25 event runs: 6:30-8pm page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE IOWA FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1987 7:45pm-7:55pm DROP-BY the IOWA GOP VIP FR Reception 518/243-1161 attendance: 8-10 location: Presidential suite ticket: $1,000 event runs: 7-8pm 8:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the IOWA GOP FR Dinner 515/243-1161 attendance: 150-200 location: Grand Ballroon ticket: $125 PROGRAM: 8:05pm WELCOME by Larry Pope 8:10pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Senator Grassley 518/243-1161 8:15pm-8:35pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 8:40pm CONCLUSION of remarks by Senator Dole 8:45pm DEPART for the Des Moines Airport drive time 18 minutes 9:00pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Des Moines Plying Service 518/288-4221 9:05pm WHEELS-UP for Louisville, Kentucky flight time: 1 hour 15 minutes aircraft: Falcon 10 tail no.: N900D pilots: Bill Butler, Henry Welch manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Owen page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE KENTUCKY FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1987 11:20pm +lhr ARRIVE Louisville, Kentucky - Standiford Field FBO: Butler Aviation 502/366-2533 met by: Sara Cedarhola 11:25pm DEPART for The Seelbach Motel - drive time 15 minutes The Seelbach Hotel 500 Fourth Avenue Louisville, Kentucky Contact: Governor's Security Steve O'Daniel No.: 502/564-8004 KY STATE POLICE 606/695-6309 DERBY COMMAND POST # Cong. Hopkins (h) 606/277-7398 B & W telecopier 502/568=7494 11:30pm ARRIVE hotel and proceed to private 502/585-3200 RON____LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1987 9:05am DEPART for Legislative Conference at the Brown & Williamson Tower drive time 10 minutes B&W Tower 4th and Liberty Louisville, Kentucky 9:15am ARRIVE Tower and proceed to the 26th Floor 9:20am-10:00am ATTEND/ADDRESS the Legislative Conference hosted by B&W - PANEL DISCUSSION 502/568-7801 location: Dining Reon attendance: 24 of B&W Executives event runs: 9-10:00am NOTE: Senators' Warner, Bond, Breaux will be speaking. page 4 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE KENTUCKY SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1987 10:l0am DEPART for Farmington Mansion drive time 25 minutes due to traffic Farmington Mansion 3033 Bardstown Road Louisville, Kentucky 10:35am ARRIVE Farmington and proceed te event 10:40am-12:15pm ATTEND Farmington Brunch- hosted by B & W 502/896-2433 attendance: 300-400 event runs: 10:30am-12: 30pm 12:20pm DEPART for Churchill Dewns drive time 25 minutes 12:45pm ARRIVE track and proceed to Ath level box Contact: Tom Meeker 502/636-3541 1:00pm-2:00pm MIX/MINGLE in Box F261 NOTE: Senators' Breaux, Bond and Cook, and Bill Hecht will be in the box 2:05pm PICK-UP by Cong. Hopkins and depart for Bob Gable's box - state Chairman 2:15pm-2:30pm MEDIA OPPORTUNITY location: Box F23 and surrounding area NOTE: Hopkins office coordinating page 5 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE KENTUCKY SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1987 2:35pm-3:00pm MIX/MINGLE in Box F23 attendee's: Emily & Bob Gable, Charles & Norma Adams- Attorneys Gable: (h) 802/693-1674 3:05pm-3:30pm MIX/MINGLE in the Gentry Box attendee's: 3:35pm DEPART for Paddock area 3:45pm-4:05pm MIX/MINGLE in the Paddock area 4:10pm-4:40pm MIX/MINGLE on level 6 (Millionaires Row) NOTE: DROP-BY the Governor's Box 4:45pm DEPART for Levels 4 & 5 4:55pm-5:20pm MIX/MINGLE on Levels 465 NOTE: The Brown's - 5th floor; Section 0 Table 7; seats 9 thru 16 5:25pm DEPART for Box F261 in order to watch the Derby 5:38pm 113th KENTUCKY DERBY OPTIONAL: 6:00pm DEPART for the Gentry Tent 6:10pm-6:30pm MIX/MINGLE in the Gentry Tent while the crowd thins out 6:35pm DEPART for the airport - Standiford Field - drive time 25 minutes page 6 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE KENTUCKY SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1987 7:00pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler Aviation 802/368-2533 7:05pm WHEELS-UP for Washington DC flight time: 1 hour 185 minutes aircraft: FALCON 10 tail no.: N900D pilots: Bill Butler, Henry Welch manifest: Senator Dole, Secretary Dole, Glasener 8:20pm ARRIVE airport and procead to departing plane FBO: Butler 703/549-8340 met by: Wilbert 8:25pm DEPART for residence 8:40pm ARRIVE residence and proceed to private OPTONAL: 6:35pm DEPART for the Seelbach Hotel - 20" drive The Seelbach Kotel 500 4th Avenue Louisville, Kentucky 6:55pm ARRIVE hotel and proceed to private 7:00pm-7:30pm PRIVATE TIME 502/585-3200 page 7 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE KENTUCKY SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1987 7:35pm DEPART for the J.B. Speed Art Museum drive time 15 minutes J.B. Speed Art Museus 2035 South Third street Louisville, Kentucky 7:50pm-8:45pm ATTEND the Brown & Williamson cocktail buffet/reception 502/636-2983 location: 1st Floor attendance: 300-400 event runs: 7-10pm 8:50pm DEPART for the airport - drive time 20 minutes 9:10pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler Aviation 502/368-2533 9:15pm WHEELS-UP for Washington DC flight time: 1 hour 15 minutes aircraft: FALCON 10 tail no.: N900D pilots: Bill Butler, Henery Welch seats: 6 manifest: Senator DOle, Glassner, Secretary Dole 10:30pm ARRIVE Washington, D.C. FBO: Butler met by: Wilbert 703/549-8340 10:35pm DEPART for residence 10:55pm ARRIVE and proceed to residence