SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE — Week of April 27 - May 3, 1987 MONDAY, APRIL 27 8:30 SDG-19 SPEAK - San Francisco Chamber (handwritten) 9:30 H-227 SPEAK. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (ILLINOIS) (BOB MICHEL) 9-11:00 S230 or ?? MTG. of Trade Advisory group (Mark B) 10:30 SR-259 MTG. of GOP Finance Comm. Members (re trade bill) 1 staff can attend 12:00 Capitol Steps SPEAK (2 min) MLK Time Capsule Kick-Off Tour (755-6980) (1:45-4:15 handwritten) 1:45 S-230 Cap. mtg w/ Dr. Ruth Sharp, (illegible), United Way Dallas 2:00 S. 230 mtg w/ Howard Wilkins 4:15 S. 230 MTG W/ Roger Jepsen and Hal Manders 3:30-4:30 Auditorium-Dirksen Gov Michael Castle, Delaware, group of supporters (Sen. asked to stop in by Sen. Roth) X 42441 tent. 4:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Dick Upton, Dr. & Mrs. Glenn Nelson, David Cox, CEO & Pres., Cowles Media, & Bill Lurton, Chrmn. & CEO, Josten's Inc. (here for Chamber meetings) at Park Hyatt (following appointment crossed out, handwritten) 4:45 S-230 Cap. mtg w/ Rod 5-7:00 2168 RHOB "Buffalo Burger" Recep. by Nickles. Boren & Cong McCurdy 6:15 Willard Hotel Crystal Rm. (main level) SPEAK - United Conservative Appeal 6& 7:00 Crystal Gateway Marriott 1700 Jeff Davis Hwy. Kansas Chamber Recep. & Dinner Senator Dole's Schedule — Week of April 27-May 3, 1987 Page 2 (underlined) TUESDAY, APRIL 28 8:30 1317 F St, NW Suite 400 DFP PAC Bkfst by Duffy Wall & Nutter 8:30-9:30 H-131 Cap. BKFST. — Michigan Republicans (stop by if time for photo) 9-11:30 SD-138 SPEAK briefly — Boschwitz & Durenberger Minn. supporters (handwritten) 9:30-10:30 W. Hs Ovall Office (NW Gate) GOP Hse/Sen. leadership mtg. w. Pres re budget + trade (Becky) 11:00 Capitol Rotunda "Days of Remembrance" Ceremony (Dale arr) 11:30-12:15 SR.347 SPEAK — Freedom Foundation — ADVANCE (BOB OWENS) 12:00 Hunan Dynasty 215 Penna. Ave, SE LUNCHEON by Ks. Elec. Coops for Cong. staff 12:30 S-211 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON (handwritten) 2:45 S-230 Cap. Photo w. Donna Alvarado for Nat'l Volunteer Week (Nora 634-9772, 634-9380- (illegible) 3:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Evans Rose & Charlie Kopp (re '88) Christine - 215/418-7759 3:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Milton Hudson, Ch. Economist, Morgan Guaranty) Mary 212-483-2108 (contributor (illegible)) 4-6:00 SH-506 RECEP. for Minn. supporterse by Boschwitz & Durenberger 5:30-7:30 Cap. Hill Club FR RECEP. for Vander Jagt (Sen. co-host) 5:30-7:30 Hunt Rm. Bullfeathers FR RECEPT. for Cong. Jack Buechner (Sen. co-host) 5:30-8:30 B-338-340 RHOB RECEP. by Am. Ex POW's (Tom) 6-8:00 Cap. Hill Club FR RECEP. for DioGuardi (Sen. co-host) 6-8:00 Madison Library Montpelier Rm. RECEP. for Jim Abdnor as new SBA Admin. (Sen. on Host Comm.) 6:30-8:00 Hay Adams Adams Rm. RECEP. for Marvin Kalb by NBC 7:00-?? Nat'l Christian Center 133 C St., SE BUFFET DINNER & ART AUCTION hosted the Jepsens Senator Dole's Schedule — Week of April 27 - May 3, 1987 Page 3 (underlined) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 8:00 Taggart's ofc. 1015 - 15th St, NW-Ste. 200 DFP FR BKFST. by Ag. group 9:30 SR-332 AG COMM. (hrgs. on pesticides) (10:00 crossed out, handwritten) 9:30 10:00 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Dick O'Shielde, Chrman, Panhandle(?) Eastern, + Mike Bayer. (illegible) (10:00 crossed out) 9:30 10:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (Trade mark-up) (10:15 and 10:30 appointments handwritten) 10:15 S-230 Cap. mtg w/ (illegible), Chrmn, Texaco, Don Annett & J.D. Williams (S-230 Cap crossed out) 10:30 S-230 Cap. 2416 RHOB Press Conf w. Anely Ireland 11:15-12 S-230 Cap HOST RECEP. for Pres Dinner major fundraisers 12-2:00 Cap. Hill Club LUNCHEON for Pres. Dinner Comm. fundraisers (you & Michel are co-hosts) 3:00 Four Seasons Ballrm.- lowest level) SPEAK- Mtg. of Nat'l GOP Jewish Leaders (handwritten) Meet w/ Dick (illegible) briefly following speech (hours 212 1551-6225 3-5:00 H-131 Cap. RECEP. by Calif. Raisin Adv. Bd. & Pres. Comm. on Physical Fitness 5-6:00 Willard Hotel Crystal Rm. CABINET RECEP. prior to Pres. Dinner 5:30-7:30 Sheraton Grand RECEP. by Nat'l Assn. of Bank Women 6:30-7:30 Wash. Convention Center- Rm. 32 CHAIRMAN'S RECEP.- President's Dinner 8:00 Wash. Convention Center- Hall "A" PRESIDENT'S DINNER (Sen. at head table) BLACK TIE Center-Hall "A" table) BLACK TIE Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of April 27 - May 3, 1987 Page 4 (underlined) THURSDAY, APRIL 30 John Rempold, WASH. TIMES Insight mag photog. will follow you today 9:00 Anton's-Cap. Hill SPEAK - Nat'l Cooperative Business Assn. (following time and location crossed out, handwritten) 9:30 S-230 Cap. (10:00 crossed out, 9:30 handwritten) 9:30 10:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (trade mark-up) (both 10:30 appointments handwritten) 10:30 S-230 mtg w/ (illegible) tent 10:30 S-230 Cap Brief mtg w. Don (illegible), formerly Rusell(?) 11:30 & 12:00 SD-562 RECEP. & LUNCHEON by Student Conservation Assn. (based in N. Hamp) Stop by?? (Mt. Vernon Rm. crossed out, Bd. Rm handwritten) 12:00 Madison Hotel Bd. Rm Mt. Vernon Rm SPEAK -20/20 Group (Ernie Wittenberg 12:00-?? H-139 Cap. LUNCHEON by Am. Bar Assn. during biennial legis. mtg. (stop by??) (2:00 and margins handwritten) 12:30-? 2:00 SDG-19 LUNCHEON MTG. for Enrich Schneider, Pres., State Parliament of Baden-Wurttenberg & his delegation (hosted by Grassley) stop by?? (in margins) Ed Redfern x 43744 (following appointment crossed out, margins and Regency Ballrm "A" handwritten) 12:40 Hyatt Reg. Regency Ballrm "A" SPEAK - Americans for Generational Equity (Durenberger Requested) (in margins) Sheila Burke Did (Karen Bundy 546-3131) (handwritten) 1:45 Sen. Steps- Cap. Photo w/ (illegible) Methodist Youth Group from KS (40) Jeff arr. 2:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Jim Olson, Chrmn., AT&T & Gray Bryant (457-3840) (handwritten) 2:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Peter Myers, Dep. Sec'y USDA (Mark S) (Burdick, Pressler, Conrad, (illegible), Boschwitz, Durenberger) (following appointment crossed out) 3-3:15 S-221 Cap. MTG/PHOTO OPP. w/ Nakasone - Dole & Byrd (handwritten) 3:15 S-230 Cap mtg w/ John Maxwell 3:15-4:15 (no location) MTG w. Nakasone expanded to include Members of For. Rel & Finance (4:15-4:20 crossed out, 4:00-4:45 handwritten) 4:00-4:45 4:15-4:20 S-221 Cap. CONCLUDING PHOTO OPP. (following appointment crossed out, handwritten) 4:30 S-230 Cap. mtg w/ John Maxwell 5-7:00 Octagon House 1799 New York Ave, NW RECEP. - 22nd Annual Reunion of White House Fellows (handwritten) 5:30 s-230 Cap. mtg w/ (illegible) 6-8:00 Madison Library Montpelier Rm. RECEP. by Paralyzed Veterans (Joe) (handwritten) 6:30-8:30 SD-430 Recep. by Nat'l Congress of Vietnamese in America (brief comments) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of April 27 - May 3, 1987 Page 5 (underlined) FRIDAY, MAY 1 (tent, or 11:00, S-407, and Schultz crossed out) Tent. 10:30 or 11:00 S-230 Cap S-407 BRIEFING by Gen. Abrahamson(?) Schultz on SDI (Sen., Al & Tom) (handwritten) 1:00 S-230 Cap. Int. w/ Don Moheod, Wash. Times, Insight Mag (Margi) (handwritten) 3:00 S-230 Cap. Int. w/ Rishie Stahl (Margi arr) 2-3:00 2322 RHOB RECEP. for Pittsburg Hi School Bank by Whittaker (staff invited) 3:30 House steps-Cap. PITTSBURG HI Band performing (handwritten) tent. 3:45 S-230 Cap Photo w/ Judy (illegible) (handwritten) 5:00 Wheels Up. (SEPARATE SCHEDULE FOR WEEKEND) Des Moines IOWA GOP FR SATURDAY, MAY 2 (blank) SUNDAY, MAY 3 (blank) SPEAK - Graffton County, N. Hamp. (handwritten, top half cut off) Joyce/Joanne/(illegible) BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE IOWA/NORTH CAROLINA STAFF: Glassner, Collins CONTACT: WALSH - (202) 745-1083 Beeper: (202) 259-9413 HARRISON - (202) 546-2354 Beeper: (202) 259-9412 (20 crossed out) DRAFT: APRIL 20 21, 1987-30571987 SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1987 11:25am DEPART for Washington National 11:40am ARRIVE Washington National and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 11:45am WHEELS-UP for Clinton, Iowa flight time: 2 hours aircraft: (blank) tail no.: (blank) pilots: (blank) manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner 12:45pm -lhr ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing car FBO: (blank) met by: (blank) 12:50pm DEPART for event site - drive time 15 minutes 1:05pm ARRIVE and proceed to event 1:10pm-2:15pm ATTEND/ADDRESS a Clinton Town Meeting location: (blank) attendance: (blank) event runs: 12:30pm 2:20pm DEPART for the airport 2:35pm ARRIVE and proceed to the departing aircraft 2:40pm WHEELS-UP for Iowa City, Iowa flight time: 20 minutes aircraft: (blank) tail no.: (blank) manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE IOWA SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1987 3:00pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing car 3:05pm DEPART for event site 3:20pm ARRIVE and proceed to event 3:25pm-4:25pm ATTEND/ADDRESS an Iowa City Town Meeting location: (blank) attendance: (blank) 4:30pm DEPART for Cedar Rapids, Iowa drive time 30 minutes 5:00pm ARRIVE and proceed to event 5:05pm-6:00pm Organizational Meeting on behalf of Linn County Dole supporters and potential supporters location: (blank) attendance: 40 6:05pm DEPART for Keystone, Iowa - Turner Hall drive time 30 minutes Turner Hall 91 2nd Avenue Keystone, Iowa 6:35pm ARRIVE and proceed to EVENT 319/442-3212 6:40pm-7:00pm DROP-BY Benton County Annual Dinner Reception 319/442/3212 location: (blank) attendance: (blank) event runs: 6-7pm 7:05pm-8:45pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Benton County Annual Dinner 319/442/3212 location: (blank) attendance: (blank) event runs: 7-9pm program: (blank) page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE IOWA SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1987 PROGRAM: (blank) 8:10pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by State Rep, Kyle Hummel 8:15pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 8:35pm CONCLUSION of remarks 8:45pm DEPART for the Cedar Rapids airport drive time 30 minutes 9:15pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: (blank) 9:20pm WHEELS-UP for Durham, North Carolina flight time: 2 hours aircraft: (blank) tail no.: (blank) pilots: (blank) manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner 12:20am +1hr ARRIVE Raleigh-Durham airport and proceed to departing car FBO: (blank) met by: Helen Mitternight 12:25am DEPART for the Sheraton University Center drive time 15 minutes The Sheraton University Center 2800 Middleton Avenue Durham, North Carolina 12:40am ARRIVE hotel and proceed to private RON (blank line) DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA page 4 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NORTH CAROLINA SUNDAY, APRIL 26th 9:30am-11:00am TENTATIVE FR BRUNCH with Finance Leaders 11:00am-11:45am TENTATIVE ONE-ON-ONES note: coordinated by Collins 11:50am DEPART for the 3rd Floor Ballroom 11:55am ARRIVE Ballroom and proceed to the head-table 12:00pm-1:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the North Carolina Federation of Republican Women Annual State Convention 919/383-8575 attendance: 300 Location: Ballroom - 3rd floor event runs: 12-2pm contact: Joyce Glass 919/766-0067 program: (blank) 12:10pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by State Representative Theresa Esposipo 12:15pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 12:35pm CONCLUSION of remarks 1:05pm DEPART for MEDIA (top cut off) page 5 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NORTH CAROLINA SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 1987 l:l0pm-1:30pm NEWS AVAIL location: (blank) 1:35pm DEPART for Raleigh-Durham Airport - drive time 15 minutes 1:50pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft 1:55pm WHEELS-UP for Washington DC flight time: 45 minutes aircraft: (blank) tail no.: (blank) pilots: (blank) manifest: (blank) 2:40pm ARRIVE Washington National and proceed to departing car FBO: Butler 703/549-8340 met by: Wilbert 2:45pm DEPART for residence 3:00pm ARRIVE and proceed to private (handwritten) Draft 4/18/87 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF APRIL 27 - May 3, 1987 (underlined) MONDAY, APRIL 27 (location and phone number handwritten) 8:30 SDG-19 SPEAK- SAN FRANCISCO CHAMBER (415/392-4511 (handwritten) 9-11:00 (blank) mtg. of Trade Adv. Group (handwritten) 10:30 SR-529 mtg of GOP Finance Comm. members (re trade) (handwritten) 11:30 (rest of appointment left blank) 12:00 CAPITOL STEPS SPEAK (2 MIN) MLK Time CAPSULE KICK-OFF TOUR (755-6980) 3:30-4:30 AUDITORIUM-DIRKSEN GOV MICHAEL CASTILE, DELAWARE, GROUP OF SUPPORTERS (SEN. ASKED TO STOP IN BY SEN. ROTH) X 42441 (handwritten) tent. 4:30 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Dick (illegible), Dr & Mrs. Glenn Nelson (Marilyn), David Con, CEOY(?) Pres., (illegible) media, & Bill (illegible,) Chrmn & CEO, (illegible) (612/370-9150) ((illegible) Park Hyatt 5-7:00 2168 RHOB "BUFFALO BURGER" RECEP. BY NICKLES. BOREN & CONG MCCURDY 6:15 WILLARD HOTEL SPEAK - UNITED CONSERVATIVE APPEAL (handwritten) Crystal Rm (main level) (want to get photos w/ supporters) (illegible) Sellers (number illegible)81-6782 6& 7:00 CRYSTAL GATEWAY MARRIOTT 1700 JEFF DAVIS HWY. KANSAS CHAMBER RECEP. & DINNER SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF APRIL 27-MAY 3, 1987 PAGE 2 (underlined) TUESDAY, APRIL 28 (time and place handwritten, tent. crossed out) TENT. 8:30 1317 F St. N.W.- Suite 400 DFP PAC BKFST BY DUFFY WALL & NUTTER (handwritten) 8:30-9:30 SD-138 Cong. Bkfst.- Michigan Republicans (stop by for photo at 9:30-9:40 9-11:30 SD-138 SPEAK BRIEFLY - BOSCHWITZ & DURENBERGER MINN. SUPPORTERS (handwritten) 10:00 SD-215 Finance (trade mark-up & (illegible)) (2:00 handwritten, 10:00 crossed out) 2:00 10:00 SD-215 HEALTH SUBC. (LONG-TERM CARE HRGS.) 11:00 CAPITOL ROTUNDA "DAYS OF REMEMBRANCE" CEREMONY (DALE ARR) (handwritten) 11:30-12:15 CHOB SPEAK= Freedom Federation 12:00 Hunan Dynasty 215 PENNA. AVE, SE LUNCHEON BY KS. ELEC. COOPS FOR CONG. STAFF 12:30 S-211 CAP. POLICY LUNCHEON (handwritten) 3:00 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Evans Rose & Charlie Kopp (re '88) Christine Drew (illegible) ofc 212/418-7759 (handwritten) 3:30 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Milton Hudson, Ch. Economist, Morgan Guaranty (212/483-2108) (handwritten) 4:00 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Barney Barnett, Sonny Abrahamson & Kenny Bell (305-499- 4-6:00 SH-506 RECEP. FOR MINN. SUPPORTERS BY BOSCHWITZ & DURENBERGER 5:30-7:30 CAP. HILL CLUB FR RECEP. FOR VANDER JAGT (SEN. CO-HOST) (handwritten) 5:30-7:30 Hunt Rm-Bullfeathers FR Recep for Cory(?) Jack Buechner (Sen. co-host) 5:30-8:30 B-338-340 RHOB RECEP. BY AM. EX POW'S (TOM) (handwritten, crossed out) 5:30-8:30 (blank) 6-8:00 345 CHOB RECEP. BY STANDARD OIL CO. (BY INVIT. ONLY) 6-8:00 CAP. HILL CLUB FR RECEP. FOR DIOGUARDI (SEN. CO-HOST 6-8:00 MADISON LIBRARY MONTPELIER RM. RECEP. FOR JIM ABDNOR AS NEW SBA ADMIN. (SEN. ON HOST COMM.) (handwritten) 6:30-8:00 Hay Adams- Adams Rm. Recep. for Marvin Kalb by NBC (885-4548) 7:00-?? NAT'L CHRISTIAN CENTER 133 C ST., SE BUFFET DINNER & ART AUCTION HOSTED BY THE JEPSENS SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF APRIL 27 - May 3, 1987 PAGE 3 (underlined) FRIDAY, APRIL 29 8:00 TAGGART'S OFC. 1015 - 15TH ST, NW-STE. 200 DFP FR BKFST. BY AG. GROUP (handwritten) 9:30 SR-332 Ag. Comm. (urge on pesticides) (handwritten) 10:00 SD-215 Finance (trade mark-up) (handwritten) 10:00 S-230 Cap. mtg w/ (illegible) Sales Corp., Canada re US/Canada trade ((illegible) from Bob Taft) (illegible) B. sit in 11:15-12 S-230 CAP. HOST RECEP. FOR PRES DINNER MAJOR FUNDRAISERS 12-2:00 CAP. HILL CLUB LUNCHEON FOR PRES. DINNER COMM. FUNDRAISERS (YOU AND MICHEL ARE CO-HOSTS) (handwritten, crossed out) 12:30 (blank) (Ballrm - lowest level handwritten) 3:00 FOUR SEASONS Ballrm - lowest level SPEAK - MTG. OF NAT'L GOP JEWISH LEADERS (handwritten) 3-5:00 H-131 Cap. Recep. by Calif. Raisin Adv. Bd. Pres. Council on Physical Fitness (Gichi(?) x54540) (?? crossed out. 6:00, Crystal rm, (you & Michel are hosts) handwritten) 5-?? 6:00 WILLARD HOTEL CRYSTAL RM CABINET RECEP. PRIOR TO PRES. DINNER (you & Michel are hosts) (rm. 32 handwritten) 6:30-7:30 WASH. CONVENTION CENTER rm. 32 CHAIRMAN'S RECEP.-PRESIDENT'S DINNER (Hall "A" handwritten) 8:00 WASH. CONVENTION CENTER Hall "A" PRESIDENT'S DINNER (SEN AT HEAD TABLE) BLACK TIE??? SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF APRIL 27 - MAY 3, 1987 PAGE 4 (underlined) THURSDAY, APRIL 30 (handwritten) John Rembold, Wash. Times (illegible) may photog. will follow Sen. thursday (Margi) (handwritten) 9:00 (illegible) - Cap Hill SPEAK Nat'l Cooperative Business Assn. 10:00 SD-215 Finance (trade mark-up) 10:30 & 12:00 SD-562 RECEP. & LUNCHEON BY STUDENT CONSERVATION ASSN. (BASED IN N.HAMP) STOP BY?? (handwritten) 12:00 Madison Hotel SPEAK- 20/20 Group (Ernie Wittenberg) 12:00-?? H-139 CAP LUNCHEON BY AM. BAR ASSN. DURING BIENNIAL LEGIS. MTG. (STOP BY??) 12:30-?? SDF-19 LUNCHEON MTG. FOR ENRICH SCHNEIDER, PRES., STATE PARLIAMENT OF BADEN-WURTTEMBERG & HIS DELEGATION (HOSTED BY GRASSLEY) STOP BY?? 12:40 HYATT SPEAK - AMERICANS FOR GENERATIONAL EQUITY (DURENBERGER REQUESTED) 2:00 S-230 CAP. MTG. W/ JIM OLSON, CHRMN., AT&T & GRAY BRYANT (457-3840) 3-3:15 (blank) MTG/PHOTO OPP. W/NAKASONE - DOLE & BYRD 3:15-4:15 (blank) MTG. W/ NAKASONE EXPANDED TO INCLUDE MEMBERS OF FOR. REL &FINANCE 4:15-4:20 (blank) CONCLUDING PHOTO OP 5-7:00 OCTAGON HOUSE 1799 NEW YORK AVE, NW RECEP. - 22ND ANNUAL REUNION OF WHITE HOUSE FELLOWS 6-8:00 MADISON LIBRARY MONTPELIER RM. RECEP. BY PARALYZED VETERANS (JOE) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF APRIL 27 - MAY 3, 1987 PAGE 5 (underlined) FRIDAY, MAY 1 (handwritten) 10:00 SD-215 Finance (trade mark-up) (handwritten) tent 10:30 or 11:00 S-407 Cap. Briefing by Shultz on SDI ((illegible), Al x Tom) 2-3:00 2322 RHOB RECEP. FOR PITTSBURG HI SCHOOL BANK BY WHITTAKER (STAFF INVITED) 3:30 HOUSE STEPS-CAP. PITSBURG HI BAND PERFORMING (SEPARATE SCHEDULE FOR WEEKEND) DES MOINES IOWA GOP FR (underlined) SATURDAY, MAY 2 (blank) (underlined) SUNDAY, MAY 3 SPEAK - GRAFFTON COUNTY, N. HAMP. (top writing cut off) BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE BOSTON, MA STAFF: GLASSNER CONTACT: WALSH - (H) (202)/745-1083 Beeper: (202)/259-9413 HARRISON - (H) (202)/546-2354 Beeper: (202)/259-9412 DRAFT: APRIL 21st 1987 - NOTE: I realize the Senator will probably not be going, but this is for your own info. THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1987 3:55pm DEPART for Butler/National airport 4:10pm ARRIVE Butler/National and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler Aviation 03/549-8340 4:15pm WHEELS-UP for Boston, MA aircraft: Lear 35 tail number: N1526L Pilots: (blank) flight time: 1 hour 30 minutes manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner 5:45pm ARRIVE Boston, MA - Logan alrport FBO: Butler Aviation Met by: Suzanne Niemela 5:50pm DEPART for the Westin Hotel - 25" drive time Westin Hotel - Copley Place 10 Huntington Avenue Boston, MA 6:15pm-6:45pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Massachusetts Civic Interest Council Annual Distinguished Citizen's Award Dinner/Reception honoring John Collins 617/262-9600 Location: foyer of ballroom attendance: 300-400 Contact: Pricilla Ruzzo 617/821-4040 Format: mix/mingle 6:50pm-7:05pm NEWS AVAIL Location: (blank) page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE BOSTON, MA THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1987 7:10pm-8:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Massachusetts Civic Interest Council Annual Distinguished Citizen's Award Dinner 617/262-9600 Location: Ballroom Attendance: 300-400 Attire: Business Facility: table-top podium with mike Head-table: (blank) Program: (blank) 7:00pm WELCOME 7:05pm AMERICA the BEAUTIFUL 7:08pm INVOCATION 7:15pm INTRO of Senator Dole by Harvey Bines Clerk for the MCIC 7:20pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 7:40pm CONCLUSION of Remarks by Senator Dole 7:45pm VIDEO Review of John Collins 7:50pm PRESENTATION of AWARD 7:55pm REMARKS by John Collins (recipient of the award) 8:00pm DINNER SERVED 8:00pm DEPART for the Boston/Logan airport drive time - 25" 8:25pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane 8:30pm WHEELS-UP for Washington, D.C. aircraft: Lear 35 tail number: N1526L pilots: (blank) flight time: 1 hour 30 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner 10:00pm ARRIVE Washington, D.C./National - Butler FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 Met by: Wilbert page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE BOISTON, MA THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1987 10:05pm DEPART for residence 10:20pm ARRIVE residence SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week oF April 20 - 26, 1987 (underlined) MONDAY, APRIL 20 CPARATE SCHEDULE - IN VERMONT & N. HAMP) EVENING SPEAK - N. HAMP. BUS. & IND. DINNER (underlined) TUESDAY, APRIL 21 9-30-10:30 W-HSE-CABINET RM (NW GATE) HSE/SEN- GOP LDRSHIP MTG- W/PRES- RE BUDGET & SHULTZ TRIP (BECKY 456-7054) 12:30 S-211 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON (tent. crossed out, Philip Mauro handwritten) TENT. 2:30 S-230 CAP. PHOTO & COURTESY CALL BY MEMBERS OF N.Y. STATE ASSY. (ROBERT STRANIERE), STATEN IS; GEO. PATAKI, WESTCHESTER CTY; DOUGLAS PRESCOTT, QUEENS; & DANIEL FRISA, NASSAU CITY. & PHILIP MAURO CONTACT: JERRY KAZAR 212/587-5616 (handwritten) 3:00 S-230 Cap. Int. w/ Angela Herris, Wichita Eagle-Beacon (Margi) (handwritten, mtg. w crossed out) 3:45 S-230 Cap. mtg. w Photo w/ (illegible) Steve & Mrs. (illegible) Jordan Bonnettsville, S.C. 5-8:0 SR-385 RECEP. BY SLOVAK AM. NAT'L COUNCIL HONORING PELL (following appointment crossed out, phone number handwritten) 6-8:00 SHERATON GRAND FR RECEP. FOR HEINZ (SEN. CO-HOST) 628-2430 6-8:00 PRESIDENTIAL PLAZA 900 - 19TH ST, NW SUITE 200 RECEP. BY KORN/FERRY INT'L ON 6TH ANNIV IN D.C. (RON WALKER INVITED SENATOR) SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF APRIL 20-26, 1987 PAGE 2 (underlined) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22 (handwritten) 8:00 AT&T-1120-20th St, NW Dole (illegible) Bkfst mtg. 9-9:30 SR-301 RULES COMM. (HRGS. ON FEC '88 BUDGET 9:30 SR-301 RULES COMM> (ELECTION FINANCE REFORM) (time and place handwritten, tent. 10:00 and 9:00 crossed out) 9:00 10:00 tent 10:00 H-227 CAP JT LDRSHIP MTG. (KAREN X 50600) (following appointment crossed out, handwritten) 10:00-10:30 W. Hse-Oval ofc (NW Gate) mtg w/ Pres & Bipartisan ldrshp w/ (illegible) Shultz Russia Trip Wendy 4566782 (illegible) (handwritten) 10:00 SD-215 Finance Comm (mark-up of Trade Bill) (12:00 written over to write 12:30 and crossed out, 12:15 handwritten, luncheon crossed out) 12:30 12:15 (no location) LUNCHEON MTG. W/ JAPANESE FR. MIN. ABE & GOP SENATORS (AL ARR) (TIMMONS REQUESTED) (1:50 handwritten, 2:45 crossed out) 1:50 2:45 S-230 PHOTO W/ JOHN FISCHER, AM. SECURITY COUNCIL & TITO CHINGUNJI, UNITA FOREIGN MINISTER (AL ARR) (folloowing appointment crossed out, 2:00 handwritten and 3:00 crossed out) 2:00 3:00 S-230 CAP. MTG. W/ BEVERLY LAHAY, PRES., CONCERNED WOMEN IN AM. (JOANNE ARR) (handwritten) 3:00-3:00 W. Hse.-Oval Ofc. (N.W. Gate) mtg. w/ Pres & Bipartisan Hse/Sen. Ldrship w/ Shultz re Russia Trip (handwritten) tent. 4:15 S-230 mtg. w/ Daniel Goldberg, Chic. (-6:30 handwritten) 4:30-6:30 S-120 CAP. RECEP. BY NAT'L EASTER SEAL SOCIETY W/POSTER CHILD, SUSAN WILCOX, CONN. (handwritten, tent. crossed out) tent. 4:45 S-230 Cap. mtg w/ Beverly LaHay, Pres. Concerned Women in Am. 6-8:00 SD-106 UNVEILING OF PAINTING OF U.S. CAPITOL BY JAMES CROMARTIE (HOSTED BY SANFORD 6-8:00 SHERATON GRAND FR RECEP. FOR WALLOP (SEN. CO-HOST) 6:30 & 7:30 WASH. HILTON INT'L BALLRM. WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENTS DINNER (BLACK TIE) GUEST OF CHRIS WALLACE SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK FO APRIL 20-26, 1987 PAGE 3 (underlined) THURSDAY, APRIL 23 8:45 2105 RHOB SPEAK - HAL DAUB'S GROUP (COMMUNITY LEADERS FROM OMAHA) (handwritten) 10:00 S-230 Cap. Int - w/ N.C. TV Stinton(?) Helms(?) 10 min - Margi 9:30 SR-301 RULES COMM. (ELECTION FINANCE REFORM (handwritten) 10:00 SD. 215 Finance Comm (Trade mark-up) (handwritten) 11:00 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Edwardo Belloi, Chrmn, GOP Eagles, Puerto Rico. (illegible) : re '99 a (illegible) in 11:30 S-230 CAP. PHOTO & MTG. W/ 18 KU STUDENTS WORKING IN D.C. (JEFF ARR) (handwritten) 11:45 S-230 Cap. mtg. W/ Rockwell Schneebel(?), Amb. to Finland (Tracy Harris 647-5669) (handwritten) 12-1:00 S-230 Cap Recep. for Sugar Ray Leonard (handwritten) 5:00 S-230 Cap mtg. w/ Joe Stuart (handwritten) 4:15 (no location) Wheels up en route Boston 5:30-7:30 2175 RHOB RECEP. BY NAT'L YOUTH EMPLOYMENT COALITION (898-1604 OR 212/480-1801 (no time) BOSTON SPEAK - ANNUAL DISTINGUISHED CITIZEN AWARD DINNER OF THE MASS. CIVIC INTEREST COUNCIL SENATOR DOLE’S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF APRIL 20-26, 1987 PAGE 4 (UNDERLINED) FRIDAY, APRIL 24 (handwritten) tent. 9:00 Anderson House r 2118 Mass Ave N.W. (illegible) Heart Taping 9-5:00 2237 RHOB VICTIM RIGHTS FORUM (SEN. CO-HOST) (PETE/SHEILA BAIR??) (handwritten, 10:00 crossed out) 9:30 10:00 SD-215 Finance (trade mark-up) (handwritten) 1:30 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Mike Sotirhos (Mickey 647-2620) (handwritten) 2:00 S-230 Cap. (photo mtg w/ Eduardo Landrow, chrmn, GI Forum -(Greg arr.) (handwritten) 4:00 S-230 Cap. Int w/ Don McCloud, (illegible) Mag. (Margi) (handwritten) 2:30 S-230 mtg. Church Sethnese, ass't Sec'ry, Treas/ & Kathleen Lawrence, Tress(?) (handwritten, Steve Weiss crossed out) 3:00 S-230 mtg. w/ Steve Weiss Ben (illegible) & Bd Members of Business Execs for Nat'l Security (12-15) (handwritten) tent. 5:00 S-221 Cap mtg w/ Howard Baker, Jim Baker, Byrd, Will Ball (illegible crossed out name) re debt limit (underlined) SATURDAY, APRIL 25 (SEPARATE SCHEDULE) BENTON CTY, IA. SPEAK - GOP DINNER (underlined) SUNDAY, APRIL 26 12:00 DURHAM, NC SPEAK - NFRW MTG. BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE RECESS SCHEDULE VERMONT/NEW HAMPSHIRE STAFF: GLASSNER, MURPHY CONTACT: WALSH (202)745-1083 Beeper: (202)259-9413 HARRISON: (202)546-2384 Beeper: (202)259-9412 FINAL (handwritten) 4:30pm MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1987 9:55am DEPART for National airport/Butler Aviation 10:10am ARRIVE Butler and proceed to departing plane FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 10:15am WHEELS-UP for Burlingten, Vermont contact: Maryanne Reilly 212/530-6175 aircraft: Challenger 201/288-8400 tail number: N100HG flight time: 1 hour 30 minutes manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner 11:45am ARRIVE Burlington, Vermont Met by: Bill Fritts FBO: Innodech Aviation 802/658-2200 11:50am DEPART for NEWS AVAIL - 10" drive time Sheraton Burlington Hotel 870 Williston Road Burlington, Vermont 12:00pm-12:20pm NEWS AVAIL 802/862-65 (rest of number faded) Location: University South Room 12:25pm- ATTEND/ADDRESS a Coffee Reception 12:45pm for Dole Supporters Location: East Room 802/862-6576 12:50pm DEPART for the airport - 10" drive time page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE BURLINGTON, VERMONT MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1987 1:00pm ARRIVE airport and Proceed to departing plane FBO: Innodech 802/658-2200 1:05pm WHEELS-UP for Manchester, New Hampshire aircraft: Challenger tail number: N2100HG flight time: 30 minutes manifest: Senator Dole, Glasener, Murphy 1:35pm ARRIVE Manchester, NH and proceed to the Union Leader - 15" Drive time FBO: Stead Aviation 603/669-4360 Met by: Suzanne Niemela 1:40pm DEPART for the Manchester Union Leader Manchester Union Leader 35 Amhuret Street Mancheter, NH 1:55pm ARRIVE the Union Leader and proceed to the meeting 603/668-4321 2:00pm-2:45pm ONE-ON-ONE with ------ Joe McQuade 603/668-4321 2:50pm DEPART for the Center of New Hampshire Hotel 10" drive time Center of New Hampshire Hote l700 Elm Street Manchester, NH 3:00pm ARRIVE hotel and proceed to NEWS AVAIL 603/625-1000 3:05pm-3:25pm NEWS AVAIL 603/625-1000 Location: Dartmouth Room page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE MANCHESTER, NH MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1987 3:30pm-4:00pm ONE-ON-ONE with Former Governor Walter Peterson 603-625-1000 4:00pm-4:30 ONE-ON-ONE Stewart Lampry - Former NH Senate President and Speaker of the House 603-625-1000 4:30pm-5:00pm ONE-ON-ONE George Hamilton - President of Bank East 603-625-1000 5:00pm-5:30pm ONE-ON-ONE with Bill Bartlett 603-625-1000 6:00pm-6:05pm LIVE-FEED with WMUR TV - Miles Resnick 603-625-1000 Location: Lobby of the hotel 6:10-6:25pm PRIVATE TIME 603-625-1000 6:30-7:00 ATTEND/ADDRESS the Business and Industry Council Annual reception 603-625-1000 Location: Salon A Attendance: 600-800 Contact: Bonnie Newman 603/224-5388 format: mix/mingle event runs: 6-7pm 7:00pm-9:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Business and Industry Council Annual Dinner 603-625-1000 Locaton: Armory Room Attendance: 600-800 Facility: raised dais with table-top podim with mike Head-table Governor and Nancy Sununu Senate President Bill Bartlett Lee Bartlett Stella Scammon Doug Scammon Bill Gringrich - COB of BIA JoAnn Gringrich Bonnie Newman page 4 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE MANCHESTER, NH MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1987 Program: 7:15pm DINNER SERVED 8:00pm WELCOME BY Governor Sununu 8:20pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Bill Gringrich 8:25pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 8:45pm CONCLUSION of remarks by Senator Dole 9:00pm DEPART for the Manchester airport - 10" drive time 9:10pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Stead Aviation 603-669-4360 9:15pm WHEELS-UP for Washington, D.C. aircraft: Challenger tail number: N100GH flight time: 1 hour 15 minutes manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner 10:30pm ARRIVE Washington, D.C. FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 Met by: Wilbert 10:35pm DEPART for residence 10:50 ARRIVE residence BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE RECESS SCHEDULE STAFF: GLASSNER CONTACT: WALSH (h) (202)745-1083 Beeper: (202)259-9413 HARRISON: (202)546-2384 Beeper: (202)259-9412 FINAL FRIDAY APRIL 10, 1987 3:35pm DEPART for Washington/National airport/Butler 3:55pm ARRIVE Butler Aviation and proceed to the departing aircraft FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 4:15 WHEELS-UP for Baton Rouge, LA aircraft: Falcon 50 Tail number: N85A pilots: Zane Parker, Charles Staley Seats: 10 seats Flight time: 2 hours 15 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Henson Moore, Jay Stone 5:30pm -1hr ARRIVE Baton Rouge, LA and proceed to hotel Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport FBO: Louisiana aircraft 504/356/1401 Met by: Sara Cedarholm 5:35pm DEPART for the Hilton Hotel - drive time 15 minutes The Hilton - Baton Rouge 5500 Hilton Avenue Baton Rouge, Louisiana 5:50pm ARRIVE Hilton and proceed to meeting 504/924-5000 5:55pm-6:25pm PRIVATE TIME 504/924-5000 page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE LOUISIANA FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1987 6:30pm-8:15pm ATTEND/ADDRESS PRIVATE DINNER 504/924-5000 location: French Market Restaurant within the Hilton attendance: 12 8:20pm DEPART for the Embassy Suites Hotel drive time 10 minutes The Embassy Suites Hotel 4914 Constitution Avenue Baton Rouge, Louisiana 8:30pm ARRIVE hotel and proceed to ONE-ON-ONE 504/924-6566 8:40pm-9:00 DROP-BY Hospitality Suite 504/924-6566 location: Suite 205 9:05pm DEPART tor the Hilton hotel - 10" drive time Hilton Hotel - Baton Rouge 5500 Hilton Avenue Baton Rouge, LA 9:15pm ARRIVE hotel and proceed to private 504/924-5000 RON (blank line) BATON ROUGE, LA 504/924-5000 SATURDAY, APRIL ll, 1987 8:20am DEPART private for the FR breakfast 5" drive time 504/924-5000 LSU Faculty Club Highland Road Baton Rouge, LA PAGE 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE LOUISIANA SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1987 8:25am ARRIVE Faculty Club and proceed to the FR breakfast 504/388-2356 8:30am-9:25am- ATTEND/ADDRESS a FR breakfast on behalf of Cong. Livingston 504/388-2356 contact: Winnie Beuerman 504/891-5714 Location: LSU Faculty Club attendance: 30-40 ticket: $250 event runs: 8-9:30am 9:30am DEPART tor the LSU Student Union - 5" drive time LSU student Union P.O. Box 25123 Corner of Rafael and Highland Road Baton Rouge, LA 9:35am ARRIVE Student Union and proceed to NEWS AVAIL 504/388-5141 9:40-9:55AM NEWS AVAIL 504/388-5141 location: Vieux Carre Room - Room #331 10:00am ATTEND/ADDRESS the Louisiana State Convention 504/388-5141 contact: Mike Chittham 504/928-3276 (H) 504/926-0667 attendance: 800-1,000 Location: Theater in the Louisiana State University Student Union facility: raised stage with free-standing Program: 9:50am REMARKS by Senator Mitch McConnell 10:05am INTRO of Senator Dole by Cong. Richard Baker 10:10am REMARKS by Senator Dole 10:30am CONCLUSION of remarks by Senator Dole page 4 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE LOUISIANA/GEORGIA SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1987 10:45am DEPART for the Baton Rouge airport - 2" drive time 11:05am ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Louisiana aircraft 504/356-4101 11:10am WHEELS-UP for Adrian, Georgia aircraft: Falcon tail number: N85A pilots: Zane Parker, Charles Staley flight time: 1 hour 30 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Grassner, Collins, Sara Cedarholm 1:40pm +1hr ARRIVE Adrian, Georgia - Dublin airport FBO: Dublin Air Serv. 912/212-1646 met by: Carl Gillis 1:45pm DEPART for the Picnic Grounds of Carl Gillis's - 30" drive time Gillis Residence Highway 80 2:15pm ARRIVE and proceed to NEWS AVIL 912/668-3887 2:20pm-2:35pm NEWS AVIL 912/668-3887 location: Guest House page 5 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE GEORGIA SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1987 2:40pm ATTEND/ADDRESS to Georgia GOP Statewide Picnic 912/668-3887 contact: Carl Gillis 912/668-3887 attendance: 800-1,000 Location: Carl Gillis's House facility: outdoors - platform with free-standing podium and mike, chairs on platform Program: 2:40pm WELCOME by Carl Gillis and INTRO of Cong. Pat Swindall 2:45pm REMARKS by Pat Swindall 2:50pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole 2:55pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 3:20pm CONCLUSION of remarks by Senator Dole 3:25pm-3:45pm MIX/MINGLE on the Picnic Grounds 912/668-3887 3:50pm DEPART for the airport - 30" drive time 4:20pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to the departing plane - Dublin airport FBO: Dublin Air Service 912/272-1646 4:25pm WHEELS-UP for Jackson, Mississippi flight time: 1 hour aircraft: Falcon 50 tail number: N85A pilots: Zane Parker, Charles Staley manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Collins, Cedarholm (page number cut off, presumably 5) BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE MISSISSIPPI SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1987 4:25pm -1hr ARRIVE Jackson, Mississippi - Thompson airport FBO: Miller Wills Aviation 601/939-9366 Met by: Charlie Rogers 4:30pm DEPART for the hotels - 20" drive time Ramada Renaissance 1001 East Country Line Road Jackson, MS 4:50pm ARRIVE hotel and proceed to MEDIA 601/957-2800 4:55pm-5:10pm NEWS AVIL 601/957-2800 location: (blank) 5:20pm-5:45pm DROP-BY the VIP Reception of the Mississippi GOP - 601/957-2800 contact: Steve Dickson 601/948-5191 location: Penthouse event runs: 5-6pm format: mix/mingle with brief remarks 5:50pm-6:10pm PRIVATE TIME 601/957-2800 6:15PM DEPART for the Convention Center drive time 20" Primo Northgate Convention Center 4330 North State Street Jackson, MS (contact and format handwritten) Contact: Steve Dickson 601/948-5191 Format: mix/mingle 6:35pm-6:55pm DROP-BY the General Reception of the Mississippi GOP United Fund Dinner 601/982-2064 Location: adjacent to ballroom attendance: 300 ticket: $50 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE MISSISSIPPI SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1987 7:00pm-7:45pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Mississippi State UNITED GOP FUND DINNER 601/982-2064 contact: Steve Dickson 601/948-5191 attendance: 500-700 location: Ballroom facility: raised dais with head-table program: 7:05pm WELCOME by Rees Barksdale - Chrm. of the Event and INTRO of Senator Cochran 7:10pm INTRO of Senator Dole by Senator Cochran 7:15pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 7:45pm CONCLUSION of remarks 7:50pm DEPART for airport ~ 10" drive time 8:10pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane 8:15pm WHEELS-UP for Washington, D.C. flight time: 2 hours 15 minutes aircraft: Falcon 50 tail number: N85A pilots: Zane Parker, Charles Staley seats: 7 Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner 11:30pm +1hr ARRIVE airport and proceed to residence FBO Butler 703/549-8340 11:35pm DEPART for the residence 11:50pm ARRIVE residence SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1987 FREE DAY (blank line) WASHINGTON, DC RON (blank line) WDC (handwritten) 2:00 Watergate Restaurant/ARAM BAKSHIAN BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NORTH CAROLINA STAFF: GLASSNER WALSH: 202/745-1083 BEEPER: 202/259-9413 HARRISON: 202/546-2354 BEEPER: 202/259-9412 DRAFT: APRIL 10TH - 2pm MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1987 9:50am DEPART for National Airport 10:10am ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 10:15am WHEELS-UP for Raleigh, North Carolina flight time 45 minutes aircraft: Westwind tail number: 512CC pilots: Tony Ayer, Ed Smith seats: 7 manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner contact: Gloria Enzer 502/685-7100 11:00am ARRIVE Raleigh, North Carolina and proceed to event - Raleigh-Durham Airport Met by: Chris Shields FBO: Aero Services 919/782-3232 11:05am DEPART for The Brown Stone Hotel drive time 25 minutes The Brown Stone Hotel 1707 Hillsborough Street Raleigh, North Carolina 11:30 ARRIVE hotel and proceed to event 11:35am-12:30pm ATTEND/ADDRESS Dole Supporters meeting 919/828-0811 location: Executive Lounge attendance: 50 contact: Cara Flesher 12:35pm-1:00pm *TENTATIVE ONE-ON-ONE location: (blank) NOTE: Collins and Shields coordinating BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE SOUTH CAROLINA MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1987 1:05pm-1:25pm NEWS AVAIL location: Caucus Room 1:30pm DEPART for the airport 1:55pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Aero Services 919/782-3232 2:00pm WHEELS-UP for Myrtle Beach, South Carolina flight time: 45 minutes aircraft: Westwind tail number: 512CC pilots: Tony Ayer, Ed Smith manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Collins 2:45pm ARRIVE North Myrtle Beach Airport FBO: Ramp 66 803/272-5337 Met by: Sara Cedarholm 2:50pm DEPART for the Sheraton drive time 10 minutes The Sheraton 7100 North Ocean Blvd. Myrtle Beach, Florida 3:00pm-3:20pm *TENTATIVE ONE-ON-ONE 803/449-4441 location: (blank) 3:24pm-4:20pm ATTEND/ADDRESS meeting with Business and Political Leaders 803/449-4441 attendance: 40-75 location: Governor's Port press: open contact: Robby Cunningham 803/237-4022 803/827-2211 BOB DOLE TRAVEL RECESS RECESS SCHEDULE STAFF: GLASSNER, BROWN CONTACT: WALSH - (h) 202/745-1083 202/259-9413 HARRISON: 202/546-2354 202/259-9412 FINAL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1987 7:45am-8:45am BREAKFAST MEETING with Tulsa GOP Leaders and Christian Leaders 918/587-8000 attendance: 40 location: Woodward contact: Janice Hardenberger 913/469-1141 Dick Freeman 918/299-5047 (H) 918/835-6592 8:50am-9:00am HOLDING ROOM location: Keystone Room 9:05am-9:25am NEWS AVAIL location: Gilcrease Room 9:30am-10:00am ONE-ON-ONE'S (FINANCE) NOTE: Brown to coordinate with Dave Owen location: Senator Dole's Suite 10:05am DEPART for the airport - Tulsa Int'l drive time - 20" 10:25am ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Butler Aviation 918/836-3731 10:30am WHEELS-UP for Springfield, MO aircraft: Lear 35 tail no.: 301SC pilots: David Rose, Tiana Etzkorn seats: 7 Flight time: 45 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Brown page 2 BOB DOLE RECESS SCHEDULE MISSOURI WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1987 11:15am ARRIVE Springfield, MO - Springfield Regional Airport Met By: Jan Crowe - Dole Advance FBO: City Fueling 417-869-7231 11:20am DEPART for the Meeting site - 15" drive time Hilton Inn at the Ozarks 3050 North Kentwood Springfield, MO 11:35am ARRIVE Meeting site and proceed to NEWS AVAIL 417/833-3108 11:40am-11:55am NEWS AVAIL 417/833-3108 location: executive suite 12:00pm-1:00pm MEETING with GOP and Business Leaders 417/833-3108 contact: Cindy Howell attendance: 50-75 location: Tablerock Room 1:10pm DEPART for the airport - 15" drive time 1:25pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: City Fueling 417/869-7261 1:30pm WHEELS-UP for St. Louis, MO aircraft: Lear 35 tail number: 301SC pilots: David Rose, Tiana Etzkorn flight time: 45 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Brown page 3 BOB DOLE RECESS SCHEDULE MISSOURI WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1987 2:15pm ARRIVE St. Louis, MO - Lambert Field Met by: Keith Gudenkauph FBO: Midcoast Aviation 214/731-7111 2:20pm DEPART for the meeting location 10" drive time - Marriott Hotel at the airport Marriott Hotel - St. Louis Airport Airport and I 70 St. Louis, MO 2:30pm ARRIVE Marriot Hotel and proceed to private 314/432-9700 2:40pm-3:05pm MEDIA ONE-ON-ONE with Bob Hardy - with KMOX RADIO - "At Your Service" talk show 314/423-9700 location: Parlor 315 3:10pm-3:25pm NEWS AVAIL Location: Salon I 3:30pm-3:45pm PHONE-HOOK-UP for Evans and Novak Meeting location: Parlor 315 3:50pm-5:00pm MEETING with GOP Leaders and Dole Supporters attendance: 80 Contact: Shannon Cave 314/295-4930 Keith Gudenkaugh 314/621-2939 Location: Salon 3 & 4 5:05pm DEPART for the airport - 10" drive time PAGE 4 BOB DOLE RECESS SCHEDULE CHICAGO WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1987 5:15pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Midcoast Aviation 314/731-7111 5:20pm WHEELS-UP for Chicago, IL - O'Hare airport aircraft: Lear 35 tail number: 301SC pilots: David Rose, Tiana Etzkorn seats: 7 flight time: 1 hour Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Brown, Bernie Weinraub 6:20pm ARRIVE Chicago, IL - O'Hare airport FBO: Butler Aviation 312/686-7000 Met by: Kelly Turner 312/852-1597 6:25pm DEPART for the Westin Hotel - at O'Hare airport 10" drive time Westin O'Hare airport 6100 River Road Rosemont, IL 6:35pm-6:50pm ARRIVE hotel and proceed to media ONE-ON-ONE with WBBM TV - CBS 312/698-6000 contact: Katie Slata 312/698-6000 6:55pm-7:10pm PRIVATE TIME 7:15pm DEPART for the Sears Tower drive time 15 minutes The Sears Tower - The Metropolitan Club 233 South Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois page 5 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE ILLINOIS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1987 7:30pm ARRIVE Sears Tower and proceed to the Metropolitan Club on the 67th floor 312/876-3200 7:35pm-9:00pm PRIVATE DINNER 312/876-3200 location: Room #6717 attendance: 4-5 people contact: Carol Sexton 312/930-8228 NOTE: Jo-Anne coordinating 9:05pm DEPART for the Westin Hotel The Westin 6100 River Road Rosemont, Illinois 9:20pm ARRIVE PRIVATE 312/698-6000 RON (blank line) WESTIN HOTEL 312/698-6000 THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1987 7:50pm-8:00pm MEETING WITH SENATOR KUSTRA AND HAROLD BYRON SMITH 312/698-6000 Location: Senator's Suite 8:00am-9:00am ATTEND/ADDRESS a Policy Forum breakfast sponsored by Senator Bob Kustra 312/698-6000 contact: Barbara Hutes 312/793-3026 (H) 312/348-7933 Location: Main ballroom event runs: 7:45am-9am attendance: 200-300 facility: Tables of 10, raised dais with free-standing podium with mike PAGE 6 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE ILLINOIS THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1987 PROGRAM: 8:15AM WELCOME by Senator Kustra and INTRO of Harold Byron Smith, CEO of Illinois Tool Works & Nat'l Committeemen of Illinois 8:20am INTRO of Senator Dole by Harold Byron Smith 8:25am REMARKS by Senator Dole 8:55am CONCLUSION of remarks by Senator Dole 9:00am-9:15am NEWS AVAIL 9:20-9:35am PHOTO-OP with GOP Legislators 312/698-6000 location: Senator Dole's Suite attendance: 11-12 contact: Tom McCracken 9:40am-10:05am ONE-ON-ONE with Tom McCracken State Representative - House Republican Floor Leader 312/698-6000 page 7 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE RECESS SCHEDULE - ILLINOIS THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1987 10:10am-10:30am MEDIA - ONE-ON-ONE Call-in Orion Samuelson interview (WGN RADIO INTERVIEW) 10:35am DEPART for O'Hare airport - 10" drive time 10:40am ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Butler Aviation 312/686-7000 10:45am WHEELS-UP for Urbana/Champaign, IL aircraft: Lear 35 tail number: 301SC pilots: David Rose, Tiana Etzkorn flight time: 30 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Brown 11:15am ARRIVE Urbana/Champaign, IL - Willard Airport FBO: Avistar Air Center 217/351-7700 Met by: Mike Flesher 515/282-1988 Rep. Tim Johnson 11:20am DEPART for the meeting site - 10" drive time Chancellor Hotel and Convention Center 1501 South Neil Street Champaign, IL 11:30am ARRIVE Site and proceed to meeting 217/352-7891 11:35am-12:35pm MEETING with Political Leaders 217/352-7891 contact: Rep. Tim Johnson 217/782-8173 217/367-6092 attendance: 30-40 Township County Chrm., Auxillary group leaders location: Illiniwek room page 8 BOB DOLE RECESS SCHEDULE ILLINOIS THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1987 12:40pm-1:00pm NEWS AVAIL 1:05pm DEPART for airport - Urbana/Champaign airport 10" drive time 1:15pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Avistar Air Center 217/351-7700 1:20pm WHEELS-UP for Springfield, IL- Capital Airport aircraft: Lear 35 tail number: 301SC pilots: David Rose, Tiana Etzkorn flight time: 30 minutes manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Brown 1:50pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to NEWS AVAIL Capitol Airport Met by: Craig Burkhardt FBO: Aero Services 217/544-8882 1:55pm DEPART for the Springfield, IL Hilton Hotel - 15 minute drive time Springfield Hilton Hotel 700 East Adams Street Springfield, Illinois 2:05pm ARRIVE Hilton Hotel and proceed to NEWS AVAIL 217/789-1530 2:10pm-2:30pm NEWS AVAIL 217/789-1530 location: The Vista North Room 2:35pm-3:35pm POLITICAL MEETING with Springfield GOP Leaders 217/789-1530 location: Appollo Room attendance: 50-75 contact: Craig Burkhardt 217/544-1144 Dean Klovens (H) 217/522-9602 page 9 BOB DOLE RECESS SCHEDULE ILLINOIS THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1987 3:45pm-4:30pm (blank) 4:25pm DEPART for the airport - 15 minutes drive time 4:40pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Aero Services 217/544-8882 4:45pm WHEELS-UP for Peoria, Illinois flight time: 30 minutes aircraft: Lear 35 tail no.: 301SC pilots: David Rose, Tiana Etzkorn manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Brown 5:15pm ARRIVE Peoria, Illinois - Greater Peoria Airport FBO: Byerly Aviation 309/697-6300 met by: Bruce Rogers 5:20pm DEPART for the Hotel Pere Marquette drive time 20 minutes Hotel Pere Marquette 501 Main Peoria, Illinois 5:40pm ARRIVE Hotel and proceed to News Avail 5:45pm-6:00pm NEWS AVAIL location: Illinois Room page 10 BOB DOLE RECESS SCHEDULE ILLINOIS THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1987 6:05pm-7:05pm ATTEND/ADDRESS a GOP Peoria Leaders Reception attendance: 100-150 location: LaSalle Room event runs: 5:30-7:30pm contact: Mary Alice Erickson 309/676-0018 format: mix/mingle 7:10pm DEPART for the airport - 20 minutes drive time 7:30pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Byerly Aviation 309/697-6300 7:35pm WHEELS-UP for Memphis, Tennessee flight time: 1 hour 15 minutes aircraft: Lear 35 tail no.: 301SC manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner 8:50pm ARRIVE Memphis, Tennessee and proceed to departing car met by: Cedarholm FBO: Memphis Aero 901/345-4700 9:15pm DEPART for the Wilson World Hotel drive time 15 minutes 9:30pm ARRIVE hotel and proceed to private 901/366-0000 RON (blank line) MEMPHIS, TN page 11 BOB DOLE RECESS SCHEDULE TENNESSEE FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1987 8:00am-9:00am TENTATIVE BREAKFAST - (finance) 901/366-0000 location: Governor's Suite attendance: (blank) format: Brief remarks 9:00am-9:30am MEETING with Shelby County GOP Long Range Planning Committee 901/366-0000 location: President's suite attendance: (blank) 9:30am-10:00am MEDIA - ONE-ON-ONE NOTE: WALT coordinating 10:05am-10:25am PHONE CALLS/PRIVATE TIME 10:30am-11:30am MEETING with Shelby County GOP leaders 901/366-0000 location: (blank) attendance: (blank) contact: John McCalla 901/523-8211 11:35am-11:50am NEWS AVAIL location: (blank) 11:50am-12:30pm DROP-BY the Whitehaven Rotary Club luncheon 901/366-0000 location: (blank) attendance: 150-200 contact: Dan Michel 901/797-3000 (H) 901/332-7656 page 12 BOB DOLE RECESS SCHEDULE ALABAMA FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1987 12:35pm DEPART for the airport drive time 15 minutes 12:50pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Memphis Aero 901/345-4700 12:55pm WHEELS-UP for Montgomery, Alabama flight time: 45 minutes aircraft: Lear 35 tail no.: 301SC pilots: David Rose, Tiana Etzkorn manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Collins 1:40pm ARRIVE Montgomery, Alabama and proceed to meeting - Dannelly Field Airport met by: (blank) FBO: Epps 204/288-6081 1:45pm DEPART for the Governor's office - 20 minutes drive time 205/261-2500 2:05pm ARRIVE office and proceed to the Governor's office 205/261-2500 2:15pm-2:30pm ONE-ON-ONE MEETING with Governor Hunt 205/261-2500 2:35pm DEPART for meeting site - drive time 10 minutes 2:45pm-3:30pm MEETING with Political Leaders page 13 BOB DOLE RECESS SCHEDULE TENNESSEE FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1987 3:35pm DEPART for the airport - 15 minute drive time 3:50pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft 3:55pm WHEELS-UP for WDC flight time: 1 hour 45 minutes aircraft: Lear 35 tail no.: 301SC pilots: David Rose, Tiana Etzkorn manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner 6:40pm +1hr ARRIVE Washington, DC met by: Wilbert FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 6:45pm DEPART for residence 7:00pm ARRIVE residence and proceed to private SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 6-12, 1987 (underlined) MONDAY, APRIL 6 10:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Jackie Strange (re Bd. mtg) 11:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Donald Davis, Chrmn, Stanley Corp., New Britain, Conn. & V.P. of NAM (wants to help in camp) 11:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Jack Mcdonald & former Sen. Hathaway re DAT issue (digital tapes) Mark B. sit in 11:45 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Doyle Rahjes (Mark S. arr) 1:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Hector Barreto (George Negron 789-2717) tent. 1:30 or 2:00 MTG. w/ Byrd 3:15 Wheels Up enroute NYC 7:30 Waldorf NYC SPEAK & Receive Leadership Award by Columbia U. Business School Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of April 6 - 12, 1987 Page 2 (underlined) TUESDAY, APRIL 7 7:45 1302 LHOB BKFST. by Ks. Farm Bu Leaders of Year (Mark S/Ron) 8:00 Crystal Gateway Marriott Arlington Ballrm. SPEAK - Pizza Hut Top Mgmt Mtg. 9:00 Sheraton Grand Sagamore Hill Rm. SPEAK - Computer Equiptment Mfrs. 9:00 SR-332 AG. COMM. (econ. problems of rural communities) 10:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (comparison of major trade bills & Jean Elder nom.) 10:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ George Ablah (re camp) 11:00 S-230 Cap. Lynn & JoAnne Mtg. w/ Lt. Gov Jack Walker (stop by, if possible) 11:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Dick Collins (re camp) 12:30 S-211 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON 2:30 SD-224 JUDICIARY COMM. (nom. hrgs for Wilkes Robinson, O.V.Pk) 3:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Jorge Mas & Domingo Moreira (Al arr) 3:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Bill Rusher (212/679-7330) 4:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Nelson Peltz, CEO & Peter May, Pres., Triangle Ind. (JoAnne arr) 5-6:30 H-137 Cap. RECEP. by Dallas Chamber of Commerce (Members only) 6-7:30 S-120 Cap. RECEP. by Computers & Bus. Equip. Mfrs. Assn. 6-8:00 Sheraton Grand FR RECEP. for Chic Hecht (Sen. co-host 6-8:00 Mayflower RECEP. on 10th Anniv. of Heritage Fdn 6-8:00 Capitol Hilton "Spirit of America" Awards Recep. & Dinner by Nat'l Grocers Assn. 7:00 pm Awards Presentation (Dole, Durenburger, Hollings & Ford are awardees) 7:30 1775 Mass. ave, NW SPEAK - Brookings Institute Sen. Dole's Schedule - Week of April 6-12, 1987 Page 3 (underlined) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8 7:30 Capitol Holiday Inn Lewis Rm. BKFST. by Ks. Farm Bureau group (Mark S/Ron) (Merry, Pat Roberts office is contact) 8:00 J.W. Marriott Ballrm. Ctr-Salon E DOLE FDN. Bd. MTG. 9:15 Capitol Holiday Inn Clark Rm. SPEAK - Land o'Lake Exec. Bd. Mtg. 10:00 SD-215 FINANCE (Maj. trade bill comparison) 11:00 Capitol Rotunda "Days of Remembrance" Observance by Holocaust Council (Dale) 11:30 Capitol TOUR of Capitol by Nat'l Cherry Blossom Princesses (Sen. get photo w/ group & greet) Contact: Bill Barbee 233-2107 or 6069 (new time handwritten) Changed to Thursday at 1:30 1:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ George Bello, Exec. V.P., Reliance Group Holdings, NYC & Wiley Jones (re NY camp) (handwritten) 2:15 S-230 Cap. Photo w/ 20 Garden City Wash. Workshop students (Jeff) 3:00 SR-332 CLOSED DOOR MTG. of AG COMM. w/ Chrmn of Ag Neg. Group of Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negs (re GATT) 4:00 SR-252 SPEAK - Calif. Ag Group (Wilson's group) 5:30-7:30 S-207 Cap. RECEp. by Catholic Health Assn. (Steve Blaes, Wichita & Sister Macrina Ryan, Leavenworth attndg) (Lynn/Sheila) 5:30-7:30 Bullfeathers RECEP. for fundraisers for President's Dinner (659-1771) 6-8:00 Folger-Shakespeare Library FR RECEP. for Chafee (Sen. co-host) (Contact: Ed Rahall 347-0202) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of April 6-12, 1987 Page 4 (underlined) THURSDAY, APRIL 9 8:00 Willard Hotel Ballroom SPEAK - Nat'l Parking Assn. (handwritten) 9:00 SD-215 Finance Comm (illegible)-welfare reform 10:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Tom Tabor, Ga. (JoAnne arr) 10:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ John Rollins & Tom Evans 11:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Disque Deane & Carl Arnold (re AIDS research) 659-3326 (handwritten) 11:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Gov. Snelling (re camp) 12-2:00 SD-106 RECEP. by Am. Friends of Lubavitch for Rabbi Schneerson (Dale) (handwritten) 12:15 S-230 Cap. Mayor Edward Annan Kalamazoo, Mich. (re West Mich. area (illegible)) & CEO of (illegible) & Cheryl Sculley) (handwritten) Changed from Wed. 1:30 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Geo. Bello. (handwritten) 4:45 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Arnold King (Kay arr) (handwritten) 5:00 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ (illegible) Lt. Govs. 6-8:00 H-140 Cap. RECEP. by Am. Dental Assn Bd. of Trustees (Lynn) 6-8:00 Cap. Hill Club Governors Rm. FAREWELL RECEP. for Marie Michnich (Senator) 7 & 8:00 J.W. Marriott Ballroom RECEP. & DINNER by Second Genesis (Maggie Shannon 320-2686) (Sen. told her he would stop by recep.) 7 & 8:00 Wash. Hilton Int'l Terrace - Int'l Ballroom RADIO/TV Correspondents Dinner Cocktails Dinner (BLACK TIE) Sen. Dole's Schedule - Week of April 6-12, 1987 Page 5 (underlined) FRIDAY, APRIL 10 9:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Drew Lewis & Charlie Kopt (JoAnne arr) 9:45 Sen. Rec. Studio TAPING for Hispanic Literacy Employment Conference (Greg & Brent arr) 10:00 SD-215 TAX SUBC. (IRS oversight) (handwritten) 10:15 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Mark McCoxaghy, Randy Dellon, Rich & JoAnne 11:30 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Macon Edwardo & (illegible) formed (illegible) Nat'l Cottox Council (re camp) 12:00 S-230 Cap. mtg w/ Bill Lacy, Kirk, Chris & JoAnne (underlined) SATURDAY, APRIL 11 (separate schedule) 10:00 Baton Rouge, La. SPEAK - Louisiana GOP State Conv. 2:30 Adrian, Ga. SPEAK - Georgia State GOP Convention 7:30 Jackson, Miss. SPEAK - Miss. State GOP Convention RON D.C. (underlined) SUNDAY, APRIL 12 (blank)