SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of March 30 — April 5, 1987 MONDAY, MARCH 30 8:30 S-230 Cap. BKFST. MTG. w/Dave Owen, Jack Stephens, Hootie Johnson & Ron Richey 10:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Bill Kennedy, editor, CONSERVATIVE DIGEST (Don D.siti in 12-2:00 345 CHOB LUNCHEON by Preservation Action Assn. (Joe Snell, Ks. State Historic Preser. Ofcr. attndg) 12:30-2:00 SD-124 LUNCHEON for 50 state coordinators of Nat'l Bicentennial Competition on Constitution (Marcie) (following appointment crossed out) 2:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/KLA-Exec. Comm. (Mark S. arr) 2:00 (hand written replacement for 2:40 in following appointment) 2:40 S-230 Cap. INT. w/Sara Thrasher, Iowa Public TV (20 min on farm policy) (handwritten additions) 2:30 Oval Ofc. W. Hse S.W. Gate Pres. mtg w/Cochran 3:15 Wheels up enroute NYC 5:30-7:30 1302 LHOB RECEP. by KLA (Mark S. & Ron) NYC FR RECEP. for Durenberger NYC SPEAK - Brooklyn College (separate schedule for New York events) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of March 30-April 5, 1987 Page 2 TUESDAY, MARCH 31 8:45 SD-562 SPEAK - Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce group (bkfst 8-9:15) 11:00 2105 RHOB SPEAK - The Wine Institute (12:20 handwritten addition) 12:20 S-230 Cap. Mtg w/ Howard Baker 12:30 S-211 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON 2:00 Sen.Steps-Cap. Vigil for Benjamin Charney,Soviet cancer victim (Dale) (2:15 to 3:00 handwritten additions) 2:15 Oval Ofc - W. Hse (SW Gate) Pres. mtg w/ Kasten (illegible) (Becky - 456-7054 2:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Bob Finch 3:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Dale Nelson, Des Moines 3:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Lord Carrington & Alton Keel, new Amb. to NATO (Dave sit in) Eileen Giglio 647-9036 (4:45 to 5:00 handwritten additions) 4:45 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Giovanni Agnelli, (illegible), Prof Paolo Zannomi, (illegible) Ofc. 9 Howard Liebengood (Cindy 639-8899) 5:00 S-230 Cap. Brief mtg s/NFO Adv. Comm. Members, from across country 5-7:00 S-207 Cap. RECEP. by Russell Long & law partners for Jeff Gates, former Fin.Comm.Coun 5:30-7:30 1302 LHOB RECEP. by Ks Livestock Assn. (Mark/Ron 6-8:00 SR-325 RECEP. by Sen. & Mrs. Byrd for David Pratt 6-8:00 Cap.Hill Club FR RECEP. for Helen Bentley (Sen. a co-host) 6-8:00 345 CHOB RECEP. by Soc. of American Florists (by invit. only) 6:15-8:00 Hyatt Regency Ballrm. RECEP. by McDonalds' Corp. (MEMBERS ONLY) Ksns. attndg. 7:00 WASH. TIMES 3600 New York Ave,NE DINNER by Arnaud de Borchgrave (Sen. & Eliz.) NOTE: 10:00 PBS Documentary on 10th Mountain Divn. "Soldiers of the Summit" Sen. Dole's Schedule - Week of March 30-April 5, 1987 Page 3. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 9:00 SR-301 RULES COMM. (communications & computer business) (10:00 to 3:00 handwritten additions) 10:00 Russell Rotunda Speak Know Your Cholesterol Week "Ceremony honoring Sen. Zorinsky (following appointment crossed out) 10:30 BSR-188 Photo w/ group of Ks. hi school students (Barbara Dennis) watch arr- tent 10:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg w/ McConnell, Sec'y Lyng & Will Ball (re his way bill) 11:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Michael Eisner, Chrmn Walt Disney Prod. c Lucille Martin 818/840-5050) 1:00 (12:15 crossed out) S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ GOP Ldrship cancelled (following appointment crossed out) 1:45 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ m/m Randy (Rebbie) Fields Dave Ficker 2:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ KLA Exec. Comm. (Mark S. arr) 3:00 Ohio clock or Sen steps Photo w/Barbara Dennis 60 hi school students (Mitch arr 5-7:00 H-130 & 131 Kansas State U. 6-8:00 Hyatt Regency A Ballrm. RECEP. by Nat'l Cattlemens' Assn. (Mark S./Ron) (time crossed out several times for following appointment) 7:15 Sheraton Grand Ballroom Center SPEAK - Pfizer Corp. 7-9:00 State Dept. Diplomatic Recep. Rm. WINE RECEP. & BUFFET by California Delegation Sen. Dole's Schedule - Week of March 31-April 5, 1987 Page 4 THURSDAY, APRIL 2 (next appointment handwritten) 8-9:00 Capital Quality Inn Greg having bkfst w/ Hesston Employees Mion Members (next appointment crossed out) 8:30 S-230 Cap. BKFSt. w/House Members 10:00 ROA Bldg-5th Floor SPEAK - N.Y. Jewish Fed. (10-15min) (Dale arr) 10:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (trade bills)- (handwritten note) interrupt for Jean Elder nomination 10:45 by Ohio Clock PHOTO w/30 West Point cadets & instructor (Marcie arr) (next appointment handwritten) 11:15 Old Senate Chamber GOP Conf. - w/President 12:00-?? 1300 LHOB "OMELET LUNCHEON" by United Egg Producers (MEMBERS ONLY) (next appointment is handwritten and crossed out) 2:00 SR-332 Nutrition Subc (urge - nutrition for homeless) 5:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Dole Fdn. Steering Comm. 5:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Ellsworth & DFP staff (next appointment is crossed out) 5:30-7:30 SD-628 RECEP. by K.C. Bakeries Inc. (T.J. Cinnamon) 5:30-7:00 Sheraton Grand (handwritten: Mt. Vernon Lounge) FR for Kasten PAC (Sen. co-host) (next appointment handwritten) 6:30-7:30 S-207 Cap. Recep. by Business Week Magazine 6:30-8:30 Grand Hotel Promenade 2350 M St,NW RECEP. by U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce (432-0655) Sen. Dole's Schedule - Week of March 30-April 5, 1987 Page 5 FRIDAY, APRIL 3 tent. (crossed out) 8:30 Capitol Holiday Inn - Clark Rm. SPEAK - Michigan Farm Bureau Leaders (handwritten) (Tom Guthrie 479-4000 Rm 662 (next appointment handwritten) 9:30 SR-332 Ag Comm (nutrition for homeless) 9:30 SD-215 TAX SUBSC. R & D credit) 10:45 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Greater San Diego Chamber members ( (18-20) (crossed out) 13-14 incl. Barbara Stemple 11:15 Sen.Rec. Studio Do Dixon's monthly TV show (30 min) (Dale arr) (1:30 to 4:30 handwritten additions) 1:30 S-230 Cap Mtg w/Michael Spiney (Jo Anne arr) 2:00 S-230 Cap Mtg. w/former Ambr. Louis Fields, Jr (Susanne Fitzgerald 298-7133) Done S. 2:30 S-230 Cap Mtg. w/former Sen. Dick Stone (re Contras) 872-1470-Vivian 4:30 S-230 Cap Mtg. w/John Gordley (re Iowa) SATURDAY, APRIL 4 4-6:00 Nat'l Museum of Women in Arts 13th & N.Y.Ave,NW RECEP. on Opening of "A KANSAS COLLECTION" (group of Kansans coming for event) 7 & 8:00 Amelia's Restaurant Crystal City KANSAS CHERRY BLOSSOM RECEP, & DINNER by Ks. State Society ($30.00/ea.( Jan Meyers’ office handling SUNDAY, APRIL 5 (blank) (handwritten) Betty SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of March 23 - 29, 1987 MONDAY, MARCH 23 9:30 SD-215 TAX SUBC. (Admin. tax proposals) 10:30 SD-106 SPEAK (10 min) Nat'l Leadership of Anti-Defamation League (Dale arr) (handritten) 857-6668 Paula (next appointment handwritten) 1:30-1:45 Oval Ofc (N.W. Gate) Mtg w/Pres. on hiway bill w/Sen. & Eliz.) Baker & Will 4:00 Depart Butler - National Airport enroute N.C. Winston-Salem SPEAK - Lincoln Day Dinner Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of March 23 - 29, 1987 Page 2. TUESDAY, MARCH 24 (9:30-11:30 handwritten additions) 9:30-10:30 Cabinet Rm (NW Gate) Hse/Sen GOP Ldrship mtg w/Pres. (hiway bill & budget) 11:30 - Sen. steps- Cap. Photo w/Phillipsburg & Smith Center hi school students (40) w/Barbara D (illegible) & 12 Wash. Workshop students from Ks. (Mitch arr) 12-2:00 S-205 Cap. LUNCHEON by Ks. Independent Insurance Agents 12:30 S-211 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON 2:15 S-230 CAP. MTG. w/Charles Keating & Lenny Bell (Kirk arr) 5:30-7:30 SD-215 RECEP. by Manufactured Housing Inst. (Greg?) 6-8:00 Madison Library Montpelier Rm. 6th Floor RECEP. by Nat'l Assn. of Retail Druggists (Tom Bruns, Ks. attndg) 7:30-8:30 Albany, N.Y. Renssalaer County GOP Comm. Recep. 8:45 Albany, N.Y. SPEAK - NYS Business Council Dinner Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of March 23-29, 1987 Page 3 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 10:00 SR-332 AG COMM. (hrgs. on Ag aid & trade missions - S. 659) 10:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (trade hrgs.) (next appointment handwritten) 10:30 Sen. steps - Photo w/70 Princeton, N.J. hi school students 10:45 SH-141(crossed out) S-230 Cap. Rich mtg. w/Ks. Independent Insurance agents. (11:15-1:45 handwritten additions) 11:15 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Roy Innis, CORE (Angie Winbush 718/434-3580) 11:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/David Cifrins (Jo Anne arr.) 1:30-3:00 S-205 Luncheon honoring Greek Independence Day, Archbishop Sakhorn & Andy Athens 1:45 Sen. steps or ohioclock Photo w/ "Know America" senior citizens group betw. 2&3 S-207 Cap. STOP BY Mtg. of United Synagogue of American members (Dale arr) (next appointment handwritten) 2:45 S-220 Cap. Mtg. w/ Mark McConaghy 3-6:00 S-207 Cap. RECEP. for Jeana Jeager & Dick Rutan by Calif. & Utah Delegations (Sen. only) 3:30 SD-192 SPEAK - Sen. Trust group(Gracia 662-0677) 5:30-7:00 B-338-340 RHOB RECEP. by Int'l Assn. of Chiefs of Police (Greg or ??) 948-0922 6-7:30 Willard Hotel Crystal Rm. RECEP. by Hershey Foods Corp. 6-8:00 Four Seasons Dumbarton Rm. RECEP. by Second Genesis honoring Sen. Dole & Corporate sponsors 6:30-?? Anderson House 2118 Mass. Ave,NW BUFFET/RECEP. - Rep. Senatorial Comm. (Gracia 347-0202) (next appointment crossed out) tent. 7:30 Cosmos Club Dinner Mtg. Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of March 23-29, 1987 Page 4 THURSDAY, MARCH 26 (next appointment handwritten) 8:45 S-230 Cap. Bkfst w/ House Members 10:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (catastrophic health insurance hrgs.) 10-12:00 S-207 Cap. RECEP. by Am. Society of Civil Engineers (handwritten note) Nancy Lap-(illegible) Jonathan D-(illegible) 343-4367 - on design. of Capitol as as Nat'l Hist. Civil Engrg.Landmark & pres.of core sample of foundation to Comm. on West Front members (handwritten note) (asked if he wants to say a few words about Capitol 3-4 sentences at beginning (next appointment handwritten) 11:00 S-343 Mtg w/Dale van Atta 11:30 S-230 Cap. PHOTO w/4 Iowa pork producers, incl. Don Gingrich (Mark S./John G) (next appointment handwritten) 11:45 S-230 Photo w/Chris Birkhead, McPherson (Make-a-Wish child) Mitch arr. (next appointment handwritten and crossed out) 12:00 1:00 S-230 Luncheon w/Ldrship (Jo Anne Arr.) 2:00 SR-332 AG COMM. (PIK hrgs) 4:00 Ben Franklin Rm. State Dept. SWEARING-IN of Joe Petrone (647-1534) 5-7:00 2175 RHOB RECEP. by Nat'l Head Injury Fdn. honoring Jim & Sarah Brady (5:30-6:30 handwritten additions) 5:30 S-230 Mtg w/Valker, Domenici & other Senators 6:30 SOG-50 SPEAK briefly - Senate Employees Fed. Credit Union 7:00 (handwritten note 8:00 Recep.) Hyatt Reg. SPEAK - Asian, Arabic & Hispanic "Salute to President" dinner (handwritten note) (700 + attendees) (7:30-8:00 handwritten additions) arr. 7:30 VIP Recep. - Concord Lexington Rm. (mingle & photos w/VIPS) Dr Jhin 576-6288 8:00 Dinner - Regency Ballrm SPEAK prior to dinner Catering Manager, Peter Shapiro x1272 Carl Bates Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of March 23-27, 1987 Page 5 FRIDAY, MARCH 27 10:00 SD-215 HEALTH SUBC. (PRO) 10:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/LtGen Bartlett, Commandant, Ft. Leavenworth (Tom arr) 10:30-11:30 S-207 CAP. COFFEE honoring Bishops of African Methodist Churches (Bishop Kenneth Hicks, Topeka attndg) Sen. co-host w/Boren) 488-5628 (handwritten note) Barbara- Boren's ofc. (10:45-3:30 handwritten additions) 10:45 starts at 11.00 Oval Ofc -W.Hse (NWG.) VETO ceremony for hiway bill (Dole) (Stafford crossed out) & Admin. Wendy 456-6782 11:15 Oval Ofc Mtg w/Lynne 11:30 " " (Oval Ofc) Mtg w/ Hecht & McCain 3:30 S-230 Conf. Rm. Chafee hosting tea (per Joyce) 7:00 Des Moines SPEAK - Univ. of Osteopathic Medicine & Haalth Sciences (separate schedule for weekend) SATURDAY, MARCH 28 (in Iowa) SUNDAY, MARCH 29 approx.7:30 Arr. Butler - National Airport (handwritten) Betty (circled), Jo-Anne, Joyce BOB DOLE STAFF: Glassner TRAVEL SCHEDULE CONTACT: Molly Walsh - (h) 202/745-1083 beeper: 202/259-9413 Dianne Harrison 202/546-2354 beeper: 202/259-9412 NEW YORK, NY DRAFT: MARCH 26th (handwritten) Monday, March 30th 4:00 (3:05pm crossed out) DEPART for Butler National airport 4:25 (3:25pm crossed out) ARRIVE Butler and proceed to departing plane FBO: Butler Aviation 703/349-8340 4:30 (3:15pm crossed out) WHEELS-UP for New York, NY aircraft: Challenger tail number: flight time: 1 hour seats: 8 pilots: manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Dave Broome 5:30 (4:25pm crossed out) ARRIVE New York, NY FRO: Butler Aviation Met by: Brian Berry/Degliomini 5:35 (4:20pm crossed out) DEPART for the Helmsley Palace Hotel - 40" with traffic Helmsley Palace Hotel 455 Madison Avenue New York, NY 6:05 (5:00pm crossed out) ARRIVE the Helmsley Palace Hotel and proceed to meeting 212/888-7000 (time marked out for following appointment) 5:05pm-5:50pm TENTATIVE CONSERVATIVE LEADERS MEETING 212/888-7000 NOTE: Coordinated by Dave Keene 5:55pm DEPART for the Durenberger reception by foot 212/888-7000 page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK MONDAY, MARCH 30, 1987 6:00pm-6:40pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the FR in honor of Senator Durenberger 212/888=7000 attendance: location: format: facility: 6:40pm DEPART for the Pierre Hotel -10" drive time Pierre Hotel Fifth Avenue and 6lst Streets New York, NY 6:50pm ARRIVE the Pierre Hotel and proceed to private 6:55pm-7:10pm PRIVATE TIME/PHONE CALLS 212/838-8000 7:15pm-7:45pm MEETING with Financial Leaders 212/838-8000 NOTE: Coordinated by Cushing/Gargano location: Attendee's: 7:50pm-8:00pm DROP-BY the Brooklyn College Reception 212/838-8000 location: attendance: format: facility: 8:05pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Brooklyn College Award Dinner 212/838-8000 NOTE: You will speak and depart attendance: 400-500 Location: Grand Ballroom Facility: Contact: Program: 8:10pm WELCOME by (blank) page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK, NY MONDAY, MARCH 30, 1987 8:10pm INTRO of Senator Dole by (blank) 212/836-8000 8:15pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 8:35pm CONCLUSION of remarks 8:40pm DEPART for Laguardia airport - 25" drive time 9:05pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Butler Aviation 9:10pm WHEELS-UP for Washington, D.C. aircraft: Challenger Tail number: pilots: fidgnt time: 1 hour manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Broome 10:10pm ARRIVE Washington, D.C, FBO: Butler 703/849-8340 Met by: Wilbert 10:15pm DEPART for residence 10:30pm ARRIVE residence (handwritten) Betty, Joanne, Joyce BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK, NEW YORK STAFF: GLASSNER CONTACT: WALSH (202) 745-1083 beeper: (202) 259-9413 HARRISON (202) 546-2354 beeper: (202) 289-9412 DRAFT: MARCH 31, 1987 2:50pm DEPART for Butler Aviation 3:10pm ARRIVE Butler Aviation and proceed to departing plane FBO: Butler Aviation 703/849-8340 3:15pm WHEELS-UP for New York, New York aircraft: tail number: Pilots: Flight time: 1 hour Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner 4:15pm ARRIVE New York, New York and proceed to meetings 4:20pm DEPART for the meeting site - 40" drive time Mr. Ed Downe 25 Sutton Place New York, NY 5:00pm-5:45pm MEETING - ONE-ON-ONE with Ed Downe 212/ 5:50pm DEPART for FR reception - 20" drive tine 6:10pm-7:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS a CA FR host: Richard Fisher Attendee 's: 7:05pm DEPART for the Waldorf Astoria - 15" drive tine Waldorf Astoria 301 Park Avenue New York, NY page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK, NY MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1987 7:28pm ARRIVE the Waldorf and proceed to the Dinner 212/388-3000 7:30pm-9:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Columbia Business School's Annual Dinner to present the School's Award for Excellence in Government 212/355-3000 attendance: 1,000 Business executives location: Grand Ballroom attire: Black-tie contact: John Neiman 212/280-3425 facility: raised dais with 40-80 CEO'S table-top podium with mike Program: 7:35pm DINNER SERVED 8:35pm INTRO of Senator Dole by (blank) 8:40pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 9:00pm DEPART for the airport - 25" drive time 9:25pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to airport 9:30pm WHEELS-UP for Washington, D.C. aircraft: tail number: pilots: flight time: 1 hour Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner 10:30pm ARRIVE Washington, D.C. FBO: Butler Met by: 10: (blank) DEPART for the residence 10:5 (illegible) ARRIVE the residence BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK, IOWA STAFF: GLASSNER, SYNHORST WALSH: 202/745-1083 BEEPER: 202/259-9413 HARRISON: 202/546-2354 BEEPER: 202/259-9412 FINAL - 2:30pm FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1987 4:05pm DEPART for Washington National 4:25pm ARRIVE and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler 703/549-8340 4:30pm WHEELS-UP for Des Moines, Iowa flight time: 2 hours 30 minutes aircraft: Falcon 50 tail no.: 5DL pilots: Fred Hester, Fred Cannon manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Mrs. Grassley 6:00pm-1hr ARRIVE Des Moines airport and proceed to departing car FBO: Des Moines Flying Serv. 818/285-4221 met by: 6:05pm DEPART for The Marriott The Marriott 700 Grand Avenue Des Moines, Iowa 6:10pm-6:30pm PRIVATE 515/245-53500 6:35pm DEPART for University of Osteopathic Medicine Address - drive time 10 minutes 515/271-1400 University of Osteopathic Medicine 3440 Grand Avenue Des Moines, Iowa 6:45pm ARRIVE and proceed to reception 815/271-1400 page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE IOWA FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1987 6:45pm-7:00pm DROP-BY the University of Osteopathic Medicine reception 818/271-1400 location: Atrium of the Clinic attendance: 450 event runs: 6-7pm 7:00pm-7:15pm PHONE CALLS 7:20pm-9:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the University of Osteopathic Medicine 515/271-1400 location: Education Canter attendance: 700 facility: head-table w/ table-top podium contact: Leonard Azneer 818/271-1400 Bud Hockenberg 818/243-2300 program: Dinner served at 7:15pm 8:25pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole 8:30pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 8:55pm CONCLUSION of remarks 9:00pm DEPART for The Marriott 700 Grand Avenue Des Moines, Iowa 9:10pm ARRIVE and proceed to private 518/245-5500 RON (blank) DES MOINES, IOWA 518/245-5500 page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE IOWA SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1987 8:45am DEPART for Des Moines airport - drive time 15 minutes 9:00am ARRIVE and proceed to media FBO: Des Moines Flying Serv. 518/285-4221 9:05am-9:25am NEWS AVAIL location: Des Moines Flying Serv. 515/285-4221 9:30am WHEELS-UP for Waterloo, Iowa flight time: 45 minutes aircraft: Falcon 50 tail no.: 5DL seats: 11 pilots: Fred Hester, Fred Cannon manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Barbara Grassley, Brown, Synhorst, Bev Tauke, Harry Slife, Steve Roberts *Senator Grassley 10:15am ARRIVE Waterloo airport and proceed to MEDIA FBO: Niederhauser Aviation 319/234-1783 met by: 10:20am-10:40am NEWS AVAIL location: Air Host Room at airport 10:45am DEPART for The Ramada drive time 10 minutes 319/235-0331 The Ramada 214 Washington Street Waterloo, Iowa 10:55am ARRIVE Ramada and proceed to event 319/238-0321 met by: Sharon Crosser - Dole Supporter 11:00am-12:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS Waterloo Town Meeting 319/238-0321 location: Grand Ballroom attendance: 300 event runs: 11-13pm page 4 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK, NY SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1987 12:05pm DEPART for the Waterloo airport drive time 10 minutes 12:15pm ARRIVE and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Niederhauser Aviation 319/234-1783 12:20pm WHEELS-Up for Cedar Rapids, Iowa flight time: 35 minutes aircraft: Falcon 50 tail no.: 5DL pilots: Fred Hester, Fred Cannon manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Mrs. Barbara Grassley, Brown, Synhorst Bev Tauke, Harry Slife, Steve Roberts 12:55pm ARRIVE airport and proceed MEDIA FBO: Tibbens Flying Service 319/364-8354 met by: Elaine Smith - Org. Director for Eastern Iowa 1:00pm-1:20pm NEWS AVAIL location: Tibbens Flying serv. 319/364-8354 1:25pm DEPART for The Sheraton Inn drive time 15 minutes 319/366-8671 The Sheraton 525 33rd Avenue - Exit off I-380 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 1:40pm-2:40pm ATTEND/ADDRESS Cedar Rapids town meeting location: Grand Ballroom attendance: 300 (2:45-3:00 appointments crossed out) 2:45pm DEPART for the Cedar Rapids airport 3:00pm ARRIVE airport proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Tibbens Flying serv. 319/364-8354 (handwritten note) Cancelled & RON Cedar Rapids due to snowstorm page 5 (entire page crossed out) BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK, NY 3:05pm WHEELS-UP for Davenport, Iowa flight time: 30 minutes aircraft: Falcon 50 tail no.: 5DL pilots: Fred Heater, Fred Cannon manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Barbara Grassley, Bev Tauke, Brown, Synhorst, Slife, Steve Roberts 3:35pm ARRIVE Moline airport and proceed to departing car FBO: Elliott Beechcraft 309/799-3183 3:40pm DEPART for St. Ambrose College drive time 20 minutes St. Ambrose College Galvin Fine Arts Center 518 West Locust Davenport, Iowa 4:00pm ARRIVE Galvin Fine Arts Center and proceed to event 319/383-8878 4:05pm-5:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS Davenport town meeting 319/383-8878 location: Meeting Room attendance: 300 event runs: 4-5pm 5:00pm-5:15pm NEWS AVAIL 319/383-8878 location: Room 131, next to Meeting Room 5:20pm DEPART for the Moline airport drive time 20 minutes 5:40pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Elliott Beachcraft 309/799-3183 page 6 (entire page crossed out) BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1987 5:45pm WHEELS-UP for Des Moines, Iowa flight time: 45 minutes aircraft: Falcon 50 tail no.: 5DL seats: 11 pilots: Fred Hester, Fred Cannon manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Barbara Grassley, Bev Tauke, Brown, Synhoret, Slife, Roberts 6:30pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing car FBO: Des Moines Flying Serv. 515/285-4221 6:35pm DEPART for Indianola, Iowa - Simpson College - drive time 25 minutes Great Hall 701 North C Street Indianola, Iowa 7:00pm-8:30pm ARRIVE Great Hall and proceed to Warren Co. Lincoln Day Dinner 815/961-1686 location: Great Hall - 2nd floor attendance: 150 ticket: $12.50 format: buffet event runs: 6:30pm-8:30pm; doors open at 6pm program: 7:10pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Mrs. Leta Meints - Chairman 515/961-1686 7:15pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 515/961-1686 7:35pm CONCLUSION of remarks 7:40pm Q & A 8:00pm CONCLUSION of Q & A page 7 (entire page crossed out) BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE IOWA SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1987 (handwritten note) Cancelled due to snowstorm 8:30pm DEPART for The. Marriott in Des Moines, IOWA - drive time 30 minutes The Marriott 700 Grand Avenue Des Moines, Iowa 9:00pm ARRIVE and proceed to private 515/245-5500 RON (blank) 518/245-5500 The Marriott Des Moines, Iowa SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 1987 10:55am crossed out approx 9:45 DEPART for the Des Moines airport 11:10am ARRIVE Des Moines airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Des Moines Flying Serv. 515/285-4221 11:15am WHEELS-UP fo Council Bluffs, Iowa fight time: 45 minutes aircraft: Falcon 50 tail no.: 5DL pilots: Fred Hester, Fred Cannon manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Barbara Grassley, Slife, Steve Roberts, Synhorst, Brown, Bev Tauke 12:00pm ARRIVE Eppley airport and proceed to departing car FBO: Elliott Beechcraft 402/422-6789 12:05pm DEPART for the Best Western drive 15 minutes 518/322-3150 The Best Western 2216 27th Avenue I-80 & 24th Street Council Bluffs, Iowa 12:20pm ARRIVE and proceed to media 515/322-3150 (handwritten note) approx 10:00am CST depart Des Moines 1:30pm EST arr Butler - Nat'l page 8 (entire page crossed out) BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE IOWA SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 1987 12:25pm-12:50pm NEWS AVAIL 515/322-3150 location: 1:00pm-2:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Council Bluffs town meeting 515/322-3150 location: Pioneer Room attendance: 300 2:05pm DEPART for Eppley airport - drive time 15 minutes 2:20pm ARRIVE Eppley airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Elliott Beechcraft 402/422-6789 2:25pm WHEELS-UP for Sioux City, Iowa flight time: 25 minutes Aircraft: Falcon 50 tail no.: 5DL pilots: Fred Hester, Fred Cannon manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Barbara Grassley, Steve Roberts, Slife Bev Tauke, Synhorst, Floyd 2:50pm ARRIVE airport and Proceed to departing car FBO: Graham Flying Service 712/277-4358 Met by: Steve Navin - VP of Norwest Bank 2:55pm DEPART for the Morningside/Commons Bldg. - drive time 15 minutes The Morningside/Commons Bldg. 3609 Peters Ave. Sioux City, Iowa 3:10pm ARRIVE and proceed to media 712/274-5175 3:15pm-3:30pm NEWS AVAIL 712/274-5175 location: Hickman Room page 9 (entire page crossed out) BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE IOWA SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1987 3:35pm-4:30pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Sioux City town 712/274-8178 meeting location: Randolph Room attendance: 300 4:35pm DEPART for the Sioux City airport FBO: Graham Flying Serv. 712/277-4358 4:50pm ARRIVE and proceed to departing aircraft 4:55pm WHEELS-UP for Washington DC flight time: 2 hours 30 minutes aircraft: Saberliner tail no.: 1909R crossed out- 5DL pilots: manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Brown Synhorst, Barbara Grassley 8:25pm +1hr ARRIVE Washington airport and proceed to departing car FBO: Butler 703/549-8340 8:30pm DEPART for residence 8:45pm ARRIVE and proceed to private BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE ALBANY, NEW YORK STAFF: Glassner CONTACT: WALSH (h) 202/745-1083 BEEPER: 202/259-9413 HARRISON (h) 202/546-2354 BEEPER: 202/259-9412 DRAFT: MARCH 23 987 (handwritten note) March 24 3:30pm DEPART for Butler Aviation National Airport 3:55pm ARRIVE Butler aviation and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 4:00pm WHEELS-UP for Albany, New York aircraft: Citation II tail number: 53M flight time: 1 hour 18 minutes Pilots: Seats: 7 Manifest: Senator Dole, Glasener, Senator D'Amato, Cong. Houghton, Bill Powers - Rensselaer County Chrm. 5:15pm ARRIVE Albany County Airport - Albany, NY FBO: Page Avjet 518/869-0253 Met by: Bill Fritts 5:20pm-5:45pm JOINT NEWS AVAIL with Senator Dole and Senator D'Amato Location: airport terminal 5:50pm DEPART for the CBs Albany Station 20" drive time CBS Station Hampton Plaza Albany, NY 6:10pm ARRIVE Station and proceed to Dr. Alan Chartock's office 518/434-3311 6:15pm-6:30pm LIVE-INTERVIEW With Dr. Alan Chartock 518/434-3311 page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE ALBANY, NY TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1987 6:35pm DEPART for the Wolfert's Roost Club drive time - 15" 518/449-3223 Wolfert's Roost Club Van Ransselaer Blvd. Albany, NY 6:50pm ARRIVE the Country Club and proceed 518/449-3223 6:55pm-7:30pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Dole Supporter Reception with Senators and Assemblymen 518/449-3223 attendance: 100-125 Location: main dining room event runs: 6:30pm-7:30pm format: mix/mingle contact: Bill Powers 518/272-2111 518/472-4343 7:35pm DEPART for Michael's Banquet House drive time 20" Michael's Banquet House Route 69 Latham, NY 7:55pm ARRIVE banquet House and proceed to the ballroom 518/785-8524 8:00pm-8:35pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Rensselaer County Republican committee Reception 518/785-8524 Attendance: 800-1,000 location: main ballroom facility: free-standing podium with microphone on a raised stage event runs: 6-9pm ticket: $60 contact: Bill Powers 518/272-2111 518/472-4343 page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE ALBANY, NY Program: 518/785-8524 8:00pm WELCOME Bill Powers - Cty. Chrm. and INTRO of Senator D'Amato 8:05pm INTRO of Senator Dole by Senator D'Amato 8:10pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 8:30pm CONCLUSION of REMARKS 6:35pm DEPART for the Empire State Plaza 20" 518/474-2418 8:55pm ARRIVE Empire State Plaza and proceed to the main terminal 518/474-2418 9:00pm-9:30pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the New York State Business Council Dinner 518/474-2418 attendance: 1000 CEO's location: main terminal facility: raised dais with table-top podium with microphone Event runs: 8:00pm (Dinner was served) PROGRAM: 9:00pm WELCOME by Ray Schuller - Pres. of the New York State Business Council 9:05pm INTRO of Cong. Houghton and (brief remarks) 9:10pm INTRO of Senator D'Amato and (brie? remarks) 9:15pm INTRO of remarks by Senator Dole 9:30pm CONCLUSION of remarks by Senator Dola 9:35pm DEPART for the airport = 13" drive time 9:50pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircrart FBO: Page Avjet 518/869-0253 page 4 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE ALBANY, NEW YORK SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1987 9:55pm WHEELS-UP for Washington, D.C. aircraft: Citation II tail number: 53M seats: 7 flight time: 1 hour 15 minutes mnanifast: Senator Dole, Glassner, Senator D'Amato, Houghton, Berry, Fritts 11:15pm ARRIVE for Washington, D.C. Met by: 11:20pm DEPART for residence 11:35pm ARRIVE residence BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE WINSTON SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA STAFF: GLASSNER SENIOR STAFF: WALSH: 202/745-1083 BEEPER: 202/259-9413 HARRISON: 202/546-2354 BEEPER: 202/259-9412 FINAL MARCH 23RD MONDAY, MARCH 23, 1987 3:45pm WHEELS-UP for Winston Salem, North Carolina flight time: 50 MINUTES aircraft: King Air 300 tail no.: 7236C Pilots: Jim DuBois, Gary -idings seats: 8 manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner Contact: JoAnne w/ Shelton Corp. 919/722-2829 4:35pm ARRIVE Smith-Reynolds airport and proceed to departing car FBO: Piedmont Aviation Hangar 919/767-5278 met by: Carl Bates 4:40pm DEPART for the Convention Center drive time 15 minutes The M.C. Benton, Jr, Convention Center 301 West 5th Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina 4:55pm ARRIVE Convention Center and proceed to meeting 919/727-2976 met by: Clay Collins 5:00pm-5:45pm ATTEND/ADDRESS a Dole Political meeting 919/727-2976 location: Executive Board Room attendance: 15-20 people event runs: 5-6pm page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NORTH CAROLINA MONDAY, MARCH 23, 1987 5:50pm DEPART for the Broyhill home drive time 8 minutes Mr. Ed Broyhill 525 N. Hawthorne Road Winston-Salem, North Carolina 5:55pm ARRIVE and proceed to MEDIA 919/724-3726 6:00pm-6:05pm LIVE-FEED with WFMY - a CBS affiliate contact: 919/724-3726 6:05pm-6:10pm LIVE-FEED with WXII - an NBC affiliate 919/724-3726 6:10pm-6:40pm ATTEND/ADDRESS Reception on behalf of the Winston-Salem Lincoln Day Dinner 919/724-3726 attendance: 100 ticket: $25 event runs: 6-7pm 6:45pm DEPART for the Convention Center drive time 10 minutes 6:55pm ARRIVE and proceed to news avail 7:00pm-7:20pm NEWS AVAIL location: Executive Board Room page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NORTH CAROLINA MONDAY, MARCH 23, 1987 7:25pm-8:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Winston-Salem Lincoln Day Dinner location: E, F, G- N. Main Hall Convention Center attendance: 200 event runs: 7:15-9pm facility: head-table with table-top podium program: 7:25pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Brent Godfrey - Party Chairman 7:30pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 7:50pm CONCLUSION of remarks 8:00pm DEPART for the airport 8:15pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Piedmont Aviation 919/767-5278 8:20pm WHEELS-UP for Washington DC flight time: 50 minutes aircraft: King Air 300 tail no.: 7236C pilots: Jim DuBois, Gary Eddings manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner 9:10pm ARRIVE and proceed to departing car 9:15pm DEPART for residence 9:30pm ARRIVE and proceed to private (illegible) (handwritten) Joyce/ JoAnne/ Betty BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE FLORIDA STAFF: GLASSNER SENIOR STAFF: WALSH: 202/745-1083 BEEPER: 202/259-9413 HARRISON: 202/546-2354 BEEPER: 202/259-9412 FINAL - MARCH 20TH FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1987 2:10pm DEPART for Washington National 2:25pm ARRIVE Washington National and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler 703/549-8340 2:30pm WHEELS-UP for Orlando, Florida flight time: 2 hours aircraft: SABERLINER tail no.: 80AB seats: 7 pilots: Jim Otto, Bill Flowers manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Paul Bailey - Southern Co. Services 4:30pm ARRIVE Sanford airport and proceed to helicopter FBO: Sanford Airport Authority 305/323-8313 Met by: Joe Reppert 4:40pm WHEELS-UP by helicopter for the home of Everett Husky Contact: Dale Buck 305/774-2992 flight time: 15 minutes aircraft: Bell Twin Engine Tail number: N266MP Pilots: Dale Buck, Marc Bartnick Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Reppert Clay Collins 4:55pm ARRIVE Husky's home and proceed to ONE-ON-ONE (handwritten phone numbers) 305/862-4477 305/862-4477 5:00pm-5:25pm ONE-ON-ONE with Everett Husky (handwritten notes) Claudia Maddens W-217/424-5515 217/424-5560 217/428-1889 page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE FLORIDA FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1987 5:30pm DEPART for helicopter by foot 5:35pm WHEELS-UP for the Hilton hotel in Altamonte Springs, Florida flight time: 5 minutes aircraft: Bell Twin Engine tail no.: N266MP manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Reppert, Mr. Husky The Hilton 350 &. North Lake Blvd. Altamonte Springs, Florida 5:40pm ARRIVE Hilton and proceed to MEDIA 305/830-1988 met by: Stuart Houston 5:45pm-6:00pm NEWS AVAIL 305/830-1985 location: 6:05pm LIVE-FEED with WFTV - an ABC affiliate Contacts: Marlo Weech 305/841-9000 Bud Hedinger Ron Comings 6:10pm-6:30pm DROP-BY the Seminole Co. VIP Reception 305/830-1985 location: Suite 718 - off main floor ticket: $250 attendance: 18-20 couples event runs: 6-6:30pm 6:35pm-7:10pm DROP-BY Seminole County Leadership 308/830-1988 Meeting location: (handwritten) Presidential Suite 7:15pm-7:25pm ONE-ON-ONE with Don Boyett - Editor of the Orlando Sentinel 305/830-1985 page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE FLORIDA FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1987 7:30pm-8:30pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Seminole County Lincoln Day Dinner 305/830-1985 location: Main Ballroom attendance: 300-400 avent runs: 7:30-9pm facility: head-table with table-top podium PROGRAM: 7:35pm Auction will take place 7:45pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Cong. Bill McCollum 305/830-1988 7:50pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 8:20pm CONCLUSION of remarks 8:30pm DEPART for the helo pad 8:40pm WHEELS-UP for Sanford airport flight time: 15 minutes aircraft: Bell Twin Engine tail no.: N266MP pilots: Dale Buck, Marc Bartnick manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Reppert, (handwritten) Clay Collins 8:55pm ARRIVE Sanford airport and proceed to aircraft FBO: Sanford Airport Authority 305/323-8313 9:00pm WHEELS-UP for Tampa, Florida flight time: 20 minutes aircraft: Saberliner tail no.: 80AB seats: 7 pilots: Jim Otto, Bill Flowers manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Reppert, Paul Bailey, Clay Collins page 4 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE FLORIDA FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1987 9:20pm ARRIVE Tampa International and proceed to departing car met by: John Binder FBO: Hangar 1 813/872-1500 9:25pm DEPART for the Guest Quarters Hotel drive time 10 minutes Guest Quarters Hotel 555 N. Westshore Blvd. Tampa, FL 9:35pm ARRIVE hotel and proceed to private 813/875-1555 RON (blank) TAMPA, FL SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1987 8:15am-9:30am ATTEND/ADDRESS a political breakfast 813/875-1555 NOTE: Being coordinated by Clay Collins location: Ballroom attendance: 50 event runs: 8-9:30am 9:35am-9:50am NEWS AVAIL 813/875-1555 location: Tampa Terrace Room 9:55am DEPART for the airport - 15 minute FBO: Hangar 1 813/872-1500 page 5 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE FLORIDA (handwritten note) Ga. Kel (illegible) lease 305/831-1595 SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1987 10:10am ARRIVE Tampa International and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Walker Aviation 305/525-6355 10:15am WHEELS-UP for Ft. Lauderdale, Florida flight time: 45 minutes aircraft: (handwritten) Lear 35 tail no.: (handwritten) N4401 pilots: (handwritten) Bob McClain, Mark Peebles manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Reppert (handwritten) Rick Walsh - Dir, of Gov't Affairs Clay Collins for GM Restaurant Group Office (arrow points from this name to bottom of page) (illegible note with phone numbers) (w)305/422-7711 305/699-8915 11:00am ARRIVE Ft. Lauderdale International airport and proceed to departing helicopter met by: Mike Scanlan FBO: Walker Aviation 305/525-6385 contact: Chris Palimino 11:05am WHEELS-UP for Haulover State Park - flight time 10 minutes aircraft: Bell Ranger Jet tail no.: 206ML seats: 4 pilots: Buddy Knotts O-305/946-5791 H-305/421-8064 contact: Mark Richard 305/947-3525 11:15am ARRIVE and proceed to departing car met by: 11:20am DEPART for the Seaview - drive time 5 minutes The Seaview (handwritten) The Seaview 9909 Collins Ave, Bal Harbour, FL 305/866-4441 11:25am ARRIVE and proceed to PRIVATE 11:30am-4:20pm PRIVATE 4:25pm DEPART for Haulover State Park - drive time 5 minutes 4:30pm ARRIVE and PROCEED to departing helicopter (handwritten notes) 223 5624 (illegible name) 305/857-2270 page 6 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE FLORIDA SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1987 4:35pm WHEELS-UP for Ft. Lauderdale International flight time 10 minutes aircraft: Bell Ranger Jet tail no.: 206ML seats: 4 pilots: Buddy Knotts manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Reppert 4:45pm ARRIVE and proceed to departing car FBO: Walker Aviation 305/525-6355 met by: John Binder 4:50pm DEPART for Lago Mar - drive time 10 minutes Lago Mar 1700 South Ocean Lane Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 5:00pm-5:50pm ATTEND/ADDRESS a political meeting being coordinated by Clay Collins 305/523-6511 location: Harbour Beach Room attendance: 25 event runs: 5-6pm 5:55pm DEPART for Pier 66 Hotel Pier 66 Hotel 2301 South 17th Street Ft. Lauderdale, FL page 7 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE FLORIDA SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1987 6:05pm ARRIVE Pier 66 hotel and proceed to media 6:10pm-6:30pm JOINT NEWS AVAIL with Senator Dole and Cong. Clay Shaw location: Commodore Room 305/525-6666 6:35pm-6:50pm PRIVATE OR PHONE CALLS location: Tarpin suite 305/525-6666 6:55pm-7:15pm DROP-BY the Broward Co. Republican VIP Reception 305/525-6666 location: Manapee Room attendance: 15-20 couples ticket: $750/Couple event runs: 6:30-7:30pm contact: Ed Kennedy 305/357-7007 H-305/565-7007 7:15pm-7:30pm PHOTO-OPPORTUNITY 305/525-6666 location: Manapee Room 7:35pm-8:00pm PRIVATE or PHONE CALLS location: Tarpin suite page 8 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE FLORIDA SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1987 8:00pm-8:35pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Broward County Lincoln Day Dinner 305/525-6666 Location: Ballroom attendance: 400 event runs: 8-10pm program: 8:05pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Cong. Clay Shaw 305/525-6666 8:10pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 8:30pm CONCLUSION of remarks 8:40pm DEPART for the Seaview by car drive time 40 minutes (handwritten) The Seaview 9909 Collins Ave. Bal Harbour, FL 9:20pm ARRIVE Seaview and proceed to PRIVATE 9:25pm PRIVATE RON (blank) MIAMI, FLORIDA (handwritten)305/866-4441 SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 1987 8:45am-9:45am ONE-ON-ONE with Jorge Mas Canosa O-305/233-6540 H- 305/666-1075 FREE TIME (handwritten) TENTANIVE Wheels-Up 5pm FBO: Walkers Cay. at Ft. Lauderdale Aircraft: Falcon 50 Tail No. N144A Pilots: Jerry Flaugher, Roger Gates (handwritten) JoAnne, Joyce, Betty BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE SALEM, NEW HAMPSHIRE STAFF: Glassner CONTACT: Walsh - 202/745-1083 beeper: 202/259-9413 Harrison: 202/546-2354 beeper: 202/259-9419 FINAL - MARCH 19 - 11am THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1987 4:35pm DEPART for National Airport/Butler Aviation 4:55pm ARRIVE Butler and Proceed to departing plane FBO: Butler 703/549-8340 5:00pm WHEELS-up for Salem, NH via North Andover, MA Lawrence airport aircraft: Gulfstream tail number: 70PS flight time: 1 hour 30 minutes seats: 11 pilots: Steve Reinhardt, Tim Kent manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner CONTACT: Susan W/ Cloonan 212/77(illegible) 6:30pm ARRIVE Lawrence Airport and proceed to departing car Met by: Murphy/Niemela FBO: Million Air 617/685-7695 6:35pm DEPART for the North Andover Marriott Hotel 10" drive time North Andover Marriott Hotel 123 Old River Road North Andover, MA 6:45pm ARRIVE hotel dnd Proceed to MEETINGS 617/975-3600 page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW HAMPSHIRE THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1987 6:50pm-7:10pm ONE-ON-ONE with Sonny Efron - with the Lawrence-Eagle Tribune Contact: Sonny Efron 617/685-1000 location: 7:15pm-7:45pm ONE-ON-ONE with Avi Nelson - Chairman of Reagan's campaign Massachusetts 617/975-3600 location: 7:50pm DEPART for PRIVATE RON (blank) Andover, MA FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1987 7:35am DEPART for the Salem High School - 20" drive time Salem High School 44 Geremonty Drive Salem, NH 7:55am ARRIVE High School and proceed to the auditorium 603/893-7069 Met by: James Sununu Richard DeSimone - Principal PAGE 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW HAMPSHIRE FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1987 8:00am-8:40am ATTEND/ADDRESS the Salem High School 603/893-7069 Model United Nations Location: Auditorium attendance: 700 students - from 10 surrounding high schools in New Hampshire and Massachusetts Facility: Raised dais with free-standing podium Event runs: 8-9am Program: 8:10am INTRO of Senator Dole by James Sununu 8:15am REMARKS by Senator Dole 8:35am CONCLUSION of remarks by Senator Dole 8:40am DEPART for meeting with Mrs. Nancy Sununu 8:45am-9:15am ONE-ON-ONE with Mrs. Nancy Sununu location: school 9:20am-9:40am NEWS AVAIL 9:45am DEPART for the Lawrence Airport - 20" drive time 10:05am ARRIVE the Lawrence airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Million air 617/685-7695 PAGE 4 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW HAMPSHIRE FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1987 10:10am WHEELS-UP for Washington, D.C. Aircraft: Gulfstream Tail number: 70SP flight time: 1 hour 30 minutes seats: 11 pilots: Steve Reinhardt, Tim Kent Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner 11:40am ARRIVE Washington, DC - Butler Aviation Met by: Wilbert FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 11:45am DEPART for the Capitol 12:00pm ARRIVE office SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of March 16 - 22, 1987 MONDAY, MARCH 16 7:15 Walter Reed Complete physical 6:30 Sheraton Grand Ballroom Center SPEAK - Am. Psychiatric Institute 7:30 3230 Volta Pl. N.W. DINNER w/U.S. News Editors - home of Mort Zuckerman Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of March 16 - 22, 1987 Page 2 TUESDAY, MARCH 17 8:30 J.W.Marriott Grand Ballrm. I & II SPEAK - Nat'l Grain & Feed assn. 9:15 Mayflower Grand Ballrm. SPEAK - Nat'l Food Policy Conf. 10:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (enforcing trade agreements) (next appointment crossed out) cancelled 10:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Rules Caucus re Rules chgs. 11:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/group of Jewish leaders from Ks. & phone call to Soviet Union (Dale arr) (next appointment handwritten) 12:00 S-230 Mtg w/ranking Comm. members GOP Ldrship 12 (crossed out) 12:15-1:45 2168 RHOB LUNCHEON by Cong. Gekas for” Harrisburg Chamber group (stop by??) 12:30 H-122 Cap. ST. PATRICK'S DAY LUNCHEON by Jim Wright (Pres. arr. 1:15 for dessert Contact: Janice X 52204) 12:30 S-211 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON 12:45 SD-106 SPEAK - Alabama Farm Bureau (could speak at noon, if Sen. wants) (handwritten) Macon 331-4331 (2:30-2:40 handwritten additions) 2:30 S-230 Mtg w/Bob Beeby, Pres., Int'l Dir - Pepsico, Inc. & Darel Wright 2:40 S-230 Photo w/19 Shawnee Mission 8th graders 3:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/group of 16 or 17 N.Hamp. members of Nat'l Assn. of Counties (3:30-3:45 handwritten additions) 3:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg w/Rostenkowski 3:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/David Brown Chrm - Gen. Den. Corp. & Bob Lighthizer 3:45 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Ks. Wheat Growers (w/Mark S.) 4:00 S-230 Cap. Lynn Drake mtg. w/Dr.Irvin Jansen, Menninger's (stop by??) (next appointment handwritten) 4:15 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Ellsworth & Sloan 5:30-6:30 S-211 CAP. RECEP. for Sen. David Karnes (Sen. a co-host) 5:30-7:30 Hay Adams Adams Rm. (handwritten CA) FR RECEP. Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of March 16-22, 1987 Page 3 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18 (next appointment handwritten) 9:30-10:30 Cabinet Rm (NW Gate) Mtg w/Pres. bipartisan Senate group on Central America 9:30 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (mark-up-Customs) 9:30 SR-301 RULES COMM. (hrgs.-camp.financing 10:00 SD-215 FINANCE (trade - workers' rights) 10:00 SR-332 AG COMM. (ag trade issues) 11-12:00 SR-332 MTG. w/Shultz, (Byrd crossed out) Lantenberg, Specter, Boschwitz & Metzenbaum (arms sales) 12-1:00? S-343 Cap. STOP BY working lunch 1:00-?? (2:20 handwritten) SD-106 LUNCHEON by Jewish Orthodox Union (stop by?) Dale (next 2 appointments handwritten additions) betw 1 & 2:00 SD-668 Kassebaum mtg w/60 Ks Methodist Youth Group members (Stop by?) 1:30 haircut 1:45 S-230 Cap. COURTESY CALL by Frank Donatelli (Joan 456-7620) 2:00 SR-332 AG COMM. (hrgs on farm bill) (next appointment handwritten) following 4:00 vote S-324 Cap. Rules Comm (H. Con. Res. 49-Holocaust 5:30-8:00 SD-106 RECEP. by Georgia Peanut Growers (Mark S.) 6-8:00 345 CHOB RECEP. for volunteer 4-H leaders by RJR/Nabisco (Roger Griffin, Lyons, Ks. (Mark S.) (next appointment handwritten) 6-8:00 Hyatt Reg. FR Recep. for Roth (Sen co-host) 6:00 Westin Hotel DINNER (handwritten note) private room off Ball Colonnade Rm) - under Bob Perkins name) (7:30 crossed out) 8:05 Westin Hotel Ballrm. SPEAK - D.C. GOP Dinner Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of March 16 - 22, 1987 Page 4 THURSDAY, MARCH 19 8:30 Westin Hotel Ballrm. South (lower lobby) SPEAK - Ashland Oil Bd. Mtg. (next 2 appointments handwritten additions) 9:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Simpson, (illegible), Evans & Hollings 9:30 SD-215 Soc. Sec. Subc. (hrg. on Jean Elder nom. 10:00 SD-215 FINANCE (catastrophic health ins.) (11:00 to 11:10 handwritten additions) 11:00 S-230 Photo w/Roger Griffin (Mark S. arr) - 4-H Volunteer 11:00 haircut 11:10 S-230 Cap. Mtg w/ Ron Rickey (next appointment crossed out) (1:30 crossed out) 2:45 S-230 Cap. COURTESY CALL by Jim Webb, nom. for Sec'y-of Navy (Tom arr) (handwritten note) Sen. said no (crossed out) ok (1:30 to 5:00 handwritten additions) 1:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Eric Johnson Chatham County GOP Chrm, Savannah 2:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Ed Wiedenfeld (re judgeship 2:45 S-230 Cap. Courtesy call by Jim Webb, nom for Sec'y of Navy (Tom arr) 3:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg w/Ben Palumbro & ASCAP Bd. members (4 or 5) 3:15 S-230 Cap. Photo w/ Ks. School for Deaf (part of close-up 14 students & teacher (illegible) & Joe) 4:35 Depart Hill 5:00 Wheels Up. 5:30-7:30 Hunt Rm. Bullfeathers FR RECEP. for Cong. Jim Inhofe (Sen. a co-host) 6-7:00 345 CHOB RECEP. by Nat'l Telephone Coop. Assn. (Greg) 6-8:00 Botanic Gardens RECEP. by Cong. & Mrs. Dingell for Associates Bd. of Nat'l Rehab. Hospital (Joe??) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of March 16 - 22, 1987 Page 5 FRIDAY, MARCH 20 8-9:00 N. Hamp. SPEAK - Model U.N. (next appointment handwritten and crossed out) 12:00 perm to Florida (separate schedule) SATURDAY, MARCH 21 Boca Raton Bkfst Mtg. SUNDAY, MARCH 22 Return to D.C. (handwritten) Joyce/ Betty (circled)/ JoAnne BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW HANPSHIRE, VERMONT MAINE, MASSACHUSETTS STAFF: GLASSNER SENIOR STAFF: WALSH: 202/745-1083 BEEPER: 202/259-9413 HARRISON: 202/546-2354 BEEPER: 202/259-9412 FINAL - MARCH 13TH, 11am FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1987 3:10pm DEPART for Washington National 3:25pm ARRIVE and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler 703/549-8340 3:30pm WHEELS-UP Nashua, New Hampshire flight time: 1 hour 30 minutes aircraft: Lear 35 tail no.: 301SC pilots: David Rose, Tiana Etzkorn seats: 7 manifest: Senator Dole, Devine, Glassner Berry 5:00pm ARRIVE Nashua airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: GFW Aero Services 603/883-6372 Met by: Jim Murphy, Norm Stahl 5:05pm DEPART for The Sheraton Tara drive time 15 minutes The Sheraton Tara 1 Tara Boulevard Nashua, New Hampshire 5:20pm ARRIVE Sheraton and proceed to Hospitality suite 802/775-1911 5:25pm-5:55pm DROP-BY Hospitality Suite 802/775-1911 location: The King Henry Room event runs: 5-7:30pm page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW HANPSHIRE FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1987 6:00pm-6:05pm LIVE-FEED with WNEV-TV a CBS affiliate Contact: Jan Spiegel 617/725-0836 location: Tara Ballroom 6:10pm-6:15pm LIVE-FEED with WCVB-TV - an ABC affiliate Contact: Gary Griffith 617/449-0400 location: Tara Ballroom 6:20pm-6:30pm ONE-ON-ONE with CNN political correspodent Tom Mintier Contact: Becky Mendenhal 898-7995 location: Tara Ballroon 6:35pm-7:00pm DROP-BY Hospitality Suite location: King Henry Room event runs: 5:30pm-7pm 7:00pm-10:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS dinner on behalf of the Northeastern GOP Leadership Conference 603/888-9970 location: Tara Ballroom attendance: 750 ticket: $150 event runs: 7:30pm-9pm program: TO BE DETERMINED 10:00pm CONCLUSION of dinner 10:05pm DEPART for the airport - drive time 15 minutes page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE VERMONT FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1987 10:20pm ARRIVE and proceed to departing plane FBO: GFW Aero Serv. 802/883-6372 10:25pm WHEELS-UP for Rutland, Vermont flight time: 28 minutes aircraft: Lear 35 tail no.: 301SC pilots: David Rose, Tiana Etzkorn manifest: Senator Dole, Devine, Glassner Berry 10:50pm ARRIVE Rutland, Vermont - Rutland Co. Airport FBO: Precision Valley 802/773-2735 Met by: Bill Fritts 10:55pm DEPART for the Holiday Inn drive time 10 minutes The Holiday Inn - Center of VT Route 7, South Rutland, Vermont 11:05pm ARRIVE Holiday Inn and proceed to private 802/775-1911 RON (blank) VERMONT 802/775-1911 SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1987 9:25am DEPART private for the Proctor Room 9:30am-10:00am ATTEND/ADDRESS Political Meeting 802/775-1911 location: Proctor Room attendance: 10-12 NOTE: Being coordinated by Rep. Mike Bernhardt - Minority Leader of House page 4 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE VERMONT SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1987 10:00am-11:00am ATTEND/ADDRESS Supporters Meeting 802/775-1911 location: Frost Room attendance: 50 event runs: 10-llam 11:05am-11:25am NEWS AVAIL 802/775-1911 location: Proctor Room 11:30am DEPART for the airport drive time 10 minutes 11:40am ARRIVE and proceed to departing plane FBO: Precision Valley 802/773-2735 11:45am WHEELS-UP for Augusta, Maine flight time: 30 minutes aircraft: Lear 35 tail no.: 301SC pilots: David Rose manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Devine Berry 12:15pm ARRIVE Augusta State Airport and proceed to media FBO: Maine Instrument Flight School 207/622-1211 met by: Bruce Rogers 12:20pm-12:35pm NEWS AVAIL 207/622-1211 location: Main lobby 12:40pm DEPART for the Augusta Civic Center - drive time 10 minutes 12:55pm-1:30pm ATTEND/ADDRESS Maine political meeting 207/626-2408 location: York Room attendance: 25-30 event runs: 12:45-1:45pm NOTE: Being coordinated by Bill Webster - Law School Classmate of Sec. Dole 207/775-6000 page 5 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW HAMPSHIRE SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1987 1:35pm-2:00pm ADDRESS Maine Republican State Committee meeting 207/626-2405 attendance: 100 location: Cushnoc Auditorium event runs: 1:30-4pm NOTE: Senators' Cohen and Mitchell are holding hearing on VA hospital issue at 2pm. 2:05pm DEPART for the airport - drive time 10 minutes 2:15pm ARRIVE and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Maine Instrument Flight School 207/622-1211 2:20pm WHEELS-UP for Bedford, Massachusetts - Hanscom Field flight time: 30 minutes aircraft: Lear 35 tail no.: 301SC seats: 7 pilots: David Rose, Tiana Etekorn manifest: Senator Dole, Devine, Glassner, Berry 2:50pm ARRIVE and proceed to departing car FBO: Jet Aviation 617/274-0030 Met by: Andy Stringer 2:55pm DEPART for The Days Inn in Newton, Massachusetts - drive time 20" Days Inn 399 Grove Street Newton, Massachusetts 3:15pm ARRIVE hotel and proceed to private 3:20pm-3:30pm PRIVATE/Phone Calls 617/969-5300 page 6 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE MASSACHUSETTS SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1987 3:35pm-4:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS meeting with Elected Officials (Legislators, Mayors, and County Officials) 617/969-5300 location: Bradford Room attendance: 20 NOTE: Being coordinated by Rep. Peter Torkildsen 4:05pm-5:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS a Supporters meeting 617/969-5300 location: The LOWER FALLS Room attendance: 75 event runs: 3:30-5pm 5:05pm DEPART for The Marriott drive time 15 minutes The Marriott 2345 Commonwealth Ave. Newton, Massachusetts 5:20pm ARRIVE and proceed to media 5:25pm-5:45pm NEWS AVAIL 617/969-1000 location: Salon H 5:50pm PROCEED to media 6:00pm-6:05pm LIVE-FEED with WCVB-TV - an ABC affiliate 617/969-1000 contact: Gary Griffith 617/449-0400 6:10pm-6:35pm DROP-BY Newton County Lincoln Day VIP Reception 617/969-1000 Location: ROOM 227 attendance: 50 ticket: $250 format: mix/mingle event runs: 6-6:30pm contact: Marge Heiser 617/332-2902 page 7 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE MASSACHUSETTS SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1987 6:40pm-6:55pm DROP-BY the Newton Co. General Reception 617/969-1000 location: Main Ballroon attendance: 250-300 event runs: 6-7 pm 7:00pm-7:45pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Newton County Lincoln Day Dinner 617/969-1000 location: Main Ballroom attendance: 250-300 ticket: $30 facility: table-top podium with mike event runs: 7-8:30pm program: 7:10pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Fran Shaer - President of the Newton Republican Club 617/969-1000 7:15pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 7:35pm CONCLUSION of remarks 7:45pm DEPART for the Hanscom Airport in Bedford, Massachusetts drive time 15 minutes 8:00pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Jet Aviation 617/274-0030 8:05pm WHEELS-UP for Washington DC flight time: 1 hour 20 minutes aircraft: Lear 35 tail no.: 301SC Pilots: David Rose, Tiana Etzkorn seats: 7 manifest: Senator Dole, Devine, Glasener Berry page 8 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1987 9:25pm ARRIVE Washington National FBO: BUTLER 703/549-8340 9:30pm DEPART for residence 9:45pm ARRIVE and proceed to private SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of March 9 - 15, 1987 MONDAY, MARCH 9 (separate schedule - in Lexington, Ky, Knoxville & Columbia, SC) TUESDAY, MARCH 10 8:15 Sheraton-Wash. Ballroom SPEAK - Assoc. General Contractors 9:30-10:30 W.Hse-Cabinet Rm (NW Gate) MTG. w/Pres - GOP Hse/Senate re taxes, budget strategy & Central America) 11:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Tom Rath (JoAnne arr) 11:30 S-230 Cap. PHOTO w/Meredith Baxter Birney, Am. Diabetes Assn. (Joe arr) (handwritten) & Kathy & Greg M (illegible) 12:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Jim Cannon (456-6797) 12:30 S-211 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON (next appointment handwritten) 3:00 S-230 Cap. Photo w/9 Ks. Pres. Classrm students 3:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Trible & Virginia GOP House Members (JoAnne arr) (3:34 to 5:15 handwritten additions) 3:45 S-230 Cap. Mtg w/ 3 attys gen. 4:15 S-207 Cap. Mtg w/ disabled (25) 5:15 S-230 Cap. Mtg w/ Dr. (illegible) WW Nam & Korean Trade Delegation 5:30-7:00 S-211 Cap. RECEP. for Korean Trade Delegation by Stevens, Danforth & Inouye (X 43004 5:30-7:00 S-115 Cap. RECEP. for Spanish Delegation 6-8:00 Cap.Hill Club FR -debt retirement for Cong. John John Rhodes 6-8:00 B-223 LHOB RECEP. by Nat'l Council of Savings Institutions 6-8:00 345 (RHOB crossed out) CHOB RECEP. for Don Hodel by Conf. of Nat'l Park Concessions 7:00 Indian Springs C.C. 13501 Layhill Rd. VIP RECEP —- Montgomery County GOP 7:45 Silver Spring, Md. SPEAK - Montgomery County Lincoln Day Dinner (Brian Berry arr.) (Indian Springs C.C. is at intersection of Layhill & Georgia Ave ) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of March 9 - 15, 1987 Page 2 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11 7:30-8:30 Capitol Holiday Inn BKFST. by Iowa Farm Bureau (Grassley arr. 7:30-Dole asked come by at 7:30 to greet members) (handwritten notes) So Capitol - (90-100) Kemp there 9:00 SR-332 AG COMM. (new FmHA Loan Credit regs (following appointment handwritten) 9:45 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Nancy Kissinger (re policy tent.9:30 (crossed out) 10:30 (arrow and handwritten addition change time to 10:30-11:30) W.Hse-Cabinet Rm. (NW Gate) MTG. w/Pres. & Bipartisan Hse/Sen Ldrship (Becky 456-7054) (handwritten note) - Central Am & Arms Control 9:30 SD-215 FINANCE (mark-up-Customs budget) 12:00 Hay Adams Windsor Rm. LUNCHEON for Bob Mosbacher on his 60th Birthday (stop by??) (handwritten note) Georgette, Bob's wife) (Betty Ackerman 713/546-2500) (12:30-1:50 handwritten additions) 12:30 Wash Plaza Hotel (Thomas Circle) Diplomat Rm (Rm. 220) SPEAK- Nat'l Corn Growers Assn. (next appointment handwritten) 1:50 S-230 Cap. PHOTO w/ Iowa Farm Bur. members 17 on Synhorst coord) 2:30 S-230 Cap. PHOTO w/MajGen Gordon Sullivan, new Commandant at Leavenworth (Tom arr (2:45 crossed out, 5:00 written in) S-230 Cap. MTG. & PHOTO w/Mr. Chung, Hyundai & maybe Dick Allen (Irene 737-2824 (handwritten notes) Se Yang & Chung Ju Yung - former (illegible) Joon Chang son of Chrm & Dr. Chung - Wichita State & Roger Johnston 3:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/10 Jewish Coalition members (Linda Nersesian arr) (4:00 to 5:30 handwritten additions) 4:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Bob Ray (re Nat'l Ldrship Comm on Health Care). Paul Rogers on Comm & Dr. Henry Simmons (Peggy Rhodes) 4:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Ks. Farm Bureau 5:00 (crossed out) 5:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Irving Le Gendre, Pres. Am. Sugar Cane League & Pete de Gravellex, Chrm, Legis- Comm. Lousicana w/Don Wallace 331-4331 5:15 S-230 Cap. Mtg w/Bill Raley, Winter Haven, Fla & Andy Ireland, Ed Morabite x55015) 6-7:30 SR-385 RECEP. by Na'tl Assn. of State Treasurers (Mike P??) 6-8:00 345 CHOB RECEP. by U.S. Telephone Assn. 6:30-8:30 EF-100 Cap. RECEP. by Assn. of Am. Vinters 7 &7:30 Capitol Holiday Inn RECEP. & DINNER by Ks. Farm Bureau (Mark - Sen. stop by) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of March 9 - 15, 1987 Page 3 THURSDAY, MARCH 12 8-9:30 Cap. Hill Club BKFST. RECEP. for Cong. Clyde Holloway, La (Sen. a co-host) 8-9:30 S-115 Cap. BKFST. MTG. by Domenici & Deconcini w/Western Reg. Council CEO's (15) (stop by??) 9:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/John Stafford, Chrm. & CEO, Pillsbury (Debbie 659-6540) (handwritten notes) & Chrm & CEO Burger King Jeffrey Campbell & Marty Hamberger 10:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/30 Colorado Ag Leaders (Mark S. ) Michelle, Armstrong's ofc. x 45941;) (11:00 to 12:30 handwritten additions) 11:00 S-230 Cap. Brief mtg w/Bo Pilgrim 12:30 S-221 Cap. Lunch w/Byrd (Gigi x45556 12-2:00 SD-106 LUNCHEON by Women in Gov't Relatins (stop by??) Donna 429-3400 (next appointment handwritten) tent 2:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Harry Slife (poss. Dole Iowa Chrm) w/Lacy (Tom S.) 2:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Earl Butz (Joyce 546-6501) (2:50 to 3:00 handwritten additions) tent 2:50 S-230 Conf. Photo w/M/M Dean (Ann) Gordin, Pres. Ohio Com Growers - Cedearville, Ohio 3:00 S-230 Cap. & Darren Williams, in-laws (following appointment crossed out with handwritten note) chg to Wed 3-3:30 S-230 Cap. MTG /former Gow Bob Ray (re Nat'l Ldrship Comm. on Health Care) Paul Rogers may accompany) (3:30 to 4:00 handwritten additions) 3:30 S-230 Iowa Corn Growers 122 3:45 S-230 Mtg w/ John White & Oscar Wyatt 4:00 S-230 Mtg w/Marge Roukensa (122) (crossed out) 5:30-7:00 B-338-340 RHOB RECEP. by Nat'l Corn Growers Assn (Mark S.) 5:30-7:00 SD-366 RECEP. by Symms for Loretta Fuller 6:30&7:15 Old Town Holiday Inn - 840 King St. Alexandria RECEP. & DINNER by Assn. of Military Colleges (Keith Duckers asked Sen. to at least stop by, if pos.) Senator Dole's Schedule — Week of March 9 - 15, 1987 Page 4 FRIDAY, MARCH 13 Betw.8:45 & 9:15 Ramada Renaissance 1143 N.Hamp.Ave,NW N.Hamp.Ballrm. I SPEAK very briefly- Arab Am. Inst. 9:30 Willard Hotel Ballroom SPEAK - Am. Advertising Fed. 10:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Chris Ls Lehman (10:55 to 11:00 handwritten additions) 10:55 S-230 Cap. Photo w/ Harold Cutler, Pres. Nat'l Corn Growers. (N. Caro) (following appointment crossed out) 11:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Tully Plesser 11:00 Sen. Floor Sen. in of Sen. Karnes 1:20-1:30 Sen.Rec.Studio DO TELECONFERENCE (re State Farm Ins. hdqtrs/ relocating in Wichita) 2:00 S-230 Cap. PHOTO w/Mike Powell & family, Gardner Ks. (Marcie arr) (2:20 to 3:30 handwritten additions) 2:20 W.Hse-Oval Ofc. (N.W. Gate) Photo opp w/Pres., new Neb. Sen Karnes & family (Sen only invited Senator) Becky 3:30 Wheels up SATURDAY, MARCH 14 Nashua, N.H. N.E. GOP Ldrship Conf. Newton, Mass. SPEAK - Lincoln Day Dinner RON: D.C. (Separate schedule for Saturday) SUNDAY, MARCH 15 6:30-8:00 J.W.Marriott Grand Ballrm. RECEP. by Chicago Bd. of Trade on opening of Nat'l Grain & Feed Assn. Convention (Mark S??) BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE KENTUCKY, TENNESSEE, SOUTH CAROLINA STAFF: Glassner, Brown, Collins CONTACT: MOLLY WALSH (H) 202/745-1083 beeper: 202/259-9413 DIANNE HARRISON: 202/546-2354 beeper: 202/259-9412 DRAFT: MARCH 9th MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1986 8:10am DEPART residence for Butler aviation/National 8:25am ARRIVE Butler and proceed to departing aircraft 8:30am WHEELS-UP for Lexington, Kentucky aircraft: Lear 35 tail number: flight time: 1 hour 10 minutes Seats: Mainfest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Dave Owen, Brown 9:45am ARRIVE Lexington, KY and proceed to meeting Lexington-Fayette County Airport - Blue Grass Field FBO: Van Dusen aircraft 606/255-7724 Met by: Carl Bates 9:50am-10:10am NEWS AVAIL 606/254-9336 Location: airport 10:15am-11:00am MEETING with Kentucky Political Leaders 606/254-9336 attendance: 35 - Central Committee Members, KY GOP Contributors, Political activists NOTE: being coordinated by Brown Location: Media Briefing room - 2nd Floor of the main terminal 11:05am DEPART for the departing plane by foot 11:10am ARRIVE plane and board page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE LEXINGTON, KY MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1987 11:15am WHEELS-UP for Knoxville, TN FBO: Van Dusen Aviation 606/255-7724 aircraft: Lear 35 tail number: flight time: 40 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Dave Owen 11:55am ARRIVE Knoxville, TN and proceed to NEWS AVAIL FBO: Cherokee Aviation 615/970-3047 Met by: Clay Collins 12:00pm-12:25pm NEWS AVAIL Location: 12:30pm DEPART for the Sky Chef Restaurant - main terminal of the Knoxville airport 615/970-2799 12:35pm-1:30pm ATTEND/ADDRESS luncheon of Financial and Political Leaders 615/970-2799 Attendance: 15-20 NOTE: Collins coordinating with Ray McMahon - Editor of the Knoxville Journal 1:35pm DEPART for the Knoxville Hilton - 5" drive time Knoxville Airport Hilton Highway 129 P.O. Box 119 Knoxville, TN 1:40pm ARRIVE Hotel and proceed to meeting 615/970-4300 1:45pm-2:30pm MEETING with Knoxville County GOP Political Leaders 615/970-4300 attendance: 25-30 Location: page 4 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE KNOXVILLE, TN MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1987 2:35pm DEPART for the airport - 5" drive time 2:40pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Cherokee Aviation 615/970-3047 2:50pm WHEELS-UP for Columbia, South Carolina aircraft: Lear 35 tail number: flight time: 45 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Collins, Owen 3:35pm ARRIVE Columbia, South Carolina Met by: Sara Cedarholm FBO: Eagle Aviation 803/794-8555 3:40pm-4:00pm NEWS AVAIL 803/794-8555 Location: Airport 4:05pm DEPART for the State Capitol - 20" 4:25pm ARRIVE the Capitol and proceed to the meeting 803/734-9818 4:30pm-5:00pm MEETING with Governor Caroll Campbell 5:05pm DEPART for The Summit Club - NOTE: inside the NCNB Tower - drive time - 15" NCNB Tower Columbia, South Carolina - 5:20pm ARRIVE The Summit Club and proceed to the 20th floor 803/771-8767 page 4 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1987 5:25pm-5:40pm DROP-BY the Palmetto Business Forum Cocktail reception 803/771-8767 5:45pm- ATTEND/ADDRESS the Palmetto Business Forum Meeting 803/771-8767 Attendance: 50-60 Location: East room of the Sumitt Club contact: Lynn 803/771-2222 PROGRAM: 5:50pm DINNER SERVED 6:35pm INTRO of Senator Dole by (blank) 6:40pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 7:10pm CONCLUSION of remarks by Senator Dole 7:15pm DEPART for the airport - 20" drive time 7:35pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Eagle Aviation 803/794-8555 7:45pm WHEELS-UP for Washington, DC aircraft: Lear 35 flight time: 1 hour 30 Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Owen Tail number: 9:00pm ARRIVE Washington, D.C. - National Airport FBO: Butler aviation 703/549-8340 Met by: Wilbert 9:05pm DEPART for the residence 9:20pm ARRIVE residence (handwritten note) to Charlie D. BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE MORRISTOWN, NJ STAFF: GLASSNER, BERRY CONTACT: MOLLY WALSH - h - 202/745-1083 beeper: 202/259-9413 DIANNE HARRISON - 202/546-2354 beeper: 202/259-9412 FINAL - 1pm SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1987 5:40pm DEPART for National airport/Butler aviation 5:55pm ARRIVE National airport/Butler aviation FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 6:00pm WHEELS-UP for Morristown, New Jersey aircraft: Citation III tail number: WN275 flight time: 50 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Berry Craig Heard, Tom Edsall Pilots: Greg VonUrff Seats: 7 6:50pm ARRIVE Morristown, New Jersey - Morristown airport Met by: Peter Kane - Dole Advance and Michael Wald - with the Morristown Daily Record FBO: Aero Services 201/539-8500 6:55pm DEPART for the Parsippany Hilton Hotel - 20" drive time Parsippany Hilton Hotel 1 Hilton Court Parsippany, New Jersey 7:15pm ARRIVE Hilton 201/263-7373 page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW JERSEY SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1987 7:20pm-7:30pm ONE-ON-ONE with Chuck Haytaian - Majority Leader of the General Assembly 201/263-7373 location: private suite 7:30pm-7:50pm NEWS AVAIL 201/263-7373 Location: Algonquin Reception 11 & 12 7:55pm-8:30pm DROP-BY the VIP reception of the Morris County Annual Dinner 201/263-7373 attendance: 30-50 couples Location: Shadow disco Contact: Dick Kamin 201/377-0442 201/539-7630 format: mix/mingle and photos Ticket: $500 event runs: 7-8:30pm 8:35pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Morris County Annual Dinner 201/263-7373 NOTE: We will speak and depart Location: Main Ballroom attendance: 600-700 ticket: $200 facility: no HEAD-TABLE - rounds of 10, free-standing podium with mike on 12x8 riser PROGRAM: 8:40pm WELCOME by Dick Kamin - Morris County Chrn. PAGE 3 BOB- DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW JERSEY 2 SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1987 8:45pm INTRO of Senator Dole by Dick Kamin 8:50pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 201/263-7373 9:10pm CONCLUSION of remarks by Senator Dole 9:15pm DEPART for the airport - Morristown airport - 20" drive time 9:35pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Aero Services 201/539-8500 9:40pm WHEELS-UP for Washington, DC aircraft: Citation III tail number: N13138 flight time: 50 minutes Seats: 7 Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Berry, Tom Edsell 10:30pm ARRIVE Washington, DC Met by: Wilbert FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 10:35pm DEPART for the residence 10:50pm ARRIVE residence (handwritten) Betty BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE ATLANTA, GEORGIA STAFF: GLASSNER SENIOR STAFF: MOLLY WALSH: 202/745-1083 BEEPER: 202/259-9413 DIANNE HARRISON: 202/546-2354 BEEPER: 202/259-9412 FINAL FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1987 2:25pm DEPART for Butler Aviation at Washington National - 703/549-8340 2:40pm ARRIVE and proceed to aircraft 2:45pm WHEELS-UP for Atlanta, Georgia flight time: 1 hour 45 minutes aircraft: Lear 35 tail no.: N823CA pilots: Ron Nolte, Kirk Fichter seats: 7 manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Rick Smith 4:30pm ARRIVE Peachtree-DeKalb airport and taxi-up to departing helicopter met by: Sara Cedarholm FBO: Epps Air Service 404/458-9851 4:40pm WHEELS-UP by helicopter for the Stouffer Waverly Hotel - flight time 10 minutes Stouffer Waverly 2450 Galleria Parkway Atlanta, Georgia aircraft: LONG RANGER tail no.: 2070U pilots: Wayne David, Bob Ingram seats: 5 manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Cedarholm, Rick Smith contact: Bonnie Grealey 404/458-3431 page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE ATLANTA FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1987 4:50pm ARRIVE and proceed to event 5:00pm-6:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS a political meeting 404/953-4500 location: Chancellor Room attendance: 30 6:05pm-6:10pm LIVE-FEED with WXIA-TV - an NBC affiliate - with reporter Mariana Berguson 404/953-4500 location: Backgammon Room - 2nd floor 6:10pm-6:25pm NEWS AVAIL 404/953-4500 location: 2nd Floor Library 6:25pm-6:30pm LIVE-FEED with Bill Nigut - reporter of WSB-TV - an ABC Affiliate 404/953-4500 location: Backgammon Room NOTE: This will be a stand-up interview 6:35pm-6:40pm ONE-ON-ONE with Mike Christenson of the Atlanta Constitution 404/953-4500 location: Backgammon Room 6:45pm-7:30pm DROP-BY the Georgia Republicans vip Reception 404/953-4500 location: CARD Room attendance: 50-75 ticket: $230/couple format: mix/mingle event runs: 6-7:30pm 7:35pm DEPART for the dinner page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE GEORGIA FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1987 7:40pm-8:30pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Georgia Republicans President's Day Dinner 404/953-4500 location: Grand Ballroom attendance: 800 ticket: $40 event runs: 7:30-9pm PROGRAM: 8:05pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Paul Coverdell - State Chairman 404/953-4500 8:10pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 8:35pm CONCLUSION of remarks 8:45pm DEPART for airport - by helicopter flight time: 10 minutes aircraft: Long Ranger tail no.: 2070U pilots: Wayne David, Bob Ingman seats: 5 manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Rick Smith 8:55pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Epps Flying Service 404/458-9851 9:00pm WHEELS-UP for Washington DC flight time: 1 hour 45 minutes aircraft: Lear 35 tail no.: N823CA pilots: Ron Nolte, Kirk Fichter seats: 7 manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner Rick Smith page 4 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE ATLANTA, GEORGIA FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1987 10:45pm ARRIVE Washington National and proceed to departing car FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 10:50pm DEPART for residence drive time 15 minutes 11:05pm ARRIVE and proceed to private BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE COLUMBUS, OHIO FINAL MARCH 2nd - 12:30pm MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1987 2:25pm DEPART for Washington/National Butler aviation 2:40pm ARRIVE Butler Avation and proceed to aircraft FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 3:00pm WHEELS-UP for Columbus, Ohio Flight time: 1 hour 15 minutes aircraft: Lear 25 (crossed out) (handwritten note) Hawker Sidley tail number: 272JM (crossed out) (handwritten note) 109JM pilots: Paul Spreng Brian Mulnerin seats: 7 manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner 4:15pm ARRIVE Columbus, Ohio Don Scott Airport FBO: Don Scott (crossed out) (handwritten) Worthington Hangar 8 614/438-3113 Met by: Steve Dimon - Dole Advance: Cong. Wylie 4:20pm DEPART for the Hyatt on Capitol Square - 15" drive time NOTE: Mike Curtain - Political Writer for the Columbus Dispatch in the car. HYATT 75 E State Street Columbus, Ohio 4:35pm-5:30pm ATTEND/ADDRESS political meeting 614/228-1234 location: Suite 625 attendance: 10 5:35pm-5:55pm NEWS AVAIL 614/228-1234} location: 6:00pm DEPART for law office of Bricker & Eckler - 5 minutes Bricker & Eckler 100 South Third Street Columbus, Ohio 6:05pm ARRIVE and proceed to event 614/227-2300 Page 2 6:10pm-6:30pm DROP-BY the Franklin County Republican "Early Bird" Reception 614/227-2300 location: attendance: 75 event runs: 5:30-6:30pm NOTE: Those attending are $1,000 donors from Franklin County. 6:35pm DEPART for the Hyatt Hyatt 75 E. State Street Columbus, OHIO 6:40pm-6:55pm DROP-BY the Franklin County Reception hosted by the Buckeye Republican Club 614/228-1234 location: Foyer to the Governor's Ballroom attendance: 400 ticket: $25 event runs: 6-7pm contact: Kim Wagner 614/469-5614 Addie Jewell 614/878-6790 7:00pm-7:35pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Franklin County Lincoln Day Dinner - hosted by the Buckeye Republican Club 614/228-1234 location: Governor's Ballroom attendance: 400 tickets: $25 event runs: 7-9pm PROGRAM : 7:10pm INTRODUCTION fo Senator Dole by Cong. Wylie 7:15pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 7:35pm CONCLUSION of remarks 7:40pm DEPART for the airport 8:00pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Don Scott 614/438-3113 8:05pm WHEELS-UP for Washington DC flight time: 1 hour 15 minutes aircraft: Lear 25 (crossed out) (handwritten) Hawker Sidley tail no.: 272JM (crossed out) (handwritten) 109JM pilots: Paul Spreng, Brian Mulherin seats: 7 manifests: Senator Dole, Glassner, Cong. Wylie, Dave Shribman Page 3 9:20pm ARRIVE Washington National and proceed to departing car 9:25pm DEPART for residence 9:40pm ARRIVE residence and proceed to private SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of March 2 - 8, 1987 MONDAY, MARCH 2 9:30 Sheraton Washinton Ballroom SPEAK - VFW Convention (9:30 to 10:15 handwritten additions) 9:30 SD-215 Finance Comm. (Welfare reform hrg & Soc Svc. Subc. 10:30 - Dick Nathan testifying 2:15 S-230 Cap. PHOTO w/Milton Rua & Cesar Cabrera, DFP Steering Comm., Puerto Rico (Marcia arr.) (2:25 to 3:00 handwritten additions) 2:25 Depart Capitol 3:00 " Butler Area - Columbus, Ohio SPEAK - Lincoln Day Dinner Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of March 2 - 8, 1987 Page 2. TUESDAY, MARCH 3 8-9:15 Hyatt Crystal Rm- Lobby level Ks. League of Municipalities (approx. 75 Ksns) (following appointment handwritten and crossed out) cancelled 9:30-10:30 W.Hse Cabinet Rm NW Gate Bipartisan Hse/Sen Ldrship Mtg w/Pres & Howard Baker (gen disc.) 9:30-10:45 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Trade Adv. Comm. (Mark B — Sheila's ofc. 9:45 334—CHOB (crossed out) 345 CHOB INTRODUCE Norm Staab (Tom arr.) (handwritten note crossed out) Nancy K. to do?? (handwritten note) Pat Roberts will do. 10:00 Sheraton Grand Ballroom East DFP Exploratory Comm. Announcement (following appointment crossed out) 10:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Domeniei, Boschwitz, Simpson & Rudman (GOP key issues) (following appointment handwritten) tent 11:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Elizabeth, Bersnley, Becky Range & Sheila Burke 11:30 S-230 Cap. STOP BY - 75 Ks. League of Cities members (Chris arr) (two 12pm appointments handwritten additions) 12:00 S-230 Cap. Photo w/Janet Haskins, Onaga, Ks. Mark deSpain 496-3471 (won scholarship & trip to DC. thru NIH science awards 12:00 SH-141 Luncheon for VFW group from Ks. (70) Marcia 12:30 (handwritten) S-211 POLICY LUNCHEON (following appointment handwritten and crossed out) 1:50 S-230 Brief mtg w/Sen. Baker (following appointment handwritten) 2:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Domenici, Boschwitz, Simpson & Rudman (GOP key issues) 2:45 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Norm Stahl 3:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Herb Schmertz, Mobil Chrmn. & Tom K. (3:15 to 4:14 handwritten additions) 3:15 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Ron Rickey 3:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/7 or 8 Nat'l League of Cities Officers 4:15 S-230 Cap. Photo w/Soybean growers Mark S. arr) (handwritten) 5:15 5-6:15 Hay Adams (handwritten) Adams Rm CO-CHRMN. MTG. 6-7:30 SD-106 RECEP. by U.S. League of Savings Instutions (Mike?) 6-8 :00 Cap. Hill Club RECEP. for Henson Moore by Sutherland Asbill & Brennan (law firm he is with) 6:30-8:30 Heritage Fdn. 214 Mass Ave,NE DINNER by Heritage Fdn. for Faith Whittelsy (stop by??) (546-4400 X 522 Ann) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of March 2 - 8, 1987 Page 3. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 8:00 J.W.Marriott Salons II,III & IV SPEAK - Assn. for Advanced Life Underwriting (tent crossed out) 8:45 (handwritten) S-230 Cap. BKFST. (crossed out) Donuts & coffee w/House GOP Members 10:15 Nat'l Press Bldg. Lisagar Rm. PRESS CONF. w/Reed Larson, Right to Work (handwritten note) (stop by Private Rm. for quick mtg w/Right to Work betw.11:30 & 11:45 SR-188 STOP BY - NAACP MTG (Dale arr) (following appointment crossed out) 12:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Joe Morris & 6 or 7 members of Ks. S & L League (Mike arr) (following appointment handwritten) 12-12:30 SD-562 Luncheon by Metzenbaum for Cleveland Jewish Community Fed (80-100 people) (1:30 to 2:00 handwritten and crossed out) tent 1:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Thurman, Gaskill, Iowa ag. big gie (John Goreley arr) 2:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ H. Baker 2:30 H-208 Cap. JT. TAX COMM. (organ mtg.) (Marcie X 53621) (2:30 to 4:15 handwritten additions) 2:30 S-230 Cap. Int. w/Don Rothberg 3:15 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ H. Baker 3:30 S-230 Cap. Photo w/Jim Kourtovich, N.Hamp. w/Coll.Reps) wants to help in '88 603/536-5000x5023 4:15 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Max Hugel (Re: Iowa) Kathy Roland 785-0500 5:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/insurance company CEO's (Bill Fritts arr) 6-7:00 Int'l Club Mediterranean Rm. FR RECEP. for Mattingly by Timmons (Sen. co-host) (following appointment handwritten) 6-8:00 SR-385 Recep. by Pressler for Daschle & Cong. Tim Johnson 6:30-8:00 Hyatt (handwritten) Regency Ballrm RECEP & DINNER by Ks. Press Assn. (Walt/Brent) 7:00 (handwritten) -Hay Adams - Suite 306 DINNER w/Shirley Lord & Abe Rosenthal (Sen. & Eliz.) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of March 2-8, 1987 Page 4. THURSDAY, MARCH 5 8:00 Hyatt Conference Theater (1st level down) SPEAK - Carpet & Rug Institute 9:00 U.S. Chamber 1815 H St,NW Hall of Flags SPEAK - Chamber Mtg. on anti-double-breasting (following appointment handwritten) 10:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Dr. Allen Carlson (Rockford Institute) (following appointment handwritten and crossed out) 11:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Bobbi Hornig, et al, Senators 11:45 & 12:00 SD-562 - RECEP. & LUNCHEON by Ks. Contractors Assn. (stop by & make brief remarks) (12:15 to 1:45 handwritten appointments) 12:15 (line down to 1pm appointment) 1-1:45 W. Hse. Cabinet Rm. (N.W. Gate) Mtg w/Pres. & H. Baker w/GOP Sen. Steering Comm. 1:00 J.W.Marriott Salons III & IV SPEAK - Washington Non-Profit Tax Conference (handwritten notes) Jane 785-9500 (393-2000x6625) SMI conf. Desk (2:00 to 5:20 handwritten appointments) 2:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Ted Welch 2:45 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Bobbie Horneg. et al + Senators 3:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Ks. Newspaper Assn. members 4:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Cong. Bill Thomas (Susan x52915) 4:40 SH 709 Mtg. w/ Murkowski 5:00 SH-133 Mtg. w/ Stafford 5:20 SR-421 Mtg. w/ Warner 5:30-7:30 SD-106 RECEP. by YR's (Sen. a co-sponsor) (next appointment handwritten) 6-8:00 Westin Hotel Recep by Iowa AGG (100 Iowa) - stop by? Tom Synhorst Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of March 2 - 8, 1987 Page 5 FRIDAY, MARCH 6 (9:00 to 11:30 handwritten additions) 9:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Ellsworth 10:10 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Grassley 10:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Max Kasselman 11:15 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Fowler West (254-8541) 11:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Jackie Strange 12 &12:30 S-207 Cap. RECEP. & LUNCHEON by Kansas City & Missouri Contractors Assn. (stop by 12:30 Hyatt Regency B,C & D Rms SPEAK - YR Leadership Conf. (handwritten note) (Lisa 662-1340) (1:30 to 6:00 handwritten additions) tent 1:30 by Ohio clock Photo w/30 Penn. State business fraternity 2:45 Depart Nat'l - Butler Avia. 4:30-6:30 S-230 Farewell Recep for Marie Michnich Atlanta SPEAK - Lincoln Day Dinner SATURDAY, MARCH 7 Princeton, N.J. SPEAK - Lincoln Day Dinner SUNDAY, MARCH 8 (next appointment handwritten) 10:30 Tape Brinkley Show