SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of February 23 ~ March 2, 1987 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Iowa (separate schedule) 10:00 SD-215 Soc. Sec. SUBC (Work & Welfare) 1:00 Hyatt Reg. SPEAK- Nat'l Governors' Conf. Committee on Agriculture Coulmbia "A" Rm 2:30 SD-215 FINANCE CCOMM. (HHS budget proposals) 3:00 MTG. w/ Leonard Bell 3:15 S-230 mtg w/ Sen. Thompson 4:45 Depart Butler Avia.- National N. Jersey SPEAK-N.J. GOP State Senate Campaign Comm. FR RON D.C. Senator Dole}s Schedule- Week of Feb. 23- Mar. 1, 1987 Page 2 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 BETW. 8:30 & 5:30 S-205 Cap. Recieved "Guardian of Small Business Award" from NFIB (John Sloan 554-9000) 10:00 SD-215 HEALTH SUBC. 11:00 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Charlie Sarquano [Handwritten] 11:30 S-407 Cap mtg w/ Nitzer Perle re ABM Treaty [Handwritten] 12:00 S-230 Conf. Rm. Luncheon Pressler w/Gov. Mickelson & Sen. Dole [Canceled] 12:30 S-126 Cap? Policy Luncheon 1:30 S-230 mtg. w/ Bob Reed, Chrnu- Pacific Reserves + Richard Hall. V.P. Public Affairs [Handwritten] 2:00 S-230 Cap. Photo w/ KV School Lunch group (7) [Handwritten] 2:10 S-230 Photo w/ pres. Classroom group (mtd) [Handwritten] 2:15 S-230 3-4:30 S-230 Conf. Rm. MTG w/ Gov. Hayden & Ks. Delegation (Charlene 913/296-4025) 3:30-4:30 S-207 Cap Recep for mr. Hee-Il Lee, (Illegible) [Handwritten] 4:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Italian Def. Min Spandolini (Al arr) Tent [Crossed out] 5:00 S-230 Cap. PHOTO & Dole Fdn. ck. pres. by George Pearson, Koch Ind. (Lee Abdnor 466-6112) 5-7:00 S-207 Cap. RECEP. ny Peace Corps for new Members 5-7:00 EF-100 Cap. RECEP. by U.S. News & World Report [Leave off] 5-6:30 J.W. Marriott Salon II RECEP. by "All Industry TV Music License Comm of Nat'l Broadcasters [Leave off] 5:30-7:00 Sheraton Grand RECEP. by Independent Bankers Assn. (honoring Jim Wright) 659-8111 [Leave off] 5:30-8:00 SR-485 RECEP. by "Funeral industry" (828-5800 6:30-8:30 Willard Hotel COCKTAIL/BUFFET-25th Anniv. of TODAY Show (Sen. & Eliz stop by?) 7:00 7 & 8:00 Westin Hotel SPEAK- WASHINGTON WEEK Anniv. Dinner by Public Bdcstg. Sen. Dole's Schedule- Week of Feb. 23- Mar. 1, 1987 Page 3 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 7:30 Bellevue Hotel Lexington Rm. Ag. CONF. MTG. (Mark S. arr) 9:30-10:30 W. Hse-Cabinet Rm. (NW Gate) MTG. w/Pres. & Bipartisan group of Senators (20) on competitiveness (Becky 456-7054) 10:00 SD-215 Finance Comm. (Customs) 10:00 SR-332 AG COMM. (Comm. business) 12-2:00 SD-106 BUFFET LUNCHEON on 75th Anniv. of Arizona Day by McCain & Deconcini 12-2:00 SDY 18+19 Luncheon by metzenbaun for Cleveland Jewish Community Fed. (sheri x48912) [Handwritten] 12:45 Bellevue Hotel Stratford Rm. AG. CONF. PRESS CONF. (Mark S. arr) 2;10 S-230 Photo w/ nat'l youth ldrs. 3:15 S-230 Cap. MTG w/ Landon Rowland, CEO & Pres.- KC Southern re So. Pacific (w/B. Oglesby) 3:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Calif. State Sen. Jim Neilson 4:00 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Dave Emery (Sherry 647-8462) [Handwritten] 4:15 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Jim Rahe [Handwritten] 5-7:00 Montpelier Rm. MADISON Library RECEP. by Nat'l Conf. of State Legislatures (624-5400) 5:30-6:00 Cap. Hill Club Governor's Rm. RECEP. by Ukranian Chapter of Am. Friends of Anti-Baalken Block of Nations 5:30-7:30 S-207 Cap. RECEP. by Nat'l Home Study Council (Gary Eyler hosting) Chris [Handrawn line to "Eyler" Indiana? contributed or flown {illegible} [Handwritten]] 6-8:00 Longworth Cafeteria MISSISSIPPI GUMBO FESTIVAL by Trent Lott (Sen. & Eliz only) 6-8:00 1100 LHOB RECEP. by Paralyzed Veterans of Am. (Marie or???) 6-8:00 S-115 Cap. RECEP. by Phillip Morris & N. Caro. U. for members of Philip Morris Ag. Ldrship Dev. Prog. (Mark S) 6:30 & 7:30 Hay Adams Rm 406 CA FR RECEP. & DINNER Sen. Dole's Schedule- Week of Feb. 23- Mar. 1, 1987 Page 4 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26 9:00 Convention Ctr. [Handwritten] 9th st. entrance- main entrance SPEAK- Remodeling Industry Assn. Convention [Handwritten] 9:45 S-221 Cap. Mtg w/ Byrd 10:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (Customs) 10:45 S-230 Cap mtg. w/ Gary Engler [Line Crossed out by hand] [Line handwritten] 11:00 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Sterl. Pierce GOP Ldr (Illegible) House of Repr. 12:00 [Crossed out] [Handwritten] 12:30 (Illegible) Sen. Dining Rm.[crossed out] cap[crossed out] S-116 LUNCHEON by Mrs. Javits re Javits Fdn Fellowships (Dole, Pell, Moynihan, Benno Schmitt & Amb. vanden Heuvel) 12:00-? H-122 Cap. LUNCHEON for Aaron Fogel, Budget Dir. for Israel by Miohel, Wright, Kasten & Inouye (Stop by??) betw. 12:30 1:00 East Front-Cap. 'Mobilization for Soviet Jewry" by B'nai B'rith (Dale arr) [Line Handwritten] 2:00 S-230 mtg w/ Bob Talkington (Politician & Winfield Mental Hosp.) [Line Handwritten] 3:15 S-230(crossed out) S-328 m3 Humphrey's hide-away mtg. w/ Sen. Humphrey [Line Handwritten] 4:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/ Farm credit (Illegible) 4:30-6:00 Annual MTG. of Nat'l Water Alliance 6-7:00 RECEP. by Na'tl Water Aliance Phila SPEAK- Penna. State GOP Dinner Sen. Dole's Schedule- Week of Feb. 23- Mar. 1, 1987 Page 5 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27 [Handwritten] 9:30 S-230 cap. mtg w/ Tim Bolger (illegible) (Jan 974-3639 (10:00 (Handwritten: Illegible) SD-215 INT'L TRADE SUBC. (FY'11 approp) [Line Handwritten] 10:30 S-22 [Crossed out] [Illegible] [Line Handwritten] 11:30 S-230 S-230 cap. mtg w/ Maryland GOP group [Line Handwritten] 11:45 [crossed out] 12:30 S-230 Cap mtg w/ Bill Hocht & Scott William (Jolne arr) [Line Handwritten] 1:00 S-230 cap. mtg w/ Jeni Haredorf, Member wire legislative 1:30 S-230 cap. MTG. w/rep. Michael Bernhardt, Min. Ldr, Vermont Hse. of Repr. [Line Handwritten] 2:00 S-230 Cap. mtg w/ Bob Patrielli, Hartford (203/658-4957) [Line Handwritten] 2:15 S-328m3 mtg w/ Sen Humphrey [Line Handwritten] 2:45 S-230 Cap. mtg w/ Lyle Singsoon, Des moins (To ask for his support(Ed Ryler- x43y44) [Line Handwritten] 3:45 S-230 Cap. mtg w/ andy Ireland(illegible X55) 5:30-7:30 Longworth Cafeteria RECEP. by Na'tl Am. Wholosale Grocers Assn. &Food Mktg. Inst Binghamton, NY SPEAK- Lincoln Day Dinner Saturday, February 28 [Line Handwritten] 8:30 Crystal City Marriot Bkft- Salon "A" Lawyers for Dole group [Line Handwritten] 9:00 Sheraton Carlton (illegible) Bkft w/ (Illegible) 11:45 [Handwritten] 12:00 Crystal City Marriott Arlington Rm [Handwritten] SPEAK- Lawyers for Dole group 3:00 Raleigh, NC Meetings 6&7 Charlotte, NC SPEAK Lincoln Day Dinner (Separate schedule for N.C. events) Sunday, March 1 [Handwritten] Betty, Joyce, JoAnne BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE PHILADELPHIA STAFF: GLASSNER CONTACT: MOLLY WALSH- (H) 202/745-1083 beeper: 202/259-9413 DIANNE HARRISON- 202/546-2354 beeper: 202/259-9412 FINAL- February 25, 1987 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1987 4:35pm DEPART for Butler Aviation/ National ariport 4:55pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 5:00pm WHEELS-UP for Philadelphia, PA- Philadelphia International flight time: 45 minutes aircraft: Citation tail number: 12742 Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Berry Pilots: John McKeller 5:45pm ARRIVE Philadelphia, PA Met by: Bruce Rodgers FBO: Atlantic Aviation 215/492-2970 5:50pm DEPART for the Adam's Mark Hotel- 25" drive time Adam's Mark Hotel City Avenue and Monument Road Philedelphia, PA 6:15pm ARRIVE Hotel and proceed to the reception 215/581-5000 6:20pm-6:35pm DROP BY the Table-Buyer reception 215/581-500 event runs: 6-6:30pm Location: Gettysburg Room attendance: 25-30 format: mix/mingle Page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE PHILADELPHIA, PA FEBRUARY 26, 1987 6:40pm-7:00pm DROP-BY the tail-end of the General Reception of the Pennsylvania State GOP FR Reception/ Dinner 215/581-5000 attendance: 250-300 location: Foyer of the Ballroom format: mix/mingle event runs: 6-7pm contact: Charlie Dexter 717/234-4901 7:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Pennsylvania State GOP DINNER 215/581-5000 Attendance: 250-300 Location: Salons D, E, F Contact: Charlie Dexter 717/ 234-4901 Format: Mix/mingle Event runs: 6-7pm Facility: Free-Standing podium with mike on a raised dias, tables of 10 Head-table: Senator Dole Senator Specter Joan Specter Earl Baker- State Chrm. of PA Jackie Baker Anne Anstein- State Vice Chrm. CEO of Atlantic Financial Services Timothy Carson- State Finance Chrm. Atty.- Saul/Ewing/Remick & Saul Page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE PHILADELPHIA, PA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1987 Program: 215/781-5000 7:05pm Welcome by Earl Baker- State Cherm. and INTRO of Senator Specter 7:10pm INTRO of Senator Dole by Senator Specter 7:15pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 7:40pm CONCLUSION of remarks by Senator Dole 7:50pm DEPART for the airport-25" drive time 8:15pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Atlantic Aviation 215/492-2970 8:20pm WHEELS-UP for Washington, D.C. aircraft: Citation Tail number: 12742 Flight time: 45 minutes Pilots: McKeller Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Berry 9:05pm ARRIVE Washington, D.C. Met by: Wilbert FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 9:10pm DEPART for the residence 9:25pm ARRIVE the residence BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE BINGHAMTON, NY STAFF: Glassner, Berry CONTACT: Molly Walsh- 202/745-1083 beeper: 202/259-9413 Dianne Harrison- 202/546-2354 beeper: 202/259-9412 DRAFT: February 25th FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1987 4:40pm DEPART for the airport- Butler National 4:55pm ARRIVE Butler Aviation/National FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 5:00 WHEELS-UP for Binghamton, NY aircraft: Citation II Tail number: N300JK Flight time: 1 hour 15 minutes Pilots: Tom Kizis, David Westcott Seats: 7 Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner CONTACT: Anita 607/729-9331 6:15pm ARRIVE Binghamton, NY-Link Field FBO: Miller Aviation 607/770-1093 Met by: David Maney- Dole Advance 6:40pm ARRIVE and proceed to media 6:45pm NEWS AVAIL 7:00pm PAGE 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1987 7:05pm-7:25pm DROP-BY the Broom County Lincoln Day Reception 607/785-2793 attendance: 60 contact: Bob Rose 607/772-1700 format: mix/mingle event runs: 7:30pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Broom County Lincoln Day dinner attendance: 600 location: Main Room event runs: 7:30-9pm program: NOTE: They are holding dinner 7:35pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by New York State Senate Majority Leader- Warren M. Anderson 7:40pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 8:00pm CONCLUSION of remarks 8:10pm DEPART for the airport-Link Field drive time 20 minutes 8:30pm ARRIVE and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: MIller Aviation 607/770-1093 8:35pm WHEELS-UP for Washington DC flight time: 1 hour 15 minutes aircraft: Citation II tail no.: N300JK piliots: Tom Kizis, David Westcott manifest: Senator, Glassner, Berry PAGE 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1987 9:50pm ARRIVE Washington National and proceed to departing car FBO: Butler 703/549-8340 9:55pm DEPART for residence 10:10pm ARRIVE and proceed to private BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE BINGHAMTON, NY STAFF: Glassner, Berry CONTACT: Molly Walsh- 202/745-1083 (beeper)- 202/259-9413 Dianne Harrison- 202/ 546-2354 (beeper)-202/259-9412 DRAFT: February 25th FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1987 4:40pm DEPART for the airport-Butler National 4:55pm ARRIVE Butler Aviation/National FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 5:00pm WHEELS-UP for Binghamton, NY aircraft: Citation II Tail number: N300JK Flight time:1 hour 15 minutes Pilots: Tom Kizis, David Westcott Seats: 7 Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner CONTACT: Anita 607/729-9331 6:15pm ARRIVE Binghamton, NY- Link Field FBO: Miller Aviation 607/770-1093 Met by: David Maney- Dole Advance 6:20pm DEPART for the Fountains Pavilion drive time-20" Fountains Pavilion Lester Avenue Binghamton, NY 6:40 ARRIVE and proceed to media 6:45-7:00pm NEWS AVAIL PAGE 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1987 7:05pm- 7:25pm DROP-BY the Broom County Lincoln Day Reception 607/785-2793 attendance: 60 contact: Bob Rose 607/772-1700 format: mix/mingle event runs: 7:30pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Broom County Lincoln Day dinner attendance: 600 location: Main Room event runs: 7:30-9pm program: NOTE: They are holding dinner 7:35pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by New York State Senate Majority Leader- Warren M. Anderson 7:40pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 8:00pm CONCLUSION of remarks 8:10pm DEPART for the airport-Link Field drive time 20 minutes 8:30pm ARRIVE and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: MIller Aviation 607/770-1093 8:35pm WHEELS-UP for Washington DC flight time: 1 hour 15 minutes aircraft: Citation II tail no.: N300JK piliots: Tom Kizis, David Westcott manifest: Senator, Glassner, Berry PAGE 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW YORK FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1987 9:50pm ARRIVE Washington National and proceed to departing car FBO: Butler 703/549-8340 9:55pm DEPART for residence 10:10pm ARRIVE and proceed to private BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE PHILADELPHIA STAFF: GLASSNER CONTACT: MOLLY WALSH -(H) 202/745-1083 Beeper: 202/259-9413 DIANNE HARRISON- 202/546-2354 FINAL-February 25, 1987 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1987 4:35pm DEPART for Butler Aviation/National ariport 4:55pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 5:00pm WHEELS-UP for Philadelphia, PA- Philadelphia International flight time: 45 minutes aircraft: Citation tail number: 12742 Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Berry Piliots: John McKeller 5:45pm ARRIVE Philadelphia, PA Met by: Bruce Rodgers FBO: Atlantic Aviation 215/492-2970 5:50pm DEPART for the Adam's Mark Hotel- 25" drive time Adam's Mark Hotel City Avenue and Monument Road Philedelphia, PA 6:15pm ARRIVE Hotel and proceed to the reception 215/581-5000 6:20pm-6:35pm DROP-BY the Table-Buyer reception 215/581-5000 event runs: 6-6:30pm Location: Gettysburg Room attendance: 25-30 format: mix/mingle page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE PHILADELPHIA, PA February 26, 1987 6:40pm-7:00pm DROP-BY the tail-end of the General Reception of the Pennsylvania State GOP FR Reception/ Dinner 215/581-5000 attendance: 250-300 location: Foyer of Ballroom format: mix/mingle event runs: 6-7pm contact: Charlie Dexter 717/234-4901 7:00 ATTEND/ADDRESS the Pennsylvania State GOP Dinner 215/581-5000 Attendance: 250-300 Location: Salons D, E, F Contact: Charlie Dexter 717/234-4901 format: mix/mingle Event runs: 6-7pm Facility: Free-standing podium with mike on a raised dias, tables of 10 Head-table: Senator Dole Senator Specter Joan Specter Earl Baker- State Chrm. of PA Jackie Baker Anne Anstein- State Vice Chrm. of PA Donald Caldwell- Dinner Chrm. CEO of Atlantic Financial Services Timothy Carson- State Finance Cherm. Atty.- Saul/Ewing/ Remick & Saul page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE PHILADELPHIA, PA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26,1987 PROGRAM: 215/781-5000 7:05pm WELCOME by Earl Baker- State Chrm. and INTRO of Senator Specter 7:10pm INTRO of Senator Dole by Senator Specter 7:15pm Remarks by Senator Dole 7:40pm CONCLUSION of remarks by Senator Dole 7:50pm DEPART for the airport- 25" drive time 8:15pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane aircraft: Citation Tail number: 12742 Flight time: 45 minutes Piliots: McKeller Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Berry 9:05pm ARRIVE Washington, D.C. Met by: Wilbert FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 9:10pm DEPART for the residence 9:25pm ARRIVE the residence BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW JERSEY ST(Illegible) SENIOR ST(Illegible) WAL(Illegible) BEEP(Illegible) HARRIS(Illegible) BEEP(Illegible) DRAFT: FEBRUARY 20th MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1987 4:45pm DEPART for Butler Aviation 5:00pm ARRIVE Butler Aviation and (Illegible) departing aircraft Butler 5:05pm WHEELS-UP for Princeton, New Jersey flight time: 50 minutes aircraft: King Air 300 tail number: 7215J piliots: Dave Sargent, (Illegible) seats: manifest: Senator Dole, (Illegible) contact: Frank Ryan 5:55pm ARRIVE Mercer Co. airport and proceed (Illegible) departing car FBO: Ronson Aviation Met by: Peter Kane (Illegible) 6:00pm DEPART for Princeton Hyatt drive time: 15 minutes THE PRINCETON HYATT 102 Carnegie Center Princeton, New Jersey 6:15pm ARRIVE and proceed to media page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW JERSEY MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1987 6:20pm-6:35pm *TENATIVE NEWS AVAIL 6:40pm-7:00pm DROP-BY FR reception on behalf of the New Jersey Republican State Senate Campaign Committee location: Stockton Room attendance: 30-40 ticket: $500 contact: Ken Connolly 609/292-5199 event runs 7-7pm 7:05pm-8:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS dinner on behalf of the New Jersey Republican State Senate Campaign Committee location: Regency Main Ballroom attendance: 300 ticket: $125 event runs: 7-8:30pm facility: Head-table with table-top podium Rounds of 10 Program: 7:00pm DINNER served 7:25pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by James Hurley- Senate Minority Leader 7:30pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 7:50pm CONCLUSION of remarks 8:00pm DEPART for Mercer Co. Airport drive time 15 minutes page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW JERSEY MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1987 8:15pm ARRIVE airport and procced to departing aircraft FBO: Ronson Aviation 8:20pm WHEELS-UP for Washington DC flight time: 50 minutes aircraft: King Air 300 tail no.: 7215j piliots: Dave Sargent, co-piliot seats: manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner 9:10pm ARRIVE and proceed to departing car 9:15pm DEPART for private 9:30pm ARRIVE and proceed to private page 8 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE HAWAII MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1987 7:35pm-8:30pm ATTEND/ ADDRESS the CA FR reception and dinner 808/734-3969 Location: Felix residence Attendance: 10-15 couples at $5000 contact John Henry Felix event runs: cocktails: 6:30pm, dinner: 7:00pm (Handwritten)(Illegible)...get out by 8:30?? 8:35pm DEPART for the Kahala Hilton- drive time 5" Kahala Hilton 5000 Kahala Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii 8:40pm ARRIVE hotel and proceed to private 808/734-2211 Ron (Blank for last name unfilled) Kahala Hilton 808/734-2211 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1987 7:00am DEPART hotel for the Pacific Club- drive time 25" downtown Honolulu 7:25am ARRIVE the Pacific Club and proceed to the breakfast 7:30am-8:15am ATTEND/ADDRESS a leadership breakfast (GOP- Legislators) 808/536-0836 Location: Diamond Head Room contact: Brian Moore Attendee's: 10 (Handwritten) (Illegible) page 9 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE HAWAII February 9, 1987 8:20am DEPART for the Honolulu Captiol- 5" drive time The Capitol 415 South Beretania Street Honolulu, Hawaii 8:25am ARRIVE and proceed to the Joint Caucus Room 808/548-2211 (Handwritten) (Illegible) 8:30am-9:00am ATTEND/ ADDRESS the GOP JOINT CAUCUS of the Hawaiian Legislature 808/548-2211 Location: Caucus Room Attendee's: 20 9:05am DEPART for the University of Hawaii drive time 15" minutes 1777 East-West Road University of Hawaii East-West Center Note: Mike Liu will accompany the Senator to this event 9:20am-9:30am ONE-ON-ONE with Dr. Victor Li- President of the East-West Center 808/944-7103 9:35am-10:00am ADDRESS the University of Hawaii 808/944-7103 location: Burns Hall Auditorium format: remarks with Q&A contact: Dr. Victor Lee attendance: 100-125 students press: open 10:05am-10:15am BRIEF ONE-ON-ONE with Joe Rose-KGU Radio- CBS affiliate PAGE 12 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE HAWAII TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1987 7:30am-8:30am STEERING COMMITTEE BREAKFAST 808/734-2211 (Handwritten: "Who??") attendance: 16-20 Location: MAILE MAKEI ROOM 8:35am DEPART for the airport- 25" drive time 9:00am ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane page 17 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE WASHINGTON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1987 8:35am WHEELS-UP for the Boise, Idaho aircraft: Lear 35 flight time: 1 hour Tail number: Piliots: Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Sego +1 (Esec. from Evergreen) (Handwritten: ??) Contact: Carol 503/472-0011 10:35am +1hr ARRIVE Boise, Idaho Met by: Dole Advance- Dave Radford FBO: Boise Air Service 208/383-3300 10:40am DEPART for Boise Cascade HQ's- 10" drive time Boise Cascade HQ's 1 Jefferson Square Boise, Idaho 10:50am ARRIVE HQ's and proceed to meeting 208/384-7560 11:00am-12:15pm MEETING with Senator Symm's and John Ferry-CEO of Boise Cascade and other CEO'S in the State of Idaho 208/384-7560 Location: Board room of Boise Cascade Contact: Phil Rebarger (Symms Staff) 208/334-1776 12:20pm DEPART for the airport- drive time 10" 12:30pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to the departing aircraft FBO: Boise Air Service 208/383-3300 12:35pm WHEELS-UP for Kansas City Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner aircraft: Lear 35 Tail number: 339W flight time: 2 hours 45 minutes page 26 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE WISCONSIN THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1987 9:20pm DEPART for Phister hotel-drive time- 20" Phister Hotel 424 East Wisconsin Avenue Milwaukee, WI 9:40pm ARRIVE Hotel and proceed to private 414/273-8222 Ron (Blank for last name left blank) Milwaukee, WI 414/273-8222 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1987 8:00am DEPART by foot for the Milwaukee Club Note: It is across the street Milwaukee Club 276 North Jefferson Milwaukee, WI 8:05am-9:00am Breakfast with Political and Business Leaders 414/276-0590 Attendance: 12 NOTE: Mr. Grebe (Handwritten:Illegible) organizing 414/289-3551 9:30am WHEELS-UP for Little Rock, Arkansas Flight time: 2 hours Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Brown aircraft: Lear 35 Tail number: N301SC 11:30pm ARRIVE Little Rock, Arkansas Met by: Cathy Johnson FBO: Central Flying Service 501/375-3245 page 26 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE ARKANSAS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1987 11:35pm DEPART for the Capitol Hotel -15" Capitol Hotel 111 West Markham Street Little Rock, Arkansas 11:50pm ARRIVE Capitol Hotel and proceed to CA FR Luncheon 501/374-7474 11:55pm-1:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the CA FR Luncheon 501/374-7474 1:00pm-1:15pm MEETING with the Sponsors of the CA Luncheon 501/374-7474 Luncheon attendee's: David Clark, Keith Tucker, Mark Morris, and a couple of others 1:20pm-1:50pm MEETING with Dole Supporters (Handwritten: "Who?? How Long??) 501/374-7474 1:55pm DEPART for the airport- 15" drive time 2:05pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to the departing plane FBO: Central Service 501/375-3245 2:10pm WHEELS-UP for Washington, D.C. aircraft: Lear 35A Tail number: N301SC Piliots: David ROse, Ted Davis Flight time: 2 hours 30 minutes seats: 8 Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Brown 5:40pm +1hr ARRIVE Washington, D.C. Met by: Wilbert FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of February 16-22, 1987 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16 Keene, N.H. SPEAK- Rotary Club Luncheon TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 8:00 1925 K St, NY Suite 507 Dr. Barsky 10:00 SD-106 INTELLIGENCE COMM. (Gates conf, hrgs) 12:30 S-128 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON 12:40 V.P. Ofc-Cap. PHOTO w/ V.P., Helms and George Dunlop 3:00-4:30 mtg. w/ Gov Hayden and KS Delegation (Charlene Wilson 913/296-4025) 4:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Maureen Reagan 4:30 1455 (Illegible) APPT. WEDNSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 8:20 (Crossed out, replaced with 8:00) Vista Hotel (Handwritten: "Ballroom A") SPEAK- Nat'l Ag Chemicals ASSN. 9:00 W. Hse- Cabinet Rm. (NW Gate) MTG w/Pres- Bipartisan Hse/ Senate Competitiveness (Bkfst. at 8:30) (Handwritten: Becky) 10:00 SD-215 Finance Comm. (review pres. FY '88 budget proposals) (Handwritten: Feb. 25) 12-2:00 D-106 BUFFET LUNCHEON by McCain & DeConcini for 75th Anniv. of Arizona Day (stop by if poss) Colleen X44521 (Crossed out by hand) betw. 12 & 2:00 SR-485 LUNCHEON by Jewish Fed. of Central New Jersey (Stop by) 2:00 S-230 mtg w/ Symmone and Phil Reburgler, Chf of staff 4:00 (Crossed out) (3:50 handwritten in) S-221 Cap. DROP BY & PHOTO w/ P.M. Shamir (Dole, Byrd, Michel, wright) Dale (Line Handwritten) 5:00 Depart Butler- nat'l 5:30-7:30 2168 RHOB RECEP. by Renewable Fuels Assn. 5:30- 7:30 B-369 RHOB RECEP. by Kentuckians for Better Transportation 7:9:30 NYC CA FR Dinner Senator Dole's Schedule- Week of Feb. 16-22, 1987 Page 3 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19 8:45 499 S. Capitol (Handwritten:"Suite 507") SPEAK-BKFST.- Hecht & Assoc. 9:30 (Crossed out) 10:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (Trade hrgs-world economy) (Line handwritten) 10:00 S-230 Cap. mtg w/ British Amb. Sir Antony Acland (Al arr.) 11:00 Tomb of Unknown Soldier- Arlington WREATH LAING CEREMONY by 10th Mtn. Div. commemorating 1st battle at Mt. Belvedere in '45 (Line handwritten) 11:30-11:40 Cabinet rm (nw gate) Ceremony on lifting sanctions against Poland) 12:00 S-166 Appt. w/ Dr, Chobanian 1:00 S-207 Cap. CEREMONY by No Greater Love commemorating Challenger crew (videotape to be sent to families of crew) Walt (Line Handwritten) 2:15 H-137 mtg w/ Cong. members of nat'l water alliance 5-5:30 W.Hse- Blue rm. (NW Gate) COCKTAIL RECEP. w/ Pres for supporters of Clean Water Bill (Becky 456-7054) 6-8:00 345 CHOB RECEP. for Byrd & Wright by Wash. DC Chapter of Am. Women in Radio & TV (Crossed out by hand) (Line Handwritten) 6:30-8:00 Wash Hilton Jefferson Rm West VIP Recep. by CPAC (Line Handwritten) 7-8:00 Cabinet Rm. Photo opp Lisa M. Seyanne 745-1761 Chevy Chase Rm Senator Dole's Schedule- week of Feb. 16- 22, 1987 Page 4 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 (Handwritten: 9:30) SD-215 SOC. SEC. SUBC. (Child Support enforce) 10:00 S-230 Cap. mtg w/ Drew Lewis re up/ Katy merger (Line Handwritten) 11:00 S-230 Cap. mtg w/ John Gordley (944-5126) (Line Handwritten) 11:30 S-230 Cap. mtg w/ Domingo Moreia, carbon (Illegible) PAC (Line Handwritten) 11:45 S-230 Cap. mtg w/ Lee Stitzenberger + Carl Haglund (Illegible) 11:30-1:30 Park Hyatt Tivoli rm. 24th & M, NW AWARDS LUNCHEON by Nat'l Orgn on Disability (293-5960) 2:00 Wash. Hilton SPEAK- CAPC (Conservative PAC) 7:00 Illinois SPEAK-Lincoln Day Dinner Saturday, February 21 (Seperate Schedule for weekend) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE ILLINOIS, MICHIGAN. SOUTH DAKOTA, MINNESOTA, IOWA, WYOMING STAFF: Glassner, Brown CONTACT: MOLLY WALSH- (H) 202/745-1083 beeper: 202/259-9413 HARRISON- (H) 202/546-2354 beeper: 202/259-9412 (Handwritten) Betty FINAL-2pm FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1987 4:10pm DEPART for Butler Aviation/ National airport 4:25pm ARRIVE Butler Aviation and proceed to departing aircraft 202/549-8340 4:30pm WHEELS-UP for Chicago, IL- DuPage, IL airport Aircraft: Falcon 50 Tail Number: 5DL Flight time: 1 hour 35 minutes Seats: 10 Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner 5:05pm -1hr ARRIVE DuPage, IL Met by: Kelly FBO: DuPage Aviation 312/584-6700 5:10pm DEPART for the Carol Stream Stratford Inn- 10" drive time Carol Stream Stratford Inn- Travel lodge 150 South Gary Avenue Carol Stream, Illinois Contact: John Piaza 312/ 665-3000 5:20pm ARRIVE site and proceed to meetings 5:30pm-5:50pm ONE-ON-ONE with Lee Daniels- House Republican Leader 312/665-3000 Location: 5:55pm-6:15pm page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE ILLINOIS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1987 6:20pm DEPART for the Wilton Manor- 5" drive time THE WILTON MANOR 2200 N. Main Street Wheaton, Illinois 6:25-6:40pm DROP-BY DuPage County Lincoln Day 312/653-0800 Reception ticket: $50 attendance: 500-600 event runs: 6-7pm Location: Sunbeam Room Contact: Kim Donoghue 312/917-2053 Kelly Turner 312/852-1597 6:45pm-7:05pm ONE-ON-ONE with Pate Phillip- Senate Republican Leader and Co. Chairman of DuPage 312/653-0800 7:10pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the DuPage Lincoln Day Dinner 312/653-0800 attendance: 500-600 Location: MAIN DINING ROOM Contact: Kelly Turner 312/852-1597 Facility: Head table with table-top podium Program: 7:05pm WELCOME of guests 7:15pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Pate Phillip- Senate Republican Leader and Conty CHairman for DuPage County 7:20pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 7:45pm CONCLUSION of remarks by Senator Dole page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE ILLINOIS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1987 7:50pm DEPART for the airport- 25" drive time 8:15pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to the departing plane FBO: DuPage Aviation 312/584-6700 8:20pm WHEELS-UP for Lansing, MI Aircraft: Falcon 50 tail number: 5DL Flight Time: 45 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Brown 10:05pm +1hr ARRIVE Lansing, Michigan Met by: Stuart Houston FBO: General Aviation 517/321-7000 10:10pm DEPART for the Clarion hotel- 20" drive time Clarion Hotel 6820 s. Cedar Street 10:30pm ARRIVE hotel and proceed to Private 517/694-8144 10:35pm-11:05pm DROP-BY the campaign America Hospitality Suite 517/694-8144 Location: Imperial Room Event runs: 8-12pm 11:10pm DEPART for private- 11:15pm ARRIVE Private 517/694-8144 Ron (Blank for last name unfilled) Lansing, MI 517/694-8144 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1987 7:40am DEPART for event-15" drive time Lansing Civic Center 505 West Allegan Lansing, MI page 4 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE MICHIGAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1987 7:55am ARRIVE site and proceed to brunch 517/ 483-4401 8:00am-9:00am ATTEND/ADDRESS the FR brunch on behalf of the Michigan GOP 517/483-4401 location: Exhibition Hall- Lower level attendance: 300 ticket: $35 contact: Mary Blood 517/487-6800 event runs: 8-9 9:05am-9:25am NEWS AVAIL 517/483-4401 Location: Civic Center- PARLOR C 9:30am DEPART for the State Capitol-by car across the street 9:40am-9:50am ONE-ON-ONE with David Walters-Freedom Council 517/373-0183 9:55am-10:30am MEETING with Michigan Political Leaders 517/373-0183 NOTE: Being coordinated by Colleen Engler location: Old Supreme Court Room attendance: 20 10:35am DEPART for the airport- 20" drive time 10:55am ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: General Aviation 517/321-7000 11:00am WHEELS-UP for Pierre, South Dakota aircraft: Falcon 50 tail number: 5DL Flight time: 1 hour 40 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Brown (Handwritten) Joyce/JoAnne page 5 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE SOUTH DAKOTA SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1987 11:40am-1hr ARRIVE Pierre, South Dakota FBO: Ice Flying Service 605/224-1666 Met by: Charles Rodgers 11:45am DEPART for Governor's Mansion drive time 5 minutes THE GOVERNOR'S MANSION 119 North Washington Avenue Pierre, South Dakota 11:50 ARRIVE and proceed to ONE-ON-ONE 11:55am-12:15am ONE-ON-ONE with Governor Mickelson 12:20pm DEPART for the event site- Kings Inn drive time-10" King's Inn Convention Center 220 South Pierre Pierre, South Dakota 12:30pm-1:30pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the South Dakota GOP State Central Committee Luncheon 605/224-5951 press: open location: 3rd floor attendance: 120 Committteeman, Committeewoman, Chair people contact: John Bagaason 605/224-7347 facility: Program: 12:10pm LUNCH SERVED 12:45pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Joe Rosenthal- State Chrm. 605/224-5951 1:15pm CONCLUSION of Remarks by Senator Dole 1:30pm CONCLUSION of luncheon 1:35pm DEPART for the airport-15" drive time page 6 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE SOUTH DAKOTA SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1987 1:50pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Ice Flying Service 605/886-8620 1:55pm WHEELS-UP for Watertown, South Dakota aircraft: Falcon 50 tail number: 5DL Flight time: 40 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Brown, Senator Pressler, Eleanor Rhodes, (AA Pressler), Charles Rogers Dole Advance 2:35pm ARRIVE Watertown, South Dakota FBO: Fisher Aviation 605/886-8011 Met by: Dr. D. Robert Bartron, Gordon Garness- w/ the Watertown Opinion, and Warren Schoon 2:40pm DEPART for the Pressler meeting-drive time 10" Ramkota Inn Ramkota Inn 2001 9th Avenue, SW Watertown, SD 2:55pm-4:00pm ATTEND/ ADDRESS Legislative Issues Meeting 605/886-8011 location: Sandy Shores-Tanglewood Room attendance: 200-300 Press: open Event runs: 3-4pm Contact: Merlyn Meinerts- 605/225-0250 Aberdeen Field (H) 605/225-2836 4:05pm DEPART for the airport-10" drive time 4:15pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Fisher Aviation 605/886-8620 page 7 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE MINNESOTA SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1987 4:20pm WHEELS-UP for St. Paul, Minnesota aircraft: Falcon 50 tail number: 5DL flight time: 45 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Brown, Senator Pressler 5:05pm ARRIVE St. Paul, Minnesota- Holman Field Met by: Cedarholm FBO: Executive IFT 612/224-4348 5:10pm DEPART for the Minnesota Club- 15" drive time Minnesota Club 317 Washington Street St. Paul, Minnesota 5:25pm ARRIVE the Club and proceed to the "Elephant Club Reception" 612/227-8761 5:30pm-5:55pm DROP-BY the "Elephant Club Reception" the major Donors ($500-1,000 contributers) Location: Minnesota Club attendance: 75-100 format: mix/mingle event runs: 5-6pm contact: Larry Madison 612/854-1446 6:00pm DEPART by foot for the Civic Center Civic Center 143 West 4th Street St. Paul, MN 6:05pm-6:30pm DROP-BY the Reception of the Century Club reception 612/292-7213 Location: C-1 of the Civic center Ticket: $125 attendance: 200-300 event runs: 5:30-6:30pm contact: Larry Madison 612/854-1446 page 8 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE MINNESOTA SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1987 6:35pm-6:55pm NEWS AVAIL Location: Rooms-C6 7:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Minnesota Century Club Dinner 612/277-8761 attendance: 800-1,000 Location: civic arena ticket:$100 facility: head-table of 30- list forthcoming- tables of 10 Program: 6:30 pm-8:00pm Buffet lines open 8:05pm WELCOME by Leon Oistad- State Chrm. of the Independent Republicans and INTRO of senator Boschwitz 8:10pm-8:20pm CENTURY CLUB DRAWING and REPORT 8:25pm INTRO of Senator Durenberger by Leon Oistad 8:25pm INTRO of Senator Dole by Senator Durenberger 8:30pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 8:55PM CONCLUSION of remarks by Senator Dole 9:00pm CONCLUSION of Dinner 9:10pm DEPART for the Hyatt in Minneapolis, MN 20" drive time Minneapolis Hyatt- Nicollet Mall 1300 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 9:30pm ARRIVE hotel and proceed to private 612/370-1234 RON (Blank for last name unfilled) Hyatt-Minneapolis, MN 612/370-1234 page 9 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE MINNESOTA SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1987 9:30am-10:30am POLITICAL MEETINGS- coordinated by Brown 612/370-1234 Location: Greenway Ballroom contact: Frank Griebenow 612/487-3443 10:35am-10:55am ONE-ON-ONE with Cliff Whitehill CEO of General Mills 612/370-1234 Location: Senator Dole's Suite 11:00am-11:10am ONE-ON-ONE with Dick Upton- President of the Greater MN Chamber of Commerce Originally from Wichita, KS; and Len Nadasdy Location: Senator Dole's Suite 11:15 am-12:00pm CA FR BRUNCH- Clink coordinating 612-370-1234 Location: Skyway Suite contact: Steve Gordon 612/690-2618 Event runs: 11-12pm 12:10pm DEPART for the airport-20" drive time 12:30pm ARRIVE Minneapolis International airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Page-Av-Jet 612/762-5214 12:35pm WHEELS-UP for Des Moins, Iowa contact: Carol Bidwell (H) 312/729-7431 aircraft: Falcon 10 piliots: Carol Bidwell, Bob Williams tail number: N777SN flight time: 45 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Brown 1:20pm AARRIVE Des Moins, Iowa FBO: Des Moins Flying Service 515/285-4221 Met by: Synhorst page 10 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE IOWA SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1987 1:25pm DEPART for the Des Moines Airport Hilton- 5" Des Moins Airport Hilton 6111 Fleur Drive Des Moins, Iowa 1:30pm-1:40pm PHONE CALLS 515/287-2400 1:45pm-2:25pm CONSERVATIVE MEETING 515/287-2400 Location: Board Room-2nd Floor NOTE: Coordinated by Synhorst 2:35pm-3:45pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Des Moines TOWN MEETING- Polk County 515/287-2400 Location: West View Room- 1st floor 3:50pm DEPART for the Des Moines Airport- 10" drive time 4:00pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Des Moines Flying Service 515/285-4221 4:05pm WHEELS-UP for Cheyenne, Wyoming aircraft: Falcon 10 tail number: N777SN seats: 7 piliots: Carol Bidwell, Bob Williams flight time: 1 hour 35 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner 4:35pm-1hr ARRIVE Cheyenne, Wyoming Met by: Gary Milliken-Dole Advance FBO: Air Exchange 307/634-4417 PAGE 11 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE WYOMING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1987 4:40pm DEPART for the event site-10" drive time Best Western- Little America I-25&I-80 2800 West Lincoln Way Cheyenne, Wyoming 4:50pm ARRIVE site and proceed to the PRIVATE 307/634-2771 4:55pm-5:10pm PHONE CALLS Location: Room 188 307/634-2771 5:15pm-5:35pm NEWS AVAIL- Location: Rogue Room 307/634-2771 5:40pm-6:05pm DROP-BY the VIP reception of the Laramie County Lincoln Day Dinner 307/634-2771 attendance: 100-150 format: mix/mingle event runs: 5-6 ticket: $20 location: Room 190-Suite Lodge 190 contact: Carol O'Grady 307/634-2771 6:10pm-6:40pm TENATIVE ONE-ON-ONE Sego to Coordinate 6:45pm-7:00pm DROP-BY the tail-end of the General Reception of the Laramie County Lincoln Dinner 307/634-2771 Location: Foyer of Main Ballroom Attendance: 400-500 format: mix/mingle event runs: 6-7pm PAGE 12 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE WYOMING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1987 7:05pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Laramie County Lincoln Day Dinner 307/634-2771 attendance: 400-500 Location: Main Ballroom Contact: Rosalyn Wallach 307/634-7781 facility: 2-tiered Head-table, rounds of 8 table-top podium and mike Program: 7:00pm PROGRAM BEGINS 7:05pm WELCOME by Rosalyn Wallach- President- Laramie County GOP Women's Club 7:10pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Senator Wallop 7:15pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 7:35pm CONCLUSION of Remarks by Senator Dole 7:45pm DEPART for the airport- 10" drive time 7:55pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane 8:00pm WHEELS-UP for Davenport, Iowa aircraft: Falcon 10 tail number: N777SN Seats: 7 flight time: 1 hour 35 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Sego 10:35pm+1hr ARRIVE Davenport, Iowa- Quad City Airport- Moline, IL Met by: Synhorst/Brown FBO: Elliott Beechcraft 309/799-3183 PAGE 13 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE IOWA SUNDAY FEBRUARY 22, 1987 10:40pm DEPART for the Blackhawk Hotel- 20" minute drive time Blackhawk Hotel 200 East Third Street Davenport, Iowa 11:00pm ARRIVE Hotel and proceed to private 391/323-2711 DAVENPORT, IOWA (Unfilled blank) RON 391/323-2711 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1987 7:45am-8:45am BREAKFAST MEETING with Jim Davis and Community Leaders of Davenport, Iowa 391/323-2711 Location: Blackhawk Hotel attendance: 30-40 8:50am DEPART for the airport- 20" drive time Quad City airport- Moline, IL 9:05am ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Elliott Beechcraft 309/799-3183 9:10am WHEELS-UP for Washington, D.C. Aircraft: Saberliner- KVI tail number: N400KV Seats: 7 piliots: Steve Sturgill, Bob Pinnell flight time: 2 hours 15 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Brown, Sego 12:25pm +1hr ARRIVE Washington, D.C. - Butler Aviation Met by: Wilbert FBO: Butler 703/549-8340 12:30pm DEPART for the Hyatt Regency Hotel MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR INFO: MOLLY, BETTY FROM: CLINK SUBJ: DRAFT SCHEDULE FOR KEN BRODY FUNDRAISER (Handwritten) Betty FEBRUARY 18, 1987 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1987 5:00pm WHEELS-UP National Airport-Butler Aviation for New York, New York. (703)-549-8340 aircraft: Lear 35 (U.S. Jet) tail no.: #110KG/ Blue and Yellow Stripes piliots: Don Franz, Rick Farneth flight time: 55 minutes 5:55pm ARRIVE La Guardia Airport-Butler Aviation (718)476-5200 met by Charlie Degliomeni (212) 264-2600 car (212)414-4698 7:00pm Campaign America Fundraiser hosted by Ken Brody Goldman, Sachs & Co. 85 Broad Street 30th Floor New York, New York (212)902-1000 (212)902-6106 8:45pm DEPART Fundraiser for Butler Aviation- La Guardia (718)476-5200 9:15pm ARRIVE Bulter Aviation- La Guardia 9:20pm WHEELS UP for National Airport- Butler Aviation (703)549-8340 10:15pm ARRIVE Butler Aviation-National Airport (Handwritten) BETTY from PA IN HONOR OF SENATOR ROBERT J. DOLE GOLDMAN, SACHS & CO 85 BROAD STREET 30TH FLOOR WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1987 ATTENDEES Kenneth (Ken) D. Brody Partner of Goldman Sachs & Co: head of Real Estate John B. Coleman Hotel Owner & Operator. Including Ritz Carlton of Washington and New York Robert (Bob) N. Downey *R Partener of Goldman Sachs & Co.: Head of Municipal Finance Brian M. Freeman Financial Advisor to Unions Stephen (Steve) Friedman Partenr of Goldman Sachs & Co.: Management Committee Member Wesley (Jack) J. Howe *L Chairman and Cheif Executive Officer of Becton Dickinson, a Fortune 500 Health Servives Company headquarted in New Jersey Steven (Steve) M Katz Chairman and Cheif Executive Officer of Premier Systems, a computer based company headquarted in Pennsylvania serving bank trust departments Marvin H Schur Limited Partner of Goldman Sachs & Co; former head of J. Aron, a leading commodities trading company. Judah (Jud) C Sommer Vice President of Goldman Sachs & Co head of Washington office Alan Washkowitz Managing Director, Shearson Lehman Brothers INC In charge of Financial Restructuring *R= Right Side of Senator Dole *L= Left Side of Senator Dole SENATOR BOB DOLE (Handwritten) Betty ADD TO TONIGHTS ATTENDEE LIST: ALFRED (FRED) C. ECKERT, III PARTNER GOLDMAN, SACHS & CO. HEAD of LEVERAGE BUY OUT DIVISION (Handwritten) P.A. Not prepared or mailed by Taxpayers expense. Paid for by CAMPAIGN AMERICA, 919 Prince Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE IOWA/MISSOURI STAFF: GLASSNER, BROWN MOLLY: 202/745-1083 Beeper: 202/259-9413 DIANNE: 202/546-2354 Beeper: 202/259-9412 FINAL: FEB. 6th SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1987 8:05am DEPART for Butler Aviation/ National airport 8:20am ARRIVE Butler aviation and proceed to departing plane FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 8:25am WHEELS-UP for Sioux City, Iowa Flight time: 2 hours 45 minutes Aircraft: Westwind Tail number: 943LLD Piliots: Dick Bierman, Terry Johnson Seats: 6 Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Brown, +1 10:10am-1hr ARRIVE Sioux City, Iowa- Sioux Gateway airport and taxi up to a prop plane Met by: Joe Kelly- Dole Advance FBO: Airways Services 712/258-6563 10:20am WHEELS-UP for Orange City, Iowa flight time: 20 minutes aircraft: Piper Aztec tail number: N6573A seats: 4 piliots: Lloyd Clark, Mr. Hurd 515/224-0000 Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Brown, Don Gringrich- Pres. of Pork Producers 10:40am ARRIVE Orange City, Iowa Met by: Joe Kelly- Dole Advance FBO: Airways Services 712/737-4215 10:45am DEPART for the Town Meeting-10" drive time Orange City Community Hall 125 Central Avenue Orange City, Iowa page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE IOWA SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1987 10:55am ARRIVE the TOWN MEETING and proceed to the hall 11:00am-11:45am ORANGE CITY TOWN MEETING 712/737-4885 contact: Don Schruar Location: Community Hall attendance: 75-100 Format: breif remarks w/ Q& A 11:50am DEPART for the Orange City, Iowa airport drive time- 10" 12:00pm WHEELS-UP for Sioux City, Iowa flight time: 20 minutes Aircraft: Piper Aztec Tail number: N6573A seats: 6 piliots: Lloyd Clark, Mr. Hurd 515/224-0000 Manifest: Senator Dole, Brown, Synhorst, Don Gingrich 12:20pm ARRIVE Sioux City, Iowa FBO: Airways Services 712/258-6563 12:25pm DEPART for Iowa Banker's Event-10" The Marina Inn Fourth and B Streets South Sioux City, Nebraska 12:35pm ARRIVE hotel and proceed to the event 402/494-2441 PAGE 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE IOWA SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1987 12:40pm-1:10pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Iowa Bankers Assoc. Annual Group Luncheon 402/494-2441 12:40pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Bill Hefs- President of the Iowa Savings Bank in Coon Rapids, Iowa and Chairman of Group I Bankers 12:40pm REMARKS by Senator DOLE 1:10pm CONCLUSION of remarks 1:15pm-1:30pm ONE-ON-ONE with- being coordinated by Synhorst 1:35pm DEPART for the airport- 10" drive time 1:45pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Airways Services 712/258-6563 1:50pm WHEELS-UP for Springfield, Missouri flight time: 1 hour aircraft: Westwind tail no.: 943LL piliots: Dick Bierman, Terry Johnson seats: 6 mainfest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Brown, Chuck Long- Pres., John Winkle, Tom VanDyck-Exec. VP of Toy Nat'l Bank contact: Dick Bierman 712/943-4400 Page 4 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE MISSOURI SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1987 2:50pm ARRIVE Springfield Regional airport and proceed to departing car FBO: City Fueling 417/869-7231 met by: Bruce Rodgers, Brown 2:55pm DEPART for the University Plaza Hotel drive time 20 minutes 417/864-7333 University Plaza Hotel 333 John Q. Hammons Springfield, Missouri 3:15pm ARRIVE and proceed to event 417/864-7333 3:20pm-3:45pm DROP-BY Missouri GOP State Central Committee Meeting location: MISSOURI ROOM attendance: 80 event runs: 2-4pm 3:50pm-4:10pm NEWS AVAIL 417/864-7333 location: Texas Room 4:15pm-5:00pm MEETING with Dirty Dozen 417/864-7333 location: Presidential Suite attendee's: 12 5:05pm-5:25pm John Powell- Missouri Conservative leader- former Reagan/ Ashcroft Chairman 417/864-7333 location: ROOM 907 5:30pm-5:50pm ONE-ON-ONE with Bill Webster- Attorney General location: ROOM 907 contact: Judy Allen 314/751-8845 5:55pm-6:10pm ONE-ON-ONE with Roy Blunt- Sec. of State 6:15pm-6:25pm LIVE-FEED-KYTV-NBC Contact: Cindy Gaona 417/866-2766 page 5 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE SPRINGFIELD, MO SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1987 6:35pm-7:00pm DROP-BY Gold Ticket Private Reception on behalf of major donors-$1,000 & up 417/864-7333 location: Arkansas Room attendance: 50-75 contact: Jean-Paul Bradshaw 417/882-9090 event runs: 6-7pm 7:05pm-8:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS Dinner on behalf of the Missouri GOP Lincoln Day Dinner location: Ballroom attendance: 450-500 event runs: 7-9:30pm facility: head-table of 20 people with table-top podium program: 8:10pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Senator Bond 8:15pm REMARKS of Senator Dole 8:45pm CONCLUSION of remarks 8:50pm DEPART for the Springfield Regional airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: City Fueling 417/869-7231 9:15pm WHEELS-UP for Los Angeles, California contact: John Russon (H) 805/688-3850 (Flying out of Calif. Aviation) 213/397-2188 piliots: John Russon, Jim Potter aircraft: Westwind II Tail number: 420W Flight time: 3 hours 45 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner page 6 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE LOS ANGELES, CA SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1987 11:00pm-2hrs ARRIVE Los Angeles,CA Met by: Will Fox (H) 213/256-0829 FBO: Garrett Air 213/568-3900 11:05pm DEPART for the Keck Residence -20" drive time 10120 Empyrean Way La Parc Building 13, Unit 103 Los angeles, CA 11:25pm ARRIVE and proceed to private 213/203-9209 RON (Blank for last name unfilled) LOS ANGELES, CA 213/203-9210 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1987 9:00am DEPART for the airport-25" drive time 9:25am ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Kaiser Air 213/568-0547 9:30am WHEELS-UP for Honolulu, Hawaii aircraft: GIIB tail number: N400CC flight time: 5 hours 45 minutes Piliots: John Copeland, Bob Henkel Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Bill Keck 1:15pm-2hrs ARRIVE Honolulu, Hawaii Met by: Sego/Cedarholm FBO: Hemeter Aviation 808/834-7666 1:20pm DEPART for the Kahala Hilton-25" drive time Kahala Hilton Hotel 5000 Kahala Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii page 7 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE HAWAII SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1987 1:45pm ARRIVE the hotel and proceed to private 808/734-2211 1:50pm-4:55pm PRIVATE TIME 808/734-2211 5:00pm-7:20pm ATTEND/ADDRESS ONE-ON-ONEs- Time slots not confirmed- Sego still coordinating ONE-ON-ONE with Andrew Poepoe- Cong. Saiki's Campaign Chrm., former National Committeeman, VP of Castle and Cook, former GOP Leader, State Legislater ONE-ON-ONE with Carlay Coray- National Committeeman, grass roots leader ONE-ON-ONE with Mike Liu- House Republican Leader ONE-ON-ONE with Fred Hemmings- Father of "Modern Surfing", Assistant House Republican Leader ONE-ON-ONE with Richard Henderson- Senate Reoublican Leader ONE-ON-ONE with Howard Chong- State Republican Chairman ONE-ON-ONE with Dr. John Felix- Ran for Lt. Gov. in 1986, Cheif of Staff to State's first Governor, former YR Chrm., Consul for Portugal and Spain 7:25pm DEPART for the CA FR- drive time 5" Dr. John Henry Felix 4731 Kahala Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii page 8 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE HAWAII MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1987 7:35pm-8:30pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the CA FR reception and dinner 808/734-3969 Location: Felix residence Attendance: 10-15 couples at $5000 contact: John Henry Felix event runs: cocktails: 6:30pm Dinner: 7:00pm 8:35pm DEPART for the Kahala Hilton- drive time 5" Kahala Hilton 5000 Kahala Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii 8:40pm ARRIVE hotel and proceed to private 808/734-2211 RON (Blank for last name unfilled) Kahala Hilton 808/734-2211 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1987 7:00am DEPART hotel for the Pacific Club- drive time 25" downtown Honolulu The Pacific Club 1451 Queen Street Honolulu, Hawaii 7:25am ARRIVE the Pacific Club and proceed to the breakfast 7:30am-8:15am ATTEND/ ADDRESS a Leadership Breakfast (GOP-Legislators) 808/536-0836 Location: Diamond Head Room contact: Brian Moore Attendee's: 10 page 9 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE HAWAII FEBRUARY 9, 1987 8:20am DEPART for the Honolulu Capitol- 5" drive time The Capitol 415 South Beretania Street Honolulu, Hawaii 8:25am ARRIVE and Proceed to the Joint Caucus Room 808/548-2211 8:30am-9:00am ATTEND/ADDRESS the GOP JOINT CAUCUS of the Hawaiian Legislature 808/548-2211 Location: Caucus Room Attendee's: 20 9:05am DEPART for the University of Hawaii drive time 15" minutes 1777 East-West Road University of Hawaii East-West Center Note: Mike Liu will accompany the Senator to the event 9:20am-9:30am ONE-ON-ONE with Dr. Victor Li- President of the East-West Center 808/944-7103 9:35am-10:00am ADDRESS the University of Hawaii 808/944-7103 location: Burns Hall Auditorium format: remarks with Q & A contact: Dr. Victor Lee attendance: 100-125 students press: open 10:05am-10:15am BREIF ONE-ON-ONE with Joe Rose- KGU Radio- CBS affiliate page 10 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE HAWAII MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1987 10:20am DEPART for the Kahala Hilton Hotel- 20" drive time Kahala Hilton Hotel 5000 Kahala Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii 10:40am ARRIVE the Hilton and proceed to private 808/734-2211 10:45am-5:00pm PRIVATE TIME 808/734-2211 5:05pm-5:30pm ONE-ON-ONE-with Cong. Pat Saiki Location: Kahala Hilton NOTE: She will ride with you to the Lincoln Day Dinner 5:35pm DEPART for the Westin Ilikai 20" drive time Westin Ilikai 1777 Ala Mona Blvd Honolulu, Hawaii 5:55pm ARRIVE Hotel and proceed to the LIVE-FEED 808/949-3811 6:00pm-6:10pm LIVE-FEED- Channel 2 KHON (NBC) Reporter: Richard Borreca 808/531-8585 Location: Imperial Suite Lanai 6:15pm-6:40pm NEWS AVAIL Location: Hani Room PAGE 11 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE HAWAII MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1987 6:45pm- 7:15pm DROP-BY the Lincoln Day Dinner Reception hi-dollar 808/949-3811 Attendance: 60-70 Location: Imperial Suite Contact: Nick Houtman 808/526-1755 Event runs: 6-7pm 7:20pm PROCEED to the HEAD-TABLE LINE-UP NOTE: "Off stage Announcement of Head-table" 7:30pm-9:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Hawaiian GOP Lincoln Day Dinner Attendance: 400-500 Location: Pacific Ballroom Facility: table-top podium with mike PROGRAM: 8:00 pm: PROGRAM BEGINS 8:25pm INTRO of Senator Dole by Hiram Fong 8:30pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 8:55pm CONCLUSION of remarks by Senator Dole 9:00pm DEPART for the Kahala Hilton Hotel 20" drive time Kahala Hilton Hotel 5000 Kahala Hilton Honolulu, Hawaii 9:25pm ARRIVE the hotel and proceed to private 808/734-2211 RON Kahala Hilton 808/734-2211 PAGE 12 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE HAWAII TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1987 7:30am-8:30am STEERING COMMITTEE BREAKFAST 808/734-2211 attendance: 16-20 Location: MAILE MAKEI ROOM 8:35am DEPART for the airport- 25" drive time 9:00am ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane page 13 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE TACOMA/ SEATTLE, WA TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1987 9:00 WHEELS-UP for Seattle, WA- SEA-TAC airport aircraft: Tail number: piliots: Flight time: 5 hours 30 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Sego 4:30pm +2hrs ARRIVE Seattle, WA- SEA-TAC and taxi up to the helicopter (Handwritten: Werprhauser Terminal) FBO: Met by: Jeff Davis 4:35pm WHEELS-UP for Tacoma, WA aircraft: tail number: flight time: 10 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Sego Seats: 5 4:45pm ARRIVE the Bi-Centennial Pavilion landing site 206/572-3200 NOTE: THis is the parking lot of the Tacoma Sheraton Hotel 4:50pm DEPART for the room in the Sheraton 4:55pm-5:30pm PRIVATE TIME 206/572-3200 5:30pm-5:45pm ONE-ON-ONE with William Polk- Polk & Associates Former Republican Speaker of State House page 14 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE WASHINGTON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1987 5:50pm-6:10pm MEET with Industiral Heavy Hitters attendee's: 5 Frank Shrontz-President & CEO of Boeing George Weyerheuser- Pres. of Weyerheuser Corp. L. Tom Murray- Pres. of Murray Pacific Corp. W.W. Philip- Pres. of Puget-Sound National Bank David Sandborn- Port Manager of Sealine Corp. 6:15pm-6:45pm WASHINGTON STATE STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING 206/572-3200 attendee's: 15-20 Location: 3rd Floor- North Room 6:50pm DEPART for the Hi-Dollar Recption on behalf of the Pierce County GOP Party 206/572-3200 6:55pm-7:20pm ATTEND/ ADDRESS the Hi-dollar Reception Attendance:40-50 Location: ROOM 510-5th Floor Event runs: 6:30-7:30pm Host: Howie Meadowcroft 7:25pm DEPART for the Dinner 206/572-3200 page 15 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE WASHINGTON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1987 7:30pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Pierce County Lincoln Day Dinner 206/572-3200 Attendance: 400-500 Location: Bi-Centennial Pavilion Event runs: 7:30-9:30pm Contact: Ben Bettridge 206/383-3331 Program: 8:20pm WELCOME by Ben Bettridge- Chrm. of Pierce County GOP 8:30pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole- JENNIFER DUNN- Chairman of Washington State Republican Party 8:35pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 206/572-3200 9:00pm CONCLUSION of Remarks by Senator Dole 9:05pm DEPART for Olympia, WA by Helicopter 9:10pm WHEELS-UP for Olympia, WA aircraft: helicopter Tail number: flight time: 15 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Sego 9:20pm ARRIVE Olympia, WA- Helicopter site Met by: Jeff Davis page 16 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE WASHINGTON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1987 9:25pm DEPART for VANCE TYEE INN VANCE TYEE INN 500 Tyee Drive Olympia, Washington RON (Blan for last name unfilled) Olympia, WA--- VANCE TYEE INN 206/352-0511 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1987 7:20am DEPART for the Capitol- 5" drive time 7:30am-8:00am ADDRESS the JOINT GOP CAUCUS of the Wahsington State Legislature Attendance: 50 Location: Caucus Room contact: Clyde Ballard 206/786-7954 8:00am-8:15am ONE-ON-ONE with Ken Eikenberry Atty. General of the State of Washington 206/786-7954 Location: Minority Leader CLyde Ballard Office 8:20am DEPART for the Olympia airport- 10" drive time 8:30am ARRIVE the airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Pearson Air 206/786-8333 page 17 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE WASHINGTON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1987 8:35am WHEELS-UP for Boise, Idaho aircraft: Lear 35 flight time: 1 hour Tail number: Piliots: Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Sego, +1(Exec. from Evergreen) Contact: Carol 503/472-0011 10:35am+1hr ARRIVE Boise, Idaho Met by: Dole Advance- Dave Radford FBO: Boise Air Service 208/383-3300 10:40am DEPART for Boise Cascade HQ's- 10" drive time Boise Cascade HQ'S 1 Jefferson Square Boise, Idaho 10:50am ARRIVE HQ'S and proceed to meeting 208/384-7560 11:00am-12:15pm MEETING with Senator Symm's and John Ferry- CEO of Boise Cascade and other CEO'S in the State of Idaho Location: Board room of Boise Cascade Contact: Phil Reberger (Symms Staff) 208/334-1776 12:20pm DEPART for the airport - drive time 10" 12:30pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to the departing aircraft FBO: Boise Air Service 208/383-3300 12:35pm WHEELS-UP for Kansas City Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner aircraft: Lear 35 Tail number : 339W flight time: 2 hours 45 minutes page 18 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1987 4:20PM+1hr ARRIVE Kansas City, MO Municiple and proceed to the Alameda Plaza Hotel FBO: Executive Beech 816/842-8484 Met by: Peterson 4:20pm DEPART for the Alameda Plaza Hotel- drive time- 20 minutes Alameda Plaza Hotel Wornell Road at Ward Parkway Kansas City, MO 4:40pm ARRIVE Alameda Plaza Hotel and proceed to private 816/756-1500 4:45pm-5:00pm PHONE CALLS 816/756-1500 5:05pm-5:50pm ATTEND/ ADDRESS the CA FR 816/756-1500 Location: Seville Suites Attendee's: 25-30 Event runs: 5-6pm Contact: Jim Holland 913/888-5277 5:55pm-6:25pm NEWS AVAIL Location: 6:30pm-6:45pm the Heavy Manufacturers Recption 816/756-1500 Location: Convention Level attendance: 400-500 event runs: 6-7pm Contact: Jim Kelly 816/753-6443 6:50pm DEPART for the HEAD-TABLE LINE-UP Location: D'soto room page 19 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1987 7:00pm ATTEND/ ADDRESS the Heavy Manufacturers Dinner 816/756-1500 Attendance: 400-500 Location: International Ballroom Press: open Facility: Table-top podium with mike Head-table: list forthcoming Program: 7:10pm DINNER SERVED 8:05pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole 8:10pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 8:35pm CONCLUSION of remarks 8:45pm DEPART for Private 8:50pm ARRIVE Private RON (Blank unfilled) Alameda Plaza Hotel 816/756-1500 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1987 7:30am-8:30am ATTEND/ADDRESS the Breakfast 816/756-1500 Location: Alameda Room Host: Dave Owen and Jack Kraft contact: Joyce Spencer 8:35am-9:50am PHONE CALLS 9:55am DEPART for the Kansas City Municiple airport 20" drive time 10:10am ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Executive Beech 816/842-8484 page 20 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE MISSOURI THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1987 10:15am WHEELS-UP for St. Louis, Missouri Aircraft: King Air 300 Tail number: 2586E Piliots: Walt Miller, Co-piliot Seats: 6 Flight time: 1 hour Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Brown 11:15am ARRIVE St. Louis, Missouri- Lambert Field (Handwritten: Press availability) Met by: Sara Cedarholm, Dave Keene FBO: Midcoast Aviation 314/ 11:20am DEPART for the Racquet Club- Drive time 20 minutes The RAQUET CLUB 1600 Log Cabin Road Ladue, Missouri 11:40am-1:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS a Political Luncheon Meeting of Missouri GOP LEADERS 314/993-2880 Host: Charlie Valier 314/921-2939 Location: Main Dining room Event runs: 11:30-1pm 1:05pm DEPART for the St. Louis Airport- drive time 20" 1:25pm ARRIVE Airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Midcoast Aviation 314/426-7060 Met by: page 21 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE IOWA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1987 1:30pm WHEELS-UP for Dubuque, Iowa Aircraft: King Air 300 Flight time: 1 hour tail no: 2586E Piliots: Walt Miller, Co-piliot maifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Keene, Brown 2:30pm ARRIVE Dubuque, Iowa Met by: Synhorst FBO: America Central Air 319/583-3554 2:50pm DEPART for the University of Dubuque Campus drive time-20" Iniversity of Dubuque 2000 University Avenue Dubuque, Iowa 3:10pm ARRIVE the Campus and proceed to the auditorium 319/589-3161 3:15pm-3:30pm ONE-ON-ONE- to be coordinated by Synhorst 3:30-4:30pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the dubuque Town meeting 319/589-3161 attendance: location: contact: Lil 319/589-3161 4:35pm DEPART for the airport- 20" drive time 4:55pm ARRIVE Dubuque, Iowa and proceed to departing plane FBO: America Central Air 319/583-3554 page 22 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE WISCONSIN THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1987 5:00pm WHEELS-UP for Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin aircraft: King Air 300 Seats: 6 tail number: 2586E Flight time: 20 minutes Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Brown, Keene, Synhorst 5:20pm ARRIVE Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin airport 4000 ft runway Met by: FBO: Prairie du Chien airport 608/326-2118 5:25pm DEPART for the Kountry Manor- drive time 20" The Kountry Manor Highway 52 North Garnaville, Iowa 5:45pm ARRIVE the Kountry Manor and private 319/964-2388 5:50pm-6:40pm PRIVATE TIME- or ONE-ON-ONE'S NOTE: coordinated by Synhorst 6:45pm DROP-BY tail-end of the Clayton County Co. GOP HI-DONOR reception-$100 location: downstairs lounge attendance: 50 event runs: 6-7pm 7:05pm-7:30pm DROP-BY the Clayton County Lincoln Day Dinner Reception location: attendance: 200-300 event runs: 6:30-7:30pm contact: MJ Smith 319/252-2232, 319/422-3811 page 23 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE IOWA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1987 7:30pm-8:20pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Clayton County Lincoln Day Dinner 319/964-2388 location: attendance: 200-300 event runs: 7:30-9pm facility: head-table with table-top podium program: 7:55pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Carilyn Bonomolo- Clayton Co. Chairman 8:00pm REMARKS of Senator Dole 319/964-2388 8:20pm CONCLUSION of remarks page 24 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE IOWA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12,1987 8:30pm DEPART for the Prairie du Chien airport 20" drive time 8:40pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Praire du Chien airport 608/326-2118 8:45pm WHEELS-UP for Milwaukee, Wisconsin flight time: 40 minutes aircraft: King Air 300 tail no.: 2586E piliots: Walt Miller, Co-pilot manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Keene, Brown 9:15pm ARRIVE Milwaukee, Wisconsin Met by: FBO: page 25 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE WISCONSIN THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1987 9:20pm DEPART for Phister hotel- drive time-20" Phister Hotel 424 East Wisconsin Avenue Milwaukee, WI 9:40pm ARRIVE Hotel and proceed to private 414/273-8222 RON (Unfilled Blank) Milwaukee, WI 414/273-8222 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1987 8:00am DEPART by foot for the Milwaukee Club NOTE: It is across the street Milwaukee Club 276 North Jefferson Milwaukee, WI 8:05am-9:00am Breakfast with Political and Business Leaders Attendance: 12 (Circled. Annotated Check on # [illegible] more than 12 [illegible]) NOTE: Mr. Grebe organizing 414/289-3551 9:30am WHEELS-UP for Little Rock, Arkansas Flight time: 2 hours Manifest: Senator Dole, Glassner, Brown aircraft: Lear 35 Tail number: N301SC 11:30pm ARRIVE Little Rock, Arkansas Met by: Cathy Johnson FBO: Central Flying Service 501/375-3245 page 26 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE ARKANSAS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1987 11:35pm DEPART for the Capitol Hotel-15" Capitol Hotel 111 West Markham Street Little Rock, Arkansas 11:50pm ARRIVE Capitol Hotel and proceed to CA FR Luncheon 501/374-7474 11:55pm-1:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the CA FR Luncheon 501/374-7474 1:00pm-1:15pm MEETING with the Sponsors of the CA Luncheon 501/374-7474 attendee's: David Clark, Keith Tucker, Mark Morris, and a couple of others 1:20pm-1:50pm MEETING with Dole Supporters 501/374-7474 1:55pm DEPART for the airport and proceed to the departing plane FBO: Central Service 501/375-3245 2:10pm WHEELS-UP for Washington, D.C. aircraft: Lear 35A Tail number: N301SC Pilots: David Rose, Ted Davis Flight time: 2 hours 30 minutes seats: 8 Manifest: senator Dole, Glassner, Brown 5:40pm +1 hour: Arrive Washington, D.C. Met by: Wilbert FBO: Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW HAMPSHIRE (Handwritten: Mol, Betty) STAFF: GLASSNER SENIOR STAFF: DEVINE MOLLY: 202/745-1083 BEEPER: 202/259-9413 DIANNE: 202/546-2354 BEEPER: 202/259-9412 FINAL SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1987 12:55pm DEPART for BUtler Aviation 202/549-8340 1:10pm ARRIVE and proceed to departing plane 1:15pm WHEELS-UP for Boston, Massachusetts flight time: 1 hour 15 minutes aircraft: GIII tail number: N70PS piliots: Ron Blanton, Ron Pettit manifest: Senator Dole, Devine, Glassner, Novak Ron: 201/729-8545 2:30pm ARRIVE Logan airport and proceed to departing car FBO: Butler Aviation 617/567-8010 met by: Brian Berry 2:35pm DEPART for the Hilton at Logan Airport frive time 5 minutes Hilton 75 Service Road Boston, MA 2:40pm ARRIVE and proceed to event 617/569-9300 3:00pm-4:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS Informal meeting with Massachusetts Republican leaders loaction: Room#431-435 contact: Louise Eldridge 617/569-9300 4:10pm DEPART for Logan Airport drive time 5 minutes 4:15pm ARRIVE and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler Aviation 617/567-8010 (Handwritten: Cancel Sunday night) page 2 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW HAMPSHIRE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1987 4:20pm WHEELS-UP for Keene, New Hampshire flight time: 30 minutes aircraft: GIII tail no.: N70PS piliots: Ron Blanton, Ron Pettit manifest: Senator Dole, Devine, Novak, Glassner 4:50pm ARRIVE Keene Airport and proceed to departing car FBO: Airline Terminal on NW corner of airport 603/352-8530 met by: Suzanne Niemela 4:55pm DEPART for the Niemela home in Dublin, NH drive time 20 minutes Colonel John & JoAnne Niemela Marlboro Road- route 101 Dublin, New Hampshire 5:15pm ARRIVE and proceed reception 603/563-8008 5:20pm-6:10pm ATTEND/ ADDRESS a coffee-tea reception with political and business leaders of the Dublin- Peterborough community 603/563-8008 attendance: 40 event runs: 5-6:30pm format: mix/mingle NOTE: A photographer will be present 6:15pm DEPART for the Boilerhouse Restaurant drive time 15 minutes The Boilerhouse Route 202 Peterborough, New Hampshire 6:30pm ARRIVE and proceed to recpetion 603/924-9486 met by: Bob Hafner page 3 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW HAMPSHIRE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1987 (Handwritten: illegible) 6:35pm-8:00pm ATTEND/ADDRESS recpetion hosted by Charlie Bass- State Representative for Peterborough area- community leader 603/924-9486 (Letters Sent) attendance: 50-75 location: main dining room event runs: 6-8pm (Hi-Standard drc Pres.) 8:05pm DEPART for the Monadnock Ledger- Peterborough Weekly Paper drive time 10 minutes The Monadnock Ledger 26 Main Street Peterborough, New Hampshire 8:15pm ARRIVE and proceed to ONE-ON-ONE 8:20pm-8:50pm ONE-ON-ONE with Editor- Ed Blaguszewski & reporter- Neal Schultz NOTE: A photographer will be present- Don Himsel 8:55pm DEPART for Ramada Inn drive time 30 minutes The Ramada Inn Winchester Street Keene, New Hampshire [Handwritten: 1) Peterson transcript (Weally) Older established paper] page 4 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW HAMPSHIRE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1987 9:25pm ARRIVE Ramada and proceed to private 603/357-3038 RON (Unfilled blank) KEENE, NH MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1987 (nl Clarke- (illegible)) 8:00am TENATIVE ONE-ON-ONEs-TBD- Suzanne coordinating 9:00am-10:00am ATTEND/ADDRESS the cheshire Republican Women's Club Breakfast (Handwritten: Some men) 603/357-3038 location: Ramada Inn- Keene Room attendance: 40 10:05pm-10:20pm PHONE CALLS 10:25am DEPART for Keene State College drive time 10 minutes Keene State College Main Street Keene, New Hampshire 10:35am ARRIVE Keene State College 603/352-1909 met by: Craig Downing 10:40am PROCEED to meeting 10:45am-11:05am MEETING with Dr. Richard Cunningham- Pres. of Keene State College 603/352-1909 (Handwritten: illegible... w/ Petersen) location: President's office (Handwritten: Seasonal group part of U of NH SPTM) attendance: 7 Administrators and possibly some others (Handwritten: around 1200) 11:10am DEPART for Keene Sentinel drive time 5 minutes Keene Sentinel 60 West Street Keene, New Hampshire (Handwritten: nalheim leave college: Gov resident) page 5 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW HAMPSHIRE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1987 11:15am ARRIVE and proceed to to ONE-ON-ONE 603/352-1234 11:20am-11:45am ONE-ON-ONE with Editor of The Sentinel- James Rousmaniere NOTE: A reporter & photograper will be present as well 11:50am DEPART for Winding Brook Lodge drive time 15 minutes Winding Brook Lodge Park Street Keene, New Hampshire 12:05pm ARRIVE Winding Brook Lodge 603/352-3111 12:10pm-1:15pm ATTEND/ADDRESS the Keene Rotary Club Luncheon 603/352-3111 (Handwritten: Bringing Guests) location: Banquet Room attendance: 100 event runs: 12-1:15pm program: 12:30pm LUNCH served 12:40pm INDRODUCTION by Bill Walker- VP of Rotary Club 12:45pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 1:15pm Conclusion of remarks 1:20pm DEPART for Keene Airport- drive time 10 minutes 1:30pm ARRIVE Keene Airport and proceed to departing plane FBO: Airline Terminal on NW corner of airport 603/352-0300 (Handwritten: Newcomb Eldridge- forman 10R nt. guy- will be at rotary meeting) page 6 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW HAMPSHIRE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1987 1:35pm WHEELS-UP for Manchester, New Hampshire flight time: 20 minutes aircraft: GIII seats: 11 piliots: Ron Blanton, Ron Pettit manifest: Senator Dole, Devine, Novak, Glassner, Niemela 1:55pm ARRIVE Manchester airport and proceed to departing car FBO: Stead Aviation 603/669-4360 met by: Ralph Holmes, Bob Hafner- Dole Advance 2:00pm DEPART for Norwood Group Office drive time 10 minutes The Norwood Group 16 South River Road Bedford, New Hampshire 2:10pm ARRIVE and proceed to ONE-ON-ONE 2:15pm-2:55pm ONE-ON-ONE with Dennis Jolicoeur and Karl Norwood- Vice Chairman of Easter Seal Foundation 603/622-2601 location: President's office 3:00pm DEPART for Jim Finnegan's home drive time 15 minutes 603/622-2601 Jim Finnegan 147 Moore Street Manchester, New Hampshire NOTE: Kevin McHugh will pick-up the Senator- owner of McHugh Funeral home and is on the steering committee 3:15pm-3:45pm ONE-ON-ONE with Jim Finnegan of the Manchester Union Leader 603/622-2601 page 7 BOB DOLE TRAVEL SCHEDULE NEW HAMPSHIRE Monday, February 16, 1987 3:50pm DEPART for Manchester airport drive time 15 minutes 4:05pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Stead Aviation 603/669-4360 4:10pm WHEELS-UP for Washington, DC flight time: 1 hour 40 minutes aircraft: GIII tail no.: N70PS seats:11 piliots: Ron Blanton, Ron Pettit Manifest: Senator Dole, Devine, Glassner, Novak 5:50pm ARRIVE Washington National and proceed to departing car FBO: Butler 202/549-8340 5:55pm DEPART for the office 6:10pm ARRIVE OFFICE SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE- Week of February 2-8, 1987 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 8:00 Walter Reed Appointments 9:30 SD-215 SOC.SEC. & FAMILY POLICY SUBC. 10:15 Wash. Hilton Int'l Ballrom. SPEAK-Am. Hospital Assn. (Line handwritten)12:00 s-230 Cap. Lunch w/ Ellsworth (Line Handwritten)(Line crossed out)12:45 s-230 Cap. mtg w/ David Porg Chrm (Illegible) (Line handwritten)1:30 s-230 Cap. mtg w/ Jackie Strange (920-6658-home) on Lee wood Ron Walker ofc (Line handwritten)1:45-3:00 SD-192 Buffet luncheon (illegible) (Line Handwritten)2:30 s-230 Cap mtg w/ Meltzer (illegible) (Line Handwritten)4:00 S-407 arms control (illegible) grp mtg (Amb mtg e) (Handwritten: cancelled) (Crossed out) 4:00 SH-220 (handwritten: S-221) MTG. w/ Justice, Rudman, Heflin, Byrd, Thurmond & Biden re gifts 4:30-6:30 SR-264 RECEP. by Pryor to show collection of paintings by Arkansas artists 5:30-7:00 J.W. Marriott Grand Ballrm. RECEP. by Nat'l Assn. of Housing & Redevelop. Officials (Steve) 4:30-6:30 SR-301 RECEP. honoring Daniel Boorstin by Assn. of Res. Libraries (Sen.) 6-?? J.W. Marriott RECEP. by Edward Jones & Co for Jack Beuchner, new GOP Cong.-Mo. Darrell Seibel, Hays attndg. 6-8:00 1526-18th St, NW RECEP.-" Ground Hog Day" & "5th Anniv. of Nofziger & Bragg (Sen) 6:30 Mayflower Grand Ballrm. SPEAK-Senate Youth Program Dinner (Line Handwritten)7:00 Will Meet Outside grand ballroom (Rita Almon: 223-6371) Senator Dole's Schedule- Week of February 2-8, 1987 Page 2. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 8:00 1875 I St, NW Suite 800 SPEAK- Tobacco Institute (Handwritten: Ralph 457-4854) 8:00 H-137 Cap. BKFST. by Mid-America Regional Council (Ks. attndg) Steve 8-10:00 S-115 Cap. BKFST. by Ks. Hospital Assn. (Sheila/ Marie) Sen. Stop by?? (Line Handwritten) 9:30 CabinetRm- W. Hse (Nw Gate) mtg w/ pres + HSE/Sen GOP Ldership (budget + legis. agenda) 9:30 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (trade hrgs-world econ.) (Line Handwritten)(11:00 crossed out)11:15 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Ed Yullbrick, Des Moines + Dave Ramsey,CEO Iowa Methodist Medical ctr. (Line Handwritten)11:30 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Senator Curtis (841-9595 Rm. 1624 (Line Handwritten)11:45 S-230 Cap. mtg. w/ Simpson (Laurie x40104) (Handwritten: 12:10) SDG-50 SPEAK-LUGAR's "Breifing in Wash. for 150 Indiana businesspeople 12:30 (Crossed out: S-126 Cap) (Handwritten: SD-138) LUNCHEON by Edward Jones & Co. (Darrell Seibel, Hays) if did not stop by recep, Feb. 2-- try to stop & greet & comment on Glass-Steagal Bill) Mike P to do memo 12:30 (Handwritten/crossed out: SD-138 121SD) (Crossed out: S-207) (Handwritten: Cap. S-126 Cap) Policy Luncheon (Handwritten: betw. I01 I:45) (Line Handwritten)2:30 S-230Cap. Photo w/ Pres. Classroom. Students from KS. (Chris Arr.) (Line Handwritten)4:30 S-230 Cap. mtg w/ amr. Jewish congress member (Dale) (Line handwritten)4:30-5:30 SR-281 Floor action- S-324 mtg. w/ (Illegible) (Line handwritten)5-7:00 Cap. Hill club Recep by Mayo CLinic (Marie/Sheila/Lynn) 5:30-7:30 2-10 CHOB RECEP. by Na'tl Taxpayers Union & Adv. Council (Sen. on Council) 6-8:00 Hyatt- Regency Ballrm. Recep. by Mortgage Bankeres Assn. (Mike P) 6-8:00 Folger Library 201 E. Capitol, SE RECEP. by Pacific Telesis Group Senator Dole's Schedule- Week of February 2-8, 1987 Page 3 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 (Line crossed out)9:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Steering Comm. on FR 9:30 SD-211 MTG. of Finance Comm. on trade issues (MEMBERS ONLY-No Staff) 10:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (tax proposal hrgs) 10:00 SR-385 AG COMM. (budget oversight hrg-Lyng testifying) 11:50 S-230 Cap. PHOTO w/ Andy & Cynthia Galyardt, Lawrence (Marcia arr) 11:55 S-230 Cap. PHOTO w/ Lenette Woodard, Harlem Globetrotters (Chris arr) 12:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ David Pong, Chrmn., For. Rel. Comm., So. Korea (Al) (Line handwritten)12:00 S-120 Cap. Steering comm. mtg 12:30 SD-106 LUNCHEON- Senate Youth Program (Bush, chrmn; Dole & Byrd Co-chrmn Rachel Hudson, Neodesha & Robert Martin, Solomon (Mitch handling) 12:30-1:30 SR-253 CEREMONY for "Nat'l Women in Sports Day" (Sen. a co-sponsor) (Line handwritten)1:30 S-230 mtg w/(Illegible) Ldrshp (legion agenda) (Line Handwritten)2:15 S-230 mtg w/ Shultz (Line Handwritten)2:30 S-230 mtg w/ Shultz and (Illegible) (Line handwritten)3:15 S-230 mtg w/ Jeff Long (X44743) (Line handwritten)4:00 W-house Roosevelt rm (nw gate) mtg. w/ Regan on (illegible) 5-7:00 S-207 Cap. RECEP. hosted by Weicker & Am. Inst. for Foreign Study Scholarship Fdn. for new programs "Au Pair in America & Au Pair/ Homestudy USA (Lauren Kratovil, Ted's wife is Director of this program) (Line Handwritten)5:30 S-230 mtg w/ Sir Micheal Soundberg. Pres- Hong Kong/ Shanghai Band corp. 6-8:00 2168 RHOB RECEP. by Southern Calif. Edison 6:30-8:30 1077-30th St, NW-#606 RECEP. to retire Specter's campaign debt (at his residence) Senator Dole's Schedule- Week of February 2-8, 1987 Page 4 THURSDAY, FEBRARY 5 7:45 Wash. Hilton Int'l Ballrm NATIONAL PRAYER BKFST. (Line Handwritten)9:00 S-230 Cap. mtg w/ Steering Comm. on FR 9:30 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (trade hrgs-world econ.) (Line Handwritten)10:30 S-230 Cap. mtg w/ Mr. Grassley 11:00 S-230 Cap. JT. INT. w/ group of reporters (Margi) 11:30-1:00 Cap. Hill Club LUNCHEON by RNC Lawyers group (18-20) (includes Pres. candidates attorneys (Rod attndg.-like Sen. to stop by) (Line crossed out) (Handwritten: ch- is it cancelled) 1-2:00 Cabinet Rm.-W.Hse (NW. Gate) MTG. w/ Pres (Dole, Byrd & Chrmn. & Ranking members of Committees involved w/ Competitiveness (Line Handwritten) 2:15 S-230 Cap. Mtg w/ Frank Naylor & Fran Boyd (Mark Sisition) 3:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/ Milt Morrison (Steve & Mike meeting w/ him first) (Line Handwritten)3:30 S-230 Cap. Photo w/ Mr. Kim (Steve arr.) (Line crossed out) (Handwritten: cancelled)4:30-6:00 ANNUAL MTG.- Nat'l Water Alliance (Line handwritten) Tent. 5:30 Mtg. w/ Tally (Dierdre 212/777-7300 (Line crossed out)6-7:00 RECEP. by Nat'l Water Alliance Senator Dole's Schedule- Week of February 2-8, 1987 Page 5 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 (Handwritten: 8:20) (Crossed out:8:45) 1925 K St., NW Suite 507 APPT. w. Dr. Barsky 9:55 & 10:00 Riggs Bank- 800-17thSt (corner of 17th & H), N.W. 11th Floor MTG. w/ Joe Albrittion (Cathy 835-5503 or 835-5500) 10:00 SD-215 IRS & PVT. RETIRE. PLANS SUBC. (hrgs. on new W-4 forms) 11:00 S-230 Cap. MTG w/ Nick Nikitas (JoAnne arr) (Line Handwritten) 11:30 S-230 Cap. mtg w/ Ellsworth (Line Handwritten) 12:30 S-230 Cap. Mtg w/ Ken Ritz (Line Handwritten) 1:30 S-230 Tom C. mtg w/ col. James Reuger, Pren KS. National Guardsman (Line Handwritten) 2:00-2:30 W-hse Oval Office (SW gate to West basement) Mtg w/ Pres., Dole+ Byrd) Becky (Line Handwritten) 3:45 S-230 mtg. w/ Peter Sato and Nikolas (Illegible) (Line Handwritten) 4:00 S-230 int- am- politics meg & Jeff Stanton (Illegible) 6:30 Chapel at Mt. Vernon College 2100 Foxhall Rd, NW (Enter on W Street) MEMORIAL SVC. for Harold Krents (Kit Krents has asked if Sen. would make 1 min. remarks if he can attend (Kit Krents 965-2851) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 Separate recess schedule SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Separate schedule