SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of December 2 - 8, 1985 MONDAY, DECEMBER 2 cancel 10:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/So. African Amb. & John Sears. (w/Al Lehn) Joan 331-3300 10:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Carl Arnold 2:15 S-230 mtg w / Helms, Dunlage, Hardly, Rod + Randylawell 4:00 Depart National Airport - Butler Aviation 6:00 Boston Press Conf. & FR for Steve Symms TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3 10:00 SR-301 RULES COMM. (new phone system) 10:30- 11:30 Geneva,debt ceiling,Gramm-Rudman & tax bill) Lyn 456-7054 12:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. on judicial noms. - Meese, Regan, Oglesby, Fielding, Simpson, Thurmond & Laxalt POLICY LUNCHEON 12:30 S-207 Cap. 1:30 H-131 Cap. SPEAK - Cong. Pursell Major Donor Group 1:30 East Rm-W. Hse. (East Visitors'gate) CEREMONY for Initiative on Technology (East Visitors'Gate) & the Disabled (Sen. only) 1:45 S-230 Cap ag hity . 2:45 S-230 Cap. K.C. Youth for christ ( photo) 6-8:00 9th Fl-Hart RECEP. by NAM (Sen. , Steve) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of December 2-8, 1985 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4 9:50 S-230 Cap. 9:45 S-230 Cap 10:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM (Francis Keating nom. - Treas. ) 11:30-1:00 2168 AWARDS CEREMONY honoring 5 nat'l grand prize winners of \"CARE BEARS/ WOMEN'S DAY MAG. CARE-A-LOT KIDS CAMPAIGN (BRANDT MACKEY, GRADEN CITY A WINNER) PHOTO (JUDY B.) Cancel 11:00 S-230 mitg. w/ Byt, Siden ? Thurmond pe judgechips 1:45 S-230 mitg. on Sports Bell Thurmond Danforth, mathias Boston Specter When, Hare Zauntenberg : Metzenbaum Mathias 3:00 S-205 RULES COMM. (Comm. bus. incl. new phone system) 4:30-5:00 S-230 Recep. Rm. Pres. Ford using as holding room 5-7:00 9th Fl-Hart FAREWELL RECEP. for John Doyle, lvg. Approp. Comm. for his work w/disabled (Sen/Judy B. ) 5:00 2nd Fl-Capitol ( Sen. Main Corridor) DEDICATION of Ford bust (Sen. makes brief remarks Sen. Recep. Rm. RECEPTION following dedication 5:30-7:30 SR-325 RECEP. by Women in Health (Sen/Marie, Sheila Burke) 5:30-7:30 Sheraton-Carlton FR RECEP. for John Rhodes III (Sen. a co-host) 6:30 & 8:00 Ritz Carlton Ballroom SPEAK - Former Members Recep/Dinner (Sen. can speak at any time)-is also co-host) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of December 2-8, 1985 Page 3. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5 8:00 Madison Hotel SPEAK - Merrill Lynch Private Capital 965-1065-home mt .Vernon Rm. (30 senior partners) Jim Cannon - 547-6200 9:00 S-207 MTG of all Senators (no staff) 547-6200 10:00 SR-328A FARM BILL CONF. (Sen. a conferee) 12:15 S-230 Cap. mitg. w/ John Mc Kinley, Chrum, adm . Soares & Han Gannett (que 331-1427) 4:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/NAM Exec. Comm. & Sen. GOP Ldrship 5:30- 7:30 Hyatt Reg. Columbia \"Ro-FR Recep for mark Siljander ( Sem co-bat) 6:00 SD-226 M.C. Sen. Thurmond's Birthday Party 6-7:30 9th F1-Hart RECEP. by AMA Med. Student Section (Sheila Burke/Marie) 6-8:00 SD-628 RECEP. by Pete Wilson & Nunn for Albert & Roberta Wohlstetter, recipeints of Pres. Medal of Freedom Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of December 2-8, 1985 Page 4 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6 8:15 Hyatt Reg. - Regency A Rm. SPEAK - Nat'1 Council for Resource Dev. 9:15 SD-215 HEALTH SUBC. (Medicare Phys. pmts) 10:30 SR-328A Farm Bill Conf. 12:00 S-230 CAP. Mtg. w/Helme 12:00-?? SR-385 LUNCHEON by Warner for Dinner Committee & sponsors of 1985 Barry Goldwater Scholarship Awards Dinner - Donna 293-5092) 3:30 S-230 Photo w / George yen & log . Finance 3:45 S-230 mtg, w/ Camb Gottlie SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7 7:00 Embassy of NAT'L KIDNEY FDN. BALL (you & Eliz. France are on honorary board) 4101 Reservoir Rd,NW 7:30 & 8:00 Jockey Club-Clarion Rm. -COCKTAILS & DINNER for Sen.& Eliz. by Korologos & Timmons & wives - Lynx Bonnie hofziger. John & Can tuc Laughlin & Virginia Knauer SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8 SCHEDULE FOR SEN. GARN FUNDRAISING RECEPTION IN NEW YORK Waldorf-Astoria - Monday, December 9, 1985 3:40 pm Depart Capitol enroute Butler Avia. - National PHONE : 202/549-8340 4:00 pm Depart Butler Aviation - National Airport Phillip Morris Gulfstream I (turboprop) Tail # 900PM Pilot: Sam Lathan CoPilot : John Lones Stewardess: Barbara Peterson Manifest: Senator Dole Senator Garn Senator Laxalt Senator D'Amato Jeff Bingham, Garn's AA Gene Knorr, Phillip Morris Steve Bull, Phillip Morris Kathleen Lenahan, Phillip Morris Michelle Laxalt Burkett Van Kirk,Webster & Chamberlain Bill Hendrix, Garn's Press Sec'y 5:00 pm Arrive Teterboro Airport - Butler Aviation PHONE : 201/961-2624 Frank V. Limo Service will have two stretch limos waiting to take you to Waldorf 5:30 pm Arrive Waldorf-Astoria - Empire Room for FR Reception for Senator Garn PHONE: 212/355-3000 7:30 pm Depart Waldorf enroute Teteboro Airport Frank V. Limo Service will again provide trans- portation Police Escort has been arranged through Sgt. Bob Reekie, Intelligence Divn. of NYPD His phone # : 212/741-8403 8:00 pm Arrive Teterboro - Butler Aviation 8:10 pm Depart Teterboro Airport enroute National 9:05 pm Arrive National Airport - Butler Aviation Phillip Morris has arranged for three limos from Admiral Limo Service to drive Senators to their homes -- you can take limo -- or can have Wilbert meet you ---- so llong as we know which you prefer. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - PITTSBURGH, PA Thursday, December 12, 1985 4:15 pm Depart Butler Aviation- National AirporT PHONE : 202/549-8340 Gulfstream III Tail # N80L Pilot : (name not yet known) Copilot: (name not yet known) Manifest: Senator Dole Senator Heinz Senator Specter Dave Broome, Burlington Ind. 5:15 pm Arrive Pittsburgh Int'l Airport - U.S.Steel Hangar PHONE : 412/433-4832 Will be met by car and driven to Duquesne Club 5:50 pm Arrive Duquesne Club for DFS FR Reception in progress since 5:00 pm PHONE : 412/391-1500 David Roderick, Chairman, U.S. Steel will introduce you - make brief comments 6:30 pm Depart Duquesne Club enroute airport 7:00 pm Depart Pittsburgh International Airport - U. S. Steel Hangar enroute National 8:00 pm Arrive Butler Aviation - National Airport Wilbert will meet you December 12 Wed. To: Senator Bob Dole From: David Broome/caf Subject: Pittsburgh Event U.S. Steel- Date: 12/10/85 CC to: B. Meyer On Thursday December 12th, U. S. Steel will have transportation at Butler Aviation, Washington National Airport. Departure scheduled for 3:30pm with arrival in Pittsburgh at 4:306m. 2. 5. steel - Ground transportation to the Duquesne Club, downtown Platsburgh, will be provided. It is a 30 minute drive. Arrival will be approximately 5:00 pm. At this point in time, senators Specter and Heinz will be accompanying you. (U.S. Steel has a 4-seat heliocopter available, but Betty advised me what during this time of year due to weather conditions, you would prefer Ground transportation. ) Pgh Sut'l - hs steel Hanger ground 412/433-4832 Cocktails and hors d'oeuvres will be from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Some- time during the reception, David Roderick will introduce you for a brief comment and a short Q&A session. It has been rumored that Governor Thornburgh will announce his intention to run for Sen. Specter's seat the same day as your Pittsburgh event. If my information is correct, even though there will be no press in attendance, I am quite sure you will be asked about that Senate race. We will depart from the reception at 7:00 pm and arrive at the Pittsburgh airport at 7:30 and return to Washington National Airport by 8:30 pm. Betty has also advised that you do not need me to provide ground transportation to and from Butler Aviation. y-3 Tail # N80L Duquesne Click 412/391-1500 SPGHFR 125 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of DECEMBER 9 - 15, 1985 MONDAY, DECEMBER 9 9:45 SR-328A FARM BILL CONF. cancelled 11:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Dr . Toyoda- 12:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Morris Gilmore (at Cong. Jim Schuerer's request) 12:30 S-230 Cap Suty. w/ Bob Clayton norloth. Southern & ned Breathett + D. D.( conral) 12:45 S-230 CAP. Mtg. w/Bill Hecht Frank west ( for Dick Traweek ) on effective data 2:00 SD-215 TRADE SUBC. (hrgs. on ag unfair trade practices) approx. Depart National Airport enroute NYC 4:30 5:30-7:30 Waldorf-NYC FR RECEP. for Sen. Garn ( 6-8:00 Sheraton-Wash. Colorado Rm. RECEP. by Ks. Medical Soc. & Oklahoma State Med. Assn. (Sheila Burke/Marie) approx. 9:00 Arrive Butler Aviation - National Airport Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of Dec. 9-15, 1985 Page 2 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10 9:00- 10:00 W.Hse. (NW Gate) Cabinet Rm. BIPARTISAN LDRSHIP MTG. w/Pres. on tax bill, CR, Farm Bill, debt ceiling & Gramm-Rudman Lynn 456-7054 10:30 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (nom.hrgs.on Gov. Bowen 12:30 S-207 POLICY LUNCHEON (3 spkrs first, then -- 1:15 W. Hse (450 OEOB) SW Hate HUMAN RIGHTS CEREMONY (Pres. speaks 1:45-1:55) recep. follows 3:00 S-343 Cap MTG 0/Howard Baker & Frank Fahrenkopf 3:30 EF-100 Cap. RULES COMM. (Closed Sess. re new phone system) 4:00 Mayflower - Senate Com BRIEFING for 100th Cong. Comm. (Sen. make brief opening remarks, if poss) 6:30 & 7:30 Folger Theater COCKTAILS & DINNER -100th Cong. Comm. 8:00 White House CONG. CHRISTMAS BALL (Black tie) Page 3 Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of Dec. 9 - 15, 1985 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11 8:00 MM s- ? skipet w/ Kens ? 8:45 Cap. Hilton Ballroom- SPEAK. Hammett Execs. 9:00 SR-328A Farm Bill Conf. 9:30 SD- 215 Finance (Ekle on nome, incl. Bowen , Water resources) 12:00 S-207 Cap Into. w/ Russ meyer betw. 12:30 S-207 Cap. & 1:15 SPEAK - Rep. AA's & Staff Dirs. & 1:15 SR-328A 1:00 SR-328A Farm Bill Conf. 4:30 S-230 photo award presentation by Cam academy of Physical Med. \" Rehab (July) 4:30 S-230 clock award present. by construction Ind . hifre. Com. Bill Peterson 3:00 S-116 Cap. WORKING COFFEE by Lugar for Victor Martinez, V.P. Argentina 3-7:00 S-321 Cap. CHRISTMAS PARTY by Sgt. - At. Arms Ofc. 4:30 6-8:00 NYC NYC FR for Sen. D'Amato THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12 9:00 S-230 mtg. on reconciliation 9:00 SR-328A Farm Bill Conf. 12:00 S-207 Cap. RECEP. & LUNCHEON by Greater Kansas City Forum (exec. of K.C. based firms) (Senator) 737-8440 5:30 -?? SD-106 Christmas Party by Army & A. F. Lisison Pittsburgh FR for Sen. Dole FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13 3:30-5:30 S-230 Cap. CHRISTMAS PARTY for Senators & spouses by Sen. & Mrs. Dole & Sen. & Mrs. Byrd 5:30-7:30 S-207 Cap. CHRISTMAS PARTY by Sec'y of Senate SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14 NO 6:00 -?? Ritz Carlton FOUNDERS DINNER by Trustees of Reagan Pres. Foundation (Black Tie) 342-2900 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15 3-6:00 7141 Rolling Forest Dr. Springfield,Va. CHRISTMAS PARTY by Rod & Anne Marie DeArment (Sen. ) SENATOR DOLE: THE TRIP OF SENATOR DOLE to DETROIT, MICHIGAN on MONDAY - DECEMBER 16, 1985 for MICHIGAN STATE GOP'S annual fall event THE TRIP OF SENATOR DOLE TO DETROIT, MICHIGAN MONDAY -DECEMBER 16, 1985 5:10 PM ARRIVE Butler Aviation and board Westwind, Tail #24PA enroute Detroit City Airport Detroit, Michigan. Butler Aviation Telephone # 549-8340 MANIFEST: Senator Robert Dole Secretary Elizabeth Dole Paul Russo Charlotte Ellis Jennifer Hillings Pilots: Bill Hutchison Co-Capt. John Action Note: Refreshments will be served on board 5:15 PM WHEELS UP enroute Detroit City Airport (flight time: 1 hour, 10 minutes) 6:25 PM ARRIVE Detroit City Airport Butler Aviation (313) 527-6620 Met by: Jerry Rosen Liz Rosen Transportation by: Jerry Rosen Don Brown 6:30 PM DEPART Detroit City Airport enroute Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan. (Drive time: 15 minutes) 6:45 PM ARRIVE Cobo Hall, and proceed via trolley to room 2037 for Press Availability. Met By: Anne M. Govan Virginia Johnston 6:50 PM ARRIVE Press Availability in room 2037 (next to Ballroom) 6:51 PM SENATOR and SECRETARY DOLE participate in PRESS AVAILABILITY 7:15 PM CONCLUDE PRESS AVAILABILITY and proceed to Ballroom for reception 7:20 PM ARRIVE at Reception in Ballroom of Cobo Hall, (400 Guests, $100 each) 7:21 PM Bill Gnodtke introduces VIPs, and Master of Ceremonies. Monday, December 16, 1985 7:25 PM RECEPTION PROGRAM Master of Ceremonies L. Brooks Patterson introduces Frank Stella 7:30 PM Welcoming remarks by Frank Stella Frank Stella introduces Ronna Romney 7:32 PM Introduction of Secretary Dole by Ronna Romney 7:34 PM SECRETARY DOLE makes remarks 7:40 PM SECRETARY DOLE concludes remarks 7:41 PM Introduction of Senator Dole by Jerry Rosen 7:42 PM SENATOR DOLE makes remarks 7:50 PM SENATOR DOLE concludes remarks 7:52 PM CONCLUDE Reception and Depart enroute Riverfront Dining Room 7:54 PM ARRIVE Major Donor Dinner, Riverfront Dining Room (100 attendees, $1000 a couple) 7:56 PM Pledge of Allegiance led by Larrain Thomas 7:57 PM Invocation by Thomas Demery 8:00 PM Dinner Served, Riverfront Dining Room, Cobo Hall. Telephone # (313) 224-1010 8:20 PM DINNER PROGRAM 8:20 PM Master of Ceremonies Spencer Abraham introduces Roger Smith 8:24 PM SECRETARY DOLE is introduced by Roger Smith 8:25 PM SECRETARY DOLE makes remarks 8:35 PM SECRETARY DOLE concludes remarks 8:37 PM SENATOR DOLE is introduced by Jim Barrett 8:38 PM SENATOR DOLE makes remarks 8:48 PM SENATOR DOLE concludes remarks 8:49 PM Spencer Abraham makes closing remarks 8:55 PM Senator Dole Departs enroute to Detroit City Airport (Drive Time: 15 minutes) Monday, December 16, 1985 9:10 PM ARRIVE DETROIT CITY AIRPORT, and proceed to Lear 35, Tail# N289NE 9:15 PM WHEELS UP enroute Washington National Airport (Flight Time: 1 Hour, 10 minutes) 10:25 PM ARRIVE Washington National - Butler Aviation Telephone # 549-8340 OPEN SCHEDULE HEAD TABLES -DINNER TABLE A 1 Senator Dole 2 Barbara Smith 3 Marge McGoff 4 Jim Barrett 5 Jerry Rosen 6 Liz Rosen Frank Stella 8 Mike Timmis 9 Michael Timmis 10 John McGoff TABLE B 1 Secretary Dole 2 Bob Evans 3 Steve Miller 4 Margaret Miller 5 Roger Smith 6 Will Scott 7 Ronna Romney 8 Spencer Abraham 9 Thomas Demery 10 Carol Demery STAGE - RECEPTION 1 Liz Rosen 2 Dick Chrysler 3 Spencer Abraham 4 Dan Murphy 5 Randy Agley 6 SENATOR DOLE 7 Jerry Rosen *** PODIUM ** * 8 L. Brooks Patterson 9 SECRETARY DOLE 10 Mike Timmis 11 Rep. Mike Busch 12 Ronna Romney 13 Bill Lucas 14 Frank Stella SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of December 16 - 11, 1985 MONDAY, DECEMBER 16 12-1:45 J.W. Marriott Salon F SPEAK - Luncheon of Assn. for Advanced Life Underwriting (SPEAK approx. 1:00) 5:10 Depart Butler Aviation - National Airport 7:15 & Detroit SPEAK Cobo Hall - Michigan GOP FR Recep. & Dinner (Senator & Elizabeth) 10:25 Arrive Butler Aviation - National Airport TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17 11:00 S-230 CAP. MTG Senate TV. Dole, armstrong, Dove & Rod 12:30 S-207 CAP. POLICY LUNCHEON 3:30 S-230 CAP. JT. CEREMONY betw. K State, Alabama A&M & AID ( Dave ) 4:30-6:30 S-230 Cap CHRISTMAS PARTY for Press by Sen. 6-8:00 1875 Eye St,NW CHRISTMAS PARTY by TIMES MIRROR (Walt, Brent, Dale) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of December 16-11, 1985 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18 Page 2. 9:00 Betty ( que/ Halt) 10:00 S-230 Cap. Presentation of Goodwill Games blog onbehalf this by siet a level 10:45 W.Hse-State Dining Rm. - (East Visitors Gate) Gramm-Rudman Ceremony (BE THERE BY 10:30) 10:15) 11:30 J.W. Marriott Luncheon & Award to Elizabeth by Nat'l Comm. Against Drunk Driving 3:45 Sen .steps Phate & press presenting flag to Sen . Warner in honor of 100 To votingrecord 5-7:00 S-230 CAP. CHRISTMAS PARTY for staff by Senator 5:30-7:30 EF-100 CAP. Recep. by Christine Stevens & Animal Prot. Soc. (Sen/Mark) 7:00 -?? 517 W.G. South COCKTAILS by John & Edie Crutcher (Sen. & Elizabeth only) THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19 12: - 1:30 DOT- Seviye of. media Party by Elig. 6-8:00 SD-215 RECEP. by Sen. Long for Mike Stern (joining Duffy Wall's firm) 6:30-8:00 Jefferson Hotel Monticello Rm/. CHRISTMAS PARTY by Bill Casey & CIA (Sen. & Elizabeth only) 8-10:00 White House SENIOR STAFF CHRISTMAS PARTY (Sen. & Eliz. ) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of Dec. 16-22, 1985 PAGE 3. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20 7:10 NBC (ch 4) On Today \" Show. (Carwill be there at 6:30) 10:30 S-220 MSH -141 mtG w/ Don Devine, Kirke > geh 2:30 Wise- Romwelt Swearing. In Ceremony for How. Bowen 4-7:00 1219 -28th St,NW Christmas Party by Hotel & Restaurant Employees (Sen. only) 4:30 S-230 mitg w/adm. Prendente ( Pon Sable 395-4682) 6:00 S-365 RHOB Sucheil/ Lehrer SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22