Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of July 29-Aug. 4, 1985 Page 4 THURSDAY, AUGUST 1 following appointment handwritten: 8:30 S-230 Cap. Bkfst. w/Budget Conferees following appointment crossed out and marked cancelled: 10:00 S-228 Cap GOP Conf (re budget) 3-4:30 SR-328A AG COMM. (mark-up) 4-6:00 S-239 Cap. FAREWELL RECEP. for Dave Stockman 5:30-6:00 Fam. Qtrs - W. Hse COCKTAILS w/Pres. (Sen. & Pres. only) (SE Gate) enter Diplomatic Ent. FRIDAY, AUGUST 2 7:15 On "TODAY" Show - NBC (limo at W.G. So. at 6:30) Bryant Gumbel CBS limo will meet & drive you to CBS for 7:45 On "CBS MORNING NEWS" - Congress Wrap-up with Bob Scheiffer following appointment handwritten: 10:00 Hair appt Walter 12:30-?? SR-301 PARTY for John Chambers, Rules (lvg. to become Press Sec'y to Sen. Ford) SATURDAY, AUGUST 3 in Kansas SUNDAY, AUGUST 4 in Kansas BOOK Betty KANSAS SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR BOB DOLE August 3, 4 and 5, 1985 SATURDAY August 3 7:59 a.m. Depart Washingtion National - Eastern Flight #337 (Senator & Elizabeth) 9:23 a.m. Arrive Kansas City International - Jane will meet you and drive you to Topeka - Ramada Inn 11:00 a.m. Arrive Ramada Inn Downtown - Topeka **11:15 a.m. Tom Schwartz, with Famous Brands, Inc., wants to present a proposal to you to raise revenue - he talked with you briefly when you were in Topeka recently and you indicated you would try to meet with him on your next trip. Tom is a Democrat and is interested in being involved in your campaign. His proposal has to do with increasing the tax on beer and wine to the level that spirits are taxed -- according to the alcohol content. Dick Corwin, a good Republican from Clay Center, now works for Tom and he came in and gave me a synopsis of their proposal prior to your last visit. If you have any objection to meeting with Tom, please let me know. I will see that there is a room available -- will take 20-25 minutes. 11:45 a.m. LUNCH 12:20 p.m. Depart Ramada Inn for McDonald Field - Jane will drive you. 12:35 p.m. Arrive McDonald Field - American Legion State Baseball Tournament. CONTACT: Al Janosik - 272-9880 - Home 235-5554 - Office 12:50 p.m. OPENING CEREMONY - American Legion State Baseball Tournament - throw out first ball - mingle. 1:30 p.m. Depart McDonald Field for Ramada Inn 1:50 р.m. Arrive Ramada Inn 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. RECEPTION - HOSTED BY SHAWNEE COUNTY REPUBLICAN WOMEN - Grand Ballroom, Ramada Inn - Lee Kinney, President - 200-300 people You arrive at 2:45p.m. - Remarks at 3:00 p.m. **4:00 p.m. Pete McGill wants to hand-deliver a packet of information on a possible candidate for Secretary of the Air Force - will only take a few minutes. **4:15 p.m. Gwen Knudsen, with THE TOPEKA CAPITAL JOURNAL, would like to interview you 30-45 minutes for a front page Sunday story - will have photographer at the Ks. Mental Health Association dinner. If you want to do this, I will need to let Gwen know. CONFIRMED Saturday, August 3rd, cont'd. 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. VIP RECEPTION - Kansas Mental Health Association Lower Lounge - Ramada Inn BLACK TIE 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. RECEPTION for all attendees - Kansas Mental Health Association to Regency Ballroom - Ramada Inn 7:30 p.m. DINNER - Kansas Mental Health Association "Tribute to Elizabeth and Bob Dole" - Regency Ballroom RON - RAMADA INN - 913/233-8981 SUNDAY August 4 10:20 a.m. Jane will pick you up at the Ramada and take you to First United Methodist Church, 601 Harrison - 233-8100 10:30 a.m. FELLOWSHIP COFFEE - First United Methodist Church 11:00 a.m. CHURCH SERVICE - Reverend Merris Brady 12:15 p.m. Return to Ramada Inn - Can either have brunch at the New Orleans Cafe or in your room. 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. OPEN HOUSE - McCrite Retirement Apartments - 1610 SW 37th CONTACT: Jan Allen - 267-2960 4:10 p.m. Depart Forbes Field for Ryan Aviation - King Air, Tail #816 ML Mid-America Aviation - 862-2790 Pilot: Ron Lundy Co-Pilot: Tom Thibault 5:00 p.m. Arrive Jabara A.P. - Steve will meet you and take you to reception for Senator Specter - Ryan Aviation - 316/682-5551 5:30 р.m. RECEPTION - Hosted by Bob and Bernie Gelman, 1536 Gatewood Court CONTACT: Bob Gelman - 316/722-4291 6:45 p.m. Depart Gelman residence for Ryan Aviation 7:05 p.m. Depart Jabara A.P. for Johnson County Airport - Kansas City Aviation Center - 913/782-1244 8:00 p.m. Arrive Kansas City Aviation Center, Johnson County Airport - Gale and Richard will meet you and drive you to the Marriott 8:15 p.m. INTERVIEW - Kansas City Star reporter - Marriott RON - OVERLAND PARK MARRIOTT - 913/451-8000 MONDAY August 5 7:30 a.m. SPEAK - Breakfast hosted by the Boy Scouts of America honoring Congressman Larry Winn as recipient of Distinguished Eagle Scout Award - Marriott - Salons E & F. 9:00 a.m. Depart Marriott for Constitution Convention Center, Kansas City, Ks. Gale will drive you 9:25 a.m. Arrive Constitution Convention Center - Wyandotte Room "A" CONTACT: Carl "Clark" Kent CONVENTION CENTER: 913/371-1610 9:30 a.m. SPEAK - Kansas City Area Associations of Life Underwriters Followed by Q & A - have 500 reservations. 10:30 a.m. Depart Convention Center for Executive Beechcraft - 816/842-8484 King Air - Tail #816 ML - PILOT: Rom Lundy CO-PILOT: Tom Thibault 11:30 a.m. Arrive Ryan Aviation - Steve will meet you and take you to the Wichita Club - RYAN AVIATION: 316/942-0141 11:50 a.m. Arrive Wichita Club NOON LUNCHEON for Senator Arlen Specter 1:00 p.m. Depart Wichita Club for Ryan Aviation 1:20 p.m. Depart Ryan Aviation for Ellsworth 1:45 p.m. Arrive Ellsworth Airport - 913/472-4392 Harold Swanson, City Administrator, will meet you. 2:00 p.m. Tour Cashco and Craft World Companies - CONTACT: Phil Rogers 913/472-4461 2:45 p.m. RECEPTION and Press Conference - American Legion - 913/472-8982 3:30 p.m. Depart Ellsworth for Kansas City Executive Beechcraft 4:30 p.m. Arrive Executive Beechcraft - Gale will meet you and take you to Vista International Hotel - EXECUTIVE BEECHCRAFT - 816/842-8484 5:00 p.m. RECEPTION - Grocery Manufacturers Association - Count Basie Ballroom CONTACT: Gordon Beaham - 816/421-6800 5:30 p.m. SPEAK - followed by Q & A 6:15 p.m. Depart Vista for Executive Beech - GMA will furnish transportation. Walt Riker will be flying back with you. 6:30 p.m. Depart Executive Beech - Lear 35, Tail #44PT - CAPTAIN: Dale Gray Co-Pilot: Mike Kelly 9:30 p.m. (EDT) Arrive Butler Aviation - Washington National **Secretary Dole's Sunday schedule -Depart Topeka at 4:15p.m. for KCI - Judy Kay will drive you - Depart KCI - Braniff Flight #532 - 5:55 p.m. Arrive National - 9:06 p.m. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of August 5-11, 1985 MONDAY, AUGUST 5 In Kansas 10:00 pm Arrive Butler Aviation - National Airport TUESDAY, AUGUST 6 8:30-9:30 Sec'ys Private BKFST. w/Sec'y Shultz Dining Rm-(C St.entrance) Contact: Linda 632-4202 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7 12:30 1220-19th, NW OFF-RECORD LUNCHEON W/NEW REPUBLIC editors (Contact: Nancy Miller 331-7494) SUITE 200 2:30 Mayflower Ballroom SPEAK & RECEIVE AWARD - Int'l Platform Assn. (Contact: Dan Moore 216/932-0505) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of August 5-11, 1985 Page 2. THURSDAY, AUGUST 8 10:00 S-230 CAP. MTG. w/David Roderick & Earl Mallick, U.S. Steel 11:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Bill Isaac, Chrmn, FDIC & Ks. Bankers (John P. arranging) Portland, Me. C.A. FR Recep & Lobster Bake approx. 9:15 pm Arrive Butler Aviation - National Airport 9:15 pm FRIDAY, AUGUST 9 7:45 Walter Reed Ward 72 APPT SATURDAY, AUGUST 10 SUNDAY, AUGUST 11 SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE CAMPAIGN AMERICA MAINE FUNDRAISER Thursday, August 8, 1985 1:50 PM Arrive Butler Aviation Terminal Washington National Airport Washington, D.C. Proceed to U.S. Jet 892-6200 2:00 PM Wheels up from Washington, D.C. enroute to Portland, Maine via Lear Jet, Tail #180YA (flight time: one hour, twenty minutes) Manifest Senator Bob Dole Paul Russo 3:20 PM Arrive Maine Aviation Portland International Jet Port Portland, Maine (207) 775-5635 Met by Mike Liberty 3:30 PM Depart airport enroute to Gray, Maine (drive time: thirty minutes) 4:00 PM Arrive Juniper Farm Grounds 50 Mayall Road Gray, Maine (207) 657-4546 (Barn Telephone) Proceed to PRESS AVAILABILITY 4:20 PM Conclude Press Availability, and proceed to Campaign America Reception (In Progress Since 4:00 PM) 5:00 PM Proceed to Campaign America Fundraising Dinner - New England Lobster Bake Host: Mike Liberty Dress: Casual Crowd Size: 60+ at $1,000 per person (cont'd ... page 2) SENATOR BOB DOLE CAMPAIGN AMERICA SCHEDULE, PAGE 2 August 8, 1985 5:00 PM New England Lobster Bake Juniper Farm Grounds 50 Mayall Road Gray, Maine (207) 657-4546 (Barn Telephone) 6:00 PM PROGRAM Brief Welcoming Remarks - Mike Liberty Brief Comments - Herb Collins 6:10 PM Introduction of Senator Dole - Mike Liberty 6:15 PM Remarks - Senator Dole 6:40 PM Followed by Brief Q and A 7:00 PM Conclude and depart Farm Grounds enroute to Portland airport PLEASE NOTE: Bob Monks to accompany to airport (drive time: thirty minutes) 7:30 PM Arrive Maine Aviation Portland International Jet Port Portland, Maine (207) 775-5635 7:40 PM Wheels up enroute from Portland, Maine enroute to Washington D.C. via Lear Jet, Tail #180YA (flight time: one hour, thirty minutes) 9:10 PM Arrive U.S. Jet Butler Aviation Terminal Washington National Airport Washington, D.C. 892-6200 END OF TOUR Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Anderson 120 Partridge Circle Portland, ME 04102 Mr. & Mrs. John Blake Box 232 Limington, ME 04069 Mr. Alton E. Cianchette 9 Libby Street Pittsfield, ME 04967 Mr. & Mrs. Ival Cianchette 5 Franklin Street Pittsfield, ME 04967 Mr. & Mrs. Galen L. Cole 71 Norway Road Bangor, ME 04401 Hugh G. Farrington Lighthouse Point Road Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107 Paul Gelardi Shape Video P.O. Box 920 Kennebunkport, ME 04043 Gendrons - John, Charles, Roger Richard, Louise 181 State Street Portland, ME 04102 Merton G. Henry, Esq. White's Bridge Road Windham, ME 04062 Mr. & Mrs. David C. Morse 33 Heather Road Portland, ME 04103 Mr. Kirk Pond Fairchild Camera & Instrument Corp. 333 Western Avenue South Portland, ME 04106 Mr. Blaine Sanborn Sanborn's Motor Express, Inc. 550 Forest Avenue Portland, ME 04101 Mr. Loyall W. Sewall Medomak Post Office Bremen, ME 04551 Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas S. Sewall 42 Front Street Bath, ME 04530 Handwritten note at bottom of page: *People sitting at Head Table (Not listed: Michael Liberty & Fiance, David Cope & wife, Rainie, Mitchell Cope, and of course Sen. Dole & Mrs. Dole). I. Joel Abromson 25 Fall Lane Portland, ME John F. Alberti Colony Cadillac & Oldsmobile, Inc. P.O. Box 1429 Portland, ME 04104 Charlton Ames P.O. Box 4850 Portland, ME 04112 Ken Astor 1 Russell Road Cumberland Foreside, ME 04021 Mr. Alan R. Atkins 19 Rocky Hill Road Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107 *Robert P., Sandra, & Gary Bahre Speedway, Inc. Oxford, ME 04070 Mr. Linwood Bell Coopers & Lybrand 130 Middle Street Portland, ME 04101 Mr. Stan Bennett Oakhurst Dairy 364 Forest Avenue Portland, ME 04101 *Mr. Sumner Bernstein Bernstein, Shur, Sawyer & Nelson Mr. & Mrs. John Blake Box 232 Limington, ME 04069 Dr. Carl A. Brinkman 50-A Flaggy Road Gorham, ME 04038 Kenneth Burrill 53 Windsor Lane Randolph, ME 04345 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Carmichael 20 Sturdivant Road Cumberland Foreside, ME 04110 Gendrons - John, Charles, Roger, Richard Gendron Commercial Realtors 181 State Street Portland, ME Ms. Jane G. Chee 7 Brentwood Road Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107 *Senator and Mrs. William H. Cohen Eastern Promenade Condominiums Unite #158 Portland, ME 04101 Ronald Coffin First Atlantic Corp. 191 Foreside Road Falmouth, ME 04105 Christopher W. Collins 45 School Street Boston, MA 02108 Mr. Herbert F. Collins 45 School Street Boston, MA 02108 Richart T. & David H. Cook Allied Construction 92 Darling Avenue South Portland, ME 04106 Mr. Robert Cowan Quality Inn 738 Main Street South Portland, ME 04106 Howard H. Dana, Jr. 670 Shore Road Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107 Dr. Gerald Davidson Williamsburg Apartments 177 Pine Street Portland, ME 04102 Mr. George Denney 101 Main Street Yarmouth, ME 04096 Mr. William DiBiase 108 Winn Road Falmouth, ME 04105 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Disanza Dole Ridge Road Limington, ME Dr. Brian Dorsk 1066-A Shore Road Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107 William J. & Debbie Dowd 446 Fore Street Portland, ME 04101 Francis P. Drake Drake Equipment Company P.O. Box 1378 Portland, ME 04104 Mr. Robert Dunfey Sheraton Inn 363 Maine Mall Road South Portland, ME 04106 Robert E. Dunton R.R. #1, Box 755 Sebago Lake, ME 04075 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Frechette 10 Pine Point Road Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107 James Garland H.M. Payson & Company P.O. Box 31, D.T.S. Portland, ME 04112 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gelardi Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Gilbert 44 Brentwood Road Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107 Dr. Bernard Givertz 70 Carroll Street Portland, ME 04102 Mr. James Gorman Coopers & Lybrand 130 Middle Street Portland, ME 04101 Mr. Leon Gorman 16 Portland Street Yarmouth, ME 04096 Dennison M. Hall 45 School Street Boston, MA 02108 Colin C. Hampton 411 Ocean House Road Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107 Mr. & Mrs. Hobie Harnden 144 Clifford Street South Portland, ME 04106 David B. Hawkes 23 Babbidge Road Falmouth, ME 04105 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Hurtubise Beech Ridge Road Scarborough, ME 04074 Mr. & Mrs. William K. Hopkins 33 Morning Street Portland, ME 04101 Ms. Linda Jones Five Harbor Square Camden, ME 04843 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kane Understein Associates Suite 608, 4520 East West Highway Bethesda, MD 20814 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Kneeland c/o Kneco Trading Company Box 147 Cherryfield, ME 04622 Dr. Robert S. Kramer 321 Brackett Street Portland, ME 04102 Mr. Robert Kruger 16 Hunts Point Road Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107 Daniel & Lisa Kurzmann 58 Mayberry Road Gray, ME 04039 Mr. Paul Labb Fechtor, Detwiler & Company, Inc. 133 Federal Street Boston, MA 02110 Dr. Donald A. Leeber 66 Bramhall Portland, ME 04102 Dr. Richard M. Levesque 619 Brighton Avenue Portland, ME 04103 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Lewis 20 Highland Street Portland, ME 04101 Mr. Daniel G. Lilley Attorney at Law 805 Maine Savings Plaza Portland, ME 04101 Mr. & Mrs. David Lloyd 20 Hammond Road Falmouth, ME 04105 Mr. Larry Mahaney Mount Hope Avenue Bangor, ME 04401 Mr. John P. Manning 45 School Street Boston, MA 02108 Mrs. Janice McGrath Gray Town Hall Box 258 Gray, ME 04039 Kenneth & Alicia Mckellar 16 Crestwood Road Portland, ME 04021 *Representative John R. McKernan, Jr. 262 Middle Street Portland, ME 04101 *Robert A.G. Monks Solomon Jordan Road Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107 *Robert C.S. Monks 178 Middle Street Portland, ME 04101 Dr. Jerome R. Morton 321 Brackett Street Portland, Me 04102 Mr. Dave O'Brien H.M. Payson & Company P.O. Box 31, D.T.S. Portland, ME 04112 Mr. & Mrs. James C. Otis 49 Rhode Island Avenue South Portland, ME 04106 Mr. Fred W. Pape, Sr. Pape Chevrolet 425 Westbrook Street South Portland, ME 04106 Mr. John K. Pierce H. M. Payson & Company P.O. Box 31, D.T.S. Portland, ME 04112 Mr. Thomas Pierce H. M. Payson & Company P.O. Box 31, D.T.S. Portland, ME 04112 Allan Phillips 477 Congress Street Portland, ME 04101 Mr. Robert Porteous, Sr. c/o Porteous, Mitchell & Braun Company 522 Congress Street Portland, ME 04101 Mr. Robert Porteous, Jr. c/o Porteous, Mitchell & Braun Company 522 Congress Street Portland, ME 04101 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Putnam Two Canal Plaza Portland, Me 04101 Mr. & Mrs. James Rappaport Rappaport & Rakove One Longfellow Place Suite 3611 Boston, ME 02114 Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Rappaport c/o Rakove & Rappaport One Longfellow Place Suite 3611 Boston, MA 04114 Roderick A. & Hattie C. Robinson Benton Road Albion, ME 04910 Dr. Bruce J. Sahrbeck 440 Western Avenue South Portland, ME 04106 Mr. Carl Sardenga 890 Shore Road Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107 Mr. Eric F. Saunders 17 Lunt Road Falmouth, ME 04105 Christopher & Ann Seitz R.F.D. #2, Box 264 Cumberland Center, ME 04021 Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Sewell 61 Sunset Strip Brewer, ME 04412 Mr. Charles Shuman Vice President Blunt, Ellis, Loewi, Inc. 4814 King Solomon Drive Annandale, VA 22003 *Representative Olympia Snowe 202 Harlow Street Bangor, ME 04401 Mr. Charles E. Stickney, Jr. Gilman Road Yarmouth, ME 04096 S. Douglas & Rita C. Sukeforth P.O. Box 1335 South China, ME 04358 Dr. Robert P. Timothy 229 Vaughan Street Portland, ME 04102 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Understein Understein Associates Suite 608, 4520 East West Highway Bethesda, MD 20814 Mr. & Mrs. James VamVakias E.C. Jordan Company 562 Congress Street Portland, Me 04101 Ronald A. Vincent 94 Park Avenue Portland, ME 04101 Mr. Ken Volk Volk Packaging Corporation Biddeford Industrial Park Biddeford, ME 04005 Mr. John Walker H. M. Payson & Company P.O. Box 31, D.T.S. Portland, ME 04112 Mr. William H. Webster P.O. Box 4850 Portland, ME 04112 David W. White 477 Congress Street Portland, ME 04101 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Williamson, Jr. Two Canal Plaza Portland, Me 04101 Mr. Stephen J. Willis 43 Martin Road Portland, ME Lyndel J. Wishcamper P.O. Box 387, D.T.S. One Canal Plaza Portland, ME 04112 Mr. Alan Weiner Understein Associates Suite 608, 4520 East West Highway Bethesda, MD 20814 Mr. Lou Wood, Sr. 55 Oakhurst Road Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of August 12-18, 1985 MONDAY, AUGUST 12 7:45 Walter Reed Appt. 10:30 S-230 Cap. INTERVIEW - Jack Germond 2:00 S-230 Cap. INTERVIEW - Kevin Phillips TUESDAY, AUGUST 13 in North Carolina - meeting with Burlington & other textile industry leaders (separate schedule) 3:10 Arrive Butler Aviation - National Airport 3:30 S-230 Cap. PHOTOS - for TIME Magazine 3:45 S-230 Cap. INTERVIEW - "First Monday" WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14 2:00 S-230 or SH-141 MTG. w/Lyn Nofziger THURSDAY, AUGUST 15 Depart Andrews AFB for Far East trip thru August 29 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - NORTH CAROLINA - August 13, 1985 TUESDAY, AUGUST 13 9:00 am Depart Butler Aviation- National Airport PHONE: 202/549-8340 via Citation III (owned by Burlington Ind.) Tail #84G (white w/red & blue stripes) Pilot: Bryan Morgan Copilot: Chuck Tomlinson Manifest: Senator Dole, David (Dave) Broome Wash. Ofc .- Burlington Ind., Rod DeArment, John Petersen 10:00 am Arrive Smith-Reynolds Airport - Winston-Salem Piedmont Aviation terminal PHONE: 919/767-5219 Will be met by Joe Cullen, V.P., Piedmont A/L 10:15 am Arrive Piedmont Airlines Executive Offices 4001 North Liberty Street Extension for meeting with Bill Howard, President Contact: Maxine Hall 919/767-5232 11:00 am Depart Piedmont Airlines offices 11:15 am Depart Smith-Reynolds Airport - Winston-Salem 11:40 am Arrive Greensboro - Burlington Industries Hangar PHONE: 919/379-2229 Will be met by Security Officer from Burlington Ind. 11:55 am Arrive Burlington Industries 3330 West Friendly Ave. - Greensboro 12:00 Meet with Textile Manufacturers 12:30-2:00 Luncheon with Textile Manufacturers CONTACT: 919/379-2465 Ann Payne, Klopman's sec'y or Main Number - 919/379-2000 Senator Dole's Schedule - North Carolina - August 13, 1985 Pg. 2 TUESDAY, AUGUST 13 (continued) 2:00 pm Depart Burlington Industries enroute airport 2:30 pm Depart Greensboro Airport enroute Washington Manifest: Senator Dole, Dave Broome, Rod DeArment, John Petersen, Jim Babb Chief LA -Thurmond staff, Rick Valentine East staff member, John Steer Thurmond's AA 3:40 pm Arrive Butler Aviation - National Airport Wilbert will meet you ATTENDEES FROM TEXTILE MANUFACTURERS John Gregg CEO, AVTEX Pres., Manmade Fibers Institute King of Prussia, Penna. Dewey Trogdon CEO, Cone Mills Greensboro, North Carolina Roger Milliken CEO, Milliken and Company Spartanburg, South Carolina Ed Bauman CEP. Blue Bell Greensboro, North Carolina E. S. Mckissick CEO, Alice Manufacturing Co. Pres., American Textile Manufacturing Institute Easley, South Carolina John A. Fennie Celanese New York, New York Bill Klopman CEO, Burlington Industries, Inc. Greensboro, North Carolina CONGRESSIONAL ATTENDEES Senator Bob Dole Senator Strom Thurmond Congressman Jim Broyhill Congressman Howard Coble (6th District, N.C.)-Ist term Republican STAFF Rod DeArment John Petersen Scott Wilson (for Senator Helms) Rick Valentine (for Senator East) Dave Broome, Burlington Industries - Washington Office John Steer, Thurmond's AA BETTY 8/13/85 DRAFT SCHEDULE CODEL DOLE FAR EAST TRIP THURSDAY, AUG. 15 - THURSDAY, AUG. 29 Thursday, August 15 Fly Time Time Change 7:45 a.m. PRESS CONFERENCE - ANDREWS AFB --> Kansas + (illegible) media 8:00 a.m. Lv. Andrews 7 hrs 20 -4 hrs (Breakfast and lunch served aboard) 11:20 a.m. Ar. Elmendorf AFB, Ala Refuel 11:30 a.m. Depart Elmendorf en route Anchorage (Ground transportation to be furnished by Senator Murkowski staff) (Staff will be met and offered a tour of Anchorage, provided by Mayor of Anchorage, and sample of Alaskan Salmon) 11:45 a.m. Ar. Anchorage PRESS CONFERENCE WIDBY Room 12:15 p.m.-1:15 p.m. FUNDRAISING LUNCHEON FOR SENATOR MURKOWSKI Captain Hook's Host: Former Gov. Walter Hickle (Each Senator and wife to host a table) (All Senators, wives, Officers of the Senate, and Bee Oglesby to attend) Tentative: Senator Dole to do brief TV spot for Senator Murkowski CONTACT: Mary McGuire 907/271-3735 1:20 p.m. Depart Anchorage en route Elmendorf 1:45 p.m. Depart Elmendorf 7 hrs 30 +17 hrs (Dinner served aboard) (Cross International Dateline) -2- Friday, August 16 2:15 p.m. Ar. Yokota AB, Japan (REFUEL) (Command Briefing will be offered) 3:45 p.m. Lv. Yokota AB 1 hr 55 None 5:40 p.m. Ar. Kimpo Domestic Airport, Seoul, South Korea MET BY: Ambassador and Mrs. Walker (Sedans for each Senator and Mrs. Dole -- bus provided for staff) RON: CHOSUN HOTEL Per Diem: $100 + $33 = $133 $58/single; $68/double Control Room: 1706 Hospitality Room: 1705 Secretarial Ofc.: 1704 Control Officer (CODEL): Edward Dong, Political Officer (or Paul Ray, Asst.) Tel: 732-2601, Ext. 4158 (Ofc.) 732-2601, Ext. 4223 (Res.) Control Officer (DOT): Richard Devine, Economic Officer Tel: 732-2601, Ext. 4176 (Ofc.) 732-2601, Ext. 4190 (Res.) Saturday, August 17 - in Seoul, South Korea 8:00 a.m.-8:45 a.m. BREAKFAST BRIEFING BY EMBASSY - at hotel 8:50 a.m. Depart Hotel 8:55 a.m. Arrive Economic Planning Board 9:00 a.m.-9:50 a.m. MEETING WITH DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER SHIN BYONG HYUN (key trade person in ROK Govt.) (Senators, Secretary Dole, Coe + 5 staff) 9:50 a.m. Depart Economic Planning Board 9:55 a.m. Arrive Consolidated Government Building -3- Saturday, August 17 (Continued): 10:00 a.m. COURTESY CALL ON PRIME MINISTER SHINYONG LHO (Senators, Secretary Dole, Coe + 5 staff) 10:45 a.m. MEETING WITH MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS LEE WON KYUNG (Senators, Secretary Dole, Coe + 5 staff) 11:00 a.m. Depart Consolidated Government Building (5 staff return to hotel) 11:10 a.m. Arrive Blue House (Mrs. Walker and Senate wives will meet up here) 11:30 a.m. COURTESY CALL ON PRESIDENT CHUN DOO HWAN (Senators, wives, Coe - no staff) 12:00 noon-1:30 p.m. LUNCHEON HOSTED BY PRESIDENT CHUN (While Members with President, staff will proceed to the DMZ via bus - 1 1/2 hr. drive) (See separate schedule which follows) 1:30 p.m. Depart Blue House 1:55 p.m. Arrive National Assembly 2:00 p.m.-2:15 p.m. CALL ON SPEAKER OF NATIONAL ASSEMBLY LEE CHAI-HYUNG (No. 2 person in ROK Govt.) (Speaker "on-call" from 1:30) 2:20 p.m. Depart National Assembly 2:40 p.m. Arrive Helipad #208, South Post, Yongsan (wives will meet up at this point) 2:45 p.m. Depart Seoul via helicopter 3:15 p.m. Arrive Camp Liberty Bell for BRIEFING AND TOUR OF JOINT SECURITY AREA, PANMUNJOM (Remainder of CODEL will meet at Camp Kitty Hawk, location of the briefing) 4:45 p.m. Depart Camp Liberty Bell (official party & wives - rest of CODEL via bus) 5:15 p.m. Depart Helipad #208 5:30 p.m. Arrive Hotel Chosun Handwritten at bottom of page: 10 pm feed tape to Hart Office 48961 ---> video feed DMZ: pizza? Photos? KS soldiers? -4- Saturday, August 17 (Continued) 6:20 p.m. Depart hotel (official party) 6:30 p.m. Arrive AMBASSADOR'S residence for RECEPTION 8:00 p.m. Return to Hotel DMZ Schedule for Rest of CODEL: 1:45 p.m. Depart Hotel via Embassy bus 3:15 p.m. Arrive Camp Kitty Hawk 4:45 p.m. Depart Camp Kitty Hawk via bus 6:15 p.m. Arrive Hotel 6:40 p.m. Depart Hotel for Ambassador's residence 6:45 p.m. Arrive Ambassador's residence for reception Sunday, August 18 Tentative - Wait 'til flight over to check with Senators: Any desire to meet with General Livsey to receive Threat Assessment? 10:00 a.m. DEDICATION OF NEW "NANCY REAGAN" WING OF HAN MI ("KOREAN AMERICAN" ENGLISH TRANSLATION) HOSPITAL Sun Nam, 30 minutes outside of Seoul Contact: Paul Wagner, Wagner & Baroody, 466-8225 or Sammy Jung, Hospital Liaison, Chosun Hotel 12:00 p.m. Depart Hotel Chosun en route airport 12:30 p.m. PRESS CONFERENCE -- Kimpo Domestic Terminal - Departure 1:00 p.m. Lv. Seoul 1 hr 45 None (Lunch served aboard) 2:45 p.m. Ar. Haneda Airport, Tokyo, Japan -- Arrival? 7:30 p.m. DINNER - MAXIM'S RESTAURANT Host: Mr. Morita, Chairman of the Board, Sony Co. (Arranged for by Bill Timmons) Senators and wives, Officers of Senate, and Mr. and Mrs. M.B. Oglesby. Guest list to follow. SEPARATE DINNER FOR STAFF also being arranged for by Bill Timmons. Embassy has bus available. -5- Sunday, August 18 (Continued): RON: OKURA HOTEL $95/night double; $79/night single Per diem: $120 + $33 = $153 Control Officer (CODEL): Donald Westmore, Dep. Political Counselor Donald Yamamoto, Political Ofcr. Tel: (01-81-3) 583-7141, Ext. 7832 (Ofc.), 6525 (Res.) Control Officer (DOT): Robin White, Economic Officer Tel: 583-7141, Ext. 7613 (Ofc.) Ext. 6833 (Res.) Monday, August 19 - in Tokyo, Japan NOTE: OPTION FOR THE LADIES AND SOME STAFF: Day trip with Secretary Dole on Shinkasen (bullet-train) to Hakone to view Fujiyama - return by 2:30. 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. BRIEFING BY AMBASSADOR MANSFIELD Embassy Auditorium - Entire Delegation 9:30 a.m. TENTATIVE - MEETING WITH AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NOTE: If do not agree to AmCham meeting, briefing by Embassy will be moved to 9:00-10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. MEETING WITH MINISTER OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND INDUSTRY ("MITI") MURATA (Members + limit of 3 staff) 11:30 a.m. Staff departs Okura Hotel en route Press Club 11:45 a.m. Senators depart MITI en route Press Club 12:30 p.m. LUNCHEON AND ADDRESS (BY SENATOR DOLE) JAPAN NATIONAL PRESS CLUB - How many Codel people going? 2:00 p.m. Depart Japan National Press Club en route hotel 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. RECEPTION HOSTED BY AMBASSADOR MANSFIELD Handwritten on bottom of page: Mitsubishi Meeting -6- Monday, August 19 (Continued): 7:15 p.m. Depart reception for: 7:30 p.m. DINNER HOSTED BY VICE PRESIDENT OF LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY NIKAIDO (all major political and government leaders will attend) (Senators and wives) 7:30 p.m. (MOFA trying to put together DINNER FOR THE STAFF) ---> feed tape to conference Tuesday, August 20 7:45 a.m. Depart for: 8:30 a.m. BREAKFAST MEETING HOSTED BY FOREIGN MINISTER ABE AND MITI MINISTER MURATA. Senators, Officers of Senate, and B. Oglesby. Iikura Guest House - Foreign Minister's official residence 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Senator Dole, Rod DeArment and Embassy interpreter only: PRIVATE MEETING 11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. MEETING WITH AGRICULTURE MINISTER SATO 12:30 p.m. Senators must arrive no later than 12:30 for MEETING WITH PRIME MINISTER NAKASONE 1:00 p.m. Senate wives arrive Prime Minister's office 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. LUNCHEON WITH PRIME MINISTER NAKASONE (Senators, wives, Officers of Senate, B. Oglesby) 2:00 p.m.-2:45 p.m. MEET WITH MEMBERS OF KEIDANREN (Equivalent to combination of our American Chamber and Nat'l Assoc. of Mfgrs.) (Senators + 3 staff) (CROSSED OUT) 3:00 p.m.-3:45 p.m. MEETING WITH FINANCE MINISTER TAKESHITA handwritten insertion: 4 p.m.-4:15 p.m. DEPARTURE --> EMBASSY 4:15 p.m. Depart Okura Hotel en route Haneda Airport 5:00 p.m. Lv. Tokyo (CODEL ONLY) 3 hr 5 -1 hr -7- Tuesday, August 20 (Continued): 7:05 p.m. Ar. Taipei ---> Press Statement 7:15 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Arrival PRESS STATEMENT (at Airport) (crossed out and marked no) 8:00 p.m.-9:30 p.m. DINNER HOSTED BY FOREIGN AFFAIRS MINISTER AND MRS. CHU FU-SUNG - entire Delegation (all Ministers will attend) 9:30 p.m.-9:45 p.m. VISIT TO LUNGSHAN (DRAGON MOUNTAIN) TEMPLE (Optional) RON: THE GRAND HOTEL Per Diem: $97 + $33 = $130 $62-$85/single; $72-$95/double Control Officer: Joseph J. Borich, General Affairs Section Chief, American Institute Taiwan Tel: 709-2000, Ext. 276 (Ofc.) 771-4398 (Res.) Contact: Jason Yuan (CCNA in U.S.) Howard Plaza Hotel - Room 725 011-886-2-700-2323 Victor Hu, 657-2130 Wednesday, August 21 - in Taiwan 9:00 a.m.-9:30 a.m. BRIEFING BY AMERICAN INSTITUTE TAIWAN (At Grand Hotel) Optional Visits to Chinese Handicraft Center, Chinese Furniture Factory & Chinese Export Shop Handwritten: "Nightline" ---> 11:30 AM ---> ABC? 2:30 p.m.-3:15 p.m. Visit NATIONAL PALACE MUSEUM (Optional - but recommended) 3:30 p.m. or 4:00 p.m. CALL ON PRESIDENT CHIANG CHING-KUO (Senators, wives, J. Coe & H. Greene) -8- Wednesday, August 21 (Continued): 4:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. JOINT MEETING AT MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS: Minister of Foreign Affairs CHU Fu-sung Minister of Communications LIEN Chan Minister of Finance J.K. LOH Governor of Central Bank CHANG Chi-cheng Chairman of Agriculture Council WANG You-tsao (Entire delegation to attend) 7:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. CALL ON PREMIER YU KUO-HWA - at Hotel - followed by DINNER HOSTED BY PREMIER and Mrs. YU Kuo-hwa (Entire delegation) Thursday, August 22 9:00 a.m.- VISIT CHIANG KAI-SHEK MEMORIAL HALL 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. CALL ON MINISTER OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS T.H. LEE, and BOARD OF FOREIGN TRADE DIR. GEN. Vincent C. SIEW (Senators plus maximum of 5 staff) 12:00 noon Casual MONGOLIAN BARBECUE Luncheon (American Delegation only -- No host officials) 4:30 p.m. Staff departs for airport 4:30 p.m. Departure PRESS CONFERENCE -- Grand Hotel 5:00 p.m. Lv. Taipei 1 hr 25 None 6:25 p.m. Ar. Hong Kong (handwritten: ---> press conf.?) MET BY: Mini Bus RON: PENINSULA HOTEL $149 - Superior Room single or double $193 - Deluxe Harbor View Room single or double Per Diem: $119 + $33 = $152 Control Officer: Len Willems Chief of Consular Section Tel: (5) 8412219 (Ofc.) (5) 258831 (Res.) Friday, August 23 - in Hong Kong 8:30 a.m. BREAKFAST WITH AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mandarin Hotel 10:00 a.m. BRIEFING BY CONSUL GENERAL -9- Friday, August 23 (Continued) 11:30 a.m. MEETING WITH FINANCIAL SECRETARY SIR JOHN BREMRIDGE AND SECRETARY FOR TRADE AND INDUSTRY ERIC HO - to discuss economic and trade issues (Senators, Secretary Dole + 2 staff) 12:30 p.m. LUNCHEON HOSTED BY GOVERNOR YOUDE (Senators, Secretary Dole + 2 staff) LILY LEVIN INVITES WIVES FOR LUNCH at Consul General's Residence Optional: Sightseeing tour of Hong Kong by boat or vehicle 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. RECEPTION HOSTED BY CONSUL GENERAL LEVIN Repulse Bay residence (on way to Aberdeen) 7:00 p.m. SENATOR DOLE - TODAY SHOW (handwritten: Maria Ling 271-226, 274-687) P.M. Evening free -- suggest DINNER IN ABERDEEN on Jumbo or Tai Pak Floating Restaurant Actualities Saturday, August 24 7:00 p.m. Lv. Hong Kong 2 hrs 50 None 9:50 p.m. Ar. Beijing (Dinner served aboard) RON: DIAOYUTAI STATE GUEST HOUSE Per diem: $99 + $33 = $132 (Beijing) $75 + $33 = $108 (rest of China) Sunday, August 25 - Wednesday, August 28 In Peoples Republic of China - Awaiting recommended schedule from National Peoples Congress, Beijing Control Officer (Beijing): Darryl Johnson, Political Counselor Asst: Jeffrey Buczacki, Pol. Ofcr. Tel: 52-3831, Ext. 570 (Ofc.) 52-3463 (Res.) Control Officer (Shanghai): Stuart L. Spoede Chief, Administrative Section, Consulate General Tel: 379-880, Ext. 216 (Ofc.) 329-388, Ext. 24 (Res.) -10- Tentative Schedule within Peoples Republic of China: Sunday, August 25 Evening Welcome Banquet hosted by National Peoples Congress Monday, August 26 Morning - Short Embassy briefing Evening free for optional CODEL-Hosted reception Tuesday, August 27 Mid-day press conference (one hour) Afternoon departure by special plane for Chengdu (Trying to change to Jungjo, capital city of Henan Province, sister city of Kansas) Wednesday, August 28 Moving in Chengdu (or Henan) Afternoon departure for Shanghai Handwritten: Ag Teleconference? Meetings will be with Zheng Tuobin, Minister of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, but do not know which state leader would receive CODEL (expect answer approx. Aug. 15). Will include visits to Great Wall and Forbidden City. We have also requested demonstration of acupuncture. Thursday, August 29 12:00 noon Lv. Shanghai 2 hrs 30 +1 hr (Lunch served aboard) 3:30 p.m. Ar. Yokota AB, Japan (REFUEL) 5:00 p.m. Lv. Yokota AB 6 hrs 50 -17 hrs (Dinner served aboard) 6:50 a.m. Ar. Elmendorf AFB, Ala. (REFUEL AND BREAKFAST) 8:20 a.m. Lv. Elmendorf 6 hrs 40 +4 hrs (Lunch and dinner served aboard) 7:00 p.m. Ar. Andrews AFB Handwritten: Arrival Press UNITED STATES SENATE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC 20510 August 14, 1985 MEMORANDUM TO: CODEL DOLE STAFF MEMBERS FROM: JO-ANNE COE (signature) SUBJ: DELEGATION VISIT TO FAR EAST Attached for your information is the most recent update of our schedule for subject visit, as well as a listing of assignments for all staff members accompanying the delegation. The schedule, of course, is subject to change, and you will be provided updates as they occur. I would also like to bring the following matters to your attention, and, because of the large size of our group, it is essential that we have your full cooperation to facilitate the smooth running of the delegation visit. Please arrive 10 minutes early for all departures (both within each location and on departure from airports). We have seven Senators and their wives travelling with us on a very tight itinerary, and it is imperative that we keep to our schedule. We therefore cannot afford to keep the entire delegation waiting for one staff person. If you are late, you will miss the departure, and will be left to your own devices to catch up with the rest of the delegation. Please RSVP to Jan Novins or Bob Brown for all events for which your attendance is expected. This applies to both social events and official events. Unless Jan or Bob are advised to the contrary, it is implied that you will be expected to attend all events for which your name appears on the guest list. Shopping. I wish to emphasize again that shopping will be extremely limited on this trip, due to the severe shortage of storage space on the aircraft. Staff members will in all likelihood be limited to one box each, and you will have to make arrangements for any additional purchases to be shipped commercially back to the States. Individual Schedule of your Senator. If your Senator should depart from the schedule for the full delegation for private meetings, please advise Jan Novins, Bob Brown, or me, so that we will know the location of Members at all times in the event of a last-minute change in the master schedule or the need to contact your Senator for some other reason. Control Room. The Control Room will be manned at all times, on a rotating schedule. Specific individuals will be assigned this duty on a rotating basis, but additional volunteers will be happily received. CODEL DOLE STAFF ASSIGNMENTS BAKER, Jamie. Legislative Assistant to Senator Moynihan. Responsible for preparation of briefing material for full delegation for those meetings in which Senator Moynihan has been designated as Discussion Leader. BALDWIN, Elizabeth. Secretary to the Delegation. Available to perform secretarial work for all members of the delegation, and will be assigned on a rotating basis for duty in the Control Room. BURKE, Sheila. Deputy Chief of Staff to the Majority Leader. Responsible for coordination of all briefing material for the Leader and the delegation. BURRIDGE, Dean. Available for errands and miscellaneous administrative duties, but only after coordinating through Jo-Anne Coe or Joyce McCluney. COE, Jo-Anne. General logistic support of the delegation, including all scheduling items. Other miscellaneous support assistance as necessary. DEARMENT, Rod. Chief of Staff to the Majority Leader. Coordination of all briefing material and direction of Majority Leader's staff. GOLDMAN, Ira. Legislative Assistant to Senator Wilson. Responsible for preparation of briefing material for all members of delegation for those meetings in which Senator Wilson has been designated Discussion Leader. GORDLEY, John. Legislative Assistant to the Majority Leader. Responsible for coordination of all briefing material of an agriculture or trade nature. GREENE, Howard. Available for general support of and assistance to Senators and wives. JEWELL, Basil. Official photographer. Will be with delegation at all official functions, and available at other times after coordinating his availability with representatives of Majority Leader's office or Secretary of the Senate. JONES, Phil. Legislative Assistant to Senator Evans. Responsible for preparation of briefing material for full delegation for those meetings in which Senator Evans has been designated Discussion Leader. LAU, K.P. Legislative Assistant to Senator Domenici. Available to serve as Chinese interpreter in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. LEHN, Al. Legislative Assistant to the Majority Leader. Responsible for coordination of briefing material relating to foreign affairs and defense matters. LIGHTHIZER, Bob. Special Consultant to the Majority Leader. Consultant on all matters relating to international trade. MCCLUNEY, Joyce. Senior Secretary to the Delegation. Available for secretarial assistance to all members of the delegation, and will be assigned duty on a rotating basis in the Control Room. NOVINS, Jan. Director of Interparliamentary Services. In addition to general logistic support of the delegation, specifically responsible for all matters relating to finances, transportation, gifts to our hosts, and general protocol matters. RIKER, Walt. Press Secretary to the Majority Leader. Responsible for coordination of all press and media matters as they relate to the delegation, including coordinating scheduling of all press conferences, photo opportunities, etc. SHERWOOD, Susan. Office of the Secretary of the Senate. Will provide back-up support to Jan Novins, and additionally will be assigned duty on a rotating basis to the Control Room. MANIFEST - CODEL DOLE FAR EAST TRIP Senators: (14) Senator and Mrs. Bob Dole (Elizabeth) Senator and Mrs. Pete Domenici (Nancy) Senator and Mrs. James McClure (Louise) Senator and Mrs. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (Liz) Senator and Mrs. Bill Cohen (Diana) Senator and Mrs. Pete Wilson (Gayle) Senator and Mrs. Dan Evans (Nancy) (Will drop off in PRC) Officers of the Senate: (2) Jo-Anne Coe, Secretary of the Senate Howard Greene, Secretary for the Majority Staff: (16) Ambassador Robert Lighthizer, Special Consultant to the Majority Leader Rod DeArment, Chief of Staff, Ofc. of Maj. Ldr. Sheila Burke, Deputy Chief of Staff, Maj. Ldr. John Gordley, Ofc. of Majority Leader (Ag/Trade) Walt Riker, Press Secretary to the Maj. Ldr. Al Lehn, Office of the Majority Leader (Foreign Affairs and Defense) Jan Novins, Director, Ofc. of Interparliamentary Services, Ofc. of Secretary of the Senate Basil Jewell, Ofc. of Senate Sergeant at Arms Susan Sherwood, Ofc. of Secretary of the Senate Joyce McCluney, Secretary to Delegation Elizabeth Baldwin, Secretary to Delegation Dean Burridge, Ofc. of Secretary of the Senate K.P. Lau, L.A. to Senator Domenici Ira Goldman, L.A. to Senator Wilson Phil Jones, L.A. to Senator Evans James Baker, L.A. to Senator Moynihan White House: (1) Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Oglesby, Asst. to the President for Legislative Affairs DOT Staff: (4) Jenna Dorn, Dir., Ofc. of Commercial Space Transp. Matt Scocozza, Asst. Secty for Policy & Int'l Affairs (Will return commercially from Far East) Jennifer Hillings, Asst. Secty for Public Affairs Charlotte Ellis, Special Assistant to the Secretary (Will join in Tokyo) Military: (4) Lt. Col. Bob Brown, U.S. Army Senate Liaison Col. Charles Peck, U.S. Army Medical Corps SSGT Ron Starling SSGT Riddle TOTAL : 41