SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 1-7, 1985 MONDAY, APRIL 1 8:30 Hotel Washington SPEAK -Alabama Farm Bureau Main Ballroom 9:50 J. W. Marriott Grand Ballroom SPEAK-Inner Circle Mtg. 10:30 SH-141 or S-230 MTG. w/Judge Bill Treat 11:00 S-230 or SH-141 MTG. w/Chinese Amb. Zhang Wenjin (Dave arr.) 11:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Byrd 1:45 S-230 PHOTOS for Kiwanis 2:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Boren 1:30 SD-211 FINANCE COMM. (Briefing on unemploy. comp.) for staff 3:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. on Budget (Regan, Stockman, Friedersdorf, Taft, McFarlane & Senators) 4:00 S-230 Cap. PHOTOS for book on Capitol 5:30-7:30 Cap. Hill Club FR Recep. for Helen Bentley (Sen. a co-host) 7:45 Hay Adams Lafayette Room Sen. & Elizabeth host Inner Circle Dinner TUESDAY, APRIL 2 8:30 S-230 Cap. BKFST. MTG. w/Cochran, Helms, Boscswits, Stockman, Dunlop, Gordley & Hoagland (ag budget) 10:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (Exec.- US/Japan trade & unemploy. comp.) 12:10 East Front Lawn-Capitol Ribbon-cutting -Walk-America Kick-off for March of Dimes 12:30 S-207 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON 3:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. on ag budget (same as 8:30 group) 4:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. on budget (Regan, Stockman, Taft, Friedersdorf, etc. 6-7:30 S-116 Cap. Recep. by Murkowski for Assn. of S.E. Asian Nations Delegates 7:30 F Street Club SPEAK - Fay Improvement Co. Dinner Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of April 1-7, 1985 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3 8:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Chafee, Domenici, Hatch, Stockman & Stafford (student aid) 9:30-10:30 Cabinet Rm. W.HSE (NWGate) HOUSE/SENATE LDRSHIP MTG. W/PRES on budget & taxes 9:30 S-116 Cap. X44615 COFFEE for Pres. Betancour, Columbia (hosted by Dole, Lugar & Byrd) 12:00 SR-325 Arkansas Catfish Fry Luncheon by Bumpers & Boren (Sen. only - stop by) 2:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. on Budget (Regan, Stockman, et al) 2:45 S-230 Cap. MTG. on Budget (Regan, Stockman, et al) MTG. w/P.M. Ozal of Turkey 5:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/student aid group 5:30-7:30 Hyatt FR Recep. for Quayle (Sen. a co-host) 6-8:00 SD-106 RECEP. by Nat'l Challenge Comm. of Disabled (Judy B.) 6-8:00 SR-325 RECEP. for Gen. & Mrs. Westmoreland 6-8:00 JW Marriott Grand Ballroom RECEP. for Jean Kirkpatrick by Maureen Reagan & GOP Women's Political Action League 8:30 & 9 Regent Hotel Promenade Rm. RECEP & DINNER for Jean Kirkpatrick by Maureen Reagan (Sen. & Eliz.) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of April 1-7, 1985 Page 3. THURSDAY, APRIL 4 8:30 S-230 Cap. BKFT. w/Senators on budget 9:30 SR-328A AG COMM. (hrgs. on P.L. 480 & export issues) Following appointment handwritten: 11:00 hair appt. Following appointment crossed out: 11:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Lord Carrington, Sec'y Gen. of NATO Following appointment crossed out: 11:30-12:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Senators only on budget 12-1:00 SR-453 LUNCHEON by Boren for Martin Strange, tax expert on ag policy Following appointment handwritten: 12:30 S-207 Cap. Mtg. on Budget (Ldrship & working group) 2:00 S-207 Cap. MTG. on budget (Senators only) 5:30-7:00 S-207 Cap. RECEP. for Jean Kirkpatrick (Sen. host) FRIDAY, APRIL 5 RECESS BEGINS 8:00 am Senator departs Andrews SATURDAY, APRIL 6 SUNDAY, APRIL 7 EASTER April 4, 1985 #11 jn DELEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE ITINERARY FOR CODEL DOLE Friday, April 5 Fly Time Time Change 9:45 a.m. lv Andrews AFB 6 hr. 50 min. + 6 hrs. 10:35 p.m. ar London, England (breakfast and lunch served) Ambassador: Charles H. Price II Charge' d'Affaires: Raymond Seitz Control Officer: Edward W. Lollis, Energy Attache Hotel: Grosvenor House telephone: 01 499-6363 single: $82 double: $107 per diem: $116 exchange: 1 pound = $1.25 Saturday, April 6 10:00 a.m. tour of British Parliament (Senators, spouses, Officers of the Senate) 6:00 p.m. reception hosted by Nicholas Bethell, Member of the European Parliament and the House of Lords (Senators, spouses, Officers of the Senate) free for theatre or dinner Sunday, April 7 Church Services followed by trip to the Cotswolds and lunch at the home of Mrs. Joni Nelson, General Counsel to Republicans Abroad (Senators, spouses, Officers of the Senate) Monday, April 8 8 :30 a.m. meeting with Vice Admiral Robert F. Schoultz, Deputy CINCUSNAVEUR at U.S. Embassy 9-11:00 a.m. briefing by Charge d'Affaires Stephen J. Ledogar, U.S. Mission to NATO, and Charge d'Affaires William Barraclough, U.S. Mission to European Communities, at U.S. Embassy 11:00 a.m. lv for airport 12:00 noon lv London 55 min. + 1 hr. (light lunch served) 1:55 p.m. ar Paris, France Ambassador: Evan G. Galbraith Control Officer: Gillian Milanovich, Political Officer Hotel: Intercontinental telephone: 260-37-80 single: $95 double: $117 per diem: $115 exchange: 9 francs = $1.00 6:00 p.m. country team briefing and reception hosted by Ambassador Galbraith (entire Codel) free for dinner Tuesday, April 9 9:00 a.m. breakfast meeting with Ambassador Edward J. Streator, U.S. Representative to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); OECD Secretary General Paye will attend first half of the breakfast 10:30 a.m. meeting with Minister of Denfense Charles Hernu 11:30 a.m. meeting with Minister of Economy, Finance and Budget Pierre Beregovoy 12:30 p.m. meeting with President of the Senate Alain Poher followed by brief reception (Senators, spouses, Officers of the Senate Wednesday, April 10 9:00 a.m. lv Paris 55 min. no change (continental breakfast served) 9:55 a.m. ar Bonn, Germany Ambassador: Arthur Burns Control Officer: J. D. Bindenagel, Political Officer Hotel: Steigenberger telephone: (0228) 20191 single: $45 double: $65 per diem: $110 exchange: 3 marks = $1.00 10:30 a.m. country team briefing at hotel 12:00 noon meeting with Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher, followed by a luncheon (luncheon includes Senators, spouses, Officers of the Senate) 3:00 p.m. meeting with Minister of Defense Manfred Woerner 5:30-7:00 p.m. reception hosted by Ambassador Burns (entire Codel) Thursday, April 11 7:45 a.m. breakfast meeting with Minister of Economics Dr. Martin Bangemann at hotel 9:00 a.m. lv Bonn 2 hr. no change (breakfast served) 11:00 a.m. ar Rome, Italy Ambassador: Maxwell Rabb Charge' d'Affaires: John Holmes Control Officer: Charles Stout, Political Counselor Hotel: Hotel Ambasciatori telephone: 06 473.831 single: $50 double: $78 per diem: $117 exchange: 1,980 lire = $1.00 11:30 a.m. wreath-laying ceremony at Victor Emanuel Monument (equivalent to our Tomb of the Unknown Soldier) at Piazza Venezia (en route from airport) 12:30 p.m. country team briefing at Embassy (located immediately across the street from the hotel) Friday, April 12 10:30 a.m. tentative meeting with Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization Edwardo Saouma 12:00 noon meeting with Prime Minister Bettino Craxi 5:30 p.m. meeting with Defense Minister Giovanni Spadolini Saturday, April 13 9:00 a.m. meeting with Foreign Minister Giulio Andreotti 11:00 a.m. ON REQUEST private audience with Pope John Paul II 12:30 noon lv Rome 4 hr. 40 min. - 2 hr. (lunch served) 3:10 p.m. ar Keflavik AFB, Iceland Ambassador: Marshall Brement Control Officer: Dan Simpson, Deputy Chief of Mission refuel and briefing 4:10 p.m. lv Keflavik 6 hr.5 min. -5 hr. (dinner served) 5:15 p.m. ar Andrews AFB CODEL - DOLE TENTATIVE SCHEDULE Friday, April 5 8:00 a.m. LV. ANDREWS AFB Flight time: 6 hours, 50 minutes Time change: +6 hours (breakfast and lunch served on board) MANIFEST: Senator and Mrs. Bob Dole (Elizabeth) Senator Strom Thurmond Mrs. Martha Bishop (Senator Thurmond's sister) Senator Paul Laxalt Senator and Mrs. Thad Cochran (Rose) Senator and Mrs. Larry Pressler (Harriet) Senator Paula and Mr. Gene Hawkins Mrs. James (Louise) McClure (NOTE: Senator McClure will arrive London at 9:40 a.m., Saturday Morning, on American Airlines #50) Secretary of the Senate Jo-Anne L. Coe Secretary for the Majority Howard O. Greene, Jr. Ms. Pamela J. Turner, Dep. Asst. to the President for Legislative Affairs (Senate) Ms. Jenna Dorn, Director, Office of Commercial Space Transportation, Department of Transportation Mrs. Rebecca Range, Counsellor to the Secretary of Transportation Mr. Al Lehn, Department of State Mr. Robert Dove, Senate Parliamentarian Ms. Jan Novins, Director, Interparliamentary Services Ms. Sheila Burke, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Majority Leader Mr. Walt Riker, Press Secretary to the Majority Leader Mr. Alan Porter, Staff Assistant Ms. Linda White, Admin. Asst. to the Secretary of the Senate Miss Elizabeth Meyer, Executive Asst. to Senator Dole Miss Elizabeth Baldwin, Office of the Secretary for the Majority Mr. Dean Burridge, Assistant to the Majority Leader Lt. Col. Robert Brown, U.S. Army Senate Liaison Lt. Col. Robert "Bo" Bludworth, U.S. Army Senate Liaison Col. Charles Peck, Army Medical Corps Two NCO's to be named CODEL - DOLE SCHEDULE Saturday, April 6 NOTE: If your name does not appear on lists for specific functions, the schedule does not apply to you. 10:10 am Following members and staff assemble in Control Room: Senator Dole Senator Thurmond Mrs. Bishop Senator and Mrs. Cochran Senator and Mrs. Pressler Howard Greene Bob Dove Pam Turner Walt Riker Alan Porter Betty Meyer Linda White Bo Bludworth Elizabeth Baldwin Dean Burridge 10:30 am Arrive Westminster Palace Met by: Jo-Anne Coe Simon C. Coombs, Member of Parliament (Coe son-in-law) & Kathryn Coe Coombs for VIP tour of House of Commons and House of Lords 11:30 am Tour concludes 11:30 am-6:00 pm Open 6:00 pm All Senators, wives, Officers of the Senate, Jan Novins and Alan Porter meet in Control Room for escort to: 6:00 pm-8:00 pm Reception hosted by Lord Nicholas Bethell, Member of European Parliament and Member, British House of Lords - Bethell residence 7:30 pm Dinner - Claridge Hotel Restaurant Senator & Mrs. Dole Senator & Mrs. Pressler Senator Thurmond Senator & Mrs. McClure Mrs. Bishop Senator Laxalt (reservations have been requested) RON Grosvenor Hotel MEMORANDUM TO: Codel Dole FROM: Jan Novins RE: Schedule for Sunday, April 7 9:50 a.m. assemble in control room 9:55 a.m. lv. hotel by bus (entire Codel) 10:10 a.m. ar. Westminster Abbey (we have reserved seats, but must be in place early) 10:30 a.m. Easter Service - procession with sung Eucharist and Holy Communion 12 noon lv. for "Home Close," country home of Mrs. Joni Lysett Nelson in Sibford Ferris (between Banbury and Clipping Norton) (Senators, spouses, Coe, Novins, Burke, Turner, Range, Dorn, Porter, Bludworth or Brown) 2:00 p.m. informal buffet luncheon at "Home Close" 4:00 p.m. lv. for London with drive through Oxford 6:00 p.m. (approximately) ar. hotel free for dinner (restaurant in our hotel will be open, but many restaurants will be closed) BAGGAGE CALL IS AT 9:00 a.m. Please place your luggage in the hall outside your room. MEMORANDUM TO: Codel Dole FROM: Jan Novins RE: Schedule for Monday, April 8 8:20 a.m. assembly in Control Room to walk to the U.S. Embassy (Senators, staff; spouses are welcome) 8:30 a.m. briefing by Vice Admiral Robert F. Schoultz, Deputy CINCUSNAVEUR 9:00 a.m. briefing by Charge d'Affaires Stephen J. Ledogar, U.S. Mission to NATO, Brussels 10:00 a.m. briefing by Charge d'Affaires William Barraclough, U.S. Mission to the European Communities, Brussels 10:50 a.m. staff and spouses not attending briefings assemble in Control Room and move downstairs to board bus. 11:00 a.m. Senators and others at briefings board the bus 11:45 a.m. Arrive Heathrow 12:00 Noon Leave London 55 min +1 hour (light lunch served) 1:55 p.m. arrive Paris, France Ambassador: Evan G. Galbraith Control Officer: Gillian Milanovich, Political Officer Hotel: Intercontinental telephone: 260-37-80 single: $95 double: $117 per diem: $115 exchange: 9 francs = $1.00 3:00 p.m. (approx.) lv. hotel for City Tour of Paris with Mrs. Frazier (Howell) Draper 4:30 p.m. (approx.) Arr. hotel 6:00 p.m. country tema briefing and reception hosted by Ambassador Galbraith at his residence (entire Codel) 7:30 p.m. Lv. residence 7:45 p.m. Arr. Le Coupe Chou (Senators and spouses, Coe, Greene, Baldwin, Burke, Meyer, Novins, Porter, White, Brown, Bludworth, Peck) (cost will be 220 francs - approx. $24; others may sign up with Jan if they wish, en route to Paris) 10:00 p.m. (approx.) return to hotel MEMORANDUM TO: Codel Dole FROM: Jan Novins RE: Schedule for Tuesday, April 9 8:25 a.m. Senators and designated staff leave hotel 8:40 a.m. Breakfast/briefing hosted by Ambassador Edward Streator 10:00 a.m. lv. for Minsitry of Defense 10:30 a.m. Meeting with Defense Minister Charles Hernu 11:15 a.m. lv. for Ministry of Economics and Finance 11:30 a.m. Meeting with Economics and Finance Minister Pierre Beregovoy 12:15 p.m. lv. for Senate 12:30 p.m. Meeting with President of the Senate Alain Poher 1:00 p.m. Reception hosted by Senator Poher 1:30 p.m. lv. for Pied de Cochon for ala carte lunch 9:45 a.m. Senators' wives and staff assemble in Control Room to visit commissary and other points with Mrs. Howell Draper 12 noon Senators wives, Coe, Greene leave for Senate 12:30 p.m. tour of Senate 1:00 p.m. reception hosted by Senator Poher 1:30 p.m. lv. for Pied de Cochon where reservations have been made for ala carte lunch free in afternoon and evening 8:00 p.m. asseble in Control Room (if you have signed up for the Lido) and depart via bus CODEL DOLE - APRIL 8-10, 1985 Paris Monday, April 8 1355 Arrival Le Bourget Airport, met by Acting Deputy Chief of Mission Adrian Basora Transfer to Hotel Intercontinental 1530 Sightseeing tour of central Paris by bus 1700 Return to hotel 1800 Briefing and in-house cocktail reception hosted by Ambassador Galbraith at his Residence 2000 Remainder of evening free for individual dinner arrangements Tuesday, April 9 8:15 Senators, officers of the Senate and two staff members depart hotel 8:30 Breakfast/briefing at Ambassador Streator's residence hosted by the Ambassador. OECD Secretary General Jean-Claude Paye will attend 1000 Depart Ambassador Streator's residence for Ministry of Defense 1030 Meeting with Defense Minister Charles Hernu 1115 Depart Ministry of Defense for Economic and Finance Ministry 1130 Meeting with Economics and Finance Minister Pierre Beregovoy 1215 Depart Ministry of Economics and Finance for Senate 1230 Meeting with Senate President Alain Poher (and possibly Senator Etienne Dailly, President of the Senate Franco-American Friendship Group) 1230 Spouses, officers of the Senate and interested staff arrive at Senate for brief tour 1300 Meeting with President Poher ends, spouses' tour ends. Reception for all hosted by Senator Poher -2- 1345 Reception concludes Senators, spouses and officers of the Senate depart Senate for nearby restaurant for pre-arranged lunch. Remainder of afternoon free Staff members free for remainder of the day and evening 2000 Evening free for individual dinner arrangements Wednesday, April 10 7:00 Baggage call 8:15 Entire delegation departs hotel by bus for Le Bourget airport 9:00 Wheels up 5:30 p.m. Wednesday April 10/85 VISIT OF CODEL DOLE ROME, ITALY APRIL 10-13, 1985 Wednesday, April 10, 1985 9:00 p.m. Arrive at Rome's Ciampino airport. Met by Ambassador Maxwell M. Rabb, Control Officer Charles R. Stout (Political Counselor) and Administrative Control Officer Marisa R. Lino (Administrative Officer). 9:30 p.m. Arrive at Ambasciatori Hotel, Via Veneto 70, tel. 473-831. Control Room is Suite 414-6. Cashier will be available until 11:00 p.m. Per diem envelopes will be ready to be picked up. Rest of evening free. Thursday, April 11, 1985 11:30 a.m. Depart Embassy for Tomb of Unknown Soldier. 11:45 a.m. Wreath-laying Ceremony at tomb, Piazza Venezia. Press alerted. Charge' John Holmes, Political Counselor Charles Stout and Defense Attache' Capt. Richard Charles will accompany. 12:00 noon Return to Embassy for briefing. 12:15 p.m. Embassy briefing in round conference room on Political, Economic and Security situation; Ambassador Fenwick, Charge' Holmes, Political Counselor Stout, Political/Military Counselor Peter Semler, Economic Counselor Alfred White. DCM Murphy and William Barnes, USIS, from Vatican Embassy. Agriculture Counselor James Rudbeck and Treasury Attache Llewellyn P. Pascoe will be available to answer questions. Afternoon and evening free. Friday, April 12, 1985 (Possible meeting at FAO with IFAD President Iriss Jazairy) 9:45 a.m. (Tentative: Mrs. Dole departs for meeting with Minister of Transportation Claudio Signorile accompanied by Charge' Holmes, Mr. Hengel, Ms. Range, Ms. Dorn.) 8:30 a.m. Friday, April 11/85 VISIT OF CODEL DOLE ROME, ITALY APRIL 10-13, 1985 Friday, April 12, 1985 9:45 a.m. Mrs. Dole departs for meeting with Minister of Transportation Claudio Signorile accompanied by Charge' Holmes, Mr. White, Ms. Range, Ms. Dorn. 10:00 a.m. Meeting with Minister of Transportation. 10:05 a.m. Depart hotel for FAO. Senators plus Senate Officer Coe or Greene, note taker, Mr. Porter, Ambassador Fenwick. 10:30 a.m. Meeting with FAO Director General Saouma. 11:30-11:40 a.m. Depart for Prime Minister's Office, Palazzo Chigi, Piazza Colonna. Charge' Holmes and Political Counselor Stout will meet on arrival. (Those who did not attend the meeting at FAO will depart from the hotel.) 12 noon Meeting with Prime Minister, Bettino Craxi (President of the Council of Ministers). 1:00 p.m. Depart Palazzo Chigi for hotel. Lunch open. 5:15 p.m. Depart hotel for Ministry of Defense. Charge' Holmes and Political/Military Counselor Semler will accompany. 17:30 p.m. Meeting with Minister of Defense, Giovanni Spadolini. 18:15-18:30 a.m. Depart Ministry of Defense for hotel. Evening free. REVISED CODEL DOLE SCHEDULE - Saturday, April 13 8:30 a.m. Depart Ambasciatori Hotel for the Foreign Ministry. (Members and selected staff) Charge' and Political Counselor will accompany. (This group should have baggage outside room prior to 8:30 am departure.) (9:00 a.m.) Baggage call for the rest of the group. 9:00 a.m. Senator Dole - 10 minute pivate meeting with Foreign Minister Guilio Andreotti. Meeting with Foreign Minister Andreotti and all Senators and Al Lehn. 10:00 a.m. Entire Codel joins group at Foreign Ministry for presentation to Senator Dole of a Municipal Medal by Castel d'Aiano Mayor Giorgio Chiari, followed by presentation of medal from the Republic of Italy by Foreign Minister Andreotti. BRIEF REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 10:30 a.m. Stop en route at Gianicolo Hill for photo of CODEL with City of Rome as a backdrop (TIME PERMITTING) 11:00 a.m. Arrive American Embassy to the Holy See. CODEL will be escorted from Embassy to: 11:40 a.m. Audience with Pope John Paull II (SEE ATTACHED) (Remarks by Pope) BRIEF REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE 12:10 p.m. Depart Vatican City PRESS CONFERENCE (Time and location to be announced) 1:15 p.m. Depart Rome Flight time: 4 hours 40 minutes Time change: -2 hours 3:55 p.m. Arrive Keflavik AFB, Iceland Refuel 4:55 p.m. Depart Keflavik Flight time: 6 hours 5 minutes Time change: -5 hours 6:00 p.m. Arrive Andrews AFB SCENARIO FOR AUDIENCE WITH POPE JOHN PAUL II (The Pope may be addressed either as Holy Father or Your Holiness) We will offload from the buses at Vatican City at 11:00 a.m., and will be met by Mr. Nigro from our American Embassy to the Vatican. CODEL will then be escorted to the Bronze Door, for arrival at 11:10, and will be met by Ambassador Bill Wilson, who will conduct the party to the room where the audience is to be held. There will be an anteroom where large purses, coats, umbrellas, etc. can be left. On entering the room for the audience, we will form in the shape of a horseshoe -- with the Papal Throne in the center of the opening to the horseshoe. The Pope will enter from the upper left of the horseshoe. At the upper left of the horseshoe, our group will assemble with Ambassador Wilson at the top, followed by Senator and Mrs. Dole, then Senator Laxalt -- other Senators and wives may line up in any order they wish, followed by the staff. Ambassador Wilson greets the Pope and presents him to Senator Dole and the Pope and Senator Dole will go around the horseshoe, with Senator Dole introducing each member of our party. Pope will shake everyone's hands -- you may genuflect, bow or curtsy and kiss his ring (but this is not required) . Photographs will be taken -- cost to each individual is 5,000 lire. Must be paid in advance (on debarking from the bus), so will appreciate your getting these funds to Jan or Jo-Anne this evening. Pope will then go to the Throne. Senator Dole at this point steps up to the microphone and makes brief remarks. After the Dole remarks, the Pope will rise and come down to Senator Dole and shake hands. He then blesses the group and leaves. Our group simply turns around and departs at this time. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 15-21, 1985 MONDAY, APRIL 15 8:30 JW Marriott SPEAK - Associated Specialty Contractors Legis. Conference Salons 1 & 2 Grand Ballroom Level 10:30-12:15 SD-106 RECEP. & BRUNCH by Citizens for the Republic (for their major donors) (Lyn N. asked if you could stop by) 12-1:15 S-230 Cap LUNCHEON w/Sen. Ldrship. 4:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Regan, Stockman, Oglesby, & Domenici 5:30-7:30 2168 RHOB Recept. by Nat'l Council of Independent Living Programs (Judy B.) TUESDAY, APRIL 16 8:15 Quality Inn-Cabinet Rm. SPEAK - Bkfst. w/reporters sponsored by CQ 9:30-10:30 Cabinet Rm. - W. Hse. GOP Ldrship Mtg. w/Pres. on budget & Nicaragua (BE THERE BY 9:15) (NW Gate) 10:40 Wash. Hilton SPEAK - Building Trades Conference Int'l Ballroom 11:40 Hyatt-Valley Forge Room SPEAK - Iowa Bankers 12:00 S-230 Cap. GOP Leadership Mtg. 12:30 S-207 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON 2:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Howard Baker & Nick Brady re "junk bond" take-over legis. 2:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Lou Sussman, Thompson & Mitchell law firm - St. Louis (per Danforth's request) 2:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. on ag budget 3:30 RM. 450 OMB SPEAK - Budget Briefing to Bus. group 5-6:30 S-207 Cap. PAC Mtg. in behalf of President's Dinner on May 16 (stop by) 6:30 & 7:30 Capitol Hilton RECEP. & Testimonial Dinner for Jeane Kirkpatrick (Sen. an Hon. Co-Chairman - stop by recep.) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of April 15-21, 1985 Page 2. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17 8:00 H-130 Cap. SPEAK - House groups (Chowder & Marching & Soc. of Statesmen (Julie X52915) 9:30 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (prospective payment) 11:15 SH-141 INT. w/Horace Busby 12-2:00 SD-106 LUNCHEON by Sen. Ford for winners of Kentucky Fried Chicken/Good House - keeping "Salute to Mothers" greeting card contest (photo w/Ks. winner) 12:30 Sen. Dining Rm. - Cap. LUNCHEON w/4 Ks. 4-Her's (Mark S. - Senator - photo) 12:45 Hyatt Reg. SPEAK - Ad Hoc Comm. for Western Utilities (Bonnie Bishop 857-9827) Glacier Rm. (2nd Floor) 1:00 Sen. Dining Rm. - Cap. PHOTO w/Ks. 4-Her's 2:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Dale Van Etta (J.A. Ofc) 2:15 S-230 Cap. INT. w/Karen Heller, USA Today tent. 2:40 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Mayor Ray Flynn, Boston following appointment handwritten: 3:15 S-230 Cap. Mtg. w/Don Fortier, Dep. Asst. to Bud (illegible) re aid to (illegible) 4:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. on Urban Mass Transit budget 5-7:00 S-207 Cap. RECEP. by Catholic Health Assn. (Ksns. attndg.) Sheila Burke 5:30-7:30 SD-151 RECEP. by Standing Comm. of Press Photographers (Walt/Scott Dale) 5:30-7:30 SD-106 RECEP. by Inst. of Scrap Iron & Steel 6-8 Sewell-Belmont House - RECEP. for US Holocaust Museum Camp. (Sen. & Eliz. co-hosts) 144 Constitution, NE 7:00 Avalon Theater - 5612 RECEP. before screening of "KILLING FIELDS" Conn. Ave, NW 7:30 Vista Hotel Ballroom SPEAK - Nat'l Multiple Sclerosis Society (Judy B. arr.) 8:15 Four Seasons SPEAK - Auto Importers Assn. Grand Ballroom (lower level) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of April 15-21, 1985 Page 3. THURSDAY, APRIL 18 8-10:00 SD-628 BKFST. & Preview of Holocaust Museum (Sen. & Eliz. co-hosts) 8:00 SDG-18 & 19 BKFST. by Comm. for Responsible Federal Budget 9547-4484) 9:30 S-407 Cap. BRIEFING by Shultz on Nicaragua (Senators only) 10:30 S-116 Cap. WORKING COFFEE w/Pres. Bendjedid of Algeria 10:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/former Pres. Ford & GOP Ldrship following appointment handwritten: 12:30 Sen. Recep. Room Photo w/Armenian Archbishop Mesrob Ashjion (illegible) following appointment crossed out: 11-12:00 W. Hse MTG. w/Pres. & budget group 12:00 Capitol Rotunda 40th Anniv. Commemoration of concentration camp liberation 12:30 S-126 Cap. LUNCHEON - Ldrship & Comm. Chrmn. on budget 2:00-3:00 US Chamber-1615 H St,NW REP. CONF. Satellite taping 4:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. on Medical Educ. & Social Welfare portion of budget 5:30-7:30 1st Fl. Foyer RECEP. by Nat'l Telephone Coop Assn. (Ed) 6-7 W. Hse-State Dining Rm. MTG. w/Pres. on budget (budget group) East Visitors Gate FRIDAY, APRIL 19 10:30 SD-215 Health Subc. (PRO) 12:00 Muehlebach Kansas City Committee of One Luncheon (Rec. "Patriot of Year" Award) SATURDAY, APRIL 20 In Kansas - separate schedule SUNDAY, APRIL 21 11:50 NBC car will pick you up at W.G. So. 12:10 Arr. NBC - 4000 Neb. Ave., NW 12:30 On MEET THE PRESS 4:30 W. Hse - NW Gate Mtg. w/Don Regan et al (go to West Lobby) 5:00 W. House - Cabinet Rm. Mtg. on Nicaragua NW Gate Revised: 10:00 a.m. 4-19-85/jb KANSAS SCHEDULE APRIL 19-20, 1985 FRIDAY, April 19 7:15 a.m. EST Depart Watergate 7:45 a.m. Depart Andrews AFB via Military Plane (C-140) with: Dave Cordova, Walt Riker & Lt. Col. Bo Bludworth. 9:15 a.m. Arrive Fort Leavenworth. Military will provide necessary transportation on base. 9:45 a.m. SPEAK -- COMMAND AND GENERAL STAFF COLLEGE Main Auditorium CONTACT: Col. Fred Marty (913) 684-2761 or -2765. 10:45 a.m. GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY for Visiting Officers Quarters 11:15 a.m. Depart Fort Leavenworth for Kansas City. Gail will drive you and Walt to Radisson Muehlebach. Military car will be there for Dave and Bludworth. 12:00 noon-12:20 p.m. PRESS AVAILABILITY - Colonial Foyer, Radisson Muehlebach (816) 471-1400. 12:45 p.m. PATRIOT OF THE YEAR AWARD LUNCHEON -- REMARKS Imperial Ballroom, Radisson Muehlebach CONTACT: Harry Woodward (816) 474-7517 1:15 p.m. Private meeting with Bill Grant and Archie Dykes. Presidential Suite, Radisson Muehlebach. Meeting confirmed by Petersen; Belas has details. 1:30 p.m. GREATER KANSAS CITY ALLIANCE OF BUSINESS Stop by/Brief remarks -- Plains Region seminar, Radisson Muehlebach. Jack will meet you in Lobby. CONTACT: Jack McCarthy (816) 842-5177. 2:00 p.m. Depart Radisson Muehlebach for Olathe Holiday Inn. John Petersen will drive you. 2:45 p.m. LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS STATE CONVENTION -- REMARKS/Q&A Olathe Holiday Inn, 101 W. 151st St. (913) 829-4000 CONTACT: Nancy Scott, President (316) 942-3724 Lisa Larkin (913) 354-7478 3:15 p.m. Depart Holiday Inn for Marriott Hotel, Overland Park. John Petersen will drive you. Revised -- 10:00 a.m. 4-19-85/jb APRIL 19 (Continued) 3:30 p.m. JOHNSON COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION SEMINAR -- Stop by -- Brief Remarks. Marriott Hotel, 10800 Metcalf Ave., Overland Park (913) 451-8000, Salons E thru J. CONTACT: Richard Merker, President (913) 888-1000 Richard Byrum, Seminar Chmn. (913) 381-8180 4:00 p.m. Depart Marriott Hotel for Kansas City Municipal Airport. John Petersen will drive you. 4:30 p.m. Depart Executive Beechcraft, Kansas City Municipal (816) 842-8484 -- Saberliner Jet, Tail #1909R CONTACT: Helen Schubert, BMA (816) 753-8000 Pilot: Mike Jonnes Co-Pilot: Michael Eppright 5:15 p.m. Arrive Hutchinson Airport (316) 662-9344. Steve Coen will meet you and take you to Cessna Activity Center. 5:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m. PRESS CONFERENCE, Conference Room, Cessna Activity Center, 3201 E. 4th (316) 669-8921. ***NOTE: Mrs. Patty Foss, General Chairman of Child Safety Day, which we are co-sponsoring, will be there to be introduced and to add details. Zanet Massatt and her teacher, Karen Cole, will be there to meet you. Zanet won the Kansas History Day Contest Regionals. 6:00 p.m.-6:15 p.m. Brief meeting with John Mollett and associates, Life Underwriters. Front Conference Room, Cessna Activity Center. John Mollett: (316) 663-9173. 6:20 p.m. HUTCHINSON HEIGHTS FUND-RAISING DINNER People will be arriving; you can greet them before the dinner. 6:30 p.m. SPEAK -- you will make remarks before dinner is served. Bob Gilliland, Chairman of the Campaign, will introduce you. CONTACT: Virginia Hulet (316) 663-2911, Bob Gilliland (316) 662-0537. 7:05 p.m. Depart Activity Center for Hutchinson Airport. Steve Coen will drive you. 7:15 p.m. Depart Hutchinson Airport -- Saberliner Jet #1909R. 7:40 p.m. Arrive Executive Beechcraft, Kansas City Municipal (816) 842-8484. Kim Wells will drive you. 8:00 p.m. DINNER - The River Club, 611 W. 8th (816) 221-5353 CONTACT: Ned Riss (816) 471-3400 (O) (913) 362-3840 (H) Kim will drive you to Alameda following the dinner. RON: ALAMEDA PLAZA (816) 756-1500 Senator Dole, Walt Riker and Lt. Col. Bludworth Revised: 10:00 a.m. 4-19-85/jb SATURDAY, April 20 8:15 a.m. Private meeting with Hank Salisbury, Bill Deramus and Landon Roland (Kansas City Southern & Norfolk Southern) in your suite at Alameda. CONTACT: Hank Salisbury (816) 556-0337 8:45 a.m. Depart Alameda for Security National Bank. John Petersen will drive you. 9:00 a.m. COFFEE & DONUT RECEPTION, Lobby of Security National Bank, 7th & Minnesota (913) 281-3165. (Sponsored by Kansas City, Kansas Chamber and Downtown KC, KS Association.) CONTACT: Tom Overby (913) 371-0065 9:40 a.m. RIBBON-CUTTING CEREMONY - EPA Office, 726 Minnesota CONTACT: Morris Kay (913) 236-2800. 10:00 a.m. PARADE -- DOWNTOWN KANSAS CITY, KANSAS PRIDE DAY (Sponsored by Downtown KC, KS Business Association). Your convertible is first car; parade route down Minnesota from 11th Street to 6th Street. 10:25 a.m. Arrive for OPEN HOUSE at Kansas City Office, 636 Minnesota. In progress 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.; coffee, punch, and cookies. Staff plus Republican women volunteers: Midge Harris, Jean Tennant, Willa May Fleming, Mary Beard, Ellen Bailey, Chris Bailey, Phyllis Perrill. PHONE: (913) 371-6108 11:15 a.m. Depart Kansas City Office for Kansas City Municipal. John Petersen will drive you. 11:30 a.m. Depart Executive Beechcraft, Kansas City Municipal for Manhattan. Cessna Turbo N818PL (KP&L). CONTACT: Cathleen Cox (913) 296-6406 Pilot: Bruce Anderson Co-Pilot: Nelson Krueger 12:00 Noon Arrive Manhattan Airport (913) 539-7623. Frank Mosier will drive you. FRANK: (913) 539-4988 (H). 12:10 p.m. Arrive Manhattan Holidome, 539 Richards Drive, (913) 539-5311. **USE CONVENTION CENTER ENTRANCE. Dave Furnas, Huck Boyd and John Stauffer will meet you at entrance. Luncheon begins at 11:30; Dave Farney, Wall Street Journal Bureau Chief, will be speaking when you arrive. 12:15 p.m. SPEAK -- KANSAS PRESS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION Regency Room, Holidome. CONTACT: Dave Furnas (913) 233-7421. Huck or Jiggs Morford, President, KPA, will introduce you. Revised: 10:00 a.m. 4-19-85/jb APRIL 20, 1985 (Continued) 1:00 p.m. Depart Holidome for Manhattan Airport. Frank Mosier will drive you. 1:15 p.m. Depart Manhattan Airport for Andrews AFB via Military plane. 4:45 p.m. EST Arrive Andrews AFB. DINNER GUESTS, Friday, April 19 -- THE RIVER CLUB, 8:00 p.m. FRED MERRILL (913) 262-1121 ROY EDWARDS (913) 342-3552 ART BROOKFIELD (816) 474-4343 WALT MC GINNIS (913) 648-8680 ROBERT FOTHERGILL (913) 342-1221 BILL CLARKSON (D) (816) 483-8800 JAY BRIEDENTHAL (D) (913) 281-3165 FRED BRAMLAGE (913) 238-6137 DAVE OWEN (913) 897-3853 KIM WELLS (816) 221-1000 BOB & NED RISS (816) 471-3400 BILL GRANT (816) 753-8000 JIM PENDLETON (816) 221-4200 JOHN LOCKTON III (913) 381-3100 JOHN KREAMER (816) 474-6460 (Possible) Wayne Bower - Integrated Resources (handwritten) INVITED BUT COULD NOT ATTEND DUE TO PRIOR COMMITMENTS MILLER NICHOLS (816) 561-3456 DWIGHT SUTHERLAND (816) 756-3000 RAY EVANS (913) 362-2828 MARVIN RAINEY (D) (913) 341-5280 JIM HALE (816) 234-4141 EWING KAUFMANN (816) 363-4900 DON HALL, JR. (816) 274-5111 ED HAWES (Glacier Petroleum -- Invited by Dave Owen) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of April 22-28, 1985 MONDAY, APRIL 22 9:30 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (hrgs. on tax treatment of hostile take-overs) 10:00 W. Hse - Situation Rm. MTG. w/Friedersdorf et al (S.W. Gate) following appointment crossed out and marked cancelled: 10:15 Vista Hotel Ballroom SPEAK - Congressional Committee 11:30 W. Hse - Cabinet Rm. MTG. w/Pres. on Nicaragua (Ldrship) following appointment crossed out and marked cancelled: 12:00 Hotel Washington SPEAK - Newspaper Farm Editors Assn. Sky Room 12:30 S-207 or S-126 LUNCHEON - Budget group 4:00 S-407 Cap. Arms Control Observer Briefing by Amb. Nitze 5:30-7:30 2175 RHOB RECEP. by State Rehabilitation Directors (Judy B.) 5:30-7:30 SR-342 RECEP. by Assn. for Retarded Citizens (Judy B.) 6-8 Ballroom RECEP. by Am. Dental Assn. (Sheila B.) L'Enfant Plaza Hotel following appointment crossed out and marked cancelled: 6:45 Wash. Hilton SPEAK - Nat'l Assn. of Realtors Int'l Ballroom Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of April 22-28, 1985 Page 2 TUESDAY, APRIL 23 8:00 Hyatt Reg. SPEAK - Nat'l Marine Mfrs. Hall of Battles (1 floor down) 8:40 2359 RHOB SPEAK - Queens, NY, Chamber (for Cong. Addabbo) 10:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Domenici 11:15 S-230 Cap. PHOTO & Brief Mtg. w/Midwest Energy Co. Bd. (Grassley's request) 11:15 S-230 Cap. PHOTO w/Jim Turner & KS. S&L members (Rick Holt) 11:00 SH-141 Conf. Rm. John P. Mtg. w/KS Realtors (will have photographer) did photo & brief mtg. in S-230 Cap. 11:45 S-230 Cap. CHAIRMEN's MTG. 12:30 S-207 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON 2:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Domenici & D'Amato 2:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Weicker 3:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Simpson, Domenici, Hatifield, Laxalt, McClure, Armstrong, Gorton & Stockman on budget 4:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. - Core group on budget (above, plus Cochran, Chafee, Heinz, Thurmond, Danforth, Packwood, Quayle, Stevens & Kassebaum) 6-8 Hyatt Reg. Ballroom RECEP. by McDonald's (Members & family only) Les Gerig, Ks. 6-8 Botanic Gardens RECEP. by Kennedy for Nat'l Medal of Arts Recipients (X44545) 7-8 S-230 Cap. RECEP. for Garn on his return from space flight WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24 7:00 Dep. W.G. So. 7:10 on TODAY SHOW NBC - 4000 Nebr. Ave., N.W. 7:45 1025 Conn. Ave. NW WALL STREET JOURNAL BKFST Suite 800 betw. 10 & 3:00 S-126 Cap. Signing Ceremony for Members & Staff for Organ Donations 11-1:00 Old Sen. Chamber-Cap. MTG. of all GOP Sens & Stockman on budget 2:00 Senate Floor COMPOSITE PHOTO of Senate 1:00 S-120 Cap. SPEAK - Steering Comm. Luncheon (Lunch is at 12:30) 3:30 S-230 Cap. BUDGET MTG. - Dole, Domenici, Hatfield, Andrews, Weicker, Mathias & Stockman 4:00 SD-562 SPEAK briefly - Calif. Ag Education Foundation (Sen. Wilson's group) (Carolyn Reynolds X45422) 5-7:00 S-207 Cap. RECEP. by Am. Protestant Health Assn. (Sheila Burke) 5:30-7:30 B-369 RHOB RECEP. on 70th Anniv. of Armenian Genocide (Dave/Al) 6 & 7:00 Sheraton Grand Ballroom RECEP & DINNER by Nat'l Assn. of Convenience Stores (578-1800) 6:30-7:15 Capitol Hilton Recep. - Cong Rm. 7:30 dinner Presidential Ballroom TOASTMASTER - Clemson U. Dinner Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of April 22-28, 1985 Page 3 THURSDAY, APRIL 25 8:30 S-230 Cap. BKFST. Mtg. - House/Senate Leadership 9:30 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (Superfund reauth.) 10-11:00 S-205 Cap. MTG. w/Farm Women's Forum (Mark/John G.) 10:00 SD-406 PRESS CONF. - w/Business Coalition 10:30 SR-301 RULES COMM. (funding res. for FY '85) 10:30 S-230 Cap. REA Budget Mtg. 11:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. on budget w/Domenici, Chafee, Hatfield, & Mathias 12:00 S-138 Cap. LUNCHEON by Domenici for business leaders from Clovis, N.M. (stop by) 12:30-2:15 S-207 Cap. LUNCHEON MTG. of EMF Fdn. (int'l CEO's) stop by following appointment crossed out and marked cancelled: 1:15 Hyatt Reg. Yorktown Rm. SPEAK - Nat'l Assn. of Women Business Owners (466-7000) Sheila Bair & Ges. (illegible) 2:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Cohen 2:10 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Sen. Byrd 5-7:00 9th Fl. - Hart Bld RECEP. by Land O'Lakes (Mark/John G) 6-8 University Club RECEP. by North Am. Export Grain Comm. (John G/Mark) 1135-16th St, NW Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of April 22-28, 1985 Page 4 FRIDAY, APRIL 26 9:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (Superfund reauth) 12-2:00 S-207 Cap. LUNCHEON for Sen. Dole by Asian Indian Orgn. (Jan Pillai, etc.) 4:30 W. Hse - Oval Ofc SIGNING CEREMONY - Fair Housing Month legis. (Amy 456-6782) (NW Gate) 6 & 7:00 Wash. Hilton SPEAK - United Cerebral Palsy Dinner (Judy B. doing talking points) Int'l Ballroom SATURDAY, APRIL 27 Florida SUNDAY, APRIL 28 6:00 pm Boca Raton, Fl. SPEAK - Reserve Bankers Assn. Boca Raton Hotel Camino Hall RETURN TO D.C.