SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF DECEMBER 31-JANUARY 6, 1985 MONDAY, DECEMBER 31 in Florida TUESDAY, JANUARY 1 New Year's Day 2:06 pm Depart Miami - Eastern # 136 4:19 pm Arrive National Airport WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2 1:30 SD 215 Finance Comm. Mtg. (hrg. on economic impact of Admin. spending cuts) 3:00 SD-210 MTG. w/Mattingly, Quayle, Vastine, Greene, Rod THURSDAY, JANUARY 3 9:30 S-207 Cap. Republican Conference (photo to be taken during Conf.) 12:00 Senate Convenes (Swearing-in, etc.) 12-2:00 SD-192 Buffet Recep. for Thad Cochran 12-3:00 SD-419 Buffet Recep. for Jesse Helms 12:30-?? SH-506 Buffet Luncheon for Boschwitz 1:00 SR 489 Swearing-In Recep. for Biden 1-3:00 SR 218 Swearing-In Recep. for Thurmond 1-3:00 SD 434 Swearing-In Recep. for Domenici 1-3:00 SD 562 Swearing-In Recep. for Phil Gramm 2-4:00 S-230 Cap. "Welcome Back" Recep. for all Senators & spouses hosted by Dole 2-4 S-138 RECEP. for McConnell 2-4:00 SD 342 Swearing-In Recep. for Levin 3:30-5:30 SR 414 Swearing-In Recep. for Simpson (Vet. Aff.) 4:30 Oval Ofc. Photo w/Pres. & JoAnne W. Hse (NW Gate) 5:30-7:30 Reg. A Rm-Hyatt Recep. by GTE Midwestern Telephone Operations (John/Mike) 6-7:30 Wash. Hilton Recep. by Washburn Law School Assn. (John/Mike) John Bergner 376-2848 State Rm. Senator Dole's Schedule - week of Dec. 31-Jan. 6, 1985 Page 2 FRIDAY, JANUARY 4 9-10:00 White House Bipartisan Leadership Mtg. Cabinet Rm. (NW Gate) 11:00 S-230 Cap. PHOTO SESSION w/WASHINGTONIAN MAG. 2-8:00 Blair House Mtg. to review Admin. prelim. budget proposals SATURDAY, JANUARY 5 9:40 am Dep. Butler Term. enroute Raleigh, N.C. 10:55 Arr. Raleith (see sep. schedule for details. 12:00 Capitol-Raleigh, NC INAUGURAL Ceremony for Jim Martin as Governor Regretted 11:30 Sulgrave Club Brunch for Nicolas Morley by Paula Hawkins (Rosalie X 43041) 4:00 Arr. Butler Aiva - D.C. SUNDAY, JANUARY 6 12:30-2:30 Vista Hotel Ballroom Brunch for GOP Senators & Spouses RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA - Swearing in for Gov. Jim Martin SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1984 9:20am DEPART residence for National Airport/Butler Aviation (handwritten: (charter pd by Dole for Senate)) 9:35am ARRIVE Butler Aviation 202/549-8340 9:45am WHEELS-UP for Raleigh, North Carolina Majestic Air Service contact: Carolyn Hall 202/656-1401 Aircraft: Mitsubishi Tail number: 711MZ Pilots: Mike Davis, Al Paolillo Flight time: 1 hour 15 minutes Manifest: Secretary Dole, Senator Dole, Jim Burnley 11:05am ARRIVE Raleigh, North Carolina Met by: E.M. Dalton 919/733-3911 (NC Highway patrol division) Aero Services: Fixed Base Operator 919/782-3232 FAA contact: Bud Clark 919/755-4106 11:10am DEPART Airport for the swearing in ceremony CAR #1: Secretary Dole, Senator Dole, Jim Burnley Driver: E.M. Dalton - Hwy. patrol NOTE: Allowing 50 minutes drive time due to the traffic. 12:00pm ARRIVE Ceremony - State Capitol Archives Building Met by: Charlotte and Dick Ellis 1:00pm DEPART ceremony for airport - escorted by Hwy. Patrol CAR #1: Secretary Dole, Senator Dole, Jim Burnley 1:35pm ARRIVE Airport and proceed to departing plane 1:40pm DEPART Raleigh, NC for Washington, D.C. 2:55pm ARRIVE Washington/Butler Aviation Met by: Lloyd Fletcher 3:00pm DEPART Airport for residence 3:15pm ARRIVE residence SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of January 7-13, 1985 MONDAY, JANUARY 7 12:00 Senate Convenes 1:00 House Floor Joint Session to count electoral votes 3:00 SH-141 Sat - Balts Sun & Dallas Times 4:15 SH-141 MTG. w/Sen. Mattingly & Howard Greene 5:00 SH-141 MTG. w/George White, Architect 5:15 SH-141 MTG. w/Sen. Simpson 5:30 SH-141 Carl Rush 7 & 7:45 F Street Club DFS FR Recep. & Dinner (Doug Bennett) 7:30 & J.W. Marriott Recep. - Asthma & Allergy Fdn. Ball Ballrm. Foyer 8:30 Ballroom Dinner & Dancing - Asthama Ball (BLACK TIE TUESDAY, JANUARY 8 1:00 SD-211 MTG. w/Ron Perlman & farm state Senators 3:00 SH-141 INT. by CHICAGO TRIBUNE 3:30 SH-141 MTG. by Sen. Grassley 3:45 SH-141 MTG. w/Dick Rosenbaum & Sid & Jay Zises 5:45 DH-141 MTG. w/Sen. Humphrey WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9 12:00 S-207 Cap. MTG. of GOP Leadership & Comm. Chrmn. 6:30-8:30 Sheraton Grand Recep. by Small Business Legis. Council (Mike/John) (RSVP 293-8830) Ballroom N. Jersey & F St. NW THURSDAY, JANUARY 10 10:00 S-407 Cap. BRIEFING by Shultz on Arms Control Talks (Members only) 12:00 W. House LUNCHEON MTG. w/Senators & Admin. (W Gate) Roosevelt 1:15? Rm. 252 Old EOB MTG. w/Stockman & Domenici (following luncheon) 2:45 SH-141 INT. - NBC (major piece on Congress) Lisa Myers 883-4943 3:00 SH-141 Conf. Rm. INT. - WALL STR. JOURNAL TV Prog. (Cong. & Admin.) 6-8 Sewell-Belmont Recep. by Nat'l Women's Party on Cen - 144 Constit., NE tennial of Founder's birth (Judy??) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of January 7-13, 1985 FRIDAY, JANUARY 11 9:00 2172 RHOB Mtg. of Ag. Export Comm. (Mark) 12:00 SH-141 mtg. w/John Sears 1:30 SD-211 MTG. w/Gov. Terry Bransted, Neil Harl, Tom Huston, Iowa Supt. of Banking, reprs. of FDIC, Comptr. of Treas, etc. 4-5:40 1300 LHOB Retirement Party for Lydia Vacin, House Ag. SATURDAY, JANUARY 12 8:30 Watergate Wintergarden BKFST. w/reporters from UPI, AP & Reuters 10:30 SH-141 MTG. w/Jerry Carmen (Page Lee 544-7588 SUNDAY, JANUARY 12 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of January 14-20, 1985 MONDAY, JANUARY 14 8:30 Watergate Rest. BKFST. w/Press 10:15 SH-141 Photo w/group of 12-15 students from Southwestern Coll-Winfield (Ed) 11:30 SH-141 MTG. w/Forest Shumway, Chrmn., Signal Companies & Tom Hart 3:00 SH-141 COURTESY CALL - Wm. (Bill) Bennett, Nom. for Sec'y of Education 3:30 SH-141 Conf. Rm. CNN Interview on Dole Fdn. 6:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Steve Bell TUESDAY, JANUARY 15 8:15 S-207 Cap. BKFST. w/Chrmn. Volcker, GOP Ldrship. & Comm. Chrmn. 9:30 SR-301 TESTIFY - RULES COMM. (rules changes, Quayle Comm. & Pearson/Ribicoff) 10:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Jim Baker & Packwood 11:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Bob Beck & Business Roundtable Exec. Comm, GOP Ldrship & Comm. Chrmn 2:30 (tent.) Madison Hotel SPEAK - Hoover Institute Bd. Mtg. (Dr. Campbell/Louise Doying) Exec. Chambers 4:00 S-207 Cap. MTG. w/PAC reprs. for Jepsen 4:30 Sen. Chambers Swearing-in of Jay Rockefeller 7:00-?? Corcoran Gallery BUFFET RECEP. by Hoover Inst. (Pres. & Mrs. Reagan to attend) WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16 12:00 W.Hse. (SW Gate) LUNCH w/Senators & Admin. Roosevelt Rm. 1:45 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Meese, Thurmond, Simpson & Laxalt, Pam Turner & Korologos 3:30 SH-141 Conf. Rm CBS INT. w/Phil Jones (46421) marked "moved to 3:15" 3:45 SH-141 INT. w/Jane Bryant Quinn (tax ref.) (handwritten in margins: (illegible) 1 pg on tax bill) 4-5 S-207 Cap. Mtg. w/Stockman & Comm. Staff Dirs. 6-8 345 CHOB RETIREMENT RECEP. - Aaron Levy 6-8:30 F St. Club RECEP. by NATIONAL JOURNAL (Sen. on 15th Anniv. Comm.) 7:30 CNN-Wisc. Ave. CNN "CROSSFIRE" (30 min) Senator Dole's Schedule - Week of January 14-20, 1985 THURSDAY, JANUARY 17 10:30 S-207 Cap. MTG. w/Paul Weyrich & GOP Ldrship 11:00 SH-320 COMM. ON COMMITTEES MTG. FRIDAY, JANUARY 18 10:30 SH-141 MTG. w/Mr. Nikaido, V.P., Liberal Demo. Party of Japan & other members of Delegation 11:00 SH-320 COMM. on COMMITTEES MTG> handwritten appointment - illegible Handwritten: 3:30 SH-311 Mtg. w/Byrd, Mattingly, Greene & Pat Griffin 3:30-6:00 Sec'ys Ofc. Rm. 200A FAREWELL PARTY for Dick Lyng 5-7 Sheraton Carlton DOLE Fdn. Recep. 6 & 7 Mayflower Hotel FR Dinner for Helms (to retire camp. debt) Chinese Rm. RECEP. Ballroom DINNER & DANCING SATURDAY, JANUARY 19 Separate schedule for inaugural events SUNDAY, JANUARY 20 Sep. schedule - Inaugural events INAUGURAL SCHEDULE SENATOR BOB DOLE Friday, Jan. 18 5:00 pm Dole Foundation Fundraising Reception. Sheraton Carlton Hotel 7:00 pm-11:00 pm Dinner sponsored by Fahrenkopf, Mike Curb, Republican Eagles and Presidential Trustees, in honor of Members of Congress and the Administration. Washington Hilton. Black Tie. Saturday, Jan. 19 9:00 am Breakfast (Senator only). Heinz, Michel, Howard Wilkins. House-Senate Dinner Steering Committee (20 people). S-120 Capitol. 10:00 am-11:30 am Coffee and donuts. Open House for Kansans. SH 141. 11:00 am-12:30 pm Elizabeth Dole Reception honoring Senate Republican Leaders. Senators Dole, Baker and Hugh Scott. S-230, The Capitol. 12:45 pm NRSC Inner Circle. (SPEAK) (Senator only). J.W. Marriott, Capitol Ballroom 1:30 pm-4:30 pm Young Republican National Federation Reception honoring continuing majority in the Senate. Grand Ballroom, Washington Hilton. 2:00 pm-4:00 pm Reception sponsored for Handicapped Americans by Secretary Heckler, Senator Dole, Jeane Kirkpatrick and William Middendorf. The Great Hall, Dept. of HHS, 100 Independence Avenue. Informal attire. 4:00 pm-6:30 pm Reception hosted by Mr. and Mrs. McDill Boyd in honor of Kansas Republican Congressional Delegation and Secretary Dole. International Club, 1800 K Street, NW 5:00 pm-7:00 pm Reception hosted by Timmons and Co. 1925 F Street Club. Black Tie optional. Saturday, Jan. 19 con't 6:00 pm-8:00 pm Conservative Inaugural Reception, sponsored by Fund for Conservative Majority and Citizens for Reagan. Capitol Hill Club. 8:00 pm 50th American Presidential Inaugural Gala. Washington Convention Center. Black tie. 9:00 pm-2:00 am Inaugural Celebrity Gala sponsored by the National Black Republican Council. Midnite champagne breakfast. Regency Ballroom, Shoreham Hotel, 2500 Clavert St. Sunday, Jan. 20 9:30 am National Prayer Service. Washington Cathedral. 11:15 am Private Swearing-In of President and Vice President. The White House. 12:00 noon (Approx.) Lunch with President and Vice President. The White House. 3:00 pm-5:00 pm Salute to America's Volunteers. (Senator Dole is honorary chairperson). The Old Post Office Pavilion, 12th and Pennsylvania Ave. Informal attire. 6:00 pm-10:00 pm Bi-Partisan Congressional Inaugural Celebration. American Security Council, Peace Through Strength Coalition. Black Tie. Corcoran Gallery of Art. 6:00 pm-10:30 pm Inaugural Ball Reception sponsored by the Federation of Republican Asian-Americans. Sen. Dole is Honorary Chairperson. Caucus Room, Cannon HOB. Formal attire. 7:00 pm Family Dinner - Mr. K's. (Private Room). Proposed guest list: Senator and Mrs. Dole, Robin, Kenny and Anita, Norma Jean and 7 friends, Mr. and Mrs. John Dreiling, Mrs. Kelikian and 2 daughters, Dwayne and Inez Andreas, Sandy McMurtrie. 8:00 pm-11:30 pm NCPAC "Salute to Ronald Reagan," Jim Baker honored guest. The Pavilion at the Old Post Office. Monday, Jan. 21 10:00 am Senator and Mrs. Dole arrive Capitol. 10:15 am Senator and Mrs. Dole join party of 6 cars to depart Capitol en route White House. 10:30 am Arrive White House for escort of Presidential Party to Capitol. Brief coffee in the Blue Room. Note: All parties arrive Northwest Gate of White House. 11:10 am Depart White House en route Capitol. Motorcade departs for Capitol as follows: First car: The President and Mrs. Reagan, Senator Mathias and Speaker O'Neill. Second car: The Vice President and Mrs. Bush, Senator Dole and Congressman Michel. Third car: Senator and Mrs. Ford, Congressman and Mrs. Wright. Fourth car: Mrs. Dole and Mrs. Mathias, Mrs. O'Neill and Mrs. Michel. Fifth car: General Chairman and Mrs. Deaver, Chairman and Mrs. Walker, Executive Director and Mrs. Chambers. 11:20 am Presidential Motorcade arrives Capitol and Presidential Party enters through the Law Library entrance. The Presidential Party will be met by the Senate and House Sergeants at Arms and escorted to EF-100 holding room by the Sergeants at Arms, Senator and Mrs. Mathias, Speaker and Mrs. O'Neill, Senator and Mrs. Dole, Senator and Mrs. Ford, Representative and Mrs. Wright, Representative and Mrs. Michel and Executive Director Chambers. (Robin will have gone independently to President's Platform for seating). Monday, Jan. 21, con't. 11:25 am Upon being notified by the coordinator, Mrs. Dole, Mrs. Ford, and Mrs. Wright will escort Mrs. Bush from Room EF-100 through the Crypt to the President's Platform. They will proceed in the order: (by twos) Mrs. Dole Mrs. Bush Mrs. Ford Mrs. Wright (followed by escort of Mrs. Reagan to President's Platform by others). 11:28 am Vice President Bush escorted from EF-100 through the Crypt to President's Platform - Escort Party headed by House and Senate Sergeants at Arms, Senators Dole and Ford, Representatives Wright and Michel in the following order: (by twos) House Sergeant at Arms Senate Sergeant at Arms The Vice President Representative Wright Senator Dole Representative Michel Senator Ford After the Vice President is seated, Senators Dole and Ford, and Representative Wright and Michel, accompanied by the Sergeants at Arms, return to the foot of the stairs leading to the Crypt to await the President. 11:30 am President Reagan is escorted from EF-100 through the Crypt to the President's Platform by Senator Mathias and Speaker O'Neill, accompanied by John Chambers, the Executive Director where they join the Sergeants at Arms, Senator Dole and Senator Ford, and Representative Michel and Representative Wright at the foot of the stairs. The party will proceed to the President's Platform in the following order: Mr. Chambers House Sergeant at Arms Senate Sergeant at Arms The President Speaker O'Neill Senator Mathias Representative Michel Senator Ford Representative Wright Senator Dole Monday, Jan. 21. con't. 12:25 p.m. Swearing-in Ceremony Concludes. The President and Mrs. Reagan and the Vice President and Mrs. Bush remain in place briefly for photos. After photos, the departure procession forms in the following order and is escorted to Room H-236 before proceeding to lunch: House Sergeant at Arms Senate Sergeant at Arms The President and Mrs. Reagan The Vice President and Mrs. Bush Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies and spouses (includes Senator Dole and Mrs. Dole) The First Family The Vice President's Family Guests attending the luncheon 12:35 p.m. (Senator and Secretary Dole escorted to luncheon in Statuary Hall -- present tickets, and military aide will take coats and escort you to your seats). (Robin to leave President's Platform after official party and proceed to luncheon). 12:45 p.m. President joins luncheon group. Luncheon begins with start of music, TV lights go off. 1:45 p.m. Luncheon concludes and TV lights go back on. Senator Mathias toasts President and presents traditional gift. President returns toast. At the conclusion of the luncheon, the President and Mrs. Reagan, the Vice President and Mrs. Bush will be escorted by Senator Mathias and Members of the Joint Congressional Committee from Statuary Hall. Senator Mathias will escort the President and Vice President to Room H-206. As soon as the President, the Vice President and Members of the Joint Committee depart Statuary Hall, all other luncheon guests who will move ahead of the parade will be escorted directly to their vehicles at the Center East Front Steps. Senator Dole, Secretary Dole and Robin proceed immediately to awaiting car to form Inaugural Parade. 2:00 p.m. The President escorted by Senator Mathias from H-206 to his position on the Center Steps of the East Front of the Capitol for the review of his escort. Monday, Jan. 21. con't. 2:05 p.m. Senator Mathias escorts the President and Vice President and their spouses to their vehicles, while the Joint Congressional Committee members move to their cars in the Plaza. The order of automobiles will be as follows: Direction of Movement: Representative and Mrs. Michel, Senator and Mrs. Mathias; Speaker and Mrs. O'Neill, Senator and Mrs. Dole; Representative and Mrs. Wright, Senator and Mrs. Ford. Upon arrival in front of White House, proceed to Presidential Viewing Stand. (Car will wait to return Doles to Capitol for Senate Session) 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Reception honoring Ed and Ursula Meese, sponsored by the Reagan Deputy Assistant Secretaries. University Club, 1135-16th N.W. 4:00 p.m. Senate convenes to receive nominations and conduct any necessary business. No roll call votes, legislation can be introduced. No speeches or remarks. 8:00 p.m. 50th American Presidential Inaugural Ball. Pension building. 9:00 p.m.-2:00 a.m. Agricultural Celebration sponsored by Senator and Mrs. Helms, Sen. and Mrs. Leahy, Cong. and Mrs. de la Garza, and Cong. and Mrs. Madigan, Secretary and Mrs. Block, Senator and Mrs. Dole. (Doles are honorees) L'Enfant Plaza Hotel, The Ballroom Black Tie optional. (Dole family and guests also invited). NOTE: President and Mrs. Reagan arrive Kennedy Center at 10:20 p.m. and leave at 10:40 p.m. CNN doing live coverage. If Doles wish, they can do a drop-by at 10:45 p.m. (entering via Presidential entrance and proceeding to Presidential Box) and CNN will also do live coverage of them. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of January 21-27, 1985 MONDAY, JANUARY 21 Inaugural Day Schedule - separate schedule TUESDAY, JANUARY 22 12:30 S-207 CAP. POLICY LUNCHEON FOLLOWED BY REP. CONFERENCE 4:00 CABINET RM.W.HSE BIPARTISAN LEADERSHIP MTG.W/PRES. (NW GATE) 4-6 LABOR DEPT. FAREWELL PARTY FOR ROBER MONKS RM. S-2508 7:00 THE PALM DINNER W/ROBIN, KENNY & ANITA, ETC. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23 8:00 S-138 CAP. SENATE PRAYER BKFST. 8:55 SH-141 MTG. W/MARK MCCONAGHY 9:30 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (EXEC.-BAKER NOM.) 10:00 OUTSIDE SD-215 PHOTO W/UNIONTOWN, KS. HI SCHOOL BAND & W/KS. WASH. WORKSHOPS GROUP Following appointment handwritten: 11:30 SH-141 (illegible) with Nat'l Editor - (illegible) papers (5 min) 12-2:00 S-207 CAP RECEP. BY REP. WOMEN OF CAPITAL HILL (STOP BY IF POSSIBLE) 1:00 S-230. CHAIRMEN'S MTG. 2:00 S-230 CAP. MTG. W/SEC'Y BLOCK & RANDY RUSSELL (BOSCHWITZ WILL JOIN AT 2:15) BETW.4-4:30 S-207 CAP. BRIEF REMARKS TO 130 KS. CLOSE-UP STUDENTS (ED WILL BE THERE) 4:30 & 6:30 SD-138 MTG. & RECEP. - NAT'L WATER ALLIANCE (ED) 5:05 SH -141 MTG. W/SEC'Y REGAN (SANDY 566-2533 5:30-? CAP.HILL CLUB POST INAUGURAL PARTY BY TOM LANKFORD (SEN. ONLY) EISENHOWER LGE. 5:30-7:30 cap. hill club fr for helen bentley (sen. co-host) 5:30-7:30 116 club recep. by nat'l forest prods. assn. (ed) 6:00-? SD-138 RECEP. ON UKRAINIAN INDEPENDENCE DAY (DAVE/AL) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JANUARY 21-27, 1985 PG. 2. THURSDAY, JANUARY 24 7:45 U.S. CHAMBER BIZNET INTERVIEW 1615 H ST, N.W. 8:00 U.S. CHAMBER SPEAK - U.S. CHAMBER BKFST 12:00 H-236 CAP. JOINT LEADERSHIP LUNCHEON 12-2:00 S-207 CAP. LUNCHEON BY AM. MEAT INST. (BY INVIT. ONLY) MARK 2:30 SD-402 MTG. W/HELMS ON AG BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS 3:30 SH-141 MTG. W/MATTINGLY & COMM ON COMM Following appointment handwritten: 4:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. W/Jack (illegible) 4:30 S-407 Cap. BRIEFING BY STEVENS & NUNN ON ARMS CONTROL NEGOTIATIONS 5-7 SR-432 RECEP. BY NAT'L COUNCIL ON HANDI-CAPPED (JUDY B.) 5-7 BALLROOM L'ENFANT PLAZA RECEP. BY STALEY MFG. CO. FOR AG. COMM. MEMBERS 5:30-7:30 CAP.HILL CLUB FR RECEP. FOR DOMENICI (SEN.CO-HOST) 6-8 BULLFEATHERS HUNT ROOM RECEP. BY FREEPORT.MCMORAN (BY INVIT. ONLY) 6:30 - 8:30 2412 TRACY PL. N.W. FR FOR ELLIOT RICHARDSON (HOME OF BOB MCNAMARA) SEN. A COP-HOST) FRIDAY, JANUARY 25 8:00 MAYFLOWER CHINESE RM. SPEAK - CONG. LEADERSHIP SEMINAR (ERNIE WITTENBERG GROUP) 12:00 W.HSE-SW GATE LUNCHEON W/SEG & ADMIN. ROOSEVELT RM 3:30 DEP. NATIONAL - TWA # 297 5:07 ARRIVE KANSAS CITY TOPEKA KANSAS DAY ACTIVITIES SATURDAY, JANUARY 26 Kansas Day events (separate schedule) SUNDAY, JANUARY 26 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of January 28-February 3,1985 MONDAY, JANUARY 28 2-3:00 W. House (NW Gate) MTG. W/PRES. - GOP MEMBERS OF Finance & Ways & Means (tax ref.) Cabinet Rm. 5:30-7:30 S-207 CAP. RECEP. BY NAT'L FOREST PRODUCTS ASSN. (ED) 5:30-7:30 METROPOLITAN CLUB RECEP. BY PEAT, MARWICK TO MEET NEW CHRMN, LARRY HORNER (DON SLOAN ASKED SEN. TO STOP BY, IF POSS.) 5:30-7:30 2400 N ST, NW RECEP. BY U.S. NEWS (955-2042) TUESDAY,JANUARY 29 10:00 SD-106 JUDICIARY COMM. (MEESE NOM. HRGS.) 12-2:00 SR-325 BUFFET LUNCHEON BY WOMEN IN GOV'T RELATIONS (STOP BY, IF POSSIBLE) 12:30 S-207 CAP. POLICY LUNCHEON 12:45 L'ENFANT PLAZA SPEAK - VALMONT INDUSTRIES Ballroom 5-7 SR-385 RECEP. BY AG GROUP OF ABC PUBLISHING (JOHN G/WALT) 5:30-7:30 B-338-340 RHOB RECEP. BY NAT'L SCHOOL BDS. ASSN. (CHRIS) 838-6706 5:30-7:30 SR-325 RECEP. FOR PAT GRIFFIN BY BYRD 6-8:00 2172 RHOB RECEP. BY BLACK, MANAFORT & STONE FOR LEE ATWATER (SENATOR) 6-8:00 1753 P ST,NW RECEP. BY PRESSLER FOR MAJOR CONTRIBUTORS (HOME OF MIKE SOTIRHOS) (KAY X 41640) SENTOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JANUARY 28-FEBRUARY 3, 1985 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30 10:00 SH-219 SELECT COMM. ON INTELLIGENCE (ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING) 10:00 SD-628 public mtg. by Melcher w/farmers, fha & farm credit sys. reprs. (info to john gordley) 6-8:00 345 chob RECEP. BY NAT'L SOFT DRINK ASSN. (KSNS.ATTNDG.) 6:30-7:15 Ted Kennedy's RECEP. & DINNER for Kennedy Library 636 Chain Br. Rd. - McLean 7&7:30 Sheraton Wash. RECEP. & DINNER - Wash. Press Club Convention Foyer - RECEP. Dover Rm. (1 level down from Convention entrance) is Holding Rm. for head table guests .- if arr. after 7:30 still go to Dover be taken to head table (Julie Hurt or Julie Shu 296-5062) THURSDAY, JANUARY 31 7:45 Wash. Hilton NATIONAL PRAYER BREAKFAST Int'l Ballrm. 12:30 S-116 Cap. LUNCHEON by Mathias for new Fr. Amb. de Margerie * Jean-Marie Girault, member of Fr. Senate (Eliz.X 48861) 3:00 SH-219 RECEP. BY SELECT COMM. ON INTELLIGENCE (REGRETS X41700) 4:00 SH-141 MTG. W/9 MEMBERS OF KS. SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTS (JOHN P>) 5:30-7:30 SR-325 RECEP. BY CON. FRIENDS OF INDEPENDENT HIGHER EDUC. (SEN. A CO-HOST) (383-5956) KANSAS DAY SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR DOLE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JANURAY 25 AND 26, 1985 FRIDAY JANUARY 25 3:00 p.m. DEPART BUTLER AVIATION, WASHINGTON NATIONAL - FALCON 20. TAIL #115TW PILOT: KEITH KNODT, CO-PIOLT: TERRY COLE - BUTLER AVIATION 202/549-8340 5:00 p.m. ARRIVE PHILLIP BILLARD AIRPORT - WILL HAVE THREE CARS AT THE AIRPORT PHILLIP BILLARD - 913/233-8981 6:15 p.m. Arrive Ramada Inn - Judy will have you checked in and meet you at the north door with your keys. 5:30 p.m. STOP BY - Republican National Hispanic Assembly of Kansas reception - honorees - Dr. Tirsco del Junco, National Chairman Jim Marquez, General Counsel, Dept. of Transportation Ernte Garcia, Assistant Secretary, Dept. of Defense Honorable Alfred Ramírez, State Representative, 40th Dist. Juan Sepulveda, Kansas Rhodes Scholar 5:50 p.m. Depart Ramada Inn for reception at Attorney General Bob Stephen's home, 2316 Mayfair Place, 913/267-3838 - Jane will drive you -- will have additional cars if necessary. 6:05 p.m. RECEPTION honoring Senator Hatfield - Stephen home. 6:25 p.m. Depart reception for Capitol City Letters Steak Fry, VFW Post 1650, 3110 Huntoon - CONTACT: Jim Hinton, VFW 913/235-9073 Sat. 6:35 p.m. LETTER CARRIERS STEAK FRY - Brief remarks 6:50 p.m. DEPART VFW FOR RAMADA INN 7:00 p.m. ARRIVE RAMADA INN - WILL HAVE TIME TO GO TO YOUR ROOM AND FRESHEN IP. 7:30 p.m. NATIVE SONS AND DAUGHTERS BANQUIET - WILL BE IN PROGRESS - THERE ARE TWO SEATS FOR YOU AT THE HEAD OF THE TABLE NEAR THE EXIT. REGENCY BALLROM 7:35 p.m. PRESENTATION of Citation for Outstanding Statesmanship - Citation will be presented by Governor Carlin. 7:50 p.m. Depart Hative Sons and Daughters Banquet - return to your room 8:00 p.m. TO 9:30 p.m. RECEPTION hosted by Senator Kassebaum for Senator Dole - Ramada Atrium. to . You should probably arrive around 8:30 or 8:45 p.m. RON - RAMADA INN - 913/233-8981 SATURDAY January 26 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. BREAKFAST - Republican Chatrmen and Vice Chatimen - GRAND BALLROOM You should probably arrive by 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Depart Ramada Inn for Municipal Auditorium 9:10 a.m. KIWANIS PANCAKE FEED - Basement of Municipal Auditorium - they will have a reporter and a TV camera there to film your visit. 9:45 a.m. Depart for Phillip Billard 10:00 a.m. Depart Phillip Billard for Ryan Avfation in Wichita - CITATION II Tail #755 CM PILOT: Don Love. and Co-pilot 10:40 a.m. Arrive Ryan Aviation - 316/942-0141 - Steve will have cars there to meet you. 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. GRAND OPENING - Dole for Senate Office, 4625 E. Kellogg, 316/682-0240 PRESS CONFERENCE - NOON 12:45 or 1:00 p.m. Depart Ryan Aviation for Phillip Billard 1:45 p.m. Arrive Phillip Billard - will have cars there to meet you. 2:00 p.m. Ramada *4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. MAY WANT TO STOP BY - Workshop for Young Republicans -- they would love you to have you stop by and should be a good group of young people. 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. MAJOR CONTRIBUTORS RECEPTION (Optional) - Ramada Atrium 7:00 p.m. KANSAS DAY- BANQUET 8:30-8:45 p.m. Depart Ramada for Phillip Billard 9:00 p.m. Depart Phillip Billard for Dulles - FALCON 20, TAIL #115 TW PILOT: Keith Knodt, CO-PILOT: Terry Cole 12:30 a.m. Arrive Page Terminal, Dulles Airport - 703/471-4450 - Betty will arrange for someone to meet you. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Week of January 28-February 3, 1985 MONDAY, JANUARY 28 1:00 SR-273 MTG. of GOP Members of Finance (no staff) 2-3:00 W. House (NW Gate) mtg. w/press. - gop members of finance and ways and means (tax ref.) Cabinet Rm. 5:30-7:30 S-207 cap. recep. by nat'l forest products assn. (ed) 5:30-7:30 metropolitan club recep. by peat, marwick to meet new chrmn, larry horner (don sloan asked sen. to stop by, if poss. ) 5:30-7:30 2400 n st, nw recep. by U.S. News (955-2042) Tuesday, January 29 10:00 SD-215 finance comme. (nom. hrgs. on dick darman and ron perlman) 10:00 SD-226 JUDICIARY COMM. (Meese nom. hrgs.) 11:45 S-230 cap. mtg. w/weinberger, sen. ldrship, goldwater, domenici, hatfie and stevens 12-2:00 SR-325 buffet luncheon by women in gov't relations (stop by, if possible) 12:30 S-207 Cap. POLICY LUNCHEON following appointment marked "moved to Thursday 9:30": 12:45 L'Enfant Plaza Ballroom SPEAK - Valmont Industries 5-7 SR-385 RECEP. by Ag Group of ABC Publishing (John G/Walt) 5:30-7:30 B-338-340 RHOB RECEP. by Nat'l School Bds. Assn. (Chris) 838-6706 6-8:00 2172 RHOB RECEP. by Black, Manafort & Stone for Lee Atwater (Senator) 6-8:00 1753 P St, NW RECEP. by Pressler for major con- tributors (home of Mike Sotirhos) (Kay X 41640) WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30 10:00 S-230 CAP. CHAIRMEN'S MEETING 10:00 SH-219 SELECT COMM. ON INTELLIGENCE (organizational meeting) 10:00 SD-628 PUBLIC MTG. by Melcher w/farmers, FHA & Farm Credit Sys. reprs. (info to John Gordley) 11:00 S-231 Cap. MTG. w/Balanced Budget Brigade (farm group) John G. 12:30 S-208 Cap. LUNCH w/Sen. Byrd 1:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Mattingly 1:30 S-228 Cap. COMM. ON COMM. Mtg. 2:00 S-228 Cap. REP. CONF. 3-4 SD-430 BRIEFING by Senatorial Comm. for Class of '86 (Nancy X42351) 6-8:00 345 CHOB RECEP. by Nat'l Soft Drink Assn. (Ksns. attending) Following appointment crossed out and marked cancelled: 6:30-7:15 Ted Kennedy's RECEP. & DINNER for Kennedy Library 636 Chain Br. Rd. - McLean 7 & 7:30 Sheraton Wash. RECEP & DINNER - Wash. Press Club Convention Foyer - RECEP. Dover Rm. (1 level down from Convention entrance) is Holding Rm. for head table guests. - if arr. after 7:30 still go to Dover Rm. to be taken to head table (Julie Hurt or Julie Shu 296-5062) THURSDAY, JANUARY 31 Following appointment crossed out: 7:45 Wash. Hilton NATIONAL PRAYER BREAKFAST Int'l Ballroom 11:00 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Mathias on Class of '86 issue 12:30 S-116 Cap. LUNCHEON by Mathias for new Fr. Amb. de Margerie * Jean-Marie Girault, member of Fr. Senate (Eliz. X48861) 2:30 SH-320 COMM. ON COMM. Mtg. 3:00 SD-G50 PHOTO w/75 Ks. Close-Up students 3:00 SH-219 RECEP. by Select Comm. on Intelligence (regrets X41700) 3:30-5:30 SR-349 (Rep. Conf.) MTG. - Ag. GOP Senators & Stockman 4:00 SH-141 MTG. w/9 members of Ks. Society of Architects (John P>) 5:30-7:00 SR-325 RECEP. by Con. Friends of Independent Higher Educ. (Sen. a co-host) (383-5956)