DOLES' SCHEDULE - REVISED PAGE 5 Thursday, November 1 10:00 a.m. Press Conference - Bill Cobey, Congl Cand. Contact: Jim Kane 919/782-5700 Flo Boyette 919/876-8522 919/872-5857 (Home) 10:30 a.m. Depart Raleigh, North Carolina 11:15 a.m. Arrive Charleston, West Virginia Kanawha Airport, Executive Air Terminal 304/343-8818 MET BY: John Raese and Barbara Ball 11:30 a.m. Press Conference John Raese and Peggy Miller John Raese Headquarters 124 Capitol - Charleston 304/343-5407 11:55 a.m. Depart Press Conference 12:00 noon Fundraising Luncheon - John Raese Women's Club of Charleston 304/342-1611 12:20 p.m. Depart Luncheon 12:30 p.m. Depart Charleston (John Raese will accompany) 1:00 p.m. Arrive Wheeling, West Virginia Ohio County Airport Press Conference - John Raese Contact : Carolyn Stevens or Barbara Ball 304/343-5407 1:30 p.m. Depart Wheeling 3:00 p.m. Arrive Trenton, New Jersey Mercer County Airport 609/882-1600 MET BY: Frank Holman State GOP Chairman DOLES' SCHEDULE - PAGE 6 Thursday, November 1 3:20 p.m. GOP RALLY (Governor Kean, Cong. Jim Courter, Cong. Matt Rinaldo, and Mary Mochary) Capitol Plaza Hotel - Capitol Room 609/989-7100 (Suite available to freshen-up) 4:00 p.m. Depart Rally CONTACT : Chris Kennedy 201/783-3100 4:30 p.m. Depart Trenton 5:30 p.m. Arrive Washington National (Or go to Wilmington, Delaware_ for Elise DuPont?) THE TRIP OF SECRETARY AND SENATOR DOLE TO ALLENTOWN, NEW YORK CITY, WILKES-BARRE, PITTSBURGH MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1984 CONTACT : Lisa Demetree Reagan/Bush 383-5292 845-8909 (Home) ADVANCE : Randy Estes 215/433-2221 Joe Brennan 9:00 a.m. SECRETARY AND SENATOR DOLE depart Butler Aviation, Washington National VIA: Lear 35, Tail No. 92NE or 455NE Pilot: Al Beggs Co-Pilot : Bill Kennedy MANIFEST: Secretary Dole Senator Dole Mayor Margaret Hance (Co-Chair, Reagan/Bush) Charlotte Ellis Flight Time: 48 minutes 9:48 a.m. Arrive Allentown, Pennsylvania Suburban Airways 215/264-4563 MET BY : Senator Arlen Specter Randy Estes (R/B Advance) 215/433-2221 Specter Contacts: Bob Moss 215/597-3574 (Ofc.) 215/642-16 40 (Home) Gordon Woodrow 215/436-6428 Senator Specter 215/438-2622 (Home) PAGE_TWO 9:55 a.m. Depart Allentown Airport Drive Time : 10 minutes 10:05 a.m. Arrive Don Ritter Campaign Headquarters 1211 Hanover Drive 215/434-5122 10:20 a.m. PRESS AVAILABILITY (REAGAN/BUSH AND DON RITTER) 10:40 a.m. Conclude Press Availability 10:45 a.m. SECRETARY AND SENATOR depart Don Ritter Campaign Headquarters Drive Time : 10 minutes (Mayor Hance drives from Allentown to Wilkes-Barre with Randy Estes) 10:55 a.m. Arrive Allentown Airport 11:00 a.m. Depart Allentown Flight Time: 36 minutes MANIFEST: Secretary Dole Senator Dole Senator Specter Charlotte Ellis 11:36 a.m. Arrive New York City LaGuardia Airport Butler Aviation 212/476-5200 MET BY: 11:40 a.m. Depart LaGuardia Drive Time: 30 minutes 12:10 p.m. Arrive Solomon Brothers Headquarters 1 New York Plaza, 42nd Floor 212/747-7013 DOLE FOR SENATE LUNCHEON (In progress since 12:00 noon) (Concludes at 2:00 p.m.) HOST: Dr. Henry Kaufman CONTACT: Helen Katcher 212/747-7013 PAGE THREE 1:15 p.m. Depart Dole for Senate Luncheon Drive Time: 30 Minutes 1:45 p.m. Arrive New York LaGuardia Airport Butler Aviation 212/476-5200 1:50 p.m. Depart New York Flight Time: 45 minutes 2:35 p.m. Arrive Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania Pocono Airlines 717/457-7371 MET BY : Randy Estes Mayor Margaret Hance 2:40 p.m. Depart Wilkes-Barre Airport Drive Time: 15 minutes 2:55 p.m. Arrive Hotel Sterling 47-67 West Market Wilkes-Barre 717/822-3131 Proceed to Main Lobby for REAGAN-BUSH RALLY 3:15 p.m. Conclude Rally Proceed to Parlor Room A for PRESS AVAILABILITY 3:25 p.m. Conclude Press Availability and depart Hotel Sterling Drive Time: 15 minutes 3:45 p.m. Arrive Wilkes-Barre Airport 3:50 p.m. Depart Wilkes-Barre Flight time: 1 hour MANIFEST : Secretary Dole Senator Dole Senator Specter Mayor Hance Charlotte Ellis Randy Estes PAGE FOUR 4:50 p.m. Arrive Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Beckett Aviation 412/264-8193 MET BY : Joe Brennan (R/B Advance) 4:55 p.m. Depart Beckett Aviation Drive Time: 30 minutes 5:25 p.m. Arrive Reagan-Bush Headquarters 111 Smithfield Street 412/288-0352 5:30 p.m .- 5:55 p.m. Participate in thank-you to phone bank volunteers 6:00 p.m. PRESS AVAILABILITY 6:15 p.m. Conclude Press Availability 6:20 p.m. Depart Reagan-Bush Headquarters Drive Time: 30 minutes 6:50 p.m. Depart Pittsburgh Flight Time: 1 hour, 15 mins. MANIFEST: Secretary Dole Senator Dole Senator Specter Mayor Hance Charlotte Ellis Randy Estes 8:05 p.m. Arrive Washington National Airport Butler Aviation SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR DOLE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1984 3:30 pm Depart National Airport - Butler Aviation PHONE: 202/549-8340 via Falcon Jet Tail # 881J Pilot: Chet Glowensky Copilot: John Christen Manifest: Senator Dole Ralph Kittle, International Paper Washington Office Dave Brockway Marilyn Brockway 5:30 pm Arrive Butler Aviation - West Palm Beach Airport PHONE: 305/683-5522 will be met and driven to The Breakers - Palm Beach PHONE: 305/655-6611 (will have room for you to freshen up and make phone calls, etc.) 7:00 pm Arrive Forest Industries Committee Reception - Starlight \"B\" Room - The Breakers (in progress since 6:30 pm) 7:30 Reception ends and guests enter room for dinner 7:45 pm SPEAK - Forest Industries Committee Dinner Starlight "A" Room - The Breakers 8:30 pm Depart The Breakers enroute airport 8:50 pm Arrive West Palm Beach Airport - Butler Aviation 8:55 pm Depart West Palm Beach enroute Kansas City (same aircraft) Manifest: Senator Dole Ralph Kittle (will have dinner on board) Senator Dole's Schedule - November 8, 1984 Page 2 10:45 pm Arrive Kansas City Municipal Airport - Executive Beechcraft Terminal PHONE: 816/842-8484 (will be met by Tower Limo and you and Ralph will be driven to Alameda Plaza Hotel) 11:15 pm Arrive Alameda Plaza RON : ALAMEDA PLAZA PHONE: 816/756-1500 (Judy doing Friday Kansas schedule) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF NOVEMBER 5 - 18 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5 (separate campaign schedule) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 - Election Day 7:30 am NBC-4001 Neb. On "TODAY" Show Ave. (limo will be at W.G. So. at 6:50 am) 7:00 Shoreham- Calvert Rm. Cocktails/hors d'oeuvres & election return watch by Senatorial Committee (Gracia X 44285) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 12:30 SH-141 PHOTO w/LtCol George (Mike) Lind(Ksn) Ph: 695-6734 12:30 SH-141 MTG. w/Sec'y Block 2:30 Mayflower-Ballroom SPEAK - American Stock Excahnge on 347.3000 ×2079 (Reg. red 463-1562) (Ellen Herman -at Mayflower) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8 1:15 Hyatt Reg. - Capitol Room SPEAK - The Washington Forum (Ed Garlich 337-0110) 3:00 Depart Wash. Nat'1 - Butler Avia. enroute West Palm Beach 7:45 The Breakers- Palm Beach SPEAK - Annual Mtg. - Forest Industries Comm. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9 Kansas (separate schedule) Senator / Betty KANSAS SCHEDULE POR SENATOR BOB DOLE November 8, 9, and 10, 1984 THURSDAY November 8 RON - ALAMEDA PLAZA 816/756-1500 FRIDAY November 9 8:10 a.m. Depart Alameda for Overland Park Chamber Breakfast, Regency Park. John Palmer will drive you. John: 913/371-4077 8:30 a.m. CHAMBER BREAKFAST - Regency Park - West Convention Center. Mary Burch, Executive Director of the Overland Park Chamber, will meet you at the door. REGENCY PARK - 913/649-7000 Ks. Secretary of State, Jack Brier, and Astronaut Dr. Steve Hawley will be at the breakfast. Following the Chamber Breakfast, Gale will meet you at 636 Minnesota in Kansas City, Kansas, to look at the office space. This is the location that she and Mike thought would be good. However, she is checking on a couple of others this afternoon. They would all be within a two or three block area. 11:50 a.m. Arrive Crown Center for National Association of Farm Broadcasters Tuncheon .- Century Room, CONTACT: George Logan, 816/474-4400 12:20 p.m. Depart Crown Center for the Alameda 12:30 p.m. LUNCHEON - Kansas City Southwest Clinical Society Medical Convention - International Ballroom - CONTACT: Alta Bingham or Dr. James Bergin 816/756-1500 2:45 p.m. Arrive Municipal Auditorium for F.F.A. Convention - Secretary Dole will meet you there. AUDITORIUM - 816/421-8000 or Cameron Dukes - 816/221-221-0334 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. F.F.A. Convention - Municipal Auditorium - you and Secretary Dole will speak -- Elizabeth speaks . first. 4:10 p.m. TAPE TV Interview for FFA syndicated program - Embassy on the Park Hotel (1 block from auditorium). Cameron Dukes will escort you ... Embassy on the Park Sheraton, 1215 Wyandotte, 816/471-1333 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. RECEPTION - ALAMEDA - Seville Suite 235 - FIFTH DECADE FUND, Chairman, John Pat McCarthy. CONTACT: Bob Campbell, 913/588-5249 Friday, November 9th, cont'd. 7:00 p.m to 7:40 p.m. NAACP BANQUET - Honoring Larry Winn, Gateway Inn, Kansas City to Kansas. CONTACT: Andy Rawlins - Gateway Inn: 913/621-3085 425 Minnesota 8:15 (crossed out) 8:00 p.m. DINNER - BRISTOL BAR AND GRILL, 4740 Jefferson - 816/756-0606 Dr. Lynn Ketchum (Barbara), Dick and Sue Bond, Roy and JoAnne Edwards, Esther Levins, RON: ALAMEDA PLAZA - 816/756-1500 SATURDAY November 10 9:10 a.m. Depart Alameda for Leavenworth - John will drive you. 10:15 a.m. LEAVENWORTH VETERANS DAY PARADE - Parade route begins at the Ist National Bank and Trust, 7th and Delaware, CONTACT: Charlie Shoemaker - 913/682-4573 or 727-3271 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. PARADE 11:30 a.m. RECEPTION - following parade - First National Bank and Trust 913/682-2265 1:25 p.m. DEPART KCI - Eastern Flight #324 4:25 p.m. ARRIVE WASHINGTON NATIONAL SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF NOVEMBER 11 - 18 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12- VETERANS' DAY - Holiday TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 10:30 SH-141 INTERVIEW w/Helen DeWar, WASH. POST (re budget, etc.) 1:00 Madison Hotel LUNCH w/Don Kendall - Pepsico 4:30 SH-141 MTG. w/Phil Gramm WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 10:30 CBS -2020 M St,NW Tape Nightwatch "Dole Profile" (leadership, '88, etc. 11:15 SH-141 INT. w/Hedrick Smith, Marty Tolchin & Steve Roberts, N.Y. TIMES THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 11:00 SH-141 MTG. w/Sec'y Block (Tom Kay 447-7095) 5:15 7:39 pm Dep. National - Eastern # 197 F/C Seats 4C & D Arrive Maimi FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 9:00 Pier 66-Ft. Lauderdale SPEAK - Natural Gas Supply Assn. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 In Florida - Sea View SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18 In Florida - Sea View SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR DOLE - NOVEMBER 15 - 18, 1984 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 5:15 pm Depart National Airport - Eastern #197 F/C Seats 4C&D 7:39 pm Arrive Miami Int'l Airport (driver from Sea View will meet you on the upper ramp as you come off the plane - will probably have the black limo) 8:30 pm Dinner at Tiberio's - Bal Harbour PH: 305/861-6161 (you have reservations for 2 at 8:30) The driver will take you bags to Sea View and have put in your suite RON : The Sea View PHONE : 305/866-4441 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 8:45 am Depart Sea View via Sea View car 9:20 am Arrive Pier 66 Hotel - Ft. Lauderdale PHONE: 305/524-0566 Wayne Valis will meet you at front entrance and escort you to Salon II for meeting 9:30 am Meeting begins and you are introduced 9:40 am SPEAK - Natural Gas Supply Association Annual Meeting Salon II - Pier 66 Hotel You are to speak for 10-15 min, with } 10 min. Q & A to follow Trade press will attend speech 10:10 am Depart Pier 66 via Sea View limo 10:45 am Arrive Sea View BALANCE OF DAY FREE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 OPEN SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18 5:00 pm Depart Miami Int'l Airport - Eastern # 176 F/C Seats 2C&D 7:19 pm Arrive National Airport (Lloyd will meet you) SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR DOLE - WEEK OF NOVEMBER 19-25, 1984 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16 2 (crossed out) 3:00 SH-141 MTG. w/Oscar S. Wyatt, Jr., Coastal Coastal Corp. & former Cong.John Young TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17 10:30 SH-141 MTG. w/Sen. Stevens 11:30 SH-141 MTG. w/Sen. McClure betw. 1 & 2:00 S-207 Cap. BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR SEN. STEVENS (Sen. stop by, if possible) 2:45 50 (crossed out) Georgetown U. Intercultural SPEAK - Georgetown Univ.Symposium on Fiscal Options Ctr. - 37th & O Sts> around Nealy Circle -- Turn right WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 3:30 SD-370 Energy Comm. Library Mtg. of Maj. Ldrship. candidates (re order of speeches, etc) ( Patty Jackson × 42918 0X42764 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22 - Thanksgiving FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23 9:30 CNN Studio- 2133 Wisconsin Ave,NW TAPE Evans & Novak show (BE AT STUDIO BY 9:20) 1:00 SR-135 (Hatch's ofc) MTG. w/Hatch SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25 W11.16.84 SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR DOLE - WEEK OF NOVEMBER 26 - DECEMBER 2 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26 9:00 Wash. Hilton Georgetown West Rm. (concourse level) SPEAK - Radiological Society of N.A. 4:00 5:30 Depart Butler Avia.-National Airport Arrive Detroit Airport 6:00 7:30 Detroit Athletic Club DSF FR Reception by Iacocca DFS FR Dinner by Lee Iacocca TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27 8:45 Secretary's Ofc-Treas. MTG. & COFFEE w/Sec'y Regan & Packwood & Roth (Bruce Thompson 566=2037 12:30 EF-100 Cap Luncheon for Baker & Tower by Thurmond (Holly X 45972) 12:30-2 S-120 Cap. Steering Comm. Luncheon (x45597) 1:30 S-305 Cap. MTG. w/Mitch McConnell 5-7 Cap.Hill Club Eisenhower Lounge FR Recep. for Don Nickles (Sen. a co-host) 5-7 Madison Hotel Recep. for Emory Sneeden by Sen. Thurmond Recep. for Emory Sneeden by Sen. Thurmond Recep. by Baker & Byrd for newly- elected Senators (43625) 5:30-7 S-207 Cap. Recep. by Baker & Byrd for newly-elected Senators (43625) Schedule for Senator Dole - November 26 - December 2, 1984 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28 9:00 S-228 Cap. Leadership elections 7:30 & 8:15 Lib. of Congress President's Dinner w/GOP Senators THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29 8.00 Cap.Hi11 Club BKFST. for Abdnor W/90-100 PAC people (Sally 456=6782) 9:30-10:30 Cabinet Rm. - W.Hse. (N.W.Gate) GOP LEADERSHIP MTG. W/PRES. (budget & taxes) 10:00 EF-100 Cap. Martin Luther King Comm. Meeting (Sheila Bair) 12:00 S-138 (crossed out) S-126 Cap. LUNCHEON w/Sen. & Mrs. Simpson, Chafees, Cochrans, Heinz's Armstrongs & Thurmonds ( mrs . Chaffee out- of-town) 1:00 15(crossed out) SR-325 SPEAK - Trible Senate Club Group 1:45 SH-141 MTG. w/Quayle (cynthia x48724) 2:15 SH-141 Helen Dewar, WASHINGTON POST (334-6000 or Press Gallery) 2:45 SH-141 Angela Herrin - EAGLE BEACON (637-3689) 3:00 SH-141 Andy Miler, KC STAR - (383-2020) 3:30 Sen. Radio-TV Studio Satellite Int. w/Ks. press anchors 4:00 SH-141 Photo w/Larry Mohler, HUD Handicapped Empl. of Year (fr. Topeka) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30 7:30-8:30 - 22H RHOB 2172 RHOB 2/72 mtg. SKFST & (crossed out) BKFST Ag Export Comm. Mtg. 10:30 Hyatt Regency Grand Canyon Rm. (2nd level) Dole Foundation Meeting 11:30 Regency "A" Rm. Dole Foundation Reception 12:30 Grandy Canyon Rm Dole Foundation Luncheon 3:15 SH-141 mtg. w/Jim Baker SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1 7:30 pm Rayburn Rm. - Cap. RECEP. by Cong. & Mrs. Bob Michel for newly-elected Cong. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2 7:00 PM Kansas City SPEAK - Kansas/Missouri AP Editors