SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 1984 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Mon, July 30 9:00 Hyatt Reg. TESTIFY (Platform Hearing - Sen. Weicker) Cap Room (Main Level) 9:30 am SD-215 TAX & DEBT MGT SUBC (fringe benefits) 1:05 pm Sen. TV Gallery "TAKE TWO" - Don Farmer & Chris Kurle 3-3:30 pm Treas. Dept Room 4121 FAREWELL PARTY hon. Buck Chapoton Marie 566-5561 Tues, July 31 8:00 am Hay Adams Suite 206 BREAKFAST w/Realtors 10:00 SD-215 FIN CTE (markup misc. tariff & women's pension) 10:00 SD-226 JUD CIE (cte bus) cancelled 9:30 SD-226 PATENTS SUBC (Markup S.2171, patents bill) 11:45 S-230 Cap CHAIRMEN'S MEETING 12:30 pm S-207 Cap POLICY LUNCHEON 1:00 pm SD-215 HEALTH SUBC (PRO program) 1:30 outside S-207 Cap. PHOTO w/interns from Henson Moore's office 2:45-3:15 Sen. Recep. Rm.PHOTO w/Jeff Keith, Boston College handicapped runner) 5-7:00 SD-215 RECEPTION hon. Buck Chapoton (SENATOR ONLY) 6-8:00 W.G. West No. 520 RECEPTION, hon. Cong./Mrs. Jim Martin, candidate for Governor of N.C. by Cong/Mrs. Jim Broyhill Page Two Wed, Aug 1 8:00 am Watergate Terr. BREAKFAST w/Paul Weyrich , Bert Pines, VP, Heritage Fdn. ; Roy Jones, Moral Majority; Huck Walther, U .. S. Def. Agency; Connie Marshner, VP, Free Cong. Fdn. & Chrmn. of Pro-Family Coalition & Richard Rahn,US Chamber 12:30-2 S-207 Cap. STEering Comm. (N. Carolina barbeque lunch) X 45597 2:00 SH-141 PHOTO w/4 Ks. FFA members (Linda arranging) or ?? 2:00 pm SD-226 JUD CTE (noms) cancelled 2:00 5-305 Cap. mitg. w/amory Houghton, pr- Pres. Corning Glass; Page Wodell + allow Cord - (Rod it in) 4-7:00 pm AIP Hqts Bldg 2215 Constit., NW entrance RECEPTION, hon. 50th Anniv. Amer Inst of Pharmacy 5:30 - Bullfeathers The Hunt Rm RECEPTION by Spec. Cte for U.S. Exports with Amb. Bill Brock Thurs, Aug 2 8:00 am W.G. Terr. BREAKFAST w/AMA (Dr. Sammons, Joseph Boyle, Pres, AMA, JOhn Coury , Jr. Chrmn. of Bd. of Trustees, Whalen Strobahar, Dep. Exec. VP-Public Affairs & Ken Benjamin) 789-7429 10:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (cte bus) 3:00 cloture Vate ( Wilkinson nom.) 4:00 Rm. 5941, State Dept. SIGNING CEREMONY for contract award to MidAmerica Int'l Ag. Consortium 4:30 pm SR-323A MEETING w/Sen. Laxalt, Ed Rollins & Dick Darman (inc .. K State)Mike re: Ag Platform 6-8:00 1404 W.G. So. BUFFET DINNER, hon. John Warner 6:30 - La Colline RECEPTION, hon. Stephanie Barker & Robert Greault Fri, Aug 3 8:00 am Watergate Terr. SD-342 BREAKFAST w/Am. Trucking Assn (Howard Marks X 48268) 9:30 SD-342 GOV. AFFAIRS COMM. hrg/mark-up of Nat'l Comm. on Ag Trade & Exp. Pol. 10:00 SD-215 DEBT MGT SUBC (imputed interest rules) 2:00 SR-325 SPEAK - 500+ summer interns - Rep. Conf. arrng. Geo.Pendleton X42946 7:15 Marriott Crystal Gateway Ballroom SPEAK - Dinner - Contempo Fashions Co. (speak following dinner) Audrey Denny or Ken Logdon - Contempo 913/262-7400 Page Three Sat, Aug 4 9:30 Sen. &Cong. Rms. - Capitol Hilton SPEAK - Asian Pacific Am. Chamber of Commerce Annual Convention Contact: Lydia - 387-1306) Sun, Aug 5 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF AUGUST 6-12, 1984 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Mon, Aug. 6 9:30 SD-430 CONSTIT SUBC (ERA, S.J.Res. 10) 9:45 S-229 Cap. MTG. w/Stevens 12-2 pm EF-100 Cap LUNCHEON, celebrating enactment of repurchase agreemt bankruptcy legislation (stop by) 5:00 Floor CLOTURE VOTE to waive budget considerations on Ag Bill 5:30 - 7:30 S-207 Cap RECEPTION hon. T.W. Roh, Pres, 1988 Olympic Games 6:30 Geo' townClub DINNER, hon. Cong/Mrs. Winn by Taggarts Tues, Aug. 7 8:00 am Watergate Terrace BREAKFAST - High Tax Coalition 8:00 pm SD-226 JUD CTE (noms) Cancelled 9:30 SD-430 CONSTIT SUBC (SJRes 10, ERA) 9:45 SD-215 FIN CTE (Chas. Baker nom) 10:00 SD-215 FIN CTE (hearing on major tax reform options) 10:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (James Harvie Wilkinson, III, of VA to be U.S. Circuit Judge for 4th Circuit) 11:45 - S-230 Cap CHAIRMEN'S MEETING cancelled 12:30 pm S-207 Cap POLICY LUNCHEON 2:30 SD-215 TAPING ON SOCIAL SECURITY FOR REAGAN-BUSH 6-8:00 Sher-Carlton Crystal Rm. FR hon. Cong. Frank Guarini (N.J.) Page Two Wed, Aug. 8 8:00 am Watergate Terrace BREAKFAST W/HOMEBUILDERS 8:00 SD-226 Judiciary Com. ( nome) 10:00 SD-215 HEALTH SUBC (adjustmts in Medicare's prospective paymt system) 10:00 Sen. Floor SEN. DOLE has Spec. Order 12:00 CLOTURE VOTE (Ag approp.) 12:00 S-305 Cap. MTG. w/Jake Pickle & Carolyn re S.S. 1:30 HART ATRIUM OR ?? PHOTO w/28 Ks. 4-Her's & 4 FFA members (Mark arranging) 2:00 pm SD-215 INTL TRADE SUBC (CONT. THE PRES.'S AUTH TO WAIVE TRADE ACT FREEDOM OF EMIGRATION PROV.) 2:00 SD-626 TAPING - ABC/TV (REGISTER AND VOTE TAPTIN) 2:00 SD-226 JUB CTE (NOMS) 3:00 S-207 Cap RULES CTE (markup "Voting Rts for Handicapped & Elderly Act") 4-6:00 SD-106 Cap ICE CREAM SOCIAL by Michigan Senators (including delicious Michigan cherries!) 4:30 SH-506 PRESS CONF. w/Boschwitz on enterprise zones 5:30 - 7:30 Rm. 2168 RHOB RECEPTION hon. commentators for Radio America (Walt/Scott) Thurs, Aug. 9 8:00 am CapHillClub "75" Rm (by grill) BREAKFAST w/IPAA 8:00 CapHillClub Priv. Din.Rms. 3 & 4 PAC BREAKFAST hon. J. Howard Coble 10:00 SD-215 FIN CTE (hearing on major tax reform options) 10:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (bus mtg) 10:00 H-328 Cap RULES CTE (S.2271, transfer P.O. Bldg to Smith- sonian) 2:00 pm SR-328A AG CTE (Canadian pork imports) 2:30 S-305 Cap. MTG. w/Stockman, Carolyn Weaver, Rod & Joe Humphreys, Long's staff 3:00 CLOTURE VOTE ON WILKINSON nom. 3:00 SH-141 or ?? MTG. W/Dr. Jan Pillai, Dr. Kathri,Mr. Sheladia & Mr. Rebello,re FR 4:00 SD-402 MTG. w/Sec'y Block & Ag Comm. Members re FHA loans to his partners 5:00 SH-141 MTG. w/Block, Mizel1, Lyng & Tom Kay 7:00 Sachets Jockey Club DINNER w/Dick Snyder, Pres., Simon & Schuster (w/Eliz.) Page Three Fri, Aug, 10 7:10 am ABC On GOOD MORNING AMERICA (limo will be at W.G.So. by 6:30) 10:00 SH-141 PHOTO w/interns & 1 page 10:30 SD-210 INTERVIEW w/Judy Woodruff 11:00 SD-211 INTERVIEW - CBS (Eric Enberg) (on V.P. race) 12:00 Sen. TV Gallery CNN "Take Two" live w/Don Farmer 11:30 SD-210 INTERVIEW - MacNeil-Lehrer 4:30 SD-211 FAREWELL PARTY for Carolyn Weaver, Stu Dorsey & Laurie (Finance) Sat, Aug. 11 Sun, Aug. 12 10:00 am Saratoga Spgs New York SPEAK - Jockey Club PLATFORM COMM. MEETING BEGINS SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - SUNDAY, AUGUST 12, 1984 9:15 am Depart Butler Terminal - National Airport PHONE: 202/549-8340 via Westwind Jet - agder Phipps plane Tail # 124NY Pilot : Jay Schey or John Campbell Copilot : Doug Houghton Manifest: Senator Dole Tad Davis John Gordley JoAnne Coe Betty Meyer 10:30 am Arrive Saratoga Springs, New York airport Senator Dole met by Nick Brady and driven to National Museum of Racing (Dole staff met by second car) 10:50 am Arrive National Museum of Racing betw.11:15 11:30 SPEAK - The Jockey Club Roundtable 12:10 pm Depart National Museum of Racing enroute Albany 12:45 pm Arrive Page Airways - Albany, N.Y. Airport PHONE: 518/869-0253 12:50 pm Depart Albany enroute Dallas (same aircraft as D.C. - Saratoga Springs) Manifest: Senator Dole John Gordley JoAnne Coe Betty Meyer 3:10 pm Arrive Jet East Terminal - Love Field - Dallas PHONE: 214/350-8523 Senator and John will be met by car and driver from Republic Bank Mike Grogan meeting JoAnne and Betty Senator and John will be driven to the Hyatt Regency Staying at Hyatt - Platform mtgs. also there PHONE: 214/651-1234 JoAnne & Betty driven to Wyndham Hotel PHONE: 214/631-2222 SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15 9:00 a.m. Joe Smith to pick up J. D. Williams at Wyndham Hotel 9:15 a.m. INTERVIEW - CBS NEWS Jeff Fager, Producer Front of Hyatt Regency Dallas 9:30 a.m. BRIEF STOP-BY, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PLATFORM HEARINGS 10:15 a.m. Depart Aviall Aviation, Love Field 357-8511 VIA: Westwind Jet Tail No. N24SR CONTACT: John Brumley Southland Royalty (Ft. Worth) 817/390-9200 11:00 a.m. Arrive Hobbie Field, Houston, and taxi to Atlantic Aviation MET BY : Clark Onstad, Washington Representative, Texas Air Corp. 202/628-3336 11:30 a.m. Arrive Ist City Tower Building, 33rd Floor Offices of Evans Attwell Vinson and Elkins 713/651-3111 Proceed across the street to: 12:00 noon DOLE FOR SENATE LUNCHEON Ramada Club 1st City National Bank Building 713/652-2932 (30 attendees, at $1,000 per person including W. Clement Stone) Hosts: Evans Attwell, Vinson & Elkins Frank Lorenzo, Texas Air 2:00 p.m. DOLE FOR SENATE LUNCHEON CONCLUDES (Possibly earlier) J. D. WILLIAMS TO ARRANGE MEDIA EVENTS SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE - AUGUST 15 - PAGE TWO 4:00 p.m. Depart downtown Houston en route Hobbie Field (NOTE: THIS DEPARTURE TIME IS AT REQUEST OF THE PILOTS) 4:45 p.m. Arrive Hobbie Field, Air Research Terminal 713/443-7300 4:50 p.m. Depart Houston VIA: Falcon 50 Jet Tail No. 202BT CONTACT: Bruce LaBoon Big Three Industries 6:00 p.m. Arrive New Orleans Lakefront Airport, Aero Services West 504/245-1140 MET BY : Pat Taylor 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. DOLE FOR SENATE RECEPTION Explorers Room, Fairmont Hotel 504/529-7111 Hosts: Pat and Phyllis Taylor 504/8195491 (Ofc.) Secretary : Glenda Balanca (sp?) 504/524-8855 (Res.) (30 attending, at $500/couple - trying for more) 9:15 p.m. Depart Lakefront Airport, New Orleans Aero Services West VIA: Falcon 50 Jet Tail No. 202BT 10:15 p.m. Arrive Love Field, Dallas Aviall Aviation 357-8511 MET BY : Joe Smith RON : Senator: Hyatt Regency Dallas J. D. Williams: Wyndham Hotel SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE SUNDAY, AUGUST 19 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Organization Meeting and Briefing Reagan/Bush Caucus Teams Loew's Anatole, Cinema #2 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Dave Owen's Party for all Kansans Studebakers All American Bar and Diner 8080 Park Lane 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Reception honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meese The Mansion Hotel on Turtle Creek Host: William Moss 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (IF YOU DO THE MEESE RECEPTION) Reception and Buffet Dinner Senatorial Trust Mansion on Turtle Creek 2821 Turtle Creek Boulevard Host: ARCO 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Reception for Kansas Delegation 1614 Caddy's Circle, Garland, Texas (Dallas Host Committee - Ray and Deanna Chadwick) 7:30 p.m .- 9:30 p.m. Reception honoring Elizabeth Dole, Margaret Heckler, and Jeane Kirkpatrick. Neiman Marcus Store, Main Street Entrance, Downtown Dallas Hosts: Phil Hawley, Richard C. Marcus, and Donald Livingston (Carter-Hawley-Hale Stores and Neiman-Marcus) 8:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Cocktails Dinner - honoring Senator and Mrs. John Tower Jean Claude Restaurant Hosts: Paula Eggers 8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Barbecue - Texas Friends of Vice Pres. & Mrs. Bush Great Hall, Apparel Mart - 9:00 p.m. KANSAS DELEGATION CAUCUS Doubletree Inn SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE - MONDAY, AUGUST 20 7:30 a.m. OHIO DELEGATION BREAKFAST CAUCUS 7:45 a.m. SPEAK San Antonio Room, Marriott Park Central (Will be met at front door of hotel) 8:00 a.m. PRESS AVAILABILITY CONTACT : Martha Groezinger 233-4421, Ext. 7361 or 1559 STATE CHAIRMAN: Michael F. Colley 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. SPEAK - TED STEVENS' MEETING OF DELEGATIONS FROM ALASKA, HAWAII, PUERTO RICO AND ISLAND TERRITORIES Ballroom, Plaza Hotel CONTACT: Bill Phillips, A.A. to Sen. Stevens 742-7251 10:00 a.m . - ON-THE-RECORD COFFEE - 11:30 a.m. TIME, FORTUNE, PEOPLES MAGAZINE, MONEY top executives Tower Club, 1601 Elm Street (Henry Grunwald, Editor-in-Chief, TIME, is sponsor) 10:00 a.m. OPENING SESSION - REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION 12:30 p.m. LUNCH WITH NEWSWEEK (MRS. DOLE ALSO) Thornton Room, City Club 3200 One Main Place 748-9525 CONTACT: Thelma McMahon . 220-0500 or Regent Hotel, 630-7000 ATTENDING: Bob and Elizabeth Dole Katharine Graham Meg Greenfield Rick Smith, Newsweek Editor-in-Chief Maynard Parker, Newsweek Editor Mimi Sheils, Newsweek Nat'l Affairs Editor Mike Ruby, Assistant Managing Editor Mel Elfin, Washington Bureau Chief Harry Hubbard, Washington Deputy Bureau Chief John Lindsay, Political Correspondent Nikki Greenberg, General Assignment Reporter Mari Maseng Walt Riker AUGUST 20 - CONTINUED (PAGE 2) 2:00 p.m. * REAGAN BUSH CAUCUS TEAM - DELAWARE DELEGATION (70 TOTAL) (Probably won't be able to make) Dallas Hilton Inn Central - University Room 5600 North Central Expressway 827-4100 Delegation Chairman: Governor Pierre Dupont Vice Chair: Gerry Herlihy (State GOP Chairman) VIP's attending: Lt. Gov. Mike Castle (Gubernatorial candidate) :Frank DiMondi, National Committeeman Priscilla Rakestraw, Nat'l Committeewoman 3:30 p.m. * REAGAN BUSH CAUCUS TEAM JOINT CAUCUS. OF DELEGATIONS FROM SOUTH DAKOTA, WYOMING AND MONTANA (200 total) Westin Hotel - Preston II Ballroom (Level 3) 934-9494 S.D. Deleg'n Chair: Walter D. Miller (Reagan/Bush State Chair) S.D. VIP'S: Senator Abdnor Senator Pressler Walter Dale, S.D. House Majority Whip Wyoming Delegation Chairman: Tom Sansonetti (State GOP Chair.) Wyoming VIP's: Senator Wallop Senator Simpson Congressman Dick Cheney Ed Witzenburger (Reagan/Bush Chairman) Montana Delegation Chairman: John Brenden (State GOP Chairman) M/C: Chuck Cozzens, U.S. Senate candidate 3:30 p.m. KANSAS DELEGATION CAUCUS (Joint with District of Columbia) Doubletree Inn - Ballroom Hosts: Olive Allen and Ben Vidricksen 4:30 - 5:30 NAACP Recep - Dallar Hilton - Junior Ballroom 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. ABC Reception honoring Paul Laxalt Hyatt Regency, Reunion Room 5:30 p.m .- 7:30 p.m. Senator Baker's Republican Majority Fund Reception Ballroom B & C, Convention Center (Card necessary for admission) 8:00 p.m. EVENING SESSION - REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION KEYNOTE: Kathryn Ortega 8:45 p.m. CBS ANCHOR BOOTH - Dan Rather MONDAY, AUGUST 20 (CONTINUED) - PAGE 3 9:05 p.m. NBC - Connie Chung On-The-Floor Interview 10:30 p.m. ??? Dinner with George Will, Meg Greenfield, and other press people Hyatt Reunion (WE HAVE NEVER RSVP'D THIS REQUEST) 10:30 p.m. ABC NIGHTLINE (?) 11:00 p.m. CBS NIGHTWATCH (?) * DOLE CAUCUS TEAM MEMBERS : Senator Dole Betty Rendel Stan Parris Henry Hyde Mac Baldridge Eldon Rudd (maybe) Tom Kean (maybe) Team Leader: Joe Jenckes Wyndham Hotel 631-2222, Rm. 1420 SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE THURSDAY, AUGUST 23 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. SENATOR DOLE BREAKFAST FOR KANSAS DELEGATION Doubletree Inn, Ballroom, Arizona Section Co-Hosts: Castle & Cooke/Dole Pineapple 10:00 a.m. SPEAK - CALIFORNIA DELEGATION (SPECIAL MEETING CALLED FOR THIS PURPOSE) Anatole Hotel, Stemmons Auditorium (Atrium I) CONTACT: Keith Welch, Calif. Reagan/Bush Exec. Dir. 220-4812 11:00 a.m .(Time Approximate -- Will accommodate your schedule) SPEAK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF URBAN REPUBLICAN COUNTY CHAIRMEN Room W-109, Dallas Convention Center CONTACT: John W. Sweezy Chairman, Nat'l Assoc. of Urban GOP County Chairmen 691-3600, Room 526 11:30 a.m. PRESIDENT'S AND VICE-PRESIDENT'S RECEPTION AND LUNCHEON Anatole Hotel 11:30 a.m. VIP's arrive at Mistral Entrance and escorted to Wedgewood Room for Private Reception 12:30 p.m. VIP's escorted to Chantilly Ballroom for seating at designated tables 2:30 p.m. CONCLUSION OF LUNCHEON CONTACT: Elizabeth Tyson 220-0740 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. RECEPTION - YOUNG REPUBLICAN NATIONAL FEDERATION Hyatt Regency - Reunion Ballroom CONTACT: Marilyn Hudson 651-1234, Room 337 (Senator has tickets given to him by Marilyn, Kansas candidate for YRNF Chairmanship) 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. RECEPTION HONORING SENATOR DOLE Adolphus Hotel, Grand Ballroom Host: Phil Beekman, President and CEO Jos. E. Seagram & Sons 8:00 p.m. FINAL SESSION - REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION 9:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. PHIL GRAM FUNDRAISER Hyatt Regency - Regency Ballrooms A, B, C ARRIVE FIRST VIA V.I.P. BOOTH SO YOUR ARRIVAL CAN BE ANNOUNCED