U.S. Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary of Transportation 400 Seventh St., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20590 TRAVEL SCHEDULE Elizabeth Hanford Dole Kansas City, Missouri Advance: Duggin Jacobson Staff: Maseng Ballard 6/27 SUNDAY, JULY 1, 1984 3:35pm DEPART National Airport for Kansas City, MO TWA FLIGHT 297 Seat Assignment: 5D - Senator, 5E - Elizabeth Meal Service: Snack Flight time: Time change: -1 hour 5:04pm ARRIVE Kansas City, Mo. Depart Rampside. Met by Jacobson. 5:10pm DEPART airport for Radisson Hotel 816/471-1400 Balt and 12th Streets Kansas City, Missouri Motorcade: Car #1: Jacobson Security Car #2: Secretary, Maseng, Ballard, Driver: 5:30pm ARRIVE hotel and proceed to private. 7:20pm DEPART private and proceed to the Westin Crown Center to attend receptions. One Pershing Road Kansas City, Missouri Motorcade: Car #1: Jacobson Security, Ballard Car #2: Secretary, Maseng, Duggin Page 2 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS CITY, MO SUNDAY, JULY 1, 1984 Cont'd. 7:29pm ARRIVE Westin Crown Plaza and proceed to reception. 816/474-4400 7:30pm ATTEND reception to be held in the Liberty Room on the ballroom level, hosted by Louisa Fletcher - State Chrm. of Kansas City NAACP, Charles Cherry - State Chrm. of Florida NAACP, and Ben Andrews - St. Chrm. of Connecticut. Met by: Thelma Duggin Location: Liberty Room - Ballroom level Attendance: 150 - 200 of the leadership of the NAACP and their Exec. Directors. Attire: Business Suit Press: Closed Format: mix and mingle NOTE: This reception is held from 7-9:00pm 8:25pm DEPART Liberty Room and proceed to second reception 8:30pm ARRIVE Centennial Room and proceed to reception hosted by Miller Brewing Company. NOTE: This is on the Ballroom level as well and is at the west end. NOTE: The reception runs from 7-9:00pm also Attendance: 400-600 of NAACP leadership and Delegates Attire: Business Suit Press: Closed Format: mix and mingle 9:15pm DEPART Centennial Room for the Convention Center Motorcade: Car #1: Jacobson, Security, Ballard Car#2: Secretary, Maseng, Duggin, Driver: Page 3 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS CITY, MO SUNDAY, JULY 1, 1984 Cont'd. 9:30pm ARRIVE Convention center and proceed to reception hosted by Anheuser Busch. 9:45pm DEPART reception and proceed to Radisson Hotel. 816/471-1400 10:00pm ARRIVE Radisson Hotel and proceed to private RON KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Page 4 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS CITY, MO MONDAY, JULY 2, 1984 Cont'd. 9:50am BAGGAGE CALL 10:00am DEPART for Kansas City Convention Center 816/421-8000 301 West 13th Street Kansas City, Missouri 10:10am ARRIVE Center and proceed to Exhibition hall for photo opportunity at the DOT booth. 10:20am DEPART Exibition hall and proceed to the South Exhibit hall for the ADDRESS. 10:25am ARRIVE South Exhibit Hall 10:30am PLENARY SESSION of the 75th Diamond Jubilee NAACP Convention Event Contact: Mildred Roxborough 816/471-1400 Press: Open Attendance: 2,000 Attire: Business Platform: Secretary Dole, Ben Hooks, Ben Andrews 10:30am PRESENTATION of Colors by Coast Guard 10:35am WELCOME by Ben Hooks 10:45am INTRODUCTION of Secretary by Senator Dole 10:50am REMARKS by Secretary Dole 11:15am CONCLUSION of remarks 11:25am DEPART Hall for airport. Motorcade: Car #1: Jacobson, Maseng, Security Car #2: Secretary, Duggin, Ballard Page 5 TRAVEL SCHEDULE KANSAS CITY, MO MONDAY JULY, 2, 1984 Cont'd. 1:00pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing Eastern flight. FAA contact: Keith Hampton 913/791-2330 1:20pm DEPART Kansas City for Washington/National EASTERN FLIGHT 324 (handwritten: 10C- Senator (have requested Seats 10C & D)) Seat Assignment: 10A - Elizabeth Meal Service: Snack Flight Time: 4:28pm ARRIVE Washington/National. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF JULY 2-8, 1984 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Mon, July 2 IN KANSAS Tues, July 3 IN D.C. Wed, July 4 HOLIDAY Thurs, July 5 11:00 by phone INTERVIEW - Gloria Borger, NEWSWEEK on Mondale 11:15 SD-219 TAPE Touche Ross Interview (John Connor) on def. red. bill (30 min.) IN D.C. 2:30 SH-141 INTERVIEW - Robert Novak (for Reader's Digest profile) 1 hr. Fri, July 6 8:00 Watergate Terrace BKFST. w/Martin Sorkin & John Camp 12:00 SH-141 LUNCH w/Bob Ellsworth (in office) ? 11:30 SH-141 VISIT w/Mrs. Geneva Jones & 15-year-old grandson John Quinn (mother is Jennifer Quinn) (need photographer) 2:00 SH-141 MTG. on Disaster Assistance (Frank Naylor, Larry Davis, Ks. FmHA Dir) Sat, July 7 In D.C. Sun, July 8 In D.C. SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE - JULY 14, 1984 1:13 p.m. Depart Washington National American Airlines #519 - First Class 4:07 p.m. Arrive Des Moines, Iowa MET BY: Jack Pester (host throughout visit) 515/282-5000 4:30 p.m.-5:15 p.m. Meet with Iowa Farm Bureau leaders Bohemian Club, Des Moines 400 Locust Street 515/288-5748 (Club) 515/288-5713 (Club Ofc.) CONTACT: Ted Yanecek 515/225-5533 (Ofc.) 515/255-1063 (Res.) 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Polk County GOP Picnic Iowa State Fairgrounds 515/262-3111 State Patrol Ofc: 515/262-3931 6:00 p.m. KEYNOTE SPEECH (NOTE: Sen. Roger Jepsen will attend CONTACTS: Dawn Roberts, Polk Co. Chairman 515/243-5137 (Hqtrs.) 515/255-9138 (Res.) "Wissie" Swanson (Hqtrs) 515/225-9321 (Res.) 6:30 p.m. Depart Iowa State Fairgrounds 6:45 p.m. Arrive Elliott Flying Service 515/285-6551 6:50 p.m. Depart Elliott Flying Service, Des Moines, via John Deere Citation II or III, Tail No. "John Deere 30, 60 or 90" Pilot: John Hoffmann CoPilot: Sam Breeden CONTACT: Deere Operations, Moline 309/757-7200 CONTACT: Dean Dort 223-4817 10:30 p.m. Arrive Washington National Airport Butler Aviation (Home via taxi) RON: Des Moines due to bad storm - John Deere plant flew him to D.C. Sen. A.M. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - WEEK OF JULY 9 thru 15 MONDAY, JULY 9 12:00 SH-141 LUNCH w/Rod and Mark McConaghy 1:30 SH-141 INTERVIEW w/Jerry Fogel, K.C. Radio Talk show host (KCMO) TUESDAY, JULY 10 1:45 Rose Garden-W.House FOOD FOR PEACE Ceremony (S.E. Gate) Arr. by 1:30 7:00 J.W.Marriott SPEAK - Food for Peace Recep. & Dinner Capitol Ballrm - Recep. - 7 to 8 Grand Ballroom - Dinner - 8:00 WEDNESDAY, JULY 11 betw. 10 & 11 Hart Atrium PHOTO w/47 Kansas 4-Her's (Mark) (replaced with 10:30) 11:15 SH-141 MTG. w/Mr. Abdulmushin Al-Sudeary, Saudi Arabia & Pres. of Int'l Fund for Ag Dev.; Lucy Tamlyn, Int'l Desk-State & Betty Cooke, AID Legis. Office 6:30 Continental Rm-Watergate Hotel RECEP. for Martin Sorkin THURSDAY, JULY 12 FRIDAY, JULY 13 NYC DFS Bkfst (Don Sloan & Arthur Levitt) Phila. DFS Luncheon & visit to SmithKline & CIGNA SATURDAY, JULY 14 Des Moines POLK COUNTY REPUBLICAN CENTRAL COMM. PICNIC Des Moines Jepsen Event SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE - JULY 12-14, 1984 Thursday, July 12 3:30 p.m. Lv. Washington National - NY Air 28 4:30 p.m. Ar. New York, LaGuardia MET BY: Tully Plesser (w/car and driver) 212/777-7300 5:30 p.m. Cocktails Office of George Friedman, President Warner Cosmetics GM Building - 14th Floor 767 Fifth Avenue 212/935-8600 Key attendees: Mort Zuckerman, Atlantic Mag./U.S. News Russell Banks, Chairman, Grow Group 6:30 p.m. Depart Friedman office en route United Nations Plaza Hotel - Brief time to refresh 7:15 p.m. Private meeting with Martin S. Davis, Chairman & CEO, Gulf + Western Industries 7:30 p.m. Cocktails 8:00 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Dinner 8 senior execs, Gulf + Western (including Richard Snyder, President of Simon and Schuster) Office of Martin S. Davis Chairman & CEO, Gulf + Western Industries Executive Dining Room, 43rd Floor One Gulf + Western Plaza 212/333-7000 NOTE: TULLY REQUESTS DEAN NOT ATTEND. RON: United Nations Plaza Hotel (Guaranteed late arrival) 44th Street at First Avenue 212/355-3400 Friday, July 13 7:45 a.m. Don Sloan will pick you up with limo in front of hotel, and escort to SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE - JULY 12-14 - PAGE 2 8:00 a.m.-9:30 a.m. Dole for Senate Breakfast River Club 447 East 52nd Street 212/751-0100 HOSTS: Donald R. Sloan Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. 212/872-4030 Arthur Levitt Chairman, American Stock Exchange 212/306-1000 Key attendees: Herbert Ruben, Sr. VP, Merrill Lynch George Vonder Linden, Exec. VP Smith-Barney Edward Ney, Chairman, Young & Rubicam John Chalsty, Managing Dir., Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette Arthur Levitt, ASE Donald Sloan, Peat Marwick 9:15 a.m. CIGNA reps and limo will escort you from River Club en route helipad, West 34th Street CIGNA Reps in car: Jack Armstrong, Exec. VP, Investment Group Bob Patricelli, Ex. VP, Affiliated Businesses A.J. Harris, VP, Federal Affairs 9:30 a.m. Depart N.Y. via CIGNA Corp. helicopter (United Technologies 6-passenger capacity) NOTE: MUST GIVE CIGNA ATTACHED CHECK FOR USE OF HELO 10:15 a.m. Arrive Riverfront helipad, Philadelphia, MET BY: Senator Arlen Specter, and Jim Walker, CIGNA Exec. VP, and proceed to: 10:30 a.m. Press Conference and Tour of Urban Enterprise Zone, with Senator Arlen Specter CONTACT: Bob Moss, Sen. Specter's Office 215/597-7200 SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE - JULY 12-14 - PAGE 3 10:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Light House Community Center Lehigh Avenue and Mascher Street (center of enterprise area) Director: Shirley Thomas 215/425-7800 11:00 a.m.-11:05 a.m. Drive down American Street Corridor 11:05 a.m. (Enterprise Zone) 11:05 a.m.-11:20 a.m. Visit Honor Food Company 5th and Montgomery Streets (new bldg. on site of old Stetson Hat Co., built by city with EDA grant) President: Richard Singer 215/236-1700 11:20 a.m. Phil Jehle escorts Senator Dole to: 11:40 a.m. Meeting with senior executives, SmithKline Beckman Corp. 1500 Spring Garden Street - 24th Floor Chairman: Robert F. Dee 215/751-5555 Secty: Betty Raitin, 751-5553 CONTACTS: Phil Jehle, D.C. Rep. 452-8490 Bill Gralla, V.P. 215/751-4000 12:15 p.m. Dole for Senate Reception 12:45 p.m.-2:00 p.m. Luncheon Four Seasons Hotel 215/963-1500 HOSTS: SmithKline Corp. & CIGNA Corp. WELCOMING REMARKS - BOB DEE INTRO OF SEN. ARLEN SPECTER - BOB KILPATRICK INTRO. OF SENATOR DOLE - SENATOR SPECTER 1:30 p.m. REMARKS - SENATOR DOLE CONTACT: Geoffrey C. (Geoff) Shepard V.P., Govt. & Industry Relations 215/557-5425 (Ofc.) 215/565-1128 (Res.) Also working on event: J.D. Williams Victor Lang, IU International (215/985-6750) SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE - JULY 12-14 - PAGE 4 2:00 p.m. Meet with senior executives of CIGNA Corp. CIGNA Hqtrs. - One Logan Square - 28th Floor Chairman: Robert D. Kilpatrick (Also Chairman, Business Round Table Task Force on Budget) CONTACT: Geoff Shepard (see above), or A.J. Harris, D.C. Rep. 296-7174, or Jim Walker, Exec. V.P., 215/557-5722/5724 2:30 p.m. Depart CIGNA Headquarters en route helopad 2:45 p.m. Depart Philadelphia via CIGNA helo (6 pass.) MANIFEST: Senator Dole Bob Kilpatrick, CIGNA Chairman Bill Coleman, CIGNA Director J.D. Williams Dean Burridge 3:45 p.m Arrive Washington National, Butler Aviation RON : Washington, D. C. Saturday, July 14 Depart Washington Arrive Des Moines, Iowa MET BY: Jack Pester (host throughout visit) 515/282-5000 4:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Fundraising Reception for Polk County GOP "Terrace Hill" (Governor's Mansion) 515/281-3454 HOST: Governor Terry Branstad and Jack Pester 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Polk County GOP Picnic Iowa State Fairgrounds 515/262-3111 State Patrol Ofc: 515/262-3931 6:00 p.m. KEYNOTE SPEECH (NOTE: Sen. Roger Jepsen will be in attendance at both events) SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE - JULY 12-14 - PAGE 5 CONTACTS: Dawn Roberts, Polk Co. Chairman 515/243-5137 (Hqtrs.) 515/255-9138 (Res.) "Wissie" Swanson (Hqtrs) 515/225-9321 (Res.) 6:45 p.m. Depart Des Moines Flying Service via Arrive Washington National Airport SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF JULY 16-22, 1984 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Mon, July 16 8:00 am W.G. Terrace BREAKFAST w/Robert Monks 523-9054 Barbara 9:30 SH-141 MTG. w/Tom Evans 9:45 SH-141 MEETING w/ Al Lehn (Mike P) 10:00 SH-141 MEETING w/Chinese Amb. Zhang Wenjan (John G) Tues, July 17 12:00 pm Atlanta, GA FR LUNCH by John Amos Wed, July 18 8:00 am NYC FR BREAKFAST by George Ball 9:30-10:30 SH-141 VISIT by 2 girls from Am. Legion Aux. Girls Nation (Linda) 12:00 pm Cleveland, OH FR LUNCH by Shelley Adelman TO KANSAS RON: Russell, KS Thurs, July 19 9:00 am Russell, KS SPEAK - Dedication Post Rock Water District 12:00 pm Great Bend, KS SPEAK - KS. Livestock Assn 6:00 Topeka F.R. by Topeka Chamber of Commerce 8-9:30 Topeka F.R. DINNER by Archie Dykes Page Two Fri, July 20 8:00 am Ramada Inn F.R. BREAKFAST by Sam Cohen Topeka 9:30 Ramada Inn BREAKFAST, Ag. Policy Topeka ? K.C., MO SPEAK - Touche Ross Seminar 5:55 pm Dep. K.C. TO D.C. Sat, July 21 Sun, July 22 SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE - JULY 17-18, 1984 Tuesday, July 17 10:00 a.m. Lv. Washington National, Butler Aviation via Sabreliner Tail No. N30AF Pilot: Comer Butler CoPilot: (Don't have name yet) Manifest: (All have raised funds for the Atlanta event) Senator Bob Dole J.D. Williams David Barrett, Barrett, Hanna, Daly & Gaspar Tom Mitchell, Georgia Pacific Chuck Tower, Dun & Bradstreet John Corcoran, Norfolk & Southern R.R. Don Evans 11:30 a.m. Arrive Peachtree DeKalb Airport, Hangar One - Atlanta, Georgia Met by limousine and proceed to: 12:00 p.m. DOLE FOR SENATE LUNCHEON Commerce Club - 14th Floor 404/525-1661 Host: John and Elena Amos American Family Corp. Contact: Dr. Othell Hand 404/322-7950 (Downtown Ritz Carlton, Atlanta - 404/659-0400) 1:30 p.m. Depart Commerce Club en route Peachtree DeKalb Airport 2:00 p.m. Depart Peachtree DeKalb via Sabreliner N30AF 3:30 p.m. Arrive Butler Aviation, Washington National MET BY: Dean Burridge SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE - JULY 17-19 - PAGE 2 Tuesday, July 17 (Continued) 6:30 p.m Lv. Washington National - NY Air 34 7:30 p.m. Arr. New York LaGuardia MET BY: PruBache Limo RON: Helmsley Palace 212/888-7000 8:00 p.m. DINNER at "21" w/Jiro Murase, David Sexton, First Boston & Boris Berkovich, Morgan Guaranty Wednesday, July 18 7:45 a.m. PruBache limo will pick up at hotel 8:00 a.m. DOLE FOR SENATE BREAKFAST Prudential Bache Securities 100 Gold Street Host: George Ball 212/791-2617 Contact: Ed Fergus 212/791-3146 9:30 a.m. Depart breakfast en route Teterboro Airport via limo provided by PruBache 10:00 a.m. Arrive Teterboro, N.J., Atlantic Aviation 201/288-1740 10:00 a.m. Depart Teterboro via Citation I Tail # 44RD Pilot: Charles Matthews CoPilot: Lee Burrus Contact: Terry Hibler 203/584-2351 11:30 a.m. Arrive Cleveland, Ohio Burke Lakefront Airport, Wright Aviation 216/861-2030 MET BY: Paul Russo 11:35 a.m.-11:40 a.m. PHOTO OPPORTUNITY AND TAPING OF ACTUALITY FOR Matt Hatchadorian Republican Candidate, 19th Cong. District (Vs. Edward F. Feighan, Ist term Demo.) Handwritten in margins: Hatchadorian Camp. - 216/382-3010 - Tom Wolfe, mgr - Libby Kay, press SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE - JULY 17-19 - PAGE 3 Wednesday, July 18 (Continued) Contact: Mark Harroff 546-1150 Press Secty to Hatchadorian: Libby Kaye 11:42 a.m. Paul Russo will drive to: 12:00 noon DOLE FOR SENATE LUNCHEON (In progress since 11:30) Union Club 1211 Euclid Avenue 216/621-4230 Host: Sheldon (Shelly) Adelman President and CEO Blue Coral Wax 216/641-5490 Shelly Adelman introduces Paul Russo Paul Russo introduces Senator Dole SENATOR DOLE - BRIEF REMARKS FOLLOWED BY Q&A 1:30 p.m. Depart luncheon en route Burke Park Airport 2:45 p.m. Depart Cleveland via Citation I, Tail # 44RD 4:30 p.m. Arrive Russell, Kansas, Rich's Air Service 913/483-6711 Betty Senator/Betty SENATOR DOLE'S KANSAS SCHEDULE July 18-20, 1984 WEDNESDAY July 18 4:00 p.m. Arrive Russell Airport - Kenny will pick you up. Rich's Air Service, Russell - 913-483-6711 OVERNIGHT - RUSSELL THURSDAY July 19 8:00 a.m. Depart Russell for Kanopolis Dam - Kenny will drive you. 9:00 a.m. POST ROCK RURAL WATER DISTRICT DEDICATION - You will be introduced to speak immediately prior to ground-breaking ceremony - picture session to follow. CONTACT: Van Gundy & Assoc's. Staff: John Gordley 913-472-4067 10:00 a.m. Depart Kanopolis Dam for Hoisington - Steve will drive you. 10:45 a.m to 11:45 a.m. PUBLIC MEETING WITH CONSTITUTENTS, Hoisington Chamber of Commerce Office, 123 N. Main. 316/653-4317 CONTACT: Ike Walters-316-653-2776 Lillian Papay 316/793-3836 11:45 a.m. Depart Hotsington for Great Bend 12:00 Noon PRESS PICTURE - Ahmadullah Ahmadullah and son Zia - Highland Manor Lobby, Highland Manor, 3017 Tenth St., 316/792-2431 12:30 p.m. KANSAS LIVESTOCK ASSOCIATION LUNCHEON, Highland Manor CONTACT: Rich Mckee, 913/232-9358 Staff: John Gordley 1:45 p.m. Depart Great Bend for Fort Larned - Steve will drive you 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. OPEN HOUSE at the Ft. Larned National Historic Site You will arrive at 2:15 p.m. CONTACT: Jack Arnold, 316/285-3571 Glee Smith will introduce you before your comments. 3:00 p.m. Depart Ft. Larned for Larned Municiple Airport - 316/285-6411 3:10 p.m. Depart Larned Airport for Junction City - CESSNA 421, TAIL #41041 PILOT: Bud Meredith & Co-pilot 3:50 p.m. Arrive Junction City Municiple Airport - 913/238-2020 Frank Duffy will meet you and drive you to the Liberty Inn 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. PUBLIC MEETING WITH CONSTITUENTS - Liberty Inn Meeting Room, 1133 S. Washington, Junction City - 913/238-1141 CONTACT: Aryis Meseke 913/238-3968 STAFF: John Gordley & Jane Deterding 5:10 p.m. Depart Junction City for Topeka - CESSNA 421, TAIL #41041 Thursday July 19th, cont'd. 5:30 p.m. Arrive Topeka Phillip Billard Airport - 913-234-2602 Don Fambrough will meet you and take you to the Ramada Inn. 5:40 p.m. Ramada Inn - relax and freshen up. Ramada: 913-233-8981 6:15 p.m. Depart Ramada Inn for Topeka Country Club - Don will drive you. 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. RECEPTION - Topeka Country Club, 2700 SW Buchanan, 913/354-8561 Follows fund-raising golf tournament. Staff: Rich Belas, Mike Pettit, Judy Kay CONTACT: Mark Heitz, 913/295-3287 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. DINNER - Fundraiser at the home of Archie and Nancy Dykes 2329 SW Mayfair Place, 913/266-3724 - Don will drive you. (I understand this is not a dinner, but they will have hors d'oeuvers) RON - RAMADA INN - 913/233-8981 FRIDAY July 20 a.m. 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. AGRICULTURE POLICY BREAKFAST - Ramada Inn Gold Room Area Agriculture Groups; Marvin Duncan, KC Federal Reserve Board STAFF: John Gordley Farm Bureau Contact: Paul Fleenor 913/537-2261 10:45 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. PRESS CONFERENCE - Ramada Inn Lobby 11:15 a.m. Depart Ramada Inn for Billard Airport 11:30 a.m. Depart Phillip Billard for KC Municipal - CESSNA 421, Tail #41041 11:50 a.m. Arrive Executive Beechcraft, KC Municipal - 816/842-8484 Gale Grosch will meet you and take you to Crown Center 12:15 p.m. KANSAS CITY ACTUARIES CLUB LUNCHEON - (Luncheon begins at noon) Liberty Room, Crown Center, One Pershing Road - 816/474-4400 CONTACT: Jim Lamson - 913/451-3000 12:45 p.m. SPEAK - Kansas City Actuaries Club Luncheon 2:00 p.m. Depart Crown Center for Alameda Plaza - Gale will drive you FRIDAY July 20th, cont'd. 2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. PRESS CONFERENCE - Alameda Plaza (handwritten: De Soto Rm.) 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. TAX SEMINAR - Diplomat Room, Alameda Plaza - 816/756-1500 Sponsored by Touche Ross & Co. CONTACT: Gary Burroughs 913/238-3234 Reception following Seminar - you may have time to stop by, but if not, they understand. 4:00 p.m. Depart Alameda for KCI 4:55 p.m. Depart KCI for Washington National, TWA Flight #158 8:08 p.m. Arrive Washington National SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF JULY 23-29, 1984 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Mon, July 23 9:30-4:30 pm 310 1st, SE PLATFORM Exec Cte Meeting (John G) (break: 12:30-2:00) 4:00 SD-562 JT ECON CTE 1st Monthly Econ. Bfg. 7:00-7:45 pm Howard Univ. 2222 4th, NW TAPING, Amer. Black Forum (Walt) Tues, July 24 9:30 am SD-215 ENERGY & AG TAX SUBC (S.463, Severance Tax Equity Act of 82) 10-11:00 W.H., Cab Rm N.W. Gate HOUSE/SEN. GOP LDRSHIP MTG (w/President) 11:00 B-339 RHOB SPEAK - Future Farmers of America State Presidents (Mark) (Daryl Yarrow, KS Pres & Michelle Benoit, KS V.P.) 11:45 S-230 Cap CHAIRMEN's MEETING 12:30 pm S-207 Cap POLICY LUNCHEON 2:00 VOTE (on reconsideration of H.ConRes 304 - Sakahrov-Bonner issue) 3:15 SH-141 or ?? PHOTO w/Pete & Mary Peterson, Belle Plaine, Ks. (w/Dau. Dawn) 5-7:00 SD-562 RECEPTION for Friends of Community Action Programs 5-7:00 S-207 Cap RECEPTION by Coalition for Regional Banking & Econ. Dev. (Mike P) (Marlin Jackson, Bank Comm. of Ark) 5:30-8 Sewall-Belmont House RECEP. by Stock Company Info Group (Ins.) per req. from J.D. 144 Constitution Ave, NE Page Two Wed, July 25 10:00 SH-141 INTERVIEW - CBS - Bob Schieffer (deficits & taxes) 10:00 S-407 Cap BRIEFING BY SEC'Y SHULTZ for Members Only 10:00 SR-328A SOIL & WATER CONSERV SUBC (wilderness bills for Ga, Miss, & Va) 11:30-2 S-207 Cap NATL HOT DOG MONTH by Amer Meat Industries 12-2:00 SD-106 NATL YOUTH SCI CAMP (by Sen. Randolph) (Members only) 2:15 SH-141 PHOTO w/5 FFA members, inc. Ron WIneinger, Nat'l Pres.) Mark 2:00 pm SD-226 JUD CTE (noms) 3:10 S-305 Cap. MTG. w/Jake Pickle on Disability (w/Carolyn Weaver) 3:30 CONF. ON DISABILITY (crossed out and marked cancelled) 6-8 SR-485 PRESS CONF. BY Symms & Chiles w/Andres Vargas Gomez, Cuban pol. Prisoner - recep. to follow Thurs, July 26 8:00 Watergate Terrace BKFST. w/U.S. Chamber (Richard Rahn, Dick Lesher, Dick Breault & Mick Staton, former GOP House Member) 9:30 am SD-215 TAX & DEBT MGT SUBC (fringe benefits) 10:00 SD-226 JUDICIARY COMM. (pending business) 1:30 Valley Forge Rm. Hyatt Reg. SPEAK - Luncheon for $5,000+ donors Fla. (Pat Roberts 813/867-1166) 1:30 SH-141 PHOTO w/Boys Nation Delegates from Ks. (Ed. D.) 1:30 S-128 Cap. CONFERENCE ON DISABILITY 3:00 Sen. TV Gallery Interviews 3:00 EEOC - Rm. 2003 DEDICATION of Clarence Mitchell, Jr. Conf. Rm. (Pam 634-6922) 2nd Fl. Lobby 2401 E St., N.W. 5:00 SD-226 JUDICIARY COMM. (noms.) Fri, July 27 9:30 am SD-215 TAX & DEBT MGT SUBC (fringe benefits) Following appointment crossed out: 10:00 SD-226 JUDICIARY COMM. (pending bus.) Sat, July 28 Page Three 9:00 am New Hamp. PRESS BREAKFAST for Sen. Humphrey 10:00 New Hamp HUMPHREY KITCHEN CABINET 1-3:00 pm Chichester, NH HUMPHREY BARBEQUE Sun, July 29 12-3 pm K.C., MO F.R. BRUNCH by Corporate Woods (home of Tom Congleton and M. Hills) (marked cancelled) Saturday, July 28, 1984 (handwritten on page: Sen. Humphrey event) 5:45 am Depart Lebanon, New Hampshire for Washington National Cessna Citation I jet (N29AC) Pilot in Command - Eric Ramsdell Co-pilot - Don LaRiviere 7:15 am Arrive Washington National - Butler Aviation. Refuel and take on passengers 7:45 am Passenger arrival - Butler Aviation terminal 8:00 am Depart Washington National for Concord, New Hampshire Approx flight time: 1 hour, 15 mins. 9:15 am Arrive Concord, New Hampshire To be met by Carroll Jones. He will brief you. Depart airport for Highway Hotel. 9:20 am Arrive Highway Hotel - go directly to Rumford Room 9:20 am-10:20 am **Press Breakfast - Rumford Room 10:30 am-10:50 am Move to Webster Room. Mingle with Senator's Committee members prior to meeting at 10:55 am. 10:55 am-12:20 pm **Kitchen Cabinet meeting. 12:30 pm Depart Highway Hotel for Chichester 12:45 pm Arrive Humphrey residence Page 2 Saturday, July 28, 1984 1:00 pm **Senatorial Advisory Board BBQ 2:30 pm Depart Humphrey residence enroute Concord Airport 2:45 pm Depart Concord for Boston Drop off Senator Domenici *3:30 pm Arrive Logan airport, Boston *4:00 pm Depart Logan for Washington National airport. *5:00 pm Arrive Washington National * Exact times depend on weather and density of air traffic ** Please see attached detail sheet SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1984 8:00 am Depart Butler Avia. - National Airport PHONE: 202/549-8340 via CitationII Tail #29 AC Pilot: Eric Ramsdell Copilot: Don LaRiviere Manifest: Senator Dole, Senator Domenici, Bob Mann - Humphrey Campaign, Robin Dole, Susan Sherwood (tentative) 9:15 am Arrive Concord, N.H. Airport - General Avia. Terminal PHONE: 603/224-4033 or 603/224-7474 Met by Humphrey campaign staffer and driven to Highway Hotel PHONE: 603/225-6687 9:20 am Senator Humphrey will meet Senators Dole & Domenici in Main Lobby of Highway Hotel and proceed to Rumford Room 9:20-10:20 am Press Breakfast - Rumford Room - Highway Hotel 10:30 am Arrive Webster Room where Senators will mingle with Senator Humphrey's Committee members prior to Kitchen Cabinet Meeting 10:55 am-12:20 pm Kitchen Cabinet Meeting - Webster Room 12:30 pm Photo w/Toni Pappas - her proposed Resolution 63 relating to improved access for handicapped and elderly to registration and polling facilities (Bob Mann coordinating) 12:40 pm Depart Highway Hotel enroute Humphrey residence 1:00 pm Arrive Chichester - Humphrey residence PHONE: 603/798-5274 Senator Dole's Schedule - Saturday, July 298, 1984 Page 2. 1:00 pm Senator Humphrey's Advisory Board barbeque 2:20 pm Senators Dole and Domenici depart Chichester enroute Concord airport 2:45 pm Depart Concord Airport via Citation II Manifest: Senator Dole, Senator Domenici, Robin Dole, Susan Sherwood (tentative) 3:15 pm Arrive Boston Logan Airport to drop off Senator Domenici 3:20 pm Depart Boston enroute National 4:40 pm Arrive Butler Aviation - National Airport PHONE: 202/549-8340