-2- Friday, June 1 12:00 noon Depart Rome via Navy T-39 Manifest : Senator Dole Colonel Brown, Battle Monuments Commission David Olive, Embassy Control Officer assigned to Sen. Dole 1:00 p.m. Arrive Florence MET BY : Frederick Hassett, Consul General Mrs. Carlo (Maria) Tondi Mr. Orlando Tondi Chiari Giorgio, Mayor of Castel D'Aiano VISIT FLORENCE BATTLEFIELD CEMETERY - Wreath-Laying Ceremony LUNCH - Courtesy of Consul General 4:00 p.m. (Perhaps Earlier) Depart Florence via Navy T-39 5:00 p.m. Arrive Rome 6:30 p.m .- 8:00 p.m. RECEPTION - Hosted for Diplomatic Corps and U.S. and Canadian Delegations - by President of Italian Republic Sandro Pertini 9:00 p.m. DINNER - Hosted either by Ambassador Rabb or Italian Chief of Staff, General Lamberto Bartolucci Saturday, June 2 9:30 a.m. Guests assemble at Porta San Paolo, Piazzale Ostiense, for UNVEILING OF PLAQUE dedicated by U.S .- Canadian First Special Service Force Association (F.S.S.F.) commemorating the entry into Rome June 4, 1944, an event which symbolizes the entire Italian campaign. NOTE : OTHER MEMBERS OF U.S. DELEGATION TAKE A PLACE OF HONOR IN A PROMINENT PLACE NEARBY AND OBSERVE PROCEEDINGS. Ceremony is under patronage of Italian Prime Minister Bettino Craxi, who will attend, Italian Head of State President Sandro Pertini, and Mayor of Rome Ugo Vetere. -3- 10:00 a.m. CEREMONY BEGINS - PROGRAM AS FOLLOWS: Canadian, U.S. and Italian military units arrive, with bands standing behind respective units. Military Honors to F.S.S.F. Flag, to flag of the Commune of Rome decorated with honor medal for military valor, to the Canadian Flags, to the U. S. Flags, and to the Italian Flag. Review of troops by President Pertini Invocation ADDRESSES - In Following Speaking Order: Canadian Minister of Veterans Affairs Campbell SENATOR DOLE - KEYNOTE (Reading of Presidential Proclamation, Followed by Own Remarks) General Vessey - Brief Remarks Colonel Gallagher - F.S.S.F. - Brief Remarks Prime Minister Bettino Craxi - Remarks UNVEILING OF PLAQUE. To be performed by Mayor of Rome Ugo Vetere, Ambassador Rabb, and Canadian Ambassador Hardy. NOTE : Senator Dole, General Vessey and Canadian Minister for Veterans Affairs Campbell will participate by standing by the plaque as it is unveiled. "Lights-Out" and Piave Anthem Military Honors to the Italian Head of state, to the Italian Flag, to the U.S. Flags, to the Canadian Flags, to the Banner of the Commune of Rome, and to the F.S.S.F. Flag. Dignitaries Leave, followed by departure of Italian, U.S. and Canadian Military Units. -4- 12:00 noon RECEPTION - Hosted by Mayor Vetere for all American and other guests and U.S. veterans and their wives - Villa Caffarelli Adjacent to the Campidoglio, Rome's City Hall 3:00 p.m. UNVEILING OF PLAQUE AT U.S. EMBASSY CONSULAR BUILDING, 119 Via Veneto. NOTE : Plaque commemorates the use of what is now the U. S. Consulate Building as Military Headquarters of Major General Frederick on June 4, 1944. PROGRAM IS AS FOLLOWS: Introductions by Deputy Chief of Mission Peter Bridges - who will be Master of Ceremonies Attending will be Italian Foreign Minister Jiulio Andreotti Invocation Ambassador Rabb - 2 minutes of remarks SENATOR DOLE - BRIEF REMARKS General Vessey - Brief Remarsk Secretary of the Army Marsh - KEYNOTE SPEAKER Foreign Minister Andreotti Unveiling of Plaque U. S. and Italian National Anthems Honor Guard Salute 7:00 p.m .- 9:00 p.m. RECEPTION - Hosted by Ambassador Rabb - for all Distinguished U.S., Canadian and Italian Guests NOTE : June 3 is Italian National Day, which will be commemorated by a large parade in Rome by Italian Military Units. -5- Sunday, June 3 9:05 a.m. Depart Rome via C-135 2 hour refueling stop in Azores 4:00 p.m. Arrive Andrews AFB State Department will have limousines available to transport key members of Delegation PRESIDENTIAL DELEGATION TO COMMEMORATE THE LIBERATION OF ROME Chairman: SENATOR ROBERT DOLE Delegates: Senator Patrick J. Leahy Honorable John O. Marsh, Jr. Secretary of the Army General John W. Vessey, Jr. Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Honorable Vernon Walters Ambassador at Large Maurice L. Britt Medal of Honor Recipient Mignano, Italy, 10 Nov 1943 Colonel Van T. Barfoot Medal of Honor Recipient Carano, Italy, 23 May 1944 Peter J. Dalessondro Medal of Honor Recipient Kalterherberg, Germany, 22 Dec 1944 Frank Stella President, Nat'l Italian American Foundation Louis J. Esposito Businessman - D-Day Veteran (Landed on Green Beach in Salerno) Philip Pistilli Businessman PRESIDENTIAL GUESTS/STAFF Mrs. Patrick V. Leahy Senator Leahy's wife Frank Donatelli Deputy Assistant to the President for Public Liaison Barbara Bodine Legislative Asst. to Senator Dole Paul Russo Former Asst. Secretary of Labor Bob Cabel White House Legislative Affairs Mike Usery State Department Jim Manning State Department (Protocol) Mary Mazarini State Department (Protocol) PRESIDENTIAL DELEGATION TO COMMEMORATE THE LIBERATION OF ROME Chairman: Senator Robert Dole Delegates: Senator Patrick J. Leahy Honorable John O. Marsh, Jr. Secretary of the Army General John W. Vessey, Jr. Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Honorable Vernon Walters Ambassador at Large Maurice L. Britt Medal of Honor Recipient Mignano, Italy, 10 Nov 1943 Colonel Van T. Barfoot Medal of Honor Recipient Carano, Italy, 23 May 1944 Peter J. Dalessondro Kalterherberg, Germany, 22 Dec 1944 Frank Stella President, Nat'l Italian American Foundation Louis J. Esposito Businessman - D-Day Veteran (Landed on Green Beach in Salerno) Philip Pistilli Businessman PRESIDENTIAL GUESTS/STAFF Mrs. Patrick V. Leahy Senator Leahy's wife Frank Donatelli Deputy Assistant to the President for Public Liaison Barbara Bodine Legislative Asst. to Senator Dole Paul Russo Former Asst. Secretary of Labor Bob Cabel White House Legislative Affairs Mike Usery State Department Jim Manning State Department (Protocol) Mary Mazarini State Department (Protocol) SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE - MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1984 1:30 p.m. Lv. Washington National - TWA #535 - Seat 3D 2:34 p.m. Ar. St. Louis 3:20 p.m. Lv. St. Louis - TWA #143, Seat 3D 4 :17 p.m. Ar. Kansas City MET BY: Ned Riss, who will transport to: 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. RECEPTION - DOLE FOR SENATE Residence of Ned Riss Hosts : Bob and Ned Riss 2435 Drury Lane Mission Hills 913/362-3840 40-45 people in attendance, including wives (Guest List Attached) $35,000 in hand as of May 31. Anticipate $40,000 by June 4. Contact : Ned Riss 816/471-3400 (Ofc.) 913/362-3840 (Res.) 6:30 p.m. Leave Riss residence - Ned Riss will drive you to airport. 6:50 p.m. Arr. Executive Beechcraft, Municipal Airport 7:00 p.m. Depart Executive Beech Sabreliner, Tail #1909R Bill Grant Pilot: Mike Joannes Co-Pilot: LaRue Hawkins Manifest: Senator Dole Oscar Klein, Exec. V.P., BMA 9:45 p.m. Arrive National Airport, Butler Terminal MET BY: Dean Burridge SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF MAY 28-JUNE 3, 1984 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Mon, May 28 Tues, May 29 St. Louis F.R. Wed, May 30 9:30 am SD-226 CONSTIT SUBC (hearing on Grove City College oversight) Thurs, May 31 Fri, June 1 1-2:00 pm West Front Cap CONCERT by Scott City Community H.S. Band, KS (Marcie) (staff invited) Sat/Sun, June 2/3 SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE - MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1984 1:30 p.m. Lv. Washington National - TWA #535 - Seat 3D 2:34 p.m. Ar. St. Louis 3:20 p.m. Lv. St. Louis - TWA #143, Seat 3D 4:17 P.M. Ar. Kansas City MET BY : Ned Riss, who will transport to: 5:00 p.m .- 7:00 p.m. RECEPTION - DOLE FOR SENATE Residence of Ned Riss Hosts : Bob and Ned Riss 2435 Drury Lane Mission Hills 913/362-3840 40-45 people in attendance, including wives (Guest List Attached) $35,000 in hand as of May 31. Anticipate $40,000 by June 4. Contact: Ned Riss 816/471-3400 (Ofc.) 913/362-3840 (Res.) 6:30 p.m. Leave Riss residence - Ned Riss will drive you to airport. 6:50 p.m. Arr. Executive Beechcraft, Municipal Airport 7:00 p.m. Depart Executive Beech Sabreliner, Tail #1909R Pilot : Mike Joannes Co-Pilot: LaRue Hawkins Manifest : Senator Dole Oscar Klein, Exec. V.P. , BMA 9:45 p.m. Arrive National Airport, Butler Terminal MET BY: Dean Burridge Mr. Arthur D. Brookfield, II, President, Unitog Company 42 Janssen Place Kansas City, MO 64109 Mr. Pat Curran, President, Cook Paint & Varnish 6620 Wenonga Terrace Shawnee Mission, KS 66208 Mr. Douglas Miller, Senior Partner, Douglas C. Miller & Co. 3817 W. 65th Street Shawnee Mission, KS 66208 Mr. Lathrop Gates, Attorney, Gage & Tucker Mr. David Kemper, President, Commerce Bancshares Mr. Bob Billings * Mr. Jamie Coulter* 8724 Killarney Wichita, KS 67206 Mr. Dwight Sutherland, Partner, Sutherland Lumber Company 106th and Nall Overland Park, KS 66207 Mr. Wood Arnold 5964 Overhill Road Shawnee Mission, KS 66208 Mr. R. A. Fothergill 2411 W. 65th Shawnee Mission, Kansas Mr. Ray Evans, Investments 5632 Pembroke Lane Shawnee Mission, KS 66208 Mr. George E. Powell, Jr. Chairman of the Board, Yellow Freight Co. P.O. Box 7270 Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66208 Mr. Skip Nottberg, President, U.S. Engineering Mr. Roy Edwards, President, Research Seeds 900 N. Washington Blvd. Kansas City, KS 66102 Mr. Bob Fleisher, Sr. Vice President, Marketing, Pricing and Merchandising, Riss International 8801 Ensley Court Leawood, KS 66206 Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Riss, (Jan), President, Riss International 2435 Drury Lane Mission, KS 66208 Mr. Robert B. Riss, Chairman, Riss International 2510 Grand Avenue, #2304 Kansas City, MO 64108 Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Raemdonck, (Leslie) 3345 Table Mesa Dr., #156 Boulder, Co 80303 Mr. and Mrs. Quinton Wells, (Louise) 7742 Bridle Path Lane McLean, VA 22101 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schreier, (Laura), Vice President, Western Division Riss International 18691 Carriage Hill Lane San Jose, CA 95120 Miss Julie Riss 2425 West 71st Prairie Village, KS 66208 Mrs. G. Stayton Riss 2425 West 71st Prairie Village, KS 66208 Ms. Loretta Dumovich, President, Columbia Properties 2510 Grand Avenue, #2704 Kansas City, MO 64108 Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Moody, (Ruth), retired 7402 North Maury Place Tucson, AZ 85741 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cray, (Laura), 6444 Indian Lane Shawnee Mission, KS 66208 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roach, (Grace), President, Jack Roach Cadillac 2601 Verona Road Shawnee Mission, KS 66208 Mr. Clifford Nesslerode, Investor 2005 Washington Avenue Kansas City, KS 66102 Mr. William Clarkson, President, ( Jan), President, Clarkson Constructio) 5800 State Line Road Shawnee Mission, KS 66208 Mr. Wallace G. McDowell (Clara) Res: 6538 Wenonga Road President McDowell Tire Company Shawnee Mission, Ks. 66208 29 W. 14th Avenue P. O. Box 12340 North Kansas City, Mo. 64116 Mr. C. J. Hoffman (Chuck) Hoffman Enterprises, Inc. 106 W. 14th Street Kansas City, Missouri 64105 Mr. James H. Pendleton (Carol) Arthur Andersen & Co. Residence: 8525 Briar Lane P. O. Box 13406 Prairie Village, Ks 66207 Kansas City, Mo. 64199 Listings have title and company name and home addresses. *Sending contribution, but unable to attend. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF JUNE 4-10, 1984 DATE/TIME . . . . LOCATION EVENY STAFF CONTACT Mon, June 4 3-4:00 pm SR-385 RECEPTION, hon. Sen. Thurmond by The Amer Alliance 5:30 - 7:30 S-207 Cap RECEPTION by College of Obstet & Gyn's (Sheila/Ed) 5:30 - 8:30 J.W.Marriott RECEP/BUFFET by Natl Assn Meat Purveyors ( John/Mark) 5:30 pm K.C. F.R. Tues, June 5 8:00 am B-338 RHOB BREAKFAST by Bd Trustees/Public Housing Auth. Directors Assn (Mike/John) 9:00 AM SR-325 SPEAK - Women's Research Institute 9:30 SD-106 PATENTS SUBC (S.1734, Juke Box) 10:00 SR-301 RULES COMM. (computer systems vendor's proposals) 10:30 SD-106 CONST. SUBC. - Grove City College - oversight- 10:30 SD-215 MTG. OF SENATE CONFEREES (on deficit red. pkg.) 11:45 S-230 Cap CHAIRMEN'S MEETING 12:30 pm S-207 Cap POLICY LUNCHEON 2:00 SD-215 TAX SUBC. 6-8:00 3630 Prospect, NW F.R. RECEP, hon Ed DiPrete (R.I.) (Sen. a co-host) kg. across Geo'town (home of Fitzhugh Green) (by Sen. Chafee) street at 6-8:00 Hyatt Reg F.R., hon. Jack Lousma Columbia 6-8:00 NatlGuard Mem ALABAMA CATFISH DINNER by Cong. Bill Dickinson Bldg. (1 Mass Avenue, NW) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF JUNE 4-10: 1984 Page 2 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT . Wed, June 6 9:45 SH-141 Photo w/6 Ks. 4-Her's (Mark arranging) 12:00 pm SR-325 ANNUAL SEAFOOD LUNCHEON by Sen. Long/Johnston 2:00 1100 LHOB CONFERENCE ON DEFICIT RED. 5:30 - 7:30 S-207 Cap RECEPTION for publ of In Search of Liberty by Sen. D' Amato, Moynihan, M/M Doubleday 6-9:00 SR-325 RECEPTION by Natl Rifle Assn (Doug/Pete) 6:55 Lobby -W.G. So. PHOTO w/Jane Ann Houser & Pres., Service League of No. Va 7:00 #112 - W.G. So. INTERVIEW w/KAKE Thurs, June 7 7:30 8:30 am PHOTO BREAKFAST by KS Livestock Assn ( (John/Mark) 9:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (mark-up of S. 1739 - water resources) 9:00 am SD-226 JUD. COMM. (noms.) 10:00 am SR-328A AG COMM. (mark-up of REA Act) 10:00 AM SD-226 JUD CTE (bus mtg) 11:00 1100 LHOB CONF. ON DEFICIT REDUCTION 12:30 SH-141 MTG. w/Nancy Chotiner, Spec. Events Chrm., RNC 5:30- 7:30 S-207 Cap RECEPTION by Cte for Ed Funding hon. Congress (Senator only) "Freeze Ice Cream -- Not Education" SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF JUNE 4-10, 1984 Page 3 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Fri, June 8 9:30 S-230 Cap. MTG. on Deficit Red, legis. (Dole, Baker, Domenici, Garn, Roth, Simpson) 9:30 SD-215 TRADE SUBC. (U.S. steel industry) 10:00 SD-226 mtg: w/Sen. Conferces 12:00 1100LNOB Conf. on Deficit Red phy 3:00 SH-141 MTG. w/Stockman (w/Sheila Burke) 4:00 SH-141 MTG. w/Dr. Charles Barret, Chrmn,Western & Southern Ins., Cincinnati & Carl Shipley (perhaps Eugene Bates, Ex.VP,WGS Ins) 775-1329 4:30 phone call FROM Terry Slease, atty for Richard Mellon Scaife re Sec. 81 of tax bill (taxation of trusts) per Paul Weyrich 546-3004 4:45 SH-141 Mrs. Anna Lamendola (Lena Stafford's mother) & Lena - stop by (photo) (Lena 523-4096 8:00 pm Embassy of harreco OPERA BALL (w/Eliz) Great Britain Sat, June 9 10:30 Dep. Butler Term. - National Airport enroute Atlantic City, N.J. 12:00 SPEAK NAT'L ASSN. OF AMERICANS OF ASIAN INDIAN DESCENT - 5th Annaul Conv. Atlantic City Convention Center 1:00 Depart Atlantic City - Butler Term - Pomona Airport (609/646-5340 1:50 Arrive Butler Term. - National Airport Sun, June 10 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1984 SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1984 10:30 am Depart Butler Terminal - National Airport Citation I (white w/blue & yellow stripes) Tail # 1955E Pilot: Wally Magathan Copilot : Buddy Morrison Manifest: Senator Dole Mike Sotirhos, Reagan-Bush Comm. Scott Richardson 11:20 am Arrive Pomona Airport - Atlantic City, N.J. Butler Aviation Terminal PHONE: 609/646-53 40 Met by : Frank Haugh, Ass't to Dr. Pillai 11:50 am Arrive Atlantic City Convention Center PHONE : 609/348-7000 12:00 Noon SPEAK - 5th Annual Convention of National Association of Americans of Asian Indian Descent Atlantic City Convention Center 12:30 pm Depart Convention Center enroute airport 12:55 pm Arrive Pomona Airport - Butler Terminal 1:00 pm Depart Pomona enroute National Airport 1:50 pm Arrive Butler Terminal - National Airport PHONE : 549-83 40 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF JUNE 11-17,: 1984 PAGE1 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Mon, June 11 9:15 am Mayflower East Room SPEAK - Govt Research Corp 9th Annual Ldrship Conf. on Health Policy 9:30-? RNC Hqtrs 2nd MEETING Exec Cte, Temp Cte on Resolutions (John G) Platform (Break for lunch 12:30-2:00) 2:30 SH-141 MTG. w/Lane Kirkland, Ray Dennison & Howard Marlow, AFL/CIO 2nd Fl. ROW 263 3:30 444 N. Cap. St SPEAK - Natl Governors' Assn. 4:15 SH-141 MTG. w/Mr. Mckinley, P-es, Texaco/Getty (w/John P.sitting in) 1:45 Sen. RecordingStudio TAPE radio spots 5:00 SH-141 INTERVIEW by Candace Roper & Michael Lipsky, MIT (for book on hunger in America) 6 & 7 SHOREHAM RECEP/DINNER by Bus. Roundtable (stop by if poss) 6-8:00 3126 "O", NW F.R. hon. Elliot Richardson (Sen. co-host) Georgetown (home of Malcolm/Celia Lovel) 6-8:00 Calvert Collectn F.R. hon. Ed Madigan (Sen. co-host) 2301 Calvert, NW Page 2 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF JUNE 11-17, 1984 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Tues, June 12 8:15am 2325 RHOB BREAKFAST, 24th Annual Rural Electric Coop. Youth Tour (Ksns) -PHOTO OPPORTUNITY at 8:45 a.m.) (Mark) 9:00 AM SR-418 CONSTIT SUBC (S.J.Res. 167-English Lang. Amdmt) 9:05 am 2.w. marriott SPEAK - Natl Council Farmer Coops 9:45 MARRIOTT SPEAK - Amer. Horse Council Crystal City (Salon J & K) 10:00 SR-328A AG CTE (S.2568, Civ. Rts Act of 84) 11:00 SR-301 RULES CTE (cons. vendors proposals/computer systems for Senators' offices) 11:40 S-230 Cap. MTG. re Grove City 11:45 S-230 Cap CHAIRMEN'S MEETING 12:30 PM S-207 POLICY LUNCHEON 12:30 PM Mayflower Colonial Room SPEAK - Rural Housing & Dev. 12-2:00 SR-325 LUNCHEON - 10th Anniv. Sr. Companion Program (Chris) 12:15 S-126 CAP LUNCHEON, hon. Gen. Jarl Wahlstrom, Intl Cdr. Salv. Army by Sen. Chaplain Halverson 2:00 SD-215 CONF. ON MEDICARE portion of Def. Red. pkg. 4:00 1100 LHOB CONF. ON DEF. RED. PKG. 5-8:00 SD-215 RECEPTION, hon. Hispanic Business by US Hisp. C of C (Sheila Bair) 5:30 - 7:30 NCOA Gallery 600 MD Ave, SW RECEPTION/EXHIB. - Natl Council on Aging (Linda) 5:30 - 7:30 B-354 RHOB RECEPTION - Contact Lens Institute (Sheila/Ed) 5:30 - 7:30 B-339 RHOB RECEPTION - Natl Council Farmer Coops (John/Mark) 6-8:00 Hyatt Reg. RECEPTION - Am. Home Sewing Assn (Jud. staff) 6-8:00 The Monocle RECEPTION, hon. Rep. Chip Pashayan (Calif) 6-8:00 Quality Inn, CH RECEPTION, hon. Sen. Randolph by KS Chapter, Affiliated Ldrship Lg. of/for Blind) (W/like Sen. there for BRIEF REMARKS betw. 6:30 & 7:00) 6:30 & 9:30 Hotel Wash. Roof Terrace RECEP/DINNER, Natl Assn Farmer Elected Cte'men (John/Mark) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF JUNE 11-17, 1984 Page 3 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Wed, June 13 8:00 am S-120 Cap SPEAKS - OWENS-CORNING 9:30 SD-106 CRIMINAL LAW SUBC (S.2669,TELEPHONE TAPING) 10-10:45 Cabinet Rm-W.House MTG. w/Pres. on current status of Def. Red. legis. (Rose Garden group (Dole, Baker, Domenici, Garn, Laxalt, Hatfield, Stevens, Tower & 5 House Members, incl. Conable) Fran Frazier 456-7054 11:15 SD-215 1:30 1100 LHOB CONF. ON DEFICIT REDUCTION LEGIS. 12:30 pm S-120 Cap SEAFOOD LUNCHEON BY SEN. STEVENS 2:00 S-227 Cap. MTG. on Civil Rights Act of +84 by Steering Comm. (Sheila Bair)X45597 2:00 pm SD-226 JUD CTE (pdg noms) 4:00 SD-215 CAUCUS OF SENATE CONFEREES ON DEF. RED. PKG, Cancelled 5:30 S-305 Cap. MTG. w/Rostenkowski, Rod & John Sammons 6.30% /7:30 Ticonderoga Pm. - Recep. 6:30-9 Hyatt Reg F.R., hon. Sen. Jepsen by Sen. Baker/Laxalt 7:30 - 9:00 Columbia " A" pm. Dinner Thurs, June 14 8:00 am SDG-18/19 BREAKFAST by Cte for Respon. Fed Budget 8:45 S-205 Cap BREAKFAST by Sen, Mathias for Akio Morita, Chin Cancelled Sony Corp w/other Jap bus'men 10:00 am SD-226 JUD CTE (bus mtg) 9:30 SR-328A AG RESEARCH SUBC (S.1128/H.R. 2714, Ag Product. Act of 83) 10:30 SD-215 MTG. OF SEN. CONFEREES on Def. Red. pkg. 12-1 pm West Front, Cap PRAYER VIGIL for Soviet Jewry (by Sen. Levin/Heinz) 6-7 SH-720 (Wilson's ofc) RECEP. for novelist & journalist, Allen Drury 7 & 8:00 Geo'tn. Club COCKTAILS/DINNER by Col/M Frank Borman (stop by recep only) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF JUNE 11-17, 1984 Page 4 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Fri, June 15 8:00 am Vista Hotel SPEAK - Arthur Andersen group Cancelled Sec.B Ballrm 12:00 SD-224 PRESS CONF. (by Thurmond on \"cop-Killer\" armored bullet bill) 12:00 EF- 100 Cap . A-120 Cap. SENATE BEAN SOUP TASTE TEST - CBS & Phil Jones 1-2:00 pm SR-325 BRIEF REMARKS - Common. VA leaders (Sen. Trible) 6:45 9625 Carriage Rd COCKTAILS w/Jim & Helen Marquez (w/Eliz) Kensington, MD Sat, June 16 12:30 Wash. Convention Ctr. SPEAK - Annual Convention of Amway Corp. Sun, June 17 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF JUNE 18-24, 1984 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Mon, June 18 9:30 am SD-215 IRS OVERSIGHT SUBC (Hearing, impact of tax system on basic industry, svc indus, & invest indust) 9:30 SH-141 MEETING w/Tom Korologos/Joe Califano 10:00 SD-210 CAUCUS OF SENATE CONFEREES on Def. Red. (Conferees & 1 staff only) 11:00 1100 LHOB CONFERENCE ON DEFICIT RED. 12-1:20pm S-207 Cap LUNCHEON by Sen. Domenici for N.M. friends (not a F.R.) SPEAK BRIEFLY anytime but 1:30 (Sen. Baker) 12:30-1 SD-106 LUNCHEON for 70-75 sm. bus. Kansans (SPEAK BRIEFLY) (John P) 4:30 SH-141 PHOTO OPPORTUNITY w/Pres. Scholars from KS (A.J. Thomas and Marilynn J. Richtarik) (Linda) 5:30 - 7:30 Monocle RECEPTION, (Louisiana Jambalaya) by Rep. Michel, Lott, Conable, Kemp, hon. Rep. Henson Moore (Sen. only) 6-8:00 345 CHOB RECEPTION by Natl Bus. Consortium for Gifted & Talented (Senators only) 7-9:30 SR-325 BANQUET, hon. Departing Pages 7:30 S-224 Cap. Carens of Senate Conference Page Two Tues, June 19 6:40 am Dep.W.G.So. via CBS limo for 7:10 Appearance on CBS MORNING NEWS Cancelled 8:45 am 4 Seasons -Dumbarton Rm. SPEAK - Natl Soft Drink Assn Bhfst. in Salon "B". if he speaks btw. 7:50 08:15 9:30 - 10:30 W.H. (Cab Rm) N.W. Gate GOP LEADERSHIP MIG w/PRESIDENT (Central America and Deficit Reduction (Beth Singly 456-6493) 10:00 SD-215 FIN CTE (Hearing, S-1915, FIRPTA) 11-12:00 1100 LHOB CONFERENCE on deficit red. pkg. (tax issues) 11-1:00 SH-210 LUNCHEON by Kent Rhode, Chmn., Reader's Digest for YMCA Natl Youth Governors (Linda) Youth Governor of KS not attending this year - 11:45 S-230 Cap CHAIRMEN'S MEETING 12:30 pm S-207 Cap POLICY LUNCHEON 1:15 pm 345 CHOB 2-6 SPEAK - Insur. Info Institute CONFERENCE on deficit red. (spending) 5-7:00 EF-100 Cap RECEPTION by Sen/M Stevens, Sen/M Simpson hon. marriage of Sen/M Wallop 5:30-7 ROA Bldg. CongHallofHon. RECEPTION hon Maj.Gen. Chas. D. Franklin by Sen. Thurmond/Rep. Montgomery 6:00 -?? 1100 LHOB CONFERENCE ON DEFICIT RED. (taxes) 6-8:00 Thos.Law House 461 N St., SE RECEPTION, hon Sen. Cohen by Sen. Baker/Lugar 6-8:00 S-207 Cap RECEPTION by Health Ins. Assn & its Fed. Affairs Network (Sheila/Ed) 6-8:00 SD-106 RECEPTION by Intl Taxicab Assn. (Craig Bates, a Kansan attending) (Mike/John) 7:30 pm Geo'town Club BIRTHDAY DINNER, hon. Arthur Burns by M/M Wm. Baroody Page Three Wed, June 20 Ballroom - (1 level down) 8:30 am Regent Hotel 24th & M, NW SPEAK - Natl Realty Committee (Bhyt 8:00) 9:30 SD-226 PATENTS SUBC (S.1734, Juke Box legis) 10:00 SD-215 HEALTH SUBC (Hearing, maternal & child health block grant) 11:00 1100 LHOB CONFERENCE ON DEFICIT REDUCTION PKG. 5-7:00 B-338, RHOB RECEPTION by Natl Assn Tobacco Distributors 5:30 7:30 S-207 Cap RECEPTION by Amer Protestant Hosp Assn (Sheila/Ed) 5:30 - Sher.Natl Hotel Col.Pike & Wash. Blvd. RECEPTION by Close-up (Ed D) 6-7:30 Hyatt Reg. capitol rm RECEPTION by Intl Assn Ice Cream Mfrs. (John G/Mark) Capitol Rm (Kansans attending: Ben or Tom Zarda) 6-8:00 CapHillClub RECEPTION hon. Rep. George O'Brien 6-8:00 Hyatt Reg Valley Forge Rm RECEPTION hon. Nancy Hoch (Rep. cand. for Senate) 6:30 & 7:30 Wash.Hilton Grand Ballrm SPEAK - Anti-defamation Lg. of B'Nai B'rith Award to Food Mktg Institute 7:45 SPEAK 8:15 DINNER 6:30-9:00 2126 Conn. Ave. ,NW COCKTAIL/BUFFET by Mrs. Abigail McCarthy for Mrs. Andreas Apt. 54 (stop by) 1 965-3994 Page Four Thurs, June 21 8:00 am SR-325 (7:30 - breakfast) SPEAK - Farm Credit Services (did not do- Sen. in till 4:00am wed. 9:30 SD-215 ENERGY & AG SUBC (Hearing on S.463, severance tax equity act of '82) 12:00 SD-226 JUD CIE (bus mtg) Cancelled 1-2:15pm SH-141 PHOTO OPPORTUNITY w/KS. Japan Exchange Students (Marcie) (Shawn Hendrickson & Mitchell Slape) 1:15 pm S-207 Cap SPEAK - Tax Coalition 2:00 H-137 Cap. PRESS CONF. on Nat'l Comm. on Ag Trade & Export Policy cancelled 2:30 - 3:30 S-224 Cap "TEA WITH ABC" by Sen. Garn 2-5:00 SD-138 MEETING w/Natl TAR Leaders - SPEAK BRIEFLY 4-7:00 Russell Ct'yd. KICKOFF for ICE CREAM by Intl Assn IceCream Mfrs (Senators only) 5:30-7 369B RHOB RECEPTION hon. 84 St/Natl Teenage Republ Leaders (Linda) 5:30 - 7:30 ROA Bldg. RECEPTION by A.F. Legis Liaison for Gen/M Michael Kerby 6-8:00 Hyatt Reg. Columbia Ballrm RECEPTION, hon. 40th Anniv. Signing G.I.Bill of Rts. (Dave) 6:30 W.H. (East Ent.) CONG. SEAFOOD FESTIVAL (w/Eliz?) Page Five Fri, June 22 9:30 am SD-226 CONSTIT SUBC (S.J.Res. 10, E.R.A.) 10:00 SD-215 INTL TRADE SUBC (import relief for US Non-rubber footwear industry) 2:00 pm SD-215 HEALTH SUBC (Hearing on medicare home health benefit & difficulties interp. intermittent care rule) 2:00 SD-124 ALCOH/DRUG ABUSE SUBC (demonstration of new system for prov abuse info) (Scott Morgan) Sat, June 23 12:00 pm MissionHills, KS 6534 Wenonga Rd F.R. at home of M/M Fred Merrill 5:10 - 6:00 PM HST Sports Complex, K.C. REAGAN ROUNDUP RALLY - Sen. Dole as surrogate 6:30 Mission Hills Bank Bldg. DEDICATION of new bank 7:30 6534 Wenonga Rd Mission Hills RECEPTION/DINNER - home of M/M Fred Merrill Sun, June 24 5:30 & 6:30 4949 RockSpring Arlington, VA PARTY by Laxalts & Nancy Clark Reynolds (w/Eliz) 5: Betty KANSAS SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR DOLE June 23, 24, 1984 SATURDAY June 23 8:56 a.m. Depart Washington National, Eastern Flight #309 Seat # 1C 10:25 a.m. Arrive Kansas City International Airport - Steve Coon will meet you. 12:30 p.m. LUNCH - Fred Merrill's home, 5534 Wenonga Road. ( OFC : 26 2 - 1121 ) (913/831-1042) 5:00 p.m. REAGAN-BUSH ROUND-UP - Truman Sports Complex, Parking Lot G - NEED TO BE ON STAGE BY 5:15p.m. Jerry Fogel, KCMO Radio - will be MC - others on stage with you are as follows: Don Devore Pete McCaulley Chad Everett 5:38 p.m. SPEAK - approximately 10 minutes. 5:50 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mingle with volunteers 7:00 p.m. TO 8:00 P.M RECEPTION - Mission Hills Bank Bldg., corner of Johnson Drive and State Line. You do not have to arrive right at 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. DINNER - Mission Ilills Bank : 8:45 p.m. SPEAK - Mission Hills Bank 9:30 p.m. Arrive Alameda RON - Alameda Plaza - 816/756-1500 SUNDAY June 24 7:50 a.m. Depart Alameda for KCI - Steve will drive you 8:50 a.m. Depart KCI - TWA Flight #92 Seat # 32 12:01 p.m. Arrive Washington National SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF JUNE 25-JULY 1, 1984 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Mon, June 25 7:40 am Dep. Watergate by CBS Limo 8:07 am CBS Studios 2020 M St, NW CBS Morning News w/Candidate Shriver 12:20 J.W.Marriott Hotel Grand Ballroom SPEAK - Agricultural Communicators Congress (600 Plus ag editors) (Trisha Klintberg, Doanr Pub. 638-1055) 2:30 SD-215 PRESS CONF. on deficit reduction pkg. 5:30 - 7:30 Mrs. Simpson's 2915 Conn Ave, NW RECEPTION hon. Sen/Mrs Bill Armstrong (Senators only) 6:00 JW Marriott Grand Ballroom RECEPTION by Ag Commun. Congress (John/Mark/Walt) 6-7:30 S-207 Cap RECEPTION by RNC & Young Repub Natl Fed for (Ed/Linda) All China Youth Federation 7:30 & 8:15 Potomac, MD 13532 Travilah Rd. BUFFET/RECEP hon Sen. Domenici by Stan & Sandy Bregman (Sen. only) Page Two TUES, JUNE 26 9:00 am SD-106 CONST. SUBC (Issues in Relig. Liberty) 10:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (S.2051, Health Care Cost Containment Act of 83) 10:00 SD215 INIL TRADE SUBC (Telecommunications Trade) 10:00 SR-301 RULES CTE (Ind. Aff. expend; off. Sen. flat; Inaugural Cte; vendors' contracts-computer svcs) 11:45 S-230 Cap CHAIRMEN'S MEETING 12:30 pm S-207 Cap POLICY LUNCHEON 1:30 to 1:45 Rose Garden-W.House PRES. presenting Medal of Freedom to Sen. Jackson (Mrs. Jackson (S.E. Gate) accepting) (nancy wilson 456-6782) 4:30 SD-226 JUD CTE (pdg noms) 4:30 - 6:30 345 CHOB RECEPTION hon. "Bread for the World" (John/Mark) 5:30 - 7:30 Hunt Room Bullfeathers RECEPTION hon. Rep. Marge Roukema (Sen. only) 6-8:00 Natl Guard Assn 1 Mass Ave, NW RECEPTION, hon. Phil Gramm (stop by, if poss) 6:30 & 7:30 224-B Justice Ct. Cap.Hill RECEPTION/BUFFET, hon. Rep. Jeffords (Sen. only) 7:00 3224 Woodland Drive, NW. DINNER for 3rd Sen.Trust Mtg by Sen/Mrs. Baker (Senators only) Page Three Wed, June 27 10:00 am SD-215 INIL TRADE SUBC (state of US auto industry) 11:30 SH-141 PHOTO w/Elliot Richardson 12:00 S-305 Cap. LUNCH w/Brock, Marony, Danforth, Gibbons & Frenzel 1:30 SH-141 or Cap. PHOTO w/Melanie Mainquist, Ks. FFA delegate (Mark S. handling) following 1st vote after 2:00 RULES COMM. - S-224 Cap. (funding for Indian Affairs Select Comm.) 2:30 SR-328A CONFERENCE ON SOIL CONSERVATION betw. 2:30-4:00 SH-141 or ?? TAPE "LAWMAKERS" (on def. red. bill) Kate McCleery or Caroline 998=2763 6:30 & 7:30 Natl Acad Sciences Great Hall of RECEP/DINNER commem. The Civ. Rts Act of 64 (stop by reception?) (Sheila Bair) Thurs, June 28 10:00 am SD 226 JUD CIE (bus mitg) cancelled 10:00 SD-215 FIN CTE (trade deficit) 11:10 VOTE (16 treaties -- 4 roll calls -- counts as 16 votes) 5:30 - 7:30 338-40 RHOB RECEPTION by Amer Assn School Administrators (Chris) 5:30-7:30 641 Acker St, NE FR Recep. for Claudine Schneider (her home) Sen. a co-host) 5:30 & 7:30 JW Marriott Grand Ballrm 14th & PA. RECEP/DINNER by Center for Study of Presidency - 6:30 - Secretary Dole arrives at reception Salon / - 6:45 - AWARD presented to Secretary Dole - 7:30 - DINNER - Russell Hart Rove Page Four Fri, June 29 10:00 SH-141 MTG. on C.A. & D.F.S. w/Jack McDonald, David Broome, Dave Keen & Jo Anne 12:00 pm SH-210 LUNCHEON by United Ostomy Assn for 75-100 youths (Judy) Cancelled Sat, June 30 Sun, July 1 3:35 pm Depart Nat'1 Airport - TWA # 297 coach - Seat 5D (Eliz. Seat 5E) 5:04 pm Arrive K.C. Recep. - NAACP Convention RON: Muehlebach Hotel (suite - comp. by NAACP)