SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR DOLE - YORK, PA. - FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1984 FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1984 5:30 pm Depart Butler Aviation - National Airport Twin-engine Cessna Tail # 4103T Pilot: Norman Krouse Copilot : Bill McKinnell Manifest: Senator Dole Dale Petrosky, Goodling's AA Kevin Talley, Heinz' AA Dean Burridge 6:10 pm Arrive York-Thomasville Airport PHONE: 717/792-3628 Met by Goodling staffer and driven to York 6:35 pm Arrive Yorktowne Hotel - York, Pa. PHONE: 717/848-1111 6:35-6:40 Hospitality Suite (time to freshen up) 6:40 Meet w/James Pichard, Pa. Sec'y of Commerce; John Krout, new Chrmn. of York Area Chamber of Commerce & Earl Herting, Pres, York County Industrial Dev. Corp. re IDB's 6:45-7:00 Press availability 7:00 pm SPEAK - Prior to Dinner for Goodling followed by Q&A 7:30 pm Depart Yorktowne Hotel enroute airport 7:50 pm Depart Thomasville airport 8:30 pm Arrive Butler Aviation - National Airport PHONE: 202/549-8340 Dean will drive you home SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR DOLE - BOSTON - SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1984 2:00 pm Depart National Airport - Delta # 356 F/C Seat 3C 3:10 pm Arrive Logan Field - Boston Will be met by Jack Richard (fiance of Rep. Natsios' aide's fiance 3:45 pm Arrive Hyatt Regency, Cambridge, Mass. PHONE: 617/492-1234 Mike Milligan w/Eagles Program at RNC will meet you in lobby -- will have your key and have you checked in Personal time till 4:25 4:30 pm Arrive Dawes Room - Hyatt Regency for Eagles Reception. Met at door by Nancy Thawley, , Eagles host and Phil Smith Mingle with guests till 4:50 4:50 pm Eagles host introduces Senator Dole 4:52-5:00 Make brief off-cuff remarks 5:00 pm Phil Smith thanks Senator and advises you have another engagement Mike Milligan and Jack Richard will take you to Mass. State Party event 5:15 pm Arrive Molly Pitcher Room - Hyatt Regency for Massachusetts Republican Party Fundraising event CONTACT: Rosemary Morrissey Ofc. 617/523-7535 Home: 617/767-1719 5:30 pm SPEAK - off-cuff and Q&A 6:00 pm Depart Hyatt enroute MIT Jack Richard will drive you Schedule for Senator Dole - Boston - Saturday, April 14, 1984 Page 2. 6:15 pm Arrive Walker Memorial Hall - MIT campus Fran Jabara and Dr. David Jansen of MIT will meet you at door PHONES; Ass't Mgr. 617/253-2712 Kitchen 617/253-2715 Dining Svc. 617/253-2711 Campus Patrol 617/253-1212 6:30 pm Dinner - Walker Memorial Hall 7:15 pm SPEAK - Assn. of Collegiate Entrepreneurs Meeting 7:50 pm Initiation of computer link between MIT and Stanford 8:15 pm Depart MIT enroute Logan Field 8:40 pm Arrive Van Dusen Air Service terminal - Logan Field PHONE: 617/569-5260 8:45 pm Depart Boston via Beech King Aire 200 Tail # N38JL Pilot : Len Alexander Copilot : Bill Rutherford (Wash. Ofc .- Beech) Manifest: Senator Dole 10:30 pm Arrive Butler Aviation - National Airport PHONE: 202/549-8340 Dean will meet you and drive you to Watergate Que to mix up on location of aircraft & bad weather, Sen returned to D.C. via commercial airline SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF APRIL 16-22, 1984 DRAFT DATE/TIME LOCATION Mon, Apr 16 EVENT STAFF CONTACT 12-1:30 pm SR-189 LUNCHEON, "Project Independence" (Judy B ) . Tues, Apr 17 Wed, Apr 18 Thurs, Apr 19 6-8:00 pm Vista Intl RECEPTION hon. Mr. Caao Wantong/Mr. Cai Peikang, China Natl Cereals (John G/Mark) Fri, Apr 20 Sat, Apr 21 Sun, Apr 22 Bety SENATOR BOB DOLE SCHEDULE - FLORIDA/MISSISSIPPI - APRIL 17-23 Tuesday, April 17 4:55 p.m. Depart Washington National - Eastern 197 1st Class - Seat 3B 7:14 p.m. Arrive Miami MET BY : Seaview Limousine RON : Seaview 305/866-4441 Wednesday, April 18 - (MRS. DOLE) 4:55 p.m. Depart Washington National - Eastern 197 7:14 p.m. Arrive Miami Friday, April 20 5:30 p.m .- 6:30 p.m. FUNDRAISING RECEPTION - DOLE FOR SENATE Residence of Senator George A. Smathers 30 Indian Creek Island, Surfside ($1,000 per person) 305/865-2201 Hosts: Senator and Mrs. Smathers Dwayne and Inez Andreas NOTE : ELIZABETH EXPECTED TO ATTEND ALSO. No other wives invited, except Mrs. Smathers and Mrs. Andreas CONTACT : Lynne Word, Smathers' Office 305/379-6523 7:00 p.m. (Approx.) - DINNER - PRIVATE Indian Creek Country Club Senator and Mrs. Dole Senator and Mrs. Smathers Dwayne and Inez Andreas Saturday, April 21 5:00 p.m. Depart Fort Lauderdale, Walkers Cay 305/525-6355 VIA: Beech Kingaire 200 Tail No. N200SG -2- MANIFEST: Senator and Mrs. Dole Dwayne and Inez Andreas Carl Hill, Chairman of the Board, Paulucci Enterprises, and his fiancee, Linda 6:00 p.m. Arrive Sanford Airport, and taken by limo to mansion of Mr. Everette Huskey. Sanford Terminal 305/323-8313 MET BY : Congressman Bill McCollum, who will escort you to event. NOTE : Security to be provided by Seminole County Sheriff's Department for duration of visit. CONTACT : Marty LaBrusciano Seminole County Sheriff's Dept. 305/322-5115, Ext. 161 (Ofc.) 305/331-7477 (Res.) 6:15 p.m. Arrive DOLE FOR SENATE RECEPTION (In progress since 6:00) Residence of Mr. and Mrs. Everette Huskey 500 Sweetwater Club Boulevard Longwood, Florida 32750 305/862-4477 6:15 p.m .- 7:15 p.m. Photographs to be taken of Senator and Secretary Dole with guests 7:20 p.m. Depart Huskey residence by limo en route Sweetwater Country Club 7:30 p.m. DINNER - DOLE FOR SENATE Sweetwater Country Club ($1,000 per person) 305/889-4743 NOTE : INFORMAL DRESS HOSTS : Jeno and Lois Paulucci Everette and Grace Huskey CONTACT : Tom Stevenson Paulucci Enterprises P.O. Box GG Sanford, Fla. 32772 305/321-5600 -3- 8:30 p.m. Co-hosts and dignitaries to address guests: Jeno Paulucci - Welcome - Comments - Intro of Everette Huskey Huskey - Welcome - Comments - back to Jeno Jeno - Comments - Intro. Cong. Bill McCollum Cong. Bill McCollum - Intro. of Doles SECRETARY DOLE - REMARKS SENATOR DOLE - REMARKS 9:30 p.m. Depart via limo en route Sanford Airport 10:00 p.m. Depart Sanford via Beech Kingaire 200 Tail No. N200SG 11:00 p.m. Arrive Ft. Lauderdale, Walkers Cay RON : Seaview 305/866-4441 Monday, April 23 11:30 a.m. EST Depart Ft. Lauderdale, Walkers Cay 305/525-6355 VIA: U.S. Jet Aviation, Lear 25 Tail No. N920US Pilot : Troy Mashburn 703/892-6200 12:15 p.m. CST Arrive Jackson County Airport Pascagoula, Mississippi Met and driven to: LUNCHEON - For speakers and special guests of bank seminar (In progress since 12:00) LaFont Inn Pascagoula, Mississippi 601/762-7111 1:45 p.m. Depart LaFont Inn en route Merchants & Marine Bank, Pascagoula -4- 2:00 p.m. CST Press Conference - Board of Directors Rm. Merchants & Marine Bank CONTACT : Tom Leatherbury (Secretary : Barbara Bass) 601/762-3311 2:30 p.m. Bank Symposium begins Merchants & Marine Bank Trent Lott is M.C. Thad Cochran introduces Senator Dole 2:45 p.m. SPEAK - Bank Symposium 3:30 p.m. Reception for attendees Merchants & Marine Bank Lobby 4:00 p.m. Depart Merchants & Marine Bank 4:15 p.m. Arrive LaFont Inn - East Room - for RECEPTION FOR SENATOR COCHRAN 5:15 p.m. Depart LaFont Inn enroute airport 5:30 p.m. CST Depart Jackson County Airport via Lear 25 Tail No. N920US Manifest : Senator Dole Senator Cochran 8:30 p.m EST Arrive Butler Aviation - National Airport Dean will meet you Karen MERCHANTS & MARINE BANK MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1984 ECONOMIC SYMPOSIUM Lear 25 Tail #AN2 N920US 892-6200 Creation 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time - Leave National Airport, U.S. Jet Service, Washington, D. C. (General Aviation) (Troy Mashburn, Pilot) Copilot: 11:50 a.m. Central Time - Arrive Jackson County Airport Pascagoula, Mississippi 601/762-7111 11:50 a.m. Central Time - Leave for La Font Inn for Noon Luncheon 12:00 Noon Central Time - Arrive La Font Inn for Luncheon 1:45 p.m. Central Time - Leave La Font Inn for Merchants & Marine Bank 2:00 p.m. Central Time - Press Conference, Merchants & Marine Bank Board of Directors Room 2:30 p.m. Central Time - Merchants & Marine Bank Economic Sumposium 3:30 -. m. - 4:00 p.m. Central Time - Reception, Merchants & Marine Bank Lobby 4:00 p.m. Central Time - Leave for La Font Inn 4:15 p.m. Central Time - Republican Reception for Senator Cochran, La Font Inn, East Room 5:15 p.m. Central Time - Leave La Font Inn for Jackson County Airport 5:30 p.m. Central Time - Leave Jackson County Airport for National Airport, Washington, D. C. 8:50 pm EST are. Butteraviation SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR DOLE - PASCAGOULA, MISS. - MON., APRIL 23 MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1984 10:30 am EST Depart Butler Avia. - National Airport PHONE; 202-549-8340 VIA: U.S. Jet Aviation Lear 25 Tail # N920US Pilot: Troy Mashburn Copilot: (to be determined) 11:50 am CST Arrive Jackson County Airport Pascagoula, Miss. Met and driven to luncheon 11:55 am CST Arrive LaFont Inn - Pascagoula, Miss. PHONE: 601/762-7111 12:00 Noon Luncheon for speakers and special guests of bank seminar - La Font Inn 1:45 pm CST Depart La Font Inn enroute Merchants & Marine Bank, Pascagoula PHONE: 601/762-3311 Contact: Barbara Bass Tom Leatherberry's sec'y 2:00 pm CST Press Conference - Board of Directors Room Merchants & Marine Bank 2:30 pm CST Bank Symposium begins - Merchants & Marine Bank Trent Lott is M.C. Thad Cochran introduced Dole 2:45 pm SPEAK - Bank Symposium 3:30 pm CST Symposium ends - move to Bank Lobby 3:30 pm Reception for attendees - Merchants & Marine Bank lobby 4:00 pm CST Depart Merchants & Marine Bank Schedule for Senator Dole - Pascagoula, Miss. - Mond. , April 23 Page 2. MONDAY, APRIL 23 ( continued) 4:15 pm CST Arrive LaFont Inn - East Room for Reception for Senator Cochran 5:15 pm CST Depart LaFont Inn enroute airport 5:30 pm CST Depart Jackson County Airport via Lear 35 Tail # N920US Manifest: Senator Dole Senator Cochran 8:50 pm EST Arrive Butler Aviation - National Airport Dean will meet you SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF APRIL 23-29, 1984 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Mon, Apr 23 9:30 SD-226 CONSTIT SUBC (S.J.Res 10, ERA) 12:00 pm SENATE RECONVENES 12:00 pm 2:45 Pascagoula, MS SPEAK - Economic Symposium Merchants/Marine Bank Tues, Apr 24 8:30 am Ritz-Carlton BREAKFAST (Healthy Mothers/Healthy Babies) Chris/Sheila B/Ed M 10:00 am SD-562 CRIMINAL LAW SUBC (Impact of Ct'rm Media Coverage) 10:00 SD-226 CONSTIT SUBC (S.J. Res 71, Lame Duck Amdmt) Tax 11:00 SH.141 Photo w/ Heather miller, ko. Cherry Bloomom Primave 11:45 S-230 Cap CHAIRMEN'S MEETING 12:30 pm S-207 Cap POLICY LUNCHEON 12:00 pm Mayflower East Rm, Lobby Level SPEAK - Commodity Club of Wash. 1:30 SD-226 JUD CTE (S.1578, local govt antitrust act of 83) 4-6:30 pm SR-253 4:30+6:00 SH-509 RECEPTION by Auto Dealers & Drivers for Free Trade PAC Surprise Birthday Party for Steve Symone 7:00 1420 16th, N F.R. DINNER (By FMC Jim Corman) Page Two Wed, Apr 25 9:30 am SD-226 CONSTIT SUBC (S.119, Constit Convention) 10:00 SR-328A AG CTE (rec. test. programs admin. by Food/Nutrition Svc - food stamps, child nutrition, and commod distr.) 10:30 SD-562SEP OF POWERS SUBC (S.1405, Fed Neutrality Act) Senator Denton will preside 1:00 Madison Hotel Mt. Vernon Room SPEAK - Akin, Gump & Strauss group (12:30 LUNCH) 2:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (noms) 4=4:30- SR-325 SPEAK - Cambodian Commemoration Ceremony_(Barbara)5/7 5-7:00 SD-215 RECEPTION - Kennedy/Dole Radio Program (JoAnne/Walt/Scott) 5:30 -7:30 CapHillClub RECEPTION hon. Guy Vander Jagt 5:30 - 7:30 SR-325 RECEPTION by Council for Excep Children/Ks State Fedn (Judy) 6:30-9 Disab. Vets Hq. 807 Maine Ave, SW RECEPTION, inauguration D.C. Vietnam Vets Ldrship Program (John P) 7:30 7010 Holyrood McLean, VA F.R. (Recep/Buffet) for Sen. Boschwitz at his home Thurs, Apr 26 9:30 am SR-301 RULES CTE (approp. for FEC and Am. Folklife Center to be continued on May 1) 11:30 tape radio sports 1:00 pm. Folger Th. SPEAK - Day for Agribusiness 201 . Cap. St- Barbara Junie will be at entrance on left facing billy. (544-4600) NYC SPEAK - The Bond Club Political Round Table Dinner RON: Orlando Fla - Hyatt Grand Cypress (dep. NYC - 10:45 pm Page Three Fri, Apr 27 9:30 am SD-215 HEALTH SUBC (health care for econ disadvantaged) 9:45 Hyatt Grand Cypress Orlando, Fla. SPEAK - Century 21 Convention 7:30 Augusta, ME MAINE GOP STATE CONVENTION (Sen & Eliz) RON: Boston - Logan Airport Hilton Sat, Apr 28 10:05 am Depart Boston - EAL # 286 11:26 Arr. National Airport Sun, Apr 29 Detailed Schedule The Bond Club of New York Political Roundtable Dinner Date: April 26, 1984 Time : 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Place: Starlight Roof of the Waldorf-Astoria (18th Floor) Park Avenue & 50th Street New York, N.Y. Audience: 300 - 400 representing the leading securities and banking firms. Dress : Business Attire. 5 p.m .: Departure from Butler Aviation Terminal at Washington National on_ Merrill Lynch corporate jet (Challenger, #637ML). Pilot: Don Winter copilot: Viny Lloyd Passengers: Senators Dole and Hollings, and Ambassador Strauss accompanied by Lloyd Derrickson, V.P. Government Relations, M.L. & Co. 5:45 to 6 p.m. : Arrival at Teterboro Airport, Teterboro, N.J. 6 to 6:45 p.m .: Travel to Waldorf-Astoria. 6:45 p.m. : Join private Bond Club Governor's reception, Vanderbilt Suite, 4th Floor, in progress (see list of Governors attached), hosted by Bill Schreyer, President of Merrill Lynch, Senator Baker, George Will and Governor Connally should already be in attendence (the reception is scheduled for 6 to 7 p.m. ) . 7:00 to 8 p.m. : Dinner in Starlight Roof. 8 to 9:30 p.m. : Political Roundtable Discussion. Introductions: Bill Schreyer, President of the Bond Club for 1983-84. Participants: Senators Baker and Dole and Governor Connally Senators Bradley and Hollings and Ambassador Strauss. Moderator: George Will Format: 3-4 minute opening statements, followed by questions by Mr. Will. The topics will include impact of the deficit, tax reform, Presidential and Congressional Election Outlook. Note: If time permits, the audience will be invited to ask questions. The discussion will be concluded at 9:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m .: Depart Waldorf-Astoria for Teterboro Airport. 10:30 p.m .: Departure for Washington National aboard Merrill Lynch corporate jet. Passengers: Senators Baker, Dole, Hollings, James Cannon (Sen. Baker's staff) and Tom Griscom (Sen. Baker's staff), accompanied by Lloyd Derrickson of Merrill Lynch. 11:15 p.m. : Arrival - Washington National Airport. Contacts : In New York, James Murphy of Merrill Lynch (212) 637-9640 or Arthur Goldstone of Wertheim & Co. (212) 578-0458. In Washington, Lloyd Derrickson of Merrill Lynch (202) 822-3660 or John Kelly of Merrill Lynch (202) 822-3663. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Thursday & Friday, April 26 and 27 (CONTINUED) THURSDAY, APRIL 26 11:30 pm Depart Butler Terminal - National Airport Merrill-Lynch Challenger Jet Tail # 637ML Pilot: Don Winter Copilot: Tiny Lloyd PHONE: 202/549-8340 Manifest: Senator Dole Dean Burridge ETA 1:45 am Arrive Page Terminal - Orlando Airport PHONE: 305/851-6680 Robin will meet you 1:50 am Depart Orlando Airport via limo 2:15 am Arrive Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress One Grand Cypress Blvd. Orlando, Florida (Robin in Room #803) PHONE: 305/239-1234 RON: Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress PHONE : 305/239-1234 FRIDAY, APRIL 27 (ROBIN WILL HAVE REVISED SCHEDULE FOR YOU WHEN YOU ARRIVE THURSDAY NIGHT) 9:45 SPEAK - Century 21 Convention - Orange County Convention Center PHONE: 305/345=9800 Convention Center 305/345-9500 or 9501 (Century 21 Command Center) 10:30 Press Availability - Convention Center 10:50 Depart Convention Center enroute Orlando Airport 12:00 Noon Depart Orlando via U.S. Air #82 (1 class service - have requested aisle and center bulkhead seats on starboard side - YOU NEED TO BE THERE EARLY TO GET \"SPECIAL SERVICE\" since they do not do advance seating) 1:49 pm Arrive National Airport SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE THURSDAY, APRIL 26 1:45a.m. SENATOR DOLE ARRIVES Orlando International Airport Page Terminal (305/851-6680) Merrill Lynch plane -- Challenger Tail #637ML Pilot : Don Winter 1:50a.m. DEPART Orlando International Airport for Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress -- by limousine (driving time: 20 min) 2:10a.m. ARRIVE Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress FRIDAY, APRIL 27 9:00a.m. DEPART Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress for Orange County Convention Center -- by limo (driving time: 10 - 15 min) ** Robin and Debbie Manaitis, VIP Staff, will accompany 9:15a.m. ARRIVE Orange County Convention Center -- Back Stage Meet CENTURY 21 Officers and other participants Dick Loughlin, President Gary Cooper, Executive Vice President Marv Hart, Executive President *Bob Thomas, Senior Vice President -- will introduce you Pat Boone, National Easter Seals Telethon Host Stephanie Swiney, Easter Seals National Poster Child Wilma Rudolph, 3-time Olympic Gold Medalist 9:40a.m. INTRODUCTION OF SENATOR DOLE -- Bob Thomas 9:45a.m. SENATOR DOLE -- REMARKS (30 minutes' - maximum) 10:15a.m. SENATOR DOLE CONCLUDES -- proceed back stage & on to press area 10:30a.m. PRESS AVAILABILITY -- Senator Dole Tangerine Room (main level) -- Debbie Maniatis will accompany VIP Lounge available for Senator Dole (2nd floor) CONTACTS : Monte Helme or Donna Stubbs 10:45a.m. PRESS AVAILABILITY CONCLUDES -- proceed to limousine Debbie Maniatis will accompany 10:50 - 11:00 a.m. DEPART Orange County Convention Center for Orlando International Airport -- by limo (driving time: 30 min) 11:20 - 11:30a.m. ARRIVE Airport -- U.S. AIR Airlines 12:00N DEPART for Washington U.S. AIR #82 (flying time: 1:49) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - Thursday & Friday, April 26 and 27 (CONTINUED) THURSDAY, APRIL 26 11:30 pm Depart Butler Terminal - National Airport PHONE: 202/549-8340 Merrill-Lynch Challenger Jet Tail # 637ML Pilot: Don Winter Copilot : Tiny Lloyd Manifest: Senator Dole Dean Burridge ETA 1:45 am Arrive Page Terminal - Orlando Airport PHONE: 305/851-6680 Robin will meet you 1:50 am Depart Orlando Airport via limo 2:15 am Arrive Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress One Grand Cypress Blvd. Orlando, Florida PHONE: 305/239-1234 (Robin in Room #803) RON: Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress PHONE: 305/239-1234 FRIDAY, APRIL 27 (ROBIN WILL HAVE REVISED SCHEDULE FOR YOU WHEN YOU ARRIVE THURSDAY NIGHT) 9:45 SPEAK - Century 21 Convention - Orange County Convention Center PHONE: 305/345=9800 Convention Center 305/345-9500 or 9501 (Century 21 Command Center) 10:30 Press Availability - Convention Center 10:50 Depart Convention Center enroute Orlando Airport 12:00 Noon Depart Orlando via U.S. Air #82 (1 class service - have requested aisle and center bulkhead seats on starboard side - YOU NEED TO BE THERE EARLY TO GET \"SPECIAL SERVICE\" since they do not do advance seating) 1:49 pm Arrive National Airport SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE CENTURY 21@ CONVENTION ORLANDO, FLORIDA APRIL 26 & 27, 1984 Orange County Convention Center 9800 International Drive Orlando, FL 32819 305/345-9800 Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress One Grand Cypress Boulevard Orlando, FL 32809 305/239-1234 Rm 803 CONTACT : Robin Dole, Rm. CENTURY 21 Command Center (in Conv Ctr) 305/345-9500 or 9501 CONTACTS : Robin Dole Carol Nick, Convention Coordinator Debbie Maniatis, VIP Staff Laura Rednour/Steve Hackett, Travel Staff THURSDAY, APRIL 26 p.m. SENATOR DOLE ARRIVES Orlando International Airport Terminal: Plane : Tail # : p.m. DEPART Orlando International Airport for Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress -- by limousine (driving time: 30 min) ** Robin will meet Senator Dole p.m. ARRIVE Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress Room Bi-level Suite OVERNIGHT FRIDAY, APRIL 27 8:10a.m. DEPART Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress for Orange County Convention Center -- by limo (driving time: 15 min) ** Robin and Debbie Manaitis, VIP Staff, will accompany 8:25a.m. ARRIVE Orange County Convention Center 8:30a.m. ** OPTIONAL -- PRESS CONFERENCE/Senator Dole Mezzanine Level (2nd floor)- VIP Lounge available for Sen. CONTACTS : Monte Helme or Donna Stubbs 9:00a.m. PRESS CONFERENCE CONCLUDES -- proceed to North Hall, Lower Level -Stop by CEN-PAC Booth if time permits- SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE CENTURY 21@ CONVENTION PAGE TWO FRIDAY, APRIL 27 (continued) 9:15 a.m. CENTURY 21 CONVENTION -- BACK STAGE Meet CENTURY 21 Officers and other convention participants Dick Loughlin, President Gary Cooper, Executive Vice President Marv Hart, Executive Vice President *Bob Thomas, Senior Vice President -- will introduce Senator Pat Boone Stephanie Swiney, Easter Seals National Poster Child Wilma Rudolph, 3-time Olympic Gold Medalist 9:40a.m. INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole -- Bob Thomas 9:45a.m. SENATOR DOLE -- REMARKS (30 minutes) 10:15a.m. SENATOR DOLE CONCLUDES 10:20a.m. DEPART Orange County Convention Center for airport By limo -- (driving time: 30 min) 10:50a.m. ARRIVE Orlando International Airport Terminal Plane: Charter (U.S. Jet Aviation Co. -- Lear 25) Tail # : 11:00a.m. WHEELS UP (flying time: 2 hours) 1:00p.m. ARRIVE Washington National Airport P Page Terminal OPTION 10:15a.m. SENATOR DOLE CONCLUDES Proceed backstage (Watch Easter Seals Presentation OR return to hotel) 11:00a.m. DEPART for Orlando International Airport By limo -- (driving time: 30 min) 11:30a.m. ARRIVE Orlando International Airport U.S. AIR 12:00N DEPART U.S. AIR #82 -- (flying time: 1:59) 1:59p.m. ARRIVE Washington National Airport North Terminal CENTURY 21@ CONVENTION - FACT SHEET CENTURY 21 System Founded in 1971 - introduced franchising concept to the real estate industry. Largest real estate sales organization in the world International Headquarters, CENTURY 21 REAL ESTATE CORP., is located in Irvine, California 28 Regions are located in the United States (26), Canada (1) , and Japan (1) Over 6,000 franchise offices in the U.S., Canada and Japan Over 60,000 full and part-time sales associates CENTURY 21 Political Action Committee (CEN-PAC™) -- officially kicked off in October of 1983. TALKING POINTS Legislative interests of the CENTURY 21 system: Economy Federal Budget/Deficit Interest rates Current tax legislation : Depreciation -- real estate cost recovery period Mortgage Revenue Bond program Future tax legislation: Tax code simplification Mortgage interest deduction Other points he may want to include: Spoke to CENTURY 21 National Brokers' Communications Congress in Washington in October of 1983 Members of Congress place great deal of importance on consti- tuent interests and are responsive to input from constituents Century, REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 1825 Eye Street, N.W. Suite 350 Washington, DC 20006 (202) 463-8850 April 16, 1984 The Honorable Bob Dole United States Senate 141 Senate Hart Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Dad: I have been working with Betty for the last few weeks to schedule you as a guest speaker at the CENTURY 21@ Annual Convention in Orlando on April 27, 1984. In our recent conversation you told me that you would have Betty "try to work it in", which I interpreted as a "yes". You are tentatively scheduled to address my group on Friday, April 27 at 9:45 a.m. for 30 minutes. The Convention Session begins at 9:30 a.m. and you will immediately follow the opening remarks. Pat Boone and the National Poster Child will follow your speech with our Easter Seals presentation. Remarks by Wilma Rudolph, a former Olympic Gold Medalist, and our Centurion Awards Ceremony will complete Friday's session. Lee Iacocca will address the convention on Wednesday, April 25. We estimate that 6,000 to 8,000 fran- chisees and sales associates from the United States, Canada and Japan will attend the convention. It is my understanding that you are scheduled to be in New York on Thursday evening, April 26 and in Augusta, Maine, Friday evening, April 27. CENTURY 21 will be more that happy to help defray the cost of your travel to ensure your accep- tance of our invitation. Betty has been working with her contact for the Bond Club dinner to arrange transportation from New York to Orlando Thursday night. If necessary, we will charter from New York to Orlando and back to Washington or Augusta. It is my hope that some of the cost can be shared by the Bond Club, but I have approval for the entire amount. I know your schedule has been hectic and will continue to be busy, but I will be eternally grateful if you can find the time to speak to my group. In Betty's absence, I will work with Jo-Anne to finalize our plans. Thank you. Anxiously, Robin Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated U.S. Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary of Transportation ELIZABETH HANFORD DOLE Travel Schedule Augusta, Maine Den Dale 400 Seventh St., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20590 Advance: Jacobson Staff: Ellis Maseng 4/25 FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1984 3:15pm DEPART DOT for National Airport/Eastern Terminal. 3:35pm ARRIVE Washington National and proceed to departing gate. 3:52pm DEPART Washington, D.C. for Augusta, Maine, via Boston. Eastern Flight: 186 Seat Assignment: 1C NOTE: The Senator in 1D Meal Service: None Flight Time: 1 hour, 10 minutes 5:05pm ARRIVE Boston and proceed to Butler Aviation for chartered plane to Augusta, Maine. 5:30pm DEPART Boston for Augusta, Maine on a chartered plane 617/567-8010 Aircraft: Cessna 414 Tail Number: 36912 Pilots: Telford Allen 207/872-5555 Dave Knowles Flight time : 1 hour Manifest Secretary Dole Senator Dole Charlotte Ellis Mari Maseng 6:30pm ARRIVE Augusta, Maine met by GOP Reps. John Bridge and David Bridge. o :207/623-3806 (J) h : 207/623-3321 (D) h : 207/623-3794 Page 2 Travel Schedule Augusta, Maine FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1984 Cont'd. 6:35pm DEPART airport for Civic Center MOTORCADE : Car #1: Driver: John Bridge Maseng Car #2: Driver: David Bridge Senator Dole Secretary Dole Ellis 6:55pm ARRIVE Civic Center, Community Dr. and proceed to holding room. NOTE: Civic Center within walking distancefrom Hotel. 207/622-4771 7:15pm DEPART for Social Hour preceeding Maine GOP State Comm. Dinner held at the Civic Center, Community Dr. Escorted by the Bridge brothers. NOTE: The Reception began at 6:30pm 207/622-4771 7:20pm ARRIVE at the Civic Center and proceed to holding room. 7:30pm ATTEND Maine GOP State Committee Dinner honoring former U.S. Senator Margaret Chase Smith. Attendance: 500 Attire: Business Suit/dressy short dress Press : Open Headtable: See Attachment A - Seated together on a raised dais. 7:31pm BENEDICTION Page 2 Travel Schedule Augusta, Maine FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1984 Cont'd. 6:35pm DEPART airport for Civic Center MOTORCADE: Car #1: Driver: John Bridge Maseng Car #2: Driver: David Bridge Senator Dole Secretary Dole Ellis 6:55pm ARRIVE Civic Center 207/622-4771 7:15pm DEPART for Social Hour preceeding Maine GOP State Comm. Dinner held at the Civic Center, Community Dr. Escorted by the Bridge brothers. NOTE: The Reception began at 6:30pm 207/622-4771 7:20pm ARRIVE at the Civic Center and proceed to holding room. 7:30pm ATTEND Maine GOP State Committee Dinner honoring former U.S. Senator Margaret Chase Smith. Attendance: 500 Attire: Business Suit/dressy short dress Press : Open Headtable: See Attachment A - Seated together on a raised dais. 7:31pm BENEDICTION Page 3 Travel Schedule Augusta, Maine FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1984 7:40pm DINNER served to head table and buffet line opens 8:45pm WELCOME by Loyal Sewall and INTRODUCTION of Head-Table. 8:55pm DEDICATORY remarks by Senator Cohen in honor of Margaret Chase Smith. 9:05pm RESPONSE from Margaret Chase Smith 9:15pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole 9:20pm REMARKS by Senator Dole 9:30pm PRESENTATION of gift to Senator Dole 9:35pm INTRODUCTION of Secretary Dole by Charlie Cragin, National Committee Chairman 9:40pm REMARKS by Secretary Dole 9:55pm CONCLUSION of remarks and Presentation of gift 10:00pm CONCLUSION of Dinner 10:10pm DEPART for Airport Butler Aviation by GOP cars MOTORCADE Car #1: Senator Dole Secretary Dole Driver: John Bridge Car #2: Charlotte Ellis Mari Maseng Driver: David Bridge 10:20pm ARRIVE Augusta Airport and proceed to plane 207/622-6491 Aircraft: Cessna 414 Tail number: #36912 Pilots: Telford Allen, Dave Knowles 207/872-5555 Manifest: Senator Dole Secretary Dole Mari Maseng Charlotte Ellis Flight time: 1 hour Page 4 Travel Schedule Augusta, Maine FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1984 Cont' 11:30pm ARRIVE Boston, Butler Aviation Terminal Met by : Bruce Jacobson 617/567-8010 11:35pm DEPART Butler for Logan Hilton 617/569-9300 Logan Int'l. Hilton East Boston, MA Boston, MA 02128 11:45pm ARRIVE Logan Hilton and proceed to private RON Boston SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1984 8:30am BAGGAGE Call 9:45am DEPART for Logan International Eastern Terminal by Hilton courtesy car. MOTORCADE : Courtesy car furnished by the Hilton Passengers: Secretary Dole Senator Dole Mari Maseng Charlotte Ellis Driver: 9:50am ARRIVE Eastern Terminal and proceed to Club room at the Eastern Terminal. Met by : Eastern Rep. and Jacobson Page 5 Travel Schedule Augusta, Maine SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1984 cont'd. 10:05am DEPART Boston for Washington, D.C./ National EASTERN FLIGHT 375 Seat assignment: 2C NOTE: Sen. Dole in 2D Meal Service: none Flight time: 1 hour 10 minutes 11:26am ARRIVE Washington, National Airport Met By Lloyd 11:35am DEPART for Residence 12:00pm ARRIVE residence EVENT : GOP State Convention Dinner honoring US Senator Margaret Chase Smith LOCATION : Augusta Civic Center, Augusta, Maine DATE: Friday, April 27, 1984 ATTENDANCE : 500 Republican men and women PRESS: Open ATTIRE: Business Suit; dressy short dress TICKET : $15/person FORMAT: Following a social hour which began. at 6:30pm, dinner guests will proceed to buffet lines while head table guests move to raised platform where they will be served at 7:30pm. Following benediction, the buffet lines will open and the dinner will begin. Following the meal, the head table guests will be introduced; dedicatory remarks will be made by Senator Cohen re: Senator Smith; she will respond; Senator Dole will be introduced to speak for 10 minutes; he will be presented with a gift; Secretary Dole will be introduced to speak for 15 minutes; she will be presented with a gift; and then the conclusion of the dinner program. Anticipated conclusion is 10pm. Following program will be music and dancing. HEAD TABLE GUESTS : Secretary Dole Senator Margaret Chase Smith Senator Bob Dole Senator Bill Cohen and wife, Diane Rep. Olympia Snowe Rep. John McKernan National Committeeman Charles Cragin and wife National Committeewoman Mary Payson State Chairman Loyal Sewall and wife Charlotte, State Senator Joseph Sewell, Chairman of Convention Some 25 other local dignataries april 30 Schedule: Senator Bob Dole National Water Alliance Appearance Monday, April 30, 1984 Business Leaders Luncheon Hosted by U.S. Steel Duquesne Club, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 10:15 a.m. U.S. Steel limo picks up Senator Dole, Nancy Olson, and NWA Executive Director Jim Magner at Hart Building, East Entrance (2nd Street) . Mr. Earl Mallick of U.S. Steel will be in limo. 10:30 a.m. U.S. Steel airplane 80-E. (Gulfstream 10-seater) departs Butler Aviation, National Airport. Additional passengers include: Senator DeConcini; Mr. Terry Straub, U.S. Steel; Joan Kovalic, NWA Secretary/General Counsel; Margo Warren, NWA Communications Director. 11:15 a.m. Arrive Greater Pittsburgh Airport. 11:20 a.m. U.S. Steel helicopter departs with passengers: Senators Dole and DeConcini, Jim Magner, and Terry Straub. (Auto if inclement weather.) 11:35 a.m. Arrive top of U.S. Steel building. £ (Helicopter will return to airport for Mss. Olson, Kovalic, and Warren.) Proceed down three floors to office of U.S. Steel Chairman David Roderick for brief meeting, photos of Senators with Mr. Roderick and Mr. Loeser of Rockwell International. 11:45 a.m. Walk to Duquesne Club (limo if inclement weather) . 11:55 a.m. Arrive Duquesne Club, informal opportunity to meet luncheon guests. 12:15 p.m. Luncheon begins. 12:30 p.m. Chairman Roderick opens program, recognizes Senators, and introduces Senator Dole for informal remarks. Senator DeConcini makes brief remarks, introduces NWA Board of Directors in attendance (Senator Bob Taft and William McNinn, FMC Philadelphia) and staff. 1:00 p.m. Chairman Roderick recognizes Rockwell International representative Mr. Loeser. Mr. McNinn, FMC, makes short appeal for funds. Senators are excused. 1:10 p.m. Helicopter departs U.S. Steel building with Senator Taft, Senator Dole, Senator DeConcini, and Terry Straub of U.S. Steel. Page 2, Schedule, 4/30/84 1:25 p.m. Arrive Greater Pittsburgh Airport. 1:30 p.m. Depart Greater Pittsburgh Airport. 2:10 p.m. Arrive Butler Aviation, National Airport, limo pickup. 2:25 p.m. Arrive Hart Building.