SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF APRIL 2-8, 1984 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Mon, Apr 2 9:30 am SD-215 INTL TRADE SUBC (Jap. beef quotas) 10:00 SH-141 PHOTO OPPORTUNITY (Olathe North Eaglette Drill Team Officers) (Nancy O.) 11:15 Hyatt Reg Reg. A Ballrm SPEAK - Manufactured Housing Inst. 4-4:45 SenRecordStudio TAPING Peggy Goertzen 328-7111 7:10 Hyatt Reg Reg. Ballrm SPEAK - Assoc. Builders/Contractors Tues, Apr 3 8:00 am B-354 RHOB BREAKFAST by KS Farm Bureau (John G/Mark) 8:00 H-130 Cap BREAKFAST by Natl Water Resources (Ed/Nancy) 8:15 Wash.Golf/CC Arlington, VA SPEAK - F.R. for Rep. Frank Wolf 9:30 W.H., Cab Rm N.W. Gate GOP House/Senate Leadership Mtg w/PRESIDENT (budget) Fran 456-7054 9.30 SR-325 PATENTS SUBC (S.1535, Patents Improvemt Act)_Cancelled 9:30 SD-226 CONSTIT SUBC (Freedom of Info Act) 11:15 S-127 Cap. SPEAK - Paula Hawkins' U.S. Senate Business Adv. Comm. (top leader 11:45 S-230 Cap CHATRMEN'S MEETING cancelled 12:30 pm S-207 Cap POLICY LUNCHEON 12:00 E-Front Lawn Capitol CONG. WALK-AMERICA by March of Dimes (Chris B) 1:30 Sen. Rec. Studio-Cap. TAPE radio spots 5:00 Dep. NYC Waldorf SPEAK w/ Eliz. - Economic Club of N.Y. 5:30-7 SD-106 RECEPTION by Center for Commercial Floriculture (Mark) 5:30-7:30 B-339 RHOB RECEPTION by Natl Water Resources Assn (Ed/Nancy) 6-8:00 CapHillClub Eisen. Lounge RECEPTION, Buffalo Roast for Rep. Del Latta (Sen. only) 6:30 Site of Man on the Mall DINNER by Mutual of Omaha (KSNs attending) (John P/Mike) Page Two Wed, Apr 4 8:45 am 210 CHOB SPEAK - Queen's, N.Y. officials-Rep. Ferraro Kevin 51341 9:15 C.H. Quality Inn SPEAK - Independent Unions 9:30 SD-215 JT.H/SUBC Estate/Gift Tax (gift tax relief) Controlled SD-226 PATENTS SUBC (markup, S.1990, Trademark Clarif. Act of 83) 10:45-11:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Sens. Baker & Domenici 10:00 SR-328A AG CTE (Child Nutrition hearing) 12:30-2:00 S-120 Cap. STEERING COMM. (N. Carolina barbeque luncheon) 1:15 pm Hyatt Reg. SPEAK - U.S. Telephone Assn yorktown Km. Yorktown Pm 2:00 SD-226 JUD CIE (noms) cancelled 5-7:00 S-207 Cap RECEPTION by Catholic Health Assn (Sheila Burke) 5:30-7:30 S-115 Cap. RECEP. BY BORG WARNER CORP. (Chrmn. of co. will be there) stop by 6-9:00 Cap. Children's Museum RECEPTION by C.H. Women's Political Caucus (Sheila Bair) Thurs, Apr 5 8:00 am Wash Hilton Intl Ballrm SPEAK - Hickory Farms ( Sharon Stack) 483-3800 ×1500 - 0 Pm 9124 9:30 SD-215 SUBC ENERGY/AG TAX (oil co. mergers) 10:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (bus mtg) 10:30 SH-141 Press Conf. on site selection - Job Corps Ctr. 11:15 S-230 Cap. MTG. w/Sens. Baker & Domenici 12:00 pm sen.dng.rm.-cap LUNCH - Korologos, Tony O'Reilly, Chrmn & CEO H.J. Heinz Co., Joe Bogdonovich, Star-Kist & Joe Medina, boatman (Heinz owns Star-Kist) stop 12:00 pm 1301 LHOB LUNCHEON by United Egg Producers (John G/Mark) by 1:30 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (nominations) 5-7:00 PVA Natl Ofc Bldg-10th Flr RECEPTION by Natl Paralyzed Vets (Judy B/Chris or John P) 6:15-8 1st Flr Foyer RHOB RECEPTION by Natl Tel. Coop Assn (Mike/John P) 6-9:00 F St. Club TESTIMONIAL PARTY for Bill Timmons Page Three Fri, Apr 6 9:30 am SD-215 INTL TRADE SUBC (access by small bus. to trade remedies) 10:30 SD-256 Sheila Burke mtg. w/Joan Willens, Eli Jacobs friend, re psychologists under Medicare (stop by for short time) 11:00 SH-141 VISIT by Natl Tel. Coop Assn (KSNs) (Ed D.) (photo) (Loren Peterson & 15 other Tel. Coop people) Depart for KANSAS Sat, Apr 7 IN KANSAS Sun, Apr 8 IN KANSAS U.S. Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary of Transportation ELIZABETH HANFORD DOLE Travel Schedule New York, NY 400 Seventh St., S.W Washington, D.C. 20590 Advance: Jacobson 212/355-3000 Staff: Ellis Maseng FINAL TUESDAY, APRIL 3,1984 5:00pm DEPART DOT for Washington/National Airport - Butler Aviation Terminal. 5:20pm ARRIVE Washington/National Airport and proceed to Butler Aviation Terminal 202/549-8340 5:30pm DEPART Washington, D.C. for New York City Aircraft: Citation 2 Tail Number: # 797CW Pilots: Don Frantz Buddy Morrison Manifest: Secretary Dole Senator Dole Charlotte Ellis Mari Maseng Laurie Michael, Nabisco Mr. Michael, Nabisco Senator Dole's Staff Person Flight time: 50 minutes 6:20pm ARRIVE LaGuardia Airport - Butler Aviation FAA Contact: Frank Bombace, Tower Manager 212/476-5200 212/779-1220 516/864-5020 MOTORCADE CAR #1: Detective Locas 212/741-8482 Detective Ocasio Bruce Jacobson CAR #2: Secretary Dole Senator Dole Charlotte Ellis Driver: Lieut. Keith Culver (CG) 212/664-7197 CAR #3: Mari Maseng Senator Dole's Staff Person Driver: Coast Guard Page 2 New York, City TUESDAY, APRIL 3,1984 contd. 6:30pm DEPART Airport for Waldorf Astoria Hotel 212/355-3000 301 Park Avenue and East 50th Street New York City, NY 10022 7:15pm ARRIVE Hotel and proceed to Reception/mix and mingle in the West Foyer (3rd Floor of Hotel) Met by: Dwayne Andreas Note: The Reception began at 6:30 pm CONTACT: Ed Locke - President of New York Economic Club. 212/689-6148 7:20pm ARRIVE Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor) and proceed to tiered dias of 40 people. Note: You will be seated between Edmund Pratt, CEO of Pfizer and Dwayne Andreas, Chariman of Archer, Daniels, Midland and VP of the Club. 7:25pm ATTEND New York Economic Club Dinner Attendance: 600 plus 40 on the dias Attire: Black - tie Press: Open Note: See Attachment 1 - List of Head Table Page 3 New York, NY TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1984 contd. 8:30pm INTRODUCTION of program by Ed Pratt 8:35pm INTRODUCTION of the Secretary by Edmund Pratt 8:40pm REMARKS by Secretary Dole - (20") 9:00pm CONCLUSION of Secretary's remarks 9:00pm INTRODUCTION of Senator Dole by Edmund Pratt 9:10pm REMARKS by Senator Dole - (20") 9:30pm CONCLUSION of Senator Dole's remarks 9:30pm Q & A from Bob Beck, Chairman, Prudential; and James Baker, Chairman and CEO, Moore McCormack Resources of Stanford, CT. (an executive search firm). No questions are taken from the floor. All comes from these two men seated at the head table. 10:00pm CONCLUSION of dinner program 10:05pm DEPART Hotel and proceed to LaGuardia Airport Butler Aviation Terminal. 212/476-5200 MOTORCADE CAR #1: Detective Loucas Detective Ocasio Bruce Jaccobson 212/741-8482 CAR #2: Secretary Dole Senator Dole Charlotte Ellis DRIVER: Lieut. Keith Culver (CG) CAR #3 Mari Maseng Senator Dole's Staff Person DRIVER: Coast Guard * Page 4 New York, NY TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1984 contd. 10:50pm ARRIVE Butler Aviation and proceed to departing plane 212/476-5200 Aircraft: Citation 2 Tail Number: #797CW Pilots: Don Frantz Buddy Morrison Manifest: Secretary Dole Senator Dole Charlotte Ellis Mari Maseng Lauri Michael, Nabisco Mr. Michael, Nabisco Senator Dole's Staff Person Flight time: 50 minutes 11:00pm DEPART LaGuardia Airport for Washington National Airport 11:50pm ARRIVE Washington National Airport, Butler Aviation Met by: Lloyd Fletcher 12:00pm DEPART Washington National for residence 12:20am ARRIVE residence Betty Senator De KANSAS SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR DOLE April 6, 7, and B, 1984 FRIDAY April:6 3:30 p.m. Depart Washington National - TWA Flight #297 5:07 p.m. Arrive KCI - John Palmer will meet you. Cancelled alternate plan 3:59 p.m. Depart Washington National - Eastern Flight #319 5:49 p.m. Arrive KCI 5:45 p.m. Meeting with Heart of America Food Service Members and Directors, Kansas City Senate Office, 913/287-4545 Staff: Chris Bolton 6:30 p.m. Dinner with Jim Hale and Ray Morgan, Kansas City Star, & Bob Riss Santa Fe Towers, 8101 Santa Fe, Kansas City, Missouri 816- 221- 7640 RON - ALAMEDA PLAZA - 816/756-1500 SATURDAY April 7 8:45 a.m. Depart Alameda for Kansas City Municipal - John Palmer will drive you. 9:00 a.m. Depart Executive Beechcraft - CESSNA TURBO, Tail #N818PL Pilot: Bruce Anderson Executive Beechcraft: 816/842-8844 & Co-pilot Bruce Anderson - 913/272-7739 9:45 a.m. Arrive Iola Airport - D.D. Lemond will meet you Iola Airport: 316/365-5891 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. IOLA - Meeting with Constituents - Allen County Bank and Trust to Community Room, South Entrance, 1 West Madison - Bank: 316/365-6921 CONTACT: Betty Weatherbie 316/365-3280 11:40 a.m. Depart Iola Airport for Eureka NOON Arrive Eureka Airport - Airport: 316/583-7732-Steve & Dick Clasan will mee you 12:30 p.m. EUREKA - Meeting with Constituents - Greenwood County Courthouse, to Hospitality Room - CONTACT: Richard Clasan, 316/583-6698 or 583-5721 2:00 p.m. Staff: Steve Coen Courthouse: 316/583-8628 Saturday, April 7, cont'd. 2:15 p.m. Depart Eureka Airport for Ryan Aviation - RYAN AVIATION: 316/942-0141 2:45 p.m. Arrive Ryan Aviation, Wichita - Jane Deterding will meet you and take you to the Education Center Auditorium 3:00 p.m. SPEAK - Kansas Diabetes Association Annual Meeting, Education Center Auditorium, 512 E, Ninth, Wichita - CONTACT: Alan Janssen Education Center: 316/268-5196 316/268-5000 4:00 p.m. Depart Education Center for Jim and Sally Hershberger's - Steve will drive you. 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. RECEPTION - Sedgwick County Republican Party- Home of Jim and Sally Hershberger, 85] Tara Lane, Wichita - Phone: 316/683-8456 5:15 p.m. Depart Hershberger's for Ryan Aviation 5:40 p.m. Depart Ryan Aviation for Executive Beechcraft, Kansas City Municipal 6:30 p.m. Arrive Executive Beechcraft, Kansas City Municipal - John Palmer will meet you. 6:45 p.m. Arrive Alameda - Freshen up 7:10 p.m. Depart Alameda for Bartle Hall 7:30 p.m. DINNER - Homebuilders Association of Greater Kansas City, Bartle Exposition Hall, 13th & Broadway - CONTACT: John Kerr, 816/942-8800 Home Show Office, 816/346-0581 8:15 p.m. SPEAK - Homebuilders Association of Greater Kansas City RON - ALAMEDA PLAZA SUNDAY April 8 9:10 a.m. Depart Alameda for Executive Beechcraft - John Palmer will drive you 9:25 a.m. Depart Executive Beechcraft for Lawrence 9:50 a.m. Arrive Lawrence Airport - 913/843-2167 - Judy Kay or Don Fambrough will meet you. 10:10 a.m. Arrive Lawrence Holidome - 28th Annual Convention, Kansas Association for Retarded Citizens - CONTACT: Brent Glazier, Lawrence Holidome 913/841-7077 10:30 a.m. SPEAK - Kansas Association for Retarded Citizens Brunch. - Sunday, April 8, cont'd. 11:10 a.m. Depart Lawrence Holidome for Lawrence Airport 11:25 a.m. Depart Lawrence Airport for Johnson County Executive Airport 11:50 a.m. Arrtye Johnson County Executive Airport - John Palmer will meet you. Johnsen County Airport: 913/782-1244 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Dole for Senate fundraiser - Home of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Mccarthy. #18 Compton Court, Prairie Village - Phone: 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Reception - Johnson County Republican Party and Elephant Club Home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Beal, 5001 W. 86th Street, Prairie Village, Kansas - Phone: 913/649-7779 5:05 p.m. Depart KCI - TWA Flight 158 8:13 p.m. Arrive Washington National SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF APRIL 9-15, 1984 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Mon, Apr 9 9:30 am SD-226 CONSTIT SUBC (S.J.Res 26, Item Veto) 10:00 SD-215 FIN CTE (soc sec adv council recom on Medicare Trust solvency) 12:00 pm S-120 Cap WORKING LUNCHEON by Sen. Stevens for Task Force on Women (to review/approve draft rpt) (Patti 42918) 2:00 pm SR-328A NUTRITION SUBC (reauth of WIC program) 5-7:00 SD-106 RECEPTION by Intl Antictrfeiting Coalition (Doug C.) 5:30-7 pm Foyer RHOB RECEPTION by Amer Agri-Women (John G/Mark) 8:00 pm Wash Hilton Intl Ballroom SPEAK - AIPAC Tues, Apr 10 9:30 am SD-226 CONSTIT SUBC (S.141, attorneys fees) 9:30 SD-430 JT JUD & LABOR CTES (hearing on BILDISCO-Labor Bankruptcy) Mtg. w/Stockman & Heckler on disability cancelled 11:45 S 230 Cap CHAIRMEN'S MEETING cancelled 1:00 pm S-207 Cap POLICY LUNCHEON 1:00 pm Marriott 393-2000 SPEAK - Electronic Industries 457-4980 Mark \"M\" St., NW (Grand Ballroom) 1:15 450 EOB (NWGate) 06783 Caroly \"Fair Housing Event\" w/Pres. & Sec'y Pierce (Nancy 456-6783) 2:40 Sen. Recep. Rm-Cap. MTG. w/Bill Smithburg, CEO & Tom Roeser, VP - Quaker Oats 3:00 SH-141 MTG . w/KS AIPAC members (say hello) (Barbara) 3:45 Rose Garden-WH(NWGate) WHEAT BILL SIGNING CEREMONY (Beth Singly 456-6493 4:30 Oval Ofc. - WH(NWGate) Signing Ceremony for H.R. 4206 (exemp. for mil families) 5-7:00 2175 RHOB RECEPTION, "Natl Library Week" (Ksns attdg) (Chris) 5:30-6:30 SD-106 RECEPTION by AIPAC 5:30-7:30 Bullfeathers Hunt Room F.R. for Rep. Virginia Smith 6-8:00 Hay Adams RECEPTION hon. John M. Burris (Del.) by Sen. Baker/Lugar 6:30-8:30 Hyatt Reg RECEPTION by Commun. Workers of America Page Two Wed, Apr 11 9:30 am SD-226 JUV JUSTICE SUBC (S.521/S.1924, Criminal Background Checks) 2:00 SR-301 RULES CTE (Cong. Mass Book Deacidification facility) 2:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (pdg noms) 3:00 SH-141 MTH w/Commun. Workers of Amer. w/Mike & Ed (say hello) 3:30-5 SH-321 MEET w/Calif. Ag Ldrship Program by Sen. Wilson 5:30-7:30 SR-325 AWARD CEREMONY for 300 inventors/indust. 1drs(by Sen. Mathias) 5:30-7:00 Patio-Ag Dept. RECEP. FOR FARM WOMEN (10 Ksns. attndg. ) John/Mark 6:30-8:30 345 CHOB RECEPTION, "SAVE Cong. Education" by Sen. Randolph/Rep Winn (John P) 6-8:30 Geo'tn Club RECEPTION hon. Daniel Bourque, Ex.Dir. (Sheila Burke) (Natl Cte Quality Health Care) 6:30-8:30 Madison Hotel FR for Sen. Thurmond (Sen. a co host) Thu, Apr 12 9:00 SD-215 JT. HEAR (cont. gift tax relief leg) 9:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (bus mtg) 12:00 SR-253 PRESS CONF. on Title IX - Grove City (Packwood ofc. arr.) 12:30 pm Sen. D.R. LUNCHEON for KS 4-H members (Mark S.) (stop by for PHOTO) 1:30 SD-215 TAX SUBC. (public debt) 1:00 Cap. Steps Senate Side PHOTO Opportunity (Ksns. w/Judy Doyen of (Linda M. ) Thunderbird Travel, Concordia, KS) 2:00 SR-328A AG. PROD. SUBC. (Amends to Grain Standards Act) 5:30-7 S-120 Cap RECEPTION hon. members of Natl Comm for Employmt Policy 6:30-8 345 CHOB RECEPTION hon. James H. Richardson-Gonzalez, new Dir., Minority Bus. Dev. Agency, Comm. Dept. (John P/Ed) Page Three Fri, Apr 13 9:30 am SD-215 IRS OVERSIGHT SUBC (impact of tax sys on product. & economic growth) Betty - hair cut 12:15-1:45 B-369 RHOB LUNCHEON & SURPRISE ROAST for Hyde Murray (stop by or phone call) Contact: Leo McMullen X 44005 6:45 - York, PA SPEAK - Rep. Goodling event Sat, Apr 14 5-6:00 pm Cambridge, MA RECEPTION -Mass. Repub Pty Major Donor 6:30 Cambridge, MA SPEAK - Assn of College Entrepreneurs, MIT Sun, Apr 15