Page Four Fri, Mar 2 8:30 am Watergate (handwritten) Riverview East Rm. SPEAK - Netherlands Group 9:30 SD-226 CONSTIT SUBC (Legis. Veto) 10:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (hearing on Meese nom.) (following appointment is handwritten) 10:50 SH-141 Kent Frizzell's son- stop by to meet Sen- 2 min. (Grey Frizzell) Cindy Levy x49841 Lt. Williams 11:00 SH-141 TAPE PRES. CLASSROOM FILM (6 min) & meet 3 Ks. students (following appointment is handwritten) 11:30 SH-141 Interview - Bonneville 12:30 Sen. Dining Rm.-Cap. Mike Woodson having lunch - stop by & say hello, if possible (handwritten) 2:30 (crossed out) 2:00 pm SD-215 ECON GROWTH SUBC (hearing, Targeted Jobs Tax Credit) Sat, Mar 3 9:00 am Boca Raton Florida SPEAK - Futures Industry Sun, Mar 4 IN FLORIDA SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - MARCH 2-4, 1984 - FLORIDA FRIDAY, MARCH 2 4:55 pm Depart National Airport Eastern # 197 F/C Seats 5 C&D 7:14 pm Arrive Miami (met by Seaview limo) 8:00 pm Arrive Seaview RON; Seaview PHONE: 305/86604441 SATURDAY, MARCH 3 8:00 am Depart Seaview (via Seaview limo) 8:10 am Arrive "bridge" 8:15 am Depart Bal Harbour via helo Bell Jet Ranger Tail # 49592 Pilot: Jack Green 8:35 am Arrive Boca Aviation - Boca Raton Airport Phone: 305/391-6600 (will be met by John Damgard or Jim Wells of Futures Industry staff) 8:50 am Arrive Boca Raton Hotel - Galleria Room Phone: 305/395-3000 9:00 am SPEAK - Breakfast Meeting of Futures Industry Assn. Bd. of Directors and presidents and chairmen of the domestic futures exchanges 9:45 an Depart Boca Raton Hotel 10:15 am Depart Boca Aviation (Bell Jet Ranger) 10:35 am Arrive Bal Harbour (by bridge) (Seaview limo will meet you) Senator Dole's Schedule - March 2 - 4, 1984 - Florida SATURDAY, MARCH 3 (continued) 10:45 am Arrive Seaview (Day free) 7-8:30 pm Elizabeth speaks as GOP Leadership Forum at Konover Hotel, Miami Beach (have asked you to introduce her if you attend) or 7:30 pm Birthday Party for Dwayne - Seaview RON; Seaview Phone: 305/866-4441 SUNDAY, MARCH 4 3:55 pm Depart Miami - Eastern # 996 F/C Seats 3 A&B 6:07 pm Arrive Washington National Airpot (Lloyd will meet you and Elizabeth) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF MAR. 5-11, 1984 (handwritten) Betty DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Mon, Mar. 5 9:30 SD-226 JUDICIARY COMM. (Meese nom.) (following appointment is handwritten) 10:50 SH-141 Photo w/ Allen Moore, Thomas McKnew, (illegible), Santa Fe R.R. (crossed out) 2:30 (handwritten) 4:00 SR-328A MTG w/Stockman, Block & Ag Comm Senators 2:00 pm SD-215 SUBC ENERGY & SUBC IRS (hearing, soil/water conserv. credits) 2-4:00 SR-485 TASK FORCE FOR WOMEN (attending: Sen. Boschwitz, 42918 Patti Packwood, Hawkins, prob. Simpson, Gordon, Dole) 3:00 SD-210 INSURANCE MEETING (crossed out) 3:00 (handwritten) 11:00 SH-141 MTG w/Mayor Ed Eilert & City Mgr, Don Pipes (Overland Park) some City Council re Lg. of Municipalities (Mike/John P) (following appointment is handwritten) 4:00 SR328A Mtg. w/ Stockman, Block, Ag. Comm, Sens + farm State Sens 5-8:00 Sher-Wash. (handwritten) Suite 4022 RECEPTION, to meet Norman G. Staab, cand for Jr. Vice Cdr-in-Chief, VFW (Kansans) (John P/Mike) Page 2 Tues, Mar 6 (following appointment is crossed out) 8:00 am Watergate Terr BREAKFAST MTG w/ Keene, et al (handwritten) cancelled 8:00 SH-321 BREAKFAST - KS Extension Adv. Council (Mark) 8-9:15 (handwritten) Valley Forge Rm Hyatt Reg. (crossed out) Yellowstone Rm BREAKFAST - KS Municipal Officials - (handwritten) Sen will stop by (Mike/John) 9:00 am SR-418 CONST SUB (S.J.Res. 5 & 22, Balanced Budget) (following appointment is crossed out) 10:00 SD-215 FIN CTE (cont. markup budget deficit pkg) (handwritten) Cancelled (following appointment is crossed out) 10:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (Bus. mtg) (handwritten) cancelled 11:45 am S-230 Cap CHAIRMEN'S MEETING 12:30 pm S-207 Cap POLICY LUNCHEON 1:00 pm 2359 RHOB SPEAK - Amer. Bus. Press (following appointment is handwritten) 1:45 SR- 328A mtg w/ Stockmian, Block, Ag. Comme. members a farm state Senatore 3:30-5:00 S-207 Cap RECEPTION for Korean Min. Kum (Sen. co-host) 5:30 SH-141 APPTMT w/Christel Marquardt 6 & 7 Sher-Wash RECEPTION/DINNER by VFW (Mike/John P) 6-8:00 Folger Lib. F.R. - for Sen. Hatfield 6-8:00 Rm. 2154 RHOB RECEPTION - Council of State Housing Agencies 6-8:00 S-207 Cap RECEPTION to meet David Stahl, Pres, Natl Forest Products (Ed?) 6-8:00 CapHillClub Eisenhower Lg. F.R. for Rep. Dick Schulze (Sen. only) 6-8:00 Hyatt Reg. RECEPTION - U.S.Lg of Savings (Kansans) (Mike) Wed, Mar 7 8:00 am B-338/9, 340 RHOB (handwritten) Pres Ballroom BREAKFAST by Natl State Depts of Ag (John/Mark) 8:30am Cap Hilton SPEAK - U.S. Sav & Loan League (handwritten) 737-7064-at hotel (handwritten) Joe Morris will introduce you) 9:30 SD-226 CRIM LAW SUBC - Armor Piercing Ammunition 10:00 SD-106 COURTS SUBC - hearing on S.1156, 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Reorg. Act 10:00 SD-215 FIN CTE (cont. markup budget deficit pkg ) 2:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (pdg noms) 4:00 AR-328A MTG. w/Stockman, Block & Ag Comm. Members & farm state senators 4:00 SH-141 MTG - Farmland System group incl. Bd Chmn Fritz Gwinn and new Pres., Ken Neilsen (See briefly, if poss) (John G.) 5-7 S-211 Cap. 82nd BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR SEN. RANDOLPH (Sen. stop by, if poss.) 6:30 State Dept Dipl Floor RECEPTION, hon. Members of Cong. by Natl Newspaper Assn. (George Closen, Gannett Publ. attend'g) (Sen. Only) Thurs, Mar 8 9:00 SH-141 MTG. w/Carla Hills & Pres,,Std. Oil & Pres., Gulf 10:00 Cabinet Rm/W.House (S.W.Gate) MTG. w/Pres. on budget 11:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (mark-up of deficit reduction legis.) (following appointment is handwritten) 10:00 SD-226 Judiciary Comm. (pending live.) 457-4481 12:15 (crossed out)SH-141 (handwritten) SD-210 INTERVIEW - CBS Evening News (Joan Barone/Bruce Morton -on Hart (following appointment is handwritten) 1:00 SH-141? mtg. w/ Jack Lousma, mich. Sen. cand. (or late afternoon) 2:30 SR-328A MTG. w/Stockman, Block & Ag. Members 6 & 7:30 Hyatt Reg F.R. for Sen. Jepsen (handwritten) Recep. Valley Forge Rm; Dinner-Lexington Rm. 6:00 SR-325 PHOTO EXHIBIT of Intl Fund for AG Dev (by Sen. Danforth) Fri, Mar 9 7:30 am WashHilton (handwritten)Crystal Ballroom (lower level) SPEAK - Natl Assn Manufacturers 8:30 Hyatt (handwritten) Regency "A" Ballroom SPEAK - Assn of Jr. Leagues Sally Arr 212/355-4380 (following appointment is handwritten) 10:00 Cabinet Rm - W. House mtg. W/Pres., Regan, Stockman & Senators & House members on deficit 10:00 SD-215 SUBC ON HEALTH (hearing on cap. fin. under medicare) (following appointment is handwritten) 11:30 to 12:15 (15 min only) (illegible) Eckhardt 755-6417 Jim Fleming 293-5960 12:00 pm HUD Rm 1000 PHOTO SESSION w/Secy Pierce & Natl Org on Disab. (Judy B) (crossed out) 1:00 pm (handwritten) 11:30 Shoreham (handwritten) Blue Room SPEAK - Non-Profit Tax Conf. (following appointment is handwritten) 3:00 Sen. Recording Studio-Cap. Taping for radio spots w/ Peggy (illegible) (retaping) 7:30 CapHilton (handwritten) Presidential Ballroom SPEAK - Natl Assn of Black Accountants 8:15 Smithsonian (handwritten) The Castle 1000 Jefferson Dr. SPEAK - Committee on the Constitutional System (Lloyd Cutler 872-6100) Sat, Mar 10 9:00 Watergate Terr. BKFST. (Keene, Ellsworth, et al) 10:30 Hyatt Reg. (handwritten) Concord, Lexington & Bunker Hill Rm. RECEIVE AWARD from Assn. of Community Cancer Centers Sun, Mar 11 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - N. Y. C .- MONDAY, MARCH 12, 1984 MONDAY, MARCH 12 4:40 pm Depart Senate enroute Butler Aiva .- National 5:00 pm Depart Butler terminal - National Airport Citation II Tail # 3160M Pilot: Steve Schiff Copilot : Dana Arnold Manifest: Senator Dole Rod DeArment Scott Richardson 5:55 pm Arrive LaGuardia Airport - Marine Air Terminal Butler Aviation PHONE: 212/476-5200 Met by Steven Lawsky & Heinz Neuhaus, Financial World 6:45 pm Arrive Plaza Hotel PHONE: 212/759-3000 7:00 pm Press Conference - (in back of Grand Ballroom) 7:30 pm Head Table assembles and enters Ballroom 7:45 pm FINANCIAL WORLD'S CEO of the Year Awards Banquet Grand Ballroom 8:30 pm SPEAK immediately following dinner 9:05 pm Depart Plaza Hotel via Financial World car 9:30 pm Arrive LaGuardia - Marine Air Terminal - Butler Aviation (same aircraft as outbound flight) 9:40 pm Depart LaGuardia 10:30 pm Arrive Butler Aviation - National Airport (Dean will meet you) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF MARCH 12-18, 1984 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Mon, Mar, 12 8:30 am Cap Hilton Pres. Ballrm SPEAK - Amer. School Food Service Assn. 10:00 SD-215 FIN CTE (handwritten)(moms.) 12:20 SR-328A PHOTO w/Larry Bilotta & Ks. School Food Svc. group 12:30-2:00 SR-328A NUTRITION HRGS. 2-3 Cabinet Rm. W.House (NWGate) MTG. w/Pres. on budget 2:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (S.1841, Natl Prod. & Innovation) 3:15-4:15 SR-328A NUTRITION HRGS. (continued, if necessary) 5:00 Dep. Natl TO NEW YORK CITY 7:00 pm NYC -Plaza Hotel SPEAK - "Financial World Magazine" Dinner Tues, Mar. 13 9:15 SD-210 MTG. - Finance Comm. Members only 10:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (bus mtg) 10:00 SD-215 FIN CTE (markup budget deficits) 11:45 S-230 CHAIRMEN'S MEETING 12:30 Rep. Cloakroom MTG. w/Sen. Stennis on IDB's (w/Don Susswein) 12:30 pm S-207 POLICY LUNCHEON 12:30-2 SD-106 LUNCHEON by Bus & Prof Women's Clubs (Sheila Bair) (following appointment is handwritten) 4:00 SH-141 mtg. with Homebuilders .. + videotape w/ Sen (Mike/John) 4:00 SR-439 LAST MIG/Task Force on Indust. Competitiveness (Sen. Chafee) 5-7:00 S-207 Cap RECEPTION by Parents Anonymous 6-7:00 LHOB Cafeteria RECEPTION by Natl Assn Credit Mgmt (Ksns) (Mike/John P) 6-8:00 RHOB, Rm B339 RECEPTION/BUFFET, by Natl Assn Homebuilders (Mike/John P) 7:00 pm & 8:00 Madison Dolley Madison Ballroom GMA Tribute to Senator/Secy Dole Page Two Wed, Mar, 14 8-9 Sheraton-Carlton Godfrey Sperling Bkfst. (Christian Science Monitor) 9:00 SD-226 JUDICIARY COMM. (Service station divorcement) (following appointment is handwritten) 9:45 SD-210 GOP Finance Members (illegible) 10:00 SH-141 MEET w/Bd of Commissioners, K.C. Area Transp Auth. (Mike P) (following appointment is crossed out) 10:00 SR-328A AG CTE (markup, cotton class. bill & forestry) TENTATIVE (handwritten) cancelled 1:00 pm Hyatt Reg Reg. Ballrm SPEAK - Natl Lumber & Bldg. 1:45 Cabinet Rm. - W.House (N.W.Gate) MTG. w/Pres. on deficit reduction Nancy Wilson 456-7054 2:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (pdg nom) 3:00 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (mark-up - deficit red.) 4:15-6 Fam. D.R. Cap RECEPTION hon. John Teets, Ch.Bd.& CEO, Greyhound 6-8:00 F St. Club RECEPTION, hon. Sister Jeanne O'Laughlin by M/M Andreas (Sen/Eliz.) Thurs, Mar 15 9:15 am SD-562 (handwritten) X47623 SPEAK - Western Reg. Council (handwritten) (Ralph meecham will introduce you) 9:30 SD-215 FINANCE COMM. (mark-up of deficit red. pkg.) 10:00 am SD-226 JUDICIARY COMM. (Comm. business) 10:00 SR-328A AG CTE (WIC) 10:30 Senate Floor Meet to proceed to House Chamber at 10:40 11:00 House Chamber JOINT SESSION w/ Dr. Garret FitzGerald, P.M. of Ireland 12:45 or 1:00 S-138 Cap. SPEAK (off-cuff) - Conn. Small Business Comm. Nat'l Adv. Council (following appointment is handwritten) 1:45 SH-141 Photo w/Ks. Lumber Dealers (they have photographs) 2:00pm SD-226 CONSTIT SUBC (Balanced Budget, Const. Conv, Pub Schl Civ Rts, Compens for Members) 2:00 SD-106 JUD CTE (Current merger activity) (following appointment is handwritten) 4:45 SH-141 or SR-113 Photo w/ Kennedy for radio spots 5:30- Madison Bldg Buffet D.R., 8th Flr CONG. RECEPTION by Women in Govt Relations (Sheila Bair) 5:30-8:30 CHOB, CaucusRm PREVIEW, electronics products, by EIA (Mike/John) 6-8:00 CapHillClub Eisenhower Lg. F.R., Cong. Mark Siljander (Sen. co-host) 6-8:00 Botan. Gardens CONG. RECEPTION, by Sen. Baker/Cong. Michel (following appointment is crossed out) 7:15 pm Madison Hotel Exec Rms 1,2,3 SPEAK - Amer. Supply & Equipmt Mfrs. (handwritten) cancelled 0 Sen in deficit reduction mark-up Page Three Fri, Mar, 16 9:30 SD-215 TAX SUBC. 10:00 am SR-325 COURTS SUBC (Anti-fraud.Adoption Act) Sen. Dole to chair (following appointment is handwritten) 12:00 SH-141 Photo w/ Frank Naylor's son & friend 12:30 pm Hyatt Reg Reg. Ballrm SPEAK - Young Republican Ldrship Conf. 3-4:00 Natl Airport To KANSAS Sat, Mar, 17 IN KANSAS Sun, Mar. 18 9:30 am Las Vegas C.A. F.R. BREAKFAST 12:00 PM Las Vegas Caesar's Palace SPEAK - SPACE Mtg (handwritten) March 17 (handwritten) in Ks. NAMES FOR EL DORADO MEETING June and Dick Trombla - Marcie Adler worked on a promotion for their son in the Navy, but we believe it unsuccessful. Cliff Stone - Walnut Valley State Bank Nick Badwey - Oil, Turnpike authority, Democrat. We tried to get one of the military flying teams in for the El Dorado Lake dedication but were unsuccessful. They would like for you to attend the dedication in September. Grace Kassebaum - married to one of Phil Kassebaum's relatives. Has asked Sen. Kassebaum and you to be appointed to a position in Washington. Your letter indicated you would keep it in mind, but this is not an advantageous time for appointments. Her background is in health administration. Frank Becker - Oil, Trucking and Banking interests. Judi Hanna - President of Republican Womens' Club in El Dorado. Will pick you up at airport with June Trombla. Has met you before. Saw you at Kansas Day this year. Dave and Sherry Clymer - Newspaper and Sherry in Republican activities. John Prather - Chairman of Butler County Long-Range Planning Committee. Executive with Becker interests. J. W. Simmons - Butler County Commissioner John Wall - Lawyer, Former County Chairman Sam Shade - Editor Cindy Schuler - Intern in Wichita office. Originally from El Dorado, now lives in Augusta. Husband works for Getty. SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - LAS VEGAS SUNDAY, MARCH 18 9:30 am PST Fundraiser Breakfast by SPACE (for Senate) Spanish Steps Restaurant - Caesars Palace PHONE: 702/731-7110 10:30 am Depart Spanish Steps Restaurant for tour of SPACE Exhibit area (private tour - exhibit not yet open to public) 11:00 am to 11:50 Personal time 11:50 am Depart room -- you will be escorted to Ballroom 12:00 Noon SPEAK - SPACE (Satellite Television Industry Association) Convention 12:45 pm PST Arrive Exhibit Hall for Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 1:00 pm PST Depart Caesars Palace enroute airport 1:20 pm PST Depart Las Vegas enroute Washington - Hughes Aviation Terminal Lear #35 (MACOM Co. aircraft) Tail # 886WC Pilot: Hugh Bumgarner Copilot: Mike Morton Manifest: Senator Dole Rick Brown, V.P. & Gen. Counsel, SPACE - Wash., D.C. Possibly: Frank Drendell, V. Chrmn., MACOM Co. 9:00 pm EST Arrive Butler Aviation - National Airport (you will be met and taken to Watergate South by SPACE car) (handwritten) Senator 1 (handwritten) Betty MEMORANDUM March 16, 1984 TO: SENATOR DOLE/BETTY From: Judy Re: Dinner List - The Terrace Club Jay Bratdenthal Fred Bramlage Jack Reardon, Mayor, Kansas City, Kansas Jim Lugar, Attorney Dr. O. L. Plucker, Superintendent of Schools, K.C., Ks. *very involved in downtown Kansas City, Ks. Dr. Leland Speer Clyde Townsend, Commissioner, Kansas City, Kansas Joe Forlenza, General Manager, Champ Service Division, Standard Motors Products Jim Hansen, Plant Manager, Owen-Corning Fiberglass & Vice Chairman of the Industrial Council Wes Stuckey, Acting Head of the Chamber Morris Eastland, President of AFL/CIO Tri-County Labor Council of Eastern Kansas Jim DeGoler, Pharmacist - Very involved in downtown Kansas City, Kansas Bernard Ruysser (pronounced Riser), Chairm of the Board, Commercial National Bank Morris Kay **Jay indicated several people be called were going to Lincoln, Neb. for the KU basketball game, including Ray Evans and Roy Edwards. KANSAS: SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR DOLE March 16 and 17, 1984 FRIDAY March 16 3:59 p.m. Depart Washington National, Eastern Flight #319, Seat 4C 5:49 p.m. Arrive KCI - Can have John Palmer, Don Fambrough or Gale you at the airport - whoever you prefer. 6:00 p.m. to (illegible) DINNER - The Terrace Club, New Brotherhood Bldg, corner of 8th & State. TERRACE CLUB: 913/342-5670 (Will send a complete list of attendees later today or in the morning) Depart The Terrace Club for Executive Beech, Kansas City Municipal EXECUTIVE BEECHCRAFT: 816/842-8484 8:50 Depart Executive Beechcraft.for Newton - CESSNA 421, Tail #4104 CONTACT: Mary - Brookover Enterprises Office: 316/275-9206 Home: 316/276-7165 Arrive Newton Airport - Steve Coen will meet you. NEWTON CITY-COUNTY AIRPORT: 316/283-8457 (illegible), NEWTON - 316/283-9120 Depart Red Coach Inn for Western Sirloin, 110 283-3965 CONTACT: Marian Button, 316/283-2912 PUBLIC MEETING WITH CONSTITUENTS - Western Sirloin *Harley and Margaret Schmidt, the owners of Western Sirloin, and Elnora Unruh, who (illegible) there, worked hard to make special arrangements The Western Sirloin not usually open on Sunday mornings. Depart Western Sirloin for Newton Airport - Steve will drive you 9:30 a.m. Depart Newton for ElDorado - NA 421, Tail #41041 PILOT: Bud Meredith and co-pi (illegible) El Dorado Airport - Judi (illegible) and June Trombla will meat you at the airport. EL DORADO AIRPORT (illegible) 321-9832 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. PUBLIC MEETING WITH CONSTITUENTS, Gas Service hospitality room, 114 Central, 316/321-1020 Nancy Smith and Cindy Schuler (Intern) 11:30 a.m. will advance the ElDorado (illegible) Saturday (illegible) cont'd. 11:25 a.m. Depart Gas Service Co. for Airport 11:35 a.m. Depart ElDorado Airport for Ryan Aviation in Wichita NOON Arrive Ryan Aviation, Steve will meet you - Karen Humphreys, possible candidate for U.S. Attorney, will ride with you and Steve to Center Industries Corp, RYAN AVIATION - 316/942-0141 12:15 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. CENTER INDUSTRIES CORP., 2505 S. Custer, Meeting with Jack Jonas, George Ablah, Dan Carney and Joe Korst (the Center will not be open) Center Industries - 316/942-8255 12:45 p.m. Depart Center Industries for Midfan Shrine Temple 1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. SPEAK - Kansas Masonic Home Steering Committee luncheon to Midian Shrine Temple, 130 N, Topeka, 316/263-5413 or 3651 1:44 CONTACT: John Myers, 316/267-0271, Ext. 51 Depart Midian Shrine Temple for Ryan Aviation - Steve will 11. drive with you and fly with you to Sedan 2:00 p.m. Depart Ryan Aviation for Independence 2:30 p.m. Arrive Independence - Paul Simpson will meet you and drive : to Sedan - INDEPENDENCE AIRPORT - 316/331-9855 CONTACT: Paul Simpson, 316/725-3727 Office 316/725-3221 Home 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. PUBLIC MEETING WITH CONSTITUENTS - First National Bank Meeting Room, Sedan, 101 W. Main, 316/725-3106. CONTACT: June (illegible)denhall 316/725-5100 (Office) 316/725-3537 (Home) 4:20 p.m. Depart Sedan for Independence - Paul Simpson will drive you. 5:00 p.m. Depart Independence airport for Kansas City International 6:30 p.m. Depart KCI for Las Vegas - Eastern Flight #249 7:20 p.m., PST - Arrive Las Vegas (Rick Brown, Gen. Counsel, SPACE, or DerekcHumphrey of SPACE, will meet you on arrival) 8:00 pm Arrive Caesars Palace (if you wish, they will arrange dinner with you and some of their members -- or you will be left alone -- your choice) RON: Caesars Palace - Las Vegas PHONE: 702/731-7110 MARCH 21 SCHEDULE - NEW YORK (SENATORS COCHRAN, COHEN, D'AMATO, DOLE, HATFIELD & KASSEBAUM AND CONGRESSMAN BETHUNE) 3:45 p.m. Depart Senate Office Building 4:00 p.m. Arrive Butler Aviation, Washington Nat'l Aaprt 549-8340 4:05 p.m. (NO LATER THAN 4:15) Depart Butler via GTE Corp. Jetstar, Tail No. N5098G NOTE: Will seat 8 passengers. MANIFEST: Senator Thad Cochran Senator William S. Cohen Senator Alfonse M. D' Amato Senator Robert J. Dole Senator Mark O. Hatfield Senator Nancy L. Kassebaum Congressman Ed Bethune John Whittaker, GTE Wash. Rep. 5:00 p.m. Arrive Westchester Airport International Aviation 914/948-7700 5:10 p.m. Depart Westchester Airport via GTE Limousines CONTACT: Marilyn Pearson, GTE 203/965-2945 6:15 p.m. Arrive Helmsley Palace Hotel Versailles Room 212/888-7000 JOINT FUNDRAISING RECEPTION Hosts: Robert A. Beck Chairman of the Board Prudential Ins. Co. of Amer. Theodore F. Brophy Chairman of the Board GTE Corporation Charles L. Brown Chairman of the Board Amer. Telephone & Telegraph Co. Philip Caldwell Chairman of the Board Ford Motor Company -2- Hosts (Continued): Edmund T. Pratt, Jr. Chairman of the Board & CEO Pfizer, Inc. James D. Robinson, III Chairman of the Board American Express Co. Donald V. Seibert Immediate Past Chairman of the Board J. C. Penney Co., Inc. 8:00 p.m. Depart Helmsley Palace via GTE Limos 8:45 p.m. Arrive Westchester Airport 9:00 p.m. Depart Westchester Airport via GTE Jetstar Tail No. N509 8G 9:45 p.m. Arrive Butler Aviation, Washington National SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF MARCH 19-25, 1984 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Mon, Mar, 19 (following appointment is handwritten) 11:00 SD-210 Christian Bdcitg network interview on Soc. Sec. 2:00 pm SD-215 SUBC ON IRS OVERSIGHT 5-7:00 pm SR-325 RECEPTION by Am Assn of Colleges of Nursing (Sheila Burke) KANSANS attdg. 5-7:00 S-207 Cap RECEPTION by Council for Am Priv Education (Chris) 6:15 B-338/9, 340 RHOB RECEPTION by Natl Assn Counties Leg Conf (Mike/John P) 8-12:00 Broncho Billy's 1821 L St, NW BIRTHDAY PARTY for Ed Rollins SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF MARCH 19-25, 1984 Page 2 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Tues, Mar. 20 8:00 am 4 Seasons Dumbarton Rm SPEAK - Bristol-Myers (following appointment is crossed out) 9:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (Meese nom) (handwritten) Cancelled 9:30 SD-226 CONSTIT SUBC (S.J.Res. 10 - ERA) 10:00 SD-215 FIN CTE (markup - budget) 10:00 SD-226 JUDICIARY COMM. (noms.) 11:30 & 12:30 SR-325 PRESS CONF for Natl Poison Prev Week and RECEPTION (by Sen. Thurmond) (Chris) 11:30 S-230 Cap CHAIRMEN'S MEETING 12:30 pm S-207 Cap POLICY LUNCHEON 12:30 pm Hyatt Reg. Columbia C Rm SPEAK - Tax Executives Institute (handwritten) Ned Sp(illegible), Tom Pratts or Cheryl Anderen 737-1234 X1206 6:00 Dept Agric Patio BARBEQUE for Natl Ag Day (John G/Mark) 6-7:30 2172 RHOB RECEPTION by Natl Cable T.V. Assn (Walt/Scott) 6:30 RHOB Foyer RECEPTION by Natl Council Sr. Citizens (Sen. try to stop by) (Chris or Judy) 7:30-9:30 Cap Holiday Inn Lewis/Clark Rms 550 C Street, SW RECEPTION by Am Dietetic Assn (Chris) 7:45 Pisces Club SPEAK - Henry Clay Group Dinner Meeting (handwritten) Pat O' Donnell 887-1400 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF MARCH 19-25, 1984 Page 3 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Wed, Mar, 21 8:00 am Hyatt Reg Columbia B Ballroom SPEAK - Natl Marine Mfrs. 296-4588 9:30 S-407 Cap SECURITY & TERRORISM SUBC (DEA - Oversight) 10:00 SD-226 JUV JUSTICE SUBC (S.2014, Ofc Juv Just Delinqu Prevention Reauth) (crossed out) 10:00 (handwritten) 9:45 SR-328A AG CTE (oversight food stamp programs) 10:30 SR-301 RULES CTE (S.1676, reg/poll places for handicapped/elderly) 11:00 Old Sen. Chamber-Cap. Republican Conference w/President 2:00 Sen. Floor VOTE - Veto Override - Water Resources Research Act 2:00 pm SD-226 JUD CTE (noms) NYC C.A. F.R. 6 & 7:00 SR-325 RECEP/DINNER by Natl 4-H Council (Mark) 7-30-10 Sher-Wash Ballroom RECEPTION by Realty World (Mike/John P) Thurs, Mar, 22 (following appointment is handwritten) 10:00 SD-215 Finance Child Support mark-up 10:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (cte bus) 6-8:00pm CapHillClub Eisenhower Lounge F.R. for Rep. Chris Smith (N.J.) (Sen. co-host, try to stop by) 6-8:00 Hyatt Reg Ticondergoa Rm 50TH BIRTHDAY PARTY for Sen. Hatch SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF MARCH 19-25, 1984 Page 4 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Fri, Mar. 23 9:45 SD-210 MTG. w/Bill Brock 9:00 am SH-141 PHOTO w/United Meth Church gp from Kansas (Theresa L) 10:00 am SD-215 FIN CTE (trade deficit) 1:30 SH-141 PRESS CONF. - Ks. press 2:00 SH-141 Conf.Rm. (handwritten) Cable news Interview 2:00 SH-141 MTG. w/Tom Korologos 3:00 SH-141 Mtg. w/Etienne Dailly, Pres. of French Senate 5:30-7:30 OAS Bldg. PRESENTATION & RECEP. - Nat'l Orgn. on Disability Comm. Awards Prog. (Jim Brady, Chairman) (231-3575 Sat, Mar. 24 (following appointment is crossed out) 5-30-7pm CapHilton Suite 1000 RECEPTION by Gannett News (John Curley, Pres. & John Quinn, Editor, USA TODAY) (following appointment is crossed out) 6:00 & 7:00 Cap Hilton (crossed out) Main (handwritten) Pres. Ballroom COCKTAILS/DINNER (crossed out) w/Robert Fichenberg, Newhouse Newspapers (handwritten) Head Table Guest WHITE TIE (following appointment is crossed out) 10:00 CapHilton S.A. Rm, Mezz. AFTER-DINNER RECEPTION, by Hearst Newspapers 6:30 Continental Rm. (mezzanine) RECEP. for Head Table Guests 7:00 Pres. Ballrm-Cap. Hilton GRIDIRON DINNER (WHITE TIE) Eliz. spkr.Sen. head table guest (handwritten) Jack Germond 347-8250 Sun, Mar. 25 11:00 am Foundry Meth Church KANSANS, at 11:00 service with a tour of church (40 youths / 5 adult sponsors) Marge 322-4010 6-8 Blue Room-Shoreham INNER CIRCLE RECEP. "Tribute to Rep.Women in Politics" - (Elizabeth speaking at 6:30) SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF MARCH 26 - APRIL 1, 1984 DATE/TIME LOCATION EVENT STAFF CONTACT Mon, Mar 26 8:00 am Hyatt Reg Yorktown Rm SPEAK - Natl Cattlemen Assn 10:00 SD-215 SUBC ON SAV/PENSION & INVESTMT POL (Res. Mortg Invest. Act) 1:00 pm Hyatt Reg Ticonderoga Rm SPEAK - S.E. Lumber Mfrs. Assn. (following appointment is crossed out) 2:00 SD-215 FIN CTE (Soc Sec Adv Council recom on Medicare Trust solvency) (handwritten) cancelled 6&7:00 Hyatt Reg RECEP/DINNER by Natl Grocers Assn (John P/John G or Mark) 7:00 Wash Marriott Salons D & E SPEAK - Natl Assn of Convenience Stores Tues, Mar 27 8:00 am Mariott Twin Bridges (Grand Ballrm, 3rd Flr, in Convention Center) SPEAK - Christian Life Commission 8:30-10 SR-325 BREAKFAST by Natl Assn St Bds of Ed and Council of Ch St Schl Officers (Chris) (following appointment is crossed out) 9:30 SD-226 PRESS CONFERENCE on Dole Patents Procedures Bill 10:00 SD-226 PATENTS SUBC (S.2171, Uniform Patents) (Senator Dole to chair) 10:00 SD-406 PRESS CONF by McClure/Chafee (Recom TaskForce on Indus Comp) 11:30 SD-256 SHEILA BURKE MTG. W/Dr. WILLIAMS, Ft. Lauderdale (Sen. see briefly-Bill) 11:45 S-230 Cap CHAIRMEN'S MEETING 12:30 pm S-207 Cap POLICY LUNCHEON betw 12:30 & 1:30 SR-325 SPEAK - United Jewish Appeal - Presidents Mission to Washington 6-8:00 Quality Inn Cap Hill RECEPTION by Intl Brotherhood Boilermakers, Iron ShipBldrs, Forgers & Helpers (Ksns attending) (John P/Mike) 6-8:00 Hyatt Reg Columbia Ballrm RECEPTION by Natl Cattlemen's Assn (John/Mark) Page Two Wed, Mar 28 9:00 am CapHillClub Din. Rm #1 SPEAK - N.W. Mutual Life Ins. Co. Bd of Trustees 9:30 SD-226 CONSTIT SUBC (S. 141, Attorneys Fees) 10:00 SR-328A AG CTE (cotton classing & 4 wilderness bills) 10:30 SR-301 RULES CTE (prov access fac for handicapped/elderly for fed. elections) 10:45 SH-141 KS Independ. Ins. Agts (Photo opportunity) (John P) (following appointment is crossed out) 12-1:30 SR 188 LUNCHEON by Menninger Fen, Proj. w/Industry (Judy B) (handwritten) 12:00 (crossed out) 1:15 pm L'Enfant Plaza Ballrm A & B SPEAK - Amer Dental Assn (following appointment is crossed out) 2:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (pdg noms) (handwritten) cancelled 5:30-7:30 1300 LHOB RECEPTION by KS Livestock Assn (John G/Mark) 6:00 Corcoran Gallery ANNIV. RECEP for Secy Heckler (co-host w/Sen. Hatch) 6:30 & 7:30 CapHillClub RECEP/DINNER FOLLOWING by Gerald Ford Foundation w/Eliz. Thurs, Mar 29 10:00 SD-226 JUD CTE (bus mtg) 10:00 1301 LHOB FARM BILL CONF. (Sen. a conferee) (handwritten) x52171 11:15 Natl Press Club Grand Ballrm 13th Floor SPEAK - Natl Parking Assn Legis. Workshop 2:00 1301 LHOB FARM BILL CONF. (Sen. a conferee) (following appointment is handwritten) 4:00 S-230 Cap. Mtg. on budget issue (Baker, Dole, Domenico, et al, Byrd, Long & other (illegible)) 5:30- B338/40 RHOB RECEPTION by Amer Land Title Assn (try to stop by) 6-8:00 Caucus Rm, CHOB RECEPTION by Bd Dir, Amer Gas Assn (Ed) 6:30 pm Hyatt Reg. RECEP (Capitol Rm)-(handwritten)7:00 ROAST of Sen. Pressler Eleanor 45842 7:30 DINNER (Ticonderoga Rm) Senator an Emcee Page Three Fri, Mar 30 10:00 am SD-215 HEALTH SUBC (Medicaid freedom of choice waiver activities 4:00 pm New Orleans, LA Hilton Hotel Versailles Rm-3d Flr SPEAK - Louisiana Assn of Indep Producers & Royalty Owners 8:30 Student Union Bldg - Cotillion Ballrm SPEAK - F.R. DINNER for Rep. Henson Moore Sat, Mar 31 Sun, Apr 1 SENATOR DOLE'S SCHEDULE - MARCH 30 THRU APRIL 1, 1984 FRIDAY, MARCH 30 1:30 pm EST Depart Butler Aviation - National Airport PHONE: 202/549-8340 via Jet Commander Tail # N666BP Pilot: Oliver Trowbridge Copilot : John Moore Manifest: Senator Dole Russell King, Freeport McMoRan 3:15 pm CST Arrive New Orleans Lakefront Airport H & L Air Co. PHONE: 504/241-7853 met by Freeport McMoRan car and driver 3:50 pm Arrive New Orleans Hilton Hotel PHONE: 504/561-0500 4:00 pm SPEAK - LAIPRO (Louisiana Assn. of Indpendent Producers & Royalty Owners) Annual Meeting - Versailles Room - New Orleans Hilton 4:40 pm Depart New Orleans Hilton 5:15 pm Arrive New Orleans Lakefront Airport 5:25 pm Depart New Orleans via Jet Commander 6:00 pm CST Arrive Baton Rouge Ryan Airport Louisiana Aircraft Term. PHONE: 504/356-1401 6:25 pm CST Arrive Louisiana State Univ. - Student Union Cotillion Ballroom PHONES: 504/388-5121 504/388-5141 (Student Union Info) 504/433-7679 (Moore's Baton Rouge Ofc) (personal time until 7:00 pm - have room to freshen up and relax briefly) OR (personal time until 6:45; press availability 6:45-7:00) Page 2. Senator Dole's Schedule - March 30 - April 1, 1984 FRIDAY, MARCH 30 (continued) 7:00 pm CST Arrive Cotillion Ballroom - Student Union Bldg. for Reception in progress since 6:30 7:30 pm FR Dinner for Henson Moore (600-800 expected) 8:30 pm SPEAK following dinner 9:00 pm Depart Ballroom enroute airport 9:30 pm Depart Louisiana Aircraft -Baton Rouge via Freeport McMoRan Jet Commander 12:15 am EST Arrive Walker's Cay Terminal - Ft. Lauderdale PHONE: 305/525-6355 (will be met by Seaview limo - SEAVIEW PHONE : 305/866-4441 12:40 am Arrive Seaview Hotel RON: SEAVIEW HOTEL PHONE: 305/866-4441 SATURDAY, MARCH 31 Free day SUNDAY, APRIL 1 4:45 pm EST Depart Seaview via Seaview car 5:00 Arrive Coral Ridge - 4545 N. Federal Highwa Ft. Lauderdale PHONE: 305/771-2711 (met by Mr. Michael Held, Admin.) 5:40 pm Depart Coral Ridge via Seaview car 5:55 pm Arrive Bonaventure Intercontinental Hotel 250 Raquet Club Road - Ft. Lauderdale PHONE: 305/474-3300 (met at Conference Center Entrance of hotel by Ken Levine, Wash. VP, Seagrams and Philip (Phil) Beekman, Pres., Seagrams) 6:00 pm EST Arrive Meeting Room A - Conference Center 6:05 pm SPEAK - Annual Meeting of Seagram Family Assn. 6:30 pm Depart Bonaventure Intercontinental Hotel 7:00 pm Depart Walker's Cay Terminal - Ft. Lauderdale via Falcon 50 (handwritten) Seagram's plane Tail # N150JT Pilot: Tom Sprong Copilot: Paul Zill Stewardess: Margaret Vernel Manifest: Senator Dole Phil Beekman, Pres. Seagrams Ken Levine, Wash. V.P. Steve Herbits, V.P., Corp. Development 9:00 pm EST Arrive Butler Aviation - National Airport PHONE; 202/549-8340 NOTE: Dinner will be served on return flight - Florida - D. C. Also, sandwiches and snacks will be available on board Jet Commander from D.C .- New Orleans and from New Orleans - Ft. Lauderdale